Walkthrough of Rise of the Tomb Raider. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: How to complete all tomb challenges

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Location - Ice cave


On her way to the Soviet base, Lara unexpectedly stumbles upon an ancient ship stuck in the ice. The ship is full of secrets and Lara needs to find out. To do this you need to go upstairs, which turns out to be not such an easy task.

Trial:knock down the ice to climb up and get your reward.

First you need to use an ice ax to start the mechanism on this ship. Next, we climb up the mast using a double jump.

We jump from it onto the pendulum, which will break the ice

We wait until the pendulum goes down, get off and climb the wall where we broke the ice earlier

Another mechanism appears on our way; using an ice ax we lower the second pendulum

Then, as quickly as possible from the mast, having correctly calculated the time, we jump onto this pendulum.

He will break the ice, go down, and we will climb the wall to the very top.

On the deck there are many different treasures, diaries that will tell us about what happened and, of course, the main reward - a sacred manuscript on which is written about the ancient Byzantine archery technique. Mission completed

Reward - "Ancient Skills" skill

Lara fires two arrows in a row without having to remove them from her quiver. Fire two shots by quickly pressing and releasing [LEFT MOUSE BUTTON] after the first arrow is fired.

Ancient cistern

Location - Soviet base

It seemed that getting to the manuscript was a piece of cake. But Lara forgot that she was on a shaky structure and, accordingly, the wooden beam could not support her weight, and Lara fell down, now she needs to raise the water level in the tomb to get to the reward...

Trial:raise the water level in the tomb to reach the manuscript.

To begin with, we swim to the left, there will be a small room where, having shot oil lamp next to the round fence, Lara, although not much, will raise the water level, we return back to the main hall.

We swim to a place opposite the raft, go up the stairs, go to the right, where we find several oil lamps, take one and throw it onto the raft.

Then we go up the stairs and jump onto the beam to release the water, which will send the raft to the other end of the room.

We go down and wait until the raft floats along the fence, when we wait, we shoot at the oil lamp and the fence explodes.

Now we swim there and find ourselves in another room, but there are no oil lamps there. Therefore, we need to go to the fragile stone barrier on the right and break it down with an ice ax.

We return to the main hall, perform the operation with the raft, lamp and beam again, only now instead of shooting at the lamp, you need to swim to the raft and throw the lamp towards the obstacle we broke.

We jump there ourselves, take the oil lamp and go into the room, throw the lamp.

We blow it up with a shot.

Voila, the water level has now risen enough for us to reach the relic.

Reward:skill "Innate Instincts"

All nearby resources are automatically marked on the map. They light up when approaching.

Voice of God

Location - Soviet base

Entrance to the tomb


There are two small halls in the tomb, two gates are located in the main hall, and their counterweights are located in the additional one. Through the first gate we entered the mortuary, and behind the second there is a valuable manuscript. The counterweight of the second gate is in the ice, and without breaking this ice we will not be able to open it.

Trial: open the second gate to gain access to the reward.

To get into the additional hall, we will need to lower the first gate and raise the counterweight; to do this, we turn the nearby wheel using an ice ax. We go up through the ledges on the gate, climb to the left and make our way into the additional hall.

In the additional hall we go down, go right to the wheel, which is located opposite the counterweight. We launch a rope arrow as a counterweight and attach it to this wheel.

No further action is required with it for now. We go to the left where there is a fragile passage, break it with an ice ax and return to the main hall.

There we return to the wheel and our task is to open the first gate.

We return to the additional hall, where we use the wheel to pull the counterweight towards us.

Now, with the help of a knife, we must cut the rope, and not just cut it, but precisely when the wind blows, so that it directs the counterweight towards the second one and breaks the ice that prevents us from opening the second gate.

We return to the main hall again and open the second gate. The test has passed.

Reward:"Hidden Power" skill.

If Lara receives critical damage in battle and the screen turns gray, health is automatically restored. Instant health replenishment occurs once per battle, the cooldown time of the ability is reset between fights with the enemy.

Location- Soviet base


The tomb is a uranium mine with several rooms, one of which contains a valuable relic. But the problem is, it is fenced with wooden beams, which could easily be set on fire with a Molotov cocktail, but this is not so easy to do. First you need to stop the flow of water that flows without stopping.

Trial:block the flow of water to set the tomb fence on fire.

To begin with, we go to the other side, rise a little higher and see two containers, one higher, the other lower. The one higher is blocking the path of the cart, which could block the flow of water. We jump onto the nearest container and clear the way for the cart so that it can reach the water along the mini rails. But the rails break, the trolley falls, and we need a plan B.

To begin with, we go a little to the left and shoot at another cart with a comet, then we attract it, and now it already takes the place of the first cart.

We shoot at the cart with a comet and attach it to the mount. We go back, jump onto the container, release the cart, it closes the flow of water. The task is completed.

All that remains is to use a Molotov cocktail to set fire to the fence and go into the room with the relic

Reward:"Clear Eyes" skill

All nearby traps will automatically light up when using improved SURVIVAL INSTINCTS.

Chamber of the Suffering

Location - Geothermal Valley


Our reward is high, but our way up is blocked by a large bucket

Trial:find a way to lower the bucket and climb up.

First, we connect the mechanism and the platform, which is located nearby using a comet

Opposite the bucket there is a cart that needs to be pulled out a little towards you. Then you need to shoot the lever next to the bucket to fill the bucket with water.

The bucket full of water will begin to sink. It is necessary to attach this bucket to the cart using the comet as soon as possible.

The task is completed. Now jump over the beams and platforms to the balcony where our reward is located.

Reward - skill "Fast healing"

Dressing wounds takes less time. Hold the heal button to heal the wound.

Catacombs of the Sacred Waters

Location- Geothermal Valley


Ancient catacombs. They are one vast room with a small room in which the relic is stored, which we first of all want to get to.

The task is a test of reaction speed. You need to quickly and accurately shoot comets at the fastenings, otherwise the strong current will carry Lady Croft to the rocks, on which she risks breaking her charming face.

Trial:get to the other side using a raft.

To begin with, we approach the nearest coil and, using a comet, rivet a raft to it, which it will attract to itself, then you need to climb onto it and shoot the comet at the nearest coils in turn.

We swim to the “shore” and, if desired, you can collect coins and read the diary

We look a little to the right and see another raft that needs to be pulled in with the help of a comet.

We jump over to it and shoot the comet at the nearest reel, then use an ice ax to pull the raft to this reel.

The task is completed. We make our way into the room, approach the relic and receive our reward

Reward:Anatomy Knowledge skill

Survival instincts indicate the location of the heart in animals. A shot to the heart does massive damage. However, animals with thick skins (bears and large cats) are immune to being hit in the heart.

Click [Q] to turn on survival instinct mode, or hold [RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON] to aim at the beast and see the location of its heart.

Kitezh baths

Location - Geothermal Valley


Quite a large flooded room, with several rooms. The manuscript with the reward is blocked by a grate that needs to be blown up with Greek fire, but as mentioned earlier, the room is flooded

Trial:lower the water level in the room so that you can blow up the grate with Greek fire and get a reward.

First we need to swim to the boat.

After we arrive, we launch the comet into the fence opposite us.

It contains a special lever that can lower the water level in the room. We head towards it, pull the lever and wait for the water level to drop.

Before the room fills with water again, we shoot the comet onto the reel opposite us. Using an ice pick, we turn the reel wheel so that it attracts the lever.

We perform a similar operation with another room, only instead of a reel there is a rope fastening of a boat.

The water level has dropped and now we shoot at the vessels with Greek fire and thereby blow up the grate that prevented us from receiving the reward.

The task is completed.

Reward:"True Grit" skill

Speeds up climbing on rocky and icy surfaces.

Pit of Redemption

Location - Geothermal Valley


To get the reward, Lara needs to destroy the wall, fortunately she already knows how

Trial:destroy the wall with the two carts to access the reward.

First you need to swim to the opposite shore, collect Required documents, relics, coins and head up the right railway(because it won’t work through the left)

Having reached the room, you need to use an ice ax to rotate the platform on which the cart is located. Then we push out this cart and it, although a little, destroys the wall.

Having reached the second room, we are in no hurry to touch the cart and platform; first we need to climb up. Using an ice ax, we lower the platform down, then through the second mechanism we turn the rails and push the cart onto this platform. We turn the platform back, lift it up and push out the cart.

The task is completed.

Reward:skill "Geologist"

Knowledge of geology allows you to successfully mine CHROME ORE. Press [E] to start mining near an underground ore vein

Chamber of Exile

Location - Lost City.


An ancient creepy place where evil spirits were exorcised. It is a small hall where Lara's reward is blocked by a huge gate that needs to be gotten rid of.

Trial:find a way to break the gate.

First, we need to release the cell that is located below. To do this, we pull two levers towards ourselves using a comet, this will release the gas and reduce the water level in the place where the cell is located. Using an ice ax we break the mechanism that holds the cage and go back. You can get rid of the gas using fire arrows or you can just wait until it dissipates. Now we go to the wheel that is located at the counterweight, using an ice ax we turn it, thereby raising the cage. We go behind the counterweight and pull it with the help of a comet.

The cage is located quite close to the gate. Using the comet, we pull the levers that release the gas, move away to a safe distance and shoot with a fiery arrow. The cage will destroy the gate. The task is completed.

Reward:Greek Fire skill

The flames of FIRE ARROWS and MOLOTOV COCKTAILs deal more damage and are hot enough to burn through enemy armor.

In this guide, we'll show you how to complete all Challenge Tombs in the main campaign.

Peruvian jungle

Gate of the Underworld

The tomb is located right at the first base camp, after descending from the top of the hill where the plane crashed. Climb under the thicket of trees and roots to begin the challenge. Follow straight until you reach a cliff. You need to climb onto a tree branch, jump onto the second branch and grab onto the rocks with ice axes (E key by default).

Get down, disarm the trap and examine the Geographer's Backpack. Climb to a hill, from here you can cross to the other side along the tree branches. At the end of the path, go down the rope, swing and jump so as not to fall into the abyss. Look around the camp. Go to the right extreme rock and lift the camera up, you will see a place where you can grab hold of an ice ax. Get over to the other side.

