Ghosts exist or not. Ghosts in modern culture

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Who are ghosts? Speaking of ghosts, many mean the souls of already dead people who appear in our world in visible form. Some people believe in their existence, while others, on the contrary, categorically refuse to believe in the existence of this phenomenon. People who have seen, as they claim, ghosts, according to their testimonies, ghosts are pale images with unclear outlines. Whether ghosts really exist is not yet known. Everyone has the right to believe what they see or hear.

Many legends that have come to us since ancient times talk about ghosts, the appearance of which is directly related to the performance of specific task or some kind of errand.

Some ghosts return with the goal of carrying out some kind of retribution, or exposing a criminal guilty of murder.

Other ghosts return in order to correct some mistake or injustice that was committed in relation to someone living.

In particular, ghosts can appear in order to correct their own guilt for any actions they committed during their lifetime.

There are several types of ghosts, namely:

Resident ghosts- these, in turn, are ghosts that appear before different people, but it is always the same ghost that lives in a given place. In such cases, it seems that people are absolutely not interested in them. And in turn, it is the place they visit that attracts them. It is worth noting that these can be ghosts of either humans or animals.

Ghost messengers- V in this case ghosts visit a person for a specific purpose. These kinds of ghosts are called the souls of the dead, who return to the world of the living in order to convey some kind of message or warning, usually they appear to the family of the deceased or friends. In such cases, the ghost rarely speaks; he mainly prefers to point to one or another object, or convey his message through gestures.

Souls of the living. Strange or not, many reports of ghosts are directly related to the appearance of the souls of living people. An eyewitness at some point sees in front of him the ghost of a relative or friend who is in trouble or is dying. This person himself may be quite far away. This kind of ghost generally appears only once.

Returned- these are ghosts that return to our world for various reasons, and they, in turn, can be very diverse. Such ghosts mainly use people to achieve their goals.

Poltergeist. Its appearance is quite often blamed for some rather unpleasant antics of supernatural forces, for example, cups or plates flying through the air, etc. Many people believe that poltergeists are caused directly by ghosts, but they behave completely differently from normal ghosts. Objects that move through poltergeists acquire rather strange properties. They, in turn, can heat up to such an extent that it is simply impossible to touch them. They also have the ability to pass through doors or windows. And the strangest thing is that they can suddenly appear in the air.

Ghosts and countries

The very first evidence of ghosts that has come down to us is contained in the epic of Gilgamash - ancient Babylonian legends, which were recorded around 2000 BC. This story is written on clay tablets. It tells the story of the hero Gilgamesh and the ghost of his dead friend, who appeared in the form of a human figure.

They believed in the existence of ghosts and ancient egyptians. Their ghosts appeared with a bird's head and the name Khu, which in turn represented the souls of the dead. They were believed to be evil spirits that spread various kinds diseases and have the ability to invade animals, infecting them with rabies at the same time.

Although ancient chinese They treated the dead with great respect and even organized holidays in their honor; they were very much afraid of the spirits of killed people, who were directly considered dangerous and evil. This kind of ghost, according to Chinese belief, appeared in the same clothes that it wore during life. His appearance was quite impressive. First, a shapeless cloud appeared, from which the head and legs of the ghost subsequently grew. And only after that a body was formed, surrounded by a shimmering green cloud.

Capital Great Britain For quite some time now, and not without reason, it has been famous as a world center for the concentration of various kinds of spirits and ghosts.

Stories from people's lives

More than 70 years Londoners tell the story about how on the evening of July 13, 1930, 8,000 people gathered in one of the most luxurious concert halls, namely the most beautiful Royal Albert Hall, not a solemn event that was organized in honor of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the famous writer and creator of the famous Sherlock Holmes .

The hero of the occasion, dressed in a tailcoat, entered the hall shortly before the start of the concert and took a place of honor next to his wife Jean, and remained there until the end of this event.

The most interesting thing is that Sir Arthur died six days before the concert, which in turn was dedicated to his memory.

Lady Jean, the writer's widow, took care in advance to order an entrance ticket and a place of honor for the deceased. This woman was known for being a gifted medium, that is, she could communicate with the spirits of the dead and organize visits to the world of the living. Consequently, that is why she knew about the appearance of the phantom of the deceased Sir Arthur in the concert hall. The concertgoers, who knew Sir Arthur by sight, perceived his appearance in the Albert Hall with the absolute calm and composure characteristic of the English, since it happened directly in London, where encounters with ghosts are not something supernatural and rare.

In some cases ghosts provide assistance to historians in comparing facts and restoring a true picture of the past, and the correctness of the given details of ghosts is later proven by researchers or found documents. The most striking example in this case is the death of the second wife of the English king Henry VIII, 29-year-old Anne Boleyn, who was executed in 1536 as a result of accusing her of treason against her husband. Previously, historians believed that the procedure for Anna’s execution was usual for those times, that is, the victim was laid with her head on the block, and the executioner cut her neck with an ax. But it later turned out that with Anne Boleyn everything was different.

In 1972 there was tour of the Castle Tower, there was one young girl accompanied by her parents. And while examining the place of executions - the Green Tower - what happened here almost four and a half centuries ago appeared before the girl’s gaze. Namely: Queen Anne was kneeling, leaning forward slightly. The executioner with a sword (not an ax) in his hand approached her from behind absolutely silently, since he was without shoes, wearing only stockings. Most likely, he simply took off his boots in advance, so that Anna would not hear him approaching, and so that mortal horror would not overwhelm her ahead of time. The queen did not even have time to move before the executioner swung his sword and cut off her head with one blow. Within a moment, he took the severed head by the hair and lifted it. The crowd saw how the dead face was disfigured by a grimace of horror.

