Electric vegetable shredder for cabbage. How to choose an electric cabbage shredder

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Any housewife knows that cutting cabbage into slices or cubes is not difficult. But in order to grind it into thin straws, you have to spend a lot of effort and time. An excellent assistant in this case is special knife for shredding cabbage.

Cutting tools

Modern stores offer today huge selection all kinds of devices that allow you to quickly and easily cut any vegetables, including cabbage.

The simplest of them is a shredder in the form of an ordinary grater. It is a neat little plastic or wooden board with built-in blades. Their number may vary. By moving vegetables along them, you can get long and thin straws. Such shredders are very popular, equipped with a plastic container for collecting chopped products. There are models that are equipped with additional attachments. Good feedback has a shredder knife for cabbage “Hostess”. It is safe, convenient, and significantly speeds up the work associated with slicing. No less popular are products from the Dexam and Peterhof brands.

The multifunctional cabbage shredding process greatly simplifies the process. But if it is not possible to purchase such a unit, it is quite possible to get by with other devices. For example, many housewives use rotating bread slicers or potato peelers for this purpose. The straw obtained in this way turns out to be very tender and soft.

Unfortunately, special hatchets designed for chopping cabbage are not suitable for everyone. Using them requires some skill. Cabbage can also be cut into regular kitchen knife, the main thing is that it meets certain requirements. Failure to comply with them may negatively affect the taste of the prepared dish.

What kind of knife should be used for shredding cabbage?

It is not at all necessary that this instrument cost exorbitant amounts of money. Even an old, time-tested one is quite suitable for this role. The main thing is that it is sharp and well sharpened. The blade must be correct geometric shape, quite wide and must have a protrusion under the handle.

The sharp tip of the knife is another indispensable condition for such a tool. Products designed for cutting bread or having any original blade shape are not suitable for shredding cabbage.

How to use a knife

You can avoid unpleasant moments in the kitchen associated with cuts and injuries if you use a knife correctly when cutting vegetables. The chopping knife must be held with the entire palm and in such a way that forefinger was located on top of the handle, the large one was on the side, along the handle, and the rest were located below.

During operation, the tip of the knife moves only back and forth, without leaving the board. Each housewife chooses the direction of movement of the knife that is more convenient for herself. It should be taken into account that if the knife moves away from itself, then simultaneously with the forward movement it goes down. When cutting towards yourself, the knife points downwards as it moves towards you, rising in the opposite direction.

The board on which the cabbage is chopped and the surface of the table should not have any unevenness.

Process Features

Before you start shredding cabbage, you need to cut the head of cabbage into two parts. If it is large, then it can be four. Then each part is cut into slices across the veins present on the leaf, so that the cabbage shavings, when further cut, are 6-8 cm long.

The prepared parts are cut into strips using a cabbage shredding knife (how to use it is described above). In this case, the width of the chips should not exceed 3 mm. Cutting strips that are too narrow (less than 1 mm wide) makes the cabbage flabby and leads to a loss of taste.

It is best to use it for shredding special devices. It is much safer and easier and will require less time. If you need to prepare cabbage in large quantities, a food processor will be much more productive than a cabbage shredding knife.

Fast shredding technique

When preparing a dish that requires a lot of finely chopped ingredients, you have to spend a lot of time on it. Having mastered certain shredding techniques, you can significantly speed up this process.

First you need to master the correct grip of the product. This should be done not with the fingertips, but with the entire brush. The hand should be slightly tilted forward so that the top edge of the knife comes into contact with it. At first it will seem that this is not a very convenient position for quick shredding, but with a little practice you can be convinced of its effectiveness.

Slicing is still completely safe and fast when using a special knife for shredding cabbage. A photo of it can be found in this article. In the absence of a food processor, such a knife helps to chop cabbage very quickly in large volumes, eliminating cuts and any other injuries.

When preparing vegetables for the winter, pickles occupy a special place. Among them are delicious sauerkraut and pickled cabbage. When processing vegetables at home, you will need a shredder: during the shredding process it is easy to get slices of the same thickness, and you can choose right direction location of the cut fibers. This will preserve the taste of the product and its content. useful substances.

Cabbage shredding knife

The classic “Housewife” knife and other analogues for cutting vegetables reduce labor intensity and make it possible to quickly process a head of cabbage for subsequent pickling. The device is a steel cleaver with a comfortable handle, on the cutting part of which several blades are installed at a certain angle. A special blade cuts the head of cabbage across the fibers, preserving the juice in the vegetable, and along with it all the useful elements. Using a knife to cut cabbage when chopping vegetables, you can significantly simplify cutting: it happens easily, without additional effort.

