Farewell letter upon dismissal example. Sample resignation letter to clients

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If you were fired during a crisis,
Time to test yourself!
If you give up, you will lose everything!
Luck will forget you!
If you can handle it, then you are the best.
There will be something to tell everyone.
Maybe later memoirs,
You will write about this!

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Wishes from colleagues on dismissal

So you're exhausted! As they say, don’t be sad about what hasn’t come true, but smile about what will come true ahead. Dismissal is not a reason for sadness, it is a reason to dream and create your own happiness, we, your colleagues, want to wish you! Do not lose optimism, hard work and faith in yourself. And then everything will definitely come true for you!

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Wishes upon dismissal

First of all, I wish you not to hang your nose. There is still a place as good as this! Secondly, I wish not to forget the team. That team, with whom the work week flew unnoticed, with the people from whom it happened to be so fun to spend the weekend. And, of course, I wish you good luck and success in your search for a new job.

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Wishes for someone leaving

As you go forward, don’t look back at what you left behind. Remember that there is always something better ahead. So, leaving old job, know that you are discovering roads that were previously closed. So have more fun sailing your ship on the sea of ​​life. And don’t be discouraged when quitting your job!

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Wishes and congratulations to those leaving

Leave, leave the team and workplace, a little sad, because there is so much good associated with all this. But since it’s your fate to leave, you shouldn’t hang your nose. All the changes now are only for the better, and there will also be a cozy workplace and a new, friendly team! We sincerely wish those leaving today great success and conquering new heights.

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Wishes to the departing manager from the company

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May good luck always be with you,
We are all sorry to part with you!
But we know that you will be happy
And you will work with your soul!
We wish you a new place,
Be successful and grow in your career!
And we hope you won't forget,
Our close-knit, large team!

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Wishes for a retiring employee

You are leaving us for free swimming. We would like to wish you that on your way you will not meet evil shark colleagues, financial shoals and reefs, vile and evil pirate bosses. May the sun of success always shine on you and a fair wind blow, carrying you to promotions.

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Poem wishes to colleagues from someone resigning

Well, guys, I'm leaving,
I take dismissal calmly!
But I sincerely feel sorry for our team,
After all, I’ve gotten used to it over the years!
Work successfully and, of course, amicably,
Call if you need anything,
And don’t forget about me,
And, if you want, visit!
I will be happy to meet anyone
I will always find a word for everyone!
And I’ll treat you to tea, or maybe something stronger,
And we will all live - great!

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Examples of farewell letters to colleagues upon dismissal can inspire you to write your own message. This could be a humorous text or a sentimental declaration of friendship. What can you write in such a letter? Is there an approved writing form?

How to write a letter?

A farewell letter upon dismissal is a kind of innovation in corporate ethics. Since the dismissal process always brings some grief for both the person leaving and the team, a message to colleagues will defuse the situation and leave positive memories of the former employee.

Such a letter is a ritual that not only shows the level of education of employees, but will also help maintain connections that may be needed in the future.

The rules of etiquette, if we take specifically relationships at work, imply that in a small team of a little more than 5 people, it is better to get by with farewells and parting words in person, in words. In large organizations, such as a school, it is difficult to say goodbye to everyone in person, and you don’t want to offend anyone. Besides, in Lately Even small organizations use letters that serve as a kind of friendly gesture.

That's why farewells were invented. There is no specific sample of a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal. Usually the style is chosen according to the situation:

  • official;
  • friendly;
  • comic.

The choice of style depends on the relationships at work. If these are humorous parting words, it is better to use several stickers of cheerful colors and attach them to the door of each office; if they are official, it is better to send the newsletter via internal mail.

Writing rules

Despite the fact that the letter is written in free form, do not forget about some rules that are necessary specifically when sending by e-mail. For example, some nuances will prevent the message from being deleted without being read.

