Organization of different types of games in the summer in the dhow. Games for summer in kindergarten

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March 28th, 2011

Preschool children 4-5 years old will enjoy playing not only outdoor games, but also those that require thinking. It is recommended that the emphasis in games be on developing observation, memorization, logic, imagination and speech skills, and in outdoor games - on improving coordination, speed, dexterity and attentiveness.

Here are some suitable games:

  1. Cat and mouse

Active game. Develops agility, speed, and attentiveness. Can be successfully performed among a group of different ages. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
There are two variants of this game.
First. All but three players join hands and stand in an open circle. There is a “mouse” and two “cats” running around inside. The "cats" must catch up with the mouse, but it's not so easy, because... she can calmly run between the players in a circle, but they cannot. Afterwards, all three of them stand in a circle and new cat and mouse are selected.
Second option. In one corner there is a cat’s house, in another there is a mouse hole, in the third there is a pantry where small objects representing supplies are located. The cat falls asleep in the house, and the mice run from the hole to the pantry. When the presenter claps (or after the words of the rhyme), the cat wakes up and begins to catch mice that are trying to run to the hole. At first, the cat is played by one of the adults, who pretends to catch it, but allows the mice to escape. You can add verbal accompaniment to the game:
The cat guards the mice
Pretended to be asleep.
Now he hears - the mice have come out,
Slowly, closer, closer,
They are crawling out of all the cracks.
Scratch - scratch! Catch it quickly!

  1. Carousels

A calm and active round dance game. Develops coordination and synchronization of movements, dexterity, and attentiveness. Ability to control the power of your voice. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
The presenter and the children stand in a circle and everyone begins to slowly and quietly say the text:
Barely, barely
The carousels began to spin.
(At the same time, the players begin to move slowly in a circle)
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run.
(Both the tempo and strength of the voice increases, at the same time the speed of movement increases. The players start running) The next part is pronounced with a decrease in the tempo and strength of the voice:
Hush hush! Do not hurry!
Stop the carousel!
(With these words everyone stops).

  1. Kangaroo

Active game. Develops dexterity and speed in movements. Can be successfully performed among a group of different ages. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Two teams compete. Pinned with your feet Matchbox(or a similar object), you need to jump like a kangaroo to the opposite wall (or chair), stop and say loudly: “I am a kangaroo!” (this statement is also assessed by the presenter). Then you need to jump back and pass the box to your teammate. The winning team will receive prizes.

  1. Superfluous word

Quiet game. Develops attention, logic, the ability to combine objects into groups and select generalizing words. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Before the game starts, the host explains that in the Russian language there are words with similar meanings. The presenter lists 4 words for the children, and they name which one is superfluous and explain why they think so. You can play not only with nouns, but also with verbs and adjectives.

  1. Sweets

Quiet game. Teaches communication, the ability to formulate questions and answers. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Good game to start the holiday, allowing children to relax. Any candy or jelly beans will be required. Each child is offered to take as many candies as he wants. Then the plate with the treat is passed around. Then the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must answer a number of questions from others equal to the number of candies he took.

  1. Hot ball

Quiet game. Develops agility, speed and attentiveness. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Gambling: Everyone stands in a circle and passes the ball to each other to the music. When the music stops, the player who did not have time to pass the ball and remained with it in his hands is eliminated (you can be seated as an honorary spectator, you can take forfeits). The last participant left without a ball wins.

  1. Missing numbers

The presenter counts to 10, deliberately missing some numbers (or making mistakes). Players must clap their hands when they hear a mistake and call out the missing number.

  1. Pushinka

Quiet game. Develops discipline. Suitable for home.
An ancient Russian game. Teams stand opposite each other, between them there is a line that cannot be crossed (for example, a ribbon). The presenter throws a feather (you can use a fluffy piece of cotton wool) over the heads of the participants. The task: to blow it over to the enemy’s side. Attention, the team that stands over the ribbon or touches the feather with its hands is considered defeated.

