Where does the wind come from and why does it blow in different directions? GCD “What is wind? What is wind made of?

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Class: 3

Goal: to give students an idea of ​​how wind is formed;

    generalize the idea of ​​what happens to air when heated and cooled;

    ensure that students understand the concepts of how warm and cold air moves; what is the significance of wind in nature; how people use the power of the wind;

    development oral speech students, organization independent work, development of observation, cognitive activity;

    development of voluntary attention (writing in notebooks, observations);

    development of the ability to draw conclusions;

    developing the ability to analyze (working with cards);

Educational objectives: to promote the aesthetic education of schoolchildren (familiarity with Aivazovsky’s painting “The Ninth Wave”; application of acquired knowledge in everyday life, in life.)

Lesson type: combined

Methods: verbal - story, conversation, partially search; visual; practical.

Methodological techniques: practical activities, work with text, with cards, work in notebooks.

Types of children's activities: independent, collective.


Cards No. 1, No. 2; candles, lamp glass, tray, wooden blocks, a piece of paper cut into thin strips, a snake made of thick paper, wire; presentation.

During the classes

A prepared student reads the riddle:

It's circling through the forest,
It whistles in the field,
But we didn’t see what he looked like.
IN open windows will unexpectedly fly in-
He'll whisper something
Then suddenly it starts buzzing.

That's right, guys, it's the wind.

Teacher. Today in the lesson we continue to study the topic: “Air” and will try to answer the question: why does the wind blow?

Checking homework

You were given the task to come up with an experiment that would prove that warm air rises.

(children talk about their experiments)

Demonstration of experience at the teacher's desk.

Let's light a candle and place it on a stand on the table. Let's place it in a lamp glass, under which we put some blocks. Hold your hand over the lamp glass. How does this make you feel?

Answer: Warm air comes out of the lamp glass.

Hold a piece of paper cut into thin strips over the lamp glass. What will happen to them?

Strips of paper that were above the lamp glass with a burning candle deviated upward.

What conclusion can be drawn from the experiments conducted?

Conclusion. The air heats up and the heated air rises.

Teacher. Let's imagine now that you and I are in a forest clearing near a fire. We sit and watch the dry branches burn. Sparks fly from the fire and soar upward. And dry leaves and gray ashes - they also fly over the fire. Why do they fly upward, what pushes them?

Children. When a fire burns hot without smoke, you can see hot air flowing over it. It is this hot air that picks up ash, dry leaves, and sparks.

Repetition of the topic: “Air expansion when heated and compression when cooled.”

Remember what happens to air when heated and fill out card No. 1.

Card No. 1. Complete the sentence and remember the properties of air.

Warm air occupies _____________________________________________________.

(warm air takes up more space than cold air)

How can you prove that warm air takes up more space than cold air?

Demonstration of the experiment: pour water into a glass and tint it. Insert a stopper with a glass tube into the flask. Place the end of the tube in a glass of water. Let's heat the flask with the warmth of our hands. Air bubbles begin to emerge from a tube lowered into water.

Conclusion: (done by children)

This proves that warm air expands when heated.

Teacher. Now cover the flask with a cloth soaked in cold water. The bubbling has stopped.

Why is this happening?

Children. This happens because air compresses as it cools.

Teacher. What did we observe when the fire was burning?

Children. When a fire burns hotly without smoke, you can see the hot air trembling above it and rushing upward.

Teacher. Where else have we observed the movement of warm air?

Children. Above the asphalt in the yard, at the stove - above the burning burner.

Problematic question

Could it happen that all the air in the yard heats up and flies away, and we will have nothing to breathe.

Children. No, this can't happen. Warm air is replaced by cold air.

Take card number 2 and complete the sentence

Card No. 2

In place of rising light, warm air ______________________________

(In place of the rising light, warm air, cool, heavier air will immediately flow in.)

Teacher. To prove this, we will conduct another experiment.

A lit candle was brought to the slightly open door. If you hold a candle over the top edge of the door, the flame of the candle will deviate towards the street. If the candle is placed on the floor, the candle flame will deviate towards the class.

