The program "preparing students for independent living." Program for preparing orphans for independent living

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It is no secret that graduates of orphanages and boarding schools are practically unprepared for real life. Having left the walls of orphanages, where they were fully supported by the state, where they were fed and watered, bought clothes and textbooks, they find it difficult to adapt to new places and cannot spend money economically, make purchases, or cook food. It turns out that the orphanage, trying to replace caring parents for boys and girls, does not teach the most important thing - the ability to live in society, make decisions, and be independent.

And this problem is becoming more serious every year. Among suicide statistics, graduates of orphanages occupy by no means the last place; often, having returned to the housing of their mothers and fathers deprived of parental rights, they, having failed to settle down normally, follow in the footsteps of their drinking parents and commit crimes.

Graduation theme qualifying work: “Program of preparation for independent living of pupils of institutions for orphans”

Object of study: graduates of orphanages.

Subject: program of preparation for independent living of pupils of institutions for orphans

Goal: to develop and implement a program for preparing students for independent living orphanage.

study special literature on the research problem;

characterize the problems of graduates of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care;

describe the main directions of developing the readiness of orphanage graduates for independent life and activity;

create a comprehensive program for the adaptation of graduates of New Life orphanages;

draw up and implement in practice a program for the adaptation of graduates of Achinsk Orphanage No. 1;

draw conclusions about the research problem.

Research methods: abstracting, generalization, analysis and synthesis, conversation, observation.

Hypothesis: if a graduate of an orphanage is given timely assistance and support, this will contribute to his high adaptation to independent life.

The theoretical significance lies in the systematization of available information about the program of preparation for independent living of pupils for orphans.

The practical significance lies in the fact that this final work can be used by students of specialty 040101 “Social work” in preparation for classes, during internships and by social workers in their professional activities.

graduate orphan adaptation

Chapter 1. Social adaptation to independent life of orphanage graduates

1.1 Problems of graduates of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care

The state of children in orphanages who are on the verge of leaving the institution is most often characterized as confusion before independent life. The fact is that, despite the formal multitude of prospects opening up to them, they experience significant difficulties in choosing future life paths. The implementation of this choice is complicated, first of all, by the lack of close people interested in their fate.

A graduate of an orphanage is most often in a state of psychological stress. This is explained by the fact that in the institution the position of an orphan was largely “objective” in nature, he was taken care of, he was provided with everything necessary. Upon leaving the institution, the nature of the same child’s position normatively becomes “subjective.” He himself must provide himself with the conditions for normal life. In other words, a graduate of an orphanage actually has to build and organize his own living space independently and for the first time, since there is no continuity or experience to follow. We can say that the graduate finds himself “pushed out” from the institution for some time and “unintegrated” into the new social structure.

As a result, an orphan child faces two urgent tasks:

1) switch to independent life support;

2) build the boundaries of your new living space.

An analysis of the problems of orphanage graduates shows that they are a consequence of the shortcomings that still exist in the activities of boarding schools. This is dependency, lack of understanding of the material side of life, issues of property, economics even on a purely personal scale, difficulties in communication where it is free, arbitrary, where it is necessary to build relationships; infantilism, delayed self-determination, ignorance of oneself as an individual, inability to consciously choose one’s destiny; overload with negative experiences, negative values, patterns of behavior, etc.

Factors that hinder the successful socialization of orphanage residents:

1. This is their uncertainty social status. Orphans are deprived of a family, and after leaving the orphanage they are deprived of “belonging” to their institution.

2. Health of pupils. The majority of orphans and children left without parental care have serious deviations in their health and mental development. Retardation in physical and intellectual development These children are often complicated by disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior.

3. Features of mental development. According to many experts, the peculiarities of the mental development of children in orphanages, especially in adolescence, manifest themselves primarily in the system of their relationships with people around them. Distortions in communication with adults deprive orphans of the experience of their significance and value for others, which is important for their psychological well-being, and at the same time the experience of the value of another person and deep attachment to him.

4. Personality formation. Aspirations, desires, hopes, that is, attitudes towards their future, are of great importance for the formation of the personality of orphanage pupils. However, as practice shows, it is typical for them to live for today; immediate concrete plans are important, not the distant future. If long-term plans and outlined, they are not filled with real content. Lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem lead to the fact that adolescents in orphanages are not focused on improving their educational level, acquiring a profession, and often do not know what needs to be done for this. They count on society, the state and other trustees. As a result, graduates of orphanages develop a fear of the outside world and distrust of it.

For example, to the question “what are you most afraid of in life?” Most often, the following answers are found: “I’m afraid of being left without housing,” “I’m afraid of becoming useless to anyone,” “I’m afraid that my life won’t work out and I’ll end up in prison,” “I’m afraid of loneliness,” etc.

5. Assimilation of norms and values. In order for a young person to successfully enter life, he must know and internalize the appropriate norms and values, have appropriate communication skills and strive to enter the outside world around him.

Children raised in an orphanage and studying in secondary school, as a rule, study at “3” and “4”, and 18% fail in many subjects. Only 45% of pupils show interest in learning. According to the students themselves, their studies are hampered by laziness, lack of knowledge from previous years, and often simply a reluctance to learn.

After completing basic school (9 years), up to 90% of students wish to continue their studies at school, vocational school or college. At the same time, over 9% of respondents do not think about it. The majority of orphanage graduates (60%) do not consider the level of education to be a decisive factor in life.

6. Confidence in the future. It has been proven that aspiration to the future has a positive impact on the formation of the personality of a growing person only when he has a feeling of satisfaction with the present. Research shows that only 13.6% of orphans and children left without parental care look to the future with confidence and optimism. About the same number experience fear of the future or pessimism. Many children in orphanages (73%) doubt that their lives will turn out well.

The difficulty of socialization is understood as a complex of difficulties a child has in mastering a particular social role. Most often, the causes of these difficulties are the discrepancy between the requirements for the child in the process of his relationships with society and the child’s readiness for these relationships.

Difficulties in mastering a social role most often arise when the child is not informed about this role, or the information is false, or the child does not have the opportunity to try himself in this role (there are no conditions for social trials).

Difficulties in socialization may also be associated with the fact that within society there is a “blurring” of images of role behavior (for example, the boundaries between ideas about confidence and aggressive behavior, between male and female lifestyles are blurred).

In this regard, the child periodically necessarily faces the task of self-determination, both regarding the content of the social role itself and regarding the ways of its implementation.

When raised in an orphanage, the difficulties a child faces in the process of socialization are doubled. This happens because the very organization of the viability of children in an orphanage is designed in such a way that the child develops predominantly only one role position - the position of an orphan who does not have support and approval in society. This role keeps the child in an infantile dependent position and blocks the manifestation of potential capabilities.

Thus, the living conditions of a child in an orphanage do not give him the opportunity to independently regulate the rhythm and frequency of contacts with the environment in accordance with the dynamics of his own needs. This can lead to difficulties in developing the ability to understand one’s own current states. Such a child will have difficulty answering such important questions for the development of self-determination as: “what do I want now?”, “what am I like now?” As a compensatory mechanism in in this case psychological merging with the environment will begin to function (“I want what others want from me”), which leads to the loss of the boundaries of one’s own “I”.

The constant inclusion of a child in a system of forced contacts blurs the boundaries of personal space, which makes it fundamentally impossible for the child to withdraw into his own world to restore his psycho-emotional resources.

For children with an inverted mental orientation (closed, uncommunicative, exhausted from constant contact with others), the ability to retreat into their own space is the only way for full energy restoration. Unable to achieve autonomy in a socially acceptable way, the child becomes whiny, irritable, and aggressive. As the main way to resolve his problems, such a child chooses to avoid contact in the forms available to him: opposition to the regime, escape, illness, self-injury, rebellion, etc.

The organization of life in an orphanage gives the child clearly defined social role positions (student, pupil). Both the very set of these roles, given from the outside, and the variability of actions within these roles are limited. Being for a long time only within the framework of these positions, the child loses the opportunity to demonstrate individuality and free self-expression, which does not allow him to ultimately gain support in himself. To master the entire spectrum of his own “independence,” a child needs to master role roles, which are set by a situation of free spontaneous interaction, where the fear of evaluation and fear of inconsistency are removed and creative potential is provoked.

