Review of adhesive mixtures for laying aerated concrete blocks. What adhesive is best for laying gas silicate blocks? Adhesive solution for aerated concrete blocks

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Glue is a mixture of substances that allows materials to reliably adhere to each other. And in order for the seam to be strong and durable, you should use a high-quality product. To secure gas silicate blocks, you need a special glue. This composition usually contains sand, cement, as well as organic and mineral plasticizers.

Currently to work with gas silicate blocks represented in trade a large assortment funds. The result of selecting such a composition is influenced by the preferences of the master and the conditions of installation work.

Which mixture to choose for laying blocks

To determine which adhesive for gas silicate is the best, it is worth considering reviews from customers who have already tested the material from their own experience. Let us dwell in detail on the brands of glue that have gained the most popularity.


This mixture is excellent for installing blocks in winter period. This is possible thanks to the ingredients included in it. There is a special additive that is not exposed to even severe frost (frost-resistant). Most builders respond positively to the product, because it has such advantages as ease of application and simplicity of use. In addition, Zabudova glue is inexpensive, which ensures its position as a leader among all ready-made dry adhesives.


This mixture is also not afraid of frost. It is used for laying blocks from cellular concrete, as well as slabs. A characteristic advantage of the glue is the speed of its preparation. In terms of savings, this composition is slightly inferior to the first one, since its cost is slightly higher.


This composition for a gas silicate block can be used both in summer and winter. Its main advantage is its environmental friendliness. The glue does not contain unwanted impurities and toxins and poses absolutely no danger to human health. Perhaps this affects its cost, because it is more expensive than the previously considered options.

Today this construction composition actively used in laying gas silicate structures. The reputation of the glue is gained by its positive properties:

  1. Excellent thermal insulation characteristics the mixtures make it as similar as possible to cellular concrete. This will allow you to forget forever about frozen walls and heat leakage through joints in the masonry.
  2. The composition does not lose its properties even in direct contact with water, as well as the influence of very low temperatures.
  3. The mixed mortar is characterized by excellent plasticity, which makes its use comfortable.
  4. The mixture is completely environmentally friendly. There is no release of toxic substances, since the product does not contain harmful impurities.
  5. The composition is more expensive than previous products, and this is due to its qualities.


Mixtures of this brand are characterized by high strength properties. The composition is widely used in masonry with blocks of cellular material, as well as for cladding thin layer blocks of internal and external surfaces. The result is a seam 1-3 mm thick.

The glue is very popular due to the following properties:

  • there are no “cold bridges” in the masonry;
  • not exposed to moisture;
  • not afraid of severe frosts;
  • You can use the prepared solution for two hours, during which time it will not harden;
  • capable of passing steam.

High adhesion of the mixture makes it possible to ensure the solidity and high strength of the buildings being erected. The adhesive consists of cement, mineral fillers, as well as organic and polymer modifiers.


It is a multi-component dry mixture based on cement, quartz sand and various modifying additives. It is used for laying silicate block structures. The glue is quite suitable for summer and winter work. The material is popular because it is compatible with most Russian-made gas blocks.

The finished solution is highly elastic and easy to use, and does not stick to tools very much. The applied layer is characterized by good moisture resistance. The glue has excellent holding power.

Mixtures of this brand are used for making thick-layer masonry in winter and summer seasons. In addition to laying blocks, they are widely used in installation ceramic tiles, attaching it to the blocks. When applying the composition there is no need to level the surface. You can leave slopes and differences of up to 1.5 cm. Often used for indoor work on leveling block walls.

All presented compositions are safe, endowed with good plasticity and can withstand severe frosts. You will decide which mixture is best when you research them experimentally.

The answer to the question of which glue is the best is ambiguous. The fact is that we have presented the best adhesive mixtures, according to the opinion of builders who have tested all their advantages and disadvantages in their work. The selection of glue can be made not only on the basis of personal preferences. It is imperative to take into account the type and conditions of installation work.

