Mont Saint-Michel Island: an impregnable castle. Mont Saint Michel - a rocky island on the coast of France

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Mont Saint-Michel (Le Mont-Saint-Michel) is a unique architectural complex consisting of a medieval abbey and a tiny commune near its walls, located on a small rocky island off the northwestern coast of France in the English Channel department.

Foundation and first centuries of history

The first buildings on the island of Mont Saint-Michel date back to 708. According to church traditions, their construction began after the Archangel Michael appeared three times to the Bishop of Avranches, St. I will give orders to build a temple on the island. According to archaeological data, it was built in the form of an artificial grotto on the site of even earlier chapels of the 6th century.

Since 933, following the Norman capture of the Contentin Peninsula, Mont Saint-Michel became an important fortress remaining in Breton hands. Around 966, the abbey became the property of the Benedictine Order. The construction of the Romanesque church of Notre-Dame-sous-Terre dates back to around this time.

In 1022, under the leadership of Abbot G. de Volpiano, construction of a new temple in the name of St. began on the upper platform of the island. Petra is 70 m long, partially based on earlier buildings. The church is crowned with a statue of St. Michael, rising to a height of 157 m. A dormitory was built near it, where the monks and the abbot lived.

Age of Prosperity

In the 12th century, the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel became one of the main centers of pilgrimage in Western Europe, and its wealth increased every year. Around 1184, Abbot R. de Torigny added two towers to the western façade of the church.

In 1204, the Breton soldiers of Philip Augustus were able to capture the island and burn most of the abbey's buildings on the northern slope of the cliff. After the restoration of the abbey, during the heyday of the monastery, up to 60 monks lived in it.

In 1211 began next stage construction work on the island. Over the course of 17 years, a new monastery complex was built. In its eastern part there is a Romanesque style refectory with excellent acoustics. Next to it there is a kitchen room, and a level below there is a hall for receiving guests.

In the western part of the monastery, a chiostro courtyard surrounded by galleries was built. Later, three large windows. Under the pavement of the courtyard there was a scriptorium and workshops, and even lower there were rooms for chaplains and basements.

From the citadel of the spirit to the prison casemates
Signs of the abbey's decline appeared during the Hundred Years' War and became especially obvious after its unsuccessful siege of 1424-1434 by the British. Despite the construction in 1470 of a royal residence, and then in 1520 of a new central building in the late gothic style his “golden years” were already behind him.

The Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel was completely abandoned during the years french revolution XVIII century Most of the monastery buildings until 1863 were used as a political prison with the ironic name “Mountain of Freedom”. In some of them, before the ensemble was declared a historical monument in 1877, there was a straw hat factory.

A tourist route

In 2014, the architect D. Feuchtinger designed and built a new pedestrian bridge from the continent to the island. The abbey's bastions were built during the Hundred Years' War. Their first line is designed to protect a small town on the island. In 1524, the engineer G. du Puy built the Gabriel Tower at the entrance to the city, providing a wide view and a large field of fire for the besiegers.

On the square at the entrance to the fortress there is a fountain in the shape of a scallop shell. A staircase leads from it to the next courtyard to the “guard house” near which English bombards of the 15th century are installed. Through the gate, built in 1435 by the architect L. d'Estuville, tourists enter a tiny square and the Grand Rue street, flanked by 19th-century houses. There are museums of the history of the island and the archbishopric here.

Protected by the barbiken behind the bridge and the canal is the Court du Boulevard. One of the buildings located on the square housed the residence of the royal representative on the island. Next, a narrow path between two rows of houses leads to the gates of the abbey. It is situated between two towers, and the courtyard beyond is dominated by the east front of the abbey and the silhouette of Corbyn Tower. Built in the XI-XVI centuries. it covers an area of ​​about 55 thousand m2 and is an example of a fortified monastery.

