Proper ceiling plaster - step-by-step guide. Anyone can plaster the ceiling with their own hands. Plastering the ceiling using beacons

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When starting to renovate a house, apartment or office, you cannot ignore the ceiling decoration. Those who have already done repair work are familiar with some of the difficulties that arise in the process of leveling the surface. Do flat wall Even novice builders can do it, but the situation with leveling and finishing the ceiling is not so simple.


Whatever finishing is envisaged - wallpapering, painting or whitewashing, work should begin with preparing the surface to be treated. This type of work requires certain skills. Leveling the ceiling can sometimes be difficult even for experienced craftsmen.

When choosing a finishing method for any surface, you should find best option and take into account what pros and cons the applied material has. Plaster is often used to level the ceiling because This material has certain advantages:

  • environmental Safety;
  • it is used to provide a durable and long-lasting coating;
  • When doing the work yourself, you can save a lot;
  • natural material is suitable for finishing residential premises, will be harmless for allergy sufferers and for people with diseases of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • When applying plaster to the ceiling, the height of the room will decrease slightly.

After considering the advantages of this material, you should find out what disadvantages the plaster mixture has:

  • if the thickness of the applied layer is more than 5 cm, in this case it is not recommended to be used;
  • To carry out the work correctly, it may take quite a long period of time to achieve the most even surface possible;
  • If you bring in outside craftsmen for the work, such repairs will become much more expensive, and besides, you should not forget not only about paying the workers, but also about purchasing the material.

Types and compositions

Today you can see on store shelves a large number of mixtures that are used for repair work. Their characteristics:

  1. Ready solutions. When purchasing polymer-based solutions, you need to keep in mind that they are quite expensive, and you will need them to work significant amount, That's why financial expenses can be big.
  2. Cement-sand mixture. An additional ingredient for such mixtures can be lime. Quite comfortable material for use, although working with them will require certain skills.
  3. Gypsum composition. It is very convenient to use, especially if the work is carried out independently. The gypsum composition has high adhesion to many surfaces, especially concrete, which is important when working with concrete ceilings.

Most often, when plastering a ceiling, a mixture that contains gypsum is chosen, but in rooms with high humidity it is better to use cement mortar.

After applying a layer of plaster, putty should be applied, then finishing surfaces. By doing final stage for finishing you can use mixtures that are produced in different colors. When color mixture applied to the ceiling, all imperfections immediately become visible.

For many, when finishing the ceiling, only a flat surface without decoration is insufficient, so often for ceiling covering Decorative or silk plaster is used. When applying the latter to the ceiling or walls, you can achieve a very interesting effect; thanks to its application, the surface will look like velvet.

Working with decorative plaster, you can change the design of the room, make the room interesting and original. When simply leveling the ceiling, take the usual white plaster, to give the surface special style And interesting design choose decorative.

Scope of application

The use of plaster allows you to quickly and efficiently level any surface; it is suitable for working with concrete and wooden coverings, it is also used for plasterboard ceilings.

When choosing a material, preference is given to materials with good adhesion. The plaster should adhere well to any type of surface; it is perfect for a wooden or concrete ceiling. With the help of plaster, you can properly level the ceiling without experiencing much difficulty. The mixture is applied to the wall, and the ceiling surface becomes even and smooth. If you follow the tips and recommendations when applying the mixture and do it efficiently, then even a beginner can do this work.

When starting repair work, the surface must be cleaned of dirt.

When the wall is dry, a primer is applied to it; special attention should be paid to the joints of the plates and the seams should be treated well. During puttying of plasterboard surfaces, all irregularities and seams are smoothed out. If you plan to wallpaper the ceiling, then it should be plastered so that the floor slabs are not visible through the wallpaper.

If the ceiling is made in the bathroom or kitchen, it is better to choose cement mixture. If the ceiling consists of plasterboard, beacons do not need to be installed on such a surface.

If work is carried out in a room with wooden ceiling, it is pre-stuffed metal mesh or shingles. Thanks to such materials, the layer of plaster will adhere tightly to the ceiling surface.

Foam plastic is often used to decorate ceilings. This material has increased flammability, and also does not tolerate direct sunlight, so a layer of applied plaster can protect it from negative external influences.

If the work is carried out on vaulted ceilings, it should be borne in mind that it is sometimes beyond the capabilities of beginners to cope with putty on such a surface; without special skill, it will be difficult to cope with the work. Experienced craftsmen, working with vaulted ceilings, can use beacons or apply the mixture using a spatula, but the materials to be used are selected specifically tailored to the size of the vault. For vaulted ceilings, it is not advisable to completely level them, because in some places you will have to apply a very thick layer of mortar, which can lead to its collapse.

