Professional advice on how to choose a chainsaw. Chainsaw for the garden and home - choose a good and inexpensive model

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Anyone knows what a chainsaw is, but only very few know how to choose it correctly. Chainsaws are divided into 3 types - household, semi-professional and professional. Of course, there are also electric saws, but due to the fact that they do not run on gasoline, we will not consider them. Each type is only suitable for certain tasks, so it's especially important to know which chainsaw is best for you and why. How to choose a good and inexpensive chainsaw for your home? You will find the answer to this question in our article.

First of all, you need to decide what you need a chainsaw for, how and for what purposes you will use it. If you plan to use your chosen chainsaw often and put a lot of stress on the tool, it makes sense to purchase a better and more reliable device than typical budget Chinese ones. And if you need a chainsaw only because regular work is long and hard, and there are several branches on the site or not big trees block the sun, a household option is also suitable for you. What is the difference between professional units and non-professional ones? First of all, the working power, which is less, the lower the class of equipment. An amateur instrument is best suited for small summer cottage, and with a good professional saw you can cut down forest, which is what lumberjacks do.

Any chainsaw has a certain wear life. For a regular household saw, the average value is 500 hours, but for more serious devices a better degree of protection is provided. Cheap household chainsaws are equipped with low-profile chains - a low-profile axle has lower performance and is more susceptible to wear, but working with it is much easier and safer than with a bulky design. WITH amateur saw You can work for no more than 50-60 minutes without breaks, but long-term operation is fraught with damage to the tool or even breaking the chain, which is unsafe in any case. The power of a simple chainsaw usually varies between 1-2 kW.
At the same time, this design has a number of objective advantages - a manual non-professional chainsaw weighs little, your hands don’t get tired from it as much as from a more powerful brother, but, of course, you won’t be able to fell wood with a household version. In addition, if you operate a light chainsaw in extreme conditions, you will spend more on consumables than if you immediately bought a professional unit. Look after yourself good model you can in our . But for a dacha or small garden, an amateur chainsaw is best suited. Perfect to perform with redecorating, it is good for small construction work. What's more, a low-profile chain tends to reduce vibration during operation, which will only make your job easier. In general, with such a chainsaw you can not only take care of the site, but also let your imagination run wild; you will be limited only by the power of the design. The next class of chainsaws - semi-professional - is very different from the basic one. It cannot be said that the prefix “semi” makes such models something in between, between beginner and professional. A semi-professional saw is closer to a professional one, with one exception - such chainsaws are not designed for long-term, daily loads. The vast majority of semi-professional models are designed for 1000 hours of operation, and the power of such a chainsaw is, on average, 2-3 kW, and the weight is from 5 to 7 kilograms.

A semi-professional tool is well suited for construction work - it can cut trees with a trunk diameter of up to 40 centimeters, but your hands get tired much faster when working with a saw than with an amateur saw, not least because it weighs one and a half to two times more than usual. With a semi-professional unit, you can fell wood on a moderate scale - with daily use, the low-profile chain will quickly wear out, but it will definitely withstand 4-5 hours of not the most complex sawing per day. Sharpening chains is also important for work, so we recommend that you read our recommendations on that. Such a saw would be a top option for a person who already has his own plot of land, but does not yet have a house on it - a semi-professional tool does an excellent job with all types of woodwork; with its help you can raise a bathhouse or other building from scratch.
Be sure that with proper use, such a tool will serve you faithfully for a long time even after construction is completed. As for professional equipment, most likely, if you come to the store to buy a heavy chainsaw, you know in advance all the characteristics and safety rules. But, if you are a beginner in the difficult field of a lumberjack, we will help you choose the right chainsaw. A professional chainsaw can be very dangerous in the hands of an inexperienced user. This species is most often seen in films and videos, as it has an impressive size and produces a lot of noise. It is unlikely that you will be able to use the capabilities of a heavy chainsaw to the maximum, even when building a bathhouse or house from scratch. Professional units have the highest productivity of all chainsaws - These are purchased by construction and forestry enterprises for industrial needs.
The power of a heavy chainsaw ranges from 2.5 to 6 kW; its mandatory attribute is a high-profile sawing chain. A professional chainsaw usually costs several times more than a household chainsaw. Don't assume that highest power here serves as a guarantee of high-quality and correctly performed work. When operating a chainsaw with a high-profile chain, you should carefully observe safety precautions. The teeth of the chains in such saws are reinforced with inserts made of hard alloys, which greatly increases their wear resistance. However, if you have never held a chainsaw in your hands, you will not be able to cope with this monster. Professional chainsaws consume a lot of fuel, and consumption increases in direct proportion to the power of the equipment.
Heavy chainsaws are often used for felling trees, because their power allows them to cut trees even in the most difficult areas, and high stability wear resistance and a service life of up to 2000 hours allow the unit to be used daily in extreme mode for 10-12 hours. Protective uniforms are required when working with forests - at least a protective helmet and gloves. If you don’t have enough strength to hold your beast, the chainsaw can bounce off the log right at you, and no one has canceled the sawdust flying in all directions, not to mention the “accidental” break of the chain due to overheating. The heavy saw weighs from 5 kg, so only an experienced lumberjack can work with it - a beginner will not have enough strength and skills to do this.

Extra options

Like any motorized device, a chainsaw requires a break-in before starting to operate. In the vast majority of cases, a chainsaw is based on a two-stroke engine, careful care of which will extend the life of the device and keep you healthy. How to choose a chainsaw based on price and quality? In addition to power and service life, any chainsaw has several secondary characteristics, each of which must be taken into account when purchasing. For example, the type of tire and its length determines the range of work that your chainsaw can handle.
Tires come in three types: narrow, lightweight and with replaceable heads. Most often, the type of tire corresponds to the class of the chainsaw. A narrow and flat tire guarantees minimal risk of injury during operation and is usually installed on amateur chainsaws complete with a low-profile chain; the likelihood of a kickback (rebound of the chainsaw) is also minimized. Lightweight steel tires consist of two steel plates held together by a polymer core. The weight of a saw with a narrow bar will be lighter than with any other, and therefore it will be easier to work with this one - an excellent choice for a summer resident. But tires with replaceable heads have big size, the highest performance and, as you probably already guessed, are installed on professional units. On a short-length bar, the chain develops the highest speed, little fuel is wasted, but you won’t be able to cut a thick tree trunk with this one. The length of the tire must correspond to the engine power, otherwise the result may not be what you expect.
The accompanying instructions indicate the maximum possible bus length, exceeding which threatens to significantly reduce the efficiency of the device. With a long bar, productivity will be higher, thick trees can be cut, and the cutting furrows will be deeper. In addition to the size and composition of the tire, an important attribute is the chain that is attached to this tire. For all chains there is a single standard that determines cutting speed and ability to work with hard material, and more specifically with link pitches of 0.325, 3/8 and 0.404 inches. The very first option, 0.325 inches, is found in low profile chains. We have already looked at the features of low-profile chains; there is nothing new here. Powerful semi-professional and professional. the units have a chain pitch of 3/8 and 0.404 inches. Such a chain will last a long time and is not afraid of difficult conditions. Of course, even such chains are not universal, and just like any part of the structure, they are subject to wear.

