Miroslav's full name. Interpretation and meaning

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Female name Miroslav was at the peak of popularity in the nineties of the twentieth century. Nowadays it is not so common, but the name is very beautiful and gives the girl a lot of positive qualities.

Origin of the name

The name Miroslava has Slavic roots and appeared in Kievan Rus. It was formed from male name Miroslav and has the following meanings:

  • “glorifying the world”;
  • "winner";
  • "famous for her love of peace."
Miroslava means “glorifying the world”

You are glorious in the world, Miroslava,
May success and glory await you,
Prosperity, great happiness,
Good luck and very good health.


Girls with this name can be found not only in Russia, but also in the Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine.

Name forms

Shortened versions of the name Miroslav: Mira, Slava.

Mira is the most popular abbreviation of the name Miroslav

Diminutive forms: Mirochka, Miroslavushka, Slavochka, Mirushka, Miroslavochka, Slavonka, Mirusik, Miroslavonka.

Related names are: Miroslavia, Mirra.

The name has no ecclesiastical version.

Transliteration of the name: MIROSLAVA.

According to the latest transliteration rules, the name Miroslav is written as MIROSLAVA

Patronymics combined with the name Miroslava: Kirillovna, Arkadyevna, Olegovna, Andreevna, Grigorievna.

Table: the name Miroslav in foreign languages

Name day

Miroslav's name is not in church calendar, so if you want to baptize a girl, you will need to choose a different name. There are several options for names that can be used for the ritual:

An interesting fact is that in Orthodoxy there was a saint with the name Miroslava, but when baptized in the church, girls are not given such a name.

There is very little information about Saint Miroslav of Constantinople, and an icon with her image is even more difficult to find than a life; Name days are celebrated on April 13 and October 25, but this is rarely indicated in Orthodox calendars

Characteristics and influence of the name

Mira has unique energy and great ambitions. She strives for independence and independence; to achieve her goals, she often chooses “unexplored” paths that no one has ever taken before. The girl is very sociable, able to find contact with anyone. Miroslava is a reliable, kind and sympathetic person; you can always count on her help.

Strong character and courageous,
You will complete the most difficult task in no time.
Who will come help us if there is trouble?
- So Miroslava! - we will always say.


Miroslava always strives to be independent and independent

A woman is responsible and never shifts her blame onto others. Those around her believe in her and follow her; her colleagues trust and respect her. Mira never leaves things unfinished; all her goals are successfully achieved. May be too harsh and straightforward, which, however, does not always become negative qualities. Miroslava is active and persistent, always proving her truth, often getting into long disputes.

Miroslava goes to the end in any task, she is used to relying only on her own strength

The girl prefers to be friends with men. He can reveal all his secrets and experiences to his closest friend. Sometimes she is arrogant with friends and family, which contributes to the loss of loved ones. Miroslava’s desire to show her uniqueness scares those around her away. Out of boredom, Mira may have a tendency to intrigue.

Miroslava has one close friend, often male, to whom she can trust her experiences

How does a name affect a child's character?

As a child, Mira is an active and persistent child; she can be stubborn and impudent. The girl prefers noisy, active games, does not like to play with dolls, she is more interested in boys' toys, which is why Miroslava is only friends with boys. Sometimes he takes part in fights, often defeating his opponent. Mira has a lot of physical and moral strength, she does not allow herself to be offended.

Botany lesson
Children study trees -
Willows, firs and alders,
They will recognize you in the park and in the forest!
Mira likes one thing
The tree is beautiful -
There's something familiar to her about him
Something very cute
It's in the name...
The tree is called myrtle,
What does Mira recognize in it?

Grosheva Ilona

Little Mira prefers outdoor games

Due to her explosive nature, Miroslava has problems with her performance at school. The child often quarrels with parents and teachers, the girl does not know how to compromise, defending her point of view to the last. Mom and dad cannot become authorities for their daughter, so she almost never fulfills their requests. Mira has a very difficult character; those around her consider her a difficult and uncontrollable child.

Miroslava has quarrels with teachers because of her explosive nature

With age, Miroslava becomes calmer, softer in communication, and begins to control her emotions. The girl directs all her energy to useful things: she plays sports, attends creative clubs and sections.

With age, Miroslava begins to direct her energy in the right direction, for example, to play sports

Mira still does not know how to negotiate with people, she always has her own opinion, which is difficult to change, and besides, she is still capable of insidious acts. Therefore, the girl has few friends, but for those she does have, Miroslava is a good friend, capable of supporting and protecting. She still prefers to be friends with representatives of the opposite sex. Young Miroslava has an independent, stubborn, willful character, intolerant of orders and a commanding tone.

Miroslava prefers to be friends with guys rather than girls

Hobbies and interests

Mira is not used to sitting still; she is constantly doing something. She doesn't like "quiet" hobbies such as embroidery or drawing. The girl prefers active hobbies: she likes to go hiking, rafting down rivers, climbing mountains, riding alpine skiing, to travel a lot.

Miroslava prefers active hobbies

Miroslava tries to get adrenaline from her hobby, so she often takes risks. May become interested in martial arts - karate, boxing. The girl likes to feel her strength and leadership.

Miroslava often practices martial arts

Profession and career

Miroslava is very active, tries to constantly learn something, and can do several things at the same time. The girl has many interests, so she will be able to realize herself in various fields activities. The desire to travel forces Mira to learn foreign languages, as a result of which she can become a good translator or flight attendant. This hobby also allows her to achieve success in tourism business.

