Heating the house using supply and exhaust air supply systems. Heating a house using supply and exhaust air supply systems The principle of compact ventilation

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Ecology of consumption. Science and technology: How to organize air heating of a cottage or warehouse? What equipment is needed for this? What can serve as a source of thermal energy and how to distribute heat from it?

How to organize air heating of a cottage or warehouse? What equipment is needed for this? What can serve as a source of thermal energy and how to distribute heat from it? Let's try to figure it out.

Quite an unusual type of boiler room, right?


Strictly speaking, this category includes all heating methods without the mediation of a coolant. This includes heat guns, and air conditioners in heating mode, and conventional fan heaters. In established terminology, however, air heating equipment is a rather limited list of devices designed to heat air and supply it to air ducts.

The heat source can be either electricity or the combustion of gas, diesel fuel or waste oil. We will not limit ourselves in our choice to any limits and will try to consider the most practical schemes for implementing air heating, regardless of how the corresponding devices are positioned on the market.


It’s worth making a small lyrical digression. The disadvantages and advantages will still have to be discussed in relation to classic scheme: the heat source is in the same room; in all others, warm air is distributed through air ducts. However: in practice, for large rooms without partitions (for a garage, greenhouses or workshop), either several heat sources are used, or one with air flows directed using dampers. Distributing warm air with sleeves is simply not required.


  • Low inertia. After starting the air heaters, the room will warm up in a matter of minutes. For comparison: with convection heating of a house with the mediation of a coolant, it can take up to two hours for the water in the radiators to reach an acceptable temperature.
  • Relatively cheap. Air heating boilers do not differ in cost from those intended for water heating systems; but the wiring is noticeably cheaper. An aluminum sleeve and ventilation grille are not comparable in cost to a radiator, pipe and fittings for it.
  • Low temperature resistance. Air heating production premises can be safely shut down at night and not be afraid of defrosting pipes and radiators.
  • Easy hidden installation. Water heating implies that at least the radiators or convectors themselves remain visible. Yes, there are also in-floor heating convectors; but try to drown them in concrete floor in a city apartment. But raising the floor by the required few centimeters is not always possible with the height of the ceilings, and the amount of work involved will be quite considerable.
  • Combined with ventilation. Moreover, air source heat pumps for heating can also provide air conditioning if necessary.

The diagram shows the direction of air flow during operation climate complex for heating.

  • Easy to start. Air heating does not require lengthy balancing of radiators, bleeding air from the expansion tank and radiators, adjusting the operating pressure in the heating system and other tedious procedures. To be fair: balancing is performed only at the first start, and the problem of bleeding air will be solved automatically air valve heating. It will independently allow the air to escape and block the path of the coolant.


In essence, there is only one serious problem. If exhaust ventilation In a room it is easy to place it under the ceiling, where it will not disturb anyone, then the installation of air heating is carried out so that the flow of warm air is as close to the floor as possible. In this case, it is possible to ensure effective heat distribution by convection at a low air flow rate.

Yes, you can pump air from under the ceiling with a powerful flow, and it will also effectively warm the room; but would you like a constant draft in your bedroom or living room? And since the air flow is located below, it means that the air ducts will either have to be hidden behind decorative coating walls, reducing the useful volume of the room, or laid under the finished floor, between the logs. Useful: the output may be relatively small decorative box from plasterboard. When distributing warm air to the ceiling, you will have to ensure a sufficiently high flow rate.


Heating with an air conditioner or heat pump allows you to bypass all the problems associated with distributing warm air. An air heating project may include several independent devices, or a so-called multi-split system - one external unit and several internal ones. The mains are much thinner than air ducts, and they can be easily located under the ceiling.


What heat sources can heat generators use for air heating?


Perhaps the most popular stove for air heating is Buleryan. The manufacturer's name has long become a household name for all pyrolysis furnaces with heat exchanger pipes that provide natural circulation of heated air. The stove is located anywhere in the house. A boiler room is not necessary for it: in the living room it will not spoil the design of the room with its appearance and will not pollute the air with combustion products. In principle, buleryan is able to warm up a house with a rather complex configuration of rooms and due to natural circulation; however, if necessary, hot air from it is distributed by aluminum air ducts with natural or forced circulation through several rooms or floors. It is not at all difficult to install an air heating system with buleryan with your own hands.

The instructions are simple:

  • We install the stove in any place where it will not interfere and there is an opportunity to store a daily supply of firewood nearby.
  • Fasten with heat-resistant aluminum tape aluminum air ducts from above to the pipes encircling the firebox.
  • At the bottom we attach short sections of the same air ducts with duct fans fixed in them.
  • We distribute the hoses from the stove to the rooms that are planned to be heated.