How to calculate glue consumption

The dry composition is packaged by the manufacturer in bags weighing 25 kg. The manufacturer did not choose this number by chance, since this is the optimal mass of powder for preparing glue, sufficient for laying one cubic meter of blocks. This is provided that the technology for producing the mixture and its use is not violated.

Let's clearly look at calculating glue consumption using an example:

  1. Initially, you tentatively determined that for laying all the walls you will need, say, 63 cubic meters of gas silicate blocks.
  2. With a laying layer thickness of 3 mm, the glue consumption per 1 cubic meter of blocks will be 63 packaging bags.
  3. If the laying seam is 2 mm thick, then the mass of the required glue will be 5 kg less. In this case, 63 cubic meters will have to be spent
    63 x 20 = 1260 kg of dry glue.
    Go ahead.
    1260 / 25 = 50.4 bags.
    Let's round the figure up, the result is 51 bags.
  4. The value derived from the calculations is the smallest amount of dry mixture that will need to be spent on the building. Provided that its construction involves the use of 63 cubic meters of aerated concrete blocks. If we know the price, we can easily determine the total cost of dry glue.

If the construction involves the use of a mortar of cement and sand, and the volume of work is the same, then you will need 2 cubic decimeters of glue. That is, 1 cubic meter of solution is needed to lay 5 cubic meters of blocks.

To prepare a cube of mortar you will need up to 7 packages of cement. The total cost will also increase due to the price of sand and the rental of a concrete mixer. Taking all this into account, it is not difficult to determine how much cement is needed to lay 1 cubic meter of gas silicate: 7 / 5 = 1.4 bags.

Having carried out correct cost calculations, it is easy to verify the low cost of the adhesive composition. Only you can set the remaining priorities.

When constructing modern buildings, it is important to ensure reliable adhesion of materials, which is achieved through the use of high-quality glue for gas silicate blocks. Correctly selected adhesive composition and accurate calculation of its consumption are the key to the longevity of erected buildings.

1. Adhesive composition for laying blocks fromcellular aerated concreteK21/1

2. Adhesive composition for laying blocks fromcellular aerated concretewinter K21/2(with antifreeze additive)


Adhesive composition for laying cellular aerated concrete blocks – dry mortar, consisting of cement, natural quartz sand, mineral fillers and polymer additives. When mixed with water it forms a plastic mortar mixture. Thanks to special water-retaining additives, the adhesive mixture provides excellent adhesion of the blocks even when applied in a very thin layer, which significantly reduces consumption. After hardening, it forms a durable, waterproof and frost-resistant solution.


The adhesive mixture is intended for laying cellular aerated concrete blocks with strictly maintained geometric dimensions and shape (dimensional tolerance ±1–2 mm). The properties of the material make it possible to lay blocks with a small joint thickness (2–3 mm), to obtain a wall that is uniform in terms of thermal insulation and to prevent it from freezing through the seams. The adhesive composition is also suitable for laying expanded clay concrete blocks and other piece wall materials, eliminating defects (irregularities, potholes, chips) in them. Used both inside and outside buildings.


– suitable for interior and exterior work;

– reduces heat loss through the building envelope;

– high compressive strength;

– convenience and ease of use;

– waterproof;

– frost-resistant;

– has high adhesion strength to the mesh concrete base;

– cost-effectiveness, possibility of masonry with minimum thickness seam;

– environmentally friendly.


All surfaces on which the adhesive composition is applied must have a temperature of +5 to +25°C. The base must be smooth, durable, clean, and free from dirt, dust, ice, oil stains, paint, and particles that could impair the adhesion of the adhesive to the base. Crumbling and weak areas of the surface must be removed. The surface of the blocks should be moistened with a small amount of water before applying the adhesive.


