Congratulations to aliens from outer space. Scenario of the game program "Space Travel"

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Scenario " Space trip»

Educator: Hello, dear guys!

On April 12, our country celebrates a wonderful holiday - Cosmonautics Day. This is a big holiday in honor of pilots, cosmonauts, designers who create rockets, spaceships and artificial Earth satellites. And our holiday is dedicated to the flight into space of the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Children recite poems:

1.B space rocket with the name "East"

He was the first on the planet to rise to the stars.

The spring drops sing songs about this:

Gagarin and April will be together forever.

2. A Russian guy took off in a rocket,

I saw the whole Earth from above,

Gagarin was the first in space,

What score will you be?

3.Cosmonaut. There was no such word

Among many, many thousands of words,

They brought him to Earth from the sky

Pilots: Gagarin and Titov.


Guys, you have already learned a lot about space, and today I suggest you go on a journey to uncharted planets, in order to better tune in to the journey, let's sing a song

Children perform the song “Song of Young Cosmonauts” (V. Shestakova)

Educator: A difficult journey awaits us, are you ready for the challenges? (children's answers) I offer you a space workout.


One, two - there is a rocket, three, four - an airplane,

One, two - clap your hands, and then on every count.

One, two, three, four - arms higher, shoulders wider.

One, two, three, four - and they walked on the spot.

Fizminutka-2 “Rocket”

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - here we are flying into space - (for each number, jerk your arms higher and connect them at an angle above your head)

The rocket rushes quickly towards the radiant stars - (run in a circle)

We flew around the stars, we wanted to go into space - (I imitate “weightlessness”, they scatter around the hall)

We fly in zero gravity, we look out the windows - (hands above eyebrows),

Only friendly starships can take you on a flight! - (they join in a circle, then go to their places).

What do you think an astronaut should be like? (children's answers)

Game "Don't be late for the rocket"

(There are hoops on the floor, everyone walks around the hall together and says a poem, after the last word is said, 4 people must stand in the hoops, those who do not have enough space are eliminated from the game and one hoop is removed, the game continues.)

Words: Fast rockets await us for walking around the planets,

Whichever one we want, we’ll fly on that one,

But there is one secret in the game - there is no place for latecomers!

Ved: We played a little, and now it’s time to go, but we don’t have a rocket. Let's build them

Game “Assemble a rocket” (puzzles)

Ved: The rockets are ready! Let's go to the Cosmodrome

March. Move to the other half of the hall. Installing the rocket .

Ved. All crews take their places in the rocket. (Children take their seats)

Minute readiness is announced... 10 seconds before start. Let's start the countdown. (Children count in unison from 10 to 0.) Start! (Cosmic music sounds.)

The rocket takes you into the starry sky. 10 seconds - normal flight.

Look, the starry sky opens up before you

Video Space

Ved: While we're flying, let's remember the planets we know:

Any of us can name all the planets in order:

One - Mercury, two - Venus,

Three - Earth, four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn,

Seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And behind it, then, is the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

So we arrived at the first planet - Planet Toys. Look how many toys there are! Let's play with them

Game "Who will take the toy faster" (group senior)

Dance "Kuklyandiya" (preg)

Game "Zero Gravity"

relay race “Bring the balloon”.
On a platter, without the help of the other hand, you need to carry the balloon, approach the Astrologer and return back to your team, pass the item to the next participant in the game. The team that follows all the rules without errors wins.

We are approaching the planet Mysterious

Astronauts, be careful and listen to the riddles.

1.To equip your eyes and make friends with the stars,

Milky Way see that you need a powerful......(telescope)

2. An astronomer, like an astrologer, knows everything in detail.

Only the full ............(moon) is visible in the sky better than the stars.

3. A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon,

But fast..........(rocket) can do this

4. The rocket has a driver, a lover of weightlessness,

In English “Astronaut”, and in Russian...................(cosmonaut)

5. An astronaut sits in a rocket, cursing everything in the world,

In orbit, as luck would have it, ....................... (UFO) appeared

6. He sees a hole in space, it’s black....................(hole)

7. In black holes, the darkness is occupied by something black.

There the interplanetary ............ (starship) ended its flight

8. The starship is a steel bird, it rushes faster than light,

Learns in practice stellar ................................... (galaxies)

9.And the galaxies fly in all directions as they please.

This whole thing is very hefty........................... (universe)

Leading: You guys are great at solving all the riddles!

Attention! All crews take their places in the rocket. New planets and new adventures await us. (space music)

There are a lot of stars in outer space. Attention! Crews can leave the ship, go into outer space and play the game.

The game "Constellation" is played.

Children, holding hands, form 2-3 circles and, at the command of an adult, begin to lead a kind of “cosmic round dance”, “star”, circling, disperse throughout the hall, stop, recite the text and gather in a “constellation”.

In the sky the stars sparkle and sparkle merrily.

And they want to play with the guys.

Come on, stars, shine brighter in the sky,

Start the star carousel in the sky.

One-two-one, one-two-one

Constellation for each star

we'll find it now.

Leading: st-e

stars dance (old gr.)

Competition game "Star Bouquet"

Educator: This game requires 2 players. Five blue stars and five red stars are laid out on the floor. The guys are blindfolded. More stars of a different color are added to the floor. You need to collect as many stars as possible of only your color. Assistants have the right to shout “Take it!”, “Don’t take it!”

Ved: Attention! Attention! All crews must return to the ship immediately! An alarming message was received from space - an SOS signal. We are called to help. All crews take their places in the rocket. We urgently fly to Planet Zhelezyaka

Attention! Get ready to land!

Music. It turns out Alien:

Hello, aliens! Glad to welcome you to the Zhe-le-zy-ka-plane! Who you are?

Ved: We arrived from planet Earth.

Alien: What planet is this?

Ved: And now we’ll sing you a song about it

Song "Colorful Planet"

Alien: Your planet is beautiful. And a disaster happened on our planet: the entire planet was filled with space debris. I need your help.

Ved: We are ready to help! Guys, let's divide into 2-3 teams and help our space friends!