Along with the world-famous Eiffel Tower, there is another calling card of France. This time we will not talk about a separate building, but a whole complex that occupies the territory of a small island. This is one of the most picturesque corners of Normandy, which is rightfully considered a real monument to the history of France - this is the island-monastery of Mont Saint-Michel.

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The impressive island, which is built on millions of tons of granite, is only 930 meters in diameter, and the highest point is located at an altitude of just 92 meters above sea level. It was this place that was chosen by the Benedict monks back in the 8th century, who became its rightful owners for many centuries, building a real abbey.

There is a legend according to which the place for the construction of the monastery was chosen here not by chance. In a dream, the Archangel Michael appeared to Bishop Avranches and ordered to build a monastery on the island to commemorate the battle between the bright forces of the heavenly army and the satanic hordes that appeared in the form of a dragon. According to the vision, it was here, on the granite ledges of the island, that the fatal meeting of two eternal opponents took place - good and evil.

The construction of the monastery was financed by the Norman dukes, who saw not only a religious significance in its rough outlines, but also a strategic one. It was the island that was to become the first stronghold of the numerous Viking raids to which Normandy was systematically subjected.

The construction of the central building of the abbey lasted for 500 years, from 1017, when the first stone was laid, until 1520. And by the 12th century, the monastery became one of the main religious centers for numerous pilgrims from Europe. Finishing touches, which completed the image of the modern monastery, were added until the 17th century, as a result of which a complex complex of buildings and structures began to rise above the island, the architecture of which overlapped Gothic and Romanesque styles.

Everyone who sees this masterpiece of human creation for the first time will watch with delight and hope the structures literally climbing up the steep slopes towards the sun, the crown of which is the elegant Marvel Church. All this creates a truly mesmerizing landscape, which can only be compared with the famous creation of Eiffel. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that this grandiose complex is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Island crashing into the ocean

Mont Saint-Michel is able to give one of the most vivid and unforgettable impressions in the life of everyone who is lucky enough to visit here. Difficult to pick Right words, in order to convey as colorfully and accurately as possible the sensations that you experience every time you sit at a table on a restaurant terrace with a tablecloth whitened to a crisp and greedily absorb the endless expanse of the ocean with your eyes.

And what is the air like here! Simply saying that every breath makes you feel dizzy and your pulse beats faster in your temples will clearly not be enough. He's special here. It is the local air that is best suited to be described as sea air “saturated with centuries-old dampness.” The impressions will be especially vivid during high tide, which, like a leopard stalking its prey, approaches silently and unnoticed.

The island is located in the north-west of France and is part of a group of islands located in the bay of the same name. It is only 2 km from the mainland of the state and at low tide it is not difficult to get to it. Although, due to the local peculiarities of the sea weather, the island sometimes seems like an impregnable fort, the path to which is blocked by huge gray-green waves that crash into the rocks below.

It is interesting that, even despite such proximity to mainland France, as well as to historical Normandy, Britain has repeatedly tried to “redraw” the local borders in its favor and make the island another distant harbor for its numerous ships. This is explained by the crazy popularity of this place, with which only one place can compete with this criterion - french capital. Because of this, the French, who have never been overly modest, called these places “the eighth wonder of the world.”

How to get there

Of course, after so vivid description of the local beauties, an image of an ancient carriage with a forged frame, harnessed to a pair of black horses, appears in my head. It is they who must deliver the real adventurer to the wooden suspension bridge, which, descending with a creak, will reveal its secrets and untold riches that have been preserved here since time immemorial. To complete the image of the ancient castle, the only thing missing here is the statues of mythical monsters - chimeras.

Perhaps a couple of centuries ago this is exactly what the path to the world famous abbey looked like. But today you can get to the Abbey of Saint-Michel much more comfortably. For example, buying a ticket for a fast train from Paris to Rennes (approximately 55.8 euros), and then transferring to a regular bus that takes travelers to the foot of the monastery (a little more than 11 euros). There is also a system of discounts, which will be a pleasant surprise for young travelers.