In an orphanage, children's play activities are organized by teachers and most often have the same regulated nature. The majority is between an adult and a child, where the adult sets the rules of the game, the plot, the distribution of roles and himself acts as an evaluative figure who owns the criteria for determining the results of the game. The presence of a teacher acting as an arbiter shifts the motive of the game from the process to the result, emasculating the meaning of the game, actually turning it into a regular educational procedure.

The child gets stuck in the infantile position special type interaction with adults (caregivers, teachers), prevailing in most orphanages. This type of relationship can be described as alternating guardianship and suppression.

In one case, when contacting a child, the teacher has positive emotional support for any action of the child. The teacher uses a lot of diminutives and endearments.

This style of interaction can be perceived by teachers as a manifestation of mercy, a humanistic approach to education to compensate for the lack of emotional warmth, etc. However, all this leads to the repression of negative feelings (mainly aggression) with natural dissatisfaction with the result obtained by the child, and the repressed aggression, according to all psychodynamic laws, will eventually lead to one or another form of manifestation - from psychosomatic symptoms to the real uncontrolled behavior of the teacher himself . The child gets stuck in an infantile, egocentric position.

When this type of relationship changes to the opposite, for example, a relationship of dominance by an adult, criticism of the child’s actions and total suppression of any initiative increases. A change in relationship from total tenderness to total suppression inevitably creates a kind of swing, which affects the emotional and cognitive dependence of an orphan child on a significant adult in an orphanage.

The living conditions of children in orphanages create external difficulties for successful socialization; however, this group of children has internal difficulties that are associated with the characteristics of their mental development.

The most serious consequence of orphanhood is the loss of “basic trust in the world,” without which it becomes fundamentally impossible to develop such important new personality formations as: autonomy, initiative, social competence, skill at work, gender identity, etc.

Without these new formations, the child cannot become the actual subject of interpersonal relationships and develop into a mature personality. The loss of basic trust in the world is also manifested in the child’s suspicion, mistrust, and aggressiveness, on the one hand, and the formation of a neurotic mechanism, on the other.

The merger blocks and sometimes makes it completely impossible for the child to develop his autonomy, initiative, and responsibility for his behavior. Merging is possible with a specific person (educator, parent, teacher, etc.), as well as with a group of people (the well-known orphanage “we”). At later ages, the action of this mechanism can provoke the formation of alcohol, drug or toxicological dependence.

It can be assumed that the loss of basic trust in the world, which inevitably occurs in children brought up in conditions of deprivation, as a consequence of the destruction of bodily, visual and sound contacts with the mother, can be restored through the initiation and deformation of hidden mechanisms of personality development lying in the cognitive sphere.

Difficulties of socialization, as a rule, give rise to hypertrophied adaptation to social processes, i.e. social conformism or hypertrophied autonomy, i.e. complete rejection of the norms of relations that develop in society.

Due to the consequences of abnormal socialization, it is necessary to name such phenomena as social autism (withdrawal from the outside world), lag in social development.

The main problem for graduates of orphanages aged 17-18 is the problem of dependency; it is very acute when leaving the orphanage. Because, having acquired the skill of using the resources of the state, individuals and organizations free of charge, a young man, coming into contact with a new world, with a new habitat, is not ready to resist the seemingly benefits that are heaped on him. Let's say he receives an allowance, which he then wastes carelessly somewhere. He receives some additional social guarantees for food, housing and education.

He can enter a university with all C grades, but often he doesn’t even do that. Therefore, 96% of children enter vocational schools. And you don’t need to study at a vocational school, just be registered there. As a result, they leave there as no specialists, and already to enter a higher educational institution they do not have enough strength, money, or thirst for new knowledge. And when he turns 23, the “state feeding trough” slams shut and he suddenly realizes that time has passed, and he no longer has the status of an orphan.

Accordingly, new difficulties arise; most of the graduates are very infantile. Graduates do not have the necessary communication skills, they are tense, unable to make a self-presentation when applying for a job, they have low level education. A graduate who graduated, for example, at the age of 17, his level of development is at the level of 12 years.

The benefits that they receive, and upon leaving he can receive either 30 or 60 thousand rubles, are wasted on completely unnecessary things. To buy some trinkets, gifts for friends, comrades, acquaintances.

In other words, the pupils of the orphanage, leaving its threshold, know how to “be an orphan”, i.e. hope for patronage, have “learned helplessness”, not suspecting that they can rely on their own internal resources.

1.2 The main directions of developing the readiness of orphanage graduates for independent life and activity

A means of developing the ability of children in orphanages to overcome the difficulties of socialization is the activities of children, varied in content and forms of organization, both in groups within the institution itself and outside it. The basis of such activities are situations when a child has the opportunity to choose, learn to justify his choice, test himself and determine his capabilities, make independent decisions, learn to easily and quickly navigate new conditions, respond flexibly to environmental influences, and master different social roles. It is important to take into account that in real life, situations of choice often arise spontaneously.

Main areas of readiness:

1) development of individuality and formation of identity, development of an individual life strategy, provision of opportunities and conditions for self-knowledge;

2) mastery of the structure of activity and career guidance training, which is the formation of skills in setting goals, choosing means to achieve them, planning, and evaluating results;

3) forming ideas about the future profession, carrying out professional tests, providing assistance in professional self-determination;

4) the formation of stable interests in work, ideas about the need for work in a person’s life, the cultivation of hard work and the development of working capacity.

5) comprehensive diagnostics and rehabilitation of children, which includes the individual formation of children’s adaptive readiness for life and professional self-determination; gradual formation of personally adapted attitudes towards oneself as a subject future life and professional activities.

6) creating living conditions and relationships between adults and children in the institution allows everyone to feel emotional comfort, relieve tension and anxiety.

7) creation wide possibilities for creative and other activities that contribute to the maximum realization of personal and socially significant abilities.

8) development of social and personal mobility, the ability to assess the life situation and make adequate decisions in accordance with this. Interaction between the orphanage and additional education institutions.

Innovative processes in boarding educational institutions indicate the activation of both the internal, structural and organizational foundations of their activities, and external ones - the involvement of the whole society in the problems of orphans and children left without parental care.

Interesting and innovative in this regard are:

1) creation experience rehabilitation centers for the purpose of post-boarding adaptation of orphanage graduates;

2) expanding cooperation between teaching staff of orphanages and teams of scientists to solve the problems of children with deviations in health and mental development;

3) implementation of training and retraining of personnel, taking into account the requirements of new practice and the needs of children and their teachers.

Current and ongoing projects to improve work with orphans and children without parental care may include other areas of activity:

Development of new models of institutions for orphans;

Creating an environment in the institution that is close to a family environment, providing not only external changes (apartments, mixed age groups), but also changes in relationships between children and adults, qualitative diversity of contacts in the social environment;

Introduction of methods and forms that ensure individualization of the educational process;

Introduction of health-saving technologies into the life of institutions;

Expanding the social experience of pupils through the development and implementation of innovative technologies for personal life self-determination in a changing world;

Providing an orphan child with a personally meaningful education;

Strengthening the economic independence of institutions;

Creating an environment for labor training as the basis for life self-determination;

Development by the institution, together with the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, of programs for entering an independent life and restoring ties with the family;

Introduction of new forms of management in institutions for orphans and children without parental care;

Formation of new approaches to the content and assessment of teaching work in institutions for orphans;

Establishing and maintaining connections with scientific institutions and teams in order to change the forms and methods of scientific and methodological work.

In the process of socialization, three groups of problems are solved: adaptation, authorization and activation of the individual. The solution to these problems, which are essentially contradictory and at the same time dialectically united, significantly depends on many external and internal factors.

Social adaptation presupposes the active adaptation of the individual to the conditions social environment, and social authorization is the implementation of a set of attitudes towards oneself; stability in behavior and relationships, which corresponds to the individual’s self-image and self-esteem. Solving the problems of social adaptation and social authorization is regulated by the seemingly contradictory motives of “Being with everyone” and “Being yourself.” At the same time, a person with a high level of sociality must be active, i.e. he must have a realizable readiness for social action.

