Clean the well from silt. Do-it-yourself well cleaning: equipment, instructions, cleaning methods

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Despite the presence central water supply, many dacha owners and country houses do not refuse to have a well on their property. This is justified. The cost of water and electricity costs significantly hit your pocket.

Nevertheless, watering the beds and changing water in the warm season are necessary. Undoubtedly, well owners save a lot of money.

But for proper operation, the natural source must be periodically put in order. Having identified the causes of low-quality water, they carry out sanitary or general cleaning. The latter can be drainage or manual. Here everyone chooses for themselves.

First, let's figure out what could be the reason for the deterioration of water.

There may be several of them:

Keep in mind that every 2-3 years the well must be cleaned, regardless of the apparent quality of the water.

How to clean a well


When preparing for work, special attention should be paid to safety measures. The inviolable rule is the presence of a safety rope, and the depth of the well is not an indicator here. You also need the help of a partner who can help if anything happens. You will also need a ladder with a supporting platform.

Before going down the well, check if there are any harmful gases there. If the candle lowered into the well does not go out, everything is fine and you can start.

Please note that after three meters the oxygen content decreases. People with disorders in the functioning of the body cannot carry out work at this level. It’s safer to resort to the help of a partner or specialists!

Cleaning methods

Now let's look at ways to clean wells.


This is an annual spring disinfection, which is carried out even if the water in the source is clean at first glance. For this treatment, a tablespoon of manganese is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Pour in the mixture. After waiting 3-4 hours, all the liquid is pumped out.

Manual cleaning

In other words, mechanical cleaning walls and bottom. Changing or washing the filter. Identification and elimination of cracks. Disinfection directly of water.

First of all, the ground structures that limit the approaches to the well are removed. Remove all debris from the surface of the surface.

If the presence of gases is detected, stock up on a gas mask.

They start by pumping out water with buckets or a pump. Then the walls of the shaft are cleaned with a metal brush or scraper. All plaque from the walls is removed while identifying cracks. Carefully examine the seams between the masonry and the rings. Don't worry about dirt falling to the bottom. She will scoop up and clean up.

Let's move on to repairing the damage. Chips and tears appear due to vegetation, displacement or long-term stagnation of water. They are removed with specialized mixtures or elementary cement mortar which are applied with a spatula. Before covering, the defect is cleaned to ensure good adhesion of the solution to the surface. Having restored the tightness of the mine, we move on to bottom work.

The entire mule from the bottom needs to be lifted. This can be done with buckets, but it is much easier to use a gref. A special bucket with two blades that close when in contact with the bottom surface, capturing silt, stones, slush, etc. It is lifted manually with a winch or a strong cable.

The used filter is also lifted and, if it cannot be replaced, washed. If you decide to replace it, fill in a new one.

Please note that when cleaning a well, it is prohibited to use household chemicals and household disinfectants!

Water disinfection

Final part- water disinfection. You need to use professional chlorine-containing products or regular bleach. Fill in the preparations and close the well tightly. After 6 - 8 hours, the water is pumped out twice. Other methods of source disinfection are not recommended.

After such disinfection, the water needs to be boiled for about a week before use.

Drainage cleaning

This cleaning method is used when sand deposits and clay are layered at the bottom of a well, or when the source is silted.

Here you need to choose the right pump. It must have low water quality requirements and good power. It is preferable to opt for a submersible model.

The power is selected based on the depth and volume of water in the well.

The station is lowered and fixed 1 meter from the bottom surface. The direction of flow from the outlet pipe must be strictly vertical to maximize sediment lift. If necessary, pull out the pump and rinse the filter.

After all the work has been completed, the water can be taken to the laboratory and tested for quality.


And in conclusion, I would like to say that everyone requires maintenance, a well is no exception. After carrying out simple work every few years, you will use clean, healthy water that will not be turned off at the most inopportune moment.

Sometimes I hear bewilderment from our clients - “Why clean the well? We’ve been using it for many years now, and the water is still just as clean.”

The Kopanka company provides a full range of services for the repair and restoration of wells. We have been working in this area for more than 10 years, during which the company’s specialists have managed to achieve a high level of professionalism and gain experience in solving any problems with individual water supply sources.

In this material I will tell you why you need to clean wells, how often to do it, what methods exist, pitfalls, how to avoid problems and preserve a hydraulic structure for decades.

Useful tips

  • - do not try to clean the well yourself, or at least do not do it alone
  • - use the well often. Don't let the water stagnate. Share water with a neighbor. Then you won’t need cleaning for about 10 years.
  • - check the filters - if they become clogged quickly, it means the water contains impurities.
  • - check the water for smell, taste and color
  • - always close the well cover
  • - never arrange a place for washing cars, clothes, sewerage or septic tanks near the well
  • - do not wait for the well to become dirty, carry out routine cleaning of the structure

Why is well cleaning necessary?

The reasons for siltation of a well are different:

  • High content of mechanical impurities in the water - springs carry a lot of sand and wash away loam
  • Destruction of the bottom bulk filter or its incorrect initial arrangement
  • The appearance of quicksand - sand supersaturated with water with increased fluidity
  • Ground movement is a rare phenomenon for the Moscow region, most often associated with construction work carried out near the well
  • Depressurization of the shaft, ring joints
  • Depressurization clay castle, blind area
  • Salvo water pumping

All this leads to the fact that dirt begins to accumulate at the bottom of the well - sand, clay, black soil.

Consequences of siltation

Among the most negative consequences siltation – a decrease in flow rate, up to the complete filling of the water column in rings with sand, deterioration in water quality. If you use a pump, it is likely to fail or become buried under a thick layer of sediment. The water may develop an unpleasant odor and, as a result of stagnation, it will turn into favorable environment for the development of bacteria, it will become cloudy. It will not be possible to use it for domestic purposes.


To avoid such negative consequences, I, relying on great experience work in the Moscow region and knowing the rate of siltation firsthand, I recommend that you carry out preventive cleaning of the well at least once every two times for intensive, constant use, and once a year for seasonal use.

Methods for cleaning wells

The main methods of cleaning wells in the Moscow region:

  • Vibration and drainage pumps. Two vibration pump sink to the bottom of the well. A hose is connected to one of them, which pumps water to the surface, while the second pump simply stirs it up at the bottom, lifting sand from the stone. I do not recommend carrying out such cleaning yourself, as you can damage the pumping equipment, and such cleaning will only be effective if there is a small layer of sand at the bottom - clay or silt cannot be lifted this way. The drainage pump is somewhat more powerful, but it will not cope with serious contamination.

  • Mechanical method - using a grab or manual labor (shovel, bucket). We completely pump out the water from the well and manually scoop out the sludge from the bottom

  • The use of high-pressure apparatus for cleaning rings - powerful jets of water knock off dirt and overgrown vegetation from the inner surface of the shaft

As a rule, we use a combined method, depending on the degree of contamination of the well.

You ask, we answer

Below I will give answers to the most FAQ, which we have to deal with in the process of drilling, constructing and cleaning wells and boreholes in the Moscow region.

How often do you need to clean a well in Moscow Region?

The following factors influence the frequency of scheduled or preventative cleaning:

  • Soil type – predominance of sand, clay, loam, degree of natural filtration
  • Depth – as our experience shows, the deeper the well, the cleaner it is
  • Type of sources - I mainly mean the difference in chemical composition
  • Intensity of use of the hydraulic structure – permanent/seasonal
  • Type of pump and correct installation - vibration models can contribute to the destruction of rings and depressurization of seams

To maintain high water quality, I recommend cleaning your well at least once a year.

Our Well Repair Services

  • Mine leveling;
  • arrangement of a clay castle;
  • replacing rings;
  • recess;
  • repair of seams and joints;
  • eliminating cracks, etc.

