What should we ask Vera, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia for? Prayers to the holy martyrs of faith, hope and love, and their mother Sophia.

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This prayer will help you overcome everything life difficulties!

Era, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia are holy martyrs who lived in Rome in the second century and were executed for the Christian faith by Emperor Hadrian. Prayer to the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia gives people wisdom, helps strengthen faith, hope and love in the heart - the three main Christian virtues, and gives strength to overcome life's difficulties.

Prayer to the holy great martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia

“O holy and praiseworthy martyr Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, I now come to you with fervent prayer; What else will be able to intercede for us before the Lord, if not faith, hope and love, these three cornerstone virtues, in which the image is called, you are the most prophetic! Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, save us and preserve us, as the Lover of Mankind is good. That glory, like the never-setting sun, now radiantly visible, assist us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners and unworthy of His generosity. Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him we send forth glory with His Beginning Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Second prayer to Faith, Hope, Love

“We glorify, magnify and bless you, holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with the wise mother Sophia, who we worship as the image of God’s wise care. Pray, holy Faith, to the Creator of the visible and invisible, that he may give us strong, unblemished and indestructible faith. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that His good hope will not be driven away from us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need. Confession, holy Lyuba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, may He from above send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and, together with your wise mother Sophia, pray to the Lord God that He may preserve His Holy Church under His protection. Likewise, for all of us, we earnestly pray for your warm intercession before God, so that together with you and with all the saints we will extol and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of God, the eternal Lord and good Creator, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

Third prayer to the martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

“Oh holy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and wise mother Sophia! We come to you now with fervent prayer. Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, His servant (names), and preserve Him, and may He be worthy to see His glory, like the unsetting sun. Help us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners, and may Christ God vouchsafe to us His bounties, to Him we send up glory, with His Beginning Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

This prayer will help you overcome all life's difficulties!

Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia are holy martyrs who lived in Rome in the second century and were executed for the Christian faith by Emperor Hadrian. Prayer to the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia gives people wisdom, helps strengthen faith, hope and love in the heart - the three main Christian virtues, and gives strength to overcome life's difficulties.

Prayer to the holy great martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia

“O holy and praiseworthy martyr Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, I now come to you with fervent prayer; What else will be able to intercede for us before the Lord, if not faith, hope and love, these three cornerstone virtues, in which the image is called, you are the most prophetic! Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, save us and preserve us, as the Lover of Mankind is good. That glory, like the never-setting sun, now radiantly visible, assist us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners and unworthy of His generosity. Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him we send forth glory with His Beginning Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Second prayer to Faith, Hope, Love

“We glorify, magnify and bless you, holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with the wise mother Sophia, who we worship as the image of God’s wise care. Pray, holy Faith, to the Creator of the visible and invisible, that he may give us strong, unblemished and indestructible faith. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that His good hope will not be driven away from us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need. Confession, holy Lyuba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, may He from above send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and, together with your wise mother Sophia, pray to the Lord God that He may preserve His Holy Church under His protection. Likewise, for all of us, we earnestly pray for your warm intercession before God, so that together with you and with all the saints we will extol and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of God, the eternal Lord and good Creator, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

This prayer will help you overcome all life's difficulties!

Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia are holy martyrs who lived in Rome in the second century and were executed for the Christian faith by Emperor Hadrian. Prayer to the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia gives people wisdom, helps strengthen faith, hope and love in the heart - the three main Christian virtues, and gives strength to overcome life's difficulties.

Prayer to the holy great martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia

“O holy and praiseworthy martyr Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, I now come to you with fervent prayer; What else will be able to intercede for us before the Lord, if not faith, hope and love, these three cornerstone virtues, in which the image is called, you are the most prophetic! Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, save us and preserve us, as the Lover of Mankind is good. That glory, like the never-setting sun, now radiantly visible, assist us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners and unworthy of His generosity. Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him we send forth glory with His Beginning Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Second prayer to Faith, Hope, Love

“We glorify, magnify and bless you, holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with the wise mother Sophia, who we worship as the image of God’s wise care. Pray, holy Faith, to the Creator of the visible and invisible, that he may give us strong, unblemished and indestructible faith. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that His good hope will not be driven away from us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need. Confession, holy Lyuba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, may He from above send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and, together with your wise mother Sophia, pray to the Lord God that He may preserve His Holy Church under His protection. Likewise, for all of us, we earnestly pray for your warm intercession before God, so that together with you and with all the saints we will extol and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of God, the eternal Lord and good Creator, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

Religious reading: prayer for the holiday of faith, hope and love to help our readers.


Faith, Hope, Love - prayer for Christian virtues.

In Rome, during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, there lived a Christian woman, Sophia. She was a widow and raised three daughters alone. A wise and pious woman raised her children according to Christian customs. Her daughters Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov spent a lot of time in strong prayer; they knew the Holy Books well, were smart and beautiful. The rumor about their intelligence and virtue reached Adrian, and he wanted to see them. The daughters and their mother were brought to him. When asked by the pagan emperor about their religion, the mother replied that they, all four, were Christians. Adrian tried to persuade Sophia's daughters, promising, if they renounced Christianity, to call them his daughters, he promised them universal respect and honor. If they refuse and persist in their faith, he will subject their bodies to terrible torment. But the young girls firmly stood their ground. Then, all the daughters, in front of their mother, were subjected to terrible torture and executed. The girls were 12, 10 and 9 years old at that time. Christians venerate the holy martyrs for their steadfastness. The Christian prayer to Faith, Hope and Love strengthens the Orthodox faith.

Saints Faith, Hope, Love - a prayer that protects teenagers from temptations

Sofia was allowed to take the mutilated bodies of her children and bury them. After three days miraculous prayer At the grave of the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov, their mother died. The believers buried them all together. On September 30, the day of remembrance, Christians honor all four martyrs. The daughters endured physical torture in the name of Christ, and the mother, seeing their torment, suffered for Christ with her soul and heart. Orthodox prayer To Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, a prayer for love and complete mutual understanding between parents and children. This strong prayer is able to protect teenagers from the temptations and temptations of the modern world.

Orthodox text of the prayer to the holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love

We glorify, magnify and bless you, holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with the wise mother Sophia, who we worship as an image of God’s wise care. Pray, holy Faith, to the Creator of the visible and invisible, that he may give us strong, unblemished and indestructible faith. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that His good hope will not be driven away from us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need. Confession, holy Lyuba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, may He from above send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and together with your wise mother Sophia, pray to the King of kings and Lord of lords to keep (names) under His protection, and together with you and with all the saints we will exalt and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and The Son and the Holy Spirit, the eternal Lord and good Creator, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

For centuries-old history Orthodox Church Many saints became famous for their lives. Today they are heavenly intercessors and prayer books for us sinners before God.

film from the series "Lives of the Saints"

September 30 (NS) is the day of remembrance of Saints Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. Their names give reason to talk about those qualities of the soul that every Christian strives to acquire. Faith. What should it be like? Hope. How to modern man learn not to despair and trust God in all circumstances of life? Love. What is true love? Sophia (from Greek - wisdom). What is the difference between worldly and spiritual wisdom?

Faith Nadezhda Love 2017: conspiracies and prayer on the holiday of September 30

09/30/2017 | 09:58 (Kyiv) | joinfo.ua

The holiday called “Faith, Hope, Love” is celebrated annually on September 30. According to tradition, on this day the memory of three little girls who were executed for their unwillingness to betray their faith is honored, Joinfo.ua reports.

Their mother Sofia watched the torment of her daughters, who could not withstand such a test and died some time later.

The power of maternal love defies any description, and therefore, it is not surprising that conspiracies and prayers are especially strong on this day.

