Report on the festival of theatrical performances based on Russian folk tales. Theatrical performance in the preparatory group

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Musical fairy tale “Geese and Swans” in kindergarten. Scenario

To stage a musical fairy tale, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work: introduce children to the fairy tale, discuss all the images, their musical characteristics; introduce children to the musical works of E. Grieg, M. Mussorgsky.



Presenter-storyteller in Russian national costume.

A hut on chicken legs



Girlfriends (4-5)

Cat Vasily

Geese-swans (4)


Hall decoration

The most convenient location of the props for a fairy tale: in front of the right wing is a three-leaf house, in front of it is a bench for Vanyusha and toys. Next to the house there is an apple tree hung with apples, on the left there is a voluminous stove, near it there is firewood stacked in a woodpile, a broom, and on the stove there are kitchen utensils. The passage between the scenes in the center must be free for the movement of swan geese.

As the tale progresses, the characters Yablonka and Pechka go to their props. The river is located in the center, assisted by two girls holding a blue scarf in front of it, depicting waves.

Progress of the performance

To the Russian folk melody “Vologda Lace,” children enter the hall in a “chain” in a round dance.

Presenter(in the Russian folk costume of a storyteller).

In some kingdom

In some state

Once upon a time there lived a mother and father.

And they had two children:

Ulyanushka and Ivanushka.

Ulyanushka was a carer -

A good housekeeper,

Support for mother, father,

She worked quickly and efficiently.

Everything happened in time:

He will tidy up the hut,

The cat will splash milk,

Feed the pestles

He will break off the dog's bread -

He won't forget anyone.

Ulyana sings the song “Oh, I got up early.”


But most of all she loved brother Ivanushka.

In the morning he will wash him, comb him,

He will put on a clean shirt and belt it,

He will seat you at the table, feed you porridge,

Then he will take you out into the sun,

Leads under the birch tree

Yes, he gives us different toys.

Father and Mother come out.

Presenter. One day, father and mother gathered at the market and gave their daughter instructions.

Mother. Our dear daughter, listen, wise girl, your father and I are going to the market.

Father. You are alone, dear daughter, you will remain the mistress of the house. Mother. Look after brother Vanyusha, feed him, give him something to drink - he is still a small, unreasonable child.

Father. Yes, be careful that the geese-swans do not offend Vanyusha, there is a bad reputation about them that they play pranks.

Mother. Little children are taken into the forest!

They get into a cart drawn by three “horses” and leave.

Presenter. And they left. Ulyana, as always, first got everything done, then left Ivanushka under the birch tree.


Play, Vanyusha, don’t run anywhere,

Take care of the birch tree.

She sat at the window herself

I wanted to sew a sundress for a doll,

Out of nowhere - girlfriends -

Laughing pinwheels.

Girlfriends. In a nearby forest, in a clearing, there are countless boletus mushrooms, they say, stop working, let’s run into the woods for an hour.

Ulyana. What about Ivanushka?


Run, Ulyanushka, and I’ll sit here,

and I’ll take care of the birch tree.


Girlfriends are running along the edge of the forest,

Mushrooms and berries are collected,

They sing songs loudly.

(Russian folk song-round dance of girlfriends “How our girlfriends went.”)

Presenter. At that time, in the forest... in an impassable thicket, our acquaintance Baba Yaga sat bored, bored and sad.

The musical work of M. Mussorgsky “Baba Yaga” is played.

Baba Yaga.

The path is overgrown with weeds,

Quinoa in the garden.

There is no way for uninvited guests

Neither here nor there.

There are thistles in the yard,

In the underground there are boogers.

The cat Vasily catches fleas

All day on the bench.

It's bad to live alone in the wilderness.

Sing, Vasily, for the soul.

Vasily’s song “Meow, meow” is an improvisation.

Baba Yaga.

Ugh, go away, your wheezing for singing

Not at all similar.

You sing the notes in the song out of tune.

Hut, hut, where are you?

The Hut on Chicken Legs comes out with a creak - a teacher located inside the fake hut.

Hut. Well, here I am!

Baba Yaga.

Turn your back to the forest

No, in front of me

No, towards the forest in front.

Hut. Began! She is in a bad mood, and you are spinning in different directions.

Baba Yaga. You should dance, or something!

Hut. Here's another!

Baba Yaga.

It's sickening for an old woman to live in the wilderness,

No girlfriend, no movie.

Chicken legs of my hut,

And they haven’t listened to grandma for a long time.

It hurts here and it hurts there,

It seems he has sciatica.

Cat Vasily. Yaga, look, the swan geese are flying, so dance with them.

Geese-swans arrive and dance around Baba Yaga to the music of E. Grieg “Procession of the Dwarves”.

Baba Yaga. No, I'm tired of everything. I want something fresh, something new. I came up with an idea! Geese-swans, my faithful servants. Fly to the village and bring me the baby.

Baba Yaga, rubbing her hands, goes in one direction, the offended cat goes in the other. Geese-swans remain in the center.

The gander is the leader. May the road be long...

Geese. Ga-ga-ga.

The gander is the leader. And below us are forests and meadows...

Geese. Ga-ga-ga.

Leader gander. And the road is long...

Geese. Ga-ga-ga.

Geese-swans perform a dance to the music of E. Grieg “Procession of the Dwarves”. In the middle of the dance, Vanyusha comes to the center, the geese-swans surround him, flap their wings over him, take him by the hands and take him backstage.