Cleaning a new well - is it necessary?

If we carry out the drilling/digging and installation, then you will not need to clean the new well, since we deliver the result on a turnkey basis. In rare cases, cleaning may be required soon after the well begins operation if the aquifer for some reason becomes oversaturated with water (abundance of precipitation, for example) or a natural disaster occurs (flooding as a result of floods). Also, cleaning may be required if the work was carried out by non-professionals and the bottom of the well was not arranged correctly.

Cleaning the well after inactivity - is it necessary?

If you use the well seasonally (spring-autumn), or leave for a while (from three to four weeks), then after each such downtime I recommend cleaning the well, even if it is completely closed and there is no access to the water surface from the outside. During this time, the water in it stagnates, the bottom silts up, and harmful microorganisms can begin to develop in the well.

In the spring there was a smell from well water - what to do?

We often encounter this problem in the Moscow region. Source unpleasant odor in 80% of cases it is the vital activity of microorganisms – harmful bacteria. The remaining 20% ​​is due to changes in the chemical composition of water - an increase in the level of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, iron and other components. We solve the problem by completely cleaning the well followed by water disinfection, and if the problem lies in a chemical change in the sources, we recommend effective system filtration. But more often than not, cleaning is enough, since during the winter the water in the well manages to stagnate.

What to do if there is swamp water in the well?

Swamp water in a well causes real panic for many, but I want to reassure you. If it contains fragments of vegetation (algae) or even small amphibians (newts, frogs), this indicates the chemical purity of the water. The problem is solved by thorough cleaning of the well, shaft and filling with a good bottom filter. I can advise you to use the well more intensively and not let the water stagnate in it. Then it will not have a swampy smell or change color.

Cleaning an abandoned well - justified or not?

An abandoned well almost completely silts up within 2-3 years. If it has not been used for longer, then there is a possibility that the underground springs have completely disappeared or become clogged. Here I recommend that you clean the well if there are signs of water remaining in it. If the bottom is completely dry, then dredging will be necessary. This is justified only if its mine is well preserved. I often came across abandoned wooden wells in the Moscow region, which made no sense to restore. If we are talking about a hydraulic structure with a shaft made of concrete rings, then the game is worth the candle - you will spend much less than installing a new well.

Cleaning a well from silt - can you cope with this task yourself?

I would like to immediately dissuade you from the idea of ​​cleaning the well from silt yourself. The point is not only that without experience and special tools you will spend a lot of effort without achieving the desired result, but also high risks. A well cleaning service in the Moscow region costs about 6,000-10,000 rubles. Agree - it’s quite inexpensive, considering how complex such work is. Unlike sand, silt creates a very dense, viscous layer at the bottom, which can only be removed by going down and first pumping out the water. We will do this work faster, better, and safer.

Is it possible to pump sand out of a well?

The answer is yes, but not all. Keep in mind that you will have to pump out all the water, which is from 1.5 to 3.5-4 tons. Only a very powerful drainage pump can handle pumping out sand, and the water can be well agitated only with the help of special vibration equipment. An ordinary “fontanel” will not give the expected effect.


Do not under any circumstances try to use centrifugal household pumps for pumping. deep well pumps! They are extremely vulnerable to any tiny sand impurities in the water, and quickly fail because of it.

Below I provide a table showing the average maximum dimensions solid fractions for various types of pumps.

How do you know when it’s time to clean your well?

Everything is very simple here - pay attention to the following factors:

  • The flow rate and storage capacity of the well have decreased
  • Water quality has decreased - odor, turbidity, sand have appeared
  • It's time for scheduled maintenance
  • There was a long (from 4 weeks) downtime
  • Filters in the water purification system began to clog faster

Bacteria in a well - how to kill it?

Firstly, the presence of bacteria in a well can only be determined by laboratory analysis. If it shows their presence in the well, then the most common method is fresh (not slaked) bleach, which is added to it in the proportion of 300-400 grams per 1 bucket per 1 ton of water in the well. After this, the hydraulic structure cannot be used for 6-12 hours. Moreover, the water in the well needs to be “shaken” periodically. Then it is completely pumped out. I do not advise you to carry out these manipulations yourself, since there is a high risk of incorrect calculations, incomplete pumping, and it is important to eliminate the very cause of bacteria by cleaning the bottom of the well.

When is well disinfection necessary?

The need to disinfect a well is determined by the results of a laboratory analysis if harmful microorganisms are detected in the water. Do not be mistaken about the variety of chemical reagents for disinfection - the basis of any solution is sodium hydrochloride or simply bleach. Therefore, I recommend disinfection only when absolutely necessary, since even after completely pumping out the chlorinated water, some percentage of it still remains in the well and ends up on your table.

Additional work when cleaning wells

  • Deepening the well to increase storage capacity and increase flow rate
  • Installing an aspen shield when quicksand is detected
  • Sealing joints of rings, cracks
  • Laying a clay castle, blind area
  • Conducting laboratory water analysis

Deepening a well on the site

There are several reasons that require increasing the existing well depth. The deepening method is effective and economical, which makes it popular.

It is carried out in the following cases:

  • drying out (partially or completely) of the old well;
  • decrease in water inflow per day.

In both cases, the site owner is faced with the problem of not having enough water. “Revitalizing” an old well will make it possible to use natural water for various needs. However, you cannot carry out deepening on your own or trust this matter to amateurs. There are several reasons for this.

Reasons why you should not carry out deepening yourself

There are several explanations why you should not deepen wells yourself. Of course, you can entrust this task to novice well diggers, but in this case it is impossible to guarantee the success of deepening. Deepening is carried out once. This time-consuming and expensive process is only possible once. Because of this, deepening is carried out immediately to the maximum possible depth. Usually a well is deepened into 3 rings at once. The need for insurance and special knowledge.

A well is a complex hydraulic device. There is a certain set of operations that prevent the destruction of the well due to soil movement. These include reinforcing the well column, removing water-lifting equipment, etc. Without such special work, the risks increase, which is undesirable. In addition, the specialist knowledge of the craftsmen allows us to find out the potential of the soil layers. For different types soil is required different approach. For example, in dense soils, deepening can be carried out using an open method. There is no need for casing with well rings. Quicksand soils require special technology. Calculation of optimal depths. Deepening a well requires taking into account all factors. Only an experienced specialist can calculate the ability of soils to hold the walls of a well without settlement, the depth of the aquifer, and the daily water flow into the well.

Ordering well deepening from our professionals is beneficial, since specialists can restore even severely neglected wells.

Deepenings carried out according to the rules can ensure the flow of water into the well for more than half a century. Trusting professionals in this matter is a manifestation of forethought. After all, it is better to order high-quality and worthwhile work once than to resort to the services of amateurs several times.

Well deepening technology

After specialists arrive at your site, a conclusion is made about the advisability of deepening a particular well, since there are cases when it is more rational to dig a new source than to try to revive the old one. It makes sense to deepen a well if the following conditions are met:

  • no displacement of the rings or severe curvature of the shaft;
  • satisfactory quality of water from the source;
  • there is not enough space on the site for the construction of a new well;
  • the depth of the well shaft is 10 rings or more.
The well is deepened using special repair rings, the diameter of which is smaller than the diameter of the main part of the shaft.

Initially, water is pumped out of the well using drainage pumps, after which a worker is lowered into the shaft of the mine, who removes the silt from there, then the ring is moved into the shaft using a winch mechanism.

The ring located at the bottom of the well is dug from the inside until reinforced concrete structure will not sink to the required depth under its own weight. The remaining rings are installed in the same way; the process is completed only after the shaft is deepened 2 meters below the beginning of the aquifer.