The rules are as follows:

  1. In the “subject” box you should enter the last name, first name if desired, and the position the employee held before he was about to resign. This way, the recipient will immediately understand who the letter is from.
  2. At the very beginning, you need to tell them that the employee is about to quit. It is not necessary to indicate the reason for the action. You can limit yourself to discreet information that at this time another option in the profession is better and a letter of resignation is the only possible option.
  3. Then you need to thank those with whom the fired person worked. At the same time, not just say “thank you,” but describe the support that colleagues provided throughout the entire period of work, write about what he achieved in the team.
  4. Parting words. You can wish success in your career in general, or you can wish something specific to everyone.
  5. Introduce someone who will work instead of the fired person, if there is one. You can devote a separate paragraph of your message to him, where you can talk about the intricacies of the work.

They end the letter by writing about their desire to communicate further. There are some nuances here - if there is really no desire, you do not need to leave contacts, but you will still have a good impression of the employee. If the former employee really wants to maintain contacts, it is better to leave new contacts if they have changed.

Important! In no case should you brag and write something like “Goodbye losers, I’m heading up the mountain.” career ladder" Even if it's a joke, some people may not understand it.

Do you need to say goodbye to your boss?

The boss is sometimes somewhat distant from the atmosphere in the team, but you still need to write him a message.

For a manager, there is no particular difference in the form of farewell. The only thing to consider is that it is better to choose a formal narrative style.

It is necessary to mention that the boss is a real mentor who knows how to create the necessary conditions for work. Even if you had to quit on the initiative of the employer, you do not need to write about it. You should briefly describe what the employee achieved at this place of work.

In the first sentence, you should address your boss by name and patronymic and be sure to use “respected.” Calling by name is always a winning behavior in any situation.

Nuance! Sometimes it is in a letter to your superiors that you can rectify the situation with dismissal if the employee is to blame. You can ask for forgiveness, explain the situation in which you had to violate the terms of the contract. In 34% of cases, after such letters, the dismissed person is reinstated.

Farewell to the team

It is much easier to write a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal than to write to your superiors. There is no need to hold back here if the relationship is warm.

When talking about how the fired person will miss such a good team, you can especially highlight some, for example, thanking the secretary for the delicious coffee or the cleaning lady for the clean floor.

Address to employees.

A message in poetic form.

Farewell to the team.

A message before leaving.

Wishes in verse.

Possible formatting in poetry or prose.

You can remind yourself again with short notes left on your colleagues’ desks.

What should the letter be like if it is the boss who is resigning? There may be some humor in such a message, but the main style should be formal.

Message from the manager.

However, if the relationship between the manager and subordinates is warm and good, any other spelling option can be used, including informal.

For reference! If you want to send a farewell to your clients, then it is better to formalize it; it is necessary to indicate the contacts of the new employee and, just in case, leave your own.

Letter from colleagues

You can go the opposite way and support a colleague who has decided to quit and write a farewell letter to him. You can come up with a collective message, or you can send it from someone personally.

An example of a message from colleagues.

The letter is no different from other farewell letters, only they praise the person leaving. The employee will be pleased to see the caring attitude of the team, this will give him strength for new achievements. And for the team, for each of the colleagues, this is a chance to get a more prestigious position in new organization, if the quitter moves to another company with a promotion.

In addition, employees from past work can support a former employee in a new place of work by responding to his farewell. The answer, just like farewells, is written in free form.

In any case, being fired brings with it sadness. Farewell letters are a way to support and have a little fun for employees, and most importantly, a chance to leave with dignity and leave warm memories.

Each employee of a large or small company, over the years of work, acquires connections in the team, becomes a useful and sometimes irreplaceable member in a well-coordinated personnel mechanism. All this requires compliance with corporate ethics standards from the company, promotion or when moving to another branch. One of the rules in such cases is to draw up a farewell corporate letter for the team and management.

The tradition of writing farewell letters is widespread in European countries. In large organizations, each employee performs specific functions and interacts with employees from many other departments. In such cases, the letter will allow you to express respect, notify other employees of your departure and transfer business contacts so that there is no downtime in work.

A corporate farewell letter will be required if the employee is on long term or permanently leaves the company or department in which he worked. An official farewell letter is written in the following cases:

  • dismissal from the company
  • promotion to a management position
  • moving to a branch in another city
  • retirement

The longer an employee has worked in a team, the more established connections remain at the old place of work and, of course, simply and quietly leaving in this case is simply impolite. Farewell letter - best format to say goodbye and notify employees that a particular employee is leaving and a new specialist is taking his place.

