Detailed video instructions for beginners on airbrushing. How to paint with an airbrush? Airbrush lessons step by step

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People always strive to make the surrounding space beautiful and individual, so they paint facades and fences with drawings, and paint decorative items in unusual colors. For painting small areas You can take a paint can or a brush, but painting large surfaces with such methods will take too long. When decorating facades or fences, it is convenient to paint with an airbrush, which allows you to quickly create real masterpieces on the walls.

What is this device

Many, upon hearing an unfamiliar name, will be interested: “What kind of device is this? What is it for? How is it different from other tools used for drawing or painting?”

This device is similar to a spray gun, but has a different operating principle: produced under high pressure a jet of dye makes it possible to accurately paint over large areas.

Working with an airbrush allows you to paint walls in the interior of premises, decorate facades, fences, and decorate a car body. With its help, you can paint over large surfaces, draw thin, precise lines, creating amazing works.

Selecting an airbrush

Depending on what artwork planning, selecting an airbrush model. Most often, inexpensive dyeing devices with a thin nozzle and needle are used. Such units are quite suitable for beginners. But those who plan to engage in airbrushing seriously should pay attention to the following when purchasing a device:

  1. The volume of the removable tank (the optimal capacity is 2 liters or a little more).
  2. Needle and nozzle seal ( the best option There will be Teflon seals).
  3. Nozzle diameter (it should not be less than 2 mm).
  4. Easily replaceable main parts (tank, trigger, air and material nozzles).
  5. Resistance of seals to the action of the reagents used.
  6. Availability of control over pressure and dye supply.

Airbrush device

Purchasing a tool taking into account all the characteristics will allow you to economically and efficiently paint on various surfaces.

When choosing, you should also pay attention to the method of supplying the dye and purchase the right option depending on the object to be painted:

  1. Single acting with pressure control function. The model is easy to use, does not require special skills, and is suitable for beginners. It is not difficult to use: when you press the trigger, the coloring substance is sprayed in an even layer, and the supply pressure is regulated using a trigger (special valve). As a rule, these models are purchased for. The disadvantage of this device is the inability to draw fine lines, small elements.
  2. Single action with dye supply control. This airbrush differs from the first option only in the ability to change the density of the applied layer of paint or spray it onto the surface using an aerosol. Using various techniques, you can draw quite complex elements with this unit. Most often, this particular model is purchased for decorating interiors, painting facades or fences with simple designs, and painting small decorative objects.
  3. Double action with or without needle. This is an expensive professional option with a lot of features for those who plan to paint serious pictures on walls or cars. This model allows the artist to easily control the supply of dye and the power of the air jet during work using a trigger, and the position of the needle regulates the supply of the composition. The same device without a needle can quickly and evenly paint a large area. As a rule, professionals opt for the option with a needle; all designer paintings are carried out using such units.

Choosing the right tool will make the work easier, save paint, and allow you to get an excellent result.

Paint selection

To decorate walls, you need to take paints intended for airbrushing, taking into account the type of base on which the design will be applied. The most common are the following compositions:

  1. Polyurethane on water based. Durable, quick-drying, able to withstand temperature changes. The compositions are hypoallergenic; you don’t have to use them when using them. protective equipment. Suitable for exterior or interior use.
  2. Acrylic water-soluble (sometimes white spirit or alcohol can be used as a solvent), suitable for any base. They can be used for decorating interior walls, painting facades, or applying designs to car bodies. These paints are easy to use, they apply evenly to the surface, dry quickly, are non-toxic, and do not require the use of a protective suit or respirator.
  3. Acrylic solvent. Diluted before use special solvent, as a rule, it is sold complete with concentrate. They are toxic - when working with them, you must use protective equipment. They are rarely used, as a rule, in private car repair shops.

Features of airbrush application

Conventionally, the process of creating airbrush painting can be divided into stages:

  1. Select a sketch. The drawing and its color design are thought out, and a sketch is created on paper.
  2. The area for work is being prepared.
  3. The paint with which the paint can is filled is selected.
  4. The selected surface is painted.
  5. Drying and fixing with varnish are carried out (not always done).