To work with the most complex materials, there are chains whose teeth are made of hard alloys or coated with a special high-strength coating. Most modern chainsaws are equipped with kickback protection, either via a brake lever or a protective shield. It is important to understand that a chainsaw is a tool, working with which carries health risks, and therefore requires increased caution. It is not so important which brand of chainsaw you choose. The main thing is, do not neglect the rules, follow the instructions in the instructions and do not buy a chainsaw that is not suitable for your physical parameters and tasks, and if you have already reached the point of purchasing, use the tips from our article

Hello dear readers of the site. Today I want to tell you about how to choose a chainsaw, based not only on price and quality, but also on many other factors. Such a tool has always been an indispensable assistant not only at home or in the country, but also in any farm (or the like), in the forest (for professionals).

It is also important to decide exactly how much work you want to do. The scope of work determines which class of chainsaw you need to choose.

Types of chainsaws. Which one to choose?

In the world of chainsaws, all tools are divided into three classes. And each class represents its own line of excellent units from various companies. Each class is intended for a specific type and amount of work. As I already said, there are three classes, namely: household, semi-professional, professional. Let's look at each class separately.

Professional chainsaw for advanced users

This class is for the most aggressive operating conditions. This tool can be chosen by people who are engaged in construction and logging. You can work with such chainsaws for 10-12 hours a day. The units have high speed sawed. They have the best quality.

You can cut logs of almost any diameter. The professional class has a power of 3.5 kW and above. Made from high quality spare parts that can withstand heavy and long-term loads.

But there is also the other side of the coin. Such a tool is heavy and consumes a lot of fuel. It is not advisable to work with such a tool only on your own site, as it will be difficult, given the large weight of the tool. They also have very high price(of course, it all depends on the manufacturer).

Such a tool can be chosen mainly by organizations whose activities are related to logging. Also those people who are professionally engaged in construction. In general, if you do not plan to use the saw 10-12 hours a day, then you do not need a professional model.

Semi-professional chainsaw for increased loads

This class is designed for lighter loads than the professional one. This model can work 6-8 hours a day (this is also enough good indicator), the power of semi-professional saws varies from 2.5-3.5 kW. Perfect for a summer house (everyday needs), as well as small firewood preparation (not big means about one house and a bathhouse, but no more).

The parts in such a chainsaw are already less reliable than in professional saws. It makes sense to choose such a tool if you use it every day, but not for very long. These saws, like professional ones, have a high price and high fuel consumption. But the quality is good.

Household class chainsaws for home and garden

This is the most common class of chainsaws. The tool has the lowest cost on the market. These are the lightest and most convenient chainsaws. Their engines have low power, but at the same time they are economical compared to the classes described above.

This model can be chosen for working at home, in the country, or in your own garden plot. These units are not intended for use every day, but can easily withstand 2-3 hours of operation per day. Of course, if you load them more, their motor life will be significantly reduced. Their power starts from 2.5 kW and below. The parts have lower price and quality (than professional models).

Sawing safety

Safety when sawing is one of the most important factors, although many do not give it due attention. There are a lot of different injuries due to the fact that the chainsaw developers did not worry about the safety of the consumer. And if the manufacturer does not care about the client, then there is no need for the client to pay a high price for low quality to such a manufacturer.

Therefore, before choosing a chainsaw based on price and quality, take care of your safety. Let's consider the most common safety systems. If such systems are present on the tool, this means that the unit is of high quality.

Saw chain brake

Saw chain brake

The most important safety mechanism, almost every modern model is equipped with such a system. But the quality of operation of this system in each chainsaw may differ. The brake performs the function of stopping the saw chain in case of strong kickback.

The activation lever is located in front of the handle, by which the operator holds the tool with his left hand. With strong recoil, the unit “jumps” up, the activation lever touches your hand, the lever moves back, regardless of whether you want it or not, and turns on the brake, which stops the chain in a split second.

Also, such a mechanism can be activated without pressing the brake lever. But the operating principle is very similar. If the chainsaw rises sharply, the system is triggered and stops the cutting headset. I will not go into technical details, but you need to check the operation of this mechanism when purchasing.

Chain catcher

This safety element serves to catch the chain when it breaks. At home, chains break very rarely, but it still happens. First there is stretching, and then breaking (you can read more about chain stretching).

This element looks like a curved hook, which is located at the bottom of the drive sprocket cover. The principle of operation is quite simple. When the chain breaks, it flies out at high speed (about 12 m/s) towards the one who is sawing, but at the same time it wraps around the chain catcher and gets stuck. But if this did not happen, it would fly out at the operator (the one who is sawing) and could cause serious injuries.

So before choosing any model, pay attention to the presence of such a system. The chain catcher can be either metal or plastic. It may be located on the saw body or go along with the chain sprocket cover. It doesn’t matter for what purpose you want to choose a chainsaw, be it work at home in the country or for construction, such an element should always be present on the tool. If it is not there, then you should choose another unit.

While using the tool, I advise you to monitor the condition of the chain catcher. Since we only have one life, we don’t want to part with it because of such a trifle.

Anti-vibration system

It is also an important attribute and indicator that the chainsaw is of good quality. Of course, you cannot visually determine the quality of the anti-vibration mechanism, but, nevertheless, the manufacturer must indicate the vibration value; the lower it is, the better.

Why is vibration dangerous? With prolonged exposure to a person (for example, frequent use of a chainsaw, approximately 3-5 years), the so-called “white finger syndrome” develops. This syndrome is characterized by pain in the hands and loss of sensitivity, and also has many other unpleasant consequences.

Therefore, good manufacturers try to minimize the level of vibration on their chainsaws. This mechanism consists of several shock absorbers, with the help of which the body is attached to the handle. The best anti-vibration systems are found on models from production leaders Stihl and Husqvarna, but they have a fairly high price. Other manufacturers also have pretty good systems.

Chainsaw tire

The chainsaw bar is part of the cutting system; many of the chainsaw’s performance depends on it. Saws with longer bars have more power, since power is needed to pull the chain along the bar, while still cutting efficiently. It often happens (mainly on Chinese saws) that the included tire does not match the power of the chainsaw and it is difficult for the saw to cut with it.

When purchasing, also ask the seller if tires are available for your model, since this is a consumable item that often needs to be changed during active use.

Tire length

For household needs, a 35-40 cm tire is quite suitable for you; if you need something more serious, for example, for construction, then you can consider a length of 40-45 cm. A length greater than 45 cm is only needed for felling forest, etc. Sometimes it makes sense to replace the “original” tire with a shorter one, or vice versa, depending on your needs (of course, do not forget about the power of the chainsaw).

Lubrication system

The lubrication system serves to lubricate the rubbing and rotating parts of the cutting set. Oil is supplied from the oil tank and enters the groove of the tire, where it lubricates the chain. You can buy a model that has one big inconvenience: the driven sprocket on the tire has to be lubricated separately (syringed) with a special syringe. If this is not done periodically, the sprocket on the tire will jam.