Is it necessary to write such a letter at your workplace?

A farewell letter to colleagues is a formal farewell method and is more designed for large companies with a large number of employees and various departments, where not all employees have the opportunity to meet personally.

In such cases, the letter is published on the corporate blog, posted on an information board, or read out on general meeting, depending on the reason for leaving.

For small offices and companies where no more than 10-20 people work, a farewell letter is not necessary and is used rather as a formality when saying goodbye, remaining as a keepsake for employees. In a small team, you can say goodbye to each employee yourself or throw a farewell party.

In general, it all depends on the preferences and wishes of the retiring employee, the traditions of the team, and the presence or absence of the practice of writing farewell letters.

Reasons for writing the message

Writing a corporate farewell letter has several main goals:

  • Express gratitude to colleagues with whom I had the opportunity to work for a long time and who rightfully became friends and acquaintances
  • Notify employees of other departments that you are leaving your position and are not officially working in the company or are not involved in the affairs of your department by going for a promotion
  • Notify the team that after you there is a receiver who can be contacted on work issues
  • Leave the coordinates, work phone number and email of the receiver to simplify communication within the team
  • Thank management for the opportunity to work in the company and for the experience gained in the chosen profession

A farewell corporate letter can be considered a banal act of politeness, in which the employee thanks everyone and expresses gratitude to the team for the time they worked together. But it's not just about sentimental feelings. In an era of corporate ethics, letters of recommendation and testing an employee's reputation at previous jobs, it is extremely important to leave with a good reputation. That is why it is necessary to show politeness and caution, because companies working in related fields are in contact in one way or another, old connections and good feedback will not interfere with your new job.

Rules for writing farewell letters upon dismissal

The farewell message should be short, succinct and positive.

If you work in a company with several hundred employees, there is no point in writing one long message. Firstly, reading it will take time from people busy with work. Secondly, employees who are unfamiliar with them will not read a long message, even without really knowing the person who wrote it. Therefore, the general letter should contain a number of official theses and gratitude to the team and management.

A longer message can be written for employees in your department or for those with whom you have a warmer relationship. Also in this letter you can show off your eloquence, add a little humor, making the message friendly, not formal. A letter for friends can be sent to the personal mail of those employees you know.

Analysis of a farewell letter point by point

Should I send a goodbye letter to my boss?

Of course, this largely depends on the personal and professional relationships that have developed with management. But following the rules of corporate ethics, it is still necessary to send a letter to your boss.

A letter of gratitude will allow you to create a last positive impression, which can be a plus in the future. You may need letter of recommendation from the manager, or the head of the personnel department of the new company will try to contact the boss from your previous place of work.

Examples of farewell letters

If you are going to write a letter upon dismissal to colleagues, we will look at an example of a possible message below. We suggest you read the letter in a businesslike and friendly style, intended for the head of the company.

It is also worth clarifying that many large companies have approved samples of farewell letters for each specific case. If your company is one of these, then it is worth studying the submitted and approved sample on the corporate blog.

In a formal style

Dear Colleagues! I inform you that after working at the Voskhod company for 12 years, I decided to quit and try my hand at a new business and in another organization. I quit without having any complaints against management or my colleagues.

I would like to thank you for your respectful and warm relationship, responsiveness and professionalism in working together. I wish you further success in your work, career growth and well-coordinated teamwork.

Petrov Alexander Yurievich is appointed successor in my place. You can contact him for all work related issues, the transfer of affairs is completed and the person is brought up to date with events.

Once again I thank everyone for their cooperation and wish you success!

In a friendly style

Friends! Today I am leaving our wonderful company and saying goodbye to the team where I have worked for the last 5 years. I am very glad that I was able to gain experience as an accountant and work with such professionals as you.

Going to a new company, I will forever remember the years spent with you and I am sure that we will meet many times in a friendly atmosphere and share our experience. My seat will not remain empty and a receiver has already been assigned to it. I hope you will accept a new employee and the team will continue its fruitful work. I am sending you the contact information, phone number and email of my receiver so that you can contact him with any questions regarding work matters.