Prayer to Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

O holy and praiseworthy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, I now come to you with fervent prayer; What else will be able to intercede for us before the Lord, if not faith, hope and love, these three cornerstone virtues, in which the image is called, you are the most prophetic! Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, save us and preserve us, as the Lover of Mankind is good. That glory, like the never-setting sun, is now radiantly visible, assist us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners and unworthy of His bounty. Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him we send forth glory with His Beginning Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracies on the holiday of September 30

On September 30, the day of remembrance of the holy martyrs, go to church and buy twelve candles there. Place four candles near the icon of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. Three candles - at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, light three candles at the icon of the Mother of God, and bring two home. After sunset, light the candles and read the following plot over them twelve times in a row:

Have mercy, Mother of God,

Tell God's servant (name) to marry.

How these two candles burn,

So that a man's heart

By God's servant(name) caught fire,

He would like to marry her.

He would go to her porch,

He would bring her to God's crown.

Key, lock, tongue.

Conspiracy for family discord

On the day of remembrance of the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, you can protect your family from damage to quarrels and scandals. This protective spell is read once in the morning and once in the evening, standing at the family icon “Faith, Hope, Love.” The words of the conspiracy are:

There is a white fish fish.

Like that fish sick without water on a dry shore,

So let my enemy be sickened.

So that my family is strong and strong,

Who will eat that whitefish?

He won’t sleep for an hour, he won’t live a day.

In the name of God Christ,

No one will break up my family.

How scales attach to fish

From head to tail,

So my family may be strong and whole.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Amulet for a soldier

On September 30, you can protect a soldier from death in war strong conspiracy. To ensure that nothing bad happens to a soldier during military service, he must read a security plot over the water on the day of Faith, Hope and Love:

A white stone lies on the mountain,

That the horse will not hit the stone.

That's how it would be in me,

Servant of God (name),

And in my comrades, and in my horse

The arrow and the bullet did not go.

Like a hammer bounces off a sledgehammer,

That way the bullet would fly away from me.

Like the millstones turning,

So the arrow would never come to me,

She would spin around.

The sun and the month are bright,

So would I, servant of God (name).

The castle fortified behind the mountain is closed,

That lock and keys in the blue sea.

The Mother of God watches these keys,

Protects me from unnecessary death.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

JoeInfoMedia journalist Marina Korneva reminds us that we previously wrote what you can’t do and what you can do on the holiday of September 30th.

September 30 is the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia: prayer, history, holiday traditions

Incomprehensible to us is the courage and fortitude of these girls and their mothers, who were truly endowed with “power from on high” (Luke 24:49) and showed us an amazing example of standing for the Truth. How great was their faith, how strong their hope and how deep their love!

In the 2nd century, during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, the pious widow Sophia lived in Rome, who had three daughters: Faith, Hope and Love, named after the main Christian virtues.

Sofia was a deeply religious Christian and also raised her children in the love of God, teaching them not to become attached to earthly goods.

Hearing about this family’s commitment to Christianity, the emperor summoned them to his place and personally interrogated them. All four fearlessly confessed their faith in Christ, risen from the dead and giving eternal life to all who believe in Him. Surprised by their courage, Adrian sent them to a pagan woman and ordered her to convince Christian women to renounce their faith. However, all the eloquence and arguments of the pagan mentor could not shake the fiery faith of the sisters and their mother.

Then they were again brought to the emperor, and Adrian began to insistently demand that they make a sacrifice pagan gods. But the girls rejected his order, and with sincere indignation. After this, the angry emperor ordered the children to be subjected to various tortures. The eldest, Vera, was then 12 years old, Nadezhda was 10, and Lyubov was only 9 years old.

The mother was not subjected to torture, but Saint Sophia experienced much stronger mental anguish from separation from the tortured children.

Having buried the remains of her children, Sofia did not leave their grave for two days. On the third day, the Lord sent her a quiet death and accepted her long-suffering soul into the heavenly abodes.

The mother and three sisters managed to endure these torments and remain faithful Christians to the end. The wise upbringing of their mother prepared them for this feat. Sincere faith, strong hope and unfeigned love helped me to hold on. Four virtues whose names these courageous Christian women bore.

For the torment that they endured, Saint Sophia, together with her daughters, was canonized by the Church. Their relics have been resting in Alsace, in the church of Escho, since 777.

Prayer and Akathist to Vera Nadezhda Lyubov and Mother Sofia

We glorify, magnify and bless you, the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with the wise mother Sophia, who we worship as the image of God’s wise care. Pray, holy Faith, to the Creator of the visible and invisible, that he may give us strong, unblemished and indestructible faith. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that His good hope will not be driven away from us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need. Confession, holy Lyuba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, may He from above send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and together with your wise mother Sophia, pray to the King of kings and Lord of lords to keep (names) under His protection, and together with you and with all the saints we will exalt and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and The Son and the Holy Spirit, the eternal Lord and good Creator, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

What not to do on the holiday of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia: signs and traditions

This holiday is also called “universal women’s name day” or “women’s holiday.” According to tradition, all women should begin the morning of this day with loud crying. Thus, they paid tribute to the memory of Sophia, who suffered and cried for her daughters.

It is believed that this crying serves as a kind of amulet. Our ancestors believed that if you had a good cry on this day, then nothing bad would happen for a year. If there is no reason to cry for “yourself, your beloved,” then you cried about the fate of your family and friends.

On this day, young people went to the “village calendar”, in other words, they organized festivities. But the sedate ones, married women To ensure a calm atmosphere in the house, they bought three candles from the church: two were immediately placed in the temple in front of the face of Christ, and one was left for the home. At midnight, it had to be placed in the middle of a loaf of bread specially placed on the table, lit and a spell cast 40 times in a row so that all evil would disappear and peace would come to the family. In the morning, this bread was fed to all household members (only them and no strangers, not even guests). At the same time, it was impossible to throw away even crumbs from such a loaf.

And now a couple of tips on what not to do on this day:

  • women are not recommended to do household chores on September 30;
  • Weddings, engagements and weddings were not held on this holiday - this is considered bad omen. But this holiday is suitable for matchmaking: “They marry on Faith, Hope, and Love, but they play a wedding on the Intercession.”

As for the weather, it is believed that this day is most often cold and rainy, and after Faith, Hope and Love the first frosts begin. If on this day it's raining, then spring will be early.

Also, our ancestors closely watched the cranes on this day: if the cranes fly on this day, then there will be frost on Pokrov, and if not, then winter will be later. Usually they shouted after the cranes: “The road is by wheel” - so that in the spring they would return to their native places.

Spells for Faith, Hope, Love

Plot for marriage on the holiday of Faith, Hope, Love

First, on this day, you had to go to church and buy 12 candles there: put four at the icon of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, three at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, three at the icon of the Mother of God, and bring two home. After sunset, the candles were lit and the following plot was read over them 12 times in a row:

Have mercy, Mother of God,

Tell God's servant (name) to marry.

How these two candles burn,

So that a man's heart

According to God's servant (name), it caught fire,

He would like to marry her.

He would go to her porch,

He would bring her to God's crown.

Amulet for a soldier

To military service nothing bad happened to the soldier; on this day he must read the protective spell over the water:

A white stone lies on the mountain,

That the horse will not hit the stone.

That's how it would be in me,

And in my comrades, and in my horse

The arrow and the bullet did not go.

Like a hammer bounces off a sledgehammer,

That way the bullet would fly away from me.

Like the millstones turning,

So the arrow would never come to me,

The sun and the month are bright,

So would I, servant of God (name).

The castle fortified behind the mountain is closed,

That lock and keys in the blue sea.

The Mother of God watches these keys,

Protects me from unnecessary death.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Then he must drink half of the charmed water, and wash his face and hands with the other half.

Conspiracy for family discord

This conspiracy is read once in the morning and once in the evening, standing at the family icon “Faith, Hope, Love”:

There is a white fish fish.

Like that fish sick without water on a dry shore,

So let my enemy be sickened.