Conclusion. Warm air is lighter, it rises up and goes out into the street, cold air takes its place

Teacher. The same thing happens in nature. The sun warms the earth unequally, unevenly: in one place it is warmer, and in another it is colder. Masses of cold air rush to where it is warmer, where the warm air seems to have made room for them.

What is the movement of warm and cold air over the surface of the earth called?

Did you guess it? Find the answer to this question in the textbook on page 54.( The world-3rd grade. G.G. Ivchenkova, I.V. Potapov)

The movement of warm and cold air over the earth's surface is called wind.

Sometimes this movement is barely noticeable. But at times the wind reaches such strength that it breaks trees and blows off the roofs of houses. What is this wind called? (Hurricane)

Wind is a natural phenomenon. Think about what property of air is it formed due to?

Children. Wind is formed due to the property of air to expand when heated and contract when cooled.

Teacher. During the day, land heats up faster and more strongly than water. But it also cools down faster. Therefore, the temperature over the sea and land is different: during the day the air is warmer over the land, and at night it is warmer over the sea.

Consider how the wind will blow in a given area day and night.

Children. During the day, the land surface heats up faster and stronger than the water. Consequently, cold air from the sea will rush to land, and at night the wind will blow in the opposite direction, i.e. from land to sea.

Teacher. Indeed, the winds blow like this: during the day from the sea to the land it is a day breeze, and at night from the land to the sea it is a night breeze.

And if the whole world had the same temperature, the earth would heat up equally everywhere, and there would be no wind. Think about what could happen then?

Children. If there was no wind, the clouds would not be able to move, and drought would begin. The smoke from the fire will not be able to rise up and will hang over the city, making it very difficult to breathe.

Teacher. In short, bad weather is not so bad. But the winds can be very capricious; they constantly change direction.

How can we determine which direction the wind is blowing? (children's answers)

There is a special device that is used to determine the direction of the wind. Who knows what it's called? (vane)

Teacher. At meteorological stations, the direction of the wind is monitored using a weather vane, which is installed at a height of 10 m. It consists of a metal plate that rotates depending on the direction of the wind

Teacher. What name does the wind get depending on its direction?

Read about it in the textbook (page 54)

Children. The wind gets its name from the side of the horizon from which it blows.

From the south - southern, from the north - northern

Working with a notebook

Determine from the pictures which wind is blowing. let your friend check on you

(Workbook No. 1 for the textbook by G.G. Ivchenkova, I.V. Potapov “The world around us - 3rd grade”)

Teacher. Wind comes in different strengths: weak, moderate, strong.

Tell me, being at home or at school, how do you know how strong the wind is?

Children: We look at the trees. If the wind is weak, then only the leaves sway on the trees. And if the wind is strong, the trees bend and break. It happens that roofs are blown off houses and trees are uprooted.

Wind characteristics.

Wind, wind, you are powerful,
You are chasing flocks of clouds.
You stir the blue sea
Howling everywhere in the open air.

What fairy tale is this excerpt from?

An excerpt from a fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”

What properties of wind are discussed in this passage?

He is powerful, he drives flocks of clouds, he agitates the blue sea.

Teacher. What does mighty mean? (mighty is a strong wind)

- Say it in one word:

Severe storm at sea - (storm)

Note to teacher

STORM (Dutch storm), storm, long-lasting, very strong wind, 9 points on the Beaufort scale and a speed of more than 20 m/s, usually observed during the passage of a cyclone; accompanied by strong rough seas and destruction on land.

Work based on the painting by I.K. Aivazovsky “The Ninth Wave”

    What is shown in the picture.

    What feelings does this picture evoke?

Note to teacher

Aivazovsky depicted the dawn at sea after a stormy night. According to existing belief, every ninth wave during a storm exceeds all previous ones in strength. Huge waves, like mountains, rise and rage in the boundless expanse, merging with the sky, across which clouds are rushing, driven by a mad wind. The sun, barely rising above the horizon, breaks through the thick curtain of clouds and pierces the waves, foam and water dust hanging in the air with a golden glow. And in the foreground of the picture, on the fragment of the mast of a ship broken by a storm, a small group of people is being saved. The crests of the shafts rise above their heads. They frantically cling to each other, hoping in mutual support to find salvation from the impending doom.