Presenters. The geese-swans flew away, carried Ivanushka away on their wings, and meanwhile Ulyanushka and her friends returned from the forest.

They're running along the path

They carry baskets

They run, sing, chant,

Yes, they don’t know grief.

Girlfriends and Ulyana come out, bringing with them a boy in a Russian costume, who will perform a solo in the Russian folk song “Like Ours at the Gate.” At the end of the song, the girls and boys leave, Ulyana waves after them.

Presenters. Ulyana ran up to her hut. I left the body on the porch, and rather towards the birch tree, and there was no one there.

She's in the hut - it's empty,

She's in the garden - and it's not crowded there.

She's in the barn, the closet - no Vanyusha.

Ulyana performs the lament song “Oh, you, mother,” music by T. Luneva. The dog Bug runs out.


Woof, woof, brother was stolen, stolen.

I saw how over a birch tree

The swan geese were flying

They caught Vanyusha on their wings

And they carried him away beyond the forests and beyond the swamps.


I’ll quickly chase after them

And I will return home without my brother.

Presenter. Ulyana ran out of the outskirts, ran through the meadow, ran through the field. He looks at the stove on the road - a large, important one standing there, quietly humming.

A girl comes out - Pechka. Performs Pechka's song.

Ulyana. Hello, Pechka!

Stove. Hello, granddaughter!

Ulyana. Have any swan geese flown over you?

Stove. Eat my rye pie, I say.

Ulyana. I have no time, I'm in a hurry.

A girl, Yablonka, comes out and sings the Russian folk song “Chernozem Earthling.”

Ulyana. Hello, Yablonka.

Apple tree. Hello, girl, where are you running and keeping up? Ulyana. I’m catching up with the swans, have you seen them? Apple tree. Eat my sour apple, I’ll tell you.

Ulyana. I don’t have time, some other time.

The river sings to the tune of the Russian folk song “How will I go to the fast river.”

Ulyana. Milk river, jelly banks, tell me where to ford you, cross, to get to Vanyusha.

River. Eat my jelly and wash it down with milk, I’ll tell you.

Ulyana. I have no time.

River. You'll drown.

Presenter. There was nothing to do - I drank the milk, but didn’t touch the jelly - I was in a hurry.

River. There is a willow tree ahead, and behind it there is a stone, there you will find a ford. You'll cross the river and you won't get your feet wet.

Ulyana. I will not forget the age of your kindness. Goodbye.


There's nothing to say goodbye

Come and treat yourself to some jelly.


Ulyana is running and in a hurry.

I'm tired, my heart is pounding.

Suddenly the thicket parted before her,

Yaga's hut appeared in the clearing.

The girl hid behind the bushes and watched what would happen.

Ivanushka runs out, followed by Baba Yaga. They are playing catch-up. Baba Yaga. He killed a completely old lady. Come on, sing me something.

Ivanushka sings the Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field.” Baba Yaga falls asleep, Ulyana grabs her brother and runs away. Baba Yaga wakes up.

Baba Yaga. Why are you silent, killer whale! Where are you, where are you hiding? Have you decided to play hide and seek?

Your beloved Vanyusha is far away.

He ran away with his sister and left you, Yaga.

Serves you right, infidel!

One cat, Vasily, is immensely devoted to you.

Baba Yaga.

My servants, geese-swans!

Catch up, take away, return!

Act - act evil

The pantomime “The Pursuit” is performed to the music of E. Grieg “In the Cave of the Mountain King”. Ulyana and Ivanushka run from Yablonka to Pechka, from Pechka to Rechka - they hide. Geese-swans are catching up.


Ulyana and Vanyusha are running along the road - barely breathing,

And they no longer hear the chase.

We ran to our home at sunset,

The parents are about to return.

And the dog bursts into tears and greets its owners,

In which the soul does not like.

Ulyana poured some stew for the dog,

She gave me a bone, washed my brother, changed his clothes,

Yes, I just sat down on the bench,

How mother and father returned.

Father and mother arrive and hug the children.

Ulyana. Father...

Ivanushka. Mother...

Mother. Here we are.


Is everything alright?

Weren't you kids bored?

Ulyana. No, we weren't bored.

Ivanushka. And they weren’t being naughty.

Mother. Well done, here's some lollipops for you


And here are gingerbread cookies.

Books with pictures.

Read, watch,

Just don't tear it up.

Ulyana. Mother, father! It's so good that you came back.

Ivanushka. And they didn’t scold us at all.

Ulyana. The house is empty without you.

Ivanushka. The bread is dry.

Ulyana. Water is not water.

Ivanushka. Without you there is trouble.

Mother, Father, Ulyana, Ivan perform the final dance “Together again, back in the house”, music by T. Luneva.

"Fairy tale, fairy tale, fairy tale..."

School theater performance

"Little country"

Supervisors: Sinichkina T.M., Shadrina N.V., Litvinenko G.I., Kombulatova L.M.

Ved.: Hello ma boys and girls! Can you read? (Asks to read, “Fairy Tale” is written large on the tree) So today I invite you to a fairy tale. Do you like fairy tales? Well, then listen...

That was a long time ago. Once upon a time there lived a rich merchant. He traveled along different countries, bought goods. One day he was unlucky, he got lost in the forest, got tired, lay down, and fell asleep. Only he sees everything like in a dream. The trees swayed and rustled, the sky darkened, and the merchant heard an unfamiliar voice...