The surface is prepared for drawing on it, in the same way as for painting:

  • polished;
  • washes;
  • dried;
  • degreased with white spirit (you can use other alcohol-containing compounds, but this one is the most affordable).

After this preparation, you can start drawing.

Painting with an airbrush is not difficult, although for beginners it will take some time to acquire a certain skill. To get a high-quality result, you must follow three rules:

  1. Start spraying the coloring composition over a piece of cardboard or other unnecessary material. It happens that a newly refilled unit “spits”, spraying out clumps of paint, and this can ruin the whole job. It is enough to release a small stream onto waste material and then start drawing.
  2. The jet of paint should be applied with smooth, measured movements - this will help to avoid drips and unevenness when painting, especially when decorating walls or other vertical objects.
  3. You should not hold the painting device close to the surface - the paint layer will lie unevenly and drips will occur.

Having finished painting, you must immediately rinse the airbrush with solvent to remove any remaining paint, clean the needle and nozzle. The solution is selected depending on the composition of the dye.

For example, after using water-soluble products, you can simply rinse the instrument with water.

Little tricks when working

Once you figure out how to paint with an airbrush, you can create a picture on the wall or beautifully paint a fence. A few tips from the experts will help speed up the process and make it more convenient. These recommendations are suitable for both beginners and those who are not drawing on walls for the first time:

  1. When operating the painting device, it is advisable to hold it perpendicular to the surface. When applying a design to a horizontal plane, the paint spray angle should be greater than 45ᵒ. This technique will allow the dye to be evenly distributed.
  2. The intensity of coloring, thickness of lines, and quality depend on the distance between the device and the object of decoration. If you need to change this distance, then this should be done smoothly, without jerking.
  3. If leaks occur, do not eliminate them immediately. You need to wait until it dries, then carefully remove the excess paint with fine sandpaper, and then correct the drawing.
  4. To creative process happened faster, it is advisable to have several containers for different colors– this will speed up the process of changing colors. You no longer need to clean the tank additionally, just rinse the device and attach a container with a different shade of paint to it.

Using an airbrush you can a short time paint a large area, while the dye will be used sparingly, it will lie evenly on the base, and the drawing will turn out beautiful. By changing the supply of the mixture, using this device it is easy to create realistic, durable paintings on the walls.

Many of us have seen amazing painted walls and plates, but not everyone knows that this art is called airbrushing. And many people have a desire to learn this unusual, but very interesting business themselves. Now nothing is impossible. The Internet helps us find the necessary knowledge on almost any issue. So airbrushing lessons on video have become available to everyone.

Application of airbrush

Artists use an airbrush as their main tool, which is powered by a compressor. With its help, they apply paint to any surface.
Nowadays, airbrushing has become very popular. This wonderful technique visual arts Now they are used for painting textiles, creating body art, painting souvenirs, toys and dishes. Quite often it is used to decorate motorcycles and cars, paint walls and ceilings, furniture and household appliances.

What do airbrush lessons provide?

On the Internet today you can find a lot of unique sites that provide training materials on mastering airbrush techniques.

Even if you are not good at drawing, you have no special education, but you have a great desire to learn this difficult art form, then this can be done through airbrush lessons for beginners.

They will give you the following knowledge:

  • you will find out what equipment to buy and where it can be done with good discounts;
  • you will be taught how to choose a professional airbrush;
  • learn the principles of choosing a compressor to produce compressed air;
  • learn to choose paints for different surfaces;
  • learn everything about making sketches for drawings;
  • learn how to correctly transfer drawings to the selected surface, find out how many ways there are for this;
  • you will be taught how to prepare a particular surface.

Learn the intricacies of obtaining three-dimensional drawings, performing individual elements, applying shadows, obtaining smooth transitions from one color to another and much more, airbrush lessons for beginners on video will help you. This way you can see the techniques that the masters use visually.

There are videos that are provided free of charge. But detailed training courses that will make you a real professional (and for this, believe me, you need to know a lot) can be ordered on DVDs. Author's courses, of course, cost money! But if you don’t invest anything, you won’t get anything - this is a truth that you can’t argue with.

