Aries and Libra: compatibility in love relationships.

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Aries and Libra are zodiac signs that are radically different in their morals and characters. Although there is such a big difference between them in everything, this does not interfere with their compatibility.

Libras are good at relationships and are flexible. It’s more difficult for Aries in this regard - it will take time to understand yourself and your partner.

The core of this relationship in mutual love is the alternation of fluctuations and balance. To prolong this union, you need not only love, but also strong partnerships. This is exactly what is most important in a pair of Aries and Libra, more for love and friendship. The horoscope advises these zodiac signs to take into account the following fact.

Aries man and Libra woman

An Aries man and a Libra woman have an excellent starting chance of creating a happy marriage. After all, from the very beginning of the relationship, the guy and his girlfriend have excellent compatibility. Although, to create internal harmony in a family, love alone will not be enough. You should listen to the advice of the horoscope. Then the partners will complement each other well, which will create comfort and peace in the family.

Although at first glance these are complete opposites, they have a lot in common. The partner's complement effect plays a huge role in happy marriage. What is missing in me is in my soul mate. The union of a strong, courageous knight and a weak, defenseless lady, as if copied from medieval frescoes. Brave Warrior and a fragile lady of the heart.

The advantage of the couple is their willingness to learn and not stand still. Learn to be better, happier. Here the man agrees to learn how to bake pies so as not to be inferior to his lady in skill. The woman, although not an outspoken feminist, still follows new fashion trends.

The fact that neither partner wants to change the other also increases overall compatibility. These zodiac signs are tolerant in such a delicate matter. Who will like it when their tastes and habits change? They change their personality beyond recognition.

An Aries man loves his woman for her balance, analytical mind and innate wisdom. The Libra woman fell under the strong charm of her partner. She is impressed by her partner’s activity, his inexhaustible optimism and self-confidence. These zodiac signs never get bored.

The zodiac signs are also similar in that they know how to sympathize and have compassion. Good creativity adds points to the overall compatibility score.

The woman tries not to resist the will of her husband; she is obedient. The man in this couple is ready to take on the role of leader. The horoscope advises them to maintain this tendency as a couple in order to be happy. Problems can arise if a man begins to abuse his power. The horoscope advises you to forget about the dictatorship and let your woman feel loved. Also, a man must take into account the opinion of his chosen one. This is the century of democracy. Then everything will be fine in the couple, and their love will last until old age.

Libra man and Aries woman

There are two developments in a couple's relationship: Libra man and Aries woman. First: suppress each other. Second: create happy couple who lives a bright and eventful life. When choosing the second option, the horoscope predicts that they will experience personal and spiritual growth. And also love, which can overcome all minor misunderstandings in a couple.

Many different character traits and lifestyles share these zodiac signs on opposite sides of the river. Not everything is so fatal. It takes time for them to be in the same boat and increase overall compatibility. Time will help a man and a woman get to know each other better and get used to each other.

The Aries woman will want to take on the role of leader in the couple. This will greatly anger the man. Here you should assign roles at the very beginning of the relationship. The woman is a little embarrassed by her man's indecisiveness. But she is ready to give him more freedom.

In such couples, Aries most often wins the leading position in the couple. Libra will resist to the last, but will most likely give up. The horoscope advises a woman not to reproach her man for indecisiveness. Better remember why you loved him, find in him good qualities character capable of overshadowing such a small obstacle. If you want your man to get rid of his indecisiveness, then try to do it delicately. Today there are personal growth courses, as well as books. Simply nagging your husband will not lead to good, but will have a negative impact on general compatibility. It can also ruin your love.

Take the advice of the horoscope - help each other. Discuss all questions in a round table, family table. Then you will not be bored and will be able to achieve maximum fulfillment in life.

Sexual compatibility of signs

Two zodiac signs ruled by Mars and Venus. As you know, Mars is masculine energy, and Venus is feminine. They have excellent sexual compatibility. They can continue making love until they are very old. Although physiological attraction prevails between them, this does not affect the quality of this sphere. Mental intimacy is not important for these zodiac signs. Aries and Libra perfectly feel all the desires of their partner. They are ready to experiment in bed. Sexual compatibility bears fruit in other areas of life.

