Walkthrough Deus Ex side quests. Walkthrough of Deus Ex: Human Revolution

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General information:

Estimated difficulty of achievements: 6/10

Offline: 49 (1000)

Online: 0

Estimated time to get 1000 points: 25 - 35 hours (depending on skills and partly on luck)

Minimum number of passes: 1 (I recommend 2-3)

Achievements you may accidentally miss: There is

Does difficulty affect achievements?: Yes

Glitchy achievements: unknown


In Deus Ex: Human Revolution You play as Adam Jensen, a security specialist for one of America's largest biotech companies. But when the company is attacked and scientists are killed, your line of work will change a little. While scientists are making progress in improving athletes, soldiers and spies, turning them into super beings, someone is working very carefully to direct the evolution of humanity along a special path. You will have to find out who is doing this and why, but it will also present you with a choice that will decide the fate of humanity.

Before you start the walkthrough:

First, you must decide how you want to approach the game.

If you are going to play for achievements, then you will need to do the following:

  • Play on "True Deus Ex (Give Me Deus Ex)" difficulty.
  • Never raise the alarm.
  • Don't kill anyone.
  • Collect all 29 e-books.
  • Complete all side quests and earn achievements associated with them.

If you want to go through the game more than once, which will make your life easier, then you can divide the achievements in half. For example, you can complete the game first without raising an alarm or killing anyone on Tell Me a Story difficulty. Then go through the game a second time on the "Real Deus Ex (Give Me Deus Ex)" difficulty, and also collect all the e-books and complete other achievements that you may have missed on the first playthrough. Ultimately, it's up to you how much to spend on Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

During your playthrough, try to hack as many items as possible and knock out as few enemies as possible (use a non-lethal melee attack if you want to get the Pacifist achievement). Save before the end of the game, where you will be presented with a choice. You will need to reboot 3 times to see all endings.


Deus Ex: Human Revolution offers optional quests and side missions, and the game usually rewards you with achievements for completing them, as well as completing certain objectives within them. Unfortunately, these side quests and their associated achievements can be skipped and must be completed before heading to Detroit or Hansha. But if you follow the instructions from the guide, then you probably won’t miss more than one achievement related to additional quests.


The game has 29 unique e-books that are associated with the "Doctorate" achievement and are scattered throughout the world of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Collecting them gives you a bonus 200 experience points (Scientist) and, of course, 50G for collecting them all. In the tooltip for this achievement you will find an excellent video guide to their location.


You earn Praxis Points by gaining a certain amount of experience points and using Praxis Kits. Praxis is used to upgrade Adam's implants throughout the game. And of course you don't want to waste praxis on useless things? Below is a list of improvements that are worth spending praxis on.

Icarus Landing System

If you think that a modified Adam Jensen can jump from any height without damage to his health, then you are very mistaken. Its limit without damage is only a few meters. Using the Icarus landing system, you can jump from any height without taking damage. This ability is especially useful for finding additional paths and is also necessary if you are going to find all the e-books, as one of the books in Tai Yun Medical will require you to use this ability. I would have acquired this ability as soon as I got into Hensha.

Hacking: Capture

You start the game with the first level of hacking, which allows you to hack devices with the same level. If you have the Explosive Mission Pack, which was included in the special edition of the game (or can be purchased on the Marketplace for 320 microsoft points), then this skill does not need to be improved, since you will have a hacking device that hacks devices with level 5, and will help you discover hidden paths and find e-books. If you don't have this add-on, upgrade it when you have extra praxis.

Implanted Rebreather

This is an auxiliary implant that can take you through rooms with poisonous gas. If you feel that you need it, then feel free to take it.

Dermal Armor

This is a really useful skill on Give Me Deus Ex difficulty. It reduces the amount of damage, which is useful when escaping during battles and boss fights.

Move/Lift Heavy Objects

This is a very useful skill and should be your first or second upgrade to buy. Move vending machines and garbage bins, and you will probably find a ventilation passage behind them, which will make your stealth passage easier.

Converterenergy Sharif 8" (Sarif Series 8 Energy Converter)

Buy additional energy blocks and faster energy recharge when you have praxis. They help very well with stealth passage, and help you stay in camouflage mode longer. This allows you to pass through a large guarded area without being noticed. You can also deal with a large number of enemies hand-to-hand, but remember that only one energy unit is restored automatically, and to recharge the rest you need to use energy bars.

Cloaking System

The most useful improvement of all. Modify it as quickly as possible so that its effect lasts as long as possible. You can easily walk through a whole group of enemies without them noticing you. Possibly the best and most useful improvement in the game.

Typhoon Explosive System

This is an auxiliary implant and is easier to deal with bosses. If you have 2 praxis points and are having problems with the boss, then this implant is for you.

Social Corrector (Social Enhancer)

It is required for the "Ladies Man" achievement when you hit Hensha the second time. Not really very useful unless you want to unlock unique dialogue options.


Thousand in Deus Ex: Human Revolution should not cause you any difficulties if you approach the passage properly. I hope after reading this guide, achievements in the game will seem less daunting to you. I completed the game 6 times and did not regret even a second spent in it. I hope you share my love for her.

Trooper / Fighter 50

Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Just beat the game on any difficulty level and the achievement will unlock.

Legend / Legend 100

Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution on Hard difficulty.

As with the previous achievement, you need to beat the game, but on the "True Deus Ex (Give Me Deus Ex)" difficulty.

Deus Ex Machina 50

Unlock all endings found in Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

There are 4 endings in total in the game. You can save at the end of the game (after defeating the final boss) and load a save after each cutscene to choose other endings. You must find Taggart and Sharif at the last level in Panchaea and talk to them, otherwise you will not be able to choose all 4 endings.

Pacifist / Pacifist 100

Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution without killing anyone yourself (bosses don't count).

The achievement is not as difficult as it sounds in the description, but there are a few points to pay attention to while playing through the game.

The achievement is also not affected by: killing bosses, destroying robots and turrets, as well as administering a lethal dose of morphine in the additional quest “Old Acquaintances”.

Foxiest of the Hounds / Slick 100

Complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution without setting off the alarm once.

This is an achievement where you need to make sure you don't make any mistakes while trying to avoid detection. First of all, I advise you to save often to protect your heart from getting beat. Save every time you pass through one of the dangerous zones, before breaking in, etc.

Also, to obtain this achievement, some implant improvements can help you. Most of them are listed in the guide above. The main assistant for you will be the camouflage system. With it and the fast recharging of power units, you can very quickly bypass the danger zone. The main thing is to use disguise on time.

Things that can have a detrimental effect on obtaining this achievement:

  • Never make enemies, turrets or cameras hostile to you. If this happens, then load the last save. If suspicious or alarmed is written above the card, then everything is in order.
  • When hacking a turret, do not use it against enemies. If she starts killing them, the enemies will raise the alarm.
  • When you stun someone, hide the body. Otherwise, he will be noticed by security or cameras, which will raise the alarm.
  • Save before you hack anything. If you spend all hacking attempts, an alarm will be activated.
  • In some locations you will meet enemies who are automatically hostile to you, but don’t worry, this is what the plot intends to do. The enemies haven't seen you, but they know you're somewhere nearby. You need to quietly get around this location, and everything will be fine.

Old School Gamer/Pixel Hunting 10

You found all the hidden items in Megan's office. Too much free time?

As soon as you start a new game, you will find yourself in Megan's office. You need to find the following things:

  • An electronic book with information about patient X;
  • Toy racing car;
  • The book Being More Effective;
  • An old photograph;
  • Megan's computer (read all letters);
  • Newspaper.

You can watch the video guide.

Doctorate / Doctor of Science

Read all 29 different "experience books" in one playthrough of the game.

These are collectibles that you will find in the game. Below is a video guide to the location of all e-books:

Up the Ante! / The stakes are rising! 15

Upgrade any weapon for the first time.

See "Gun Nut / Psycho Militarist".

Gun Nut / Psycho Militarist 20

Fully upgrade one weapon.

As you progress through the game, you can find and buy weapon modifications that will improve it. Fully mod your weapon to unlock this achievement. In the “equipment” menu (button), you can learn more about what upgrades you can use on a specific weapon. Select a weapon from the equipment menu and click, and then select Explore and press again. A full description of the weapon will appear, in which it is written about the ability to install certain modifications. The easiest way to achieve this achievement is with a tranquilizer rifle.

First Hack / First hack 5

Successfully complete your first hack.

See "Hax0r1!"

Hax0r1! 15

Successfully hack at least 50 devices in one playthrough of the game.

This achievement will unlock as you progress through the game if you successfully hack everything you see. You can save before hacking if you have problems with them. After unsuccessful attempts, you can boot and try again.

First Takedown / First Neutralization 5

Perform the first neutralization. Civilians don't count, so be nice to them.

See "Opportunist".

Opportunist / Opportunist 15

Perform 50 neutralizations in one playthrough (civilians do not count).

Perform 50 lethal or non-lethal neutralizations in a single playthrough (civilians do not count) to unlock this achievement.

Non-lethal neutralization occurs when you stand next to an enemy and press, but deadly when you squeeze.

Consciousness is Over-rated / Consciousness is superfluous 15

Knock out at least 100 enemies in one playthrough.

To obtain it, you can use not only non-lethal neutralization, but also knock out enemies using gas grenades, a paralyzing pistol and a tranquilizer rifle. To find out whether you knocked out an enemy or killed him, go up to him and there should be a Zzz icon above him, and not an icon with a skull.

Transhumanist / Limit of possibilities 5

Fully upgrade any implant for the first time.

Purchase all upgrades for one of the implants of your choice. You can see a list of all improvements below. It is worth noting that some of them cost 2 praxis points.

Skull modifications:

  • Social corrector
  • Radar system "Pathfinder"
  • Infolink
  • Stealth Monitor
  • Hack: Capture
  • Hacking analysis unit
  • Hack: Fortify
  • Hacking: Stealth

Torso modifications:

  • Health monitoring system "Guardian RX"
  • Energy converter "Sharif 8"
  • Rebreathing implant
  • Explosive system "Typhoon"

Hand modifications:

  • Cyber ​​prosthetic hand
  • Sight stabilizer

Eye modifications:

  • Supervision
  • Ocular prosthesis

Back modifications:

  • Reflex booster
  • Icarus landing system

Skin modifications:

  • Skin armor
  • Camouflage system

Leg modifications:

  • Cyber ​​prosthetic leg

The easiest way to improve the radar is because it only requires 1 praxis. Before doing this, I advise you to save, since the radar is not very useful compared to other implants.

Lesser Evil 10

Deal with Carella's problem.

At the beginning of the game, after returning to the Sharif Industries headquarters, you can talk to Karella and learn about his problem. You have to stop the shipment of the stolen drug and talk to Carella again to get this achievement. He will also give you a weapon mod for completing the quest.

You can watch the video guide.

Motherly Ties 10

Resolve the doubts of a grieving mother.

Once you leave the Sharif Industries headquarters and hit the streets of Detroit, you will immediately meet Ms. Reed, who will beg you to help find out the truth about Megan's death. This is a fairly long side quest and one of the first.

First of all, you need to convince Wayne Haas to let you go to the morgue at the police station. If you don't do this, then the entire police force will be hostile towards you and will make your life hell. Convincing him will also earn you the "The Desk Job" achievement.

Hack the level 3 safe in the garage next to the site, and read all the electronic books with evidence, and also take the bracelet. It's best to keep it if you want to get the "Sentimental Value" achievement once you complete the quest.

Cloak & Daggers / Cloak and Dagger 10

Deal with the man in the shadows.

On one of the streets of Detroit you will meet a black prostitute who is actually an undercover police officer. Find her mono on the street between your house and the police station. Talk to her and she will offer you a mission.

You must complete several tasks to prove Jack O'Malley's guilt. You will have to act as O'Malley's man and turn two gangs against each other to start gang wars. However, this can be prevented.

At the end of the mission, during a conversation with O'Malley, he will offer you a bribe. Accept it and you will receive the achievement "The Take".

Rotten Business / Rotten Business 10

Help the representative of the oldest profession restore order.

When you get to Hengsha, go to Honghua Hotel. Go up to the 4th floor and in one of the rooms you will meet a woman and a man arguing about an implant. Talk to the woman to receive this quest.

In the first mission you will need to save her friend, into whom, according to her, they want to forcibly insert implants. She is being held by 3 gang members in a garage in one of the alleys. Eliminate the enemies, then open the garage and talk to Ning. She will thank you and run away from the city. Return to Mei and receive your reward.

In the second mission, she will ask you to get rid of Daimon Chan by killing him or planting drugs on him so that he will be arrested. Get to his apartment and knock him out. He will be alone. Do not use weapons, only melee non-lethal neutralization. Take his body out of the apartment and throw it off the roof to make it look like a suicide and you will get the "The Fall" achievement for this. Return to May and receive the long-awaited achievement and reward.

Tip: It's best to save before the second task, because if you kill Daimon Chan by throwing him off the roof, you will lose the "Pacifist" achievement. During the conversation with Mei, you need to ask about another way to get rid of Chan. She will give you drugs that you can plant in his apartment. First, we go through the mission in the first way and get the achievement “The Fall / Flight”, and then we load the save and go through the second way.

Bar Tab / Bartender 10

Help the Hive bartender with the bills.

In the Hive in Shanghai, after talking to Tong, talk to the bartender Bobby Bao on the first floor. He will talk about a broker named Jaya, who did not pay her bills and went into hiding. You need to find her. To do this, you will have to hack 3 devices located on the roofs of several houses in the city to find out its location. Once you find her, she will explain that she was deceived and does not want to pay them for the implant.

There are two ways out:

  1. You can pay Bobby Bao 5000 credits and he will promise not to touch her. For this you will receive the achievement "Guardian Angel".
  2. Knock her out and remove the implant from her.

Both options will unlock this achievement, but the first option is definitely better as you will get another achievement.

Personally, I saved first, then paid the debt for it and received the “Guardian Angel” achievement. Then I loaded the last save, turned it off and took the implant. So I saved 5000 credits.

You can watch the video guide.

Shanghai Justice / Shanghai Justice 5

We'll have to play detective, but justice must be done.

During the main missions in Shanghai, Malik will ask you for help. Her friend was killed and she wants to bring justice.

When you get to the suspect’s apartment, you should pay attention to the following things:

  • Baseball bat - located by the door.
  • Emails - you will find them on the computer in the bedroom. It will need to be hacked.
  • Answering machine - next to the bed in the bedroom.
  • Broken clock - in the bedroom next to the closet.

You now have enough evidence to accuse Li Hong. Go to the Hive on the second floor. He will sit alone. You must select the following answer options: Rigged, Drunk, Antique clock, Pregnant, LIMB/Belltower. You will receive the "Super Sleuth" achievement.

Smash the State / Down with the government 10

Help Officer Nicholas solve the problem.

You will receive this quest after leaving the conference room in Detroit the second time you enter there. Nicholas is afraid that something might blow up the police station.

Your task is to find his terrorist location (mine was in the sewer), knock him out or kill him. And then defuse the bomb. Use the code "0000" to disarm it and get the "Lucky Guess" achievement. Return to Niki and receive this achievement and reward.

You can watch the video guide.

Acquaintances Forgotten / Old Friends 10

Follow Pritchard's clues and get to the bottom of the truth.

