Teacher’s psychological health: ways to preserve it. Training for teachers "The Power of Stones"

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Good afternoon, dear colleagues! As part of my certification, I would like to present to your attention

Master Class

“Psychological health of a teacher

as a guarantee of professional success"

As defined by the World Health Organization

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

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The purpose of the master class: generalization of work experience in the field of preservation and development of psychological health among teachers.


    Transfer of practical experience by discussing a thematic problem

    Analysis and consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills through active learning and debate

    “reflection” is an assessment of the participants’ activities by the master and the final consolidation in the students of specific practice-oriented knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the entire master class.

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Currently, the issue of psychological health of teachers is quite acute, since the profession of a teacher is associated with large neuropsychic stress and requires reserves of self-control and self-regulation. This is why teaching as a professional group has low indicators of physical and psychological health.

What does the concept of psychological health include?

Psychological health is a necessary condition for the full functioning and development of a person in the process of his life. Thus, on the one hand, it is a condition for a person to adequately fulfill his age, social and cultural roles, on the other hand, it provides a person with the opportunity for continuous development throughout his life, development, i.e., full realization of his capabilities, resources to ensure progressive process on Earth as a whole.

The very use of the term “psychological health” emphasizes the inseparability of the physical and mental in a person, the need for both for full functioning.

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As a positive example of the influence of the mental factor on the full functioning of a person, we can cite the results of Jewett’s research, who studied the psychological characteristics of people who successfully lived to be 80-90 years old. It turned out that they all had optimism, emotional calm, the ability to rejoice, self-sufficiency and the ability to adapt to difficult life circumstances, which fully fits into the “portrait” of a psychologically healthy person.

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The problem of maintaining the psychological health of a modern teacher

Also in Ancient Greece It was known: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” The term “health” means not only the absence of disease, but also a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being.

Working with people, and with children in particular, requires great emotional investment. Young specialists, coming to work at school, are eager to demonstrate the wonders of pedagogy, and They want to become a true friend to their students. However, they soon encounter difficult professional everyday life.

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Each specialist on the path to professionalism goes through a number of stages (the stage of adaptation, self-actualization and creative transformation). Every of these stages is associated with certain problems of professional development of teachers.

At the stage of adaptation to in their profession, as a rule, difficulties arise methodological, psychological or social nature. The stage of self-actualization in the profession is associated with crises of competence, with a state of discomfort, anxiety, fear of solving new problems, inadequacy your professional level and the expectations of others, various groups educational services.

Human emotional resources can gradually become depleted, and then the body and psyche develop various mechanisms protection. “Emotional burnout syndrome” is one of the defense mechanisms that manifests itself an acquired stereotype of behavior, most often in professional behavior. Emotional Burnout is a form of professional personality deformation. Unfortunately, under the influence of heavy workloads and demands imposed by the profession, the teacher often does not use psychological knowledge in practice, therefore, in stressful situations, the teacher becomes both an executioner and a victim at the same time. Children suffer when they find themselves in an unfavorable nervous environment, and the teacher also suffers, paying for everything with psychosomatic and neuropsychic diseases.

The psychological health of teachers is a necessary condition for the health of children, because The main tool of the teacher is his psychological interaction with the child. The psychological incompetence of a teacher can lead to the child’s mental health being impaired and his natural cognitive needs being negated. That is why today, more than ever, schools need mental hygiene - a system of measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the psychological health of both students and teachers.

The effectiveness of a teacher depends on his health professional activity– and as a result, the mental health of students.

For effective implementation mental hygiene in school reality requires a thoughtful, consistent system of measures.


In 2007, I compiled a support program “Preservation and development of psychosocial health of subjects of the educational process in the context of the formation of an information culture” for five years, which is an integral part of the gymnasium development program “Towards a new quality of gymnasium education through the formation of an information culture of subjects of the educational process.”

In 2010, she completed work on the scientific and methodological topic “Professional health of a teacher”, compiling methodological collection psychological seminars and trainings to improve the professional health of teachers.

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2. Methods and techniques of educational psychotherapy

Among the health-saving technologies used in the education system, there are several groups distinguished by different approaches to health care and, accordingly, different methods and forms of work.

Classes with a psychologist in the form of trainings can improve the reflective-thinking culture of teachers.

A new concept of the professional is currently being developed. He is seen as an integral subject, active, capable, free and responsible in the design, implementation and creative transformation of his own activities. In a professional, “Personality” and “Master” will organically combine.

A.S. Makarenko believed that only a happy person can interact effectively with others: “You cannot be unhappy. Our ethics require us to be happy people..."

There are people who have not yet found their “own” ways. No way has been found to help them calm down when they are nervous or feel good when they are very tired. Our task is to help the teacher decide on the choice of techniques and methods of self-regulation so that he can efficiently fulfill his professional duties.

    Breath control

    Mental regulation

    Immersion in color

    Aroma therapy

    Circle of Power

    Deck of emotions

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3. Professional identity of the teacher

The epigraph to this part of the lesson can be taken from the words of V.O. Klyuchevsky: “Teachers are given the floor not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else’s.”

It will help to find out what teachers see as their role in the development and shaping of students’ personalities. exercise "Coat of Arms of the Profession".

Goal: - formation of a positive image of the teaching profession - awareness of the role of the teacher in the development of the student’s personality

Each participant receives a set of pictograms (umbrella, ambulance, anchor, lifebuoy, goldfish, light bulb, etc.), from which they must select three symbols associated with the teaching profession. Then the class participants unite in groups of 3-5 people and choose a single symbol and come up with a motto for it. Each group presents its own coat of arms, which is pasted onto a sheet of Whatman paper.

Analyzing the coats of arms, the presenter draws attention to the fact that most of them symbolize either warmth and kindness (sun, heart, smile, torch) or protection (lifebuoy, anchor, umbrella, ambulance). It is concluded that a teacher, with his personality, emotionality, and spirituality, is capable of exerting not only a teaching influence on his students, but also a psychotherapeutic effect (reducing emotional stress, providing psychological support, defusing a conflict situation with a kind word).

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Teacher self-regulation. Self-influence technique - breathing control

Ancient yogis said that the quality of our life depends on correct breathing.

Nowadays, many techniques for healthy breathing have been developed. I will give you one very simple and effective way to improve your well-being. A method called “Full Yogi Breathing” greatly massages the internal organs and has a positive effect on brain function. Having taken a sitting position, slowly begin to inhale air, first through your stomach, then through the middle part of your chest, and finally into your upper chest. Exhalation should be done in the reverse order, breathing should be unhurried. To begin with, 5-10 minutes will be enough, but over time the duration of practice can be increased. After inhaling, you can do short breath holds for better absorption of oxygen.