Relay game “Cleaning the Planet”

Alien: Thank you very much to you, friends! Now my planet is clean. I'm so glad! Let's have fun. I want to teach you to dance my favorite dance

Dance "Heel and Toe"

Ved: Thank you for this cheerful dance! But it's time for us to return home. Goodbye!

(The alien says goodbye and leaves)

Guys! We had a lot of fun with you, you did a great job with all the tasks, but our journey has come to an end and it’s time for us to return to Earth. Attention! Everyone get ready to launch, the countdown begins 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Here we are back. Where did we go today, what do you remember?

(Exit to march music)

Methodological development

Scenario game program

"Space trip".

Developed Grigorieva T.N.

Explanatory note

"Space trip" - game program, dedicated to the Day Cosmonautics.

Target: leisure activities.


Develop dexterity and attention, dexterity and resourcefulness;

Enrich the motor experience of children, promote the development of motor qualities (speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, jumping ability), foster strong-willed qualities, develop the desire to win and self-confidence;

Expand students' horizons.

The event is held with any number of children.


Geometric shapes made of colored paper;

Ribbon with 2 rockets at the ends and 1 moon in the middle;

Telegram text;

Cipher text;

Crossword (2 copies);

Items for “inventory”;

2 jump ropes;

Cards with letters;

Balloon, basket;

Paper, pencils, paints, brushes;

2 ropes (ropes);

2 gymnastic benches.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guys! Several decades ago, almost all boys and girls in our country, when asked what they wanted to become when they grew up, answered the same way: “An astronaut!” Probably, even now there are guys among you who dream of space. And I’m sure no one will refuse the offer to visit distant unexplored planets. Today you will have an unforgettable space journey through the Galaxy. First, tell me, what is a Galaxy? What is included in the Galaxy? (A galaxy is a star system. The galaxy includes stars, planets, comets). The first thing to do is to get to know the crews of the spaceships.

But for this we will need to divide into teams.

Qualifying round.

Teams are formed from children who guessed the riddles correctly. Answers are accepted from the first person to raise their hand. Shouts from the spot do not count.

A chain of riddles.

To equip the eye
And be friends with the stars,
To see the Milky Way
We need a powerful... (telescope)

Telescope for hundreds of years
Study the life of planets.
He will tell us everything
Smart uncle... (astronomer)

An astronomer is a stargazer,
He knows everything inside out!
Only the stars are visible better
The sky is full... (Moon)

A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land on the moon,
But he can do it
Do it fast... (Rocket)

The rocket has a driver
Zero gravity lover.
In English: "astronaut"
And in Russian... (Cosmonaut)

An astronaut sits in a rocket
Cursing everything in the world - In orbit as luck would have it
Appeared... (UFO)

UFO flies to neighbor
From the constellation Andromeda,
It howls like a wolf out of boredom
Evil Green... (Humanoid)

The humanoid has lost its course,
Lost in three planets,
If there is no star map,
Speed ​​won't help... (Sveta)

Light flies the fastest
Doesn't count kilometers.
The Sun gives life to the planets,
We are warm, tails are… (Comets)

The comet flew around,
I looked at everything in the sky.
He sees a hole in space - It’s black... (Hole)

There is darkness in black holes
She's busy with something dark.
There he ended his flight
Interplanetary... (Starship)

Starship - steel bird,
He runs faster than light.
Learns in practice
Stellar ... (Galaxies)

And the galaxies are flying
In loose form as they wish.

Very hefty
This whole universe!

Leading: Now let's get acquainted. Each crew must come up with a name for their crew during the dance composition and choose a captain. Your flight today will be monitored by the Galactic Commission. The jury members are introduced,

Leading: While you were dividing into teams, they brought us a telegram from real astronauts. But it turned out that for some reason some words were missing in the text.

Competition No. 1. "Telegram"

Task: restore the text of the telegram and fill in the missing words.
Text of the telegram: You, baby, don’t forget: you are on your way to becoming an astronaut. Our main rule is to carry out any (order)! If you want to become an astronaut, you must know a lot, a lot! Any space route is open to those who love (work). Only friendly starships can take with them (on the flight). We will not take the boring, gloomy and angry into (orbit)!

(Conducting a competition, summing up the results. The speed of completing the task is assessed.)

Leading: Now that you have read the order of the astronauts, you know that before becoming a real astronaut, you need to learn a lot, you need to know and be able to do a lot. I hope you already know something about space and astronauts, so let’s now try to determine whether you are allowed to fly.

Competition No. 2. "Theoretical preparation"

What is astronomy? (Science of stars and planets.)

Why is life impossible on Earth without the Sun? (Because it will be cold and dark.)

Why is Cosmonautics Day celebrated in our country on April 12? (On this day Yu. Gagarin made the first space flight.)

Name the astronauts you know. (Gagarin, Titov, Tereshkova, Savitskaya, Nikolaev, Leonov.)

Name the spaceship on which Yuri Gagarin went into space. ("East".)

Name the chief designer of the Vostok spacecraft. (Academician S. Korolev.)

What is the name of the place from where spaceships take off? (Cosmodrome.)

What is the name of the astronaut's protective suit? (Space suit.)

Valentina Tereshkova, the first female cosmonaut, was in space for three days. How many hours is this? (72 hours)

Name the cosmodrome from which Russian rockets launch into space? (Baikonur)

What were the names of the dogs that flew into space? (Belka, Strelka.)

A huge fiery star emitting light in all directions. (Sun.)

Who was the first to go into outer space? (A.A. Leonov)

The Earth's only natural satellite. (Moon.)

The jury evaluates the correctness of the answers.

Presenter: Great, all the young cosmonauts showed good knowledge and can fly to the stars.

But to travel to unknown planets, you need to prepare your spacecraft.

Competition No. 3. "Building a Ship"

Task: put together from disparate parts (cut from colored paper geometric figures) silhouette of a rocket.

Leading: All of you are now without a space suit, in ordinary clothes. You urgently need to be dressed for the flight.

Competition No. 4. “Dress an astronaut”

Two plywood boards depict the figure of an astronaut in a tracksuit. Small nails are driven into the shields with pictures.
Assignment: on each nail you need to put a square on which a costume detail is drawn.

