A simple script for a girl’s 20th birthday. Scenario for a “real macho” birthday

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anniversary script young man 20 years

Hello adult life...
20th Anniversary Scenario for a man.


20 years old is already quite a mature age. Especially for guys. Some have already completed their military service, others are on the way to obtaining a diploma higher education. But they have one thing in common: this is past youth and the beginning of a new, adult life.

Today we celebrate two decades,
Today is (name)’s anniversary,
And for this we all congratulate him,
And we make it all more fun,
And so that we can all start feasting,
Everyone will have to call him!

(the Jubilee is called in chorus, at the command of the presenter)
(The hero of the day enters)
Here he is, our hero of the day,
Blinds us all like a lantern,
With its strength, beauty,
Courage and kindness!
He gets compliments today
And all our applause!

(to applause, the hero of the day takes his place behind festive table)
Now a toast would be nice for us too,
We wish you enough money so as not to spend it,
We wish to always rule our lives,
And may you have as many friends as you can’t even imagine!
Congratulations! Hooray!

(musical break, meal)
And now I want to surprise you,
And reward with a souvenir!
I'll give you balloons,
You eat each one and read your little note!

(The presenter brings a large bunch balloons, in each of them, before inflating, you need to put a small note. In each you need to write one name, where there will be simply the inscription: “Happy Holidays!” that is, without a gift, but where - a calendar, pen, towel, keychain, photo frame, etc., that means with a gift. Guests choose a ball, pop it and read it. Some are left with a surprise, others are not.)
The lottery was held
The balloons all burst
And again we came to congratulations,
Now we drink to
So that you (name) find your soul mate!
For love, for the future family!

Now I want to hold a competition
So that you remember all the basics of childhood!
The competition is called: “When I was little!” Everyone is welcome to participate, but an even number of people is required. We divide into two teams. In front of each team, at a distance of 4-5 meters, there is a chair on which pacifiers are laid out (pacifier candy canes must be purchased in the store, most of them are available), and next to it lies on the floor the children's designer, two bandages are also issued for each knee. Task: in turn, each person from the team ties protective bandages to their knees and crawls on their knees (like a little one) to a chair. Then he unwraps the candy pacifier, puts it in his mouth, takes 1 piece from the construction set and places it at the base of the house. Then he returns to the team, hands over the bandages, and so on one by one. At the leader's sign, the game stops. And whoever built the tallest house will be the winner. Prize: with parting words to create a family, the presenter gives real pacifiers as a souvenir for future children and participants.

That's how we had fun
As if we were frolicking in childhood,
And now back to the table, to the wine!
Now everyone who has gathered here
They say congratulations to us encore!
(all those present take turns congratulating the hero of the day and giving him gifts)

(musical break, meal)
Many were already here in the army,
And I hope we haven't forgotten anything,
Today you will all shoot,
And for this, receive a gift!
The competition is called: “Holiday Shooting Range!” Everyone is welcome to participate. Iron beer cans are placed on the table, each with a note attached: where is the gift, where is the riddle, where to sing a ditty, where to dance, and where to say the best compliment to the hero of the day. Whoever knocks down what gets it.

And again there will be a feast on the mountain,
Let's celebrate 20 years with interest,
We all drink to our parents,
Today we salute them!

Friends, I ask for your forgiveness,
But I'll leave this room
I set the mood for you all,
I told you all my words,
Now let's go without me,
Well, the last toast:
“For the hero of the day, everything to the bottom!”

(music, meal)

A girl of 20 is bright, beautiful flower, the first adult anniversary in your life should be celebrated not with an ordinary feast, but with grandiose entertainment - 20th birthday script consists of congratulations, songs, dances, feasts and many other interesting things await the birthday girl.

20th Birthday Scenario - Beginning

Opening remarks: Friends! Today we have gathered to sincerely congratulate our dear Birthday Girl.

Marinochka I would like to wish you that all your decisions and actions are accompanied by luck, that you never despair and that your life is full of only the best and interesting events.

And support at any life stage we guarantee you.

Today is a significant date in Marina’s life. Our beloved sister (daughter, nieces, granddaughter, girlfriend, etc.) turned 20 years old.