When you first return to Detroit after discovering the FEMA warehouse in Highland Park, you will have to convince David Sharif to tell you the truth (see "Yes Boss"). After the conversation, return to your office and read 3 new emails that have arrived on your computer. Then return to Sharif and continue the main story.

When you get to Detroit for the second and final time, Pritchard will contact you when you are near the conference room and an additional quest will begin. He will not appear unless you read 3 letters when you first arrive in Detroit.

When you get to Brandon Redford's apartment, you will find him dying in the bathroom. Keep giving him morphine and then try to leave. He will ask you to stay and administer a lethal dose of morphine. For this you will receive the achievement "Kevorkian Complex / Kevorkian Syndrome".

We continue the quest and go to the garage, where we find a photograph in the safe and five emails on the computer.

We complete the last stage of the quest and get the achievement.

Corporate Warfare / Corporate wars 10

Protect the client's interests by making a less aggressive takeover.

You will be contacted by a person whom I will not name due to spoilers when you are in the Youhzai area. You will be asked to stop a group of terrorists and return the data chip. Make sure you don't kill anyone, so use a stun weapon.

Go back and make sure you have the Social Corrector skill. Talk to her and try to find out the truth using pheromones before you give her the chip. This will also give you the "Ladies Man" achievement.

Talion A.D. / The talion principle 10

Face off against a warrior priest deep in the urban jungle.

To get this achievement, when you arrive in Hansha for the second time, you need to go to the LIMB clinic after Pritchard contacts you. Talk to the doctor to the left of the counter and he will ask you to track down the escaped officer. If you did the "Corporate Warfare" achievement, then where the terrorists were, there is a hatch that leads to the sewer, where the one you need is hiding.

Talk to him if you want to avoid the battle and lie to the doctor or convince him that he did everything right. The achievement will unlock.

Secret achievements

Ghost / Ghost 15

You made your way through a dangerous area without giving away anything.

Simply make your way through the danger zone without raising a single alarm or being detected to receive the Ghost bonus.

The easiest way to do this is in the first mission at the Sharif Industries plant. Once you go down the two stairs, around the corner you will encounter an enemy that needs to be knocked out. Next, at the loader, you will see a wooden box that needs to be placed next to the boxes on the left. We climb up these boxes onto the container and then climb onto the roof. Next, there will be a barrier in front of you in the form of electricity. To your right there will be a wooden box that you can move and find a ventilation passage behind it. We pass through it and turn off the switch. We go further and climb into the ventilation. The achievement will unlock.

You can watch the video guide.

Unforeseen Consequence 15

You convinced Zeke Sanders to release the hostage.

When you face Zeke Sanders, you'll have to accept right decisions during dialogue to force him to release the hostage. Remember that incorrect answers can cost the life of the hostage. You can save before starting the dialogue so you can replay if you're not happy with the outcome or want to learn about other turns of events.

Correct answers in the dialogue: Try to free Josie, Reason, Sympathize, Reason.

You can watch the video guide.

Balls / Balls 5

Do you like playing with the ball?

When you walk past a residential area in Detroit, you will find a basketball court with a ball. To get this achievement you need to throw the ball into the hoop.

The easiest way to do this is to build a ladder of trash cans and barrels in front of the ring.

You can watch the video guide.

The Desk Job / Office work 15

You convinced Wayne Haas to let you into the morgue.

As soon as you get to the police station, you will meet your old friend Wayne Haas, whom you will need to persuade to let into the morgue. Personally, during a dialogue with him, I chose only the option to forgive.

You can watch the video guide.

Sentimental Value 10

You kept Megan's bracelet. The hardest thing is to let go, right?

During the "Maternal Care" quest, keep the bracelet for yourself. When you find a garage with 4 electronic books, there will also be a safe with level 3 protection. Hack it to get the fifth e-reader and bracelet. When you talk to Megan's mother at the end of the quest, do not give the bracelet. This choice does not affect the "Motherly Ties" achievement.

The Take / Bribe 10

Greed will kill someone. You took O'Malley's dirty money and let him get away.

At the end of the Cloak and Dagger quest, you will have the choice to arrest O'Malley or let him get away and receive a bribe. Choose a bribe to get this achievement.

The Bull 25

You have defeated Lawrence Barrett, an elite member of a secret mercenary squad.

You will receive this achievement after killing Lawrence Barrett.

You will meet him at the end of the level at the secret FEMA base. The easiest way to kill him is using explosives. Personally I used C4.

Yes Boss / Yes, boss 15

You had an argument with your boss, David Sharif.

You can unlock this achievement upon returning to Sharif Industries after the battle with the first boss. Talk to Pritchard first and then to the guests. And only after with David Sharif.

I learned that dialogues can change over time, so it's best to save before this conversation. If he changes the subject and you follow linear dialogues, he will out-argue you and you will not get this achievement. This achievement depends in part on luck and intuition.

You can watch the video guide.

Attention! You will not be able to complete the above quests or achievements after you leave Detroit for the first time.

The Fall / Flight 10

You sent Daimon Chan on the journey of a lifetime.

You have to make Damon Chan's death look like a suicide. See the achievement "Rotten Business" to learn how to get this achievement.

Darker Shades / Dark shadows 15

You were able to convince the bartender to let you into Tong Si Hung.

On the second floor of the Hive, you need to convince the bartender to let you into Tong Si Hung. Before you talk to him, you better save.

The achievement may be missed depending on the route. For example, I sneaked into a bar through the sewer and climbed into the ventilation next to the guard in the basement. After that, I saw a cutscene in which I learned about the location. I didn't have to talk to the bartender, so beware of the ventilation in the Hive.

Correct answers in dialogue: focus attention, insist, focus attention.

You can watch the video guide.

Guardian Angel / Guardian Angel


You've paid poor Jaya's bills. How... humane of you.

You must pay a debt of 5,000 credits in the mission you received from the Hive Bartender. See the "Bar Tab" achievement to learn how to get this achievement.

Super Sleuth

You handled Lee Gon's case brilliantly.

You need to choose all the answers correctly in the dialogue with Lee Gon. See the achievement "Shanghai Justice" to learn how to get this achievement.

Attention! You will not be able to complete the above quests or achievements after you leave Hansha for the first time.

The Mantis / Praying Mantis 25

You have defeated Elena Fedorova, an elite member of a secret mercenary squad.

You will receive this achievement after killing Elena Fedorova in the headquarters of the Pic TV channel in Montreal.

If you fight it (it's the hardest one and the only one you'll have problems with). At the very beginning of the battle, run forward, turn around and throw a grenade at her. This will stun her for 10 seconds. You can shoot her, use explosives and Typhoon. If you have a lot of energy, then it is best to use it.

The Throwdown / Skirmish 15

You convinced the clever politician Bill Taggart to reveal the truth to the people.

You can watch the video guide.

Lucky Guess/Guess 10

Next time Jacob will have to come up with a more complex activation code for his bombs.

You need to enter the code 0000 in the quest "Down with the Government" to defuse the bomb. See the "Smash the State" achievement to learn how to get this achievement.

You can watch the video guide.

The Last Straw / Last straw 15

You talked Dr. Isaiah Sandoval out of committing suicide.

After you talk to Taggart, you will need to talk to Isaiah. Isaiah can be found at his secret base in the sewers. Once you get past the guards and bombs, you'll save before going through the door.

You will encounter Isaiah, who will want to commit suicide for his crimes, and he will pull out a gun to do so. Your task is to convince him not to do this. The correct answers in the dialogue are: cruel mercy, cruel mercy, sympathize.

You can watch the video guide.

Kevorkian Complex / Kevorkian Syndrome 10

You have fulfilled the last wish of a dying man.

You must inject a lethal dose of morphine into Brandon Redford. See the achievement "Acquaintances Forgotten" to learn how to get this achievement.

Attention! You will not be able to complete the above quests or achievements after you leave Detroit for the second time.

Good Soul / Good soul 15

Despite everything, you managed to save Farida's life.

This achievement is quite difficult for those who complete the "Pacifist" achievement, but it is still possible. You can watch the video guide.

Or you can save in advance and deal with enemies using all the means that you have. If you have a sniper, you can sit at the beginning of the level and shoot enemies from there. As soon as the robot appears, run towards it and use Typhoon or EMP grenades.

Ladies Man 10

You convinced Mengyao to tell about the mysterious Chiron Project.

Attention! You will not be able to complete the above-mentioned quests and achievements for them after you leave Hansha for the second time.

Hangar 18 / Hangar 18 10

You have found and read a secret message. Now you know too much...

When you see four scientists boarding a helicopter, turn right and move the box, behind which you will see a tunnel with a level 5 computer.

Hack it or use the hacking device from the Explosive Mission Pack. Read the letter and the achievement will unlock.

You can watch the video guide.

The Snake / Snake 25

You defeated Jaron Namir, commander of the elite Belltower squad.

You will receive this achievement after killing Jaron Namir. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR BIOCHIP DURING YOUR SECOND ARRIVAL IN HENSHHA. If you have the Explosive Mission Pack, then you have the Grenade Launcher, which will be incredibly useful. With accurate shots, you can get rid of it in 5 seconds. He also dies very quickly with 2-3 hits from the Typhoon system.

Well, you can see the easiest way in this video.

The Final Countdown 15

You pointed out the inconsistencies in his logic to millionaire Hugh Darrow.

As you make your way through Panchaea, you will meet Hugh Darrow himself in one of the spacious halls of the Tower. It's best to save before you meet him. The correct answers in the dialogue are: assume, criticize, address, address.

You can watch the video guide.

The End / The End 25

You defeated Zhao Yunzhu and destroyed the Chiron Project.

This achievement is not missable and will unlock after completing the game.

You don't have to press buttons on girls to get Jao. You can dial code 2012 on the security panel in the center of the hall. And then sit near the glass next to Zhao and wait until it breaks, and then shoot a firearm clip into her. True, for this method you need to upgrade the protection against electricity.

The D Project / Project D 15

You cannot obtain this achievement by selecting credits in the main menu of the game. You need to complete the game and watch the credits to the end.

Before embarking on a full-fledged campaign, it is worth paying attention to the “Training”. Here you can master the mechanics of the game, which will be useful as you progress. ...

Before embarking on a full-fledged campaign, it is worth paying attention to the “Training”. Here you can master the mechanics of the game, which will be useful as you progress.

After the introductory video, we talk to Megan and go to the boss. Along the way we explore the laboratory, and also visually get acquainted with new characters. The conversation with the boss is interrupted by an alarm caused by a technical failure. We go directly to the scene of the incident through the service elevator on the left. We enter code 0451 and, going inside, press the button on the elevator panel. We have weapons in our hands, but there is no need to use them at the moment. We move along the corridors, bending down, we pass under the glass partition. We observe the scene of the execution of laboratory employees and turn into the room on the left. We remove the boxes from the wall, open the hatch grate and, jumping, get inside. We find ourselves on the other side, right where the employees were killed. We move along the corridor, at the end there will be a door. We penetrate further, but do not forget to close the door behind us. So, two opponents come down the stairs. Our task is to pass unnoticed. There are several ways, the main thing is to choose the right moment. Taking a sitting position, we move around the shelters. At one point they will synchronously dig through the tables. When the one closest to the stairs begins to leave, and another one arrives in his place, we will be able to get to the stairs unnoticed. We go upstairs and move along the corridor. We watch our opponents through the glass. When they start moving, we will be able to enter the room by pressing against the wall and opening the door. The easiest way to reach the door at the other end of the room is from the right side. At the end we use the central box to remain unnoticed. And finally, the last room with four enemies. Everything is simple here: we go down the stairs and use the shelters under the stairs. Let's watch the video. We were killed and, so to speak, restored by introducing implants. Six months later we are back in business.

M1 - Back in the saddle.

We go to the second floor to the technical laboratory, to meet with Pritchard to fix the retinal display. In the communication thread, select “Ignore”. Next we get to the helipad to our boss Sharif. We speak with Farida and select the answer on the left. During the flight, we communicate with Sharif and choose answers - non-lethal melee weapons.

M1 - Clearing Sharif's factory.

Having arrived at the place, we enter the building and meet a policeman at the end of the corridor. After talking with him, we choose outside. On the left there is a staircase leading down. We sneak up on the first enemy and stun him. You can search him, be sure to hide the body after neutralization. There are three more ahead. We stun the terrorist standing with his back to us at the moment when the enemy patrolling near the marked door begins to move away. We hide the body and head to the next goal. We deal with him in the same way. Dealing with the latter will not be difficult. We enter the building. We go straight until we come across a door. This room contains a computer and stairs leading upstairs. Being at the top, we jump onto the boxes. There is an enemy on the right, digging into something. We neutralize him, and then another one patrolling nearby. There is another one standing nearby, which we deal with when the patroller turns away. We go to the other end and, having ambushed the patrolling enemy, we stun him and deal with the one rummaging through the boxes. We have three paths - these are two doors and one staircase in the corner leading up to the ventilation shaft. We will follow it. To successfully jump to the mine, we substitute the box lying nearby, sit down and at the same time press jump + forward. After passing through the tunnel, we will find ourselves in the locker room. There may be useful items in the lockers, so don’t be lazy to inspect them. The next door is locked and requires a password, so we must hack it. We pass further, where four enemies are located in the hall. We carefully go down the stairs before the conversation between them ends. When they disperse, we neutralize the nearest one. We hide the body and stun another one near the table. There are two left who patrol in a circle. First we will deal with the outer one, and then with the one in the center. Ahead is a corridor with a surveillance camera. It’s easy to get around it, just walk under it and avoid its rays. We break open the next door and move on. Ignoring the conversation of the opponents, we turn left and see boxes under the stairs blocking the ventilation shaft. Having passed along it, we find ourselves in another room and stun the only patrolman. We quietly get to the elevator. Having arrived at the desired floor, we immediately select a praxis at the exit. With it we can improve our implants, since we have chosen the stealth mode, we are upgrading the corresponding branches. And at the corner we see a ventilation shaft on the wall on the right. It will lead us straight to the right door, bypassing the surveillance camera.

M2 - Neutralize the terrorist leader.

After the video, we get to the elevator. We go up the stairs and see two patrolmen diverging. It's best to neutralize them and then go left of the stairs. IN last room there will be a ventilation shaft that will take us to the first floor. From there we can easily make our way to next stairs. Having risen, we open the door and watch the video. We have a choice. We are trying to free Josie. To do this, we constantly select the “Sympathize” branch.

M3 - Evacuation.

We go to the helipad to Malik.

M4 - Finishing the job.

After asking her a little, we head to Pritchard so that he can study the Typhoon. Then to boss Sharif to receive a new task and tell details about what happened at the factory.

M5 - Investigation of a suicide terrorist attack.

Having agreed to a new task, we go to the police station. We go inside and talk to Wen Haas in the window. We constantly select the “Forgive” branch. Having gained access to the morgue, we examine the body and remove the neural node. We go home and connect it to the computer.

M6 - Visit to the PROTEZ clinic.

Upon arrival at the clinic, we learn that no additional injections will be required. At the same time, here we can buy items to increase energy, as well as a more important resource - Praxis.

M7 - Disable transmission.