Due to her frequent travels, Miroslava knows several foreign languages, which allows her to become a flight attendant or translator

A woman knows how to convince people that will help her in sales or advertising; and Miroslava’s creative nature will manifest itself perfectly in the profession of an actress. Possessing a strong character and physical strength allows Mira to achieve success in military service or coaching skills. The girl also has an entrepreneurial spirit and her own view of the world, so it is very difficult to break her, which, in turn, makes Miroslava invulnerable to business competitors. A woman makes a fair but strict boss.

Miroslava spends the money she earns on expensive cars, travel and quality clothes.

Miroslava never lacks finances; she always knows how to make money. The girl does not rely on anyone but herself; she achieves everything through hard work and perseverance. Mira spends her earnings on travel, cars and quality items.


Miroslava has had good immunity since birth, which ensures that the girl has no health problems. And leading a healthy and active lifestyle helps you have a toned figure and healthy skin.

Thanks to healthy image Miroslava's life has a slim figure and healthy skin

And here mental health The worlds depend on the people around them. A happy marriage and a successful career have a positive impact on nervous system girls, and problems in their personal life and work can weaken the immune system and cause depression.


There are always many fans around Mira; it takes her a long time to choose a worthy partner who would have a strong character and attractive appearance. The girl is beautiful and independent, so her chosen one should not yield to her in anything. Miroslava is in no hurry to get married, carefully choosing her life partner. The woman is very jealous, makes scandals for no reason, remembers insults for a long time, and is capable of revenge. But if he loves, he does it sincerely, surrenders completely to his feelings.

Miroslava carefully chooses her life partner; he should not be inferior to the girl in anything

Mira is also active in her intimate life and loves experiments. In relationships, he takes leadership into his own hands. She can provide not only for herself, but also for her partner, but she never marries someone like that.

Mira, you are a charm
I've been wanting to tell you for a long time,
I ask you to accept my confession,
That I love you alone forever.


Marriage and family

Mira gets married only after definitely deciding that her chosen one is the one, the one and only. It turns out good wife, bringing perfect cleanliness to the house. Sometimes the love of order develops into a real mania, making a girl meticulous and boring. But Miroslava does not like to cook; this activity seems monotonous and boring to her.

Miroslava strives for perfect order, which often develops into meticulousness and tediousness

A woman treats her husband with warmth, tenderness and care. If he can tolerate the quarrelsome nature of his wife and is devoted and faithful, then the marriage can become long-lasting and happy. Mira loves children, but will never sacrifice her career for them. Guests are always welcome in Miroslava’s house; noisy and cheerful parties are often held.

If Miroslava’s chosen one can withstand her difficult character, then the couple will be able to build a happy and long relationship

Table: name compatibility

Male nameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityNature of the relationship
Alexander70% 70% The main component of a couple is spiritual unity; lovers are interested in each other’s problems and are able to understand and support. Alexander and Miroslava value comfort and prosperity, love to travel together, and devote everything they have to being together free time.
Alexei50% 80% There can be no love at first sight here. In order for romantic feelings to appear between Alexey and Miroslava, they need to get to know each other well enough, to understand what their partner wants from life.
Andrey100% 100% The relationship between these two has all the components to call them an ideal couple. Andrey and Miroslava have common interests, they are interested in talking with each other, they both try to improve financial position families, and, of course, there is great love and affection between lovers.
Dmitriy70% 90% Miroslava and Dmitry really value loyalty, reliability and attentiveness in relationships, so they try to give all this to their partner. They love each other very much, spend all their free time together, care and worry. Both are monogamous, so they can count on a happy and strong marriage together. With the advent of children, care and tenderness extends to them.
Eugene90% 60% The relationship between Miroslava and Evgeniy is not particularly strong or reliable. The girl is the leader here who constantly suppresses her partner. She is not satisfied with almost every little thing in a man, and he, in turn, does not like the girl’s excessive spending. If lovers learn to listen to their chosen one, respect and value his opinion, then there is a chance for a long and happy relationship.
Konstantin100% 100% There is great and sincere love between Miroslava and Konstantin, although from the outside it seems that the man and woman are just friends. Partners are confident in each other, have the same life values and the same plans for the future.
Miron100% 100% We can say that Miroslava and Miron - perfect couple. They are interested in the same things, have common hobbies, love spending time together, try to provide for their family, and treat each other with care and respect. Partners believe that they have found their “soul mate.”
Novel80% 80% Roman is able to support Miroslava in any situation, this is what the girl really values ​​in her companion. And she, in turn, gives her beloved warmth and affection. But you shouldn’t think that partners require care; all this happens out of great love and desire. Among other things, they help each other with household chores, without delineating responsibilities at all.
Sergey70% 60% Miroslava and Sergey are a very ambiguous union. They have completely different ideas about life. The girl is used to spending a lot, and Sergey is inclined to save money, but for the sake of his beloved, the man is ready to work several jobs in order to provide her with everything she needs. In return, the girl gives her partner all the affection and tenderness.
Felix50% 80% For love to arise between Miroslava and Miroslava, the couple will need many meetings and long conversations. Partners get to know each other well and only after that can they understand that they have romantic feelings for each other.

Table: matches for the name Miroslav

Interpretation of the meanings of letters in a name

Each letter included in a person’s name gives him certain character traits:

  1. The letter M. Develops caring, shyness and a desire to help everyone in a girl.
  2. The letter I. Characterizes the personality as spiritual, sensitive, kind and peace-loving.
  3. Letter R. A woman is self-confident, brave, effective, sometimes too risky.
  4. Letter O. A person has deep sensitivity, tries to find his purpose, has good intuition, and knows how to handle money rationally.
  5. Letter S. A girl with this letter in her name has common sense, strives for material and mental stability, and is looking for her life path.
  6. Letter L. A woman subtly senses the beauty of the world, has artistic talents, and strives to share her knowledge with others.
  7. Letter A. A person who has this letter in his name constantly strives to move, tries to achieve mental and physical comfort.
  8. Letter V. A sociable person, loving and appreciating life, feeling a connection with nature, possessing many talents.