Safety precautions when cleaning a well

How can cleaning a well be dangerous? There are certain risks, including:

  • The likelihood of a mine collapse or misalignment - we carefully study the rings, their condition, and, if necessary, carry out strengthening
  • Possibility of suffocation due to accumulation at the bottom of the well carbon dioxide during a long stay there - that’s why we use special equipment to feed it into the mine fresh air from the surface
  • Risk of getting stuck in quicksand in the absence of special climbing equipment, which we have

Possible consequences of unprofessional well cleaning

Among the consequences of unprofessional cleaning of wells are the following problems that we encountered in the Moscow region:

  • Decrease in flow rate - improper filling of the filter blocks the springs
  • Deterioration of water quality - increased sand accumulation
  • Reduced storage capacity due to improper arrangement of the filter - the distance between it and the water surface decreases
  • Depressurization of joints between shaft rings
  • Damage to pumping equipment

Do-it-yourself well cleaning

If you decide to carry out this rather labor-intensive procedure with your own hands, then this article will be useful for you. First, you need to pump out all the water from the well, which will require a pump. Next, make sure that there are no gas accumulations at the bottom of your well, which even in the smallest quantities can cause harm to the human body. To check for the presence of gases, lower a lit candle into the well on a rope. If it fades, going down into the well is considered dangerous. Among other things, we advise you to think about a way to get out of the well in case you feel unwell. And of course, you shouldn’t clean the well alone.

As you can see, cleaning a well in Solnechnogorsk is not only a labor-intensive process, but also dangerous. Especially for an inexperienced person. In addition, a lack of experience and knowledge will inevitably lead to the fact that the cleaning will be carried out poorly and internal defects will be missed. As a result, you will be using water from an untreated well, which can have a detrimental effect on your health. Trust the specialists - this is the ideal option for cleaning the well. After all, they are able to perform all the necessary manipulations quickly, competently and efficiently. And all you have to do is enjoy the delicious and pure drinking water.

Professional well cleaning services

Under my leadership as lead engineer, a team of professional and experienced craftsmen provides a full range of well cleaning services. We guarantee the quality of the result, carry out work promptly and accept wells for service. To find out the cost of well cleaning specifically in your case, contact us using one of the methods suggested in the “Contacts” section.

Prices - Cleaning and repair of wells

Type of work Price
Well cleaning: pumping out water, cleaning the bottom from debris and other contaminants up to 10 rings 8000 rub.
from 10 to 15 rings 10,000 rub.
from 15 to 20 rings 12,000 rub.
from 20 rings negotiable
Clay castle 6000 rub.
Sealing inter-ring joints with cement mixture 0 rub.
Sealing the current seam with a hydraulic seal, in one seam 1500 rub.
Aspen shield at the bottom of the well 3,000 rub.
Drainage (washed river pebbles with a diameter of up to 10 mm) in bags of 50 kg, per bag 2,000 rub.
Quartz sand in bags of 25 kg, per bag 700 rub.
Extra charge for a stationary pump, the hose of which runs through the middle of the well (If it complicates the work) 500 rub.
Extra charge for a non-removable house/cover, narrow rings, hatch on the well (If it complicates the work) 500 rub.
Dismantling and installation of the pump (if all components and fasteners are present) 1000 rub.
Removal of soil more than 10 m from the well 500-1500 rub.
Using a generator (in the absence or power outage) 500 rub.

The assertion that a well will be a source of clean drinking water is true, but only if it is taken care of. It is enough to know how to clean a well and do it at least once every three years. In some cases, prevention is needed more often. It all depends on the quality of the water and the presence of unwanted impurities in it.

It's time to clean the well

People who use water from the source for drinking periodically take control samples to a specialized, certified laboratory.

It is necessary to clean the well if there is any deviation from the norm in terms of the presence of harmful impurities and excessive levels of chemical elements.

Low-quality water can be determined without analysis by color, smell and the presence of turbidity:

  1. Cloudiness is usually associated with siltation. Accumulated clay and sand lead to the formation of sediment in the collected water after settling. In this case, the depth of the water column decreases regardless of the presence of floods. The appearance of a taste in the water indicates that it is time to clean the well of dirt.
  2. Oil stains on the surface of the water are evidence that oil products have entered it. This may be due to the proximity of the highway, leakage of automobile and technical fluids into the ground against the background of depressurization of the well walls. This can happen within the city or in the country.
  3. The red color indicates increased iron content. In this case, all metal parts are cleaned from corrosion and then treated with an anti-corrosion waterproof compound. The reason to think that this is the reason is the metallic taste.
  4. The appearance of bacteria causes cloudiness and an unpleasant putrid odor. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly clean the well of objects of organic origin that have entered the water. This could include leaves, grass, household waste, garbage, dead birds and animals.
  5. The stench that causes the urge to vomit is a reason to think that water has gotten into sewage. In this case, cleaning the well with your own hands becomes more difficult due to the fact that without gas protective equipment it becomes impossible to go down into it, as well as to breathe inside.

In any of the above cases, the question will arise, how to clean the well with your own hands? If you have extra money, you can hire a specialized team, whose workers will carry out all the necessary activities themselves.

But what to do if this is not possible?

Do-it-yourself well cleaning

When talking about “your own hands,” no one assumes that the procedure is performed by one person. Descends - yes, but there must be someone on the surface who can help in case of unforeseen situations. Considering that it is impossible to get out of the well, and injuries can occur, you need to know how to do the work correctly.

Security measures

The most important requirement which must be completed - put on a safety mounting belt.

The ropes and cables used are professional, as is all safety equipment. Industrial climbers use the same equipment. And this is the only way to say that the employee has protected himself from falling.

The mine method of work involves people being in the well. In order not to get poisoned or lose consciousness, before going down, you need to check if there are any harmful gases below. To do this, lower the lit candle. Combustion indicates that there is sufficient oxygen available.

If a rope ladder is used, it must be securely fastened; a regular ladder must be equipped with a platform. But the main thing is that these measures do not exclude the presence of safety mounting equipment (belt, safety rope, which is also securely fastened at the top). Basic personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles) should also be available.

These rules must be followed regardless of which technology for cleaning the well with your own hands is chosen.

Manual + video

The essence of the method is mechanical cleaning of contaminants and removal of deposits and debris. In this case, the process is performed in the following order:

  1. All necessary tools are prepared. Safety equipment and gear are checked.
  2. The water is completely pumped out by the drainage pump. You cannot leave it down as this carries the risk of electric shock.
  3. Cleaning the walls of the well from deposits. It is assumed that spatulas, scrapers, etc. are used for this.
  4. Lifting to the surface, washing, and, if necessary, replacing the elements of the bottom mesh filter.
  5. Removing silt, debris, dirt, sand and clay from the bottom. It makes sense to inspect the pebbles. Rarely, but there are times when it makes sense to rinse it too.
  6. Seams, cracks, crevices and holes in the walls are sealed special compounds, and if water flows from the holes, use a hydraulic seal.
  7. An aqueous solution of potassium permanganate is used as a disinfectant. Walls are treated with it. You need to work with gloves and glasses.

Mechanical + video

This method is applicable in cases where the problem is the presence of silt deposits at the bottom.

The work involves the use of a drainage mud pump, which will lift the dirt to the surface and carry it through a hose to the disposal site. If the silt deposits have already been compacted and are of high density, they need to be loosened. For this, another water pump is used, which, under pressure, directs a stream into the bottom pollution. After this, the sludge is removed from the well using a mud drainage pump.

Before lowering electrical equipment, the worker leaves the cavity by rising to the surface. Power cable selected in such a way that the connection is not located inside. Before turning on the mud pump, it is lowered on a cable to a level of 50 to 100 cm from the bottom. The cable is securely fixed at the top.

