Finger gymnastics horse. Finger gymnastics

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Sections: Working with preschoolers

Goal: To consolidate the ability to identify and name parts of the body and characteristic features horses. To develop sound expressiveness of speech and onomatopoeia skills. Introducing an unconventional drawing technique - finger painting on the rump.

Material. A toy - a horse, a wooden fence, oat grains on trays.

Progress of the lesson

Classical music for children "Baby in the Village" is playing.

Educator. Guess who came to visit us today.

"He's running along the path, his feet are clattering. Clack, clack, clack! Who is it?"

Children. Horse.

The teacher examines the horse with the children, shows and names parts of the body.

Educator. When a horse runs, it raises its legs high and clatters its hooves. Like this - he clicks his tongue. Now you show me.

Children repeat after the teacher.

Educator. Horses are strong animals, they can transport people and cargo. Horses live in houses - “stables”. Horses are walking in a meadow or field. Tell me, what do horses like to eat?

Children. Grass, hay.

Educator. That's right, and horses also love to eat oats.

The teacher shows a tray with oat grains and offers to feed the horse.

Educator. While the horse is eating, let's recite a poem.

Children recite a poem "Horse" by A. Barto.

Educator. Let's show the horse how we can play.

"Come on guys, let's be horses.

Spun around, spin around
And they turned into horses!"

The teacher recites an excerpt from a poem "Take us for a ride, little horse!" N. Mikhailova, and the children imitate the movements of the horse and run at a straight gallop.

"Tsok-tsok, tsok-tsok, tsok-tsok,
I am a horse, gray side,
I'll knock my hoof
If you want, I'll give you a ride!"

After the game, the horses turn into children.

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables where the trays with oat grains are located.

Educator. Let's draw a fence for the horse using our finger along the grains of oats. But first, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger game "Horses"

"On white, smooth paper,
Fingers gallop like horses.
Clack-clack, cluck-clack, the frisky herd is galloping"

Children draw a fence on oat grains with their fingers. The teacher and the horse look at the drawings, ask the children what they drew, for whom, and on what. The teacher praises the children for their drawings.

Educator. The horse says thank you for such beautiful fences and brought you treats - candy.

The children and teacher thank the horse and accompany it home.


  1. Bondarenko T.M. Complex classes in the first younger group kindergarten. Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: Uchitel Publishing House, 2003. - 270 p.
  2. Education and training in the first junior group of kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations / Comp. S.N. Teplyuk. - M.: Mosaic Synthesis, 2008. - 144 p.
  3. Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development in the first junior group of kindergarten. Lesson plans. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2008. - 112 p.

“The sources of children’s abilities and gifts are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought" (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

A child’s life is a game in which he explores the world, learns, develops, and grows. Finger gymnastics are games with fingers. Finger gymnastics is important for a child from birth. Already from the first weeks of life, when communicating with a child, you need to talk to him, tell nursery rhymes and jokes. They allow you to establish contact with the child and evoke a lot of positive emotions in him.

The development of motor skills is closely related to sound pronunciation, automation of sounds, the formation of intonation, expressiveness of the voice, as well as facial expressions, plasticity, accuracy and coordination of both general and fine motor skills. Finger gymnastics, performed daily, allows you to transform boring activities into exciting ones, helps improve the functional state of cortical brain structures, fine motor skills, and speech activity.

Scientists have proven that finger movements have a positive effect on the development of children's speech.

What happens when a child does finger gymnastics?

1. Performing rhythmic movements with the fingers inductively leads to excitation in the speech centers of the brain and increased coordinated activity of speech zones, which ultimately stimulates the development of speech.

2. Finger games develop the ability to imitate an adult, teach them to listen and understand the meaning of speech, and increase the child’s speech activity.

3. The baby learns to concentrate and distribute his attention correctly.

4. The child’s speech becomes clearer, more rhythmic, and brighter, and control over the movements performed increases.

5.The child’s memory develops, as he learns to remember certain hand positions and sequences of movements.

6.The baby develops imagination and fantasy.

7.Fingers gain strength and flexibility, which will make it easier to master writing skills in the future.

Finger gymnastics “It started to rain” on walk." I.V.Nishcheva

It started to rain for a walk. “We walk* on the table with our index finger and
middle fingers.
He runs down the alley. Bend one finger at a time
Drumming on the window for each line.
Scared the big cat
Washed the umbrellas of passers-by,
The rain also washed out the roofs.
The city immediately became wet. Shake your palms as if
then shake off the water from them.
The rain has stopped. Tired. We put our palms on the table.

Finger gymnastics “Helpers”.

One two three four,
We washed the dishes:
Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle.

We bend our fingers, one at a time, for each name of the dish.
We washed the dishes One palm slides over the other.
We just broke the cup,

The ladle also fell apart,

The teapot's nose is broken,

We broke the spoon a little.

We bend our fingers again.
This is how we helped mom. Alternately rhythmically hit fist on fist and clap your hands.

Finger gymnastics “Lots of furniture in the apartment.”

Finger gymnastics “How many shoes at us".

We alternately hit the table and clap our hands.

For each shoe name, bend your fingers, starting with the big ones, on both hands at the same time.

Let's count for the first time,

How many shoes do we have?

Shoes, slippers, boots

For Natasha and Seryozha,

Yes, even boots

For our Valentine,

And these boots

For baby Galenka.

Finger gymnastics“I’m putting on a glove.”

Finger gymnastics “Compote”.

Finger gymnastics “Autumn leaves”.

Mobile exercise “Rain”.

Finger gymnastics “For raspberries”.

Finger gymnastics “For the berries”.