20 years is like dawn
20 years is just the beginning
At 20 years old, the light seems brighter,
20 years, this is life's fun!

And it’s not in vain that I say all this,
After all, there is a clear reason for these words,
I ask the hero of the day to come to the table
To congratulate her with a bright word!

Host: Today our closest and most faithful friends have gathered here. Everyone wants to wish you something from themselves. So, let's begin! Valentina has the floor! Roman.


Dear Marina, your family and friends want to congratulate you in a special way. They have prepared a song for you.

Verse 1:
We are all together today
Gathered in this song

To sincerely congratulate you,
Wish you more happiness
And there is more passion in love,
I'm getting better day by day!

Twenty years, Birthday,
This is an important step in life,
Let there be more inspiration,
To work, to friends and just because!

Verse 2:
Let everything be as before
But maybe a little older
Because now you're older

And more responsibility
But we wish to live a simpler life,
And let it be more fun in the shower!
Repeat 1 verse

Congratulations to grandparents

20 years of formation and maturation of our dear little man have flown by, and during this time there have already been many significant moments for her and for us... Let us all now, together with the birthday girl, remember them!

So, October 19, 1992... in a big huge family. a girl was born!!! (everyone applauds happily).

Now we will conduct a quick survey about the first days of the birthday girl’s life.

Guests are divided into two teams. The trick of this competition is that, although the questions are very simple, you need to answer them as quickly as possible, and apparently that’s why participants sometimes get lost and cannot answer the simplest questions

1. Date and time of birth of Masha
2. What color were Masha’s eyes?
4. In what city was Masha born?
3. Who came to meet you from the maternity hospital?
4. What was the weather like that day?

5. How many cars were in the convoy?
6. Where was Masha brought from the maternity hospital?
7. Who is the first to help babysit Masha?
8. Masha’s maiden name?

Now let’s remember together how it was, those first days of Masha’s life in the maternity hospital! It’s hard to imagine now, but in those distant times there were no cell phones!

And our happy dad approached the window of the maternity hospital, from where our equally happy mother tried to tell him with signs and gestures...

And what was she trying to tell dad, you have to guess!

Then you need to divide the guests (including the birthday girl) into two teams

Each team must choose a "mother". The presenter hands out pieces of paper to the “moms” that say:

For the first command:
"Girl. Very beautiful. Her father's eyes, her grandmother's face. Fair-haired. She eats well."

For the second command:
"A girl. Pretty. Her eyes are brown, her nose is her mother's. She's calm. She sleeps all the time."

The task of the “mothers” is to explain with gestures to other team members what is written on the piece of paper.

Other members of the team - they are, as it were, in the place of “dad”, who is standing under the window of the maternity hospital, that is, they cannot hear, they must understand by gestures what “mom” is trying to explain to them.

We continue to congratulate the birthday girl. The floor is given to aunts and uncles
(drink and have a snack)

Marina welcome a guest from sunny Italy

And: Brilliant, blooming, smelling of spring, hero of the day

P: Dear hero of the day!

I: And the sit for free, drunkenly dormoedo tight.

P: Dear guests.

I: Get out of here with the figato as soon as possible

P: We welcome everyone who is here.

I: This hard worker hasn’t received a damn dollar.

P: Representatives of the working class and commercial structures.

I: Uchito count, paper marato and musician, and then kick out.

P: Educational and cultural workers

I: Bandito, shoot catchily, plant

P: Police officers, police and security departments.

I: And other lords of the lodirento.

P: And other other workers

I: Slurp on anything.

P: I arrived on a special flight.

I: There was a stubborn light shining in Italy’s eyes.

P: From sunny Italy

I: Congratulations to the anniversary Maria

P: Congratulate the hero of the day Marina.

I: Drag the damn boltato from Italiano in Czechantorazno Brando.

P: I brought greetings and congratulations from Italian and Czech friends

20 years is like dawn
20 years is just the beginning
At 20 years old, the light seems brighter,
20 years, this is life's fun!
And it’s not in vain that I say all this,
After all, there is a clear reason for these words,
I ask the hero of the day to come to the table,
To congratulate her with a bright word!