Every 10-20 minutes the pump is raised to clean strainer. The described procedure must be performed every year or two. But this will allow you to maintain the well in proper condition and use clean natural drinking water. Do not think that if you install a cover with a hatch on the head, there will be no contamination of the water in the well.

Dense muddy contaminants can be scooped out from the bottom with a bucket. To do this, you will have to lower yourself completely, and an assistant will pull out the dirt in the bucket using a rope. At the same time, the employee who is inside is required to wear rubber boots. contact with well mud and silt can cause allergies, irritation and even poisoning.

After the work is completed, wash thoroughly in running water and soap. Bacteria remaining on the hands, face and body, once in the body, will not bring anything good. It is better not to use dirt and silt as fertilizers, but to take it outside the site. Otherwise, everything should be done as described above.

And if the procedure seems complicated or too labor-intensive, contact specialists, but this will cost money.

The word “well” evokes many associations. This is an old cracked “crane” in the middle of the village, and a sip of scalding cold clear water straight from a bucket on a hot day, and a beautiful little house in the center of a summer cottage. Once upon a time, the only rural well was a meeting place: here you could not only stock up on water, but also find out all the village news. Times are changing, there are more wells - almost every yard has its own water sources dug. They are actively used for water supply to houses, watering gardens and gardens, sometimes they become clogged or dislodged - which is why timely repair of wells is required. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Quite often, a well simply needs to thoroughly clean the walls and bottom so that the water becomes clear and safe again. The appearance of biological deposits on concrete or wooden walls is a natural process that occurs in stagnant places. Debris that enters through the top opening begins to decompose, forming pockets of bacteria. They, in turn, settle on the side walls in the form of a thick layer of mucus. Heavy particles fall to the bottom and accumulate there, forming silt and reducing the usable area.

Sometimes the cause of contamination is damage to the structure - rupture of seams, displacement of rings, rotting of wood. To eliminate the consequences of major breakdowns, cleaning and repair of wells are carried out simultaneously.

Well cleaning steps:

  • pumping water using a pump;
  • removing sludge from the bottom;
  • installing a filter;
  • cleaning walls with special compounds.

If the remains of dead animals are found at the bottom, the well must be disinfected. The simplest and most affordable option is “treatment” with chlorine. Pump in water and pour in enough chlorine solution, cover the top with a thick cloth (for example, a tarpaulin), and leave for a day. Then the chlorine water is pumped out and the well is completely washed. To completely remove traces of disinfection, you will need to change the water several times until the specific odor disappears, but as a result it will become absolutely safe.

Before cleaning the well, it is necessary to prepare devices for descent: a ladder, support rods, safety ropes or belts, wooden platforms on cables

One of the traditional compositions for cleaning the walls of a well is the familiar solution of potassium permanganate. It should be rich, dark in color

To clean a well at your dacha, you can already purchase ready-made composition, for example, disinfectant stabilizing chlorine solution for swimming pools Chemoclor

Carrying out repair work

Under comprehensive repairs well implies a number of activities related to sealing seams, replacing parts, and strengthening them. This also includes any dredging work. Some defects in the structure can be easily detected by cleaning. Let's take a closer look at cases in which urgent repairs are necessary.

If an old well has been preserved at your dacha, do not rush to build a new structure in its place - perhaps it will be enough minor repairs and it will start functioning normally again

Sealing seams

A slight displacement of concrete rings can be caused by spring melting of snow, especially when low-quality concrete was used during construction. Significant cracks appear between the rings, through which soil penetrates into the structure. In the future, in addition to constant contamination, the ring may completely come off - and then more serious repairs will be required.

To get rid of minor damage, cracks and potholes, use a waterproof sealant. The most basic type of putty is concrete mortar, which is used to thoroughly coat all cracks. Before this, it is necessary to clean the work surface, removing any crumbling material.

One of the options for sealing joints and cracks: filling with Peneplag solution, treating with Penetron using a brush, finishing coat Penecrit

Note! There are many modern compounds for repairing wells with your own hands. One of them is a recovery solution concrete surface Fasi RM. It is applied, like regular cement mortar, with a spatula or spatula. So 15 kg of mixture is enough for high-quality processing square meter concrete, if applied in a layer about 20 mm thick.

Large cracks require intervention with outside. In this case, they dig a trench around the rings to the depth of the damage, treat the seam, let it dry and bury it back.

Strengthening concrete rings

It happens that the rings constantly move to the side - how can you repair a concrete well to increase their strength and achieve the desired stability?

This requires serious intervention. First you need to dig out the well from all sides and disassemble the place of damage. Then it is necessary to install the displaced element in place and strengthen all joints with metal staples, then seal the seams and seal with Hydrolast or Penetron. If you don’t have a professional sealant at hand, you can use a mixture of cement and PVA glue. Seams should be processed on both sides.

Not all concrete rings have special holes for staples. If they are missing, you need to use a drill and drill holes at a distance of 10-15 cm from the edge of the ring

It will help to give stability to the structure clay castle. It is done in the following way:

  • A trench 1.5-2 m deep and 1.5-1 m wide is dug around the well.
  • All free space is filled with clay and compacted.
  • The top layer is decorated (with turf, boards, sand).

In order for the clay backfill to really be considered a “castle”, it should be laid in layers of 10-15 cm and each layer should be thoroughly compacted

A thick layer of clay serves as a barrier against exposure surface waters, as well as a mechanical fastening element for concrete rings.

Rising water level

The only way to return the previous water level or even increase it is to deepen the well. Depending on the age of the structure, the following actions are taken:

  1. The well is relatively young - it was built no more than six months ago. In this case, it is enough to remove the soil from under the lower ring so that the entire structure slowly settles lower (as happened during the construction process). When the structure drops to the final level, additional rings are mounted on top.
  2. The well is old. It is “increased” in the lower part, in depth, but with the help of rings of smaller diameter (or a thick plastic pipe). At the bottom of the well, a hole is dug to the depth of the new aquifer and the prepared rings are placed in it. The junction of old and new elements is carefully sealed.

Before starting work on deepening the well shaft, it is necessary to make repairs existing structure: it should not have misaligned rings or weak points

Repair of wooden structures

Over time, one or more logs wooden well rots and falls into disrepair. To replace damaged beams, the upper segment, which cannot be repaired, is lifted using a trestle, and upon completion of the work it is lowered into place.

Sometimes damaged logs are underwater. In this case, in order to free the crowns and insert new parts, the water must be pumped out

Often the condition of a well can be judged by the water: clean, transparent and odorless water indicates that the structure is in perfect order

Rotten logs are replaced with new ones, and sometimes reinforced concreting is used instead of wood: a mesh of reinforcement is installed, formwork is installed and poured concrete mortar. The work is carried out from a specially prepared platform lowered into the well on strong cables. If repairs to a wooden well are not carried out on time, the water will become cloudy and an unpleasant, musty smell will appear, and the structure will eventually completely collapse.

Installation of bottom filters

To prevent cloudiness of the water, crushed stone is placed at the bottom of the well - this is the bottom filter. Silicon or other mineral has a strong structure, so it does not dissolve in water and does not create suspensions. The filter is especially useful if water from the well is supplied using a pump. Sludge particles or sand can damage the equipment, and they also clog the water entering the house.

Stones, pebbles or crushed stone for constructing a bottom filter can often be found right on a summer cottage: they remain after the construction of foundations, paths and pools

The thickness of the mineral layer must be at least 10 cm. If the bottom has a mobile or viscous structure, then it increases to 50 cm - in this case, even in the presence of quicksand, the water will remain transparent.

To prevent damage to the well structure from becoming an unpleasant surprise, it is necessary to do a preventive inspection approximately every six months and regularly check the quality of the water.