The process of socialization (inclusion of the child in the system social relations), even under a favorable set of circumstances, unfolds unevenly and can be fraught with a number of difficulties and dead ends that require the joint efforts of an adult and a child. If we compare the process of socialization with the road that a child must follow from the world of childhood to the world of adults, then it is not smooth everywhere.

The reasons for difficulties in a child’s entry into the system of social relations can be very different, but, first of all, they are associated with orphans’ inadequate perception of the demands made by the surrounding society.

Criteria for overcoming these difficulties may be the following:

1. Willingness to adequately perceive emerging social problems and solve these problems in accordance with the norms of relations that have developed in society (social adaptability), i.e. the ability to adapt to the existing system of relations, master appropriate social-role behavior and mobilize not only one’s potential to solve a social problem, but also use the conditions in which the child’s relationships develop;

2. Resistance to adverse social influences (autonomy), preservation of one’s own individual qualities, formed attitudes and values;

3. An active position in solving social problems, a realized readiness for social action, self-development and self-realization in difficult situations that arise (social activity), the ability to self-determinate and expand the boundaries of spatial life activity.

Most significant abilities that allow a child to overcome the difficulties of socialization are:

1. the ability to expand the boundaries of the space of life;

2. ability to self-determination;

3. the ability to master social role behavior through a system of differentiated relationships.

The conditions for preparing children from orphanages for independent living include:

Creation of a developing environment and an adaptive education system;

Correctional and developmental work (intellectual and cognitive-emotional processes, the formation of communication skills), which includes, among other things, social adaptation;

Development of the child’s personality with maximum use of his rehabilitation potential and compensatory capabilities;

Providing experience of independent living before leaving the orphanage;

Prolonged nature of support after graduation.

From a pedagogical point of view, it is important to have indicators of the success of the implementation of the above conditions. In our opinion, such indicators could be:

The ability of orphanage pupils to make independent decisions is developed;

Their mastery of the structure of activity to implement the decision made;

Developing a sense of responsibility for one’s actions.

These indicators can be achieved only if a number of conditions are met.

When leaving the orphanage, the pupil receives the necessary set of documents: (birth certificate, passport, certificate of stay in the orphanage, health status, certificates of parents, other relatives, documents confirming the right to property, living space, etc.), and also telephone numbers and addresses of government agencies that should help the young man get settled in later life.

The administration of orphanages approaches the procedure for releasing pupils very carefully. For each of them, a social teacher or a juvenile affairs inspector is appointed, who supervises the future life of the young person. Of course, the most pressing issue, besides housing, is getting a job. It is very important that a former student, who is often not used to life in society, correctly orient himself, choose a profession based on his interests, and be able to successfully get a job. At this stage, it is very important that the boy or girl clearly knows their rights and can use them competently. To do this, orphanages prepare children for graduation; in almost all institutions, along with the necessary documents and reference addresses, they issue special graduate certificates - collections, original reference books of legislative and regulatory documents. These directories must include explanations or official documents listing all the rights and benefits of orphanage graduates.

The solution to one of the main issues for a minor graduate of an orphanage is employment. The state employment service authorities at the place of registration (residence) are required to solve this problem.

Employment authorities are obliged to:

1) accept and provide free consultation on issues of possible employment and the availability of vacant jobs, taking into account professional suitability;

2) conduct career guidance work with the young person and professional diagnostics, taking into account the education received and health status;

3) if necessary, send for free training in order to obtain a certain profession;

4) register as unemployed if the child is already 16 years old and has submitted all the necessary documents; after registering as unemployed (if a person cannot be employed for some reason), the state is obliged to pay unemployment benefits for 6 months in the amount of the average wages, which has developed in the region;

6) offer an independent job search.

When applying for a job, a child from an orphanage needs to know how to prepare for the first interview, what documents need to be prepared, what rights and responsibilities a minor worker has, what points in employment contract need to pay special attention.

All of the above allows us to conclude that the efforts of teachers and educators at the orphanage should be aimed at:

Expanding social models of behavior through the inclusion of children in groups and activities that have and provide other social experiences and other ways of interaction, which become social models for the orphanage pupils;

Taking into account and providing pupils in the content of activities and relationships with clear and clear ways of translating intentions and desires into a plan of specific actions;

Increasing self-esteem both through situations of success and with the help of “positive social labels”;

Including children in new peer groups in order to practice the stages of adaptation, individualization and integration in order to create the experience of such interaction;

A combination of individual and group lessons;

Modeling of real social situations, the implementation of which can be carried out not only in the classroom;

Taking into account the age characteristics of the children for whom the program is designed;

Modeling situations of choice, personal responsibility and personal autonomy.

Chapter 2. Preparing graduates of the Achinsk Orphanage No. 1 for independent living

2.1 Program for adaptation of graduates of orphanages “New Life”

Our program is relevant in modern conditions, When a large number of orphans are raised in state specialized institutions with insufficient budget funding. Many problems that arise in children can be solved by implementing various projects help.

Goal: to teach graduates from the orphanage to adapt to society, to instill the skill of independent living.

1) preparing graduates for independent life;

2) training graduates in modern methods of ensuring professional employment;

3) informing graduates about benefits, obtaining housing, receiving a pension, etc.

Implementation stages:

1. Preparatory.

2. Basic.

3. Final.

The program includes:

1) developing and improving the training of orphans and children without parental care in independent living skills for their successful integration into society.

2) social adaptation aimed at overcoming the psychological consequences of an orphan’s long life in a boarding school.

3) legal consultation - consultation on legal issues.

4) interviews with graduates about their future employment.

5) a special memo for a graduate from an orphanage.

Expected results:

Graduates of the orphanage are ready for independent life and adapted to the new social environment.

2.2 Implementation of the program for adaptation of graduates of orphanages “New Life”

As part of pre-graduation practice, we developed and implemented a program for the adaptation of graduates of orphanages “New Life”

Preparatory stage

1. Comparative analysis of documents of orphanage graduates for 3 years.

Release 2008-2009 - 9 graduates, 1 of them in the army; graduates who entered the PL - 4, of which:

1- Achinsk Mechanical and Technical College

2- Achinsk Vocational Pedagogical College.

1- Pedagogical College.

There are 9 graduates in total. Of these, 6 people have housing, 3 people are known to have relatives, 2 children were taken into custody; One of the graduates was treated for a head injury, was left for 2 years, and graduated in 2010.

Release 2009-2010 - 19 graduates, three of them continued their studies in 10th grade; the number of graduates who entered the PL is 12, of which:

1 - Achinsk Mechanical and Technical College

3 - Agricultural College

There are 19 graduates in total. Of these, 9 people have housing, 12 people have relatives.

Release 2010-2011 - 18 graduates who entered the PL - 10, of which:

7 - Achinsk Mechanical and Technical College

2 - Achinsk Vocational Pedagogical College.

1 -Achinsk Polytechnic College

There are 18 graduates in total. Of these, 7 people have housing, 13 people have relatives.

A comparative analysis over 3 years showed that every graduate enters educational institutions for further education, and often this is the profession that the child wants to study for.

Upon leaving the orphanage, not every child has housing, but at the place of study, the administration will provide housing in which the child will stay until graduation from the educational institution.

Also, not every graduate has relatives who could help them adapt to society or help them on the path to independent life.

Main stage

Conversation about skills for independent living and successful socialization;

It was explained to the children that in their new adult life they would be independent, they would have to be ready to fully take care of themselves: cook food, wash clothes, clean their apartment or room, calculate finances, be able to communicate with adults, and get an education.

A conversation between a psychologist and graduates to overcome the psychological consequences of an orphan’s long life in a boarding school;

An invited psychologist held a conversation with graduates from the orphanage. The psychologist conducted a test checking the level of adaptation of children to the “new society” and a test identifying children’s psychological difficulties in relationships with adults and skills for independent living. At the end of the lesson, she gave advice on overcoming psychological problems.

Interview of a lawyer with graduates on legal issues;

The invited lawyer held a conversation with graduates from the orphanage. The children had many questions:

What rights do they have?

What are the rights to housing, benefits?

How can they receive a pension and what documents need to be provided for this?

Conversation between the employer and graduates about their employment;

Employers (doctors, salesmen) were invited to meet with the graduates, who educated the graduates from the orphanage about their future work, and that for a good job it is necessary to obtain a specialized secondary education, or better yet, a higher education. Employers surveyed graduates about where they would like to work, and many responded that they would like to work for a decent salary. Some of the graduates were invited by employers to work, but the graduate must receive an education.

