Photo report on the exhibition of joint creativity of children and parents “Autumn Fantasies. Parent workshop in kindergarten

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Nothing brings people closer together than joint creativity, joint search, joint failures and discoveries, when two completely different and strangers suddenly seem to merge into a single whole, begin to feel and understand each other so accurately and so instantly as they have never felt or understood their loved ones.
Yuri Vyazemsky

Joint creativity brings children and parents closer together and helps them get to know each other better.

  1. And in a situation where children are immersed in the creative process, and parents observe and help and admire the result.
  2. And in a situation where parents are busy creating, and children watch this process, help and admire!

It’s funny to watch how parents, while helping their children, get so carried away by creativity that they themselves become children: as if they are learning for the first time that they can make things out of paper interesting crafts, with paints you can make the world brighter, and with glue you can mold not only the paper parts of the craft, but also your fingers. Joy, interest, delight - all this is divided in half. And from this it doubles. You become part of his life, not the one where mom and dad worry about whether he has eaten? did you sleep? Did you dress warmly? And the one where the child is the little creator. Where did he come up with it himself! I did it myself! He is already an adult, you have common joys and questions: how to make it better, tastier, more beautiful? how to fasten the parts? how to make a homemade radio work? And many, many other adult questions!

How creativity can benefit your relationship:
Have a nice time ( good alternative cartoons)
Joint activities bring both participants closer together and develop
When the mother is nearby and involved in the process with the child, he feels that he is loved!
You can become a friend to a child if you are not just present, but do it together
The child feels that you can be trusted, because... you sincerely show interest in his children's affairs
Creation - good way cultivate a character trait in a child - to complete a task
Creating something new gives a child a sense of self-worth (I CAN!)
If you arrange children's crafts in the apartment, hang drawings on mirrors, cabinets, or you have a special shelf for this in the living room (not in the children's room) - this gives the child the feeling that he is respected and accepted as an equal in your family

What are the benefits of creativity for parents? And even for children?

Creativity has enormous healing potential, helping parents cope with stress, depression, understand their emotional state, express their feelings and experiences, feel happy, and make life brighter and richer.

And children see that their parents are passionate about something and enjoy the creative process. That a parent is looking for something new, beautiful, inspiring. That they take something ordinary and make something extraordinary out of it!

After all, we really want our children to grow up to be creative people, capable of thinking outside the box and making non-standard but effective decisions.

By observing a parent in the creative process, helping as much as possible in this matter, the child learns what cannot be taught with words. That creativity is simple and natural. That if there is a situation, then a solution can be found. How could it be otherwise, because my mom (or dad) does this all the time, I see it all the time when she draws, decoupages, makes soap or cooks!

When a child is still very small, an infant for example, he can be compared to a person who sees around him many games and important things, the meaning of which still eludes him. And at first, only the actions of parents and those who closely surround the child show him what the rules of these games are and the meaning of the various events taking place around him. It would seem, what does the creativity of parents have to do with it? After all, young parents cannot breathe from new worries. J It's very simple! If the mother finds a few minutes, naturally without detriment to the baby, to do her favorite embroidery or decoupage, then the baby absorbs it with mother’s milk. It is natural for him that mom (and dad) have a creative streak and a favorite pastime. It’s natural for him that people approach life creatively, but how could it be otherwise, because that’s exactly how my parents live! It’s natural for him to look for creativity to suit his taste and try a lot!

This cannot be taught through conversations, moralizing and lectures.

The child is sure that everything that happens in the family has something to do with him. Nothing escapes the attention of children; it would be an illusion to think that adult life is incomprehensible and uninteresting to them.

Children are unusually receptive to us, our emotional state, and even immersed in a game or cartoons, everyone hears and remembers. And if you allow them to take part in your work themselves, in some form, or simply explain along the way what you are doing now and why, this will definitely not go unnoticed by your child! So don’t torment yourself with the conscience that you are not giving everything for the benefit of your beloved child, but you are also doing your favorite creative work for your own pleasure! This is how you introduce your child to the world of beauty and magic that you can create around you with your own hands!

Let's summarize:

  • Encourage child to engage in creativity
  • Arrange joint creative gatherings
  • Enjoy from creativity and sincerely admire creative process and your baby's creations!
  • WITH early childhood Show your little one that creativity comes naturally. and brings pleasure.
  • Engage in your creative process next to him, and explain little by little what you would do and why.
  • Gradually let him participate too in what you do!

That's why I really like the idea of ​​filming a series video about joint creativity both types! To encourage and inspire parents!

Autumn exhibition in kindergarten. Co-creation of children and parents" Golden autumn, we ask for a visit."

Skachedub Svetlana Anatolyevna, teacher.
Place of work: MBDOU TsRR No. 59 "Lakomka" village. Kuleshovka, Azov district, Rostov region.
This material is intended for kindergarten teachers, teachers primary classes, parents.
Target: Joint creativity of children and parents. Decorating the interior of a kindergarten in the autumn.
Tasks: Involve parents to participate in the life of the kindergarten. Develop interest and love for nature, careful attitude to it, artistic taste, constructive abilities. Strengthen the properties of natural materials.

Since ancient times, people have been creating products from natural materials, making toys and interior items. Working with natural materials, the child becomes familiar with the world of beauty, learns to love and protect nature, and children develop voluntary attention. Parents play a huge role in the lives of children, and the main goal of educators is to introduce them to the life of the kindergarten and to interest them in joint creativity with their children. Inviting parents to participate in making crafts from natural material, the parents readily agreed. Crafts made together with parents bring children and parents closer together. Together with their parents, children experience the joy of communication at work; in the process of creating a composition, joint activity forms a friendly attitude in children, and the result joint work inspires, encourages to perform new crafts.