Online training

Some websites provide airbrush tutorials online. This unique opportunity for everyone who wants to gain basic knowledge and see it all in training videos. These amazing tutorials will impress anyone who wants to gain airbrush skills and learn how to paint various items, learn about unusual techniques and special effects. All this will be shown on real examples. Don't miss this opportunity!

To become a real airbrush master, desire alone is not enough. Good learning ability is required. If you easily understand all the materials that provide beginner lessons and training videos, then this is the case for you. Now we need to put the acquired knowledge into practice. Without it, you won't get off the ground. If you follow all the recommendations from the video courses, then you will definitely succeed!

The desire to emphasize uniqueness and individuality is a feature of any person. IN modern world, where serial production of a huge number of identical goods has been established, the problem of individuality becomes most relevant and acute.

With the help of accessories, decorative elements And various decorations people strive to stand out from the crowd and demonstrate their impeccable taste in everything: in clothing, in the renovation and interior of their own home, in choosing and decorating their own car. If you want your car to be easily recognizable and original, you will probably be interested in how to learn airbrushing.

What is airbrush?

Airbrush – visual arts, which is becoming increasingly popular due to its accessibility and effectiveness. With the help of an airbrush, an artist can transform appearance car. Even the simplest economy class car can turn into a real masterpiece in the hands of an experienced artist.

The art of airbrushing in capable hands is amazing. No wonder everyone more people want to emphasize the uniqueness of their style by decorating own car original painting. Using this technology, you can reproduce any drawing, photograph or sketch on a metal surface.

Realistic and three-dimensional paintings of various subjects become worthy decoration for any brand of car. In addition, the original design will help protect your car from theft. It is known that criminals avoid stealing clearly recognizable cars with noticeable distinctive features.

Is it possible to do airbrush painting with your own hands?

The easiest way to decorate a car is to contact a professional studio. They will be able to make a drawing of any complexity, but it will cost a lot of money. Professional airbrushing is not a cheap pleasure. That is why many people want to learn how to learn airbrush in order to save on the work of craftsmen and learn how to apply beautiful drawings on one's own.

Learning the basics of airbrushing is not as difficult as it seems. You can pay for courses where they will show you the basic techniques of work, or you can learn from ready-made books and master classes.

If you are already good at drawing, educational literature will help you master new technology pretty quickly. In order to start practicing airbrush painting techniques, you need to purchase the appropriate tools.

It is necessary that the airbrush has an outlet diameter of 0.2-0.4 mm. After purchasing the device, check the serviceability of the compressor, since the uniformity of paint application will depend on it.

What does an airbrush consist of?

The main components of the airbrush are the body, the air and paint supply button, the nozzle with protection, the needle, the paint tray, pressure regulators, and the compressor for air supply. As mentioned above, a compressor is something without which the airbrush cannot function normally, so it is important that it is of high quality.

Drawing technique

It is necessary to practice the drawing technique on thick cardboard, plastic or a sheet of enameled metal. You should only start applying a pattern to the surface of your car if you are confident in the quality of your work. If you doubt whether you can accurately transfer the sketch to the car body, use a stencil. Stencils are a fail-safe way to transfer the outlines of any image onto the desired surface.

Airbrush technology is quite simple. The thickness of the lines depends on the distance at which the airbrush is located from the surface. If you want to paint halftones, the distance to the surface should be about 50mm. In this case, the paint will be sprayed over a larger area, the lines will be fuzzy and blurry.

What does it consist of? Any master will tell you that the basis of any drawing are lines and dots. To start, you need to practice drawing simple lines on paper or cardboard. After you learn how to make lines of varying thickness and saturation, move on to more complex shapes.

What not to do?

Do not touch the airbrush needle to the surface as this may ruin the design. Also, do not shake the airbrush while working.

You need to learn how to regulate the supply of dye. If there is too much paint, the drawing will be ruined.

How to prepare the car?

The art of airbrushing cannot be rushed. Before starting work, you must carefully prepare the surface. The quality of the finished drawing will depend on this. The surface of the car must be cleaned using a quality detergent and then dry well. All irregularities are removed, and the surface intended for drawing is degreased and sanded.