Finger gymnastics “Horse”

Finger games:


1. Bunny

The little bunny got up early
(the fingertips of one hand form a muzzle, and the straightened index and middle fingers- ears)
He went out into the clearing.
I walked along the edge of the forest to the forest (we walk with our fingers on the table)
And he found a big head of cabbage (fist of the other hand)
Became a bunny with a crunch
Nibble on a head of cabbage:
Crunch-crunch, crunch-crunch... (make biting movements with several fingers)
Ate it, fell under a bush
And fell asleep. Awoke…
Stretched sweetly (with effort we spread all our fingers)
And I got home -

took a long time to puff! (with two fingers we show how the hare moves on the table)

2. Hare and deer

The deer (put your hands with spread fingers to your head - antlers)
House (use your hands to depict a roof over your head)
Big. (spread your arms to the sides, showing how big)
He looks out his window.
(one hand at chest level horizontally, the second elbow on this hand, we support our head with our palm)
A bunny runs through the forest (imitate running with your fingers)
There's a knock on his door:
“Knock, knock, open the door, (imitate knocking on the door)
There in the forest (with a fist with a bent thumb, we wave over our shoulder, pointing back)
Hunter (simulate aiming with a gun)
Angry (make a scary face)
- Hurry up, (simulate opening the door)
Give me your paw. (extend hand for handshake)

3. House for bunnies

Knock, knock, knock,
there is a knock somewhere.
The hammers are knocking
They are building a house for the rabbits.
(knock fists together)
With a roof like this (palms above your head)
With walls like these (palms near cheeks)
With windows like these (palms in front of your face)
With a door like this (one palm in front of the face)
And with such a lock (handles clasped)

4. Bunny

Our little bunny stretched
One-two, one-two,
He stretched to the right, to the left,
One-two, one-two.
He spread his paws to the sides,
One-two, one-two.
And suddenly I found a flower
One-two, one-two.

5. Bunny

Option 1.

Initial position. Extend the index and middle fingers upward, press the little and ring fingers to the palm with the thumb.
Hold your fingers in this position for a count of 5-10. Perform the exercise first with each hand in turn, then with both hands at the same time.

Who's jumping on the lawn?
This is a long-eared bunny!

Option 2.

Starting position (see option 1). Bend and straighten your index and middle fingers (down and up) for a one-two count.

The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears.
One-two, one-two. And he moves his ears!

6. The bunny is hiding under a pine tree.

Initial position. The left hand is a “bunny”. The right hand - a straightened palm covers the “bunny” on top - this is a “pine”. Then change the position of your hands. Right hand - “bunny” left hand- "pine". Change the position of your hands 3-4 times.

This bunny is under the pine tree
This bunny is under the other one.

7. Bunny and drum.

Initial position. The index and middle fingers are raised up.
The thumb taps the ring and little fingers.

They gave the hare a drum.
He hit: there-there-there!


1. We're going - we're riding a horse

Parents, humming a song, bounce their babies on their laps (we're riding a horse) and help rhythmically knock the spoons (clattering hooves). To the chorus “but-but-but”, parents help the kids hit their legs with spoons three times and encourage them to “pull up” the horse.

We're going, we're riding a horse,
But but but!
All the guys are happy, happy,
But but but!
We're glad, we're glad to take a ride,
But but but!
Hoofs clatter loudly:
But but but!

Before the song, show the kids a toy - a horse. Look carefully at the horse's mane, hooves, and tail. “Rehearse” the syllable to sing along with: “but.” Tell the kids: “Now we are going to ride a horse,” give them wooden spoons.

2. The horse galloped.

Place the baby in front of you, touch his open palms with your palms (if you stroke them, the baby’s fingers will open), begin to lightly pat them, saying:
The horse galloped
Across the field, across the field.
The horse galloped
In freedom, in freedom.
The horse galloped
And the wind flew
Behind a fast horse
I wanted to keep up!

Then take a small little finger in your hands and stretch your fingers from the tips to the palm:
The horse galloped
Along a small river.
Let's move on to warming up the ring fingers:
They ran after her
A crowd of sheep.
Next up are the middle fingers:
Along the bridge
Horse run
Following them, we move on to warming up the index fingers:
There are little frogs behind her
We decided to jump!
At the very end of the game, the turn comes to the thumbs:
Horse, horse,
Enough to jump
Everyone comes together
It's time to rest!


Option 1.

Clench your two palms into fists at the same time and place them on the table, then simultaneously straighten your fingers and press your palms to the table. Repeat 3-5 times.

Fist - palm.
I walk like a cat.

Option 2 (complicated).

When performing the exercise, your hands are placed on the table.
Alternately changing positions on the count of “one-two”.

“One”: left hand - fist, right hand - palm.
“Two”: the left hand is a palm, the right hand is a fist.

Repeat several times.


Initial position. Straighten your index finger and little finger. Middle and ring finger - press your thumb to your palm. First, perform the exercise with each hand in turn.

I see the goat has sharp horns.
I'll run away from her along the path.

Then you can perform the exercise with both hands, depicting a goat and a goat:

The horned goat is coming,
A butted goat is coming.
The goat hurries towards her.
He orders to give way.


A bull walked (show the horns - to do this, press your fists to your head with your index fingers extended from them).

Along the fence -

I saw a bast (relax your palms so that they hang limply),

Start the story over again.Spread your arms to the sides.


The cockerel is coming -

The index and middle fingers “walk” along the table like legs.

Scallop on one side

The index finger touches the thumb - it turns out to be a “beak”. The remaining fingers are slightly rounded and raised upward like a fan - this is a “comb”.

red beard,

Bone head.

Two goats:

On both hands, press the middle and ring fingers with your thumbs.
Once upon a time to visit someone

A little goat walked across the bridge,

We hold our hands horizontally, bringing our hands together.

And another one was walking towards me,

He was returning home.

On the first syllable of each line, we join our hands in a swing.

Two horned stupid brothers

They began to butt heads on the bridge,

Not wanting to give in

And skip the other one.

The goats fought for a long time,

They ran and jostled.

With a running head-on - bang!

When we hear the word "boom" we clap our hands.

And from the bridge into the water - splash!

We drop our hands on our knees.

Structural unit of the State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium "OC "Harmony"

g.o. Otradny Samara region

"Kindergarten No. 13"

"Finger gymnastics"

Educator: Gladysheva Yu.N.

Finger gymnastics.

What are finger games? The game is one of the best ways development of children's speech and thinking. It gives the child pleasure and joy, and these feelings are the strongest means of stimulating the active perception of speech and generating independent speech activity. It is interesting that very young children, even when playing alone, often express their thoughts out loud, while older children play silently.

