Glazing a balcony with your own hands: tips and recommendations for preparation, step-by-step installation instructions. How to glaze a balcony with your own hands

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An unglazed balcony does not fully perform its functions. It seems that you can perform some actions on it, but there is always a fear that bad weather, or neighbors on the upper floors will make some adjustments to your plans. It cannot be used as a place to store things either. In order to protect a piece of your space, it’s right by decision There is balcony glazing.

There are a huge number of options for glazing balconies, you can see this by looking photo in the article, but the most interesting is independent conduct such repair work.

Preliminary measurements and calculations

Before you perform plastic glazing balcony, you need to clearly understand what dimensions windows are needed. To do this, we remove the previous glazing, if there was any, of course, and dismantle the frame and fastenings. We remove everything completely so that the ceiling from above and the base of the parapet are visible.

The next step is to directly measure all the required dimensions: from the ceiling to the parapet, and between two walls. It is also important to make sure that the parapet is horizontal using a level. After all, if there is a misalignment of more than 15 mm, the frame may simply not fit into the slot.

Preparatory work

At DIY balcony glazing preliminary work boils down to preparing the parapet for the future installation of a window frame. Carefully inspect the parapet; if you have any doubts about the strength and stability of its base, it is better to make a new one. To do this, we remove the old one, and in its place we put a new one in one brick, everything is strictly level.

After this, we make a frame to install the frame around the entire perimeter of the parapet. For this purpose, a metal corner with a cross section of 0.5 cm, which is screwed to the parapet using dowels, is perfect.

If you are satisfied with the old parapet, then if there is a gap, you need to seal it using a galvanized sheet. To do this, we measure the size of the gap, after which we insert a pre-cut piece of galvanized steel with outside under the railing and fix it with self-tapping screws. This type of work is best done with a partner.

The process of glazing a balcony with your own hands

  1. We take the glass unit out of the frame to lighten the weight by 25-30 kg. To do this, pull the glazing bead that is directed along the window, pull out the glass and place it next to it on the cleaned floor. The opening doors can be left with double-glazed windows.
  2. We remove the sash from the frame: push the rod in the upper hinge towards the bottom, then tilt the sash and lift it 3-5 cm, finally removing the sash from the lower hinge.
  3. We attach a plastic stand profile for the bottom of the frame.
  4. We install fasteners for the frame. Step back 150 mm from all extreme positions of the frame and, using silver self-tapping screws and a drill at least 3 cm long, secure the fasteners.
  5. We mount the frame into the opening. To do this, we secure the mounting plates with self-tapping screws.
  6. We assemble the frames into one whole using self-tapping screws. Check verticality and horizontality.
  7. We attach the frame to the parapet with anchors.
  8. We foam the cracks and install the canopy.
  9. We insert double-glazed windows and hang the sashes.
  10. After checking the tight fit of the closed sashes and the full functionality of all elements, we install the ebb and window sill.

To ensure that the balcony area does not remain ownerless, you can carry out some work to transform it and turn it into a small, but very functional room. Since this room is not heated, first of all it needs to be glazed and insulated.

It can be possible to do it yourself if you study in detail the instructions for carrying out this process. But when the window frames are already installed and glazed, work on further insulation and decorative design Nothing will disturb the premises - neither rain nor wind.

Types of glazing

If you decide to renovate, you need to start by choosing the type of glazing. It can be traditional - using ordinary wooden frames or Euro-frames - aluminum, metal-plastic and wooden with the installation of double-glazed windows. In addition, glazing can be frameless, insulated and cold.

Warm and cold glazing

Glazing of balconies can be cold or warm, and both are done both when installing conventional wooden frames and more advanced ones.

  • Cold glazing includes the installation of wooden frames with ordinary glass or Euro-frames – also with one hermetically sealed installed glass. It is used if the balcony is not planned to be used year-round as a living space.
The simplest glazing is the “cold” type

A balcony made in this way should not have any special requirements for maintaining temperature. Frames can only make the room neat and protected from wind and dust, and somewhat reduce the penetration of sounds from the street.

Cold glazing does not require additional insulation measures. The only thing that can be done is to arrange for comfort wood flooring on the floor.

  • glazing is necessary if the balcony or loggia will be combined with one of the rooms. The entire room must be insulated with one or another thermal insulating materials.

With this change in layout, frames with double-glazed windows with triple glazing are installed.

  • Warm insulation requires a more serious approach.

If one of the Euro glazing options is selected, then you need to purchase frames with thermo-in rates that fit between the profile and the double-glazed window.

Double-glazed windows should have one, or better yet, two vacuum chambers- this choice will depend on weather conditions region.