Household electric cabbage shredder

IN farms, at vegetable warehouses or canning shops a universal electric cabbage shredder is used. It is designed for slicing and chopping root vegetables, vegetables and fruits that have a rigid structure. The cutting is carried out with a special disk knife-grater made of hardened of stainless steel. You can see a photo of the device below. A vegetable cutter for shredding cabbage can cut beets, carrots, apples from 0.5 to 5 mm along the entire length, reducing the amount of processing waste. The height of the blades determines the thickness of the slice.


Manual shredder is an affordable alternative to a professional cabbage cutter. It has a special grater and chute made of wood or environmentally friendly high-strength plastic, as well as a cutting board. The design is equipped with one or more cutting blades, manually adjustable in tilt and height. Customizable layout allows for grinding in the right sizes. A manual cabbage shredder works great with all hard types of vegetables. The vegetable cutter is affordable, easy to sharpen, washable warm water.

With box

The next option is a wooden cabbage shredder with a box:

  • The device is a housing in which 3-4 blades made of durable tool steel are fixed.
  • The box and board are made of hard wood (beech, oak, ash).
  • The position of the blades can be adjusted manually by raising, lowering them and changing the cutting angle.
  • The cabbage grater does not slip on work surface, and the blade group ensures good performance.


A mechanical cabbage shredder is used to chop vegetables in small volumes. This is a metal or plastic attachment for a meat grinder with a round grater or slicer. By rotating the handle of the device and turning the grater around its axis, you can cut vegetables without tedious back-and-forth movements. This best option household shredder. Mechanical models are equipped with a set of graters with different diameters and shapes of holes.

How to choose a cabbage shredder

To choose the most suitable chopping machine and quickly, safely chop vegetables in required quantities, there are several things to consider important factors. First of all, you need to decide on the type you need:

  • Manual. Making salads, home canning.
  • Mechanical. Chopping vegetables on your farm.
  • Electric. Commercial production of salads, semi-finished products from chopped vegetables.

When choosing this technique, you need to take into account the quality of the cutting blades and the environmental properties of the working surfaces. They will ensure durability and performance. The ability to adjust the blades allows you to change the cutting width. When choosing, you should give preference to designs with a cutting board; they will provide proper comfort during their operation.

How can you cut white and Chinese cabbage for different dishes? How to properly shred cabbage on a grater, in a blender and in a food processor? What methods are there for shredding cabbage?

It would seem that there is nothing easier than shredding cabbage. However, we regularly note to ourselves that the chopped cabbage in the salads of restaurants, canteens and other catering establishments is significantly different from the shredded cabbage at home. In addition, to prepare different dishes, it is advisable to use different techniques and methods of chopping this vegetable.

How to properly chop white cabbage for pickling and pickling, on what days?

  • As for the time of pickling and fermenting cabbage, our grandmothers preferred to carry out this procedure after the first night frosts hit the “cabbage” in the garden (from early October to mid-November).
  • It was believed that in this way the vegetable completely gets rid of unpleasant bitterness.
  • Nowadays, many housewives adhere to the same deadlines, since storing cabbage, fermented or pickled in late autumn, is much easier and more convenient - it can be placed on the balcony, unheated veranda or some other cool place.
  • For those who for some reason were unable to prepare cabbage pickles for the winter, you can make them at any other convenient time.
  • The only point is if you salt and ferment early varieties cabbages that have not been hardened, the fermentation process itself will take much longer.
  • Some housewives today also practice using cabbage in pickling.
  • It is believed that the most successful and delicious pickles will be those made during the waxing moon or 5-6 days after the full moon.
  • The waning moon and the full moon can cause sauerkraut to sour and wither.

As for the technique of shredding cabbage for pickling or sourdough, the algorithm for its implementation is as follows:

  • We peel the vegetable from the top leaves - we leave them in order to cover the bottom of the jar with them and cover the top of the cabbage.
  • Cut out the cabbage stalk from the peeled head of cabbage.
  • We treat the cutting board with a saline solution to remove all unnecessary microorganisms from its surface.
  • Cut the forks in half - if necessary, you can cut into 4 or 8 parts.
  • We take a suitable knife - you can use a special knife for shredding cabbage (chopper) or just take big knife with a wide blade.
  • Shred the cabbage across the sliced ​​part of the head.
  • We chop not finely or coarsely (1-2cm), but not to the smallest stripes, otherwise the cabbage will lose its crunchiness.