Here the wiring is made with a more expensive sandwich pipe, which also has better thermal insulation properties. A very interesting alternative is air-heated fireplaces. An ordinary fireplace uselessly releases most of the heat with combustion products; here, the thermal energy produced during fuel combustion is used to heat the air in a cast iron or steel casing. Then everything is familiar to us: the air is distributed through the air duct system to the rooms.


They are used both as a separate device that provides heat to the house, and as part of a climate complex. In the first case, the operation scheme is quite simple: the boiler, burning gas, heats the heat exchanger through which air is forced. Then it is distributed to the premises. Solutions of the second type include, along with the boiler, additional equipment:

  • Heat recovery system;
  • Air conditioning system (usually a ducted air conditioner serves as this);
  • Humidifier;
  • Ultraviolet cleaner, which disinfects the air circulating around the house;
  • Filter for collecting dust.

The project will, of course, not be cheap. The domestic climate system Antares Comfort, for example, boasts a cost of approximately 3,000 rubles per square meter serviced area, which for a cottage with an area of ​​150 square meters will result in a very impressive 10-odd thousand euros. For comparison: heating equipment from the famous American manufacturer Goodman costs 1300 - 1500 rubles per square meter. This is also the cost of a turnkey complex, but it only provides heating. Of course, the manufacturer is ready to offer comprehensive solutions at a higher price. Curious: Gas boilers for air heating Goodman GMS, GDS and GMP have a very low temperature of combustion products at the outlet - only about 40C, which allows the use of... plastic ventilation pipes as a chimney.


The simplest and most inexpensive electric air heating system is a conventional fan heater. Consuming a power of about 2 kilowatts, it quickly heats the air, driving it through a hot spiral. Alas, in addition to low energy efficiency, such a scheme worsens the composition of the air in the room, burning oxygen. Various heat guns and electric convectors with blowing of a low-temperature heat exchanger are already more interesting. They, when combined with heat recovery systems, can already create a completely comfortable climate in the house. Energy costs will be slightly less than when using an electric boiler. However, direct heating systems are still too expensive. Fortunately, air heat pumps for heating have been available for many years, the simplest of which is the conventional window air conditioner. They spend heat not on heating the air, but on pumping heat from a colder street. As an option, pumps can remove heat from water or soil. The source of low-grade heat can be any. The operating principle of the pump is common to all implementations.

let's consider circuit diagrams operation of air source heat pumps. More precisely, the heat sources in them.


In the soil below the freezing level, the temperature is constant all year round and increases with increasing depth. It is enough to immerse several deep probes or a horizontal collector into the ground - and you can extract heat to heat the air in the house all year round. Geothermal pumps are the most versatile. Their main problem is the high cost of both the device itself and its installation.


If you have high level flow-through groundwater- the task is greatly simplified. Simply put, it is enough to dig a shallow well and immerse a heat exchanger probe into it. The same scheme can be used if there is an ice-free natural body of water nearby. The limitation is clear and obvious: water is not available everywhere.


Here we see two main categories of devices. Multi-split systems are used to maintain climate in small houses. The limitation is due to the fact that the length of the line cannot be infinitely large: the compressor must pump freon through the tubes, and the pipe walls offer noticeable resistance to it. Duct air conditioners are a typical, canonical air heating system. From one indoor unit heat pump air is distributed through ducts throughout all rooms. In this sector of the market in Russia, primarily Japanese manufacturers - Daikin and Mitsubishi - offer their products. Somewhat less often you can find American Lennox and Carrier.

The function of the external unit is to cool ambient air and transport thermal energy inside the house. A common problem with devices is the dependence of their efficiency on the outside temperature.

It is worth mentioning: the exact calculation of air heating - combined with ventilation or carried out separately - is carried out by specialists, taking into account a long number of factors: Material and thickness of the walls; Number and area of ​​windows; The number of people who will be in the room; Amount and power of additional heat sources, etc. The simplified scheme is the same as for other heating systems: 40 watts of thermal power per cubic meter of heated room. For districts Far North taking into account extremely low winter temperatures, a coefficient of 1.5-2.0 is taken. For houses with a ceiling height of 2.5-2.7 meters, you can start from the area: 1 kW per 10 m2. published

Air heating together with the ventilation system must obey sanitary rules and standards. Two such systems can be connected to make each one work more efficiently.

Why is ventilation needed?

The goals of ventilation systems are simple and understandable to everyone: the system serves to remove exhaust air from residential premises. After all, when food is prepared, bathrooms are used, in a word, vital activity is in full swing, the air acquires the following features: increased humidity, increased dust concentration, accumulation unpleasant odors, decrease in the amount of oxygen. Meanwhile, if an unpleasant odor and dust are simply factors of discomfort, then an increase in humidity can lead to water that will appear on the walls in the form of condensation.

