Do-it-yourself glass block partition. How to install glass blocks

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Laying glass blocks is possible in three ways: traditional, using modular systems and using the BlocLock system.

The first is universal, suitable for interior and exterior work, allows the construction of structures of any size and shape, but the use cement mortar, glue for ceramic tiles and glass requires skill.

The other two methods are based on the use of special modular systems for installing blocks or guides to which they are glued. These technologies make it possible to assemble elements from glass blocks without any experience or knowledge in construction.

Inside the premises, glass blocks are laid at the final finishing stage, after screeding the floor and plastering the walls, but before applying the finishing coatings.

When used outside, glass blocks are placed when completed Basic structure, and if it is created separate element- then after the foundation has hardened (after 28 days).

With the first method of laying, it will be necessary to accurately calculate the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the glass block structure so that each row can fit a whole number of products and leave 10 mm for seams between them.

With other methods, the accuracy of the masonry is ensured by the structural elements on which the blocks are installed.

The surface prepared for installation must always be absolutely flat and horizontal.

Every third or fourth horizontal and vertical rows are reinforced with steel rods with a diameter of 4-8 mm (from of stainless steel or with anti-corrosion coating).

The reinforcement must be located in the thickness of the solution and not come into contact with the glass.

A wall made of glass blocks must be completely independent of the supporting structures adjacent to it.

In the first installation method, the connection of the transparent section with the load-bearing main wall is made only through sliding spacers, the anchors are secured freely. The connection of the partition made of glass blocks to the ceiling and floor must be done using elastic gaskets. Modular systems are rigidly fixed.

The seams between glass blocks are made no more than 10 mm.

When laying on the mortar, special mounting crosses made of plastic are used, which help to correctly align each element. Without crosses, if the mortar dries unevenly, the wall may become distorted.

Materials and tools (per 1 m2 of construction)

Materials (seam - 10 mm):

  • Glass blocks 190×190×80 mm - 25 pcs.
  • Glass blocks 190×90×80 - 50 pcs.
  • Glass blocks 240×240×80 mm - 16 pcs.
  • Glue (for glass blocks or ceramic tiles) - 25 kg.
  • Mounting crosses - 36 pcs.
  • Stainless steel fittings with a diameter of 6-8 mm - 6-8 m.
  • Joint expansion joints (cork, felt, bitumen or PVC tape) - 1-4 m, depending on the presence of abutment to structures.


  • Trowel (for applying the solution).
  • Level and plumb line (to check the horizontality and verticality of the structures being built and adjacent to it).
  • Wooden slats (for setting the boundaries of the partition on the base).
  • Rubber hammer (for leveling blocks).
  • Knife, grout, sponge (for cutting off protruding parts of crosses, making seams, cleaning the surface).

The surface of the base is cleaned of dust and grease and two wooden slats to fix the direction of laying blocks.

Laying glass blocks on mortar: master class

An elastic compensation material is placed between the slats on the base. On the support (to which the glass blocks are attached) holes are made for the reinforcement. A layer of mortar or glue about 30 mm thick is applied along the entire length of the base.

Installation of blocks begins from the wall (or other adjacent element), moving horizontally. On the first block in the bottom row, the mortar is applied to the side facing the wall and laid, leaving a 10 mm thick seam.

When installing the second block, the mixture is applied to the side facing the previous one. A mounting cross is inserted between the blocks at the top. Laying continues until the end of the row, the second row is mounted in the same way.

If the solution gets on front side, it is immediately removed (when chipping dried cement, you can scratch the block).

The third row of masonry is reinforced with reinforcement. Two rods are placed directly on the mounting crosses, inserted into the holes in the adjacent wall, and secured with mortar (if there is no wall, the reinforcement will end flush with the outer blocks).

After every third row, check the verticality of the masonry with a plumb line and stop the installation for 1 hour when working with glue and for 1 day - with cement-sand mortar. This is necessary for the composition to set (on glass it dries slowly).

After complete completion of the masonry and drying of the mortar, remove the outer plates of the mounting crosses and remove protective film from glass blocks.

Then the grout mixture is applied to the seams, after it has set, the surface is leveled and the blocks are cleaned.

Cement and glue stains are removed using hydrochloric or acetic acid (alkalis, solvents, and hydrofluoric acid cannot be used).

To give waterproof qualities to the seams, they are treated with a water repellent.

How to install glass block partitions: using modular systems

This assembly method is only for interior works. The module is a lattice made of wood, plastic or MDF with cells calculated according to the size of the glass block.