Leshy: “If you give me what you don’t know at home, I’ll let you go home.”

Ved.: The merchant got scared and asked, “Who are you?”

L.: I am the owner of the forest - Leshy

Ved.: The merchant thought, “I know about everything that I have at home,” and agreed. And when he returned home, his wife met him with a son in her arms - he was born when the merchant was in overseas countries. The merchant became sad, remembered Leshy, but there was nothing to do. They named their son Ivan. The boy grew by leaps and bounds. Only the merchant is killed and sheds tears. I don’t want to give him my son Leshy. And the merchant decided to go to Leshem himself. Ivanushka found out about this, felt sorry for his father, and while everyone was sleeping, he quietly left the house.

Yes, here he is! (Ivanushka appears and walks past the children with a bundle) How long did he walk - short, how close - far. Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. (Ivanushka disappears from view).

Ved.: At that time, a woman lived in the village with her daughter Matryona and stepdaughter Alena. All day long Alena worked, did not straighten her back, and Matryona lay on the stove. The stepmother did not love Alyonushka and planned to destroy her. She called and said: “Go there, I don’t know where - bring something, I don’t know what.” And the girl went wherever her eyes looked.

(Iv. And Al. go towards each other)

I.: Alyonushka, it will be more fun on the road together.

A.: Of course, Ivanushka, we would like to take someone as an assistant...

Ved.: Alyonushka, Ivanushka, look how many children there are, maybe they will help you? Guys, can we help Alyonushka and Ivanushka? (answer from the audience)

A.: Aren’t you afraid? No?

I.: Well, then let's go! (leave to the music)

Glade. Al is on it. and Iv.

I.: Where have we wandered?

A.: Some kind of swamp. Do you hear someone is here? Hey, who's there, come out!

Leshy appears

L.: Look, you made a lot of noise, started shouting. Come on, chick! Who are you?

A.: I’m Alyonushka, my stepmother sent me there, I don’t know where, for something I don’t know why.

L.: Well, go your way. I was waiting for Ivanushka alone. Go away, I’m telling you this - the owner of the forest! Leshy!

I.: Alyonushka, don’t leave me. I'm scared alone.

A.: Why are you Ivanushka, I won’t go anywhere without you. Let us go, Grandfather Leshy. Why do you need Ivanushka?

L.: Let go. No matter how it is! Who will help me save the magical water?! Oh, I let it slip!

A.: I let it slip! Otherwise, we don’t know that in fairy tales there is living and dead water. Really, Ivanushka?

I.: Of course, and we don’t need any magic water!

L.: Oh - oh, no need! Yes, I have special water. Here is the water of fear, and here is the water of courage. (Shows. A crow is heard cawing). Karkusha has arrived. What did she bring? Telegram from Koshchei the Immortal. Appear urgently! Run Run!

I.: Oh, Alyonushka, how scary!

A: Don’t be afraid, Ivanushka! Have a drink magic water- you will become brave. And then we’ll give the children a sip too

(drink and give to children)

A.: Now let's get out of here before the devil returns.

Music is playing. Baba Yaga appears. The children are hiding.

He sits down and takes out a mirror.

B.Ya.: My light, mirror, tell me,

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the scariest thing in the world?

Worst of all...

(A. and I. laugh)

Who is there? Fu-fu! It smells like the human spirit! (finds children) Who are you?

Children: Hello, grandma! Hello, Yagusya! I am Alyonushka. And I'm Ivanushka. We got lost in the forest.

B.Ya.: (to the side) I’ll eat the boy for dinner, and the girl tomorrow

I.: What, grandma?

B.Ya.: Boredom, I say, boredom! One entertainment is a magic mirror. Whenever I look at it, my heart rejoices! How scary I am, everyone is afraid of me. I'm the only one in this world!

A.: But no, grandma!

In our school Do you have children,

What you can't take your eyes off

During the day, the light of God is eclipsed,

At night they instill fear

So they will make faces -

You will want to run away!

B.Ya.: Oh well, it can’t be!

I.: Maybe, maybe. Children, let's show what scary faces you can make.

B.Ya.: Well, who is brave? Who wants to look in my magic mirror? (Offers a mirror to the children. At this time A. and I. run away)

Oh oh! And I thought that only I could do this... Where are the children? (sits on a broom and flies after)

Music. Koschey B. appears, walks around the hall, sits on the throne. Knock.

K: Who is bothering me? What's happened?

(Leshy enters and B.Ya. leads the reluctant A. and I.)

B.Ya.: You can’t escape us. We'll find it everywhere. They wanted to run away from us.

K.: So that’s what you are like! You came to our fairy forest, but you didn’t follow our rules! B.Ya. and Leshy told me that you cannot be intimidated - you are not afraid of anything. Is it so?

A.: Of course, the witches are not alone, we have so many assistants (points to the hall)

K.: Brave, brave... you say, aren’t you afraid? Come on, Leshy, bring my magic chest here. Now let’s check how brave they are (takes out of the chest balloon) My friend Zmey Gorynych gave it to me, it’s called a fear meter. You know how it blows!

(Goes to the children and tries to burst the balloon)

B.Ya.: Well, the children went and weren’t afraid of anything

K.: Come on, we’ll scare them in a different way. These are children, after all, and all children love to listen to fairy tales. Come on, we'll tell them something worse, we'll scare everyone.