Lubrication system

It is quite easy to identify such a tire by the presence of a lubrication hole. It is better to choose a model where the driven sprocket is automatically lubricated along with the chain. This will protect you from unexpected problems and the purchase of additional equipment to service the tire.

Various systems that make chainsaw operation easier

If you want to use your saw model with certain conveniences, then you should take your wishes into account when purchasing. If you don’t need it, then you shouldn’t overpay for these features. Chainsaw manufacturers have come up with a lot of things that will help us in operating a chainsaw; let’s look at the most important of them. But you have to pay for convenience; the more conveniences, the higher the price.

Non-losing nuts and quick chain tension

Very often, when unscrewing the drive sprocket cover, the nuts are lost. For such cases, manufacturers have come up with non-losing nuts, which are part of the drive sprocket cover and can be unscrewed without the help of tools. Agree this is very convenient.

Along with the nuts, some saws are equipped with a quick chain tensioning system. Such a function could be different types, but the essence is the same. You loosen the sprocket cap, tighten the chain without tools, and it can all be done in less than a minute. It also happens that the tensioner screw is not, as usual, located at the end of the chainsaw, but near the sprocket cover nuts, this is also quite convenient.

Easy start system

Easy start is easier engine starting. The starter of such a system contains a charging spring, which helps crank the engine. You spend much less effort, the launch is carried out without jerking. Just pull and the spring will do its job.

This convenience is installed on almost all Chinese saws, but it also often fails (and the very first one). The reason is that in Chinese models this system is a pitiful semblance of a real development by engineers, but, nevertheless, it happens and works.

Another type of easy start is a decompression valve. It bleeds air out of the cylinder the moment you start the engine, but when the engine starts, this valve closes. Mostly decompressors are found on professional saws. It’s up to you to choose a model with or without easy start. With this function, the price of the unit is significantly higher.

Opening tank caps without tools

It happens that the fuel and oil tank caps have a groove for a screwdriver; they do not have protrusions for fingers. That is, if you tighten the tank cap too much, you will not be able to open it without a screwdriver.

For this case, there are special lids on which a flag rises up, with the help of which it is easy to open the tank and then put the flag in place. This is far from a function that you can’t do without, but it’s still quite convenient.

Possibility of use at sub-zero temperatures

Not every model can be used at sub-zero temperatures. But still, this problem can be solved. The model must have a winter/summer damper, which opens or closes the flow of hot air from the engine.

The carburetor is also heated with the help of heat from the engine, which has a positive effect on the stable operation of the saw. And heating is also provided on the saw handle, in the forest, and not only, this is a very useful function.


When you are going to choose a specific chainsaw model, it is worth asking the seller about the availability of consumables. Since their replacement during operation is inevitable. First of all, ask about the presence of air and fuel filters, since these filters have to be changed constantly. The air one changes as it gets dirty, and the fuel one changes about once a season.

Another important consumables are a chain and a drive sprocket; if they are not in the store, then there may be problems with these spare parts. And you will need them in any case if, of course, you use the tool.

Saw chain parameters

One of the important parts of the cutting set is the saw chain. There are a huge number of them. Let's look at the parameters.

Saw chain pitch

Chain pitch is the distance between three rivets that run in series, divided in half. There are several types of steps.

  1. 3/8 picco- this step is used on household models of chainsaws.
  2. 325 – this step is already used on more powerful saws and is suitable for home and garden use. Also for the care of your personal area.
  3. 3/8 – This step is used on professional saws. Chains with this pitch have large dimensions.
  4. 404 – Also one of the professional steps.

Grinding angle and tooth profile

The standard sharpening angle for crosscutting is 30 degrees. Majority saw chains comes with this sharpening angle. But there is also an angle for longitudinal sawing, which is 10 degrees. Please take this into account when purchasing.

Another important point is the tooth profile. Sometimes a tooth has a right angle, and sometimes it has a round one. A right-angled tooth is used mainly by professionals, since such a tooth cuts cleaner, dulls more slowly, but has a higher impact than a round tooth. You need to choose a model based on your needs.

Popular chainsaw manufacturers

Let's look at the most famous chainsaw manufacturers. I hope this rating will help you choose a chainsaw based on price and quality. And so let's get started:

  1. Stihl– German company founded in 1926. It was founded by Andreas Stihl. Occupies a leading position in the world of chainsaw production. It produces high-quality equipment that is worth the money. It has about 900 qualified engineers on staff who develop every component and think through everything down to the smallest detail. It has its own factory in Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, USA, China.
  2. Husqvarna– The Swedish company was founded in 1689, but then the production of chainsaws was still far away. Now the company is the direct and most worthy competitor of “calm”. I put it in second place, since it is a very “capricious” saw. But it's definitely worth the money.
  3. Echo– Japanese company founded in 1963. Very popular, high quality equipment. In terms of quality, it is in no way inferior to Stihl and Husqvarna, but loses to them at its unreasonably high price.
  4. Partner– A company from Sweden that has been producing chainsaws since 1949. Produces middle-class equipment at an affordable price. Since 2006, it has been part of the Husqvarna group of companies.
  5. Sturm— A German group of companies producing both household and professional tools. Their chainsaws do not shine with quality, but for that they have a very affordable price. There are also a lot of companies whose chainsaws are almost identical. On appearance they are practically the same. Brands such as: Soyuz, Zubr, Huter and the like. The only brand, in my opinion, which can be distinguished from all Chinese ones is Carver; these chainsaws are the most reliable of all saws in the economy segment, but although they are also not ideal.


Well, this article is coming to an end. Thanks to everyone who read this post to the end. I hope that this article helped you choose a chainsaw and that your tool will serve you well. long years. I will be very grateful if you leave your opinion in the comments and write what is really useful to you and what is not. Thanks for your attention, good luck!

Which brand of chainsaw to choose is a question that worries many who have a dacha or a private home.

After all, it is very difficult to do without this tool today - a chainsaw solves many everyday problems and makes housekeeping easier.

Depending on the technical characteristics, additional functions and brands, manufacturers offer a wide range of devices.

Of course, choosing a chainsaw that will meet high quality is quite difficult, because prices are presented in a wide range, but they do not always indicate reliability and efficiency.

Buy today good devices– a real art, but if you make the right choice, you don’t have to worry about cutting almost any type of tree.

So which chainsaw is better? Let's try to figure it out.

Before choosing the brand of the future device, you need to understand the purposes for which the purchase is made, because chainsaws are divided, first of all, by their purpose.

You can choose a safe and popular brand, but this type will be completely unsuitable for a dacha. For example, the simplest option is a one-handed saw.

It is chosen primarily for caring for tree crowns, bushes and hedges.

Such tools can be of very high quality, but they are only suitable for decorative and garden work.

The best option for a summer house is a household chainsaw. Today, many brands are made specifically for business purposes.

Most often, such devices have chain design, require sharpening from time to time, as well as compliance with all safety standards.

Such chainsaws are chosen for household work: infrequent, not in a very large volume.