Typically, a module contains no more than 10 cells vertically and 2-4 horizontally. For a longer wall, several modules are purchased.

The maximum permissible dimensions of a structure based on a modular system are 4 × 4 m; for larger sizes, metal profiles are installed between its parts.

The system is attached to the floor, walls and ceiling using screws. Then the cells are filled with glass blocks, fixing them with rubber inserts (which make it easy to remove and replace the blocks) or sealant (it is used if it is necessary to improve the soundproofing qualities of the structure).

The frame frame takes on all the loads, protecting the glass block from them, allows you to increase the speed of construction, and make the structure level and vertical.

Glass block partitions using the BlocLock system

This installation method is also intended for interior work. It is based on the use of plastic guides, the width of which is equal to the thickness of the side wall of the block. The guides have different sizes: long ones correspond to the length of the structure, short ones - to the side of the block.

The system uses special glass blocks - with a profile that matches the profile of the guides and is designed for a joining seam 2-5 mm wide.

When starting installation, the first, long guide is glued to a horizontal base.

Then glass blocks are glued onto it, joining them together in a row through short guides and fixing them with glue.

Having laid out the entire row, glue the next long guide on top of it and assemble it further in the same way. This method allows you to create a smooth, strictly vertical, neat wall.

Reinforcement is not provided, and the height of the structure should not exceed 2 m.

The kit, including glue for connecting the system elements, is purchased in the store, choosing the number of blocks and guides required for the intended design.

Special cases when installing glass blocks

You can lay out a curved structure from glass blocks. When laying from whole blocks, the minimum radius of curvature is 5 m; with a smaller radius, it is better to use half glass blocks.

WITH inside The seam width is left 10 mm; on the outside it will be larger. A template (for example, made of foam plastic or thick cardboard) is fixed to the base, fixing the direction in which the wall is laid out. The reinforcement is bent, also using a template.

It is permissible to use rods with minimum diameter(this will not affect the strength of the masonry, since curved structures are more stable than straight ones).

Sometimes it is necessary to make a door in a glass block wall. Its box is attached to a U-shaped metal frame with U-shaped profile, firmly attached to the supporting structures.

Glass blocks are laid around the frame, using a shock-absorbing pad with a thickness of at least 10 mm at the junction points. In a similar way, a window is built into such a wall.

Glass block construction can be used door frame width multiple of 20 cm - 60, 80, 100, 120 cm.

You can't hang it too much heavy door(for example, metal), it is necessary to eliminate sharp impacts when slamming by installing a braking device for the door leaf.

However, given the complexity of installing and operating a door surrounded by glass, if possible, it is better to make it in a regular wall.

Cement or frame?

We wrote about how to decorate your home with modern glass blocks in the article “”. This time we will talk about the features of installing blocks. How to make a wall or partition out of them? Which installation method is optimal in a particular case? Which important nuances What should you keep in mind when planning this work? Let's start with the planning and preparation stage. Before you start work, you need to be sure that the choice in favor of glass blocks was correct.

What should you know when planning to use glass blocks in your home?

1. It is not advisable to build a wall with doors from glass blocks. There may be an opening in a glass block wall, but doors should not be secured. Mount window systems You can't go into a glass block wall either.

2. Of course, a wall made of glass blocks cannot be load-bearing.

3. Glass blocks have excellent sound insulation. Do not be afraid that the glass block wall separating two rooms will serve only a decorative function.

4. Glass blocks are also a heat-saving material. They can be used to glaze large window openings - and the room will be warm (the same as with modern plastic double-glazed windows).

5. Glass blocks - unique material, which is both construction and finishing. This is where their special ease of use lies. I erected a wall and I don’t have to think about anything else: neither about putty, nor about painting, nor about cladding. This will save money, effort, and energy.

6. It is undesirable to create surfaces with an area of ​​more than 15 square meters from glass blocks. m.

What do you need to know before starting work?

1. The surfaces to which the glass block wall or partition will be adjacent must be prepared (at the junction). Namely, clean off the old finish, wash, let dry, and prime.

2. Glass blocks are usually sold covered with a protective film. It is not recommended to remove the film before installation is complete to avoid damage to the surface of the blocks, scratches, stains from glue and cement, etc.

If the blocks were sold without film, you can protect them yourself - for example, by covering the front surfaces of the blocks with masking tape.

