The concept of “youth entrepreneurship” and the objective need for its development. International experience in supporting youth entrepreneurship

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Youth innovative entrepreneurship as a national doctrine of economic modernization. In the context of modernization of the country's economy, there is a qualitative transition to the “knowledge economy” model, where innovations change the raw materials that were the dominant factor in past industrialization. A critical mass of young entrepreneurs - innovators with their ability for active innovation activities contributes to socio-economic and technical and technological changes, which is especially important for deepening the development of post-industrial trends in the domestic economy. Under such conditions, there is a need to build a doctrine for the formation of youth innovative entrepreneurship in the country at the turn of financial crises and the transition to stable development.

At the same time, the existing developments of domestic and foreign scientists do not contain postulates that the state must adhere to in order to create favorable conditions development of youth innovative entrepreneurship, implementation of transformations of small and medium-sized businesses as the basis for innovation and the start of entrepreneurship by young people with minor capital investments. That is why there is a need for an in-depth study of the gradual formation of the innovative potential of youth in the country, the degree of use of which in the near future will determine the level of development of the state.

To characterize the modern prerequisites and foundations for the formation of a doctrine for the development of youth innovative entrepreneurship in the context of the fight against youth unemployment and the transition to the “knowledge economy” model.

In modern conditions, youth entrepreneurship is a fairly important element in the formation of the middle class, and therefore its support should become the main task of state policy.

The state must attract free labor to independent entrepreneurial activity. It's possible:

– In the legislative aspect - by legislatively consolidating the concepts of “young entrepreneur”, “youth entrepreneurship”;

– In the economic aspect – by liberalizing business activities – reducing the number of mandatory tax and accounting and simplifying the rules for checking the conditions of licensing, certification and other technical regulations;

– In education – by overcoming the distance between the education system and business conditions in the country, organizing career guidance work at educational institutions of various levels, regulating and planning state orders, forecasting the needs of specialists, etc.

State policy for the development of small business should become an impetus for decentralization and deconcentration of power, a shift in emphasis from the national level to the level of local government and local authorities.

That is why the proclamation of the most important priorities for the development of youth policy is a strategic task of the state. Successful implementation of the declared priorities will lead to qualitative changes in society and modernization of all spheres of public life.

However, throughout all the years of the state’s independence, the authorities only declared their partnership with business, and did not take a decisive step that would significantly improve the conditions for doing business in the country. The institutions and programs to support entrepreneurship that exist in the country are aimed mainly at solving secondary, rather than key, problems of business development. Rather, they create the appearance of cooperation between business and government and often in fact simply distract from solving the main problems.

An assessment of the quantitative composition of social strata indicates that this level of youth unemployment is the highest. In addition, young people face problems with the so-called “first job” because they have no work experience. The problem with youth entrepreneurship in our country is systemic. To support entrepreneurship, it is necessary to carry out reforms in the field of taxation, the education system, and generally reform the state approach to this problem.

Thus, we propose the following main tasks for the development of youth entrepreneurship:

1. Promoting the development of the business sector as an integral part of the economy.

2. Adaptation of youth to the conditions of a market economy.

3. Creating conditions for the activation of youth entrepreneurship.

4. Introduction of effective mechanisms for cooperation between government bodies and public associations of young entrepreneurs to solve socio-economic problems.

5. Improving the infrastructure for supporting youth entrepreneurship, elements of which provide information, consulting and methodological assistance in the creation and functioning of business entities.

6. Expanding opportunities for young people to obtain loans and investments for entrepreneurial activities.

7. Reducing socio-psychological tension among young people.

The emergence of the doctrine of developing youth entrepreneurship and combating youth unemployment is a response to the current needs in reforming youth policy. The innovative nature of the doctrine is intended to ensure the consistent development of concepts, strategies, policy recommendations, action programs of the Government, local authorities and society aimed at implementing its provisions.

Youth Entrepreneurship Development Policy

With the right government policy, the development of youth entrepreneurship will help reduce unemployment among young people, and, accordingly, social tension.

Modern youth have much more opportunities for realization than the generation of their parents during Soviet times. First of all, this concerns the realization of the entrepreneurial abilities of young people. However, unfortunately, a fairly small number of young people can start their own entrepreneurial activities. According to statistical estimates, no more than 8-10% of young people are entrepreneurs. At the same time, according to sociologists, the coefficient of social tension among young people is constantly growing. The essence of this reason is due to economic problems that have arisen against the backdrop of the economic crisis and are hindering the development of youth entrepreneurship.

The underdevelopment of infrastructure, fragmentation of business activities, poor awareness of specialized public organizations for the provision of educational, consulting and information services impede the formation of civilized entrepreneurship, leaving the entrepreneur alone with many complex economic, financial, technological, and organizational issues.

Youth Entrepreneurship Policy

When formulating policies in the field of youth entrepreneurship, important attention should be paid to innovative development, in particular, supporting young entrepreneurs working in the field of information and communication services is quite relevant.

Along with this, according to the calculations of the vice president for technical strategy at Microsoft, the IT market grows annually by 25-30%, which is why our country is now seeing more active investment in basic infrastructure. Therefore, the country is now ready for a big leap in the economy through high level education. The domestic economy, relying on information technology, can demonstrate powerful growth for many years to come.

The main sector of innovative activity of young entrepreneurs in the country is the sphere of social and information and communication services. Therefore, the definition of the concept of “youth innovative entrepreneurship” is relevant, which, in our opinion, is the intellectual activity of initiative, creative individuals (up to 35 years old) with the aim of producing the latest economic benefits, generating profit (income) based on effective use economic resources.

A prerequisite for the accelerated development of youth innovative entrepreneurship in the country is active formation personality of the entrepreneur, since according to the theory of “innate abilities” it is believed that no more than 5-7% of the country’s population exhibits a genetic predisposition to entrepreneurship. However, this view is sharply criticized, because entrepreneurial talent, as practice and empirical research shows, can be formed through the vocational education system in people motivated by entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is a manifestation of human activity

Since the country’s economy is a market economy, it is important to create favorable conditions in society for the emergence of a wide range of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial activity is, first of all, a manifestation of human activity. The basis of activity is motivation. The study of motivational incentives for entrepreneurship in information societies indicates that the motives to earn money and achieve one’s own material well-being are available in the system of incentives for entrepreneurship, but play only a supporting role.

Citizens are attracted to entrepreneurship as an opportunity to act independently, an opportunity to express themselves and their abilities, as well as a way to achieve a high standard of living. Student youth, according to the results of our research, mainly strive for independence, 25% of respondents want to earn a living, 21% want to receive a high income.

So, in economically developed countries, young people go into entrepreneurship for their own satisfaction and pleasure, but in our country, just to achieve a high standard of living and improve their financial situation.

Entrepreneurship as an innovation process ensures a higher level of economic development of the country

Entrepreneurial innovation allows you to unleash the creative potential of a young person, because its realization is facilitated by innovative type behavior based on purposeful actions aimed at results and achieving a set goal. Innovative behavior is characterized by expanding the tasks and goals of the creative process, going beyond the traditional. Manifestations of creativity in entrepreneurship are innovations that create new consumers and new markets, and therefore provide market leadership.

Higher education in the field of entrepreneurship can be obtained in state and non-state educational institutions. In addition, obtaining business education as a second or third higher education is becoming more common. A layer of young people today also study in various European countries oh, teachers of higher educational institutions also undergo internships, practice. This also helps to expand the entrepreneurial education of young people. Global experience in the responsibility of business for preparing young people for entrepreneurship is an important help in disseminating and improving the quality of national entrepreneurial education and bringing it closer to the requirements of modern practice.

Responsibility of business for training personnel in the country

We believe that it would be advisable to implement the idea of ​​business responsibility for personnel training in the country. This idea is embodied, for example, in the USA in the form of the Act “On Partnership in Industrial Training”; in the UK there is also a tendency to move from general patronage and patronage to decisive intervention directly in educational programs, in the technical support of training, etc.. For example, corporations allocate funds for the acquisition necessary equipment, training programs agreed with the Ministry of Education and Science and meet the requirements, in particular, of the local electronics industry.

In Germany, firms support universities by establishing professorships, of which there are now more than 300, including software firm SAP establishing a chair in entrepreneurship and innovation at the Technical University of Dresden. Here, economics and engineering students work together to develop business plans and prepare to become entrepreneurs.

Consequently, the competitiveness of universities increases and new areas of research are explored. Enterprises can also increase their scientific component and train personnel for themselves. Of course, industry invests in those scientific areas that are related to business. Economic sciences lead in the number of professors - 38%, engineering sciences account for 22%, humanities and social sciences - 20%.

Consequently, improving the quality of entrepreneurial education in educational institutions through updating curricula, preparing and publishing modern, including electronic textbooks, as well as implementing the concept of business responsibility for training will contribute to the economic growth of the country based on the use of highly qualified labor.

However, the necessary assistance and support from the state is through the use of financial incentives for the development of youth innovative entrepreneurship.

Scientists identify several groups of them, primarily the following:

– We consider it appropriate to use financial benefits (preferential loans)

– Budgetary methods (introduction of low tax rates on that part of the profit that is used to create new jobs, reducing to half the payment of income tax in the case of an enterprise producing not only innovative products, but also providing innovative services);

– Encouraging an increase in the share of part-time workers in the total number of hired workers, etc.

Development programs in developed and developing countries

In the UK there is a program to help unemployed people who want to start their own business. Those unemployed for thirteen weeks or more receive basic or supplemental unemployment assistance.

In Greece, it is small and medium-sized enterprises that provide employment to a greater extent due to the constant process of self-renewal and adaptation to the market, therefore the state promotes their development by providing financial incentives (in the form of preferential loans), budget incentive methods (tax incentives), investment of financial resources, which associated with the purchase of equipment and rental of premises.

As a result of intensive economic reforms in countries such as the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Baltic countries, a powerful private sector has already been created there. Which produces more than half of GDP and employs a significant part of human resources.