Why is it necessary to sand the surface of a car? Using a special fine-grained paste and grinder you can polish upper layer paint so that the nitro paint from the airbrush does not mix with it and fits better on the prepared surface. Before applying the design, be sure to clean the body of debris and dust. Remember that high-quality surface preparation will help you make truly beautiful, uniform and high-quality airbrushing.

IN modern life everyone tries to stand out, show their imagination and express themselves. For car owners, this means tuning, modernization, and most importantly, airbrushing.
Not only professional artists can paint cars and walls with an airbrush.

Lessons for beginners

An artistic painting on the surface of cars, computers, phones, household appliances and even fabrics. The history of art began at the end of the 19th century, but reached Russia by the end of the 20th, but today domestic artists are in no way behind foreign ones.

Artistic painting is carried out using special devices, brushes and paints. The airbrush apparatus is called an airbrush and consists of needles, nozzles and springs. But not everything is as scary as it seems at first glance. For car enthusiasts who want to master this art, there are books on airbrushing that describe in detail the features of the painting technique.

This drawing technique has both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of airbrushing:

  • The uniqueness of the design, the ability to express the ideas and desires of the car owner with high precision. You will remain confident that no one has such a second drawing;
  • Protecting the body surface with several layers of varnish is applied to the finished drawing. This provides the car with protection from scratches, durability of the coating and the ability to correct minor defects yourself by polishing the coating;
  • It is difficult to steal such a car, since the design makes it more noticeable and memorable to passers-by;
  • Caring for the pattern is simple; just regularly polish the surface using protective mixtures.

Airbrushing is not the best cheap option car body decorations

We can't help but mention the downsides. Disadvantages of painting;

  • Expensive. Prices for drawings vary due to the complexity of execution, but painting remains a luxury and an infrequent occurrence these days;
  • Restoring airbrushing is a complex process that requires the work of an experienced artist. Therefore, in the event of an accident, restoration of a car with a pattern will cost a pretty penny.

There are fewer disadvantages of airbrushing than advantages, which is why it is so popular artistic painting. Let's study the basics of airbrushing and understand the intricacies of this matter.

Where to begin

And the process of artistic painting begins with your idea and decision to apply the drawing. Look for painting options on the Internet, look at ready-made pictures for airbrushing, create a version of the drawing in your thoughts so that you know approximately what you want to get in the end.

For example, airbrushing on a red background looks good with a painting of orange and yellow flowers, and black and white designs for airbrushing are chosen by the owners of gray, black and white cars, which allows you to create a discreet but effective image.

For airbrushing you will need special tool and paints

Once you have realized your desires, you need to choose a service where the work itself will be carried out. There are many ways to choose. Some follow the advice of friends, others learn through online reviews. But no matter how you find the right workshop, you need to personally verify the professionalism of the craftsmen and the condition of the studio. The leading indicator of the well-being of the service is the presence of a painting chamber, which serves as a dryer for the car. Often specialists can do without it, but it will take more time for airbrushing and will affect the quality of the drawing.

Please note that work on a vehicle takes a minimum of two weeks, and exact date depends on the complexity of the drawing and may increase from month to month.

Having decided on the design and service, it's time to work closely with the artist who works on your car. At this stage, sketches for modeling are created. You will receive a three-dimensional model of a car with a printed pattern that will convey the features of the painting and allow you to see highlights, shadows, and tints. You won’t be able to see a 100% result in advance, but thanks to modeling you will get the closest possible version appearance auto. Try to make your own adjustments, consult with a master - all this will help improve the drawing.

Having corrected it, it is sent to the service for washing, cleaning and polishing. This is necessary so that during the process of applying the pattern on the body there is no small debris and dust, due to which the painting will deteriorate in a couple of months.

After this, the car must be matted. Many people think that this word means complete removal of paintwork, but this is not so. Using special means with solid particles, they are applied to the surface of the car. small scratches, which the human eye will not notice. But thanks to these scratches, the pattern adheres to the surface of the car and is firmly fixed.