L.: I-I (begins to tell a horror story) In one dark - dark forest... Why did they get quiet?

B.Ya.: We’ll keep the one who was intimidated

A.: Just think about horror stories, but our children also know horror stories

I.: Guys, help us, tell us horror stories

(children tell horror stories)

K: What should I do with you? You are not afraid of us scary fairy-tale heroes. Scary stories don't scare you. Well, I can’t let them go and I don’t want to.

Ved.: Let us, evil spirits, fight for honesty.

K.: How is that?

Ved.: Let's arrange a competition. Whoever wins wins!

K.: I have one thing (takes out a rope)

Games to music

Tug of War

Who is faster (ball and thread chair)

Serpent Gorynych (four ropes)

Baba Yaga (two brooms, two buckets)

Devilry: Well, we give up - we give up. Take your Ivanushka and Alyonushka

K.: Follow me

Ved.: Guys, how do we see them off (whistle, stomp). Well, now I see how brave our guys are. And it’s time for Alyonushka and Ivanushka to go to their fairyland. Thank you guys for your help. Goodbye.








Baba Yaga


Attributes: a bundle, water, two bottles of courage and fear, a telegram, a mirror, a broom, a throne, a chest, Balloons, rope, two brooms, two buckets, four ropes.

5.00 /5 | Voted: 2

Scenario of the theatrical performance for children “Forest Adventures” - great option organizing leisure time at a summer camp or just in nature. Guys school age You will enjoy interesting tasks and transformations into fairy-tale characters. Competitions will help you discover your talents and become friends.

It is better to entrust the main roles to adults or high school students. The following characters are needed:

  • Baba Yaga;
  • Granddaughter of Baba Yaga;
  • Cat;
  • Sweet tooth;
  • Goldilocks.

A theatrical performance for children based on the “Forest Adventures” scenario begins with a meeting with Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga (sniffs):

I hear it smells like the human spirit? Who dared to come to my forest? Who are you to trample the grass here and scare the hares?


We're going for a walk!

Baba Yaga:

Okay, so be it, go ahead. But, I give you a task: if you don’t complete it, you won’t be able to leave my possessions. You need to assemble a magic phrase from pieces.

Hands the children a fragment of a phrase.

At this moment, Baba Yaga’s Granddaughter comes running screaming.


Granny, granny, it’s so terrible! Terrible! Dangerous! With huge eyes and teeth! And a mustache! No, with mustaches!!!

Baba Yaga:

Who's there? Crocodile?


No no! Even worse!

Baba Yaga:

What does it say?

Granddaughter (covering her face with her hands):


Baba Yaga:

Who is it that scared my girl so much?

The children answer that it is a mouse.

Baba Yaga:

I'll fly and deal with this little mouse.

Baba Yaga invites the children to choose for her the fastest broom from her “broom park”.

Children are divided into two teams. The first participant is given a broom and the task - “to fly to the tree and come back. Then the next one joins in and so on until the last player. The team that finishes it first wins.

On the way they are met by a Cat.


Hello! Who are you and where are you going?


We went for a walk, but met Baba Yaga. And she set us a task: to assemble a magic phrase from pieces.


Well, I'll help you. Only if you complete my task.

  • How many characters pulled the turnip? (6)
  • How many months did you sit by the fire? (12)
  • How many animals have headed to Bremen to pursue careers as musicians? (4)
  • How many eyes does Bastinda have? (1)
  • How many kids did the wolf steal in the fairy tale? (6)
  • At what age did Uncle Fyodor learn to read? (4)
  • How many requests did the old man have for the goldfish? (5)
  • How many coins did Karabas give to Barabas Buratino? (5)
  • How many times has Thumbelina been asked to get married? (4)
  • How many monkeys is the length of a boa constrictor? (5)
  • How many years did Sleeping Beauty sleep? (100)
  • How old is Gena the crocodile? (50)


Great! You are so smart, you know everything! (Hands a fragment of text to the children). I’ll go on a trip with you too.


Hello, I heard you are interested in a fragment of the magic phrase? I can help, but just complete my task.

Game "Prohibited Movement"

Children stand in a circle. Goldilocks is the leader, so she is in the center. She suggests repeating the movement after her, with the exception of one (for example, “hands forward”). But, Goldilocks unexpectedly reveals a "forbidden move". Whoever makes a mistake and repeats it is eliminated. He gives the winner a fragment of the magic phrase.

"Sweet Auction"

Then the children put together the phrase: “Miracles happen to those who believe in them.”

Baba Yaga:

Is not wonderful adventure happened to everyone today?


We were glad to meet such nice, cheerful and smart guys. Until next time.

This one can easily be adapted for birthdays or other special occasions.

Name: Script for the theatrical performance “Journey Through Fairy Tales”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scripts, performances, dramatizations, Preparatory group (5-6 years old)

Position: music director highest category
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten No. 25 “Cheryomushka”
Location: Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region

A journey through fairy tales.

Ved: Guys, today we will visit magical world fairy tales, meet familiar and beloved characters, learn a lot of interesting things, so...

Music sounds “out there in the unknown”

There is a hut, a storyteller sits.

