New moon and full moon: the meaning and influence of the new moon.

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New moon rituals contribute to the development of the individual’s internal potential and serve to accumulate one’s own energy flow. Its right direction can be used for good in all areas of life. Despite short period, the new moon has incredible energetic pressure on human nature.


New moon days

This period falls on the first quarter of the month of the lunar calendar.

In 2019, new moons fall on the following days:

  • January 17, 2019 05:17:12;
  • February 16, 2019 00:05:08;
  • March 17, 2019 04:11:52 PM;
  • April 16, 2019 04:57:12;
  • 15 May 2019 14:47:31;
  • June 13, 2019 10:43:15 PM;
  • July 13, 2019 05:47:56;
  • August 11, 2019 12:57:37 PM;
  • September 9, 2019 21:01: Z2;
  • October 9, 2019 06:46:59;
  • 7 Nov 2019 19:01:5W;
  • December 7, 2019 10:20:21.

The influence of the new moon on humans

At a time when the young moon is renewed and gaining strength, many people, especially those who are very sensitive, feel an emotional and physical decline.

This may manifest itself in the following conditions:

  • apathy;
  • hopelessness;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • depression.

However, by skillfully using the energy message of the new moon, you can get not only a powerful surge vitality, but also transform it into the implementation of specific fateful plans.

What can you do on a new moon?

The new moon is a good time to say goodbye to various types of addictions:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • gambling addiction and other burdensome habits.

Cleaning up your home and workplace will help renew your life in general and strengthen new positive habits.

It is recommended to prepare for the new moon the day before it occurs. Cleansing procedures should be carried out both externally and internally. It is worth listening to the peace of your soul, restoring peace to it, saying goodbye to old grievances, the bitterness of losses and defeats. Also this best period to end relationships that do not bring satisfaction and positive emotions, whether personal or professional.

What not to do on the new moon

The new moon period is considered very unfavorable for various endeavors, be it professional activity or concluding a marriage contract. Large acquisitions may turn out to be useless or be bewildered by many problems with breakdowns, malfunctions, and errors in documentation.

It is also recommended to postpone difficult surgical operations or move them. Due to the fact that this time is characterized by emotional instability and a surge of unmotivated aggression, it is worth limiting various kinds disputes and clarification of relationships.

Signs associated with the new moon

By a number of signs one can judge whether the Universe favors plans and undertakings during this period. In common parlance, this phase is called “the time of the dead moon” and is associated more with planning than with active actions.


Signs for the new moon associated with love relationships are as follows:

  • a bird flying into the window of an unmarried girl symbolizes imminent marriage;
  • Wedding anniversaries are not celebrated on the “dead moon”, since according to a long-standing superstition, this foreshadows the imminent breakup of the family;
  • seeing a shooting star at this time means a happy personal life;
  • salt scattered on a new moon means a quarrel with a loved one;
  • receiving or giving a gift on the new moon symbolizes a quick marriage.

The latter sign was the reason for a long-standing ritual: in order to encourage a man to propose marriage, during the new moon he was presented with a gift made with his own hand.


Signs of the new moon that promise prosperity and warn against financial losses:

  • finding a small coin means great monetary luck;
  • you cannot borrow or lend, this promises prolonged lack of money;
  • moving to a new place of residence promises constant, growing wealth.


Signs that will make daily life easier and more enjoyable:

  • noticing the new month for the first time on the right - to success and good luck, the left side - threatens with problems and all kinds of troubles;
  • if the new moon falls on Saturday, rainy weather is expected for the next twenty days;
  • people born at this time are distinguished by enviable longevity;
  • cleaning and throwing away old things - cleanse yourself of negativity and attract positive energy for the whole month.

Rituals and rituals

The period of moon renewal symbolizes:

  • revival;
  • the beginning of a new stage;
  • growth of potential;
  • new opportunities.

Carrying out various ceremonies, conspiracies and rituals at this time can attract what you want into real life.