Think and tell me, what is the significance of wind in nature?

The wind drives clouds over the ground, and rain, snow, and hail fall in different places. The wind carries polluted air away from cities and brings Fresh air from fields, forests and meadows.

Teacher How does a person use the power of the wind?

The textbook text on page 55 of the textbook will help us answer this question.


So can we say that: “Wind is a great worker in nature”?

(Of course, we can. The wind can create, destroy, and destroy everything in its path, even a person.)

Lesson summary

What discoveries have you made for yourself today?


Complete a creative task.

What would you do if you could fly like a bird?

Annex 1


Dietrich A., Yurmin G. “Why”. – M.: “Astrel AST”, 2001.

Galpershtein L.Ya. My first encyclopedia. – M.: “Rosman-press”, 2004.

Altshumer S.V. “I'm exploring the world. Science is about riddles and answers.” – M.: “Astrel”, 2005.

Yolkina N.V., “1000 riddles”, Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2002

Kulnevich S.V. “Analysis of a modern lesson”, publishing house “Teacher”, 2003.

Shogan V.V., “Technology of a personally-oriented lesson”, publishing house “Teacher”, 2003.

Pankratieva I.L. "Geography". – M.: “Eksmo”, 2003.

“Planet Earth” trans. from English Head A.M. – M.: “Rosman”, 2005.

Illustrations and photographs are taken from various Internet sites.

About the air...

Answers to pages 48 – 49

1. Remember what wind is.

Wind is moving air. The earth heats up differently in different places sun rays. The air also heats up from the ground. Warm air is lighter than cold air. He rises up. And cold air rushes to its place. This is where the wind arises.

2. Why is the air polluted?

From the pipes of factories and factories, from the exhaust pipes of cars, harmful substances enter the air and it becomes polluted.

  • Continue the thought:
    Air surrounds us everywhere: on the street, in the classroom, in the room. Air cannot be seen, but it can be felt if... wave your hand sharply or bend over; run; when the wind blows, open the window and turn on the fan.
  • Using a drawing, talk about the importance of air for plants, animals, and humans.

People, plants and animals need air to breathe, and therefore to live.

  • Look at the photo and diagram. Try to explain why the air is polluted, what it affects, how to protect the air from pollution.

For normal life, a person needs a small amount carbon dioxide. It is necessary for the process of breathing and blood circulation. But if there is more carbon dioxide in the air permissible norm, it can harm the human body. We get oxygen from the air we breathe. We exhale carbon dioxide. The same thing happens in animals and plants. But for nutrition, plants require carbon dioxide, which they receive from the air and release oxygen. Thus, a constant air composition is maintained.
But man interferes with this balance and disrupts it with his activities. By cutting down forests, we reduce the amount of oxygen. And there is even more carbon dioxide due to the fact that the chimneys of factories and factories emit it into the atmosphere in whole clouds. The balance of the required ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air is disrupted. This harms not only our health, but also the entire planet.
To industrial enterprises do not pollute the air, they need to be installed with cleaning installations.

  • Find out what is being done to protect air quality in your region.

In our city there are two environmental posts that monitor the condition of environment, including recording the excess of the permissible concentration of harmful substances in the air.

Questions about how life works on Earth begin to worry us from childhood. It is not always easy for parents to explain what is considered obvious. For example, such an atmospheric phenomenon as wind is of great interest. What is it, where does the wind come from, what determines its direction? We will try to answer these questions without going into complex professional terminology, so that it is understandable to any conscious person.

What is wind made of?

The wind cannot be seen. Only feel the strength of its blowing or resistance if, for example, you stick your hand out of a ride high speed cars. Then a reasonable question arises: what substance underlies the wind? Wind itself is nothing more than a flow of air. And its composition is determined by the composition of the air: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and other elements that most of us know about from chemistry lessons.