Proper breathing will make you an even more harmonious person, both physically and psychologically.

Slow and deep breathing reduces the excitability of nerve centers and promotes muscle relaxation. Frequent breathing, on the contrary, ensures a high level of body activity.

To start mastering, you can master 2 types of breathing: lower (abdominal) and upper (clavicular).

How to do abdominal breathing?

Perform abdominal breathing as follows: while sitting or standing, you need to relieve tension from the muscles and focus your attention on breathing. Then 4 stages of a single breathing cycle are performed, accompanied by an internal count to facilitate learning. At the count of 1-2-3-4, a slow inhalation is carried out, while the stomach protrudes forward, the abdominal muscles are relaxed, and the chest is motionless. Then, for the next 4 counts, you hold your breath and exhale smoothly for 6 counts, accompanied by pulling the abdominal muscles towards the spine. Before the next inhalation there is a pause of 2-4 counts. It should be remembered that you need to breathe only through your nose and as smoothly as if a fluff was hanging in front of your nose at a distance of 1 - 15 cm, then it should not flutter. After just 3-5 minutes of such breathing, you will notice that your state has become noticeably calmer and more balanced.

Upper ( clavicular) breath is used in cases where you need to cheer up after monotonous work, get rid of fatigue, and prepare for vigorous activity, it is recommended

How to perform upper breathing?

It is carried out by vigorously taking a deep breath through the nose, raising the shoulders and exhaling sharply through the mouth. In this case, there are no pauses between inhalation and exhalation. After just a few cycles of this breathing, you will feel a feeling of “goosebumps” on your back, freshness, and a surge of vigor.

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The next self-regulation technique is presented in the form of image visualization and meditation. Here are texts for the aggressive type of maladaptation, for the anxious, and the depressive.

Mental regulation


Goal: getting rid of negative emotions, relieving mental stress

Take colored pencils or crayons and a blank sheet of paper. Relaxingly, with your left hand, draw an abstract plot - lines, color spots, shapes. At the same time, completely immerse yourself in your experiences, draw as your mood tells you. Try to imagine that you are transferring your negative emotions onto paper, as if materializing it. Have you finished your drawing? Now turn the paper over and write 5-7 words on the back side that reflect your mood. Don’t think for long: it is necessary for words to arise spontaneously, without special control on your part.

After this, look at your drawing again, as if reliving your state, re-read the words and with pleasure, emotionally tear up the piece of paper and throw it in the trash.


Purpose: Relieving mental tension, muscle tension, releasing internal energy

Take a position that is comfortable for you...Straighten your back...Close your eyes...
Focus on your breathing...First, air fills your abdominal cavity...then your chest...lungs...Take a full breath...then several light, calm exhalations...

Now calmly...without any special effort, take a new breath...Notice which parts of your body are in contact with the chair...the floor...In those parts of the body where the surface supports you...try to feel this support a little stronger...Imagine that the chair...the floor...is raised so that support you....Relax those muscles with which you support yourself... (Appendix)

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Stroking market:

I am a handsome, smart and moderately well-fed man

at the very dawn of his strength, the best Carlson in the world.

The positive nature of the pedagogical image helps prevent the development of emotional stress in the teacher and his students, promotes their development of goodwill, responsiveness, and self-confidence.

The teacher’s attitude towards himself and the teacher’s satisfaction with himself and his activities causes certain behavioral reactions. Satisfaction with one's professional activities is necessary for a teacher to successfully develop emotional stability, to maintain the necessary emotional tone and self-esteem.

I suggest doing an exercise to develop a positive attitude towards yourself and self-approval

Exercise “Praise addressed to yourself”

“Today I am proud of myself because...”

Mini-hymn “I am a miracle!” (in booklet)

I am a happy man! I am the happiest person in the world! I am in a good mood! I'm always in a good mood!

My eyes radiate happiness! My walk radiates happiness! I radiate happiness all over! I live - and that's why I'm happy!

I'm an optimist! The sun is the brightest for me, and the sky is the bluest!

You can always rely on me. I won't let you down!

I know how to make friends. The welfare of the family is a priority for me! I am attentive and caring. I am valued and respected by my friends, relatives and colleagues. It's always easy and fun with me.

I'm sociable. People are drawn to me. It's interesting and calm with me.

I'm constantly working on myself. I prove this with my work, my ability to value my dignity and family honor.

I thank my parents for life and the joy of communication!

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A teacher always influences with his personality, starting with how he walks, sits, speaks, what he believes in, what he hopes for, and ending with what he wears. It is the color of clothing that can influence the mood of the teacher and his students.

You know well that each color itself has a certain “psychological” quality and, as a result, has a certain effect on the psyche.

Technique “immersion in color”

    Take a comfortable, comfortable position, relax. It is best to do this exercise while lying down; the desired relaxation effect is achieved.

    Choose one of the suggested colors:

    Red, if you need strength and endurance.

    Orange, if you want to attract the attention of other people to your business and personal life.

    Yellow If you want to develop your intuition, you need new ideas and concepts.

    Green, if you want to feel more empathy and love for your neighbor.

    Blue if you are feeling stressed and need to relax.

    Blue, if you want to generate more creative ideas and looking for original concepts.

    Violet, if you are trying to find unique, innovative ideas, such as developing a revolutionary concept or creating an invention.

    Imagine this color as a pyramid above your head. Calmly watch this pyramid, it slowly begins to descend. Feel how it penetrates you. It passes through your body, dissolving and cleansing it of negative emotions and moods. Feel yourself in the center of this colored pyramid. Enjoy its properties and absorb them into yourself.

    Now let the chosen color wash you from head to toe, that is, from the top of your head to your feet. Imagine a stream of this color flowing through you and eventually flowing out into a sewer pipe. Then check yourself. If you still feel the remnants of negative feelings in any place in your body, direct the color flow there and wash that area.

    Finding the desired color quality. This can be done mentally, out loud, or in writing. Take five minutes to acknowledge the color red within you and its properties. Your statements should be brief, stated in simple words in the present tense, and formulated in the form that best suits you. Have faith in your words as you speak them or write them down. Let go of any doubts and put all your mental and emotional energy into affirmations.

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Learning to manage your emotions, control your mental state is a great benefit, it is a guarantee of increasing psychological culture, general culture, a step towards self-improvement.