We go to the slums, where we have to hack the antenna transmitting signals. There are different ways to get into the slums. The easiest way is through the door. However, the path there is blocked by large boxes, which can be moved away if you have the appropriate implant. The second way is through the roof, which can be climbed using the fire escape in the alley. Then we climb along the ledge and find ourselves on the opposite side. We go down the stairs. We penetrate the building and follow the patrolman. Two more people stand further away and talk. Having dealt with this, we go along the right side, bending down. Next we move along the left side behind the containers. At the same time, we listen to conversations between opponents. We enter another building and kill the patrolman. Two enemies are sitting on the sofa and watching TV. After listening to their conversation, we very carefully make our way to the stairs on the left. Having risen, we see mines on the walls. We select a barrel and throw it along the located mines. This way we will destroy them all. Of course, the enemies will be alarmed, so we’ll wait it out and move on. Having dealt with them, we begin to hack the system. We make the antenna inactive and wait for Farida near the helipad.

M9 - Transmission.

Having arrived in the area, we enter the building through the door and after walking a little, watch the video.

M10 - Search for clues in Highland Park.

We open the door and get out. We go around on the left side, hiding behind the containers. You can do without stunning enemies at all. To do this, move only on the left side, remove the containers and sneak to the door. We penetrate the building, there will be a ventilation shaft on the right. We continue to go to the elevator. Here we neutralize the patrolman until the guard above sees him. We hide the body and, bypassing the surveillance camera, get to the elevator. Having gone down on it, we turn right and jump into a certain pit. We remove the box and climb forward along the ventilation shaft. Being in another pit, we wait for the enemy and deal with him. The robot patrols the area, so when he is not looking, we get out of the hole and go further through the door. Two soldiers are talking ahead. We will neutralize one of them when he comes towards us. We climb up the stairs. We get to a room with doors in both directions. We choose the left path. We deal with the patrolman on the central bridge. On the left there is a room in which there is a ventilation shaft near the computer. We get through it to the next room, and from there the easiest way is to get to the stairs, which will take us to the first floor. If necessary, we neutralize the patrolmen. We take the elevator down even lower, where we meet the first boss. To kill him you will need a powerful weapon. We run from column to column, and try to lure the enemy to explosive objects. Don't forget to also dodge enemy grenades and throw your own, since Barrett is vulnerable against them. Useful items are scattered around, including weapons. After the victory, we will collect the remains and return to Malik.

M11 - Whispers of a conspiracy.

Let's visit Pritchard first, because he wants to tell us something important. Having learned new details, we go to Sharif. We meet Bill Taggert in the reception area. In the dialogue, select the “Keep Calm” and “Ask” branches. In a conversation with Sharif, we use the “Justify” branch. Then we talk to him again and, having received a new task, we go to Malik to fly to China.

M1 - Hunting for a hacker.

Before us new town and accordingly a new part of the plot. All additional tasks that we did not manage to complete in Detroit will automatically expire, and we will no longer be able to return to them. We get to the penthouse, but we are not allowed to enter it. Therefore, we go further, where there will be a ventilation shaft in the corner. Having passed along it, turn right and go to the end. There will be another ventilation on the wall on the right. From there we open the door leading outside. We don’t stick our heads out until the patrolmen finish speaking. Then we get to the elevator. Going down the elevator, we see vending machines with drinks in front of us. One of them blocked the ventilation shaft. This will take us to the desired computer. It is advisable to neutralize enemies nearby. After the break-in, we contact Malik and return back the same way we came. Next we head to the Uley night club. You can get there through the main entrance, but in this case you will have to pay 1000 credits. There is an easier way: on the left in the alley there is a ventilation shaft that will lead us inside. We talk to the bartender and find out about Tong. On the second floor we talk with the manager, selecting the “Pay attention” branch. Now we can go to Tonga and find out where Van Bruggen is. Along the way we will meet Malik, which will turn out to be very strange, and we will carefully ask her about her secrets. It is not at all necessary to complete the quest given by Malik, so let’s move on.

M2 - Obtaining access to Tai-Yun Medical.

After talking with Bryggen in residential areas, we go to the brothel and try to steal the employee’s card. It’s very simple to do this: we go into the next room, and from there through the balcony we get to the desired room. We return to Van Brugger so that he can redo the data for us. After the video, we hand over the weapon to Van Brugger and begin our escape from the area. We head to the stairs and go down to the floor below. We turn right and enter the first room, where there are two opponents. Having neutralized them, we find a ventilation shaft that will lead us to the exit. IN next room there is a patrolman, as well as a surveillance camera. It is advisable not to disturb them, but, at the right moment, to rush past. This is very easy to do, because the camera doesn’t move at all. The last toilet has a ventilation shaft. Having got out of it on the other side, we see a turret in front of us and two opponents on the right. Having slipped past them, we find ourselves in the shower room. On one side there is electricity and on the other there are mines. We grab the box and throw it along these mines. By the time the enemies come running, we will already have time to run to the laundry room. There are two more here, we will deal with them when both are next to us. Then, after saving, we poke our heads around the corner and see ordinary and heavily armed soldiers. You can’t just get through, so they definitely need to be neutralized. One of them will look at us, while the second will turn in the other direction. When he turns around, we quickly move diagonally to the bedside table. We are waiting for the right moment to turn left. We hide behind the cabinet on the right. We wait for the enemy, stun him and finish off the heavily armed one. Next, we leave the building and go on the train, which will take us to Tai-Yun Medical.

Tai-Yun Medical.
M1 - In search of evidence.

We go up the stairs and break open the door. We are stopped by a gasping employee who finds himself in a locked room. To save him, you need to break open the nearby door and unscrew the valve. Then we make our way into the room with the employee, remove the boxes and crawl towards him. After talking with him, we move on. In the server room we are stopped by a security guard. In the dialogue we select “Mention Lee”, and he gladly lets us through. We hack the console in the center and go to the room on the left. We go up the stairs, where we go along the first bridge into the room. We select a pocket secretary, which contains the code for the pump room. We return back to the server room and go down the stairs to the level below. We sneak past the first camera. Then past the second one, but there we turn right. Behind the container there is a ventilation shaft that will lead us to the desired door. We use the elevator, exit it and break open the utility room door on the right. We turn off the electricity and go into the next room. We climb up the structure on the right. We go up the stairs and get to another elevator. On Pritchard’s advice, we’ll hide the weapon and head to the laboratory. We are not allowed there, so we are looking for another way. For example, in the room on the right there is a ventilation shaft. You can get to it by breaking the doors. After passing through the mine, we turn right. There are enemies across the room. We deal with them and at the exit from the room we turn right to the stairs. There will be no problems on the second floor. We will be in the safe zone again. The strict guard will not let us through, so we turn right and, going down a little lower on the stairs, we hack the console while no one sees. We make lasers inactive. When the guard on the other side begins to move away, we catch up and neutralize him. There are two more ahead and the one in the center has a secret code for the desired door. However, that same door can be broken down. In the room with lasers, move first left, then right. To the right is small room, and behind the box in this room there is a ventilation shaft. She will lead us to a room with security. We neutralize the guard sitting at the computer and then the remaining two. Having opened the door, we wait for the laser to go away and quickly move to the right. We pass by the boxes and enter the elevator so that the camera does not notice us.

M2 - Entrance to the dragon's lair.

After the cutscene, go through the door to the left of the elevator. Ahead is a corridor patrolled by a heavily armed soldier. We go around it on the right side, where we neutralize the other one, constantly standing in one place. We hide the body and move on. We move along the corridor to the desired room. Everything here is illuminated by a surveillance camera. Let's climb into the nearby computer and find out the code for the door. It is advisable to turn off the camera at this moment. We take the elevator to Zhao. After the video, we try to escape from the guards that appear. We go down the right stairs. There is a ventilation shaft in the corner leading to the first floor. It will be more difficult to get out of it, so first open the shaft door, this will lure the guards. When they calm down, we can get out and gradually get to the exit. We take the elevator down to the hangar, where we need to neutralize two robots. This can be done using EMP grenades, or by hacking computers nearby. Having finished with them, we open the gate using the button on the tower and get into the rescue helicopter.

M1 - Meeting with Elisa Kassan.

Having landed on the helipad, we enter the building and move to room 404. Since the doors are blocked, we go around. After talking with Eliza, we learn that we have fallen into a trap. We leave the room and turn right. In the next room there is a ventilation shaft. We go straight along it and listen to the conversation of the opponents. We get out and turn left. We move between the tables, and then go down the stairs. We turn left and follow the corridor. To prevent the camera from detecting us, we quickly hide behind the sofas on the right until the enemies see us. And from there we get into the elevator. We move along the corridor, we see two people ahead. We enter the room on the left and from there we get to the second floor, where we destroy the patrolmen one by one. From the back side we go down and sneak to the desired door. It is advisable to neutralize a heavily armed soldier. Having gone down the stairs, we head to the funicular. We immediately neutralize the two standing with their backs to us. It will not be possible to approach the cable car directly, so we move away the nearby vending machine and through the ventilation shaft we find ourselves in the room with the cable car. We climb up the stairs and, luring opponents here, neutralize them. We get to the button that calls the funicular. However, we are not in a hurry to press: we will install containers near the elevator door so that you can hide behind them. After all, the funicular will not arrive soon, and in the meantime the opponents will be hanging around here. Our task is to hold out at any cost. We go down on the funicular and, turning right, sneak under the camera. We are waiting for security to appear behind the sofas. After talking with each other, one of them will go back. At this moment we leave the shelter and follow him. This way we can safely pass the switchable lasers. At the end, we will stun the enemy so that he does not interfere with our calm progress through the complex. Turn right and enter the first door. We leave the other one when the enemy moves away. We stun him and hide his body in the room. Next is a long corridor, at the end of which there is a chamber. Before we go around it, let's look into one more room. We will find an access code on the computer. Around the corner is another room with ammunition storage. We open the next door when the enemy moves away and turn left. Having walked forward a little, we go down the stairs and hide behind a column. Having found the moment, we sneak to the door. We go down the stairs and move on when the heavily armed soldier turns away. On the left there is a door to a room through which we will go and find ourselves on the other side. We turn right, where there will be a small room with two patrolmen. We act very carefully, rolling from one obstacle to another and always keeping an eye on the camera. Further in the corridor there is another surveillance camera, we pass under it and crawl along the ventilation shaft. Before you go to fight the second boss, let's look into the room on the left. There is a heavy machine gun with a lot of ammunition here.

The leader of the mercenaries is perhaps the most powerful enemy in the game. She uses very powerful weapons and can also turn invisible.

These are the recommendations for battle. If the “EMP Protection” implant is installed, then you can calmly run during her attacks in the longest circle, trying to provoke the explosion of her mines near special devices on the wall. This will cause electricity to spread as the floor is covered with a layer of water. Taking advantage of its slowdown, we quickly attack with everything we have.

The second option is as follows. We run around the second circle, i.e. the smaller one, and try to attack as accurately as possible, at the same time, running away and dodging her attacks. In case you run out of ammunition, you can always find it in the large circle wall cabinets. When the enemy is in an invisible state (recharging), she can attack suddenly and without warning from our artificial intelligence assistant (Elisa Kassan). Therefore, at this time you need to be in the smallest, central circle. To see its location you need to use the ability to look through walls. Having finally dealt with the boss, we will examine the corpse in search of useful items, as well as the entire hall, leave the building and get to the rescue helicopter.

M1 - Conversation with Sharif.

We head to our apartment to talk with Sharif.

M2 - Find Isaiah Sandoval.

We receive a VIP pass and head to the convention center. Having burst in there, we enter into dialogue with Taggart. In the conversation, select the “Conflict” branch. Having successfully persuaded him to give away Sandoval's location, we go backstage. After talking with him again, we get to Grand River Road. You can enter the apartment through the fire escape. Having noticed two people talking on the staircase, we wait until they leave and go into the right apartment. In the next room is Zeke Sanders. We open the door and quickly deal with him. We remove the drawers and go to the bathroom. Here we also remove the drawers and activate the electrical panel on the wall. A secret bunker has opened, in which Sandoval is probably hiding. We go down the stairs a little, then jump onto the barrels, walk a little along the structure and turn left. We jump down, and from there we go forward and go down the stairs again. Let's go forward and hide behind the box on the left. Let's wait until the patrolman leaves and make our way into the passage on the wall to the left. We neutralize the next guard when he gets between the lasers. We hide the corpse and very slowly sneak past one single mine. In a conversation with Sandoval, select the “Cruel Mercy” branch. We get to the surface and get to the roof of our house, where Malik will be waiting for us.

M1 - Old debts.

Pritchard is not in the office, but he asked to see Sharif. After the video, we return to the helipad to go back to Hengshu and find Vasily Shevchenko’s transmitter, and perhaps himself.

M2 - Find Vasily Shevchenko's transmitter.

After we crashed and were shot down, we take advantage of Malik's distraction and go in search of the transmitter. We turn right, jump down and sneak through the building before the enemies notice us. Before the helicopter explodes, we will already have time to get to the elevator. Once in Lower Hensha, we continue our search. Along the way, we get advice from Pritchard to visit the local PROTEZ clinic to get a new biochip. There is an enemy near the clinic that needs to be neutralized in order to move on. We go down into the subway and take the train to the Yuzhao region. The door we need is carefully guarded. In the alley we come across a sewer hatch and go down. You need to go on the right side, it’s much safer. First we deal with the patrolman, and then with the one sitting on the chair. We dump the corpses into the water. We pass further through the central door. Here, on the contrary, we first neutralize the sitting person, and then quickly the patrolman. We pass further behind the boxes. There are two people sitting on the sofa and they will probably notice us if we move in the open. Using rolls, first to the left and then to the right, we get to the doors. We sneak behind the sofa and then behind the rusty cars. At the end, we remove the boxes and enter the desired door.

M3 - Hide and seek.

After talking with Tong, we go to the Belltower port. Having reached the surface, we pass further than the main gate, where we remove the box and enter the territory. We pass forward and, having let the robot through, go down the stairs. We lie in wait for the patrolman and neutralize him when he gets closer. We hide the body and sneak under the camera. We go up the next stairs again. Hiding behind the trucks, we move forward, the main thing is that the sniper above does not notice us. There is a camera and a patrolman ahead. We carefully pass behind the containers, preferably neutralizing the patrolman, who, by the way, has a pocket secretary with a code for the door next to the camera. We find ourselves in the right room and neutralize the sleeping guard. We break open the door and get the package from the locker. We return to the cell, or rather to the door next to the cell. Open it with the received code. Having entered the warehouse, turn right and move to the end. Let's wait until the guards finish speaking and move on. Once on the other side, we go up to the second floor. We climb the metal stairs to the very top and jump through the passage in the ceiling into the room. We install explosives and watch the video.

M1 - Rescue of Megan and her group.