To level the ceiling surface, you can choose warm plaster. With its help, you can not only properly level the walls, but also insulate the room.

If cement-sand or concrete mortar mixed with foam chips, this solution can be used to treat the ceiling surface, use it to repair walls, or apply it to the joints of floor slabs.

Marking and installation of beacons

One of the important stages is marking for beacons and their subsequent installation. They will be very useful in your work, especially if you do it yourself without experienced craftsmen. With the help of beacons you can achieve a flat surface; they can also be used to hide wires that are located on the ceiling.

To apply markings on the ceiling, find the lowest point. If used for marking laser level, this will make the task much easier. Professional finishers have been using such a tool for a long time, so it is better to have it at home or ask the craftsmen to borrow it. To place the level on the ceiling, hammer in a dowel or use a special rod. Using the beam, you can set the beacons in a clearly horizontal plane.

  • For this they take steel profiles, most often they use elements 3 meters long and 6 mm high. Lines should be marked on the ceiling. These are the places where the beacons will be attached. If you don’t have any special skills for this kind of work, it’s better not to make too large gaps between the lines.
  • A solution is applied along the lines; for this you can take the composition that will be used in further work or gypsum plaster for quick setting.
  • The ceiling is preliminarily primed, so the “patches” will adhere very well to such a surface. Between them you need to make a distance of about 20 cm.

You should not take a step larger, otherwise the profile may bend.

  • Next comes the time to install the beacon profile. Right size it is installed along the line and sunk into a pile of solution. The plaster solution has already set a little, so the profile will hold without problems.
  • Next, using a square with a mark, the beacons are aligned and compared with the beam line. If necessary, in some places the beacons are pressed into cement mortar or, conversely, they tighten it up.
  • After the beacons are placed, you need to remove the excess solution using a spatula, leaving neat slides on the beacons.
  • After placing the beacons, you should wait a little for the solution to set and proceed to work with the plaster. This method is often used by experienced craftsmen.

Application process

Before applying putty to the surface, you should prepare the ceiling for work:

  1. If traces of rust or mold appear on it, they should be removed with a damp cloth, after which the surface is treated with antifungal agents.
  2. If there is old plaster, it must be removed and the surface thoroughly cleaned.
  3. The ceiling should be primed after it has completely dried.
  4. Before starting work, all furniture should be removed from the room where repair work will be carried out. It is best if there is nothing left in it except sawhorses and other devices for work.
  5. It's better to lay it on the floor plastic film, seal the radiators and windows. Such protection will allow you not to waste time washing the floor and other surfaces from possible mistakes. When working with plaster, you cannot avoid various kinds contaminants, even after the work of experienced craftsmen, a lot of debris remains on the film.

When preparing for work, you need to prepare your tools in advance and make sure that no contamination remains on them. If there are residues on the instruments building mixtures, they must be removed, otherwise they may interfere with the even application of the solution.

When the beacons are set, you can begin the main work and preparation of the plaster mixture. The process of applying plaster with your own hands is not difficult if you know how to do it correctly. Step-by-step instruction will help novice builders in repair work. Any finishing of the premises will not be of high quality if the technology is violated.

In order to properly plaster the ceiling, you should know what the thickness of the layer should be and what is the best way to apply it so that the repair is of high quality.

When mixing the solution, keep in mind that it must be used within 30-40 minutes. To prepare it take required amount water. If you use store-bought mixtures, you should look at the packaging in what proportions to mix the solution, there is detailed instructions. Using a construction mixer, mix the mixture with water to the desired consistency. Stir it until the solution becomes similar in consistency to sour cream.

To check if the solution is ready for application, you should put it on a spatula and see if it will stick to it. If the solution holds and does not flow or falls off in pieces, then you can start plastering the ceiling.

The solution is applied between the profiles of the beacons, the plaster is thrown onto the ceiling with a spatula or trowel. Experienced craftsmen have already become accustomed to this process, so when they are thrown onto the ceiling, heaps of mixtures lie next to each other.

For beginners, the sketch may not work out right away, and besides, with such an application there will be a lot of blots on the floor. Even experienced craftsmen cannot work without making mistakes, and stains of the solution end up on the floor. But after the work of an experienced master, there can be up to 5% of them, while a beginner can ruin up to 15% of the solution in this way.

If this method does not suit you, you can apply the plaster differently. To do this, apply a thin layer of mortar for contact with the surface, and then another layer of plaster above the profile of the beacons. This method takes longer, but the solution consumption will be minimal.

Using the rule, the plaster solution is distributed over the surface, moving it so that there are no bumps or voids. The surface should be leveled until it becomes completely flat.