Miroslava is a caring, spiritual, sensual and self-confident girl

Characteristics of a name in accordance with the time of year in which a person was born

Winter endows Miroslava with stubbornness and contradiction. You will never hear the phrase “I can’t” from a girl; she makes every effort to achieve her goal until the last moment. Winter Mira tries to prove to others that nothing is impossible in life, the main thing is to have hard work and determination. A woman often falls in love, is very sensitive and vulnerable, needs support, care and love.

Spring Mira has a soft, gentle and affectionate character. She was used to staying at home, running the household, and receiving guests. The girl is not interested in noisy companies and long trips; she loves stability and a quiet existence. Miroslava, born in the spring, knows how to make friends, is incapable of betrayal, and is always ready to help. Treats men sincerely, builds strong and serious relationship.

Spring Miroslava loves to spend time in a quiet, homely environment

Miroslava, born in summer, has a sharp, assertive, impetuous character. A woman has a lot of energy, she is always busy with something, she prefers professions that involve a lot of business trips and communication with people. The girl is too straightforward, always openly expresses her opinion, which does not always reflect well on friendships and building a personal life.

Summer Miroslava has a lot of energy and is not used to sitting still and doing nothing.

Autumn Mira has diplomacy, prudence and pragmatism. The girl is a realist, never lives in fantasies, and easily copes with difficulties. She speaks little and listens more. Miroslava, born in autumn, loves herself and can be irritable. Attracts men with her inaccessibility and closedness.

Autumn Miroslava looks at the world realistically and easily experiences difficulties

Table: name horoscope

AriesThe girl is constantly looking for new experiences, loves adventure, has a good sense of humor, and knows how to communicate. She is popular with the opposite sex, sometimes trusts people too much and takes life lightly.
TaurusMira-Taurus is a very charming and attractive girl. She loves to be in cheerful companies, attracts attention to himself, always strives for new achievements, but does not have sufficient responsibility to achieve his goal.
TwinsThe woman is interested in many things and loves to travel. Values ​​freedom, seeks new experiences and emotions. It is difficult for a girl to build a successful career; she is used to relying on her chosen one.
CancerMiroslava-Cancer is a kind, sincere girl. She is ready to help everyone, will always listen and support. A woman is faithful and devoted, appreciates these qualities in people and cannot stand hypocrisy and lies. He chooses a strong and persistent person as his wife.
a lionThe girl does not like to communicate, her goal is to build a career. She dreams of becoming a boss, which she succeeds in doing. Mira-Leo easily achieves what she wants and does not give in to obstacles. Men like a woman because she has an interesting, unpredictable character.
VirgoMiroslava-Virgo has a strong character, independence, independence and perseverance. She is not used to sharing her problems, she does not like it when people interfere in her life, she always copes with her troubles herself.
ScalesThe woman has charm, politeness, tact, and does not like to enter into conflicts. Miroslava-Libra makes friends even in school years and is friends with them all her life, she is open and sincere with everyone, knows how to find contact with any person.
ScorpionIt is very important for a girl to realize herself in life, to gain stability in the professional and financial sphere. Mira-Scorpio has great ambitions, she is assertive, has great patience, and always goes to the end.
SagittariusMira-Sagittarius is friendly, devoted, and benevolent. This is a simple, calm woman, ready to help everyone around her. She does not tolerate scandals and intrigues, and has all the best qualities of a human character.
CapricornThe girl really needs care and support, she is waiting for a “prince” who will love, care for and win the heart of a woman. Sometimes Miroslava-Capricorn seems brave, but in reality she is a cowardly and indecisive person who is afraid of responsibility.
AquariusThe woman is bright, but insincere, loves to pretend. Tries to give the impression of being smart, honest and gallant, although she is not. Miroslava-Aquarius needs a man who can subjugate her.
FishMiroslava-Pisces is a calm, fearful, shy and naive girl who does not know how to trust people. She needs a male protector who will provide and care for Mira.

Photo gallery: famous personalities with the name Miroslava

Miroslava Karpovich - Russian theater and film actress Miroslava Duma - Russian journalist Miroslava Kotorovich - Ukrainian violinist
Miroslava Gongadze - Ukrainian journalist

Name Miroslava, given to the girl, grants her a happy fate. She is successful in her career, has many exciting hobbies, and knows how to gain popularity among others. The girl has many fans, from whom she chooses the most worthy one. Having got married, she becomes a faithful and happy wife.

Name Miroslava has Slavic roots and translated from the ancient language means “glorifying glory.” This is the feminine form of the male name Miroslav, consisting of two words “glorify, glorify” and “peace”.

Miroslava (Maria) Vladimirovna was the only daughter of Vladimir the Saint from his marriage to Princess Anna. In 1043, her brother Yaroslav married her to the King of Poland, Casimir I the Restorer. For Miroslava, he was given a lot of gold, silver and other jewelry, and Casimir, in turn, freed 800 Russian prisoners. In Poland, Miroslava converted to the Catholic faith under the name Mary.

Miroslava - character traits

The main features of a woman named Miroslava include activity, will, intuition and health. She has a difficult character and loves intrigue. It is simply impossible to convince Miroslava of anything; she does not succumb to the influence of others. Relies only on his own opinion, does not trust anyone and has excessive self-confidence. She has such a strong will that she is able to satisfy all her ambitions. He takes failures seriously and perceives them as a personal insult. He pays for all insults with the same coin.