Storyteller: Far, far away lies a kingdom, an immense state - a land of fairy tales, miracles and Magic! Wonderful country! And whoever has visited it at least once will remain a prisoner forever. Because the trees there are the most bizarre, the mountains are the highest, the towers are the most painted, the birds are the most sonorous, and the monsters are the most terrible.

I want to start a fairy tale...

The name of this fairy tale

Hurry up and guess.

Is everyone ready to listen to your ears?

It will be - a fairy tale -

Give me time

“The old man says to the old woman:

Bake for me...

Children: Kolobok"

Storyteller: He ran away from his grandfather and grandmother,

Got lost and disappeared

Suddenly he’s in another fairy tale...

Listen, young friend.

Kolobok appears to the music and dances.

Kolobok:(Rolls towards the oak tree)

Oh, where did I end up?

And where did I end up?

Here is a huge oak tree

Looks straight at me

I need to ask him.

Where should I go and what should I do?

Dear oak help me

And tell me the way.

Oak: I am a hundred-year-old oak, not an ordinary one

The magical object is below me,

There's a book of fairy tales, look

And take it in your hands.

Open any page in it

Just guess the magic riddle.

And you will instantly find yourself in a Russian fairy tale.

And there you will find your way home.

Oak gives a book of Russian folk tales.

The curtain was closed, the “autumn forest” curtain

Kolobok:(opens the book) Oh, guys, help me solve the riddle:

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut

There are three chairs and three mugs

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

What is the name of this fairy tale?

Children: Three Bears.

Masha and the Three Bears come out to the music.

Masha: I went for a walk in the forest alone

I couldn’t find my way home.

And I came to a forest hut

What stood at the edge.

I came in without knocking

I ate there and broke a chair

Lying on the beds

And I still stayed asleep

But then the owners returned

And they were seriously angry.

And then I just realized

How badly I behaved.

I made friends with bears

And I learned to play.

Now my friends and I are walking in the forest

And we play with bears.

Guys, let's go to the orchestra with the bears and play.

The girls and bears go behind the curtain to get their tools.

Mystery: But guys, what instruments do you know, guess what instrument sounds like?

Behind the curtain they play any instrument, the children guess.

Masha: Like our neighbor

It was a fun conversation:

Geese on a harp,

Ducks to the pipes,

Tap dances into rattles,

Seagulls in balalaikas,

Waxwings in pipes,

Cuckoos in whistles,

Starlings with bells.

They play, they play,

Everyone is amused!

The orchestra performs “Dunya the Tin Weaver”

Kolobok (says goodbye to Masha):

And with a new fairy tale meet.

The curtain was closed, the stove was rolled out, and on it was Emelya with a balalaika.

Kolobok opens the book.

Mystery: The buckets will move on their own

The stove carries him by itself

What kind of fairy tale, guess

Remember quickly.

Children: By magic.\

The curtain opens and Emelya is sitting on the stove with a balalaika.

Emelya: I came to you for fun,

Russian guy, I'm Emelya.

I call myself a simpleton

Il Emeley - a fool.

But don't believe it, it's not like that

I'm no fool

Just a brave, gallant guy,

Cheerful and daring.

I know a lot of folk games

I invite you to play.

Do you want to play?

So come to me quickly!

Do you know many folk games?

The children answer.

Emelya: Let's go play a game, Little Lambs are cool.

Game "Little Lambs - Cool Little Lambs"

The little lambs are cool, dance in a circle

We walked through the forests stomp their feet

We wandered through the mountains,

They played the violin imitation of violin playing

Emelya was amused. They spread their hands and bow.

Our Emelya is simplicity: They narrow the circle and approach Emela.

I bought a horse They narrow the circle and approach Emela

Sat backwards Expand the circle.

And went to the garden as they jump, they turn away and clap their hands.

Emelya catches up with the guys: I didn't catch up with anyone

I didn't catch anyone.

Emelya: Open your ears, guests.

Children will sing Chatushki!


I was at the market

I saw Miron.

Myron has it on his nose

Crow croaked.

Petya deftly catches fish

Maybe make a raft,

Just “Hello” and “thank you”

Can't speak!

In the morning to mother our Mila

She gave me two candies.

I barely had time to give it,

She immediately ate them herself.

Little kids love

All kinds of candy.

Who gnaws and who swallows,

Who is rolling on the cheek?

Heroically Lena with laziness

Fight all day

But, much to our chagrin,

Laziness defeated Lena.

Rubbish - rubbish - rubbish!

I could perform all day!

I don't feel like studying

And you’re not too lazy to sing ditties!

Our Olenka is a strong woman,

She has a heavy load on her shoulder:

There are a hundred kilos of chains on it,

Buckles, hairpins, various beads.

Kolobok says goodbye to Emelya:

And meet a new fairy tale

Emelya sits on the stove:

At the behest of the pike, at my will, take me home to bake!

The curtain closed

Place Baba Yaga's hut in a corner, curtain "autumn forest"

The gingerbread man rolls in a circle to the music and opens the book.

Vasilisa stands to open the curtain.

Vasilisa: Hello, my dear,

Bow to everyone, low to the ground,

I am a beautiful girl, with a Russian braid.

The riddle of Vasilisa:

I know one magic

I have a wondrous miracle.

You just have to want it

All I have to do is look

Instantly, a pattern appears -

I can weave any carpet.

What fairy tale am I from, children?

Which of you will answer me?