When the entire ceiling is completely flat, you should wait a little until the solution sets a little and wash the ceiling. To wash, you will need a wet sponge. Do this with circular movements, without pressing too hard on the surface. To moisten the sponge, many craftsmen use a solution consisting of water and primer. deep penetration in a 1:1 ratio.

After grouting, you should proceed to glossing the wall. To do this, use a wide spatula to smooth the damp ceiling to a glossy evenness. When all work on leveling the ceiling is completed, the profiles should be removed. Beacons must be removed, otherwise they may appear on the ceiling. rust spots Moreover, over time, cracks will appear in these places. Using a spatula, the beacons are removed, a solution is applied to the formed grooves and the surface is leveled. Then the ceiling is washed and glossed. It should take 5-7 days for the ceiling to dry completely.

Plaster can be applied to the ceiling not only by hand; machine application is also used for this. Machine plastering will require a special device. This method is used in large rooms. This mechanized work allows finishing solutions to be carried out much faster than the conventional method.

Special machines not only apply ready mixture to the surface, but also mix the solution. If we talk about the speed of machine application, then this method will be unrivaled, because in just 1 hour an experienced master can finish up to 60 square meters. m. That is, in just 1 or 2 days you can completely complete renovations in an entire apartment.

Of course, ceiling structures also take up a little centimeters, depending on the material used. So, the distance between the suspended ceiling and the ceiling surface will be equal to the width of the profile (about 4 centimeters).


  • If you cannot carry out the repairs yourself, then the services of construction and repair companies will significantly empty your wallet.
  • When plastering ceilings, you can hide no more than 5 cm of level differences. The fact is that for serious errors you will have to spend too much material. But main reason The problem is that a thick layer of mortar can fall off the ceiling, unable to withstand its own weight. In this case, the inhabitants of the house or apartment where repairs are taking place may seriously suffer.
  • Plastering such a complex surface as a ceiling requires some experience. A beginner can handle installing a cassette or suspended ceiling, but it will be difficult for him to properly cover a large ceiling area with plaster. And for painting you need a perfectly flat area.

Important. For subsequent painting of the ceiling, it is necessary to create a completely flat surface. Only in this case, the end result will be impressive.

Now we come to the main question, how to level the ceiling with plaster? First, you should take a good look at the area and decide whether it is worth plastering at all. The fact is that it is not necessary to proceed with this labor-intensive procedure if the surface unevenness is no more than 5 mm. In this case, you can only cover the ceiling with putty using a spatula and a rule.

We have already talked about a layer of solution that exceeds 5 cm earlier. It is better not to start this idea, which threatens human life and health. And beginners are recommended to plaster the ceiling only with a layer not exceeding 3 centimeters.

Ceiling preparation

A ceiling that has many problems must undergo careful preparation before plastering begins. The entire surface should be well moistened with water. It is better to do this procedure 2-3 times, taking a break between them - 2 hours. Thus, old plaster It will be easier to remove, and there will be much less dust. The old coating must be cleaned down to the very base. In places where the solution is difficult to remove, you can use a hammer drill. Thoroughly clean the seams between the coating from pieces of plaster. After this, all dust and dirt must be removed from the surface using a damp sponge.

Important. If indoors high humidity, and there were traces of fungus or mold on the ceiling, be sure to treat it with an antiseptic primer.

After applying the antiseptic mixture, the ceiling will no longer be attacked by fungus. It is worth noting that using any product containing chlorine can only destroy mold. However, after treating the surface with antiseptic primer, the fungus will never appear again. Therefore, it is better to carry out this operation and not skimp on trifles.

Now you need to coat the ceiling with a deep penetration primer. Thanks to it, the concrete layer will be well fixed, and the adhesion between the base and the plaster will improve.

Blend selection

Plastering the ceiling can be done using cement-lime mixtures. Can also be used for ceilings modern plasters on a gypsum basis. It is with the help of this composition that you can easily bring the ceiling to ideal condition. Gypsum coating can withstand a small percentage of building shrinkage. Under the same conditions, the cement-lime finish may crack.

Gypsum plaster has excellent adhesion to concrete surface It is worth paying attention to the fact that basically ceiling has a concrete base. In this case, the mortar can simply be spread on the surface, and not just thrown on, as is the case with cement-lime mortar. That's why even a beginner can handle the gypsum mixture.

Using beacons

For more quality leveling Ceilings are used to install beacons. This makes it possible to eliminate even significant differences existing on the surface. To do this, use a laser level to determine the lowest point of the ceiling. Having retreated 10 mm below the point, a section of plaster is beaten off and profiles are installed.