Circle of power (resource circle)

This is the so-called spatial anchor, using it, you can also regulate your condition.

1) Think about what quality (state) you would like to develop and increase in yourself.

2) Imagine this quality (state) somewhere in the space of this room in the form of a circle... At the same time, the specialist draws a circle with his hand on the floor in front of you.

3) When the task is completed, we collect the characteristics of the circle: the location of the circle, its size, volume (height above the floor), color, material, temperature, etc. The more detailed the characteristics are collected, the better.

4) Think about how many times you would like to increase these resources in yourself? (Twice, three, ten - decide how many times you need). Make an “order” to your unconscious (tell it inside yourself) to increase the necessary resources exactly to the size you need.

5) The specialist gives you instructions: Now you will enter the Circle of Power... And immediately resources will begin to fill you... Ask your unconscious to give you a sign when what you need will happen... Don’t be afraid to take - this is a magic circle: the more you take from it , the more remains there.

6) You are filled with resources. As soon as the sign of the unconscious is received, you go out and take the circle with you in a way convenient for you.

7) The specialist gives you the instruction: “And now that the Circle of Power is with you, you can use its resources at any time.”

Now that you have a spatial anchor, or “Resource Circle,” you can also use it in various situations of anxiety, fear, and uncertainty.

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Deck of emotions

    1. Deck of emotions.

This game is for those who want to practice managing their emotions (however, it can also be used to work with a broader concept - states). It is very effective, and if you play it for 1-2 months, you can easily learn to manage your emotions, and without the help of a deck...

To play, you need to make a “Deck” of 16 cards (at least). You can also add your own states (here in the text “emotion” and “state” are used as synonyms). For example:

The order of creating a deck.

1. Cards.

Prepare required amount cards made of thick paper (such that you can carry them in your pocket). For example: 6 by 9 cm. Or make them from plain paper and then stick them on playing cards. Whatever is more convenient for you.

2. Scope of application.

Select a state (emotion). Determine in what situations this state will be useful to you. (Anger can be useful in sports, but hatred can be useful in a fight on the street).

3. Access.

Try to enter this state as much as possible, to feel it. It is desirable that this state be “pure” - without any admixture of other states. It is also important that it is not tied to a specific situation - like a state “in itself” (although in order to remember it, you can first recall the situation where you had this emotion). Bring it to the maximum, which they are capable of.

4. Symbol.

At the top of the card, draw a symbol that you associate with this state. It could be something abstract, or maybe some object or person.

5. Name of the emotion.

Under the symbol, write (or rather, even draw) the “name” of this state: sadness, pity, humor...

6. List of words.

Under the title, write a list of 6-8 words with which you can describe this state: warm, relaxed, bright, run...

7. Deck.

Repeat steps 2-6 for all conditions. If necessary, make and add new cards you need to the deck. Working with the deck.

Working with the deck.

This is how they work with the deck. You shuffle it and pull out cards in random order. You can do this anywhere and at any time, provided that you can concentrate on the game there and it won’t hurt you in any way: on the subway or bus, during a break, at home. At the same time, it is strongly not recommended to play when crossing the street, and when talking with the boss, it is simply not recommended

1. Consolidation of the state.

First, your task is to pull out a card from the deck and look at it to “help” yourself enter this state as much as possible. Usually, doing this 3-5 times is enough to secure it.

2. Holding state..

After you learn to enter a state, your task is to learn to maintain this state (at first, you can hold the card in front of your eyes for a while). Determine a time interval for yourself (for example, 3 minutes) and train to maintain the state throughout this time. After it starts to work out well, add another minute, then another... (You can do this - add a minute every 3-4 days). The maximum up to which this workout makes sense is 15 minutes. (You can complicate the work - try to maintain the desired states in real “difficult” situations).

3. Subtle differences.

After you have learned to hold the state well enough (or simultaneously with this training), try to determine the nuances of this emotion - what are the characteristic sensations, changes in breathing, muscle tension, etc.

4. Intensity control.

Learn not only to induce a state, but also to set its intensity. You can create a scale for yourself (for example, from 0 to 10 in intensity) and “chase” yourself along it. To do this, you can even make yourself a second deck with numbers from 0 to 10 and pull out 2 cards: emotion and its intensity.

    To train intensity, you can use “Emotion Scaling”.

5. Transition speed.

Practice the speed of transition from one state to another. That is: you pull out a card, enter the state as much as possible, pull out another card and go to a new state. In this training, it is important to achieve the maximum speed of transition from the maximum of one state to the maximum of another. You can even measure the time (in this case, the time is calculated from “peak to peak”).

6. Mental representation.

After a while, you will find that in order to enter the state, you just need to remember the image of the card. Naturally, this can be practiced: you do the same as in point 1 (“ consolidation of state"), but you draw the card mentally.

7. Field training.

After you have learned how to enter and maintain states mentally, begin to train the transition from state to state in real situations, not only in “neutral” ones, but also in “difficult” ones.


Stage 4

The task of the psychological service is to help all participants in the educational process achieve results in their work and at the same time maintain their psychological health. School today is a serious psychogenic factor. One of the areas of work of a school psychologist is psychoprophylaxis of emotional stress among teachers, students and parents. An educational psychologist helps teachers, students and parents identify and use their opportunities to prevent emotional stress in the ever-increasing flow of information.

Diagnostic results

If we compare the diagnostic indicators of the general emotional and psychosocial state of teachers for the period from 2007 to 2009, we can note the positive dynamics of personal abilities, and in particular such indicators as the ability to manage oneself, the ability for self-realization, the ability to teach, and the presence of clear personal values.

But the indicators of “mental burnout” have a negative trend, they are not much, but they are growing on all three scales (professional motivation, psycho-emotional exhaustion, personal distance).

Possible reasons why burnout rates are rising can be divided into external and internal. Internal ones include: age (it’s no secret that the influx of young personnel is insignificant, and the main teaching staff are teachers with experience); the teacher’s inability to regulate his working time and rest time. External ones include: increasing requirements for reporting, paperwork, low level salaries, reduced hours.

However, we hope that the set of measures that form the basis for preserving the health of teachers will have positive results. The activity of teachers in this direction is very high. Teachers themselves organize trips to nature, since 2008 they have been participating in the physical education and health club “Pulse”, which includes a herbal bar, sports sections based on interests (basketball, aqua aerobics, shaping, sauna), many teachers who started this health movement involve their colleagues, which, of course, increases not only the physical health, but also the psychological and spiritual comfort of teachers.