If you want to save money or simply prefer to travel ascetically, we recommend the bus route through Pontorson. The regular bus runs only 6 times a day, but travel costs only 5 euros. But such inconveniences will not be a serious obstacle for true adventurers.

You can go to the holy place by private car. But in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is recommended to leave the car in a specially designated place, where it will be safe during the high tide, and walk the remaining couple of kilometers of the journey.

If you decide to go to the island with the aim of replenishing your personal photo album with new photographs and your heart with vivid impressions, we highly recommend not choosing the summer months for your trip. During this period, the influx of tourists to the monastery is simply huge, which does not allow one to fully appreciate the beauty of these places. And, of course, we advise you to purchase a bycatch calendar, using which you can choose the best time for photo hunting and take simply stunning pictures of the landscapes that open from the fortress walls.

Don’t forget to take into account the peculiarities of the local climate, which obviously will not allow you to parade in a colorful sundress and light sandals. The harsh winds, which feel like full-fledged masters of the local expanses, have a negative attitude towards such equipment for tourists. But the most important accompaniment during the trip should be humility. After all, it is the humble tourists who can count on enlightenment within the walls of this holy place.

Entertainment and excursions

When you get tired of looking at the raging ocean and following the endless cycles of ebb and flow, you can go for a walk around the island, during which you will find many more interesting acquaintances and discoveries. But before that, close your eyes for a moment and imagine that this is the heyday of the medieval knightly era, and you are none other than the main character of Dumas’ favorite novel from your youth. Introduced? Then let's go!

The Royal Gate, a little rough, but created with medieval taste, pointed stone vaults, as well as a huge knight's hall and a refectory, where several hundred years ago the deep voices of the island's defenders hummed, as well as numerous winding streets, as if luring into the depths of the island - all this will require a lot of your attention and time.

Do you like mystery and different puzzles? There is more than enough of this goodness here! There are many secret passages in the streets, which will lead to another part of the monastery, and are lined with iron frames. wooden doors make sounds that are so clearly remembered from the times of watching films about the exploits of knights and medieval castles.

All this, without a doubt, will leave an unforgettable mark in the memory of every visitor to these wondrous places and will beckon again and again to plunge into the beauty and unique charm of the monastery, which is located on the island of Mont Saint-Michel.

Well, how can you ignore one of the most mysterious places on the island - a small vaulted room called “Notre Dame underground”. There are many legends and tales that reveal the history of this mysterious place from different sides. And you should definitely get to know many of them.

Local kitchen

If you decide to go to the island, you should definitely get acquainted with the local culinary traditions. The menu of restaurants located on the island is presented national dishes Breton cuisine, the basis of which is lamb dishes. In addition, seafood lovers meat dishes and salads will be able to discover a lot of new things.

Before you order a meat steak or other similar dish, remember that the French prefer medium-rare, almost raw meat. Depending on the order, you will have to pay from 14 to 35 euros for dinner.

Mount St. Michael looks like a fairy-tale fortress in the middle of a river valley. The stone island of Mont Saint-Michel rises at the confluence of the Cusnon, Sé and Selun rivers. The height of the rocky island reaches 78 meters.

Mount St Michael looks like a fairy-tale fortress in the middle of a river valley. Stone Island rises at the confluence of rivers Cusnon, Se and Selyun. The height of the rocky island reaches 78 meters.

Once upon a time, the rock massif was part of the mainland; it was called “Mont Tombe”. From the top of the mountain, the Druid tribes worshiped the Sun. In the first years of the 8th century, a huge flood occurred here. The river overflowed, part of the bank went under water. The mountain moved away from the mainland and became an inaccessible island during high tides.

In 708 Bishop Ober There was a vision from the city of Avranches. The Archangel Michael appeared to him and ordered him to build a chapel on Mont Tombe. From then on the island began to be called Mont Saint-Michel. In 966, Benedictine monks settled here. They created an abbey in which fifty brothers lived. The monastery buildings were erected in the Romanesque style, with its characteristic powerful columns and giant arches.