A memo has been developed that will help in the further socialization of graduates “Memo for the socialization of graduates from orphanages”

A special memo was developed for graduates from the orphanage, which would help in the child’s future life. It describes which specialists the child works with after leaving the orphanage and what work the specialists do. The problem of graduate employment is described; recommendations when meeting with an employer; legal advice when concluding a contract, etc.

I invited a psychologist to the orphanage to talk with graduates to overcome the psychological consequences after a long life in a boarding school.

The final stage

When drawing up a program for the adaptation of graduates of New Life orphanages, the following work was done:

As part of the program, we conducted a comparative analysis for 3 years about children who graduated

We tried to teach graduates from the orphanage to adapt to society, to instill the skill of independent living;

With the help of specialists, graduates were trained in modern methods of ensuring professional employment;

With the help of a lawyer, graduates were informed about benefits, about obtaining housing, about receiving a pension and what documents are needed for this;

For graduates, a memo “Memo for the socialization of graduates from orphanages” was compiled on their release from the orphanage.

So, the hypothesis - if a graduate of an orphanage is provided with timely help and support, this will contribute to his high adaptation to independent life - has been proven.


So, the goal of our final qualifying work is to develop and implement a program for preparing children at an orphanage for independent living.

We studied the special literature on the research problem, characterized the problems of graduates of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, and also described the main directions of shaping the readiness of graduates of orphanages for independent life and activity.

We came to the conclusion that the topic of this final qualifying work is relevant at the present stage. Since graduates of orphanages need to be provided with assistance and support in their adaptation and socialization.

In the second chapter, “Preparing graduates in the Krasnoyarsk state budgetary institution “Achinsk Orphanage No. 1” for independent life,” we compiled a program for the adaptation of graduates of the “New Life” orphanages.

In the preparatory stage of the program, we compared graduation rates over the last three years and concluded that not every child has housing, there are relatives, every child enters an educational institution for the profession for which he wants to study.

At the main stage, we presented an individual program for the adaptation of a graduate from an orphanage, which described work with graduates and specialists from different fields.

At the final stage, we implemented this program for the adaptation of graduates of the New Life orphanages and came to the conclusion that graduates of this institution need help and support in the further process of socialization, namely assistance in adapting to independent life. The result of the program is information received by graduates of a given institution through provided leaflets, advisory conversations, seminars, etc.

So, the hypothesis - if you provide timely help and support to a graduate, this will contribute to his high adaptation to independent life - has been proven.


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A program for preparing orphans and children without parental care for independent living, taking into account the basic aspects of life

"With confident steps"

Compiled by: social educator

N.V. Sevostyanova

Explanatory note

Modern society demands from the current generation different personal qualities, one of which is independence. It is generally accepted that the future of the country, its progressive development, and the improvement of social and economic relations largely depend on the independence of citizens. Independence helps a person to successfully express himself in various life situations, adapt faster and better in society, and also consciously and purposefully participate in the diversified development of his own personality. This is especially important for boarding schools, children in orphanages and other institutions for orphans and children without parental care, since in adulthood they have to rely primarily on themselves.

Practical and scientific research indicates that many graduates of boarding schools are not sufficiently prepared to choose their life path, are unadapted to independent living, and have low social activity.Lack of independence, dependence on the group, gullibility, fragile emotionality, subordination sometimes push them into social risk groups to the fore, the problem of inability to bear social responsibility and defend their rights comes to light, therefore it is orphans and children left without parental care who are more likely to peers end up in the criminal world.

The consumer attitude that they develop while living on full state support, the inability to build life according to socio-cultural norms and rules, and the lack of understanding of many social relationships between people lead to negative consequences. In this regard, there was a need to create a program aimed at the successful socialization and social adaptation of orphans and children without parental care. This program designed for middle and senior education. This program promotes

Development of the social competence of the individual, his self-determination in society;

- creation favorable conditions to form a citizen’s personality through cooperation, creating a situation of success, game situations;

Gaining experience in communication and relationships with peers and adults based on cultural and moral norms;

Formation of legal knowledge among orphans and children without parental care;

Improving the clerical and marketing literacy of boarding school pupils and students;

Formation of stable family values ​​among boarding school students.

The following basic method of operation is envisaged: education.

For a more effective result of legal education of orphans and children left without parental care, it is recommended to use TSO tools and video materials.

During the implementation of the program, the following are expected:performance criteria :

    increasing the level of legal culture of orphans and children left without parental care;

    presence of positively oriented life plans;

    increasing a teenager's self-confidence;

    awareness of the personal responsibility of every orphan and child left without parental care for their choice;

    full interpersonal communication based on mutual respect and complete trust in each other;

    reducing the number of orphans and children left without parental care, various types preventive accounting.

Program execution mechanism: The content of the program is implemented at the rate of 2 times a month. The program is expected to be implemented during the academic year by a social teacher and educators.

Expected Result:

The implementation of the program will allow the formation of a holistic, open social and pedagogical system capable of creating an educational space for the development and self-development of students.

By purposefully implementing all areas of the Program, the boarding school will produce a young person capable of the following:

    Adaptation and self-realization in changing economic and sociocultural conditions;

    Conservation own health and high performance in unfavorable living and working conditions;

    Conscious professional choice taking into account the needs of the region, as well as your interests and abilities;

    Creative problem solving in life situations, in school, at work, in the family;

    Continuing education, sustainable self-development based on high motivation to achieve success in life.

    Know your rights and responsibilities;

    Have the ability to critically, in accordance with the norms of morality and rights, evaluate the actions of others, friends, peers, classmates;

    Navigate in social life society, the presence of a system of social attitudes.

A graduate of a boarding school is a person who loves his native land and is ready to live and work in it. This is a person who has reached personal and social maturity, with a sense of responsibility, tolerance and positive thinking.

Program goals:

    formation of an independent, mature personality, i.e. a person who is capable of creatively realizing his or her life plan based on internal resources;

    Preparing adolescents for conscious professional self-determination and humane achievement of life goals;

    development of versatile personality traits: the need for creative work, the need for a healthy lifestyle; self-sufficiency, intellectual development.

The program material is distributed over time, taking into account its sufficiency for a high-quality study of the main provisions and obtaining the planned results.

This program includes six sections:

    Legal literacy.

    Communication skills

    Family values

    Secrets of choosing a profession

    Marketing and business intelligence.

    Health and safety.

I Section "Legal Literacy"


Formation of the foundations of legal consciousness and legal culture, understanding of the need to comply with the law and the inevitability of punishment for its violation.

Formation and development of a personality with the qualities of a citizen - a patriot of the Motherland, capable of successfully fulfilling civic duties.

Formation of a value-based attitude towards the regulation of interactions and relationships between people, ideas about the meaning of laws and norms as a guarantor of expedient and constructive coexistence.

List of classes:


What you need to know when leaving an educational institution. Who will help protect your rights


Conversation with elements of discussion, counseling

Lecture. Consultation with a traffic police inspector.

Final summary lesson. Reflection


Contents of the section “Legal literacy”

    Human. Personality. Citizen.

- Human mission on planet Earth. Working with the concepts of “individual”, “organism”, individuality”, “I”, “personality”, “citizen”. Clarification of human social roles.

    The main ledger of the country.

Constitution of the Russian Federation. Basic human rights. Rights of people with disabilities. Federal Law on Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation.

    Crimes and Punishments

Legal responsibility of a teenager, an adult. Types of crimes and measures to suppress them. Analysis of situations.

    Why are laws needed?

Two approaches to the purpose of the law. Definitions of the law. What is reasonable freedom? Reading the text “The Fable of Rights.” Exercise “Criminality Test”.

    Criminal liability of minors.

- Types of crimes. Criminal liability.

    What you need to know when leaving an educational institution. Who will help protect your rights.

    How to avoid becoming a victim of crime

- Personal safety. Extreme situations. Rules of conduct on the street and in public places.

    How to resist the influence of teenage antisocial groups.

- The concept of “anti-social groups”. Forced methods of involvement in youth antisocial groups. Prank. Malicious act.