Thanks to the activities carried out, teachers receive satisfaction from their work, acquire efficiency, activity, creativity, and strive for improvement.

The feedback after events conducted by our psychological service is encouraging (teachers are thanked for the seminars and trainings they conduct, and for the creative workshops).

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Parable "Pencil"

Before putting the pencil into the box, the pencil maker put it aside.

- There are five things you must know, he told the pencil, before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget them, and you will become the best penciler you can be.

First, you can do many great things, but only if you allow Someone to hold you in His hand.

Second, you will experience painful sharpening from time to time, but it will be necessary to become a better penciler.

Third: you will be able to correct the mistakes you make.

Fourth: your most important part will always be within you.

And fifth: no matter what surface you are used on, you must always leave your mark. Regardless of your condition, you must continue to write.

Pencil understood and promised to remember this. He was placed in a box with a calling in his heart.

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Presentation of the collection

Reflection of the master class.

Annex 1

Psychophysiological and psychological effect of flowers

    Gray - provides overt response to external influences(with closure, secrecy). Recommended for overwork and external stress.

    Light gray - increases intellectual capabilities.

    Black – used as a general tonic for people with poor health. Recommended for weak-willed people. Not recommended for aggressive and stubborn people.

    Red - promotes wound healing and reduces inflammation. Has an analgesic effect. Recommended for headaches, dizziness and pain in the spine. Indicated for depression, depression and melancholy. Not recommended for impulsive, restless people.

    Pink is a catalyst for good mood and promotes recovery from somatic diseases.

    Orange - increases appetite, has a beneficial effect on digestion, stimulates the senses. With dosed exposure, it increases performance. Indicated for apathy and depression. Not recommended for dizziness.

    Brown - helps you switch, “relax.” Not recommended if you are prone to motion sickness. Inappropriate if intellectual mobilization is necessary.

    Brown-yellow - useful for people who do not receive satisfaction from life, who are in apathy and depression.

    Brown - green - useful for people who love to travel, who are on a journey (path).

    Yellow is useful for life disappointments and tension in interpersonal communication. Increases the speed of visual perception, increases visual acuity and stability of clear vision, stimulates brain function. Not recommended for dizziness.

    Green - gives confidence, perseverance and endurance. Recommended for nervous breakdowns and fatigue. Restores strength in case of insomnia. Indicated for neuralgia and migraine. Reduces the effects of motion sickness and prevents vomiting. Increases visual acuity, normalizes blood and intraocular pressure. Provides an increase in mental performance, promotes concentration.

    Blue-green (sea wave) - provides control over thoughts and actions, useful for impulsive, emotional people. Strengthens strong-willed aspirations, recommended for people with low self-esteem.

    Blue - dispels obsessions, reduces hyperactivity, soothes rheumatic pain, has an anti-emetic effect, and is an analgesic. Reduces anxiety levels.

    Blue - reduces hyperactivity, restores strength during deep experiences, relieves pain, promotes sleep

Appendix 2

The first self-influence technique is breathing control

    "Geometry of Breathing". In the starting position, standing or sitting, take a full breath. Then, holding your breath, imagine a circle and slowly exhale into it. Repeat this technique four times. After this, inhale again, imagine a triangle and exhale into it three times. Then exhale into the square twice in the same way. After completing these procedures, you will definitely feel calm.

    "Life force." Lie on your back. Relax, establish slow and rhythmic breathing. Imagine as clearly as possible that with each inhalation the lungs are filled with vitality, and with each exhalation it spreads throughout the body.

3. "Good morning." According to experts, a yawn allows you to almost instantly enrich the blood with oxygen and get rid of excess carbon dioxide. The muscles of the neck, face, and mouth that tense during yawning accelerate blood flow in the vessels of the brain. A yawn, improving blood supply to the lungs, pushing blood out of the liver, increases the tone of the body, and creates an impulse of positive emotions. It is said that in Japan, workers in the electrical industry yawn in an organized manner every 30 minutes.

To do the exercise, you need to close your eyes, open your mouth as wide as possible, and tense your oral cavity, as if pronouncing a low “oo-oo-oo.” At this time, it is necessary to imagine as clearly as possible that a cavity is forming in the mouth, the bottom of which is descending. A yawn is performed while stretching the entire body. The effectiveness of the pharynx is enhanced by a smile, which enhances the relaxation of the facial muscles and creates a positive emotional impulse. After a yawn, the muscles of the face, pharynx, and larynx relax, and a feeling of peace appears.

4. “Candle flame.” Performed in any comfortable position - standing, sitting, lying down. Promotes quick withdrawal fatigue, cleanses the blood of toxins, increases the body's resistance.

After a full inhalation, exhalation is carried out in small portions through a narrow gap between the lips, outwardly reminiscent of attempts to extinguish the flame of a candle. Each subsequent portion should be smaller than the previous one. At first, the number of repetitions should not exceed three, and later you can increase it to ten.

5. "Duel" Raise your hands above your head, imagine that you have all your tension, all your stress in your hands... and with the sound “HA”, with a sharp movement, release your negative state. Repeat several times! The sound should not be pronounced, but formed by the air leaving the chest. This will help remove nervous tension, liberation from feelings of inner restlessness.

    After the next exhalation, close the left nostril with the finger of your left hand and inhale through the right nostril;

    Hold your breath while inhaling, then close your right nostril with the finger of your right hand and, opening the left, exhale;

    After holding your breath while exhaling, inhale through the left nostril;

    After holding your breath, close your left nostril with your right hand and, releasing the right nostril, exhale;

    Hold your breath while exhaling;

    Repeat the described breathing cycle 5 times. The duration of inhalation, exhalation and breath-holding during inhalation and exhalation is 8 seconds.

Appendix 3



Focus on your breathing...Imagine a large white screen...Imagine any flower on the screen...Remove the flower from the screen and instead place a white rose on the screen...Change the white rose for a red one...(If you have difficulty, imagine that you are painting a rose with a brush in red)
Remove the rose and imagine the room you are in...all its furnishings...furniture...color....

Change the picture... Look at the room from the ceiling... If this is difficult, imagine yourself on the ceiling... looking down at the room and the whole environment from above... Now again imagine a large white screen... Place a blue filter in front of the light source so that the entire screen becomes bright blue... Change the color blue to red... Make the screen green... Present any colors and images you want...

