Pharmacy garden, what is happening there now.

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Perhaps this small but very green patch in the center of Moscow is one of the most amazing places in the capital. You can visit the Apothecary Garden in winter, autumn, summer or spring - but March-April is the best time here. If you want to know what color and size tulips come in, then this is the place for you. You can’t think of a better place for a walk than this: every year there are more flowers in the Apothecary Garden. Terry mouse hyacinth, clouds of mackerel that greet everyone at the main pond in August, spots of daffodils throughout the park, tulip bulbs planted directly into rotten stumps, flocks of turtles that come out to bask in the sun at the gate monument. There is another little-known plant in the garden: scarlet grass, native to Japan. The sign eloquently informs that closer to autumn, when its leaves turn yellow, it begins to smell like gingerbread. And one variety has leaves in the shape of hearts.

Apothecary garden It doesn’t stand still: on the contrary, every year going there becomes more and more interesting. You don’t even have to look at the official website of the park, but buy a ticket and go to glass doors and freeze. Because another exhibition has arrived - and now there are wooden hands, snails or balls suspended over a pond, and all visitors mandatory They give out skates, of course, not for free - according to pink ice ride. In general, the park is full of surprises. And what’s even more original is how they decided to deal with the dilapidated roofs of the greenhouses. In order not to relocate the giant palm trees and a whole bed of pineapples, the old building was simply covered in glass - otherwise, they say, the ceilings began to fall on the heads of the garden workers one fine day. The second greenhouse was expanded and even more interesting: plants were planted next to it, and only then a shelter was gradually built over them. Several misfortunes also happened to the Apothecary Garden: in the spring of 2013, someone broke the pier near the old pond, and a little later, for some reason, Twitter was hacked. And even earlier, in 1924, when all of Moscow was without heating, the greenhouses supported desired temperature- otherwise all this diversity would not exist.

There is a tiny apothecary garden near the garden, which gave the name to all this wealth: fennel, sleep grass, burnet and other medicinal plants grow there. You can walk around the park without any problems, but you won’t be allowed on an excursion to the greenhouse, where araucarias, cork trees grow and bergamot bears fruit, without a guide. The main magnet for most Muscovites is the Orchid Festival, which takes place every winter until March and allows you to get into the greenhouse and see the palm trees. The garden closes only for a few weeks at the end of March: bulbs are planted en masse in preparation for the annual flower festival.

The apothecary garden is very well located - surrounded on all sides by houses, and therefore it is here that magnolia blooms every year - by the way, it grows on the ruins of some building. There are also gray walnut and ginkgo biloba in the park - but the latter tree remembers dinosaurs and can withstand radiation. After walking around the small garden and admiring the large quantity flowers, when you run out of space or battery on your camera, you can go to “Paradise Pie”, where they cook the most delicious pies in the city.

- the most famous green corners of the capital. In addition to beautiful parks and squares, Moscow also has... a vegetable garden. Of course, not in the form we are used to seeing vegetable gardens - with radishes, cabbage and cucumber beds. The vegetable garden on Mira Avenue has never been like this. Its name speaks volumes about the specialization of the garden. A vegetable garden is a vegetable garden, but not a simple one, but an apothecary one. This means that on it medicinal herbs grow.

About existence Apothecary garden We, of course, knew. But they forgot. They forgot that almost in the very center of Moscow, not far from the Garden Ring, there was a small green cozy island hidden. They themselves would not have remembered it soon, but a post appeared on a friends website: “Spring rehearsal. Exhibitions in the "Apothecary Garden". And there is such a riot of colors! And March pretended to be April this year. He put his seven trousers aside, made an agreement with the sun and gave us such days that we couldn’t sit at home! I missed the tulip exhibition in 2015 and visited a year later! But now I’m not going to the exhibition. I need to take a walk, breathe, and join in the spring!

It’s decided, I’m going to . I'm good, I know where he is. Have you ever been to the Apothecary Garden and you don’t know your way around Moscow very well? I understand and explain.

How to get to the Aptekarsky Garden in Moscow by metro

The best way to get to the Apothecary Garden is by metro. We need the Prospekt Mira metro station ring. You can also exit from the radial branch, but from there it’s a little further, it’s better to go straight to the circular one.