(The jury sums up the results of the competition. The speed and correctness of completing the task are assessed.)

So, the crews have been formed, have their names, the astronauts are dressed, the rockets are ready for flight. It's time to take your seats. Each crew must board their spaceship as quickly as possible. To do this you will need to go through the hatch. The crews stood up and formed a column!

Competition No. 5: "Hatch"

Each team is given a trapdoor hoop. Team members take turns climbing through the hoop, i.e. through the “hatch” and run up to the spaceship.

Fast rockets are waiting for us

for walking around the planets.
Whichever one we want, we’ll fly on that one!
But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

After the end of the last word, “cosmonauts” must take their places in the rockets.
The number of late arrivals is counted.

Leading: So, has everyone taken the space chairs (pre-arranged chairs)? Astronauts! Put on your helmets! Fasten belts! I'm counting down the time: 4, 3, 2, 1... Start! We turn on the engines.


Leading: We begin the climb.


Leading: All that remains is to launch our ship into orbit.

Competition No. 6. "Putting the ship into orbit"

Assignment: one person is blindfolded and taken to the starting point. Another will give him commands: where to turn, how many steps to take to get into the “orbit” (circle on the floor). The more accurately the commands are executed, the faster the ship will enter orbit.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Leading: So, the flight began. After going into space, weightlessness sets in in the ship. To experience what it is like, let’s try to eat in a cosmic way.

Competition No. 7. "Weightlessness"

Task: eat a candy suspended on a string without using your hands, or push a balloon into a basket without using your hands.

The jury evaluates speed and agility.

Leading. See how the stars burn! From a distance they look like small coals, and they are really terribly hot, so they glow like the Sun. But the planets themselves cannot glow, because they are not hot. And we see them only because the planets are illuminated by the Sun and stars. Not very clear?

What do you do when you enter dark room? You turn on the light because until the light comes on in the room, you cannot see where the table is and where the wardrobe and chairs are. Light floods the room and we can see everything. The sun is in the sky, like a big light bulb. It illuminates everything. Therefore, we can observe the planets of the solar system. Our planet has seven brothers - Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and one sister - Venus. They all make up big family and live on neighboring streets. Mercury is closest to the Sun, then Venus, third is Earth, then Mars. House No. 5 is home to the giant Jupiter. He is the largest in this family. He is followed by another giant - Saturn. Behind Saturn are Uranus and Neptune, and in the last, ninth, most distant and coldest house, Pluto settled, so far away that it is not easy to see even with a powerful telescope.

Since these planets revolve around the Sun and never break the order of motion, together they form a single system called the Solar.

Hey Earth,

Who are you friends with?

Or are you circling the sun alone?

I'm in decent company: Seven brothers, one sister. We are proud of our venerable family - Our Solar System.

Who are they, your family? The sun's daughter and sons?

Then Venus and Mercury

And seven more gloomy brothers:

Mars, Jupiter and Saturn,

Yes Pluto, Uranus, Neptune.

Leading: Now, guys, let's name the planets of the solar system together.

Everyone repeats after the leader: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Leading. Our young cosmonauts made a wonderful discovery. Now you can hit the road. The first stop is “The Moon – the Earth’s satellite.” We turn on the engines.


Leading: Let's fly.


Leading: The Moon is almost 400 thousand kilometers away - the rocket must fly there
a few days. Now we will check whose crew will “land” faster.

Competition No. 8. “Whose rocket is faster”

A pair of players (one from each team) is given a long ribbon, the ends of which are attached to small round sticks. At the ends of each stick there are rockets, and in the middle of the ribbon -
image of the moon. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to twist the ribbon; Who is faster
If he twists it, he will win the competition.
Leading. So, the crew of team _______ was the first to land. And behind him

Leading: During the day on the moon it is so hot that you can boil a kettle or fry an egg directly
on the stones. And at night on the moon it can be over 100 degrees cold. There's no rain here
There are no storms, but meteorites are constantly falling on the lunar surface.
Traveling on the Moon will be very easy. I took a step and was immediately transported several times
meters ahead. This is because the Moon is significantly smaller than Zélie and weaker
attracts everything around.
On the Moon you can easily lift a grown man, and you can throw a stone at
200 or 300 m.

Leading. Imagine that a cargo ship has arrived at your space station.
It's full of the most various items. We need to quickly understand this cosmic
luggage and find a place for it.

Competition No. 9. “Urgent inventory”

List of items: Toothpaste, book, notepad, pen, pencil, chewing
gum, pills, scissors, bandage, keys, postcard, coin-wrapped, doll, newspaper, paperclip.
The presenter invites two participants from each team and brings them to the table,
covered with newspaper. The listed items are laid out on the table.
The presenter asks to carefully examine the objects that arrived from Earth. One is given for inspection
Then the presenter covers the objects with a newspaper and asks them to name them in 1 minute
(The jury evaluates the correctness and speed of answers).

Competition No. 10. "Cypherman"

Assignment: Each crew is given a telegram that must be read using a code.

A B C D E F…

Telegram text:

3, 14, 9, 13, 1, 14, 9, 6 (attention)

16, 15, 18, 1, 5, 11, 1 (landing)

14, 6, 3, 15, 8, 13, 15, 7, 14, 1 (impossible)

(The jury evaluates the correctness and speed of completing the task).

Leading: You read the telegram correctly! We fly on. Astronauts, look carefully out the window! How many different planets rush past. Here's one with rings around it. Who remembers what it's called? (Saturn).

Competition No. 11. "Ring of Saturn"

Leading. Here is a crossword puzzle of 15 words arranged in a circle. This is the "ring of Saturn".

The crews' task is to guess the words while the melody is playing. Then, one by one, representatives from the crews say the words. The order of words is important.

Words: wheel, dog, trap, antenna, pump, stop, pocket, pineapple, aster, rocket, plate, calculator, orchestra, dressing table.

The jury counts which team has the most correct answers.

Leading. Guys, you probably know that there are many galaxies, that is, star systems, in the Universe. I suggest you, young space travelers, try to fly from our Galaxy to another. We turn on the engines.