Miroslava has a highly developed intuition and a practical mindset. In order to subjugate those around him to his will, he uses their sensitivity. Only towards someone who is truly dear to her is she able to show selfless and sincere sympathy. He carries out all his actions very energetically. He has few friends because he considers few people worthy of such a title. She is quite hospitable and knows how to carry on a conversation.

WITH early childhood Miroslava has a mischievous and stubborn character. Shows his persistence in every action. He not only loves to play with boys, but also to fight. He does not show much diligence in his studies, the reason for this is not a lack of ability, but a love of arguing with teachers.

Having matured a little, she becomes calmer, but just as stubborn. With age, Miroslava is more loyal to other people's opinions and can even sometimes admit that someone is right. She doesn’t argue so much over every trifle, she’s not so harsh, and she’s more pleasant in communication.

Miroslava is in no hurry to get married and in most cases starts a family much later than her peers. You can’t call her a homebody, especially since she doesn’t like to do household chores. For Miroslava, friendship with men is more preferable than with women.

Miroslava - name compatibility

In marriage, Miroslava will be happy with Arthur, Pavel, Gerasim, Trofim and Andronik. Not everything will be smooth with Boris, Gennady, Elisha, Igor and Claudius.

Miroslava - famous people who bore this name

The name Miroslav is among such celebrities as Karpovich, Shafrankova, Duma, Gongadze, Gorohovich, Kotorovich and Sopilka.

Miroslava - interesting facts about the name

- planet named - Jupiter;
zodiac sign– Sagittarius;
- tree - hornbeam;
- color - crimson;
- treasured plant - red carnation;
- talisman stone - carbuncle;
- the patron of the name is the golden eagle.

Name options: Slava, Mira.

Diminutives: Mirushka, Slavochka, Mirka, Mirochka, Miroslavochka, Miroslavushka and Slavushka.


Yana 12/25/2016

I named my daughter Miroslava! My beauty is still 1.9, but her character was already visible at birth. How this girl fought for herself, for her life (we had a very difficult birth and then a hospital). I decided on a name immediately after giving birth (I another option).Because I wanted her to have additional strength to fight! And what can I say, it’s a beautiful and unusual name!)) and goes well with the surname and patronymic) And my daughter won’t blame her for calling it a simple name: “Yana herself, and me?!”)))))) Stubborn she is very! Although I’m already figuring out how to get around it) Just like my mother, i.e. I’m still a gift in this matter))) so I don’t know what to “sin” with: name or genes). But stubbornness with brains, as experience shows, is always only a plus!))
Good luck everyone:)

Elena 11/30/2016

Error in name meaning. Probably not glorifying glory, but glorifying the world?

Elena 11/30/2016

Miroslava, what about Mirka the hole?))))))) The rhyme is magnificent))

Miroslava 05/19/2016

I agree with almost every paragraph! I’ll be honest - there was business, stubbornness, ambition, and friendship in parallel with fights with boys, and at school I fought with teachers! And, of course, there were intrigues, let’s not be a prude, who in high school did not share their place in the sun with their peers! My character is very strong, no one has broken me, my intuition, as described, is developed, that is, that is. It was a pleasant surprise that I had a happy marriage with Arthur - my father is Arthur, my patronymic is Arturovna, I have an amazing relationship with my dad, I love him like no one else in the world! Indeed, if I love with all my heart, I’m ready to do anything for the sake of a person, this has been the case with my dad since childhood! There are few friends, but all those who have gone through fire, water and copper pipes with me. I really don’t forgive insults, and yes, I pay with the same coin. Strong-willed by nature strong character, even at school, the headmistress advised me to pursue a military career, saying that you were born to be a warrior, but you chose the path of a doctor - an equally responsible profession that requires maximum dedication. I got married at 22. Not too late, not too early. I love to cook, and even more so to treat guests. In everyday life it’s 50/50: sometimes I frantically wash everything and lick it, sometimes I beat my thumbs, and no one can force me to do anything. It is what it is, it is what it is. You shouldn’t lie and embellish yourself, Friends, they say “I don’t like intrigue” or “it’s bad that she’s too self-confident”, that’s V.V. If Putin was not confident in himself, but was a mumbler, then what would happen to Russia in that case? 🙂 We must accept ourselves as we are, but remain self-critical so that there is always room for self-improvement! Good luck, kindness, peace and warmth to everyone!
Best regards, Miroslava

Miroslava 05/15/2016

called grandma)) I’m very grateful to her for this, really! It’s very rare, so you call “Aaaaaaaa” and turns around 20 Mash, and you call “Miroooosya” and oops, and I’m the only one))))) I completely agree with the character! True, she was an excellent student at school, but she argued with the teachers, and her parents were called to school more than once. I have a fairly bright personality, but I’m a homebody! I’m very stubborn and lively)) But I’ll never be lost;) My parents are absolutely calm about me. Regarding my career, I Chief Editor popular magazine, so judge for yourself! Call your daughters Miroslava at school, in kindergarten, no one has ever been nicknamed anything, they can’t find a rhyme, and they won’t! In general, I love my name; it’s original, sophisticated, elegant)


The female name Miroslava today is no longer as popular as it was in the 90s, but it still appears occasionally. It has good significance, promises excellent compatibility, and has a positive effect on the fate of the girl named by it at birth...

History and origin of the name

The meaning of the name Miroslava

The ancient Slavic name Miroslava comes from a combination of words in the phrase “peace and glory.” The meaning of the name Miroslava, coupled with origin, gives rise to a nature with which it will not always be easy for a girl to get along in our harsh and cruel world. From an early age her character will be exemplary best qualities. This is a little girl with a kind soul, sympathetic, cheerful, friendly, but also trusting, which will play a cruel joke on her in the future, moreover, more than once.