The emphasis is placed precisely on power, because often for a dacha you need brands that can cope with fallen trees or cutting down a garden.

The most important question here is how to choose a chain for a chainsaw.

Sometimes the cost of a saw can be assessed by additional accessories, for example, a sharpening machine or a replacement chain may often be required.

If you need to choose a chainsaw for your home, then this saw will be an excellent option.

And the most complex and equipped with technical characteristics is the professional chainsaw. This tool can be used every day - it is designed for long work cycles.

For the most part, such devices are chosen by loggers or people who have to cut down a large area.

Many brands in this market segment focus on vibration protection, as well as good assembly, where the machine has a weight that is easy to carry, and the handle allows you to work for a long time and without straining your hands.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the brands called semi-professional. In terms of power, they are more similar to professional ones, but their duty cycle is shorter.

This makes them a good option for a summer house or private home. Their prices are in the average range. However, they often require the purchase of a special sharpening machine.

What should you pay attention to when purchasing?

When asking yourself the question of how to choose a chainsaw, you need to pay attention to the main technical parameter of the device – power.

Today there are brands of tools that allow you to cope with even the most difficult work, but a household chainsaw should not have a power of more than 2 kW.

The fact is that the power of the device and its weight are interrelated. With an indicator of 2 kW, it would be correct to use the tool no more than 35 hours per month.

And by choosing semi-professional devices that can reach 3 kW and higher, you can get a stable 300 hours of operation per month.

You shouldn’t forget about weight, because you can choose a very powerful chainsaw, which, however, will be difficult to hold and work with.

Also important components are not only the machine, but also the tire and chain. A chain is attached to the tire. It is logical that you need to buy a longer tire, the thicker the blanks are.

Here you need to focus on the approximate cross-section of the logs with which work will be carried out.

It is not entirely correct to choose a tire that is too long, because then both the power and weight of the tool increase.

So these two parameters are interrelated, and it is important to pay attention to brands that provide their optimal ratios.

Many companies themselves indicate the maximum available length parameters; for household purposes, it would be correct to take brands that reach no more than 40 centimeters; they also do not require a special sharpening machine.

There is an important question: how to choose a chain for a chainsaw? The role is played not only by the state of sharpening and cutting characteristics, but also by the pitch of the chain.

The smaller the chain pitch, the less vibration and noise there will be. However, here it is worth understanding that the lower this indicator, the lower the cutting speed.

The most suitable option for summer cottages and household needs in general is a step of 0.3 inches. The material and type of fastening for the chain also plays a role important role, as well as the possibility of sharpening.

Usually a special machine is used for such purposes, and the process can be seen in the video.

Since a chainsaw is a rather dangerous tool, it is correct, not least of all, to evaluate different brands according to their level of safety.

It is worth understanding that the greater the power of the tool, the greater the backlash that occurs at the moment of contact with the log.

Therefore, many brands today can be purchased without worrying about this indicator. Protection can be implemented in several directions.

Firstly, it would be correct to pay attention to brands equipped with a brake. It is also important to consider that a typical chainsaw machine should be equipped with a safety guard.

Shtil and Echo companies boast good protective properties.

It is also important to remember that when working with a vibrating chainsaw, sooner or later you may experience pain in your joints.

Therefore, mechanisms that reduce vibration are extremely useful when choosing a device and further working with it.

The simplest option is rubber gaskets, which reduce friction and rocking of parts.

If you want to buy a chainsaw that is more sophisticated in terms of vibration protection, then you should pay attention to the principle of distribution of two masses.

This means that the engine in such a device will be located separately from the fuel tank, which will allow the tool to be balanced.

It is believed that this principle is fully implemented in Stihl brand saws.

Brands, manufacturers and subtleties of choice

The question of choice also depends on the variety of brands and companies that are represented on the market.

Of the manufacturers that can boast a wide range of models in different price ranges, we can highlight the Husqvarna company.

You can buy economical models, because this brand offers them just for household needs. Multiple devices can be selected.

Firstly, this is Husqvarna 236 - the most versatile model of this brand, which is suitable for almost any simple household work.

It is also worth saying that an innovative engine was chosen for it, which allows saving up to 15-20% of fuel, which is an extremely important nuance for home purposes.

You can buy such a device for about 6,000 rubles.

Also a good option chain Saw Husqvarna 240, which, although it does not have a long working cycle, can cope even with thick tree trunks.

You should choose such a saw for its special exhaust cleaning system and anti-vibration system.

If the issue of increased safety during operation is important, then this brand provides a good option with a chain brake. More compact option There will be a Husqvarna 140 chainsaw.

It is not only small in size, but also allows for silent operation and saves fuel. Husqvarna 240 and Husqvarna 140 cost 7,000 and 9,000 rubles respectively.

If we consider the models offered by this brand, then it is worth highlighting more powerful units. For example, it is realistic to choose the Husqvarna 455 e-series Rancher tool.

It is quite expensive compared to other brands - 21 thousand rubles.

But for this price, the manufacturer allows you to buy not only a powerful car, but also an engine that has protective technology.

Not only the Husqvarna company is distinguished by its high quality and popularity among users. Another top seller is the Shtil brand.

Its distinctive feature is chainsaws, which are compact, powerful and mobile, which is extremely beneficial for home use.

Shtil's equipment is not cheap, but has virtually no negative reviews. Many experts advise paying attention to the Shtil MS 170 model.

It is small in size, but allows you to quickly prepare firewood. You can buy such a device for 7,000 rubles.

Also, if the question arises about which chainsaw to choose, you can choose the Shtil MS 180 C-BE model.

It is considered very economical, has a well-assembled machine and does not require additional, frequent sharpening.

Moreover, such a saw will be able to cope with a tree diameter of about 30 centimeters. This model will cost 11 thousand rubles.

But a real powerful unit is the Shtil MS 661 chainsaw. Such a device can work even under extreme loads and can cope with almost any diameter of trees.

Large wood can be sawed without any problems with this grade, and it costs 45 thousand rubles. Such a saw will not require sharpening for a long time, and you can see the process in the video in the section.

Other available options

Despite the fact that the two companies described above offer the purchase of chainsaws that have proven themselves to be extremely popular and safe, there are other proven and affordable options to choose from.

Knowing how to choose a chainsaw, you can pay attention to the Makita brand. This manufacturer offers fairly affordable models, for example, DCS34-35.

A machine of this Makita model is distinguished by good vibration protection, while it copes with many household tasks, and such a chainsaw costs 6,000 thousand rubles.

You can also highlight the fairly young brand Echo, which has already earned good reputation in the domestic market, despite the fact that the company’s homeland is Japan.

Echo offers its customers chainsaws that can rightfully be called record holders for low weight. You can choose household models that will weigh less than 3 kilograms.

For example, a good option would be the Echo CS-352ES chainsaw. It weighs 4 kilograms, has good power and vibration protection, as well as a cooling system.

Typically, the cost of the Echo brand is affordable, so this model costs 7,000 thousand rubles. Echo products do not require additional sharpening.