Leading: Let's fly.


Leading: Here we are in outer space. Our rockets are heading towards the planet... But you have to find out the name of the planet yourself, without outside help.

Competition No. 12. "Mysterious stranger"

Task: add the name of the planet from the letters suggested by the presenter.

(Conducting a competition, summing up the results - the speed and correctness of answers are assessed).

Leading: We begin the descent.

Children: Oooh.

Leading: Attention - landing.

Children make cotton.

Leading: Turn off the engines.

Children: Shhhh.

Leading: So, here she is, our mysterious stranger. What awaits us on this still unknown planet? There is pitch darkness in the porthole, and then, as if on purpose, there is a problem with lighting fixtures. So you will have to get out of the rocket in complete darkness, take a soil sample and return back. But the brave cosmonaut will be able to be helped by his crew members by giving commands “forward”, “backward”, “left”, “right”.

Competition No. 13. "Soil sample"

Task: Blindfolded, guided only by tips from team members, the participant must collect 3 objects and return to their place.
(Holding the competition, summing up the results).

Leading: While our cosmonauts were taking a soil sample, other crew members, looking at the monitor screens, made the most important discovery: this planet is habitable. What a pity that we forgot to take a camera and camera with us! Now you have to pick up pencils and draw a portrait of an inhabitant of the planet ________________ yourself. Each crew chooses an artist, and the rest of the team tells him the details that they were able to discern.

Competition No. 14. "Artists"

Task 5: Draw a portrait of an inhabitant of the planet.
(Holding the competition, summing up the results)

Leading: And while the teams are drawing, we are guessing riddles about space.

Game with spectators “Competition of wits”

It will fit through the window, stretch out like a cloth,
You can’t drive away with even a finger,
Neither a whip nor a pole,
When the time comes, it will go away on its own.

What a wonderful car
Walking boldly on the moon?
Do you recognize her, children?
Well, of course... (Lunokhod)

I walked past
I saw a miracle.
Above the house by the path
Half a cake hung (Month)

The edge is visible, but it is impossible to reach it:
I go - and he goes. I stand - and he freezes.
I went down lower -
The edge became closer to me.

He floats around the Earth
And it gives signals.
This eternal traveler
Under the name...(Satellite)

Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years

Blooms in winter and summer,

But there are still no seeds. (Sun.)

What kind of ceiling is this?

Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high,

Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish,

It's a little bluish.

And sometimes so beautiful -

Lace or blue-blue. (Sky.)

Alone in the sky at night

Large golden hanging orange. (Moon.)

Two weeks have passed

We didn't eat orange

But only remained in the sky

Orange slice. (Month.)

All blue path

Strewn with peas. (Stars.)

A shuttle flies above the ball,

He winds the coils on the ball. (Satellite.)

Telescope for hundreds of years

Study the life of planets.

He will tell us everything

Smart uncle... (Astronomer)

The rocket has a driver

Zero gravity lover.

In English: "astronaut"

And in Russian... (Cosmonaut)

In space through the thickness of years

An icy flying object.

His tail is a strip of light,

And the name of the object is... (Comet)

Who changes clothes four times a year? (Earth)

Leading: Now imagine that our meeting with the inhabitants of the planet ________________________ did take place. But, unfortunately, our crews do not have a single cosmonaut who could translate from ________________________ into Russian. Apparently, you will have to communicate with aliens using sign language. Try using gestures to explain to the owners of the planet that you came to them solely with good intentions. I think that crew commanders will best cope with this mission.

Captains competition. "Meeting with Aliens"

Assignment: communicate with the inhabitants of the planet using gestures.

The jury sums up the results and evaluates artistry.

Leading: Thanks to our captains, the inhabitants of this planet realized that earthlings are their friends and neighbors in the Universe. When accompanying you to Earth, they presented the space crews with this box, warning that you would only be able to open it upon returning home. Want to know what's in it? Then let's quickly go back! However, more challenges await us on the way back. We found ourselves in a meteor shower. Captains must try to navigate their ship in such a way that not a single meteorite hits it.

Competition No. 15. “Meteorite”

Task: The captains play the role of a spaceship (“flying saucer”), wearing
lifebuoys. Each team forms a circle. The team captain stands in the center of it -
opponent. In 30 seconds, players must hit the flying ball with the ball as many times as possible.
plate." The number of hits is estimated.

Leading: Due to the meteor shower, the rockets are slightly off course and are forced to land on the Planet of Mists. Presenter: We begin the descent.

Children: Oooh.

Leading: Attention - landing.

Children make cotton.

Leading: Turn off the engines.

Children: Shhhh.

Leading: There are many swamps and swamps here. Everything around is curtained with thick fog. You have to be very careful when traveling there. True, we have special glasses with which we can see better through the fog. But only the captains, who must transport their teams to a safe place, will receive them.

Competition - relay race. "Fog"

At a distance for both teams, two ropes are stretched at a distance of 1 m from each other, 2 hoops are placed in a row (touching each other) - “bumps”, two ropes are stretched out on the floor, indicating a “river” 1 m wide, and finally , gymnastic benches on which the teams will gather at the end of the relay.
Captains put on glasses, blindfold the first player on their team and lead them through
distances, holding your hand: they help you crawl under the first rope, step over the second,
together they jump over the “bumps” and jump over the “river”. Finally the captains help the players
climb onto the bench, remove the bandage and return in a straight line for the next players.
Those who break the rope, trespass the boundaries of “bumps”, “river”, etc., receive penalty points.
The time required to complete the distance and the accuracy of all exercises are assessed.

Leading: Here we are again on the ship. Let's dry off a little and fly on. We turn on the engines.


Leading: Let's fly.


Leading. Guys, what do astronauts do on board a spaceship? Yes, they work. But they also have time for rest. As everybody ordinary people, they eat, sleep, read, watch TV and even write poetry. So, the task: finish the poem.

Not the first time, not the first time

In the fire and the sounds of thunder

The rocket took off into the air

From earthly... (cosmodrome).

The crew goes into the sky,

From now on famous.

