Little-known predictions for the future of Russia have been published.

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According to the forecast of the writer Berezikov, there will be no more global wars on Earth. Humanity, having abandoned all types of confrontation, will immediately rise to a higher level of thinking. Science will undergo profound and sometimes avalanche-like development. Social structures in all their work they will be guided by the concerns and needs of man. Successes in the development of Japan and countries were noted South-East Asia, Western Europe. They will be actively joined by India and Turkey in the 30s and 40s. Italy and Germany will take the lead. There will be success in Latin American countries, especially Brazil and Argentina. Australia and New Zealand will actively develop. Canada will become one of the fastest moving countries, the center of progress on the planet.

By 2007, Russia will gain stability, which we are already seeing in reality. And subsequently it will become on a par with Canada, the center of human progress. Somewhat later than the first century, China will undergo incredible development, it will reach key positions and become the Mecca of world progress. Somewhere at the beginning of the new century, a single world language will be developed and introduced. This will be done to facilitate communication among all people on Earth. Will it be studied in schools, and will it exist along with national languages?

The first expedition to Mars will take place in 2012. Here is the most interesting part of the forecast. There, on Mars, the Universal Substance will allow man to communicate with the cosmic worlds around us. The flight to Mars will be carried out by several countries at once, and shuttle flights will begin.

On Mars, a person will penetrate into the nature of a specific background, which will become intermediate or intermediary between our three-dimensional dimension and other dimensions in worlds parallel to us. Such a demonstration has already been given to American astronauts on the Moon. The astronauts saw something there that did not fit into our concepts. The vision they saw parallel worlds they took it for devilry. By actively using this background, earthlings will take the first step into the unknown.

In 2017 A colossal accident is expected at one of the nuclear power plants in the Western Hemisphere. The accident will be worse and more serious than Chernobyl. The Universal Substance considers nuclear energy hostile to both itself and humanity. Apparently, radiation is also dangerous for fine-material structures. We ourselves must realize the fallacy and futility of this direction of energy.

In the twenties there will be a conflict between the United States and Latin American countries. But the matter will be limited to the Cold War and will not come to a military conflict. Already in the first decade (this is already in the next three years!!!) an unprecedented arrival of aliens on Earth will take place. Contacts with them will bring us a lot of new knowledge about the universe. These will be people not from other galaxies or other space systems, but from worlds parallel to us. In these worlds, matter has other structures that are not included in the structure of dimensions of the earthly world.

A person under their control will learn to move from the material world to the immaterial. Then a massive visit of guests from worlds parallel to us will begin. In this case, there will be no aggressive manifestations on either side. Joint attempts will be made to synthesize a new type of thinking being, superior to the present man. But this multi-year attempt will end in nothing.

The synthesis of man is the prerogative of the Universal Substance. But in the course of these searches they will learn to preserve the human body for long term and bring it back into life at the right time. This will be useful in flights to distant worlds, which will last decades and even centuries. After all, sooner or later we will have to exchange the planets of the solar system for others, i.e., fly to the stars.

The cosmos will, as it were, accept us into its bosom. Of course, there will be severe natural phenomena such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and solar magnetic storms. And in many ways they will be determined by the will of the Cosmic Substance.

So in 2222 there will be a slight movement earth's crust. It will be accompanied by a strong earthquake on most continents. There will be a slight shift of the African continent. The waters of all oceans will overflow their shores and, in the form of giant tidal waves, will hit the land and pour onto the coastal plains. Restoration work will take two or three decades.

Of course, there will be casualties. In the future, builders will build only earthquake-resistant buildings and structures. By that time, people will have done a lot to ensure their survival and will easily endure these blows. There is also a hint here. It is necessary, if possible, to learn to build housing and structures raised above the surface of the Earth, on stable supports. So that in case of an emergency it would be possible to evacuate there in a short time, as if to a bomb shelter.

The climate will also warm. And in 2270 a genius is expected to be born in France. His discoveries will radically change the way people live. People with his inventions will quickly heal the consequences of disasters. The Universal Substance will endow him with its energy and give him an all-seeing eye. His discoveries are being implemented in last decades third century.