On the right there will be a passage between the walls that leads to a small hall. In the room itself, you can climb up the ledge on the right. There are two paths here: the wooden bridge on the right leads to the exit from the Tomb, and on the left into the Tomb itself.

Go down the wall, or run and jump to the opposite side from the lower level. Once you climb a tree, jump and throw your ice ax to grab a branch. On the left there is a cave with resources and gold. Walk along the fallen tree and you will find yourself at a puzzle.

It's simple: first turn the mechanism counterclockwise so that you can place the cable on the other side. Having crossed, pull the lever of the second mechanism - the crane platform is activated. Go back and rotate the first mechanism to its original position, then connect it and the platform with a rope.

Again, go to the second lever and activate it. For a few seconds, the rope will hold the platform and you will have time to jump onto it. After the fun ride on the platform, go down, examine the mural and jump onto the rock on the right.

Run up and grab the rock with the ice ax. Stones will begin to fall from above, first from the right side, then from the left. As soon as the first stone collapses, immediately jump and climb up. Examine the mural and get out.

Judge's Look

To get into the Tomb, break the obstacle. Follow straight, overcome the cliff using an ice ax throw and jump into the water. The next obstacle will be a statue that blocks the path. In the same room, examine the Fresco, climb onto the hill on the right and jump onto the counterweight (a kind of training). Collect resources and continue across the wooden bridge. Swim underwater and follow forward. Examine the fresco and go down to the landing.

This is the only mystery in the Tomb. Using counterweights you need to raise the ladder. Here is the sequence of actions:

  • move the cart on the left to raise the counterweight and lower the statue;
  • this cart needs to be moved close to the stairs;
  • go up the stairs and shoot the bow at the statue on the left to secure the rope;
  • the distant trolley must be placed in place of the previous one in order to grasp the raised counterweight;
  • climb up the left wall and lower the raised counterweight.

Using the same principle, we raise the second statue on the right. Climb the stairs, examine the Fresco, and leave the Tomb.


Howling Caves

You can find this Tomb yourself, or talk to one of the local residents, who will leave a mark on the map. To get there, get to the place on the map and jump off the cliff into the water. By the way, you can collect resources and gold underwater.

Go forward. At the end of the cave there will be a steep descent, after which you need to have time to jump and grab onto the rock with ice axes. Go down the rope, swing and jump onto the small platform. Grab the ledge in the wall and go even lower. Approach the small hole in the wall for Lara to crawl through. After the next descent, you will have a fight with several fox-like animals. After the battle, examine the fresco and approach the cliff with burning oil. Using a bow, build a rope hole.

Go upstairs. There is a cache in the cave on the left, and the other path leads to the Tomb. A puzzle awaits you here. There are three levers in the hall with which you can open the shutters. This is needed to extinguish the burning oil on the stone bridge and remove obstacles.

Activate the first mechanism and cling to the pendulum. Wait until the wind gets strong enough to jump to the opposite side. Using the second mechanism, raise the shutters. They will open the way to a small hill on the other side. Run there, time the maximum air flow and shoot the bow at the top of the pendulum. He will collide with an obstacle and open a passage.

Return to the second mechanism to close the shutters, as strong current the wind will literally “blow” Lara off the bridge. Run to the last mechanism, but there is no point in opening it - the third pendulum prevents activation. Go up the right side (slight rise), climb up the wall and jump onto the stuck pendulum. You need to attach a rope to it and open the shutters of the second mechanism. Now you can put out the fire by opening the second shutters. Examine the mural and get out.

Secret City

Temple of the Sun

The entrance to the Tomb is underwater in the southern part of the city. In one of the houses you will find a small pool that opens a passage to the cave.

Explore the cave and climb to the higher ground. One of the walls can be broken - do this and you will open the entrance to the Tomb. Overcome obstacles on the rocks to get to the Temple. Collect resources, artifacts and examine the mural in front of the puzzle room.

There are four mirrors in the hall: first mirror located at the entrance ( southeast); second in the southwest; third in the northeast; fourth in the northwest. Try not to fall into the water, as this will lead to the death of the protagonist!

Here is the order of movement of the mirrors:

  • turn the first mirror onto the column on the left;
  • Having moved to the second mirror, turn it so that the beam falls on the nearest column to the third mirror;
  • return to the first lever and direct the beam to the near column between the first and third mirrors;
  • turn the mechanism of the first mirror to the right to move to the third;
  • turn the third lever counterclockwise onto the adjacent column;
  • return to the first mechanism and activate the column to the second mirror;
  • Having moved to the second lever, turn it onto the same column (crystal from below);
  • direct the beam of the first mechanism to the column near the fourth mirror;
  • get to the last mirror and move the beam counterclockwise to the near, central column.

Now you can study the Fresco and get out. A passage will open between the second and fourth mirrors (you need to climb up near the far wall on the right).

Ancient Aqueduct

This tomb is located in the Upper City. After the cutscene in the Temple, go to the main quest marker. At the bridge, turn left and go down the cliff. The story mission leads to the right, but we need to go into the cave on the left. Come in, dive under the water and swim forward.

There is nothing valuable underwater except air pockets and plants. Get out of the water and climb up the rock using ice axes. Examine the artifact on the right and continue moving.

Once in the next part of the cave, jump to the ledge on the right and collect some jade ingots. There is also nothing valuable under the water here, climb up the ledge and examine the Fresco. Go forward, there is a base camp on the left in case you need to change or upgrade your weapons. Jump into the water. On one of the underwater walls you can collect gold bars and unearth hidden resources. In the next room you will find the Tomb puzzle.

Activate the mechanism - the pool will fill with water and the raft will rise. Go down and activate the lever underwater to open the airlock and drain the pool. Move the raft closer to the gate and connect the two objects with a rope.

Return to the mechanism and activate it, the locked passage will open. Swim to the next room, find a lever identical to the previous one and get rid of the water. Use the bow to clear the passage to the previous room. Several creatures will attack Lara - get rid of them, move the raft to the second room and fill the pool with water using the first mechanism.

The raft should be closer to the left wall (if you look at the screenshot above). Go upstairs, pick up the cartridges and follow to the third hall. All along the way you will meet aggressive locals.

This final stage. Pull the lever at the beginning of the room to increase the water level. There is a water wheel on the right side of the hall. Stand next to the raft and shoot the bow at the wheel mount. It will pull the raft and then you can get to the anchorage.

There is a platform hanging in the middle of the hall that can be connected to a wheel (shoot the hook next to the platform). Immediately after this Lara is attacked, deal with them and cut the rope. The fact is that while you are dealing with the creatures, the raft will probably float away from the central column, which you need to have time to climb before the rope breaks.

There is no difficulty here: as soon as the raft starts moving, shoot the hook and jump into the water. Climb onto the column, move from it to the platform, and then into the room with the Fresco.

To the right of the Fresco there is a rise, at the end of which there is a rope hooked - this is the path to the exit. If you return to the cave using the same path, you will have to do the above steps again.

Path of Battle

The Last Tomb of Paititi is located in the western part of the city, near the entrance to the Crypt. Get to the lake, there is a narrow passage under the water. Swim along the flooded channel. Once out, you will find Fresco and the base camp, immediately beyond which is the further path. Activate the mechanism to open the gate. Climb the ledge on the left, go through the obstacles and jump onto the rock. Climb down the rope and swing.

Examine the Fresco and activate another lever, which will open the next gate. When you go down, the column will activate trap arms and begin to rotate counterclockwise. On the platform, the column has two passages - on the right and on the left. Each of them leads to a mechanism that will temporarily allow traps to be folded, but will activate stationary barriers.

It doesn't matter which side you start from. Get to the mechanism and activate it. Without wasting time, overcome all obstacles and grab the lever to lower the first part of the column. Using the same principle, we close the second part.

When the column stops rotating, climb to the very top and examine the Fresco.


San Cordova

There is only one Test Tomb in this location, but it is very impressive. A dilapidated Spanish Galleon, left right in the heart of the cave. On the screenshot above you can see its location on the map.

The road to the Trial passes through flooded cave channels. At some point you will reach a fork where you need to turn right (the road to the left leads to the exit). There are moray eels underwater, be careful and replenish Lara's oxygen in air pockets in time.

Once out of the water, you will find the base camp. The entrance to the Tomb is blocked by a wooden barricade. Move the cart with stones to the left and push the cannon forward.

Go around the ship along the shore on the right and push the raft into the water. From it you can climb to the deck of the Galleon. There is a lever on the deck - turn the sail so that the cannon hangs over the cabin.

There is an underwater passage to another part of the ship. Having climbed onto the deck, Lara will find that the sail is tied with a rope to the extreme mast, and it is not possible to move it.

To the left of the sailing mast there is a passage to the rock. Along this path, climb up to the outer mast and unhook the cable. To return to the deck, climb up rope ladder one level higher and jump onto the rock.

Turn the sail using the lever on the deck and climb onto the second mast. Release the tied cannon, it will fall into the cabin and open the passage.

The entrance to the Tomb is located underwater. Be careful, there are some moray eels and piranhas here. The further test is based on secrecy mainly from these predatory fish. Once you reach the first chamber in the cave, examine the fresco and collect valuable resources. There is a lever on the hill on the right side. Activate it with your bow, the water will go away and you can continue on your way.

Go forward and you will be faced with the final test. Release several rafts tied with rope to hooks at the bottom of the pool. Due to the constantly moving piranhas, this is not easy. Time it right and dive right after the piranhas change their habitat.

This Tomb is the last in the main storyline. If you have completed the exploration of all previous tombs, then after completing it the user will receive the achievement “Tomb Raider / Tomb Raider" You can start the Trial not far from the previous tomb (the location of the hunt for the Royal Leopard).

Immediately upon entering you will find an artifact, a base camp, and a traveling merchant. When you're ready, break the barrier at the end of the passage and go down into the cave. A little acrobatics and you're almost there. You will see a new element for solving puzzles - flammable gas. If it interferes with the passage, or vice versa, you can use it to move the platform - build fire arrows and shoot at the place where it accumulates.

As soon as you cross the first platform (which you need to push towards you), you will be attacked by locals. Now, after each key action, expect an attack from several aggressive creatures! There is nothing to worry about: ammo and resources for creating fire arrows are scattered around almost every corner. Go lower and use the same principle to swing the second platform. As soon as she arrives, jump on her and shoot again.