Methods for laying glass blocks

There are two main methods of installing glass blocks: cement and frame. The frame method creates very flimsy, not very reliable structures. Therefore, this method should be adopted only for the construction of small partitions in residential premises.

If there is a need for a large partition, glazing window openings and in creating glass walls in wet rooms - the choice should be made in favor of the “cement” method.

Installation of glass blocks on cement

For work, use cement or tile adhesive. The cement must be of high quality, homogeneous, without large grains of sand (they can scratch the glass if they get on the glass block). Tile adhesive is preferable.

In addition to cement or glue, you will need special spacer crosses and metal rods(section 4-6 mm).

Spacer crosses help to leave a fixed distance between the blocks, making the surface of the glass blocks smooth. In addition, crosses allow you to make the wall tougher. Metal rods are needed for reinforcement, that is, strengthening the glass block wall.

Having laid a row of glass blocks, apply a new layer of glue and lay a metal rod horizontally, after which a second row of blocks is laid. The rods can also be laid vertically if the area of ​​the structure is large enough. Some experts recommend reinforcing not all rows, but only every third.

Spacer crosses are installed in the joints between glass blocks. The “hats” of the crosses remain outside. After the cement has completely dried, these protruding plates need to be chipped off. The crosses themselves remain inside the wall, making it stronger.

The building level should always be nearby. With its help, you should constantly monitor the evenness of horizontal and vertical rows.

It is not recommended to lay more than three horizontal rows of glass blocks at a time. They laid out an area three blocks high and paused. If glass blocks are installed with tile adhesive, work can be stopped for a couple of hours and then continued. If glass blocks are laid on cement, you will have to wait a day. Why is a pause necessary? If you go above three rows, at some point the structure may “float” or completely fall apart. Be sure to take breaks!

If the glass block structure is adjacent to other surfaces, then the “seam” between them should be no more than one centimeter.

By the way, about “seams” or joints. If the glass blocks were placed on cement, after it has completely dried, the seams can be rubbed down tile grout desired color. But it’s even easier to buy colored cement/glue and lay glass blocks on it. In this case, the joints must be immediately made neat, removing excess cement, and then after drying there will be no additional treatments not required.

After laying all the glass blocks, the structure should dry well. This should take 10-15 days. And only after this time can you begin to grout the interblock joints.

Frame method of installing glass blocks

This method of installing glass blocks is suitable for creating small, lightweight structures - for example, semi-partitions for zoning rooms. Sound insulation qualities will be significantly lower than with cement method styling Strength indicators are also not comparable.

The advantage of this method is aesthetics (the blocks seem to be framed), cleanliness of the work and the possibility of replacing individual blocks.

The frame is made of wood (sanded boards). It is made to order - for example, in carpentry workshops. The frame is a structure with equal cells and resembles a lattice. The cells correspond to the size of the glass blocks.

The blocks are inserted into the cells and strengthened. To do this, use rubber gaskets or seals. silicone sealants. Sealants are used more often - this strengthens the structure, since the blocks are literally glued into the cells. However, there is a minus here: if the block is installed with a rubber gasket, it can be easily removed if necessary, in order, for example, to replace a cracked block. If it is glued with sealant, it will be more difficult to remove it without damaging the entire structure.

Before filling the lattice frame with glass blocks, it must be secured by attaching it with dowels or anchors to the main surfaces - the floor, load-bearing wall, ceiling.

If you want to give a frame specific color, you need to paint it in advance, before filling it with glass blocks.

The work is quite easy, but it must be done carefully, using caution, remembering that glass is a fragile material.

Glass blocks are installed in the wall in a similar way. You need to create a cell in the wall for a glass block and insert it, securing it rubber seal or sealant.

Manufacturers of glass blocks also produce ready-made modules for attaching blocks. A frame is assembled from modules. Moreover, it is assembled simultaneously with the installation of the blocks. The modules themselves are made not only of wood, but also of PVC.

Such modular systems To install glass blocks, you need to ask in the same stores that sell this material. Working with ready-made modules is quite simple - similar to assembling a construction kit. It must be remembered that the structure turns out to be very fragile: you cannot glass a window using this method, but you can separate the sofa from the bed.

Creating a round wall from glass blocks

Rounded walls can be built from cement. In this case, the reinforcing rods have to be bent to fit the shape future wall, which is not so easy. To facilitate the process, thinner metal rods are used than when constructing straight walls.