In the twenties and thirties it will be discovered fundamentally the new kind energy. It will be called the "antenna of space." The source of this energy is outside the Earth, it has a cosmic nature. “Antenna energy” will eliminate hydro and nuclear power plants, and thermal power plants and most mines and gas fields will be closed. Industry's consumption of oxygen from the atmosphere and emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere will be reduced.

In the new century the World Great Circle will be created. Scientists there will conduct an audit of the Earth's energy resources. By this time, reserves of undeveloped iron ore will be 85% of the initial ones, coal- 50%, oil - 40%, gases - 70%. This is according to reserves in upper layers, without taking into account the Earth's ability to reproduce minerals.

Humanity will face the problem of forest destruction. People will find a way to stop this disaster. But the losses will be significant. In the 50s and 60s, people will completely stop burning oil, coal and other fossil fuels due to the massive loss of forests.

In the 70s, an unknown disease will affect people's organs of vision. However, science will quickly find a saving solution.

In the 80s and 90s, people will build vacuum aircraft that will limitlessly expand the capabilities of earthlings to overcome outer space. Distant worlds will become more accessible and closer. At the same time, active colonization of the Moon will begin. The Earth-Moon tandem was created specifically by the Universal Substance. Interstellar platforms and hangars for spaceships. Production that is dangerous to the Earth will be carried to the Moon. All this will be on a concession basis, from the united states.

In addition, humanity needs to do the following:

Give up weapons;

Create a united government of the Earth while maintaining national autonomy.

Create an International Institute to develop and implement a new language common to all peoples.

Review building construction projects and industrial facilities. At some point, move to the construction of only earthquake-resistant buildings.

Construct buildings for housing, storage, warehouses, and factories on high places on the Earth. Raise them further above the surface of the Earth. It will be reliable protection in case of being hit by a powerful high ocean wave. Prepare a sufficient number of flight equipment to lift people into the air during a cataclysm and to remove them from dangerous zones.

Projects for the development of the Moon and Mars should only be carried out through the efforts of all states.

Close all nuclear power plants, replacing them with other sources.

Eliminate dangerous reservoirs such as those at the Volzhskaya HPP.

Do everything possible to clean the air and preserve forests.

Expand a network of ufological clubs to promote rules and recommendations for communicating with representatives of parallel worlds to us.

This preliminary program will help the survival of earthlings and their construction of a happy future.

Evgeny EMELYANOV, Samara.


The earth is in a constant state of change. Whether the result of human activity or solar disturbances, the future of Earth is guaranteed to be more than interesting, but not without chaos. The following list presents the ten major events that the Earth is predicted to experience over the next billions of years.

1. New Ocean
~10 million years
One of the hottest places on Earth, the Afar Depression is located between Ethiopia and Eritrea - on average 100 meters below sea level. At this point, there is only 20 km between the surface and the boiling hot magma, and the land is slowly thinning due to tectonic movements. Comprising a killer array of volcanoes, geysers, earthquakes and toxic heated water, the depression is unlikely to become a resort; but in 10 million years, when this geological activity ceases, leaving only a dry basin, the area will eventually fill with water and a new ocean will form - an ideal place for water skiing in the summer.

2. An event with a huge impact on Earth

~100 million years
Given the rich history of the Earth and relatively a large number of With random debris swirling through space threatening planets, scientists predict that within the next 100 million years the Earth will be impacted by some kind of event comparable to the event that caused the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction 65 million years ago. This is, of course, bad news for any life on planet Earth. And while some species will undoubtedly survive, the impact will likely mark the end of the Age of Mammals - the current Cenozoic era - and the Earth will instead enter new era complex shapes life. Who knows what kind of life will flourish on this newly cleansed Earth? Maybe one day we will share the universe with intelligent invertebrates or amphibians. At this point, we can only imagine what will happen.

3. Pangea Ultima
~250 million years
Over the next 50 million years, Africa, which has been migrating northward for the last 40 million years, will eventually begin to collide with southern Europe. This movement will seal the Mediterranean Sea for 100 million years, and create thousands of kilometers of new mountain ranges to the delight of climbers around the world. Australia and Antarctica are also eager to be part of this new supercontinent, and will continue to move north to merge with Asia. While all this is happening, America will continue its course westward, further away from Europe and Africa, towards Asia.
What happens next is still being discussed. It is believed that while the Atlantic Ocean is rising, a subduction zone will form at the western boundary, which will stretch from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean deep into the earth. This would effectively change the direction in which America is heading, eventually bringing it to the eastern edge of the Eurasian supercontinent within about 250 million years. If this does not happen, we can expect both Americas to continue their journey westward until they merge with Asia. In any case, we can hope for the formation of a new hypercontinent: Pangea Ultima - 500 million years after the creation of the previous continent, Pangea. After this, it will likely split again and begin a new cycle of drift and merger.