Those around her received the girl’s story with skepticism, since other than her, none of the tourists saw the execution scene. But after a couple of months, several historians confirmed that the death of Queen Anne actually happened exactly as the girl had imagined. In addition, scientists have established that the sentence was carried out by a man known for his rather delicate treatment of convicts, and was specially invited from France for this purpose.

It should be noted that frightening and inexplicable incidents outside the walls of the Tower continue to this day. One day, it happened that a young guard was making the most ordinary night tour of the castle grounds. At that moment, when he passed by the chapel of St. Peter in Chains, he had a great desire to look out the window.

The young man put the ladder against the wall, climbed it and looked inside. What he saw there almost made him faint.

In the middle of the chapel, a group of historical figures, familiar young man from the portraits that hung in the castle. Walking ahead was a young woman with long black hair, who, by all appearances, resembled Anne Boleyn. Following her was Thomas More, a statesman and writer who was accused of treason and executed in 1535. They were followed by the Duchess of Salisbury and Jane Gray, arm in arm with her husband, Lord Dudley. The procession was closed by several participants in the 1745 riot. These people, beheaded in the Green Tower, made a rather creepy impression with their appearance: each of them had a red bloody stripe visible on their necks, their faces had a deathly pale tint, with a bluish tint and with eyes burning like coals.

This begs the question why ghosts appear most often to people in London. One version claims that this directly occurs due to the fact that in the capital of Great Britain many children are born at midnight. There is a fairly widespread belief among mediums that it is precisely such people who can feel and see ghosts, as well as directly communicate with them. But still this hypothesis does not explain why London ghosts also appear to tourists who come from all over the world.

Probably every Englishman, somewhere deep down in his soul, is ready to meet ghosts, although he is unlikely to ever admit it.

Computer scientist at Coventry University, Vic Tandy, also attributed all these legends about ghosts to complete nonsense, not worth any attention. One fine evening he was working when suddenly he broke out in a cold sweat. He quite clearly felt someone looking at him, and this gaze carried something sinister. Afterwards, this something materialized into a shapeless mass, ash-gray in color, darted around the room and came close to the scientist. In the blurry outlines one could see legs and arms, but instead of a head there was fog swirling, in the center of which there was a dark spot, as if a mouth. A moment later the vision disappeared into thin air without a trace.

But, despite the fact that the scientist experienced terrible fear and shock, he began to act like a scientist, that is, to look for the cause of an incomprehensible phenomenon. The most in a simple way This phenomenon was classified as a hallucination. But how could they arise, since the scientist did not drink alcohol or drugs. As for otherworldly forces directly, the scientist simply did not believe in them. And then he decided that it was necessary to look for ordinary physical factors.

And it is worth noting that Tendi found them, although it happened by accident. His hobby, fencing, helped him to some extent. Some time after meeting the ghost, the scientist took the sword home with him in order to put it in order for the upcoming competition. And suddenly, at some point, the blade, clamped in a vice, began to vibrate stronger and stronger, as if someone was touching it.

Another person would have thought exactly that. But this gave the scientist the idea of ​​resonant vibrations, which are to some extent similar to those caused by sound waves. For example, when music plays very loudly, the dishes in the cupboard begin to rattle. But in the laboratory, oddly enough, there was complete silence. But the scientist immediately measured the sound background using special equipment. And as it turned out in fact, there was an unimaginable noise in the room, but it was not audible because the sound waves had a rather low frequency that the human ear could not detect. This in turn was infrasound. After a short search for the source of the sound, it was found; as it turned out, it was a fan installed in the air conditioner not so long ago. As soon as the scientist turned it off, the “spirit” disappeared and the blade no longer vibrated.

It is worth noting that infrasound is a thing that carries quite a lot of surprises. For many years, sailors were tormented by the mystery " flying Dutchman c" - ships that wander the seas without a crew. At the same time, the ships were in in perfect order, but where could people have gone then? The last of the series of “flying Dutchmen” was the “Mary Celeste” - an excellent schooner, which one day was noticed by another ship in the ocean.

Approaching the schooner, and later landing on it, the sailors from the other ship could not really understand anything: there was still a hot lunch in the galley, the ink in the ship’s log with which the captain wrote had not yet dried, and there were no people. Everyone has disappeared somewhere. For several decades this mystery haunted me, but then it was finally solved. As it turned out, infrasound with a frequency of seven hertz, which is directly in certain conditions create ocean waves. As for a person, this sound causes him simply unimaginable horror. People just go crazy and throw themselves overboard to save themselves.

And the scientist wondered whether infrasound was connected with his nightmare. Measurements of the frequency of infrasound in the laboratory showed 18.98 hertz, and this practically corresponds to the frequency at which the human eyeball begins to resonate. Therefore, apparently, the sound waves caused Vic Tendi's eyeballs to vibrate and thereby caused an optical illusion, that is, he saw a figure that was not really there.

Subsequent studies have shown that, under natural conditions, waves of such low frequencies can occur quite often. For example, infrasound can be produced when strong gusts of wind collide with chimneys or towers. Especially often, sound waves of this type begin to rumble in corridors that are directly shaped like a tunnel. Therefore, it is not at all accidental that quite often people encounter ghosts in precisely such corridors, the long and winding corridors of old castles.