Friendship between signs

Energy connection. She attracts Libra and Aries, brings them closer, makes them friends. They achieve a lot with the friendly support of one of the zodiac signs. Horoscope is skeptical about friendship between different genders. Their sexual energy will win, making them not friends, but lovers. After breaking up, they never maintain friendly relations. Pure friendship in this case is possible between close relatives.

Aries and Libra in business and work

Compatibility in business and work is much more complex than in friendship. This is because they can become rivals, competitors in the field where they work. No one makes any concessions here. The result will not work due to another sign. If you don’t know how to do it, you will make yourself a competitor who is incapable of mercy. The horoscope advises dividing areas of work between zodiac signs. Libra can think things through, but Aries can implement them. In this case, the horoscope foretells the success of the started project.

Aries's honesty, his willingness to help in difficult situation and to fight to the end “for your own” - this is what makes Aries a desired friend and faithful ally. Aries will never get into your soul if you don’t say something, he won’t even think of “torturing” you. Aries cannot be called attentive: he may not notice someone else's grief or depression for months. And not only because he is too focused on himself. It’s just that in his presence people often perk up and their mood improves.

Therefore, until you yourself complain about your problems, Aries will behave as usual, cheerful and carefree. But as soon as he finds out that his friend is in trouble, he will come to his defense! True, he will take all the leadership upon himself, and you will only have to carry out his orders. Your problem will become even more important to him than his own troubles. After all, he must once again demonstrate to you his superiority, prove that he is a winner! As a result, the lives of Aries themselves often go topsy-turvy while they run about other people’s business. Do not abuse the help of Aries and turn to him only if you really cannot cope on your own.

What if no difficulties are foreseen, and everything is going peacefully and calmly? Then Aries will take upon himself the task of entertaining his friend and finding all sorts of interesting adventures - anything as long as it is fun and fast! If you often refuse to participate in his projects, you risk being kicked out of his friends with a reputation as a bore. Have more drive and keep in mind that Aries only likes things that end well. Don't involve him in long-term activities - he will quickly lose interest. And at the end, a prize should await both him and you! Even if it is in the form of a pleasant time spent.

Aries love attention to their person, so it is not surprising that they love to be photographed. Or rather, when they are photographed. Do this more often, you will see, it will delight you. If Aries takes a couple of photos himself, he expects you to recognize his skill as a photographer. And in general, praise for Aries is never superfluous. He loves compliments in any form. Of course, he himself is ready to admire your qualities - from the color of your eyes to your ability to skate - but in return he expects much more! Don't disappoint him, praise him plenty and your friendship will be constantly fueled by his enthusiasm and gratitude.

What Aries will not tolerate is advice. Especially if they are better than his personal initiatives. After all, this sign is responsible for intelligence. Aries is sure that he himself always knows how and what is best to do. What remains for his friends? Just accept him as he is. Of course, you can give relevant advice, but without the slightest pressure. And don't be surprised if after a while he claims that this idea was his own! God forbid you insist on authorship, especially publicly. By doing this you will offend and hurt him terribly.

Friendship, according to Aries, is a complete sharing of each other's views. You will have to love his friends and hate his enemies. But if the next day he changes his attitude towards any of them, you must immediately do the same.

Get ready for the fact that Aries hate lies. Don't ask Aries, "What do I look like," or be prepared to hear the truth, whatever it may be. Aries answers without hesitation, simply saying what he sees. If he notices that he has offended you, he will immediately rush to make amends. Do you think he will be more tactful next time? Nothing like this! In the same way, he will blurt out everything he thinks to you and immediately rush to apologize.

Aries is selfless and ready to help you in any way he can, without even thinking about expenses - both time and money. But in return you will have to do the same for him. If Aries notices that he is simply being used, he will not believe it at first, and then will slowly begin to grow gloomy. In the end, he may lose his composure and throw a real scandal at you. Therefore, you must generously pay him back in the same coin - dedication and willingness to take the blow on yourself.