Further, when creating a warm room, you must remember that you cannot allow the so-called “dew point” formed indoors. Failure to comply with this condition will lead to the appearance of dampness and mold due to the formation of condensation - first on the balcony, and then in the room.

It is impossible to allow the formation of a “dew point” between the glass installed on frames located outside the perimeter of the balcony. In this case, achieving the correct balance of temperature effects on windows is much more difficult, since they can be cooled not only through the glass, but also from the lower and upper end sides. Therefore, you need to carefully consider their insulation.

If wooden frames are chosen, then you will need to “conjure” by installing good insulation between them, as well as a seal between the frame and the glass.

To prevent mold stains from appearing on the balcony, it is necessary to take a number of measures to help avoid dampness:

- sealing cracks and gaps in the floor and walls of the room before insulating it;

— waterproofing of the floor and balcony parapet;

— organization of effective ventilation.

Ventilation is one of the main conditions for preventing the formation of condensation. But in order not to cool down the insulated room, it must be adjustable:

— on Euro-windows it is installed in the upper horizontal part of the profile;

— when installing wooden frames that are tightly closed for the winter, you need to build a through ventilation valve with an adjustable damper into one of the upper sections of the window or wall.

Prices for ventilation units

Ventilation units

Traditional wooden frames with glazing

IN last years This option for protecting the balcony from rain, wind and snow is becoming a thing of the past, but still some apartment owners prefer it due to the low cost of the material and the ability to carry out the process independently.

“Classics of the genre” - wooden frames

Such glazing will not save you from frost and will not make the balcony warmer in winter period, and also will not create effective sound insulation from external noise, but will become an obstacle to dust, wind and precipitation. In winter, a balcony protected in this way can only be used as a refrigerator.

Nevertheless, if you install double wooden frames, insulate them well, as well as the walls, floor and ceiling, and install heating devices, then in not very cold times you can use the balcony as a living room.

Glazing of wooden balcony frames is not quick, since in each of them you need to install a separate glass with a special putty, securing it with nails driven through a glazing bead. It should be noted that this process is very tedious and requires the highest accuracy.

The disadvantages of such glazing also include the difficulty of putting the glass in order, especially if double frames are installed, twisted together. In addition, wooden frames require special processing and periodic painting.

Metal-plastic windows

Euro-glazing called the installation of metal-plastic frames with double-glazed windows. This method of transforming a balcony will cost much more, but it also has much more advantages over wooden frames.

Modern approach- metal-plastic frames

Double-glazed windows installed in metal-plastic profiles can have single, double or triple glazing. The advantages of this type of glazing are:

  • Aesthetic and neat design.
  • The tightness of Euro-frames allows you to create effective heat and sound insulation, preventing precipitation, wind, dirt and dust from entering the premises. At additional insulation all walls and ceiling, the balcony becomes a full-fledged room in which you can arrange an office, workshop, greenhouse or quiet relaxation area.
  • If you know the installation process of Euro-frames, then you can install them quite quickly yourself.
  • Ease of care will allow you to tidy them up more often and quickly.
  • Frames do not require additional annual insulation and painting.
  • By installing special locks on opening sashes of windows, you will not be afraid that a child will be able to open the frame on their own.

Aluminum frames

Frames made of aluminum are currently quite popular for installation on balconies. They are used for both cold and warm glazing. In the first case, options with single or double glazing are used. But when organizing a warm room, frames with thermal inserts.

Aluminum frames can be installed on parapets, or the structure can be composed of them panoramic glazing. It should be noted that in the latter case, the thermal insulation of the balcony is reduced, since the metal has a very high thermal conductivity.

When using aluminum frames, it is recommended to leave part of the balcony closed and install glazing only in front of the parapet. This design is called a “French balcony”.

Advantages of aluminum frames:

  • This metal is very light, and at the same time has high mechanical strength.
  • Aluminum has good heat resistance, it does not burn, and is not susceptible to corrosion.
  • The service life of such structures is on average 50 ÷ 70 years.
  • The lightness of aluminum allows the use of structures made from it in conditions where heavier frames, for example, made of metal-plastic or metal-wood, cannot be used due to their greater weight. This speaks in favor of such frames for installation on balconies - no additional reinforcements are required, which will save some money.
  • Aluminum frames do not require painting and are easy to maintain.
  • The balcony, glazed with aluminum frames, receives good sound insulation.

Frameless glazing

Frameless glazing of balconies is used infrequently, as it more new technology , but already gaining popularity. Glazing can be made from ceiling to floor or installed on a parapet.