Vic Tendi published his work in the Journal of the Society for Physical Research. Which was formed in 1822 and unites British parapsychologists and natural scientists, the task of this society is to find a reasonable explanation for paranormal phenomena. Therefore, it should not be surprising that professional “ghost hunters” accepted Tendi’s idea with great enthusiasm. Thus, one of the leading parapsychologists Tony Cornell believes that this idea will explain many mysterious phenomena.

As for other scientists, they have doubts about this theory. Physicists who directly study the influence of infrasound on the human body note that people who directly participate in experiments complain of fatigue, severe pressure in the eyes or ears, but as for hallucinations, especially in the form of ghosts, no one has them was not observed. Car drivers also do not experience any optical illusion, although it has long been known that when a high-speed car overcomes air resistance, the level of infrasound waves in the cabin is very high.

How do ghosts appear?

As already mentioned, there are many theories about the appearance of a ghost. As an example, let us give another theory of Vladimir Vitvitsky, head of the department information technologies Polytechnic Museum in Moscow. This man has been seriously studying optical illusions and deceptions for quite a long time; he believes that most strange visions are explained by simple physical laws. He believes that in this case, it's all about the light. In his opinion, the human eye does not perceive the objects themselves as such, but only the light that is reflected from them.

After which, with the help of the retina, light and at the same time dark spots with halftones are converted into digital code or, to put it more simply, into electrical impulses, and they in turn enter the brain. Next, the brain deciphers them and, based on the information received, creates an image of the object in the human mind. It's quite common standard scheme constructing what people consider to be a representation of the real world. But it is worth noting that it can be violated, this can be done in the following way: light should not be reflected according to the principles to which the human eye and brain are accustomed.

This is how many illusionist tricks in the circus are built. The simplest way is to make them using a system of mirrors, which in turn redirect the streams of light reflected from real objects somewhere to another point, where it is thus produced and appears before us.

Nature can perform the same tricks. We all know what mirages are - so this is the most famous phenomenon of this series. Sometimes wanderers see a lake in the desert, or even a whole city, they go to it, but in the end it turns out to be just an optical illusion. As the physicist explains, in fact, a city or lake really exists, only it is located somewhere very far, beyond the horizon, the distance can even be a thousand kilometers. Naturally, it is simply impossible to see the city from such a distance.

But the air different heights has different densities, this directly depends on the distribution of temperature and humidity. Scientists have found that light is reflected from a denser layer of air as if from a mirror. At a certain moment there can be quite a lot of mirrors of this type, so they take the image of the city far from its real location, and then simply focus it in another place.

But not everything can be explained only by physical properties. Professor Moscow medical academy them. I.M. Sechenov, Doctor of Medical Sciences Yuri Sivolap, said that in some cases illusions arise in the human mind. With all this, from the point of view of psychiatry, supernatural phenomena arise due to two components, namely: a lack of external information and the play of a person’s imagination. A rather important role in all this is played by a person’s readiness to perceive an object. A person is simply waiting for a miracle, and those who wait will almost always see what they want, says Yuri Sivolap. This phenomenon is quite common among people who have a creative mind, or among those who, in turn, are passionate about studying paranormal phenomena.

It also happens that a person does not want to see something, simply out of fear. In such a state of fear, for example, he will walk through a cemetery at night, and suddenly, instead of a cross, he will see a figure that will also begin to approach. But a normal person will not be able to see the ghost in detail. For this, in turn, either a great suggestion or an illness is necessary, says the professor. In addition, the main difference between hallucinations and illusions is that illusions do not arise out of nothing, they appear as a result of an altered vision of another object. But hallucinations are, in turn, the fruit of a sick consciousness.

But not only special impressionability can force a person to see something that is not really there. According to Yuri Sivolap, a person has been noted to have such states when dreams literally burst into his seemingly waking consciousness. For example, during fairly long journeys over long distances, a person’s tired brain may enter a state bordering on sleep and reality. Thus, a person can see certain objects with open eyes, information is sent to the brain, and there, in parallel, the sleep mechanism is launched, and images from there are superimposed on the real world.

On the one hand, it would seem that they have found the answer to the reason for the appearance of ghosts, but on the other hand, there are only many questions to which there are no answers. But as for ghosts, they still occur, and not only on British Isles. It is impossible to assert unconditionally that this is an optical illusion or that they are really guests from the other world. Believing in the existence of ghosts or rejecting this phenomenon is the direct right of every person.

You can hear many stories about the existence of ghosts or other anomalous creatures living within the astral plane of the earth. It turns out that most of these stories are true.

Why do ghosts linger on earth?

It is a known fact that they exist. Many people in their lives have encountered unexplained phenomena. However, not every one of them believes in the existence of an afterlife. Some people, after coming into contact with ghosts, refer to the fact that they imagined this vision against the background of nervous overstrain. However, in this world there are also people who have a hypersensitive energy field. They are called psychics or mediums. They are often forced to encounter the inhabitants of the other world, so they are amused by ridiculous skeptical beliefs. Many psychics claim that anyone can communicate with ghosts, if only they develop their abilities.

But why do ghosts linger on the earthly plane? In fact, these are the souls of the departed who, for various reasons, refuse to leave the earth. Most often this is due to unfinished earthly affairs.