In order to secure the beacons evenly, you need to hammer the nails along the line and pull the fishing line over them. Using the line as a guide, we make several piles of mortar along the line and press the profile into them. The distance between them should be less than the rule you will be working with. More details can be seen in the video. With the help of beacons you will never be mistaken with the height of the solution layer.

Advice. Working with a short rule is much easier. The long rule makes it possible to install beacons at a greater distance from each other. In this case, the surface can be made more even.

Using a spatula, the plaster mixture is applied to the ceiling in such a way as to hide the beacons. By moving the rule in a zigzag manner, excess plaster is removed. According to the technology for applying the mixture to the ceiling, a layer should be applied no higher than 2 cm. If unevenness still appears on the surface, apply a second layer of solution only after the first layer has completely dried.

Important: If the ceiling is plastered in two layers, then a plaster mesh is installed between the beacons immediately after treating the surface with the first layer. In this case, the plaster will not crack.


The last operation to level the ceiling is putty. If a gypsum mixture was used to treat the surface, then you can immediately finish the ceiling with the final putty.

If this is your first time repairing the ceiling, it is better to apply two layers of putty, but thin layer. Two thin layers will give a smoother surface than one thick one. In this case, after applying the first layer, you need to wait until it dries. And only after that proceed to applying the next layer of solution. This is done using a wide spatula.

Now you can start sanding the ceiling surface. To do this, use a grater on which a sanding mesh is applied. if you have Sander, with its help you will cope with this operation faster. When sanding the ceiling, be sure to use a respirator and goggles.

Solution to use textured plaster for finishing the ceiling can be assessed ambiguously. For example, for the kitchen this option is not acceptable at all. The fact is that removing dust from such a finish will not be easy. In this case, you can use textured polymer-based plaster. If you are preparing the ceiling for painting, it is better to re-prime it. In this case, less paint will be used, and the ceiling will last longer.

How to repair a ceiling? This question is often asked by owners of houses and apartments who plan to renovate their premises on their own. There are a lot of finishing methods, so choose suitable option difficult. The ceiling finishing problem can be solved by installing suspended structure or installation of a stretch ceiling. If you do not want the ceiling height to become smaller, it is best to give preference to traditional technologies.

Of course, plastering work today is not chosen as often as it was before, and there are several reasons for this.

  1. Finishing the ceiling is a rather complex process. A person who has no experience in construction industry and has not been trained and is unable to perform quality work. But to carry out the installation plasterboard ceiling maybe even a novice builder, although the quality of the installation remains in doubt.
  2. Plastering the ceiling is one of the jobs that can be called dirty. Craftsmen use when finishing liquid solutions. When applied to a surface, splashes can stain clothing, hands and face. The solution often ends up on the floor and walls.
  3. Some houses have very uneven ceilings. If the height difference is large, then be prepared for high costs for leveling materials.
  4. You can do all the work on your own, but if you don’t have the skills, you can’t do without the help of specialists.

What to pay attention to

Plastering a ceiling is a renovation process consisting of a number of stages. If you don't want the result plastering works If you are disappointed, then you must take into account all the nuances. Preparation is very important, and the plastering process itself must be carried out in strict accordance with technology.

Start by carefully inspecting the ceiling. You must choose the optimal repair method, taking into account the recommendations of specialists. Please pay attention to the following points.

  1. If the ceiling is uneven, the height differences at different points are more than 5 mm, then it is better to choose putty rather than plaster. The fact is that plastering such a surface will require large financial costs.
  2. If the height difference is more significant, for example, when the difference between two points reaches 5 cm, you should not choose plastering. The easiest way is to opt for a tension structure or install a suspended ceiling.

If you examine the ceilings in rooms, most often a small difference is recorded. It makes sense to use plaster if it is from 2 to 5 cm. Remember that plastering is a rather complex process. As the layer thickness increases, you will have to spend more time and effort on the work.

How to prepare a ceiling for plastering

The easiest way to make repairs is if you bought a room in a newly built house. Plaster reinforced concrete slab in a new building you can do it in a short period of time. But most often situations arise when it is necessary to repair the ceiling after numerous paintings.

Plaster prices


The work is complicated by the fact that in most cases you have to deal with mold and large differences. In addition, to form a smooth ceiling, it is necessary to remove deep cracks that can often be observed between the slabs. It is impossible to make the ceiling level if you see that the old plaster has chipped or is crumbling. All of the above shortcomings need to be eliminated; only after that does it make sense to begin repair work.

Table. Removing old plaster.

Steps, illustrationsDescription of actions

First you need to wet the ceiling well with water. Once done, wait 2 or 3 hours and then wet again. This method is very effective. Firstly, you will remove dust from the surface and it will be comfortable to work with. Secondly, the old plaster will soften well.