If you follow all preventive measures during the operation of the water source, then cleaning the well with your own hands can be done no more than once a year. The frequency of cleaning depends on several factors. These factors are:

  • the quality of materials used to equip the mine;
  • quality of sealing of seams inside the shaft;
  • quality of bottom drainage;
  • the presence of a good seal against melt water;
  • equipment for proper protection against foreign objects and debris entering the shaft.

Even if you know how to clean a well with your own hands, you can turn to specialists, but you should keep in mind that these services are not cheap. Therefore, even before constructing the structure, you should be aware that you will have to acquire not only a water source, but also a pump for cleaning wells and other equipment for independent cleaning work, otherwise you will have to pay for keeping your water source clean every year.

Preventative cleaning

A similar event is held in the spring, after the snow melts. This is the easiest of cleanings, since it can be cleaned drinking well possible without assistants. Even if the water seems normal, you need to carry out sanitation with potassium permanganate, 1 tbsp. l. which is dissolved in a bucket of water and this solution is poured into the well shaft. After 2-3 hours, the water is pumped directly into the garden. This event achieves two goals at once - the well is sanitized and the soil in the garden is disinfected.

Complete cleaning

There are options here. The first (lightweight) is used when the bottom filter becomes clogged. Then you need to clean the well from sand and silt that has clogged the bottom drainage, consisting of crushed stone, gravel and coarse sand.

Cleaning the bottom filter

You will need pumps: drainage and regular water pumps of the “Rucheyka” type, which will stir up the water. Cleaning is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Screw a short hose (up to half a meter long) to the water pump and lower it closer to the bottom. Its main task will be to lift debris from the bottom due to the intense water movement created.
  2. Lower the drainage pump almost to the very bottom, leading the hose to the drainage point dirty water agitated by a water pump.

Then all that remains is to monitor the cleanliness of the flowing water. In about 2 hours you can deal with a 10-centimeter layer of silt. It is better not to pour the water that flows out during the cleaning process into the beds and flower beds, as they may become covered with a layer of viscous mud.

Major cleaning with seam repair

It is carried out when organic debris gets into the water, when algae grows, or when seams become depressurized. In this case, you will have to clean the well at the dacha manually, going down into it. To do this you will need at least 2 assistants and the following equipment:

  1. A long wooden (metal) ladder, a rope ladder or a swing made of a board tied to two ropes, on which the cleaner will have to stand with his feet - the most appropriate device in this case is selected from this list.
  2. A device for lowering and blocking if a swing is to be made.
  3. Brush or sponge for cleaning the walls of the well. Typically, a soft metal brush is used for these purposes.
  4. Bucket.
  5. Safety rope, rubber boots and a helmet for the cleaner. The latter is necessary in order to protect your head from a tool accidentally falling from above.
  6. Pump for pumping out water.
  7. Cement mortar with the addition of liquid glass for repairing seams.
  8. 10% (10-20 mg per 1 liter of water) solution of bleach for mine disinfection.

You need not only to know how to properly clean a well yourself, but also to carry out each stage of the work carefully and carefully. At least three people need to work: one person is in the mine, the second insures him, and the third receives and releases buckets of sludge, gives and receives tools.

Cleaning wells is not so much difficult as it is labor-intensive.

It should be borne in mind that people with heart and vascular diseases are contraindicated from working in a well shaft, because anything deeper than 3 m is associated with a lack of oxygen. In addition, there may be an accumulation of gases in the mine. To make sure that they are absent, you need to lower a bucket with a burning candle to the bottom. Combustion is supported only by oxygen, so if the candle goes out, you need to pump out the gas before manually cleaning the well.

Pumping can be done using home vacuum cleaner or an ordinary potbelly stove placed near the well. You need a long pipe, one end of which is attached to the ash pit, and the other goes down almost to the water. The potbelly stove is heated, and with the help of the stove draft the gas is removed to the outside.

Do-it-yourself thorough cleaning of wells is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Water is being pumped out. This is done immediately or in stages, and as pumping proceeds (for example, along 1 well ring), the cleaner goes down and washes the walls of the shaft.
  2. Complete cleaning of the shaft walls from dirt and debris.
  3. Rinsing the walls of the mine with running water from a hose, after which you will need to turn on the cleaning pump and pump out this liquid from the bottom.
  4. Cleaning the bottom of sludge until the bottom filter appears.
  5. Cleaning the existing bottom filter or completely replacing it. To clean the filter, its components will have to be lifted and rinsed thoroughly, and then put back in place.
  6. Covering cracks.
  7. Disinfection of walls and water using bleach. You can also purchase a special product.
  8. Removal of water from the well after disinfection. You cannot drain this water into the garden; you need to run the hose into a cesspool. This action is performed several times until the odors of the disinfectant disappear. After this, it is recommended to boil the water used for drinking for 1-2 weeks.

Safety precautions must be observed. The bottom filter is an unreliable device. If you stand on its surface for a long time, your legs can get pulled in, so you need to do the work faster and step from foot to foot more often, checking your own stability.

Your own well makes it possible to be independent from city services and receive water in the required quantity around the clock and good quality. Cleaning and repairing wells are mandatory activities that must be carried out regularly to maintain the source in working condition and maintain the quality of drinking water.

Mandatory maintenance is required not only by mines for obtaining water, but also by sewer systems that are responsible for draining Wastewater, their accumulation and disposal.

Every home, to ensure normal conditions residence and comfort has a water supply and sewerage system, each of these systems has its own wells and periodically requires maintenance and cleaning. Repair and cleaning of the well are carried out at certain intervals, which are set depending on the type of soil and the intensity of use of the structure.

A lot depends on the material used during construction, as well as on compliance with the construction rules themselves and the quality of the work performed. If low-quality material was used during construction, the type of soil was not taken into account and the technology was not followed, then the source shaft will constantly fail and require repair work.

Types of repair work

All repair work can be divided into two types:

  • scheduled maintenance;
  • unscheduled work.

So, now in more detail:

  1. Planned repair work is carried out after a certain period of time to maintain proper water quality, timely detection and elimination of minor faults or damage. It is worth noting that any major accident does not happen by chance, it is always preceded by a number of minor faults and if they are left unattended and not corrected in time, then their combination leads to major breakdowns.

Scheduled repairs include:

  • cleaning the mine from build-up and deposits;

  • cleaning or replacing the bottom filter;
  • disinfection using special solutions;
  • pumping water after repairs and prolonged downtime;
  • sealing small cracks in the walls of the shaft.
  1. major malfunctions that arose as a result of improper operation of the source, extraneous mechanical influences or violations of construction technology.

Unscheduled work may include:

  • elimination of displacement of concrete rings;

  • fastening the rings together (if this was not done during construction);

  • replacement of damaged rings in the well head;
  • deepening the well when the water level sharply decreases or the filter is clogged.

They are most often used in the construction of sewerage and water supply systems. Plastic wells They practically do not need repair work, since they are a monolithic shaft made of durable and mechanically resistant material.

Shafts made of concrete rings are also used in both systems, so the repair of sewer wells is practically no different from the repair of water wells, since they have the same faults.

Carrying out repairs in concrete wells

Sealing joints

Work on sealing the joint seams between reinforced concrete rings is the most common type of minor damage and can be easily repaired, so any person can carry out such a well repair with his own hands, without special skills, but observing basic rules safety precautions.

Cracks in the rings appear as a result of soil shrinkage and displacement. This is normal soil behavior in different seasons. To eliminate cracks, you can use ordinary cement mortar mixed with ordinary PVC glue.

You can use ready-made mixtures for sealing, but their price will be significantly higher than the components for cement mortar.

To seal cracks at the joints of slabs you will need:

  • putty knife;
  • cement mortar;
  • metal brush;
  • hammer.