Gradually pour the dry mixture into a container with water (water temperature from +10 to +25°C) at the rate of 0.22–0.26 liters of water per 1 kg of dry mixture (5.5–6.5 liters of water per 25 kg bag ). Mix the mixture with a low-speed (up to 300 rpm) drill-mixer or by hand until it has a homogeneous, lump-free consistency. Set aside for 8–10 minutes to allow the mixture to mature, then mix thoroughly again. A properly prepared adhesive composition should have the consistency of thick sour cream, and the profile formed when applying the adhesive composition to the contact surface with a notched trowel should not blur. During the work process, it is necessary to stir the prepared solution from time to time to maintain the uniformity of its consistency. Adding water to the prepared glue to restore its consistency is not allowed. The solution retains its properties for 90–120 minutes (depending on air temperature). In winter, the time of use of the solution is limited to 30 minutes.


The masonry process is carried out in compliance with the technology of the manufacturers of masonry elements and building codes. The finished adhesive composition is applied special tool(box with comb, toothed bucket) corresponding to the width of the blocks. It is allowed to apply the adhesive composition to the contact surface using a steel spatula or trowel, leveling with a notched trowel. To apply the adhesive, it is recommended to use a notched trowel with a tooth size of 5 mm. The blocks are placed on a uniformly distributed mortar mixture and their position is adjusted using a rubber hammer within 5 minutes after laying. Excess mortar squeezed out of the seams is not rubbed down, but is removed with a trowel. The recommended thickness of the adhesive solution between the blocks after pressing should be 2–3 mm. With this installation method, the total area of ​​cold bridges is minimized. Minimum consumption mixture is achieved by installing blocks with the correct geometry. The approximate consumption of the mixture is 1.6…1.8 kg/m²/mm (about 25 kg per 1m³ of blocks). Work should be carried out in dry conditions, at air temperatures from +5 to +25°C. Protect the finished masonry from weathering with construction film for at least 24 hours. After completing work, rinse the tool thoroughly with water. The water used to clean the tool cannot be used to prepare a new portion of the adhesive composition.


The material contains Portland cement and quartz sand, which may cause irritation to the eyes and skin. It is strongly recommended to use personal protective equipment to prevent the mixture from getting into the respiratory tract, eyes and skin. If the mixture comes into contact with your skin, rinse it with water. If adhesive gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly. clean water and consult a doctor immediately. Avoid breathing dust. Keep out of the reach of children.


The basis a mixture of cement with mineral fillers and polymer modifiers
Color grey
Maximum fraction, mm 0,63
Humidity, %, no more 0,3
Bulk density, kg/m³ 1500...1600
Average density of solution, kg/m³ 1600...1700
Performance after mixing with water, min 90...120 (RSS 21/1)
30 (RSS 21/2)
End of setting time, hours, no more 24
Work temperature, °C +5...+25 (RSS 21/1)
–10...+5 (RSS 21/2)
Seam thickness, mm 2...3
Water holding capacity,% ≥ 99
Brand by consistency K2
Consistency according to the diameter of the cone spread, cm 14…18
Consistency preservation group St-4
Retention time of the brand by consistency, min, not less 90
Strength grade M100
Compressive strength at the age of 28 days, MPa, not less 10
Adhesion grade A0.8
Strength of adhesion to a concrete base at the age of 28 days, MPa, not less 0,8
Frost resistance grade F75
Frost resistance, cycles, not less 75
Open time, min, not less 10
Adjustment time, min, not less 5
Approximate mixture consumption, kg/m²/mm 1.6...1.8 (about 25 kg per 1m³ blocks)

The specified parameters are valid at an air temperature of 20°C and relative humidity 60%. In real construction conditions, deviations are possible depending on work methods and temperature and humidity characteristics.


The adhesive composition is packaged in 25 kg bags. On a pallet 1m×1.2m – 1000 kg (40 bags). Shelf life in original, undamaged packaging in a dry place at a temperature of +5 to +25°C is 12 months from the date of manufacture. When transporting in open transport, protect from precipitation.


In winter conditions, at air temperatures below +5°C, it is necessary to use winter adhesives that contain special anti-frost additives. Designed for use in winter conditions down to minus 10°C. Bags with such mixtures are marked with special markings.