Before looking for the right exit, take a look at the decorations at the Prospekt Mira station (Ring Road). All capitals of the station lobby columns are decorated with medallions with botanical motifs.

The main plot is young people growing different plants. Don’t you think it’s strange that the station is called “Prospekt Mira”, and the images on it are of crop production? It’s strange if you don’t remember that when you completed ring line metro, this station was called "Botanical Garden". After all Pharmacy garden on Mira Avenue- this is the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University. All useful information about it is on the official website of the “Apothecary Garden”. And we look for the necessary “exit to the city” and go upstairs.

Remember that from the Prospekt Mira station there is only one exit into the city. At the other end of the platform there is no exit, but a transition to the radial branch. Be careful, you should go to Mira Avenue and the Olimpiysky sports complex.

As soon as you go up and leave the lobby onto the street, you will immediately see a wide, busy street in front of you - this is Mira Avenue.

Turn left immediately and then go straight.

We go straight along Mira Avenue to the Apothecary Garden. Please forgive me for the quality of the pictures, I had to take pictures against the sun. 🙁

On the opposite side of Prospekt Mira, along right hand, notice an interesting old manor

and the fashion house of Slava Zaitsev.

They are not relevant, they are guidelines! Look on the left, even side of the street. You will pass the literary museum of Valery Bryusov (this is a symbolist poet, he lived a hundred years ago).

and ahead you will notice a modern green building

— Mira Avenue 26.

At the end of this house there is an entrance and a sign - "Apothecary Garden".

Enter the door and boldly walk straight down the corridor.

At the end of it you will see a sign.

The cash register is on the right. If you miss, the guard or ticket taker will tell you. Entrance to the territory Botanical Garden paid. The cost of a full ticket is 200 rubles, a discounted one is 150. The Apothecary Garden is open from 10 to 21 hours, the ticket office is open until 20.30.

That's all, you're in the territory Apothecary garden of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University.

The area there is small, so don’t get lost!

What is the Botanical Garden like? The same as many other Botanical Gardens - this is not a very large green park with paths, a pond, flower beds, and greenhouses. Planted here various trees and shrubs that can survive in our tropical conditions:). On the territory of the Apothecary Garden there are paths and visitors are asked not to go beyond them and not to trample on the lawns. Do you know why? To preserve the green cover of the park. Not a very convincing argument? Yes, you yourself read what is written in the advertisement and understand the need for preventive measures.

It’s just a pity that this sign was moved to the far corner of the Apothecary Garden; not every visitor will find it. I would write such a reminder in large print and hang it right at the entrance. Or I would let you check it out at the box office. On receipt. Do you know a wonderful expression about nature conservation? The fact that we did not inherit the Earth from our fathers. We borrowed it from our children! This must be remembered by everyone and always, especially those who visit Pharmacy garden on Mira Avenue.

Now I invite you for a walk in Apothecary garden Botanical Garden of Moscow State University. In March. When nature is supposed to, if not sleep soundly, then watch out its last dreams. But this year the ground was covered with a not too thick blanket of snow. In March, the sun mercilessly threw off the winter cover and lured out from under the ground the very first, most delicate, most touching flowers - crocuses and snowdrops.
But first our attention will be drawn to a modern installation.

The design is called “Spiritual Wave”. Perhaps it’s curious, but...”I’ll think about it tomorrow.” After a long winter, I really want to admire the timid messengers of warmth, the simple, but so cute crocuses.

After a while there will be much more of them here, the ridges will become brighter, full of crocuses of the brightest colors. Their small sprouts are barely visible in the flower beds. But now it's too early even for these early flowers.
But the snowdrops covered the most unexpected places Pharmacy garden. Over there in the far corner, why are there people with cameras standing around a small meadow? I come closer and everything immediately becomes clear - here heaps of snowdrops have run up to the very edge of the wooden pavement and they can be photographed by bringing the camera very close!

I wait for the moment for people to leave the frame and try to photograph a corner covered with a snowdrop carpet. It’s not much use, my lens is weak, but you can see something.