So, the ventilation system serves to replace polluted air to fresh. Ventilation can be exhaust or supply and exhaust. In the latter case, air heating, like the ventilation system, is done taking into account the possibility of heat recovery: that is, exhaust air goes next to supply channel, while giving it some of the heat. The simplest recuperator can significantly reduce heat loss through ventilation.


The standards are laid down in the appendices to SNiP 2.04.05-91. The air exchange rate for residential premises must be at least 0.35/hour. Simply put, the air volume must be completely renewed approximately every 3 hours. For one person constantly present in the room, there must be at least 30 cubic meters fresh air at one o'clock. As for kitchens, the standard here is 60 cubic meters per hour for electric stoves and 90 cubic meters/hour for gas stove for 4 burners. In addition, it must be possible to periodically ventilate the room with an air exchange of at least 180 cubic meters per hour. For this purpose, a window or transom is used metal-plastic window, but you can use a hood.

For bathrooms and toilets - 25 cubic meters per hour for each room. If these bathrooms are combined, then the norm is 50 cubic meters per hour.

Air heating

Air heating is required to maintain a comfortable temperature during the cold period. And what exactly this temperature is is described in GOST 30494-96.
So, for residential premises the norm is +20 degrees, for corner ones living rooms- +22 degrees. For the kitchen - +18 degrees, the bathroom - +25 degrees, and the toilet - +18 degrees. Note that such standards are suitable for apartment buildings.

The power calculations that designers usually rely on when creating air heating and ventilation give fairly average values ​​- and it will be difficult to accurately determine heat leaks. In addition, they change depending on the current temperature, wind and humidity outside.

But for quite a long time there has been a methodology that can be based on in the case of independent design. The instructions here are quite simple: for 1 cubic meter of room you need 40 W of thermal power. We add 100 W of heat to each window opening. For each door that leads to the street - 200. Coefficient for corner apartments– 1.2-1.3, for private houses – 1.5. A regional coefficient is also applied: 0.7-0.9 for warm regions, 1.2-1.3 for the European part Russian Federation, 1.5-2.0 for the Far North and Far East. When the temperature outside is warmer, in order to regulate the temperature in the house without opening the windows, you can replace the radiator valve with a throttle or thermostatic head.

Typically, warm air heating and ventilation are two different contours, which do not intersect with each other. However, in some cases the ventilation and heating systems can be combined.

The first option is compact installations of domestic industry. Heat source in in this case– combustion of diesel fuel, electricity. So, the fan is activated, which ensures the injection of heated air.

Such installations and their analogues are most often used in garages, small workshops, and small industrial facilities as a system for periodic use. But in order to heat and ventilate a residential building, such devices are uneconomical.

Hot air heating using boilers in combination with heating stoves and duct systems are a more common option. Thus, fuel combustion is ensured not by a coolant, but by air, which is blown through a heat exchanger. Hot air travels through the house through a duct system. To reduce non-target heat losses, ventilation and heating systems are laid with heat-insulated hoses, placed under the finished floor between the joists, hidden in the walls and installed above the suspended ceiling.

The cold air that is displaced from the room goes outside completely or partially. Some of this air can be used again for heating.

Note that it would seem more logical to supply warm air through the grilles, which are located as close as possible to the floor. So, due to convection, the air will evenly heat the room. But not in this case. Typically, the ventilation system supplies air heated by the boiler from above, then the cold air masses are forced out into those exhaust grilles that are located below.

Heat pumps and ducted air conditioners

Sometimes you can meet combined systems climate control, which includes components such as:

  • Duct air conditioner, which, depending on the weather, is capable of heating, cooling and drying the air.
  • Dust filter.
  • Ultraviolet filter that disinfects the air.
  • System supply and exhaust ventilation.

In this case, the source of thermal energy is electrical energy. Studying the reviews, it can be noted that this scheme of work is very convenient. After all, you have only one control unit that controls absolutely all characteristics from one point. If we compare it with a traditional system, where the fan is somewhere in the attic, air conditioners are in the rooms, heating with air through pipes is somewhere else, then such a system seems more thoughtful and improved.

It is also economical when compared to diesel systems, pellet boilers, bottled gas. The inverter compressor control system pumps 3.5-4.5 kW of heat into the premises for every 1 kW of electrical power.

In addition, with such a combined system, you can preserve the interior of the premises. Indeed, in this case, only the ventilation grilles will be visible, since air heating, as can be seen in the photo, does not require the installation of wiring and radiators.