Rituals to attract money

Effective rituals to increase wealth:

  1. To ensure that the cash flow does not dry up and there is always money in the house, you should “show” it to the month. On a new moon, several are laid out on the windowsill. large bills and gold-colored coins. This set remains in place until the new month appears. Subsequently, you can spend the bills, saying to yourself: “I’m letting you go free, I’m inviting you to visit your friends!” The funds spent will not only be returned, but also multiplied thanks to such magic.
  2. During the new moon, you can make a “magic bait” for money. In a postcard-envelope with beautiful design bills and coins, a note is inserted. The following is written on it: “I am calling you to attract money! Let them come in good ways! And those who leave come back a hundredfold!” A postcard with a note is stored along with money in a safe, casket or box, increasing one’s own wealth.
  3. The following ritual is very simple, but nevertheless effective. Every evening, starting from the new moon, the owner/hostess’s purse or wallet with money is placed on the window sill on the right side. You can pick it up in the morning and use it as usual. In the evening put it on the windowsill again. This procedure is carried out until the full moon. Subsequently, money begins to come from the most unexpected sources.

Wonderful money ritual for the new moon from Natalia Pravdina.

Rituals for love

Since the moon is considered the patroness of the fair half of humanity, women have since ancient times asked for her help in:

  • early marriage;
  • prosperous family life;
  • happy motherhood.

To attract and return love

If necessary, attract or renew love relationship The following simple rituals were performed:

  1. If your betrothed has not yet been found, you can use this ritual. A cup is taken from a happily married friend or relative, in which a ring, a red ribbon and nine grains of rice are placed. It is displayed at night, on the windowsill from new moon to full moon, and for the day it is placed at the head of the bed. After the full moon, the ring should be put on and worn without taking it off. Feed the grain to the birds, and use the cup daily, and the betrothed will definitely appear.
  2. If there is discord in the family, then this same ritual can be used to return warm feelings to the relationship. The wedding rings are placed in a cup at night, and in the morning they dress as usual. Very little time will pass and the relationship will definitely improve.

To be faithful

The following ritual is designed to arouse interest in the opposite person and is carried out as follows:

  1. Two apples (not purchased, but donated or exchanged for something) are cut into small pieces and mixed.
  2. Sprinkle the sliced ​​apples with sugar and say the following words:

How not to become apples with different trees whole and not fall apart, so my dear one cannot leave me, cannot part with me. The bitter sourness will go away, the sweetness will fall in love and will never be forgotten!

The mass can be added to jam or jam and be sure to treat the recipient until the next full moon.

Sacraments for the fulfillment of desires

During this period, you can also perform rituals to fulfill desires:

  1. You should buy a nice new notepad or notebook and a pen with several colored refills. On the day of the new moon, you need to write all your most cherished dreams and desires there, but always in the present tense and without mentioning the words “want”, “wish”, as well as the particle “not”. Gradually, all wishes will come true, and with the onset of the next new moon, new ones can be written down.
  2. For the sacrament on fast execution your cherished dream will require three sheets bay tree, paper and red pen or pencil. On the new moon, you need to write a wish and fold the note along with bay leaves. Voice what you want three more times and secure it with any known prayer. Next, the note is hidden in a secret place and, after fulfilling the wish, is burned.

The video from Dima Tankov shows another ritual for fulfilling wishes with the help of a candle.

Rituals to preserve beauty

Preserving and enhancing beauty is one of the most ardent desires of many women, and the new moon period can be used for magical rituals and ceremonies.

Rite No. 1

You will need the following:

  • water consecrated in the temple of heat;
  • three church candles;
  • glass with honey.

On the night of the new moon, you need to light candles and read the following words:

Just as life-giving moisture nourishes the mother earth and washes away all sorrows and illnesses, so the honey on the lips seals the eyelids in the bins.

Honey should be eaten with water.