Organized games, including finger games, accompanied by speech, turn into unique small performances. They captivate kids so much and bring them so many benefits! Children can remember and reproduce a lot from the words of adults; they just need to repeat the text several times.

Mischievous poems and counting rhymes will help awaken children's imagination and creative initiative. Finger games can be an excellent means of initial aesthetic education.

The main goal of finger games is to switch attention, improve coordination and fine motor skills, which directly affects mental development child. In addition, by repeating poetic lines and simultaneously moving their fingers, children develop correct sound pronunciation, the ability to speak quickly and clearly, improve memory, and the ability to coordinate movements and speech. Children with whom finger games were often played even have much better handwriting than others. A unique combination of good poems and simple massage techniques gives an amazing effect of active mental and physical development.

Topic: "Vegetables"


Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”

We chop cabbageRhythmic strikes with the edges of the palms on the table.
We three carrots
He rubs his palms together.
We salt the cabbage

We are pressing cabbage. Grasping movements with both hands.
We chopped cabbage
Rhythmic strikes with the edges of the palms
Grinded He rubs his palms together.
Salted The index and middle fingers rub against
And they stuffed it tightly into a tubHitting the table with both hands.
Everything is fine with us now.
Shake it off with your hands.

Finger gymnastics “Vegetables”

The hostess once from the marketThey clench and unclench their fingers.
I came
The hostess goes home from the market
Bend your fingers one by one.
Parsley and beets.
Yu. Tuvin

Finger gymnastics" Carrot "

Not a carrot - a sight for sore eyes,

Surprisingly grown up

Juicy and tasty

Useful for children.

Methodical instructions.

The fingers of the left hand are clenched and pointing upward, palm right hand and with spread fingers placed against the left pinch.

Finger gymnastics" Beet "

Although I'm called sugar

I didn't get wet from the rain.

Round, large, sweet in taste.

Did you recognize? I….(beets)

Methodical instructions.

The brushes shake off the water. Show a circle, bring a large pinch to your mouth, spread your hands.

Topic: "Fruits"

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

Game with massage balls “Plum”

I hold a plum in my hand,Place the ball on the right palm.
I hold it in my fist,
Squeeze him tight.
I let go, I unclench
Open your palm.
And I roll my palms.
Roll the ball between the palms.
N. Nishcheva

Finger gymnastics “Orange”

We shared an orangeThey walk in a circle, holding hands.
There are many of us, but he is alone.
This slice is for the hedgehog.
They stop facing the circle.
This slice is for the swift.

This slice is for ducklings.
hands, starting with the big ones, for each
This slice is for kittens.
name of the animal.
This slice is for the beaver.
And for the wolf - the peel.
Depict the mouth of a wolf with two
He is angry with us - Trouble!!!They squat. Cover your head with your hands.
Run away in all directions!
They run away.

Finger gymnastics “Compote”

We will cook compote -The left palm is held in a “bucket” position,
You need a lot of fruit. Here.
index finger of the right hand
Let's chop apples
Bend your fingers one at a time, starting

We will chop the pear, from the big one.
Squeeze the lemon juice
We'll put in some drainage and sand.
We cook, we cook compote,
Again they “cook” and “stir.”
Let's treat honest people.
N. Nishcheva

Finger gymnastics “Fruits”

Adults and children know:They clench and unclench their fingers.
There are many fruits in the world!
Apples and oranges
Bend one finger at a time, starting
Apricots, tangerines,
from the little finger.
And bananas and pomegranates
Rich in vitamins.

Theme: "Autumn"

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

Finger gymnastics “Leaf fall”

Leaf fall, leaf fall!Raise your hands up.

Leaves are flying in the wind:Swinging your brushes from side to side,

Slowly lower your hands (the leaves fall).

From maple - maple,Straighten your fingers and spread them as far apart as possible.

From oak - oak,Straighten your fingers and press them tightly together.

From aspen - aspen,Connect the index and thumb in the form of a ring.

From rowan - rowan.Straighten your fingers and spread them slightly to the sides.

The forest and garden are full of leaves Clap your hands.

What a joy for the guys!

Finger gymnastics “Autumn Leaves”

One two three four five,Bend the fingers on both hands,
starting with the big ones.

We will collect leaves.
Clenching and unclenching rhythmically
Birch leaves, Bend your fingers again, starting with
Rowan leaves,
poplar leaves,
Aspen leaves,
We will collect oak leaves,
“Walk” on the middle table and
We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom.
index fingers of both hands.
N. Nishcheva

Finger gymnastics “Mushrooms”

Top - top - five steps,They “walk” their fingers on the table.
There are five mushrooms in the little container.
Intertwined fingers - made a little party,
Red fly agaric is a dangerous mushroom.
thumbs - handle.
And the second one is a fox,
Bend one finger on both
Red pigtail.
hands on each name of the mushroom,
The third mushroom is a wave,
starting with the little fingers.
Pink ear.
And the fourth mushroom is the morel,
Bearded old man.
The fifth mushroom is white,
Eat it with confidence!

Finger gymnastics “Hello, berry.”

Hello, big clearing!

Hello, grass-ant!

Hello, wild berry!

You're ripe and delicious

We are carrying a basket

We will collect all of you.

Met. ukz. . The fingers of the right hand greet the fingers of the left hand, patting each other with pads.

Finger gymnastics “Autumn”

The winds shake the apple trees.Hands stand on the table, resting on the elbows (trunks), fingers spread to the sides (crowns of apple trees). Shake your arms.

Leaves fly off the branches.The hands are relaxed and parallel to the table. Using smooth movements from side to side, slowly lower your hands onto the table surface (the leaves fall off).

Leaves are falling in the garden

I row them with a rake.

The fingers of both hands rest with their pads on the surface of the table (rake). Raising your hands, scrape your fingers along the surface of the table, pretending to work with a rake.

Topic: "Professions"

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

Finger gymnastics “Building a house”

Knock - knock with a hammer,They bang their fists one on the other.
I'm building, building a new house.
Palms are placed at an angle
He will be as big as a spruce
fingertips touching.
There will be windows, there will be a door.
They make a “window” and a “door” from their fingers.
I will put everyone in it:
They clap their hands.
Mouse, bunny, fox.

