The problem of ecology in social advertising. Environmental component in modern social advertising

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Protecting the environment and animal rights is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Around the world, tropical forests are constantly being destroyed, tons of harmful substances are being released into the atmosphere, animals are being exterminated for valuable fur or delicious food, and pets are being thrown into the street. In this regard, environmental social advertising has received great development, which makes its contribution to the protection of nature. It must be said that such materials are often very cruel, even shocking, but only by applying the principles of naturalism can we show people the real harm caused to the environment. In my work I will consider the most interesting, from my point of view, examples social advertising in defense of the environment and animal rights.

Greenpeace produces the largest number of promotional materials, followed by the World Wide Fund wildlife" (WWF) and the radical organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). All materials can be divided into three groups: printed, video and promotions.

One of the most serious problems is the destruction of forests. The consequences of cutting them down are obvious: the natural habitat of animals is destroyed, the amount of oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere decreases.

Tonga Workroom Agency (Shanghai) offered a very unusual idea- an almost interactive paper towel container to raise awareness about saving paper and ultimately saving forests is to be commended. Every day the trees on the device get smaller and smaller.

Y&R Singapore's creative concept for ACRES (Singapore) highlights how deforestation is causing animals - from insects to elephants - to lose their habitat and die. Instead of logs, the severed legs of elephants are loaded into the car.

The international environmental organization Greenpeace and the Brazilian branch of Young & Rubicam have rewritten the most famous children's fairy tales in a new ecological and eschatological way.

In these new fairy tales, Little Red Riding Hood goes to her grandmother through a forest of stumps, the Little Mermaid lives among the garbage, and ugly duck in the oil drips it seems completely disgusting. The slogan reads: “You don’t want to tell your child such fairy tales, do you?”

200 thousand trees have already been cut down for golf courses. Greepeace launched an advertisement against their distribution. The poster depicts a man in the pose of a golfer, but not with a club, but with an ax in his hand.

The agency Publicis Mojo, together with Greenpeace, launched a stunning video called “Breathing.” Pictures of the ebb and flow of the tides, sounded by someone’s even breathing, produce a colossal impression. The video gives viewers a feeling of something sacred and immense. The tagline, emerging through the black background, appears in time with the breath: “Half of the oxygen we breathe comes from the oceans. Let's keep our ocean alive."

The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) conducted a social campaign environmental problem pollution of rivers and seas. The visual series of posters developed by the Springer&Jacoby agency perfectly conveys the message about the environmental threat without words. Figures of dolphins, seals, and pelicans are made from garbage. Slogan: “Sea animals no longer wash ashore” (Appendix 1).

Managing Director of News Outdoor Maxim Tkachev said: “The new flyer of the “Whatever?!” campaign once again calls for an active position in life. It depends on each of us whether the city will be clean or dirty. If each of us takes the trash to the trash can, he will not only help the city, but will also win a small victory over his laziness and indifference.”

“As part of this campaign, we are raising a very important issue for everyone,” says D. Korobkov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ADV Group. -- It is natural for us to maintain order in the house, but many do not think about the need to take care of the nature and cleanliness of city streets. Our world is becoming catastrophically polluted - and this is the work of man. We must remember that the conservation of nature depends only on us."

Types of social advertising dedicated to environmental issues

Social advertising has many functions: informational - to notify citizens about the presence of a certain social problem and attract attention to it, economic - to form a point of view that would help partially or completely eliminate a social problem, which would lead to an improvement in the well-being of the state, educational - to distribution of certain social values, their inculcation in society, social - for the formation of public consciousness, changing the behavior of both society as a whole and its individual citizens. Social advertising can influence the consciousness of people with the right ones.

  • - posters;
  • - shields;
  • - leaflets;
  • - emblems on consumer goods;
  • - graffiti;
  • - comics;
  • - photo;

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Types of social advertising dedicated to environmental issues

Social advertising has many functions: informational - to notify citizens about the presence of a certain social problem and attract attention to it, economic - to form a point of view that would help partially or completely eliminate a social problem, which would lead to an improvement in the well-being of the state, educational - to dissemination of certain social values, their inculcation in society, social - for the formation of public consciousness, changing the behavior of both society as a whole and its individual citizens. Social advertising can influence the consciousness of people with the right ones.



Emblems on consumer goods;




Description of various approaches (methods) to creating social advertising on environmental issues

It is necessary to say a few words about technological features presenting information before moving on to techniques for creating it. The process of social design using social advertising tools is divided into a number of stages. Let us describe the phases of creating social advertising that meet the requirements of a professional approach.