Tip: Before filling a crack, you must first tap it with a hammer to remove old putty and loose elements. After this, clean the area with a metal brush, remove as much dust as possible and cover with the solution using a spatula. Try to push the solution as deep as possible into the crack.

If large cracks are found through which soil and high water penetrate, then repair of the well from concrete rings in such cases is carried out from the outer part of the shaft. To do this, a hole is dug from the side of the crack to the required depth, the seam from the outside is processed, and the hole is buried back.

It is important to remember that from the outside, after covering the seam with cement mortar, you can additionally coat the seam bitumen mastic for better waterproofing. If large cracks between concrete rings are not repaired in time, this will lead not only to water contamination, but also to displacement of the rings.

Displacement of concrete rings

Repair: displacement of rings in a well is a rather complex operation that requires partial disassembly of the entire well shaft. Displacement usually occurs as a result of soil movement, if during the construction of the shaft the rings were not secured to each other or a cushion of sand and crushed stone was not installed around the walls of the shaft.

The technology for repairing wells in such cases involves dismantling all the concrete rings above the point of displacement, reinstalling them in the right place and fastening them together with special metal staples. An additional layer of coarse crushed stone is laid along the outer part of the shaft, which softens the pressure of the soil on the shaft as it moves.

Deepening the well

Deepening also applies to repair work. If the initial calculations of the depth of the well are incorrect or as a result of a number of other reasons, the water level in the source may significantly decrease or disappear altogether. In such cases, measures will be required to deepen the shaft, where repair rings for the well are used.

For your information! Repair rings are those whose outer diameter is slightly smaller. internal diameter already installed rings. Repair rings for wells are lowered to the bottom of the shaft, installed on top of each other and carried out, where all the concrete rings are lowered under their own weight as they deepen (see photo).

When carrying out deepening work, it will not be possible to use already installed rings, since after a while they are tightly clamped by the soil as a result of minor seasonal movements. You should not try to omit installed concrete products force, this can lead to significant damage and ultimately require more complex repairs with partial disassembly of the well, which will inevitably entail additional financial costs.

Before you repair a well with your own hands, you need to clearly assess your capabilities, the availability of special knowledge and the necessary tools. In many cases, carrying out any work yourself can not only harm the source itself, but also harm your health. Therefore, if you doubt your own abilities, it is better to seek help from a specialized company and hire a team of qualified workers.

Cleaning a sewer well

Repair sewer well not much different from similar work on troubleshooting sources fresh water, where the same concrete rings are used to construct the shaft and head.

The difference is that these wells perform different functions, but the technical structure of all of them is almost the same and the types of faults are also the same.


To carry out any work in deep mines, there are special safety instructions, which provide for the availability of personal protective equipment and safety elements, as well as certain rules on the use and composition of building materials used in repair work.

In order to pass without any incidents, be sure to watch the video in this article.

For private sector homes or located in rural areas Timely and competent do-it-yourself well repair remains relevant. In this case, the well is often the only available source of water supply in the absence of a centralized system. Therefore, maintaining it in working condition, ensuring the supply of clean waterprerequisites comfort.

Quite often in recently properly supplying clean water well, the liquid acquires an unpleasant taste and smell, and it becomes colored, indicating the presence of foreign impurities. Such water cannot be used for drinking or culinary purposes. In addition, an increased amount of impurities can damage plumbing fixtures and household appliances, and quickly render filter cartridges unusable. Will it be necessary to repair wells at the dacha yourself - in each specific case you can decide after thorough inspection of the structure, but cleaning and eliminating the causes of contamination are always required. There can be several reasons for the appearance of dirt.

  • Natural silt deposits on the walls and bottom of the canal, which are a mixture of unicellular algae, microparticles of organic matter, bacteria, etc. that have entered the water. Like any organic matter, such a mixture begins to decompose, giving the water an unpleasant odor and taste.
  • Large contaminants accidentally falling into the well - leaves blown by the wind through the upper part that is not closed with a lid, small animals that have fallen and drowned, etc.
  • Soil particles and organic matter from the soil entering through the walls when their tightness is broken.

If in the first two cases you can limit yourself to cleaning and sanitizing the structure, in the latter you will have to think about how to repair the well.

For repair work you will probably need it. Read how to make it yourself in our separate article.

Cleaning steps

The well is cleaned in stages.

1. Before moving on to any other work, the mine will need to be cleared of water. Since it is impossible to stop the flow of liquid during cleaning or repair, pumping (using a pump) will have to be done several times:

  • entirely as preparation for examination and further operations,
  • as necessary - during repair or cleaning to ensure ease of operation,
  • after completion of all necessary activities.

2. By cleaning the walls, you not only remove organic matter polluting the water (deposits removed from the surface with a brush should be removed from the shaft), but also prepare the surfaces for inspection.

3. The cleaned walls are carefully inspected: the integrity of the structure itself, coating, and joints of elements is checked(often repairing a well made of concrete rings with your own hands is required when they are displaced relative to each other and cracks form). Detected violations are eliminated.

4. Cleaning the bottom most often involves removing sediment and replacing it. The easiest way is a bucket on a rope and a shovel. More experienced homeowners often use a grab for this purpose.

Repair work

How you will repair wells with your own hands depends on the design of the structure and, first of all, on the material from which it is made.

Important: All repair work is carried out in special clothing, with insurance and a partner.

Wooden wells and their features

Repairing a wooden well with your own hands can, without exaggeration, be considered one of the most difficult. He will require the installation and use of auxiliary structures:

  • a securely fastened working platform (in the manner of a construction “cradle”),
  • a structure that will fix and hold the well crowns above the area being repaired so that the entire wall does not collapse, losing support.

The main reason for repairing wooden structures is putrefactive processes that occur in wood under the influence of water. In this case, the organic pollution is not the organic matter brought into the well from the outside, but its own walls. The only way to eliminate this phenomenon is replace rotting logs with new ones.

The procedure is performed in a certain sequence.

  1. The constructed working platform is secured using reliable cables on beams that are installed above the well. It is important that the platform can move up and down safely.
  2. Moving in such an area along the wall (assistants will be needed; it is almost impossible to cope with such a task alone), they accurately determine the boundaries of the damage zone.
  3. Logs higher than those to be replaced are secured on both sides, eliminating the possibility of collapse.
  4. The area where the logs are rotten is being dismantled. All damaged elements rise to the surface.
  5. Elements for replacement are selected (the availability of the necessary building materials should be taken care of in advance).
  6. Selected whole logs are installed in place of the removed ones and driven in. The achieved strength is checked.
  7. Self-repair of a wooden well ends with dismantling and removing auxiliary structures from the well shaft.
  8. The mine is being cleaned.

Concrete structures

In order to decide how to repair the well with your own hands in this case, you should assess the degree of damage.

The main problems of concrete wells are:

  • damage to the surface layer (plaster, sealant),
  • formation of cracks in the structure,
  • depressurization of seams,
  • displacement of elements.

The reasons for the destruction of concrete wells can be:

  • materials (primarily concrete) of low quality,
  • soil mobility,
  • activity of ground or flood waters that destroy joints.

After drying the concrete well, the degree of destruction is assessed.

How to repair a well made of concrete rings when they are displaced? In this case, it is impossible to do without lifting equipment - the structure will have to be partially dismantled and reassembled in accordance with all the rules, restoring the geometry, ensuring the strength of the seams and the tightness of the shaft as a whole.

Important: To avoid repeated displacement, the rings are fastened together with special staples.

Brick mines

Repairing brick wells is technically simpler than others. When cracks appear in the brick or the seams blur groundwater a brick from the damaged area is selected, and a new one is laid in its place using mortar. After the seams have hardened, the plaster layer and waterproofing are restored.