What causes the movement of air masses?

Looking deeper into the process, it becomes obvious to us that all air consists of molecules (tiny particles) that move in a certain direction. The movement itself is due to the difference in pressure in different places in the space of the earth's atmosphere. In turn, pressure is influenced by temperature data: in warm areas, molecules are located at a greater distance from each other than in cold areas. In the latter case, the pressure will be correspondingly higher. When air masses flow from one area of ​​pressure to another, a blow occurs. This is where the wind comes from.

Types of winds

It is quite obvious from the difference in pressure in the atmosphere that the winds and their directions cannot be the same. However, there is one physical law that is the same for the entire Earth’s atmosphere. This is the horizontal movement of air masses. By studying the features of the atmospheres of others, scientists were able to find out what it is characteristic feature Earth. So, at the global level, all winds can be divided into trade winds and monsoons. The first are called constantly moving due to the above-mentioned pressure fluctuations in the atmosphere air masses. But the monsoons appear depending on the change of season and blow for several months. They are characterized by certain temperature fluctuations.

Winds depending on their strength and duration

This is a narrower classification of winds that allows meteorologists to better monitor. So, the wind of low strength, which comes from the ocean and sea coasts and blows for long hours and even days, is usually called breeze. For a person, from a tactile point of view, this is one of the most pleasant winds. With a rush is called the high-speed movement of air with great strength. The duration of one gust rarely exceeds several seconds. Squally wind combines the characteristics of a breeze and a gust - it blows for a long time, but at the same time very strongly. With such winds, meteorologists usually declare an increased level of weather danger. There are also extremely strong winds that can cause serious harm to people and infrastructure - these are hurricane wind, storm and gale, when it comes to coastal weather.

Irina Loskutova
GCD “What is the wind”

Target: create conditions for preschoolers that promote the development of evidence and ways of connecting the structural and semantic parts of reasoning, the development of logical thinking.

Tasks: Educational: - continue to acquaint children with the phenomena of inanimate nature; establish cause-and-effect relationships. - improve the composition of coherent statements, such as reasoning using subordinating conjunctions (since, because, therefore, means);

Developmental: - enrich children’s active vocabulary with lexical and grammatical means; - continue to develop children’s coherent speech; - improve motor activity through game motor tasks; - develop imagination and creative thinking;

Educational: - instill in children communicative qualities; - cultivate interest in experimental activities, independence of judgment, friendly attitude towards each other

Vocabulary work: experimental, impetuous, piercing, fierce, syncwine.

Methodological support: ICT, experimental tools ( plastic bottles with balls according to the number of children, containers for cold and warm water, object pictures, models, cuts from musical works: Franz Joseph Haydn "Serenade", Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart "Turkish native", Vanessa Metz, "Storm".

Progress of educational activities

V-l: Guys! Today on our website kindergarten I received a video message from the club experts "Why Chicks". Why do you think they named their club that? (Answers) Yes, the guys there are very inquisitive. They ask a lot of questions and often get the answers themselves. So they gave it to you a question. Attention to the screen! Video. “Hello, dear guys! You know the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan". Remember, there are such lines: Wind walks along the sea And speeds up the boat He runs in the waves On swollen sails. Now, attention question: -Why wind, which we haven’t even seen, is being driven by a ship? Is he a wizard or something? We are waiting for your response on our website "Whychek".

V-l: So guys, what do you think? is the wind? (Children’s answers are suggested to begin with words: - I think, - I guess). It turns out that wind Is this air movement or is it really some kind of Magic power? I propose to test this experimentally and invite you to our laboratory.