In 992, a fire destroyed almost all the buildings of the monastery. In 1023, construction began on a new monastery church. The work continued for almost a hundred years. The tower and nave remain today from the buildings of that period.

In 1090 Abbey of Saint-Michel was subjected to the first siege (then there was Civil War between brothers - sons of William the Conqueror). At the beginning of the 12th century. the northern wall collapsed, after which construction of a stone tower began (it has survived to this day). The abbey became a center of pilgrimage for believers Western Europe. In 1204, during the capture by the king Philip Augustus Normandy, the monastery buildings were damaged, the settlement at the foot of the island was burned. To make amends, Philip Augustus donated a significant amount to the monastery. With these funds, an architectural complex was built on the northern slope, called "Miracle". This complex of buildings in the Gothic style became the most beautiful fortification in Europe.

During the Hundred Years' War, the British were unable to capture the small castle, but destroyed the city during their retreat. In the middle of the 15th century. Mont Saint Michel has been restored. Pilgrims again flocked to the abbey, but due to constant religious conflicts, the monastery gradually fell into decay.

During the French Revolution, a jail for political prisoners. It was abolished in 1863. Began restoration work. In 1892-97. architect Victor Pedigran rebuilt the monastery complex. A bell tower was erected, topped by a neo-Gothic spire with a gilded sculpture of the Archangel Michael. In 1963, the castle came under the auspices of the state and became architectural monument, and since 1979 - a UNESCO heritage site.

Since the end of the 19th century, the island has been connected to the mainland by a dam. A road was built along the dam, and the fortress became accessible to tourists.

The city is located on both sides of the street Grand Rue on the southeastern slopes of the island. Its residents serve the tourist complex and engage in agriculture. Tourists begin their ascent to the monastery at Royal Gate. At the beginning of the climb it is worth parish church of St. Peter. The street Grande Rue leads into the depths of the island, on both sides of which there are rows of small houses of the townspeople (XV - XVI centuries). The Grand Rue ends with a wide, steep staircase.

People go up the steps to the monastery and through Guardroom pass through Grand Degre stairs. From there you can get to terrace of Sault Gautier and on western terrace, from where the bay, the Chauzet archipelago and neighboring Tomblain Island are visible.

In the monastery you can see Eglise Abbaciale church(XI century) with a facade in classic style, created in 1763. The last reconstruction of the vaults and choir of the temple was carried out in the 19th century. The courtyard of the monastery is famous La Merveille ("The Miracle"). Square courtyard with a carved gallery of pink granite hanging between the earth and the sky. From here you can go down to refectory, which is located at a 50-meter altitude. Next are Guest room And Crypt of the Great Columns(XV century). Behind it are the southern Saint Martin crypt, Chapel of Saint-Etienne And hospitals A. From here you go up the stairs to the covered walking gallery And Knight's Hall. The tour of the complex ends in the hall where pilgrims and beggars used to be received. Now there is a souvenir shop here.

Mont Saint-Michel has been sieged many times. It was never conquered, becoming a symbol of the French resistance. Its bastions helped the city withstand enemy sieges. Fortified structures existed in the 11th century; in 1311 new walls and a forstadt were built at the foot of the cliffs. Capital bastions were built during the Hundred Years' War. The first line of fortified structures defended the city, the second protected the monastery. Huge medieval cannons - bombards - were placed in horizontal loopholes on the towers. At the entrance to the city in 1524 a powerful Gabriel Tower.

You cannot visit the castle bastions alone. You need to be especially careful when walking here during high tides. The water rises quickly - within a day the level rises by ten meters, and you may not have time to reach the fortress walls. On such days, the castle again turns into an impregnable island.