Of course, there are several disadvantages to this type of scheme. The cost of the finished system is quite high. For example, if you take Chinese duct air conditioners with a heating power of 15 kW-hours, then they will cost about 70,000 rubles.

An outdoor unit that takes heat from atmospheric air, can operate at temperatures not lower than -15 - -25 degrees Celsius. And as the temperature outside drops, the efficiency of the system will only decrease.

An alternative to such a system is a geothermal heat pump. So, if in winter period the air cools down to very low temperature regime, then below the freezing depth the earth is constantly warmed up to 8-12 degrees. A heat exchanger with a sufficient area is immersed in the ground - and you will have an almost endless resource of heat that needs to be pumped into your home.

Security questions

Of course, when designing, all necessary fire safety requirements for ventilation and heating systems should be taken into account. Such requirements are fully specified in manual 13.91 to SNiP 2.04.05-91. However, only part of them applies to residential premises.

Thus, when using an air duct made of flammable materials, it should be laid in a shaft or non-flammable sleeve. The flammability should not be lower than group G1 - low flammable, the temperature of combustion products should not exceed 135 degrees Celsius.

It is allowed to use fans and their casings made of flammable material. Of course, galvanized air ducts are safer. These are the products that are used in industrial premises. For safety reasons, we recommend limiting the temperature of the air supplied to the living space to 60 degrees.

What is air heating? How can air heating be organized? country house?

What are the advantages over traditional water heating, and what are the disadvantages? Let's figure it out.

The grilles along the duct are not ventilation, but part of the heating system of the cottage.

What it is

In general, the definition is clear from the name. The source of thermal energy is not heated by an intermediary coolant, which then transfers heat through pipes to heating devices in the rooms, but directly in the air.

What happens next depends on the area and structure of the premises and on the features of the project. In the traditional sense, hot air should be distributed throughout the house by ducts; but, as we will see, this is not always necessary.

Heat sources

A gas boiler

This is what is used in most ready-made solutions that are offered for installation to cottage owners.

The reasons are clear and obvious:

  1. Gas was and still remains the cheapest source of thermal energy. The closest competitor - firewood - costs one and a half to two times more.
  2. The gas boiler is capable of operating in a fully automatic mode, independently regulating the gas supply to the burner depending on the room temperature.

A caveat: for a boiler in a separate furnace room, a remote sensor is needed for the thermostat to work correctly, which means using a boiler with electric ignition and electronic control. These devices are much more economical and convenient than alternatives, but require a stable power supply.

The advantages have already been listed.

Are there any disadvantages to heating the air with gas?

  • Safety instructions require that a boiler with an atmospheric burner be placed in a separate room. However, boilers with a closed burner can be mounted on a wall of the house common with the street at any point.
  • Mainline gas, alas, is not installed everywhere, and the price of bottled gas makes this solution extremely unprofitable.

Solid fuel boiler

Devices that use the combustion of wood, pellets (pressed sawdust granules) or coal to produce heat can also be used perfectly to heat air. A significant part of this sector is occupied by do-it-yourself devices.

The simplest boiler for air heating is a firebox through which several pipes pass along the perimeter large diameter(at least 50-75 mm). The air in them heats up and rushes upward, being replaced by cooler air taken from below. Circulation can be natural, but more often boilers are equipped with fans.


  • In the absence of mains gas, firewood becomes the cheapest source of thermal energy.
  • IN rural areas They are often prepared independently, which does not require investment at all.


  • We are not talking about any kind of automation. At least twice a day you will have to clean the ash pan and add firewood to the firebox.
  • The prepared fuel will have to be stored and protected from rain and snow. It will take up a fair amount of space in your yard.


The turnkey heating of a country house with warm air, which uses electricity for heating, is not a modified boiler at all. These are ducted air conditioners.

The external unit is located outside the walls of the house. As a rule, it is quite bulky and is mounted not on the wall, but on a device prepared for it. reinforced concrete foundation. The indoor unit forces the air passing through the heat exchanger into the air duct system, through which it is distributed to all rooms.

In the photo - the indoor unit of a Daikin duct air conditioner

The inverter-controlled compressors used in such devices are very economical (for 1 kilowatt of electricity consumed, up to 5 kilowatts of thermal energy is pumped into the house by the air conditioner).


  • Extremely easy to use. You just need to specify the target room temperature.
  • Economical. Even at current electricity prices, the cost of solid fuel boiler- precisely because the air conditioner does not generate heat, but pumps it from the street.
  • In addition to heating the air, you get a ready-made air conditioning system for the summer.


  • Most devices can only work at -25C outside. Moreover, the lower the temperature, the less effective the air conditioner is.
  • Air ducts for gas and solid fuel boilers are tin boxes or aluminum corrugated hoses.
    The heated air coming from the boiler can have enough high temperature so that the polyvinyl chloride ventilation duct is deformed.