In addition to what is indicated in the instructions, when using winter adhesive, you should also take into account the following:

– store bags with mixtures in a heated room;

– use warm water (max. 60°C) and mix the adhesive in a warm room;

- temperature ready mixture must exceed +10°С;

– before and after use, keep the tool in use warm water, isolate the containers used for preparing the adhesive composition and, if possible, protect workplace from the wind;

– the time for using the heated mixture is 30 minutes;

– the blocks used in masonry should not be frozen, snow-covered or wet;

– it is advisable to preheat the blocks to at least a temperature of +1°C.


The information provided determines the scope of application of the material and the method of carrying out the work, but cannot replace the appropriate training of the work performer. You should be guided by current construction standards. The manufacturer is not responsible for misuse material, as well as for its use for purposes and conditions not provided for in the instructions.

The rapid development of the building materials market allows you to choose from a rich assortment various materials necessary in construction. Since ancient times, when building a house, important factors influencing this process were environmental friendliness and the possibility of saving heat in the house. To this is usually added the desire to carry out construction at a minimum cost.

Gaining particular popularity among consumers different kinds cellular concrete: foam blocks, gas silicate blocks, foam concrete. First, let's figure out why this material is popular among consumers.

An important factor when choosing cellular concrete is its low thermal conductivity compared to brick. This is possible thanks to its manufacturing technology.

The most common components: sand, water, cement, lime are the raw materials for the production of cellular concrete, but its structure is unusual in the presence of numerous small pores and voids filled with air. Namely, air is the best and natural heat insulator.

Gas silicate blocks are an excellent replacement for brick. Their standard size is 60x30x20 cm, and when using only one such block, a space equal to 18 bricks is closed. The mass of these bricks will be 65 kg, and a gas silicate block with a density of about 600 kg/m³ will be only 23 kg! These blocks, having convenient size for styling and perfect geometric shape, has greatly supplanted ordinary brick in the construction of buildings and structures.

The consumer justifies his choice in favor of gas silicate blocks due to its special thermal insulation properties. By reducing the funds spent on heating the house, the costs of gas silicate blocks more than pay for themselves.

Features of work

In order to minimize heat loss in the room when working with gas silicate blocks, it is necessary to use aerated concrete glue. Let's determine what the advantage of this glue is.

When using ordinary cement-sand mortar to connect blocks, the thickness of the seam between the blocks turns out to be too wide - about 15-20 mm. Cement-sand mortar, having weak thermal insulation properties, does not allow maximum heat retention in the room, thereby reducing the use of aerated concrete blocks themselves to almost zero.

But it is not possible to reduce the layer of cement-sand mortar to a minimum of 3-4 mm, since the blocks absorb the water contained in the mortar, and therefore the strength of the masonry is lost.

What should be the “correct” glue?

Unlike cement-sand mortar, special glue can significantly reduce the size of the resulting seam - up to 2 mm. However, it's not just about the thickness of the seam.

Certain additives are used in the adhesive for working with gas silicate blocks, which significantly increase its thermal insulation properties.

The question arises: why can there be such a small thickness of masonry when laying gas silicate blocks, because this is impossible when working with brick. This is primarily due to the shape and size of the blocks used; as mentioned above, blocks are made with minimal deviations from perfect shape. Therefore, the use of glue becomes possible.

Let's make a list of the main advantages when using glue when working with gas silicate blocks:

  • Cheap glue. Do the math: the consumption of such glue is much less (six times) than sand-based cement mortar, and the cost of glue is only twice as high;
  • Absence of “cold bridges”— layers of material with high thermal conductivity, the formation of which leads to an increase in heat loss and a decrease in the uniformity of the masonry;
  • Glue durability to the effects of precipitation (rain, frost);
  • Strength– compared to the use of cement-sand mortar, the strength of masonry using glue is much higher.