I would like to express special gratitude to the management of the company and personally to our Vladimir Anatolyevich for sensitive management, the ability to communicate with the team and the opportunities provided for career growth.

I want to say goodbye on a positive note and wish everyone success and mutual understanding!

Farewell letter for the manager

Dear Boris Mikhailovich!

My full name, I am leaving the company and resigning from my position as an accountant. Having worked under your leadership for more than 10 years, I gained a lot of valuable skills and was able to feel like an important member of the team. Thank you for your responsible approach to business, respectful attitude towards me and my colleagues, compliance with corporate rules in matters of labor assessment and calculations.

All necessary materials and information about the work was transferred by me to a new employee appointed to my position. I will also send you in a separate file the accumulated experience during my service, which may help improve the work of the accounting department, increase labor efficiency, reduce the cost of running a business and improve office work in a number of other areas.

Thank you again, success in the development and establishment of your business and other endeavors.
You can use these resignation letter examples to co-workers by replacing the company name, adding your name, and making any other edits. In general, writing a farewell message is not difficult, the main thing is to try to put as much information into it as possible, be brief and follow the rules of corporate etiquette. Remember that a farewell letter is a tribute to the team and an opportunity to strengthen your reputation in the field where you work.

Every year, the rules of corporate ethics become more and more closely integrated into the life of companies and business organizations in the Russian Federation. The tradition of farewell messages has taken root and has become an integral part of large corporations, medium-sized and small companies, where employees are valued and strive to create.

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    A farewell letter to colleagues is a necessary and interesting thing. You can write anything. But, the thought in my subconscious does not leave me that with such a letter the person resigning does not burn bridges, but leaves the door ajar for himself to return back.


They are not yet as widespread in Russia as in the West, where they have become an integral part of corporate culture. Writing them has not yet become a general rule, and it is certainly not necessary to do so. And yet they are becoming increasingly widespread.

Depending on the situation, a farewell letter is drawn up in different ways: relationships with colleagues can be of varying degrees of closeness, and, in addition to dismissal, the reason for writing is sometimes a transfer to another department within the company, and so on. To compose a letter correctly, let’s get acquainted with how to do it, what the form and content of such a letter can be, and to whom it should be sent.

To some, this practice may seem unusual and dubious. This is not surprising, because in our country it is new, and in general corporate culture we are just developing, and it seems strange to send a letter to such a large number people when at work we usually communicate with only a small part of them.

Of course, no one will force you to compile it, because this is not necessary, but still it becomes important rule good manners. Therefore, for a corporate employee who wants to maintain the high opinion of others about himself, it is important to be able to leave work correctly, especially since recommendations may be required in the future. And writing a farewell letter becomes more and more important element care

Psychologists also recommend writing farewell letters: they will help you sum up your work, draw conclusions and organize your thoughts, and then approach the next challenges refreshed. This will help you remember once again what kind of relationship you have with your colleagues and superiors, what you did right and what you did wrong, and avoid making mistakes at your next job. In addition, there is stress in any case, and sending letters will be an additional guarantee against getting into an awkward situation when saying goodbye in person. After all, not everyone wants to communicate.

At the same time, the message, in addition to the above, also has purely utilitarian tasks - it provides information about your dismissal and new place of work, which can help in maintaining business contacts in the future. If you know someone who comes to your place and want to recommend him, it’s also worth doing that.

How to write a farewell letter: form and content

Regardless of the form in which the message is written, it is important to compose it in such a way that it is easy to understand and can be read quickly.

Simplicity and clarity of the text are the most important priorities, and the content should notify your.

A story about motives and a successor may then follow. But both are optional.

Although the reason is to inform colleagues about the dismissal, the most important part of the letter is undoubtedly the words of gratitude, which will help leave a good impression. This means that thoughts should be expressed positively and not get carried away by analyzing the reasons for leaving and criticizing the company. And what you absolutely cannot do is present conjectures and get personal. Shouldn't be allowed negative emotions splash out into the text of the letter, otherwise the effect will be exactly the opposite of what was intended, and you will expose yourself better light among colleagues.