Frameless glazing not only visually expands the space of a small balcony room, but also perfectly protects it from dust and external noise. It is perfect for the room where you plan to grow various plants- due to the absence of frames, they will receive sunlight in maximum volume

Frameless glazing is characterized by the following qualities:

  • For this transparent balcony fencing, tempered glass is used, which is 8 to 10 times more impact-resistant and durable than regular glass, so it can withstand very high loads.
  • It is impossible to get hurt with such glass panels, since all their edges are rounded and polished in a special way.
  • Such glazing is simply operation - design it is designed in such a way that it is easy to open and close, since each of the panels slides on rollers along a metal rail.
  • Glass fencing takes up practically no space, while frames always “eat up” 50 ÷ 100 mm of area around the entire perimeter, and so on small room. This is especially true for glazing installed from floor to ceiling.
  • High sound insulation – noise absorption efficiency reaches 50–70%.

Glazing with roof arrangement

The real problem is a balcony that does not have a roof. Rain and snow, dust and leaves from the trees - it all collects on this small area. Such a balcony cannot be used functionally, you cannot rest on it, leave clothes to dry, and in rainy weather you cannot even go out on it.

Therefore, the apartment owner has to solve the problem himself by installing the roof and glazing the balcony.

Roofs over a balcony in combination with glazing can be of two types:

  • A dependent roof is installed only when installing aluminum frames. It is attached to the block built from them and the wall of the house.

The advantages of this design include its reliability, ease and speed of installation at a fairly reasonable price.

The disadvantages of a dependent roof include the fact that it can only be installed over narrow balconies and loggias. When installed above wide extensions, the structure becomes unreliable and is unlikely to be able to withstand snow load in winter.

  • An independent roof is different in that its installation is not associated with the glazing of the balcony. An individual metal or wooden frame, That there is something that can be done roof, without even planning further glazing.

The advantage of this roof is that it can be installed over a balcony of any width, the main thing is to correctly calculate the strength of the structure. In addition, if it is not possible to install both the glazing and the roof at once, then you can install the roof first, and then the balcony frames.

Building a roof over a balcony at a height is a rather dangerous undertaking, so it is recommended to entrust this work to professional craftsmen. Moreover, you first need to carry out accurate calculations brackets and the entire frame so that the structure is not blown away by the wind one day.

Window prices

Safety precautions when working on the balcony

When planning balcony glazing, always remember the dangers of working at height. Not only do you need to protect your life or health, you must not allow threats to other people, for example, in the form of tools or construction materials falling from a height.

  • At independent execution work on insulation and glazing of a balcony requires extreme caution, especially in cases where any processes are carried out with outside. You should not take risks and fully rely on your strength and dexterity - you must definitely protect yourself with a safety belt. The belt is purchased industrial or sports, and the fastening must withstand a load of 350 ÷ 400 kg, which must be indicated in the certificate. If such information is missing, then this product is not worth purchasing.

In addition, you should definitely consult with a sales consultant who will clearly show you how to use this safety device.

  • Not worth it do work alone - you must definitely invite a partner who can, if necessary, provide backup - this should be taken into account both for work outside the balcony and when installing frames and double-glazed windows.
  • To protect your hands when working with glass and metal, you must use gloves made of durable material.

Balcony glazing stages

Unlike a loggia, where one of the sides is glazed, on a balcony frames have to be installed on three sides. The work is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to correctly align each of the structural elements and make a reliable connection at the corners. Moreover, during installation you need to take into account that only the end frames will be rigidly fixed to the wall.

The front part of the structure has maximum size and weight, therefore it also differs in windage. It must be installed extremely carefully and immediately firmly fixed not only to the balcony parapet, but also to the slab of the upper balcony (or to the canopy).

Frame blocks can be purchased at finished form or order from the company that manufactures them, indicating the exact dimensions of the balcony. You can install ready-made blocks yourself if you carefully study the instructions.

Frame installation

Before carrying out, it is necessary to glaze it. The explanation is simple - you can’t create a risk of getting wet insulation materials- they will simply lose their qualities.

The installation of frames is carried out according to the same principle, but the preparation of the base for them may vary. For example, frames can be installed on the base of a balcony, on a fence (parapet) or moved outside the perimeter.

Direct installation of frames - and with a slight offset

Preparing to install the structure on the parapet

It’s good if the balcony parapet is made of brick or concrete - in this case it will be easier to secure the frames to a fence of sufficient width. It is more difficult to resolve this issue if the parapet is made of a metal angle and rod.