Mont Saint-Michel is a castle with a truly rich history, the roots of which go back to the beginning of the 8th century, when a small chapel appeared on the top of a granite rock-island. Although, if you believe the legends, the island on which this shrine rises has long been considered a sacred place. Druids worshiped the setting sun here and Celts were buried here, and some legends even say that Julius Caesar was buried on the island in a golden coffin.

The origin of the island is also shrouded in many legends. According to one legend, two rocks were dragged into the bay by giants. But the most realistic version of the formation of the island where the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel is located claims that the coastline in this region was significantly modified after a strong storm.

Part of the coastal meadows disappeared under water, subsequently being covered with sand, and two rocky hills turned into islands. On the largest of them, Mont Tomb, a monastery arose, the name of which is translated as “Mount of St. Michael.”

One of the French legends says that the idea of ​​​​creating a monastery on the rock of the island came to Bishop Aubert in a dream. Archangel Michael, who appeared to the holy father, wished that a temple dedicated to him be created on a rock surrounded by the sea. Ober considered the dream to be nonsense, but the visions did not stop appearing to him. So the bishop had to begin to implement the idea that haunted him in his dreams. In 966, the first Benedictines appeared within the walls of the Mont Saint-Michel monastery.

A shrine, an impregnable outpost and... a prison

Construction of the abbey here began in 1023, and 17 years later (a record period for those years!) a majestic castle in the best traditions of medieval Gothic appeared.

At an altitude of 80 m, the majestic walls and impressive turrets of the ancient monastery rise to the sky. The top of the spire that crowns this majestic castle rises 155.5 m above sea level and is decorated with a golden figurine of an archangel. Mont Saint Michel is surrounded on all sides sea ​​waters, and only a 2-kilometer dam, which arose here at the end of the 19th century, serves as a connecting thread with mainland France.

During the Hundred Years' War, Mont Saint-Michel withstood a 30-year siege by the British, gaining fame as the last stronghold of France, never captured by enemies and forever remaining in history as an impregnable citadel.

At the end of the 18th century, the monastery that existed within the walls of the castle was closed, but its building itself became a prison for especially dangerous criminals for several decades, for which it acquired the name “provincial Bastille.” But since 1863, after major repairs and restoration of this unique architectural structure in France, the entrance to the Mont Saint-Michel castle became available to tourists.

Insanely beautiful, incredibly dangerous

For centuries, the majestic Mont Saint-Michel has attracted pilgrims. Fascinated by the beauty of the holy monastery, travelers rushing to its walls often became victims of the insidious elements of the sea. The bay in which the monastery was located has long been famous for its strong tidal currents. The water retreats from the shore by 10-15 m, but during high tide it returns at a speed of about 4 km/h, reaching speeds of up to 30 km/h in strong winds.

The ebb of the tide in the bay always begins suddenly, and the sand that reveals itself to the eye, showing the ghostly illusion of solid land, is actually like viscous silt. Therefore, numerous legends about carts caught in the quicksand of the bay heading to the monastery, and travelers who died in the waters of the bay that suddenly overtook them, may have a completely realistic basis.

The most impressive difference between low and high tide levels on the entire European coast still remains here, but the sea has already moved far away from the shores of the island on which the Mont Saint-Michel castle is located. Now the island is more often surrounded by sand than water, and the tides reach their peak only twice a year - on the day of the spring and autumn equinox. During this period, the water level rises by 10 m in just one day.

But even though now there are no longer those impressive ebbs and flows as in the Middle Ages, it is still rare that anyone dares to head to the walls of Mont Saint-Michel through the sands. And there is no particular need for this now, because there is at least a rather thin strip of land connecting the castle on the island with the mainland, accessible for transport passage.

The bay itself around Mont Saint-Michel presents a unique nature reserve, in which up to 10 thousand mussels are grown per year, and the same huge number of Norman sheep graze on the coastal meadows.