Finger gymnastics"Cook"

The cook was preparing dinnerThe children knock on the table with the edge of their palms.

And then the lights were turned off.

Chef bream beretBend the fingers on the left hand.

And puts it in compote

Throws logs into the cauldron,

He puts jam in the oven.

Stirs the soup with a stalk,

Ugli hits with a ladle.

Sugar is poured into the broth.

And he is very pleased!They shrug their shoulders.

Topic: “Seasonal clothes”.

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

Exercise with massage balls “New sneakers”

In smart sneakersRoll the ball forward.
Happy legs
They're skipping
They roll the ball back.
By sandy path.
N. Nishcheva

Finger gymnastics “New sneakers”

Bend the fingers on both hands one at a time, starting with the thumbs.

Like our cat

Boots on feet.

Like our pig

There are boots on my feet.

And on the dog's paws

Blue slippers.

And the kid is small

Puts on boots.

And son Vovka -

New sneakers.

Like this, like this

New sneakers.

“Walk” your index and middle fingers along the table.

Exercise with traffic jams

Take plastic bottle caps (4 pieces) and put them on your index and middle fingers like shoes. And “we walk with our fingers, like legs, without lifting the “Shoes” from the surface of the table.

I put the lids on my fingers,

They stepped forward boldly.

And we went down the alley

For a fun walk.

Fingers are like ballerinas

But wearing boots.

Each finger is like a leg,

It just shuffles a little.

Finger gymnastics “Mitten”
Masha put on her mitten: “Oh, where am I going?
Clench your fingers into a fist.

My finger is missing, I’m missing, I didn’t get to my little house.”Unclench all fingers except one.
Masha took off her mitten: “Look, I found it!”
Extend the remaining bent finger.
You search, you search and you find, hello, finger,
Clench your fingers into a fist.
how are you?

Finger gymnastics"Boots"

Everywhere, everywhere we are togetherMiddle and index fingers

Inseparable let's go. “walking” on the table.

We're walking through the meadowsChildren bend one by one

Along the green shoresfinger, starting with the big one.

They ran down the stairs,

They walked along the street,

Then we climb under the bed,

We'll sleep there quietly.Place your palms on the table.

Topic: "Furniture"

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

Finger gymnastics “Furniture”

We will consider furniture:Clench and unclench your fingers.
Armchair, chair, sofa, stool,
Bend the fingers on your right hand,
starting with the little finger.
Shelf, wardrobe, bed, bookcase.Bend the fingers on your left hand,
starting with the little finger.

Finger gymnastics “Lots of furniture in the apartment”

One two three four,Clenching and unclenching rhythmically
There is a lot of furniture in the apartment. fists.
We'll hang the shirt in the closet,
Bend your fingers, starting with
And we’ll put a cup in the cupboard.
large, for each name of furniture.
To give your legs a rest,
Let's sit on the chair for a little while.
And when we were fast asleep,
We were lying on the bed.
And then me and the cat
We sat at the table.
They drank tea and jam together.
Alternately clap and
There is a lot of furniture in the apartment.They knock with their fists.

Finger gymnastics “Chair”

Legs, back and seat – Left palm– vertically up. Attached to its lower part

Fist (thumb towards you)

Here is a chair for your surprise.

Finger gymnastics"Our apartment"

In our room - the dining room -For each item name

There is an excellent OAK TABLE,children bend furniture

CHAIRS - all carved backs,one finger at a time.)

The legs are bent and twisted.

And a nut BUFFET

For jam and sweets.

In the adult milking room - bedroom -

There is a MIRROR WARDROBE for dresses,


With blankets on cotton wool

And a birch chest of drawers,

Mom takes the laundry there.

And in the living room there are CHAIRS,

They watch TV here.

There is a SOFA and a coffee table,

IN THE WALL is a music center.

Topic: “Our Motherland”

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

Finger gymnastics “Friendship”

Boys and girls are friends in our groupConnect your fingers into a “lock”.

We will make friends with little fingers.Touching the fingertips of both hands.

One, two, three, four, five - start counting again.Paired touch of fingers from the little fingers.

One, two, three, four, five - we're done counting.Hands down, shake hands.

Finger gymnastics “Everything is native”

Suddenly we see by the bush

The chick fell out of the nest

Quietly we take the chick

And we put it back in the nest.

Met. decree. Sliding palm claps.

Finger speech game “Hello”(based on a poem by T. Sikacheva)
- I say hello everywhere - at home and on the street,
I even say “Hello” to the neighbor... (
chicken). Children show “wings”.
Hello, golden sun!
Show the sun.
Hello, blue sky!
Show the sky.
Hello, free breeze!
Show "breeze".
Hello, little oak tree!Show "oak"
Hello, Morning! Gesture to the right.
Hello Day! Gesture to the left.
We are not too lazy to say hello!Raise both arms to the sides.

Theme: "Winter"

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Working on the tempo and rhythm of speech

Finger gymnastics “Bullfinches”

Here on the branches, look,Four hand claps.

Bullfinches in red T-shirts.

Fluffed the feathers.Depicts “wings”

Basking in the sun.

They turn their heads, Head turns.

They want to fly away.

Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away! Rotational movements hands.

Behind the blizzard, behind the blizzard!

Finger gymnastics “Snowflakes”

La-la-la, la-la-la

A cloud was floating across the sky.Connect the fingers of both hands with pads and round

In the shape of a ball (cloud).

Suddenly out of a cloud above the groundRaise your hands up, spread your fingers to the sides.

A swarm of snowflakes flew.Rotate your hands, slowly lowering your arms (snowflakes fly).

The wind blew and hummed -Blow on your hands (round your lips and slightly stretch them forward).

A swarm of snowflakes flew up.Shake your hands, lifting them up,

Rotate them (snowflakes fly).

The wind swirls with them,Rotate your hands, alternately crossing your arms.

Maybe make friends.

Finger gymnastics “We went for a walk in the yard”

One two three four five,Bend your fingers one at a time.
We went for a walk in the yard.
“Walk” along the table with the index finger and
middle fingers.
They sculpted a snow woman,“Make” a lump with two palms.
The birds were fed crumbs,
They “crumb the bread” with all their fingers.
Then we rode down the hill,
Lead with the right index finger
hands on the palm of the left hand.
And they were also lying in the snow.They put their palms on the table, first one, then
the other side
Everyone came home covered in snow.
They shake off their palms.
We ate soup and went to bed.
Movement with an imaginary spoon;
hands under the cheek.