So that my family is strong and strong,

Who will eat that whitefish?

He won’t sleep for an hour, he won’t live a day.

In the name of God Christ,

No one will break up my family.

How scales attach to fish

From head to tail,

So my family may be strong and whole.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia are holy martyrs who lived in Rome in the second century and were executed for the Christian faith by Emperor Hadrian. Prayer to the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia gives people wisdom, helps strengthen faith, hope and love in the heart - the three main Christian virtues, and gives strength to overcome life's difficulties.

Prayer to the holy great martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia

“O holy and praiseworthy martyr Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, I now come to you with fervent prayer; What else will be able to intercede for us before the Lord, if not faith, hope and love, these three cornerstone virtues, in which the image is called, you are the most prophetic! Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, save us and preserve us, as the Lover of Mankind is good. That glory, like the never-setting sun, now radiantly visible, assist us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners and unworthy of His generosity. Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him we send forth glory with His Beginning Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Second prayer to Faith, Hope, Love

“We glorify, magnify and bless you, holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with the wise mother Sophia, who we worship as the image of God’s wise care. Pray, holy Faith, to the Creator of the visible and invisible, that he may give us strong, unblemished and indestructible faith. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that His good hope will not be driven away from us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need. Confession, holy Lyuba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, may He from above send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and, together with your wise mother Sophia, pray to the Lord God that He may preserve His Holy Church under His protection. Likewise, for all of us, we earnestly pray for your warm intercession before God, so that together with you and with all the saints we will extol and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of God, the eternal Lord and good Creator, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

Third prayer to the martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

“Oh holy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and wise mother Sophia! We come to you now with fervent prayer. Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, His servant (names), and preserve Him, and may He be worthy to see His glory, like the unsetting sun. Help us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners, and may Christ God vouchsafe to us His bounties, to Him we send up glory, with His Beginning Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

Akathist to Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

To the chosen servants of the Lord Almighty, Faith, Hope and Love, and the wiser Mother Sophia, we tenderly offer you songs of praise. But you, because you have boldness towards Christ God, pray for us, so that we may be delivered from sins and sorrows, so that we may cry out to you in gratitude:

The angels in Heaven rejoice, your virtuous life is visible, accompanied by reading the Divine Scriptures, in work, fasting, prayer and alms, constantly teaching your material, so that living images of the three theological virtues, by whose names they are quickly named, may appear. We, marveling at your mother’s wisdom and your perfect prudence, reverently say to you:

Rejoice, like-minded sisters, in the three virtues of your namesake; Rejoice, having entered into the degree of perfection in obedience to your God-wise mother.

Rejoice, like three branches of paradise, growing in evil Rome; Rejoice, Sophia, who named your daughters the names of virtues, which you taught them to perform.

Rejoice, Faith, by faith we see the invisible as if it were visible, helping us to see; Rejoice, thou clothed in incorruption.

Rejoice, Hope, who weakens our suffering in the vale of sorrow with hope and points with our right hand to the things above; Rejoice, you who have inherited the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, Lyuba, who reveals to us the bliss of immortal life through Divine love; Rejoice, illuminated by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, Sophia, thou art of wisdom, who hath raised thy daughter to wisdom; Rejoice, you who affirm us in the virtues of faith, hope and love.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother.

Seeing the wise Sophia of the servant, who came to invite her with her daughters to King Hadrian, and realizing the guilt of her calling, a hundred of her children came to prayer, asking for God’s help: and through prayer, eating by the hand, like a braided crown, I walked together, singing to Christ God: Hallelujah.

The saints naturally had an undoubted mind, when they were quickly brought into the royal chambers, Tsar Adrian appeared with a bright face, cheerful hair and a courageous heart. Tsar, it is in vain that your honest face is undaunted and that you have seen the wisdom of Sophia, postpone your judgment for another time and send you to a certain nobler wife, who has been with you for three days, your wise mother who teaches you with inspired words day and night. In the same way, to please you, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, three blameless lambs of Christ, who have gathered in themselves the crown of virtues; Rejoice, three virtuous sisters, who have shown firm faith, undoubted hope and unfeigned love for the Lord God.

Rejoice, having not spared your beauty and youth, for the sake of the Red One, who is kinder than the sons of men; Rejoice, Sophia, who taught your beloved children the feat of martyrdom for Christ.

Rejoice, Vero, who confessed your faith through torment for Christ; Rejoice, you who raised up your sisters with strong faith.

Rejoice, Hope, who placed firm hope in Christ; Rejoice, you who strengthened your sisters with unflagging hope.

Rejoice, Lyuba, who through torment for Christ showed your effective love; Rejoice, you who protected your sisters with the fire of love.

Rejoice, Sophia, your sweet child who admonished you to despise glory and wealth and all the sweetness of this corruptible world; Rejoice, thy good daughter who diligently taught to give blood for the Lord and die for Him.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother.

By the power of the Divine overshadowing the martyr, who showed the virtues of her names in action in the labors of the martyr, chanting to God: Hallelujah.

The holy martyrs have within themselves a pillar of faith, a wing of hope and a fire of love, listening in sweetness to the words of their mother, one of whom I affirm with patience and walk joyfully, desiring honorable martyrdom for Christ. We worship him as our God, and with our invocations we honor you:

Rejoice, you who have not grieved the least at the deprivation of this temporary life of eternal life for the sake of life; Rejoice, for the honor of Christ’s sake you gave your flesh to torment.

Rejoice, you who brought three valuable vessels of faith, hope and love to God as a gift; Rejoice, Sophia, for out of great love for your daughters, you desired with all your heart that they might inherit the Kingdom of God.

Rejoice, Vero, who illuminates our souls with faith; Rejoice, you who lift us up to a quiet haven.

Rejoice, Hope, who quickens our hearts with the sweetness of hope; Rejoice, you who bring us out of the abyss of despair.

Rejoice, Lyuba, who transforms our suffering and sorrow into joy; Rejoice, transforming our petrified hearts into tenderness.

Rejoice, Sophia, who instructs us with wisdom for good; Rejoice, enlightening the darkened eye of our souls.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother.

A storm of tormenting rage attacked you, holy Faith, but did not shake you: whoever is able to move the invincible faith, the strongest adamant, who taught the faithful to sing with you to God: Hallelujah.

Hearing the wise mother of her daughter before the king, fearlessly confessing Christ and saying that this is the only thing they desire, to suffer and endure the bitter sweet torment for the sake of Jesus Christ, rejoicing at the great and praying to God, may he strengthen me in the torment that lies ahead. This will be praised; let us sing to the first daughter of the wise mother:

Rejoice, Vero, unmerciful one who received the sweetest beat of the Sweetest for Jesus’ sake; Rejoice, your cut-off breast, like two crowns of purity, sacrificed to the Lord.

Rejoice, for from your ulcer you flowed milk instead of blood; Rejoice, for you were laid on a red-hot iron.

Rejoice, for you have been cast into a boiling cauldron; you were not scorched in the least, nor were you harmed; Rejoice, you who calm the heat of our passions with heavenly coolness.

Rejoice, you who extinguish the fire of our torment in illness; Rejoice, you who mark us with a sign of faith in the midst of adversity.

Rejoice, covering us with the shield of faith in battle with the enemy; Rejoice, thou who joyfully bowed thy honorable head for the Head of the Church, Christ God.

Rejoice, for with the stain of your blood, like a scarlet robe, you appeared before the eyes of your Immortal Bridegroom; Rejoice, you who have come to the desired land and beheld the beloved Savior of the Lord.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother.

The God-given stars were likened to nature, Faith, Hope and Love, clinging with all their hearts to the one eternal Life and indescribable Beauty, Jesus Christ, who will soon march, to die for Him and enjoy His Divine vision, singing to Him: Hallelujah.