Helping you make a good impression is as simple as good wishes both parting words and their expression in a creative form - it is often customary to format such messages with humor so that colleagues can finally laugh; irony, especially self-irony, is welcomed. Although no one forces you to invent something special, a farewell letter upon dismissal can be drawn up in a standard style. And even if it is written in an informal or humorous manner, you should still refrain from being rude to your colleagues - even if they seem friendly to you, it is worth remembering that the message is addressed to a team, and its members may interpret some wording differently.

The style may also depend on. So, if you still want to express dissatisfaction, it is permissible to do this in a farewell message - as psychologists point out, this is one of the ways to reduce stress. And yet it is important not to slide into insults, but to put the negativity into clear words. structural form and despite all efforts to express ourselves carefully, it is unlikely in this case to count on a good relationship with ex-colleagues in the future. This farewell letter is no longer intended for the team, but for the resigning employee himself. Still, if you do not find the strength to compose a positive message that could lift your spirits, or do not consider it necessary to do this, it is better to limit yourself to a standard letter or even its abbreviated form - without emotions.

Should you send a goodbye letter to your boss?

A separate letter can be written for the boss.

If you have taken up the task of composing a letter for colleagues, then it is highly advisable to issue a separate message to your boss, because this will emphasize a respectful attitude, even if in fact you had a conflict with him. Moreover, a farewell letter is an appropriate way to admit mistakes and resolve conflicts, and thus leave more positive memories of yourself than you would have had without it. Who knows - maybe this will play a role in the future?

Of course, it is easier to write a farewell message to colleagues than to your boss, especially if the relationship with them was not cloudless, and even more so if the dismissal is somehow connected with it. However, this is an important way to emphasize professionalism, which should not be neglected.

A letter to the boss should differ from a message to colleagues in terms of content: for example, if there are many different different ways addresses to colleagues, including informal ones, but in a letter to the boss it is still important to clearly maintain the chain of command and write it in a strict style. As a rule, the text expresses gratitude for assistance and all kinds of support, help in improving skills: even if you don’t actually experience it and don’t think that your boss provided you with help, you should maintain the most friendly tone possible. If you can illustrate the words about support concrete example, it’s worth doing this, so the letter will become more significant.

It should also be emphasized that you have learned a lot and become more experienced thanks to his leadership, list the merits and positive traits, which you would also like to have. The form of appeal is personal; sending the same letter to the boss as to other colleagues is a mistake.

Examples of farewell letters to colleagues

Of course, there is no strict, clearly established and officially approved sample - after all, the letter itself is unofficial. And yet it is possible to highlight general rules and give examples.

First, let’s briefly outline the main parts of the letter and summarize the rules for writing them:

  • The form of address to colleagues should be polite, for example, “dear colleagues.” However, as will be shown in the examples, sometimes you can deviate from this - with the appropriate atmosphere in the team.
  • After applying, you need to inform them of the fact of your leaving work - if the successor is known, then his name is also indicated here. You can talk about the reasons for dismissal - but not necessarily.
  • This is followed by thanks to colleagues and wishes to them - usually related to work.
  • Suggestions for the future can also be made here to improve teamwork - but this is rarely done, and, of course, in the most gentle and friendly manner possible. Still, a farewell letter is not a very appropriate place for criticism.

Farewell letters to colleagues have been used more and more recently. Writing a letter is an attribute of large modern companies and indicates high level business culture. It is in such large organizations that close attention is paid to the rules of corporate ethics. At the same time, writing such a letter not only serves as a standard for modern business style, but also pursues some narrower goals.

Reasons and purposes of writing a farewell letter

Farewell letters are usually written to make parting with colleagues from the old work team look dignified. People quit for various reasons, among which the most common are:

  1. Retirement.
  2. Moving to another job in the same organization with a promotion or simply changing positions.
  3. Transfer to work at a higher organization.
  4. Dismissal from work at the initiative of management.
  5. Care by at will.
  6. Moving to another region.