  1. Chamomile

Quiet game. Allows you to relax. Suitable for home.
Suitable for the beginning of the holiday if guests feel constrained. For the game, a chamomile is prepared in advance from paper. The number of petals should be equal to the number of guests. On the back of each there are written easy funny tasks, for example, to crow, jump like a frog or on one leg, repeat a tongue twister, crawl on all fours, etc. Children tear off a petal and complete the task. If children do not yet know how to read, the task can be depicted in the form of a drawing or read to the presenter.

  1. Hedgehogs

Active game. Develops speed fine motor skills. Suitable for outdoor and indoor use.
Team game. It requires a 1.5 m rope and 30 multi-colored clothespins attached to it. Adults act as hedgehogs. Players run up to the stretched rope one at a time, as in a relay race, remove one clothespin at a time, run to the “hedgehogs” sitting on chairs and attach it to any place on their clothing or hairstyle. It’s good if the distance from the rope to the hedgehogs is 10 meters. The team whose hedgehog bristles better wins, i.e. who will have more clothespins- needles. The second team can be given a prize for the most original/cutest/fun hedgehog (depending on the circumstances).

  1. I'm coming, I'm coming

Active game. Develops speed and attention. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
A fun, emotional game that brings a lot of pleasure to young children. Children line up behind the leader in a chain. He walks and says the following words: “I go, I go, I go, I lead the children with me (an arbitrary number of times), and as soon as I turn around, I’ll immediately catch everyone.” Having heard the word “I’ll catch”, the children run to a pre-agreed safe place, and the leader catches them (for kids it’s better to pretend and let them run away). The game is well suited for the home, when the leader leads from room to room, repeating the first lines. When the cherished “I’ll catch you” is said, the children, screaming, rush through the entire apartment to the saving place.

  1. Spider and flies

Flickering game. Teaches children to run different directions, without colliding, and freeze on a signal. Develops coordination and attention. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
In one corner of the room (area) there is a web in which the “spider” sits. The rest of the children pretend to be flies: they run, circle around the room, and buzz. At the presenter's signal: "Spider!" the flies freeze in the place where the signal caught them. The spider comes out of the web and carefully looks to see who is moving. He takes the one who moves into his web.

  1. Who am I?

Quiet game. Develops logic, broadens horizons. Suitable for home.
Suitable for the start of the holiday. Upon entering, each child receives a new name - bear, fox, wolf, etc. A picture with a new name is attached to his back, he does not know about it until, with the help of leading questions, he finds out everything about himself from those around him. Alternatively, you can describe this animal only with adjectives (for example: cunning, red, fluffy... - fox). The task is to find out who we are talking about as quickly as possible.

  1. Seasons?

Quiet game. Develops attention, logic, broadens horizons. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
The host chooses any season and calls it to the players. Then he begins to list the phenomena and objects associated with this time of year. From time to time he says the wrong words. When children hear a word that is not related to this time of year, they should clap their hands.

  1. Edible - inedible?

Quiet game. Develops attention and logic. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
The presenter throws the ball to one of the players and says a word. The player must catch the ball if the word denotes an edible item, or throw it away if the item is inedible. The most attentive one wins. You can take forfeits from those who make mistakes, which are then used in secret to assign funny tasks.

  1. Obedient Shadow or Mirror

Quiet game. Develops attention. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Two players are selected (for example, using a counting rhyme), one is the shadow of the other. The “Shadow” should repeat the actions of the other player, synchronously if possible. If within a minute the player does not make a single mistake, he becomes the main player and chooses a shadow from among other players.

  1. Treasure search

Quiet game. Develops the ability to navigate in space, logic, attention, the ability to compare parts, and assemble a mosaic. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
A map of the place where the treasures are hidden (apartments or streets) is drawn up in advance, cut into pieces, each of which is obtained by the players as a reward for correctly guessing a riddle or completing a task. Having made a map like a puzzle, all those invited look for the treasure and discover something tasty or interesting. Before this game, it is better to practice and draw up a similar plan with the children, talking through how and what is indicated. It is important to draw children’s attention to the fact that the plan is like a view from above. If there is any difficulty in finding the treasure, the leader will help, directing the children in the right direction.