Chainsaws for home and garden - we choose with our experts. Let's take it apart!

On suburban area, whether it is a house for year-round living or a cottage with periodic visits, a chainsaw is simply necessary. This is an excellent assistant when working in the garden, for preparing firewood for a bathhouse, and for any construction work with wooden materials. The choice of tool must be approached responsibly, because the unit is purchased for more than one year.


When selecting a gas-powered tool, you need to take into account not only its technical specifications, but also the type of expected main work, operating time without stopping, even the user’s build. Today there are a lot of firms and companies producing such in-demand equipment. How not to get confused in the choice?

The choice of a saw for a summer house from a huge variety of offers for the unfortunate user ends with the fact that, having given up on the country of origin, he purchases a unit from the middle price category, no longer reading the descriptions of the characteristics. Here we will give you a complete understanding of, based on the practicality of using the unit and its economic indicators, as well as price characteristics - how to choose, for what, and what power.

Chainsaw classes

Before choosing, you need to first determine for yourself what basic work you will perform with a chainsaw. This will need to be taken into account when selecting the power of the tool and its ability to function continuously for a certain time. This is the class of chainsaws, of which three have been invented so far:


Such a tool is designed to work “occasionally”, not every day and not on large volumes. Most often, this is a technique with low power indicators, which is suitable, for example, for seasonal harvesting of firewood in small quantities. With minimal functionality and low power, such a chainsaw weighs very little and consumes minimal fuel. It is not capable of sawing thick logs, but it is easy to hold and carry, and you can take it with you into the forest. Designed to work no more than 40-60 minutes a day, with a total output of up to 20-25 engine hours in one month.



They can be used for more complex work, including sawing logs both crosswise and lengthwise. They are also used in construction repair work oh, and when cutting down fairly large trees. Average engine power, relatively low fuel consumption. Carrying it with you to logging sites is already heavy. Can work up to 10 hours a day with short breaks. For a summer cottage, the most correct choice, if you do not plan long and intensive construction.


A chainsaw for the home with already solid power indicators, up to 2.5 kilowatts or more. They have an expanded range of capabilities; they can already be brought to felling sites, where trees are felled for 15-20 hours a day. An excellent choice for clearing a large area of ​​overgrowth. The saw can operate without a break for about 8 hours, after which it needs a break of at least half an hour. The material from which they are made is much higher quality, stronger, and therefore more expensive. The production life of a professional chainsaw is up to 2000 operating hours. For the dacha or for home use such a saw is not needed, it will not justify the costs, having high cost And high consumption fuel. For one-time tree felling work, it is better to rent such saws.

Additional Selection Considerations

Engine position

In addition to the indicated types of tools, you should definitely pay attention (if you really want to take the device that best suits your needs) to the location and shape of the engine. If it is wider in the horizontal direction, and even has an offset relative to the axis of symmetry, you will not be able to use the saw for a long time. The center of gravity will be off-axis, the tool will always move to the side. You will have to constantly keep your hands tense, and during sawing, adjust the position of the chain so that the cut does not go to the side. It is preferable to choose a unit that has a longitudinal engine arrangement, without displacement along the axis of symmetry.

Cutting speed

The speed of cutting material directly depends on both the design and the condition of the sawing part. In modern saws different manufacturers chains mostly have the same tooth configuration, there is not much difference here. You just need to pay attention to the grade of steel, which will show an experienced user how often during continuous work the cutting part will have to be sharpened.


Do not forget that the sawing speed will also depend on your handling of the tool. The first component in this regard is the incorrect position of the saw during operation, its displacement relative to the cutting plane, excessive pressure, warping and other aspects. The second is how you monitor the condition of the chain and how promptly you sharpen it. Sometimes in an hour of work you have to sharpen several times cutting edges, this depends not only on the intensity of the work, but also on the hardness of the material being processed. But usually you have to adjust the chain only at the end of the work shift, when the entire front has already been completed for the day.

Anti-vibration system

During operation of the unit, especially a powerful one, quite strong vibration vibrations are created, which are transmitted to the user’s hands. This affects not only the cleanliness of the cut, but also fatigue and affects human performance. Almost all professional chainsaws include an anti-vibration system in their design; some semi-professional chainsaws also have it, but household chainsaws are completely absent. Since we have decided that the middle category will be the best choice for a country tool, we will pay attention to this important detail when choosing.


The simplest anti-vibration system of a chainsaw is a set of thick rubber gaskets located between the body of the unit and its handle. More complex versions of such systems have special springs in this place that dampen vibration.

Let's talk about brands

First: domestic producers today they are clearly inferior in quality of goods in this area. Tested not only by many users, but also by many experts who test equipment. Second: Of all the models, the Shtil and Husqvarna chainsaws have proven themselves better in long-term use. True, in terms of price they are also in first place. But the cost comes with quality, so if you want a really good, trouble-free tool, stop looking at this range of saws first.

First echelon

To perform very periodic work, you just need a “self-sawing hacksaw”, the simplest, but quality option performed by Shtil-18 (180) or a similar Husqvarna model. It will cost no more than 5.5-6 thousand rubles for all the pleasure.

To work with a volume of up to 6 cubic meters of seasonal slabs for trimming logs, this technique is already rather weak, you need to take from the price category of 8-9 thousand rubles, this is the Shtil-21 (210) brand.


For a house outside the city, which also has a bathhouse with wood stove, and the construction of outhouse sheds is planned, it is better to take the “Shtil-25 (250)” or a similar type of saw “Husqvarna”. It will cost 10.5-12 thousand.

Industrial scale, that is, building a house, clearing plantings, serious logging, is best done with a Shtil-36 (360) saw, or at worst, a 262 model from the same manufacturer.

There are not many felling saws, especially high-quality ones. You definitely won’t find felling “Calm” in modern Russian stores; the only thing left in this category is “Husqvarna” with horns. It costs up to 34 thousand rubles, so for a home or dacha it’s just a waste of substantial funds.

Second echelon

In this segment you will find the “Partner” brand and all kinds of its clones. For example, “Jonsered”, with a different body color, but absolutely the same parameters, dimensions, design, and so on. The power ratings of these units are lower, but this does not mean at all that you will use such a saw. large logs don't overcut. Even a small chainsaw of these brands can also do serious work at the same time; the only question is time and effort.


Important! When choosing “Partner” saws and analogues, it is better to ask the seller right away, in the store, to select a “Shtilevskaya” chain for the unit. The Shtil company specially produces chains for such second-tier saws, and they should be in any specialized store. They have larger teeth, but that's not the main thing. The main advantage is the material, of course. But you will still have to sharpen the cutting edges after each job.

Saws in this category differ favorably only in price; there are no other advantages. With the same power characteristics as the Shtil or Husqvarna, the Partner will weigh a little more and be more difficult to handle. Other disadvantages of second-tier chainsaws: the close location of the muffler to the body of the unit, a weak spring at the point where the handle is attached, a shorter service life of the engine hours and a lower strength of the structure as a whole. The body material is plastic, which can simply melt if heated up during prolonged operation. Chips can collect under the muffler, since the gap between it and the body is much smaller than the similar gap on the Shtili. The chips heat up and the body, again, melts.