Having got out of the capsule in which we stayed for several days, we leave the building through the door next to the red gate. We turn right and listen to the conversation of the patrolmen, hiding behind the barrels. One of them will come towards us, and we will neutralize him, then drag the body away. There is a passage straight ahead. We remove the container from the path and climb into the building through the window. It's very easy to neutralize everyone here. In the last room we hack the central computer, thereby completing an additional task. Now it has become much easier to navigate. We get out of here through the double doors and turn right. Going around the terrace, we will watch for the patrolman and neutralize him. Having hidden the body, we enter the building on the right. After sterilization, we will find ourselves in the central hall. There is a ventilation shaft to the right of the chamber. Let's carefully follow the enemy and sneak there. We get out from the other side and go up the stairs. Having risen, we turn right and follow the long corridor, eliminating the guards one by one, until we find ourselves at the door where one of the employees is being held. We hack it until the camera sees it. After talking with Nia Colvin, we set off to save the other members of the group. Getting to the next scientist, who is in the laboratory on the third floor, is a little easier. We go up the stairs in the central hall and turn left, of course, when the patrolman does not see. We enter the door on the right and move along the corridor. We pass through the lasers using the guard, who periodically walks back and forth. We speak with Eric Koss and leave the laboratory using the elevator located in the next room. Having gone down the elevator, we leave the room and turn right. Then turn right again at the first turn. There are guards ahead, finding the moment, we quickly climb the stairs to the right. We go through the central door to the left and go down the stairs. We hack the terminal to turn off the lasers. We go down the elevator straight to the next scientist - Declan Faherty. After talking with him, we return to the elevator. The main person left to save is Megan. Faherty gave us a virus that needs to be downloaded onto the main computer located outside the complex. This virus will make it impossible for Belltower to monitor our scientists. We leave the building the way we got here. To the right of the exit there is an enemy with a turret, as well as a patrolman moving back and forth. When they gather in a heap, we throw an EMP or a smoke grenade at them, pressed against the wall. Thus, we will deal with everyone without raising the alarm. You should not throw a smoke grenade into the area viewed by the turret, as it will quickly detect the “enemy” and begin continuous fire, which will naturally lead to undesirable consequences. We move further, where two cameras and a robot await us ahead. It won't be difficult to get around them. In the room with the main computer, we load the resulting virus into the disk reader next to the computer. After talking with Pritchard, we wait until the patrol that has appeared leaves, and we go to the elevator through the opened gate. We watch the video and begin the battle with the next boss - John Ramira. Immediately after the video, we throw a grenade at him and hit him with the most powerful weapon that we have. Our implants are disabled, so we can't use abilities like Typhoon, etc. There is a place on each side of the central glass where we can press ourselves and fight off the enemy. If he throws grenades to smoke us out, we quickly run to the opposite shelter. John is especially vulnerable when jumping over glass. We attack it until it is completely destroyed. We finally get to Megan. After the video, we go to the hangar to open the roof, thereby preparing for evacuation. We watch through the glass the rescue of employees and then quickly run to Leo’s shuttle to go to Panhea. We stun opponents who stand in the way with simple blows.

M1 - Stop transmission.

Having received instructions from Pritchard, we head to the tower. We navigate by the beacon on the screen. We jump down and after walking a little, we come across electrified water. We jump onto the pipe on the right and move along it. We remove the container and jump onto the pipe on the left again. Having passed the corner, we shoot the boxes and penetrate into the ventilation shaft. Inside you can see a mine, which is easily destroyed by a shot. Once in the room, turn off the electricity and exit through the door. We turn right and move along the corridor. We turn right and go up the stairs. The hardest part is over, all that remains is to get to the elevator. We move along the corridors to the center of the tower. In a conversation with Hugh Darrow, select the “Criticize” branch. Having received the access codes, we return back to the elevator. We will have to break through the crowd of distraught employees. Don't forget that they are fast, they cause serious damage even alone, but most importantly, they cannot jump over even the simplest obstacles.

To be continued…

After the introductory video, we talk to Megan and go to the boss. Along the way we explore the laboratory, and also visually get acquainted with new characters. The conversation with the boss is interrupted by an alarm caused by a technical failure. We go directly to the scene of the incident through the service elevator on the left. We enter code 0451 and, going inside, press the button on the elevator panel. We have weapons in our hands, but there is no need to use them at the moment. We move along the corridors, bending down, we pass under the glass partition. We observe the scene of the execution of laboratory employees and turn into the room on the left. We remove the boxes from the wall, open the hatch grate and, jumping, get inside. We find ourselves on the other side, right where the employees were killed. We move along the corridor, at the end there will be a door. We penetrate further, but do not forget to close the door behind us. So, two opponents come down the stairs. Our task is to go unnoticed. There are several ways, the main thing is to choose the right moment. Taking a sitting position, we move around the shelters. At one point they will synchronously dig through the tables. When the one closest to the stairs begins to leave, and another one arrives in his place, we will be able to get to the stairs unnoticed. We go upstairs and move along the corridor. We watch our opponents through the glass. When they start moving, we will be able to enter the room by pressing against the wall and opening the door. The easiest way to reach the door at the other end of the room is from the right side. At the end we use the central box to remain unnoticed. And finally, the last room with four enemies. Everything is simple here: we go down the stairs and use the shelters under the stairs. Let's watch the video. We were killed and, so to speak, restored by introducing implants. Six months later we are back in business.

Detroit. M1 – Back in the saddle.

We go to the second floor to the technical laboratory, to meet with Pritchard to fix the retinal display. In the communication thread, select “Ignore”. Next we get to the helipad to our boss Sharif. We speak with Farida and select the answer on the left. During the flight, we communicate with Sharif and choose answers - non-lethal melee weapons.

M1 – Clearing Sharif's factory.

Having arrived at the place, we enter the building and meet a policeman at the end of the corridor. After talking with him, we choose outside. On the left there is a staircase leading down. We sneak up on the first enemy and stun him. You can search him, be sure to hide the body after neutralization. There are three more ahead. We stun the terrorist standing with his back to us at the moment when the enemy patrolling near the marked door begins to move away. We hide the body and head to the next goal. We deal with him in the same way. Dealing with the latter will not be difficult. We enter the building. We go straight until we come across a door. This room contains a computer and stairs leading upstairs. Being at the top, we jump onto the boxes. There is an enemy on the right, digging into something. We neutralize him, and then another one patrolling nearby. There is another one standing nearby, which we deal with when the patroller turns away. We go to the other end and, having ambushed the patrolling enemy, we stun him and deal with the one rummaging through the boxes. We have three paths - two doors and one staircase in the corner leading up to the ventilation shaft. We will follow it. To successfully jump to the mine, we substitute the box lying nearby, sit down and at the same time press jump + forward. After passing through the tunnel, we will find ourselves in the locker room. There may be useful items in the lockers, so don’t be lazy to inspect them. The next door is locked and requires a password, so we must hack it. We pass further, where four enemies are located in the hall. We carefully go down the stairs before the conversation between them ends. When they disperse, we neutralize the nearest one. We hide the body and stun another one near the table. There are two left who patrol in a circle. First we will deal with the outer one, and then with the one in the center. Ahead is a corridor with a surveillance camera. It’s easy to get around it, just walk under it and avoid its rays. We break open the next door and move on. Ignoring the conversation of the opponents, we turn left and see boxes under the stairs blocking the ventilation shaft. Having passed along it, we find ourselves in another room and stun the only patrolman. We quietly get to the elevator. Having arrived at the desired floor, we immediately select a praxis at the exit. With it we can improve our implants, since we have chosen the stealth mode, we are upgrading the corresponding branches. And at the corner we see a ventilation shaft on the wall on the right. It will lead us straight to the right door, bypassing the surveillance camera.

M2 – Neutralize the terrorist leader.

After the video, we get to the elevator. We go up the stairs and see two patrolmen diverging. It's best to neutralize them and then go left of the stairs. In the last room there will be a ventilation shaft that will take us to the first floor. From there we can easily make our way to the next staircase. Having risen, we open the door and watch the video. We have a choice. We are trying to free Josie. To do this, we constantly select the “Sympathize” branch.

M3 – Evacuation.

We go to the helipad to Malik.

M4 – Finishing the job.

After asking her a little, we head to Pritchard so that he can study the Typhoon. Then to boss Sharif to receive a new task and tell details about what happened at the factory.

M5 – Investigation of a suicide terrorist attack.

Having agreed to a new task, we go to the police station. We go inside and talk to Wen Haas in the window. We constantly select the “Forgive” branch. Having gained access to the morgue, we examine the body and remove the neural node. We go home and connect it to the computer.

M6 – Visit to the PROTEZ clinic.

Upon arrival at the clinic, we learn that no additional injections will be required. At the same time, here we can buy items to increase energy, as well as a more important resource - Praxis.
M7 – Disable transmission.

We go to the slums, where we have to hack the antenna transmitting signals. There are different ways to get into the slums. The easiest way is through the door. However, the path there is blocked by large boxes, which can be moved away if you have the appropriate implant. The second way is through the roof, which can be climbed using the fire escape in the alley. Then we climb along the ledge and find ourselves on the opposite side. We go down the stairs. We penetrate the building and follow the patrolman. Two more people stand further away and talk. Having dealt with this, we go along the right side, bending down. Next we move along the left side behind the containers. At the same time, we listen to conversations between opponents. We enter another building and kill the patrolman. Two enemies are sitting on the sofa and watching TV. After listening to their conversation, we very carefully make our way to the stairs on the left. Having risen, we see mines on the walls. We select a barrel and throw it along the located mines. This way we will destroy them all. Of course, the enemies will be alarmed, so we’ll wait it out and move on. Having dealt with them, we begin to hack the system. We make the antenna inactive and wait for Farida near the helipad.

M9 – Transmission.

Having arrived in the area, we enter the building through the door and after walking a little, watch the video.

M10 – Search for clues in Highland Park.

We open the door and get out. We go around on the left side, hiding behind the containers. You can do without stunning enemies at all. To do this, move only on the left side, remove the containers and sneak to the door. We penetrate the building, there will be a ventilation shaft on the right. We continue to go to the elevator. Here we neutralize the patrolman until the guard above sees him. We hide the body and, bypassing the surveillance camera, get to the elevator. Having gone down on it, we turn right and jump into a certain pit. We remove the box and climb forward along the ventilation shaft. Being in another pit, we wait for the enemy and deal with him. The robot patrols the area, so when he is not looking, we get out of the hole and go further through the door. Two soldiers are talking ahead. We will neutralize one of them when he comes towards us. We climb up the stairs. We get to a room with doors in both directions. We choose the left path. We deal with the patrolman on the central bridge. On the left there is a room in which there is a ventilation shaft near the computer. We get through it to the next room, and from there the easiest way is to get to the stairs, which will take us to the first floor. If necessary, we neutralize the patrolmen. We take the elevator down even lower, where we meet the first boss. To kill him you will need a powerful weapon. We run from column to column, and try to lure the enemy to explosive objects. Don't forget to also dodge enemy grenades and throw your own, since Barrett is vulnerable against them. Useful items are scattered around, including weapons. After the victory, we will collect the remains and return to Malik.

M11 – Whispers of a conspiracy.

Let's visit Pritchard first, because he wants to tell us something important. Having learned new details, we go to Sharif. We meet Bill Taggert in the reception area. In the dialogue, select the “Keep Calm” and “Ask” branches. In a conversation with Sharif, we use the “Justify” branch. Then we talk to him again and, having received a new task, we go to Malik to fly to China.

Shanghai. M1 – Hunting for a hacker.

Before us is a new city and, accordingly, a new part of the plot. All additional tasks that we did not manage to complete in Detroit will automatically expire, and we will no longer be able to return to them. We get to the penthouse, but we are not allowed to enter it. Therefore, we go further, where there will be a ventilation shaft in the corner. Having passed along it, turn right and go to the end. There will be another ventilation on the wall on the right. From there we open the door leading outside. We don’t stick our heads out until the patrolmen finish speaking. Then we get to the elevator. Going down the elevator, we see vending machines with drinks in front of us. One of them blocked the ventilation shaft. This will take us to the desired computer. It is advisable to neutralize enemies nearby. After the break-in, we contact Malik and return back the same way we came. Next we head to the Uley night club. You can get there through the main entrance, but in this case you will have to pay 1000 credits. There is an easier way: on the left in the alley there is a ventilation shaft that will lead us inside. We talk to the bartender and find out about Tong. On the second floor we talk with the manager, selecting the “Pay attention” branch. Now we can go to Tonga and find out where Van Bruggen is. Along the way we will meet Malik, which will turn out to be very strange, and we will carefully ask her about her secrets. It is not at all necessary to complete the quest given by Malik, so let’s move on.

Former operative Adam Jensen works as the head of security for the world's most important biotechnology corporation. Everything was going just fine for him until the company’s office was attacked by unknown people. Most of the scientists died, but he himself main character was seriously injured.

To keep Jensen alive, management carried out mechanical improvements to him. Now Adam is in a world where no one can be trusted. In this world, implants turn ordinary people into supermen. Humanity is beginning to develop along a different path. Some consider themselves gods.

Together with Adam you will have to figure out what is really going on. It is important to remember that all decisions and actions can forever change the world around us. The fate of humanity depends on your final decisions.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut

Everyone has long since worked, but the headquarters of Sharif Industries is full of life. In the morning, the staff goes to Washington to speak before the UN commission. On it, Dr. Megan Reed will present a new invention. She's nervous, just like her colleagues. Even David Sharif himself is on pins and needles.

Security Chief Adam Jensen is also on edge. However, he doesn't show any sign. He had already checked the security posts and personally discussed tomorrow with the cops. All that remains is to go to the boss to report. Everything is ready for the event.

Long live the revolution!

Adam Jensen does not yet know that a “surprise” awaits him soon

Meg goes with Adam to Sharif. When you approach the girl, Adam will begin the scripted path to the boss. Along the way, Dr. Reed behaves strangely - he asks for forgiveness and wants to say “something important,” but stops himself. Jensen will think it's because of nerves. Megan goes to her friend's laboratory, Adam goes to Sharif's penthouse.

Walkthrough Deus games Ex: Human Revolution - during the report, the fire alarm will sound. There was an accident in the laboratory where Megan went! Adam must check what happened. The boss says the private elevator code is 0451.

Run to the elevator, enter the code, go down to the laboratory. Francis Pritchard (Chief Information Security Officer) is contacting you. He says one security camera is broken. The connection is interrupted: Adam takes out a machine gun:

When these two realize that they are not alone in the room, it will be too late.

You see this picture: some mercenaries are destroying equipment and shooting at scientists. So, shoot at your enemies. Take a straight road to the laboratory where Megan was going.

Important! If you strive to have the “Pacifist” achievement, then you cannot even kill the scumbags who destroy equipment. Go around them in an arc, hiding behind the equipment.

Jensen breaks forward and runs into the mercenary commander. This is a big guy, all in prosthetics. They will crush Adam a little, then they will put a bullet in his body. The last thing Jensen sees is Megan Reid knocking his prosthetic arm to the floor:

Back in action

6 months have passed. David Sharif's scientists have done a tremendous amount of work, bringing Adam back from the other world. But now the hero goes all out of biochemistry.

The head of security is blown up by an alarm. David Sharif says we need to get to the helipad quickly. But you can’t get there quickly - retinal implants don’t work well. We'll have to go to the hacker - Pritchard.

Choice: When Sharif says that people's lives are at stake, this is serious. If you don’t want to fail half the mission, then don’t stay at the headquarters. Run to Pritchard, then to the landing pad.

The walkthrough of the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution continues. Frank's office is located on the 2nd floor, to the right of the stairs. The hacker will make the implants. Then go to the helipad. Pilot Farid Malik is waiting for you.

Sharif under siege

The helicopter flies to the factory. Along the way, David Sharif will talk about the situation. The plant, which produces implants, was attacked by the Purity Movement. It is led by Zeke Sanders. The soldiers have already cordoned off the building and want to destroy everyone. However, in one workshop there is a top-secret implant - the Typhoon system. The cops shouldn't be allowed near him. Your task is to get inside, steal secret development, and settle scores with Zeke. It would be nice to save the hostages, but this is not necessary.