Compatibility of Aries with other zodiac signs:

Aries and Aries friendship: Why does the sky need two suns? One of the Aries will have to give up the leading role. But he won't tolerate this for long. Exception: temporary alliance in order to achieve a common goal.

Aries and Taurus friendship: Taurus is too slow for Aries and is not able to accept his new ideas. In addition, Taurus is economical, and Aries is a spender. Conflicts on financial grounds are possible.

Aries and Gemini friendship: A wonderful union where there will be no place for boredom. Aries will try to get the upper hand over Gemini, for whom everything is “like water off a duck’s back.” They will admire each other and feel at ease.

Aries and Cancer friendship: Cancers can learn a lot from Aries and understand this very well. They are able to satisfy Aries' thirst for constant admiration and understanding. This friendship will be pleasant and beneficial to both.

Aries and Leo friendship: If they manage to control their pride even a little, then the union will be very fruitful. Mutual respect and trust will play an important role in it.

Aries and Virgo friendship: Virgo will try to limit Aries' freedom and squeeze him into a narrow framework. A riot is inevitable here. Aries loves all kinds of changes, and Virgo will constantly “freeze” them.

Aries and Libra friendship: Mutual admiration and charm. A social acquaintance is appropriate here. But there can be no strong friendship here - Libra is too cautious and not ready to make sacrifices.

Aries and Scorpio friendship: And here “I found a scythe on a stone”! Aries for a long time will think that they are playing first fiddle until they discover that they have been running in harness for a long time.

Aries and Sagittarius friendship: Events will develop so rapidly that there will be no time to catch your breath. But that’s all they both need! But who will take care of the practical side of the matter?

Aries and Capricorn friendship: This friendship will be especially strong when both Aries and Capricorn become older. It is then that they will be able to appreciate each other fully. If only Capricorn weren't so secretive!

Aries and Aquarius friendship: Aries will constantly feel like Aquarius doesn’t value him enough. Additionally, Aquarians love to have a hundred friends, while Aries is often devoted to one or a few. But in general, friendship between them is possible.

Aries and Pisces friendship: These signs seem to come from different planets; it will be difficult for them to understand each other. Rare contacts are more likely than long and reliable friendships - the difference in worldview is too great.

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Compatibility of Aries and Libra is the attraction of two opposites. Every zodiac sign wants to have the traits that their partner has, they secretly envy each other. Aries wants to be as balanced and prudent as Libra. The air sign lacks the fire and confidence of Aries. They get along well with each other and know how to find compromises. In terms of divorce rates, this couple is very rare.

Characters of signs

The compatibility of zodiac signs largely depends on the characteristics of their characters. Each element controls people differently, and their date of birth also matters. What traits did the horoscope give to Aries and Libra?

Aries character

People born under the constellation Aries are very strong, they have a strong internal rod. They are cheerful and active, constantly crave vigorous activity, have pronounced leadership skills, cannot obey anyone. Idealists always tell the truth and expect the same from others, which is why they are often disappointed in people. They are characterized by outbursts of anger, but Aries do not know how to remain angry for a long time. They evoke sympathy among others, people forgive Aries minor shortcomings.

The characteristics of the sign say that Aries have the following traits:

  • love of life;
  • activity and energy;
  • honesty and straightforwardness;
  • good nature;
  • impulsiveness;
  • hot temper;
  • gullibility;
  • sociability;
  • idealism;
  • unselfishness.

Aries are often inconsistent, their nature is quite contradictory. They love to praise themselves and engage in narcissism. Aries are easily angered; when angry, they can start brawls, but they never apologize for them. This zodiac sign has the reputation of being an optional person who rarely gets things done. He loves to make scandals and quarrels, forgets to give money.