II Section "Communication skills"


- developing the ability to flexibly adapt to changing living conditions

Show the complexity and diversity of people’s communication, increase the level communicative competence students, promote personal development;

To promote the development of different forms and methods of communication, awareness of one’s capabilities in this area, which is necessary in all professional activities;

Formation of practical communication skills, self-knowledge, self-development;

Increased self-esteem and self-confidence.

List of classes:

Contents of the section “Communication skills”

    What is communication?

The concepts of “verbal” and “non-verbal” communication. Language of the body. Test “Are you a pleasant conversationalist?”


Skills training. Adaptive ways of behavior. Confident Behavior Skills. The process of self-disclosure, its main problems: the formation of a distorted image, mistrust, detachment.

    Communication barriers.

The concept of communication barriers, their classification. Simulation of situations.

    Rules for persuading your interlocutor.

Disclosure of the basic rules of human persuasion. Workshop “Giving a Persuasive Speech.”

    Listening skills.

Listen and hear. Why do we need this? Rules for the speaker. Rules for the listener. The ability to listen actively. Basic mistakes of an active listener.

    Ethics of business communication.

Explanation of the concepts of ethics, ethics of business communication. Workshop “Your style of business communication” - test.


The conflict and its stages. Strategies for behavior in conflict. Ways to resolve conflict. Mistakes of the conflicting person. Way out of the conflict.

    Types of human interaction.

Types of interaction: joint activity, competition, conflict.

9. Final general lesson. Reflection.

Reflection of students, their feelings and experiences during the course.

III Section "Family ABC"


Formation of the necessary abilities to create your own family, in which a mature marriage is realized on the basis of a conscious paternal and maternal position, raising a family man;

Formation of skills and abilities to resolve family conflicts and life situations;

Formation of an adequate understanding of the family, its members and their relationships;

Formation of motivation for the activities of students as members of their own family and creators of their own model of a happy home;

Formation of students' knowledge and skills in housekeeping.

List of classes:

Contents of the “Family ABC” section

    Family - what is it?

Family in modern society. Family roles. The role of the family. Russian encyclopedia of family life.

    What makes a real family?

- “Friendship, love, family, mutual respect, responsibility” - disclosure of concepts, interconnection. Ethics of relationships. Test "Responsibility Meter".

    The joys and difficulties of fatherhood and motherhood.

Relationships between men and women. Hygiene. Mommy's school. Brief information about childhood diseases. Ethnoscience.

    Family crisis.

Family problems. Simulation of situations. Ways to resolve family conflicts. Patience, mutual respect, responsibility are the three pillars on which family happiness rests.

    Spiritual and moral foundations of the family.

Family values ​​and traditions. Family culture. Raising spiritual and moral qualities in children. Eco-education in the family. Ethics and aesthetics. Proper organization of family leisure time.

    "IN good family smells like pies."

Introduction to the basics of cooking. Preparation and storage of products. Formation of a notebook of basic recipes. Competition "Culinary duel".

    My cozy home.

Basics of housekeeping. About family economics. How to learn to live within your means. When is it time to renovate?

IV Section “Choosing a profession”


Formation of conscious professional self-determination and humane achievement of life goals in adolescents;

Formation of students’ readiness for an informed choice of profession, taking into account their capabilities, abilities and acquired knowledge;

Promote positive motivation for work

List of classes:

Contents of the section “Choosing a profession”

    The choice of profession is mine!

Legality, freedom of choice of profession and labor discipline.

    Main categories in professional activity.

The concept of “profession”, “specialty”, “specialization”, “qualification”.

    Excursions to enterprises.

    Kaleidoscope of professions.

The best specialists in professional field– showing the presentation. “All works are good” - a career guidance game.

    A few important rules.

Rules for admission to higher and secondary educational institutions. Rules for admission to production. How to join the labor exchange. What you need to know about business.

    The ability to work is the main treasure of a person.

Mental and physical labor. Proverbs about work. Game "Alphabet of Professions".

    Profession and abilities. Profession and character.

Determination of professions comparable to individual preferences, the “Circle of Possibilities” test. Determination of professional preferences of an individual in the following areas: “person-person”, “person-technology”, “person-nature”, “person-sign”, “person-artistic image” A.V. Libina.

V Chapter " »


- provide knowledge about the rules of document preparation and business correspondence;

Promote confidence in own strength in various life situations related to the preparation of documentation;

List of classes:

Contents of the section " Marketing and business literacy »


- General information about the document. Rules for business correspondence. Document details. General rules for document preparation.


Design rules. Sample. Structure.

Writing rules. Volume. Form. Signature. Structure. Secrets of the “correct accents”.


Definition. Content. Decor.


Design rules. Related documents. Structure. Peculiarities. Examples and samples.

    An inquiry. Letter of request.

Function. Design rules. Conditions for writing a letter. Features of the formulation. Structure. Modeling and analysis of life situations.

    Explanatory letter. Complaint.

Writing rules. Functions. Structure. Features of the formulation. Volume value. Correct statement of requirements. Links. Small important nuances.

    Ethics of business communication. Business correspondence.

Definition of the concept. Historical reference. " Golden Rule"morality. Own value system. Ethical principles. “You meet people by their clothes...”

VI Health and Safety Section


- prevention of bad habits;

Promote the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

Strengthen students’ skills to take care of their health.

List of classes:

Lecture. Conversation. Lesson presentation

Baby care. Game "Daughters and sons"

Lecture. Conversation. Analysis of problem situations. Game activity.

First aid. Game "Rescue Service".

Lecture. Conversation. Game activity.


Conversation. Lecture. Play activity

Signs of stress and methods of providing first aid in an acute stressful situation.

Lecture. Presentation.

Emergency situations - rules of conduct. Simulation of situations.

Lecture. Conversation.

Final summary lesson. Reflection.


Contents of the Health and Safety section

    Life without bad habits.

Habit or illness. Screening of the presentation “Severe Consequences.” Drawing posters. Didactic game “Good-bad”. Excursion visit to the “Museum of Drug Control”.


Prevention is better than cure. Individual characteristics of the body. Hardening rules.

    Active recreation: what is it?

Can recreation be active? Types of active recreation (presentation). Precautionary measures. Outdoor games. Travel game “To Far Far Away Lands.”

    Human hygiene. Room hygiene.

Screening of the presentation “Who Lives Under Your Nails?” Types of microbes. Rodent control. The toilet is the most clean place in the house. Hygiene is the queen of cleanliness (dramatic activity with visual aids).

    Baby care.

The baby is the boss of the house. How to swaddle. Features of cooking for a baby. Organization of a walk. Children's wardrobe. Daily regime. Brief information about childhood diseases. First aid. Game "Daughters-Sons".

    First aid.

Don't harm another. Presentation on “First Aid”. Modeling of situations, their analysis, analysis. Game "Rescue Service".


- Definition of the concept. Why do we need immunity? What causes decreased immunity? Consequences of decreased immunity. Screening of the presentation “The Secret Powers Within Us.” Game "Gather the body's helpers."

    Emergency situations - rules of conduct.

Types of emergency situations. Behavior rules. Simulation of situations.

Used Books:

    The ABC of Law: development of classes in elementary school / author – comp.N.N. Bobkova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.

    Akhmetova I., Ivanova T., Ioffe A., Polozhevets P., Smirnova G. My choice. Workbook for high school students. – M., 2003.

    Velikorodnaya V.A. Zhirenko O.E., Kumitskaya T.M. Class hours on civic and legal education: grades 5-11. – M.: VAKO, 2008.

    Extracurricular activities for civic education of schoolchildren: Practical guide / author. – comp.L.G. Ivlieva ; edited byV.G. Parshina. – M.: ARKTI, 2006.

    Dick N.F. New standards of the second generation in grades 5–7. Class hours, workshop, tests, methods. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008.

    Master class of the deputy director for educational work in a general education institution. Book 1. Planning, control and analysis of the educational process / author. – comp.L.M. Syromyatnikov. M.: Globus, 2008.

    Morozova E.I. Problem children and orphans: Advice for educators and guardians. – M.: NC ENAS, 2002.

    Ovcharova R.V. reference book for a social educator. – M.: TC Sfera, 2002.