Supporters of many religions are convinced that people who commit crimes should bear earthly punishment in the form of imprisonment. The priests believe that criminals cannot be deprived of their lives by , as this is contrary to the laws of God. And this also has a certain meaning. Psychics claim that death is not a punishment for the soul. In reality, physical death is liberation from earthly suffering. Also, priests have a very negative attitude towards suicide. In their opinion, God gave life to man, and he will take it away. If a person dares to end his own life, then this is considered a grave sin. It’s not for nothing that suicides used to be buried outside cemeteries. Mediums and psychics believe that a person should not commit suicide, because by doing so he ends his karmic program, which he must successfully work out. Therefore, the souls of suicides often reside in lower energy layers. They realize that they have not completed their earthly destiny. Therefore, now they are forced to be reborn again in order to work out their karmic task, but in more difficult living conditions, as a result of committing suicide.

In general, the premature death of the physical body due to murder, accident or suicide is accompanied by obstacles that prevent the soul from leaving the astral plane of earth peacefully.

In addition to the physical shell, a person has mental and astral projections. When a person dies, the energy body separates from the physical body. During three days, the invisible part of the subtle body lives near its decaying flesh. After three days, the etheric body is disconnected from the physical shell. This is the ghost of a deceased person. That's why some people see ghosts in cemeteries. After this, the etheric body can remain on the earthly level for nine days. And after about a month and nine days, the spirit frees itself from the astral shell and moves to a higher mental level. The souls of the dead call this place their home. This is where they stay until their next reincarnation on earth.

This process is typical for a soul that has experienced natural death, since by this time the energy body has already been partially destroyed. In this case, the soul is already ready for the transition and therefore does not experience suffering.

But what happens to souls if they leave this world prematurely? The ethereal shell of the soul is not yet ready for the transition to a higher plane. Therefore, she hangs on the lower astral levels. Such souls are ghosts.

Unfortunately, people who commit suicide do not free themselves from earthly suffering. They stay on lower levels astral These souls do not find peace, as they constantly experience visions of their suicide and realize that they have only worsened their situation.

Ghost visit

In general, ghosts are harmless entities. They only scare people with their appearance. However, there are ghosts that can harm a living person. This is due to the fact that during life they harbored aggression towards other people. Sometimes, due to premature death, ghosts retain negative traits. In this case, a person should not feel fear, since aggressive ghosts will be fueled by his emotions. They are powerless in the face of humor. Try to imagine how a harmful ghost was enveloped in a huge transparent ball filled with water. Then this ball bursts, and the ghost is all wet. Use your imagination. Make it really funny. Humor helps drive away the invisible guest. However, many individuals become frightened when a ghost appears in their field of vision.

If the ghost of a deceased person is not aggressive towards the person, but on the contrary is trying to make friends with him, then you should not drive him away. Perhaps a person will be able to acquire an ally in the person of an invisible guest.

Most often, ghosts live in cemeteries or hospitals. They are strongly attached to these places, so they do not want to leave them.

Ghosts really are close to people. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of them. Unfortunately, these unfortunate souls are capable of hanging for centuries on lower astral levels. Perhaps the compassion of a living person will help them move faster to a higher plane.

Who are ghosts? If we talk about ghosts, many people mean the souls of previously deceased people who come to our world in visible form. Some people believe that ghosts exist, while others, on the contrary, categorically do not want to believe in the existence of such a phenomenon. People who, according to them own statements, they saw ghosts, they say that these are pale images that have fuzzy outlines. And it is still not completely known whether ghosts really exist.

Everyone has the right to believe only in what he himself hears or sees. Many people can see ghosts after they learn how to develop psychic abilities.

Many legends that have come to us since time immemorial talk about ghosts, whose appearance is directly related to the completion of a specific task or a specific assignment.

Some ghosts come with the goal of carrying out some kind of retribution, or to reveal a criminal who is guilty of committing a murder.

Other ghosts may return to correct some mistakes or injustices that were committed against those living today.

Ghosts may also appear to correct their own guilt for some misdeeds they committed during their lifetime.

There are several types of ghosts, namely:

Resident ghosts - these include ghosts that appear before different people, but it will always be the same ghost living in a given place. In such cases, it may seem that they are absolutely not interested in people. They, in turn, are attracted only by the place they come to. It should be said that these are not only ghosts of people, but also of animals. Ghost messengers - this includes ghosts who visit a person for a specific purpose. Such ghosts are called the souls of dead people who come back into the world in order to bring some message or warning; as a rule, they come to the family of the deceased or to his friends. In this case, ghosts rarely speak, they mostly point to some object or thing, or convey their messages using various gestures

Souls of the living. Strange as it may seem, many accounts of ghosts are directly linked to the appearance of the souls of living people. At some point, eyewitnesses may see in front of them the ghost of a friend or relative who is in trouble or is on the verge of life and death. And this person himself may well be very far away at this moment. Castings of this type, as a rule, come only once.

Returners are a type of ghost that returns to this world for various reasons. Such ghosts use living people to achieve their goals.

Poltergeist. The appearance of this particular type of ghost is very often blamed for various very unpleasant acts of supernatural forces, for example, plates or cups floating through the air, and so on. Many people believe that ghosts themselves cause poltergeists, but they behave completely differently from ordinary ghosts. Objects moving through poltergeists begin to acquire very strange qualities. In turn, they can heat up to such a level that it is simply impossible to touch them. They also have the ability to penetrate closed windows or doors. And the strangest thing is their property of suddenly appearing out of thin air.