Air duct routing

On the other hand, a ducted air conditioner can use conventional ventilation ducts made of plastic.

Tip: Please note that different lengths ducts and a different number of bends will make the distribution of hot air uneven.
The simplest solution to the problem is ventilation grilles with adjustable dampers.
By covering them in the rooms closest to the heat source, you will force a larger volume of heated air to flow to those further away.

Pros and cons: destroying legends

As with any market sector, there are many myths surrounding it that benefit manufacturers or their competitors.

Let's try to dispel them.

  • The statement that the efficiency of an air heating system is higher than that of a water heating system is not true.. If the boiler is located inside the house and the walls are well insulated, all the heat it produces remains inside your cottage.
    Difference between different systems heat transfer only in the uniformity of its distribution.
  • The simplest air heating system is not complete ventilation. This is only the supply part - provided that the air for heating is taken by the boiler from the street.
    Various air purifiers can remove dust and moisture from the air in a closed cycle, but will do nothing about the growing CO2 content. The statement that if you have air heating you won’t have to spend money on ventilation is a half-truth.

To be fair, turnkey solutions take some of the air from the street, ensuring its renewal.

  • If fine finishing the cottage has already been done, and you decide to install a heating system from scratch - air ducts will require much more work than installing radiators or convectors. The reason is obvious: they are thicker and should not be left in sight.
  • The cost of water and air heating systems, provided that devices of approximately the same class are used, is approximately the same. The spread does not exceed 10%, and in an unpredictable direction.
  • In small houses or cottages with a minimum of partitions, air ducts are not needed at all.
    Depending on the preferred type of fuel, one or two buleryan (this is a solid fuel stove that heats the air by convection) or conventional inverter air conditioners are installed.
    Thus, the final cost of the project will be reduced by at least one and a half to two times.

  • If there are no partitions on the second floor, it is not necessary to run air ducts there. Warm air will rise there due to natural convection.
    In this case, exhaust ventilation can also be present only on the second floor.


You can find more information about air heating systems in the video at the end of the article. Warm winters!

An efficient heating system is a vital component of any home. Many homeowners are familiar with a traditional water system, but not everyone is familiar with the alternative method heating with air. About all the nuances of the organization air system We will discuss heating and its advantages in the article.

Principle of operation

The basis of the air heating system is the continuous supply and distribution of warm air throughout the rooms, and the heat generator plays the role of a key element. It is he who is responsible for heating the air mass to 45-65 ° C, which then enters the rooms through air ducts.

The most popular heat generators today are those powered by gas or electricity. In modern energy-efficient houses, geothermal heat generators are used together with air heating, solar collectors and other clean energy sources. Air circulation can be organized in the following ways:

  • natural when air moves due to a temperature gradient;
  • forced, as a result of the operation of fans.

It is important to understand that heating a room with air involves a complex process of heat regulation, because the direct heating of the air is also supplemented by ventilation of the rooms.

1. Air preparation unit. 2. External air ducts. 3. Internal supply air duct. 4. Internal exhaust air duct. 5. Air distribution grille or diffuser

Advantages of heating houses with air

Among the advantages are the following:

  1. Reliable operation and zero chance of freezing.
  2. Economic benefit. Heating is harmoniously combined with air conditioning, humidification or air purification with a single network of air ducts, which will allow its owner to save a lot on installation and materials.
  3. Warming rooms with air eliminates additional heat consumption for heating radiators and other structural elements, which cannot be said about water heating.
  4. Possibility of system automation.
  5. Minimum time to warm up the room to the desired temperature. Taking into account the parameters of the working system and the dimensions of the room, the warm-up time reaches 40-60 minutes.
  6. Absence intermediate coolant(water).
  7. There is no need to install heating radiators; air ducts can be easily hidden in the walls and ceiling.
  8. Simplicity and accessibility of installation, ease of maintenance.
  9. Proper organization of the system and its operation allow you to use air heating for a long time.

Despite its efficiency and rationality, the system is not without a number of disadvantages, for example, noise is a frequent guest in a heated house. For uniform heating, active air circulation in the room is required. An accurate calculation and precise distribution of air ducts is required in order to eliminate temperature differences near the floor and under the ceiling, and at the same time not create strong drafts and air currents.

For hidden installation of supply and exhaust ventilation channels, flat channels are used rectangular section

Full air conditioning involves humidity control and filtration, which adds complexity to the heating system design. For uniform distribution, an extensive and balanced network of air ducts is required, which can only be laid during the construction of a house or major renovation.