Take a hard spatula and use it to remove the old plaster, carefully scraping it off the surface. Remove the plaster until the concrete floor appears. If the plaster does not come off easily, use a hammer drill. Special attention pay attention to the seams between the plates.

Rinse the ceiling thoroughly. This can be done with a sponge, which must first be moistened in water. This will effectively remove dust remaining from lime or cement.

Allow time for the ceiling to dry. Buy an antiseptic solution and apply it to the surface - this will remove the fungus and prevent the appearance of mold. The antiseptic should be poured into a separate container. To apply it to a surface, buy foam roller. When renovating, many property owners apply antiseptic only to the affected areas. But experts recommend treating the entire ceiling with an antiseptic solution. The cost of purchasing an antiseptic is minimal, and the effect of its use is long-lasting. It is best to use an antiseptic primer.

After applying the antiseptic solution, wait until the ceiling is completely dry. After this, apply primer. Choose one that penetrates deep into the pores. This material has excellent adhesion, significantly strengthening the surface.

How to choose the right materials

Modern plastering methods have nothing in common with the old ones used previously. Back then, builders preferred mixtures of sand and lime. It was difficult to work with such solutions; labor costs were very high. Only experienced craftsmen could plaster the ceiling with high quality.

Nowadays everything has changed. Manufacturers offer gypsum solutions that have significant advantages.

  1. Such plaster solutions rarely form cracks and are not afraid of building shrinkage.
  2. It doesn't matter what surface you are going to apply the plaster on. Adhesion is strong, this is very important if a beginner is doing plastering.
  3. The material is environmentally friendly and has no impact on health. You can safely use gypsum solutions when repairing the ceiling in a children's room.

Primer and gypsum plaster for interior works"Knauf Rotband"

You can buy the solution in a specialized store, the prices for the products are affordable. All mixtures are supplied to the market in ready-made form; you just need to add water, maintaining the proportion.

Prices for Knauf Rotband plaster

plaster "Knauf Rotband"

Table. Composition of various plastering solutions.

How to install beacons

To ensure that the surface is perfectly smooth, install special beacons. With their help you can easily determine horizontality. It is the installation of profiles that guarantees that the ceiling will be without changes and the quality of the surface will be high. Today you will find perforated metal profiles on sale.

The installation of beacons is carried out in stages.

First, determine where in the room the ceiling is lowest. Measure the height carefully to find out the distance from the floor to the ceiling. Determine the lowest angle - this will be the starting point. Install a laser level and use it to determine the horizontal line.

After this, install the profiles; they need to be placed on the ceiling near the walls, mounted on opposite sides. Use gypsum plaster to secure the profiles in place. It is best applied with slaps. Wait a little, and then pull the thread between the two profiles. Make several rows - this way you will get a new plane.

The next step consists of installing intermediate beacons. They need to be mounted with a certain pitch (from 20 cm to 180 cm). Many people are interested in why it is necessary to set aside no more than 180 cm? The fact is that the largest rule comes in a length of 2 meters. The remaining 20 cm can be considered a reserve. This way you can easily cover the distance between two lighthouses located next door.

How to apply the solution to the surface

Buy ready-made mixture. Add water to it, following the manufacturer's instructions. Please note that it is the mixture that is added to the water, and not vice versa. To stir the mixture, it is recommended to use a special construction mixer. If you don't have it, you can take it a regular drill, but in this case you will need a mixer attachment.

The plastering solution should be applied to the space between the beacons. The easiest way to work is with a spatula; choose a product of medium length. Repeat the procedure as many times as necessary until the surface is completely filled. It is recommended to ensure that there is a slight excess of leveling material. It is very good when it protrudes a little beyond the beacons. Subsequently, you can remove the excess using the rule. To do this, move it in a zigzag manner, moving it towards you.

You should not make a layer thicker than 2 cm. If the height difference is more pronounced, then it is best to apply the mixture in 2 layers. After you apply the first coat, wait. The plaster must be completely dry. Only after this can you begin to re-apply the solution.

If you want to increase the strength of the plaster and ensure that it does not peel off, then you need to put a mesh between the layers. It is placed after applying the first layer of solution, without waiting for it to dry.

When laying synthetic mesh, pay attention to the junction of two strips. Place the material so that an overlap of 10 cm wide is formed.

Then, when the solution dries, remove the beacons, and fill the voids remaining in their place with the same solution.

Leveling the surface

After the gypsum solution has dried, you can begin the final stage. It consists of carefully polishing the ceiling, without which the surface will not be perfectly flat. After this, you need to apply another type of plaster, which is called finishing.