The first evidence of the activity of ghosts that has survived to this day is considered to be the Epic of Gilgamash - ancient Babylonian tales that were recorded approximately 2000 BC. These legends are recorded on clay tablets. They talk about fairy tale hero named Gilgamesh, as well as about the ghost of his deceased friend, who came to him in the form of a human figure. The ancient Egyptians also believed that ghosts existed. Their ghosts appeared with the head of a bird, and were named khu, and they, in turn, represented the souls of dead people. It was generally believed that these were evil spirits spreading various diseases and capable of inhabiting various animals, at the same time instilling rabies in them

Despite the fact that residents ancient China They treated the deceased with great respect and even held holidays in their honor; they were very afraid of the spirits of the murdered, who were considered directly dangerous and very evil. Such a ghost, according to Chinese beliefs, came in the same attire that he was wearing during his lifetime. His appearance looked very impressive. First, a kind of shapeless cloud was shown, from which the legs and head of a ghost then grew. And only then did the body itself appear, which was surrounded by a shimmering green cloud.

The British capital has long been, and not without reason, considered a world center where various kinds of spirits and ghosts are concentrated.

For more than seventy years, Londoners have retold the story of how, on a July evening in 1930, about 8,000 people came to one of the most luxurious concert halls, the Royal Albert Hall, to attend a gala event held in honor of the famous Arthur Conan Doyle, who was a writer and by the well-known detective named Sherlock Holmes. Do ghosts exist? Dressed in a tailcoat, the hero of the occasion entered the room shortly before the start of the concert and sat down in a place of honor with his wife Jean, and remained there until the end of the event

But the most unusual thing in this story is that the writer died 6 days before the start of the mentioned concert, which was dedicated precisely to his memory. The writer's widow worried in advance and ordered an entrance ticket along with a place of honor for the deceased. This woman was famous for being considered a talented medium and able to contact the souls of the deceased and organize visits for them to the world of living people. It turns out that she knew about the arrival of the phantom of the late Sir Arthur in the concert hall. All the spectators present at the concert, who knew Conan Doyle by sight, perceived his arrival at the Albert Hall very calmly and coolly, which is characteristic of the British and since it took place in London, where meeting with a ghost is not considered something rare and supernatural.

In some cases, ghosts can help scientists compare facts, thanks to which they restore true pictures from the past, and the truth of the details suggested by ghosts is subsequently proven by researchers or found documents. Most famous example This is considered the death of the second wife of the British monarch Henry VIII, the famous Anne Boleyn, who was executed in 1536 because she was accused of betraying her husband. Previously, historians believed that the process of Anna’s execution was ordinary for that time, namely, the victim was laid with her head on the block, and the executioner cut her neck with an ax. However, it later turned out that with Anna everything was different.

The thing is that in 1972 there was a tour of the Tower Castle, which included a young girl with her parents. And while inspecting the place where the executions took place - the Green Tower - the girl saw everything that took place in this very place more than four centuries ago. This is what she saw: Queen Anne was on her knees, leaning slightly forward. Her executioner with a sword (not an ax) approached her from behind absolutely silently, since he was not wearing shoes. It is quite possible that he first took off his boots so that Anna could not hear him approaching, and so that mortal fear would not take possession of her ahead of time. Anne Boleyn didn't even have time to make a move before the executioner cut off her head with one stroke. And a second later he lifted the severed head by the hair and showed it to the audience. And the crowd saw a dead face, disfigured by a grimace of horror. All those present took the girl’s story with a grain of salt, since other tourists did not see the execution scene. However, just two months later, several historians confirmed that, indeed, the execution of Queen Anne took place exactly as the girl had dreamed it. In addition, scientists have established that the sentence was carried out by an executioner known for his very delicate treatment of his victims, who was invited from France specifically for this purpose.

Do ghosts exist? It is also necessary to mention that terrible and inexplicable events within the walls of the Tower still occur today. Once it happened that one guard was making a routine tour of the territory. And at the moment when he passed near St. Peter's Chapel, a strong desire arose in him to look out the window.

The man put a ladder against the wall, stood up and looked inside. He almost fainted from what he saw there. In the middle of the chapel, several historical figures were slowly walking, who were familiar to the guard from the portraits hanging in the castle. A young black-haired woman very similar to Anne Boleyn walked ahead. She was followed by Thomas More, who was a statesman and, being accused of treason, was executed in 1535. Next came the Duchess of Salisbury, as well as Jane Gray, arm in arm with her husband, Lord Dudley. At the end of the procession followed the participants of the 1745 riot. All these people were beheaded in the Green Tower, and made a terrible impression with their appearance: all of them had red bloody stripes on their necks, and their faces were deathly pale, bluish in color, and their eyes burned like coals.

It quite logically begs the question why ghosts are most often shown to people in London. One version claims that this is happening directly because in the British capital a large number of babies are born at midnight.

It is widely believed in mediumship circles that such people are able to see and feel ghosts, and even communicate directly with them. However, this hypothesis cannot explain why the ghosts of London also appear to visiting tourists from all over the world.

Probably every resident of Foggy Albion, in the depths of their souls, is already ready to meet a ghost, although they are unlikely to ever admit it.

A programmer at Coventry University named Vic Tandy also thought that all these ghost stories were complete nonsense and not worthy of attention. But one evening, while he was working, he broke out in an icy sweat. He quite clearly felt that someone was looking at him intently, and there was something sinister in that gaze. Then something materialized into an incomprehensible and shapeless mass that had an ash-gray color, ran across the room and came very close to the scientist. In the blurred contours one could still see arms and legs, and in the place of the head there was fog, and in the center there was a dark spot that resembled a mouth. And a few seconds later the vision disappeared into thin air without a trace.