That's the whole review of modern chainsaws on our market. Brands and models are discussed in more detail in ours. The right choice of saw for your home and garden is yours!

Harvesting firewood, clearing neglected areas, caring for tree crowns, cutting down a log house are feasible operations that arise when working with wood. But having primitive devices, such work will quickly tire. After which, every person who is able to value his time and the quality of the work performed strives to acquire a motorized tool. Productive, reliable, easy to manage. See the review rating of chainsaws in different price categories below, analyze each model based on:

  • proposed work conditions,
  • dimensions,
  • power,
  • functional features.

And the search circle will be narrowed down to models acceptable for your conditions.

Selection criteria table
Criterias of choice Feature Options Distinctive properties and features
Weight, kg until 3 Ability to work with one hand on the ground, stepladder and while suspended. Relatively low consumption of the fuel mixture and small built-in containers for fuel and lubricants
3 or more The force of the kickback is reduced. When cutting vertically from top to bottom, the tool sinks into the wood under its own weight
Power, hp / kW up to 1.6 / 1.2 Lightweight equipment for working with knots and branches at height.
up to 3.2 / 2.4 Universal chainsaws that can be used to fell a tree, clear the trunk of branches and twigs, and cut it into the necessary parts. Indispensable for use in the private sector.
from 3.4 / 2.5 Powerful equipment designed for professional use at the main stages of logging and construction.
Length of the working part of the tire, cm 25 Mobile in assembled form, convenient for decorating objects, creating sculptures, and processing hard-to-reach areas of crowns.
30-40 Felling trees, removing limbs and branches from the trunk, bucking the cane, removing bowls when cutting a log house, clearing the area.
40+ Felling and bucking of timber, cross-cutting of prepared logs for firewood and dismantling of industrial timber for Construction Materials, trimming logs.
Operating handle location Above the body (“one-handed” saw) An easy-to-use (when held with one hand) tool, for small and precise (forming a crown, for example) work at height.
Traditionally, at the back of the instrument The classic layout of the handles prevents the frequent occurrence of emergency situations - both hands are occupied in the work, because the weight distribution of the device does not allow sawing (in any position) while holding the chainsaw by the main handle
Basic and additional functions Chain brake Prevents the consequences of “kickback” due to an incorrectly chosen method of operation
Chain catcher A metal or plastic element that prevents a broken or slipped chain from hitting the user.
Chain tension system Using a screwdriver or without it (depending on the design of the system), the adjusting screw is turned, moving the tire forward. Allows you to keep the chain in working tension.
Anti-vibration system Absorbs up to 90% of vibration from a running engine. Helps increase the period of comfortable work.
Simplified start You effortlessly cock the starter spring, and it forcefully spins the magneto
Adjusting the oil supply Allows you to set the current (for different types of wood and types of cutting) flow for lubricating the sawing part.

Why is there no information about saw chains?

The table deliberately does not include circuit characteristics. Because in the case of household tools, the parameters of common saw pitch options

  • 0.325
  • 0.375, which, to avoid confusion, is labeled 3/8

not the only criteria. And if, suddenly, it becomes necessary to use a chain with parameters different from those provided by the chainsaw manufacturer, you will have to take into account not only the length of the saw part, but also

  • number of teeth
  • cutting tooth design features
  • height of the profile (working part of the link),
  • and even the thickness of the shank, which, when inserted into the groove of the bar, holds the chain on it.

Because it's safe and efficient use consumables are determined by the design features of the “native” tires, clutch and engine of a particular tool. And not each individually, but their combined features.

All chainsaws are equally different

Remember that today there are gas-powered tools on the market manufactured in different countries. However, none of the existing systems power measurements. Therefore, taking into account the power characteristics measured according to different principles (meaning horsepower and kilowatts) will be advisable for a correct comparison of equipment.

But what unites tools from different manufacturers is this:

  • the need to remove the oil and fuel mixture for a period (more than 3 weeks) of storage
  • mandatory cleaning of working elements before (6-8 hour) downtime
  • lubrication of drive and driven sprockets (for most models)
  • timely sharpening of the chain
  • tire rotation after 4-5 fill-ups
  • strict adherence to the manufacturer’s recommendations in preparing the fuel mixture
  • periodic (as 2-6 chains wear out) replacement of the tire and drive sprocket.

After becoming familiar with the general design and technical features of a chainsaw, it will be justifiably useful to study the specific characteristics of the tool

Model Bar length, cm / chain pitch, inch Tank volume, l oil/fuel Power, hp / kW Tool weight, kg Average cost, rub.
A reliable budget tool, costing up to 9,000 rubles
45 / 0.325 0.3 / 0.55 2.9 / 2.1 7.5 4770
40 / 3.8 Not specified by the manufacturer 1.7 / 1.2 5.8 5341
45 / 0.325 0.26 / 0. 55 4.5 / 3.5 6 6990
50 / 0.325 Not specified / 0.55 2.7 / 2.2 7.5 5350
50 / 0.325 0.26 / 0.55 3.4 / 2.5 6.5 7150
45 / 0.325 0.26 / 0.52 3.3 / 2.4 4.95 8500
Middle class chainsaws in the price range from 9,000 to 13,000 rubles
35 / 3.8 0.2 / 0.4 1.7 / 1.25 3.8 9079
36 / 3.8 0.21 / 0.31 2.2 / 1.6 4.7 9990
45 / 0.325 0.31 / 0.55 3.5 / 2.6 5.15 9990
40 / 3.8 0.2 / 0.3 1.9 / 1.4 4.6 10990
35 / 3.8 145 / 0. 25 1.9 / 1.4 3.9 13490
Reliable equipment for long-term operation difficult conditions. Price category – from 14,000 rubles
40 / 3.8 0.25 / 0.37 2.0 / 1.5 4.4 13990
35 / 3.8 0.22 / 0.32 2.2 / 1.6 4.1 15790
41 / 3.8 0.22 / 0.32 2.2 / 1.6 4.1 15990
35 / 3.8 0.23 / 0.37 2.0 / 1.5 3,58 16210
25 / 3.8 0.16 / 0.24 1.6 / 1.2 2.9 19600

A reliable budget tool, costing up to 9,000 rubles

If your interests in construction, gardening and woodworking are seasonal, on your own site, and the technical mindset allows you to independently repair household appliances, please pay attention to the following models.

1. FORWARD FGS-4504 – 4770 rub.

Purchasing an expensive professional equipment For independent logging for one's own needs, it is, at a minimum, unprofitable. Using lightweight models for these purposes means overloading them. A chainsaw will fully satisfy your needs. Because the price is affordable for everyone, and its specifications indicate impressive potential.

But despite the weight and power of this model, suitable for professional work, in fact, it is a household tool. This is definitely indicated by a chain with a pitch of 0.325 inches (the professional approach requires large gaps between cutting elements) as standard. But for the exception extra expenses for felling and bucking timber for your own needs - the capabilities of the FGS-4504 will be enough for many years of trouble-free operation.