In this option, it is advisable to carry out preparatory work by slightly expanding the base for the convenience of fastening the frame structures. This could be installing an additional corner with a wider shelf. One side of it is placed outward, creating a kind of fence for the lower profile of the frame. In the same way, you can secure the corners in the upper part.

The corners are screwed with self-tapping screws in increments of 150 ÷ ​​200 mm from each other to the top of the parapet.

Metal elements must be well coated protective paint. It will not only reduce the influence of the external environment, but also give the structure a more aesthetic appearance.

Wider brackets installed to expand the base under the frame structure will also serve to secure the window sill inside the balcony.

Preparing to install frames on the base of the balcony

In this option, you need to take into account the height to which it will be raised. For example, if you plan to raise it by 100 mm, then a block of the same size is fixed around the perimeter of the balcony. It will be easier to install glazing frames on such a base.

Frames can go panoramic: from top to bottom

At the top of the balcony, metal corners, wooden blocks can be used to secure the frames, or the frames can be screwed to the ceiling using special brackets. If it will also be insulated, then it will be necessary to include it in the scheme installation of the block, which will set the thickness of the insulating layer.

Preparing the parapet base for installing frames with offset

When expanding the upper part of the balcony by moving the frames beyond its perimeter, you will have to build more complex design to install them.

Installation is usually carried out using a metal corner, from which a kind of shelf is made.

If not welding machine or welding skills, then you can build such a structure from metal profile, strengthening it with a wooden block, laying it in the cavity of the profile and securing it to the parapet and floor of the balcony.

Using only a profile, it is impossible to obtain sufficient rigidity of the structure, and if you install it only from a bar, then under the influence of the external environment the frame with thanet will be less durable.

Brackets installed outside the parapet should be made in the form of triangles - this will give the greatest rigidity to the frame.

Ready frame- bottom view

The upper, protruding part of the structure is also mounted from corners, connecting them horizontally with the visor, and vertical posts– with the lower part of the frame. It is best to additionally attach corners to the load-bearing wall of the house to the height of the entire balcony and fasten them to the structure of the protruding part - this option will give the frame maximum reliability.

If aluminum frames are used for glazing, for which it is not necessary to install a common frame, then they can be secured in the upper part using metal strips. They are screwed to the end side of the frame and to the upper balcony (to the roof).

Video: example of balcony glazing with extension

Balcony extension

If there are plans to increase the area of ​​the balcony, then its floor slab must be thoroughly strengthened so that the main load from the entire structure is removed from it. The possibility of this action must be agreed upon with specialists, as this will require an accurate engineering calculation of whether it will withstand bearing wall additional workload at home.

The expansion is carried out using a metal structure, which will be attached to the wall of the building with the frame moved beyond it for installation of frames. Similar method will help increase the area at the base of the room by 200 ÷ 300 mm in width, and the window sill in the upper part beyond the balcony - by 200 ÷ 250 mm.

Frame fastening

Frames (wooden or other) are fastened according to the same principle - using special perforated metal strips and anchor screws.

Attaching the brackets to the frame - on a wooden...

TO end sides At the top and bottom of the frame, fastening strips of the required length are screwed. They are often used to mount the sides of the frame. On each side you will need two to three strips for fastening.

...or metal-plastic

If necessary, wooden spacers and stands are installed between the frame and the wall to help achieve the desired position.

Often used to attach frames to the wall anchors, for which the necessary holes are drilled. In this case, it is very important to select an element of the required length, since it must enter the wall at least 50 ÷ 60 mm.

Complex knots when installing frames on balcony are the angles. To connect them and fix them together, you can use several techniques:

  • Use special corner profile, which is built in during the manufacture of frames.

  • Install on corners metal corner 80 ÷ 100 mm in size, and attach the frames to it. First, the corner must be painted with a special protective paint.
  • Attach frames to wooden block, disguised plastic panels from outside and inside after installation.
  • It is easier to solve the problem with wooden frames - they are fastened together with corners or a wooden block.

But here it should be noted that if the glazing is carried out along the entire perimeter of the room, it will not be warm, since it is impossible to create the necessary insulation at such connection angles.

After installing the frames, all gaps between the walls and frame profiles are filled with polyurethane foam. If the gaps are very wide, in order to save money, you can first install fragments of expanded polystyrene in some places of the gaps, and then apply polyurethane foam.

Glazing of frames

After the polyurethane foam has dried and cut off the excess, you can begin installing double-glazed windows in Euro frames or cut glass - into regular wooden structures.

When installing double-glazed windows into existing frames, it is very important to follow all recommendations.

Before installing a double-glazed window, special spacers must be placed in the lower inner part of the frame. pads. They are also sometimes placed on the sides and top, between the frame and the glass unit.