Preparation of adhesive solution

The instructions indicate the ratio of parts of the mixture and water. Prepare the adhesive solution in a regular clean bucket. Following the instructions in the instructions, the mixture is added to the water prepared in a bucket and mixed thoroughly. Mixing is carried out using a drill with a special attachment.

After the first stirring, the solution should settle, then stir again. Having received a homogeneous mass, the solution can be considered ready for use. Since it tends to harden, you should not prepare excessive amounts in advance.

The resulting mixture is applied to the surface of the gas silicate block and leveled using a notched trowel.

Glue selection

When purchasing glue, due to the variety of materials on the market, a logical question arises: which manufacturer should you prefer? Today, the choice of glue is not a problem, since this segment is quite saturated, and you can choose glue from both imported and domestic production.

Let's look at several noteworthy types of glue for gas silicate blocks.

  • Ytong has proven itself to be excellent. The adhesives of this company are indispensable assistants in house construction;
  • Taifun Master - adhesive options for laying gas silicate blocks with excellent characteristics;
  • ilmax 2200 is an excellent choice when working with gas silicate blocks; allows you to eliminate defects such as unevenness, chips, potholes.

Gas silicate blocks have many advantages over others building materials, however, when using them, there is also a need for “wet” processes when plastering and puttying. Let's look at how to properly apply plaster with a minimum of time and material loss.

Plastering gas silicate blocks

To plaster a gas silicate block, the following tools are required:

  • the rule is for “pulling” the solution between the beacons;
  • beacon profiles - used when leveling the wall surface;
  • grater – used for grouting the applied layer;
  • plumb line – used to determine the geometry of walls to be plastered;
  • trowel and ladle - needed for throwing mortar onto the wall surface;
  • drill and attachment for it (mixer attachment) – stirring the mixture;
  • plastic container - the solution is prepared in it.

Before the process begins, the surface of the wall is cleaned of dirt and dust. To increase the adhesion of the solution, notches are made on the surface of the gas silicate block - the contact area increases plaster mortar with a wall.

Using a plumb line, the evenness of the walls is determined.

Typically, plaster compositions are applied with a thickness of within 2 cm, since with a greater thickness they become free-flowing. If for any reason a greater thickness of the solution is required, then the application is done in several layers.

At internal plastering use gypsum and gypsum-lime mixtures; for external work - cement.

The plaster mixture is prepared in plastic container: the dry mixture is poured with water and stirred with a drill until it reaches a creamy consistency.

Plaster is applied to the wall surface with a ladle or trowel. The lifetime of cement mortar for plastering is about 30 minutes, gypsum mortar is 20 minutes. Therefore, the solution is prepared gradually.

Since gas silicate blocks are afraid of water, it is recommended to use special plaster, which should have the following characteristics:

  • adhesion to gas silicate block 0.6 MPa;
  • strength after 28 days 20 MPa;
  • viability not less than 2 hours;
  • thickness of the applied layer is 3-6 mm;
  • frost resistance 35 cycles;
  • consumption with a layer thickness of 1 mm – 1.3-1.5 kg/m²;
  • have water-repellent ability.

Walls made of gas silicate blocks need to be prepared for finishing as follows:

  • Before plastering, the wall must be cleaned of dust, drips, stains and debris.
  • then the surface must be primed with a deep penetration strengthening mixture.
  • To plaster gas silicate blocks, a reinforcing fiberglass mesh must be used, which gives strength to the plaster after it dries.

In works on exterior decoration buildings are increasingly using blocks based modern materials- gas silicate. They are high quality, reliable, look great and ultimately are not prohibitively expensive. For their fastening, an adhesive composition is used that meets all work and safety standards.

The slabs retain heat well due to their structure, so in order to preserve this property, you need to decide how to choose adhesive for gas silicate blocks, taking into account the fact that a regular solution will not work.

Glue Features

The adhesive composition, intended for the work process with gas silicate blocks, contains Portland cement, quartz sand of the finest structure, mineral additives, and plasticizers.

Thanks to these components, good water and heat retention, low thickness of the adhesive layer (from 2 to 4 mm) and excellent interblock adhesive strength are ensured.