  • Manual starter with “easy start” function;
  • conveniently located fuel pump and chain tension screw;
  • well balanced design;
  • anti-vibration system,
  • fuel pump primer, placed in a convenient place,

successfully complement the technical characteristics of inexpensive gas-powered tools.

Watch a short video review of the FORWARD FGS-4504 saw, describing the characteristics and capabilities of the tool:

2. Carver RSG-38-16K – 5341 rub.

Ergonomics, availability of spare parts and ease of repair explain the current popularity among summer residents and villagers who do not plan to make money by sawing 3-5 cubic meters of wood at a time. Therefore, remember that this is an auxiliary tool for gardening and repair work. Dump on site fruit tree, clearing the trunk of branches and disassembling it for firewood is easy, but nothing more. Neither the chain pitch nor the declared power, which allows you to cut everything and not divide the material into wet or dry, should be considered as parameters characterizing a constantly used “workhorse”.

But the presence of a quick start system, easy access to the air filter, spark plug and an ergonomically located fuel pump determine ease of use. Especially,

  • short term work
  • high-quality fuels and lubricants,
  • timely maintenance of the saw part (bar-chain-drive sprocket),
  • use of filters and candles with recommended parameters,
  • compliance with conservation rules,

guarantee uninterrupted operation of the chainsaw for several years.

Watch a video with a master class on working with the Carver RSG-38-16K saw:

3. KRÜGER - 6990 rub.

When you buy a chainsaw from KRUGER, you will get a powerful and quite light for 4.5 hp. household tool. The chain of this saw is driven by a reliable 52 cm³ two-stroke gasoline engine, which runs on a mixture of oil and AI-92. The design of the chain saw includes a metal crankcase/engine starter, an adjustable oil pump and a carburetor. All this is enclosed in a shock-resistant plastic case.

The main functionality of the device includes:

  • improved ERGO START start for a smooth engine start;
  • thermal protection of the ignition system for longer operation and your safety;
  • automatic chain lubrication for increased service life

This is an affordable model good quality, and even with decent equipment. In addition to the maintenance tool, a tire cover, and a filling container, there are two guide bars and the same number of chains. This kit will extend the life of the device without the need to search for spare parts.

4. Huter BS-52 – 5350 rub.

Despite the impressive performance data, the manufacturer is positioning it as a household tool. And if you don’t plan on intensive use of this tool, then you get a reliable and versatile chainsaw for personal use.

  • Forest felling,
  • cleaning the trunk from small branches and twigs,
  • bucking of logs for transportation,
  • sawing wood,
  • trimming of logs.

It can even cut prepared wood into non-profiled moldings - boards and beams.

A long bar requires a large number of teeth, which, coupled with the “professional” weight, allows you to avoid excessive pressure on the tool. The pitch of 0.325 inches is responsible for the low aggressiveness of the chain. On the one hand, this parameter indicates relatively low performance (which is critical only for professionals). On the other hand, thanks to this ratio of characteristics, balanced design and the presence of an anti-vibration system, you can actually work with this chainsaw for at least 2 hours a day. And you won’t even feel the unpleasant symptoms of fatigue.

Watch a short video about cross-cutting a trunk with a diameter of at least 40 cm:

5. Patriot PT 5220 – 7150 rub.

Given the current ratio of potential and cost, it will be difficult to choose a more universal tool for personal use in a country house, private house or small farm. After all, besides

  • the length of the saw part, ensuring efficiency of work with a large diameter of the trunk;
  • chain with a small tooth pitch, responsible for smooth sawing;
  • a spacious tank that guarantees a certain “power reserve”;
  • automatic oil supply to the chain,

The flagship of Patriot's line of non-professional equipment is equipped with a vibration damping system, an inertia chain brake and an easy-start starter. Users are also pleased with the availability of quick access to the air filter.

In addition, the manufacturer mandatory This chainsaw is equipped with a round sharpening file of the appropriate diameter and individual protective equipment(glasses, gloves).

Watch a full video review of the Patriot PT 5220 saw, with unpacking, equipment lighting, design and technical features and cold start:

6. Champion 55-18 – 8500 rub.

Every detail shows that it was designed for serious loads. Here you have power, a tire long enough to work with centuries-old trees, and a large fuel tank. But interest in the model is largely due to its reasonable cost and set of standard options. These include not only a safety key on the rear handle of the tool, which prevents accidental pressing of the trigger, and a front lever that blocks the rotation of the chain when the saw part is suddenly thrown towards the operator.

  • Automatic oil supply system for the chain.
  • Proven anti-vibration solutions.
  • Adjusting chain tension.
  • Easy access to air flow filtration system.
  • Balanced design.
  • Convenient location of controls.

Thus, by choosing this model, you get a list of features worthy of a professional tool.

Watch a short video review and presentation of the Champion 55-18 saw. Equipment, description of features and assembly of the tool:

Middle class chainsaws in the price range from 9,000 to 13,000 rubles

A tool of this class is capable of all types of work, in any conditions. This versatility is due to a large range of functions and high-quality performance power unit and critical structural units.

7. Hitachi CS33EB – 9079 rub.

Its popularity is evidenced by the fact that it has been officially sold in the Russian Federation for more than 5 years. And until today, demand remains stable. Considering that this unprofessional tool was developed with an eye on (read: in the pursuit of competitiveness) European (from Sweden and Germany) “classmates”, this state of affairs is not surprising.

And if you are not put off by the flashy design, then:

  • the largest fuel mixture tank among non-professional models in the mid-price category;
  • power unit with a patented system for reducing exhaust emissions and fuel economy;
  • increased power due to an innovative exhaust tract;
  • a set of spacers and springs on the handle and block with the fuel tank, reducing vibration from the engine;
  • weight distribution, compact body and conveniently beveled handle

They will definitely please the unassuming amateur who strives with all his might to independently maintain his own home and garden.

Watch a short video review of the Hitachi CS33EB saw – appearance, design features and technical characteristics:

8. Hyundai X 360 – 9990 rub.

Taking as a basis the declared period of trouble-free operation of the piston group (300 engine hours), and taking into account the expected scope of work, you can independently calculate the operating time until the first major overhaul. And this despite the fact that the existing power reserve allows you to replace the standard 36-centimeter tire with the original 40-centimeter one, without loss of operating efficiency.

  • Reliable diaphragm carburetor,
  • electronic ignition,
  • easy start,
  • anti-vibration system,
  • ergonomic body,
  • Well-thought-out design of the chain brake.

Subject to proper maintenance, this combination of features ensures comfortable operation and operability of household tools for a long period.

Watch a video about how the Hyundai X 360 saw works. Video footage from a camera mounted on the auxiliary handle of the tool:

9. Daewoo Power Products DACS 5218 – 9990 rub.

Koreans, using in engines the technology of coating some elements of the piston group with ultra-resistant aluminum alloy Nikosil have ensured that their inexpensive chainsaws are highly appreciated by professionals. And to consolidate a positive impression, in particular with the model, the following were implemented:

  • anti-vibration system, due to the block design of the tool, springs and cast elastic inserts, reducing the dynamic load on the operator’s hands;
  • a full-fledged safety complex - inertia brake, chain catcher, well-thought-out protection against accidental start-up, the ability to instantly stop the engine;
  • other ideas demanded by the user - gear stop, easy start, convenient access (to the filter and spark plug), the ability to adjust chain tension without auxiliary tools.