How to cut white cabbage for stewing: methods

  • The classic ways to cut cabbage for stewing are cubes (checkers) and slices.
  • For stewing, it is advisable to chop the cabbage into cubes ranging in size from 1x1 to 5x5cm.
  • To chop cabbage into slices, you must first cut it in half, and then cut each of the resulting halves into four more pieces.
  • This way you will get fairly large pieces of cabbage that can be boiled, stewed or fried.
  • It is also worth noting that our housewives, due to habit or their personal preferences, often stew cabbage cut into large strips.
  • This cutting method seems more convenient and familiar to them.

How to cut cabbage for borscht: methods

  • When preparing borscht, professionals prefer to chop cabbage into large or medium strips - at the discretion of the cook and the taste of his clients.
  • You can also use the technique of cutting the cabbage fork into slices or cubes for borscht and other first courses.
  • Not everyone prefers sliced ​​cabbage in borscht, but few will pay attention to it if the taste of the dish does not suffer from it.

How to cut white cabbage for salad: methods

  • Classic way Cutting cabbage into salad is considered to be strips.
  • If for borscht or pickling a straw width of up to 2 cm is acceptable, then for salad the cook should try to make it as thin as possible - up to 7 mm.
  • Today, Korean salads are becoming increasingly popular in our country.
  • For Korean salads, you can use the technique of cutting into checkers or slices - it all depends on the type of salad and the method of its preparation.

How to chop cabbage with a regular and special knife?

The easiest way to cut cabbage is with a large knife with a long, sharp blade.
There are special knives for shredding cabbage on sale today, but using them requires some practice and skill.
To properly shred cabbage forks, you need to follow these steps and understand some points:

  • We place the knife in our hand in such a way that the entire palm is involved in wielding it.
  • Place your thumb on the side along the handle of the device.
  • Place your index finger on top of the knife handle.
  • With the remaining three fingers we grab the knife from below.
  • Make sure that your fingers do not touch the blade.
  • During the shredding process, pay attention to ensure that the tip of the knife does not leave the surface. cutting board- its movements occur either forward or backward.
  • We choose one of two techniques - we cut either towards ourselves or away from ourselves.
  • When slicing cabbage away from you, we move the knife forward and downward at the same time - then return it to the starting position.
  • When slicing cabbage towards you, we move the knife towards you and downwards - then we also return it to the starting position.

How to shred cabbage on a grater: which grater to choose?

Modern devices for shredding cabbage number dozens, or even hundreds. various models grater, because every housewife has the opportunity to choose the most suitable option just for yourself.
The differences between these devices are as follows:

  1. Operating method - mechanical, electrical or manual
  2. Device material: wood, metal, plastic
  3. Availability of a container for collecting the finished product
  4. Various types of cutting attachments (small, large, embossed)
  5. Having one or more knives

When choosing a grater for slicing cabbage, the woman’s individual preferences will play a major role.

Each grater usually comes with instructions for its use. If the grater is manual, then the housewife will have to perform the following steps:

  • Wash the cabbage.
  • We clear it of the top leaves.
  • Cut the cabbage in half or into quarters.
  • Prepare a cutting board or other surface (if there is no container for collecting shredded cabbage).
  • We take the grater in our left hand.
  • Conveniently rest the grater against the surface of the board or simply press it against it.
  • IN right hand take some cabbage.
  • We begin to carefully grate the cabbage smoothly, but firm movements top down.

How to chop cabbage in a food processor?

Each food processor comes with instructions for its operation, which clearly and clearly describes, and sometimes shows, how to use the device for chopping vegetables.
As a rule, combine harvesters with a slicing function have special attachments for different kinds vegetables
So, the algorithm for cutting cabbage in a food processor:

  1. We fix a suitable nozzle in the upper part of the bowl and cover it with a lid with a hole on top.
  2. Above the hole there is often a special trench into which we actually place the vegetables.
  3. Since the gutter is quite small in size, we first cut the cabbage into suitable pieces.
  4. Set the combine to the desired mode and turn it on.
  5. When the nozzle begins to rotate under the lid, carefully lower a piece of cabbage into the hole in the lid.
  6. Presses the cabbage on top with a special press.
  7. Repeat the procedure with all the cabbage.

How to cut cabbage with a blender?