Supporting youth entrepreneurship in Hungary

This is greatly facilitated by the effective state policy to support youth entrepreneurship. In particular, in Hungary, unemployed youth who want to start their own business are provided with assistance in the form of subsidies to facilitate their first steps in entrepreneurial activity. They are guaranteed a certain income during the period. When the business started is possible and will not bring the desired profit, or a loan is provided on preferential terms.

In Poland, for example, banks provide loans to unemployed youth to start a small business. The availability of loans is limited, but to obtain them you need to draw up a business plan. Loan conditions are preferential - 50 or 75% of the bank interest rate. The difference between the interest and credit price of the loan is reimbursed by city employment centers. Which determine financial policy on the labor market in Poland.

Since young people respond more quickly to innovations and are highly educated and less conservative, a very important sector of youth entrepreneurship is the sphere of high-tech services. For example, back in the 90s of the twentieth century. in France and Great Britain, 2/3 of all employed people worked in this area; and in the USA even more.

The experience of India confirms this, where, thanks to its national IT strategy, an economically backward, agrarian-oriented state with hundreds of millions of illiterate people turned into a regional industrial leader in just a few years. One of the leading manufacturers of high-tech products on the Asian continent and a leading participant in the software and telecommunications market.

This was facilitated by:

– Cooperation with American TNCs (General Electric and Citibank), which placed their orders in India;

– State support for foreign investment in the national economy (exemption from duties, abolition of income tax for exporting firms) during 1990-2010;

– The labor of Indian specialists is cheaper compared to Western developers (five times), which allowed corporations to save up to 60% of standard contract costs.

Positive changes have occurred in the creation of custom software and the provision of related services. Development of standardized computer equipment and its service support. It was these areas that provided India with access to the advanced countries of the world. Software manufacturing now accounts for 16% of Indian GDP. In the 90s of the twentieth century. this sector grew by 40% annually and its volume in 2010 should amount to $50 billion. And in 2020, the share of high-tech industries will be 28-30% of the country's GDP. Based on human potential, a new generation of national IT entrepreneurs has already formed in India. Now it is much more prestigious to build a career and achieve prosperity without leaving your homeland, because there are industrial and social prerequisites for this.

Operating samples of intelligent high-performance cluster multiprocessor systems have also been created in our country. Which is a promising direction in the domestic competitive computer industry. In fact, these are supercomputers capable of solving many problems in the economy, science and technology, defense and security of the country. Thus, Internet technologies are precisely the area through which the country, using its human, production, scientific and technological potential, will be able to compete with other countries in the world market and improve its main macroeconomic indicators. However, the growth rate of the Internet in the country is still insufficient.

So, promising areas of innovative youth employment are the high-tech sectors of the information and communication technologies and social services sectors, where, with the help of various financial incentives, it is necessary to intensify the development of youth entrepreneurship.

The modern system for forming the innovative potential of youth for the development of youth entrepreneurship is determined by:

– The state of development of our state, which is determined by the institutional environment in the country;

– The level of material security of the majority of citizens does not allow to sufficiently form the innovative potential of youth at the level of developed European countries;

– The general system of secondary and higher education, which requires further rethinking of the content of the provision of educational services, aimed at preparing business entities in a market environment, providing for the introduction of new information technologies and innovative methods in the educational process;

– Continuous “outflow of young brains” abroad, which reduces the quantity and quality of qualified young specialists in the country;

– Unemployment among university graduates with economic and legal education, since the legal and economic environment is not favorable for their self-employment and starting their own business;

– The low level of general sociocultural development indicates the passivity and reluctance of young people to socialize in society, reduces the opportunities for creative, versatile enrichment.


Currently, there is a paradigm shift in education. Education is meant to be like this social institution, which would be able to provide a person with a diverse range of educational services that would allow a young person to successfully realize his or her professional potential. In modern conditions of economic development in Russia, the sphere of small business has become a rather pressing problem. It is this sector of the economy that plays the main role in the process of expanding the middle class, increasing the level of well-being of the population, and improving the quality of products and services provided. The article analyzes the process of creating small businesses among young people, identifies problems and shortcomings, and determines ways to solve them further. The characteristics of the current situation of small and medium-sized businesses are given, the main barriers hindering the establishment of business processes are considered, programs and events aimed at supporting youth entrepreneurship are presented.



distance learning

innovative technologies

professional competencies

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The attitude of young people to the events taking place in the country is an important factor for the state and society. It is expressed in young people’s perception of the life of modern society and the functioning of the state, assessment of their place in society, as well as in contributing to its development. At the same time, the state is called upon to actively pursue youth policy, constantly monitor its implementation, and carry out systematic activities to solve pressing youth problems. Youth is a special part of society, whose position is determined by the socio-economic state of society. It represents a strategic resource for its development, a reasonable replenishment of the productive forces of society, being not only an energetic, but also a quickly trained workforce. The German scientist Karl Mannheim confidently stated that youth are a kind of reserve that comes to the fore when such revitalization becomes necessary to adapt to rapidly changing or qualitatively new circumstances. According to the scientist, “youth are called upon to play the role of an enlivening mediator of social life.”

Life practice confirms that every day the number of young people who consider obtaining a full education a necessary condition for achieving their desired goals is increasing. social status and higher financial status. Vocational training is becoming an important element of the labor market infrastructure, since it supports a qualitatively balanced supply and demand of labor and largely determines the effectiveness of measures to implement youth policy in the field of employment. To realize their full potential, young people must be involved in work. The need to analyze the situation of young people in the Russian labor market is determined by two important circumstances. Firstly, young people make up about 35% of the working population of Russia, and secondly, and most importantly, they are the future of the country, and social development depends on the starting conditions of their activities. Unfortunately, this category of the population is one of the particularly vulnerable groups in the labor market. According to the International Labor Organization, young people around the world face real challenges in finding decent jobs.

The most important indicators of the economic situation in the country are the dynamics of the unemployment rate, the capacity and conditions of the labor market, the ratio of demand and supply for labor. According to government statistics, about a third of young people are registered as unemployed at the Employment Center. However, the statistics provided do not fully reflect the situation on the labor market, and especially in the youth segment. It should be noted that young people rarely try to contact the Employment Center. At the same time, the whole variety of new phenomena in the field of employment related to the peculiarities of Russian market relations is not taken into account. More than 50% of young people employed in public sector enterprises work part-time, about 25% work part-time in various alternative forms of employment.

This confirms that processes of social differentiation are acute among young people. Reason: a radical transformation of Russian society and associated profound changes in its social stratification. This exacerbates social polarization based on wealth stratification. The fundamental criteria for the social differentiation of young people are social origin and position, material capabilities, value orientations, and lifestyle. Due to the low demand for labor, social pessimism has become characteristic of young people. In this regard, polar changes in work motivation occur, which ultimately can lead to an imbalance in the professional structure of the workforce. One of the key ways to reduce unemployment is government support for the development of youth entrepreneurship. Young people, due to their age, are in the process of searching for a professional activity and often opt for entrepreneurship. Various judgments have been made regarding the process of creating a small enterprise. For example, the American scientist P. Samuelson claims that “people always want to start an independent business. Even if they don’t manage to earn more than a few thousand dollars a year.” IN in this case The main motive is the inclination to solve everyday problems of organizing your business. The scientist P. Drucker adheres to a similar point of view, saying that “entrepreneurial activity is the process of creating and operating new small enterprises that offer consumers new products.”

Today, about 70-80% of registered enterprises in the alternative sector of the economy are organized by people 25-30 years of age. Small business allows you to create new jobs, contributes to the demonopolization of the Russian economy, and is aimed at forming a new layer of civilized entrepreneurs. Small business is characterized by low capital intensity and higher labor intensity compared to large production. It is beneficial for the state to invest its resources in the development of small businesses, which provide quick returns, an increase in the number of jobs and tax revenues. An important factor in stimulating young entrepreneurs is not only training in the basics of doing business, but also assistance in starting their own business: provision of preferential loans and subsidies, provision of non-residential premises on the basis of preferential rent; assistance with technical equipment based on leasing and in drawing up business plans.

The organization of entrepreneurial activity is the needs of young people for self-realization, financial independence, the desire to improve and make their own contribution to a certain type of economic activity. Small enterprises are more mobile and have a relatively higher capital turnover, which brings certain benefits to the state. Small business is a generator of new business ideas and innovations. Small business makes a significant contribution to ensuring employment of the population and the formation of gross domestic product. According to these indicators, Russia lags significantly behind countries with developed market economies. Small enterprises in Russia create only about 12% of GDP. While in the USA, Japan, and Germany their share in GDP reaches 50-60%. The experience of global economic development confirms that during periods of crises and production declines, it is small businesses that are a significant factor in creating new jobs. However, the role and place of youth entrepreneurship in the country’s economy cannot be underestimated. Various types and modern forms of business organization give a young entrepreneur the freedom to choose the direction of activity and allow him to fully realize his potential, competently and competently manage this business. Recently, new sectors of the economy have developed: banks, insurance, consulting, auditing and investment companies. Moreover, many businessmen left the youth entrepreneurship sector.

Today, youth entrepreneurship is one of the priority areas for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. The position of modern youth in society is not always stable, which leads to an exacerbation of youth problems (loss of social guarantees, loss of a sense of personal security, decline in living standards, dissatisfaction with their financial situation, housing conditions, work). Their unresolved nature is a source of constant tension among young people. The results of the author's research provided an opportunity to identify the priority interests of the youth of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The survey included 285 people - 2 different age groups of young people from 16 to 21 years old and from 25 to 35 years old. In addition, 30 experts were interviewed (specialists in working with youth, teachers, representatives of the parent community). Research method - questionnaire.

To the question “Identify the most pressing social problems of young people,” respondents were asked to choose 3 answer options (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Social problems of youth, in%.

The results were as follows: 32.4/27.3 young people surveyed in the region were concerned about unemployment; increase in crime - 26.45/31.4; low wages - 12.55/18.5; social stratification of the population - 11.7/23.1; low level crops - 18.2/28.6; poor organization of leisure time - 23.4/16.6; removal of youth from participation in state affairs - 20.4/34.3. (Note - studying youth/working youth.) At the same time, the results show that in the process of implementing youth policy, priority attention should be paid to youth employment. It is known that young people are focused on well-paid, interesting, prestigious jobs that contribute to the development of their creative potential.