Air heating is quite reasonably combined with a ventilation system. The requirements for the operation and performance of these systems can be found in the Code of Rules SP 60.13330.2012 and SNiP 41-01-2003. At independent design and assembling air heating, do not forget about the different requirements for ventilation of living spaces, kitchens, bathrooms and utility rooms.

Types of air heating systems

According to the principle of operation, air heating can be direct-flow or recirculating. Each of these methods has its own specific features and recommendations for design and operation.

Direct flow

The operating scheme is quite simple:

  1. The heat generator produces heat, which enters the air heat exchanger.
  2. The fan draws pre-filtered air from the street and passes it through the heat exchanger.
  3. Hot air is distributed through air ducts throughout the rooms.
  4. The hood removes exhaust air from the room directly to the street.

The volume of supply and exhaust air is selected to ensure the required air exchange rate and depends on the internal volume of all heated rooms. There needs to be a little more air in the supply to create high blood pressure in the house to prevent cold air from escaping from cracks, windows and doors.

This system is extremely simple to implement, but very expensive to operate. The heat generator needs to heat cold air from the street to comfortable temperature, while the hood actively discharges still warm air after the first passage through the premises. Perfect for heating a small country house or cottage.

1. Air duct. 2. Filter. 3. Duct fan. 4. Electric instantaneous air heater


Air from the room is not discharged to the street. Through the ventilation ducts it returns to the heat exchanger and is heated again. The air in the room passes repeatedly through the heating system, and heating it requires a minimum of energy, which is necessary only to replenish natural heat losses. This heating method is characterized by efficiency, but in itself in simple form it does not meet hygiene requirements, because dust and carbon dioxide constantly accumulate in a closed system.

A recirculating air heating system effectively reuses indoor air without wasting heat outside, while still allowing in fresh air from outside.

There are two design options:

  1. With natural circulation (gravity system).
  2. With forced supply and exhaust ventilation.

In the first case, hot air flows from the heat generator through ventilation ducts into the premises, where it cools down and, under the influence of gravity, falls back down to the heat exchanger. Simple implementation and a minimum of initial investments are combined with energy independence, but are ineffective for maintaining a comfortable microclimate. A building experiences a significant difference in air temperature near the floor and under the ceiling.

Scheme of a gravity-air heating system. 1. Heat generator. 2. Air ducts. 3 Ventilation grates on the supply line with adjustable louvers. 4. Ventilation grilles or hood diffusers

In combination with a full-fledged supply and exhaust ventilation system, heating with recovery gives maximum effect and complete control of the microclimate in the house.

From the room, the air enters the recirculation, where it passes through coarse and fine filters. Some of it is discharged onto the street, and a portion of fresh air takes its place, mixing with recovery. This is followed by heating and, if necessary, humidification or dehumidification. Conditioned air is re-entered into the premises.

Air heating with recirculation is the most efficient and thoughtful. Energy is spent only to replenish the heat loss of the house through the building envelope and during the renewal of air in optimal volume sufficient to create a comfortable microclimate.

Air preparation and recovery unit. 1. Dampers with servo drive control. 2. Input air filter. 3. Recuperator.4. Pocket duct fine filter. 5. Duct fans. 6. Heat exchanger for heating. 7. Heat exchanger for cooling. 8. Thermal sensor. 9. Humidity sensor

Supply and exhaust ventilation with recovery and preliminary preparation air can act not only as air heating. The heat exchanger, which is part of the preparation complex, can be used for both heating and cooling. So one set of equipment, a set of air ducts, controls and settings will provide year-round control of the microclimate in the house.

The main advantage of air heating with recovery and forced air circulation is the most complete automation of the process. The supply of fresh air can be controlled by a carbon dioxide sensor or to ensure the required air exchange rate, valves and dampers with servo drives are used. One controller controls the fans, the humidification and dehumidification unit, and the operation of the heat generator. The user can set the heating or cooling mode, system activity according to a schedule or even in a fully automatic mode, based on the readings of temperature humidity and air composition sensors.

Fresh air inlet with duct fan and servo-controlled damper

Specifics of self-installation

Today there are many companies that are ready to develop and install air heating on site. However, you can build it yourself. The entire process begins with the selection of key equipment - the heat source, heat exchangers and a set of duct components. A gas heat generator can successfully serve as a source. To decide on the choice of a specific device, it is necessary to take into account the upcoming consumption of fuel resources, as well as the area of ​​the house or premises.

A gas boiler is effectively used as a heat generator, but a solid fuel boiler of the “Buleryan” type, harmoniously integrated into the interior of the house, will look much more impressive and practical.

It must be said that without a scheme and implementation detailed calculations not enough. The slightest mistake can lead to damage to the heater, drafts and noise from operating units. It is important to select the cross-section of the air ducts so that the air is distributed evenly and without distortions between individual branches and channels. The volume and frequency of air exchange, the ratio of recirculation with inflow and exhaust are calculated.