I admire the snowdrops for a few minutes.

They hang their white heads, are modest, and do not want to look at the sun. They are probably afraid of getting burned and going dark.

I dare to take one flower in my hand. Only for a few seconds. The shot is not very good.

But I don’t want to torment the snowdrop for a long time because of some photo.
I’ll better imagine what the Apothecary Garden will look like in three weeks or a little more, when it comes. On sunny areas their dense leaves stick out from the ground like spears.

It seems that when the tulip hour comes, there is no need to go to any Holland! And although I was late for 2015, I still got something. Some vases stand outside and bloom in the open sun. For example, peony-shaped lilac tulips are still quite alive.

The noble lancets, crimson with milky edging, are living out their last days. Many opened their cup completely. It seems that instead of a pestle, Thumbelina will now appear in one of them.

The orange tulips are doing very well.

You can easily give such a bouquet for an anniversary or other memorable day!

But the real song of tulips is yet to come. In the meantime, the Apothecary Garden is a little empty. It’s even a bit dirty in places, but that’s not a hindrance to a March walk.

I pay attention to the various signs. Here every tree is labeled. If you wish, you can find out the names of many trees and shrubs that you see every day. For example, our ordinary birch can be of several types. I remembered the silver birch.
Or English oak. This specimen is an old resident of the Apothecary Garden. In 1805 it was planted by Georg Frantsevich Hoffmann.

He was the first director of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University after the University bought the Apothecary Garden for 11,000 silver rubles.

And here is the evergreen corner. Each plant was carefully marked and carefully labeled.

The coniferous zone was laid out on two artificial embankments.

You can climb up the hill using wooden steps or an interesting ramp - it was decorated with a green spruce border.

And if you could hear the little birds chirping in the bushes! I even regretted that I didn’t take a voice recorder with me; it would have made a wonderful recording!

In addition to songbirds, waterfowl, which are supposed to be migratory, also live in the Aptekarsky Garden. In big cities, ducks have completely forgotten about their second purpose and winter well in our conditions.

What secluded corner of the Apothecary Garden have I not visited? Which path didn't you take?

Is it time to know the honor? What about the “Tropical Winter” exhibition?

You need to go to the exhibition, it is only valid until the end of March. When will I look at orchids again? Let me look into the tropical climate for a second.
The exhibition “Tropical Winter” takes place in the greenhouse.

There are hooks for clothes in the lobby, you can enter warm jackets I wouldn't recommend it to the tropics.
In the tallest glass house tropical plants feel right at home. The main colorful tone here is juicy noble greenery.

It is generously diluted with multi-colored fragments different forms. Here are lilac inflorescences.

Above them are piles of white flowers.

Velvet amaryllis peek out from almost every green corner.

Rare plants planted singly

and arranged in small groups.

There are luxurious snow-white “shoulders” here. I would have thought these were calla lilies.

There are similarities. But it seems that these are completely different flowers. They can be white or scarlet.

Next to them is a sign “Anthurium Andre hybrid”. Same name for both red and white flowers? Judging by the inscriptions, this is the case, if I haven’t confused anything ;).

These white impatiens also have a name.

They are called phalaenopsis.

It’s hard to stay in the greenhouse for a long time - it’s warm and humid. But I can’t resist the second round. Just a second, a couple more frames.

I leave the greenhouse and notice traces of winter. Look how much of it is left!

I didn’t find out the name of the metal composition. I see a botanical motif in it, an iron ikebana from various colors and plants.

Finally, I say goodbye to the head of the fish department of the yard.

And another prosaic question arises. He decides in the greenhouse. Go inside the glass structure.

There is one wonderful place near the Prospekt Mira metro station - the Apothecary Garden. This is the name of one of the oldest parks in Moscow, the full name is the branch of the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University “Apothecary Garden”.

The garden was founded by Peter the Great in 1706, who ordered the cultivation of medicinal plants in this place - this is where the name Aptekarsky came from. According to legend, Peter planted a larch tree here, which is still alive.