  1. Hot and cold

Quiet game. Develops logic. Suitable for home.
It will be suitable for the beginning of the holiday if you hide various souvenirs and trinkets in the room in advance. The arriving guest begins to look for the hidden prize, and the others tell him whether he is on the right track. If he approaches a hidden object, they shout “Warm,” if he is very close, “Hot,” if he moves away, “Cool” or completely “Cold.”

  1. Missing numbers

Quiet game. Develops attention and counting skills. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
The presenter counts, deliberately making mistakes or missing numbers. Players must clap their hands when they notice a mistake and correct it.

  1. Hurry up

Quiet game. Develops attention and fine motor skills. Suitable for home.
Cubes (or skittles, etc.) are laid out on the floor according to the number of players minus one. Players walk around to the music, and as soon as it dies down, they must grab the cube. Whoever doesn't get a die is eliminated (or gives away a forfeit).

  1. We won’t tell you where we were, we’ll show you what we did.

Quiet game. Develops motor skills, imagination, attention, broadens horizons. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
The presenter quietly tells the player the profession, so that others do not hear. The player says, “We won’t tell you where we were, what we did, we’ll show you,” and tries to show without words what people in this profession do. The rest are guessing. The player who guessed correctly shows next.

  1. In an old closet

Quiet game. Develops speech and the ability to distinguish parts of objects, broadens one's horizons. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
The presenter says together with the players:
In an old closet, at Grandma Anya's,
Where did I go -
Many miracles...
But they are all “without”...
Next, the presenter names the item, and the player to whom he points must say what part of the item may be missing. For example: a table without a leg, a dress without a pocket, etc.

Games for summer in kindergarten are extremely popular, because they allow children to have a fun time, and in addition, they help improve the knowledge and skills of every preschooler.

Games for summer in kindergarten

Options for children 3-4 years old

There are also many interesting entertainment options. With their help, the little ones will develop faster and improve their skills.

“Where is the house?”

A canopy should be erected on the site, which will serve as the roof of the house. Chairs are placed in the house and children sit on them. The teacher says “Go for a walk” and the children walk around the playground (jumping, running, dancing). Then the teacher says “It’s raining” and taps something on the wall of the veranda. The children immediately after the signal run into the house and sit on chairs.


Each player will play the role of a train carriage, and the teacher will be a locomotive. When the teacher beeps, the children line up behind him. At first, the train moves quite slowly, but over time it picks up speed - all participants run, but the children do not hold on to each other. Then the teacher says “The station is approaching!” and the train slows down, eventually the line stops. After the leader's beep, the movement resumes again. After several times, one of the preschoolers takes the place of the train.

Such fun will develop the children's reaction, ingenuity and memory, but each participant should determine their place in advance and every time the train must connect, each child must occupy a certain place in the trailer. To make the task more difficult, the leader can invite the trailers to disperse and “pick mushrooms,” “pick flowers,” or “catch” butterflies. After the conditional signal, you will need to gather in line again.

Games for the New Year in kindergarten

You can play fun games all year round, children especially like it, because at the end of the fun they will certainly receive gifts from a large bag. All these games can be adapted to the conditions of the group, because in autumn, winter, and spring it is necessary to develop dexterity, endurance, imagination and a sense of humor in children.

Tasks: develop attention, imagination, creative thinking, memory, tactile perception, ability to imitate movements, onomatopoeia; speed of reaction, sense of humor, endurance, ability to interact with fellow players.

Simon says

Children line up or stand in a “flock”. The teacher is in front. He gives the children different commands, starting with the introductory words: “Simon says.” For example: "Simon says, 'Touch your head with your hands!'" The movements are constantly changing, but introductory words definitely stay. If the teacher misses them and the child performs the movement, then he is eliminated from the game. Children are later chosen to replace the teacher as drivers. They use their names. For example: “Lena says: “Raise your right hand up!”.”

Mister Cat and Mister Bear

The teacher places several toys in the child’s field of vision. He then asks the child, “Find me a blue car, Mr. Bear!” The child should point to this object and say: “Look here, stomp, my dear Mr. Bear!”

Then it’s the baby’s turn and he says, “Find me a red bus, Mr. Bear!” And the teacher replies: “Here, Mister Cat!”

If the baby has difficulty pronouncing words, he can simply point at the object with a gesture.