Rite No. 2

Prepare 7 apples for the new moon, each should be eaten in the evening before bed, saying the following words:

Just as a ruddy apple was simple and became young, so I am becoming more beautiful and younger with every new day!

Then read any prayer.


Several Yet effective conspiracies for a speedy meeting of the betrothed, preservation of beauty and fulfillment of desires from the Secret of the Priestess channel.

What to do on a new moon. /Reuters

The zodiac signs most susceptible to its influence are Virgo, Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius. But it will also affect other signs.

When is the new moon in June 2018

New Moon: What not to do

During the new moon, mental and physical activity decreases quite noticeably. Therefore, experts at this time:

  • We strongly advise against voicing your fears, doubts and worries on this day;
  • start new businesses (there is little accumulated energy for this yet), do not enter into major transactions and, if possible, postpone the signing of important agreements;
  • they are not advised to quarrel and sort things out, to break off relationships;
  • it is recommended to give up alcohol, at least in large doses;
  • advise to reduce physical activity: lighten training, postpone general cleaning and so on.;
  • They do not advise you to get a haircut - it will have a bad effect on your aura and well-being;
  • on the day of the new moon itself, you should not make purchases, as resources and energy can be spent inappropriately;
  • not recommended to stay long time behind the wheel.

New Moon: what to do

On the new moon you need to:

  • pronounce thanksgiving prayers and thank the Universe;
  • plan the future, think about what you want and visualize your dreams (make a wish map, for example);
  • if possible, cleanse and gain strength;
  • if you want to get rid of bad habits, this is the most favorable time;
  • For the whole month to go well, the day must be filled with pleasant emotions.

During this period, hypotensive and hypertensive patients should take special care, as well as people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, etc. They need to be extremely careful, remembering to take their medications on time.

It is also believed that men become more aggressive and hot-tempered during the new moon - they should watch their behavior.

In addition, the June new moon usheres in a new lunar cycle, which is associated with profound changes in thinking. People have the opportunity to change their lifestyle. However, it is necessary to remain realistic and avoid adventures: due to Neptune in Pisces, changes may go in the wrong direction or not as originally intended.

“On June 13, Mercury will enter the Zodiac sign Cancer, and from that moment on, businessmen will no longer be as lucky as before,” said astrologer Vlad Ross.

Moreover, Mercury is the planet of the mind. Therefore, all the processes and work for which this planet is responsible in astrology: study, communication and communication, travel, intellectual projects, etc. – will proceed more easily.

However, do not forget about Neptune: because of it, problems associated with erroneous decisions, unreliable information, deception and self-deception are possible. That is, some previously acquired knowledge and beliefs can mislead a person.

To avoid such problems, during the new moon it is important to plan everything in advance and look at the circumstances realistically. Try to prioritize correctly during this period.

Let us remind you that on the evening of July 27, 2018 . On this day, the full Moon will pass through the Earth's shadow.

Approximately 29.5 Earth days, from new moon to new moon. The lunar cycle is divided into four phases (quarters). The day of the Earth's satellite is longer than the sun's. Each subsequent lunar day comes later than the previous one. The rising of the night star can also appear on a clear day.

The very first lunar day at the time of the new moon phase. The length of the Earth's satellite month is different from the calendar month, and some of its days may have different lengths. So, the month of the night star may include 29 or 30 days. This happens because the rotation axes of the Earth and the Moon do not coincide.

The most unstable days are the first and thirtieth days lunar month. They can last an entire earthly day or several minutes. The most precise moment of the new moon is the combination of the Sun and the Moon. At this time, the night star is not visible due to the shadow of the Earth. The period when the Moon is not visible (and the beginning of the first phase of the cycle) can last several days.

After the new moon of the waxing moon (first and second phases of the cycle). During the first quarter, only a narrow crescent of the satellite will be visible, resembling the letter “P” without a vertical stick. In the second phase, half and most of the night luminary is visible, at the very beginning of the quarter - exactly half of the crescent.