Examine the mural and untie the next platform. These platforms are connected, and between them there is a wooden object that you can grab onto with an ice ax and get to the other side.

The final riddle awaits you. The first step is to clear the platform and open access for flammable gas on the opposite side.

Now jump onto the nearest platform to get to the second one. Blow up the gas and return to the ledge. Deal with the remaining opponents, study the Fresco and get out.

In front of you complete walkthrough games Rise of the Tomb Raider, which is divided by location.


This is a training mission. So follow the instructions. The only difficulty that may arise here is poorly working triggers. When climbing up and jumping towards the rescue hand, make sure you get to the maximum height available and move as far to the left as possible, otherwise the trigger will not work. Same thing when swinging on a cable later - jump only with maximum amplitude. No other problems are expected here.


You need to find the grave of the prophet. Climb up until you find a gap in the wall. On the right, take the treasure and roll inside. Inside you will find a large room with a pillar in the middle. You can't read it because you don't know Greek (surprise), but if you study the fresco on the left and the fresco on the right, your level will increase and you will be able to decipher the code. The treasure is nearby, take it and move on. Outside you need to get to the other side. Nothing too difficult, just remember to double jump in the middle of the stone bridge. When you reach the desired point, climb up and go inside. After the scene, you need to break the wall on the left with an ice pick. After the flow of water, go back, jump onto the resulting bridge and get over to the other side. In the next room you need to go around the massive building right in front of you, and climb up the other side, past the spike trap and jump to the other side to the entrance to the next puzzle. This is where things get a little more complicated. When you step on the boards, water comes and washes you down. You need to shoot down the board and, without waiting for it, jump to the other side. There, right in front of you, use an ice ax to break the cracks in the wall. The water level will rise, and you can jump on the board again and wait until you are washed away. It will wash you right in front of a floating raft, which you need to quickly climb onto, jump onto the wall and climb onto the beam. After the video, run to the exit, shooting back from the Trinity bandits.

Siberian Wilderness

Go down and collect resources near the abandoned camp using the stick to highlight the necessary items. Return to the campfire and make a bow. Having upgraded everything you can, go forward to the mark and collect resources along the way. After a series of QTEs, you have to run away and press buttons again. As a result, Lara is injured and needs medicinal herbs. Having collected everything you need and recovered, you have a new task - to make a poisoned arrow against the bear. For this you will need mushrooms, fabric and trees. Collect everything you can on the way back to the camp, at the same time looking into the cave on the right, where there is a scroll and explosive ore in the walls. Also, climb the illuminated trees so you can find more scrolls and hidden resources. At the campfire in the camp, make poisoned arrows, upgrade your bow, the skills you need (I recommend thick skin and quiet jump) and return to the bear. But not everything is so simple - detachments have set out to search for you. The easiest way is to destroy all enemies one by one with a bow (don't forget to shoot arrows with the right trigger). At the central point, take the canister and explode it with an arrow in the cave nearby - this will open the way to the treasure. Using the map as a guide, find the prince's crown and examine it. This way you will gain the Mongolian language skill and be able to decipher the pillars nearby. Collect the newly discovered treasures on the map and go to the bear. The easiest way to destroy a predator is to sneak into the cave and poison it with a shot of a poisoned arrow, and finish it off with two accurate shots to the head. If you miss, use poison again and deal damage with regular arrows. If you miss here too, run back to the edge. The bear won't follow you, and you can regain your strength and create new poison arrows with the right bumper. After defeating the bear, take its skin, collect all the items in the room and use an ice ax to break a passage into the ice cave.

Ice cave

Go down and the climb on the right will help you collect another scroll. Continue along the road and you will come to the second camp, which needs to be activated. Remember that you can move freely between camps and if you forgot something, you can always clean up the treasures later. Upgrade your ice ax and distribute your skills and move forward. As soon as you see the giant ship hanging over the cliffs, stop walking along the ledge and head along the mast to the first optional task.

Ice Ship(Tomb of Trials)

The puzzle is not difficult - you need to knock down the ice and climb up. To do this, launch the mechanism with an ice ax, double jump up the mast and jump over to the right pendulum. Wait until he goes down, get off and climb up the wall cleared of ice. Again the mechanism. Twist the stick until the left pendulum lowers to an acceptable height for jumping. Walk along the mast and jump onto the pendulum to break the ice here too. Descend and climb the ice wall using ice axes. A ton of treasure awaits you, including a holy book that improves your archery skill, a second level of Greek, and a ton of gold. Having collected everything, go down the cable car and pick up a medallion next to the descent, which after exploring will reveal to you important secret. You can continue the story mission. Upon leaving the cave and after swimming in the water, do not forget to pick up the scroll on the right.

Soviet base

Now you need to get to the Soviet Base and this is not at all easy. First, go down and examine the opening on the right. It leads to a cave with treasure and a fragment of an ancient bow. There are no riddles there - it’s enough to navigate the labyrinth well, especially since it’s circular. Once you pick up the artifact, return to the starting point. There is a new element here - kerosene lamps and crowds of enemies. Throw a lamp into the crowd and the enemies will light up. Finish off the rest with a bow. Further up the path with weak resistance and the interrogation room, where you will find the first pistol. In the hangar, destroy all enemies with a bow, or distracting with bottles and climbing up, pick up a kerosene lamp and set fire to the tank. A drawing on the wall will help you improve your Russian language skills. Move on. This is your first side quest. If you destroy all the transmitters on the map, you will not only receive a lot of experience points and loyalty, but also a master key that will open several important chests and cabinets in the level and allow you to collect a second pistol. Note that when destroying the transmitters, one is located above the cave with the wolves. You can get to it only by climbing the steep surface to the right of the cave and then spiraling upward. The rest of the transmitters are no problem. Near the rise to the plot point there is a factory building. At the top is a relic, next to it is the same cave with the wolves, and a little to the left, covered with boards, is a secret cave with another useful skill. In order to break the boards, shoot the rope and a block of stone will open a passage for you. Go downstairs.

Cistern in the Cave (Tomb of Trials)

You can immediately run towards the relic, but the boards will break off and you will fall into the water. If you go to the right bottom corner, then you will find a passage to a hatch and a canister. Blow up the canister and add some water. Now go back around the structure and you will find three canisters on the right. You have a difficult trick ahead of you. You need to take the canister and throw it on the raft. Then jump onto the beam and drive the raft with the canister to the other side with water. Jump off and wait for the raft with the canister to float next to the hatch. Blow up the canister and a new passage will open. Inside you need to climb up and break the wall. Jump down. Throw the canister back onto the raft and repeat the trick with the lever. Now you need to have time to swim to the raft and throw the canister into the broken window. Go all the way back, take the canister and blow up the last hatch inside. The water will reach its limit and you will be able to take away the skill. Head back to the Soviet base. You can explore the wolf caves, but there's nothing special there. The cave in front of the story marker will open up another dungeon for you. You can go in and complete the task in the dark. Return to the last bonfire, destroy all the enemies at another camp. Enter the back ones and discover a merchant who is ready to exchange valuable items for gold coins. Higher up and down. Enjoy the plot twist.

Jail break

Break off the pipe and break down the wall. Pick up a new bow upgrade on the table - cable. Break down the beam above the door with a cable and get out. Hack the box with a master key and go outside. Here you need to strangle all the enemies in the level one by one. Start on the right, tower and slowly choke them one by one. Then destroy all the laptops to complete the side task and shoot the cable to make your way to the window. Another video. Get out and go forward. Attach the rope to the cable and then to the winch and get rid of electricity in the water. Get a machine gun. Forward again. You will be presented with a grenade with shrapnel, which can be made from tin can. Don’t refuse, and when you’ve dealt with all the enemies, run outside. You have a new battle ahead of you with several armored opponents - use cans of bolts. After winning, you will have several runs against the clock, plus you must swim underwater - do not forget to quickly press B to speed up. Run again and finally you will come to your senses in a new place.

Finding Jacob

Before you go looking for Yakov, return to the cave in front of the camp. Kill the snow leopard by spending a lot of bullets or arrows on it and then break the boards in the cave and save in the camp. Don't forget to upgrade your skills and in particular the advanced campfire crafting in the survival section, which will give you the ability to large quivers, ammo bags, etc. Do everything you can and move on to the Tomb of Trials.

Voice of God (Tomb of Trials)

You need to go forward and only be afraid of the second collapsing ice beam - have time to jump in time and grab the wall. On the other side, shoot at the post and tie the rope. Now you need to go inside the tomb. There will be a map, a note and some gold. The far counterweight is stuck so you can't lift the second gate. Lower the first ones. Climb up them and get over to the other side. Jump down to the right and attach one end of the rope to the counterweight and the other to the reel. Pull the rope as tight as possible and remove the bolt on the right. If you did it correctly, the coil will no longer be active. Go back and break through the wall to the other side. Raise the gate again and you can secure the counterweight in position. Go back to the lever and pull it to the maximum and then cut the rope on the right. The ice is destroyed - you can raise the gate and take away another useful skill. This will restore your health in battle in case of critical damage. Go back using arrows and cables to the base camp. You can return to the Wilderness Hideout and open the previously inaccessible cave with an arrow and rope and return to Jacob's slips.

In search of Jacob. Part 2

On the way to the goal, you will meet a wounded descendant. He will ask you to clear the cave of wolves. Yes, the same one that you have already cleaned twice from wolves and a leopard. Use poisoned arrows against the animals and they will die very quickly. As a reward, you will receive upgrades for your pistol and gratitude. Near the lumberjack camp, you can receive another optional task to get out of prison. The easiest way to reach the prisoners is through the river and using a rope to climb up. The prisoners are next to the air duct below, the geographer's backpack is on the left. And next to it is another short cut that will take you to the interrogation room. Upon completion of the task you will receive another skill. There is one more optional task left from the wounded man in the cave. There you need to explore the enemy base or another one near the lumberjack camp and look for a crow. The missions are not difficult and there is no point in describing them. They will give you an important skill and components for weapons. Continue the main mission along the markers. Collect all documents and artifacts, read the frescoes. Once you receive the Molotov cocktail you are almost there. To the right of the main building you will find another optional tomb - the Uranium Mines.