4. Gamma Ray Burst
~600 million years
If an event with a huge impact on the Earth, repeating every few hundred million years, doesn't seem like the worst option, then know that the Earth constantly has to contend with rare gamma-ray bursts - streams of ultra-high energy radiation usually emitted by supernovae. Although we experience weak gamma-ray bursts every day, an explosion occurring in a nearby solar system - within 6,500 light-years of us - has enough potential to wreak havoc in its path.

With more energy than the Sun produced in its entire life life cycle, which would hit Earth in minutes or even seconds, gamma rays would burn up much of the Earth's ozone layer, causing radical climate change and widespread environmental damage, including mass extinctions.
Some believe that this burst of gamma rays triggered the second largest mass extinction in history: the Ordovician-Silurian extinction event 450 million years ago, which wiped out 60% of all life on Earth.
Like all events in astronomy, exact time For the set of events that will trigger an Earth-directed gamma-ray burst, it is very difficult to predict, although typical estimates put the period at 0.5-2 billion years. But this time could be reduced to a million years if the threat of the Eta Carinae Nebula is realized.

5. Uninhabitable
~1.5 billion years
Because the Sun gets hotter as it grows in size, the Earth will eventually become uninhabitable due to its proximity to the hot sun. By this time, everyone, even the most stable forms of life on Earth, will die. The oceans will dry up completely, leaving only deserts of burnt earth. Time is running, and temperatures rise, the Earth could go the way of Venus and become a toxic wasteland as it heats up to the boiling point of many toxic metals. What remains of humanity will have to vacate this space in order to survive. Fortunately, by that time Mars will have entered the habitable zone and will be able to serve as a temporary shelter for the remaining people.

6. Disappearance magnetic field
~2.5 billion years
Some believe, based on today's understanding of the Earth's core, that within 2.5 billion years the Earth's outer core will no longer be liquid, but will begin to freeze. As the core cools, the Earth's magnetic field will slowly decay until it ceases to exist at all. In the absence of a magnetic field, there will be nothing to protect the Earth from solar winds, and the Earth's atmosphere will gradually lose its light compounds - such as ozone - and gradually turn into miserable remains of itself. Now with an atmosphere similar to Venus, the Earth will experience the full force of solar radiation, making an already inhospitable land even more treacherous.

7. Internal catastrophe of the solar system
~3.5 billion years
In about 3 billion years, there is a small but significant chance that Mercury's orbit will elongate in such a way that it will cross the path of Venus. At the moment we cannot predict exactly what will happen and when it will happen, but best case scenario Mercury will simply be absorbed by the Sun or destroyed by a collision with its older sister Venus. What about the worst case scenario? Earth could collide with any of the other non-gaseous planets, whose orbits would be radically destabilized by Mercury. If somehow internal solar system remains intact and continues to operate uninterrupted, then within five billion years the orbit of Mars will intersect with the Earth, once again creating the possibility of disaster.

8. New picture of the night sky
~4 billion years
Years will pass, and any life on Earth will be pleased to observe the steady growth of the Andromeda galaxy in the picture of our starry sky. It will be a truly magnificent sight to see a perfectly formed spiral galaxy glowing in the sky, full of majesty, but it won't last forever. Over time, it will begin to become horribly distorted and merge with the Milky Way, plunging the stable stellar arena into chaos. Although a direct collision between celestial bodies is unlikely, there is a small chance that our solar system could be scooped up and thrown into the abyss of the universe. Either way, our night sky will be, at least temporarily, decorated with trillions of new stars

9. Garbage Ring
~5 billion years
Despite the fact that the Moon is constantly receding at a distance of 4 cm per year, the Sun has entered the red giant phase and it is likely that the current trend will stop. The additional force exerted on the Moon by the huge, inflated star would be enough to crash the Moon directly onto the Earth. When the Moon reaches its Roche limit, it will begin to disintegrate as the force of gravity exceeds the force holding the satellite together. After this, perhaps a ring of debris will form around the Earth, giving any life on earth a beautiful display until the debris falls to the ground after many millions of years.
If this doesn't happen, there is another way the Moon could fall back to its parent planet. If the Earth and Moon continue to exist in their current form with their unchanged orbits, then in about 50 billion years the Earth will become tidally locked with the Moon. Shortly after this event, the Moon's orbital altitude will begin to decay, while the Earth's rotation rate will rapidly increase. This process will continue until the Moon reaches the Roche limit and disintegrates, forming a ring around the Earth.