Finger gymnastics"In winter"

Fluffy snow lay on the branches.We depict trees with our hands: we bend our elbows and raise them high. We spread our fingers, depicting the branches of a tree.

And all the kids run for a walk.The index and middle fingers of both hands “run” along the table like legs

They sculpt a woman under the window,

We make “rings” with our right and left hands and place them one above the other

They roll a snowball together.We connect the tips of our fingers so that we get “balls”

Skis, Slide your palms back and forth across the table

Sled Place your palms on the table close to each other and make synchronous movements back and forth

And skates Place your palms on the edge and slide them back and forth on the table in antiphase

They race.

Subject: " New Year»

Finger gymnastics “Gifts”

Santa Claus brought gifts:Children “walk” with their fingers on the table.
Primers, albums, stamps,
For each gift name
Dolls, bears and cars,
bend one finger at a time: first
Parrot and penguin
on the right, then on the left hand.
Chocolate half a bag
And a fluffy puppy.
N. Nishcheva

Finger gymnastics “Herringbone”

In the morning the children were surprisedRaise your arms to the sides, raising your shoulders.
What miracles happened
This New Year's night.
We expected anything
Clenching and unclenching fingers.
And we saw the parade:
Snowmen stand in a row
Draw three circles in the air with your hands.
The eyes are sparkling merrily,Close and open with palms
And in front of them is a Christmas treeThey clap their hands.
Fluffy, covered in needles.
G. Utrobin

Finger gymnastics “On the Christmas tree”
We had fun at the Christmas tree
Rhythmic hand clapping.
And they danced and frolicked,Rhythmic fist bumps.
After good Santa Claus“Walk” on the table with the middle and index fingers
He gave us gifts.
fingers of both hands.
Gave huge packages
They “draw” a large circle with their hands.
They also contain tasty items:
Rhythmic hand clapping.
Candies in blue papers,
Bend your fingers, starting with the big ones.
Nuts next to them
Pear, apple, one
Golden tangerine.

Finger gymnastics “New Year”
New Year is coming!
Let's clap our hands
Children dance in a circle.
Hands clasped with fingers, arms extended, hands in and out
Balls hanging on the Christmas treeAlternately connect the fingers on both hands, forming a ball
The lanterns are shining. flashlights
Here the ice floes sparkle,
Clench and unclench your fists in turns
Snowflakes are spinning.Easy and smooth movement of brushes
Santa Claus is coming to visitFingers walk on knees or on the floor
He brings gifts to everyone.Three palms together
To count the gifts,
Let's bend our fingers:
We clap our knees or the floor, one hand with a palm, the other with a fist, and then change

Topic: "Pets."

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Working on the tempo and rhythm of speech

Finger gymnastics “We met”

For each phrase, connect the same fingers of the left and right hands, one at a time, starting with the little finger. For the last phrase, show “horns”, simultaneously straightening index fingers and little fingers.

Two kittens met: “Meow - meow.”

Two puppies: “Aw – aw.”

Two foals: “I-go-go”

Two calves, two bulls:

"Moo." Look at the horns!

Finger gymnastics “The cat went to the stove”

The cat went to the stoveThe fingers "walk".

I found a pot of porridge."Pot of palms."

There are rolls on the stove, Palms “make rolls”

Hot as fire.Blow on your palms.

Gingerbread cookies are baking

They don't let the cat get into their paws.Wag your finger.

Finger gymnastics “Dog”

The dog has a sharp nose

There is also a neck

There is also a tail.

Right palm on the rib, towards yourself. Thumb up, index finger, middle finger, ring finger together. The little finger alternately lowers and rises (“the dog barks”)

Finger gymnastics “Piglets”

(The fingers are spread out; we alternately “walk” along the table or knees with each of the fingers).

This fat piglet was wagging his tail all day long,(Little fingers).

This fat pig was scratching his back against the fence.(Unnamed).


La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lya, I love piglets

This fat pig was picking the ground with his nose,(Average).

This fat pig drew something himself.(Indicative).

La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lya, I love piglets(We clench and unclench our fists.)

This fat pig is lazy and impudent,(Large).

He wanted to sleep in the middle and pushed all the brothers out of the way.(Clench your hand into a fist, press your thumb inward.)

Topic: “Animals of our forests.”

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

Finger gymnastics “Everyone has their own home”

Children bend their fingers on both hands: one finger for each couplet.

At the fox in the deep forest

There is a hole - a reliable home.

Snowstorms are not scary in winter

A squirrel in a hollow on a spruce tree.

A prickly hedgehog under the bushes

Rakes leaves into a pile.

From branches, roots, grass

Beavers make huts.

A clubfoot sleeps in a den,

He sucks his paw there until spring.

Everyone has their own homeHit with palms and fists alternately.

Everyone feels warm and comfortable in it.

Finger gymnastics “Squirrel”

Use your thumb to touch the remaining fingers one by one, performing the exercise first with one hand and then with the other hand.

Jumping on branches

Little squirrel.

A tail flashes among the branches.

Who will keep up with her?

Finger gymnastics “Wolf”

The wolf will open his mouth,

Wants to steal a bunny:

Click and click, and click again!

The wolf won't catch the hare.

The index, middle, ring and little fingers on both hands are pressed against each other, and the pad of the thumb is either pressed against the closed four fingers or lowered, depicting a cleft palate.

The mouth clicks in vain -

The hare runs great!

We relax the fingers on both hands and “run” them along the table.

Finger gymnastics " Top top"

Top-top! Stompers!

A bunny jumps at the edge of the forest.

Lightly hit the table with the fingertips of both hands at the same time.

The hedgehog hid under the tree

It has needles sticking out.

We clench our hands into fists and roll them on the table.

Topic: "Poultry".

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

Finger gymnastics “Poultry”

The hen has a chick,Use your thumb to touch the rest one by one, starting with your little finger.