Children:"Vasilisa the Wise"

Vasilisa: Here I take my handkerchief,

I gather everyone in a circle,

Come out, honest people,

Get into a round dance.

Round dance "At Kalinushka"

Vasilisa: So the legs began to dance,

We played re-dance

I'll start knocking with my feet

You must repeat after me.

Dance "Dance"

Rhythm in the legs.

Vasilisa: Ay, what great guys!

Not guys - daredevils!

Let's dance

Yes, dance “Kalinka”.

The dance "Kalinka" is performed

Baba Yaga comes out from behind the house.

B.Y. screams: The hut is behind me, well, the hut, go to the forest. They dance.

B.Ya. : I feel it, I feel it with my nose, ear

The Russian spirit smells here.

Who dared to make noise and dance?

Wanted to make me angry

Me, Baba Yaga.

I can't understand?

Is it you, Kolobok?

Is there a mess here?

Are you making noise here with Vasilisa?

Speak up, why are you silent?

What kind of holiday are you having?

Speak up, prankster?

Otherwise I’ll whistle

I’ll let Koschey know in a moment.

Kolobok: Wait, Grandma Yagusya,

I'm not the only one having fun.

Wipe your eyes -

How many guys are there, look!

I guessed the holiday correctly,

I just scared everyone in vain.

B. Ya.: I can scare you more

Know Grandmother Yaga!

Kolobok: Don't ruin our fun

Calm down quickly.

Vasilisa: Yes, and all the guys ask,

Grandma, calm down.

B.Ya.: What kind of fun are you having here?

Ali show performance

Is this a holiday of witchcraft?

And in the villainy of mastery?

So last year, at the festival,

I won the first prize.

I'm not lying or joking.

I'll teach you how to cast magic

Now I’ll blow and whistle -

I will turn everyone into villains.

Vasilisa: Stop, grandma, calm down.

And don't be angry with us.

Here we play with children,

We sing songs

Russian national,

And we dance in circles,

Better dance with us

Let's have some fun!

B. I: So be it, I'll have fun

I'm not in a hurry.

Know Grandmother Yaga,

I can be kind too.

By the way, I

Very popular.

Besides, she's pretty

And in every fairy tale I am a hero!

Now let's dance

Maestro, turn on the music!

Children dance with Baba Yaga, at the end Baba Yaga catches up with everyone.

B.Y: Oh, you seem to be clever,

So I can’t catch up with you,

If I could fly in a mortar,

I would have caught everyone in an instant.

Kolobok: Everyone tried, everyone danced,

Songs were sung and played.

Grandma Hedgehog, do a little magic,

You are a master in this matter,

We wanted some treats.

B.Y: Fu-fu-fu, chi-chi-chi,

There are rolls in my basket.

I'll conjure, whistle,

I'll treat you to some rolls.

Kolobok looks into the basket.

Kolobok: Ha ha ha!

Nothing succeeded,

You've forgotten how to cast magic!

Here - those, on - those, rolls!

Look at the bricks!

The bun turns the basket over.

Vasilisa: Oh, my friends, wait!

And please don't argue

That's why it all happened

The magic didn't work.

Because it's necessary

Let's all live together in harmony.

Kolobok: You, Vasilisa, are a beautiful maiden,

A jack of all trades.

I want to ask you:

Create a miracle

Let us treat everyone guys

It wouldn't be bad.

Vasilisa: Okay, okay, I'll try

I will try for the children.

You just have to want it

I just have to look...

Whisper one word...

And the treat - here it is!

Russian gingerbreads,

Sweet, delicious!

Serves on a tray for children and adults

Kolobok: Well, we had a lot of fun here!

B.Y: We had a great time here!

Vasilisa: And now it's time to say goodbye...

Kolobok: Wait, wait, what about me? I couldn’t find my way back to my fairy tale.

Vasilisa: Give me your book. Listen and guess the riddle.

Straight from the shelf, over the threshold...

The ruddy side ran away.

Our friend rolled away

What kind of fairy tale?...(Kolobok)

Kolobok: Yes, this is a riddle about my fairy tale Kolobok!

Kolobok: Thank you, hurray, hurray,

I found my way home!

Granny's been waiting for me

And my beloved grandfather

It's time for me to return

Goodbye kids!

The music sounds “There, on unknown paths”

Storyteller: So our journey through the land of fairy tales, miracles and magic ends. But now you can continue it yourself, because the fairy tale path is endless, as soon as you open the collection of Russian fairy tales and go!

Published December 7, 2015 - 15:41 by admin

Decoration: flowers on the central curtain, glowing tree, stands with flowers and stars.

Attributes: white thin scarf, ribbons on a stick, 2 magic wands, ring, 3 finger theater butterflies.

Music Center.

Repertoire and musical accompaniment:

Dance composition “Continuation of the fairy tale”, music. etc. T. Kulinova (audio recording);

March, music Yu. Chichkova (audio recording);

Polka, music Yu. Chichkova (audio recording);

“How our girlfriends went” russian. adv. melody (audio recording);

Game "Ring", collection " Family Fun» M.Yu. Cargo;

March, music N. Levi (audio recording);

Song “Believe in Miracles”, music. etc. T. Smirnova;

Game “Look, remember”;

Song of Kai and Gerda, music. etc. T. Smirnova;

Song-dance “Our Polka”, music. etc. Z. Root;

Blizzard, Waltz of the Snow Queen, music. M. Minkova, V. Korostyleva (audio recording) Polka, music. G. Struve (audio recording);

Game “Palms”, collection “Family Entertainment” M.Yu. Cargo;

"Morning", music. E Griga (audio recording);

"Waltz of the Flowers", music. P.I. Tchaikovsky (audio recording);

“Spring is a Mischief”, music and lyrics by Z. Root;

"Waltz of Toys", music. Y. Efimova (audio recording);

Song "Rainbow", music. etc. M. Sidorova;

Song "Fairytale Country", music. etc. T. Kulinova (minus soundtrack).