After I count from ten to one, you will slowly, while inhaling, open your eyes and return to this room...

for aggressive type of maladjustment


Imagine that you are a small float in a huge ocean...You have no goal...compass...map...rudder...oars...You move where the wind takes you...ocean waves...A big wave may cover you for a while...but you emerge again and again to the surface... Try to feel these pushes and surfacing... Feel the movement of the wave... the warmth of the sun... drops of water... the cushion of the sea below you, supporting you... Focus on the sensations that arise when you imagine yourself as a small float in a big ocean...

"Temple of Silence"

Imagine yourself walking on the outskirts of a crowded and noisy city... Try to feel how your feet are stepping on the pavement... Pay attention to other passers-by... their facial expressions, figures... Notice that some look anxious... others are calm and joyful... Pay attention to the transport... it speed and noise...cars hum, brakes make noise...Maybe you hear other sounds... Pay attention to the store windows...bakery...flower shop...Maybe you saw a familiar face in the crowd?...Will you come up and greet this person?. ..Or will you pass by?...Stop and think about how you feel on this noisy street...Now turn the corner and walk along a quieter street...After walking a little, you will notice a large building, different in architecture from the others...A large sign reads: “Temple of Silence”...You understand that this temple is a place where no sounds are heard, where not a single word has ever been spoken...You approach and touch the heavy carved doors...open them, enter and immediately find yourself surrounded by complete and deep silence …(Pause 1-2 minutes)
When you want to leave the building, push the wooden doors and go outside...How do you feel now?...Memorize the road leading to the Temple of Silence...so that you can return there again whenever you want...

for depressive type of maladjustment


Remember that time in your life... when you were sure that you were truly loved... Choose an episode from this period... and relive it in every detail... Remember all the sounds... smells... colors... music... your feelings, and relive them again ...Try to answer yourself...what are the most essential features this experience...What prevents you from experiencing such feelings now?..


You are taking a walk through the grounds of a large castle... You see a high stone wall... covered with ivy... In which there is a wooden door... Open it and enter... You find yourself in an old... abandoned garden... Once it was a beautiful garden... but for a long time no one has been behind it doesn’t take care of it... The plants have grown so much... that you can’t see the ground... it’s hard to distinguish the paths... Imagine how you, starting from any part of the garden... weeding... trimming the branches... mowing the grass... replanting the trees... digging up... watering them... doing everything to restore the garden old look...
After a while, stop...and compare the part of the garden that you have already worked on with the one that you have not touched yet...


Imagine a small rocky island...far from the continent...On the top of the island is a tall, firmly placed lighthouse...Imagine yourself as this lighthouse...Your walls are so thick and strong...that even strong winds...cannot shake you...
From your top floor windows...day and night...in good and bad weather...send a powerful beam of light to guide ships...Remember the energy system that keeps your light beam constant...sliding across the ocean...warning mariners of shoals...being a symbol of safety on the shore... Now try to feel the inner source of light within yourself... a light that never goes out...


(According to R. Assagioli, modified by L. N. Rozhina)

Let's sit down, relax, close our eyes, and feel the pleasant warmth spreading throughout our body. Imagine yourself on the beach at dawn. The sea is almost motionless, the last bright stars are dying out. Feel the freshness and purity of the air. Look at the water, the stars, the dark sky. Listen for a while to the pre-dawn silence, to the stillness saturated with future movement. The darkness slowly recedes and the colors change. The sky above the horizon turns red, then turns golden. Then the first rays of the sun touch you. And you see how it slowly rises out of the water. When the sun is halfway over the horizon, you see its reflection in the water forming a path of golden shimmering light, going from you to the very center of it. The water is warm, pleasant, and you decide to enter it. Slowly, enjoying yourself, you begin to float in the golden glow that surrounds you. You feel the contact of your body with water full of sparkling light. You feel how easy it is for you to swim and enjoy moving through the sea. The further you sail on the sea, the less aware you are of the water around you, and the more light there is around you. You feel that you are enveloped in a beneficial light penetrating into you. Now your body is bathed in the life-giving energy of the sun. Your feelings are filled with her warmth. Your mind is illuminated by its light. You return, at the same time retaining a piece of warmth and light.
We open our eyes.


It was such a wonderful morning, as if a name day was being celebrated in the sky.
You can't sit at home. And, having eluded everyone, you, like the wind, rush to the cherished place - a small river, narrow but deep. The water in it appears black as ink because of the bushes that densely surround it on both sides and bathe their long hanging branches in it.
Having undressed, you throw yourself into the water. It cools and burns. Swimming gives you great pleasure. You enjoy the coolness. Your body is bathed in the life-giving stream of water... And now, having dressed, you climb out onto the hill. The sun is warming up.
Fine! Easily! You feel with pleasure an amazing lightness in every muscle, as if your body has lost weight, and it seems that you only need to make one effort to separate yourself from the ground and fly in the air. Like a big bird. You are floating in the air...


You wake up. Hurry to the window and, as if for the first time, with new surprise, do not say to yourself, but feel: here is the blue sky, here are the light through clouds, and the sun, and the grass, and the trees... You can’t sit at home... And now you are already lying on the grass, feeling its softness, coolness. You look into the bottomless sky - until, from the movement of bizarre clouds, you yourself begin to float somewhere into eternal space, along with your desires and thoughts. So where are we going? Maybe, like the hero of B. Zaitsev: “God knows, but towards some more complex and enlightened life, even that, the future, seems to me like a deep radiance, an evening cloud. After all, people will certainly become more luminous, lighter, more complex.”


Teachers, as representatives of a profession belonging to the “person - person” system, are among the first to become victims emotional burnout

First time term burnout(burnout, combustion) was introduced by the American psychiatrist H. Fredenberg in 1974. Burnout meant a state of exhaustion combined with a feeling of one’s own uselessness and uselessness. V.V. Boyko gives the following definition of the term: “Emotional burnout is a psychological defense mechanism developed by an individual in the form of complete or partial exclusion of emotions in response to selected psychotraumatic influences.” K. Maslach and S. Jackson consider burnout syndrome as a response to long-term professional stress that arises in interpersonal communications.

^ Burnout syndrome manifests itself: in a feeling of indifference, emotional exhaustion, exhaustion (a person cannot devote himself to work as he did before), dehumanization (the development of a negative attitude towards his colleagues and students), in a negative perception of himself professionally.