Libra character

The character of Libra is calm, they look for balance and harmony in everything, they think about their decisions for a long time, which is why they become indecisive. They are aesthetes, always elegant and graceful. They have a kind soul, born diplomats and peacemakers. They don’t like to go to extremes and can’t stand negativity. To avoid an unpleasant showdown, they are ready to make almost any concessions. In situations where Libra believes that their interests are being infringed upon, they show unprecedented strength.

The main character traits of the sign:

  • indecision;
  • good nature;
  • elegance;
  • grace;
  • tenderness;
  • dispassion;
  • calm;
  • pliability;
  • sociability;
  • delicacy and diplomacy;
  • objectivity.

Libras can be very efficient, but more often they are lazy and do not like to take responsibility. When their personal interests are affected, they are cruel and vindictive, and will not miss the chance to punish their opponent. They are often capricious and angry. Attacks of irritation are associated with the need to take important decisions. They can be very selfish and superficial, they understand everything and nothing.

General compatibility of signs

To understand the compatibility of the Zodiac signs Aries and Libra, you need to remember their planets. One is ruled by Venus, the other by Mars. The god of war and the goddess of love are different, but they strongly attract each other. IN Greek mythology they were lovers. Fire cannot exist without air, which is why Aries is so drawn to Libra.

These signs create a harmonious couple, each becomes better in such a union. They can spend hours communicating, building general plans and implement them together. Libra next to Aries gains greater self-confidence; they are happy to shift the responsibility for making decisions to their fiery friend. The balanced and calm character of Libra suits Aries; he himself would like to become like that. In this pair air sign more often makes concessions, but not against his own interests. He knows how to gently and unobtrusively lead a fiery partner. Aries is easy to deceive, especially such a charming sign as Libra.

There are problems in this pair, because the compatibility of Aries and Libra is not ideal. Both signs are leaders by nature. In Aries this trait is more pronounced, but Libra is not always ready to make concessions. The air sign is very cautious, he realistically assesses his strengths and does not agree to adventures. Aries is annoyed that his partner cannot accompany him in risky undertakings and at the same time dissuades him from rash actions. When Aries disobeys and loses, Libra will not give him peace with his reproaches.

Both air and fire sign wear masks. Only Aries has bravado that is easy to decipher. Libras are more secretive; it is difficult for such a naive partner as Aries to understand their true motives. If a fire sign discovers that he has been deceived, he will be disappointed and will not be able to forgive. Friendship, love, compatibility in the work of these signs will fail.

Compatibility between zodiac signs is determined not only by the Sun, but also by the Moon. If the lunar ascendant or descendant is ruled by the element of air, and Libra is ruled by fire, their relationship may improve as the Moon balances the Sun. The earth will have a good effect on compatibility, but the water element, especially in Aries, can bring disagreement to this couple. The karmic union also depends on the year of birth. Tiger, Dragon, Rooster are suitable for Aries. For Libra good compatibility Monkey, Goat, Pig promises. The relationship will work out well if the year of birth of the partners is Horse, Dog or Rabbit. But the Ox, Snake and Rat can complicate mutual understanding between partners and introduce an aspect of confrontation into them.

Erotic horoscope

Compatible in love relationships Aries and Libra are determined by the planets Mars and Venus. They represent masculine and feminine essences, so sex between these signs promises to be interesting and exciting. They experience a strong attraction, complement each other in bed, like two halves of one whole. The couple's sex life is intense, passions do not subside until old age. Aries always plays a dominant role in intimate relationships; it ignites Libra, revealing their hidden potential, because Venus does not deprive this sign of sensuality. Libras like this approach, because they do not pretend too much to be the leader in bed.

The love horoscope of the signs says that there are also problems in sex between Aries and Libra. The air sign is an esthete; the setting, the preliminary game, and spiritual closeness are very important to him. His temperament is not as violent as that of Aries, which is why Libra needs much more time to get excited and turned on. The sexual energy of a fire sign is overflowing. He is ready to perform feat after feat in bed, but his behavior can be a little monotonous. The focus of Aries is physical satisfaction and the sexual act itself, and not a long love game. If a fire sign can understand the needs of an air sign and pay enough attention to all the nuances of physical intimacy, everything will work out great for them. It is important that Aries and Libra have sincere feelings for each other, otherwise the lovers will quickly separate.