Uranium Mines (Tomb of Trials)

You need to go lower and lower, fall into the water and go around all the forks. During the jump, the structure will fall apart. That's how it should be. Along the way, you will come across a pipe with water covering a flammable structure - just throw the incendiary mixture over the top. Next, a puzzle awaits you. You need to jump onto the far counterweight and break the paths. Rise higher and shoot an arrow with a rope at the mechanism, thus pulling out the trolley. Then jump over the pin in the wall to the other side and go up. Near the pillar, shoot an arrow with a cable at the trolley. Go down, jump on the counterweight, and the trolley will close the water source. Throw an incendiary mixture at the opened flammable barrier. Jump inside and pick up the Keen Eyes skill - it gives you the ability to see traps. Go back.

In search of Jacob. Part 3

Burn the obstacle on the way and go forward until you hear voices. Explode gas pipes over the heads of enemies and throw them with an incendiary mixture. Eventually, you will reach a point where you need to stretch the rope and slide down through another rope. Get ready to run. Upon completion of the videos, you will find yourself in a new location.
Abandoned mines
Kill three enemies and call the elevator. Drive the cart and climb on it to get another one new item- knife. Cut the cable for them. Get to the other side and eliminate two more cables that hold the elevator. Climb to the very top and go forward to the fire. Upgrade your skills, weapons and bow if you have collected all the artifacts along the way. Examine the fresco and gain level four proficiency Greek. In the next room, destroy all the enemies either by attracting them with a bow shot and finishing them off with a cocktail, or simply in hand-to-hand combat with an ice ax if you have upgraded it. Works flawlessly even on maximum difficulty. Collect all the artifacts and notes and move on. There is a door in front of you that is difficult to open. Go down the cable to the right. Attach the trolley to the cable and pull it to the top. Cut the cable. And one of the locks will be torn down. Go around the structure and in the dungeons, jumping over the pit, you will rise to the top. Destroy all enemies with explosives. First of all, with the shield and then blow up the barrel at the top. Now go upstairs and go to the crane. There is a winch on the other side - attach it to a large bucket. Move the trolley so that the bucket is above the water. Now run. Remember to jump right in front of the steps. And now you are inside. After a short video, explore everything and, after going through the underwater caves, you will find yourself in a new place.

Geothermal Valley

This is another large area with a lot of tasks, tombs and treasures. But you won’t be able to get most of it, since you don’t have oxygen for diving. Therefore, concentrate on exploring the area and completing side quests. For shooting drones you will be given a bow. Hunting boars and deer will bring experience points and equipment fragments. Once you complete all the tasks except the last one to inspect the tombs, follow the story. You need to light the torch on top, and by doing this you will receive a fire arrow. Go to the next plot point and get a shotgun and new type enemy - flamethrower. Run in circles and shoot bullets at him. After killing him, move on. Everything is destroyed and you need to go get the atlas. Along the way, you will come across a tomb of trials on the right - a water-bearing cave.
Aquifer Cave (Tomb of Trials)
Pull the rope and get over to the other side. Go around the graves on the right and get to the top. The base camp awaits you there. The next puzzle requires dexterity. You need to hook the boat to the mechanisms and have time to choose the next point. When you reach the island, collect everything and hook the rook first to one millstone and then immediately to the second. Use the lever to pull up. And you will reach dry land. Inside the tomb, the skill of hitting animals in the heart. Useless garbage, as it does not work against leopards and bears. Get back on the route.


Not far from the dungeon there is a new location - the Acropolis. Follow the story. Everything is not so complicated here. When you receive an explosive arrow, blow up the door through the hole in the grate - the target will be highlighted. Then go to the tower. Inside there will be a meat grinder, at the end of which you will have a perimeter defense. Use poison and explosive arrows. Save some explosions for enemies with shields at the end. Upon completion, you will receive a new item - an ice ax on a rope, which you can use to cling to ledges and special objects in the air. And a new goal - a church with an atlas. Go to the goal, and leave all the tests for later. As soon as you find yourself in the swamp, go to the far right corner and shoot the armored guard on the left with an arrow. Then go around the area and detonate the gas canister, shoot at the barrels at the top and there will be two or three enemies left that you can easily finish off. If you don’t succeed right away, shoot the cluster with exploding arrows. The next group will be after the window. Kill three guards at once with an explosive arrow, and finish off the rest with a shotgun without leaving cover. The last group will consist of two near and several far away. Use a Molotov cocktail up close and an explosive arrow at a distance. Finish off the rest with an explosive arrow or machine gun. Next, go through a series of long jumps with an ice ax on a leash until you reach the entrance to the cathedral.

Flooded Archive

If you are stuck looking for an entry, then pay attention to top beams at the very top and use the cat. After a short scene, shoot two batteries with a pistol and enjoy the video. Activate the fire. You need to find the entrance to the archive. Everything is not very difficult - the atlas is nearby. Along the way you will receive an oxygen apparatus for a long stay under water. So that you can open the last four tombs - their description will be at the end of the guide. As soon as you receive it, enemies will begin to surround you. Use Molotov cocktails. They will try to open the door with an autogenous gun - wait until they enter and throw the second fire bottle. Now you need to get out of the Cathedral with the artifact. Blow up the barrels and the statue will tilt. Go left, swim underwater and blow up three enemies at one point. Go up to the right. You need to drag through the first amphora with fire. Release it and then blow it up with a fire arrow to clear the way. Get over to the other side and release the amphora again. Tie it to the pole with a rope and then, when it floats around the burning obstacles, cut the rope. When the amphora reaches the sculpture, explode it with a fire arrow. Now go in the opposite direction. Roll out the amphora and tie it to the lift. Pull the other end with the rope. Roll out another amphora and tie it again. Kick the amphora away. On the other side, cut the rope from the amphora and push it into the water. Wait for it to swim to the monument and blow it up. Now you just need to run to the exit. The ancients are very unhappy with you. Now you need to get to the Observatory. But we won’t rush there and will look into another tomb – Ketezhnye Baths.

Ketezhnye Baths (Tomb of Trials)

Swim underwater, then wait and run between the streams of water to the fire. Jump over the trap and crawl between the roots. There is a lot of water waiting for you below. You need to attach the boat to the beam on the left and then lift it to the edge. As soon as you climb up, run to the lever and drain the water. Secure the cable to the lever and winch. Wind up the winch. One water level has gone down. Go down and pull the boat to the right beam. Climb inside and drain the water on the right. Attach the lever to the boat with a cable. Now go down, blow up the barrels and take the manuscript. He will give you a climbing bonus. The cave has been completed. Return to the main route - you can simply teleport to the nearest camp. As soon as you get the steeplejack arrows, you can climb the mountain next to that very cave with the wolves. Walk forward until you reach the Trinity Research Station.

Science Station and Iona Rescue

You need to destroy all enemies on the way. The easiest way is to use an incendiary mixture against groups and finish off those remaining from around the corner. Repeat this tactic several times and if you want, blow up all the cars with fuel. When you are forced to defend the camp and find yourself under the ice, first swim out the first window and quietly remove the enemy. Then swim to the far left window and from there destroy all the enemies you can with poison. Swim through the far right window and get ashore. Use jars with explosives. When you destroy everyone, it will be revealed to you great secret, and you can try to enter the city.


Use the climbing walls until you reach the planetarium. This is not a difficult puzzle. You must turn the structure with arrows and ropes so that a bridge is formed. In fact, you have to line up the planets so that there is a bridge right from which you can use your cat to jump to the other side and then climb onto the washboard lattice surface. On the second tier, you need to remove the support on both sides, and the structure will rotate. You need to climb to the very top, so you jump on the cat to the center, jump onto the board, your main task is to hang on the structure with two beams and Lara herself will tell you when to jump from it. Then, with a running start, jump onto the center of the structure and climb up. You quickly run along the beam to the exit. You have gained the skill and passed the test. The path of the immortals awaits you.

Path of the Immortals

Just move forward, hiding from the immortals and enjoying the city. When you climb up, it will become clear that they are not immortal and you have to fight. Save in the camps. Use a shotgun hand-to-hand combat and jugs during battle. They explode great. After a short scene, everything will be in flames. Shoot with explosives, blow up the pots and go upstairs - it will be safe there. Once you are done with everyone, go forward and after a short scene you will find yourself in the Lost City, where the last tomb awaits you.

Lost City

If you go forward and swim underwater, you will find yourself in a crypt with a valuable item, and if you go back and enter the cave on the left on the map, you will not only meet a bear that can easily be killed with explosives or poison arrows, but you will also unlock tomb of trials.

Chamber of Exile (Tomb of Trials)

After defeating the bear, break the wall and move forward. Use a fire arrow to blow up the gas passage. You need to turn two levers with a rope while at the bottom and then run to the cage with the skeleton and cut the chain. Explode or wait for the gas to dissipate. Now lift the cage using the mechanism at the base of the crane. Turn the cage towards the gate. Climb up, release the gas from two levers and explode with a fire arrow. You will receive a bonus to fire damage. Return to the main route.

Lost City. Part 2

You need to get into the city, but the gates are in the way. Use the trebuchet. As soon as you get inside the first gate, a circular battle awaits you. Use a rifle - it is most effective and has exploding arrows in close combat. When the enemy is finished, go to the second trebuchet. As soon as you deal with the enemy, turn the beam with a cable and cross it to the other side. Attach a bucket. Turn the structure and close the bottom of the bucket with a cable. Bring the bucket to the water. Then rotate the bucket so that the counterweight is opposite the ice. Drain the water from the bucket by opening the latch with a cable. But not completely. Close the bottom again with the cable. Jump onto the counterweight and the ice will be broken. Shoot at the second gate. Your trebuchet will be destroyed and you will have to go to another one. Destroy the enemy there. Attach the rope to the boards and fastening. Release the propelling mechanism and turn the trebuchet. Archers will attack - cover them with fire from the trebuchet. Now break down the gate and go inside. After the cutscene, you need to climb the tower. In the end, you will get to the tower and an enemy will hang on you - shoot off his helmet with a pistol shot and then shoot him in the head until he falls. Rise higher. After the video, the boss is waiting for you - a helicopter. Use the "X" digger when you're ready and shoot the fire projectile from the trebuchet when it's above the helicopter. You need to repeat this three times and each time everything will be interrupted by waves of enemies. Use poisonous arrows against your enemy - they are the most effective. After destroying the helicopter, you will have to fight another boss. Your weapons will be taken away, so make bombs from cans and throw them at the enemy. When he is stunned, hit him with an ice pick. At the end you need to dodge “B” and counterattack “Y” in time. Kill the wounded enemy or go up to the Chamber of Souls.