We will listen to the report

From space... (orbits).

With friends you look at the sky,

Of course, I firmly believe

That you will grow up and fly

To the mysterious... (Venus).

Our dreams come true:

They will show it on TV

How do you walk on Saturn?

In space... (suit).

Leading: By the way, an astronaut’s spacesuit on Earth weighs 48 kg, and it takes 45 minutes to put it on; in outer space, you can work in it for 7 hours; for going into outer space, the spacesuit can be used up to 25 times.

Leading: Attention! Everyone get ready to descend! Fasten belts! We begin the descent.

Children: Oooh.

Leading: Attention - landing.

Children make cotton.

Leading: Turn off the engines.

Children: Shhhh.

Leading: We fix the landing.

Children: Hooray!

Leading: We landed safely on planet Earth. Friends and acquaintances greet space travelers with applause. Guys, did you like our unusual trip? (Answers children.)

The jury sums up the results of the entire game and announces the winning team.

Leading: And now, after returning home safely, you and I can find out what the inhabitants of the planet ____________ gave us as a souvenir of our meeting.

(Participants show the contents of the box to the audience).

Leading: And let our flight take place only in your imagination. But it may very well happen that in twenty years one of you will become a real pilot of an interplanetary spaceship, return from space and remember our meeting today. Then he will smile and say: “Wait, I already flew into space when I was still a schoolboy.”

Maria Tokareva
Entertainment script “Aliens in kindergarten»

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and thought about how to rise above the clouds and find out what is there. (slide No. 1)

Ved: What's happened "space"? This is a mysterious and alluring world of stars, planets, many "heavenly stones"- asteroids and comets piercing airless space. (slide No. 2).

Phonogram of rocket engine noise. Music gr. Space Air+Force. aliens with stick antennas appear (balloons) in hands and "box-computers" on the chest...they disperse around the hall, studying the situation

1Alien (1I): Welcome, welcome, where are we? We see small unidentified objects, they are moving, let's start exploring (knock on the shoulders and knees of children and adults with an inflatable stick)

2I: Objects have processing devices (points to the head, two antennas on the sides (points to the ears, examine memory...

Ved: Guys, these are real aliens, let's greet them. (Say hello)

1I: Objects make contact, turn on translators. Hello, earthlings.

Ved: Hello, everything is correct. We are earthlings, and you aliens from outer space?

2I: Ha ha ha, what we are like aliens, we are newcomers, you can’t walk through space. But if you prefer to call us that, then call us.

Ved: How you got us?

1I: Very simple. First, they flew to your planet Earth on a starship, and then rolled here on a star bicycle. Is it true had to leave it on the street, it didn’t fit through the door, it’s too huge! On our planet, everyone moves short distances this way.

Ved: How do they move over long distances?

1I: They are flying on a superspeeder.

Ved: You move very quickly on the ground... After all, this is unusual for you and, probably, difficult?

2I: What are you talking about, we used a wheel to move around! This is the most economical and convenient way movement on a hard surface. The wheel was invented on your planet.

Ved: How did you even learn about our planet, about our solar system?

1I: As soon as we saw the brightest star, we really wanted to see what it was? ...

Ved: Guys. What is the brightest star in our system? Children: Sun.

What planets of the solar system do you know? (slide No. 3).

2I: Please tell us everything you know, this is our first time here!

Children read poetry:

1. All planets in order

Any one of us will call:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

2. Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

3. He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

Ved: Many years passed before people learned to build rockets. And the first to fly into space in rockets were not people, but animals: (slide No. 4). These animals, the squirrel and the arrow, flew into space and returned back. And only after other dogs had successfully flown into space did the world’s first man go there.

1I: What, an ordinary earthling? Is this really possible?

Ved: Many years ago, on April 12, cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew into space. (slide No. 5).

In a space rocket with the name "East" He was the first on the planet to take off in the air. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. An ordinary Russian guy. We are proud that OUR Russian was the first to fly into space. (Slide show). Before enlisting in the cosmonaut corps, he served as a fighter pilot in the Northern Fleet aviation regiment. What do you think Gagarin had to do to become an astronaut?

Children: Do a lot of sports.

Ved: That's right guys, in order to become an astronaut, Yuri Gagarin had to do exercises. But not morning exercises, as we do in kindergarten, he ran for several kilometers in a special suit with weights. I swam for several hours in a diver's suit and spun in a centrifuge. Who knows what a centrifuge is and who tolerates it better?

Children: a test apparatus for astronauts, but a person who does not feel dizzy can sit in it.

Since then, on this day, April 12, every year we celebrate Cosmonautics Day, and everyone who helps them successfully fly into space.

Yuri Gagarin flew on a rocket. Using the example of a ball, I will show you how a rocket flies. The teacher inflates the balloon and clamps the hole with his fingers. And then he unclenches his fingers, and the ball suddenly bursts to the top. Our Ball flew like a rocket - it moved forward while there was air in it. But the rocket contains not air, but fuel.

Guys, what is the name of the launch pad from which spaceships launch? (Cosmodrome) Educator:Yes, this site is called a cosmodrome. The cosmodrome is located in the city of Baikonur (slide No. 6)

Educator: What qualities must a person have to be allowed to fly into space? (children's answers)

Then you and I will do exercises for the astronauts.

Phys. Just a minute:

(the teacher reads the verse, and the children perform the appropriate movements)

Let's start training

To become strong and agile

We'll go to Mars.

The stars are waiting for us to visit!

Three, two, one - let's fly!

We're floating in zero gravity

We're right at the ceiling.

The path to Mars was very long.

Stop, let's get out of the cabin.

We returned from the flight,

And they sank to the ground.

Did you all manage?

Children: Yes all!

Well done, you have added strength to yourself. But, guys, an astronaut must not only be strong and healthy. To be able to control such a large spacecraft, an astronaut must be educated, intelligent and quick-witted. Now I'll test how smart you are. I will tell you riddles, and you will try to guess them.

1 On an airship,

Cosmic obedient.

We are outrunning the wind

Let's rush to... (rocket)

2The very first in space

Flew at great speed

Brave Russian guy

Our Cosmonaut... Gagarin

3Planet blue

Beloved, dear.