Parents should not worry while she is small, and they won’t have to. Obedient, caring, attentive and responsible, loves to help her mother around the house, shows affection and tenderness, which not everyone possesses. He learns everything quickly, prefers spending time in the company of peers and hates loneliness. She spends most of her time outside or pursuing hobbies (she has a lot of them). She is easy to educate, loves to study, and in the future, if she is directed in the right direction, she will turn out to be an exemplary student.

School years are not easy - she loves to study, carries out all the tasks of teachers with due responsibility, is not lazy, is hardworking and sociable. Her minus is gullibility, which will work against her. Classmates and friends will often take advantage of her good nature and responsiveness, her willingness to help and support free of charge. Parents should worry in advance about instilling in her the quality that allows her to distinguish between sincerity and falsehood. Teachers admire such a student, and this is a fact, but this will cause envy among many of those closest to her. This is an adorer of creative sciences, art and everything from which you can get new emotions, and a hater of exact sciences and subjects that require strong mental effort.

At an older age, she will turn into too serious and sensitive. This name for a newborn initially gives responsiveness and openness, but in the future these qualities will intensify, and in combination with other traits they will completely turn into a “killer mixture”. Not only is she serious and responsible, attentive and ready to help, but she is also straightforward. And plus, she is quick-tempered - she first accumulates resentment in herself, and then “pours out” everything that has accumulated on the person who has fallen under the “hot hand”. In general, she is conflict-free, and tries to end any conflict with ordinary reconciliation, even if she has to take the blame on herself where there is simply none.

A grown lady will be so hardworking that she will sacrifice for career growth even personal female happiness. He will choose a profession that is related to travel and communication with people. She loves to relax in nature, appreciates everything that gives positive emotions and new impressions. He wants to develop endlessly, and with a little stagnation he can plunge into depression, forgetting even about all the important things.

It’s also not easy in her personal life - she is in demand among members of the opposite sex, but her relationships are not something to be emulated; in them she prefers to lead and dominate. And also, he is afraid of losing independence, which leads to separation at the same moment when a trend towards marriage is noticed.

Are you interested in the meaning of the name, character, fate of a person named Miroslava? In this article we will provide you with answers to your questions.

Miroslava: exact specification person with this name. What kind of life awaits a girl, girl, woman with that name?

Origin and meaning of the name Miroslav

Name Miroslava. Origin and meaning of the name

Do you want to know where the name Eva came from, origin and meaning? Below you will get the answer.

The Slavic name Miroslav consists of two parts “peace” and “glory”, so the name can be translated in different ways: “glorifying peace”, “glorified by love of peace”.

The male name is Miroslav. The diminutive title Mira is also an independent name.

What kind of character might the girl Miroslava have?

The main characteristic of the name Miroslav is a strong and firm character. Having matured, she tries not to show it, but remains just as stubborn and independent. Despite the pros and cons of her character, you will be pleased to be surrounded by her.

He will learn to admit that he is wrong only in adulthood. Masculine character traits make her uncomfortable during communication. But they are invaluable for conquering career heights.

Miroslava is quite arrogant, but this does not spoil her one bit. Mira is very active and will try to take part in everything. There is no unnecessary pity or compassion in her. Mira is distinguished by her willpower and inflexibility.

Usually her hobbies are skiing, cycling, and snowboarding. Learn to find mutual language with people when he stops arguing over trifles. Self-control and self-control will help Slava make many new friends. Mira strives to make a strong friendship with someone. I am ready to unselfishly come to the aid of a person if I deem it necessary. She loves to travel around the world, learn about culture and meet local people. If you are friends with Mira, then you will always be interested in listening to her.

What is the character of a child named Miroslava? As a child, girls make a lot of noise. She feels calm in the company of boys, but not only can she play quietly with them, but she can also take part in a fight. Rarely can boast of success at school. And it's not that she doesn't have the ability to do this, most likely it's just because of her harmful nature. She will not listen to her parents and often starts arguing with teachers.

Intrigue is Miroslava's love. He often resorts to them when he wants to achieve heights. Based only on his opinion. Alien things are not of great interest to her. She will satisfy all her ambitions thanks to her great willpower. Her offenders always get what they deserve, since Mira will always take revenge.

Fame will always strive for financial freedom. For material well-being she will not spare either health or strength.

In his free time, he tries to go for a run or just take a walk in the park. Relaxing in front of the TV is definitely not for her. Movement and adrenaline are of enormous importance to her.

Miroslava doesn't need additional motivation, she always strives to improve her results in the profession or in sports, she wants to be the best. A large amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, hard work makes her an excellent worker who is responsible for her actions. She is a true professional in her field. Quite often, they often create a wonderful career. It is easier for her to achieve this as an adult, when she learns to get along with people.

She has few friends, since she prefers male company and, accordingly, chooses her friends from a circle of men. She is neutral towards compliments from the opposite sex, but she values ​​and cherishes true friendship. She will not be able to pass by a person who is feeling bad; if she understands that she can help with something, she will definitely do everything possible.

Housekeeping and other women's affairs are not to the liking of the active Miroslava. As soon as the opportunity arises, she leaves somewhere.

Miroslava is not a supporter of early marriage. She will try to get married as late as possible. Only some women with this name are distinguished by their gentleness and thriftiness. They make excellent housewives. Despite their early marriage, they are always happy in it.

What fate awaits Miroslava?

Characteristics of the name Miroslav, features of the character and fate of Mira

The name Miroslava, the meaning of the name and fate are closely connected. Late marriage suggests that Miroslava is not ready to compromise, is not ready to give in. Miroslava is very self-sufficient and prefers to meet a man on neutral territory.