Chamber of Souls

Enter the temple and enjoy the ending. Congratulations, you have completed Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Below are the remaining two dungeons out of the nine that I promised earlier:

Chamber of the Suffering (Tomb of Trials)

In the geothermal valley, you need to go to the lowest corner to the waterfall. Use a rope to jump over to the other side, crawl under the gate and defeat a pack of wolves. After breaking the grate, you will find yourself in a cave with a tomb of trials. The puzzle is difficult at first glance. Roll the spool of rope all the way forward. On the right, attach the figure eight to the beam and go to the opposite corner with the bucket. Pull the rope and the bucket will drop down. Tie him to the reel cart and the puzzle is solved. Climb up the steps to the left of the entrance and run to the next secret with the skill - quick healing. Return to the valley for the second tomb.

Pit of Redemption (Tomb of Trials)

This is the last of the challenge tombs and one of the easiest. Once in the cave, you must go down into the water and follow the right railway, since the left one is blocked. Having risen up, roll out the TV forward and unfold the platform in three wooden fences forward. Push the cart down. There is a pillar to your right - tie a cable to it and move to the other platform on the other side. Climb to the very top and use the lever to lower the lifting platform down. Turn the mechanism with three paws and roll the cart onto the moving platform. Now turn the platform so that it is on the opposite side from you. Lift the platform up and push the cart down. Another secret and useless skill of a geologist has been revealed to you. Congratulations, you have completed the entire tomb, received an achievement and can complete the last task from your descendants.

System requirements
Tomb Raider 2013

Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
CPU Intel Core2 Duo 1.8 GHz
AMD Athlon64 X2 2.1 GHz
Intel Core i5-750
AMD Phenom II X4 955
Video card Nvidia GeForce 8600
AMD Radeon HD 2600XT
512 MB, DirectX 9
Nvidia GeForce GTX 480
AMD Radeon HD 5870
1 GB, DirectX 11
12 GB 12 GB
operating system Windows 32-bit: XP/7/8.1 Windows 64-bit: 7/8.1

Tips for the game:

1. Not all places and secrets can be explored on your first visit to a location. In some cases, you will need new equipment, which can be obtained further in the story. You can return to a previously explored area using the central “Quick Transit” button in camps that are marked on the map with a tent icon.

2. Collect spare parts according to the map. Some boxes contain modifications to improve weapons.

3. When you first visit a location, you can earn experience by hunting animals. At a certain point, we will receive a message that further hunting in this region will bring less benefit. Hunting large animals brings more experience points.

4. Treasure maps are found in treasure chests in tombs. They indicate all the places for collecting collections.

5. First, you should study the “Survival” branch, in particular the skills associated with accelerating the acquisition of experience. In the future, you will have the opportunity to improve all other skills.

Passage of locations

The main character is a young girl, archaeologist Lara Croft, who went as part of an expedition to one of the tiny islands of southern Japan in search of remains ancient civilization. But things didn't go according to plan when the expedition reached a section of ocean known locally as the "Dragon's Triangle". The ship "Endurance" was caught in a severe storm and crashed, and we only miraculously managed to survive. On the shore we see other survivors, but an unknown person will stun us and drag us into a cave.

1. Scavengers' Den
Tomb Raider (2013)

Willpower: Find a way out

We come to our senses. We are tied and hung upside down in a cave with altars. To get out, we swing from side to side. So we push the nearby hanging bag onto the candles, and it will light up. The fire will spread to the adjacent beam, now we swing in the other direction to hit this beam and set fire to our ropes. Of course, this will end in a fall, and onto a sharp metal rod, which must be removed by quickly pressing the “E” button.

We go through the cave. On the way we will find a Torch, with its help we burn the wooden barrier on the way. Our torch was extinguished by the water, so we set it on fire again at the lamp. We can examine all the active objects in the room (Q key). We climb onto the wooden platform on the left, set fire to the fabric, and it will cause the barrel on the other side to explode. We crawl into the hole. A savage attacks us, we fight him off by pressing left and right.

Puzzle: burning boxes. It is necessary to blow up barrels and mines, it is dangerous to do this close, and if you set fire to the boxes from afar, they will be extinguished by a waterfall. Solution:

1. Set fire to the pole with the rope to release the hanging cage.

2. We climb into the cage, it will lower, and the boxes at the top will fall out of the bucket into the cage on a hill.

3. Set fire to the boxes inside the right cell.

4. Then push the right cell. Burning garbage will roll past the waterfall and set fire to the barrels.

The cave will begin to collapse from the explosion, we quickly run through the tunnel towards the light. We jump over chasms along the road. As soon as the scavenger grabs us again, we resist (left, right) and then kick him (press the "F" button in time). Then we climb the slope, dodging stones flying from above. We got to the surface.

Welcome to Tomb Raider.

2. Coastal forest

Signs of Life: Find traces of other survivors

We walk along the shore and walk along a log. We will see a stuck wartime plane, we climb along it to the other side (places that you can cling to are highlighted in white). We climb onto a high ledge, pushing off from the wall (all places for such a double jump are also highlighted in white). Let's enter the empty camp where the survivors are staying, here in the backpack we will find video camera, matches, walkie-talkie.

Signs of life: Find shelter from the storm

The storm is not over yet, so we hide from the rain in a dry place under a rock, there we set up our first camp of our own. Lara will light a fire and watch a video about the beginning of the expedition.

Woman in wildlife: Find food

In search of food, we descend into a forest clearing. We'll see a skeleton hanging on a tree with a bow behind its back. We climb onto the roof of the bunker, jump along the hills, and from a tree branch we can reach the skeleton. This is how we get Homemade Bow.

Having received a weapon, we can start hunting local wildlife. Our prey is birds, rabbits and deer. Using the “Survival Instinct” (Q key) you can highlight objects of interest to us. Having shot the game, you need to go up and pick up the meat. You can also collect additional arrows and berries on the bushes in the clearing.

After a successful hunt, we return to the camp, where Rott will contact us. He will report that he is gathering survivors in the depths of the island, and we need to move towards him. Now the door to the bunker will be open, before entering you can do some additional hunting or look for artifacts.

Secret. In a forest clearing, like in any other location, there are many different types of secrets: documents, artifacts, caches. You can look for them right now, but it’s much easier to first improve your “survival” skills, and then we’ll see all the secrets on the map. Because of this, ordinary secrets are not described in the walkthrough; you can easily find them yourself.

Auror Challenge(Ghost Hunter)

In addition to the usual secrets, the game also contains challenges. This is the collection or destruction of unusual objects. Challenge item locations are not shown on the map, even with all skills. We are looking for them ourselves. In the coastal forest you need to find and shoot 10 hanging pagan totems in the form of the sun:

1. Even before the first camp, on the side of the path.

2. In the southwestern part of the clearing, near the stone.

3. To the south in front of a hill with several steps.

4. In the northeastern dead end, under the bridge tree.

5. On the tree in front of the bunker.

Find Rott: Find your way out of the forest

We go down into the catacombs of the bunker. We come across a locked door. To open it, we burn through the rubble nearby and find a Pickaxe. With its help, we open the door (press E many times) and get out in the northern part of the forest.

We will find our Japanese friend Samantha and stranger Matios. Sammy will start talking about the empress, whose descendant she is, and at this time we will fall asleep by the fire.

Waking up from thunder, we find the camp empty. We run out in search of newly discovered friends, and immediately fall into a trap. This is also overshadowed by the fact that wolves scented us. We prepare the bow, wait until the predators jump out of the bushes, and then shoot at them. As soon as 3 wolves fall to the ground defeated, the Endurance crew will find us. After a short conversation, the team is divided into two groups, one goes to look for Samantha and her friend, and Wilson and I go to meet Rott.

Find Rott: Catch up with Whitman

A new area is available for us to hunt and explore. But you should be careful, because now wolves will hunt us. In battle with them, you need to dodge at the moment of attack by pressing “Shift”, after which we immediately press again to make a roll. Also, now with the help of a pickaxe we can open wooden boxes with spare parts, they are needed to improve weapons. We collect 50 spare parts, go to the fire, improve the pickaxe so that it can be rotated by mechanisms.

Auror Challenge(Ghost Hunter)

6. The totem hangs under the central bridge.

7. Just north of the central bridge.

8. Near the eastern broken bridge.

9. On the western hill, near the wall.

10. To the right of the gate with mechanisms.

Loadable Tomb – Traveler's Tomb

Located in the Coastal Forest location in the southern dead end. In the tomb we find a plane stuck in the trees. The treasure is on the top floor of the temple. To get there, we perform the following sequence of actions:

1. Set fire to the left support with a white cloth. To do this, we shoot at the hanging lamp.

2. On the right we shoot at the lamp above the boards where the skeleton hangs. We push the platform towards the plane.

3. We climb to the hill ahead. We take a portable flashlight, throw it into the hanging part of the plane with bottom side, and the boxes inside will burn.

4. We go up through the empty body of the plane, and climb along the tail to the roof of the building.

We will receive 250 experience, 1 skill point, a map of secrets throughout the location.

3. Mountain Temple
Lara Croft Tomb Raider (2013). Walkthrough

Meeting in the mountains: Do everything so that your escape is not noticed

After we open the doors of the temple, we fall into the trap of bandits. While they catch the rest of the survivors, we run away with our hands tied. They search for us with flashlights, we hide from enemies behind shelters.

We sit down in front of a small stone wall. As soon as the first enemy passes, we rise higher. There are two more bandits on the way, but as soon as they turn away, we can run past them to the left. Then we go right to wooden building. We wait for the bandit to come down from the mountain, then we go up the slope. We enter the next building.

One of the main sectarians will still find us and try to kill us. We resist (press F, F, shoot from a pistol, dodge left and right, press E many times, and make another shot). So we will kill the first person, and we will get a weapon. An old pistol, but for now without cartridges.