Having seen the good-victorious sister, Holy Faith, who joyfully suffered for Christ, they themselves wanted to lay down their souls for Him: the Tsar began to test Holy Hope, and seeing that she and her sister were of the same mind, they were given to torment, but had no success. We, the holy Nadezhda, will sing and glorify her about her wisdom in a pleasing way:

Rejoice, Nadezhdo, who was cruelly beaten, but who has not lost her bright hope in the Lord; Rejoice, you who endured your torment without complaint in silence.

Rejoice, you who also give us strong patience; Rejoice, for once you were in a fiery furnace without being burned, you sent praise to God.

Rejoice, for you teach us to praise God in our suffering; Rejoice, for thou shalt cut with iron nails.

Rejoice, you who shine upon us who are in sorrow with rays of hope; Rejoice, for a wonderful fragrance came from your wounds.

Rejoice, thou who has invariably preserved unshakable trust in the Lord Jesus; Rejoice, destroying hopelessness and powerlessness in our hearts.

Rejoice, you who joyfully accepted the sword beating for Christ; Rejoice, clear star, to us, oppressed by earthly sorrows, revealing eternal peace.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother.

The God-wise sisters are like fast preachers and apostles of the God-bearing people: with your virtues you preach to all the faithful faith, hope and love for the Lord, the Master of all, to Him singing: Hallelujah.

You have shone, like the sun, Saint Lyuba, who stood for her beloved Lord in such a powerful way as Lyuba, even as it is written: strong as the death of love, water cannot quench much love, and rivers will not drown it. We pray to you now, Holy Love, burning with the seraphic flame of love for the Lord, renew our petrified and withered hearts, kindle in us, who are impoverished in love, the light of love, so that we love the Lord and all our neighbors, as our prayer book, we will praise you:

Rejoice, Lyuby, for your love for Christ led to many worldly delights without quenching; Rejoice, for having rejected all the caresses and gifts of the king, you laid down your soul for the Lord.

Rejoice, for your love did not drown the river of troubles and suffering; Rejoice, for the Lord Jesus you were stretched out on wheels, beaten with a rod, pierced with drills and thrown into a fiery furnace.

Rejoice, for in your fierce torments you were strengthened by the power of God; Rejoice, through your blood, love for the sake of your Immortal Bridegroom, Christ, poured out, inspiring love in our cold hearts.

Rejoice, having clearly shown us that all sweet torments are endured for the sake of love; Rejoice, you who showed us how Divine love leads to eternal life.

Rejoice, you who assured us with prophetic things that any Divine revelation is immortality; Rejoice, for no torment could separate Love from the love of Christ.

Rejoice, who in your torment apostolically prophesied, for neither sorrow, nor distress, nor persecution, nor famine, nor nakedness, nor misfortune, nor sword will separate you from the love of God; Rejoice, you who were truncated at the head by the sword of love for the sake of Christ.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother.

Wanting to be separated from the body as quickly as possible and to be with Christ, holy virgins, when I was about to be beheaded with a sword, I kissed each other and my mother Sophia with all my might, teaching us friendly love, and let us all sing to God: Hallelujah.

The Lord showed a new miracle when He always helped His ambassador to those who suffered for the confession of His name, only to young virgins: by faith, hope and love we strengthened and exalted our former, valiant deeds. We, in unanimity and unanimity until the end of our lives, pray to you, and grant us unanimity in doing good deeds, touchingly magnifying you:

Rejoice, Faith, Hope and Lyuba, having walked together through torment to the gates of heaven; Rejoice, you who entered into the bright palace of your most beloved Bridegroom with a voice of joy.

Rejoice, for Jesus Christ enlightened, like the stars in heaven, the wounds on your bodies; Rejoice, Sophia, who looked valiantly at the torments of your children.

Rejoice, for heavenly beauty Even before you can see it, the Lord decorate your kindness, taken away by torment; Rejoice, you who have received the crowns of reward.

Rejoice, like three stars, illuminated by the Sun of truth; Rejoice, Sophia, who has found great consolation in your daughters’ courageous confession of the name of Christ.

Rejoice, you who dispel the darkness of our doubts; Rejoice, strengthening us who are depressed by mental and physical suffering.

Rejoice, you who adorn our hearts with the beauty of love; Rejoice, Sophia, strength and consolation to those who are exhausted in troubles and needs.

Rejoice, Faith, Reliability and Love, together with Sophia, your wise matter.

Strange and incomprehensible to us, weak and mired in worldly indulgences, we see the matter, like the Holy Sophia of her beloved children, seeing fierce and bitter torment and death, not the least in sorrow, but rejoicing greatly in spirit, singing to God: Hallelujah.

All in the highest is wise Sophia, who always strives with her daughters with sweet words and wise admonitions to endure torment. If by nature one bows down to tears, one gives oneself over to joy from the love of Christ, for the sorrow of the heart and the mother’s sickness for one’s children, conquer the love of God in it. It is great that you love your daughter, and most of all, you desire the Kingdom of Heaven. For this reason, marveling at your wisdom and great love for your daughters and glorifying you, we cry:

Rejoice, Sophia, for your soul rejoiced at the blessed death of your daughters, holy name The Lord who boldly confessed; Rejoice, you who received honor and glory at the martyrdom of your children.

Rejoice, having been honored with the participation of the martyr and with his daughters in the heavenly glory of Christ God; Rejoice, you who buried the honorable bodies of your daughters with joyful tears.

Rejoice, who sat down at their tomb for three days and rested in the sleep of death in the Lord; Rejoice, even if not in the flesh, but at least in your heart for Christ.

Rejoice, for you brought three virtuous daughters, who showed faith, hope, and love for God, as a gift to the Most Holy Trinity; Rejoice, for for the sake of childbearing you were saved.

Rejoice, wondrous mother, worthy of good memory; Rejoice, thy daughters, that they may shed their blood for Christ, who prayed.

Rejoice, O thou who maketh us wise, that we may immutably guard the virtues of faith, hope and love; Rejoice, praying to the Life-Giving Trinity for us.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother.

All the Angels marveled at your suffering, holy martyrs, and your victory over the devil triumphantly, and accompanied your souls to Heaven, singing to Christ God: Hallelujah.

With such eloquence, all your sufferings for Christ cannot be expressed, but marveling at the great feat achieved in your youth, they remain silent. In honor of your death, we glorify God and magnify you:

Rejoice, Faith, Hope and Lyuba, who sing praises to God who ascended to heaven; Rejoice, shield of faith, armor of hope and lamp of love.

Rejoice, enjoying the vision of the bright face of God; Rejoice, Sophia, pious mother who instructs their children in the wise education of their children.

Rejoice, us who teach, that we may seek the Lord, and our soul may live; Rejoice, warm prayer books coming to you with faith, hope and love.

Rejoice, you who admonish us, for all the sweetness and charm of this world disappears like smoke, like dust is scattered by the wind and turns into dust; Rejoice, Sophia, who loved the Lord God with all my heart.

Rejoice, like three bright keys, flowing to the one Source of life; Rejoice, as three incense blooms on the one most fruitful branch that has vegetated.

Rejoice, like three mirrors, reflecting the boundless beauty of God in yourself; Rejoice, Sophia, like an olive tree, three branches, laden with abundant fruits of the gifts of God, growing.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother.

Save wanting souls her own holy martyr, who, for the sake of Christ’s love, despised the caresses of the king and the riches of this corruptible world, and joyfully accepted her death as a martyr for Christ, singing to Him: Hallelujah.

The holy martyrs are walls of faith, hope and love to all who come running to them with warm and earnest prayer and who cry out to them in sorrow and adversity:

Rejoice, good healer of sinful ulcers; Rejoice, in the darkness of our sorrow, illuminating us with the light of hope.

Rejoice, you who send us wondrous peace in the midst of adversity and sorrow; Rejoice, Sophia, who has shown wise care for us, those defeated in our suffering.