10. Destruction
The likelihood that the Earth will collapse within the next tens of billions of years is very high. Whether in the cold grip of a treacherous planet, or from suffocation in the arms of our dying Sun, it will undoubtedly be a sad moment for all the surviving people - even if they do not remember which planet it is.

Artem Luchko

It is known for certain that more than 99% of the species of living beings that have ever existed on our planet have disappeared. And it is unlikely that a person will live forever. Asking questions about what threatens our existence, we draw apocalyptic pictures in our heads from sci-fi films about a giant meteorite or an invasion of alien invaders. But there are also less cinematic, but very real scenarios that few people think about. We decided to list some of them in this material.

Solar storms

The slightest disruption in the operation of our giant fusion reactor- that is, the Sun, can lead to the fact that our planet may simply become either too cold or too hot to support life and necessary ingredients for it: namely, a breathable atmosphere and liquid water. The Sun is a fairly constant star compared to most other stars in our Galaxy, but its radiation flux still varies over a relatively stable 11-year cycle. These changes amount to only 0.1%, but even this negligible figure has a rather serious impact on the Earth’s climate.

Moderate storms occur regularly 100-150 times a year, but a solar superstorm can destroy a significant portion of the power grid in developed countries. The most powerful storm in the history of measurements was the storm of 1859, also known as the “Carrington Event”. The coronal ejection was so powerful that the Northern Lights were observed all over the world, even over the Caribbean. A solar storm caused disruption to US telegraph lines. But in the mid-19th century there was no serious electrical infrastructure, but if such a cataclysm had occurred today, it would have disabled high-voltage transformers and left entire countries without electricity, throwing us back a hundred years.

Gamma-ray burst

The Sun is not the only star that poses a threat to our planet. Large-scale cosmic emissions of energy are observed in distant galaxies, they are called gamma-ray bursts. These are the brightest electromagnetic phenomena occur during a supernova explosion, when a rapidly spinning massive star collapses into either a neutron star, a quark star, or a black hole. In this case, in a few seconds of the flare, as much energy is released as the Sun releases in 10 billion years.

The sources of these emissions are located at distances of billions of light years from Earth, and in our Galaxy a gamma-ray burst occurs approximately once every million years, but if it occurs close enough to Earth, its consequences will significantly affect all living things. A gamma-ray burst about 3,262 light-years away could destroy up to half of Earth's ozone layer, which is our main defense against ultraviolet radiation, according to a 2004 study. In this case, the rays from the explosion, combined with ordinary solar radiation passing through a weakened ozone “filter,” can cause mass extinction of humanity.

If a gamma-ray burst occurs at a distance of 10 light years (there are about 10 stars within such limits from us), it will be equivalent to an explosion atomic bomb on every hectare of the sky, and on half the planet, all living things will be exterminated instantly, and on the second half a little later due to secondary effects.


A serious danger lurks in the depths of our planet. It is known that eruptions of so-called supervolcanoes, of which there are about 20 on Earth, can change the climate on Earth and lead to the most dire consequences. One good thing is that on average such eruptions occur once every 100 thousand years.

One of the most dangerous underground forces is the Yellowstone caldera, which measures about 55 km by 72 km and occupies a third of the territory of the famous national park. Scientists have found that the volcano erupted three times, last time 640 thousand years ago. The probability of a new giant eruption is estimated by scientists at 0.00014% per year.

The eruption of the Yellowstone volcano threatens all of humanity. According to scientists, a huge cloud will be thrown into the stratosphere, which can hang on for a long time, preventing the penetration of solar rays to the Earth. Reducing the power of solar radiation by half will lead to global crop failure, and the food reserves available on earth will hardly last for a couple of months. The average annual temperature on Earth can drop by 12 degrees and return to its original position only in 2-3 years.