Professions such as: lawyer, lawyer, manager, diplomat are ideal for her. As Miroslava grows up, she will become not only calm, but also more reserved, which will allow her to maintain a cool mind. For the sake of luxury and rich life, Mira is ready for a lot. Not afraid of work. A brilliant career means a lot to her and to achieve this goal she is ready to use people, resort to lies and manipulation. As an employee, she is irreplaceable, her superiors always praise her and set her up as an example, but as soon as Mira has a chance to get a more prestigious position, she will immediately go head-to-head not only with her acquaintances, but also with her close friends.

Ideal professions for Miroslava are those that require fortitude, such as sports or law enforcement.

He can also devote himself to work that requires frequent trips abroad or just business trips. In this way, she satisfies her incorrigible desire for movement and an active life.

What will the child named Miroslava be like?

The name Miroslav was forgotten for some time, but is now confidently gaining popularity again. The man so named has great inner strength. He is calm, balanced, peaceful. However, these qualities do not prevent him from being persistent and purposeful when necessary.

History of the name Miroslav

Miroslav is a name known since the times of Kievan Rus. It is of Slavic origin, formed from two words “peace” and “glory”, therefore it can have several translation options: “praising peace”, “glorified by peacefulness”. Some sources interpret it as "winner". There is also a feminine form of the name - Miroslava.

The emphasis in the name Miroslav can be placed on the first, second, and last syllables.

Forms named after Miroslav

Miroslav can be called for short:

  • Mirik,
  • Mira,
  • Glory.

Diminutive forms:

  • Mirochka,
  • Miroslavchik,
  • Miroslavushka,
  • Mirosha,
  • Mirosya.

Related names:

  • Mira,
  • Miron,
  • Marik.
Glory is one of the options short form named Miroslav

Rhymes for the name Miroslav: reslav, sent, becoming a ruler.

Table: the name Miroslav in foreign languages

The transliteration of the name Miroslav is exactly the same as the English version of the name - MIROSLAV.

Middle name options

Patronymic names formed on behalf of Miroslav: Miroslavovna, Miroslavovich (colloquial Miroslavich).

Miroslavovich is energetic, active, loves to be in the center of attention. Its only drawback is the lack of objectivity. A man does not take criticism towards himself and considers only his own opinion, regardless of the point of view of other people. Miroslavovna is arrogant, proud, and does not get along well with others. He has an analytical mind and a phenomenal memory.

Patronymic names in harmony with the name Miroslav:

  • Vladimirovich;
  • Konstantinovich;
  • Alexeyevich;
  • Genrikhovich;
  • Vladlenovich.

The girl with the middle name Miroslavovna has extraordinary intelligence and memory

Nicky for Miroslav

Nicknames that Miroslav can use to register on social networks:

  • M.SLAVA;
  • MIROS.

Uniting Peace and Glory,

Miroslav, be with the harvest.

Dmitry Pinsky


Name days and patrons

The name Miroslav is not in the calendar, therefore, when performing the sacrament of baptism, the child is given a name different from the worldly name. To perform the ritual you can use:

  • a name consonant with the worldly, which is in the Orthodox calendar;
  • the name of the saint on whose memory the child was born.
  • names of relatives or any name the parents liked, included in the calendar.

Despite the fact that the name Miroslav is not included in orthodox calendar, some sources indicate the date of his name day - February 2 and July 26. This is explained by the fact that many churches agree to baptize a child under the name of the Serbian saint Miroslav, who is revered just these days.

Holy Martyr Miroslav - heavenly patron, memorial days - February 2 and June 26

I think that parents should not worry about the fact that the name is not in the month word. My friends baptized their son, who bears the name Miroslav in the world, under the name Sergius and do not regret it at all. The fact is that the name given at baptism is known only to the closest people who will not wish harm to the child. Thus, the negative magical effect on him is completely eliminated, because to inflict the same damage, you need to know the person’s godfather.

Characteristics and influence of the name

A man named Miroslav has positive traits:

  • creativity;
  • persistence;
  • hard work;
  • patience;
  • equilibrium.

Negative traits:

  • arrogance;
  • touchiness;
  • stubbornness.

You glorify the world, Miroslav,
And, of course, he’s right about this:
Peace is most important to people
Good peace, not war.
Miroslav, on his earthly journey
It's good with you in everything
Because in your essence
Glory is the essence.


Mirochka in childhood

Little Miroslav is growing up as a sweet, sympathetic and friendly child. He is not capricious, smiling, and never demands a lot of attention. His parents have virtually no trouble with him. Caregivers and teachers are also crazy about an obedient and obliging baby. The boy is sociable, gets along easily with other children, and has many friends.

Mirosha studies consistently well, there are not enough stars in the sky, but he does not have grades lower than four in his certificate. During his school years, Miroslav strives for independence: he really doesn’t like it when someone starts to impose their opinion on him or give unnecessary advice, but even in this case he will not show aggressiveness. The boy will listen to the person, thank him for his attention, and still do as he sees fit.

Miroslav distributes his free time himself. Parents will not need to think about which section to send their child to or what to do with their child. The boy will independently choose what he likes best and begin to engage in this activity with gusto.

As a child, Miroslav does not cause his parents any problems


At a young age, a creative streak begins to appear in Miroslav’s character. He is incredibly active, full of ideas and suggestions. He is often a regular participant in student competitions, KVN-s, and can even assemble his own team that will defend the honor educational institution at city competitions.