You are dropped off on the roof of a neighbor's building. Go to the back room and talk to the special forces soldiers. They won't tell you anything valuable. Exit the utility room to the other side of the roof and go down. This will take you into enemy territory.

There will be a sentry around the corner. He stands with his back to you. Hit him in the head. Afterwards, go to the courtyard and examine the situation. If you have firearms, then you can walk noisily and with gunfire through the yard. You can easily deal with three sleepy guards.

The bloodless path is much longer. Drag two boxes to the containers near the wall and climb up. Find the fire escape that leads to the roof. Go there to the electrical cables, look to the right. Climb through the small hole that is covered by the box to the switchboard and turn off the electricity. Run to the far edge of the roof, climb into the air duct. It will lead you to the back room of the warehouse.

The walkthrough of the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution continues. There are 5 terrorists in the warehouse. It is better to go on the left side of the room. Hide behind drawers and shelves. Next - either immediately onto the ramp, and through the door into the corridor, or through the foyer, where two guards are repairing the turret.

Three guards are talking outside the locker room. Then they will disperse. Only one will remain. Knock him, go to the gateway to the internal laboratories. Pick the lock, go through “disinfection” and find yourself on the balcony. The hall is guarded by 4 people. Another is searching the back room. Start with him. Go out onto the stairs on the left side, jump over the railing. Go to the back room and deal with the terrorist. Then show yourself in the opening for a moment so that the patrolman sees the movement and goes to check. Knock him out. Just take out the others one by one.

On the loggia of the laboratory they are holding hostages. Its doors are open. But upon entering, a gas bomb is activated. It's better not to enter through the doors. Climb through the ventilation under the stairs in the corner. Shoot the bomb flasks, or hack the control panel. It is also fashionable to dial 1505 on the emergency shutdown remote control. But first, remove it from the guard.

Consequences: if Adam did not show good diligence and spent a lot of time walking inside the building, then do not do the above. The bomb will explode before you arrive.

The walkthrough of the game Deus Ex Human Revolution continues. If you successfully dealt with the bomb, then forgive the hostages to be as quiet as possible. Greg Thorpe will say that Zach took his wife to the director's office.

Go to the assembly shop where the Typhoon is lying around. There will be a security camera in the next corridor. A guard walks underneath her. Walk past quietly. Pick the lock on the door. This will take you to the assembly shop. He is guarded by four people. You need an elevator at the far end.

You find yourself in the server room. Owners of the Turret Hacking implant will quickly run through the corridor to the terminal. Then they will hack it and turn off the turret. Others should calmly climb into the ventilation on the right side of the corridor.

So, you are in the laboratory where the Typhoon lies. There is already some hacker there. He has implants, which is unusual for purity warriors. When you approach, the hacker will shoot himself! Sharif will say that the corpse should be left for the cops, but you are picking up the Typhoon. Go find Sanders. Go to the elevator, then through the passage, then to the stairs. You will come across guards talking.

No need to go down to the first floor. When playing through the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution, go to the conference room, then go down the stairs to the toilet. The drawer next to the toilet door gives a great view of the office. Use it. Upstairs will be the director's office. Sanders sat inside and held a gun to Josie Thorpe's head. He says there were no hackers with him.

The worst thing is to let Zeke and the hostage go. Then he will run away and the woman will be killed. It's best to tell Zack that you're not talking to terrorists. Then he will pause before shooting Josie. During this time, stun him with a paralyzer, or kill him with a shot in the head. But the peaceful way is to convince him that he left the hostage and got out of here. The boss will be unhappy, but Zeke will admit that he has a debt to Jensen.

So, go to the helicopter that will take you to Sharif Industries.

There are two types of spurs, Blondie. Some enter through the door... And others through the window.

Film "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"

The workday is long over, but the headquarters of Sharif Industries is bustling with life. Tomorrow morning, the staff will travel to Washington and speak before the UN commission, where Dr. Megan Reed will present her new invention to the public. Megan is terribly nervous and for some reason is sure that the performance will turn out to be a disgrace. Her colleagues are also nervous - everyone, from interns to professors, is bustling around in the laboratories and double-checking calculations. Even David Sharif himself is heartbroken, despite the fact that he is all in anticipation of the triumph of his company.

Adam Jensen, head of security at Sharif Industries, is also nervous. But, unlike everyone else, he doesn’t show it - after all, at least someone in this bedlam must keep his face like a brick. Adam checked the security posts, personally discussed the plan for tomorrow's event with the Washington police... All that remained was to look at the chief and report. After all, what could go wrong?

Long live the revolution!

Adam Jensen does not yet know that in just half an hour, all the precautions he has taken to protect the company will go to waste.

Meg offers to take Adam to Sharif - she doesn't care about the route. As soon as we approach the girl, Adam will go on a scripted journey to the boss.

All the way, Dr. Reed will behave very strangely - constantly asking Adam for forgiveness for unknown reasons, gathering his courage to say “something important,” but immediately taking back his words, and at every opportunity avoiding talking about his opening. Jensen will blame everything on the girl’s nervous state and will not go into questioning. Megan will go to her friend's laboratory, and Adam will go to Sharif's penthouse.

The security chief's report will be interrupted by an alarm - but not a security alarm, but a fire alarm, reporting an accident in one of the laboratories. And not in some random laboratory, but precisely in the one where Megan went a couple of minutes ago! Most likely, there is nothing serious there, but on such an important night, neither Sharif nor Jensen want to risk anything - Adam would be better off personally checking what happened in the laboratories. The boss will tell us the code for his personal elevator - 0451 .

We run to the elevator doors, enter David's code, and go down to the laboratory. The head of information security, Francis Pritchard, will contact us and will have time to inform us that none of the surveillance cameras are working on the floor... After which the connection will be interrupted. Suspecting something was wrong, Adam takes out a machine gun...

When these two realize that they are not alone in the room, it will be too late.

A bleak picture will appear before our eyes - unknown mercenaries in red and black uniforms are beating equipment, burning laboratories and shooting scientists. Special selection at this level we are not allowed to - forward, through the destroyed workshops, shooting occasionally the raiders who come across our path. A straight road will lead us to the very laboratory where Megan was going to go.

IT IS IMPORTANT: If you're going to get the "Pacifist" achievement, which is awarded for beating the game without killing a single person, keep in mind that the countdown has already begun. You can’t even kill the scum who are destroying Sharif Industries - you can only go around them in a wide arc, hiding behind the equipment. There are rumors that this is a bug that will be fixed in subsequent patches.

Jensen will rush forward without looking back... And will fly straight at the mercenary commander - a hefty fellow, wearing prosthetics from his heels to his ears. Adam will immediately break through the impact-resistant glass, demolish several tables with valuable equipment... And just to be sure, they will put a revolver bullet into the semi-unconscious body. The last thing Jensen sees before losing consciousness from pain is how a soldier sends Megan Reed to the floor with a blow from his prosthetic arm...

Back in action

So what kind of “black helicopter” is this? The identification marks are in place, the flashing lights are blinking properly... It’s not even far-fetched as a conspiracy theory.

Six months have passed since the attack on Sharif Industries. David Sharif's scientists did an amazing job, literally pulling Adam from the other world. True, not much has been preserved from Jensen’s former body - from now on the main character consists almost entirely of biomechanics.

The head of security is pulled out of sick leave due to an alarm. David Sharif asks us to proceed to the helipad as quickly as possible, claiming that the lives of dozens of people are at stake. But we cannot immediately carry out the boss’s order - the retinal implants are acting up ungodly, everything is flickering before our eyes. We need to visit our great hacker, Pritchard.

THIS IS A CHOICE: when Sharif says that people's lives are at stake, this is not just heightening the drama. The matter is urgent, so if you don’t want to fail half the task in absentia, Not stay at headquarters - run to Pritchard, and then to the landing pad.

Frank's office is on the second floor, to the right of the stairs along the corridor. The hacker will fix our implants and won't stop grumbling. He blames Jensen for the success of the attack on Sharif Industries. You can have a little fight with your “colleague” on this topic, but it will be faster to simply ignore the provocation. We go to the helipad, where the pilot, Farida Malik, is already waiting for Adam.

Sharif under siege

Just like in the old action comedies. A security guard will go into the back room and Jensen will come out.

The helicopter goes to one of the Sharif Industries factories, and on the way David Sharif will briefly outline the situation to Adam. The implant factory was attacked by the anti-implant Clean Movement, led by one Zeke Sanders. The special forces have already cordoned off the building and are ready to arrange a bloodbath for the rebels, but in one of the workshops of the factory there is still a military implant of the highest secrecy - the Typhoon system, to which the police cannot be allowed in any way. Jensen's task is to get into the building, steal the Typhoon and deal with Zeke. If possible, it would also be nice to save the hostages, but, in principle, it is not necessary. Sharif will ask us which weapon we prefer - lethal or non-lethal, for close or ranged combat.

Farida will drop us off on the roof of the building next to the factory. We go into the utility room, talk to the special forces, and ask about the situation at the factory. However, they won’t tell us anything valuable - the soldiers know no more about the situation than we do, and they didn’t poke their noses inside. We leave the utility room on the other side of the roof, go down... Well, that's it, we are in enemy territory.

Just around the corner there is a lone sentry on duty, with his back to us. Feel free to hit him on the head. After that, under the cover of air conditioners, we walk along the alley to the courtyard and study the situation. If you have a firearm, and also a desire to go through with gunfire and noise, then you have a direct route through the yard. Three sleepy guards are not serious; dealing with them is as easy as shelling pears.

The other path is longer, but bloodless. We drag a couple of smaller boxes to the containers near the wall and climb up. We are looking for a fire escape leading to the roof of the factory. There we reach the electrical cables blocking the further path, and look to the right. Through a small hole covered by a box, you can crawl to the switchboard and turn off the electricity. We run to the far edge of the roof and climb into the air duct, which will lead Adam to the utility room of the warehouse - the same one we would have entered through the door.

There are five terrorists in the warehouse; the easiest way to sneak past them is on the left side of the room - hiding behind the shelves and boxes. Further - either through the foyer, where two guards are repairing the turret, or directly onto the ramp - and through the door into the corridor.

Three security guards are chatting outside the locker room and will soon go their separate ways. different rooms. There will be only one left in the corridor - let's knock him and calmly go to the gateway to the internal laboratories. We break the lock on the door, go through “disinfection” and find ourselves on the balcony of the first laboratory.

The hall is guarded by four soldiers, plus one more is searching the back room. Let's start with that - we go out onto the stairs on the left, jump over the railing, sneak into the utility room, and neutralize the terrorist. Then we show up for a second doorway so that the patrolman notices the movement and comes to check. We send him to a friend to rest. We simply and artlessly turn off the rest one by one - they often turn their backs to each other for a long time.

Hostages are being held on the loggia of the same laboratory. The loggia doors are open, but as soon as we go inside, the gas bomb on the table is activated. The timer on it is ticking fast enough, so we will not enter through the doors, but will crawl through the ventilation in the corner under the stairs. You can defuse the bomb either by shooting any of the flasks with chemicals, or by hacking the control panel, or by entering the emergency shutdown code on the same remote control ( 1505 ), which can be removed from one of the guards.

THIS IS THE CONSEQUENCES: if Adam did not show proper diligence and spent too much time walking around the Sharif Industries building, then there is no need to do any of the above. The bomb exploded before we arrived at the factory, and the hostages are already dead.

If we have successfully completed the sapper work, we ask the hostages to be quiet. One of them - Greg Thorpe - will say that Zeke took his wife with him to the director's office to serve as a “human shield”.

We continue our way to the assembly shop where the Typhoon lies. In the next corridor there is a surveillance camera, under which a guard patrols. There is no point in starting a shootout - there are two more fighters on duty in the next room, and the camera will not fail to raise the alarm. It's better to go quietly. We pick the lock on the door at the end of the corridor - we find ourselves in an assembly shop guarded by four terrorists. We take the elevator at the far end.

We will find ourselves in a server room, the exit from which is covered by a turret. Owners of the "Turret Hacking" implant will rush like lightning through the fire-raised corridor to the security terminal, hack it and disable the turret. The rest will calmly climb into the ventilation to the right of the corridor and come out beyond the fire zone.

Having finally entered the laboratory where the Typhoon is stored, we will see that it is already occupied by an unknown hacker, and clearly with implants - which is atypical for fighters for purity. Even more unusual is the fact that upon seeing Jensen approaching, the hacker will immediately... shoot himself! Sharif will order to leave the corpse for the special forces, in case the implants are mined, and Adam, meanwhile, will pick up the Typhoon. Go ahead in search of Sanders - onto the elevator, then through the passage, then onto the stairs, until we come across the guards talking.

Needless to say, this is not the most polite way to start a conversation.

There is no need to go down the stairs to the first floor - we will go to the conference room and from there we will go down through the ventilation to the toilet. The drawer next to the toilet door offers a wonderful view of the office. Sitting there, you can either shoot out the guards with any small arms, or take a moment, slip to the left, hide behind office furniture and, under its cover, walk up to the stairs. And upstairs is the director's office, in which Sanders has locked himself, holding a gun to Josie Thorpe's head. And he claims to have no idea about any "modified" hackers on his team.

The worst thing Adam can think of is to let Zeke go with the hostage. Sanders gets into a shootout with the police and escapes, but Greg's wife is killed. A better option is to tell Zeke that we are not negotiating with terrorists. In this case, he will gather his courage for a couple of seconds before shooting Josie. This is quite enough to stun a rebel with a paralyzer or kill him with a precise shot to the head. Finally, the most peaceful way to solve the problem is to convince Sanders to leave the hostage alone and get out quickly. The boss will be very unhappy, but Zeke reluctantly admits that he is now in Jensen's debt.

Whatever path we choose, we will learn about the consequences a little later. And now we have only one road - to the helicopter and to Sharif Industries...

Wolf among the sheep

At the police station, a petty bandit is being interrogated with might and main. Government services no longer dare to take on larger matters.

We give the Typhoon to Pritchard, then go to the report at David’s penthouse. We either receive a scolding for letting the bandit get away (or killing a valuable witness), or gratitude for handing over the stunned Zeke to the police. But they won’t scold or praise much. Obviously, Sanders is just a small fry that someone used to deliver their man with hacker implants to Sharif's factory. It is even more strange that Detroit police forensic experts claim that no No implants were found on the hacker's corpse. Sharif orders Jensen to sneak into the police morgue and personally examine the hacker's body. Plus, the boss wants Adam to undergo a routine examination at the PROTEZ clinic.

A doctor's examination will not take much time. But to get to the police station, you will have to try. The easiest way, which the game persistently encourages, is through the front entrance. The problem is that the person on duty at the station is an old and not at all good acquaintance of Jensen, Wayne Haas. He will immediately inform us that the site is closed, taped up and sealed, and he does not at all want to part with the work for our whim. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to convince him, especially with social ones. Having broken down, Haas will issue us a pass, after which Adam will only have to go down to the morgue located in the basement of the building. The security won't touch us.