Meeting in the Mountains: Fight off the inhabitants of the island

At the next collision we will be noticed, but we will find a clip and will be able to shoot back. After the shootout we continue to move higher. Along the way, we will be taught silent killing from the back (key "F", then "E" for strangulation). Silent kills give more experience.

Meeting in the Mountains: Climb Even Higher

We climb up the rock along the long stairs and find ourselves in an abandoned temple. Near the waterfall we can jump into the river and there we will find a passage into a cave; inside there is a map of the secrets of this location. There are several more bandits here, you can eliminate them silently. At the end we go east, climb up a narrow crevice between the rocks.

4. Mountain village

To the rescue: Find Rott's backpack

At the top we will meet the wounded Rott, the leader of the expedition, his leg was bitten by wolves. He manages to report that his backpack was stolen by wolves, and loses consciousness. The backpack contains a first aid kit needed by a wounded commander and a walkie-talkie with which you can call for help.

Moving away from the camp, we see a wolf howling on the slope, and we head there. The village is a central location, we will return here more than once, so we don’t pay attention to the fact that many paths are still closed to us, we just make our way up the plane to the cave in the west.

Having entered a dark cave, we carefully reach a huge pile of bones and pick up the backpack. On the way out, a huge wolf will attack us. We resist (left and right, strike with the F key, then press E).

To the rescue: Climb to the source of the waterfall

We go down to Rott and treat his wound. When he comes to his senses, he reports that he cannot go. We alone must climb higher and send out a distress signal. To do this, Rott will give us his Ice ax. Now with its help we can climb uneven walls. This is exactly what you need to get to the very top of the village to the pass to the road to the base.

Tomb of the Scorned

Located in the "Mountain Village" location, on average height, near two waterfalls. A tomb built in honor of the priestesses of Pimiko.

1. We jump onto the platform on the left and immediately to the other side, light the torch.

2. Set fire to three bags on the hanging platform on the left.

3. We push the box standing on the ledge on the right.

4. The platform will rise higher, now we can jump on it to uneven wall. Using an ice ax we climb to the top.

Illumination Challenge(Illumination)

You need to light 10 lamps in the hands of the statues. At first it is impossible to do this completely without a lighter. We will do it on next visits.

Nest Destroyer Challenge(Egg Poacher)

You need 5 bird nests with golden eggs. Usually found on the roofs of houses and on high cliffs:

1. House at the very bottom of the village.

2. Big house near the plane.

3. Eastern peak, on the side of the cliff.

4. In the center on an island between the waterfalls.

5. Big house, southeast.

5. Road to base
Tomb Raider. Game of 2013

Help: Find a bunker

We stop by the fire, watch the video camera, learn more about the other surviving people. We go to the radio point where we need to send a distress signal. It is located in an abandoned base, guarded by local bandits. At the entrance to the base there will be spotlights that can be bypassed if you act quietly and carefully.

6. Mountain base

Help: Find the radio remote control

In the bunker we will reach a locked door. In order to bypass it, we need to close the valve that will be on the left. After this, gas will stop flowing in the passage below, and we will be able to penetrate into the next room. There will be bandits talking in the corridor, who can be expertly blown up by shooting at a barrel.

Puzzle: Room behind glass

1. Climb into the hole at the top;

2. Open the gas with the valve;

3. We climb back out and throw a lamp into the window. The gas will explode, killing the bandit and destroying the glass. We take the Old machine gun from the deceased enemy.

In the next room we will be ambushed. At the moment of slowing down time, we can shoot most of the enemies with a machine gun. We destroy the spotlights so that enemies can be seen better. We are in no hurry to move forward, as reinforcements are already running around the corner. After the victory, we can climb to the 2nd floor, along the right wall, to set up a camp there.

Let's go to the radio room. As expected, it was destroyed. But we learn from Rott that the signal can be sent from the engineering console, which is located on the antenna itself. We climb into the passage with hot pipes.

7. Base area
How to beat Tomb Raider

To the rescue: Climb the radio tower

It's snowing outside. On the bridge a sectarian will try to grab us, we quickly kick him away. Next you will have to participate in several shootouts. In the latter we meet a big guy who uses a shield. We need to dodge his blow (press shift and to the side), and then shoot at him while he is still open.

After the victory, we go to the tower and begin to climb to the very top. Having reached the remote control, we connect the walkie-talkie and begin to rotate two toggle switches to remove interference on the air and find the international SOS wave. As soon as communication is established, Lara will call rescuers, but they cannot land until a signal is given from the ground.

To help: Light the signal fire

We go down on the cable to the gas station. We find Flint in the warehouse, now we can get fire anywhere. We pour gasoline from the tank and set it on fire.

The explosion will attract the attention of the plane, but as soon as it lands, a thunder cloud will fly in and shoot down the plane with lightning. The wreckage of the plane is falling to the ground and is about to overtake us. We begin to slide down the slope, dodging fences and stakes. So we will quickly slide towards the village.

8. Village on the rocks

Slippery Slope: Find the way to the mountain village

The location consists of many flimsy buildings built over an abyss. We see how one of the pilots, parachuting down, gets stuck in the branches of a tree near one of the buildings. We move towards it through the buildings. This must be done quickly, as buildings begin to collapse.

Having reached the pilot, we see how he is desperately trying to get out, but a bandit with a shield overtakes him and kills him. We take revenge for the pilot.

Slippery Slope: Join Rott

In the village we will fall into a trap, they will hang us upside down. In this position, we shoot back from three enemies, and then shoot at the block that is holding us.

We take the Rope from this trap, and now we will be able to release “Comets” - arrows with ropes. With their help, you can shoot at places that are tied with ropes in order to pull them towards you and bring them down or move them.

If we shoot the Comet near the white pillar, Lara will make a rope with which you can get to the other side.

9. Mountain village. 2nd visit
Tomb Raider (2013). How to get through the tomb

Guilt: Reach the Signal Light

We return to the wounded Rott. Lara will begin to blame herself for the failure of the expedition and the plane crash. To make amends, we go to rescue the co-pilot, he landed a little to the east.

Now, thanks to the ropes, the high-mountainous part of the location is available to us. We climb higher and higher, laying new rope paths. At the top of the eastern rock we will find the entrance to the tomb.

Tomb. Ascension Hall

It is located in a huge gorge, which is why the strongest wind blows here. Entering the temple, we see two levers. One raises the platform and the other closes the shutters on the windows. Our task:

1. We close the shutters on the left, run up to the other lever;

2. We are not doing anything yet. We wait until the first shutter swings open from the wind, only then do we begin to turn the mechanism;

3. Using the left wooden structure, we quickly climb onto the raised platform, it will slowly go down;

4. When all three shutters are knocked out, the wind will pick us up and swing us towards the right wall, at this moment we jump and cling to the cornice.

We will receive 1250 experience, 1 skill point, and the “Mountain Village” secret map.

Having passed through the gorge, we find ourselves at the “Pass” location, which leads to the mountain monastery. The pilot lies wounded at the foot of the temple, we try to run up to him. But all this turns out to be a trap for Matios. The bandits stun us and take us prisoner.

10. Mountain Monastery

New troubles: Find a way out

We wake up in limbo, among a heap of corpses. We swing left and right, after which we break the ropes. We climb into the gap and do it just in time, as one of the Japanese Oni demons enters our room. We go through the ruins, and in the hands of one of the corpses we will find an Old Shotgun. It can be used to destroy wooden barricades.

Let's enter the Empress's tomb, where her mummified body lies. From the drawings we learn that there is a certain ascension ritual in which a woman is given over to fire. This is a way of transferring power. They notice us, there is a fight with a group of bandits.

You can take a break at the camp. The further path lies along the wall of the temple above the abyss. Wooden structures are collapsing, and we must quickly get to the entrance to the sanctuary.

Puzzle: bell

Inside, after the fight with the bandits, we must make a passage in the floor, for this we use the bell:

1. Open one of the two shutters, use the comet to swing the weight and break one of the bell supports.

2. Close one shutter, open another. We swing the load again, now it will be blown in the other direction, and it will break the second support.

3. Having defeated a group of opponents, open both shutters on the windows, swing the load, it will hit the bell directly. The whole structure will collapse down, we jump down there after.

The building will begin to collapse, and we need to quickly get out of there. Dodging obstacles, we run along the corridor. At the end we slide down the slope, along the way we need to break through fences with shotgun shots. We fall into the water.

A friend in need: Find the way to the brotherhood base

As soon as we get to the small island, Samantha will contact us. She is in captivity at the brotherhood base, where they want to perform a “Fire Rite” on her. We need to save her.

We returned to the central location "Mountain Village", but now with east side. We move towards the barricaded chapel. In it, Samantha will contact us again, but the conversation will be short, as she will be discovered. We slide down the rope and come across another group of bandits. Having defeated them, we have to cross the river. You will have to wade.

11. Mountainside
Tomb Raider (2013). Wiki

A friend in need: Go down to the brotherhood base

It will not be possible to get to the other side; we will be washed away by the current. While going down the river, we dodge obstacles and, where necessary, shoot barricades with a shotgun.

At the end there is a waterfall on which an old bomber is stuck. If we fall inside onto the windshield, it will begin to crack under us. We manage to grab the parachute, and the glass breaks down. At the moment of the fall, we open the parachute, but it does not work, after which we pull it again to open the spare one. The second time we succeed, the wind picks us up and begins to carry us between the trees. You need to dodge large branches on the way. As we approach the slums, a hard landing awaits us.

12. Slums

Open wounds: Find a first aid kit

Lara is wounded, jumping and rolling brings her hellish pain. We need to find a first aid kit. Entering the slums, we see a crashed helicopter and begin to move towards it. To do this we go through sewer drain under the house, where we hear bandits torturing one of the survivors.

When we get out, we will have a meeting with these bandits. You need to shoot accurately, since Lara's health is low now. We make our way forward to the helicopter, simultaneously getting rid of oncoming enemies.

Having reached the helicopter, we shoot the “comet” at the mount and open the cargo compartment. There is a first aid kit on the plane, but it does not contain the medicines we need. We search the pilot's corpse and find the Lighter. We use it to cauterize wounds. Now we can use Fire Arrows.