Rejoice, Vero, raising the cross of salvation before us; Rejoice, you who heal our infirmities through your prayers.

Rejoice, Hope, who gives us the anchor of deliverance; Rejoice, thou who graciously takes away the despondency of our hearts.

Rejoice, Lyuba, by your intercession to the Lord in evil misfortunes we are protected from unexpected death; Rejoice, you who restore our weary strength to vigor.

Rejoice, Sophia, diligent prayer book for us to God; Rejoice, wise mentor in our good deeds.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother.

This praiseworthy singing, even if it were offered to you, holy martyrs, would not have been sufficient to glorify your virtues and deeds: instead, sending up praise to God for everything that He shows us in His saints, to Him we sing: Hallelujah.

Faith, Hope and Love, together with their material Sophia, are like the burning lights of heaven before the Lord; we fall to them, praying, that they may enlighten us, darkened by sorrows and calling from the depths of our hearts:

Rejoice, you have made your garments white in the blood of the Lamb of the land; Rejoice, eternal life intercessor for us.

Rejoice, souls seeking peace in God's mercy, confirmation and preservation; Rejoice, Sophia, who protects us from the vanity of the world.

Rejoice, Vero, worthy censer, offering incense praise to God; Rejoice, you who enlighten us sinners with faith.

Rejoice, Hope, our consolation and refuge in sorrow; Rejoice, radiant messenger of deliverance in our sorrows.

Rejoice, Lyuba, who pours kindness and meekness into our hearts; Rejoice, mysterious star, lifting us up from the cramped earthly mountains.

Rejoice, Sophia, wise and honorable teacher; Rejoice, O God-wisdom of life for those who pray to you, the organizer.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother.

Having been granted the grace of God, pray for us, holy martyrs, the Most Pure Lord Christ, that He may be merciful to us sinners, with faith, hope and love to Him alone, our Lord and Savior, humbly singing: Hallelujah.

We sing of your mighty deeds, with faith, hope and heartfelt love, we honor your sufferings, we praise your wondrous patience, we bless your death, which you joyfully raised for Christ, we magnify your invincible courage, holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and the wise mother Sophia, and Glorifying you, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, like three streams of lightning, shining from the east even to the west with your virtues; Rejoice, vials of faith, hope and love, filling our souls with life-giving drink.

Rejoice, three paths of light, leading us to the throne of the glory of the Lord; Rejoice, Sophia, praised for your children by the saints.

Rejoice, Vero, the flower of faith, whiter than snow; Rejoice, delight of the afflicted.

Rejoice, Hope, exaltation of oppressed hearts; Rejoice, like a healing stream, quenching the thirst of grieving souls.

Rejoice, Lyuba, crowned with peace, joy and goodness; Rejoice, clever dawn of eternity.

Rejoice, Sophia, rod of strength, meek and wise chastiser of children; Rejoice, most luminous ray of knowledge of God, shining upon our souls.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother.

O holy and praiseworthy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and wise mother Sophia, now accepting this little prayer of ours, deliver us from all troubles, illnesses and sorrows with your prayers, so that in the Kingdom of Heaven we will be honored to see the immortal Lord Jesus, together with you we will sing to Him : Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “Angels in Heaven. " and the 1st kontakion "To the chosen slaves. "

Prayers to the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia.

Oh holy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and wise mother Sophia! We come to you now with fervent prayer. Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, His servant (names), and preserve Him, and may He be worthy to see His glory, like the unsetting sun. Help us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners, and may Christ God vouchsafe to us His bounties, to Him we send up glory, with His Beginning Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Troparion to the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia

We magnify you, holy passion-bearers, and honor your honest sufferings, which you naturally endured for Christ.

Akathist to the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia Icon to the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia

Popular prayers:

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron

Prayers to the holy princes Boris and Gleb

Prayer to Cosmas and Damian, holy unmercenaries and wonderworkers

Prayer to St. Jacob of Zheleznoborsky

Prayers to St. Moses Murin, icon

Prayer to the Holy Venerable Pimen the Much-Sick, Pechersk

Prayer to the holy martyr Neophytos

Prayers to the Hieromartyr Charalampios

Prayer to the First Martyr Equal to the Apostles Thekla

Prayers to Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Wonderworker of Zadonsk

Prayer to the martyr Thomaida of Egypt

Prayer to Saint Euthymius, Archbishop of Novgorod, miracle worker

Prayer to the Hieromartyr Zotik

Prayers of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg

Orthodox informers for websites and blogs All prayers.

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

O holy and praiseworthy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, I now come to you with fervent prayer; What else will be able to intercede for us before the Lord, if not faith, hope and love, these three cornerstone virtues, in which the image is called, you are the most prophetic! Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, save us and preserve us, as the Lover of Mankind is good. That glory, like the never-setting sun, is now radiantly visible, assist us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners and unworthy of His bounty. Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him we send up glory with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving One

Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Orthodox icons and prayers

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Icon Faith Hope Love and their mother Sofia what helps

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Not many years passed before people began to reverence such Orthodox holiday, like Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sofia. On this day, it is customary to visit the temple and pray in front of the icon of the saints for various types of help and guidance on the true path. In this article we will look not only at the history of the holiday and what kind of martyrs they are, but we will also present a special prayer that is recommended to be read in front of the icon of the great martyrs.

Not much history

The story begins at the end of the second century after Christmas. In a rich family, there is a Christian girl, Sophia. When the girl grew up, she married a pagan. Her husband loved her so much that he did not even demand that she renounce the Christian faith. The young couple eventually had three daughters. Their names were Pistis, Alape and Elpis. They were translated into Slavic as Faith, Love, Hope.

Sofia raised her daughters in the Christian faith. She instilled in them the love of God from the very beginning. early childhood. After the birth of her third daughter, Sofia's husband died, and she was left alone with three children. Since the family was rich, cash they didn't need it. The girls grew up in kindness and love. They studied the gospel. When they grew up, many noticed that the sisters were quite smart and very beautiful.

At that time, Emperor Hadrian was the ruler of Rome. When he found out about Christian family, then issued an order to bring her to him. When this news was conveyed to Sophia, she immediately understood why the pagan emperor was calling them. She began to fervently pray to Jesus Christ to give her strength to withstand trials and possible death.

The mother and children were taken to the palace. All the people around were amazed at their calmness and firmness. At that time, Vera was 12 years old, Nadezhda was 10, and Lyubov was 9 years old. The emperor called the sisters to him one by one and asked them to renounce their faith and bow to their faith, but the girls refused and remained faithful to the faith of Christ. As soon as the emperor did not try to achieve such a refusal. He even promised the children gifts and candy.

The first to be tortured was the eldest girl, Vera. The emperor ordered her to be beaten with whips, then thrown into tar, and locked behind bars in a blazing fire. But the Lord protected her and there was not a single scratch on her body. The emperor was very angry that the girl was not taking anything. He was furious. After which he gave the order to cut off her head.

Nadezhda was the second to undergo testing. She was also beaten, thrown into boiling tar, and then her head was cut off. Love was the last to suffer. She was beaten with whips until there was not a single “living” place on her body. They made one continuous wound from her. After this, her head was also cut off. Their mother Sofia prepared the most terrible test.

All the daughters’ tortures were carried out in front of her eyes; after they were dead, the bodies were given to Sofia. She buried them on a mountain outside the city and carried grief over their graves for two days. She tortured herself with suffering and torment. On the third day, the Lord took her long-suffering soul. The family was reunited.

Icon Vera Nadezhda Love and Mother Sophia

Having endured the above-described torment, the three sisters and their mother were canonized. Surely many people know what the icon of these saints means. This is a family icon. After all, faith, hope and love must live in every person’s soul. These are three feelings without which a person cannot live a full life.