Composition "Autumn Ship"- made of leaves, pine nuts, sunflower seeds.

Composition "Topiary of acorns"- made of acorns, used for decoration flower pot and satin ribbon.

Composition "Vase with sprigs of berries"- made of spruce and pine branches, hawthorn branches, packaging mesh, satin ribbon.

Composition "Hedgehogs in autumn forest" - made of pine cones, leaves, acorns, lionfish, plasticine.

Composition "Caterpillar"- made of horse chestnuts, leaves, spruce and pine cones, rosehip branches, stones, seeds, plasticine.

Composition "Autumn painting"- made of leaves and flowers.

Panel "House in the Village"- made of berries, thuja twigs, leaves, matches, salt dough.

Thank you for your attention.

Parents' workshop!

A parent workshop is one of the types of group interaction with parents of pupils.
Relevance: The master class is held to strengthen the emotionally positive relationship between children and parents in the process of making crafts.
The theme of our parent workshop is “Sunshine”; the choice of theme was associated with the onset of spring. Usually making various crafts with their own hands took place at each student’s home. This time I decided to gather parents and children in our playroom and make crafts in kindergarten.
Target: Involving parents and children in joint creative activity for making crafts “Sun”.
1. To form in children love and respect for parents and teachers, through joint activities, harmonious parent-child relationships;
2. Make a craft “Sun”;
3. Organize a joint exhibition “Sun”.
Location: group room.
Type of activity: creative, developing.
Duration: 30 – 50 min
Participants: children, parents, group teacher.
Equipment and materials:
colored paper, cardboard, rulers, pencils, scissors, PVA glue, glue stick, box lids, peas;
Preliminary work:
- prepare a colorful invitation for parents indicating the theme of the exhibition;

Examples of works “Sun”;
- selection and reading of poems, riddles;

Progress of the event:

(In the group room there are chairs, tables on which the material used in the work lies, examples of the creation of works).
- Good evening Dear parents! To begin with, I would like to ask our children a riddle.
Let's see if they can figure it out
You warm the whole world
And you don’t know fatigue
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you...

The children answer Sunny.
Educator:- Well done right.
Now spring has already come into full force outside and the sun is warming up very brightly outside. Therefore, I decided to gather you in a group and make the “Sun” craft with my own hands.
And before that, I want to take you to the second floor of our kindergarten and show you an exhibition of works about space that older children did. Pay attention to the variety of works performed.
After everyone has returned to the group, children and parents sit on chairs.
- Let's try to make a bright, beautiful, warm sun with our own hands. Moreover, this craft requires very few materials and a little imagination, but the result is more than interesting.
Making our sun is quite simple, and the children will help you and me in this exciting activity. Even very young children can take part in making crafts with their own hands.
If you are at a loss about what to do, then in front of you are examples of how to make a sun. Let's get started, don't forget that children are also involved in creating crafts, actively involve them.

Since our guys still don’t know how to sit still for a long time, due to their age characteristics, they ran away from their parents in about 10 minutes. I prepared an exciting activity for them. Before that, showing the example of the sun

which we can do with them. We made a cute sun with them using finger paints.
That's all, we have such wonderful Suns! You see how beautiful it is, and there is nothing complicated at all in making this craft. Such wonderful suns can be an idea for a colorful exhibition. Since not many parents came, we offered the rest to make suns at home and we will complement our exhibition with their crafts.

With the help of joint crafts from simple materials you can instill in your child a love for artistic creativity which also contributes to the development of fine motor skills.
Sunshine, sunshine,
Look out the window;
Kids love you
Little fidgets.

Thank you very much for coming! We will be glad to see everyone at our next meeting.

Vatutina Natalia

It is possible to implement the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education only in collaboration with parents of pupils. Carrying out joint exhibitions allows you to combine parents, children and teachers. Creative Exhibitions carried out during implementation educational projects, to significant dates and events.

This form working with parents allows you to demonstrate the imagination and skills of each family.

During the year they organized Exhibitions: "Space Fantasies", "Out of boredom at all trades", "Birds of their balloons", "Magic geometric shapes» . Works cause children feeling proud of your moms and dads.

Joint exhibitions bring families together, parents live with the problems of children and kindergarten.

Autumn fantasy.

Forest men.

Mathematics in pictures.

Out of boredom at all trades.

As a result parents show creativity in joint crafts, communicate with children, collaborate with kindergarten.

Publications on the topic:

Good day to everyone, dear colleagues! Every year in October, our kindergarten hosts an exhibition of crafts made by parents together.

Leaf fall! Leaf fall! Autumn caulking forest. The hemp trees flew in, the edges became red, the wind flew past, the wind whispered to the forest: - Don’t complain.

The village of Bolshoy Karai on the Khoper River was founded in 1612 by the Cossack Grigory Cherny. Every year in July we all celebrate the holiday together.

We each always have at least a minute of free time, which we use as we ourselves want: someone is watching at this time.

Easter is the time of Christ's Resurrection. People prepare for the holiday with great faith and joy. There is a children's exhibition in our kindergarten.

New Year! How everyone is waiting for him and wants him to bring joy to everyone! It has become an annual tradition in our preschool institution conduct interesting.

I'm glad to swim in the summer and sunbathe on the beach, and race on a bike, and play badminton with my sister. After reading a good book In a hammock in the heat.

Conducting a conversation with children about the Easter holiday and the traditions of the Russian people for celebrating this holiday. We celebrate Easter joyfully and sing: “Christ.


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