Road to Hell: Reach the gate under the bridge

We contact Rott, inform him that we are moving towards the fortified palace. At this moment we are discovered by a large detachment of bandits. We need to shoot back while standing on the balcony and using new types of arrows. We shoot at puddles of gasoline, red barrels and fortifications with fabric. All this can ignite and cause trouble for opponents. After the victory, you can rest in a camp nearby, and then start exploring this entire location.

Test "Silence"(Silencer)

You need to destroy 4 mechanical alarms with handles:

1. Near the western puddle.

Rest in Peace Challenge(Laid to Rest)

It is necessary to destroy the stuffed animals with white cloth. First, we shoot at them with fiery arrows, then we drop the pillar, hooking it with a rope arrow.

1. North of the helicopter.

2. A little south of the helicopter.

3. Near the entrance to the “Well of Tears” tomb.

4. Near the western puddle.

5. Behind the east central building.

Tomb. Well of Tears

Before entering the tomb, they trap us by grabbing our legs with a rope. We need to shoot back while hanging upside down. At the end of the battle, we shoot at the rope fastening to free ourselves.

Then we hook the rope on the floor with a “comet” to open the tunnel down. In the well we will find a high hanging platform and 4 canisters. Solution:

1. Take the canisters and throw them onto the platform, which will gradually begin to descend from their weight;

2. As soon as it is below, we go onto the platform and throw out the canisters from it;

3. We quickly climb onto the neighboring building and jump onto the rising platform. Before it sinks again under our weight, we jump onto the ledge, behind which the treasure will be waiting for us.

Road to Hell: Find your way through the gates

Having reached the gates of the slums, we will be ambushed. The fight will be long. After this, we need to open the gate: we burn the fabric on the gate, then turn the mechanism.

Road to Hell: Get into the Palace

Having opened the gate, we find ourselves in the second part of the slums. We go down and pass through a small lake, after which we see sectarians running after Grim. Let's run after.

On the approach to the tower, sectarians will find us and cut off the path to the rest of the survivors by blowing up the stairs. Sitting in cover, we shoot back. As soon as the assault stops, we climb up the cable. We need to get to the cable car leading to Grim.

Having gone upstairs, we walk along the structures to the station. We will meet sectarians. We use a bow and a machine gun. Near the station there will be an entrance to the tomb.

Test "Silence"(Silencer)

2. Alarm on the building south of the lake.

3. On the building north of the lake.

4. On the northern building with hanging cabins.

5. Behind the building to the northeast of the lake.

Rest in Peace Challenge(Laid to Rest)

6. Scarecrow north of the lake.

7. On the southernmost building.

8. In the west behind the destroyed bridge.

9. In the east at the end of the northern river.

10. To the north are buildings with hanging cabins.

Tomb. Courtroom

There are several balconies with canisters around. In the center on the floor there is a metal sheet swaying from side to side.

1. We collect 4 canisters, destroying the balconies under them. We throw extra canisters on the left, and the platforms will not support the load. On the right we swing the load on the rope;

2. Place the canisters on a swinging sheet, closer to the exit;

3. Having created a counterweight, we can run up the inclined sheet and jump from it to the cliff. With the help of an icebreaker we will climb up.

Liberator: Find the way to Grim

Having climbed into the station, we sit in any booth. We will take the cable car to the next platform. Upon arrival, we will see that old Grim has been captured by enemies, and we are forced to drop our weapons. But Grim refuses to give up and starts a fight, resulting in both the bandits and him falling off the cliff. There is no time to mourn him, since we are again besieged by bandits.

After the victory, the survivors will try to grab us, but Rott will intervene in time with a sniper rifle. Now, under his cover, we need to get to the entrance to the brotherhood’s palace.

We do not abandon our own: Find the entrance to the citadel of the brotherhood

We climb the structures. Having reached the bridge, we decide to crawl under it. We move until the shooting starts. During the shootout, we listen to Rott’s commands on the radio, he will tell you when we can move on. The bridge will begin to collapse, we quickly jump along the beams, and as a result we will reach the entrance to the cave.

13. Cave entrance
Tomb Raider (2013). Walkthrough

We don’t abandon our own: Free the prisoners from the Endurance

In the cave we pass to the hall in which a crowd of sectarians is already conducting the ritual of sacrificing Samantha. We are trying to prevent this, but the enemies have numerical superiority, we are quickly stunned and disarmed. They try to burn Samantha, but the wind saves her. We are taken to prison. On the way, we break out and jump from the bridge into the lake with the blood of the victims, and go ashore.

14. Caves

Having lost all the weapons, we were able to get the bow back. With its help, you can pass through a stream of gas; to do this, you need to shoot a burning arrow. After the explosion, the road will be clear for some time.

In the caves we find ourselves in a section where the sectarians keep prisoners. The prisoners have already gone crazy and are eating all the new arrivals. It is worth remembering that all our weapons were taken away and now we have few arrows. But here we will encounter only a few opponents who can be dealt with with the help of an ice ax or a Comet. To get out, you need to break the gas hydrant and blow up the gas. The explosion will knock out the grate.

Near the camp there is a building with gratings on top; you can climb there along the boards of the side wall; at the top there is a map of the location.

Along the way you will come across sectarians, whom you can get rid of silently. We use arrows to distract attention, and gas to get rid of groups of enemies, especially in the place where they pray to the totem.

At the end of the “comet” path, we turn the pole with the rope so that the cage is closer to the gas. We explode the gas with a fiery arrow, the cage will fly off and break through the doors.

Puzzle: Rescue of colleagues

In the last cave we will find members of the Endurance team, they are locked in a suspended plane. As soon as we get rid of the guards, we will need to get them out of there.

1. We break the valve under the cage, shoot fire arrows into the gas.

2. So we freed the platform, climb onto it, and from there onto the cage with prisoners.

3. It is necessary to blow up two gas sources in series. First we shoot at the near gas, then immediately at the far gas. The suspended cage will be carried to the side by the explosions, and it will knock down a large counterweight projectile. Let's fly higher together with the plane's body.

4. We climb onto the upper platform and break 2 more valves. Here they need to be detonated simultaneously with one shot. To do this, stand in the corner on the right so that both gas sources are on the same line, and shoot. The survivors are saved, and we get out along the platforms.

15. Fortress of Brotherhood
Tomb Raider (2013). Walkthrough site

Into the Heat: Find Sammy

Having got out of the caves, we will find ourselves in the cult fortress. A fire started here from explosions in the caves. We make our way through collapsing buildings, shooting sectarians along the way. In one of the rooms we will have time to grab records of the ceremony.

Having gone through all this, we will meet the chief archaeologist Whitman, who is freely walking around the enemy palace. We have no time to talk to him, and we go into the throne room where Samantha is being kept.

Into the Heat: Survive the Ambush

By killing the guard Dmitry, we will get all our weapons back. Immediately after this, groups of enemies will begin to attack us. We hide behind the columns. At the end of the battle, armored sectarians will come towards us. They can be killed by destroying the armor on their body.

Into the Hell: Escape from the Hell

Samantha left dangerous place, let's go after her. As soon as we get outside, Nikolai will see us and open fire from a stationary machine gun. Running from cover to cover, we approach it.

At the end we climb onto the balcony and descend on a cable directly to the enemy. Nikolai will throw us down and start firing at us with a pistol. Let's pick up a fallen grenade launcher on the floor, shoot from it, and the enemy will die. After the victory, we mount the Grenade Launcher on our machine gun. With its help, we will be able to blow up metal barricades, and shootouts with enemies will become much easier.

Behind the next camp we approach the wall of the fortress. As soon as another machine gun notices us, we run from cover to cover. Let's get to closed balcony on the right, from there we fire a grenade launcher behind the enemy fortifications, and the machine gunner will be killed.

16. Fortress tower

Get to the helicopter: Walk across the bridges

After talking with Sammy, we climb the wall and go down the cable to the bridge. Matthias will start firing cannons to destroy the bridges and prevent us from reaching the rescue helicopter. Let's run forward. The bridge will begin to collapse. A sectarian will grab us, we throw him away with an ice ax. We continue to run and dodge explosions.

Once in the tower, you need to climb higher. We climb the beams and outer walls. At the very top we run up and jump into the helicopter.

17. Mountain forest
Tomb Raider (2013). All tombs

Loneliness: Find a way out of the forest

Unfortunately, the helicopter is also knocked down by a storm and we fall into the forest. Lara loses consciousness. Rott is the first to come to his senses and tries to pull Lara away. At this moment the sectarians attack. Rott shot almost everyone, but there wasn’t enough ammunition for Matthias. Matthias throws an ax, and Rott shields Lara from him with his body.

We come to our senses after the death of a friend and continue our journey through the mountain forest. In the large valley we will come across many patrols of bandits. You can carefully eliminate them one by one. If you make noise, you will have to fight with large group sectarians.

"Silent Hunt" Challenge(Red Cap Roundup)

You need to find 10 mushrooms in the forest. Grows only on grass:

1. To the right of the first fork in the forest.

3. On a narrow path to the central clearing.

4. At the northern wall of the central clearing.

5. Near the north bridge, just below the bridge.

6. On the western bank of the river, near two islands.

7. In the southwest of the clearing, on a rock.

8. At the southern border of the clearing.

9. In the east under the broken bridge.

10. In the west, on the right before exiting the clearing.

Tomb. Temple of the Guardians

Located in the northern part of the Mountain Forest.

1. Set fire to a pile of wooden debris using fire arrows;

2. Behind the rubble, we detonate the gas with fire arrows;

3. We quickly run up and climb using an icebreaker.

Solitude: Escape the Forest through the Wolf's Lair

We reach a cave in which sectarians breed wolves. Having climbed onto the platform, we use the “comet” on the suspended deer, twice, so we will turn the pillar around and be able to jump onto the pole and onto the next wall.

Coming out of the cave, we find ourselves in top level slum We move along the cables to the large cable car, which leads to the shore. We climb into any cabin and go down.

18. Cable car

Accelerated Descent: Reach the Survivor Camp

Our platform will stop before reaching the end. We use the “comet” to move to the nearest support. From there we move onto a whaling ship suspended over the abyss.

Here we have to have a hot battle, at the end of which a machine gun will start firing at us. Dodging shots, we climb up the collapsing ship. As a result of the fire, the ship will finally begin to fall. We grab onto several cables one by one and slide down between the trees. We need to jump from one cable to another in time so as not to fall into the wreckage. We go down to the river, after which we go ashore.