Applause (the hero of the day enters).


Dear (name), today, on this significant day, on the day of your first, adult Anniversary, I want to sincerely congratulate you and reward you with a crown (wearing a crown). Today you are the center of all attention, today you are the princess of this evening. (You buy a beautiful crown with rhinestones). We are all at your disposal.

Applause. The hero of the day takes her place at the table.

Let the sweet wine pour,
And everyone will raise their glasses,
(name)'s twentieth anniversary has arrived,
Which means let the fanfare sound!
And of course you have to say a toast,
And even if I don’t list all my wishes,
Big love, I want to wish,
So that there is a place for a prince in your life!
Applause. Musical pause. Meal.


Dear (name), your friends want to congratulate you in a special way. They have prepared a song for you, based on the melody "Let run clumsily…".

Verse 1:
We are all together today
Gathered in this song
To sincerely congratulate you,
Wish you more happiness
And there is more passion in love,
I'm getting better day by day!
Twenty years, Birthday,
This is an important step in life,
Let there be more inspiration,
To work, to friends and just because!
Verse 2:
Let everything be as before
But maybe a little older
Because now you're older
And more responsibility
But we wish to live a simpler life,
And let it be more fun in the shower!

Applause and “Hurray!”
What kind of friends are they?
We weren’t too lazy to write this,
Looks like they put a lot of effort into it!
Now it's time to tell your family,
A kind and simple word!

All relatives and friends congratulate the hero of the day in turn.

For such congratulations,
Not drinking would only be a sin,
Let's pour it into painted glasses,
And together we will lift them up!

Musical pause. Meal.

You're already drunk, you're full,
They probably even stayed too long,
I want to stir you up
I will hold a competition.
And for him I will need two volunteers (men).


This competition is called “Collecting Balloons”. Men are given a pair of wide pants (harem pants). Inflated ones are scattered across the floor air balloons(preferably small size). At the command of the music, they begin to race to get these balls into their pants (they may burst in the process). As soon as there is not a single ball left, we begin to count who collected the most (they pull it out of their pants and count).
The winner is awarded a big inflated with helium, balloon(it needs to be purchased separately).


We had a lot of fun
It's time to give everyone a salad,
Fill the glass to the top,
And drink to a wonderful ball!

Everyone drinks.

So, Dear guests, since our hero of the day is a princess today, then undoubtedly we are obliged to throw a ball. The ladies invite their gentlemen, the ladies' gentlemen and spin together in a beautiful dance.

Everyone is dancing.

Everyone danced great
And suddenly everyone became joyful,
After all, this is entertainment,
Always lifts your spirits!
And the hero of the day is good,
Spun gently, slowly,
Well, let's go for her,
We'll drink sweet wine!

Musical pause. Meal.

The evening is coming to an end,
And I still want to laugh with you,
It's time for me to know the limit,
I danced and sang with you!
And on my own behalf, I will say the words,
For the main maiden of the celebration:
Still truly young
There is a beginning for breathing,
Beautiful, sincere, gentle,
I haven't seen much yet!
And going on a good journey,
Which is called life,
I want to tell you the words
Let many people know them -
Be happy as ever
Love, without measuring anything,
Let the years go by slower
In each of them there is a simple truth,
May the sun shine brightest
And the sky will be blue
May success come to you
And only family will be nearby!