In his youth, the guy is more attached to his mother, treats his father politely, but does not show any special feelings. Miroslav is sociable, in any company he quickly becomes “one of his own”, but he only lets his closest people in to his soul. Therefore, he has a lot of friends, but real friends can be counted on one hand.

In his youth, Miroslav was a regular participant in various student events and KVN


B. Khigir in his writings characterizes Miroslav as a calm and friendly person. The man constantly improves himself, reads a lot, and often knows several languages. He does not accept conflicts and always tries to reconcile the warring parties. Miroslav is touchy, but tries to hide this trait in himself, because he believes that she is unworthy of a man.

In his opinion, a representative of the stronger sex must be aggressive, persistent and, most importantly, be able to “make money out of thin air.” Unfortunately, he fails to do this. Miroslav himself to achieve his goals and financial well-being you have to work a lot and hard. However, despite the fact that his life’s path will not be strewn with roses, thanks to perseverance, optimism and hard work, Miroslav still manages to achieve everything he wants.

Significant years:

  • 19 years;
  • 25 years;
  • 42 years;
  • 57 years old.

Miroslav is a real polyglot, he loves to read and knows several languages

Hobbies and interests

Miroslav's main passion is books. A man enthusiastically reads both fiction and scientific literature. In adulthood, he can start collecting historical works. He also loves traveling and family holiday Outdoors.

Professional activity

Curiosity, desire to improve, good memory and easy learning ability allow Miroslav to do any business. However, he most often chooses for himself professions related to teaching or research activities. He can be:

  • teacher,
  • geologist,
  • scientific specialist.

He also likes medicine and art, as a result of which he often becomes a doctor, artist or actor.

Miroslav is not a careerist, he will never “go over his head” to achieve a leadership position. According to the man, everything should go as usual, and if he is destined to become a boss, sooner or later he will become one. Miroslav's gentleness may not serve him very well in business. Therefore, if he wants to open his own business, then he should think in advance about cooperation with a conscientious and experienced partner.

Miroslav can devote himself to teaching activities

Miroslav, you are “peace” and “glory”,
For you, all life is fun,
And through life, like a soldier,
You are going strong, our brother!
You are calm, patient
And, besides, hardworking,
Always be like this
Without looking back at the years!




Parents don’t have to worry too much about Miroslav’s health; he is quite strong. Even childhood illnesses often bypass the boy. His only problem may be his vision. This must be taken into account and preventive examinations in the clinic must be carried out in a timely manner.

Personal life

Miroslav is gallant, eloquent, and knows how to care for a girl. He treats his chosen one with respect and tries not to offend her. Even if for some reason he decides to end the affair, he will do everything to cause the woman a minimum of pain and inconvenience. Often he is on friendly terms with his former lovers throughout his life.

The intimate side of life is of no small importance for Miroslav. The man is hot in bed and loves experiments. If any difficulties or controversial issues arise in sex, I am ready to discuss them for a long time with my partner. However, despite his preferences, Miroslav is wary of experienced and liberated ladies. When communicating with them, he develops a feeling of inferiority. A man loves to conquer and conquer, so he prefers proud and independent beauties.

Miroslav can approach marriage frivolously. It happens that he gets married in early age on the first girl he came across. However, he rarely finds happiness in early marriage. But the second union is usually successful. Thanks to the realization of his first mistakes, Miroslav manages to create a strong and friendly family.

Miroslav's second marriage is usually stronger than the first

Table: compatibility with other names

Name% compatibilityNature of the relationship
Elena99% The spouses have a good relationship. They have the same desires and interests. The lovers make all decisions together, while Elena puts forward many ideas at once, and Miroslav selects the most rational ones. Harmony and love will reign here throughout your life.
Irina65% This couple has more prerequisites for friendship than for a family union. They are comfortable being around, but only until they are connected by a common life. As soon as this happens, quarrels and conflicts will begin, which can lead to divorce.
Tatiana84% These two have such opposite personalities that those around them are sometimes surprised at how they even exist together. However, the fact is that they have something in common: they are emotional and changeable moods, thanks to which they understand each other perfectly. In their life together, Tatyana may not be satisfied with Miroslav’s slowness, but she is able to “stir up” him. The man in return forgives his chosen one for her restlessness and some obstinacy. The ability of partners to give in to each other allows them to maintain good relationships in the family for a long time.
Julia82% This pair does not have too much in common, but the partners here complement each other. She is economical, loves children, and devotes herself entirely to the home. He hates everyday life and rarely helps his wife, which, of course, offends her. However, Yulia prefers to deal with irritation in silence and not throw hysterics at her husband. In gratitude, Miroslav is ready to provide her with a bright, prosperous life, which suits the girl quite well.
Anastasia27% This couple has a low percentage of compatibility in marriage; their union can only be sustained by the good upbringing of both people and the desire to understand their partner. As a rule, a marriage breaks up within the first 3 years.
Olga94% Olga and Miroslav for a long time they do not dare to start a family; their candy-bouquet period can last for years. However, once they make a decision, they will never part again. Only together they are able to move mountains and achieve any goal.
Christina79% Impulsive Christina does not like to accumulate negative emotions in herself, so this couple cannot do without a stormy showdown. However, Miroslav is ready to give in to his wife, but only on the condition that she, too, will make compromises. If Christina accepts the proposal, the marriage will be long and happy.
Natalia39% This couple lacks mutual understanding. The reserved Miroslav is not always ready to share his most intimate things with his wife, and she prefers to solve her problems herself. As a result, misunderstandings accumulate between partners, which first results in major scandals, and then even leads to divorce.
Svetlana89% Common feelings, thoughts and interests bring Svetlana and Miroslav together. Lovers can be not only a wonderful family, but also successful business partners, capable of starting any business. Overall, this is a harmonious and happy union.