It is better to practice airbrush painting on unnecessary sheets of metal

It should be noted that airbrushing is available for all body types, so everyone can transform their car.

After matting, the car is sent to the artist, who applies the design to the surface. It is not necessary to be present during the painting, but it is better to control the process; if you want to correct the drawing during work, this will only be possible in the presence of the car owner.

How to paint with an airbrush?

But if you creative person or don’t want to trust your car to services, it’s time to learn the art of airbrushing yourself. To master artistic painting techniques, you need to understand how to work with an airbrush and what this tool is.

  1. A nozzle is a part necessary to adjust the diameter of the lines applied to the coating of the machine. With its help, you can draw thin lines with an airbrush, but this skill is not so easy to master.
  2. A tank is a container for paints that are used to apply a design.
  3. Needle – regulates the flow of paint. Some models do not have a spray option.
  4. The lever regulates the air supply.
  5. The adjusting screw helps control the air pressure.
  6. The air valve supplies air through the nozzles.
  7. Handle that can be removed.

Advice. Beginning artists are recommended to use an airbrush with the tank at the top. This model is not so perfect, but it is convenient for practicing painting. When purchasing materials, pay attention to those that are easy for a beginner to work with.

Even with an inexpensive airbrush you can create a masterpiece

A beginner should not purchase expensive accessories for airbrushing. Most expensive devices are designed for creating complex paintings that a novice artist cannot repeat.

Beginners are all about non-contact. Do not allow the nozzle to come into contact with the coating and hold the tool at a 90° angle to the surface, then the airbrush design will turn out neat. Before starting work, you need to connect the airbrush to the compressor with a hose and blow out the nozzle. After each paint change, repeat the solvent flush to prevent paint mixing.

When choosing a painting, pay attention to simple airbrush designs. You shouldn’t try to paint on a car right away - try the airbrush on household appliances or other hard surfaces.

Applying airbrush yourself

The airbrush needs adjustment before painting.

After studying the theory and gaining initial skills, airbrush drawings for beginners should be made more complex. The first option is gradient - smooth transition shades one into another. You won’t be able to acquire the skill of this painting right away; you need to study special books and materials for artistic painting. Airbrushing on paper will help you understand how colors blend correctly and what needs to be done to achieve this.

Beginning artists believe that it is enough to darken distant objects and lighten near ones. But this effect only works if the object being drawn does not cast glare. Otherwise, it is necessary to apply two lines of different shades to the surface and spray the coloring composition from different distances, placing layers on top of each other.

It is carried out according to the same principle. To get a dark shade, the airbrush is brought closer to the surface, and to get a light shade, the tool is moved away.

But in general, implementing ideas and drawings for airbrushing is not easy. To get an attractive painting, you need to study art manuals and drawing reference books. And a couple more tips for beginners in this art.

Airbrush for beginners requires at least basic drawing skills on paper. It's better to start your creativity with geometric shapes, which are easier to repeat from paper to a hard surface.

Buy everything for airbrushing in one store or studio. They will help you choose everything you need and give you tips to get started.


It is worth noting that the art of airbrushing is gaining momentum in the modern world, but there are not many real masters of this craft. Therefore, it is never too late to learn artistic painting, and most importantly, it is not necessary to have talent in this matter. If you have a desire to learn and improve, then all doors are open to you. Good luck in your endeavors!

Airbrush for beginners is about the same as painting lessons at an art school. There are many, many similarities in creating a drawing and a huge gap for those who want to master an airbrush, after a pencil and a brush. Thus, for those who have just decided to learn airbrushing, the entire subject can be divided into three basic components:

  • Car painting technology (paints and solvents, surface preparation, tools, etc.).
  • Specifics related to the use of an airbrush (the ability to quickly and accurately create the intended composition).
  • The artistic component (creating a drawing on paper, finalizing it in practice).