It’s worth mentioning right away that a blender is a device that allows you to chop cabbage only to a chopped state - it’s impossible to make beautiful straws or checkers in such a device. It is easier to chop cabbage in a non-immersion blender.
Shredding cabbage in a blender:

  • We install suitable knives in the blender.
  • Cut the cabbage into small pieces that can fit in the blender bowl.
  • We load pieces of cabbage into it.
  • Cover the blender bowl with a lid.
  • We set the desired mode on the device.
  • Turn on the blender.

How to properly chop and shred Chinese cabbage: methods

Method No. 1

  • We rinse the cabbage under running water, holding the cabbage leaves side down.
  • Dry the “Beijing” with a paper or cloth kitchen towel.
  • Lay out the cutting board on the table.
  • Remove the top leaves from the cabbage (usually 3-4 leaves are enough).
  • Place cabbage on the board.
  • Cut off the bottom part of the Chinese cabbage (about 5cm from the root) and throw it away.
  • Cut the cabbage in half.
  • Place one half of the cabbage on the board, cut side down.
  • We begin to make cuts lengthwise in the cabbage at a distance of a couple of centimeters from each other.
  • Then we chop the head of cabbage crosswise into strips of the required width.

Method number 2

  • Preparing cabbage using this method is identical to the same procedure in method No. 1.
  • The only difference is that we make only one cut along the cabbage.
  • With this type of slicing, the cabbage ribbons will be much longer than in the previous method.

Method No. 3

  • The third method is to cut the cabbage first in half, and then in half again.
  • This technique is often used to prepare the national Korean dish, kim chi.

Method No. 4

  • The fourth method of slicing Chinese cabbage can hardly be called slicing at all, since it involves chopping the vegetable with your hands.
  • In other words, you simply need to tear cabbage leaves into small pieces by hand - the size of the pieces directly depends on where this product will be used.

How to properly and beautifully chop cabbage into strips, thinly?

To cut cabbage into strips, you need:

  • cut her head in half
  • cut the core
  • cut the forks lengthwise into strips 3-4cm wide
  • chop each strip crosswise into strips of the required width

Most often, graters are used to cut cabbage into very thin strips - only they allow you to make narrow and equal-sized strips of cabbage leaves.

How to properly and beautifully cut cabbage into cubes?

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash the cabbage
  2. Removing the core
  3. Cut the fork into two equal parts
  4. Divide half of the head of cabbage into layers of 3-4 leaves
  5. We cut each part one by one, first parallel and then perpendicularly into cubes of the required size.

How to chop cabbage finely?

  • To chop cabbage finely, it is best to use a special grater.
  • Most experts prefer, of course, to chop cabbage with a knife. However, this requires good practice.
  • You can also chop cabbage in a food processor, but it cannot guarantee one hundred percent results - very often in finished material I come across large layers of cabbage that fly past the knife.
  • But to chop the cabbage until chopped, it is advisable to use a food processor or blender. Only in this case you need to place knives in the food processor and grind the cabbage inside the bowl.
  • It is also worth mentioning the favorite way of our grandmothers and mothers to chop cabbage for cutlets or fine filling - a meat grinder. This device allows you to get finely chopped pieces of vegetables.

How to chop cabbage quickly?

  • The most in a fast way Shredding cabbage quickly is using electric devices. When using them, you can get finely chopped vegetables in a matter of seconds.
  • In second place in the speed of shredding cabbage is a professional chef - he is also able to shred cabbage with a knife in a few seconds. However, only a few have such technology.
  • Grating cabbage and chopping it in a meat grinder are considered longer processes.

That's all the best and proven ways to cut cabbage. Delicious dishes and easy cooking!

How to properly and quickly shred cabbage: Video

How to cut Chinese cabbage: Video

Any woman knows that chopping cabbage takes a lot of time and effort. Especially if it needs to be cut into thin strips. A special shredding knife can come to the rescue in such a situation. In this article we will talk about what types of knives there are, how to choose the right product, and also focus on how to properly shred cabbage with a shredder.

Types of vegetable cutters for cabbage

Using a shredder will help you save time and effort. The device is a knife with a comfortable handle, on which several blades are attached at an angle. The series of blades are designed in such a way that the juice is retained in the vegetables when cutting. In this section we will talk about the type of shredding devices.