Aries man and Libra woman

It is not difficult for a Libra girl to win the heart of an Aries. She is beautiful, gentle and sophisticated, a fire sign man will instinctively be drawn to her. A guy will also easily interest a girl. She sees in him strong personality, capable of protecting from everyday storms and taking on the lion's share of responsibility.

The guy and the girl quickly realize how much they suit each other. Their love story develops rapidly and very quickly ends with a wedding. Friends and acquaintances kindly envy the couple, because both partners look happy in marriage.

An Aries man and a Libra woman create a wonderful family. They look like a couple fairy tale: a brave knight and an elegant princess. A man feels like a lion, a protector, next to his wife. A woman can rely on her husband in everything; she gains greater confidence next to him. The head of the family will be a man, he makes the most important decisions, earns money, plans the future. But the wife does not turn into a domestic chicken. She is always ready to support her husband with advice, restrains his impulses, and helps him complete the work he has begun.

Children in such a family grow up very developed. They receive energy and courage from their father. The mother teaches them the rules of behavior, helps them increase their intelligence, do correct elections in life. The family of Aries and Libra is wealthy, ranks high social status, but they do not lead a very active social life: the spouses are quite satisfied with each other’s company.

How to solve problems

No matter how well Aries and Libra get along with each other, problems arise between them. The man is very straightforward, often lacking a sense of tact. This may shock his sophisticated wife: she often has to blush in front of people for her husband’s behavior.

The couple also disagrees on matters of taste. Aesthetes Libra will never buy a tacky item for their home or dress in expensive but flashy clothes. Aries are capable of furnishing a house in a completely tasteless manner, the main thing is that it looks rich. Their own style also does not stand up to criticism.

Conflicts may arise due to Aries's hot-tempered nature, his sprees and rowdy behavior. The Libra woman is always ready to compromise, but her patience ends sooner or later. Not everyone is able to withstand Aries' attacks of anger, especially when they arise out of the blue, for no reason.

Solve problems in family life It’s not difficult for this couple, because Aries and Libra are very compatible. A man should entrust the arrangement of his home and his wardrobe to his wife: she will be able to cultivate his taste and turn him into an elegant man who will be the envy of everyone around him. The husband should listen to the advice of his significant other and change his behavior in public: this will improve Aries’s relationships with work colleagues and relatives.

Attacks of anger are difficult to prevent, so Libra should be patient and remember: brawls do not last long. After another breakdown, Aries apologizes and again turns into a good-natured, merry fellow. The correct distribution of responsibilities and priorities will strengthen the union and allow spouses to live together for a long time. happy years. They will be united by love and friendship, which nothing can destroy.

Libra man and Aries woman

An Aries girl can easily seduce a Libra guy. She is charming, active, next to such a woman a man feels stronger, he gains confidence and energy to move forward. It will also not be difficult for a guy to win a girl, because she will be interested in stirring up such a calm and balanced man. She subconsciously feels that she can feel calmer next to him. For a guy and a girl, this connection will be interesting and unusual. They will not immediately decide to serious relationship. At first they will think that their temperaments are too different. But, having gotten to know each other better, they will understand that their compatibility is excellent. Opposites are perfectly complemented, each partner finds in the other something that he himself lacks.

Aries woman and Libra man are very happily married. They are united by similar views on life and common aspirations. A man in such a union becomes more active, he can achieve a lot in life. His wife will become his faithful support, a generator of ideas and a powerful stimulant. She will give his life meaning, relieve him of doubts and hesitations, and will be able to lead him forward.

The husband will become a source of peace and harmony for his other half. Aries often commit rash, impulsive actions; Libra is able to protect them from mistakes. The leader in such a couple will be a woman, but she will never demonstrate her role; rather, she admits that the husband is the head, and she is the neck. If a wise wife is able to emphasize her husband’s merits, he will follow her lead and will not feel disadvantaged.