Of course, in no instructions, much less in Labor Code, there can be no instructions on the need to write a farewell letter. Its preparation is a purely voluntary matter.

However, in some cases, leaving a position without writing a farewell letter may be viewed negatively by the team. Ignoring this moment official, on the one hand, can negatively affect future relationships with former colleagues, and on the other hand, worsen his career advancement. Writing a letter in large companies is the most in a convenient way say goodbye to absolutely all members of the team.
Even the shortest letter to former colleagues is a sign of attention

Although the official reason is dismissal or transfer to another job, the purpose of the letter can be much broader. The following list of principal goals can be given:

  • notification of the fact of leaving work;
  • expressing gratitude to colleagues for joint activities in company;
  • informing about a new person taking the place of the leaving one;
  • leaving your details for further communication;
  • transfer of contact information to your successor;
  • expressing gratitude to superiors and directors for the useful experience gained in the process of working under their leadership.

In practice, writing a letter pursues the entire range of these goals. Moreover, employment and further career also depend to some extent on the very presence of a farewell letter and its design. To select new employees, large companies often resort to the services of special recruiting agencies, and also create hiring sectors in their personnel management departments (HR departments). They carefully check the employee’s work history, comparing the data provided to him with the characteristics of colleagues and management with previous work. A farewell letter in this situation will help you leave a favorable impression of yourself at your old place of work and earn more favorable characteristics from former colleagues and superiors.

Writing a farewell letter is also important for maintaining business connections, especially when moving to another place of work in the same organization. There are three possible options:

  1. Promotion.
  2. Transfer to an equivalent position.
  3. Demotion.

When promoted or transferred to an equivalent position in another department, maintaining work contacts allows you to turn to former colleagues for help. And this sometimes helps to adapt to a new place and gives a feeling of confidence.

In case of demotion, a farewell letter contributes to further rehabilitation and restoration to the previous place of work. If new vacancies arise at the previous place of work, managers can quickly remember and find the employee who left a letter after leaving. A bad impression can fade, but a well-written letter will always come in handy.

Rules for writing a letter

Of course, there is no standard form for writing a farewell letter. It is written in free form, and its content depends on the accompanying circumstances and individual qualities author. At the same time, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. In the business world, there has long been a generally accepted structure for writing such a letter, which must comply with the rules of corporate ethics.

The principles for writing a farewell letter should be considered:

  • benevolent tone;
  • ease of perception;
  • brevity.

As with most other documents, the structure of a farewell letter is divided into three parts:

  1. Preamble.
  2. Text.
  3. Signature.

The addressee is indicated at the beginning. IN in this case These are employees at work or the head of the enterprise. When contacting former employees Usually they write “dear colleagues”, and the manager is addressed by name and patronymic. After the appeal, the name, patronymic and surname of the writer of the letter are indicated, as well as his position and workplace in the organization.

The text of the letter is logically divided into five sections:

  1. The reason for writing the letter is stated: dismissal, retirement, transfer to another position, etc.
  2. The reasons for the decision to dismiss are indicated: reaching retirement age, family circumstances, deteriorating health, the desire to show one’s abilities at a new level, the desire to bring more benefit in another position, passion for another field of activity, etc.
  3. Experience gained at work and new professional skills are reported. You can briefly speak positively about the high level of production organization, modern equipment, favorable conditions work. Here it is preferable to avoid negative statements. If you still want to make some comments, then you need to express them in the form of one or two sentences, which, in the author’s opinion, could contribute to the successful development of the enterprise.
  4. Information about the successor is given in a positive way, including his contact details.
  5. Wishes are made to colleagues for further successful work and prosperity of the company. There is a desire to maintain friendly and business connections.

Sending a farewell letter can be done in several ways:

  • on the company website;
  • by sending emails;
  • in person in printed form;
  • at the stand for public materials in the company office.

If possible and desired, you can combine several of these methods or even apply them all at once.

Examples of farewell letters

Depending on the circumstances and the nature of the relationship, types of farewell letters can be divided by design style into the following main categories:

  • official;
  • with humor;
  • emotional (in prose or poetry).