The goose has a gosling

The turkey has a turkey chick,

And the duck has a duckling.

Every mother has babies,Show all your fingers, “playing” with them.

Everyone is beautiful and good!

Finger gymnastics “Cockerel”

Our beautiful cockerelBoth hands are clenched into fists.

He lifted the comb upward. Unclench your palms.

Flapping its wings.Wave your tassels in the air.

He's dancing on the lawn.

He pecks at bread crumbs.Tap the table with your index fingers.

Calling the motley hens.Make inviting movements with your hands.

Finger gymnastics “Duck”

Twilight duck

I dived and surfaced,

She surfaced and dived.

Met. decree. Bend your palm at a right angle, press your fingers together; rotation of the hands away from you and towards you.

Finger gymnastics “Goose”

The goose was repairing his nest

Goose composed a rhyme:

And it cackles and it cackles

He wants to learn a counting rhyme.

Met. ukz. . Large and decree the fingers are connected into a beak.

Topic: “Animals of the North.”

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Working on the tempo and rhythm of speech

Finger gymnastics “The white bear lives in the north...”

The white bear lives in the north,

But just like the brown one, he doesn’t suck honey.

Our Umka is trying to catch fish,

To eat deliciously and live without hassle.

(Fold your fingers, starting from the little finger to the thumb, for each stressed syllable)

Speech outdoor game “Penguins on Ice Floes”

Black and white penguins

Visible from a distance on the ice floes.

How do they walk together?

I need to show you this.

Palms stuck out

And they jumped around a little.

And suddenly they saw a walrus,

Hands raised slightly up

And they quickly walked onto the ice floe.

(Perform movements in accordance with the text)

Topic: "Professions".

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Working on the tempo and rhythm of speech

Finger gymnastics “Seller”

The seller is happy with the guys.

In the store for the guys:

There are painted nesting dolls,

There are clockwork cars.

Met. decree. Rhythmically clap your palms, beat your fist against your fist, start the car with the key.

Finger gymnastics “Postman”

What did the postman bring us?

He walks around with a thick bag.

Translation, magazine, newspaper,

There are 2 cassettes in the parcel.

And a letter from Aunt Valya,

So that they await her arrival.

Met. decree. Clench and unclench your fists, walk your fingers on the table, bend your fingers, starting with the thumb.

Finger gymnastics “Gnomes-washerwomen”

We lived in a house

little gnomes:

Currents, Peaks, Faces, Chiki, Miki,

1,2,3,4,5. The gnomes began to wash.

Toki - shirts, Peaks - handkerchiefs,

Liki - panties, Chiki - socks,

Miki was smart

He brought water to everyone.

Met. decree. Clench and unclench your fists, bend your fingers, starting with the thumb, rub your fists against each other, bend your fingers.

Topic: "Transport".

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Working on the tempo and rhythm of speech

Finger gymnastics “Transport”

Let's bend our fingers -Squeeze and unclench your fingers.

Let's call the transport:

Car, helicopter,Unclench your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger.

Tram, bus, plane.

We clenched our five fingers into a fist,Clench your fingers into a fist, starting with the thumb.

Five types of transport were named.

Finger gymnastics “Steamboat”

The steamboat was at sea.Place your palms together in a bowl shape.

So he sailed to the pier.Make wave-like movements in the air.

He blew his trumpet: “Oooh – ooh!”Move your thumbs at the same time

Finger gymnastics “Boat”
I will press two palms
Palms in a boat shape, wave-like movements of the hands.
And I will sail across the sea.
Two palms - friends -
This is my boat.
I'll raise the sails
Raise your straightened palms up.
I'll swim in the blue sea.
And on the stormy waves
Imitation of the movements of waves and fish.
Fish swim here and there.

Topic: “Migratory birds.”

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

Finger gymnastics “The birds have flown”

The birds flew inUse the fingers of both hands to move up and down.

Clench your fingers into a fist.

They flapped their wings.

We sat down. We sat

Finger gymnastics “Woodpecker”

Suddenly a knock was heard in the forest.Tap the table with a pad

Index finger of the right hand.

This is a woodpecker pecking at a branch.

He doesn't damage trees

He heals trees.

Finger gymnastics “Migratory birds”

Tilitels, tilitels-Cross your thumbs, wave your palms.

Birds have arrived from the south!

A squirrel flew to us -Alternately bend the fingers on both hands,

Starting with the little finger of the left hand.

Gray feather.

Lark, nightingale

We were in a hurry: who would hurry?

Heron, swan, duck, swift,

Stork, swallow and siskinAgain, cross your thumbs and wave your palms.

Everyone has returned, arrived,

They sang sonorous songs!Use your index finger and thumb to

"beak" - "birds sing."

Topic: “Our mothers.”

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

"Flower for Mommy"

Oh, in our flower garden

Large flower on a stem.Open and close your fist, fingers, like petals.

It sways in the breeze,Hand movements left and right.

And he smiles at me! Facial expressions, gestures.

I'll kiss mommy

And I’ll give her a flower!

"Our Mothers"

There are many mothers in this world,They spread their arms in different directions,

then they grab themselves tightly by the shoulders.

Children love them all!

Journalist and engineerBend your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger,

first on one, then on the other hand.

Cook, policeman,

Seamstress, conductor and teacher,

Doctor, hairdresser and builder

- We need different mothers,Squeeze both palms into a “lock.”

Different mothers are important!They spread their arms, raise their palms up.

Finger gymnastics “Mom’s holiday”

Mommy is goodBlow a kiss over the palm.

Mommy darling!Kiss the other palm.

I love her very muchBlow a kiss from your palm.

I give her kisses! Blow the kiss off the other palm.

Topic: "Dishes"
Target:coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

Finger gymnastics “Helpers”

One two three four five - Claps.
We washed the dishes:

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon
Bend your fingers one at a time
And a big ladle.
each name of the cookware.
We washed the dishesOne palm slides over the other.
We just broke the cup,
Bend your fingers again.
The ladle also fell apart,
The teapot's nose is broken,
We slightly broke the spoon.
This is how we helped mom.
Rhythmic fist bumps and
palms alternately.