During the waning moon (the third and fourth phases of the cycle), the sickle begins to resemble the letter “C”. The third quarter lasts from the full moon until the moon's disk decreases to exactly half. The fourth phase ends on 29 or 30 lunar days, during last day cycle (day 30), the crescent, as on the new moon, is not visible.


  • Lunar calendar, cycle, day, month

Due to the change in the position of the Earth and the Sun relative to each other, in different periods The Moon is illuminated by the Sun in a certain way. Different states lighting Moon are called its phases. Knowledge of which of the 8 phases the Moon is in at a certain point in time can be useful for planning various events in your life: cosmetic procedures, surgeries, diets and much more.


Open the regular page corresponding to the day you need. In addition to information about the phase in which the Moon is located, in this calendar you can see data on the time of rising and setting of the Moon and the Sun. You can also see information about the phases of the Moon and its position in the zodiac constellations in the lunar calendar. Find Internet sites on relevant topics where lunar calendars are posted and you can calculate the phases of the Moon by entering the desired date. In addition, you can also find out the percentage of visibility of the Moon, its age and distance to it.

Use a special mnemonic rule to determine the phases of the moon. The aging month (the last quarter from full moon to new moon) looks like the letter “C”. The waxing month (the first quarter from new moon to full moon) is turned in the other direction. If you mentally put a stick on it, you get the letter “P”. The aging month can usually be observed in the morning, and the growing one in the evening. In the south

If you observe the Moon for even a few days, you will find that it is not always visible to us as a circle. The full disk of the Moon first begins to shrink until it is no longer visible at all. Then the Moon begins to grow until it becomes a full disk again. This entire cycle takes about 29.5 days.

The lunar cycle consists of 4 phases. Moon phase is the ratio of the area of ​​the illuminated part of the visible disk of the Moon to its entire area. These phases change in the following order:

  1. New moon- when the lunar disk is not visible at all;
  2. First quarter- the right half of the lunar disk is visible,
  3. Full moon- when the lunar disk is completely visible
  4. Last quarter- the left half of the lunar disk is visible.

What is associated with the change in the phases of the moon?

The moon itself does not glow; it reflects the sunlight falling on it. And the Moon also revolves around the Earth. The phases of the Moon reflect the movement of the Moon around the Earth, which is accompanied by changes appearance our companion.

1 - new moon, 3 - first quarter, 5 - full moon, 7 - last quarter.

During the new moon, the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. The dark side of the Moon, not illuminated by the Sun, faces the Earth (1). True, at this time the disk of the Moon glows with a special, ashy light. This phenomenon is caused by sunlight reflected by the Earth towards the Moon. That is, the rays of ashen moonlight travel the following path: Sun --> Earth --> Moon --> eye of the observer on Earth.

Two days after the new moon in the evening sky, in the west, shortly after sunset, a thin crescent of the young moon appears (2).

Seven days after the new moon the waxing Moon is visible in a semicircle in the west or southwest, shortly after sunset (3). The Moon is 90° east of the Sun and is visible in the evenings and in the first half of the night.

14 days after the new moon the full moon is coming (5). The Moon is in opposition to the Sun, and the entire illuminated hemisphere of the Moon faces the Earth. During a full moon, the Moon is visible all night, the Moon rises during sunset, and sets during sunrise.

A week after the full moon the aging Moon appears before us in its last quarter phase, in the form of a semicircle (7). At this time, half of the illuminated and half of the unilluminated hemisphere of the Moon faces the Earth. The moon is visible in the east, before sunrise, in the second half of the night.

Thus, the change in the phases of the Moon is explained by two reasons: firstly, the Moon is a dark, opaque ball illuminated by the Sun, and secondly, the Moon revolves around the Earth.

Did you know...

At different phases of the Moon, its rise (i.e., the beginning lunar day) is observed in different time days.