Spacer crosses are inserted between blocks only inside the rounding. On the outside, the seams remain the same, and their size depends on the radius of curvature. There is a discrepancy in the size of the seams inside and outside the rounding. This cannot be avoided if solid glass blocks are installed.

You can reduce the size of seams in a rounded wall use of “half” glass blocks. And the smaller the radius of curvature, the more desirable it is to use narrow blocks.

Some foreign manufacturers of glass blocks offer special systems for the construction of rounded walls. But this is still the same frame installation method, which is not suitable for creating a durable, strong, waterproof wall. But you can create a light round partition. Ask for such systems at stores that sell glass blocks.

Today, glass blocks are increasingly used in the design of an apartment, private office or home. They not only visually enlarge the space, but also additionally illuminate it. The ease of use of glass blocks makes ordinary people curious about how to install glass blocks on their own.

Glass blocks are building elements made like small double-glazed windows: 2 glasses with air gap. There are two main shapes in which glass blocks are produced: square and rectangle. At individual order It is possible to produce a different shape.

Due to their structure, glass blocks have remarkable properties:

  • They transmit light thanks to the glass from which they are made.
  • Just like double-glazed windows and other building elements for the construction of walls, they retain heat in the room.
  • Provide excellent sound insulation of the room.
  • Protect your apartment or house from excess moisture.
  • Serve as a decorative element.
  • Easy to install and maintain.

The glass base of this building material has one significant drawback: it is impossible to conduct communications behind glass blocks or cover anything with them.

Since glass blocks, unlike ordinary walls, do not require further plastering, wallpapering or any other finishing works, they are easy to install yourself.

Self-installation of glass blocks

Before direct installation glass blocks in a place previously allocated for them, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory work. They are as follows:

  • The installation location of a wall or partition made of glass blocks is measured in advance: this allows you to determine exactly how many glass building elements are needed. Glass blocks cannot be cut, so their size must be selected very carefully. When calculating, you should take into account the connecting seam of the solution: from 5 to 10 mm each.
  • Together with the number of glass blocks, the volume required is determined adhesive solution for glass building elements. An adhesive solution for mosaics or tiles may be suitable for these purposes.
  • Reinforcement is purchased - steel rods that will vertically and horizontally support the wall.
  • Additional accessories – level, crosses for installation correct position blocks, as well as grout and sealant. Grout can be purchased to match the color of the rest of the room.

Before installing glass blocks, one aspect must be taken into account: each glass block is protected with a special film. If you remove it before installation, there is a risk of damaging the glass block: if it gets on the glass building element the solution may damage its surface if not removed immediately. The protective film prevents such damage to the glass blocks.

Stages of work:

  1. The surface for future installation must be level. Initially, the first layer of adhesive solution of 5 mm is applied. Glass blocks must be installed on it one by one, coating end side each with a solution. The side gaps between the wall and the glass block are not filled with mortar: a plastic profile for glass blocks is placed here. It allows you to cushion temperature regime, which means expansion or narrowing of the finished wall.
  2. Immediately after installing each new block, crosses are placed for alignment both horizontally and vertically. During construction work You need to carefully monitor the even placement of the blocks relative to each other.
  3. If horizontal reinforcement is required, then steel rods are laid on top of every third or fourth row. They must be connected to the wall. Vertical reinforcement is also carried out, only steel rods are attached to the ceiling and floor.
  4. After every three or four rows, you need to temporarily stop work in order, firstly, to clean the already installed glass blocks from the mortar, and secondly, so that the mortar sets and there is no deformation of the wall. The construction of a wall or partition can be continued after 8-10 hours.
  5. There are two approaches to laying a glass block wall: using only an adhesive solution, and also using plastic profiles for each vertical row along with the solution.
  6. After completely laying the wall and drying it as necessary, you need to use grout to give the glass block partition a finished look.

Installing glass blocks is not an impossible task, but it has multiple nuances, without which appearance the wall being built can become significantly worse.

Thanks to large selection colored glass blocks will make the room sparkle with new ones bright colors, giving the apartment or house a unique look.


We invite you to watch a video about quick and easy laying of a partition from glass blocks.

Glass blocks are used not only for finishing industrial buildings, they are used in modern interior, perform various decorative inserts or entire walls. The material is made from glass mass, it turns out transparent, which allows more light to pass into the room. The blocks are hollow inside, the glass thickness reaches 7 millimeters. Using glass blocks modern look can be created original interior, they are used to create columns, partitions, and make wall and ceiling inserts.