If you are disgusted by communicating with this slug, then you can get into the building through the sewer. Jensen will get out right next to the morgue, in a corridor blocked by a laser alarm that can be easily hacked and disabled. If you don’t want to crawl through waste, make your way to the backyard of the site. From there, it's easy to get inside either through the roof (an air duct will take Adam to the third floor of the building) or through the locked (but hackable) fire exit. Please note that if we bypass Haas, the police will be extremely against our presence in the station - even to the point of trying to shoot Adam on the spot. You will need to make your way into the basement as quietly as possible, because the police are at the station incredibly a lot - which, in general, is not surprising.

The prosector at the morgue will decide that Adam was sent by the intelligence services, and will gladly provide access to the hacker’s body. We remove the implanted neural node from the corpse and get out of the building through the door (if we are welcome at the station) or through the sewer.

Sharif forbids Jensen to take the implant into the office - Pritchard has not yet finished testing the network and setting up the firewall. Instead, Adam is asked to run home and connect the neural node to his home computer so Frank can create a virtual network and examine the implant remotely.

Cassandra Reed, mother of Adam's deceased fiancee. He copes with his grief even better than the main character.

Adam lives in the Chiron Building, and in a very nice apartment. We connect the implant to the computer, contact Pritchard, and learn some very interesting information. The neuronode allows you to completely control the body of its owner! The “hacker” who broke the Sharif Industries network did not know anything about computers - someone else controlled his hands. And the signal controlling the neural node came from an abandoned factory in Highland Park. But it’s too early for us to get there. Pritchard discovered a hole in the company's security system - a bypass channel that transmits data to a radio tower in the slums of Detroit. Before continuing the investigation, Adam must “put out” this channel of information leakage. But the slums are home to a street gang of people who oppose implants, so there’s no point in going there openly.

THIS IS THE CONSEQUENCES: if at Sharif's factory Adam persuaded Sanders to abandon the hostage and leave on good terms, then now Zeke will contact him and make an appointment at the headquarters of Sharif Industries. At the meeting, he will give us several notebooks with passwords that will be useful in the future.

Ghosts and pawns

The extravagant-looking young lady is not a moth at all, but a deep-cover police investigator. Plus, Adam's old girlfriend.

The easiest way to get into the slums is through the roofs. We climb up the fire escape onto the building located between the Chiron Building and the slums, walk through its attic, get out onto the roof and Very We carefully climb through the pipes and air conditioners to the attic of the last building in the slums. Then the happy owners of the Icarus system demolish the cracked wall with a grenade (or modified hands), deal with two guards and plan down to the basement.

The rest can take an excellent sniper position on the fire escape and feed the bandits with tranquilizers (or lead). Then you can sneak through the door, behind which only three sleepy guards are waiting. But it’s better to go down into the sewer, which will lead Adam almost to the goal of the task. We’ll just have to put aside our disgust and jump into the river of sewage to get around the bandits guarding the passage we need.

There are about a dozen bandits in the yard, but it’s quite easy to get around them - along the wall and fence, hiding behind containers. If we went through the sewer, then there is no need to go anywhere - we are already at the foot of the desired building.

On the first floor there are three bandits. Two are watching TV and don’t even look into the corridor, one will move away out of natural necessity - well, he’s just asking for a blow to the head. We go around the “TV viewers” ​​and climb up the construction ladder into the attic of the building. Very We slowly and carefully crawl along the corridor, removing the abundantly placed mines from the walls. There are two more enemies on the roof, but while they are talking, it is very easy to get around them and hide behind the air conditioners. We hack the control panel on the tower and turn off the transmission.

Now we go up to the roof of the building and wait until Farida comes for us. Time to head to Highland Park!

Shadow play

If this elevator stops now, things will be bad for Jensen.

Not far from the landing site there is a friendly bandit who will gladly share the news. The factory is not so uninhabited - soldiers came here a month ago, brought in weapons and equipment, dispersed all the locals and are guarding the camp so that mother will not worry. We go into the factory building, look out the window... Yes, there are not just soldiers here, but those same ones the soldiers who destroyed Sharif Industries six months ago! Moreover, they are already packing their things and talking about how it’s time to “get lost.” Maybe we'll finally find out who's running things here.

The easiest way to get through the yard filled with guards (seven people in the yard, three more in the guardhouse) into the warehouse in which the mercenary base is located is through the roof. We go around the guard along the fence on the left side, drag the box to scaffolding, we climb onto them, wait until the guard standing on the porch finishes his cigarette, and run to the fence. It has a third level lock, code - 7984 .

Another option is through a door guarded by a smoker. The third is through the main gate, along the wall to the right across the yard. This is especially easy for those with modified legs, who can climb onto containers and cut dangerous corners.

One way or another, we will find ourselves in the main warehouse room - either on the second floor or on the first. Our goal is the elevator in the center of the first floor. The second tier is patrolled by a lone sniper, who is very easy to take out. The first floor is patrolled by four guards, plus one more in the guardrooms. It is easy to bypass the patrolmen or stun them one by one, the main thing is not to catch the eye of the cameras at the corners of the guardhouses. In the empty room on the left there is an air duct that will lead Adam straight to the elevator.

The elevator will take us to the warehouse basements, to a room with two mercenaries and a huge guard robot. We will go around the room on the left - the entrance is blocked, but we will drag the box to the barricade and jump over. The main thing is that the snipers who wander along the bridges above the ceiling do not notice. If you want to clear the room, there is a rocket launcher with ammunition in the same room.

What is better - to deal with one robot, or with several snipers? That's another question.

In the next corridor there are two guards, and the corridor itself leads to the prison block. In front of the prison there is an empty guardhouse with a third-level computer (password neuralhub). We turn off all observation cameras, if desired, and if we have an implant, we switch the turret to clear the prison block of guards. There are six guards there, all crawling across the tiers like cockroaches. Immediately to the left of the entrance, behind the boxes, is a ventilation shaft. We crawl along it, get out on the other side of the room, make a dash to the right - we are in the corridor leading to the barracks. The barracks is empty... Except for the two "feds" who will let Adam through if he knows the access codes received from Zeke. If not, you'll have to fight. After this, there is a clear path to the next elevator, which will bring Adam to the empty basement.

Let's take a look through the completely empty hangars. The leader of the mercenaries, in front of Jensen’s eyes, will jump into the elevator - and so he was, and one of his henchmen will enter the hall, Lawrence Barrett, the game's first boss.

Barrett will shoot us down with a machine gun, and in the intervals between bursts he will throw handfuls of fragmentation grenades. If you have a couple of EMP or flash-noise grenades left, the battle will not be the slightest difficult for you - they will stun Barrett for a time sufficient to put a machine gun magazine or a dozen pistol bullets into his head. Without grenades it will be a little more difficult - you will have to run around the hall, hiding behind columns and running away from the abundantly scattered explosives. It is important to remember that when the boss throws grenades, he does not look around at all, so at this moment you can quickly change position, go to Barrett’s rear, or calmly catch your breath while he pours fire on a long-empty shelter. If you run out of ammo, run around the back rooms, there are mountains of this stuff. But there’s no need to even think about hitting Laurence in hand-to-hand combat - you just have to approach him point-blank, and he’ll hit him so hard that it won’t seem like much.

The dying Barrett will give Adam the address - the penthouse of the Hansha Gardens residential complex in China, after which he will blow himself up with his own grenade, unsuccessfully trying to take Jensen with him to the next world. We leave the building through the elevator, on which the leader of the mercenaries disappeared from us, and the faithful Farida will take us to Sharif Industries.

Black cat in a dark room

Bill Taggart, leader of the Human Front. He feigns charm, but in reality he is a shrewd politician.

Immediately after landing, Pritchard will contact us and ask for a meeting. It is recommended to do this before conversation with Sharif - Frank will report that the communication channel hacked by mercenaries six months ago during an attack on Sharif Industries was opened by David Sharif himself, and will ask to talk with him on this topic.

A not very pleasant guest awaits us in the penthouse reception area - William Taggart, founder of the Humanity Front party and the most ardent opponent of implants in the entire United States. The politician, putting on the most sorrowful face, came to testify his sympathy for Sharif and assure everyone of his complete innocence in the troubles that befell the corporation. Taggart will try to show sympathy for Jensen, but will only get him to show him the door - either extremely polite or openly boorish. Having had this heart-to-heart talk, we go to report to the authorities.

David admits that he actually opened a secret communication channel in secret from his own security, and then conveniently forgot about it. To get him out of it, For what he did it, Adam will have to work hard, but this is no longer part of his main tasks.

Sharif demands that Jensen go to China and verify the address Barrett provided. Well, maybe you can at least take a nap in the helicopter...

Black market

Even in 2027, Shanghai remains true to its old traditions.

Hensha Island is a huge human anthill that has grown in height no less than in breadth. Therefore, the Icarus implant will be very useful for Adam - it will make it easier for him to travel around the city. Having reached the “Hensha Gardens”, we will, without any surprise, find that the complex is cordoned off. On guard is the Belltower security agency, hired by the Chinese government to perform police duties.

As usual, you can get into the building in a whole bunch of ways - for example, through the front door (a dozen guards) or the fire door on the roof (only two). The safest option is through the elevator shaft, which is not guarded at all. Climb onto the scaffolding near the wall of the complex, follow it to the end, pick the lock on the utility room and crawl through the ventilation to the elevator. The stairs in the mine will lead us to top floor hotel.

The corridor is patrolled by two soldiers, and there are three more in the penthouse. Owners of enhanced arms will not encounter any of them, because they will move the vending machine located opposite the elevator and climb into the ventilation shaft, which will lead them directly to the goal. Others can access the same shaft from the penthouse bedroom, avoiding the need to sneak around the room past the guards. We will find the computer of a hacker named Arry Van Bruggen, aka Melnik. The man who hacked Sharif Industries' security systems and killed Pritchard himself is now on the run.

Malik will advise us to check out the Beehive club - its owner, Tong Si Hung, is an influential crime boss, and not a single high-profile event in the city passes by him. The problem is that they won’t just let us into the “Hive.” You can give a thousand credits to the guard at the entrance, but it’s easier to go around the club on the left and climb into the ventilation shaft in the alley.

Having asked the bartender where to find Tong, we will receive an offer to try our luck upstairs, in the VIP room. And indeed, only the most inattentive players will not guess that the bartender there, covered in implants and surrounded by bodyguards, is Tong. This obvious truth will only reach Adam if he uses a social implant - otherwise he will have to spend a long time persuading the cunning mafia to meet with “Mr. Tong.” If we don’t persuade you, you will need to make your way into the guarded basement, climb through the ventilation to Tong’s office and eavesdrop on the necessary information there. In any case, we find out the address where Melnik hid - the Alice Garden Hotel.

Van Bruggen will not even deny participation in the destruction of the corporation. Moreover, he will report that the customer - Thai Yung Medical, a direct competitor of Sharif - is now trying to get rid of the performer who has become unnecessary.

Corporate wars

If Adam pokes his head around the corner, he will suffer from acute heavy metal poisoning. Right to the head.

The hacker will report that he has evidence of the Tai Yung conspiracy, but it is hidden on the servers of the corporation itself - Arry did not have time to copy the information before fleeing. To get into the TYUM building, Van Bruggen will offer to steal an electronic pass from one of the employees.

An employee is relaxing at the Honghua Hotel. It won't be difficult to steal his card - while the guard is busy with the moth in the bathroom, the pass is lying on the table in the living room.

The hacker, still hiding in Alice Garden, will re-register the document in our name. But as soon as he finishes his job, Belltower mercenaries sent to tie up loose ends will burst into the hotel. Arry will beg for help...

If you go down the main staircase into the hall, there is a very high risk of running into crossfire from a bunch of machine guns. So we turn left from Van Bruggen’s capsule and, while a couple of warriors inspect the capsules for the presence of unnecessary witnesses, we go down the service stairs. There, under the cover of boxes, we make our way to the exit.

That's right - the main entrance is tightly sealed. You'll have to run through the laundry room. The main threat on this path is not posed by rare guards (who can be bypassed, if not behind their backs, then by the nearest ventilation), but by the road through the shower, one passage in which is energized, and the second is mined. Here we already proceed from the presence of improvements: we either walk along the cables, or jump onto the water pipes and go over the top, or crawl along the right road, removing mine after mine.

The last machine gunner and his partner, who separate Adam from the street, can be bypassed through the hole on the right side. All that remains is to reach the Thai Yung Medical building, where a fast train will whisk Adam to the basements of the corporation.

Looking for evidence

It is not known what the designer of this alarm was guided by, but certainly not by security considerations. Getting through such a “barrier” is as easy as shelling pears.

We climb the stairs from the metro, break open the door of the first level and... we receive a call for help. The scientist calling out from behind the glass managed to damage the gas pipe. You can block it from the next room ( 4865 ). In gratitude for the rescue, the scientist will advise you to tell the guard at the entrance that we are from him. In this case, traveling through this part of the level will be practically safe. The only thing Adam will be asked to do is not to appear in front of the video cameras and security below. In addition, the guard can be bribed or bluffed by pretending to be a plumber.

To reduce the likelihood of detection by the camera, you can hack the control panel of the mobile crane ( 5720 ), move it under open doors at the top of the complex. True, this path is suitable only for owners of the Icarus system. IN technical well there is no ladder, but the height is enough to kill oneself.

After this, all that remains is to get to the high-speed elevator, which will take Jensen to a higher level - to the implant warehouse. On the roof you can fly into a puddle under voltage - we carefully go around it and through the ventilation we make our way to the switch that turns off the electricity. After this, all that remains is to climb up the stairs along the racks of boxes. If there is a jumping improvement, we simply jump out; if not, do not hesitate to use smaller boxes.

We board the next elevator, which will take Adam to the upper floors of “TYUM”. The scientists will mistake Jensen for a guard, the guards will mistake him for a scientist, and thus, until Adam gets his weapon, everyone will treat him like family. However, they still won’t let us into the protected area - we need a pass. On the way from the elevator, one of the employees is just complaining about the loss of his. We sneak into his office and shovel email and we learn that the pass has already been found and lies in the security room. Since Adam has nothing to do with security, it is better to get into the guardhouse by going around. The bypass ventilation pipe can be found in the room opposite the scientist's office.

You can do without a pass - behind the locked door leading from the office there is a pipe, which just goes out into the protected area. Or you can just move the soda machine under the balcony above the corridor. But in this case you can’t do without a jump booster.

After this, Adam needs to climb the stairs to the data center. It belongs to a high-security zone, and Adam will not be allowed in there just like that. We'll have to get in the bad way. You can either turn off the laser grid by hacking the control panel, or wait until the patrolman approaches - the barrier will turn off automatically, after which all that remains is to hit the guard on the head. Next - go to the end of the corridor, neutralize another fighter in heavy armor and make your way through the ventilation to the guardhouse. There or we hack the service exit ( 0703 ), or use the security terminal (password: muonrule), which opens the main door.

The polite guard who let Adam in with a stolen pass would probably get hit. However, we will not know this.

On the approaches to the data center, you need to pretend to be one of Ocean's friends - the room is studded with a laser detection system. Half a minute of observation - and the path of passage becomes obvious. Just keep in mind that if you get into the laser beams, security from almost the entire floor will come running to the alarm.

Arry didn’t lie - there is evidence on the servers, and it’s very solid. This is security camera footage of Zhao arguing with the mercenary commander. The lady claims that kidnapping Reed's team was stupid. Sharif will immediately track them down using implanted tracking devices, and Zhao does not believe that “that precious Lizo Kassan of yours” will help cover up their tracks.