How to resolve conflicts

Problems in the marriage of an Aries woman and a Libra man are not that uncommon. A girl and a guy should be prepared for confrontation at the very beginning of their acquaintance. If the wife does not show delicacy and begins to manage her husband too roughly, he will show his famous stubbornness. The man will withdraw into himself, refuse to do anything, to take on any responsibility. Problems from Libra also arise. Their doubts, laziness and reluctance to move forward irritate the active wife. She will not tolerate such behavior; scandals in the house will become commonplace.

A woman should be more tactful; only with delicacy can she achieve anything from her husband. Libra should forget about their natural laziness and take at least part of the responsibility for the family. These two can learn a lot from each other if they build a relationship based on respect. Friendship brings people together much better than simple submission. Libra will become more active in work and in life, and Aries will become prudent and will learn to pause and rest at least sometimes.

One of the most interesting couples in the zodiac circle is Aries and Libra. The compatibility of representatives of these polar signs cannot be called predictable.

Aries and Libra are located exactly opposite each other in the zodiac circle, and, as you know, opposites attract. The sign of Aries is ruled by the element of Fire, while Libra is an air sign, so between these two passion flares up like a fire in the wind.

Positive sides

Libras tend to understand Aries well and respect their individuality. Being calm that Libra does not encroach on his pride, Aries begins to listen to his soul mate and learns a lot from this wise sign. In turn, feeling the support of Aries, Libra stops wasting energy on constant doubts and gains self-confidence.

What should you avoid?

These two have a lot to learn from each other. And if they are not ready for this, then compatibility in the love relationship of Aries and Libra is unattainable.

They risk getting bogged down in a constant showdown. At first they will enjoy gentle reconciliations after violent quarrels, but little by little the passion will go away, and both will exhaust themselves with endless nagging and worries.

Libra also has leadership ambitions, only they are hidden under the velvet mask of a sweet and flexible creature. If there is in the world clear example proverb “the husband is the head, and the neck”, then this is just Aries and Libra. But feeling open pressure, Aries will feel very bad and will escape from the uncomfortable situation like steam from a boiling cauldron. Be careful, there may be an explosion! Therefore, it is important for Libra to use all their wisdom and not let Aries understand who is boss in the house.

Due to the mutual attraction of Venus and Mars, under the influence of which Aries and Libra are, compatibility in love relationships between these two signs is not uncommon. If Aries and Libra can overcome all difficulties and learn to solve problems together, then such a union has truly limitless possibilities.

Wise stars leave lovers the right to make their own choices. If a couple has enough desire and life experience to get used to each other, then such a union has every chance of becoming extremely harmonious and creative.

Of all the couples for Aries, an alliance with Libra will be the most explosive. Not only are their elements Fire and Air, but their signs are also located at diametrically opposite poles of the zodiac circle - which is why this type of compatibility is called “Opposites attract.” In itself, this combination of elements is favorable, and the contrast between the personalities of the partners adds its own intrigue. Such couples either turn away from each other at first sight, or from the first words they find mutual understanding and strike up friendship, and then close relationships.

As people they are completely different. So much so that they can be overcome by attraction and repulsion at the same time. Some of their qualities complement each other perfectly, while others are in conflict. And what the fate of the couple will be in the end - love or hate - depends on how both partners can unite and for what. “Opposites” can rally around common and serious problems, but fall into petty criticism and quarrels when their relationship becomes too smooth and serene.

The path of “opposites” is the path of mutual assistance, joining forces, giving up personal pride in favor of the common good. Having taken this path, Aries and Libra have only two routes: either undergo joint tests and move higher on the ladder of development, spiritual growth, knowledge of each other, or fall down very painfully. It is clear that not everyone will survive this path. But the reward for passing the tests is generous. Regardless of how quickly these relationships end, they usually remain in the memory of the partners for life because of the lessons and impressions they learned in them.