1st Phase. Identifying a social problem you would like to solve. Her choice may be influenced by local ethnocultural traditions and characteristics economic conditions development of this region, and even just human imagination. Social problems can have a very wide range of interests: for example, maintaining ecological balance

2 Phase. If this step has been completed and the social problem has been identified, then one should move on to the description of the social problem itself, that is, to the sources of its origin, when it is necessary to identify social reasons this problem. This is where the most begins important work on the creation of social advertising. The fact is that most often people see only the consequences of a social problem, so in most cases public attention is focused only on them, and not on the causes. It is this approach to identifying the causes of social problems that is given Special attention specialists of the Council and the jury of the Competition.

Let us dwell in more detail on the causes of social problems.

a) Internal reasons. Usually it all starts with the fact that even a bad mood becomes a source of social problems. Therefore, the basic root cause of all social problems proposed for collective discussion by students can be called mental discomfort, which can arise from psychological and physical negative experiences of the individual. This primary cause the birth of social dissatisfaction can be called internal. After all, a lot depends on our mood - the speed of reaction on the road, the quality of attention to environment, efficiency, communication skills, creativity. But this problem may not be just us.

b) External reasons. The second reason for the birth of personal dissatisfaction, which is external, but so obvious and close to the individual, can be called peripheral. This is all that is not us and the sphere of our activity, but still surrounds a person in everyday life. In addition to the first and second reasons, there may also be a third - external. For example, shocking advertising on the street and even coercion from society to do something with which a person does not agree.

There are no internal preconditions or a peripheral initiator of a social problem that can be pulled back and stopped, but still, through a number of intermediaries, through external, remote causes that cannot always be instantly influenced, the problem can ultimately affect a certain person.

As a result of such social creativity, the individual ceases to depend on the harmful effects of any social problem, learns to draw conclusions and make appropriate life-saving decisions that improve the quality of his life. In these techniques there is an opportunity to put everything in its place and find the causes of each individual social problem, find one’s belonging to them, that aspect that is within the individual’s power and that factor that one cannot influence. They offer a chance to help children and teenagers look at the world in a new way, without fear, anger and artificial indifference to existing problems.

3 Phase . Every social problem always has its own development in society and in every person. It is one thing to warn of impending danger, but quite another when it is necessary to act, and sometimes act urgently. In some cases of advanced “social disease,” prevention is no longer appropriate; direct “surgical” intervention is required. To do this, in the process of creating social advertising, it is necessary to draw up a social and a psychological portrait of the person the student wants to help, no matter whether it is an individual or society as a whole.

4 Phase . To create a social project in the form of social advertising, it is necessary to identify resources. This resource can be personal or activity-based.

a) Personal resource..

b) Activity resource

5 Phase . Definition ways solving a social problem. The form of solution to the problem and the effectiveness of the work itself will depend on how well the previous parts of the described process were completed. Since only an accurate diagnosis of a social problem will indicate the most promising decision that you will take today - simply inform people about the existence of a social problem or call on them to take immediate concrete action to eradicate the difficulties that have arisen.

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The power of social “green” advertising on the minds of ordinary people should not be underestimated, especially in our country. Environmental issues in Russia, and in most CIS countries, cannot withstand even the slightest pressure from people in constant pursuit of profit. Many people are not even aware of the fact that their actions are harmful to the environment. We present to your attention another portion of social advertising. Let's hope that in the near future such advertising will appear on the streets of our cities.

Before a child learns to go to the toilet, he will produce about 3.5 tons of difficult-to-recycle waste. The same goes for paper napkins and toilet paper. Unlike diapers, a person will “get dirty” all his life. Original attribute toilet room, presented in the photo, will make anyone think that behind every napkin there is a felled tree ( in this case ).

Another way (more radical) Limit the use of toilet paper in the toilet. This attribute of the toilet room is very reminiscent of the poster we are talking about, but just in case, we will provide an image of it below.

It is difficult to pass by such a poster installed in one of the cities of China. A passerby will definitely notice the pipe dumping wastewater into the river, will think about it and may even take some steps to prevent further pollution of the reservoir.

In general, the Chinese have begun to pay great attention to social eco-advertising. In the photo presented to your attention above, a piggy bank for collecting Money for the construction of water reservoirs in Western China, which is suffering from severe droughts.

Other no less original way involve the public in the problem of shortages clean water. Around the world, millions of people do not have regular access to clean drinking water. Every day on Earth, 4,200 children die from diseases associated with. Vending machines appear in Manhattan dirty water. A bottle of this water costs $1. All money raised goes to solving problems with clean water in developing countries.

". Why are you worrying about trifles because of this?”

A beaver can damage 200 trees in a year, but what about a human?

"Our potatoes grow closer than you think." Advertisement from the “Buy Local” series (transportation of goods over long distances involves at great expense energy and CO 2 emissions).

Scale bench on the streets of Amsterdam (Netherlands). Maybe some people should limit their food needs?

Another original way of using street benches in social advertising, which we are talking about

“46 days in a hospital bed. The speed limit is 25 miles per hour.” A roadside billboard that measures a car's speed and informs the driver how long he might spend in a hospital bed.


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