An architectural masterpiece for the ages

Invariably one of the ten most beautiful castles in the world, Mont Saint-Michel is considered by the French to be the real “eighth wonder of the world.” Therefore, it is not surprising that residents of two historical regions of France - Brittany and Normandy, on the border of which the island with the castle is located, for a long time did not stop arguing about the right to classify the impressive landmark as their territory.

Everyone wants to be the most involved in such a beautiful architectural masterpiece. Nevertheless, Normandy was the winner, since the Couesnon River flowing here clearly defines the conventional boundaries of the two historical regions. On this occasion, the residents of Brittany sadly joke that the river has gone crazy, giving such a beautiful castle to Normandy.

The famous writer Victor Hugo was so impressed by the appearance of the castle that he called it “The Pyramid in the Ocean.” To modern visitors, the outlines of the castle may seem very familiar, and not by chance, since it was this architectural landmark of France that served as the prototype for the castle from the film saga “The Lord of the Rings”.

For many centuries, Mont Saint-Michel has retained its glory as one of the most striking architectural pearls of France, second in popularity only to Parisian attractions and being the most visited ancient castle in this country after Versailles. So, it is best to visit this attraction in spring or autumn, since in summer there are almost no crowds of tourists here.

A tour of the castle includes a visit to the Sault Gaultier terrace, which offers impressive views of the surrounding area, and the active temple - the Abbey Church. The most interesting is a visit to the upper tier of the castle, called La Mervelle (i.e. Miracle), where you can admire various religious relics. The small houses of the abbey, built around the castle in the 16th and 17th centuries, now house cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops.

The Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy is a medieval active monastery, as well as a fortress on the island of the same name. It is located in the north-west of France, in the vast Bay of Saint-Michel, famous for its tidal waves, rare in height for Europe, reaching 14 meters.

More than two million tourists come to admire the medieval fortress-monastery every year, making Mont Saint-Michel the second most popular attraction in France (after the Eiffel Tower).

Chateau Mont Saint-Michel: opening hours and ticket prices in 2019

Opening hours:

  • May 2 - August 31: from 9:00 to 19:00,
  • January 2 - April 30: from 9:30 to 18:00,
  • September 1 - December 31: from 9:30 to 18:00.

The entrance closes an hour earlier.

Ticket prices:

  • adult – 10 euros,
  • for non-EU residents aged 18 to 25 years - 8 euros,
  • for children (under 18 years old), disabled people with an accompanying person, EU residents aged 18 to 25 years old - free.

The cost of the audio guide is 3 euros.

Tidal island of Mont Saint Michel

The rock of Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy is a granite monolith 80 meters high with a rounded base, standing at the mouth of the Couesnon River. The area of ​​the rocky island is 7 hectares.

At intervals of 24 hours and 50 minutes, the bay experiences high and low tides, the most powerful in Europe. During low tide, water moves 18 kilometers away from the island and floods the coast for 20 kilometers during high tide.

After low tide, you can walk around the mountain, but you shouldn’t go far from the foot - there is a chance of wandering into quicksand. Mont Saint-Michel becomes a full-fledged island only several times a year, with the onset of large tides.

Previously, a dam led to the island, on the site of which there is now a bridge. It was decided to remove the artificial embankment due to the ambiguous environmental situation: due to the dam around the island, a large number of sand, thereby gradually connecting the island with the mainland. After the dam was removed river waters They began to wash the island on both sides, preventing sandy sediments from accumulating.

The climate in the Bay of Saint-Michel is temperate maritime: with cool summers and mild but rainy winters. In general, the weather here is the same as throughout Normandy, but there are some peculiarities, for example, during winter low tides, wet sea sand causes frequent fogs, and in summer due to high humidity it becomes extremely stuffy.

History and architecture

Legend has it that the first shrine on this site was built in 807 by Saint Aubert, Bishop of Avranches, after the appearance of the Archangel Michael to him. By the way, Mont Saint-Michel is translated as Mount Saint Michael.