  • In phase I, the Moon rises simultaneously with or immediately after sunrise.
  • In phase II, the Moon rises at or shortly after noon.
  • In phase III, the Moon rises simultaneously with or shortly after sunset.
  • In phase IV, the Moon rises at midnight or immediately after it.

By the way...

You can simulate the phases of the moon at home. In the evening, turn off the overhead lights, turn on the table lamp and pick up the ball. Extend your arms with the ball in front of you. You are the Earth, the ball is the Moon, and the lamp will be the Sun.

Stand facing the lamp. It illuminates the half of the ball that is on the other side of you. You only see the unlit half of the ball. It's a new moon.

Then stand sideways to the lamp. Now the lamp only illuminates half of your Moon - that's a quarter.

The full moon situation occurs when you stand with your back to the lamp. The ball is on the opposite side of the lamp, and the entire illuminated side of the ball is facing you.

(By the way, in the latter case, you can completely obscure the ball with yourself, and then the lamp will not illuminate it either! Is this possible? Yes! This phenomenon is called lunar eclipse. During lunar eclipse The Sun, Earth and Moon are on the same line, with the Earth being between the Moon and the Sun and shading the Moon. In the same way, when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth on the same line, at the new moon there is solar eclipse . Eclipses are rare because the Moon around the Earth and the Earth around the Sun rotate in different planes.).

By the way...

How to distinguish a waxing Moon from a waning Moon? Very simple! If the month looks like the letter " WITH", that means he WITH aging, that is, this is the last quarter. And if it is turned in the opposite direction, then, mentally placing a stick on it to the left, we get the letter " R", which will tell us what month it is now - R growing, that is, this is the first quarter!

The waxing month is usually observed in the evening, and the aging month in the morning.

For many generations, wise people have noticed an undeniable connection between the phases of the moon and events in life. These observations are familiar to us today as signs of the new moon and full moon. For those who are not yet familiar with all the ancient signs, we offer the most interesting of them.

Signs for the new moon and magic

Our wise ancestors advised starting magical rituals on the new moon involving someone or something. This applies to rituals associated with attracting a loved one, money or good luck. It's especially great if the new moon is born on Monday. New Moon on Monday - best time for such magic. On this day it is good to start important things, work or study. The new moon phase is ideal for planning and changes in life.

  • In order for a new business to go like clockwork, you need to light a candle under the new moon, relax and mentally concentrate on new goals. After thinking carefully, write down your plans indicating the dates for their implementation. The plan is drawn up for a year, month or quarter. It is important to plan real things, not illusory dreams. Re-read the list several times, eliminating unnecessary things, dreaming about what you have planned.
  • On a new moon, it is advisable to swim in a lake, river or sea. Such a bath will help recharge your energy for the entire lunar month.
  • People born during the new moon are lucky - they will have the fate of a long-liver.
  • But it is not recommended to conceive a child at this time; he will be born weak, with serious illnesses.

Love omens

  • If to unmarried girl If a bird flies on the new moon, marriage proposals will soon follow.
  • A wedding during the new moon promises a happy life together, full of love and prosperity. A happy prediction is especially true if a girl loses her virginity to her legal husband on the new moon.
  • Celebrate anniversary life together on a new moon is not recommended; the sign indicates a possible separation. If the anniversary date falls during this period, postpone the celebration for several days.
  • Salt scattered under the new moon is evidence of a quarrel with a loved one in the near future.
  • If you had a dream about having a tooth pulled out, expect separation.
  • Giving and receiving gifts on the new moon is a lucky omen. Girls used to use this sign to push the man they liked to take decisive action. The girl gave the guy something she had made as a gift with my own hands, but today they also use store-bought items.