Features of special glue:

· resistance to high temperatures, as well as low, high humidity;

· hardening in a matter of minutes;

· economical: the use of the composition justifies the cost spent several times;

·high strength;

· easy preparation from a semi-finished state.

Compared to compositions made from cement and sand, the layer thickness of the sample under consideration provides an undeniable advantage.

In the first case, it reaches at least 15 mm due to the loss of strength at a lower value. The hygroscopicity of blocks when using special glue does not affect the reliability of fastening even with a thickness of 2 mm.

Main selection criteria

In order not to check the quality of the special adhesive composition for gas blocks already during the work, you should familiarize yourself with the main criteria that every buyer should focus on:

1) The manufacturer must be well-known, recommended by specialists, with well-established technology for the production of formulations.

2) Improper storage of the mixture (humidity or cold) worsens the properties and leads to insufficient strength during masonry.

3) If the price is excessively low, you should think about the likelihood of counterfeiting or inadequate quality;

4) The date of manufacture must correspond to the sale of the goods; otherwise, you cannot count on the desired results.

The packaging details the steps to proper preparation solution, as well as operating conditions and approximate drying time.

It should also be taken into account that in certain situations the addition of antifreeze components is required.

Main manufacturers

When wondering which adhesive to choose for gas silicate blocks, it is worth taking into account the opinions of both amateurs and professionals, given the fact that the range offered on the construction market is very wide.

Domestic and foreign manufacturers increasing every year model series adhesives.

The most important companies include the following:

· "Bonolit" and "Volma";

"Ytong" and "AeroStone";

· "Prestige" and "Glue Zabudov";

"Ceresit" and "Knauf";


The most expensive and the cheapest

When considering the price category of adhesive mixtures, it is immediately worth noting that you should beware of a very low cost per package.

The reason for this is that a manufacturer will never set a low price for good fastening properties. It is also worth being reasonable about the differences between domestic and imported brands. No doubt many people understand what they are.

Among Russian adhesives there are good options, ranging in total from 130 to 200 rubles. per package of 25 kg. These are “Zabudov’s Glue”, “Prestige” and “TM-17 will win”. They are distinguished by decent performance in terms of ease of application and the absence of harmful impurities.

The most expensive ones include the domestic "Bonolit" and the German brands Ceresit and Knauf. Their price threshold starts from 250 rubles. per bag 25 or 30 kg. They have excellent adhesion, low mixture consumption, and increase the thermal insulation properties of the blocks.

Manufacturers of these brands produce different variants mixtures that differ in weight category and joint thickness.

Winter glue options are the highest in price - AeroStone and Ytong. Application in frost conditions of - 10 degrees Celsius. The cost in this case depends on the quality of the antifreeze additives present in the mixture. It is also worth considering price category winter adhesives higher than summer counterparts. The same applies to the consumption of the substance: per 1 cubic meter. 25 kg are spent.

The most popular among the people

Based on consumer opinion, you can find out which adhesive to choose for gas silicate blocks, with the greatest correspondence between quality and price.

According to statistics market demand The German Ceresit model "CT 21" wins.

The preference of buyers is quite justified: the company claims the quality corresponds to its cost.

The adhesive consists of cement with polymer modifiers, as well as mineral additives. Excellent for outdoor and interior works laying gas silicate blocks. All seams with a minimum thickness of 2 mm, which increases uniformity.

Type of mixture: paper packaging, weight 25 kg. The glue has a shelf life of one year from the date of manufacture when unopened.

Ceresit CT 21 will cause absolutely no harm: it is an environmentally friendly substance. It is applied evenly and easily, is resistant to low temperatures, does not lose its properties when exposed to excessive humidity, “cold bridges” do not arise when using it, and has high adhesion to the material. The numerical value of the mixture consumption is 5 kg per 1 sq.m. Properties last up to 4 hours. Estimated cost – 280 rubles.