Characters (children): Wizard, Mosquito, Little Red Riding Hood, Wolf, Puss in Boots, Vasilisa the Wise, Kai, Gerda, Snow Queen, Spring Fairy, Sunbeam, Flowers (with butterflies on fingers), Rainbow.

The progress of a theatrical performance for older preschoolers

To the applause of the audience (as is tradition), the artists enter the auditorium and occupy the first row. The Wizard enters the stage.

Wizard. Hello, dear guests.

I am glad to welcome you to our spring fairy ball.

Nature has awakened again:

A field, a forest, a river woke up.

And the birds reported the news:

“Rejoice everyone! Spring came!" (M. Kartushina)

Today our guests are heroes of different fairy tales.

All fairy-tale heroes perform a dance composition

“Continuation of the fairy tale” music. T. Kulinova (audio recording)

Wizard. I begin the presentation of fairy-tale characters.

He was not afraid of anyone or anything,

In his fairy tale, he fought bravely with the spider.

Komarik comes out and marches solemnly in the center of the stage.

March, music by Yu. Chichkov (audio recording)

Mosquito. Children know this fairy tale

People know everything in the world.

I defeated the spider

I freed the fly.

Maybe I'm small in height

But I am a fearless mosquito.

He leaves for the march.

Wizard. I went to visit my grandmother and brought her pies.

The gray wolf was watching her,

And he almost swallowed it. (V. Stepanov)

The wolf invites Little Red Riding Hood to dance, the heroes dance in pairs.

"Polka", music. Yu. Chichkova (audio recording)

Little Red Riding Hood. Why today with a wolf

Should I dance here?!

He will now run to grandma,

He will take it and eat it again!

Wolf. No, today is a holiday here,

I won't eat anyone!

Today I am a good wolf

I even know a lot about dancing!

Little Red Riding Hood. Well, of course he knows a lot!

And who is clicking his teeth everywhere?!

Which fairy tale won't you go into?

You can barely carry your feet!

Wolf. It's not my fault at all,

They're all just fairy tales!

But today I promise:

I won't bite anyone!

Little Red Riding Hood. I allow it to be so,

Show me to my place. (M.V. Golushko)

The wolf accompanies Little Red Riding Hood.

Wizard. You won't find her wiser

You'll go around half the world,

Knows many secrets

Both questions and answers. (M.V. Golushko)

Vasilisa the Wise comes on stage to the music and dances.

“How our girlfriends went”, Russian folk melody (audio recording)

Vasilisa the Wise. They call me the Wise One

And, without modesty, very smart.

I can sew, embroider,

Conjure a little more.

I can cook wonderful borscht,

I can turn you into a frog!

What is five five?

But if I'm here now

List everything for you,

Neither spring nor summer is enough.

Okay, enough about that.

I suggest you play

Hand over the ring.

Vasilisa the Wise conducts the game

Game "Ring"

Children stand in a circle, close to each other. Everyone's hands are behind their backs. One of the children is holding a ring. In the center of the circle is the driver, he says the words together with the children:

The ring moves around in a circle, from one hand to the other.

Now the time for the walk has passed - who has our ring?

At this time, the participants pass the ring behind their backs. When the words are spoken, the driver says: “Ring!”, addressing any player, and trying to guess who has the ring, the player must immediately show his hands. The one with the ring becomes the driver. (Collection “Family Entertainment” by M.Yu. Gruzovoy)

Vasilisa the Wise.

And now, I’ll tell you riddles,

Prepare your answers.

Fairy-tale characters and spectators solve riddles.

At Baba Yaga's

Just two legs

And how many legs does the stupa have?

Who could say now? (not at all)

The Serpent Gorynych has five heads,

Who's ready to argue with me?

Bet, if anyone decides,

Let him fight Gorynych!

So listen to the riddle

Remember in order.

Two heads want to sleep

Two heads want to walk.

How many heads are there in total?

Who has the answer? (five)

Well done, what can I say?

Vasilisa the Wise leaves.


He loved his master, he served him faithfully,

He wore boots and defeated the evil cannibal. (V. Stepanov)

Puss in Boots solemnly and importantly enters the stage and bows.

March, music N. Levi (audio recording)

Puss in Boots. The most famous of cats,

I'm always ready to help

Come, protect anyone,

And defeat the giant

And even a thousand mice

They will not cope with my courage.

Puss in Boots at your service,

With me, cowards will all receive merit!

Puss in Boots bows expressively.

Puss in Boots. Yes, I'm a serious, brave guy,

But I still love to play,

Now all the fairy-tale heroes

I invite you to the game.

Puss in Boots plays a game

Game "Look, remember..."

The presenter looks carefully and remembers who is where.

Look, look, remember,

Don't waste your time.

Now close your eyes

And you can't peek!

The presenter turns away.