Money signs

  • Picking up a coin on the street during the new moon means great financial gain. The found coin is shown to the new month so that the find receives even greater power. The coin is placed in the wallet and whole month don't part with her.
  • Paper for the new moon banknote put it on the windowsill - you are guaranteed a decent income for a month. In the morning, hide the bill in your wallet and carry it for the whole month.
  • Before spending money, try to think it through and do it wisely. The more successful the purchase made with this money, the greater the future profit.
  • Some people deliberately hide money in the evening in secluded corners of the house so that it can be recharged overnight. In the morning, this money is used to buy high-quality and necessary things or even just delicious food (if that’s all for the residents of the house).
  • It is not recommended to get involved with debts during the new moon (in any capacity: giving or receiving). If you lend, you will never see this money again. When borrowing, it will be difficult to repay, and income will unexpectedly drop.

Household signs

  • If you accidentally looked at the new month and saw it right hand, then things will go great for the next four weeks.
  • If you find a new moon on the left, then be vigilant, trouble awaits you.
  • During the new moon, it is useful to do some general cleaning, throwing away unnecessary things. Positive energy only enters a clean, clutter-free home. It’s especially good when the housewife started cleaning on the new moon spontaneously, and not planned.
  • Moving to new house during the new moon - an excellent omen, promising good luck. You can act on this sign by specifically anticipating a move to right time, the result will still be wonderful.
  • Snow that falls on a new moon will not last long; it will melt quickly. There are discrepancies in this sign - some people claim that weather, formed during the new moon, will last 28 days.

Full moon signs and magic

A special period for all living things begins when the moon becomes full. The moon has a negative effect on living organisms during the full moon, which is reflected in many folk tales and legends. This can be seen in the behavior of domestic cats and dogs. Psychiatrists confirm - maximum amount exacerbations in psychiatric patients occur precisely during the full moon. Practitioners of magic know that magical rituals are more powerful during the full moon. A new business started on a full moon is practically doomed to failure, the reason is that during a full moon a person is most unbalanced and cannot make an informed decision.

The positive thing is that the wishes you once made will come true under the full moon. Accept important decisions It’s not necessary during the full moon, put it off until the waning phase of the moon, and make lists of your wishes. Desires are written as if they had come true (thank you, Luna, for new apartment). It is fundamentally important that desires come from the heart and are sincere. If you write a thank you note for new position, to which the soul does not lie, because it is fashionable to be the boss - it will not work. Leave the leaf with your wishes under the light of the moon, weighing it down with a suitable figurine.

On the full moon, make a list of what you want to remove from your life. This list is burned over the fire of a candle or bonfire, the ashes are thrown into flowing water (stream, river, sink or toilet). The list includes existing diseases and serious enemies - they will leave as soon as the moon begins to decrease. Conceiving a baby on a full moon is almost impossible. Children born on a full moon are born sick, mentally unbalanced, with a complex character or an unhappy fate.

Surgical operations and medical procedures performed during the full moon are more likely to result in complications (bleeding, relapse of the disease). Medical statistics confirm that relapses and deaths occur more often during the full moon. Mental illnesses become aggravated and usually begin when the moon is at its maximum. This is evidenced by statistical data - exacerbations of depression, mental disorders, domestic quarrels and suicides occur more often during the full moon. The manifestation of somnambulism (sleepwalking) is also inherent in the full moon.

Household signs

  • Do not preserve during the full moon. Also put off filling the refrigerator with spare food so that the food does not spoil.
  • Under the light of the moon, fabrics turn yellow and lose the freshness of their colors, so you need to close the curtains at night (to preserve the duvet covers and sheets).
  • Knives become dull under the moonlight, so they are hidden in the countertop.
  • It is not recommended to cut your hair during the new moon - it then grows poorly.
  • Cosmetic procedures are dangerous during the full moon; they are of no benefit or even harmful.
  • It is strictly forbidden to sleep under the light of the full moon - nightmares occur, some people lose sleep, and people with weak psyches go crazy. Therefore, draw your curtains tightly at night.
  • In the old days, it was argued that the rays of the moon take away the youthful appearance of sleeping people, making them old.
  • Moonlight is dangerous for women expecting a child. The sign says that a woman sleeping under the moon's rays will give birth to a mentally unhealthy baby.