It takes Jensen a few seconds just to catch his breath. Meg and her partners are alive! We need to find Zhao and shake everything she knows out of this hypocrite.

The way to the director's penthouse is through the elevator. The easiest way to get around the pair of guards controlling the approaches to it is through the meeting room. All that remains is to walk along the corridor and, without shining in front of the camera, open the lock ( 6906 ). We're there. The penthouse is empty and unguarded...

Zhao will go into hysterics and, while Adam will blink his eyes, will sneak into a secret hideout. The trap couldn't be more primitive. Of course, a crowd of security will immediately burst into the penthouse.

If you don’t want to send the whole horde to the next world, on the right hand, near the stairs, you can find a ventilation shaft that will lead Adam almost to the exit. All that remains is to seize the moment and sneak back into the elevator, which will take us to the helicopter hangar.

They are looking for us. Search, eagles, search. Don't forget to look into the ventilation.

Bad luck... The landing site is guarded by two patrol bots - real titans, capable of turning Jensen into mincemeat by simply stepping on him. You can deal with them by giving each one an EMP grenade. If there are no grenades, we sneak up the stairs to the balcony. In one of the observation rooms located there, there is a button that opens the hangar roof, in the second there is a bot control panel. We hack, we disable. As soon as we clear the area and open access to the landing site, a helicopter will arrive for Jensen. Forward! But not to Detroit, but to Montreal, to the main office of the Pic television company! I need to ask a few questions to Miss Elisa Cassan, the most popular TV presenter in the world...

White noise

From the helipad we head straight to the only entrance to the building.

Peak Network

We will make a close acquaintance with this celebrity. It’s not even clear whether it’s pleasant or not.

We go down to the main office of Pika. Anticipating trouble, even cockroaches ran away from there. Pritchard doesn't like this situation either, and he advises Adam to quickly sort things out and get out of there. On the way to key room 404, we methodically search all the tables for useful things, and also hack into all the electrical equipment to gain experience and useful information.

Jensen's conversation with Elisa Kassan is interrupted by an alarm. A few seconds later, seven soldiers burst into the office, spreading relatively evenly throughout the room and balconies. If there is no desire to get involved in a shootout with them, you can bypass them through the ventilation - from the room opposite four hundred and four to the balcony, and then down the stairs. Let's go out into the room, which is patrolled by a couple of guards, covered by a vigilant camera, and we'll sneak along the right wall to the elevator shaft.

Another option is to go underneath, under the cover of office equipment and tables. Let's go around the perimeter of the room on the left side. Then the security in the next room can be bypassed by using the air duct in the men's room.

After that, we have a direct route to the elevator. If there is an “Icarus” system, you can “miss” the elevator and glide into an empty elevator shaft located nearby. One way or another, we will get to the third floor of the skyscraper.

You can also get there without an elevator at all, through the server room. True, in this case Adam will be required to have an improvement in his hands, allowing him to break through walls. Or a couple of grenades. You can find the way to the server room if you walk around the main office not on the left side, but on the right. The corridor itself will lead us to the stairs to the desired room, after which all that remains is to make our way to the lower floors.

The road to the funicular is guarded by four soldiers (one of them in heavy armor) and a stationary turret, all under the cover of two snipers. Strongly Only a heavily armed fighter will interfere with us, so it would be advisable to make our way to him under the cover of furniture, knock on him and hide him behind some table.

If you want to shoot everyone, then it is best to do this from the camera booth. You can get there either by cracking the third-level lock (if you decided to ride the elevator) or through the ventilation (if Adam planned on the wings of the Icarus). If at this point Adam has an improvement that allows him to hack turrets, he can turn the soldiers’ weapons against them. The turret control terminal is located under the stairs on the outside of the control room. Although before this it is better to deal with the snipers in advance - the turret will not reach them in any case.

The path is blocked by a door with a lock of the first difficulty level. If you break it, the two guards below will be alarmed and go to find out who is making noise there. But next to the door there is a thin section of the wall, and the roar of crumbling plaster does not bother anyone.

On the way, Pritchard contacts Adam and reports that the called cable car is not only moving very slowly, but also activating an alarm signal, so guests will not fail to look for the light.

The approach to the funicular is guarded by two patrolmen and a turret under the supervision of a camera, so you won’t be able to go directly through. If you lure the turret to your side, not only the patrol officers, but also those who run to the sound of the running engine (about seven people) will get screwed. The difficulty is that the terminal is located next to the funicular gates. But the fact that it is under the cover of boxes makes the task a little easier.

On the way to the cable car, you can see a drinks machine - it closes the ventilation shaft leading directly to the terminal. If Adam does not know how to move heavy objects, you can sneak along the railing of the stairs leading to the balcony. There you can equip a firing point or find a staircase leading to the terminal.

"Pika" cellars

The stun gun gets rid of annoying enemies quickly, silently, and, with a certain sleight of hand, unnoticed by their colleagues.

A long descent in the cable car will lead Adam to a semi-warehouse with one cell. The passage to the corridor is blocked by a laser grid, the control panel of which falls into the tracking zone. And a couple is walking along the corridor, who are unlikely to be happy to meet you. If you have a camouflage system, you can safely ignore how laser protection, and live guards and just walk past them. If there is no camouflage, and you don’t want to meet with the guards, there is a thin wall to the left of the grille, in the room behind which there is a ventilation pipe running parallel to the corridor.

One of the exits opens immediately beyond the corridor and leads to the guardhouse. There you can turn off the cameras monitoring the passages and go to the stairs to the second floor. The further path will lead Adam to the armory. The main thing is not to catch the eye of the next camera, which, having discovered Jensen, will joyfully roll out a combat robot towards him. You can disable or reprogram all this equipment from the weapons room. And if you also open the doors in it ( 1980 ), then you can expropriate objects that are pleasant to your heart and inventory.

From the exit to the guardhouse the pipe goes left and up. If you head in that direction, Adam will look out of the wall at a level of two meters from the floor, right behind the backs of two talkative soldiers. The difficulty in eliminating them is the camera (there are more than enough of them at this level) and the patrolman who periodically looks into this corner. Although, if you choose the right moment, you can eliminate everyone without raising the alarm.

One way or another, Jensen will enter the main hall. The only difference is that if you make your way through the upper floor, you can turn off the remaining two cameras and the robot guarding the exit and approaches to it.

On the stairs you can run into a stun mine. It won’t seriously damage your health, but it will let the guards know that an uninvited guest is approaching. We carefully deactivate it and, if necessary, save it as a memory.

The further path is blocked by a hefty forehead in heavy armor and with a machine gun on his shoulder. You can shoot him right in the aisle, but if his carcass falls into the camera’s field of view, a bunch more guests will come running. The camera, however, is quietly turned off from the next room; you just need to tumble through the passage unnoticed. If you don’t want to contact anyone, you can break the wall opposite the passage. The ventilation shaft located there allows you to shorten three quarters of the path to the exit. If the situation allows, the door blocking the exit can simply be broken open. The third level of difficulty should no longer be a big problem at this point. Or you will have to go around, risking running into other patrolmen.

Before the computer center, our main goal in the level, it will be useful to look into the utility room. And if you also have space in your pockets, you can get hold of a brand new machine gun. At the computer center Adam meets real Eliza Cassan. What Jensen previously thought was a hologram is just an artificial intelligence interface. The real face of the most popular TV presenter in the world is a huge server cabinet.

The conversation, undertaken in an attempt to find out where Megan Reed went after all, is interrupted by the appearance of Elena Fedorova, the second boss of the game. It was she who at one time halved the staff of Sharif Industries and disappeared from under our noses in Highland Park along with her commander.

Elena is a fast fighter, armed with two submachine guns and a stealth system. But the greatest danger to us is her melee attack. Fedorova quickly closes the distance and delivers a powerful blow to the area, similar in effect to the Typhoon implant. To dodge this attack, you need to sprint towards Fedorova a second before the strike; if everything is done quickly, Adam will have time to get out of the affected area. Having spent all the energy of the implant, Elena will turn on camouflage and try to escape from visibility. At this moment, she is practically defenseless, but if you run close to her, she will open fire from her service weapon, capable of turning Adam into a sieve in a couple of seconds.

Eliza will lead us into a trap two times. But at the same time it will help us more than the most faithful friends.

There are four electric generators near the walls of the room, each of which can disable a blow from Elena who missed Jensen. Then both her and us will be shocked for some time - and if the lady is only stunned, then Adam, who did not bother with the EMP protection implant, could easily be killed. Simply dodging the explosion is not enough - the floor is covered with water, which conducts electricity remarkably well. And this is in server, Yes. For the same reason, it is pointless to try to throw EMP grenades at Elena.

But gas mines, grenades and a paralyzer are great at disabling the boss for a while. Fedorova is especially conveniently stunned when she moves in for a melee attack. And while the enemy is incapable of combat, we pump as many bullets into him as we can manage. You can also simply throw fragmentation mines at your feet, the main thing is not to get into the scattering radius of the fragments.

After the fight, Eliza will share the recording of the phone conversation with Adam. None other than Isaiah Sandoval helped the mercenaries cover up the kidnapping. right hand William Taggart! It was he who removed the tracking devices from the bodies of Sharif's employees.

We return to the helipad along the only possible road. Time to head back to Detroit and ask some people a few questions.

Truth and lie

One can only envy the social activity of Detroit citizens. It’s three o’clock in the morning, and they’re having a massive protest and civil unrest.

While Adam was wandering around Montreal, Detroit was covered in a wave of unrest. Duty waving of posters “Down with implants!” turned into a rally, the rally turned into a natural riot, and now Sharif Industries is practically under siege. The siege is so tight that David Sharif cannot even get into his own office and meets Jensen at his apartment.

In the current situation, the boss blames the Illuminati order, which is trying to appropriate Megan Reed’s discovery. Sharif claims that her invention will forever rid humanity of negative consequences prosthetics so that all people can become... more than human. Just like Adam. David will share information that the “Front of Humanity” is almost in full force present at the speech of its leader at the conference center not far from the main building of Sharif Industries. That's where we'll head.

THIS IS THE CONSEQUENCES: if during the robbery of the police morgue you tried to get through main door, then at the exit from the Chiron Building Adam will be met by Wayne Haas. He was finally kicked out of his job, and he once again found someone to blame for his problems. You can take pity on the loser (Adam will recommend him to Sharif's security service) or tell him everything you think about him - then the matter will end in battle.

The PROTEZ network of clinics is open 24/7 to help everyone in need of implants.

In the area of ​​the PROTEZ clinic, Pritchard will contact Jensen and delight him with the news that Sandoval is no longer in the building. However, this does not change our route - Isaiah did not leave coordinates, we will have to go and find out from Taggart where his assistant disappeared.

Once in the building, we go up to the second floor using the near or far escalator and head to Assembly Hall, where William performs. The leader of the “Front of Humanity” shows no desire to cooperate. In order to squeeze information out of him, you will have to defeat him in a kind of debate in front of the public.

If we couldn’t convince Taggart, we’ll turn to his computer for help. To do this, we go back a little, jump over the cords blocking the corridor, and move on until we get a turn from the gate from very unfriendly types. After this, we go to the men's room, where there is a wonderful air duct that will lead Adam where he needs to go. The main thing is not to fall on the guard's head. You can also get into the same ventilation through the emergency exit and technical rooms, but this will take much more time.

One way or another, we find out that Sandoval has gone home, which means we are going there too.

In the apartment, Adam will find a corpse and evidence that Sandoval went down into the sewer. You can follow him either through the broken wall in the bathroom and the descent behind it, or by finding in the same bathroom a switch blocked by boxes, which opens a secret passage to the stairs. All that remains is to eliminate a couple of bandits hanging around near the sewer hatch.

You can walk through the sewer to Isaiah’s hideout either from the left side, where the path is blocked by laser bars and mines, or from the right - where unfriendly individuals are crowded with weapons in their hands. You can also find a technical hole behind the barrel. From the exit from it to Sandoval's room there is only one laser grid.

Isaiah is in the darkest depression - Taggart pushed all the dirty machinations of the Human Front onto him. Sandoval won't even deny it. Yes, he helped mercenaries kidnap scientists, for which he now deeply repents. No, he failed to remove the tracking devices from their implants - he just changed the frequency of the signal, removing the “dead” from Sharif’s radars. Seek and you will find. Having finished his confession, Isaiah will take out a revolver and a single cartridge - for himself. But the shot may not happen if we manage to convince the scientist that he still has something to live for.

Fallen soldiers

They didn’t save... Farida Malik, practically Jensen’s only true ally, is somewhere out there, under a pile of burnt metal.

Regardless of Sandoval's condition, we leave the sewer through the back door of his room. Everything needs to be reported to Pritchard, and the only way to the besieged Sharif Industries is by air. We return to the roof of the Chiron Building, where the faithful Malik is already waiting for us.

And surprise after surprise awaits Adam at Sharif Industries. Not only has Pritchard disappeared somewhere on business, but Jensen’s boss will also be met in the office not by David, but by Hugh Darrow, the creator of biomechanical implant technology. The ensuing conversation about unique project"Panhea", a huge station that will save the Earth from global warming, is interrupted by the appearance of Sharif. A signal from one of the tracking sensors, belonging to Vasily Shevchenko, was detected in the Hensha area. So Adam has to go to China again.

On approach, Farida will inform you that the Chinese government has canceled their pass, and therefore they will have to look for a new landing site. But at that moment an EMP missile flies into the helicopter.

Here Jensen faces a rather difficult moral choice - to run to the elevator while an impressive crowd of mercenaries methodically turns aircraft into a pile of rubble, or rush to save Malik, who did not have time to evacuate. Save Farida Can, but the battle will be frankly difficult. It will be most difficult for those who are pursuing the honorary title of pacifist - but nothing incredible either.

The elevator will take Adam to the Daigong area, not far from the PROTEZ clinic. From this moment on, the guards of the Belltower corporation will be very “glad” to see Jensen and, upon meeting, will solemnly greet him with fire from all guns. The Yuzhao area, from which the tracking sensor signal originates, can be reached by subway, the descent to which is located directly along the road. The second path leads past the Hive. To do this, you need to climb the stairs behind the Thai Yung clinic, walk along the alley and dismantle the trash blocking the hole in the fence. And then follow the signs.

THIS IS A CHOICE: It's been several hours now since Jensen's (and everyone around him's) implants have started to fail from time to time. For us, this manifests itself in short-term noise on the screen and the disappearance of the interface for a few seconds. Pritchard will get in touch in Hensha and say that the problem is well known and the World Health Organization has already released a new biochip. It can be installed for free at any PROTEZ clinic... Or you don’t have to install it. In the end, the world is crashing any implants, regardless of generation, manufacturer and date of manufacture, and this is very suspicious.

No matter how you get there - by subway or on foot - the entrance to the Collector's shelter, from which the sensor signal comes, is just a stone's throw away. But the main entrance is guarded by six people who are in no hurry to leave. You can get involved in a shootout, or you can simply look for workarounds. One of these paths leads through the sewers, where it is much easier to get past the guards. You can climb onto the roof of the building - there the ventilation grille is not guarded by anyone at all.