When we say: one, two, three,

Then look at us.

The players change places, then say: one, two, three - look.

The presenter turns and puts everyone in their places

Kai invites Gerda, the heroes go on stage, merrily spinning in pairs.

Kai and Gerda perform a song, music by T. Smirnova

Gerda. Kai, quickly, look, the gardens are blooming all around,

The Queen will not return, the sun is shining very brightly!

Kai. The snow has long melted, and there are flocks of birds everywhere

They sing sonorous songs, bringing light and joy to everyone.

All fairy-tale characters go on stage and perform the song “Our Polka”, music. Z. Root

All the characters continue to dance to cheerful music.

Suddenly the music stops, a blizzard begins, and the Snow Queen appears. " Magical dream"(audio recording)

The Queen puts all fairy-tale heroes to sleep. The characters sway gently to the beat of the music, begin to yawn and stretch. Reluctantly, slowly and sleepily, everyone goes to their places. The Snow Queen remains on stage.

The Snow Queen performs "Waltz", music. M. Minkova, N. Korostyleva (audio recording)

The Snow Queen.

It happened without me

You organized the ball in vain!

Now you have a long sleep,

Maybe you'll wake up later...

It had to be like this!

You thought it was all nothing?!

Have you forgotten that the queen

Doesn't sit completely idle!

You forgot about me

So you sit without spring,

No rainbows and no flowers.

Without songs and magic words.

The Snow Queen leaves importantly and offended.

Wizard. Who can help us?

And free me from sleep,

Asleep fairy-tale heroes

Would you rather wake me up?

The wizard thinks.

Wizard. Spring has good fellow travelers...

To awaken nature from sleep,

Sends the first warm ray

Ahead of you, Spring is red.

Sunbeam appears and dances mischievously.

Polka, music G. Struve (audio recording)

Sun Ray. I am a ray of sunshine - a cheerful prankster.

The holiday always begins with me!

With me the sun gives you warmth,

Everything is good with me, everyone on earth is fine.

It's time for everyone to wake up from their snowy sleep,

The fairy is in a hurry to us, Fairy - Spring.

A ray of sunshine wakes up fairy-tale heroes.

Wake up, wake up,

Smile, smile,

It's boring to sleep for a long time,

Come out everyone and play!

All the heroes go on stage, a ray of sunshine plays the game “Palms”

The players stand in a circle with the driver in the center. Children stretch their hands forward, inviting the driver to hit their palms, but as soon as the driver tries to do this, they hide their hands behind their backs. Children whose palms are hit leave the game. (Collection “Family Entertainment” by M.Yu. Gruzovoy)

Sounds "Morning", music. E. Griga

The Spring Fairy appears, dancing easily and gracefully.

Fairy Spring.

In the morning the sun woke up and opened its eyes.

Everything in the world smiled and blossomed, like in a fairy tale!

WITH Good morning, the forest is green!

Good morning, lindens, maples,

Good morning, clouds and wide river,

And rustling oak forests, butterflies, bumblebees and grass! (T.A. Shorygina)

Spring is leaving.

Flowers appear on stage to the music,

perform the song “Spring is a Mischief”, music. etc. Z. Root

Flower 1. On forest carpets, green, with velvet of soft mosses

The ball is ringing, full of fun, a ball of flowers among the forests.

Behind the snowdrop is a snowdrop. Take a look, you can’t take your eyes off:

So solemnly, so tenderly they came out to dance.

Flower 3. And they dance in the woods, near the bronze pine

So free, so wonderful the dance of fairy tales and spring.

N.V. Zabolotsky (from the cycle of poems “Seasons”)

Flowers put on the finger theater "Butterflies"

perform dance improvisation. "Waltz of the Flowers", music. P.I. Tchaikovsky

Butterflies are on the fingers of flowers, they fly, sit in children’s arms, and dance.

Wizard. The beautiful spring is walking across the earth,

Leads with spring rains.

As the rain falls, the sky shines,

With its cheerful colors it will attract you,

Come to us, rainbow, multi-colored ribbon,

The rainbow has seven colors, all colors are noticeable!

To the music, a Rainbow appears, holding a stick with ribbons in the colors of the rainbow, and performs a dance. "Waltz", music. Y. Efimova (audio recording)

Fairy Spring. You tell us, rainbow, rainbow - arc,

Why are you always so bright?

And what artist did not spare paint?

Who managed to draw a brush across the sky?

Wizard. And the rainbow said, rainbow - arc:

Rainbow. “I have good, loyal friends.

Everyone gave me their favorite color.

For me there are no more expensive colors than these.

And you know your friends: these are cornflowers,

Crumbs – forget-me-nots, poppies, marigolds,

Delicate violets - thin stem

And daisies, a bright, yellow eye” (M.V. Sidorova)

All fairy-tale characters go on stage, perform the song “Rainbow”, music. etc. M. Sidorova

Wizard. You and a fairy tale never

Never break up.

Let the years go by,

Return to fairy tales again

Sunbeam. A fairy tale gives magic.

Teaches us all to be wiser.

There good will punish evil.

The kinder is stronger.

Hurry to nowhere again

Return to nowhere.

Let the years go by,

Always believe in miracles.

All fairy-tale characters go on stage and sing the song “Fairytale Country”. Music T. Kulinova (minus track)

The show is over.

Each artist performs to the applause of the audience.


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