Increasing the water level in the well

Insufficient water levels can make it difficult to lift liquid to the surface, whether this operation is performed manually or using pumping equipment. There are two reasons for the decrease in level:

  • incorrectly selected source location,
  • insufficient mine depth.

In the first case, most likely, the error will be noticeable immediately, and the only solution will be to move the well to a new location.

Before moving the well, you can try.

  • If the structure is no more than six months old, the structure can be lowered by removing soil from under the lower part of the structure. Excavation should be performed until a sufficient number of keys appear. After the well settles, its upper part is increased to the required height.
  • Do-it-yourself repair of an old well when the water level decreases, this is done in a similar way, but it is necessary to narrow the structure (use concrete rings of smaller diameter, change the parameters brickwork etc.).

Many people believe that by digging a well on your property, you can long years use a pure and useful source without any further effort. In reality, everything looks a little different. If the water suddenly changes its taste, becomes cloudy, and an unpleasant smell comes from the depths, it’s time to clean it. This event cannot be called too pleasant, but it is necessary to maintain sanitary standards in drinking water. Therefore, every site owner should know how to clean a well and when to do it.

Unanimous opinion There is no such thing as how often cleaning should be done, since several factors can influence the condition of the well. Only constant monitoring of water quality and periodic visual inspection of the structure will allow you to choose right moment.

We list the main symptoms that indicate that it is time to clean the well:

  • The water has an unpleasant odor. This indicates that leaves, birds or animals have gotten inside, resulting in the process of rotting.
  • Increased water turbidity. Most likely, the well silted up or the rings depressurized, which led to clay or sand getting into the water.
  • Analysis shows increased levels of metals and nitrates. In this case, there is a high probability of well water poisoning surface runoff.
  • The inner walls are covered with mold and moss. This process indicates the activation of the proliferation of microorganisms.

Improper well care can cause serious illnesses

Do-it-yourself well cleaning: main steps

If you decide to clean the well and want to do it yourself, then this process must be taken very seriously, strictly adhering to the instructions below.

Tool preparation

Before you begin cleaning activities, you need to prepare the appropriate tools and accessories, namely:

  • ladder (rope or regular);
  • safety devices (belt, slings);
  • bucket;
  • sapper shovel;
  • a large sponge or metal brush;
  • drain pump (if equipped);
  • disinfectants.

You should also take care of your own equipment. It is advisable to use waterproof clothing, high rubber boots and a construction helmet. At the same time, clothing and shoes should not hinder movement or cause any discomfort.

You need to be thoroughly prepared for cleaning a well.

Pumping water

Unfortunately, it is not possible to properly clean a well without going down into it. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to pump out all the water from it. There are two pumping methods: manual and using a pump. In the first case, you will have to lift all the water with a bucket, which is extremely difficult and tiring. Taking this into account, it is advisable to purchase or borrow from friends a drainage pump, which will greatly simplify the task.

For your information. Emptying a well using buckets can take a whole day, while a pump will pump out the liquid in a few minutes.

Using drain pump It is necessary to remove large debris from the surface of the water so as not to clog the hose of the device, and also periodically clean the filter element.

Using a sump pump makes pumping out water much easier

Cleaning walls and flushing drainage

To clean the walls of the well, use large sponges or a soft brush for metal. However, the use of household cleaning products is strictly not recommended. When cleaning the walls, you should pay attention to the integrity of the joints between the concrete rings. If necessary, they must be sealed with cement mortar or liquid glass.

An important prerequisite for the purity of well water is the condition of the bottom filter. It needs to be thoroughly washed or completely replaced. Drainage for a well is usually made of shungite, crushed stone, gravel, pebbles or quartz sand. The layer thickness must be at least 10 cm.

Shungite bottom filter device

Well disinfection

To purify the water in the well from harmful bacteria and microorganisms, the walls and bottom are disinfected at the last stage. The most common means for this is a bleach solution. After treatment, the well is covered with a tight lid and a tarpaulin, and left in this form for 48 hours.

Advice. Before disinfecting a block with a chlorine solution, it is advisable to consult with specialists about its amount for a specific volume of liquid.

After disinfection, the water from the well must be pumped out several times until the smell of bleach completely disappears. Usually two or three cycles are enough for this.

Precautionary measures

Cleaning a well is not the safest activity, so you should follow some rules while doing it.

  • You can't work alone. Find at least one assistant who will help you and provide insurance from above.
  • For equipment, you need to choose waterproof and comfortable clothing, fishing or wader boots, and protect your head with a helmet. Also required elements are a safety belt and a cable.
  • You should make sure that there are no harmful gases in the well shaft. The easiest way is to light the wick at the bottom. If the flame burns, it means you can work.
  • If there is a large amount of silt at the bottom, you cannot stand in one place for a long time - the viscous medium can suck your feet.

Important! Only strict adherence to safety rules and the responsible approach of your assistants will allow you to clean the well without any negative consequences.

If you want to clean a well from sand, silt, and pathogenic microorganisms, but are not eager to do this process yourself, then you can contact a specialized company that will quickly and professionally carry out the work, providing you with an absolutely clean well.

If the only source of water at your dacha is a well, then it should be protected and protected from all kinds of contamination. Even if every effort is made to protect it, it is impossible to completely avoid contamination. But there are many ways to clean a well.

There are many factors that indicate that it is time to clean your well. In order to achieve the best results when performing this work, it is important to know the cause and root of the problem. There are several signs:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • color;
  • the presence of impurities, etc.

The most common problems:

Problem Consequences and causes
Silting As a result, the liquid becomes cloudy. Clay and sand deposits are observed at the bottom
Oil film Sign of petroleum products. The reason may be depressurization of the mine
Rusty water This is explained by the large amount of iron in the liquid.
Bacteria When water from a source is rarely used, bacteria grow in it. The cause may be household waste that has fallen into the mine, such as animals/birds, etc.
Unpleasant smell One of the reasons is sewage infiltration
Green water The cause may come down to algae. Germinate when exposed to large amounts of sunlight
Muddy water In most cases, the reason for this is a failed bottom filter.

Cleaning is also required when you notice a decrease in the fluid level. In almost all cases, this work can be done independently, without the involvement of specialists.

How often will it be correct?

Ideally, once a year. The spring season is predominantly chosen.

Advice: even if you don’t experience any of the signs listed above, preventive cleaning will get rid of possible problems.

Regardless of whether you carry out preventive maintenance or routine cleaning of the source, it should be done on time, when the snow has completely melted. Otherwise, there is a risk that the drained liquid will return to the source through the high water.

Methods for cleaning a mine in a country house from silt and dirt

There are two main methods:

  1. To go down.
  2. Don't go down.

In the first case, serious precautions must be taken to complete the work. But you can achieve a better result, because you can really see what is happening at the bottom of the source.

Second way - safe method. To solve the problem, special pumping and other equipment is used.

Safety precautions

Carelessness can be fatal for a worker. There are a number of measures you should definitely take:

  • You should not do the work yourself: at least three people.
  • When descending into a mine, a safety rope attached to the belt must be used.
  • Before starting, make sure there are no gases.
  • If tools fall from above, the worker below must press as tightly as possible against the wall. Moreover, work should be carried out wearing a protective helmet.
  • It is unacceptable to stand at the bottom of a well at one point for a long time.
  • You should not cleanse those who have heart problems.
  • The ladder used must have a platform at the bottom and be securely hooked to the top with a rope.
  • Use reliable equipment, including a bucket, rope, etc.

Common mistakes:

  • Before starting work, you did not check the strength of the cable; the lifted bucket may break.
  • Failure to determine the cause of siltation of the bottom. For example, if sand is present, the rings should be checked for integrity. Otherwise, sand can be pumped out endlessly.
  • If the source is standing, then rapid pumping of sand will lead to subsidence of the mine. A rupture and seal failure may occur.