Lay the gaskets so that they With from the insulating glass package was distributed evenly along the entire length of the frame profile. One of the sides of the gasket should protrude slightly beyond the perimeter of the glass package. This must be done so that when the bead is driven in, cracks do not form on the glass. When driving it, the bead will select the final location of the lining, moving it to the required (but not more than) certain distance.

Next, a double-glazed window is carefully installed on top of the gaskets. For ease of installation, professionals use special suction cups. They help to easily lift a fairly heavy element and install it in the frame opening.

Having installed the double-glazed window, using wooden hammer the glazing beads are hammered in. They must fit tightly into the gap intended for them and press the glass unit against the frame.

After the installation of double-glazed windows is completed, they proceed to installing the window sill and insulating the ceiling, floor and walls.

Glazing of a wooden frame

To glaze a wooden frame, you will need small nails, wooden glazing beads, a rubber spatula, putty or sealant, drying oil and a narrow brush.

When installing glass in a wooden frame on a balcony, you may encounter one discrepancy, which is considered the rule in this work. Beads that fix glass in window opening must be nailed from the outside in order to protect the frame from moisture penetration, which is not always possible to reproduce in a balcony located above the first floor.

If the frames are small, then glazing can be done before the frame is installed on the parapet.

If the wooden structure is massive, pre-installed glass will make it even heavier and lifting it will not only be problematic, but also dangerous. Therefore, you will have to install the glass into the frame from the inside, and there is nothing wrong with this if this process is carried out correctly.

The first thing you need to do before installing glass is to treat all window openings in the frames with drying oil, applying it with a narrow brush. Then you need to wait until the composition penetrates into the wood and dries.

If the frames are painted, then next step On top of the drying oil, paint is applied to the frame openings, which should also dry well.

After this, it is applied to the opening folds using rubber spatula a uniform layer, 2.5 ÷ 3 mm thick, putty. This will prevent water from getting between the glass and the frame.

Then the glass, prepared to size, is installed in the frame opening, on a soft, uncured putty, and gently presses himself against her.

Next, another layer of putty is applied to the inside of the glass, and a glazing bead is installed on it, which is nailed very carefully with nails. The nails are installed on the bead vertically or horizontally, since if they are driven in at an angle, the glass can easily be damaged.

You can do without putty by using a silicone tube in its place, which is cut On the one side along the entire length and put on the edges of the glass.

Another option for installing glass in a frame is to fix it only on putty, which is applied under the glass, and then on it in a fairly thick layer, and carefully leveled.

Sometimes they do without glazing beads - just a layer of putty

From modern materials To seal the gaps between the frame and the glass, a sealant is used. Many are afraid that it will stick tightly to the glass, and if necessary, it will be difficult to remove it from the opening. To prevent this from happening, lubricate the glass along the edge with soapy water or liquid soap, and after that they adhere to the sealant and fix it with glazing bead, which is also nailed down with nails.

By following the recommendations and knowing some secrets, you can glaze the balcony yourself without any problems. At the same time, the biggest difficulty remains the factor of working at height - this is very important to take into account. If you have absolutely no skills in working with tools and building materials, it is recommended to entrust this process to professional craftsmen. Moreover, today some companies producing Euro-frames provide free installation when ordering their products.

Video: the work of professionals on glazing and insulating balconies

The renovation is in full swing and it’s time to improve the balcony? Of course, modern diversity in the services market makes you tense. Everyone wants quality and cheap. How about making your own balcony glazing? Let's figure it out together.

Stage one – preparation.

It is impossible to do without this. It is important that the balcony does not collapse under the weight of the structure, the windows do not fly out at the first wind, and the cladding does not come off as quickly as it is being installed.

Technical analysis is one of the components of the initial actions. Grade design features, the percentage of dilapidation (unsafety) of the living space - these parameters will allow us to draw a conclusion about whether the design of the house is designed for the fact that there will be an additional load on the balcony in the form of glazing.

Having made sure that all this will definitely not collapse, we move on to additional strengthening of the parapet. Depending on the future load, reinforcement is carried out using foam concrete blocks or metal.

Which material to choose? The answer depends on your goals and technical capabilities Houses. Metal will be universal, suitable even for extremely dilapidated balconies.

How to do this is detailed in the diagram. Let us only note that durable metal structure“ties” the parapet and is able to take on the main load of the glazing system.

If your balcony is strong and wide, then you can use foam blocks. This material also serves as excellent thermal insulation. But such a structure requires strengthening with reinforcement. Otherwise, the desired effect will not occur.