In modern conditions, the value system of the developing entrepreneurial layer is becoming significant for a large part of young people in the district. Market standards of behavior are being formed (economic activity and freedom of action, entrepreneurship, ability to take risks). This indicates that the youth of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug have become supporters of socially oriented market reforms. Young people consider rights and freedoms in politics, economics, culture and privacy, although they are convinced that most freedoms are not guaranteed, but only declared by the state. The survey revealed that young people are optimistic about the future: 23.5% are confident that changes for the better will occur; 34.2% - only suggest changes for the better; 26.9% - believe that nothing will change; 10.9% - assume changes for the worse; 2.2% - confident in changes for the worse; 2.3% found it difficult to give their own assessment of the future. As mentioned above, youth are a creative social force actively involved in economic reforms. This is confirmed by experts, determining the significant role of youth in the socio-economic sphere (62.3%) (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Expert opinions on the role of youth, in %.

Stimulating youth entrepreneurship activity in this region is carried out through the implementation of an effective system of measures aimed at involving young people in entrepreneurial activities. The set of measures was developed taking into account the recommendations of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. In 2014, according to the state program of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra “Social economic development, investments and innovations of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra for 2014-2020”, the implementation of main activities to stimulate the development of youth entrepreneurship in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra will continue:

    Ugra Cup for business management “Tochka Rosta” is the largest regional championship in Russia on company management based on a computer business model for young managers, entrepreneurs and students of the district;

    “Financial Literacy Lessons” are held annually as part of the All-Russian event “Financial Literacy Day” in educational institutions of the district;

    “Faculty of Business” - a training program for student audiences;

    Educational module “Generating Growth” for 72 hours, aimed at developing entrepreneurial competencies;

    Educational support in the form of training events aimed at developing entrepreneurial competencies, including with the involvement of Russian-level business trainers;

    “Business mentoring” - personal support for the projects of aspiring young entrepreneurs by mentors from among the successful entrepreneurs of the Autonomous Okrug who have many years of practical experience in doing business;

    The gathering of young entrepreneurs of Ugra is an annual large-scale event;

    Ensuring participation in interregional, all-Russian and international events: All-Russian educational forum “Seliger”, forum for youth of the Ural Federal District “Morning”, All-Russian Congress “You are an Entrepreneur”.

On the territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, the number of small and medium-sized businesses is 23,479 units, 59,892 individual entrepreneurs are registered. Over three years, this figure increased by 20.6%. The average number of employees in small and medium-sized enterprises is 126.8 thousand people, having increased over the period under review by 3.8 thousand people (3%). The share of the average number of employees of small and medium-sized enterprises in the total average number of employees in the district is 16.4%. The turnover of small and medium-sized enterprises amounted to 365.5 billion rubles. During the period under review, there was a positive trend in the main performance indicators of small enterprises in the district.

In the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, the following types of economic activity are identified as the most popular among small businesses: 1) wholesale and retail trade, repair of vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items - 40.6%; 2) construction - 25.7%; 3) transport and communications - 9.1%; 4) operations with real estate, rent and provision of services - 8.8%.

So, during the period under review, the most popular among small businesses continue to be: wholesale and retail trade, construction, transport and communications. It should be noted that modern conditions Doing business is characterized by significant difficulties entering the market. These include, first of all, the low solvency of the population, the growth of transport and a number of other costs, difficult access to raw materials, new technologies, and borrowed capital. The deterioration of the socio-economic situation in the country, the weakening of state support, the imperfection of the legal framework regulating economic activity, administrative barriers, tax pressure, and the inaccessibility of investment resources are increasingly making it difficult for youth to run a business. The identified problems, according to the authors, can be solved only by ensuring optimal combination interests of the state, consumers and business entities. To do this, it is necessary to create an orderly and effective regulatory framework for small businesses, that is, an environment that should be an incentive for business development and help create favorable conditions for young citizens ready to start and continue their business. Thus, for the progressive development of youth entrepreneurship, it is important to set the right guidelines both for young entrepreneurs and for government policy pursued in this area. At the same time, it is necessary to have a critical approach to the imposition of Western standards and pay the greatest attention to national entrepreneurial traditions based on a unique national mentality. a


Silin A.N., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen;

Tolmacheva S.V., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen.

Bibliographic link

Melkova E.Yu., Enveri L.A., Osipova L.B. PROBLEMS OF YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL // Modern problems of science and education. – 2014. – No. 6.;
URL: (access date: 04/06/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

International practice shows that in a number of developed countries there is systematic support for youth entrepreneurship.

Supporting youth start-ups in New Zealand

There are 3 main types of financing available to startups in New Zealand:

1. Financing at the initial stage of the project (seed capital) – $20-30 thousand.

Ø Capability Vouchers – they can cover up to 50% of the costs of business expansion and development. These vouchers are issued by an organization called the Regional Business Partner Network, which in turn operates under the authority of the state business development agency.

Ø grants for research and development ( research and development (R&D) grants) are requested from another government agency - Callaghan Innovation.

Ø Crowdfunding, which is now very popular in New Zealand. There are a lot of platforms, among which the most popular are PledgeMe, Snowball Effect, Liftoff.

2. “Angel” financing – $100-500 thousand. When a startup already has a product released to the market, or at least a working prototype, it gets the opportunity to take advantage of the help of business angels - investors who are members of one of the specialized clubs. Among them, for example, Ice Angels in Auckland, Angel HQ in Wellington, Enterprise Angels, Archangels, Flying Kiwis, Angel Association. Startups can count on both a one-time investment and ongoing financial support.

3. Series A investment – ​​up to several million dollars. A company that has established itself in the market can qualify for Series A financing. This type of investment means minimal risk for the investor, since the company already has customers, contracts, profits, and so on. Then the company simply sells preferred shares (they are called “series A”) and receives money from investors.

At all three stages, you can seek financial support from venture funds - from organizations such as the New Zealand Venture Capital Association (NZVCA) and New Zealand Venture Investment Fund Limited (NZVIF). These are associations of investors who agree to risk money by investing in startups, subject to greater profits. Venture capital funds do not invest money directly. They only provide information about the requirements for startups, and also provide a list of “angels”. The information on these sites can be used to adjust your business plan and understand which companies may be considered as investors.

Other helpers

Since starting a business in New Zealand is easy and the business environment is very favorable, it is not surprising that the country has many incubators and accelerators supporting startups. They offer comprehensive support to young entrepreneurs. To receive an invitation from them, you need to send an application describing your project and attach documents: a resume and information about available finances.

The Icehouse offers various educational programs, business coaching, assistance in assessing the market situation - prices for all these services can be found only upon request. You can rent here workplace in a coworking space (on average $400-600 per desk per month).

Lightning Lab runs a number of educational programs, each lasting several months. The incubator asks from participants only a small share of the startup’s capital (which one is not specified). But all participants will receive an investment of NZ$20,000 ($13,800). Only those who have a team, capital (or investor support), an interesting idea and a ready-made project are invited to the project.

Venture Up offers a six-week program for the youngest startups, from 16 to 21 years old. Accommodation and meals, as well as the training itself, are paid for by sponsors. The participant only pays for travel to Wellington.

CreativeHQ organizes accelerator programs both individually and corporately. During the program, participants undergo training, receive advice from experienced specialists and meet potential investors. Program costs are available upon request.

R9 is an accelerator that implements a number of educational programs lasting 3 months. Their specificity lies in the fact that entrepreneurs are taught to interact with the government and effectively solve emerging problems. Program participants receive a scholarship to fully cover the costs associated with training.

Acceleration program Youth Inc. Business Academy: an opportunity for Azerbaijani startups

The beginning of the 21st century, which has already seen an unprecedented economic boom and an equally grandiose financial peak, awaits new ideas, new approaches and new courage. The Azerbaijani economy also needs the same, for which strong and rapidly developing small and medium-sized businesses could become a powerful incentive on the path to diversification and development.
Today, more than ever, the country needs those who not only dream, but are full of strength and energy to implement their projects and open new stores, a construction factory, launch an online bank, a network of affordable hairdressing salons or any other project, not just making a profit, but and creating needed jobs.
Aspiring Azerbaijani startupers thanks to the unique acceleration program Youth Inc. Business Academy was able to learn how to properly approach starting your own business and gain the necessary experience. Thus, program participants completed 6-week intensive training and educational courses, organized with the assistance of the Youth Inc. young entrepreneurs program. and its partners, including the Coca-Cola Company, DVC, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Hi-Tech Park of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies, and the energy company Nobel Oil.
It should be noted that the Youth Inc. program, successfully implemented in Azerbaijan since 2013, was created with the aim of developing youth entrepreneurship in the country by supporting the initiatives of young people seeking to create their own business. Activities of the Coca-Cola Company as part of the Youth Inc. program. aimed at supporting education and youth business development. Over the years of active activity, Youth Inc. graduates of this program implemented eight different business projects, about five thousand young people took part in various program events.
The goal of the acceleration program is to stimulate and facilitate the startup activities of selected 25 candidates through training in theoretical and practical knowledge and to support the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Azerbaijan.
Program participants discussed with mentors - practicing businessmen from Azerbaijan and foreign countries - the intricacies of organizing and running their own business. The practice is supported by a powerful theoretical base: in addition to lectures by mentors, the “students” used books created by Stanford University professor and eternal owner of Silicon Valley Steve Blank and his team based on Lean Launchpad educational videos.
Thanks to the program, aspiring entrepreneurs learned how to find potential clients and became familiar with methods of maintaining contact with them, acquired the skills to search for potential business partners (co-founders, investors, mentors and advisors) both within the country and abroad, met them and had the opportunity to organize collaboration. In addition, participants learned about the intricacies of organizing a business, the rights intellectual property, about forms of ownership and co-ownership of a company, raising finance for business, as well as the use modern technologies in the company's activities. The program was accepted with great enthusiasm: 690 people applied for the allocated quota of 25 places, of which 203 were registered.
Let us recall that the Youth Inc. program, successfully implemented in Azerbaijan since 2013 by the Coca-Cola Company, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan and DVC, offers a number of opportunities for the development of youth entrepreneurship. Coca-Cola's activities as part of the Youth Inc. program. is aimed at supporting the education and business development of young people in Azerbaijan. Coca-Cola believes that investing in youth is important to improve the economic well-being of communities and contribute to the sustainable development of the country.
Business Incubation Center Youth Inc. has already started its activities and is ready to provide services to young entrepreneurs on a wide range of issues. More information about Youth Inc.