She's yours, she's mine.

And it’s called… . (Earth)

I walk across the sky at night,

I dimly illuminate the earth.

I'm bored, I'm bored alone,

And my name is... (by the moon)

Well done boys! You are very smart, and each of you can become a great astronaut in the future.

Ved: What is the name of the special sewn cosmonaut suit and its headdress? Children: The astronauts’ costume is a spacesuit, and the headdress is a helmet. (slide No. 5)

Ved: Who knows what the astronauts' food is in? (slide No. 6)

Ved: Dear guests, do you like it on our planet?

1I: I really like it, because earthlings are very smart!

Ved: Earthlings are, of course, smart, but they are also kind, cheerful and love to play! Want to play with us?

2I: Yes Yes Yes!

Competition game "Star Bouquet"

Educator: This game requires 2 players. Five blue stars and five red stars are laid out on the floor. The guys are blindfolded. More stars of a different color are added to the floor. You need to collect as many stars as possible of only your color. Assistants have the right to shout “Take it!”, “Don’t take it!”

Game "Colorphone"

Educator: Planet of the Red Sun. I have colored disks in my hands. Each color of the disk has its own meaning. Green color- Earth. Yellow- Moon. Red color - Mars. These are the names of the planets. When I show you a disk, you must tell me the planet. If I show you a white disk, you must remain silent.

Educator: People who go into space are very dexterous, brave, and resilient. And now, we will conduct a test of agility, agility and endurance.

"Game with Skittles"

The game starts at 6 (4, 5, 7) Human. They walk around the 5 pins to the music (3, 4, 6) . As soon as the music stops, you need to grab the pin. Those who didn’t have time sit down.

Ved: Well done guys, they played great. And the astronaut returns to planet earth. (slide No. 7)

2I: It’s time for us to go to our planet, to our galaxy! We've already been delayed for so long. thanks for funny Games, and we will tell everything that we have learned new on our planet! Goodbye! When there is time, we will fly again! (leave)

Ved: This is where our space journey ends. Now you and I know what planets are in our solar system. We know that a person who flies into space is called an astronaut. He must be strong, healthy, strong, be sure to exercise and eat well. And who knows, maybe one of you will grow up and become an astronaut. And today, when you come home, tell all your loved ones what you know about space. And, of course, congratulate your family on the holiday, Happy Cosmonautics Day.

So what holiday does the whole country celebrate in April? What's the date? What were the names of the first animals? Who can tell me what this man's name was? And what qualities should an astronaut have?

What did you like? What do you remember?

MBOU DOD "Center" additional education children named after V.Voloshina"


game program

"Journey to an Unknown Planet"

Prepared by: Abiatari I.D.,


Kemerovo, 2013

Logistics: a set of musical equipment, 2 radio microphones, a projector, a laptop.

Summary programs.

The employees of the Mission Control Center (MCC) are faced with a difficult task - to recruit a team of young space researchers, travel to an unknown planet and establish contact with a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization. How will the pre-flight selection take place? What challenges await the guys in space? Will the young cosmonauts cope with the task? You will learn all this by taking this exciting journey with us, filled with colorful video material in regular format and format 3 D.

Decoration of the hall.

The hall is decorated with large silver and gold stars. Along the edges of the ceiling of the hall hang balls of gold, silver and dark blue. On the wall there is a large screen decorated with polysilk. All props are made in blue, gold and silver.


MCC workers are dressed in gold and silver suits. The program features a life-size puppet “Alien”.

Cosmic music sounds on the screen - video"Galaxy"

Here is the starry sky! What can you see on it?

The stars there shine with distant fire!

Are only the stars shining in the sky?

No! There are planets wandering among the stars!

How do they wander like that? Don't know the roads?

No! It looks like they're wandering!

All of them are a big family of the Sun.

And under the influence of its attraction

Always making circular movements!

And with them my planet -

The one called planet Earth

The one where you and I live!

Presenter 1: Hello, dear guys! We are glad to welcome you to the Mission Control Center! It is from here that we observe the unknown expanses of space, monitor the work of space stations in orbit, and keep in touch with astronauts...

Presenter 2: In just a few days we will celebrate an international holiday. April 12 marks the 52nd anniversary of the first human flight into space. The 108 minutes that Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin spent in low-Earth orbit opened the way to the stars for the world community.

Presenter 1: And it was today that the Mission Control Center set before us difficult task– recruit a team of young space researchers and fly to an unknown planet in the constellation Alpha Centauri.

Presenter 2: I am sure no one will refuse this offer. Look how many friends we have today!

Presenter 2: But only the bravest, bravest, and friendly guys can go into space!

Presenter 1: Then we need to arrange a real pre-flight selection for our young researchers!

Presenter 2: Selection tests begin!

Presenter 2: Astronauts must be brave and courageous! And don't be afraid of anything!

Relay “Landing on an unknown planet”

Each team member runs a “snake” around the obstacle, “picks up” the “soil” with a shovel, and returns back, putting the “soil” into the “cargo compartments.”

Presenter 1: Look how quickly the young cosmonaut researchers completed the task. You can definitely take them on a space trip!

Presenter 2: Well done boys! Now let's test the astronaut candidates for attentiveness and speed of reaction.

Presenter 1: Guys, do you know what a traffic light is? What does each color mean? (guys' answers) Our game to test your attentiveness and reaction speed is as follows. Pictures with these colors will be shown on the screen.

Presenter 2: What should the guys do?

Presenter 1: You need to complete tasks correctly and accurately. If the color red appears on the screen, you need to clap together, if it’s yellow, raise your hands up with the sound “Oooh!”, If green, shake hands with your neighbors. Let's try!

Game "Red, Yellow, Green"

Presenter 1: Are the teams ready to fly?

Presenter 2: Wait, how do we test the erudition of our team?

Presenter 1: There is such a test. You must try and answer my riddles in rhyme. Let's try!

"Space erudite."

To equip the eye

And be friends with the stars,

To see the Milky Way

We need a powerful... (telescope)

Telescope for hundreds of years

Study the life of planets.