On the icon they are depicted as a strong and friendly family. Probably few people know the meaning of the Faith, Hope, Love icon. Sophia is wisdom, Hope is faith in God, Christian love means loving without profit.

How does the holy image help?

Prayer in front of this holy icon helps to build a strong, reliable family and find family happiness. Also in front of the shrine they ask:

  • about the birth of children,
  • about children's health,
  • about healing from women's diseases,
  • about healing from joint pain.

If you sincerely read the prayer in front of the icon of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, then it will help protect your loved ones from temptations. Prayer helps restore peace, joy and happiness to the family. The main thing is to read it sincerely and with soul. The date of commemoration of the saints is September 30. It is also the day of the angel of girls with the same names as saints.

Prayer to the icon of Faith Hope Love is read in these words:

“Oh holy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and wise mother Sophia! We come to you now with fervent prayer. Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, His servant (names), and preserve Him, and may He be worthy to see His glory, like the unsetting sun. Help us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners, and may Christ God vouchsafe to us His bounties, to Him we send up glory, with His Beginning Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

May the Lord protect you!

Watch also the video about miraculous icon holy martyrs:

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One thought on “Icon Vera Nadezhda Love and their mother Sophia, what helps”

Love, by order of the emperor, was tortured with whips. The holy girl was beaten until she was reduced to one continuous wound, after which her head was also cut off. Faith, hope, love are the names of three virtues that every Christian should possess. On the icon they are depicted as a strong, indivisible family that cannot exist separately from each other.

Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.


Faith, Hope, Love - prayer for Christian virtues.

In Rome, during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, there lived a Christian woman, Sophia. She was a widow and raised three daughters alone. A wise and pious woman raised her children according to Christian customs. Her daughters Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov spent a lot of time in strong prayer; they knew the Holy Books well, were smart and beautiful. The rumor about their intelligence and virtue reached Adrian, and he wanted to see them. The daughters and their mother were brought to him. When asked by the pagan emperor about their religion, the mother replied that they, all four, were Christians. Adrian tried to persuade Sophia's daughters, promising, if they renounced Christianity, to call them his daughters, he promised them universal respect and honor. If they refuse and persist in their faith, he will subject their bodies to terrible torment. But the young girls firmly stood their ground. Then, all the daughters, in front of their mother, were subjected to terrible torture and executed. The girls were 12, 10 and 9 years old at that time. Christians venerate the holy martyrs for their steadfastness. The Christian prayer to Faith, Hope and Love strengthens the Orthodox faith.

Saints Faith, Hope, Love - a prayer that protects teenagers from temptations

Sofia was allowed to take the mutilated bodies of her children and bury them. After three days of miraculous prayer at the grave of the martyrs Faith, Nadezhda and Love, their mother died. The believers buried them all together. On September 30, the day of remembrance, Christians honor all four martyrs. The daughters endured physical torture in the name of Christ, and the mother, seeing their torment, suffered for Christ with her soul and heart. Orthodox prayer to Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia - a prayer for love and complete mutual understanding between parents and children. This powerful prayer can protect teenagers from the temptations and temptations of the modern world.

Orthodox text of the prayer to the holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love

We glorify, magnify and bless you, holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with the wise mother Sophia, who we worship as an image of God’s wise care. Pray, holy Faith, to the Creator of the visible and invisible, that he may give us strong, unblemished and indestructible faith. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that His good hope will not be driven away from us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need. Confession, holy Lyuba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, may He from above send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and together with your wise mother Sophia, pray to the King of kings and Lord of lords to keep (names) under His protection, and together with you and with all the saints we will exalt and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and The Son and the Holy Spirit, the eternal Lord and good Creator, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Throughout the centuries-old history of the Orthodox Church, many saints have become famous for their lives. Today they are heavenly intercessors and prayer books for us sinners before God.

film from the series "Lives of the Saints"

September 30 (NS) is the day of remembrance of Saints Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. Their names give reason to talk about those qualities of the soul that every Christian strives to acquire. Faith. What should it be like? Hope. How can a modern person learn not to despair and trust God in all circumstances of life? Love. What is true love? Sophia (from Greek - wisdom). What is the difference between worldly and spiritual wisdom?

Akathist and prayer to saints Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

Akathist, prayers, troparion, kontakion and magnification of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

Troparion and Kontakion to the Holy Martyrs

The Church of the Firstborn triumphs, and the mother rejoices in receiving the joy of her children, even as her namesake of wisdom, with the triple theological virtue of her equal race. You and the wise virgins look at the ignorant Bridegroom, God the Word. With her, we spiritually rejoice in their memory, saying: Champions of the Trinity, Faith, Love and Hope, strengthen us in faith, love and hope.

Sophia's honest most sacred branches, Faith and Hope and Love, having appeared, the wisdom of the Hellenic grace, and the sufferer, and the victorious one appeared, was tied to the Lord Christ as an incorruptible crown from all.


First prayer of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

O holy and praiseworthy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, I now come to you with fervent prayer; What more can he intercede for us before the Lord, if not faith, hope and love, these three cornerstone virtues, in which the image is called, you are the most prophetic! Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, save us and preserve us, as the Lover of Mankind is good. That glory, like the never-setting sun, now radiantly visible, assist us in our humble prayers, that the Lord God may forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners and unworthy of His bounty. Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him we send up glory, with His Beginning Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now, ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer and second of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

Oh holy martyrs Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and wise mother Sophia! We come to you now with fervent prayer. Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us with His indescribable grace, His servant (names), and preserve Him, and may He be worthy to see His glory, like the unsetting sun. Help us in our humble prayers, may the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us sinners, and may Christ God vouchsafe to us His bounties, to Him we send up glory, with His Beginning Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

We glorify, magnify and bless you, holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with the wise mother Sophia, who we worship as the image of God’s wise care. Pray, holy Faith, to the Creator of the visible and invisible, that he may give us strong, unblemished and indestructible faith. Intercede, holy Hope, before the Lord Jesus for us sinners, so that His good hope will not be driven away from us, and may He deliver us from all sorrow and need. Confession, holy Lyuba, to the Spirit of truth, the Comforter, our misfortunes and sorrows, may He from above send down heavenly sweetness to our souls. Help us in our troubles, holy martyrs, and, together with your wise mother Sophia, pray to the Lord God that He may preserve His Holy Church under His protection. Likewise, for all of us, we earnestly pray for your warm intercession before God, so that together with you and with all the saints we will extol and glorify the most holy and great name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of God, the eternal Lord and good Creator, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Akathist to Faith, Hope, Love and Their Mother Sophia

To the chosen servants of the Lord Almighty, Faith, Hope and Love, and the wiser Mother Sophia, we tenderly offer you songs of praise. But you, because you have boldness towards Christ God, pray for us, that we may be delivered from sins and sorrows, so that we may cry out to you in gratitude:

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother!

Seeing the wise Sophia of the servant, who came to invite her with her daughters to King Hadrian, and having realized the guilt of her calling, a hundred of her children came to prayer, asking for God’s help: and through prayer, eating by the hand, like a woven crown, I walked together, singing to Christ God: Alleluia.

The saints naturally had an undoubted mind, when they were quickly brought into the royal chambers, Tsar Adrian appeared with a bright face, cheerful hair and a courageous heart. Tsar, it is in vain that your honest face is undaunted and that you have seen the wisdom of Sophia, postpone your judgment for another time and send you to a certain nobler wife, who has been with you for three days, your wise mother who teaches you day and night with inspired words. In the same way, to please you, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, three blameless lambs of Christ, who have gathered in themselves the crown of virtues; Rejoice, three virtuous sisters, who have shown firm faith, undoubted hope and unfeigned love for the Lord God.

Rejoice, having not spared your beauty and youth, for the sake of the Red One, who is kinder than the sons of men; Rejoice, Sophia, your beloved child who instructed you in the feat of martyrdom for Christ.