A holiday for a girl turning 20 should begin with creating the appropriate mood. And rose petals and a colorfully designed poster are perfect for this. Petals should be scattered from the birthday girl’s room or from front door to the hall where they will post the number 20. And hang the poster in the room where the celebration of this event will take place. You can paste one of the girl’s successful photographs onto it and sign: “Congratulations to our charming and unrivaled birthday girl.”
As soon as she sees all this charm and the guests who greet her, the host says: “Congratulations on one of the most wonderful days of your life! You started your life from a little star and now you have become the brightest and most beautiful of them all. And on this day we all gathered to congratulate you on this wonderful event, which will only initial stage happy life". After this, everyone sits down at the table and it begins. next stage congratulations, for which you also need to prepare in advance. As you know, all representatives of the fair sex love to be photographed. And by the age of 20, a decent collection of photographs has been accumulated. Each invited relative, acquaintance or friend must choose one of them, in which he and the birthday girl are present. Wishes are written on the reverse side. And when congratulations from the guests begin, each of them hands over a selected photograph, which will certainly remain for a long time, as one of the most wonderful memories. After all, the scenario for a girl’s 20th birthday should be structured in such a way that after the event she retains as many pleasant memories as possible.
At the end of all congratulations, you can move on to competitions. Host: “Now let’s see how much our men love and adore their ladies.” 3-4 pairs are selected, one of which includes the birthday girl. The men stand opposite the girls.
The presenter announces: « Dear men, you should shower your ladies with compliments. Whoever does it more beautifully and lasts longer will win. Let's start at three. One two Three". And here the most interesting thing begins, because everyone starts talking, interrupting each other, and since they hear all the words spoken by each other, they begin to partially copy them. Therefore, there is a little confusion. After waiting until everyone has expressed their compliments, the presenter announces: “It was all very beautiful, but not entirely clear. Therefore, I propose to write down all your compliments on these cards.” Thus, girls receive not only verbal compliments, but also a record of them for a long time. And friendship wins. As a prize for participation, each girl receives a rose. And men can get a kiss as a reward beautiful ladies, which will undoubtedly be imprinted because of the lipstick.
Leading:“Now let’s see how well you can work in a team.” Each team must have 4 people. They take turns running up to the table, the first pours vodka, the second drinks it, and the third has a snack. Then all this is repeated until all the vodka has been drunk. For the competition, it will be enough to use 300 grams of alcoholic beverage, a small glass and a plate with vegetables and sausages. And there are four people on one team specifically, since in some other cases, the same participant will only have to drink all the time. When all preparations for the competition are completed, the presenter says: “I ask all participants to line up in front of the table. When I count to three, we can begin. One, three! A sharp transition to “three” will confuse the participants a little and make the competition somewhat unpredictable. Naturally, the winner is the team that completes the assigned task faster.
Since by this time everyone had already eaten and warmed up a little, the time had come to postpone the holiday to Fresh air, where another surprise awaits the birthday girl. IN winter time You can trample the number twenty in the snow and place the same rose petals in the resulting depressions. In the summer, you can use colored chalk or a colorful poster with congratulations. A fireworks display is placed in the center of the inscription. When the guests and the hero of the occasion go outside, everything should already be prepared. Therefore, it is necessary to appoint in advance the person responsible for carrying out this event.
So everyone went outside. Host: “We are all very glad that such a bright and incomparable star like you has appeared in our lives. You brought only joy and warmth into our lives. And on this bright day, we sincerely wish you happiness, joy and prosperity! And this fireworks will be just a small reflection of your dazzling beauty. Happy holiday to you!” As soon as the presenter begins to say all this, the fuse is lit, which will ensure that the fireworks are launched around the end of the speech to create the desired effect. It is advisable not only to photograph the events taking place, but also to film them, so that everyone can watch them together later.
At the end of the fireworks, everyone returns to the house. At this stage, the holiday should be completed enchantingly, but there are still dances and songs ahead. Ideally, you need to ensure that you have a karaoke setup at home. With its help, it will be possible to hold another competition for the best team singing. Host: “Undoubtedly, each of you sings beautifully. However, I would like to see how you can do this as a duet. I ask couples who want to participate in the competition to come to the microphones.” Then the calm song you like is chosen and the competition begins. And the points scored can be seen on the TV screen. During the song, the host announces: “Let’s support our participants and dance together.” Since by this time the whole company will already be quite relaxed and more fun, there shouldn’t be any difficulties with this. All the guests, one after another, will begin to leave the table to dance. And the next competition will gradually turn into a general disco, after which it will be advisable to dim the lights. At this stage, the role of the host will be solely to encourage the guests.
Thus, this holiday must take into account many points. The most important thing is to let the birthday girl understand that she is the most beautiful and charming creature, for whom all her closest friends and relatives have gathered today. And all events should be structured in such a way as to gradually lift the spirits of all those present and bring the holiday to the climax, after which there will be almost no need for a host.