19. Shore of Sorrow
Tomb Raider (2013). I can't get through

A Pirate's Life: Reach the Galleon

Having reached the camp, we learn that the survivors are going to leave the island, all that remains is to repair the boat. Programmer Alex went to the wreckage of the Endurance to get tools, and we need to find the rigging on the galleon in order to remove the engine from the boat. Let's go there.

We run along the wreckage of the southern pier, jump into wooden ship. Along the way, we shoot the bandits. Having reached the bow of the ship, we shoot upward at the anchor fastening. This way we get Rigging, with which you can pull up heavy loads. We climb back along the fallen mast.


You need to destroy 5 dolmens - helmets on small sticks.

1. To the right of the entrance, we place two tanks on the water, jump over them to the rock, and destroy the first dolmen at the top.

2. On the hill south of the entrance path.

3. On the eastern hill.

Challenge "Demining"(Minesweeper)

You need to shoot 10 old sea mines in the form of spiked balls. It’s better to shoot from a shotgun, only the farthest ones are undermined by machine gun shots. They are on the surface of the water, a couple of them have washed up on the sand.

1. On the eastern sandy slope.

2. On the southeastern coast.

3. At the beginning of the southern pier.

4. Behind the second fragment of the southern pier.

5. On the southern pier, to the left of the wreckage of a wooden ship.

Having reached the camp, we will meet the chief archaeologist Whitman, who supposedly miraculously escaped from the enemies. Alex still doesn’t come back, so we go looking for him. Hunter Jonah will give us a Composite Bow, with its help we will be able to hook “comets” to uneven rocks. We make our way further east along the shipwrecks. Having walked along the shore, we climb onto the tower, and from there along the cables to the passage to the bunker.

Test "Ravage of the Dolmens"(Cairn)

4. On the southeast path, on the second large shipwreck.

5. On the mountain east of the previous location.

Challenge "Demining"(Minesweeper)

6. On the southeast path, near the first large piece of debris.

7. On the southeastern path, near the second shipwreck.

8. South of the second shipwreck.

9. On the mountain east of the second fragment.

10. In the eastern clearing.

Tomb. Flooded cache

The cache is an abandoned laboratory.

1. First, turn on the power upstairs, then open the entrance gate.

2. Having gone inside, we see that the water is energized, which comes from a lamp suspended from the ceiling. We unhook the platform standing nearby.

3. We stand on the right, break through the boards, use the “comet” to pull the raft closer to us, and jump over it to the right bank.

4. Use the “comet” on a suspended weight that holds the lamp. This will cause the lamp to rise, the current in the water will temporarily disappear, we quickly run to the other side. The lamp will slowly fall back into the water.

5. You need to lift the lamp again, and then pull the raft directly under it. The lamp will fall onto the raft and will no longer touch the water. We can calmly walk through the water to the stairs around the corner.

20. Bunker on the rock
Tomb Raider (2013). How to save Alex

Missing: Reach the Endurance

From here we see our ship, which is being dismantled into pieces by sectarians. We use the “comet” and climb to the opposite side into the bunker. There will be many bandits here, with whom we deal as we move upward. We climb out through the platform into the hole in the ceiling. Now we need to go down the cables to our ship.

Boss: Brute. We find one of the Russian brothers on the ship, who uses Zhumar to automatically tighten the ropes. To defeat him, you need to use dodge (shift) and counterattack (F key), then hit him in the face with an ice pick. Having won, we go down.

Puzzle: Alex's Rescue

After examining our cabin, we go to the back of the ship. We find Alex, who was crushed by debris. The path to it is blocked by a switched-on generator. To open the path, you need to move the hook under the ceiling. We can use the zhumar to move it back and forth, and it moves left and right if we climb onto its side ladders. Solution:

1. We need to put the hook in the extreme right position, there we can move it to the central cross rail. Then we climb onto the hook on the right, and it will roll up to the central staircase. We climb under the ceiling, there we tear off the pipe that is interfering with us.

2. We need to move the hook closer to the exit, there we can move it to the central longitudinal rail. From there we pull the hook towards Alex, the obstacle will be broken. Pull the hook back to get through.

Having reached Alex, we will see that he suffered greatly. He was able to find the tool, but the attacking bandits do not give him the opportunity to help him. Alex decides to sacrifice himself to save Lara. We escape from a sinking ship. We use a zhumar on the cable to automatically climb up the rope. Now we need to go back.

21. Shore of sadness. The way back
Tomb Raider (2013). What to do

Missing: Return to the shore, to the survivors' camp

Now with the help of zhumar we can destroy strong barricades (white rope on steel doors). At the entrance we pull together a heavy load to break through the floor and return to the bunker. Inside, we open the strong doors to collect the remaining secrets. We return to the sandy shore.

Chasing the Wind: Begin the Ascent

While Race is repairing the boat, we go to the scientific station to find out the cause of these storms. To the left of the camp we open the road to the elevator and climb onto the rock. We move along the cables to the cable car, from which you can climb onto the cliff where this station is located. There is a big climb ahead.

22. Research station

Chasing the Wind: Explore an Ancient Tomb

Having reached the entrance to the bunker, we will get inside the laboratory. We reach the elevator, which cannot go down. We need to break all 4 gears that move the elevator. To do this, we raise the elevator to different floors and break the gears through the holes.

Puzzle: Elevator

1. Call to the 2nd floor, destroy the gear while standing on the box.

2. We call you to the 3rd floor.

3. We call to the 3rd floor, climb up the vertical stairs.

4. We lower it to the 3rd floor. By pressing the call button on the 4th, we jump into the elevator and jump onto the uneven rock. As soon as the last gear is destroyed, the elevator will collapse, opening the way for us further.

On the lower floor we can climb over the boxes to take secrets from dead ends, and a map of all the secrets is hidden in the same way. We will find ourselves in an ancient tomb, where the commander of the thunder guards made a sepukku. From the note we learn that this mummified body of the empress does not make it possible to escape from the island.

Chasing the Wind: Leave the Research Station

Immediately in the hall, sectarians begin to attack us. Having defeated everyone, we can get out. We hear on the radio that the camp is under attack. We quickly return there along the cables.

In the camp we will find only the wounded Race and Jonah. As it turned out, the archaeologist Whitman betrayed us, and during a bandit attack he took Samantha to the sectarian Matthias. The boat is ready, but on it we will not escape from the island, but will go up the river to save our friend.

23. Pass
Tomb Raider game

Return: Enter the monastery

Having reached the place, we rise to the entrance to the citadel. From afar we will see how Matthias sent Whitman to meet with the thunder guards. Of course, the ancient Japanese could not understand him and killed him in cold blood. Matthias used this as a distraction and ran into the monastery with his hostage Sammy. We follow him, but the bridge will collapse, so we use the cable on the rock on the right.

24. Citadel

Return: Find Samantha in the monastery

Once in the citadel, we see living thunder guards; we can try to kill the first two. As soon as we reach the ceremonial room, we move quietly, there are too many enemies there. We go forward along the wall, from above we move to the other side along the beam, they won’t see us. Then we crawl along the ledge to the center of the hall. They will notice us, but we will have time to climb through the window.

We run along the burning corridor and jump into the courtyard. We will meet several guards on the way; these are ordinary warriors, dressed in armor. We shoot them with weapons and dodge their blows.

Return: Rescue Samantha from Mathias

Let's go out into the open. Here we will have to storm several lines of defense of the fortress, with a whole army of guards against us. At first, only archers on the towers, then they will bring down the column, and the samurai will come at us in close combat. At the main entrance we will be met by the main samurai hunter, but this time we will avoid battle, the enemy will be blown away by a powerful stream of wind. We take advantage of this opportunity and enter the temple.

25. Temple over the gorge
Tomb Raider (2013). How to get

Puzzle: Cage

Several artifacts can be found in the temple. In the next room we will find a cage suspended on a chain and a couple of mechanisms nearby. Decision:

1. Turn the mechanism on the right to open the cage on the floor;

2. The mechanism on the left will lift the cage;

3. We stand in front of the entrance, using the jumar we pull the cage towards us. She will break through the rock ahead;

4. Use the right mechanism to close the grille;

5. Use the left mechanism to lower the cage;

6. We climb onto the balcony of the upper floor. We pull the cage towards us and jump onto it. We will be carried by inertia towards the gap, and when we are close, we jump into the gap in the rock. Here we learn that the Empress is alone, and that she uses the priestesses as vessels for her soul.

(The game scares us with a “point of no return” before entering the last temple, but this is only until we complete the game to the end. After completing the story, you can return to any location and continue collecting secrets).

26. Ziggurat

Before us is the snow-covered tomb of Queen Pimiko. Matthias takes Samantha inside, and we need to look for a workaround. We climb up external wall temple. The path will be blocked by a gate with broken shutters; we must pull the bell hanging nearby. The wind will pick it up and direct it towards the gate. Climbing higher, we will see thunder guards on the bridge, who were held back by Race and Jonah, they are running into the temple. We climb higher.

At the very top, the ritual has already begun - Pimiko's soul slowly passes into Sammy's body. The path to the center is blocked by a storm, we must move around the altar, shooting at the cultists. After two skirmishes, the demons kill the bandits, and now we have to deal with them.

Boss: Guardian Stalker. To defeat him, we dodge his blows from top to bottom in time and shoot at his unprotected back. After he weakens, we hit him in the face with an ice pick. After the third such blow he will be defeated.

Boss: Mathias. We enter the center of the altar. The battle with the cultist Matthias will only take place in the format of quick button presses. First, he will shoot off our bow, then we will try to hit him with a pistol, but he will knock us to the ground. We throw Mathias off of us with an ice ax, after which we grab his pistol and shoot with both hands at once (this is where Lara Croft from previous games in the series begins to be recognized). A few hits and Matthias will fall off the cliff.

We thrust a torch into the empress's mummy, and it will fly into pieces before it can move into Sammy. Immediately after Pimiko's death, the storm over the island will begin to subside, and the rays of the sun will break through the sky. A small team of four people leaves this island by boat.

This is just the beginning of the adventure.

Achievements. Questions - answers.


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