Highlight three main factors that play a significant role in the development of burnout syndrome: personal (emotional coldness, intense experience of negative circumstances of professional activity), role-playing (at fuzzy or unevenly distributed responsibility for their professional actions, this factor increases sharply even with a low workload) and organizational (Availability intense psycho-emotional activity). Factors in the development of emotional burnout are also destabilizing organization of activities And unfavorable psychological atmosphere. These are unclear organization and planning of work, insufficient necessary funds, the presence of bureaucratic issues, long hours of work with difficult-to-measure content, the presence of conflicts both in the “manager-subordinate” system and between colleagues.

The most important condition causing burnout syndrome is - the presence of a psychologically difficult contingent, which a professional in the field of communication has to deal with. For teachers, these are, for example, “difficult” teenagers.

What does burnout depend on more - on a person’s personal characteristics or on organizational structure? The debate on this topic is not over. Thus, K. Maslach believes that burnout syndrome is mainly influenced by working conditions and characteristics of the organization.

One study found that only 30% of teachers are in a normal psycho-emotional state, but one or another symptom of burnout is found in every teacher. Revealed picture psycho-emotional state teachers cannot help but have a negative impact on students. An analysis of the situation showed that the problem of teachers’ health is caused not only by the objective features of work activity, but also attitude towards your health, low level of knowledge of risk factors and methods of preventing occupational diseases, as well as insufficient legislative support for labor protection for teachers.

In practice, the processes of professional development and preservation of the health of teachers occur spontaneously, without the necessary psychological support, since the teacher himself does not own the means of this development and preservation. The system of advanced training for teachers is mainly aimed at teaching them new ways of working, familiarizing them with new curricula, which exclusively affects the cognitive structure of the teacher’s personality. However, values, including health, life meanings cannot be transmitted in the same way as knowledge, abilities, skills, since their development occurs primarily through experiences. It is necessary to search for the most effective ways of psychological influence on the teacher’s personality in order to reorient him to innovative teaching and create a constantly developing “teacher-student” system, in which the mental and physical health of both the teacher and the student is maintained and improved. The problem of teacher health deserves great attention, since the success of the educational process depends on the teacher’s health.

The most important areas for strengthening the psychological health of teachers and preventing violations, in our opinion, are:

1. Healthy gymnasium atmosphere- a climate of mutual trust and respect, an atmosphere of love that adults and children feel and are charged with health. Medical statistics eloquently demonstrate that most illnesses of teachers and students are rooted in psychosomatic disorders, that is, in the desire to get out of a tense, uncomfortable environment, to avoid humiliation or intrusive control. When a person is interested in the gymnasium, he gets sick very rarely, moreover, he develops a kind of psycho-emotional immunity against stress, infections and overload. The most important factor in such improvement is a successful, proactive and creative teacher - as an incentive for a rich and active life, as a person who really wants children to be healthy.

2. Health of the educational process, which is focused on life goals and the interests of its participants. What is important is not so much the volume and balance of the academic load, but the psychological and emotional balance (mental stress, emotional distress, energy costs and emotional “recharging”); the intensity of human contacts and the “degree” of communication.

3. Establishing effective relationships between EP subjects (Parent-Student-Teacher). If parents do not motivate their children to study, if the family rejects school values ​​or ignores them, seeing in the educational institution only a “point” for the provision of services, it is impossible to build a health-preserving environment in the educational institution. This requires painstaking work with parents that does not immediately yield results, involving them in solving current school issues, and involving them in the life of the teaching and student staff. Based on this, the gymnasium hosts family activities and holidays, joint excursions and trips, health campaigns, consultations and meetings, and various forms of psychological education.

National educational initiative “Our new school» make special demands on the personality and activities of the teacher.

Working with teachers at the Gymnasium is effective due to the fact that it is organized as an integral system. Its success is determined by the interest of teachers in professional development, the satisfaction of the staff with the organization of the educational process at school, which is confirmed by the research conducted. The more satisfied a teacher is with his work, the more interested he is in improving his skills.

The main task is to help the teacher motivate his professional and personal development, vocational training. To ensure that the content of the activity meets the needs of teachers and contributes to the self-development of the teacher’s personality, the work is carried out taking into account professional difficulties monitored by systematic monitoring. Its planning is preceded by a deep analysis of each of its links from the point of view of the influence of their activities on the growth of the teacher’s pedagogical and professional skills.

The organization of innovative work has a huge impact on the development of teaching staff at the Gymnasium. Since 2012, a creative group of teachers has been working at the Gymnasium, carrying out transformations in the school on a scientific basis (implementing innovative activities).

The main directions of the system of work with teaching staff in our school are:

Creating conditions for continuous professional excellence of teachers;

Preparing teachers to actively participate in innovation activity;

Creating conditions for the study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience;

Information and material and technical support of the educational process;

Analysis, coordination and correction of teachers’ work on educational issuesschool activitiesinnovative transformations in school.

Teachers sensed an urgent needthe need for change, because in the centerOP organizationsThe professional competence and level of education of teachers is always determined.No financial, material and technical conditions can replace a master teacher who remainsfor children a guide to the world of knowledge, culture and spiritual values.

The transfer of the school to development mode challenged the staff and administration next questions:

What motivates teachers to do good work?

Why do workers with the same qualification categories work

with different effectiveness?

Why does the same teacher work differently in different situations?

At one of the meetings of the pedagogical council, a survey was conducted to study the leading motives of teachers’ activities. Analysis of the results showed that for teachers the leading motives for effective work are pride in the successes of students, decent wages, the opportunity for creative and professional growth, the opportunity to participate in school management, good working conditions, a psychologically comfortable environment and one’s own psychological and physical health.

According to the results diagnostic studies The presence of emotional burnout was revealed as the most important “risk factor” complicating the professional activities of teachers. The high workload of teachers, the inability to relieve psycho-emotional stress, the insufficiency of receiving feedback from students, parents and the teaching community, creates a situation of maximum “immersion” in existing problems and is characterized by the impossibility of an objective assessment and timely adoption of the necessary measures to preserve psychological health and prevent possible difficulties.

Mainpurpose of work with the teaching staff at the Gymnasium is - increasing professional competence, forming a tutor position based on strengthening the psychological health of the teacher.

The main areas of work were:

1. Diagnostic studies - allow you to form an adequate Self-Concept and effectively strengthen the psychological health of the teacher. through the organization of a system of psychological monitoring of necessary competencies and self-research of teachers.

2. Organization of pedagogical universal education - through monthly seminars that help improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of teachers. The topics of the seminars include:

- "The essence of psychological health and risk factors."