Characteristics of glass blocks

Glass blocks can have various colors and texture, they come in transparent or multi-colored, matte and decorative types, that is, with patterns. The material may have different shape, rectangular, square, triangular, glass blocks can also be end, corner or in the form of columns.

Thanks to glass material, the blocks are transparent, non-flammable, and have an aesthetic appearance. A vacuum is created inside the blocks, due to this the material is considered energy-saving, and it also performs thermal insulation functions. Glass block has good contact with water, so it can be used for finishing swimming pools and wet rooms.

Also, glass block has a high level of sound insulation, fire safety, the material is environmentally friendly, and is not picky in cleaning. If damage occurs to one block, there is no need to disassemble the entire surface; it is enough to replace an element or a separate section.

Glass blocks are resistant to low temperatures, a special material is also made that can withstand significant loads.

A surface made of such material does not require further finishing, for example, plastering, painting or wallpapering. To clean the blocks from contamination, they can be washed with plain water or by various means for glass.

Methods for laying glass blocks

Let's look at how to lay glass blocks. The material can be laid in three methods. The first method is labor-intensive and resembles brickwork. First, the site of the proposed structure is cleaned of contamination, after which an adhesive mixture is prepared. To connect glass blocks to each other, you can use special compounds or adhesive mixtures, which are suitable for ceramics.

Then two rods are laid on the floor surface, which are made of stainless steel; they serve as a reinforcing material. Special holes are made in the wall where the ends of the rods are inserted. After this, holes are made in the floor and the rods are secured vertically. The blocks are laid according to the type of brick laying, the seams must be unstitched, and the material itself must be cleaned of mortar. The surface is left to dry for up to ten days, and then the seams are rubbed special composition to match the color of the blocks.

In the second method, laying is carried out using a solution; in order to ensure that the distance between the blocks is the same, special crosses are used. First, lay the first row using a level construction type and lighthouses, between the glass blocks there are crosses and rods that serve as reinforcing material. Using a spatula onto the surface of the laid row and side part spread the solution, then press the block against the crosses. Excess mortar is removed from all joints, and after drying, grouting is performed. On final stage, the surface of the blocks is washed with a sponge.

The third installation method uses a special frame, and cement-type solutions are not used. First, a frame is made of wood or plastic, the cells of which correspond to the size of the glass block. Ready frame secured on all sides with screws to all adjacent surfaces, that is, the floor and walls. A glass block is placed in each cell, and it is fixed using special rubber or sealant inserts. When using rubber gaskets, the blocks can be easily pulled out and swapped if necessary. The frame can have any shape, square, rectangular or in the form of steps.

The frame can be made not only from plastic or wood; aluminum or polyurethane are also used for its manufacture. soft form. Such walls will not have high sound insulation; they are used only as decorative elements.

What is the texture of glass blocks?

Glass blocks may differ in external signs. Their textured surface It can be smooth, embossed, light-scattering, that is, matte on the inside or outside, and light-directing, namely embossed on the inside.

In order to increase light permeability, the ends of the blocks can be covered with amalgam. The ends of Euro glass blocks are coated with paint white. Thus, after laying them, the solution will remain invisible. Also, sometimes a hole is made at the ends to fill the block with paint.

Advantages of glass blocks

  1. The material is durable and reliable, resistant to humidity, low temperature, and fire.
  2. The glass block has a high light transmission function, thanks to this, the room can be made visually spacious and bright.
  3. Using this material you can give your interior an original design.
  4. Glass blocks can have different sizes, shapes and colors, this allows you to combine the material and get an unusual surface.
  5. Thanks to the tightness, inner space does not get dirty, and the outer surface is easy to clean with a sponge.
  6. The material has high thermal and sound insulation, it is able to absorb noise, is fire resistant, environmentally friendly, resistant to humidity and sub-zero temperatures.
  7. The surface made of glass blocks does not require further finishing.

Glue method for laying glass blocks

  1. The block located at the edge is fixed on the guide horizontally.
  2. To connect vertical surfaces, special dividing strips are used.
  3. Before you start laying the second row, install the horizontal guide again and attach it to the wall.
  4. The glue can harden both quickly and a long period, it depends on its type.
  5. Finally, all joints are grouted required color, and then wash the blocks from the solution that has fallen on them.

Laying glass blocks on cement mortar

  1. The solution must be spread not only on horizontal surfaces, but also on vertical walls.
  2. Using a building type level, measure the evenness of the installation.
  3. In order to strengthen the structure, reinforcement is performed with rods.
  4. After the solution has hardened, the seams are rubbed with the required color and the surface is washed away from dirt.