This material is consumed minimally, because the mixture must be applied in a very thin layer. To level the surface, use sandpaper. Buy sheets with a fine fraction; the grinding process will not require much effort. Finished ceiling coat with primer.

Prices for finishing plaster

finishing plaster

What to pay attention to

Many craftsmen suggest using Venetian plaster. But the mixture should not be used for finishing surfaces in the toilet and bathroom. The fact is that if even a small amount of water gets in, such plaster will be damaged. The coating will have to be completely redone.

Prices for Venetian plaster

Venetian plaster

Video - How to plaster a ceiling correctly

Ceiling plaster – important stage repair of the ceiling surface. Regardless of which design method is chosen (painting, wallpapering, whitewashing), you will first have to level the ceiling. For this purpose, purchased or self-prepared formulations are used.

How to plaster ceilings: with or without beacons

For plasterboard construction, slatted, suspended or stretch ceiling Plaster is usually not needed. Before starting work, remove the old finish, then prime the floor. But, if the ceiling is going to be painted, then the base base must be perfectly flat, since the paint will make defects on the surface even more noticeable.

Ceilings can be plastered using one of two technologies: with or without beacons. It is better to work with beacons to get a flat plane. But sometimes there are ceilings on which there are significant differences in height. On such surfaces, too thick a layer of the composition will fall off.

For such cases, professional craftsmen recommend installing plasterboard structures and then cover them with plaster. Drywall will level the ceiling, and you will have to spend less time on final finishing. However suspension system will reduce the height of the room. In this case, it is better to plaster the ceiling without beacons.

The main objective of the technology is to make the ceiling smooth separate areas. Then the height differences will not be very noticeable, and the surface will look even. In this case, all work starts from the center of the room.

How to properly plaster ceilings: choosing a mixture

The procedure for preparing and applying the solution depends on which plaster for the ceiling is chosen. Each package is supplied with instructions indicating the exact proportions for diluting the mixture.

Suitable for plastering concrete ceilings. The advantages of such compositions are strength and long service life. In addition to performing the main function of leveling the plane, cement plasteruniversal material, which is used for interior and exterior work.

Buyers are wary of the myth that cement-based mixtures crack after drying. In fact, this is a misconception. Cracks on the surface appear as a result of violations of the technology of work and preparation of plaster:

  • if the proportions of the components are not met. Cement is a material that is sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and humidity. As the cement dries, it shrinks. To prevent this from happening, fine sand is added to modern compositions. Fillers make the plaster dense, so as the mixture hardens, the stress on the plaster layer becomes less;
  • forced drying will negatively affect the plastered surface. Cannot be used to speed up drying construction hair dryer, fan or other equipment. This will cause the outside layer of plaster to become crusty, but the inside will remain damp.

Used for plastering ceilings made of wood or plasterboard. The result is a smooth and even surface.

Such compositions have the following advantages:

  • dry quickly compared to cement analogues. It takes 3-4 hours for the layer to dry completely;
  • adheres well to the ceiling surface;
  • absorb excess moisture, do not give it back;
  • Gypsum mixtures include quartz, perlite or lime sand. These additives give the composition beneficial properties, improve the quality of work.

Since the material dries quickly, you also need to work with gypsum plaster quickly, and dilute the amount of mixture that can be worked out in one go.

Used for plastering clay ceilings and concrete floors. The advantages include:

  • the solution can be prepared independently from natural clay, which will reduce the cost of finishing;
  • the material is environmentally friendly and safe for health;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • The property of clay to quickly recover allows you to repair a damaged section of the ceiling without replacing the entire coating.

Modern purchased formulations

According to professional craftsmen, high quality differ the following types plaster:

  • Knauf Rotband based on gypsum is used for finishing smooth ceiling and wall surfaces;
  • Knauf Sevener - cement plaster with polymer additives is used to restore old plastered surfaces. Suitable for exterior decoration;
  • Bergauf Bau Interuer on cement based with perlite fillers used for finishing rooms with normal level humidity;
  • Volma-Holst – gypsum mixture For interior decoration rooms with normal humidity.

If you have not previously had experience working with plaster, when choosing a composition, take into account the time for complete hardening of the diluted mixture. During this period it is necessary to completely develop the solution. Of the listed types, Volma freezes longer, and Knauf freezes faster than the others.

Any coating that is applied to a floor slab is a multilayer composition. In this case, each layer must be made with high quality. Otherwise, the result of all the work will suffer.

The putty mixture will adhere better to the concrete floor if the ceiling is treated with a primer before applying the composition. Painting will also be faster and easier if you prime plaster ceilings. This will not only improve the adhesion of the two materials, but also the paint will lie smoother.