Finger gymnastics “Teapot”

I'm puffing, puffing, puffing,
I don't want to get warm anymore.
The lid rang loudly:
“Drink tea, the water has boiled.”
(Clench your hand into a fist, your thumb sticks out, this is the “teapot spout.” Tilt your fist so that the “teapot spout” is above the “cup.” When “pouring” tea, pronounce “ssss,” imitating the sound of kettle of water).

Topic: “Russian toys”.

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

Finger gymnastics “Tall Tales”

At Matryosha's sister'sRhythmic strikes with the fingers of the right hand,
starting from the index finger, along the left palm.
Through the village of fables
Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the left hand, on
starting from the index finger, along the right palm.
A duck walks in a skirtFor each animal name they bend
In a warm sheepskin coat,
fingers on the hands, starting with the big ones.
The chicken is in a vest,
Cockerel - in a beret,
Goat - in a sundress,
Zainka - in a caftan,
And all of them are more beautiful
Rhythmic alternating handclaps and
Cow in matting.
fist bumps.

Finger gymnastics"Cockerel"

Cockerel, cockerel, -Connect your index finger and thumb on your hand.
Golden comb, -
Make a “castle” from your fingers.
Butter head, -
Stroke your head with your hand.
Silk beard, -
Stroke your chin with your hand.
That you get up early
Why are you singing loudly?
Don't you let the kids sleep? –
Close your eyes and place your palms under your cheeks.
Bucket sun

Finger gymnastics “Horse”.
- With one hand I tear up the grass,
Perform grasping movements alternately with your left and right hands
- I also tear with my other hand.
- I'll feed the horse grass.
stretch your arms forward
- That's how many fingers I have!
and turn your palms up

Topic: “Animals of the seas and oceans.”

Target: coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

Finger gymnastics"Shark"

Two sturgeon sailedWith two palms the children depict

How stellate sturgeon swim.

Their backs are like arches.Bend your palms with the back side up.

They attacked from both sides.They depict how sturgeon sturgeon swim towards each other.

You shark, get out.Push with your palms from your chest.

Finger gymnastics “What types of fish are there?”

We are in the underwater world, friend,They perform movements with their hands, as if they were swimming breaststroke, simultaneously squeezing and unclenching the palms of both hands.

Fishes swim around:Make alternating wave-like movements with either the right or left palm.

Swordfish, sawfish,Alternately connect the fingers of both hands with the thumb, starting with the little finger.

Anglerfish and needlefish.

Finger gymnastics “Underwater world”

Look around quickly!Make a “visor” on the palm of the forehead.

What do you see, dear friend?They place their fingers in rings near the eyes.

The water is clear here.Spread your palms to the sides.

A seahorse is swimming here.Wave-like movements with palms forward.

Here's a jellyfish, here's a squid.The palms of both hands, lowered down, in the shape of a cap, move towards each other; Cross your palms with your fingers spread wide apart.

But this is a fish ball.Connect the fingers of both hands in the shape of a ball.

But, having straightened his eight legs,Show the back of both palms and move them up, performing oscillatory movements fingers.

An octopus greets guests.

Topic: “The Kingdom of Flowers.”

Target:coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Working on the tempo and rhythm of speech


Take a quick look at the window:Both palms are shown.

Here we have geraniums blooming.Bend your fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.

And here is a handsome balsam,

Amaryllis next to him.

Fuchsia, begonia

– We remember all the names!Open your palm.

We will loosen the flowers, water them,Move your downward fingers.

Let them grow up day by day!Both palms are connected with a “bud”, raised above the head and opened with a “flower”.

Finger gymnastics “Tulip”

The tulip collected the petals into a bud.Gather your fingers into a handful.

The sun sends its rays.Unclench your fingers.

In the morning, under the sun, the flowers open.Make lanterns.

The sun has set and the darkness has deepened,

Before the morning my tulip closed.Gather your fingers into a pinch.

Finger gymnastics “Flower”

A tall flower grew in a clearing,Hands in a vertical position, palms pressed together, spread your fingers and slightly round them.

On a spring morning I opened the petals.Spread your fingers on the second line.

Beauty and nutrition to all petalsRhythmic movement of fingers together and apart.

Together they give petals to the roots.Place your palms down and press the backs of your hands against each other, spreading your fingers.

Outdoor game “On the lawn in the morning”

On the lawn in the morning

We started a game.

I am a snowdrop, you are a bindweed

Stand in our wreath

(Children stand in a circle, hold hands)

One two three four,

Spread the circle wider

(Take 4 steps back, expanding the circle)

And now we are streams,

Let's run a race

(Run in circles)

We hurry straight to the lake,

The lake will become big

(Spread the circle)

Get in a circle again

(Close the circle)

Will you play in the sun?

(Run in circles)

We are the merry rays

(Stretch on tiptoes, arms up)

We are frisky and hot.

(They jump on their toes, hands on their belts)

Topic: "Insects."

Target:coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Working on the tempo and rhythm of speech

Finger gymnastics “Insects”

Together we count our fingers -Clench and unclench your fists.

We call insects:

Butterfly, grasshopper, fly,Bend your fingers into a fist one at a time, starting with the thumb.

This is a beetle with a green belly.

Who's calling here?

Oh, a mosquito is flying here!Rotate your little finger.

Hide!Hide your hands behind your back.

Finger gymnastics “Butterfly”

Cross the wrists of both hands and press the backs of your palms together. Fingers are straight. "The butterfly is sitting." Simulate the flight of a butterfly.

Box butterfly,

Fly under the cloud.

Your kids are there

On a birch branch.

Topic: “Seasons. Spring"

Target:coordination of speech with movement. Development of fine motor skills. Working on the tempo and rhythm of speech

Finger gymnastics “Icicles”

Playful iciclesPut your fingers together(pinch)

We sat down on the ledge.Place your hands on your knees.

Playful iciclesTwist your hands.

We looked down.Lower your head down.

Have you looked at what to do?To shrug.

Drops began to fall.Appropriate movements with your hands.

Two icicles looked down

And in the sun they rang:

Drip-drip, ding-ding,Bow your head to the beatright left.

Drip-drip, ding-ding.

Yu. Klyushnikov

Finger gymnastics “Drops”

It's been two weeks nowWe lower our hands down one by one, fingers together.