Table: astrological correspondences and talismans

Photo gallery: Miroslav's talismans

Maral is Miroslav’s totem animal. Some varieties of beryl are almost as expensive as emerald. People who use magical properties daisies, acquire the skills of unobtrusive seduction, attracting attention and are able to get an answer to any question of interest

Meaning of the letters of the name

The letters of a name have a certain influence on a person’s character:

  • M - peacemaking, peacefulness, unity with the outside world. This is a caring and inquisitive nature that learns only from its own mistakes, without taking into account the experience of others;
  • And - impressionability, subtle spirituality, grace, kindness, the ability to harmonize everything around you. Sometimes the true nature of this person is difficult to discern, since they hide it under the guise of efficiency and practicality;
  • P - energy, the ability to realistically assess the situation, a tendency towards adventurism and risk;
  • O - rich intuition, desire for self-improvement, great emotionality;
  • C - ability to achieve financial stability, capriciousness, authority, desire to stand out from the gray mass;
  • L is a creative person with a rich imagination. Lazy by nature, he can spend a long time searching for himself, but the desire for material wealth motivates him to take action;
  • A - symbolizes the beginning, renewal, the desire to live in a new way. Such people are leaders in love. Monotony is not for them. They are hardworking, but will only do the work they choose;
  • B - reflects stubbornness, huge potential. This person defends his point of view to the end, and even if he is wrong, he will still insist on his own. This letter also indicates inconstancy and lack of systematicity. This person is characterized by suddenness in actions.

The closer the letter is to the beginning of the name, the greater the impact it has on the person’s character.

When was Miroslav born?

Miroslav, born in winter, is the most complex representative of this name. He is contradictory and stubborn, loves to command. The man is persistent, purposeful, achieves great heights in sports and business.

“Summer” Miroslav is quite closed, it’s hard to get him to have a frank conversation. He tries to avoid noisy parties and big companies, preferring to spend his leisure time on the sofa with a book. This person is very sensitive and kind. The man loves animals and often gives homes to lost ones found on the street.

“Autumn” Miroslav is a man of mood. His character largely depends on the state of mind in which he is. Most often, he is a man of few words, obligatory, tactful and neat. But if you make him angry, he instantly turns into a cruel and selfish person with whom it is better not to deal.

Spring endows Miroslav with self-doubt and lack of communication skills. Most often, these problems start from childhood, so parents may need to correct the child’s behavior with the help of a psychologist. As a life partner for such a man, an independent, purposeful and persistent person who can control her spouse in everything is suitable.

Miroslav, born in summer, loves animals

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesLaconic, reserved. Possesses great strength will and strong character. Persistently and persistently moves towards the goal. In childhood he has many complexes, but with age everything changes, a man will be able to accept himself as he is.
TaurusA cheerful optimist who cannot be broken by any obstacles. Sociable, sincere, with a good sense of humor. Always ready to listen and help with advice.
TwinsA contradictory personality who dreams of stability and independence. Loves praise and power. He knows the value of money and is hardworking. Often achieves his goals.
CancerA weak-willed and overly emotional man who lacks self-confidence. He is characterized by isolation and inconstancy. You cannot rely on this person because you never know how his mood will change in 5 minutes.
a lionThe integrity and cruelty of this person do not allow him to be led by emotions. He has everything sorted out, he lives according to a strictly planned plan and under no circumstances will he compromise his principles. Such excessive self-organization scares the women around him. Therefore, it is not easy for him to find a mate.
VirgoHe is an open and cheerful person, always ready to lend a helping hand. He sees exceptionally good traits in the people around him, which some use for their own selfish purposes. He chooses a pretty, kind and sympathetic woman as his companion, who will support him in any situation.
ScalesSociable, honest, open man, for whom honor and conscience are not empty words. He cannot stand duplicity, so he is surrounded only by trusted people. In a woman, he is attracted by modesty and tenderness, while promiscuity and pretentiousness, on the contrary, repel him.
ScorpionHe is strong, courageous, but at the same time very trusting and vulnerable person who may fall into deep depression due to injustice and betrayal. He will be happy with tender and an open woman, for whom the family has special values.
SagittariusAn impulsive, inquisitive and impressionable person, ready to take risks to achieve what he wants. He is eloquent, has innate charm and charisma, and therefore does not suffer from a lack of female attention.
CapricornRomantic and sensitive Miroslav-Capricorn goes through life easily and naturally. He looks at the world through rose-colored glasses, without thinking about what will happen tomorrow. Stability and the desire for financial wealth are alien to him. This man is used to living one day at a time.
AquariusThe energy and determination of this man help him to realize all his plans, and, it must be said, he has a lot of them. He is temperamental, gallant, sociable, which is why he is a huge success with women. He marries late because he does not want to lose his freedom.
FishThis noble and sincere man often has only one drawback - lack of self-confidence. Therefore, trying to win the favor of others, he resorts to flattery and ingratiation, which gives completely the opposite result. He will be happy with a more confident and persistent woman who can lead him along.

Photo gallery: famous people named Miroslav

Miroslav Stoch - Slovak football player, outside midfielder of Slavia Prague and the Slovak national team Miroslav Senyk - Ukrainian politician Miroslav Germaszewski - first Polish cosmonaut Miroslav Skoryk - Ukrainian composer and musicologist Miroslav Radovich - Serbian football player, midfielder of the Legia club Miroslav Klose - German football player , forward

Miroslav is brave, assertive, and purposeful. Nobility is in his blood, and even if his interests are affected, the man will not conflict, but will find a reason to justify the person. In his personal life, everything is not easy, but in the end, he manages to create a strong and happy family.


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