Forms of assistance to young businessmen abroad

How is youth entrepreneurship supported and developed abroad? After all, young people, as we know, have extraordinary potential for implementing innovative projects. She very easily picks up changes in society, is interested in and uses them in life technological innovations, less conservative, more flexible in thinking, and most importantly, very active and has large energy resources.
Therefore, in many countries, as in Kazakhstan, they are trying to promptly reveal and increase this potential. At the same time, young people can develop the thinking and talent of an entrepreneur absolutely free of charge. The main thing is that the future businessman must determine for himself what exactly he needs: knowledge, information or financial resources.
If your business idea is ready for implementation, young entrepreneurs from all over the world are at your serviceresources of charitable foundations.Startup funds can finance fully or at least partially. If the project is bright and promising, it would be a good idea to try your luck by submitting an application to the international fund founded by the English Prince Charles “The Prince’s Youth Business International” (YBI). Every year YBI provides financial support to several thousand business projects from all over the world.
If your business idea has not yet been fully thought out and you need additional information, these can be very usefulstudent business clubs based at universities. For example, Finnish Aalto Entrepreneurship Society and Aalto Venture Park, American Columbia Entrepreneurs Organization, GSB Entrepreneur Club, HBS Entrepreneurship Club, University of Wisconsin Entrepreneurship Association, Swedish Idelab and GU Holding.
By the way, on these information platforms you can find a venture investor for your startup, since information about student business plans is provided to commercial companies and charitable organizations.
National and international business clubs also provide support to all young entrepreneurs. Belonging to a university does not matter to them, even if the clubs operate on the basis of the university. Successful examples includeAsia-Pacific Student Entrepreneurship Society (ASES), National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE), The Center for Entrepreneurship (CFE), Student Entrepreneur Support Project, The Youth Business Support Unit (YBSU) at Sharek Youth Forum.
In short, young entrepreneurs abroad, as in Kazakhstan, are provided with comprehensive assistance: financial, consulting, informational, and infrastructural. The main thing is for the future businessman to decide in which economic niche he is ready to open his own business.


A special organization, the Young Economy of Austria (IEA), operates under the Austrian Federal Chamber of Economics. The organization consists of 9 regional (state) branches (according to the number of federal states in Austria), as well as about 100 municipal (district) and project groups, in which 36,000 people actively work. Membership in the IEA is on a voluntary basis.
The IEA informs members about interesting events and meetings in the field of business, conducts surveys on important economic and political topics to monitor the wishes of youth entrepreneurship, and sends out a special innovation newsletter to members with information about current innovations around the world. Within the framework of the IEA, there is a consulting center for aspiring entrepreneurs, which provides legal and practical recommendations on the actions necessary to start their own business. The organization also maintains a business portal on the Internet.
The IEA is financed mainly from the budget of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Economics.


The largest association of young entrepreneurs in Germany at the federal level is Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland (WJD), which unites young entrepreneurs and executives under the age of 40. WJD has more than 10 thousand active members. The WJD is tasked with maintaining the high status of entrepreneurs in society, promoting the development of a socially responsible market economy, and increasing the competitiveness of German entrepreneurship in the world. International activities are carried out within the framework of Junior Chamber International (JCI). The association was created in 1954 and consists of 11 state (Bayern, Baden-Württemberg, Berlin-Brandenburg, Hanseraum, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen) and 210 district associations. General management of the activities of district branches is carried out, as a rule, by the local chamber of commerce and industry (CCI). At the federal level - the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) in Berlin.
Another youth association of entrepreneurs is the Union of Young Owners of Family Businesses - Die Jungen Unternehmer (BJU Verband für junge Familien- und Eigentümerunternehmer). The union was created in 1950 and today has about 1,500 members under the age of 40, representing all sectors of the German economy. Owners of enterprises with at least 10 employees or more than 1 million euros of annual turnover can become members of the Union. An aspiring entrepreneur who has proven that he has a chance to achieve the required level of enterprise development within five years can also become a member of the Union.
The third most important youth entrepreneurial association can be called the “Craft Youth” association - Junioren des Handwerks e.V. This is the largest organization in Germany that promotes the training of the younger generation of craft professionals. It has 8,000 members aged 25 to 40 years. The organization consists of 120 regional associations. The headquarters of the federal association is located in Berlin. The organization was created in 1956 in Nuremberg. The association sees its main task as promoting the growth of professional qualifications of young masters.


Associations of Young Entrepreneurs (YE) are non-governmental organizations that operate autonomously, but are organizationally part of the All-Italian Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (CIE) and are guided by its Charter.
There is a central AMP under the CPT, which includes 20 regional AMP Committees and 104 provincial/territorial AMP Groups. Participation in the activities of the AMP is carried out on a voluntary basis, with the payment of annual membership fees. Certain expenses are covered by the CPT. The total number of members in the AMP is 12,500.
AMP promotes entrepreneurial values ​​and culture in modern civil society in Italy, improving knowledge of an economic, social, political and managerial-applied nature.
The chambers of commerce of the Lombardy region (Mantua, Lodi, Cremona) hold forums for young entrepreneurs aimed at developing the entrepreneurial spirit of young people and creating favorable conditions to support the companies of young entrepreneurs. During the forums, “idea competitions” and project exhibitions are held, and experienced entrepreneurs provide consultations for future graduates of professional institutes.
The coordination of the territorial ILA Groups is carried out by the elected National Council of the ILA and the Central Council (analogous to the steering committee).


The Youth Entrepreneurship Fund (YEF) is a non-profit organization at the federal level. Its main objectives are to fully facilitate and provide practical assistance to young Canadian entrepreneurs in the creation and development of private enterprises and organizations.
The main goals of the Foundation are: the creation of new jobs throughout the country through the support of youth entrepreneurship, the introduction of innovations and new ideas.
The structure of the FMP includes territorial divisions (branches). The total number of people employed in the FMP, including volunteers, is about 4 thousand people.
For interested young entrepreneurs, FMP offers a number of comprehensive programs that are provided to applicants free of charge.
Government support is provided by two federal ministries - the Ministry of Small Business and Tourism and Industry Canada. A certain role in resolving a number of issues related to youth entrepreneurship is assigned to the Ministry of Youth.
The first level is federal. The main burden of supporting and developing youth entrepreneurship in Canada rests with the FMP, which has an extensive network of regional branches throughout the country.
The second level is provincial. Together with the territorial branches of the FMP, other non-profit organizations operate in most provinces, the activities of which are aimed at supporting young people in the business sector, taking into account the local characteristics of the market, the national composition of the population, and established traditions.
The third level is university. Almost every university has an independent association (or club) of young entrepreneurs, the activities of which are determined by the internal charter and operating procedures. In addition to specialized faculties, a number of universities have business schools, which provide postgraduate education. Upon completion of such business schools, graduates already have all the necessary knowledge and practical skills for running their own business, a clearly developed and examined business plan and recommendations from their mentors, which is a prerequisite for applying for government financial support.
The activities of the FMP are financed by the Ministry of Industry of Canada, the Government of the Province of Ontario, 5 largest Canadian banks - CIBC, Montreal Bank, RBC, Scotiabank, TD Canada Trust, 6 companies - Bombardie, EnCana, Canam Group, Shaw, Axor, Clearwater, 3 funds - Alberta Lottery Fund, RBC Foundation, The Jonh Dobson Foundation. Another 13 organizations constantly support one or another FMP program.
With the assistance of the Youth Entrepreneurship Fund, more than 17,500 new jobs have been created, and more than 4,000 projects of young entrepreneurs have been invested.


The Federation of Young Entrepreneurs (FYE) is a structural subdivision of most local Chambers of Commerce and Industry. The organizational forms of functioning of the FMP are general meetings, conferences of directors, presidents and vice presidents, meetings of commissions and committees, as well as meetings of regional representatives. The number of FMP activists, including their leaders, totals 5,500 people.
The activities of the FMP (mainly their secretariats, which employ up to 5 people each) are financed by membership fees from their member companies. The amount of deductions varies depending on the region where the enterprise is located and the size of the company. Typically, fees are 2,000 yen (about $25) per month and 24,000 yen (about $300) per year. An additional portion of funds for FMPs (about 10 percent of their budget) comes directly from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in which they operate. The age of FMP members is up to 45 years, but this limit is not strict.
FMPs assist the work of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Japan in the development of regions, improvement of business culture, protection environment. To identify the most promising ideas, the FMP at the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry also organizes a nationwide business plan competition, the winners of which are provided with the necessary advice on commercializing developments and improving management methods.
More than 400 FMPs, uniting 27 thousand people, are members of the Japanese FMP, organized in 1983, at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF Russia) is a non-profit organization operating in Russia since 2007. Its goal is to promote cross-sector partnerships and dialogue on a wide range of socio-economic issues, including the development of youth entrepreneurship, improving business standards and increasing financial literacy.
Since 2008, IBLF Russia has been implementing the Youth Business of Russia (YBR) program, which provides a range of services to young people who want to start their own business. The main components of the Program are: training and consulting on organizing and running a business, access to start-up capital and mentor assistance. Currently, the ICBM operates in eight regions of Russia - in the Kaluga, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Rostov and Kirov regions, in the Primorsky and Krasnodar territories and in the city of Moscow.
The IDB program is accredited as a member of the international network of youth business support programs Youth Business International.
The Youth Business of Russia program is aimed at promoting the development of youth entrepreneurship, searching for alternative methods of creating jobs and promoting the involvement of youth in the socio-economic processes of the region. To achieve these goals, the program creates conditions for young people to obtain affordable financial resources - credits (loans) to start their own business. In addition to financial support, young people are offered assistance from individual mentors, advice in drawing up business plans and training in various business issues, which can allow young businessmen to get on their feet faster and avoid common mistakes when starting a business.