Another plus for the primer mixture is that it ensures the strength of the decorative coating. Especially if the materials are prone to cracking and shedding.

There is also a primer that prevents the appearance and development of mold on the ceiling surface. The bactericidal components included in this primer make the ceiling safe for humans.

Conventionally, primer compositions are divided into three types:

  • deep penetration, penetrating deep into the material being processed. For example, "Ceresit";
  • strengthening. The adhesive components included in the primer prevent cracking and shedding of surfaces. The disadvantage of this type is that the composition is not recommended for treating hard and dense surfaces, since after drying it forms a polymer film, which peels off and falls off along with the finishing material. But for loose ceilings this the view is suitable better than others;
  • general purpose, improving adhesion decorative layers materials with a base. Such compositions are used when preparing the ceiling surface for painting.

How to plaster a ceiling: sealing rusts

To seal seams, it is better to use gypsum-based plaster, which sets quickly, is plastic, and pliable in work. Dilute the dry mixture to a homogeneous consistency, break up any lumps. Remove the old finish from the ceiling, embroider the rustics using construction tools(chisels, drill or hammer drill), remove dust and excess debris from the recesses, clean the joints with a wire brush. Prime the rustication with a deep penetration compound and proceed to sealing:

  • Fill in too deep rusts polyurethane foam, wait until it dries, remove excess parts with a knife;
  • Apply a small amount of plaster to the ceiling using a small spatula. The strokes should be gentle with light pressure so that the solution fills the space between the floor slabs;
  • Remove excess mortar with a spatula in the direction along the rustication. If you work across, indentations are formed, which will become more pronounced after the mixture hardens;
  • simultaneously correct other surface defects;
  • After the solution has set, reinforce the joints with sickle mesh. The junction of adjacent slabs should be in the middle of the tape;
  • coat the mesh with a layer of solution 3-5 mm thick.

If the work is done correctly, the result will be smooth and smooth ceiling with missing seams between floor slabs.

Plastering the ceiling with your own hands will be easy and quick if you properly prepare the ceiling for work.

Surface preparation

Before applying the plaster mixture, the ceiling surface is first primed. For concrete floors, one coat of primer is sufficient. The composition will remove dust from the ceiling and create an adhesive layer for the plaster layer. If there are joints between the floor slabs, first work with them, only then proceed to leveling the ceiling plane.

If work will be carried out on painted or whitewashed ceilings, the old finish is washed away with a soap solution and removed with a spatula. After this, prime with two layers of primer. The drying time for each layer is 1-1.5 hours. The composition must dry well before plastering the ceiling.

When the surface is primed, evaluate the unevenness on the ceiling using a tape measure, applying measuring device alternately to all areas to find the lowest point. Beacons will be displayed from it on plaster or alabaster.

Lighthouses are perforated strips with a protruding back. It serves as the basis for leveling the plaster mixture. Before you start plastering the ceiling with your own hands, install beacons:

  • First, markings are applied to the ceiling. The first beacon is installed 30 cm from the wall, the next ones - in increments of 120-130 cm;
  • As each beacon is placed, accuracy is immediately checked using building level. The resulting indicator is transferred to opposite walls;
  • Screws are screwed into the walls and a nylon thread is pulled, along which the alignment is done;
  • When the beacons are placed, they wait for the solution to completely harden and begin to plaster the ceiling.

To get a smooth surface, use a spatula and a falcon. Using a second tool, the mixture is thrown onto the ceiling. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • dry plaster is diluted with water so that the consistency of the composition resembles thick sour cream;
  • Apply the prepared solution to the ceiling by throwing or dabbing. Choose the option that is easier and more convenient to work with;
  • It is better to apply the composition in strips of 50-60 cm, gradually filling the space between adjacent beacons;
  • Then the rule is established on the beacons, the mixture is leveled with a tool. To ensure that the plaster adheres more closely to the ceiling, the rule is to slightly rock it;
  • the solution that remains on the instrument is removed with a spatula;
  • check the area for evenness. If there are defects and depressions, add the mixture;
  • leave the surface to dry for 5-8 hours.

If ceilings are plastered wooden house, a special metal mesh with cell sizes of 10x10 cm is attached to the ceiling surface or two-layer shingles are stuffed, deepening the nail heads into wooden slats. This is necessary to prevent the mixture from cracking after hardening. The plaster is applied in two layers, each carefully leveled with a spatula and dried.

The rusts formed after removing the beacons are filled with the same composition that was used for plastering. The rule for work is no longer needed; level the ceiling with a wide spatula. All that remains is to wait for the surface to dry completely. This will take 5-7 days.