Household electric shredder

An electric shredder is most often used in large vegetable warehouses where it is necessary to chop a large number of vegetables in short time. This device is designed for rapid processing of solid products. Inside the shredder there is a disc-shaped knife made of durable stainless steel. You can adjust the thickness of the slice by changing the location of the blades. In addition, when using an electric vegetable cutter, the amount of waste is significantly reduced, which is important.

household electric shredder

Manual shredder

Vegetable cutter for cabbage with manual drive is a great alternative electrical device. If you are looking for a shredder for your home, we recommend that you pay attention to this model. All products are equipped with a cutting board and a special chute, which is made of environmentally friendly plastic. The shredder also has several blades, the height of which can be changed. Manual mechanism It perfectly chops both cabbage and many other vegetables and fruits. Easy to care for: just need to rinse after use warm water, and keep the blades sharp.

manual shredder

Shredder with box

Another convenient option For home use- vegetable cutter for cabbage with a wooden box. It consists of a wooden body with blades inside. The cutting board and box are made from durable wood. In this shredder you can also adjust the height of the blades. The device is very convenient, as it does not slip on the surface and does not require much effort.

shredder with box

Mechanical shredder

A mechanical shredder is often used to chop cabbage and other vegetables. It is an attachment to a meat grinder, which is made of plastic or metal. To chop the cabbage, you just need to rotate the device by the handle and turn the grater around its axis. Most often, the set contains several graters with holes of different sizes.

mechanical shredder

How to choose a shredder?

In this section we will talk about what you need to pay attention to when choosing a shredder. To use the device safely and quickly, you need to pay attention to several important aspects.

  • First you need to choose for yourself what type of vegetable cutter you need. Manual device Perfect for preparing salads, chopping vegetables for preservation. A electric models worth purchasing for industrial scale.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the blades. Make sure the shredding blades can be adjusted in height and angle. This will make the operating process easier for you.
  • The material from which the device is made must be safe and environmentally friendly. Otherwise, the taste of the products may deteriorate.
  • Make sure that the product you purchase is equipped with a cutting board. This will make it easier to use the grater for shredding. The board must be made of hard wood.

Rules for using the device

When operating shredders, you must follow safety rules to avoid injury.

  • When using the knife, you need to hold it in such a way that your index finger is on the handle, your thumb is pointing to the side, and the rest are located below.
  • You need to make sure that the edge of the tool does not come off the cutting board, but only moves in one direction.
  • Remember that if you want to cut the cabbage in your direction, the blade will be pointing down.
  • Before shredding, the cabbage must be divided into two halves. If the size of the head of cabbage is large, then you can cut it into four parts.

How much does a shredder cost?

Price is another important aspect that should be taken into account when choosing a shredder. Naturally, it may vary depending on the region in which you live. Don't forget that the price must correspond to the quality.

  • The simplest models, which are a grater with blades for shredding, can be purchased for 200-400 rubles.
  • The price of mechanical shredders for home starts at 1,500 rubles. Please note that models from natural materials are more expensive. However, they have a long service life and high quality.
  • The price range for electric vegetable cutters is extremely wide. The most simple model costs around 5,000 rubles. However, depending on the quality of the product and its performance, the price may increase and reach 90,000 rubles.

Popular models of shredders

In this section we will talk about the most popular shredding devices.

Bradex Kitchen

Shredders trademark Bradex Kitchen are one of the most popular mechanical vegetable cutters for the home. The set contains a large number of blades that allow you to make several cutting options. The shredders are small in size, which is very convenient for storage. The price of the devices is very affordable and amounts to 700-800 rubles.

Bradex Kitchen


Alligator brand vegetable cutters are manufactured in Sweden and are famous for their safety and high quality. Using the models produced by this company, it is very convenient to chop vegetables for salad or canning. Products can be cut different ways. Using shredders from this brand is very easy. The cost of one device is 2500 - 3000 rubles.



Vegetable cutters from Moulinex allow you to cut food in various ways. The kits include a large number of attachments that are very convenient to use. The shredder bodies are equipped with special compartments in which attachments can be stored. The price for one device is 2500-3000 rubles.



Vegetable cutters of the Borner brand have proven themselves to be excellent devices for chopping. Their body is made of durable and safe material. The set includes a set of 5 nozzles, each of which is colored specific color, which facilitates the operation process. Shredders from this company cost around 2,000 rubles.


In this article, we talked about what a cabbage shredder is and focused on the types of vegetable slicers. In addition, we talked about how to safely use the devices, and also provided recommendations for choosing a product. Remember that a well-chosen shredder will help you save time and effort that you spend on cooking.


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