Experiment « Wind in a bottle» . Explanation teacher: We have containers with warm and cold water. Here are the bottles, what's in them? (air) What is he like? Working with pictograms. You already know that air is colorless, odorless, has weight, and can be warm or cold. Look, is there air in the balloon? We put the bottles in warm water, what happens to bottled air? (It is getting warmer) What caused the ball to rise? (The air began to move and filled the ball) Because warm air rises more easily. The ball holds air. Now we lower the bottles into cold water, what's happening? Why did the ball deflate? (The air cooled and sank to the bottom of the bottles). IN- l: So what can we conclude? Movement warm air up (the teacher gestures at the bottle to show how the air rises and falls) and cold down and forms wind. Did you feel it? Our traffic was weak, so such a wind as you can call it? (breeze) What is he like? An exercise to enrich children with words and signs.

The breeze is quiet, friendly, gentle, light, silent, caressing.

V-l: And if the movement of air on the surface of the earth is faster, then what is it like? wind, in your opinion? Wind - fast, impetuous, piercing, fierce, sharp, ferocious.

V-l: Indeed, how different it can be wind. And I invite you to feel different winds on myself. But we will be different in the breeze, music and scarves will help us with this. Disassemble and listen.

Etude "Southern wind» It blew gentle, warm, southern wind. The wind dance is light and pleasant. Children seem to expose their faces to the wind, raising their chins. The arms rise smoothly from the bottom up, the movement of the body is light and smooth. The lips imitate a light breeze.

Etude "Northern wind» A cold northern breeze blew wind, it permeates us through and through. We walk, ducking, as he knocks us down. The dance of the north wind is fast and gusty. The cheeks are puffed out, the air stream is strong and gusty. We walk, bending down, pressing our hands to our chest. Children spin around, raising their arms up and left and right. Etude "Hurricane" (Voice gets louder) A hurricane rose wind, he bends tree trunks, pulls them out of the ground. Children exhale a strong stream of air. They spin, bend forward, backward, raise their arms.

But still, the wind has some good things to do. Guys, think about what good deeds he can do wind? Start your sentence So: - I know. You will find hints in the pictures.

Working with reference pictures. Clouds, tree, dandelion, sailboat, face. IN- l: People are friends with the wind and based on it they have created and invented useful devices. Name them. (vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, fan, etc.) I know a very amazing invention - a fan. Since ancient times, noble ladies have used fans, being in the theater or walking in the park, they refreshed their faces with a breath of wind from the fan. And the men cooled themselves with hats. Would you like to feel this breeze?

KRD "Fan, fan"

Fan, fan, fan (Open the fan in front of you with both hands) Wave boldly, my friend. (Two hands wave rhythmically in front of the face) Right, left Right, left. (Right hand waving now to the right, now to the left of the face) A little quieter (Waving quietly, holding the fan horizontally) Harder (Waving strongly). Wave one more time (Fold and spread horizontally in front of you) It turned out breeze!

V-l: But unfortunately, strong winds also have evil deeds. Look.

Multimedia display. Did you feel the power of the wind? His power. We learned a lot about wind today. And I think that to our friends from the club "Why Chicks" we can give an exact answer. And little men will help us with this. Composing a poem using Cinquain. IN- l: They are all different. The top man asks: “What did we talk about today?” But these little men ask us: "Which wind What do you remember most?”. Look further at the little men with arms and legs - they move. We have them ask: "What the wind knows how to do. Now you need to say how you feel about the wind, do you like it or not? Look, here the little men have become friends. What else can we call wind? The number of words will tell you the number of people.

1. Wind. 2. Weak, strong. 3. Blows, refreshes, drives. 4. I like cool things in the hot summer. breeze. 5. Natural phenomenon, air movement.

V-l: Guys, we got an answer to our friends. I think experts will appreciate it and agree with him that wind- this is the movement of air, not a magical force. Shall we go send it?

Publications on the topic:

Child-parent educational project “What is good and what is bad.” Child-parent educational project Topic: "What is good, what is bad" Work plan of activities for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Daily planning in the junior group “What is good and what is bad” Day of the week Mode Cooperative activity adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment.

Goal: To develop children’s interest in independent observation of inanimate natural phenomena. Objectives: 1. Teach children to determine presence.

Summary of educational activities for children of the senior group “What is good and what is bad”(5–6 years old) Goal: 1. Teach children to be attentive to each other, to notice positive and negative qualities character.


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