Manual cleaning: what needs to be prepared?

Prepare the following tools, materials and clothing in advance:

  1. Safety rope.
  2. A long staircase. Instead, you can use a rope swing with a board tied at the bottom.
  3. Durable bucket.
  4. Metal brush.
  5. Cable for lifting a bucket.
  6. Cable for lifting and holding a ladder.
  7. Slings.
  8. Drum for raising water.
  9. Winch.
  10. Rubber boots.
  11. Helmet.
  12. Protective waterproof overalls.

A complete set of everything you need will allow you to carry out the work quickly and efficiently.

The process of cleaning a mine made of concrete rings with your own hands

Let's take a closer look at how to do this correctly, without using a pump. All work consists of several successive stages, such as:

  1. Pumping out.
  2. Inspect and clean the bottom filter.
  3. Analysis and repair of joints between reinforced concrete rings.
  4. Mine cleaning.

The first step is to solve the pumping problem. The easiest way is to use a pump. If it is missing, then pumping is done with buckets. Very long and labor-intensive process. In the latter case, a winch and a drum are installed to lift the buckets.

Advice: This work should be done alternately, because one person will have a serious load. It is important to reach the conveyor so that the liquid is continuously pumped out.

You can pump out liquid with a pump within a couple of tens of minutes, but the same work using buckets will require several hours.

On next stage The walls of the shaft are being cleaned. Place it in and secure it. You need to start working from top to bottom.

For cleaning, a metal brush or some kind of scraper is used; some use a hoe. Very convenient as they have a long handle.

Having cleaned the walls of the shaft, it is necessary to begin cleaning the bottom of the well. First, sand, silt, dirt, etc. are scooped out using buckets. Once you fill it, you give a signal to remove it. Gradually the bottom will be cleared of silt and other contaminants. The condition must be checked. If necessary, it can be replaced or the existing one washed.

The condition of each seam between the reinforced concrete ring should be inspected. If there are cracks or the existing mortar is peeling off, then you should completely remove the old putty, prepare a new mortar and seal the joints with it. Also everything is covered waterproofing material, which is allowed in direct contact with clean water.

At the end of the work, the entire mine is disinfected. You can use ten percent bleach and a bucket of water. Having mixed them, you simply coat the walls with this composition. In this way, disinfection occurs, and all existing microorganisms will simply die out.

How to clean clay without going down into it?

A special self-priming pump is used. Difficulties may arise when performing work, as layers of gravel, sand, and crushed stone form at the bottom. If the well is not cleaned in a timely manner, these layers will become compacted among themselves. A high-power pump is required that can quickly pump out liquid.

Important: if you use a weak pump, you can provoke even greater contamination of the well. Moreover, the device itself will simply burn out under heavy load.

The work begins with the following:

  1. Lower the pump to the bottom for cleaning.
  2. It dives to a distance from the bottom to one meter, maybe half a meter.
  3. Then the pump turns on and the dirt is pumped out.
  4. Afterwards, the liquid from the pump should be directed back into the shaft. The jet will break up all sediments at the bottom.

It is extremely important to lift the device to the surface from time to time in order to clean the filters. The process is repeated until clear liquid comes out or until no large inclusions remain.

Before disinfecting water in a well, you can take it to the laboratory for testing.

Advice: A grab bucket can be used to automate the process.

Features of using a grab bucket

A grab is a structure consisting of two buckets. In the center they are connected by oblong-shaped hinge levers. A chain or cable is attached to the edges of the buckets, which will pull to close the grab bucket. It will be good if it is light in weight.

Using a grab bucket completely eliminates the need to go down into the mine yourself. Its use will allow you to lift silt, sand and other dirt from the bottom of the source. The work can be done virtually alone, but it will be easier with assistants.

Before using it, the liquid must be completely pumped out. Then the work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The grab bucket is suspended by a cable.
  • During descent, silt is captured (due to its falling under its own weight).
  • Then pull the cable and the buckets will close. A locking ring is installed to prevent them from opening when lifted.
  • Next, the grab is lifted by a cable to the surface.
  • The buckets open. All trapped silt, sand and the like are removed from them.

This tool is considered optimal for cleaning the bottom of a well.

Disinfection, cleaning products

There are several disinfection methods that can be used to disinfect water in a well.


The volume of whiteness should be calculated based on one can per ring. After treating all the walls of the shaft with this solution, you should leave it for a day. The head must be covered with plastic film.

Advice: When disinfecting a home well using bleach or chlorine, be sure to buy protective gloves and a respiratory respirator.

After a day, all accumulated liquid should be pumped out. If necessary, you can pump it out several times during the week.

Potassium permangantsovka

Simple potassium permanganate will allow for high-quality disinfection country wells with drinking water. One tablespoon of potassium permanganate is needed per bucket. Dilute it by mixing thoroughly. Pour the entire product into a source to clean it of bacteria. Afterwards you need to wait about two hours, closing the head. After the time has passed, pump out the water. You can pour it into the garden; this composition will be beneficial for the soil.

Bleaching powder

If the liquid in the source has been contaminated with bacteria or contaminated with organic matter, then a bleach solution is used. One liter of water requires 20 milligrams of bleach.

After adding this chemistry to the source, leave it for six hours. After the time has elapsed, the liquid is pumped out twice. After one week, it is recommended to boil the water. Now you know how to disinfect the water in your well if it has been attacked by bacteria or organic matter.


Before you start cleaning the source with an iodine solution, you need to weigh the pros and cons. A number of researchers argue that this remedy has an excellent antibacterial effect. It destroys a large number of microorganisms and does not allow them to multiply. On the other hand, there is an opinion that iodine will make the liquid undrinkable.

If it is not possible to carry out complete disinfection, then this product is used to delay the completion of this work. So, one liter of water will require three drops. The entire composition is poured into the source. Iodine should increase.


There are many tablet products, mostly containing chlorine, for example “Ecobreeze”, “Septolite” and others. Their use is permissible only after preliminary cleaning of the source from all kinds of deposits on the bottom and walls of the shaft. The method of their use is indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer. By strictly adhering to it, you will be able to clean your source yourself and will understand how often this procedure is necessary.


The use of ultrasound and ultraviolet radiation refers to alternative way. Let us immediately note the high cost of this cleansing option. But the plus is that it is less labor intensive. Ultrasonic disinfection is performed only after preliminary cleaning of the shaft.

The disinfection process is carried out by a special unit, inside of which there is an ultraviolet lamp. It is worth noting that this technology does not change chemical composition liquids.

Preventative work

Potassium permanganate, iodine, or another drug described above can be used as prophylactic agents. Some tablets may also be used. But for this you need to read the instructions for their use.

What is the price?

If you are unable to cope with the task, you can contact specialized companies. Approximate prices in rubles:

  • cleaning a mine up to five rings deep - about 5 thousand;
  • repair and sealing of one seam - about 300;
  • waterproofing one seam - about 300;
  • source pumping – about 2.5 thousand;
  • disinfection with manganese – about 3 thousand.

In any case, the cost will be determined individually, because each case is unique (region, distance from the city, etc.). You can focus on these prices before contacting specialists. As for the work guarantee, it is approximately one year. This is true if the source is not used so intensively. If it is the main source of water, you will have to clean it twice a year.


So we looked at all the features of what you learned, all the ways to do this, what tools are used and how to make the work safe. By following all the tips and recommendations, you can cope on your own. From time to time, carry out preventive cleaning so that at one point it simply does not stop giving you clean water.

To consolidate the whole theory, we suggest watching the prepared video material at the end of the article. And if you have personal experience in this area, then share it by leaving comments at the end of the article. Your experience will help beginners.

Useful video


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