Plastering the ceiling with your own hands - simple process, but requiring accuracy and quality materials. At the same time, not a single stage of work should be left without attention. Only then will the plastered ceilings be even and smooth, ready for further finishing.

Video on the topic

Renovating any room, be it residential or office, starts from the ceiling. Regardless of what finishing is provided for in the design project: whitewashing, painting or pasting decorative panels, the surface to be treated must be prepared according to all the rules.

In short, how can you smooth out the flow?

Comparing various methods leveling the ceiling, you should find out what is the fundamental difference between plaster and putty? Both options for eliminating nervousness refer to the “wet” method, which is based on the use of various building mixtures and compositions. Ceiling leveling is considered “dry”, but such a radical solution to the problem is resorted to as a last resort.

Surface filling is performed as follows: finishing before painting or wallpapering. The layer of material cannot exceed 3-4 mm. The peculiarity of this coating is that its use is permissible on almost flat surfaces with minor defects, subtle cracks and small irregularities, since a finely dispersed putty mixture is not able to tighten and hide more significant problems.

Plaster screeding is carried out on surfaces with height differences of up to 45-50 mm. Thanks to the coarse particles, the mixture easily copes with deep cracks and seams between slabs and floors. However, if the differences exceed 5 cm, use plaster mixtures not recommended - too thick a layer of material is not only aesthetically unattractive, but also dangerous due to the likelihood of cracking and peeling of the plaster from the ceiling, which can pose a potential health hazard and result in injury. In such situations optimal solution there will be installation of frame ceiling structures using slabs or suspended ceilings made of modern materials.

When choosing one or another finishing method, you should take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the material.

The advantages of plaster are in the following aspects:

The disadvantages of plaster mixtures are as follows:

  • there is a limit on maximum thickness plaster layer - experts do not recommend exceeding the threshold of 5 cm - with large differences, leveling with this material is impractical and is characterized by high consumption of the mixture;
  • if it is not possible to do the work yourself, the services of professionals will cost a significant amount, plus take into account the cost of the material itself;
  • Leveling the ceiling with plaster mixtures requires certain skills in working with materials and tools, and the process itself can take a very long time, since the main task is to make the surface smooth and even.

Prices for popular types of plaster


To plaster the ceiling yourself, you will need the following materials:

Step 1. Surface preparation

The preparatory stage has great value even if we are talking about a new building. Ideally, the ceiling should be cleared down to the concrete slab.

Traces of mold, mildew and rust stains should be removed with a wet sponge, then wash the ceiling area special compounds. Old and peeling layer of plaster and other building materials needs to be removed.

Even if the coating looks durable and without noticeable signs of wear, experts recommend removing it. Firstly, sooner or later cracks may form on the ceiling, and secondly, such layering will steal extra centimeters of space.

The most suitable tool for this work is a narrow spatula. If layer finishing materials It is difficult to remove, you can try to “tap” the treated area with a rubber hammer or use an electromechanical drill with a special brush attachment. It is very important to remember to protect your eyes, head and respiratory tract from construction dust.

It is useless to wash away the plaster with various solutions, since after such treatment a thin, smooth and difficult to remove layer remains on the ceiling surface, which will interfere with the work. quality work due to low adhesion, which can cause detachments and cracks in the applied layer of plaster.

Relatively flat ceilings

The ceiling is plastered with two, less often three layers of the mixture. If there are minimal surface defects, it is allowed to apply plaster to selected areas, followed by leveling the material, but craftsmen recommend applying at least one solid layer to the entire surface. If there are numerous irregularities and the expected layer of plaster will exceed 10 mm, before starting work you need to attach a painting mesh to the ceiling - this will protect the coating from cracks and give greater strength.

Ceilings with large unevenness

If the surface differences are significant and amount to more than 2 cm, then leveling is best done using. Their installation is a responsible and important stage.

  • Planned minimum thickness plaster layer - depends only on the specific conditions of the room being finished and the wishes of the owners. As a rule, a layer less than 5 mm is not applied when plastering.
  • The amount of difference in ceiling height that needs to be eliminated by plastering.
  • Master's qualification level. A professional will waste no more than 5% of the solution, but for a beginner, at first, even 15% of the solution may not be enough.

The resulting value will initially be expressed in kilograms. But dry plaster mixtures are sold in paper bags of 25 or 30 kilograms, and purchasing an open bag is great stupidity, since no one can guarantee the quality of the solution. This means that one way or another you will have to round up the amount of purchased composition up to the whole number of bags. This supply will still not be superfluous - all the repairs are still ahead! This is also taken into account by the calculation program.


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