Scenario for a girl's anniversary(to a young woman) “A star named...” Suitable for holding in the company of friends and relatives, it gives guests the opportunity to pamper the young birthday girl with attention and compliments and have some fun themselves.

The script includes fun table entertainment, dance competitions and lyrical congratulations. It might be worth adding more competitions and games depending on the company’s preferences.

The introductory part of the anniversary script.

Presenter: Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! My friends, hello!

(the presenter introduces herself and the DJ)

All elite- brilliant couples!

Of the best, the best are invited here!

Loud fanfares sound invitingly -

Where is the culprit - Star?

Applause, gentlemen!

Our star named…..!

Fanfare. Everyone greets the birthday girl.

Now we know who the star is

And we shout to her in unison: “Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!” (guests congratulate and raise a toast to the hero of the day)

Sounds "Happy birthday»

(banquet break)


Without forgetting in the heat of haste the one who is “to blame” for everything,

We will raise our next toast to all the guests.

For coming to this anniversary,

Let's raise our glasses in this toast,

Let such a day never come in life,

When guests don't come knocking at your house!

It's time to have a drink, good time!

For all the guests! For all of you!

The song “Hello, guests” plays.

(small break)

Presenter: Yes, my friends, we sit somehow too much like adults: no noise for you, no mischief... And today we have a fun holiday - a birthday, a holiday of childhood. I propose to plunge into it a little, let's start small: remember what our friends called us in childhood.

Meeting guests at the anniversary "A Star by Name.."

Astrologer: My dearest ones, I greet you! I couldn’t help but honor you with my visit, because today, like every day for many centuries, while counting the stars in the sky, I suddenly discovered that there were one more of them, checking with the almanacs, I learned that a new star had been given a name. .. (name of the hero of the day). I decided to personally look at the culprit of this event, although I have seen a lot of beautiful girls, not everyone is given the opportunity to become a star and shine brighter than others. It was no coincidence that I brought this cake as a gift to the birthday girl; it is a sign that her future life will be bright, like the light of a star, warm, like the fire of a candle, filled with delicious joys and beautiful impressions (hands over cake)

Surely, each of the guests present would like to know what the stars promise him, I won’t say about the future, but this is how I see tonight (reads anniversary horoscope for different signs)

Anniversary Horoscope from Astrologer:

Aries it's high time

Have a glass of wine

You just need to drink wisely

Not under the holiday table.

Twins understand yourself

Don't poison your soul with vodka.

Better drink milk

You will live to be a hundred years old.

Lviv we want to warn you

That you shouldn't drink a lot,

Don't let the temperature enter your body,

Pour some tea into a glass.

Virgo don't drink too much,

Have pity on your stomach

He may not understand you

Do not accept salads with vodka.

A Libra in harness together

Need to pour more fully

So don't be shy

And drink alcohol to the bottom.

Scorpion still a child

He can't drink at all

If he drinks vodka

Everything will be upside down for you.

And the stubborn Taurus

Getting drunk doesn't suit you

You better decide

Have fun without vodka.

Well, Cancer you can have a drink

But just a glass or two,

Just be very careful

Or else there will be a scandal in the family.

A Sagittarius the advice is:

If you want to be healthy,

You better have a drink

Instead of vodka, lemonade.

Capricorns lucky

You can drink to spite everyone,

The evening will instantly last an hour,

All that's left is to have fun.

Aquarius good

They drink vodka from the heart,

Don't give in to vodka

Better stay sober.

Pisces everyone needs

A glass full of wine,

Overturn, but not past,

Definitely to the bottom.

Astrologer:And now I ask guests of all zodiac signs to stand in an anniversary round dance and give the birthday girl the most expensive gift - another childhood memory va

Anniversary round dance "Loaf"

Happy anniversary,

We present this cake to you.

There are many lights on it,

It takes a lot of effort to blow them out.

As soon as we start applauding, we need to make a wish.

On the command “one!” and "two!" - get ready first.

And at “three or four!” - smile wider.