    Prevention of neglect, homelessness and delinquency among minors. Interaction of subjects of prevention, integrated work of educational authorities, system of work of an educational institution, normative documentation / author. – comp.:E.P. Kartushina, T.V. Romanenko. – M.: Globus, 2009.

    The system of school work to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the child / author. – comp.ON THE. Minority. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

    System of socio-psychological support for orphans in a boarding school: Toolkit for specialists working with orphans in boarding schools / Under. Ed.N.M. Iovchuk . M.: REALTEK, 2003.

    Legal education of schoolchildren, grades 5–9. Lesson notes/comp.O.V. Letneva – Volgograd: Teacher, 2005.

OBJECTIVES: 1 2 Analyze and summarize the parameters characterizing the success of independent living; identify and systematize the reasons that determine the failure of orphan graduates with intellectual disabilities in independent life; to determine indicators of readiness for independent life for high school students – pupils of type VIII boarding institutions for orphans. To substantiate the directions, content and forms of pedagogical work that contribute to increasing the readiness of a mentally retarded orphan pupil for independent life.

The existing practice of teaching and raising such children does not always meet the task of developing the personal qualities necessary in life, such as independence, readiness for self-sufficiency based on work, communication skills, as well as clarifying their life prospects. At the same time, graduates of auxiliary boarding schools do not have any benefits in employment and livelihoods. They must integrate into the most complex life on a common basis.

Provisions on which work to prepare boarding school students for independent living should be based: The success of independent living is characterized by the following parameters: - professional self-determination; - stable employment; - creating a family; - productivity of various contacts in society; - compliance with moral and legal standards and requirements of society. The possibility of a successful independent life is determined by the readiness for independent life, which is formed in the process of growing up. 12

The main indicators of readiness for independent life are: - the real and specific nature of life plans; - adequate professional self-determination; - willingness and ability to establish productive social contacts to receive help; - socially normative behavior; - ability to use personal experience in changing conditions. The current practice of teaching and raising children with intellectual problems, the knowledge and skills they acquire at school, do not adequately prepare them for independent life. 3 4

The unpreparedness of high school students at a boarding school of the VIII type for independent life is manifested in the following: - blurred life perspective; - dependency as a personal characteristic; - social and everyday incompetence; - deformation of the need for communication and undeveloped means of satisfying it. Overcoming the unpreparedness of mentally retarded pupils for independent life is possible in the course of targeted pedagogical work in the following directions: - developing a life perspective; - formation of a positive attitude towards work; - ensuring the productivity of social contacts. 5 6

“Problems of preparing orphans for independent life” Preparation for independent life is the processes that ensure the successful entry of young people into independent life, which are referred to as maturation, socialization, social adaptation.

The process of socialization is the acquisition by an individual of socially typical traits and is determined through social learning, self-actualization of the “I-concept”. The process of growing up is the path of development from social to individual. The processes of socialization and individualization are considered modern science as the main mechanisms of growing up.

The task of growing up is preparation for independent life, culminating in readiness for an independent life. Parameters for a successful life: 1. Professional self-determination, 2. stable employment, 3. starting a family and everyday competence, 4. the ability to establish various contacts in society, 5. compliance with moral and legal norms and requirements of society.

The loss of a family prevents a child from developing the abilities that will ensure his or her achievement of true adulthood and leads to a number of “social dislocations,” which are manifested in a lack of productive communication skills, moral and material dependency, a conflicting system of requirements for masculinity and femininity, and poor orientation toward the future.

"The current state of preparing students for independent life" The priority direction in preparing students for independent life is labor training. The unpreparedness of graduates of a special (correctional) school for independent work is expressed in: frequent changes of jobs associated with the emergence of conflict situations in the team, unbearable working conditions and production standards, inadequately inflated level of aspirations for a specialty and high wages, indiscipline, poor attitude towards work on the part of graduates.The successful entry into independent life of the mentally retarded is hampered by their insufficient knowledge of general labor skills.

In order to specify the nature of the independent life of mentally retarded graduates - orphans, we conducted a study during which we analyzed data on the fate of our graduates for 3 years, based on previously identified parameters characterizing the success of young people entering an independent life (employment, marital status , living conditions, relationships with legislation).

“Improving the preparation of pupils of boarding institutions of the VIII type for orphans for independent life” Questionnaire to study readiness for independent life 1. Soon you will leave the boarding school. What are you afraid of? 2. What profession would you like to choose after leaving school? 3. Do you like the profession in which you will study at PU?

Questionnaire to study readiness for independent living 4. What do you like to do in your free time? 5. Where would you like to work after graduation? 6. Where will you live after graduation? 7. What problems bother you when entering an independent life?

Questionnaire to study readiness for independent living 8. What do you think is a “good life”? 9. What is a budget? How much money do you need for one month? 10. You are walking down the street, someone hits you, what will you do? 11.Imagine: you have a magic wand. What will you ask for?

Questionnaire to study readiness for independent living 12. Can you arrange your life on your own? Whose help do you need? 13. In how many years will you be able to achieve what you want? 14. At what age will you start a family? What qualities should your companion have?

Reasons hindering the readiness of pupils to transition to an independent life 1. The majority of the examined pupils did not approach the construction of a life plan. The image of the desired future among boarding school students - final grade students - is not detailed; emotional, immature characteristics of it predominate in the answers; temporary conditions achieving goals are not program points in the life plan of orphan teenagers.

2. A significant portion of graduating students are not ready to escape addiction from adults. The tendency towards material dependency manifests itself in indifference to such necessary conditions for a full-fledged independent life as the availability of housing, sufficient funds

Conclusion: The essence of preparing students for an independent life in a special (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type for orphans and children deprived of parental care should be the formation of certain personality qualities, such as readiness for self-sufficiency based on work, productive communication, independence, as well as the necessary value orientations, first of all, life perspective.

The main conditions necessary for the effective implementation of the program are the following indicators: the internal readiness of the teaching staff to solve new problems; the presence of a safe and protected environment for an orphan to stay in a boarding school; organization of the correct regime; psychological support for the development of the pupil; taking into account the age factor; provision of material resources corresponding to the assigned tasks.

Readiness for self-sufficiency based on work includes: o positive motivation to work; o choosing a profession that matches your capabilities and interests; o the ability to accept and comply with disciplinary requirements in the labor process; o sense of ownership. The acquisition of such qualities and skills implies avoidance of dependency, as a negative tendency of a child raised in conditions of state support.

Direction “Formation of life perspective” The goal is to concretize and clarify life plans. Objectives: 1. Modeling the image of the past; 2. Modeling the image of the future; 3. Organization of the life activities of pupils based on the expediency and frequency of performing vital functions; 4. Formation of the image of the chosen one/darling.

Direction “Formation of a positive attitude towards work” The goal is to develop students’ readiness for self-sufficiency based on work. Objectives: 1. Formation of sustainable skills in household self-service and service work; 2. Expansion of the list of labor profiles; 3. Inclusion of pupils in feasible work activities; 4. Ensuring adequate professional self-determination based on career guidance.

Forms of work: teaching pupils to self-care starting from the first days of their stay in the boarding school; labor training and education in the field of service labor (starting from the fifth grade); work of a home club, organization of a repair team of pupils in the institution; inclusion of older students in work with younger ones; accumulation of "dowry"; introducing pupils to feasible work activities through the employment of pupils in a boarding school.

Direction “Ensuring the productivity of social contacts” The goal is to develop in the student the communication skills necessary to carry out such contacts. Objectives: 1. Overcoming basic distrust of the world as the basis for disruption of the communicative activity of an orphan child. 2. Overcoming alienation from others as a specific personality trait of orphans. 3. Instilling moral and legal norms of society. 4. Ensuring the ability to function in various social roles. 5. Expansion of social contacts.

Forms of work: establishment of traditions, organization of communication of different ages, organization of classes for children in sections, clubs, studios outside the walls of the boarding school; psychological and pedagogical trainings; business games (self-government); drama studio; holding meetings with interesting people and groups; transfer of pupils for temporary residence to relatives' families.

Conclusions 1. Preparation for independent life is one of the most important tasks of growing up, understood as a process of personality development from social to individual. 2. The parameters of a successful life as a positive result of growing up are professional self-determination, stable employment, starting a family, the ability to establish various contacts in society, compliance with moral and legal norms and requirements of society.