Other smaller volcanoes may threaten dire consequences of a different nature. For example, a volcano on the island of La Palma in the Canary archipelago, if it erupts, can cause a giant ocean wave that can flood the Caribbean and vast areas of the US coast. One of the slopes of the volcano is unstable, and if it begins to erupt, a rock weighing half a trillion tons could fall into the ocean. It will cause a wave 650 meters high, which will have no difficulty quickly crossing the Atlantic.

Global pandemic

The population of our planet continues to grow, and more than 50% of people already live in cities. Overpopulation leads to an increase in mutations, and high density population - to the rapid spread of diseases. Apparently, this trend will only continue, and in the future we should expect the emergence of new terrible epidemics that can kill entire cities.

At the same time, antibiotics are becoming increasingly useless, which is seriously worrying the World Health Organization. The rise of antibiotic resistance threatens to throw humanity back to the era before the invention of penicillin, when the most trivial infection became deadly. “With a lack of swift and concerted action from many stakeholders, our world is entering an era where antibiotics are no longer effective, and common infections and minor injuries that could have been treated for decades can now kill again,” says the aide. general director WHO Health Security Director Dr. Keiji Fukuda.

In general, it is not difficult to imagine how a new plague epidemic will break out and doctors will have no way to stop it. Everyone knows what the Black Death is, which raged in the middle of the 14th century and destroyed almost half of the world's population, after which it took as many as 150 years to restore the population. Another terrible pandemic occurred in 1918-1919, when approximately 50 to 100 million people died from the Spanish flu (or about 5% of the population). With the current level of urbanization and the development of transport infrastructure, things will only get worse.

In 2010, a team of epidemiological specialists built computer model Nipah virus, and then monitored how it would spread and develop. The report on the results of the computer simulation formed the basis of the film “Contagion”. So fantasies about a deadly virus of unknown origin that is rapidly spreading throughout the world may well become a reality.

Resource depletion

No one knows for sure how much oil remains in the depths of our planet. But according to optimistic forecasts, by 2050 half of the world’s oil reserves will already be pumped out (according to released intelligence data). “The first and most pressing problem we will face by then is the end of the era of cheap fossil fuels. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the reserves of cheap oil and natural gas that underlie modern prosperous life,” writes the fatalist writer James G. Kunstler.

The oil crisis will have horrific consequences for which most of the world's population is not prepared. And this process will affect not only industrialized countries. Over time, as oil becomes an increasingly rare resource, more developed countries will have to look for it where it remains - with their weaker neighbors. It will come new stage exploitation of “poor” countries by “rich” countries: more and more armed conflicts will break out in the Middle East and Africa.

A shortage of oil can provoke an acute shortage of other resources necessary for human life. Billions of people will go hungry due to widespread dependence on fossil fuels. Ultimately, this could all lead to a return to subsistence farming.

Perhaps one day humanity will get off the oil needle and replace gasoline with alcohol, which will be extracted from corn or sugar cane. However, there is no known method by which we can produce rare earth metals, and potential substitutes either do not exist in nature or have insufficient properties. And without these substances, we would have no smartphones, no computers, no electric vehicles, or any other electronics, and, accordingly, no progress.

According to calculations by scientists at Yale University in the USA, sources of rare earth metals are being depleted at tremendous speed. Currently, about 95% of all rare earth metals are mined by China, and most recently its government introduced restrictions on the export of certain elements, as well as doubling the price for them for non-Chinese producers.

Gray slime

With the development of technology, humanity should fear that these technologies will get out of control and destroy their creators. One hypothetical threat is what futurists call gray goo (Grey Goo)- self-replicating molecular nanotechnology that does not obey humans.

For the first time, the American scientist Kim Eric Drexler, who is called the “father of nanotechnology,” spoke about the possibility of creating such a substance. The scientist discussed the idea of ​​​​creating nanorobots in his book “Machines of Creation.” The original idea suggested that microscopic machines could be developed in a laboratory, but could also acquire their properties by chance.

In 2010, DNA-based nanorobots were first demonstrated that are capable of finding and destroying cancer cells, leaving healthy tissue unharmed. Tiny capsules release the necessary doses of drugs when a target is detected and specifically destroy the “enemy”. As a result, it turned out that these nanorobots can exist for another month after the death of the “master”.