Inside the building, you just need to get to the key point, located a floor or two below (depending on which way Jensen made his way). You can go down there straight down the ramp, simultaneously shooting everything that moves. Or you can knock out two chattering goons and go down through the technical stairs on the first floor, through a freshly made hole in the wall. Behind the car near the hole are several boxes that block the loophole directly to the signal source.

Surprise. The sensor signal comes from mechanical arm, which already belongs to Mr. Tong. From him we will receive information that it is not Tai Yung, but Belltower, that is involved in the disappearance of scientists. Every couple of days, ships owned by the corporation depart from the port in an unknown direction. On a tip from the head of the Chinese group, who has his own interest in weakening Belltower, Adam goes to the port.

Harvest of Hope

Not a very comfortable and not very safe shelter. Catch your breath and change position.

The gates leading to the port are not only closed, but also under guard. The computer from which you can open them is located in the trailer a little further. But the guards will definitely come to check with what joy it was that the doors behind them decided to roll to the sides. If you don’t want to convince the guards that you are authorized to visit the port, you can go around them to the left or right side of the gate. On the right is a hole in the fence, blocked by a large heavy box. The path to the left lies through an even larger metal container, from which you can jump over the fence. But you shouldn’t jump right away - the container is under current from a fallen electrical wire. You can turn off the voltage from the same trailer in which the gate control panel is located.

Port Belltower

We sit high and look far away. Belltower Port clearly needs cleaning.

Jensen needs to pick up a “package” left by the Tonga people. It can be reached both from above and through the sewer. Passages to the sewer are to the left and right of the port warehouse area. But to pass this way, it is advisable to acquire a breathing implant - otherwise, it will simply not be possible to approach the exit from the sewer due to particularly suffocating gases. The security robot plying at the exit can either be bypassed or disabled with an EMP grenade.

The house with the parcel is guarded by two soldiers - a sniper on the roof and a patrolman inside. You can shoot the sniper from afar (and let him lie there, no one will see his body anyway) or you can climb up to him through the boxes, which form a very comfortable staircase. You can enter the house either through the door, which is under the supervision of a patrolman, or through the window on the side. You can also do new door in the wall, but then the guard will come up to see who is making noise there.

In the appointed place, oddly enough, there is a bomb, which Tong asks to place on the port master’s desk. The manager's office is located inside the warehouse, and the most inconspicuous way there leads further through the sewer. On the way out, we try not to catch the eye of the turret - we reach the garbage containers and climb along them to ground level. Under the cover of trailers, we make our way to the building, move the trash can under the window and climb onto the balcony. You can deal with a lone sniper using your favorite method. Further into the warehouse there is a locked door ( 6555 ) and ventilation, the entrance to which is located just below the railing.

If you don’t have enough strength to carry trash cans, you can break a window and climb through it, alarming the guards. You can also crawl to the warehouse doors without being seen by the camera ( 4589 ) and log in as a white person.

The easiest path to the boss's office is on the left side. Under the cover of the boxes we reach the stairs, and then follow the stepladder to the roof and from there into the ventilation. You can also enter the door behind a couple of idle fighters - code 3295 . If you look into the closet under the stairs and eliminate two warriors there, you can reprogram the turret, and then it will handle the security itself.

And everything would be fine, but only on the bomb timer Adam discovers not the promised two minutes, but only ten seconds. Jensen barely manages to break the window and jump from the second floor a split second before the explosion. After this, all that remains is to follow Tong’s advice and hide in the cargo hold.

Singapore complex

In the future, laser alarms will be improved - in order to see the beams, JC Denton will have to tar like a steam locomotive. Jensen sees it that way.

Jensen wakes up a couple of hundred kilometers from the place of departure - in Singapore. As Pritchard, who miraculously remained in touch, reports, signals from the missing group of scientists are very close. But where exactly is unclear; the connection is unstable due to the signal suppressor. So it would be a good idea to turn it off.

We leave the warehouse. Immediately near the exit, a pair of soldiers, not expecting any trouble, are talking peacefully. We deal with them at our own discretion. The jammer control panel is located in the barracks nearby. The nearest way into the building leads through the window directly ahead. Another pair of patrolmen may interfere here, but it’s quite easy to neutralize them from behind. You can also get into the building by slipping through a hole in the fence, pushing aside a heavy box and using another window, without security. Disconnect the suppressor antenna ( 0111 ). Pritchard can now pinpoint exactly where a team of scientists' signals are coming from.

There are two entrances to the research complex. The first one can be reached by turning right from the building with the remote control. To the second, if you don’t want to push right through, you can crawl through unnoticed - if you have reinforced legs. From the entrance to the building we turn left and move away the box covering the hole in the fence. We wait until the patrolman turns away, we jump onto the transformer booth, and from there through the fence.

You can save the scientists in any order, depending on which side Adam entered the building from. Declan Faherty is in the left wing basement. To get to it, just go down the elevator located near the entrance next to the laser grid. Nicky Colvin's room is located on the second floor of the right wing. You can get there from the door, on the way to which you will have to do something with a couple of guards, a video camera and a lock of the third level of difficulty. As an option, there is a wall on the first floor, breaking which we get into the ventilation leading directly to Niki. Eric Kos was hidden above everyone else - all the way to the third floor. If you're not too lazy, we'll look for a staircase; if you're lazy and have reinforced arm implants, we'll look for an elevator. It is easy to find if you turn right from Dr. Colvin’s room along the corridor and reach the door. The door is locked with a lock of the third difficulty level. We break in or literally make a new passage two meters further. To get into the cabin, you just need to pull away the boxes blocking the passage.

As a result of communication with scientists, an interesting picture emerges. Vasily Shevchenko began making plans to escape almost from the very moment of the abduction. And he even created a special virus, which, when loaded into the Belltower computer network, should prevent scientists from tracking the sensors. But Vasily did not have time to implement his plan. This task will fall on Jensen's shoulders - after all, only by killing the corporate network will he be able to get into the internal laboratories of the complex where Megan is being held.

It’s more convenient to leave from the right wing - through the basement or down the stairs next to Nicky Colvin’s office. But in both cases you will need to punch a hole in the wall. In the first case, we will find ourselves in a corridor filled with poisonous gas. You can remove it by turning the valve nearby. In the second option, the only people who can interfere are the patrolmen inside the building.

The road to the computer goes through an alley where two robots pose the greatest danger. It is better to bypass them and reprogram them from the security terminal. When, after downloading the virus, three soldiers run out at the sound of the alarm, the bots will easily deal with them. Adam will just have to walk to the elevator and go down to the bunker, where he... will be met by Zhao and Jaron Namir- the third boss of the game and the same man who commanded the attack on Sharif Industries and personally crippled Adam.

THIS IS THE CONSEQUENCES: If Adam replaced the “jamming” biochip, then he will be forced to fight this battle without the help of implants. Only passive enhancements such as the skin armor, breathing device and the like would function, while everything else, including even the game interface, would be hopelessly corrupted by Zhou's interference.

After the attack on Sharif Industries, the mercenary acquired a camouflage system and a plasma rifle. The fight with him can be either very easy or very difficult. It all depends on what implants Jensen has acquired by this point. Improvements that allow you to ignore light-noise and gas grenades, which the boss simply scatters in batches, are highly desirable. It also wouldn't hurt to strengthen the skin to reduce damage. In this case, Namir can simply be shot. If things don’t work out with such details, you’ll have to run in circles, periodically catching the boss on mines. Just keep in mind that he loves to climb walls and rarely falls into traps.

Even half-blind, without implants and considerably weakened, Jensen is able to put an end to Namir’s plans.

After defeating the mercenary commander, a straight corridor will lead Adam to the person he has been looking for for so long - Megan Reed. It will also help bring disabled implants back to normal if Jensen bought into the “free improved biochip” trick. Developed, by the way, by Meg’s team at the request of TYUM.

Adam is furious at how easily Megan began working for her captors, but she tells him that she was convinced by... Hugh Darrow! Which just gathers UN leaders and heads of leading corporations at its Panhea station, supposedly to discuss the future of implantation technology. Adam tries to get in touch with Sharif, but it’s too late, the meeting has already begun. Jensen can only watch the live broadcast from the summit site.

Darrow goes to the podium, flips the switch... And all the owners of implants who have updated the biochip immediately fall into a complete rage. Some of them simply fall to their knees, unable to bear the tearing pain in their heads, but most begin to behave violently and aggressively. Megan recalls that the new biochip allows you to transmit any information to the brain and is capable of causing the mind to produce the most terrible hallucinations.

It's time to leave Singapore. The scientists hijack a helicopter (or wait for Farida to arrive, if she is alive) and go to Detroit. And Adam’s path lies in “Panhea” - the place where the installation is located that distorts the signals of biochips.

Moment of truth

A huge puddle in which they swim electrical cables, - Not the best way to the tower. Unless, of course, there is a protective implant.

The last level of the game is more like Left 4 Dead, how Deus Ex. The signal affecting the biochip turned modified people into a bunch of bloodthirsty zombies. They don’t touch each other, but when they see Jensen, they will strive to destroy him at any cost. It’s good that in such an aggressive state they do not use weapons, but prefer their own hands. We urgently need to turn off the installation broadcasting Darrow's signal.

Upon arrival, Adam is greeted by chaos and destruction. All entrances to the station are either blocked or destroyed. If you have a jump booster, you can get inside by first climbing onto the containers, and then through the ventilation into the complex. The second path leads through the basements. An improvement that allows you to ignore electrical influence, - not only is the floor in the basement flooded with water, but no one bothered to disconnect the broken cables. In addition, the basement corridors are mined. If electricity is still capable of sending Adam to the next world, we make our way over the flooded floor through the pipes, find a ventilation hole illuminated by a fragmentation mine detonator, and make our way through it to the generator room. From there we climb up the stairs.

This proud building was meant to save the Earth, not plunge it into chaos.

It will not be possible to move around the station in full - the doors are tightly closed, and it is impossible to open them with improvised means or bypass them. So you need to disable the security system first. The security terminal is located in the tower of the complex, which can be easily reached by elevator.

Near the button, Adam is met by Darrow, who explains the motivation for his action. The millionaire is convinced that people have played themselves into gods and this is leading society to destruction. Modified citizens are easy to control, even if only through biochips, and their moral standards are getting weaker and weaker from year to year.

Hugh warns that disabling the security system will not only open all the doors, but also free the crowds of hallucinating employees at the complex. In addition, he will report that the broadcast station is covered by the most powerful security system in the world - “Chiron”, and only he has the access codes. Through a long argument, the scientist can be convinced that his act is terrible and wrong - then Darrow will give up the codes and ask Adam to tell people the truth about what he was trying to achieve.

After deactivating the security system, we go down the elevator, and... Darrow did not deceive. The complex is no longer crowded. Madmen see poorly, but they such a crowd that they simply block the passages with their bodies. Through the garage directly or along the ventilation shafts we go up to the second floor and jump into the broken window. And then - along the corridor to a multi-level balcony. In the same corridor, if you move aside the large soda machine, you can get to the PROTEZ clinic, which, oddly enough, is still working.

The PROTEZ clinic operates even at a dilapidated station in the Arctic Ocean.

On the balcony, Adam begins to pick up a distress signal from both the top and bottom floors. Taggart and Sharif gathered adequate people around them and barricaded themselves in rooms that you couldn’t suddenly reach. Taggart is on the same level where Jensen enters the balcony - the highest. If Adam has the Icarus system and a jump booster, you can simply jump down, walk to the end of the room and then return to the balcony using the scaffolding, otherwise, we make our way through the crowd of madmen. Further - crouching under a bunch of beams blocking the door, we find ourselves in a corridor, which is being watched by cameras. You can bypass the cameras by jumping onto the pipe on the left and walking along the wall to the ventilation, which will lead the survivors into the shelter. Or you can open the door on the right, go around the crowd of zombies on top and find the entrance to the same ventilation or make a hole in the wall. The frontal route will only work for the most talented hackers - the door to Taggart is locked with a level 5 lock.

The Sharif is located on the lower level, in the engine room. If you have Icarus, we simply jump into a huge round well near the balconies, calm down three aggressive individuals and get through the ventilation to Sharif. You can also get there if you take the elevator on the middle floor, and then simply pass the crowd of zombies either under the guise of invisibility, or through pipes under the ceiling.

IT IS IMPORTANT: the number of endings directly depends on whether Adam visited the shelters of Sharif and Taggart. Both will ask him not to tell people why Darrow made all the fuss. Sharif will suggest that the madness of the modified around the world is a virus launched by the Humanity Front to get rid of all opposition to progress. Taggart will propose to promote his party to the top, strengthening control over implant manufacturers. To do this, he needs Adam to declare on live television that the tragedy is just side effects of a defective batch of drugs that suppress implant rejection.

All that remains is to pass a long corridor, the second half of which is simply teeming with people. We sneak past them along technical balconies or simply activate acceleration and literally run over their heads.

Adam is now separated from the broadcast center by a long, very long elevator ride. And below is Zhao, who from the very beginning stood behind Namir. The lady will immediately try to take control of the supercomputer "Chiron", but will suffer a crushing fiasco in this field - it is more likely that "Chiron" will take control her. But this doesn’t make it any easier for us - both Zhao and the machine agree that Adam doesn’t belong here.

End of the road

In the toilet of a cheap apartment, trying to help an old man beaten half to death, Jensen utters a phrase that will make even the gloomiest player want to live.

The last battle is perhaps the easiest in the game, even though it is divided into two stages. In the first of them, Jensen will be confronted by the Chiron, consisting of three machine-gun turrets on a ring rail under the ceiling.

Once Chiron is out of commission, the second phase of the battle will begin. Zhao, covered with armored glass, will begin to open compartments with patrol bots. There are four robots in total, you need to destroy them all - fortunately, they are produced strictly one at a time. At the same time, flocks of crazy workers will start running into the room, and Zhao will periodically release 220 volts into the floor. At first, only a quarter of the floor will be affected by electricity, but after killing the first robot, the current will spread across half of the hall, after the second it will begin to capture three quarters, and when the fourth bot enters the arena, each electric shock will affect the entire floor. You can and should hide from electricity in utility rooms and open compartments for bots.

After all the robots are destroyed, the armored glass in front of Zhao will shatter into pieces, and all we have to do is finish off the would-be queen of the world.

IT IS IMPORTANT: if Adam has a laser rifle, the fight can be avoided altogether. “Saber” is all the same - whether it’s a wall, a shelter, or bulletproof glass. With a miracle weapon, you can easily shoot Zhao in the first stage of the battle. If you have a rifle, but no charges, run around the utility room, there will be a couple of batteries there.

The body will heal... But the mind is not always so pliable.

* * *

The explosion of “Chiron” will free up the passage to the broadcast center, and the caring Elisa Kassan herself will offer to compose an appeal to the people. Tell people the truth about what Hugh Darrow wanted to achieve, even if it puts an end to all attempts to develop implants further? Or, perhaps, blatantly lie for the benefit of universal progress, giving Sharif a free hand? Or remain silent, maintaining the fragile status quo at the cost of an incredible strengthening of Taggart’s position?

Or... give up on everything? You just need to go into the corridor next to the broadcast station and turn off the Panhea pressure control systems. The huge station will go to the bottom - along with all these purists and technologists, politicians and inventors, each of whom is confident that he can speak for all of humanity. And Adam... He's still so tired of it all.

The choice is yours.

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