Conclusions 3. The course and results of growing up are distorted as a result of disruption of its mechanisms and conditions, especially in the case of disruption of the child’s interaction with an adult. 4. In the case of early orphanhood and upbringing in conditions of deprivation, the child does not sufficiently develop readiness for independent life.

Conclusions 5. Mental development disorders significantly complicate the process of preparing for independent life. 6. The essence of preparing students for an independent life in a special (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type for orphans and children deprived of parental care should be the formation of certain personality qualities, such as independence, readiness for self-sufficiency based on work, productive communication, as well as the necessary value orientations, first of all, life prospects.

Conclusions 7. Indicators of readiness for independent life of mentally retarded high school orphans are adequate professional self-determination, the real time component of life plans, the willingness and ability to establish productive social contacts to receive help, compliance with moral standards and requirements of society, and the use of personal experience in changing conditions. 8. The program of correctional pedagogical influence in order to prepare students for independent life must be holistic.

Conclusions 9. The conditions necessary for the successful implementation of the program in a boarding school should be the following: sufficient psychological and pedagogical literacy of the teaching staff, the creation of a protective environment, psychological and pedagogical support, taking into account the age factor, appropriate material resources. 10. The proposed ways of developing readiness for independent life in high school students can be effectively used in broad educational practice.

1. There is a contradiction between the requirement to prepare orphanage residents for independent living and the absence of a single state document (standard) defining the amount of knowledge and skills required for orphanage graduates for successful social adaptation. 2. At the present stage of development of society, new demands are put forward for the development of the individual and his self-determination. Social competence becomes a priority. 3. The contingent of orphanage residents represents a special category of children who have experienced the influence of traumatic factors, which contributed to the deformation of their mental and, in some cases, physical development. 4. Conditions outside of family education are not natural and entail a distortion of ideas about the realities of life, which significantly complicates the socialization of pupils. Relevance

It involves ensuring continuity, consistency, interconnection, as well as the integrity of the process of raising and developing children in an orphanage; is the basis for organizing the work of the development and education service of the orphanage; Allows you to give a normative list of main topics, determine most important requirements to the knowledge and skills of pupils necessary for their independent life, to select optimal conditions for realizing the goals and fulfilling the mission of the orphanage. Purpose of the Program

1. Requirements imposed by the state and society on a modern independent person. 2. Problems of socialization of orphanage graduates. Analysis of the reasons that complicate the integration into society of orphanage graduates. 3. Features of the orphanage population. 4. Goals and objectives of preparing orphanage students for independent living. 5. Directions for preparing orphanage students for independent living. Sections of the program. 6. The expected result of preparing orphanage pupils for independent life. 7. Monitoring the effectiveness of activities to prepare orphanage students for independent living. Program Structure

“The most important goal of modern domestic education and one of the priority tasks of society and the state is education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, proactive, competent citizen of Russia,” says the Concept of spiritual and moral development and personal education of a citizen of Russia. Social order

1. Lack of housing, inability to maintain existing housing. 2. Problems in employment associated with low level vocational education, lack of demand for the acquired profession in the labor market. 3. Lack of an active economic position, focus on government support (receiving benefits). 4. Difficulties in establishing new social contacts, alienation. 5. Difficulties in inclusion in the work team (conflicts in the workplace, non-compliance with rules labor regulations, lack of independence). 6. Increased suggestibility, uncritical gullibility, susceptibility to manipulative psychological effects, as a result of which graduates become victims of deception, end up in antisocial groups, and commit crimes. 7. Failures in creating your own family, associated with personal immaturity, lack of experience living in a family. 8. Tendency to form addictive forms of behavior. Problems of socialization of orphanage graduates

1) orphans either do not have the opportunity to learn the social experience of their parents and grandparents by imitating their behavior patterns and ways of coping life difficulties, or this experience is of a negative, antisocial nature; 2) strict regulation and limited social contacts inherent in the regime of living in an orphanage make it impossible for a child to assimilate the entire range of social-role relationships; 3) the early childhood experience of an orphan bears the imprint of maternal deprivation and forms one of the most serious phenomena of orphanhood - the loss of basic trust in the world, which manifests itself in aggressiveness, suspicion, and inability to live autonomously; 4) the process of self-regulation is complicated, correlating with the gradual replacement of external control of behavior by internal self-control. This is due to the specifics of the organization of a child’s life in an orphanage, where the control function is completely retained by the educators. Difficulties in socializing orphans

The level of cognitive development of pupils is insufficient for them to successfully master educational programs, and children’s learning ability is reduced. Many pupils are characterized by insufficient development emotional-volitional spheres, volitional regulation of one’s behavior and mood. Characteristic personality traits of students are inadequate self-esteem, inability to evaluate their personal qualities, insufficiently high general level of self-acceptance, self-confidence, and anxiety. Violations in the sphere of communication, manifested in an unwillingness to establish productive contacts, aggressiveness, and inappropriate forms of behavior in conflict situations. Lack of desire for independence, passivity, low level of readiness to choose one’s place in life. Graduates of an orphanage feel insufficiently prepared for independent life. The result of socialization difficulties is a low level of social adaptation, social activity, social competence of orphanage residents, and the formation of social values. Features of orphanage pupils

The goal of the Program is to create conditions for the development of the child, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization and successful integration into society after leaving the orphanage. Objectives: 1. Create favorable conditions conducive to mental, emotional and physical development students' personalities. 2. Ensuring the implementation of programs aimed at preparing students for independent living. 3. Expanding the social space of pupils. Goals and objectives of preparing students for independent living

The principle of “replacement family”; Teacher position; Relationships in the group; Taking into account age interests, meeting the needs of students; Organization of activities taking into account the main motives in each age period. Organization of life activities of pupils

Education of children in various educational institutions, visiting clubs outside the walls of the orphanage, visiting guest and related families; participation of the orphanage in various events (city, regional, school, etc.). contacts with society through establishing relationships with social partners. Open environment of the educational system

Graduate model Preparing students for independent life Social roles Competence I am a citizen (I am in society) Competence in the field of social and legal relations I am an employee (I am in work life) Competence in the field of labor and professional relations I am the owner (I am at home) Competence in the social and everyday sphere I am a family man (I am in the family) Competence in the sphere family relations I am a creator (I am in my free time) Competence in the leisure sphere I am an individual (I am responsible for myself) Personal competence I am healthy (I am responsible for my health) Healthy lifestyle culture I am a communicater (I am in the world of people) Communicative competence

1. Socialization program for preschool children in an orphanage; 2. The program for preparing pupils for independent life “Steps” (for school-age and older pupils). Programs aimed at preparing students for independent living

Stages of mastering the program based on age periodization: 1st stage – primary school age – 7-10 years; 2nd stage – middle school age – years; Stage 3 – adolescence – 15 – 17 years. Program "Steps"

Direction of training Forms of training organization Training mode Social and labor training and career guidance Classes under the Social and Labor Training Program for orphanage pupils 1 lesson per week Hostess Club 1 lesson per week Alumni Club 1 lesson per month Regular moments (duty, sanitary and hygienic procedures ) According to the daily routine Socially useful ore ( general cleaning, agricultural labor) 1 time per week Program “Our Home” During the holidays Formation of a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle Classes under the Program for formation of a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle 1 lesson per week Club of game lovers 1 lesson per month Tourist club “Putnik”Po plan Regular moments (exercise, organized walks) According to the regime Social and moral training Classes according to the Program of spiritual and moral education of the citizen’s personality 1 lesson per week “Vologzhanin” club 1 lesson per month “Read-ka” club 2 times a month Communication club 2 times per month Artistic and aesthetic development Classes under the Program of Musical Education of Children and Adolescents in an Orphanage According to the class schedule Classes under the Manual Labor Program According to the class schedule Directions for preparing pupils for independent living

Social and labor training program for orphanage students; Program for creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle; Program of spiritual and moral education; Music education program for children and adolescents in an orphanage; Program "Manual Labor". Contents of programs aimed at preparing students for independent living

Regulated Types of children's activities regulations Classes (educational hours) as a specially organized form of education Calendar-thematic planning Instructional and practical classes Daily routine Collective creative activities Calendar of orphanage events Additional education Pupils' employment network unregulated Interaction with society Hobby classes Group activities Free time Forms student organizations