He will tell us everything

Smart uncle... (astronomer)

An astronomer is a stargazer,

He knows everything inside out!

Only the stars are visible better

The sky is full... (moon)

A bird cannot reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it

Do it fast... (rocket)

The rocket has a driver

Zero gravity lover.

In English: "astronaut"

And in Russian... (cosmonaut)

An astronaut sits in a rocket

Sees everything in the moonlight -

In orbit as luck would have it


UFO flies to neighbor

From the constellation Andromeda,

It howls like a wolf out of boredom

Strange resident... (Humanoid)

The humanoid has lost its course,

Lost in three planets,

If there is no star map,

Speed ​​won't help... (light)

Light flies the fastest

Doesn't count kilometers.

The Sun gives life to the planets,

We are warm, tails are ... (comets)

The comet flew around,

I looked at everything in the sky.

He sees a hole in space -

This is a black...(hole)

There is darkness in black holes

She's busy with something dark.

There he ended his flight

Interplanetary ... (starship)

Starship - steel bird,

He runs faster than light.

Learns in practice


And the galaxies fly in all directions as they please.

This whole universe is very healthy!

Presenter 1: I wonder if the guys know the planets solar system?

Presenter 2: Let's get to know these planets better!

(video game “Memory”, about planets)

Presenter 1: What else is needed to travel to an unknown planet?

Presenter 2: What do you guys think? Of course, a spaceship.

Presenter 1: What types of spaceships do you know? (guys' answers)
"Build a Rocket"

Take an iron stick from the box, run to the finish line, and, running one at a time, make a “drawing” of a rocket out of iron tubes with the whole team, then come up with a name for it related to the space theme.

Presenter 1: So, the crews have been formed, the rockets have their names, and now it’s time to find out what we will take on board our spaceships? Answer yes or no.

Game “What should we take with us on a flight?”

What should we take with us on the flight?
Interplanetary spaceship?
Airplane or rocket?
Maybe a floppy disk with games?

Maybe we should get Moment glue,
To glue everything together in a moment?
Compass, various instruments?
Lego several sets?
Cup, spoon and plate?
A basin and a large heating pad?

It's not easy, I tell you, brothers,
It was time to get ready for space!

Presenter 1: Spaceships ready to fly! Everything you need is on board! And even space glasses!

(glasses are given out to watch the video in format 3 D)

The phonogram “noise of the cosmodrome” sounds.

1 presenter: Contact!
2 presenter: There is contact!
1 presenter: Ignition!
2 presenter: There is ignition!
1 presenter:
2 presenter: Fine!

(video in format 3 D "Flight in Space")
Presenter 1:
Attention! The take-off of the ship went well in all respects. The systems operate without deviations.

(The presenters collect points)

Presenter 2:

MCC: Dear flight participants! You are caught in a meteor shower, please turn on the protective field and save the ship from destruction!

Presenter 2: Order - all teams line up, we begin protecting the ship from meteor shower. One team - " Protective field", the other team is "Meteor Shower". The task of the “Protective Field” team is to repel the meteorite attack of the second team.

Game "Meteor Shower"

A ribbon is stretched between the teams, the task is to throw “meteorites” (balloons) to the enemy’s side.

Presenter 1: The meteor shower is over! Order for the teams to take their places in the cockpits!

Presenter 2: Mission control is in touch.

(video film “Conversation with the MCC”)

MCC: Dear flight participants! You have been entrusted with the great honor of testing a new space suit for especially dangerous work in outer space and on unknown planets. Our staff will familiarize you with the task.

Presenter 1: There is part of this spacesuit on board our ship.

(brings two large overalls)

Presenter 2: Wow! What an interesting spacesuit configuration! But how to test them?

Presenter 2: Need to test it for strength! Ship commanders, the test begins for you!

Relay "Spacesuit Testing"

The captain is holding the overalls. The task of the participants is balloons fill the overalls.

(Holding the competition, summing up the results)

MCC: Dear flight participants! A signal has just arrived from extraterrestrial civilizations. Try to decipher them!

Presenter 1: Let's listen to the signal! (the song “Smile” sounds in a fast rhythm)

Competition “Guess the Alien Messages”

In a fast rhythm, well-known children's songs, the task of the participants is to guess the songs.

Presenter 1: In my opinion, our extraterrestrial friends are very friendly, because they perform our favorite songs in their own way!

Presenter 1: Signal from the Center!

Presenter 2: Mission control is in touch.

MCC: Dear flight participants! A video signal has just arrived from extraterrestrial civilizations! You are approaching an unknown planet. The signal is getting stronger!

Presenter 2: Let's watch the video signal!

Presenter 1: Look, this planet is inhabited. But the signal is very unclear, nothing can be seen on the monitor!

Presenter 2: Now you have to pick up markers and draw a portrait of the planet’s inhabitant yourself.

Relay race “Draw an alien”

Each team member draws one detail.

(Holding the competition, summing up the results)

Presenter 1: In my opinion, the aliens turned out to be very peaceful!

MCC: Dear flight participants! An order to land on an unknown planet and make contact with a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization!

(The presenters hand out 3D glasses)

(video in format 3 D"Approach and landing on the planet")

Presenter 1: There is a landing!
Presenter 2: The brake block has worked! The pressure in the chambers drops according to the standards! The automatic mode system is disabled! We are on an unknown planet! With a soft landing!

Cosmic music sounds and an alien comes out.

Presenter 1: Wow! A real alien!

Alien:(speaks in his own way) ( Record)

Presenter 2: Apparently, you will have to communicate with aliens using sign language. Try using gestures to explain to the owners of the planet that you came to them solely with good intentions.
Competition "Explainers"

1 person from each team. Communicate with the inhabitants of the planet using gestures. Explain to him the phrases: “We arrived in peace. Hello!" and “We are from planet Earth. Let's be friends!"

Presenter 1: Thanks to our assistants, the inhabitants of this planet realized that earthlings are their friends and neighbors in the Universe.

Presenter 2: Maybe, if we've become friends so quickly, we'll teach our new friend to dance!