After the preparatory work is completed, you can, without fear, deal directly with what, in fact, everything was started for.

Stage two – design selection.

  • Wooden Euro-windows have a long service life, so you don’t have to worry that they will rot or dry out under the influence of external factors.
  • Aluminum frames are cheap, lightweight and are most often used for cold glazing.
  • If we take PVC, then they have a wide range in the area additional functions– sound insulation, thermal insulation, imitation of a certain style in architecture, etc. Of course, they are heavier than aluminum and are used for warm glazing.

How are things going with the lighting in the room? In addition to frames, you should also pay attention to glass. You have a sunny side, but on the balcony you want to do game room? So that the baby's delicate skin is not exposed to ultraviolet rays, solar control glasses are used, which, through special technology covered with film.

How energy saving glass works

This glass absorbs almost 99.9% of radiation. Or maybe the balcony is a future greenhouse? For this purpose, tinted glass is used, which does not sun rays penetrate through glass and create a “magnifying glass” effect.

Colored glass and stained glass are ideas for specific styles of both interior and exterior. Well, and finally, energy-saving windows. Factory applied to the glass surface the thinnest layer metal that retains heat indoors.

Glass, structure, reinforcement - all preparatory issues have been covered, the decision has been made. All that remains is to understand how it can be glazed. To do this, we move on to the next stage.

Video - what is energy-saving glass and what are its capabilities:

Stage three – choosing a glazing method.

The variety is amazing, just look at the neighboring house. There’s a lot you won’t see there, but let’s focus on the ways.

a) With take-out. Inner space becomes wider due to removal window profile(relative to the main fence). The increase is insignificant - 20-25 cm. A window sill can be placed on such a frame.

b) Frameless. In essence, it turns out panoramic window without vertical frames and horizontal partitions. A large number of light is a plus. Problem with care (for example, washing) is a minus. The design is quite durable, so there is no need to worry about bad weather.

Stage four – installation of the visor.

This should be done before the glazing system is installed, so that later you don’t have to think about how to stick it there so that it doesn’t come off. Using regular dowel nails, we attach it to the ceiling.

After the canopy is secured, you can begin glazing, but first, you should secure the anchor plates on all sides except the bottom.

Video - installation of a loggia with a canopy:

Stage five - step-by-step instructions for glazing.

Of course, the balcony must be cleared of everything that was previously there: chairs, flowers, linoleum, tiles, old junk And so on. The issue of strengthening was previously touched upon, so we will omit the description of this procedure.

Installation of wooden windows.

Correct installation according to GOST

Installation of the frame. The beams that serve as the base are pre-treated with sealant (but only the mounting surface). Next, a wooden structure is constructed around the perimeter using mounting dowels.

Window installation. The frames must be glazed, as the glass may simply break. Installation is carried out in the following sequence: front structure - side elements.

Afterwards, it is necessary to seal the seams using sealant and polyurethane foam. When everything has hardened (at least a day), you can glaze. But first all grooves must be processed silicone sealant. The beads used to secure the glass must press it tightly against the frame.

Video - how to glaze a balcony with wooden windows:

Installation of aluminum frame.

  1. We eliminate everything unnecessary, namely: we remove all opening elements, so as not to complicate our life, we remove the glazing, as in the previous case.
  2. Mounting plates are attached to the frame (using metal screws), with a pitch of 700 mm or more.
  3. Installation of the frame in the opening, followed by alignment (horizontal, vertical, plane).
  4. Fastening mounting plates to surfaces using dowels.
  5. We hang the sashes and return the glass.
  6. All holes and gaps are eliminated using polyurethane foam.

Video - how to install aluminum frame with your own hands:

Accommodation in conditions big city living in apartments is associated with a number of problems, the main one of which is considered to be the lack of living space. Many owners use the balcony to store various things in order to free up some space in the rooms where they spend most of their time. However, wind, rain and cold do not always allow this. Do-it-yourself balcony glazing will help solve this problem, at least partially.

The most simple type designs is the so-called cold glazing. IN in this case We are talking about the use of thin single-layer frames, which is why the balcony can only be fully used in the warm season. Such structures can reliably protect against dust, wind, birds and insects (this is provided correct installation), but they will not help with thermal insulation.

The main advantage of cold glazing is low cost

A more expensive option is warm glazing. To carry out this procedure, full-fledged frames with double-glazed windows for 2-3 chambers are used. In this case, we can already talk about a full-fledged additional room in which you can arrange a corner for relaxation, a small office, a greenhouse, and so on. In some cases, the balcony is even attached to the living room after this procedure.