Let's figure out what attracts Aries to its opposite Libra. Most often, they speak beautifully, are sophisticated aesthetes, are pleasant in appearance and usually have good physique from nature. It's no surprise that many people like Libra. And if we add to this their ability to please everyone, developed diplomatic skills, brilliant intellect and spirituality, then Aries can see in Libra almost an ideal partner.

But immediately Aries runs into contradictions: what is behind Libra’s desire to please everyone? What kind of defeatist attitude is this? Where is the will for individual victory? But Libra, it turns out, also knows how to argue, uncompromisingly proving their position with arguments and bringing different points of view. Here Aries is convinced that Libra is going through life towards the same goals as him, but along completely different roads. And the visible weakness of Libra does not mean that Aries can take them by force.

Aries, as a partner, for its part gives Libra quite a lot. At a minimum, Libra receives a powerful charge of energy and positive emotions from communicating with Aries. And as a maximum, Aries can give them an incentive to action if they have hesitated for a long time, so that their plans are finally realized. In addition, Aries for Libra is a manifestation of simply fantastic passion. Still, physical attraction in a pair of “opposites” always comes first.

So, we realized that Aries and Libra have not only complementary, but also conflicting qualities. Therefore, for harmonious love and family relations everyone will have to learn respect, compliance with a number of conditions and sacrificing their own interests.

What should Aries work on in a relationship with Libra?

Although in a pair of “opposites” there is no obvious leadership for one of the signs, if we take the pair of Aries and Libra, Aries nevertheless strives much more for the leadership inherent in it by nature, along the way making many mistakes and thereby putting the relationship at risk. Paired with Libra, it is Aries who has the power to either save everything or derail everything. What exactly in Libra irritates Aries and causes conflicts?

To begin with, Libra appears in the eyes of Aries as a person without a specific firm position, with a constantly changing point of view, with speeches dominated by streamlined formulations and nothing of substance. Aries does not see in Libra anything like determination, or even the very presence of goals. Or these goals seem too vague and untenable to Aries. But Aries must understand that Libra is an air sign, and for them this is par for the course. They are not like him.

Both signs can be called social. They reveal themselves in many ways in society and in their relationships with its members. Aries is used to asserting itself through personal victories, dominance, authoritarianism, confrontation with some and powerful support from others. Because of this, he has a circle of fans and friends around him, but there are also enemies. Libras manage to please almost everyone. They rarely have enemies, most often hidden ones, who cannot express their hostility to Libra in person. Libra achieves universal sympathy using methods different from Aries - humane, intellectual and creative. What gives rise to envy and mixed feelings in Aries.

However, Aries should not envy Libra, but adopt the best from them - diplomacy, self-control and endurance. Most of all, the lack of these qualities in Aries and their presence in Libra is manifested in those disputes when Aries has already caught fire and is throwing sparks around him, and Libra, remaining restrained, waits until the moment when Aries burns out. And here they are already winning a quiet victory.

Over time, of course, Aries will understand that Libra is worth listening to, because most often they are right, because... weigh their decisions thoroughly. But at first it will be very difficult for Aries to put up with intellectual defeats, despite victories in strong-willed battles. It is no secret that Aries are usually the first to give up in this difficult couple, without fully understanding Libra and without gaining complete control over them.

Aries woman and Libra man

Acting impulsively, or perhaps underestimating the Libra man, the Aries woman will strive to lead the relationship, which infuriates her partner, who is protecting her right to freedom and self-expression.

In dangerous proximity to a Libra man, the Aries woman sometimes becomes too tense and cannot resist harsh phrases and criticism. This romantic and fascinating Libra man captured her completely from the inside, but he is so far from her ideas about a knight. Until she copes with stereotypes and gets to know him completely, I want to keep her from jumping to hasty conclusions.

Aries man and Libra woman

Even though Aries appears here in a strong male role, his fiery essence turns out to be very dependent on the breath of the airy Libra woman. She is his inspiration and incentive for action. And she is the one who can drive you crazy with her willfulness.

For an Aries man, such a union turns out to be a serious test of maturity, strength of nerves and ability to accept another. He will allow Aries to seriously grow above himself personally and spiritually.


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