- "Emotional burnout: overcoming and prevention."

- “Motivation is the fundamental engine of activity.”

- "Deviation - behavior or deviation?"

- “Psychological safety”, etc.

3. Workshops on topics:

- "Brainstorming is an activity-based approach in education.

- "Stress resistance".

- “Strengthening the nervous system is the most important condition for the development of regulatory competence.”

- "Innovative technologies in organizing educational activities: pictogram, unpacking concepts. cluster analysis"

- “Spatial-temporal orientation as a necessary condition for psychological health”, etc.

4. Round tables - the most effective method of organizing an innovative space, since it involves the active participation of teachers in identifying existing problems and developing ways to overcome them, correct them and further prevent them.

5. Psychological consultations for teachers - contribute to increasing the level of psychological culture. They allow you to promptly identify and overcome psycho-emotional stress and remove the influence of stress factors.

Example of teaching advice

"Methods of correction and prevention of emotional burnout as a fundamental factor in health preservation and psychological safety in educational institutions"

Speech by a teacher-psychologist at the pedagogical council on 03/06/2013

According to the Concept of Modernization of Russian Education, one of the priority tasks for achieving sustainable development of the education system is to increase the social status and professionalism of workers in this system, strengthening their state and public support.

Teachers, as representatives of a profession belonging to the “person - person” system, are among the first to become victimsemotional burnout . It is due to a number of factors, the study of which is important for preserving the health of not only teachers, but also students, since a “burned out” teacher’s attitude towards work changes from positive to indifferent and negative. There is a depersonalization of relations between the participants in this process, which suppresses the manifestations of humane forms of behavior between people and creates a threat to the general psychological climate in the team.

Conducted at the Gymnasium in the 2012-2013 academic year. year, a study of emotional burnout showed that about 50% of teachers are at the stage of resistance resistance - replacement: in the predominant development of the following symptoms:

A symptom of “inadequate selective emotional response.”

An undoubted sign of “burnout” is when a professional ceases to grasp the difference between two fundamentally different phenomena:

Economical expression of emotions and

Inappropriate selective emotional response

In the first case, we are talking about a useful skill of interaction with students, parents and colleagues - connecting emotions of a rather limited register and moderate intensity: a slight smile, a friendly look, a soft, calm tone of speech, restrained reactions to strong stimuli, laconic forms of expressing disagreement, lack of categoricalness , rudeness. If necessary, a professional is able to treat the ward more emotionally, with sincere sympathy. This mode of communication indicates a high level of professionalism.

It’s a completely different matter when a professional inappropriately “saves” on emotions and limits the emotional return by selectively responding to situations. The principle “whether I want it or not” applies: if I deem it necessary, I will pay attention to the ward, the student, if I am in the mood, I will respond to his condition and needs. Despite all the unacceptability of this style of emotional behavior, it is very common. The fact is that a person most often thinks that he is acting in an acceptable way. However, the subject of communication or observer records something else - emotional callousness, discourtesy, indifference.

Inappropriate selective emotional response is interpreted by partners as disrespect for their personality, i.e. moves into the plane of morality

A symptom of “expanding the sphere of saving emotions.”

Symptoms of emotional burnout manifest themselves outside of professional activities - at home, in communication with friends and acquaintances. It’s a well-known case: at work you get so tired of contacts and conversations that you don’t even want to communicate with your loved ones. At work you still hold on, but at home you withdraw or generally “growl” at your spouse and children. By the way, it is those at home who often become the “victims” of emotional burnout.

Symptom of “reduction of professional responsibilities.”

Manifests itself in an attempt to ease or reduce responsibilities that require emotional costs. The wards are deprived of basic attention.

Today the Gymnasium is a member of a network of innovatively active educational institutions and teachers are maximally focused on introducing a variety of innovative practices in their professional activities.

Emotional burnout is characterized by unawareness of the causes of professional and personal deformations. In this regard, teachers need to have constant external assessment for systematic monitoring and timely prevention of emotional disorders.

If teachers have identified indicators of emotional burnout:

Then it is necessary to take action.

Many diseases arise due to low stress resistance and nervous exhaustion, adverse effects of stress. To prevent this from happening, you need to strengthen your nervous system. Each of our organs is enveloped not only by the smallest blood vessels, but also by nerve fibers. Through them, communication and interaction of all components of our body is carried out. Millions nerve cells allow us to adapt to the environment and respond to the slightest changes in it. We can safely say that nervous and vital energy are one and the same. A person who has a strong nervous system and, as a result, high resistance to stress, can overcome life’s difficulties and successfully solve problems that arise along the way. Stress resistance ensures health, both physical and mental. Vitality and endurance depend on it, it provides a reserve of power that allows you to achieve success in life. If stress resistance is poorly developed, a person feels it physically. Constant fatigue, lethargy, apathy, early aging and indifference to the joys of life are all a consequence of low stress resistance. Those. we can say that a person spends too much effort and energy on solving ordinary life problems; even minor situations are perceived as serious stress and destroy psychological well-being and health.

What signs can be used to determine that stress resistance is reduced and the nervous system needs help? The main danger signals are as follows:

indifference - lack of nervous strength is expressed in the loss of ambition, the desire to achieve something in life, makes a person mentally and physically lazy; there is a willingness to accept failure and give up any attempts to change life for the better; initiative and enthusiasm for work disappear. A person wants to “hide”; he avoids contact; stops communicating with loved ones

constant doubts about everything what a person undertakes is in the sincerity and friendliness of other people, even friends and loved ones. Envy of the successes of others appears, and one’s failures are justified, most often by the machinations of enemies. People begin to doubt that they will achieve results and constantly think about it, driving themselves even further into a dead end;

indecision in any action , from the simplest to the most complex, the preference to be a subordinate, a cog, mindlessly carrying out the orders and commands of others, the lack of any personal initiative, turning into a human robot.

anxiety and susceptibility to fears very draining vitality, often age a person faster than age. The slightest obstacle leads to stress and inappropriate situations. Bragg said that anxiety is a killer that destroys your health. When a person has enough nervous strength, he can objectively assess problems that arise and find the right solutions. Otherwise, constant fears and unreasonable anxiety about every issue turn a person’s life into a nightmare;

special care in everything - Everywhere only negative aspects are seen, everything seems impracticable. A person understands that he is not able to cope with the problems that arise, which means, in his opinion, it is better simply not to take any steps.. In principle, the approach is correct, but when it becomes the basic principle of life, And in reality nothing is done to change the situation for the better - then we can say that nervous energy has been depleted and the person simply does not have the courage to change something. Troubles are remembered for a long time, everything is seen in a black light. Imbalance, nervousness, poor mood, deterioration of blood circulation and digestion accompany hyper-caution, being manifestations of an imbalance in the nervous system.