Also, different frames can be used for glazing:

Installing frameless windows allows you to create panoramic view, but requires professional equipment

Important! Before choosing the final glazing option, you need to soberly weigh your strengths and capabilities. If there is any doubt, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists.

Installation of wooden frames

This procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. The first step is to strengthen the base. To do this, first install exterior siding, which is held on a metal handrail. Then a special timber structure is installed inside the balcony. This structure is insulated, after which the same beam is fixed strictly above this structure on the ceiling with brackets.
  2. Wooden frames are treated with an antiseptic compound, after which they are painted or varnished.
  3. Bushings or bolts are installed in special holes at the top and bottom of the frame, after which they are “planted” in their place, secured in the previously installed beams.
  4. Thin ones are inserted into the cracks wooden slats and with their help they level the position of the frame.
  5. Galvanized canopies are installed outside the windows to protect the wooden structure from moisture.

Glazing of wooden frames

Glazing a loggia with your own hands requires the following tools and materials:

  • Hammer, nails and glazing beads.
  • Rubber spatula, putty or putty.
  • Drying oil and paint brush.

When installing glass in wooden frames, one problem very often arises - the inability to install glazing beads with reverse side blind window on floors above the first. If the frames are small, then it is better to first put glass in them, and then carry out the installation. But if we are talking about large massive structures, then placing them on a base with glass is not only difficult, but also dangerous. Therefore, installation will have to be carried out from the inside.

One of the main problems of installing glass in wooden frames is installing glazing beads on the back side

Installation Guide:

  • First you need to moisten the brush in drying oil and treat the window openings with it. It should be applied in one layer, but without gaps. After the material has dried (the time is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging), you can begin painting.
  • To do this, they also use a brush, which carefully paints all the openings and leaves to dry.
  • After this, putty or a special putty is applied to the folds of the opening, which will close the gaps between the glass and the frame, preventing water from entering and drafts.
  • Next, the trimmed glass is installed in the frame and pressed against the putty.
  • Then another layer of putty is applied, but on the glass itself, closer to the frame.
  • A glazing bead is placed on the putty strip and carefully nailed with small nails.

Putty performs the main function in fixing glass

On a note! The nails must be driven strictly vertically or horizontally, since driving them at an angle can damage the glass.

Alternative options

Instead of putty, you can also use a silicone tube, which is cut and laid in the same way as putty, and then pressed with glass. In addition, you can do without driving nails. To do this, apply a thick layer of putty to the glass, after which it is carefully leveled.

You can also use sealant. Some people think that it will permanently fix the glass in the frame and cannot be replaced. But there is one secret: before applying the sealant, the glass must be treated with a soap solution.

Installation of metal-plastic frames

Step-by-step instruction:

Important! Even small distortions are unacceptable, as they will subsequently lead to breakdown of the entire structure.

Installation of double-glazed windows

Gaskets must be placed in the lower and side internal parts of the frame installed in the opening. It is necessary to lay it so that the weight of the glass unit is evenly distributed over the frame. One of the edges of the gasket should extend slightly beyond the boundaries of the frame, so that after hammering in the bead, cracks do not form on the glass. After this, take two suction cups, press them to the surface of the glass and carefully place it in window frame. At the end, the glazing beads are hammered in with a wooden mallet, and at this point, do-it-yourself glazing can be considered complete.

Installing frames and glass is a rather complex process that requires experience and certain skills, so if you are not completely confident in your abilities, it is better to immediately call specialists.

Glazing and insulating a loggia is best solution for increase usable area. The question of how to glaze a balcony yourself is solved by several most accessible ways: equip the room with sliding wooden or metal-plastic doors, install double-glazed windows, which will perfectly retain heat in the room.

The choice of double-glazed windows must be taken responsibly, because... Approximately 80% of the heat loss of the glazed loggia space occurs through them.

The most common methods of protecting a loggia from wind, dust and precipitation are:

  • wooden structure;
  • metal-plastic installation;
  • frameless design.

Glazing a balcony with your own hands using a wooden structure will isolate the room from noise and increase the temperature in the glazed room.

If the choice fell on an environmentally friendly wooden structure, then you need to prepare tools and materials:

  • glass required quantity 3 mm thick;
  • small nails;
  • hammer;
  • brush:
  • platbands;
  • polished triangular profile slats with a side of 7 mm;
  • timber 50x50mm;
  • protective compounds for wooden structures (varnish, pinotex or others).

To make better and reliable design, then it is better to install an additional galvanized canopy on the loggia of the required size, which will protect the windows from moisture leakage and add attractive external aesthetics.