Construction of the abbey began with the arrival in 966 of Benedictine monks, invited by the Duke of Normandy Richard I, to the place of the community of canons who had occupied the mountain since the 8th century. The monastery soon became an important religious center, attracting pilgrims from all over Europe.

Mont Saint-Michel suffered from fires more than once and was besieged, after which it was reconstructed and acquired new extensions, each time acquiring a new look. Centuries later, the abbey managed to convey to this day not only the works of several generations of builders, but also an important part of the history of France.

Interesting fact The castle of Mont Saint-Michel is often mentioned in literature and serves as the backdrop for many films and videos, and in Peter Jackson’s film trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” it even served as a prototype for the fortress of Minas Tirith.

Abbey structure

The main feature of the Mont Saint-Michel Abbey was its multi-level building. For more than 500 years, medieval architects managed to create a unique architectural ensemble entwined with a huge granite cliff. Three levels can be clearly distinguished:

  • Top level, including the Church of St. Michael, the monastery gallery, the refectory, a viewing platform overlooking the bay, the Cancale rock and the archipelago of the Chauzet Islands, where the granite for the abbey was mined.
  • Average level with a guest hall, a monastic ossuary (a hall containing the remains of the deceased), the chapel of Saint-Etienne, a covered gallery for walks, a knight's hall and a crypt of large columns supporting the Gothic choir of the monastery church.
  • Lower level, where the guardroom, the Grand Degre staircase and the almshouse are located.

Romanesque buildings of the monastery

The first buildings on Mont Saint-Michel were crypts (vaulted semi-underground rooms), which became a kind of foundation for the future central building of the monastery - the Church of St. Michael. Later, construction began on the nave of the new church and quarters for the monks.

The most significant changes occurred in the second half of the 12th century, under Abbot Robert de Torigny. A library with an impressive collection of manuscripts was created, the last Romanesque buildings and the large staircase leading to the new entrance to the abbey were completed.

The monastery and castle architecture of those times was called Romanesque (from the Latin romanus - Roman). It is characterized by rounded arches, thick walls and massive vaults.

After the death of Torigny, the first difficulties befell the abbey - a siege and a large fire, as a result of which the northern side of the monastery complex was badly damaged. Subsequently, the abbey underwent many more tests and was rebuilt several times, gradually acquiring its modern appearance.

Complex "Miracle"

In the 13th century, the construction of the first Gothic buildings began, the so-called ensemble of buildings La Merveille, literally “miracle”. Over the course of 17 years, the workers managed to build everything necessary for monastic life, including refectories for monks and pilgrims, a kitchen, cellars, a monastery courtyard with an internal gallery, as well as a hall where the monks worked on copying and compiling books, called the knight's hall.

They also did not forget about the previously destroyed northern wall, strengthening it with the help of stone stiffeners - buttresses. Design new wall turned out to be successful, not only with practical point visually, but also aesthetically. Victor Hugo even called her himself beautiful wall in Europe.

Further fate

After the French Revolution, the monastic brethren left the monastery, and a prison was opened within the walls of the monastery, calling it Mont Libre (Mountain of Freedom). The prison continued its work until 1863.

At the end of the 19th century, the last significant reconstruction of the Church of St. Michael was completed and a dam was built connecting the island with the mainland.

In 1966, the monks returned to the monastery again. Today they are holding services again in Mont Saint-Michel.

In 1979, the unique natural and historical site was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

St. Michael's Church

The main attraction of the island is the Church of St. Michael, which combines architectural elements in Romanesque and Gothic styles. Before it, there was a small sanctuary in the pre-Romanesque style on the island - Notre-Dame-sous-Terre, built in the Carolingian era.

Construction began in 1022, funded by the Duke of Normandy, Richard II. However, the implementation of the project was hampered by the complex terrain and the small size of the granite site (no more than 70 meters at its widest point). Then, as a basis for the future temple, several crypts were built around the top of the rock, and the existing church of Notre-Dame-sous-Terre was also used. Later, a transept (transverse nave) was erected, the crosspiece of which rested directly on the mountain.