A mistake many people make when trying to airbrush is mixing all three together. Airbrushing is local or complete painting of a car. All requirements for painting must be strictly observed, i.e. you need to have a correct understanding of painting technology and use it in practice. The artistic component may not be useful at all, but if we consider it as a separate practice, then it is worth looking for lessons on the pages of the relevant books. Remains...
If you don't know how to learn airbrushing, just grab an airbrush and follow the exercises below one by one. To do this, you will need any available surface and well-diluted paint. It’s better not to stop at an expensive instrument and take mediocre a compressor and a cheap Soviet A4 airbrush from auction (the quality is comparable to Chinese ones, but it breaks less often). There are special paints for airbrushing, but in order to learn how to paint, you can take any paints, including acrylic ones, and dilute them to the desired state.

Usually it is enough to dilute a third of its volume into a can of paint, i.e. 3/4 of the paint requires 1/4 of a suitable solvent (see instructions for the paint). The first tests will prompt further adjustment of the thickness: properly diluted enamel should not block the nozzle, but should cover the surface without running off it. During and before work, it is advisable to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Before you start painting, you need to run the airbrush along a route without spraying paint - to rehearse the movement.
  • Hold the airbrush strictly perpendicular to the surface of the car or canvas.
  • Correct defects only after the paint layer has dried, including smudges.
  • Do not spray two layers onto one spot in one go, i.e. The path and the airbrush spray should not intersect.
  • Clean the airbrush with a solvent before and after finishing work (running the solvent without disassembling the tool).

Anyone, even the most complex drawing, consists of individual parts. The simplest of elementary particles are line and point. Accordingly, you need to start with this exercise – lines and dots. Airbrush for beginners is boring and monotonous line drawing different thicknesses, lines parallel or in a certain combination with each other, for example, under equal angle to adjacent lines.

Dozens of sheets are painted in this way, and automatic movement is developed. It is important to learn how to maintain the intended proportions, and this requires a way to measure these proportions. Therefore, those who want to learn airbrushing are often advised to draw parallel lines - in such a combination it is easy to track hand fluctuations, changes in thickness, etc. However, you don’t have to limit yourself to this: you can draw circles, squares, and complex combinations of lines.

You need to hold the instrument with both hands (leading and supporting), while the upper body is relaxed. The hands remain motionless relative to the instrument - movement is carried out by the elbows and shoulder muscles. Uniformity of movement and a constant distance to the surface are important (thin lines - 3-4 cm). During these exercises, you will have to learn to control the pressure on the trigger: its movement affects the nature of the spray. But it may turn out that in the selected airbrush model, adjustment is only possible by replacing the nozzle - the tool will be suitable for the first experiments, but in the future it is better to purchase a double-action airbrush.

In order to learn how to create a smooth transition (light gradation), you can use the following exercise. Draw two lines, each of which has its own shade, and by spraying from different distances and gradually overlapping these sprays, try to create a transition between these lines. A light shadow is an airbrush far from the surface, a dark shadow is close.

Most people who have just become acquainted with airbrushing try to create volume by darkening that part of the depicted object that is further away. This technique can be used to image objects that do not reflect light, but in reality the path of light is much more complicated. Information about the reflection of light can be found in a reference book on still lifes or in the engravings of medieval engravers, who painstakingly depicted the transitions of light and shadow on real and abstract objects.

After the gradations begin to turn out reasonably well, you can try to transfer a simple image onto paper. For the first experiments, it is better to choose images of geometrically correct objects, the proportions of which are easier to understand. In reality, the transfer of basic proportions is carried out using stencils, but a well-developed eye is important for those who want to understand how to learn airbrushing and not give up after some offensive mistake.

First serious work

It takes a long time before a novice artist begins to correctly transfer lighting, shadows and highlights onto paper. In order to try your hand at a real car, you need to have examples of well-executed airbrushing on paper. It is necessary to constantly stir up your own interest in the matter, study your mistakes and photos of good works.

Videos on the topic of airbrushing for cars and motorcycles provide a good base, but you should only take equipment from such sources. good artists Even among professional airbrush artists there are few (which does not prevent them from earning a living), so the basics of drawing (space, light, composition) need to be studied using special manuals or drawn with a pencil. Another way is to focus entirely on the craft, i.e. owning an airbrush. In this way, even with a complete lack of imagination and spatial vision, you can make good money. The main thing is to be able to use image editing programs.


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