Rejoice, Vero, who confessed your faith through torment for Christ; Rejoice, you who raised up your sisters with strong faith.

Rejoice, Hope, who placed firm hope in Christ; Rejoice, you who strengthened your sisters with unflagging hope.

Rejoice, Lyuba, who through torment for Christ showed your effective love; Rejoice, you who protected your sisters with the fire of love.

Rejoice, Sophia, your sweet child who admonished you to despise glory and wealth and all the sweetness of this corruptible world; Rejoice, thy good daughter who diligently taught to give blood for the Lord and die for Him.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother!

By the power of the Divine overshadowing the martyr, even the virtues of her names were revealed in deeds in the labors of the martyr, chanting to God: Alleluia.

The holy martyrs have within themselves a pillar of faith, a wing of hope and a fire of love, listening in sweetness to the words of their mother, one of them patiently affirms the other and walks joyfully, desiring honorable martyrdom for Christ. We worship him as our God, and with our invocations we honor you:

Rejoice, you who have not grieved the least at the deprivation of this temporary life of eternal life for the sake of life; Rejoice, for the honor of Christ's sake you gave your flesh to torment.

Rejoice, you who brought three valuable vessels of faith, hope and love to God as a gift; Rejoice, Sophia, for out of great love for your daughter, you desired with all your heart that they might inherit the Kingdom of God.

Rejoice, Vero, who illuminates our souls with faith; Rejoice, you who lift us up to a quiet haven.

Rejoice, Hope, who quickens our hearts with the sweetness of hope; Rejoice, you who bring us out of the abyss of despair.

Rejoice, Lyuba, who transforms our suffering and sorrow into joy; Rejoice, transforming our petrified hearts into tenderness.

Rejoice, Sophia, who instructs us with wisdom for good; Rejoice, enlightening the darkened eye of our souls.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother!

A storm of tormenting rage attacked you, holy Faith, but did not shake you: whoever is able to move the invincible faith, the strongest adamant, who taught the faithful to sing with you to God: Alleluia.

Hearing the wise mother of her daughter before the king, fearlessly confessing Christ, and saying that she alone desires to suffer and endure the bitter torments of the Sweet One for the sake of Jesus Christ, rejoicing at the great and praying to God, may he strengthen me in the torments that lie ahead. This will be praised; let us sing to the first daughter of the wise mother:

Rejoice, Vero, unmerciful one who received the sweetest beat of the Sweetest for Jesus’ sake; Rejoice, your cut-off breast, like two crowns of purity, sacrificed to the Lord.

Rejoice, for from your ulcer you flowed milk instead of blood; Rejoice, for you were laid on a red-hot iron.

Rejoice, for you have been cast into a boiling cauldron; you were not scorched in the least, nor were you harmed; Rejoice, you who calm our passions with heavenly coolness.

Rejoice, you who extinguish the fire of our torment in illness; Rejoice, you who mark us with a sign of faith in the midst of adversity.

Rejoice, covering us with the shield of faith in battle with the enemy; Rejoice, thy honorable head for the Head of the Church, Christ God, joyfully bowed down under the sword.

Rejoice, for with the stain of your blood, like a scarlet robe, you appeared before the eyes of your Immortal Bridegroom: Rejoice, you who came to the desired land and saw your beloved Savior and Lord.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother!

The God-given stars became like nature, Faith, Hope and Love, clinging with all their hearts to the one eternal life and indescribable beauty, Jesus Christ, who will soon walk, to die for Him and enjoy His Divine vision, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Seeing the good-victorious sister, Holy Vera, joyfully suffered for Christ, and they themselves wanted to lay down their souls for Him: the Tsar began to test Holy Hope, and seeing that she and her sister were of the same mind, they were given to torment in the end, but had little success. We, the holy Nadezhda, will sing and glorify her about her wisdom in a pleasing way:

Rejoice, Nadezhda, who was cruelly beaten, but who has not lost her bright hope in the Lord; Rejoice, you who endured your torment without complaint in silence.

Rejoice, you who also give us strong patience; Rejoice, for once you were in a fiery furnace without being burned, you sent praise to God.

Rejoice, for you teach us to praise God in our suffering; Rejoice, for you were planed with iron feet.

Rejoice, you who shine upon us who are in sorrow with rays of hope; Rejoice, for a wonderful fragrance came from your wounds.

Rejoice, thou who has invariably preserved unshakable trust in the Lord Jesus; Rejoice, destroying hopelessness and powerlessness in our hearts.

Rejoice, you who joyfully accepted the sword beating for Christ; Rejoice, clear star, to us, oppressed by earthly sorrows, revealing eternal peace.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother!

God-wise sisters are like quick preachers and apostles of the God-bearing Ones: with your virtues you preach to all the faithful faith, hope and love for the Lord, the Master of all, to Him singing: Alleluia.

You have shone, like the sun, Saint Lyuba, who stood for her beloved Lord in such a powerful way as Lyuba, even as it is written: strong as the death of love, water cannot quench much love, and rivers will not drown it. We pray to you now, Holy Love, burning with the seraphic flame of love for the Lord, renew our petrified and withered hearts, kindle in us, who are impoverished in love, the light of love, so that we may love the Lord and all our neighbors, as our prayer book, we will praise you:

Rejoice, Lyuby, for your love for Christ led to many worldly delights without quenching; Rejoice, for having rejected all the caresses and gifts of the king, you laid down your soul for the Lord.

Rejoice, for your love did not drown the river of troubles and suffering; Rejoice, for the Lord Jesus you were stretched out on wheels, beaten with a rod, pierced with drills and thrown into a fiery furnace.

Rejoice, for in your fierce torments you were strengthened by the power of God; Rejoice, through your blood, the love poured out for the sake of your Immortal Bridegroom, Christ, stirring up love in our cold hearts.

Rejoice, having clearly shown us that all sweet torments are endured for the sake of love; Rejoice, you who showed us how Divine love leads to eternal life.

Rejoice, you who assured us with prophetic things that any Divine revelation is immortality; Rejoice, for it was not possible for torture to separate Love from the love of Christ.

Rejoice, who in your torment apostolically prophesied, for neither sorrow, nor distress, nor persecution, nor famine, nor nakedness, nor misfortune, nor sword will separate you from the love of God; Rejoice, you who were truncated at the head by the sword of love for the sake of Christ.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother!

Wanting to be separated from the body as soon as possible and to be with Christ, the holy virgins, when I went to be beheaded with a sword, kissed each other and my mother Sophia, teaching us friendly love, and we all sing to God: Alleluia.

The Lord showed a new miracle, when He always helped His ambassador to those who suffered for confessing His name, only to young virgins: by faith, hope and love we strengthened and exalted our former, valiant deeds. We, in unanimity and unanimity until the end of our lives, pray to you, and grant us unanimity in doing good deeds, touchingly magnifying you:

Rejoice, Faith, Hope and Lyuba, having walked together through torment to the gates of heaven; Rejoice, you who entered into the bright palace of your most beloved Bridegroom with a voice of joy. Rejoice, for Jesus Christ enlightened, like the stars in heaven, the wounds on your bodies; Rejoice, Sophia, who looked valiantly at the torments of your children.

Rejoice, for with heavenly beauty, which the eye cannot see, the Lord has adorned your kindness, taken away by torment; Rejoice, you who have received the crowns of reward.

Rejoice, like three stars, illuminated by the Sun of truth; Rejoice, Sophia, who has found great consolation in your daughters’ courageous confession of the name of Christ.

Rejoice, you who dispel the darkness of our doubts; Rejoice, strengthening us who are depressed by mental and physical suffering.

Rejoice, you who adorn our hearts with the beauty of love; Rejoice, Sophia, strength and consolation to those who are exhausted in troubles and needs.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother!