Stages of design and glazing of a wooden structure

Initially, it is recommended to remove all external coatings down to the concrete itself. The surface should be cleaned of dust and other contaminants. After preparatory work The first next step is to accurately measure the opening, manufacture and install with a minimum gap a wooden box that will serve as the basis for the frames. This structure, made of timber, is fixed at the level of the balcony railing and top beam, which is mounted to the ceiling and side bars using brackets. The side bars, in turn, are mounted with brackets to the side surface.

The next step is to install the sheathing of the entire room for cladding with the selected material. Only after the ceiling, walls and floor are covered with their structure (wooden frames will fit wooden panels or lining), you should begin installing frames with glass. In this case, the glazing method itself can be divided into several types:

  • euroglazing;
  • simple;
  • combined.

Each method has its own characteristics. The most common glazing is suitable for installing wooden frames. It is important to remember that before glazing the balcony, glass must already be installed in the frames. Balcony frames can be purchased ready-made standard sizes, order by custom sizes or make it yourself from profiled wooden beam, into the grooves of which glass is inserted and pressed by nailing with triangular slats.

The final step will be to carefully fill the cracks with tow or other insulating materials. Then the platbands are installed. To protect the wooden structures of the loggia from moisture, apply a protective layer 5-6 times.

Installation of metal-plastic structure

Metal-plastic frames appearance resemble a layer cake: plastic, metal, air chambers. Water flows through drainage holes, therefore freezing of the structure itself and the room as a whole is excluded. Glazing a balcony using this method is very simple. You will need the following tools and materials:

  • hammer drill or drill (with a carbide drill, 8 mm in diameter);
  • construction gun (preferably);
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • putty knife;
  • foam gun;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • dowels or screws.

For self-installation and glazing profiles, must be based on the instructions. When measuring a balcony frame, you should not make large tolerances. The first step is to determine the accuracy of the proportions. In order to check the symmetry of the opening, both diagonals are measured, and the difference should not exceed 5 mm. If it was possible to achieve this ratio of diagonals, therefore, the angles should be exactly 90 degrees. Then the measurements take into account the technological gap (15 mm on both sides).

Please remember that it is not recommended to lift the frame top floor already with installed double glazed windows to avoid distortions and damage. During installation, you cannot leave the embedded wedges protruding, since later you have to cut off the protruding ends, which is extremely inconvenient. When installing, spacer wedges are made to fit the width of the frame.

The metal-plastic frame is mounted on spacer wedges, screws with dowels, mounting foam, and additional fastening of windows with metal brackets is also provided. Additional fasteners will help you fix the frame with maximum precision until it is completely level. After the structure is blown in with foam, it must be left closed for 8 hours until completely dry to avoid deformation of the frame.

Frameless method of glazing loggias

This new way, which has become widespread among consumers in a short period of time. Tempered glass is very durable material, capable of withstanding heavy loads. The thickness of the glass directly depends on the size. If the height exceeds 2 m, then 8 mm thick glass is used. The width of the sash varies from 60 to 80 cm. If desired, you can order tinted glass.

The opening process is very simple. First, the outermost sash is opened with the upper lock (it resembles a floor lamp switch); by pulling it, the sash moves out of the upper and lower frames. The doors are open, then the lower lock, or rather the plastic handle, comes into use.

What does frameless glazing consist of:

  • glass;
  • top and bottom profile;
  • upper and lower glass trim;
  • floor lamp lock;
  • handle-lock;
  • retainer;
  • rubber compressor;
  • fixing tape.

The fixing tape is necessary to secure the sashes so that they do not swing or hit each other. It is mounted on the outer sash of the lower aluminum profile. The structure is mounted (assembled) extremely simply. Aluminum linings are glued to the glass sashes at the top and bottom. Load-bearing wheels (hinges with rollers) are installed on them. These loops cling the glass to the guide profiles (upper and lower). This type The design is very similar to a wardrobe and consists of the following elements:

  • glass, 6-8 mm thick;
  • bearing wheels with a ball bearing device;
  • upper and lower aluminum profile;
  • clypeus;
  • sliding device and latch;
  • pad;
  • bottom latch;
  • ebb with plastic coating.

As with other designs, upon completion installation work It is necessary to seal the cracks between the sashes. Acrylic seals are placed on the edge of the glass, like a cover for skates. They are easily dismantled, then ventilation gaps of up to 3 mm are obtained. Rubber seals laid outside between the glass sashes and aluminum profile, reliably protect the structure from moisture penetration. The gaps between the doors and the walls of the balcony are filled with sealant matching the color of the profile. The structure itself is fastened together with special glue, without nails or screws. And the most attractive thing is the hidden fittings.


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