This is silly

Meaningless combinations of words bring a cheerful smile to children. This game can be played roughly like this. The teacher says: “Today for breakfast we have fish in hats.” The child should answer something along the same lines, for example, “And for lunch we will have eggs in our boots.” The teacher plays along again: “Well, for dinner we’ll eat sandwiches with little bear cubs.”

Option. You can use other combinations of words. The teacher begins like this: “When I was so small, just as small as a pin, my crib was... a matchbox.” Or: “When I was like a pin, I lived in a shoebox.” The kids should come up with something like this.

John the bunny

The teacher reads a poem, and the children jump for each answer, clapping their hands above their heads.

- Is this John Bunny?

- Yes Yes Yes!

— Does it bounce like a ball?

- Yes Yes Yes!

-Did you come into our garden?

- Yes Yes Yes!

— Did you eat salad from the garden?

- Yes Yes Yes!

- And did you eat the peas?

- Yes Yes Yes!

- And another carrot?

- That's it!

But they will be empty (Children spread their arms wide to the sides.)


Who doesn't wash their ears?

The teacher asks the children questions to which they answer: “I” or remain silent. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game or punished with some funny task.

- Who loves chocolate?

-Who loves marmalade?

-Who likes pears?

- Who doesn’t wash their ears?

-Who loves pomegranate?

-Who loves grapes?

- Who loves apricots?

-Who doesn't wash their hands?

- Who helps mom?

- Who plays correctly?

- Who doesn't bite their lips?

-Who doesn't brush their teeth?

A gnome went for a walk

The teacher names something from clothes and shoes, and the children show what this thing is put on by clapping twice on this place. The teacher speeds up the pace, the children must keep up. Anyone who shows incorrectly or is late is eliminated or punished with a ridiculous punishment.

It is necessary to name a variety of types of clothing and shoes. For example: hat, cap, cap, Panama, scarf, hat, cap, helmet, helmet, skullcap, etc.

How are you?

The teacher asks the children questions, and they answer “That’s it!”, sticking out their thumb. If the question does not involve showing an affirmative movement of the finger, it is lowered down.

- How are you? - Like this! (Children show thumbs up.)

- Are you going?

- Do you sleep at night?

-Are you looking into the distance?

- How do you litter?

- Are you naughty?

— Do you care about animals?

- Do you fight with kids?

- How are you sitting?

- Are you rude to your mother?

- How are you fresh in the morning?

- Why don’t you eat anything all day?

— How dashingly do you eat chocolates?

- How do you not listen to adults?

Outdoor games in kindergarten are not only a sea of ​​positive emotions for the children who attend, but also an everyday necessity. The nature of young children simply does not allow them to stay in one place and forces them to move in any conditions and situations. And it is right. This determines development. The work of educators and the games themselves in kindergarten are designed to contribute in every possible way to the systematic physical education of preschool children.

And with the onset of such a wonderful time of year as summer, games in kindergarten that activate physical activity become the most accessible, natural and relevant, because they help to fully use favorable conditions to improve health and harden children.

The most enlivening and popular games for preschoolers are games with a ball in kindergarten. And their diversity will never allow you to spend time with this species sports equipment boring or irrelevant. Tossing, throwing, hitting the ball on the ground - all this is accompanied by cheerful recitation of poems, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, counting vegetables and listing names. Such games will captivate the most restless preschooler.

With balls different sizes develop attention, dexterity, and the ability to catch a moving object. And thanks to the rules, clear sequence and use of certain elements of the game, children’s memory is formed.

Relay races and competition games bring great joy to children. The guys are ready to participate in them around the clock. Fun competitions in running between pins and jumping over obstacles build character, independence in decision-making, and teach you to strive for your goal.


Participants are divided into two, or three teams of 10 people each. Each team is given a separate rope. The players stand on both sides of the rope, alternately holding onto it with their right or left hand. The task is to run to the finish line faster (distance 30-40 m), without letting go of the rope. The team that completes the distance first wins.

Relay in pairs

Teams stand in columns in pairs. Each pair needs to run around an object located on the other side of the site at a distance of six to eight meters. The next pair begins running only after the previous pair has crossed the start line upon their return. The winner is the team whose pairs cover the distance faster and do not separate their hands.