Strange and incomprehensible to us weak, mired in worldly indulgences, we see the matter, like the Holy Sophia of her beloved children, seeing fierce and bitter torment and death, not in the least grieving, but rejoicing greatly in spirit, singing to God: Alleluia.

All in the highest is wise Sophia, who always strives with her daughters with sweet words and wise admonitions to endure torment. Even if by nature one bows down to tears, one gives oneself over to joy from the love of Christ, then the sorrow of heart disease for one’s children overcomes the love of God in it. The great thing is that you love your daughter, and all the more so that you desire the Kingdom of Heaven. For this reason, marveling at your wisdom and great love for your daughters and glorifying you, we cry:

Rejoice, Sophia, for your soul rejoiced at the blessed death of your daughters, who boldly confessed the holy name of the Lord;

Rejoice, in the martyrdom of your children you received honor and glory.

Rejoice, having been honored with the participation of the martyr and with his daughters in the heavenly glory of Christ God; Rejoice, you who buried the honorable bodies of your daughters with joyful tears.

Rejoice, who sat down at their tomb for three days and rested in the sleep of death in the Lord; Rejoice, even if not in the flesh, but at least in your heart for Christ.

Rejoice, for you are three virtuous daughters, who have shown faith, hope, and love for God as a gift Holy Trinity you brought it; Rejoice, for for the sake of childbearing you were saved.

Rejoice, wondrous mother, worthy of good memory; Rejoice, thy daughters, that thy blood may be shed for Christ, who prayed.

Rejoice, O thou who maketh us wise, that we may immutably guard the virtues of faith, hope and love; Rejoice, praying to the Life-Giving Trinity for us.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother!

All the Angels marveled at your suffering, holy martyrs, and your victory over the devil triumphantly, leading your souls to heaven, singing to Christ God: Alleluia.

With such eloquence, all your sufferings for Christ cannot be expressed, but marveling at the great feat achieved in your youth, they are speechless. In honor of your death, we glorify God and magnify you:

Rejoice, Faith, Hope and Love, who sing praises to God who ascended to heaven; Rejoice, shield of faith, armor of hope and lamp of love.

Rejoice, enjoying the vision of the bright face of God; Rejoice, Sophia, pious mother, instructing them in the wise education of their children.

Rejoice, you who teach us, that we may seek the Lord, and our soul may live; Rejoice, warm prayer books coming to you with faith, hope and love.

Rejoice, you who admonish us, for all the sweetness and charm of this world disappears like smoke, like dust is scattered by the wind and turns into dust; Rejoice, Sophia, who loved the Lord God with your heart.

Rejoice, like three bright keys, flowing to the one source of life; Rejoice, as three incense blooms on the one most fruitful branch that has vegetated.

Rejoice, like three mirrors, reflecting the boundless beauty of God in yourself; Rejoice, Sophia, like an olive tree, three branches, laden with abundant fruits of the gifts of God, growing.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother!

Wanting to save her souls, the holy martyrs despised the love of Christ for the caresses of the Tsar and the riches of this corruptible world and joyfully accepted her death as a martyr for Christ, singing to Him: Alleluia.

The holy martyrs are walls of faith, hope and love to all who come running to them with warm and earnest prayer, and to those who cry out to them in sorrow and adversity:

Rejoice, good healer of sinful ulcers; Rejoice, in the darkness of our sorrow, illuminating us with the light of hope.

Rejoice, you who send us wondrous peace in the midst of adversity and sorrow;

Rejoice, Sophia, who has shown wise care for us in the midst of suffering.

Rejoice, Vero, who raises the cross of salvation before us, Rejoice, who heals our infirmities through prayers to you.

Rejoice, Hope, who gives us the anchor of deliverance; Rejoice, thou who graciously removes the despondency of our hearts.

Rejoice, Lyuba, by your intercession to the Lord in evil misfortunes we are protected from unexpected death; Rejoice, you who restore our weary strength to vigor.

Rejoice, Sophia, diligent prayer book for us to God; Rejoice, wise mentor in our good deeds.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother!

This praiseworthy singing, even if the holy martyrs had offered you, would not have been sufficient to glorify your virtues and deeds: rather, sending up praise to God for everything that He shows us in His saints, to Him we sing: Alleluia.

Faith, Hope and Love, together with their matter Sophia, are like the burning lights of heaven before the Lord; we fall to them, praying, that they may enlighten us, darkened by sorrows and calling from the depths of our hearts:

Rejoice, you have made your garments white in the blood of the Lamb of the land; Rejoice, eternal life intercessor for us.

Rejoice, souls seeking peace in God's mercy, confirmation and preservation; Rejoice, Sophia, who protects us from the vanity of the world.

Rejoice, Vero, worthy censer, offering incense praise to God; Rejoice, you who enlighten us sinners with faith.

Rejoice, Hope, our consolation and refuge in sorrow; Rejoice, radiant messenger of deliverance in our sorrows.

Rejoice, Lyuba, who pours kindness and meekness into our hearts; Rejoice, mysterious star, lifting us up from the cramped earthly mountains.

Rejoice, Sophia, wise and honorable teacher; Rejoice, O God-wisdom of life for those who pray to you, the organizer.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother!

Pray for the grace of God to receive the grace of God for us, holy martyrs, the Most Pure Lord Christ, that he may be merciful to us sinners, with faith, hope and love for Him alone, our Lord and Savior, humbly singing: Alleluia.

We sing of your mighty deeds, with faith, hope and heartfelt love, we honor your most precious sufferings, we praise your wondrous patience, we bless your death, which you joyfully raised for Christ, we magnify your invincible courage, holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and the wise mother Sophia, and Glorifying you, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, like three streams of lightning, shining from the east even to the west with your virtues; Rejoice, vials of faith, hope and love, filling our souls with life-giving drink.

Rejoice, three paths of light, leading us to the throne of the glory of the Lord; Rejoice, Sophia, praised for your children by the saints.

Rejoice, Vero, the flower of faith, whiter than snow; Rejoice, delight of the afflicted.

Rejoice, Hope, exaltation of oppressed hearts; Rejoice, like a flood-bearing stream, quenching the thirst of those who mourn.

Rejoice, Lyuba, crowned with peace, joy and goodness; Rejoice, clever dawn of eternity.

Rejoice, Sophia, rod of strength, meek and wise chastiser of children; Rejoice, most luminous ray of knowledge of God, shining upon our souls.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother!

O holy and praiseworthy martyrs, Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba, and the wise mother Sophia, who have now accepted this little prayer of ours, deliver us from all troubles, illnesses and sorrows with your prayers, so that in the Kingdom of Heaven we will be honored to see the immortal Lord Jesus, together with you we will sing To him: Alleluia.

The angels in Heaven rejoice, your virtuous life is visible, accompanied by reading the Divine Scriptures, in work, fasting, prayer and alms, constantly teaching your material, so that living images of the three theological virtues appear, by whose names they are quickly named. We, marveling at your mother’s wisdom and your perfect prudence, reverently say to you:

Rejoice, like-minded sisters, in the three virtues of your namesake;

Rejoice, having entered into the degree of perfection in obedience to your God-wise mother.

Rejoice, like three branches of paradise, growing in evil Rome; Rejoice, Sophia, who named your daughters the names of virtues, which you taught them to perform.

Rejoice, Faith, by faith we see the invisible as if it were visible, helping us to see; Rejoice, thou clothed in incorruption.

Rejoice, Hope, who weakens our suffering in the vale of sorrow with hope and points with our right hand to the things above; Rejoice, you who have inherited the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, Lyuba, who reveals to us the bliss of immortal life through Divine love; Rejoice, illuminated by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, Sophia, who is wisdom, who raised your daughter to wisdom; Rejoice, you who affirm us in the virtues of faith, hope and love.

Rejoice, Vero, Nadezhda and Lyuba, together with Sophia, your wise mother!

We praise Vera, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sofia!


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