Love omens

  • Kissing during the full moon strengthens the couple's love. It’s especially good if this is the first kiss, the love will be long and strong, and the likelihood of creating a strong family increases.
  • A shooting star during a full moon promises personal happiness for those who see it.
  • If lovers hear a dog howling on a date during the full moon, they will soon quarrel or break up.
  • To make peace with their loved ones, girls carefully combed their hair before going to bed on the full moon. It would be better if the girl did not let down and comb her hair on purpose during the full moon. A number of special magical rituals for reconciliation with a lover are based on this sign.
  • If during the full moon a girl managed to wash the floors 3 times, then this year she will become married woman. Scheduled cleaning of floors 3 times in one day will not help.
  • When a woman forgot her mirror under her pillow and slept with it on a full moon, then in the morning it is useful for her to remember the dream - it will turn out to be prophetic. Another woman dreams - love will not come soon; she saw a man in a dream - her beloved will appear soon.
  • I forgot my wreath on the street during the full moon - look the next day to see if it is there. If there is no wreath, the wedding is coming soon, and if there is one left, marriage will not happen this year.
  • You can’t swear on a full moon; you can say too much and do something you’ll regret later.
  • Don’t plan a wedding on a full moon; it’s better to postpone it.

Money signs

  • If a coin was in your pocket throughout the full moon, this is an excellent sign that promises financial energy. For this reason, it is good to place a wallet with money under the moonlight.
  • If you find a hole in your pocket during the full moon, that’s great; if you mend it right away, you’ll make a profit. Leaving a hole means financial difficulties.
  • Wear red underwear on a full moon, this will bring financial well-being.
  • The color red on a full moon always brings financial luck.

Red Moon

In ancient times, the bloody color of the earth's satellite was an alarming sign, promising military action, epidemics, famine, earthquakes, floods and other troubles for the entire people. Today, astrologers explained why the moon sometimes turns red, but the signs have not disappeared into oblivion. Christians have always claimed that the crimson moon indicates the proximity of witches and sorcerers. In ancient times, the satellite was equated with animate objects, and the bloody color indicated that the moon received a bleeding wound from dark forces.

The villagers noticed that the red color of the star warned of a sudden change in weather (frost, showers, storms). In the spring, unexpected frost spoiled the seeds, so the peasants were afraid of the red hue of the moon, which indicated frost. Biblical legends say that the bloody full moon will appear before the end of the world. Some interpret this not as an omen of the Apocalypse, but as a warning about an eclipse of the sun. Law enforcement statistics confirm that during this period there are many road accidents and unplanned crimes. Psychiatrists echo them - the crimson moon causes a surge in relapses of mental illness.

If you see the moon turning red, try to soften its effect - spit through it three times left shoulder. After this, bow to the moon, mentally ask for forgiveness for your unsightly actions and mistakes. Never point your finger at the luminary - this is impolite and insulting to the “queen of the night”; such behavior can result in illness and problems. If this happened on the first full moon of the year, then troubles will settle in your house for the whole year.

Sleeping in the red light of the night light means nightmares, irritability and resentment, and relapses of psychiatric pathologies. It is better to avoid the light of the bloody luminary not only in sleep, but also during wakefulness. It’s a completely bad idea to start a trip during a red full moon; it’s better to postpone leaving for a more suitable time. At blood moon It’s better to stay at home without inviting guests. It is also better to postpone surgery or going to the doctor. During this period, it is dangerous to drink alcohol; you can undermine your health, become an alcoholic, or cause trouble for a drunken head.

The listed signs will help improve the quality of life, avoid all sorts of troubles, and achieve love and happiness. To do this, it is enough to fulfill only two conditions. The first condition is to look into moon calendar, second - pay attention to your actions, as well as to the signs of the new moon and full moon.


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