Basic rules for laying glass blocks

  1. The solution used when laying glass blocks should not contain large grains of sand, otherwise the product can be scratched.
  2. As soon as the solution dries a little, any dirt from it must be removed so that the surface has a beautiful appearance.
  3. If the material is smeared with grout, it must be removed wet before the stains dry. For this, acetic acid is used.
  4. When laying matte glass blocks, the protective film is removed after all joints have been grouted.
  5. The rod for reinforcement should only be galvanized or steel, its diameter reaches 6 millimeters. The rods are placed vertically and horizontally. Iron will quickly become unusable, that is, it will become covered with corrosion due to a thin layer of solution.
  6. Glass blocks can be laid in no more than three rows at a time so that the structure does not move or bend. You can knock down glass blocks using a rubber hammer.
  7. If installation is carried out external walls, then their area should not be more than 15 m2, otherwise the bottom row of blocks may burst from significant weight.
  8. Since glass blocks are used to make built-in surfaces, some kind of support must be located along their edges.
  9. When making a frame, the cells must correspond to the size of the glass block, the permissible deviation is 2 millimeters. The void at the top is filled with sealant or a rubber gasket is installed.

Using glass blocks you can get an original surface; their installation does not require special knowledge, you can do it yourself. The material is easy to care for and has a number of advantages, different original decor in the interior.


The purchase of decorative glass blocks is over; now you need to correctly lay the glass blocks. But the question arises: “How to lay glass blocks?” In this article we will tell you how to install glass blocks and what the cost of such installation is.

Features of laying glass blocks

Before proceeding with the direct installation of glass blocks, it is necessary to consider some features of working with them:

Glass blocks

1) Walls and partitions made of glass blocks cannot be installed as load-bearing supports, since glass structures perform only the following functions: decorative, heat and sound insulation and protect against dust.

2) The thickness of the glass block must be at least 7 cm, but not more than 10 cm.

3) The weight of the glass block varies from 2.4 to 4.3 kg.

Preparation for installation of glass blocks

  • Before laying glass blocks, it is important not to forget to prepare everything necessary tools:
  • Construction level for creating even rows of glass blocks,
  • Tape measure,
  • Pencil and cord for marking,
  • Grinder for cutting unnecessary reinforcing rods,
  • Foam rubber or rubber grater for applying grout,
  • Bucket for preparing glue for glass blocks,
  • Construction trowel for laying out glue mortar,
  • Sponges for cleaning already erected glass blocks,
  • Electric drill for drilling slots for rods in wooden bases,
  • Mixer for mixing the adhesive solution,
  • Hammer for drilling in brick and concrete surfaces,
  • Stepladder, if the glass block structure is high,
  • Spatula for removing excess glue solution,
  • Spatula for removing old material,
  • Silicone sealant gun,
  • Spatula for opening seams between glass blocks,
  • Hammer for creating a smooth surface of blocks,
  • Dry cloth for cleaning and finishing glass blocks.

Photo gallery of tools for laying glass blocks

5. Using a level, level the row of glass blocks.

6. A fixing profile made of metal or wood is attached to the wall structure and between the glass block rows and the blocks are laid.

7. The glass block screen has been erected. Apply grout to the cracks (seams) between the block tiles.

Applying grout to a glass block structure

8. Remove excess grout using a sponge, cleaning the surfaces of the glass blocks.

This - general progress works on laying glass blocks, but in total there are three types of installation of glass blocks. Read more about this in the article on our website “Do-it-yourself glass blocks.”

Laying glass blocks VIDEO can also be viewed here:

Laying glass blocks - cost of work

The cost of laying glass blocks is from 2500 rubles. up to 17 thousand rubles. per sq. m.

The cost of installation varies depending on the number of blocks, their sizes, color scheme, manufacturing countries, and, of course, the complexity of the installation itself.

You can also buy crosses for glass blocks at different price. It depends on their specific sizes and manufacturing countries:

2, 3 or 5 mm – 22 rub. (Italy)

Installation of spacer crosses

8 mm − 25 rub. (Italy)

5 mm – 9 rub. (Czech Republic)

10 mm – 20 rub. (Czech Republic)

From 2 to 5 mm – about 16 rubles. (Russia)

10 mm – 14 rub. (Russia)

Crosses made in China can be purchased from 12 rubles. etc.


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