The manufacturer guarantees a long service life and no claims from the consumer.


Adhesive is used for gas silicate blocks when laying walls built using gas silicate and foam concrete blocks, as well as brick slabs.

Adhesive for gas silicate blocks has a number of advantages: it is flexible, can withstand low temperatures, and repels moisture.

Properties and technology of use

IN finished form masonry glue looks like a viscous, monotonous mass. Its base is cement. Various additives give it plastic properties, retain moisture and push out small air bubbles from the mixture. Thanks to its constituent components, the adhesive protects.

Universal adhesive for gas silicate blocks contains a mandatory ingredient that prevents the blocks from absorbing moisture from the adhesive mixture. At the same time, the additive retains moisture in the adhesive solution and allows the blocks to be securely held together.

For thorough mixing it is necessary to use construction mixer.

By improving the composition, additives increase the strength, frost resistance, and water resistance of the solution.

Manufacturers produce glue for gas silicate blocks:

  • ordinary;
  • frost-resistant.

For operation at low temperatures (-5-15°C) purchased ready-made composition with additives resistant to low temperatures or a special component is added to a regular one.

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To dilute the adhesive mixture, you will need 2-2.4 liters of any water per 10 kg of dry mass.

Water is poured into the container, then the measured amount is poured out. Mix using a construction mixer (drill with a special attachment).

The solution is infused for 10-15 minutes and mixed again. The prepared composition must be used within 2 hours.

A prerequisite for a high-quality adhesive mixture is adding dry components to water, and not vice versa.

Care should be taken when mixing. The dry mixture contains cement. When preparing and styling, it is advisable to use a mask and gloves to protect your skin and lungs.

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Laying technology

The base must be cleaned of dust, paint, grease stains, and bitumen.

You can use a notched trowel or trowel to apply the glue.

The first row of blocks is laid on the foundation, which is held together with traditional cement mortar. This must be done to level the initial row; the thickness of the seam between the bricks can fluctuate and reach several cm.

The second and subsequent rows are laid on gas silicate glue. If the ambient temperature is more than 30°C, it is necessary to moisten the bricks before applying the mortar.

The adhesive mass is applied and distributed onto the prepared surface with a notched trowel. A special trowel-bucket will help you apply the solution vertically.

Within 15 minutes, use a rubber hammer to level the masonry. Excess solution is removed.

The glue dries within 24 hours. The greatest degree of strength of the laid wall occurs after 3 days.

Not only a mason, but also a non-professional with with skillful hands. To do this, it is enough to carefully follow the technology of laying gas silicate blocks.

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Pros and cons of glue

The adhesive used for gas silicate blocks compared to conventional adhesive cement-sand mortar has distinctive advantages.

Easy to dilute, consists of only two components for mixing - water and dry mixture. Does not require large containers for preparation, for example, a concrete mixer. Less time and labor is required to prepare the adhesive composition.

No storage required large quantity components - sand and cement. Economical - seam thickness is 3 mm. Due to the additives, the material is plastic, non-flammable, and does not create conditions for the appearance of mold.

Used when laying down to -5°C, frost-resistant mixtures - up to -15°C. Possibility of leveling masonry within 10-15 minutes. The thin seam provides excellent thermal insulation. Dry construction mixture is stored for a long time.

Can be used for gluing various surfaces. Simply apply and remove excess. When diluted, it allows you to avoid debris and dirt, which is convenient for erecting partitions and remodeling walls in an apartment.

Glue for gas silicate has one significant disadvantage. It is not used if the sizes of the bricks vary and it is necessary to lay seams of different thicknesses.

Additionally, block adhesive can be used to level porous surfaces, for waterproofing walls, when laying on a base made of cement plaster or brick tiles.

Glue is purchased from next calculation: for a mortar layer thickness of 2 mm, 3 kg of dry mixture is required for every 1 m².

The consumption of the adhesive composition depends on:

  • stacker experience;
  • quality of installation;
  • the quality of the blocks themselves (how smooth the surface is formed).


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