All subsequent years, the church was completed and remodeled, both due to the danger of collapse, and at the behest of the new abbots. So by 1521 it was rebuilt in the then modern “flaming Gothic” style, while preserving the Romanesque transept.

IN early XIX century, the bell tower and transept were redone, a neo-Gothic spire was added, with a gilded figure of the Archangel Michael.

The ancient town of Mont Saint-Michel

In addition to the monastic buildings, there is a working settlement on the island, with a city hall, shops, a parish church, a cemetery and winding ancient streets with half-timbered houses. The entire city is home to 50 permanent residents, mostly employed in the service sector.

The main street - Grande Rue - is occupied by dense rows of houses from the 15th-16th centuries, with bars, cafes, snack bars, souvenir shops and museums. The street leads to the main attraction of the island - the Church of St. Michael. In addition to the Grand Rue, there are many other streets in the city, some of which do not even have names. They are always quiet and uncrowded, since most excursions do not touch them.

Walk around the castle on Google panoramas

How to get to Mont Saint-Michel Abbey in France

The medieval monastery is located 300 kilometers west of Paris. There are several ways to overcome this distance, more about each of them below.

By car

The fastest and most comfortable way is to rent a car and drive yourself. The drive will take about 4 hours in total. The optimal route is as follows: from Paris along the A13 highway to the city of Caen, then turn onto the E401 to Avranches and through Pontorson on the D976 to the parking lot at Saint-Michel. The A13 is a toll road, as is parking at the abbey.

Don’t forget about the possibility of an organized trip with a guide. You can book an excursion with transfer from your hotel in Paris or another city, for example, Saint-Malo, Deauville, Rennes, Vitre.

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Show transfers from Le Mont Saint Michel

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Mont Saint Michel Paris from 28167 p. show
Mont Saint Michel Paris North Station from 35724 p. show
Mont Saint Michel from 44197 p. show
Mont Saint Michel Avranches show
Mont Saint Michel Kahn show
Mont Saint Michel Bayeux show
Mont Saint Michel Carpiquet show
Mont Saint Michel show
Mont Saint Michel Caen Port show
Mont Saint Michel Deauville show
Mont Saint Michel Dinar show
Mont Saint Michel Saint Malo Port show
Mont Saint Michel Rouen show
Mont Saint Michel Saint Malo show
Where Where Price
Paris Mont Saint Michel from 28167 p. show
Paris North Station Mont Saint Michel from 35724 p. show
Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Mont Saint Michel from 44197 p. show
Rouen Mont Saint Michel show
Saint Malo Mont Saint Michel show
Avranches Mont Saint Michel show
Kahn Mont Saint Michel show
Bayeux Mont Saint Michel show
Saint-Malo Railway Station Mont Saint Michel show
Carpiquet Mont Saint Michel show
Deauville Mont Saint Michel show
Caen Port Mont Saint Michel show
Dinar Mont Saint Michel show
Saint Malo Port Mont Saint Michel show

By train from Paris

During weekdays the best option will take the TGV high-speed train. From Gare Montparnasse you can take it to Rennes or Dol de Bretagne, and then take a local bus to the abbey. A single ticket for train and bus can be purchased on the official website of SNCF. The duration of the trip is comparable to that of a bus - about 5 hours.

The path from the parking lot to the abbey

The car park, where tourist buses also arrive, is located three kilometers from the abbey. Starting from 7:30 a.m. until 00:00, electric buses run between the attraction and the parking lot at intervals of a couple of minutes. They reach their destination in about 10 minutes. Travel is free.

There is also a more exotic option - a horse-drawn carriage with a carriage. A one-way ticket costs 5 euros. Travel time ~ 25 minutes.

Those who want to feel like a real pilgrim can walk; the journey in this case will take about 35 minutes.

Mont Saint-Michel from a quadcopter - video from YouTube


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