How can we congratulate

You can blow out the candles! (comes to the table on which the cake stands and blows out the candles)


Presenter: My friends, all the stars have dimmed before the light of the enchantress and sorceress - our birthday girl! It’s time for our Astrologer to leave, we see him off with applause, and we all, following our guiding Star, return to the festive table!

General dance game.

(The presenter uses provocative words that serve as a decoy to dance game, defines its participants)

Presenter: I invite you to join the circle of everyone who considers themselves a “real man” (leave)

Those who leave are asked to remember the army and strictly follow commands. First, you need to line them up in a column one at a time, and then beat the teams (like in the army): right hand up, right hand between your legs, and with your left hand take the right hand of the comrade who is standing in front. An interesting pose results and then the “Lambada” dance is announced, performed by a song and dance ensemble. They dance for about two minutes, because this position is very uncomfortable.


Then each of the participants invites ladies to the dance floor - who has more Here too, it will display either a general animated dance (for example, “Penguins”), or a lambada train.

Dance break.


(The presenter invites everyone to the table and offers to fill the glasses and continue)

Table game " Relay of congratulations."

Today, constellations of relatives and friends turn to the birthday girl with a low bow!!!

You are all witnesses that on our horizon

One star's light is not dimming now.

And by the way, there is one fan among us who has been studying this for many years!

- Congratulations to my husband.

- Parents (first a toast to them, then the floor to them)

- Congratulations from the children.

(Small break)


Among all the constellations it is brighter, more cheerful
We are seeing a constellation of friends here.
It hurries to congratulate you on your birthday
And congratulate your friend.

Congratulations from a friend.

Costume act "Babies with gifts" (bows)


Game with the hall "Holiday Signs".

Please close your eyes. If you close your left eye, then today all your wishes will come true, and if you close your right eye, it will be you who will have to fulfill the wishes of those with left eyes.

Cross your arms across your chest. If the right hand is on top. Then today you may not be right, but if you are left, then today you will become the main sender of the people in the right direction.

Grab your neighbor by the ear. If you grabbed his right ear, this does not mean that you will not get back, and if you grab his left ear, no matter how much you pull his ears, it is not customary to flirt like that.

Place one foot on top of the other. If your right leg is on top, then today you will dance until you drop, and if your left leg is on top, then today you have every chance to go to the left.

(dance break during which the competition is held)

Dance competition with numbers from 1 to 9. "All Stars"

(To carry out that competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance the appropriate musical excerpts for each entry and prepare numbers from 1 to 9 - several sets, focusing on the number of guests and distribute to all guests or only to the most artistic)

We begin the performance, to the surprise of all guests

№1. I invite artists who have No. 1

I present to you these artists, they seem to surprise us:

No one among us can perform Twists better than them!

Let's rock it to the fullest! Your applause! (dancing)

№ 2 We invite you to join us! Come on, our dears, I ask you, loving the birthday girl,

Perform an incendiary dance, welcome! “Lezginochka, friends! (dancing)

№ 3 I’ll raise the fun a little and the bar,

And I ask you to perform - “Gypsy!” (dancing)

№ 4 . So number 4 of our program. Now we will surprise the guests and have a lot of fun,

Now pull yourself together harder and have fun in the crazy “Rock and Roll!” (dancing)

№5. Number 5 comes to our stage! And you guys are more lucky!

And we would like to enjoy the passion! “Striptease!”, striptease and nothing more! ( dancing)

№ 6 Now at least not only our hands are used, we won’t die of boredom now!

Come on, everyone, be brave enough to come to the center of the hall and dance for us the “Dance of the Swans” (dancing)

№7 .Number 7, yes, there are swans, guys,

Look, better, how the “Ducklings” are having fun! ( dancing)

№8. Where are our beautiful 8s? What they will do now is simply beautiful."

The East is a delicate matter! On stage - “Belly dance! ( dancing)

№9 Number 9 on stage! Now we will change the style a little:

I’ll ask you to perform the cheerful “Quadrille!” (dancing)

Dancing, games, impromptu fairy tale.

The birthday girl's response.

Launching a star into the sky.


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