So far, of course, nanocyborgs are being developed exclusively for the benefit of people, but in theory they are quite capable of both creating and destroying. If, for some reason, nanobots get into the biosphere and begin to multiply endlessly, using everything they can get to as material to create their copies, in fact, they can begin to absorb everything around them, including the planet itself. At the same time, the hypothetical “gray goo” will be very difficult to destroy, since one surviving replicator will be enough for it to start reproducing again. If such a robot ends up in the World Ocean, it will be simply impossible to destroy it.

Nuclear holocaust

While there are 7 countries in the world that have nuclear weapons, the likelihood of a nuclear war breaking out cannot be zero, despite the fact that it could lead to the extinction of humanity or the end of modern civilization on Earth. The reasons for this threat are quite obvious: a nuclear explosion is accompanied by a destructive shock wave that obliterates everything around it, scorching light radiation and penetrating radiation that causes irreversible changes in matter. People, even those who have not received significant injuries directly from the explosion, are likely to die from infectious diseases and chemical poisoning. There is a high probability of being burned in fires or being walled up in rubble.

Nuclear explosion causes outrage electromagnetic field, which will damage the electrical and radio-electronic equipment- that is, all communication lines, transformers, semiconductor devices, which will lead to the loss of all modern technologies.

Despite all the risks to which civilization will be exposed, analysts suggest that billions of people will nevertheless be able to survive a global thermonuclear war. But after it ends, nuclear winter may begin. Widespread explosions and fires will carry gigantic amounts of smoke and soot into the stratosphere. As a result Sun rays will be reflected from these particles, and the temperature on the planet will drop to arctic temperatures everywhere, and the surviving population will have to adapt to new difficult conditions.

Ignorance and stupidity

The most underestimated threat to any society is ignorance (unconscious or conscious) combined with passivity and laziness. Both types of ignorance are fed by means mass media- the main tools of politicians and corporations.

It is the “cult of ignorance” that is the reason that in the 21st century in the world there are religious fundamentalists, racists, people who worship power and demonize all those who do not. It is precisely because of widespread ignorance that there are people everywhere who deny global warming and exploit others for personal excess profit.

During the “fed years”, ignorance increases, and the importance and necessity of education becomes less obvious. The younger generation, enjoying the benefits of the system that was built by their ancestors, gradually forgets how and why this system was built. In the end, incompetent people gain power with the support of the majority, thereby putting the foundations of the system itself at risk.

Populism and lack of competence bring real danger for humanity. For example, researchers from the USA (a country that is currently at the peak of prosperity as a result of technological advances and effective economic policies in the 19th and 20th centuries) suggest that this peak can be interpreted as the beginning of a decline. If only because former US vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is not familiar with basic scientific theories.

The figure above shows a graph in which the development of education is marked in blue, and the accompanying development in red. economic development from the times of Ancient Greece to the present day. Although the figure is quite speculative, such pessimistic views are quite common among futurists.

Max Tegmark, a professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, also believes that human stupidity is the biggest problem for all of humanity, and artificial intelligence is its biggest existential danger. People with limited intellectual functioning, ignoring the potential catastrophic consequences, may allow artificial intelligence to develop into something capable of destroying humanity.

Q. What future awaits the Earth and its population in the next 50 years, what will the life of our children be like, what are we preparing for in order to meet the future “fully armed”? In particular, what awaits Russia, the EU countries and globally in general.

A. In the next 50 years, the map of the Earth will most likely change. The cataclysms that occur will intensify. A strong migration of people to the East will begin. As has already been said by many seers, such as Nostradamus, Vanga, Casey, the map of the world and Europe will change. The landscape will remain almost the same in Russia, Siberia, in particular in the Ob River area and in India. These landscapes will remain unchanged.

There won't be any global catastrophe, which will wipe out continents from the face of the earth, but life will become less and less comfortable. In particular, this is Western Europe, so people will begin to move into the above areas.