The AGAT Foundation's small business support program is aimed at supporting aspiring young businessmen in Russia. This is an effective and friendly platform for starting your own business. The fund helps young entrepreneurs bring their business projects to life. In addition to free assistance in assessing a business idea, analyzing and preparing a business plan, the Foundation provides the opportunity for young people to have an experienced and reliable professional mentor nearby and receive start-up capital in the form of an unsecured soft loan. The AGAT Foundation, being a center for assistance to small businesses, supports entrepreneurial projects in the areas of production, trade and services.
The AGAT Small Business Support Fund does not consider projects in the field of high technologies and scientific developments, businesses that require a loan in the amount of more than 750 thousand rubles, or types of activities that have increased risks due to the specifics of the region.
The main difference between the AGAT Foundation Program and state support programs for small businesses is the individual consulting support of a budding entrepreneur’s business by an experienced business mentor. For two years free of charge, a young businessman can address any concerns he may have to his mentor and receive invaluable assistance in organizing and developing his business.
To receive start-up capital in the form of a loan, an entrepreneur does not need to provide collateral, which is usually required in a bank, the lending rate is minimal, and the business plan that the Fund’s employees help draw up is in many ways a guarantee of the success of the business idea. All that remains is to add entrepreneurial qualities and a strong intention to bring your startup to life!


The National Program for Economic Support for Youth of Moldova provides young Moldovan entrepreneurs with the opportunity to undergo training and receive funding from the state to implement their business ideas.
The National Youth Economic Support Program has managed to establish itself as an effective model for supporting youth participation in new business development in the Republic of Moldova. Entrepreneurship training courses were organized, which were completed by over 4 thousand people. About 1.7 thousand business ideas received funding for a total amount of 477.8 million lei, including non-repayable grants of 40% of the loan in the amount of 189 million lei. Thanks to the investments made, about 2.5 thousand new jobs were created. For 2017, it is planned to allocate 20 million lei, resources that will allow co-financing about 170 enterprises opened by young entrepreneurs.
The goal of the program: to develop entrepreneurial abilities among young people based on knowledge and optimal use of resources (financial, human, material, time, etc.), facilitating access for young entrepreneurs to the financial resources necessary to open and develop their own business, encouraging young people to creation and development of new enterprises.
The program is intended for young people aged 18 to 30 who wish to:
Ø develop your business abilities;
Ø open your own business in rural areas;
Ø develop existing own businesses in rural regions, subject to the creation of new jobs.
The program consists of three components:
- Component I: Training and consulting on entrepreneurial activities
- II Component: Issuance of loans in the amount of up to 300,000 lei (for 5 years) with a grant share (40%)
- III Component: Post-financial monitoring

Startup funding in Singapore

Singapore's startup industry is characterized by the availability of funding. The average initial investment in Singapore is 500–550 thousand Singapore dollars, which is much less than, for example, in Silicon Valley ($900–950).

Major investors include 500 Startups, August Capital, East Ventures, NSI Ventures and Pix Vine Capital. There are also several intermediary firms in Singapore that help start-ups meet business angels and representatives of venture capital funds. Such organizations include Angel Investment Network (provides access to one of Singapore's largest databases of business angels) and BANSEA (Business Angel Network Southeast Asia). BANSEA works with companies that have clear business plans and require capital in the amount of 72-720 thousand dollars.

There are many accelerators and incubators in Singapore that help businesses in the early stages of development. Here are some of them:

Clearbridge Accelerator is a venture fund and incubator that invests in startups specializing in biotechnology and information security. The investment amount is up to 720 thousand Singapore dollars.

InspirAsia is an accelerator focused on projects that work in areas such as mobile payments, lending, mobile banking, money transfers, etc. Projects receive between $50,000 and $300,000 in exchange for a 5–15% equity stake.

JFDI (Joyful Frog Digital Incubator) - offers an intensive mentorship program and S$36 thousand in exchange for an 8.9% equity stake in the startup.

Startupbootcamp FinTech – an accelerator that helps startups specializing in financial technology. Offers S$17.6K in funding, 4 months of free work space, and connections to angel investors and mentors in exchange for 6% equity.

In an effort to create an Asian equivalent of Silicon Valley, the Singaporean government spares no expense on grants and support for business initiatives. Among the government programs are the following:

Accreditation@IDA is an initiative of the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) that helps startups enter into contracts with large companies.

ACE (Action Community for Entrepreneurship) Startup Grants – grants of up to S$36,000. Conditions: investment of own funds and lack of entrepreneurial experience (the applicant must be a novice entrepreneur and not have previously registered companies in Singapore).

I.JAM (IDM Jump-start and Mentor) - budget funds are distributed among startups through a network of government-accredited private business incubators. Funds are allocated in two tranches: the first - up to 36 thousand Singapore dollars, the second - another 144 thousand.

The Technology Incubation Scheme (TIS) is a program launched by the National Research Foundation of Singapore. Provides co-financing of projects involving venture capital - up to 85% of the venture investor's capital investment, or up to 360 thousand Singapore dollars.

Startup support in Ireland

Ireland is an ideal country for those who want to implement their business projects. A variety of government support programs, low taxes, a simple procedure for obtaining a startup visa - all this allows Ireland to be annually included in the rankings of the most attractive countries for entrepreneurship. The number of people wanting to get here is much less than in neighboring Great Britain, so the chances of turning your business ideas into reality are significantly increased.

It will be easy for a business that starts its journey in Ireland to enter the international market. New business owners have access to a wide range of funding and support programs at all levels of startup development. The country has a convenient corporate taxation system: income tax for most areas of business activity is 12.5%. And for businesses in industrial sectors, in the field of financial services and engineering, a preferential tax of 10% is provided. These are among the lowest rates in Europe. Therefore, Ireland remains an attractive country for both experienced and novice entrepreneurs.

Promising areas

To give your projects development in Ireland, you will first have to prove that the project proposed for consideration is included in the “high potential” category, that is, it represents an original and innovative business idea.

The most attractive areas for start-ups in Ireland from the point of view of Irish and international investors are:

Electronics and Engineering

Computer systems, software and mobile application development, game design


Production of cosmetics

Production of security systems, automotive components

Medical equipment development


Food production

Ireland is home to 9 out of 10 leading medical technology companies, such as Boston Scientific and Medtronic. Therefore, it is important to understand that competition in this market is extremely high. However, as in the IT industry.

Financing and investment

To help young companies there are Irish venture funds, government agencies, business incubators and accelerators ready to provide financial support. For about 10 years, competitions have been held among startup founders, the winners of which receive large investments, information and visa support when moving, and much more that will help develop their business in Ireland.

Competitive Start Up Fund

The largest government agency, Enterprise Ireland, together with the government of the country, organizes a competition for startups, the Competitive Start Up Fund, twice a year.

The terms of participation:

Startup no older than 3 years

Previous investments were no more than 100 thousand euros

The company's turnover does not exceed 60 thousand euros per year.

10 winners receive an investment of 50 thousand euros, visa support and all kinds of assistance in subsequent immigration and incorporation. It is noteworthy that the competition and the winners' assistance program are intended only for foreign (non-Irish) start-ups and early stage companies.

Program from NDRC and Pulsar Venture Capital

The same Enterprise Ireland agency, together with the NDRC accelerator, announced a long-term cooperation with the Russian branch of the venture fund Pulsar Venture Capital.

Here preference is given to founding participants of startups in technology industries: IT and software, petrochemical industry, future medicine and biotechnology. Prerequisite: the candidate must have a complete prototype or a completed project.

Other Irish venture funds, accelerators and business incubators that help develop foreign start-ups:

Propeller Venture Accelerator Fund is one of Europe's largest startup incubators. Curated by Dublin City University. Aspiring entrepreneurs are offered to undergo a five-month accelerator program in Dublin's Silicon Docks (the offices of global companies such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Google are located there) and an investment of 30 thousand euros in exchange for 7.5% of the company's shares. The incubator primarily supports businesses in technology areas.

The Startupbootcamp accelerator offers startups a three-month training program, an investment of 15 thousand euros, an office for 6 months and meeting hundreds of potential investors at various conferences. Priority areas of project activity: IT, biotechnology.

Founders of companies in the medical field should pay attention to the HealthXL fund, which helps find investors and advises on issues related to the healthcare sector.

Kirakosyan Elmira

This project will allow young entrepreneurs and graduates of secondary vocational education and higher education to understand the essence of entrepreneurial activity, and will also suggest initial actions in preparing and implementing the basics of business. The project is being implemented at the first stage - informational outreach activities of students for young entrepreneurs in the socio-economic environment.



“ is necessary to create additional mechanisms in order to

so that young and interesting promising people

could implement their ideas and proposals..."

(V.V. Putin)


Development of youth entrepreneurship: increasing the number of young entrepreneurs, creating mechanisms that stimulate youth entrepreneurial activity

Supervisor: Buzan Inna Vladimirovna,

history and social studies teacher

MAOU-secondary school No. 11 named after. V.V. Rassokhin,

Armavir, Krasnodar region


Objective of the project - information assistance and promotion of youth entrepreneurship. Creating a positive image of a Russian young entrepreneur.


1. To form a volunteer movement that can activate modern youth in the development of the regional economy.

2. Stimulate the selected contingent with information and practical methods.

3. Develop a concept for promoting and assisting young entrepreneurs.

Hypothesis: Promoting youth entrepreneurship will allow us to correct the situation in the economic sphere of activity, and will also direct the younger generation towards self-development and the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Methods: Information, statistical method, comparative analysis.

Project stages:

1. Information and explanatory (this project is being implemented at this stage)

2. Basic (planning and implementation)

3. Final (control and practice)

Nature of the project:primary, mid-term.

Project participants:volunteers - students of MAOU-secondary school No. 11 named after. V.V. Rassokhin; interested parent community involved in business activities; school administration; entrepreneurs involved in this project.

Project implementation timeline: 2014-2015

Project implementation area:Armavir, Krasnodar region (with possible subsequent expansion of the project area)

Project financing:

  1. Sponsorship funds from interested enterprises – 2500 rubles.

1. Entrepreneurship is

2.Youth entrepreneurship statistics

3.How to attract attention to small and medium-sized businesses

4.What kind of education do you need to get to do business?