However, despite the terrible horror he experienced, he began to act like a real scientist, that is, to try to find the cause of an incomprehensible phenomenon. The easiest way was to attribute such a vision to hallucinations. However, where could they come from, because the programmer did not drink alcohol or drugs. Well, speaking about otherworldly forces, the scientist simply did not believe in them. So he decided that it was necessary to look for simple physical factors.

And it must be said that Tendi found them, although this happened quite by accident. To some extent, his hobby - fencing - came to his aid. Some time after the encounter with the ghost, the scientist took the sword home to prepare it for an upcoming competition in which he intended to take part. And suddenly the blade, which was clamped in a vice, began to vibrate more and more, as if someone was touching it.

Someone else might have thought this way. However, this fact prompted the scientist to think about resonant vibrations, which are to some extent similar to the vibrations caused by sound waves. For example, while loud music is playing, dishes in the cupboard may begin to rattle. However, strangely enough, there was silence in the laboratory. And the scientist immediately measured the sound background using special equipment. And here it turned out that there was incredible noise in the room, but it was not audible because the waves had a rather low frequency that the human ear could not hear. And it was ordinary infrasound. After briefly searching for the source of the sound, he found it, as it turned out, it was a recently installed air conditioning fan. After the scientist turned it off, the “spirit” disappeared and the sword stopped vibrating.

It is also worth saying that infrasound is a thing that carries a considerable number of surprises. For many decades, sailors were haunted by the mystery of the “flying Dutchmen” - ships wandering the seas without a crew. But at the same time, the ships were in perfect order, but where did the sailors go? The last "flying Dutchman" was a superb schooner called the Mary Celeste, which was one day spotted on the ocean by another ship. Do ghosts exist? Approaching the schooner, and then disembarking, the sailors of the other ship could not understand anything: there was still hot food in the ship's galley, the ink used by the captain had not yet dried in the magazine, and there was no one there. Everyone has disappeared. For many years, this story haunted people until it was finally solved. As it turned out, the culprit was infrasound, which has a frequency of 7 hertz, which under certain conditions is directly created by ocean waves. And in people this sound is capable of feeling unimaginable horror. Often people can go crazy and are thrown overboard to escape.

The scientist decided to find out if there was a connection between infrasound and his nightmare. Measurements of the infrasound frequency in the laboratory yielded 18.98 hertz, which practically corresponds to the frequency when the human eyeball begins to resonate. Based on this, we conclude that the sound waves caused Tendi's eyeballs to begin to vibrate, and thus caused visual illusion, that is, he saw a figure that did not actually exist.

Further research proved that normal conditions waves with such a low frequency can be generated very often. For example, infrasound can occur when strong gusts of wind collide with towers or chimneys. Most often, such sound waves can rumble in long corridors having directly the shape of a tunnel. For this reason, there is nothing accidental in the fact that very often people meet ghosts in exactly the same kind of corridors that exist in old castles.

Vic Tendi published the results of his research in one of scientific journals, owned by the Society for Physical Research. And this society was founded back in 1822 and unites British specialists in parapsychology and natural sciences. The task of this society is to find a reasonable explanation for paranormal phenomena. So, you shouldn’t be surprised by the fact that ghost hunting experts supported Tendi’s ideas with great enthusiasm. So one of the most famous parapsychologists named Tony Cornell believes that thanks to these ideas it will be possible to explain a considerable number of mysterious phenomena. If we talk about other scientists, they question this theory. Physicists who directly study the influence of infrasound waves on the human body say that people directly involved in experiments complain of considerable fatigue, great pressure in the ears or eyes, but with regard to hallucinations, especially in the form of ghosts, no one has experienced such . Car drivers also experience absolutely no optical illusion, but it is well known that at the moment when the car is in high speed overcomes air resistance, the level of infrasound inside the cabin is very high.

As we have already said, there are a lot of theories about ghosts. As an example, let’s take the theory of Vladimir Vitvitsky, head of the information technology department of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum. This scientist has been studying optical deceptions and illusions for a long time; he believes that most of the strange visions can be explained by simple laws of physics. He believes that in this case, it's all about the properties of light. In his personal opinion, the human eye does not perceive the objects themselves as such, but only the light reflected from them. After this, with the help of the retina, light and at the same time dark spots with the presence of halftones are translated into a digital code, or, to put it simply, into electrical impulses, which then enter the human brain. After this, the brain deciphers them and, based on the results of the data obtained, forms an image of objects in the human mind. This is quite standard usual scheme formation of what people consider to be a picture of the real world. However, it should be noted that it can be violated, which is done in the following way: the light must be reflected not according to the principles to which the human eye and brain are accustomed. Consequently, many tricks that illusionists perform in the circus are built on this principle. Most easy way do this using a mirror system that redirects luminous fluxes, which are reflected from real objects to some other point, where they will thus be produced and appear before the viewer.

Mother Nature is also capable of performing such tricks. We all know what a mirage is - and so they are the most famous phenomenon in this category. Often travelers can see a lake in the middle of the desert, or even an entire city, they head towards it, but in the end it turns out that this is just an optical illusion. According to physicists, in reality a lake or city exists, but they are located somewhere far beyond the horizon, perhaps even a thousand miles away. And of course, it’s impossible to see the city from such a distance.

However, air at different altitudes has different densities, this directly depends on the distribution of humidity and temperature. Scientists have found that light will be reflected from a denser layer as from mirror surface. There can be a lot of mirrors of this type at a particular moment, so they take the images of the lake very far from its actual location, and then simply fix it in some other place.