People's worldviews will change greatly. The very formulation of the question “to meet fully armed” is not entirely correct. The desire for spirituality will need to be invested in your own children in order to come to such an understanding that this means not trying to conquer the world and your conditions from nature, not fighting with the elements, but adapting to it, learning to appreciate everything that is around, nature, water, air. Save, take care, understanding that your descendants will live after you. This is what you need to invest in, this is the most important thing. Move from the state of consciousness of the consumer to the awareness of what needs to be created. If you destroyed something in nature, restore it, clean it, put it away. Then everything that happens will be perceived more harmoniously, consciously. Then the actions will be clear. There should be interaction, not confrontation.

Indeed, in the situation that is happening now, the consciousness of many people is actively changing.

Q. What exactly should children be taught?

O. Love and respect those around you. Take care of what surrounds us. We are now so far removed from the natural state. We need to take the children somewhere into the forest, to the river, to the mountains more often. Learn basic things, how to survive in natural conditions, what our ancestors could do for many millennia in a row and what we have forgotten how to do. This is not about going back to the stone ax and starting over. The sooner this awareness comes, the sooner we can change the course of events and not turn life into a disaster. We need to teach children basic things, how to keep warm in natural conditions, how to feed themselves. We shouldn’t perceive this as something that threatens us in the future, but it greatly expands our consciousness. But such an attitude towards the world and the nature of nature gives an experience that does not allow one to destroy what exists. This is the moment of creation, the moment of creation. Not just how to make money, being fixated on the material side of life, but discovering these facets.

The closer we are to this natural state, the more closely we communicate with the grass, with the trees, with the earth, the more knowledge and worldly wisdom we will receive. This is what we need to teach children. They are now very divorced from nature.

Q. How will a person’s life change in general?

A. More and more energy will be spent on creating comfortable living conditions for yourself. Japan has already felt this, and Europe is also beginning to feel it. A lot of effort and energy have to be spent to create comfort for oneself where there was none for natural reasons, for example, artificial continents are created, lands in wetlands are reclaimed. The earth will still return everything to its place. To maintain this confrontation, more and more energy will be expended, both natural and human resources. It is very difficult. Create for yourself in the conditions of the Far North the comfort that can only be had in the tropics. And people are now striving for this. Instead of interacting with nature, they resist it.

Q. So you need to learn to be natural?

A. Yes, and don’t be afraid of it. You also need to teach your children not to be dependent on their attachments. Therefore, it is said that more aspirations are towards spirituality, rather than towards material world. The fear of losing your comfort zone in itself is destructive to human existence, human essence.

Q. It was said earlier in the readings that the level of solar radiation will increase, is this true?

Human civilization is developing very quickly. Just five thousand years ago, the first knotted writing appeared - and today we have already learned to exchange terrabytes of information at the speed of light. And the pace of progress is growing.

It is almost impossible to predict what human impact on our planet will look like even a thousand years from now. However, scientists like to fantasize about what awaits the Earth in the future if our civilization suddenly disappears. Let us, following them, imagine an unusual situation: let’s say that in the 22nd century all earthlings fly to Alpha Centauri - what awaits our abandoned world in this case?

Global extinction

Through its activities, humanity constantly influences the natural cycle of substances. In fact, we have become another element capable of causing a cataclysm of unprecedented proportions. We are changing the biosphere and climate, extracting minerals and producing mountains of garbage. But, despite our power, it will take nature only a few thousand years to return to its former “wild” state. Skyscrapers will collapse, tunnels will collapse, communications will rust, and dense forests will conquer the territory of cities.

Since carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere will stop, nothing will be able to prevent the onset of a new ice age - this will happen in about 25 thousand years. The glacier will begin to advance from the north, shackling Europe, Siberia and part of the North American continent.

It is clear that under many kilometers of layers of creeping ice the last evidence of the existence of civilization will be buried and ground into fine dust. However, the biosphere will suffer the greatest damage. Having mastered the planet, humanity has practically destroyed natural ecological niches, which led to one of the most massive animal extinctions in history.

The departure of humanity will not stop this process, because the chains of interaction between organisms have already been broken. The extinction will continue for over 5 million years. Large mammals and many species of birds will completely disappear. The biological diversity of fauna will decrease. Genetically modified plants, which scientists have adapted to the harshest living conditions, will have an obvious evolutionary advantage.