5. How to help them with this

1. Introduction. Entrepreneurship concept.
In Roman law, “entrepreneurship” was considered as an occupation, business, activity, especially commercial. A fairly simple and very comprehensive definition of entrepreneurship is given by V.I. Dahl. In particular, he writes that “undertake” means “undertaking, deciding to carry out some new business, starting to do something significant”: hence “entrepreneur” - “undertaking” something. In modern economic literature there is a clear definition of the essence there is no entrepreneurship.
In most cases, the essence of this phenomenon is replaced by the purpose of entrepreneurial activity. So, for example, in the “Big Economic Dictionary” under the general editorship of A.N. Azriliyan gives the following definition: “Entrepreneurship is an initiative independent activity of citizens aimed at generating profit or personal income, carried out on their own behalf, under their own property responsibility or on behalf and under the legal responsibility of a legal entity.”
Entrepreneurship can be defined from various perspectives, such as:

· activities aimed at maximizing profits;

· initiative activities of citizens, consisting in the development of goods and services aimed at making a profit;

· direct function of property sale, its main production function;

· the process of organizational innovation in order to make a profit;

· actions aimed at increasing capital, developing production and appropriating profits;

· a specific type of activity aimed at the tireless search for changes in the existing forms of life of enterprises and society, the constant implementation of these changes.

Relevance of the project
Entrepreneurship is not just any business; it is a style of management that is characterized by the principles of innovation, anti-bureaucracy, constant initiative, and a focus on innovation in the processes of production, marketing, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Whereas business is a reproductive activity in the sphere of organization, production, distribution and sale of goods and services without innovation, without initiative in the development of innovative processes. This is the implementation or organization from year to year of the same production, sales, distribution or other activities within the framework of proven technologies, norms and rules to meet existing needs.
Analyzing different points of view on this issue, we can conclude that entrepreneurial activity is the realization of the special abilities of an individual, expressed in the rational combination of production factors based on an innovative risk approach. The entrepreneur uses the latest equipment and technology in production, organizes labor in a new way, and manages differently, which leads to a reduction in individual production costs, on the basis of which the price is set. The entrepreneur organizes marketing activities as efficiently as possible. He, better than others, determines the market in which it is most profitable to purchase means of production; more precisely, he “guesses” which product, at what time and in which market segment there will be the greatest effective demand. As a result, he makes more profit than ordinary businessmen. In addition, an entrepreneur constantly takes risks. He does not avoid risk, as is usually done, but takes it consciously in order to receive more income than others - a kind of compensation for this risk.

So… 1. Entrepreneurship is a special form of economic activity based on an innovative independent approach to the production and supply to the market of goods that bring the entrepreneur income and awareness of his importance as an individual.

2. The effect of entrepreneurship is based on the innovative, proactive activity of a person who mobilizes all his strength, purposefully uses all opportunities to achieve his goal and bears full responsibility for his actions.

3. The goal of entrepreneurship comes down to generating income through the production and supply of goods, works or services to the market, as well as to public recognition and awareness of one’s importance as an individual.

4. Entrepreneurial activity begins at the level of thinking - from the birth of a business idea to decision-making.

5. The main subject of entrepreneurial activity is the entrepreneur, who interacts with other participants in this process - consumers, the state, partners, employees.

6. The objects of entrepreneurial activity are goods, work or services.

7. There are two main forms of entrepreneurship - private and public, which are based on many general principles.

2.Youth entrepreneurship statistics...

Subjects of youth entrepreneurship are understood as:

· an individual under the age of 30 (inclusive), registered as an individual entrepreneur and who is a student or graduate of a vocational educational institution;

· entity, in the authorized capital of which the share owned individuals under the age of 30 (inclusive), who are students and (or) graduates educational institutions professional education is at least 50%;

· legal entity – business society (small innovative company created in accordance with the Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Creation of Business Companies by Budgetary Scientific and Educational Institutions for the Purpose of Practical Application (Introduction) of the Results of Intellectual Activity”), whose activity consists in the practical application (implementation) of the results of intellectual activity (programs for electronic computers, databases, inventions, utility models, industrial designs, breeding achievements, topologies of integrated circuits, production secrets (know-how)), in which at least half of the number of employees are individuals under the age of 30 (inclusive) or in the authorized capital of which the share owned by individuals under the age of 30 (inclusive) who are students and (or) graduates of educational institutions of vocational education is at least 50% .

According to statistics, approximately 300 million young people aged 18 to 30 around the world either do not have a permanent job or are completely unemployed. About 20% of them have excellent abilities to start their own business and, due to various reasons, only 5% decide to do so. The main problem is the lack of start-up capital.
For the formation of the economy of any country, the development of youth entrepreneurship is one of the important points. Involving young people in entrepreneurship is not only an increase in the share of small businesses, but also a solution to the problem of youth employment. Unfortunately, currently in most countries there is a certain decline in the development of youth entrepreneurship; fewer and fewer young people are starting their own businesses.

Scientific research and statistics show that no more than 10 - 15 percent of the working population is inclined towards entrepreneurship. However, even in this case, if the young person has entrepreneurial abilities, he should want to become an entrepreneur; believe that this is possible within the framework of tax and other laws available in the state; know that there are “best practices” and understand where to get information and support.

3. How to attract attention to small and medium-sized businesses...

The financial and economic crisis that affected Russia aggravated the entire range of problems of the Russian economy, including the insufficient level of professionalism and competence of personnel necessary to operate in an innovative economy. In particular, this applies to the cadre of entrepreneurs, primarily because there are few young people with great innovative potential among them.

Today, youth entrepreneurship should be one of the priority areas for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia. The practice of developed countries shows that small and medium-sized businesses are the key “growth point” of the state’s economy and are capable of ensuring the development of competitiveness in the country.

Modern Russian reality is complicated by the fact that several generations who lived and studied in the Soviet Union, where entrepreneurship was perceived as a scam and fraud, do not take entrepreneurial activity seriously.

Taking into account this specificity, Russia should rely specifically on young people who grew up under the conditions of new economic reforms and perceive entrepreneurial activity as the basis of material well-being and professional growth.

It turns out that it is young people who are the main driving force of small and medium-sized businesses, including innovative ones, and play a major role in solving socio-economic problems. But at the legislative level, the categories “youth” and “youth entrepreneurship” have not yet been defined in Russia. Federal laws do not distinguish young entrepreneurs into a separate category, providing them with support on a common basis with other small businesses.

Research on Russian entrepreneurship shows that youth entrepreneurship has a number of problems :

Annual outflow of active youth from Russia;

Lack of federal legislative framework regulating youth entrepreneurship;

The system of state support for youth entrepreneurship, including financial elements, is poorly developed;

Ineffective operation of the infrastructure for supporting and developing youth entrepreneurship;

Weak information support for youth entrepreneurship;

heavy tax burden;

The presence of corruption barriers and the “shadow” economy;

insufficient level of intellectual property protection;

Lack of knowledge of the basics of entrepreneurship and lack of mentoring in the business environment.

Creating conditions that encourage young people to create their own business is an integral part of the socio-economic system and modernization of the country (see the Concept of socio-economic development for the period until 2020 and the Strategy for Innovative Development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 ), and provides:

stability of market relations, since a significant part of the population is drawn into this system of relations (according to foreign scientists, the stability of the system is ensured when 20-30% of the country's citizens have their own business);

rapid adaptation and the necessary mobility in market conditions create deep specialization and extensive cooperation of production, without which its high efficiency is unthinkable;

management flexibility and efficiency in implementing decisions;

creation of new and relatively inexpensive jobs;

flexibility of internal communications, as well as the ability of a young person to realize his ideas, demonstrate his abilities, and a high level of motivation;

lower requirement for initial capital and the ability to quickly make progressive changes in products and production process technology in response to market demands (local and regional);

relatively higher equity capital turnover.

There is another factor that makes the activity of small businesses especially relevant. Modern market processes are characterized by a high degree of segmentation. The era of mass markets is irrevocably passing away. Today, the diversity and variability of consumer preferences are becoming factors that determine business trends. Markets for new goods and services are emerging, the capacity of which is very small.

Small businesses created by young people are able to respond especially quickly to consumer demands, mastering the production of small-scale, unique products or specific services for individual market segments.

For the rapid development of youth entrepreneurship in Russia, it is necessary to create conditions for the mass involvement of young people in entrepreneurial activities and to create the “correct” image of a young entrepreneur and Russian entrepreneurship in general.

At the present stage of development of youth policy, there are a number of government structures that oversee youth policy (Administration of the President of Russia; Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs ; Federal Agency for Youth Affairs). However, it is necessary to change qualitative and interdepartmental approaches to the development of youth entrepreneurship.

4. What kind of education do you need to get to do business?…

Experts say that 70% of new companies cease operations within the first year. And the main reason for this phenomenon is the lack of entrepreneurial talent among their owners. This talent is considered one of the main resources of any economy, but, according to various estimates, only 5-10% of the population possesses it.

Not everyone is suited to be an entrepreneur, and most of us can achieve much more success as an employee than in our own business. But how can you tell if a person has entrepreneurial talent and should he open his own company?

The reasons why some entrepreneurs are successful in business and others are not have always been of interest to specialists. And after a series of studies they foundthree groups of factors, which significantly influence the result of the future activities of a person planning to open his own business:

business skills;

personal qualities;

the ability to make the necessary sacrifices to bring your vision to life.

What business skills should a person have to become a successful entrepreneur?

Firstly , high general educational and professional training.

Secondly , industry experience, and industry knowledge acquired immediately before the creation of a new enterprise is especially valuable.

Third , experience in management work - after all, previously acquired qualities and proven abilities make the novice entrepreneur more prepared in relation to the various tasks that arise when establishing a new enterprise.

Fourth , experience of participating in the creation of enterprises, which allows you to quickly recognize and assess the difficulties of the early stage of work, overcome or even avoid them.