The following can be used as air ducts:

  • channels square or round section made of galvanized steel;
  • flexible corrugated air ducts;
  • PVC pipes.

To minimize heat loss, the air ducts are equipped with thermal insulation, which simultaneously reduces the noise level both from the operation of heating system components and the distribution of sound between rooms.

1. Galvanized steel air duct of round section. 2. Flexible corrugated air duct with insulation 3. Rectangular air duct. 4. Rigid air duct with insulation. 5. Flexible duct

Set of air ducts and connectors made of polyvinyl chloride

Air ducts with grilles for air distribution or full-fledged ones are installed in each room. indoor units, with which you can set an individual heating mode. It is optimal if all work on the design and installation of the system is carried out at the stage of construction of the house. In this case, the air ducts can be placed in special niches in the walls. But if the house has already been built, then false walls will have to be built for the air ducts, dropped ceilings or other structures that hide elements.


The final cost of the finished system is individual for each home, because the calculations must take into account the area of ​​the heated room, the model and power of the heating equipment, the total length of the air ducts, their number and throughput, costs of paying for installation and commissioning of equipment, if this is handled by a third-party organization.

Companies providing air heating services take into account the following cost items when calculating costs:

  1. Design cost.
  2. Costs for the purchase of equipment, components and additional devices.
  3. Cost of professional installation and configuration.

The average price for turnkey installation of air heating in a house with an area of ​​up to 100 m² is 3500-4500 rubles per 1 m².

A comfortable microclimate is one of the very important components in the life of every person. Well-being and performance directly depend on it. But it is not always possible to achieve it using conventional microclimatic devices.

Ventilation with heating will be an excellent solution for creating a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the room. Adjusting the microclimate device allows you to adjust the temperature and amount of fresh air flow at which you will be comfortable.

Due to the variety of modes and ease of use, supply ventilation with heating is relevant in public places, industries and residential premises.

What is forced air ventilation with air heating?

Ventilation with inflow air masses differs from standard systems conditioning. The principle of its operation is to draw air from the outside. Thus, in addition to cooling and heating, such ventilation enriches the room with oxygen, while conventional air conditioning systems simply circulate the air in the room.

The supply air is heated in the ventilation unit. The heated supply ventilation unit has high heat transfer. Therefore, even during severe frosts, ventilation continuously supplies masses of fresh hot air.

Ventilation with heating is carried out through air exchange. Circulation and heating of the influx of air masses is carried out in supply and exhaust units with a recuperator. Air drawn from outside is heated in the recuperator due to the temperature of the exhaust air masses. The recuperator prevents the mixing of “exhaust” and supply fresh air.

Another way to heat the supply ventilation is through recirculation. With this heating method, fresh air masses are mixed with “spent” ones. The influx of air from the street is heated to the desired temperature and supplied to the room.

Design features of the device

Main elements of supply ventilation

  • Air intake grille. Acts as an aesthetic design and a barrier that protects debris particles in the supply air masses.
  • Supply ventilation valve. Its purpose is to block the passage of cold air from outside in winter and hot air in summer. You can make it work automatically using an electric drive.
  • Filters. Their purpose is to clean incoming air. I require replacement every 6 months.
  • Water heater, electric heating elements - designed to heat incoming air masses.
  • For rooms with small area recommended to use ventilation systems, with electric heating elements, for large spaces - a water heater.

Additional items

  • Fans.
  • Diffusers (contribute to the distribution of air flow masses).
  • Noise muffler.
  • Recuperator.

The design of ventilation directly depends on the type and method of installation of the system. They come in passive and active action.

Passive ventilation systems.

This device is a supply ventilation valve. The scooping of street air masses occurs due to a pressure difference. In cold weather, the temperature difference contributes to the discharge; in warm periods, the exhaust fan assists. Regulation of such ventilation can be automatic or manual.

Automated regulation directly depends on:

  • the flow rate of air masses passing through the ventilation;
  • air humidity in the room.

The disadvantage of the system is that in winter, such ventilation for heating the house is not effective, since a large temperature difference is created.

On the wall

Refers to the passive type of supply ventilation. This installation has a compact box that is mounted on the wall. To control heating it is equipped with an LCD display and a control panel. The operating principle is to recuperate internal and external air masses. To heat the room, this device is placed near the heating radiator.

Active ventilation systems

Since in such systems it is possible to regulate the intensity of the fresh air supply, such ventilation systems are more in demand for heating and warming up the room.

According to the heating principle, such a supply heater can be water or electric.