A purely official approach implies formal adherence to the traditions of a farewell letter. It is compiled because the traditions of corporate etiquette require it. The author expresses no or almost no personal feelings. This style is characteristic of the most large companies when simple friendly ties with the prevailing part of the team are impossible, and only business relationship.
Farewell letter to business style written briefly and discreetly

Letters written with humor are characteristic of more closely knit and narrow teams, when the author has friendly relations with the majority of his now former colleagues. When composing such letters, it is necessary to ensure that witticisms do not go beyond the bounds of decency. The humor in the letter should not be sarcastic, but friendly and warm.

Dear Colleagues! Friends!

I, Nina Andreevna Voloshina, Deputy Chief Accountant of the Factory confectionery“Caramel”, I’m going on a long-awaited maternity leave. A new specialist has already been hired to take my place. Her name is Tomilina Elena Alekseevna. I hope you work well with her and become friends. I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for working next to me and putting up with my character for five whole years! You taught me to cope with all difficulties. With your support, we have never had reports returned from tax office, and we have never delayed accrual wages. Even in my current situation, you played a special role: you believed that happiness was possible for me, and my dream came true! I wish you all to become as happy as I am. Don't quarrel with your boss or with each other. Let the salary be high and life as sweet as our products. I'm always glad to see you at home. I look forward to congratulations! If you forget my phone number, you can always restore it in the accounting department.

Your Nina Andreevna or simply Nina.

Emotional writing usually suits creative teams. Such letters can be written in both poetry and prose. The very specifics of a farewell letter prohibit the use of over-emotional, expressive expressions. Only a positive and calm tone is appropriate here.

In poetry, it is advisable to avoid simplified and boring rhymes. And you should also not overuse overly complex and “abstruse” expressions.
In poetry, it is advisable to avoid overly simple or, conversely, overly sophisticated expressions.

Farewell letter to the manager

The reasons and purposes of writing a farewell letter addressed to the head of the company are dictated by the same circumstances as writing a letter to colleagues. However, some emphasis still needs to be placed.

The fact is that not every resigning employee is ethically comfortable writing a farewell letter to the manager. Indeed, an appeal from an ordinary engineer to the director of an enterprise with a team of several hundred or even thousands of people seems inappropriate. And at the same time, the issuance of such a farewell letter, for example, by the head of the personnel department or the chief specialist is the norm of corporate business ethics.

The next feature of the letter design is the possibility of its influence on the manager’s opinion. Sometimes the director of an enterprise, having missed some details or being influenced by his immediate environment, can get the wrong idea about his subordinate and, as a result, demote him or fire him. It is in a farewell letter that such an employee can explain his actions and thereby force the boss to change his decision. Therefore, the form of a letter to the manager in such a situation may differ radically from the usual formal style, approaching rather the form of a memo.

Dear Ivan Vasilievich!

I, Igor Petrovich Pavlenko, deputy head of workshop No. 2, want to say goodbye to you in connection with my dismissal. Perhaps you will remember me, because before your transition to the position of deputy general director We got together for technical meetings on several occasions. I remember that you were always meticulous and thorough in your planning. production tasks. Unfortunately, your successor, V.N. Sidorov, unlike you, is engaged in planning rather superficially.

So, a week ago, instead of preparing blanks in advance for the production of product 4/15, he did not make a corresponding request to workshop No. 1, which led to a delay in completing an important order. This was the reason for my voluntary dismissal, since V.N. Sidorov placed all the blame for the failure of the order on me.

However, having to leave a job that was very interesting to me, I will always remember our joint and productive work in the shop.

With sincere respect, Pavlenko Igor Petrovich.

My contact number is 99 999 99 99.

In any case, in a farewell letter you must address the manager with the word “dear” and by first name and patronymic, thereby emphasizing your respect for him. Conciseness and a clear logical structure of presentation are especially encouraged.

Reply to a farewell letter

A response to a farewell letter is not provided for by the rules of corporate ethics, which makes it optional. But, of course, no one will condemn an ​​employee if, in response to a farewell letter, he thanks his former colleague for his warm words and wishes him health and good luck in his future career. new job.
A message to a departing colleague can be written regardless of whether he left a farewell letter


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