Which, after direct acquaintance with a chainsaw, can influence even the opinion of a user who is far from logging.

Watch a short overview showing the functional features of the DACS 5218:

10. Husqvarna 236 – 10990 rub.

Paying attention to the capabilities of the famous “Swedish”, you understand that within the boundaries of your personal plot, tasks beyond her control simply do not exist. And the point here is not only about the 40-centimeter tire and acceptable power. Patented systems included in the design of this chainsaw

  • increasing power based on the unique features of hot flow removal at the piston group level (X-Torq). Which, in turn, guarantees the presence of not only an economic, but also an environmental effect from complete combustion of fuel;
  • cleaning the incoming air flow (Air Injection). This prevents rapid contamination of the corresponding filter;
  • vibration damping from a running engine (LowVib), responsible for your comfort during prolonged operation,

coupled with common features

  • chain brakes (protecting the operator from damage from an inverted kickback of the saw blade),
  • forced fuel pumping (by acting on a well-placed fuel pump),

make it possible to quickly and comfortably work with harvested logs, old trees and lumber.

Watch a detailed video review of the Husqvarna 236 saw, describing all the nuances of the model, from unpacking to real testing:

11. STIHL MS 180-14 – 13,490 rubles.

Refinement of the model made it possible to obtain not a restyled, as skeptics predicted, but a full-fledged gas-powered tool practically unlike its predecessor for performing a wide range of work in domestic conditions. The potential of the saw attracts even professionals engaged in felling forests - a lightweight, economical, conveniently operated model can easily cope with numerous branches and twigs.

What distinguishes this model

  • effectiveness of the anti-vibration system;
  • minimum consumption of fuel and lubricants, including in conditions low temperatures(thanks to patented heating of the incoming air flow);
  • single lever control;
  • fairly easy start (which has not been observed with conventional starters for a long time);
  • Kickback sensitive chain brake

fully explain why, even after a short period of work in a country house, at home or even on a farm, you will not be able to objectively judge other chainsaws.

Watch a 15-minute video from a real owner of a STIHL MS 180-14 saw. About the design features and operating nuances:

Reliable equipment for long-term operation in difficult conditions. Price category – from 14,000 rubles

12. Husqvarna 135 – 13990 rub.

Energy efficiency is due to the patented technology of moving air and fuel mixture in the engine. Which, with proper care, allows you to count on an unlimited resource in everyday life. Exclusively for whom this fairly light and comfortable saw was developed.

Among the standard useful functions (from the anti-vibration system to anti-slip pads), the developers involved:

  • auto-return switch;
  • the ability to quickly remove the air filter;
  • additional centrifugal air flow cleaning.

A 40cm long tire, sufficient power and torque (2Nm) of the power unit make seasonal work on a summer cottage or garden plot safe, quite comfortable and not requiring exclusive knowledge of repair techniques.

Watch a video review of the Husqvarna 135 saw, with detailed description design features:

13. EFCO 137-41 – 15,790 rub.

Purpose is limited by the manufacturer own plot owner. But due to the fact that professionals very often use a lightweight, productive and economical tool for systematically trimming twigs and branches of fallen forest, there is a widespread opinion among compatriots about the professional suitability of this tool.

And it's hard to argue with them. Because all owners indicate presence:

  • anti-vibration system,
  • perfectly balanced body,
  • inertia brake,
  • chain catcher,
  • automatic supply of oil to the rubbing elements of the saw part,
  • heating the air flow to the carburetor,
  • quick-release air filter cover and side access to the screw that regulates the chain tension.

At the same time, the exceptional quality of implementation of the noted functions is confirmed by professionals.

View a short overview of the capabilities of the EFCO 137-41 saw:

14. Oleo-Mac 937-16 – 15,990 rub.

Thanks to, every amateur gets the opportunity to personally evaluate the potential of a professional instrument. This is fully facilitated by the complex of technological solutions used by the manufacturer. Judge for yourself:

  • long service life is ensured by an improved piston group with a forged connecting rod and crankshaft;
  • the efficiency of the equipment is due to electronic ignition, a system that prevents icing of carburetor cavities in winter conditions and an automatic plunger pump that supplies oil to the tire;
  • ease of use and high level safety is due to the ergonomic arrangement of controls, anti-vibration system, inertia brake and chain catcher.

And the light weight, sufficient (for performing common work in the private sector) dimensions of the cutting part and acceptable power additionally help to strengthen the positive image of a quality tool.

This video shows the actual operation of the Oleo-Mac 937-16:

15. Echo CS-350WES-14 – RUB 16,210.

Contrary to popular belief, belonging to the amateur instrument segment is not indicated

  • short tire,
  • average power indicators,
  • light weight,
  • containers for fuels and lubricants, with indicators characteristic of short-term operation.

After all, none of them is an obstacle to professional use.

While the low-profile chain (the characteristics of consumables are indicated only on their individual packaging), for which there are no alternatives when completing a household tool, clearly reveals its main purpose. And for amateur use, this is another little thing that comes with

  • easy start,
  • multi-point anti-vibration system,
  • balanced body,
  • latch on the air filter cover,
  • simple and convenient controls,

will make your work in the garden, on your personal plot and in the forest as comfortable as possible. Without reference to volumes and weather conditions.

Watch a video review of the Echo CS-350WES-14 saw, containing a description and technical characteristics of the tool:

16. Echo CS-260TES-10 – 19,600 rub.

The advantages of a compact chainsaw go far beyond its easy-to-use dimensions and the ability to smoothly control engine speed. So,

  • Not only the filter, but also the flywheel is involved in the air purification process, blowing dust and sawdust through specially designed holes;
  • vibration reduction is assigned to a three-point (2 springs, 1 rubber damper) anti-vibration system;
  • a three-section clutch is responsible for efficient transmission of torque;
  • the adjustable oil pump is driven by the clutch drum, which eliminates the supply of lubricant at idle speed;
  • electrolytic chromium plating of the cylinder walls and only one ring on the piston predetermine the long service life of the piston group.

Therefore, a powerful and lightweight tool with overhead controls is equally in demand by specialists for working at heights and by non-professionals, for country and tourist needs.

Watch a short video about the Echo CS-260TES-10 saw, showing cold starting of the tool and working with different-sized lumber:

Editor's Choice

It is quite difficult to identify an obvious leader in each category. But, taking into account the fact that for non-professional use, the most universal tool is most often chosen, you can concentrate on

  • reliable Patriot PT 5220 chainsaw;
  • models with a significant operating reserve Daewoo Power Products DACS 5218;
  • “one-handed” saw Echo CS-260TES-10, very popular among tourists, summer residents and specialists working at heights.


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