Water heater

Powered by a heating system. The principle of operation of this ventilation system is to circulate air through a system of channels and tubes, inside which hot water or a special liquid. In this case, heating occurs in a heat exchanger built into the centralized heating system.

Electric heater.

The principle of operation of the system is to transform electrical energy into a thermal one using an electric heating element.


This is a compact device, small in size for supply ventilation, with heating. To supply fresh air, this device is attached to the wall of the room.

Breezer Tion o2

Breather design tion o2:

  • A duct consisting of an air intake and an air duct. This is a sealed and insulated tube through which the device draws air from the outside.
  • Air delay valve. This element represents air gap. It is designed to prevent the outflow of warm air while the device is turned off.
  • Filtration system. It consists of three filters that are installed in a certain sequence. The first two filters clean the air flow from visible contaminants. Third filter - deep cleaning– from bacteria and allergens. It purifies incoming air from various odors and exhaust gases.
  • Fan for air supply from outside.
  • Ceramic heater, which is equipped with climate control. Responsible for heating the air flow and automatic temperature regulation.

Operating principle of compact ventilation.

  1. Masses of street air pass through the air intake, which is equipped plastic grill closed type. Thus, air masses are filtered from debris and insects.
  2. The air then passes through the duct into the body of the device. To protect the walls from freezing, it is made of sound-heat insulating plastic pipe. In this case, all joints are sealed.
  3. Then, coarse and medium dust are filtered using special filters built into the device.
  4. After which the air mass passes into the heater and warms up to the temperature set by the climate control. On such a device you can set the desired temperature (up to +25°C) and the system will maintain it automatically.
  5. After heating, the air undergoes two-stage filtration to remove fine dust, odors, gases and allergens, enters the fan and is discharged into the room.

This supply ventilation can be controlled remotely using a remote control.

The bottom device is installed within one hour.

Supply ventilation device with air heating

There are two types of units for supply ventilation:

  1. Monoblock - they are made up of one block, which is installed at the inlet of the air duct. This block contains all the necessary devices without exception, ensuring high-quality and reliable service. ventilation structure. This type of device is often generally installed in the wall or in window frames. This method is considered the simplest and least expensive. But in practice it is quite ineffective, since the placement of its intake fans does not make it possible to cover many areas of the building.
  2. Mounting - these supply ventilation systems are powerful enough to cover high-rise buildings, industrial premises large areas, apartment buildings.

Supply ventilation schemes

The simplest type of installation:

  • Air filter,
  • blower fan,
  • A heating element.

How to heat supply air using a recuperator?

Recuperators are divided into 2 types:

  1. Rotary- work using electricity. Have a body cylindrical, in which the rotor element is mounted. It constantly rotates between the “incoming” and “exhaust” air valves. Quite a large item. Efficiency – up to 87%.
  2. Lamellar. Such recuperators consist of united plates. Supply and “exhaust” air move towards each other through different valves. This helps prevent recirculation. Such recuperators are usually small in size.

Duct heaters.

A duct heater (or heater) is a device that heats the air in a room. It consists of pipes within which water, steam or hot air circulates.

According to the principle of thermal output, duct heaters are divided into: electric and water. Water heaters must be connected to central heating systems.

How to use a fan heater

The main purpose of a fan heater is to heat air masses. For more intense circulation of flows, the fan forces air into the air. This makes this device universal.

Options for operating the fan heater:

  • This device can be used as the main source of heat supply to a room that does not have central heating.
  • The fan heater can complement the main heating system.
  • For heating construction sites and workers on them.
  • For quickly heating air in a small room.
  • The fan heater can be used as a regular fan: in winter for heating, in summer for cooling the air.
  • For ventilation and heating of enclosed spaces.

How to calculate power

When choosing supply ventilation with heating, you need to correctly calculate its power. To do this, you should be guided by the following parameters:

In industrial facilities with large areas and in rooms with special operating conditions, a special exhaust unit with heated air is used.

  • Ventilated room layout.

For household objects, the location of the rooms is important, whether they are walk-through or isolated. The number and location of ventilation devices will depend on such indicators.

  • The purpose of the room space and the number of people constantly staying there.

When designing a supply ventilation system with heating, you need to take into account the type of room, its purpose and the likely number of people who will constantly stay in it. In accordance with European standards, air exchange should be 12-20 m3 per person per hour.

  • Availability of additional equipment (industrial facilities, offices), operational features. If there is a lot of equipment in the room such as: computers, typewriters, welders, ovens, etc. When choosing the installation of a supply and exhaust system, this must be taken into account. The features of the operation of the premises are also important. Since the installation, which is intended for use in private homes, is in no way suitable for bath complexes with a sauna and a swimming pool.

There are significant differences in supply and exhaust systems also for different climatic zones.


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