However, only with the help physical properties Unfortunately, not everything is possible. Yuri Sivolap, a professor at the Moscow Medical Academy, said that in some cases illusions can arise in a person’s mind. But at the same time, from a psychiatric point of view, a supernatural phenomenon can arise due to two components: lack of information, as well as a person’s imagination. With all this, very important role people's readiness to perceive objects may play a role. People are simply expecting a miracle, and those who wait will almost always see what they want, Yuri Sivolap is sure. Such phenomena can quite often occur in people with a creative mind, or in those who are overly keen on the study of paranormal phenomena.

It also happens that people do not want to see something, only out of fear. And in this state, for example, they will walk through a cemetery at night, and suddenly, instead of a cross, they may see some mystical figure, which, in addition to everything else, will begin to approach them. However, normal people will not be able to see the details of the ghost. According to the professor, this requires either self-hypnosis or illness. Among other things, the main difference between a hallucination and an illusion is that an illusion cannot arise out of nothing; it appears as a result of a distorted vision of other objects. But hallucination is, in turn, the fruit of a painful consciousness.

However, it is not only special impressionability that forces a person to see something that does not actually exist. According to Yuri Sivolap, people have experienced states when dreams literally penetrate into their seemingly awake consciousness. For example, during very long long-distance travel, a tired human brain may well enter a state that lies between sleep and reality. Using this method, people can see some objects when their eyes are open, after which the data is transmitted to the brain, where the sleep mechanism starts in parallel, and the image from there can be superimposed on reality.

It would seem that, on the one hand, the solution to the appearance of ghosts has been found, but on the other hand, a considerable number of questions remain for which there are no answers. Well, as for ghosts, they still continue to be found, and not only on the shores of Foggy Albion. It is very difficult to categorically assert that this is an optical illusion or that they are truly guests from another world. Believing in the existence of ghosts or denying their existence is a personal matter for everyone.

A ghost or ghost is, according to popular beliefs, a disembodied spirit or soul of a deceased person, which for some reason “gets stuck” in our world and amuses itself by appearing to living people for various purposes, frightening them. In some cases, he talks or makes creepy sounds. Can fly, go through walls and have fun in every possible way.

Do ghosts exist?

Is it possible to see a ghost?

Yes. What you see depends entirely on the health and condition of your brain. In case of strong narcotic or alcohol intoxication, in the case of an excessively long stay awake, a long stay in a poorly ventilated room, poisoning with various gases, you can see not only a ghost, but also many other interesting things and real world non-existent.

What about the ghosts that were captured in photographs?

Basically, this is a bizarre play of shadows, which, when captured by a photographer, develops into some kind of silhouette, which people greedy for sensations rush to declare as proof of the existence of ghosts. Many of you have most likely at least been scared in a poorly lit room by a dark silhouette, which after a couple of seconds turned out to be a cleverly folded jacket, blanket, hanger and other household items, in much the same way that photographs of “ghosts” are obtained.

I woke up one night and saw a ghost moving around the room / heard his footsteps / other real sensations

The key phrase here is “woke up at night.” Indeed, some people report waking up at night, experiencing intense fear and experiencing various visual and auditory hallucinations. It is also possible to feel that the body does not obey at all, you cannot even move your fingers. All these phenomena are the so-called sleep paralysis, and, according to scientists, at least 7% of people have experienced it at least once in their lives. During sleep paralysis people can see very realistic ghosts. Here is a description of this condition by people who experienced it:,, ya_nastigla_siya_dolya_kak_ya_ne_spal_ostatok_nochi_5382298

What about haunted houses?

This is just a popular urban legend, which, like many other legends, can be easily explained if confirmed. Let's say that there is a house in which all the people who live in it periodically see ghosts. There may be several reasons: the use of toxic materials and paints in the construction of a house, basements that no one cares for, an area where the air is saturated with gases hazardous to health, such as methane. In this case, this house can really be called a “haunted house”, since many people can see a ghost there if they stay there for a long time. Currently, there is no reliable information about the presence of a haunted house in any country. In addition to this, one can bring up the consideration that swamps, cemeteries and other disastrous areas are often called places where ghosts appear, where a person, due to the surrounding views, is subconsciously ready to see something supernatural. But the main thing is that in all of the above places, methane emissions from the decomposition of plants or corpses are possible. There is also a story from a miner about hallucinations in a poorly ventilated illegal mine (most likely the main reason is the accumulation of methane in the mine).

Modern television and cinema are trying to convince us of the existence of the supernatural. Vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts and other evil spirits from science fiction stories are transferred not only to television screens, but also into our consciousness. Some people, on the wave of the mainstream, simply fall in love with pale-faced, fanged heroes, while others, more impressionable ones, begin to be even more afraid of flashing lights, incomprehensible sounds, darkness, and what’s more: they are even afraid to be alone at home.

In 2005, the Gallup Institute conducted a survey among American residents, which found that 37% of them believe in haunted houses. This year's figures are even more depressing - 47% of Americans believe in poltergeists. Is the influence of pseudo-documentary films and low-grade horror films so strong that people, forgetting about the rational explanation for everything unnatural, prefer to be afraid of everything supernatural? Let's dispel this foggy veil, and look at this evil spirit not through the prism of our extravagant imagination, but through the gaze of experienced scientists.