And finally, fifthly , in all areas of economic and professional communication with people, be it personnel management, group work, negotiations with business partners or client relations, having high social competence is of great importance for ensuring success. Its main components are communication skills, contact, willingness and ability to resolve conflicts, attention to a partner, a sense of responsibility, emotional stability, motivational abilities, the desire to learn, the ability to introspect, and a sense of justice.

Possessing these qualities, a novice entrepreneur, as a rule, finds himself at the level of the tasks facing him.

Researchers J. CoviniD. Slevin(Covin J. G., Slevin D. P. A Conceptional Model of Entrepeneurship as Firm Behavior / Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Baylor, Waco. 1991) useconcept of "entrepreneurial position". This position, in their opinion, is determined three parameters:

Taking risks - willingness to take on entrepreneurial and economic risks, which is expressed in the priority of very risky projects with high chances of high profits compared to less risky projects with small but completely guaranteed income;

Preventive activity- willingness to initiate actions and projects to which a competitor must necessarily respond. The entrepreneur tries to be the first, far ahead of his competitors, to introduce new products, technologies, services, organizational forms, etc. (the slogan is used: innovation, not imitation);

Innovation- willingness to widely conduct scientific research, development and innovation, while perceiving failures as inevitable costs of risk, and innovative success as rewards.

Regarding the personal qualities of an entrepreneur, then among a large variety of character traits, experts identify four properties that almost all successful entrepreneurs possess:

Need for achievement. Initiative. Believe in yourself. Knowing yourself.

The entrepreneurs themselves, as surveys of sociologists show, the personality traits that ensure their effective activity in business include the following:

the ability to quickly make unexpected decisions;

ability to take risks;

communication benefits;

aggressiveness of character;

intuitive abilities;

ability to work with people;

stability of behavioral and value strategies in various situations.

It is interesting that some businessmen believe that their management of the company is hampered by excessive rigidity, while others, on the contrary, took the position that their limitation is psychological softness. Sociologists also note quite“calm” attitude of entrepreneurs towards their shortcomings and a high level of self-esteem. Many businessmen consider all their qualities “useful,” arguing that they form the uniqueness of their image and unexpectedly ensure victory.

M.Gerber in his book "The Enterprise That Works" gives a very interesting and emotional characteristics entrepreneurs: "The personality of an entrepreneur turns the most trivial circumstances into amazing opportunities. An entrepreneur sees the future. He is a dreamer. He brings energy to every human activity. Imagination takes the entrepreneur into the future. He is a catalyst for change. An entrepreneur lives in the future, never lives in the past. The Entrepreneur - this is a creative person who best copes with the unknown, tests the future, creates opportunities, constructs harmony out of chaos.

If a manager builds a house and moves into it for life, then the entrepreneur, the moment the house is finished, begins to plan a new one.

Remember that the main thing that distinguishes an entrepreneur from an employee is SELF-CONFIDENCE, based on nothing. You're just better, that's all. But at the same time, God forbid you behave arrogantly. Not arrogantly, but CONFIDENTLY: benevolent and generous."

The next group of success factors for any entrepreneur is his ability to cope with inevitable trials, problems and sacrifices.

Those who have decided to start their own business should know that it requires:

exceptional self-discipline and willingness to work hard for an unlimited time without the hope of immediate income;

refusal of vacation and almost constant work in the evenings and weekends;

reducing time devoted to family and personal interests.

So, any person, before deciding to open his own business, should seriously analyze his abilities and capabilities. And determine whether he has at least half of the qualities necessary for an entrepreneur. You also need to seriously think about how the decision to become a businessman will affect those around you. After all, only an orphan or an absolute egoist can consider exclusively his own needs. Most people have family and friends - how will all this affect them? Only by answering this question can you make a final decision.

5. Concept of assistance “System of assistance to young entrepreneurs”

Option 1. Legislative activity

The main objective of the events will be to improve the existing business climate in the country and reduce corruption barriers.

As part of the implementation of legislative activities, the following measures will be provided:

Establishing the legal status of youth, student and apprentice enterprises;

Providing individual and collective enterprises of young citizens with tax and credit benefits, provision of means of production, premises, insurance of their commercial risk;

Providing one-time subsidies to support projects and proposals developed in the interests of youth that are innovative in nature, as well as aimed at expanding the self-sufficiency of youth;

Exemption of small youth innovative enterprises from paying corporate income tax (tax holidays) during the first 2 years of operation, as well as payment of 50% of the tax amount in the next two years. The introduction of a direct “investment benefit” for corporate income tax - when part of the tax base is exempt from taxation if it is invested in the expansion or restoration of fixed assets for production purposes;

Establishing the amount of transport tax - 0% during the first 3 years of activity of small innovative companies created at universities and research institutes;

Determining the possibility of transferring property and equipment to universities and research institutes for use;

Expanding the list of transactions not subject to VAT, services related to intellectual property, including recognition and transfer of intellectual property rights, granting rights to use intellectual property, as well as protection of intellectual property rights;

Introduction of a reduced VAT rate on all transactions related to the sale of innovative products for young entrepreneurs;

Reducing patent fees or establishing installment plans for their payment for educational and scientific institutions. It is possible to link the mechanism for installment payment of patent fees in relation to the process of creating a small innovative enterprise and adding intellectual property rights to its authorized capital (if added to the authorized capital, there is an exemption from paying state fees);

Development of a regulatory legal act providing for compensation of expenses (from 30-70%) of small innovative companies created by young people related to the assessment of intellectual property and registration of patents and trademarks;

Expanding the list of results of intellectual activity and including works of science, literature and art and other results of intellectual activity.

Option 2. Media projects at the federal and regional levels

The goal of media projects will be the formation of a new “hero of our time” - an active, creative, intelligent, successful young man. To achieve this goal, a number of activities will be carried out:

Creation of a “road map” for supporting youth entrepreneurship and launching a single business portal dedicated to youth entrepreneurship and government support mechanisms;

Formation of a series of TV programs “young businessman” about young entrepreneurs in the country in all areas of activity;

Conducting a reality show with a weekly episode about the start and development of 3-5 enterprises created by young people (with a detailed narration of all the problems that a novice entrepreneur faces and the achievements achieved);

Information programs on federal radio channels about existing support for youth entrepreneurship;

Creation of a series of programs on the history of entrepreneurship and the success stories of young entrepreneurs in Russia and the world;

Publications in federal media, including interviews with young entrepreneurs;

Conducting business forums and conferences on the development of youth entrepreneurship;

Organizing meetings of young entrepreneurs with leaders of the country, regions, and major businessmen.

Option 3. Information assistance and promotion of youth entrepreneurship. Creating a positive image of a Russian young entrepreneur

The key problem currently is that in society an entrepreneur is perceived as “a person who is being led somewhere in handcuffs or accused of breaking the law.” This situation leads to the fact that the majority of Russian schoolchildren want to be either officials or law enforcement officers. Among young people, the entrepreneurial spirit is also weakly expressed, which implies a willingness to take risks and create new things.

In foreign business practice there is no doubt about the necessity of a positive image business man. A similar attitude to image is inherent in the structure of civilized market relations among all subjects of market relations, regardless of their social status.

History, including Russian (as of 1917), entrepreneurship has convincingly proven that without creating a positive business image, it is difficult to count on the personal growth of the entrepreneur himself, on building his career, which ultimately affects the successful conduct of commercial affairs and the formation of a worthy reputation in business circles.

Thus, the created positive image of an entrepreneur is a significant factor of stability in society and a guarantor of the success of ongoing reforms.

The task must be solved at the first stage of the Strategy implementation through:

Creation legislative framework youth entrepreneurship;

Increasing the number of various programs on TV and publications in the media that popularize entrepreneurship;

Promotion of successful entrepreneurs among youth;

Creation of permanent training programs for youth and schoolchildren on the “basics of entrepreneurship”

Conducting conferences, round tables, seminars, exhibitions, international events.

At the second stage of implementation of the Strategy, it is important to strengthen the market positions of young entrepreneurs and intensify the creation of enterprises by young people.

This stage will be characterized by an increase in the share of young entrepreneurs in the total number of small and medium-sized Russian enterprises.

Based on the groundwork formed at the first stage, large-scale development of the market by young people should be carried out. For these purposes, the necessary tax, financial, infrastructural and other incentives aimed at the development of youth entrepreneurship will also be introduced.

These tasks at the second stage will be solved through:

Adoption of legislative initiatives in the field of youth entrepreneurship;

Improving the business climate;

Attracting funding for youth entrepreneurship, development of cooperation and subcontracting;

Activation of entrepreneurship among youth;

Development of infrastructure to support youth entrepreneurship;

Formation of a system of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of development of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, taking into account the development of youth entrepreneurship;

Creation of a unified system of coordination of all organizations involved in youth entrepreneurship.

Option 4. Training programs

The development of this area is focused on obtaining practical knowledge and skills by young people in the field of business.

As part of the implementation of this direction, the following activities will be planned and carried out:

financing training in the basics of entrepreneurship and assistance in the development of constituent documents;

development of training webinars (for posting on the Internet portal) in the following areas:

do-it-yourself business plan;

how to get a loan;

how to attract an investor;

first sales;

how to get government support;

how to form a team of like-minded people;

development and conduct of game and training events, educational courses, elective classes on entrepreneurship among high school students;

creating an institute of “mentoring” (mentoring), providing the opportunity to undergo internships at existing enterprises, and receive expert advice from successful entrepreneurs;

implementation of a system of selection, testing and identification of business inclinations of young people who want to work in small businesses, using a Comprehensive System of Objective Personnel Assessment.

Option 5. Development of infrastructure to support youth entrepreneurship:

The goal of this direction is to create an effective infrastructure to support youth entrepreneurship. Despite the efforts of the state aimed at developing the infrastructure to support entrepreneurship, the following problems exist:

There is almost no responsibility for the implementation of projects of resident companies in business incubators and technology parks;

There are no highly qualified personnel with knowledge and experience in managing business projects;

Services are poorly developed:

business development,

assistance in selecting a management team of resident companies;

conducting market research and entering the market (conducting negotiations, presentations and searching for clients);

search and attraction of investors;

develop entrepreneurial skills.

Partner networks within the business incubator are poorly developed;

There is no comprehensive monitoring system for business incubators;

There are no sponsors and guarantors to ensure the continuity of the effective activities of the business incubator.