The first manager of the Apothecary Garden was a German doctor, Doctor of Botany and Medicine from the University of Leipzig, Traut Gerber. He made a great contribution to the replenishment of the collection - he equipped medical and biological expeditions that brought new herbs and rare plant species used for making medicines and for training pharmacists.

On April 1, 1805, the Apothecary Garden became the property of Moscow University. At the same time, the first plan of the garden and a catalog of the plant collection were created - at that time there were 3,528 specimens growing in the ground and in greenhouses. Many prominent scientists worked in the garden, students and schoolchildren learned the basics of botany, and ordinary Muscovites came to admire the flowers and strange plants in greenhouses.

In our time, some details have been preserved garden layout 18th century, as well as some trees, the oldest of which are about 300 years old. Some palm trees in the greenhouses are more than 200 years old, and the cycad was donated to the garden by Count Razumovsky at the beginning of the 19th century.

From the entrance there is a view of the Mirror Channel and the façade of the greenhouse.

On the right side of the canal is a small Shadow Garden.

Shade-loving bergenia in a spot of light:

A little gloomy sculptural composition, reminiscent of the fact that the garden was founded in 1706 and is a historical monument and national treasure.

Walking past the greenhouse, I couldn’t help but look into the slightly open door. Real rainforest:

The park area is small, but in the spring you can walk in Aptekarskoye for hours. In April-May, the Spring Flower Festival is held here - an incredible number of a wide variety of plants bloom in succession.

60 thousand tulip bulbs of 130 varieties, 30 varieties of hyacinths and 20 varieties of daffodils were planted in the Garden. Tulips bloom in groups:

Ribbons between trees:

And along the paths:

Flowerbed with daffodils and hyacinths. The aroma is amazing!

May. There are flowering trees and shrubs everywhere. Maple:

In addition to almonds, there is sakura in the Aptekarsky garden, but at the time I was there, one had already bloomed, and the other, planted in the shade, had not yet blossomed. There are also peach trees and even a magnolia - it should bloom very soon - on May 5 it already had large buds.

The English oak was planted in 1805 by the garden manager Georg Hoffmann.

Another attraction of the park is the Ancient Pond, built in the 18th century. To prevent the water from escaping, the pit of the pond was “covered” with gray clay, specially brought from Gzhel. From mid-summer until autumn, large-flowered water lilies bloom in the pond.

The pond and the Mirror Channel are favored by ruffed ducks - they are not at all afraid of people, they come very close.

In the corner farthest from the entrance there is an exhibition on the slides coniferous plants. The conifers were planted not so long ago, but when everything grows, the garden will be beautiful even in winter.

Pergola. The leaves on the vines that cover it will bloom later, but for now you can enjoy the sun.

There were especially many photographers in the park these spring days.

I didn't lag behind.

Some incredible tulip:

The rhododendrons should be blooming soon, but for now the azaleas are blooming:

Erica on Vereskovaya Hill:

When I was in the garden, colored koi carp and golden crucian carp had not yet been released into the Zekalny Canal. Also not yet red eared turtles, usually living in a small pond with water lilies. They should appear there in mid-May. Well, this is a wonderful reason to come to the Apothecary Garden again.

How to get to the Aptekarsky Garden

By public transport: metro Prospekt Mira (ring), Prospekt Mira, building 26, building 1. After leaving the metro, turn left and walk along Prospekt Mira for 200 meters until you see this building:

After going up the ramp, enter through the sliding glass doors - in the lobby there will be a cafe, a gift shop, a newsstand and a ticket office for the Apothecary Garden. You need to go through the building. The vegetable garden itself is behind the next glass doors.

Opening hours

Every day from May to September - from 10-00 to 21-00, from October to April - from 10-00 to 19-oo. In March-April the garden is closed for several weeks for spring work. In September, in connection with planting bulbs and preparing for winter, the garden is closed for 1-2 weeks.

Ticket prices

  • Full ticket – 200 rubles
  • Discount ticket (pupils, students, pensioners) – 150 rubles

An annual subscription to visit at any time is 3,000 rubles.

With an entrance ticket you can visit the garden area, the Palm Greenhouse, see the collection of succulents on the second floor of the Greenhouse Building and the Gallery of Landscape Aquariums in the foyer of the first floor.