The Ouija board from the TV series “Charmed” is firmly etched into our consciousness. If you believe the myths, then a board covered with letters and numbers and a piece of wooden pointer in our hands can help us contact a spirit who, through a miracle board, will answer our questions. Many of us dreamed of connecting with the other world in this way, and some even created a prototype of a board from improvised cardboard and markers and contacted the spirit of, for example, Pushkin. How successful - history is silent. But in the middle of the 19th century there was a different attitude towards the seance. People lined up to contact their deceased relatives.

Besides ouija board Another method was also widespread. A group of people sat near the table and laid their hands on it, after which someone contacted a spirit who could, in response, move the table, overturn it, or ride a horse across the room. You say nonsense? The trouble was that the table actually began to move, and the crowd nervously swallowed, fainted, or began to scream.

Of course, we must pay tribute to the charlatans who at that time profited from human stupidity and hypersensitivity. But were all encounters with spirits a deception? Michael Faraday, a famous physicist, tried to find the answer to this question. During the experiment, it became clear that the tables move due to the ideomotor effect, i.e. the power of suggestion causes our muscles to move without the intervention of consciousness. People wanted to see a moving tablet or table, and that's what they got.

©Encyclopedia of Anomalous Phenomena

Dark shadow

Swiss scientists, working on a patient diagnosed with epilepsy, resorted to the method of electrical stimulation. This lasted until the patient informed them about the existence of a certain shadow that sat behind her and copied her movements. According to her, when she sat down, the shadow sat down after her, when she bent over and wrapped her arms around her knees, the shadow wrapped itself around her body and held her. Then the doctors asked the woman to take the card and read the word written on it. But when she tried to take it, the shadow snatched the card from her hands.

The fact is that scientists, by stimulating the left temporoparietal node - the part of the brain responsible for a person’s perception of himself - accidentally “turned off” the patient’s ability to perceive her own body, which led to the appearance of a shadow copying her every action.

Communication with spirits

Why bother with all sorts of spiritualistic seances if you can clear your mind and allow some cosmic consciousness or spirit to enter your body and give answers to all your questions? This method - “tunneling” - was a fairly common way to achieve spiritual world. Many current psychics draw (they say that they draw) information about various mystical events exactly this way.

There are many charlatans who talk to spirits, but what about people who sincerely believe in what they do?

No, they do not need to seek help from a psychologist. It's all about automatism - an altered state of consciousness. Those. people express someone else's thoughts without realizing that they are actually their own. The human brain, during the process of purifying the mind, is capable of producing incredible ideas and images on the verge of complete delirium, and the poor shaman (psychic, etc.) at this moment thinks that some spirit has come into contact with him.

©Library of Congress/ Edward S. Curtis


How not to confuse infrasound with a ghost? Easy, just pay attention to the fact that infrasound exists in nature, but ghosts do not.

Explorer Vic Tandy once saw a ghost. This worried him; after all, ghosts had no place in the laboratory. The next day, while preparing for fencing, he placed the sword in a vice and noticed that the blade was vibrating on its own. Having connected the two strange events together, the researcher came to the conclusion that there is a certain force in the laboratory that affects the sword and it is most likely responsible for the poltergeist in the laboratory. It was all about infrasound.

Human hearing is capable of detecting up to 20,000 Hz, but it is practically powerless with sounds below 20 Hz. It is these low noises that are called infrasound. But if we are not able to catch them by ear, then we can feel some vibrations with our body, especially our stomach.

A new fan installed in Vic Tandy's laboratory turned out to be the source of infrasound at a frequency of about 19 Hz.

Another specialist in this field, Dr. Richard Weissman, argues that infrasounds can cause both positive emotions (joy, awe) and negative ones (fear, panic, anxiety) in a person.

The cause of infrasound can be bad weather, and even some Appliances. According to Weissman, it is in places where there is infrasound that people are more likely to see or hear something paranormal.


Penetrating cold

Wandering around an abandoned house at night is an inherently bad idea. The presence of goosebumps all over the body and feelings of anxiety cannot be avoided. In such nervous state any noise and even a change in temperature can be mistaken for something paranormal.

Many people believe that if a room becomes suddenly cold, this is a sign of a poltergeist in the space. In parapsychological terminology, this phenomenon is called a “cold spot.” When a ghost decides to appear out of thin air and scare people to death, it needs energy, so it takes heat from environment(including from humans).

A comprehensive explanation? It’s unlikely, because scientists and skeptics have a more reasonable interpretation of this phenomenon. Skeptics associate temperature changes with chimneys, open windows and cracks in the walls, etc. But scientists talk about this from a different point of view. Every object in the house has its own temperature, and some surfaces are warmer than others. In an attempt to equalize the temperature in a room, objects try to get rid of excess heat. This phenomenon is nothing more than convection: warm air moves upward, and the cold air remains below, similarly, dry air in a humid room also falls down.

During such processes a person feels cold, but not every cold is a ghost. And instead of being afraid, it’s best to turn on the heater or wrap yourself in a blanket.

Scary photos

Many Internet portals collect photographs from all over the world that contain ghosts. You've probably seen a couple of these yourself. Did you treat them with skepticism or did you unquestioningly believe in their authenticity? Or maybe you yourself became the author of such a terrifying photograph? If yes, then check your camera.

In addition to the obvious reasons related to problems with the camera itself, there are several more that could cause a ghost or a light spot to appear in your photo. Any speck of dust, insect, fine hair or movement during exposure can result in such a bizarre shot. And don’t forget that now every young person can take such a picture using Photoshop. There is no place for panic here.


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