Teams are lined up in columns, one behind a line on one side of the court. There are five circles drawn on the opposite side. The first players in the column receive a bucket of vegetables. At a signal from an adult, children run and place vegetables in circles, as if planting them. The second numbers, having taken over the baton along with the bucket, collect vegetables and pass them on to the next players. The team that finishes the game first wins.

The sea is agitated once

On fresh air it’s very convenient to play catch-up, hide-and-seek, the game The sea is worried once... A large open area where bicycles can be used to represent urban transport allows for the playing of relevant games that teach traffic rules.

Water games

And the most favorite summer games in kindergarten are games with water. Of course, not every kindergarten can boast of its own swimming pool. But a way out of the situation can be found. Basins and buckets of water are brought outside, and preschool children splash around with pleasure, splashing each other with their wet palms. Children are often doused. And the importance of such events cannot be overestimated.

Tasks: develop dexterity, accuracy, spatial orientation, coordination of movements, auditory perception, attention, speed of reaction.

Fists and palms

The teacher reads a poem, and the children rhythmically perform movements, increasing speed and volume.

Everyone has two fists.

One slapped the other lightly:

Clap-clap (4 times).

Well, the palms are not far behind,

After them they beat merrily:

Clap-clap (4 times).

Fists beat faster

What they are trying to do:

Clap-clap (4 times).

And the palms are right there,

This is how they fall apart:

Clap-clap (4 times).

Fists let's get angry

They began to clap loudly:

Clap-clap (4 times).

And the palms are pampered

Also not far behind:

Clap and clap (4 times).

This is parsley

The presenter sings or speaks the proposed text, accompanying it with gestures. After each line, children say in chorus in a given rhythm. certain words, repeating the movements.

The rattle started playing:

- Clap! Clap! Clap! (Children clap their hands.)

Suddenly Marfushka stomped:

- Top! Top! Top! (They stomp.)

And the frog croaked:

- Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! (Depict a frog.)

The chatterbox answered her:

- Yes! Yes! Yes! (Nod their head.)

The mallet sounded:

- Knock! Knock! Knock! (Depict hammers.)

The cuckoo echoes us in response:

- Ku! Ku! Ku! (Fold their palms into a mouthpiece.)

The cannon fired loudly:

- Bang! Bang! Bang! (They hit the chest with their fists.)

And the old lady gasped:

- Ah! Oh! Oh! (They grab their heads.)

The heifer also mooed:

- Moo-moo-moo! (Show horns.)

The pig squealed with her:

- Oink oink oink! (Show the spots.)

The trinket rang:

- Blink-blink-blink! (They hit the knees.)

The jumper jumped:

- Jump-jump-jump! (They jump.)

Here's some parsley:

- All! All! All! (Clap overhead.)

Birdie, squeak!

One of the players, the driver, is blindfolded. The rest of the children sit in a circle on chairs (or benches on the veranda).

The driver approaches any of the participants in the game, sits on his lap and asks: “Bird, squeak!” He should make a squeak. In this case, you can change your voice. The driver must guess whose lap he sat on.

If the driver managed to see in what order the participants of the game are sitting, he can, of course, take advantage of this. To avoid this, after blindfolding, you need to turn the driver several times, or the teacher can invite the children to change places.

If there is no place to seat the children in the area, they can stand in a circle, and the driver can walk inside the circle or behind it, without sitting on his knees, and touch the child’s hands or hug him from behind.

Jacobina, where are you? (Zhmurki)

Two participants in the game - a boy and a girl - are given the same names (for example, Jacob and Jacobina, Valentin and Valentina, etc.) and are blindfolded.

The rest of the children stand in a circle.

The boy asks: “Jacobina, where are you?” The girl responds: “I’m here, Jacob!” — and she quickly runs away to the side. Jacob must catch Jacobina.

It is important that he endlessly asks where Jacobina is at the moment. Both participants in the game should try to move as silently as possible.

As soon as Jacobina is caught, both blindfolded drivers choose new drivers from the children standing in the circle.