Such plants run wild, but being protected from pests, they will quickly take over the vacated niches, giving rise to new species. Moreover, during these millions of years, two dwarf stars will pass at a close distance from the Sun, which will inevitably lead to a change in the planetary characteristics of the Earth, and a hail of comets will fall on the planet. Similar catastrophic events will further accelerate pestilence among the species of animals and plants known to us. Who will replace them?

Revival of Pangea

It has long been established that the earth's continents move, although very slowly: at a speed of several centimeters per year. During a human lifetime, this drift is practically unnoticeable, but over millions of years it can radically change the geography of the Earth.

During the Paleozoic era, there was a single continent of Pangea on the planet, washed on all sides by the waves of the World Ocean (scientists gave the ocean a separate name - Panthalassa). About 200 million years ago, the supercontinent split into two, which in turn also continued to fragment. Now the planet is facing a reverse process - another reunification of the land into a common colossal territory, which scientists have dubbed Neopangea (or Pangea Ultima).

It will look something like this: in 30 million years Africa will merge with Eurasia; in 60 million years Australia will crash into East Asia; in 150 million years Antarctica will join the Eurasian-African-Australian supercontinent; in 250 million years, both Americas will be added to them - the process of formation of Neopangea will be completed.

Continental drift and collisions will significantly affect the climate. New mountain ranges will appear, changing the movement of air currents. Due to the fact that ice will cover most of Neopangea, the level of the World Ocean will decrease noticeably. The global temperature of the planet will fall, but the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere will increase. In areas of tropical climate (and there will always be such areas, despite the cooling), an explosive multiplication of species will begin.

Insects (cockroaches, scorpions, dragonflies, centipedes) develop best in such an environment, and again, as during the Carboniferous period, they will become real “kings” of nature. At the same time, the central regions of Neopangea will be an endless scorched desert, since rain clouds simply will not be able to reach them. The temperature difference between the central and coastal regions of the supercontinent will cause monstrous monsoons and hurricanes.

However, Neopangea will not exist for long by historical standards - about 50 million years. Due to powerful volcanic activity, the supercontinent will be cut by colossal cracks, and parts of Neopangea will separate, setting off on a “free float.” The planet will again enter a period of warming, and oxygen levels will fall, threatening the biosphere with another mass extinction. Some chance of survival will remain for those creatures that adapt to life on the border of land and ocean - primarily amphibians.

New person

In the press and science fiction, one can find speculative statements that humans continue to evolve, and that in a few million years our descendants will be as different from us as we are from monkeys. In fact, human evolution stopped at the moment when we found ourselves outside of natural selection, gaining independence from environmental changes and defeating most diseases.

Modern medicine allows even such children to be born and grow up who would have been doomed to death in the womb. In order for a person to begin to evolve again, he must lose his mind and return to the animal state (before the invention of fire and stone tools), and this is practically impossible due to the high development of our brain. Therefore, if a new person ever appears on Earth, he is unlikely to come from our evolutionary branch.

For example, our descendants can enter into symbiosis with a closely related species: when a weaker but smart monkey controls a more massive and formidable creature, literally living on the back of its neck. Another exotic option is that a person will move to the ocean, becoming another marine mammal, but due to climate change and resource shortages, he will return to land in the form of a clumsy “aquatic biota” crawling in search of food. Or the development of telepathic abilities will direct the evolution of new people in an unexpected direction: communities of “hives” will arise in which individuals will be specialized, like bees or ants...

In 250 million years, the galactic year will end, that is, the Solar system will complete a revolution around the center of the Galaxy. By that time, the Earth will be completely transformed, and any of us, if he finds himself in such a distant future, will hardly recognize it as our home planet. The only thing that will remain at that time from our entire civilization is the small traces on the Moon left by American astronauts.

Paleontologists have found that mass extinctions of animals were a periodic phenomenon in the Earth's past. There are five mass extinctions: Ordovician-Silurian, Devonian, Permian, Triassic and Cretaceous-Paleogene. The worst was the “great” Permian extinction 252 million years ago, which killed 96% of all marine species and 70% terrestrial species animals. Moreover, it also affected insects, which usually manage to avoid the disastrous consequences of a biosphere catastrophe.

Scientists have not been able to determine the causes of the global pestilence. The most popular hypothesis states that the Permian extinction was caused by a sharp increase in volcanic activity, which changed not only the climate, but also the chemical composition of the atmosphere.

Anton Pervushin

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