It is possible to visit with a guide, see prices for excursions on the official website

Amateur photography is free.

Copying text and photographs is prohibited! Materials are protected by Copyright Law.

The Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Aptekarsky Ogorod" is a monument to the history and culture of Moscow, the oldest botanical garden in Russia, the most well-groomed, photogenic, conveniently located, accessible, informative and cozy garden in the capital.

In 1706, here, on the then northern outskirts of Moscow, behind the Sukharev Tower, by decree of Peter I, an apothecary garden was founded for growing medicinal plants. At first it belonged to the Pharmacy Order, then to the Moscow Hospital and the Medical-Surgical Academy. The plants grown here were used not only for preparing medicines, but also for teaching botany to medical students, future Russian doctors.

TO early XIX centuries, here, as in many other medical gardens in Europe, hundreds of plant species were collected, the value of which was no longer so much in their medicinal properties, - known or suspected, - how much is their significance for the study and teaching of botany. That is why Moscow University chose this site when choosing a place to move the botanical garden from the city center, from Mokhovaya. In 1805 former vegetable garden was purchased by the University and remains under its control to this day.

Many famous scientists worked in the garden, to whom Russian natural science owes much of its development. Thousands of students and schoolchildren learned here the secrets of the plant kingdom, and countless ordinary visitors came here to relax in the shade of the old park, admire the well-groomed flower beds or marvel at strange plants from distant countries in the greenhouses.

Over the three centuries of history, the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, the “Apothecary Garden”, like the whole country, has had to endure different times. But even today, the ancient garden continues to fulfill its noble mission - to tell about amazing world plants and its significance for the Earth and its inhabitants.

Currently, the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Apothecary Garden" includes collections and exhibitions under open air, Palm and Succulent greenhouses.

Palm greenhouse

The sightseeing and excursion Palm Greenhouse is open to the public all year round.

Formation of the exposition tropical plants was conceived in such a way that visitors a short time could get acquainted with the incredible diversity of forms of the plant kingdom and the unsurpassed “ingenuity” of plants, their ability to adapt to extreme living conditions in different parts of our planet. Particular emphasis is placed on the so-called useful plants: food and medicinal, aromatic and essential oils, fibrous, dyeing, feed, rubber, construction, decorative.

The Palm Conservatory, the heart of the Botanical Garden, built in 1891 and undergoing several stages of renovation, displays large specimens of palms, ficus, pandanus, lianas and other tropical woody and herbaceous plants. This collection, collected over more than two hundred years, is striking in its diversity and botanical value. It contains plants native to equatorial, tropical and even some representatives of subtropical latitudes of the globe. Most of them are kept under glass all year round because the climate middle zone disastrous for them.

Despite the fact that some plants that you can see in our greenhouse have become familiar indoor plants, we have something to surprise you with. When plants have a large space at their disposal, as well as suitable conditions, they reach enormous sizes. Many specimens, which were brought from nature a long time ago, are now protected in their homeland, as they have become very rare.

Succulent greenhouse

Amazing succulent plants attracted the attention of the very first visitors to the Apothecary Garden - these are traditional park and greenhouse dracaenas, agaves, and prickly pears. But the world of succulents - that is, fleshy plants adapted to accumulate and retain moisture in their organs - is incomparably more extensive and diverse. Succulents are many thousands of representatives of dozens of botanical families, found in a wide variety of biotopes in all parts of the world.

Unusual, bright, mysterious events in the life of certain plants in the collection of the Botanical Garden - the appearance of fantastic flowers, the formation of incredible fruits, external changes in stems and leaves, reproduction in unexpected ways - happen here all year round. Therefore, in any season, surprises and new impressions await visitors here.

The rapidly growing collection is also unique in the overall design of the exhibition and its individual elements. The updated design of the collection allows you to quickly change the location of plants, creating each time a unique picture from these unusual plants.

In spring, a significant part of the succulents “moves” from the greenhouse to open ground, until late autumn, complementing the extraordinary appearance our garden, adding a touch of exoticism to it.


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