Drops are dripping.

Snow melts in the sunHands, palms down, spread to the sides.

And it flows down like a stream.Both hands, palms down, move in one direction.

Finger gymnastics “Spring”

Spring has just dropped in on us -Stretch your arms forward

I dipped my hand in the snowHands below, perpendicular to the body

And the tender blossomed there,Hands are joined into a bud at eye level

Little snowdropSlowly spread the fingers (“the flower has opened”)


Note: this lesson is conducted with elements of the methodology of Japanese professor Makato Shichida. One of characteristic features his techniques are games that develop right hemisphere brain that help children express love, a sense of uniqueness and interaction among people.In a lesson using the Shichida method, you will encounter such training elements that are unusual for many of us as hugs, games to develop intuition, imagination, and of course, traditional games for developing memory, logic, and attention are also present.

Many people like horses, including me, but this is understandable, because they are very beautiful and graceful animals. If you love them too and want to tell your child about them game form, then please follow me!

It is very important to play with your child when both you and the baby are in good mood, and stop the game if the child loses interest.

Summary of a lesson on the topic "Horses" for children from 2 to 3 years old.

We start the lesson with hugs, tell your child how much you love him! Invite you to play and be sure to say: “We will play, and you will succeed!”

1. Getting to know the horses.

First, let's get acquainted with horse figures - carefully, consider what kind of mane, hooves, and tail the horse has. And we’ll tell you where you can find them.

For this part of the lesson I prepared a sensory box. We've got a whole stable! Here we tinkered with the hay, watered and fed the horses. Each horse had its own swill, before giving them water, we counted all the horses and took the same number of buckets of water, poured water for each, but poured the food into a common feeder.

At the same time, we worked with breathing - we took the hay in our hands and blew on it.

2. We develop intuition.

Since intuition is one of the innate abilities of any child, we are happy to develop it. Today we were looking for which of the three haystacks the foal was hiding under - I hid it, and my son guessed.

3. Development of motor skills.

We spent time on motor skills: we made a pen out of sticks.

The base was made of salt dough, and the “fence” was stuck into it.

They also made a horse with a rider. (Development of motor skills again).

4. Search games (we develop attention and memory):

4.1. Find “Whose part is on the left?”

(We determine which horse the part (leg, tail, mane, etc.) located in the left row of each line belongs to).

4.2. Search for a pair:

We were looking for the shadow of horses, the task was difficult because... The silhouettes of the horses are different, but we managed.

4.3. Laying out dominoes.

4.4. Once again we fed the horses.

We looked at the menu and studied what horses eat.

Then we collected “food for the horse” items around the house (we had hay and oats depicted in the form of a picture on cards, apples, crackers, carrots and water were real).

I hid all the items in a visible place, for example, on a shelf, on a table - i.e. so that you can find it with your eyes.

4.5. Developing memory.

We played the memory grid game - this is a game for remembering the position of an object. The essence of the game is as follows:

I lay out 2 rows of cards, 3 pieces in a row, one after another, we look at each picture, pronounce it, then turn everything over. Next, I name one of the objects and ask the child to find the card, my son fulfills my requests, we check, if we made a mistake, the card remains unturned, we continue to look for the right card.

5. Design and imagination:

We assembled a horse from a tangram. I traced the outlines of the figures on the sheet of paper and Azamat folded them.

6. Color perception.

6.1. Find each cowboy a horse, according to the color of his scarf and saddle.

6.2. I cut the horse cards (red, black, gray, brown) into 3 parts vertically. The child folds the whole horse. I played around a little, put the horses in the wrong order, and suggested that my son fix everything.

7. Puzzles - we develop logic and attention.

7.1. We collected a logical series. I posted mine, my son repeated it.

7.2. We assembled the puzzle, left 4 elements unassembled, Azamat assembled the whole picture to the end.

8. Finger gymnastics: “The Horse galloped.”

Place the child in front of you, touch his open palms with your palms, begin to lightly pat them, saying:

The horse galloped across the field, across the field.

The horse galloped freely, freely.

The horse galloped and the wind flew,

I wanted to keep up with the fast horse!

Then take a small little finger in your hands and stretch your fingers from the tips to the palm:

The horse galloped

Along a small river.

Let's move on to warming up the ring fingers:

They ran after her

A crowd of sheep.

Next up are the middle fingers:

Along the bridge

The horse is running,

Following them, we move on to warming up the index fingers:

There are little frogs behind her

We decided to jump!

At the very end of the game, the turn comes to the thumbs:

Horse, little horse, have fun galloping,

It's time for everyone to relax together!

9. Logorhythmics: “Horse”

For this part of the lesson we will need this is the song .

Before listening to the song, let's look at the horse figurine again. Let's remember what kind of mane the horse has, what kind of hooves, what kind of tail.

“Rehearse” the syllable for singing along: “but” (we pronounce the onomatopoeia together with the child).

Say: “Now we’re going to go horse riding,” give the child wooden spoons (well, what if wooden spoons If you don’t have one at home, any others will do).

Singing a song, we bounce the child on our laps (we ride on a horse) and help him rhythmically knock the spoons (hooves clatter). To the chorus “but-but-but”, we help the baby hit the legs with spoons three times, we encourage him to “pull” the horse.

We're going - we're riding a horse, But, but, but!

All the guys are happy, but, but, but!

We're glad, we're glad to take a ride, But, but, but!

The hooves clatter loudly: But, but, but!

(You can watch a video on how to do this gymnastics).

We rode and our horses got hungry again:

10. Motor skills and coordination of movements:

We feed the mothers with the foal (menu cards), lay out a path to the food using chopsticks (you can use lids, beads or beans). First from left to right, then from right to left.


The next day we got creative. We made a “Horse” applique from geometric shapes.

We made a mane for a horse.

We also decided to decorate our homemade horse green:

We fantasized a little that she is from a green country, where almost everything is green, including horses, and the people, and therefore the riders, are red.

During these two days we learned a lot about horses, all that remains is to communicate with them live, and we will definitely do this! Everyone good mood, pleasant and interesting games! Thank you for your attention!

Class materials are stored via this link.


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