Only Jacob can be blindfolded. In this case, the child must be dexterous.

The circle should be large enough for children to move around within it, but not too large.

Fire water!

A driver is selected and escorted to another part of the site (out the door). Children hide a small object in the area or in the room. The driver must find him. The search area must be limited.

The participants in the game help the driver with their comments: “Water!” or “It’s cold!” when the driver moves away from the hidden object; "Fire!" or "It's hot!" when approaching him; "Hearth!" or “It’s hot!” if the driver came very close to the hiding place.

Hidden shoe

Children sit closely in a circle on the grass. Children's knees are tucked to their chest so that a shoe can be slipped under them. The driver is inside the circle.

The players pass the shoe to each other. They try to do this as unnoticeably as possible for the driver.

The driver is constantly trying to guess where the shoe is at the moment. As soon as this is successful, he sits in the circle instead of the player who had the shoe, and he becomes the driver.


Children are divided into pairs. One sits in the “fetal” position: he raises his knees and tilts his head towards them, his feet are firmly pressed to the floor, his hands are clasped around his knees, his eyes are closed.

The second one stands behind, puts his hands on the shoulders of the person sitting and carefully begins to slowly rock him, like a swing, for 2-3 minutes, making the sound: “Creak-creak.” The rhythm is slow, the movements are smooth.

The person sitting should not cling to the floor with their feet and open their eyes.

A swinging child can recite lines from E. Alyabyeva’s poem “The Swing”:

Kach-kach-kach - the swing is flying,

So breathtaking!

My heart beats faster and faster:

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock.


The presenter stands in the center of the circle, says and imitates the flight of a crow and plucking its wings:

The crow sits on the roof

She plucks her wings.

Sirlalala, sirlalala!

Then very quickly and unexpectedly he says:

- Who will sit down first?

- Who will get up first?

Those who are late to carry out the command do some funny task.


The teacher invites the children to consider who is wearing what clothes, what shoes, what color it is. For older children, you can also use finishing elements and accessories.

When the teacher says: “Touch the one who has... (blue T-shirt)!”, everyone should run up to the participant in the blue T-shirt and gently touch him. The participant must immediately stand up and not move.

You can use rhyme:

Blue, blue, smile

Come back to us soon!

Duck, duck... goose

The participants of the game stand in a circle. The leader is inside the circle.

The presenter walks in a circle, points with his hand and says: “Duck, duck, duck... goose.”

The goose takes off and runs away in the opposite direction from the leader. The players' task is to take the vacant seat.

The whole difficulty of the game is that at the meeting place the competitors must take each other’s hands, curtsy, smile and greet: “ Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening!”, and then rush to the free space again.

Greetings and curtsies must be performed clearly and loudly.


Option 1. Children stand in a circle, close their eyes and, stretching their arms forward, converge in the center. Right hand everyone takes the hand of any other child. Left hand left for someone to take on. After this, everyone opens their eyes.

An adult helps the children so that only one child holds one hand. This creates confusion.

The children's task is to untangle themselves without letting go.

Option 2. A driver is selected and leaves the room (a place where children are not visible). The rest of the children join hands and stand in a circle. Without unclenching their hands, they begin to get entangled as best they can.

When confusion has formed, the driver returns back and tries to untangle the tangle of hands without unclenching them.

Rip off your hat

Children are divided into pairs. They should be approximately the same height. They have funny or real hats on their heads. The left hand (for left-handers - the right) of each is tied to the body, and the right (left) is free.

The players' task is to take off their opponent's hat and not allow theirs to be taken off.

Glue rain

Children stand one after another and hold on to the shoulders of the person in front. In this position they overcome various obstacles.

1. Get up and get off the chair or bench.

2. Crawl under arches or tables.

3. Go around the “wide lake”.

4. Hide from “wild animals”, etc.

The younger the children, the easier the tasks.

During the game, children should not become detached from their partner.


The players form a circle, holding the tied cord with their hands. The driver, moving inside the circle in different directions, tries to unexpectedly hit someone on the hand. Players must quickly withdraw their hands to avoid being hit (but immediately return them to their previous position). The one whom the driver hit takes his place inside the circle, and the game continues.


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