Month Holidays concerts Thematic weeks Competitions in the orphanage City events, projects Competitions, festivals Meetings of pupils September Goodbye, summer! Comfort and order in a family group. "Blooming City" Competition of flower arrangements and bouquets. "Rubtsovskaya autumn". "The Holy Lands of Vologda". 1. Results of summer holidays, 2. Rules of living in an orphanage, 3. Planning for the year. October Teacher's Day. Concerts for the Day of the Elderly. Week of the Small Motherland. Flower garden in the group. Cross of the nation. Citywide cleanup. "Vologda courtyards" Ferapontov's readings. 1. Results educational activities, 2. Results of competitions. November Book Week. Design of reading corners. “Vologda is a healthy city.” "Cheerful children" Mini-football. December New Year's show program. New Year's decoration groups. " New Year's toy for the central Christmas tree" "Bouquet of harsh winter." "A gift to Santa Claus." 1. Results of educational activities 3. Plan for the winter holidays. January Health and Sports Week. For the healthiest group. Ski track of Russia. “School of Survival” “The Nativity of Christ is the light of eternal life” February Defender of the Fatherland Day. Thrifty competition. “Gift for a Soldier” “Road Without Danger.” “My family” March March 8. Birthday of the orphanage. Career guidance week. Group portfolio. “Azimuth of Hope” Small Dimitriev Readings. “Azimuth of Hope” 1. Results of educational activities 2. Results of competitions. April Law Week Projects “Blooming Miracle” near the orphanage. Two-month work on landscaping. "Pokrovsky meetings". "Nature and creativity." May Congratulations to veterans. Outdoor concerts. The most beautiful area on the territory of the orphanage “Gift to a Veteran” “Flourishing City” Glorious sons and daughters of the Russian state 1. Results of educational activities for the year. 2. Results of competitions. 3. Summer vacation plan June Graduate Day. "Our green house." "City of Childhood" Calendar of events of the orphanage

Directions of social partnership: 1. Training of students in general and vocational educational institutions, in institutions of additional education. 2. Conducting joint classes in clubs of interest. 3. Providing conditions for the development of students: using the capabilities of cultural institutions, sports and recreational institutions. 4. Providing conditions for health improvement, recreation and employment of pupils during the holiday period. 5. Providing additional training for students for final certification. 6. Provision additional conditions for self-determination and self-realization of students. 7. providing additional conditions for professional tests of students. 8. Prevention of crime among pupils. 9. Information Support activities of the orphanage. Expanding the social space of pupils

Monitoring the level of educational training; Monitoring the development of educational skills; Monitoring health and the level of healthy lifestyle; Monitoring the personality development of pupils; Monitoring of social adaptation of pupils; Monitoring readiness for independent living; Monitoring the development of the group. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Program

Training program for boarding school students

to independent life.

Explanatory note.

The issues of social and legal preparation of orphan graduates for independent life in society have become especially relevant today. Education in boarding schools does not adequately ensure the formation of the personal qualities, knowledge and skills necessary for independent life, which entails the failure of graduates in solving life problems.

Therefore, there was a need to create a program aimed at increasing the social competence of pupils, so that, upon leaving the orphanage, they could live and communicate with the people around them, so that they would know how the society in which they will live, work, and start a family works. , to raise children.

The basis was the program for increasing the social competence of pupils of educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, “We Ourselves” and the program for preparing orphans for independent living by L.K. Sidorova.

The program was developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations on an Educational Institution for Orphans and Children Without Parental Care and the Charter of the Educational Institution. The content of the program was developed based on the following principles: humanistic orientation, democracy (the right of every child to choose their own development trajectory), child-centrism (priority of the child’s interests), systematicity (assumes continuity of knowledge), cooperation (recognition of the value joint activities children and adults), nature-conformity and activity approach.

The goal of the program: to assist in improving the social competence of pupils, contributing to their successful adaptation in society through the acquisition of socio-psychological knowledge and the formation of basic life skills necessary for independent living.

This goal is achieved through the development of the following abilities and the formation of the following skills:

– development of abilities to understand oneself and others;

– developing the ability to predict interpersonal situations and one’s behavior in them;

Development of active citizenship;

– developing skills for independent living and interaction with different social groups and institutions.

The program is implemented in several directions:

    development of communication skills;

    family economic;

    civil-patriotic and legal;

    career guidance;

    cultural and moral;

    formation of social and everyday skills.

When implementing this program, close interaction between all structures of the educational institution involved in educational process: teacher, class teacher, social teacher, educational psychologist. At the same time, children must be active participants in the implementation of the program. To do this, it is necessary to constantly maintain motivation to participate in classes.

Classes are held from grades 1 to 9 in all of the above areas in accordance with age characteristics. The educational and correctional process is built as a logical ascent from age to age in spiritual, physical and social development.

Communication skills


Give in to each other, talk calmly, fulfill the requests of adults, evaluate your own actions and the actions of peers, be friendly and benevolent, have communication skills with younger children, peers, older children, and adults.

Have a concept of “tolerance”, be tolerant of others, have conflict-free communication skills; be confident in communication; understand what friendship is, be able to support each other.

Possess skills effective communication(verbal and non-verbal); have an idea of ​​communication barriers and ways to overcome them; types of communication (business, free, gaming, etc.). Attitude to troubles and failures. Know how to use various shapes communication (conversation, discussion)

Family and economic education


Know your last name, first name, brothers, sisters, other relatives. Gender-role affiliation of boys and girls. Through role-playing games, be able to use money and make small independent purchases.

Pedigree. Family roots. The distinctive role of boys and girls in society. What is friendship, what is love. teenage crisis. Sources of cash income in the family. What does the economic well-being of a family depend on?

Formation of ideas about family life. Theories of choosing a marriage partner. Family functions. Family problems and joys. Birth of children. Family economics.


The concept of Motherland, small Motherland. Traditions, nature, worldview of their people, historical facts. Honesty as a norm for a cultured person. Respect for public property. Rights and responsibilities of pupils. The state in relation to another person: regulation, control, coercion, care, encouragement, punishment.

Knowledge of the Motherland, its history, pride in one’s country. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Economic, social and cultural human rights.

A man is like a patriot of his country. Law enforcement system. Criminal law. Legal culture.

Civic-patriotic and legal education.

Career guidance


Participation in role-playing games. Knowledge of the professions of a driver, salesman, teacher, teacher, doctor, seamstress, cook, builder, etc. Honoring adults on the day of their professional holiday.

Diagnosis of inclinations, interests, abilities for a particular profession. Preliminary choice of profession.

Conscious choice of profession. Implementation of the program “How to learn to choose a profession” Visiting enterprises. In-depth study of specialized subjects. Choosing an educational institution.

Cultural and moral education


Behavior at the table: ability to use cutlery, napkins, aesthetics of eating. Behavior in public places. Reading culture. Knowledge of masterpieces from the world's art and music collections. General information about etiquette, observing the rules of etiquette when communicating with others.

Visiting museums, art exhibitions, getting acquainted with classical music. Behavior in a group, group selection. verbal and non-verbal etiquette signs. Gestures, facial expressions, tone, postures, etc.

Social and everyday education


Be able to handle household appliances: TV, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, iron, washing machine etc. Know the rules for cleaning the premises, be able to clean up after yourself and your friends. Be able to prepare simple dishes: brew tea, make a sandwich, a simple salad. Be able to ask a passerby or a police officer for help if necessary.

Rules for washing and caring for clothes (the ability to darn, iron, knit). Rules for table setting, preparation of simple main courses and salads. Be able to do basic housework: hammer a nail, paint a surface. Furniture care. Social institutions: clinic, administration, banks, post office, payment acceptance points - know their purpose.

Strive to do household chores independently. Have the skill of canning, preparing meat and fish dishes. Do-it-yourself simple things renovation work equipment, housing. Be able to independently contact the necessary social institutions. Know where to turn for help if you need housing or benefits. If necessary, be able to make payments independently public services, contact a clinic, bank, etc.

State educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care,

"Uryupinsk boarding school named after Lieutenant General S.I. Gorshkov"


preparing students for independent living.


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