To eliminate these problems, the following series of measures will be provided:

Development of a system of youth business incubators and technology parks;

Introduction of a system for “growing” small companies in business incubators and technology parks;

Introduction of an effective system for monitoring the activities of infrastructure elements supporting youth entrepreneurship (business incubators, technology parks, technology transfer centers);

Allocation of quotas for youth business projects for placement in business incubators and technology parks;

Creation of a “hotline” on issues of creating and developing a business for young people.

Option 6. Attracting funding

The main goal of the direction is to build a transparent system for financing youth business projects. To achieve this, the following activities will be planned and implemented:

Ensuring the holding of investment and business forums for the presentation of business projects of young entrepreneurs to private investors and representatives of government programs to support small businesses;

Creation of a series of comprehensive training programs “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship” for various groups of youth: high school students, students, young people 30-35 years old. The preparation of such programs will be carried out by creative teams, which will include methodologists, methodologists, business trainers, practitioners - real entrepreneurs;

Ensuring the possibility of providing guarantees to credit institutions financing the activities of young entrepreneurs;

Formation of a risk insurance system for young entrepreneurs.

Option 7. Development of cooperation and subcontracting

The objectives of this area are to create measures to stimulate industrial enterprises and introduce mechanisms of industrial cooperation and subcontracting, placing orders with small enterprises. In most industrialized countries, the development of industrial cooperation is a task of state economic policy; in some of these countries, the transfer of subcontract orders to small enterprises is enshrined in law.

To develop cooperation and subcontracting in youth entrepreneurship, the following program activities will be provided:

Tax incentives for large and medium-sized businesses actively developing subcontracting;

Formation of legislative norms for the development of cooperation and subcontracting in Russia;

Creation of a system of state and municipal orders for products of youth enterprises.

6. Conclusion

The implementation of the main projects of the Strategy, taking into account the coordinating role of the TPP, will allow:

Change the operating principles of state and public structures focused (directly or indirectly) on supporting youth entrepreneurship;

Create a system that works without unnecessary administrative incentives, in which an integrated approach is possible: adolescents and young people will have the opportunity to identify their inclinations for entrepreneurial activity and develop them in the context of the proposed training projects; capable young people will be able to realize themselves in entrepreneurial activities; young entrepreneurs will receive “solid ground under their feet” and the opportunity to effectively develop their business;

To form a system of public control and information openness, focused on the effective and rapid formation of a cohort of young entrepreneurs focused on the development of entrepreneurship in Russia.

Paradoxical as it may seem, the concept of “youth entrepreneurship” is still missing in modern Russian legislation. Meanwhile, it is young entrepreneurs who bear the main burden of responsibility for the future economic development of the country.

The importance of the development of youth, small and medium-sized businesses, innovative small and micro-enterprises has been repeatedly emphasized by the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, representatives of political parties and many public figures.

The last years of socio-economic development of Russia are characterized by significant activity of young people in entrepreneurial activity. The peculiarity of youth entrepreneurship is manifested in the limited economic and production connections, material and financial dependence on parents, a greater risk of being subject to extortion, the emergence of unaccounted for and often criminal sources of income, the readiness of a significant part of young people for illegal actions and their indifference to public interests, etc.

Every third young person admits his participation in criminal groups. This is motivated by the fact that it is impossible to engage in honest entrepreneurship in modern Russia, and young people (10.1% of respondents) consider such participation to be a normal way to earn money; if “life gets in the way,” then 22.3% of respondents are ready to “temporarily” be a member of criminal groups. This is one side.

On the other hand, the total criminalization of business repels a significant part of young people who do not want or are unable to fit into the existing system of market relations. Disappointment in the present and uncertainty about the future form a catastrophic type of consciousness among young people, a state of social disorientation, which, of course, does not advance society towards a civilized market.

Youth enterprises lack a resource base and, above all, material base for business development. The young entrepreneur’s lack of experience in organizing a business and related areas and lack of communication skills make themselves felt. The connection of entrepreneurial activity with constant risk, uncertain conditions and unknown results forces young people to look for ways of less resistance, that is, to choose areas of activity that do not require great mental abilities, physical and material costs. The consequence of this is the insufficient social efficiency of entrepreneurial activity of young people, which has become predominantly widespread in the non-productive sphere.

Instability in society, the lack of a necessary and sufficient regulatory framework for youth entrepreneurship also negatively affects the emergence of new business entities and its development.

The accumulated problems of a socio-economic, organizational, technological and socio-psychological nature require coordinated actions to solve them at all levels of management. Moreover, the mechanisms for resolving them are most successfully developed not at the federal level, but at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation, in the process of interregional cooperation.

Despite the noticeable role of youth in certain spheres of society, they are one of the least influential social groups. She is manipulated to achieve commercial, political and other goals. This contributes to the emergence of disappointment, growing anger and aggressiveness among young people.

There is another huge problem that cannot be kept silent about. The socio-economic crisis in society has a strong impact on young people, who, like society as a whole, are experiencing a crisis of values. In the value consciousness of young people and their behavior, elements that threaten the individual appear - criminalization of consciousness, extremism, etc., manifesting themselves in many areas of activity. Money has come to the first place in the value system, for which many are ready and will do anything, including crimes. In addition, the possibility of “easy money”, which does not require deep knowledge and culture from a young person, contributes to the devaluation of education in the eyes of the younger generation.

It should be noted that in the current socio-economic conditions, young people either want to work in existing government or commercial structures, and the desire to open their own business is only in fifth place, since organizing their own enterprise requires significant starting capital, personal connections and experience that young people do not have. For the majority of young people who are capable of engaging in entrepreneurial activity, commercial entrepreneurship is preferable, where capital turns over faster and profits are higher, there is less mental labor required and the need for organizational skills.

The reforms carried out in Russia should be addressed to the future and, above all, to young people, since young people are potentially the most mobile social group in the labor market, without their interested and active participation these reforms are not feasible. The historical vocation of youth is that they are able to overcome the vices of totalitarianism, develop and elevate Russia, however, it is necessary to create conditions and incentives for younger generations, create mechanisms acceptable for youth for obtaining qualifications and retraining, since the social institutions that exist today, such as the education system, employment service and others, far from always, bring the expected results. A feature of the processes taking place in the Russian economy at the present time is the transition to a new stage of development, in which the focus of economic policy is not so much the enterprise itself, but the problems of its adaptation to changing environmental conditions, which can only be solved at a higher corporate level .

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r “Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 (section 9)

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 8, 2011 No. 2227-r “Strategy for innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 (p. 47)

Youth entrepreneurship is at the center of the interests of modern society and affects the lives of the entire population. It is unlikely that many sectors of the economy could function without the endless flow of products and services in which young entrepreneurs are involved. In addition, youth entrepreneurship initiates inventive and innovative activities: research shows that basic ideas and inventions more often come from youth entrepreneurship than from large enterprises and from entrepreneurs whose business has already taken place and is firmly on the rails. The creativity of youth entrepreneurship in an innovative environment contributes to the dissemination of new products and services to consumers.

Thus, about 70–80% of registered enterprises in the alternative sector of the economy (small businesses) are organized by people 25–30 years of age. Entrepreneurship is a social institution where such valuable universal qualities as responsibility, prudence, the ability to navigate the environment, and relate one’s goals to the means of achieving them are formed. Enterprising young people today do not want to be in the role of outside observers, but want to be active creators of their own destiny.

It should be noted that for a long time, youth entrepreneurship has not been given sufficient attention by the state and administrative structures, and as a result, its development has been rather weak.

A huge number of young entrepreneurs try to build their businesses, but half of them stop operating within 18 months. The main reason for the high failure rate of young entrepreneurs is the ease with which inexperienced people can start a new business. A huge number of young people would like to go into business on their own, but only a few do it, and of those who do, only a few succeed. However, the opportunity to become a successful entrepreneur is quite real.

Problems of youth entrepreneurship can be divided into several main groups:

1) search for a new business - young entrepreneurs can start their own business in one of two ways: by acquiring an existing enterprise or by creating a new enterprise. The eternal Russian question “What to do?” in youth entrepreneurship it sounds like “What kind of business should I do?”;

2) taxes - previously the difficulty was one thing: taxes were prohibitively high. Now this topic has expanded significantly: the extreme complexity and unpredictability of the tax system;

3) legislation - everyone without exception considers the problem of legislation to be the most unpleasant phenomenon. According to some statistics, unpredictability, instability and ambiguity are mentioned as a problem by a much larger number of experts and respondents. In addition, many young entrepreneurs cannot boast of financial and legal literacy, which in turn, like a snowball, layers problem upon problem;

4) the economic and political situation in general;

5) difficulties in obtaining a loan and high interest rates;

2) underdeveloped culture of the business sector;

3) there is no established mechanism for effective and mutually developing interaction, cooperation between subjects of business education and business, which would contribute to innovative development;

4) low quality of business education services.

· it is important to create your own quality standards in business education, which will not copy Western models, but will mainly take into account the specifics of Russian entrepreneurship and the external environment. It is worth focusing on foreign experience selectively;

· experts note an increase in interest in systemic training, as well as an increase in the independent activity of the population - consumers of business education, this indicates an increase in the self-awareness of society and the age-related desire for independence in professional development;

· the key is the contribution to human capital, as the basis and source of any innovation in society, science, education, and entrepreneurship. One of the main components is business education, from which young people have the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge and skills; moreover, a business school can become a kind of springboard for the younger generation of students who need knowledge for their personal and professional growth;

Russia needs highly qualified managers who are capable and ready to develop business in their country. Russian business education is a very promising direction, a dynamically developing area where the introduction of innovative solutions is important. For innovation in Russian business education, there are all the necessary resources, both scientific and methodological, and creative and human.

In conclusion, I would like to note that business education is the “well” from which one can draw new knowledge and practical skills necessary to improve work results, increase employee productivity, achieve certain tactical and strategic goals of the company, as well as the development of youth entrepreneurship . It is also important not to forget about personal development, which primarily gives impetus to the innovative development of any sphere. What, if not business education, can help with this?


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