Alien:(speaks in his own way)

Presenter 1: Don’t you understand? You sent us signals with songs, right?

Alien:(speaks in his own way, nods)

Presenter 2: Then let's dance, let's have a disco on an unknown planet in the constellation Alpha Centauri!


Presenter 1: What an interesting journey! But it's time for us to say goodbye!

Say goodbye to the alien. The presenters hand out 3D glasses.

1 presenter: Contact!
2 presenter: There is contact!
1 presenter: Ignition!
2 presenter: There is ignition!
1 presenter: Is the automatic mode system working properly?
2 presenter: Fine!

Together: Five, four, three, two, one... Start!..
(video in format 3 D "Return")

Presenter 1: Attention! The take-off of the ship went well in all respects. The systems operate without deviations.

MCC: Dear flight participants! Planet Earth welcomes you! Congratulations to the team of young space researchers! The flight was successful! Mission accomplished! Hooray!

Presenter 1: Look how the earth's inhabitants greet us! They applaud the young space explorers and wave their arms! (parents)

Presenter 2: Dear guys, you are being presented with a real certificate from the leader of the intergalactic expedition.

Presenter 1: Our journey is over and it's time to say goodbye.

Presenter 2: Goodbye, dear guys!

Presenter 2: We wish you good mood, smiles and the brightest spring sunny days on the best planet of the solar system - Earth! See you again!

Used materials:


New Year's skit “Aliens visiting the guys”

Children's production about aliens, can be included in New Year's program. Sketch for children New Year's holiday designed for children aged 8-9 years (grades 2-3). It can be either part of the holiday script or an independent theatrical performance.


– aliens: Chupi, Mupi and Bupi;
– presenter;
- Father Frost.

Chupi looks into the door of the classroom (or the hall where the celebration is taking place), looks around carefully and enters.

Chupi: Moopy, Boopy, where are you? Come here! The inhabitants of the Earth are sitting here, and they seem to be intelligent!

Moopy and Bupi enter.

Moopy: Do you think they are not dangerous?

Boopie:(approaches the Christmas tree) Oh-pi-pi-pi!.. What is this? Some kind of plant. Grows right on the floor! (reaches out to the tree with his hand).

Moopy: Pee-e-e! Do not touch!

Boopie: Why-pi?

Moopy: Suddenly it explodes! We don't know anything here!

Boopie: But I'm interested! After all, I am an astronaut explorer!

Chupi: Stop arguing. Mupi says it right - you need to be careful. And just in case, polite. What if the inhabitants of the Earth don’t like us touching their plant! Pi?

All three begin to carefully examine the tree.

The presenter enters.

Leading: Hello guys! Hello, Dear guests! Let me congratulate you on the New Year, wish you happiness, health, and fulfillment of your dreams. And now we are starting our festive... Oh, who are they?

The aliens get down on all fours and start hitting the floor with their palms. Then they stand up, all together lift first the left leg, bent at the knee, then the right. Then they raise their arms bent at the elbows with fingers spread out.

They say in chorus: Pi! Pi! Pi!

There follows a short scene of surprised silence.

Leading: I don’t understand... What is this?

Chupi(to his friends): What a stupid earthling! He doesn't understand that we welcome him.
Okay, let's try it differently. (to the presenter) Well, what’s incomprehensible here, pi? We arrived from the planet Apilikryak, our spaceship received some damage while passing through your dense atmosphere...

Moopy: I don’t understand why you need so much oxygen, our stabilizers almost flew off!

Chupi: Don't interrupt! Don't bother making contact! Well, I say: We sat on the roof of this building, we are highly civilized, I hope you are too, and we ask if you will help us fix our starship?

Leading: Well, I do not know…

Boopie: Well, can you at least explain to us what kind of plant this is? Moopy over there says you can't touch him or he'll explode.

Leading: No, no! This is a Year-old new thing!.. Oh, no, Elonov’s shit... No, no, Christmas tree, Here!

Aliens in chorus: Now we don't understand!

Leading: Guys, let’s all say together: “NEW YEAR’S TREE”, otherwise I’m getting excited!

The guys say in unison: Christmas tree!

Boopie: A-a-pi-pi-pi!.. Now it’s clear. Although not very...

Chupi and Mupi:(shakes head) Peep-pee-pee...

Leading: Dear Apilikryans! I am very happy, and the guys are very happy, and we are all very happy!...We are here New Year We celebrate and invite you to the celebration. And when you watch our concert, you will understand everything! Now sit down and be our guests.

Everyone applauds, the aliens sit down in the hall.

Leading: Well, now everything is assembled, we can begin our concert.

One of the guys - spectators: Have you forgotten about Santa Claus? If he doesn’t see our concert, he might be offended!

Leading: Well, let's call him!

Everyone calls Santa Claus.

Father Frost: I'm coming! (enters, out of breath) Oh, I think I made it! Haven't started the concert yet?

Leading: No, what are you, what would it be like without you? Who will light the Christmas tree for us?

Father Frost: Christmas tree then? So right away and the Christmas tree? OK! (He approaches the tree, casts a spell with a staff, blows on it, the tree does not light up). I'm tired, I guess I need to rest!

Leading: Of course, take a break from the road and watch our concert! Here is a chair for you, the biggest and most comfortable one, sit for a while.

A small concert begins. Children read poems, sing songs, dance.

Leading: Well, Grandfather, did you like our concert? Did you, dear aliens, like the concert?

Everyone applauds.

Father Frost: Well done boys! We deserve gifts! (puts the bag under the tree). Now let's try to light the Christmas tree together. I will cast a spell with a magic staff, and you say: “One, two, three! Shine Christmas tree!"

The Christmas tree lights up, everyone rejoices, and Chupi, Mupi and Bupi surround Santa Claus.

Chupi: Santa Claus, your staff is truly magical! Maybe you can help us fix our spaceship!

Moopy and Boopy: Yes, Santa Claus, help us, please! Otherwise we won’t be able to get to Apilikryak in time for our New Year!

Father Frost: Well, guys, should we help our Aliens?

The guys agree Santa Claus and the aliens say goodbye: Happy New Year!


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