How to increase stress resistance? Our body is initially equipped with great abilities to self-healing, which means that even if a person is extremely exhausted, he has every chance to become an energetic, full of life person again.
What are the specific steps that need to be taken to develop the nervous system?

Effective technologies for the prevention and correction of emotional burnout:


Auto-training, various relaxation exercises and self-hypnosis can help in the fight against low stress resistance.


Two minutes rest Target : an opportunity to quickly take a break from psychological stress..
Form of conduct : group.
Conducting the exercise: “Sit more comfortably in your chairs, put your hands on your knees, lean your back against the back of the chair. Close your eyes. Take your mind to a place where you feel good. Perhaps this is a familiar place for you, where you like to visit and relax. This might be your dream place. Stay there... Do what you are used to doing there. Or do nothing, as you wish. Stay where you feel good for two or three minutes.”
Relaxation Target : an opportunity to relax and unwind.
Form of conduct : group.
Carrying out the exercise: “Sit more comfortably on chairs, relax your muscles, place your hands comfortably, close your eyes. Try not to think about anything. Relax on a chair... You are comfortable... Eyes closed... Relax... "
The trainer in exercises of this type can vary his participation from complete control over their implementation by the group to complete “dissolution” in the group, i.e. recreation with the group, when he gives instructions and carries them out himself together with the teenagers. One form of control would be to enhance rest and relaxation exercises. The instructions add the following words: “I will come up to some of you, put my hand on your shoulder, and ask you something. Answer with your eyes closed so that the whole group can hear.” During the exercise, the trainer walks in a circle and asks some of the teenagers something like: “Where are you? Is this place familiar to you? What are you doing? You are alone? Who's next to you? You feel good? Stay there a little longer..."
Breath Target : reducing the level of anxiety, getting out of a stressful situation.
Form of conduct : group.
Carrying out the exercise: “Sit on a chair. Close your eyes and relax. Focus only on your own breathing. Inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale. Don’t try to change its natural course, just trying not to get out of relaxation, remember how you breathe at rest, fix the pattern of your own breathing.” It is very important to track the rhythm of breathing in a relaxed state.
: releasing feelings of frustration, anger, rage, etc.
Age: 12-16 years old.
Form of conduct : group.
Carrying out the exercise: To perform this exercise, you need to draw air into your chest and scream with all your might, after making sure that no one can hear your scream! If this is not possible, then you can use another method, for example, sit on a chair, put a large soft pillow on your lap, take a deep breath, and then scream as loudly as possible (at the top of your lungs), covering your face with the pillow. You need to repeat this process several times until you feel empty.
Hysterics Target : relieving emotional stress.
Form: group.
Carrying out the exercise: To perform it, you need to lie on a bed, sofa or any other soft surface; this exercise should not be performed on a hard surface. The point of the exercise is that you need to imagine yourself as a child, hysterical. You can beat your arms and legs on the bed and at the same time scream or make any other sounds that ask to come out. You can do this for as long as you want. Then you need to lie quietly and relax for a few minutes. This exercise is extremely liberating.
Relieving Anxiety and Fear Target: getting rid of feelings of anxiety and fear.
Form: group.
Conducting the exercise: Before you begin the exercise, you need to make a list of all the people, places and situations that cause anxiety, worry or fear. Firstly, this exercise will help you understand what exactly causes these emotions, and secondly, it will help reduce the number of sources and causes of this anxiety.
This exercise can be performed not only after the feeling of anxiety has been experienced, but also at the very moment of the experience.
Sit comfortably. Think about the people, places, or situations on the list and verbalize any thoughts or feelings that come up, such as, “I'm scared,” “I'm worried.” Repeat the phrases as quickly as possible. After a while, you will find yourself muttering something incoherent to yourself. At this point, pause and see if another phrase comes to mind. When feelings come out, they leave the subconscious area once and for all and, therefore, this allows you to avoid such problems in the future. Formulate short-term and long-term goals for your life. Every worthy, constructive goal, bright, attractive idea inspires, fills the nervous system with energy, and improves the functioning of the entire organism. You will notice that after meditation you have an inner feeling of joy, your strength is restored, you feel rested and peaceful. It is enough to devote half an hour to meditation every day, and your nervous strength will steadily increase.

These methods are effective for minute-by-minute stress relief during some situation.

However, they do not change the situation and stress factors can appear again and again.


Method of critical analysis (Ivanov)

Unpacking concepts

Cluster analysis method

Method for analyzing spatio-temporal orientation, etc.

These methods are quite effective and allow you to deeply analyze the situation of emotional burnout, changing your attitude towards traumatic and stressful factors at a deep reflexive level.


The methods require additional preparation and a fairly large amount of time spent,

In case of personal deformations (changes in consciousness), the method will be ineffective - since the factors of the “risk group” will not be monitored objectively.


The study of characteristics, types of stress and groups of stress resistance shows that stress has not only a destructive effect. Within acceptable limits, it helps to train the nervous system and promotes activation internal forces person, making him stronger.

A study of practical experiments shows that stress tolerance is a quality that can be trained, thereby increasing the level of resilience of students. Effective method games help develop stress resistance and strengthen the nervous system. They not only normalize the functioning of the processes of excitation and inhibition, but also make the training process itself safe for any person.



A game to increase stress resistance, develop mobility and eustress (positive stress)

The player is asked to write a letter to the president, while at the same time he must talk on the phone, answer questions, tap his foot and dodge pieces of paper flying at him. This exercise allows you to increase your ability to perform mental and physical stress.

The cleverest

Within a certain time (at speed) the player must answer a large number of questions.

Palm game "Cabbage"

A game to increase stress resistance, mobility and eustress

One person places his palms on the other's palms. The task of the second player (whose hands are on the bottom) is to have time to touch the back of the opponent’s hand. In this case, the first person must seize the moment in order to dodge the slap in time.

Ball Game "Hot Potato"

A game to increase stress resistance, mobility and eustress

All players stand in a circle and quickly toss the ball to each other (as if it were a hot potato and not a ball). An effective way to increase the load is intellectual questions that need to be answered within 1-2 seconds, immediately throwing the ball to the next player.

This section includes a huge number of gaming technologies, which include high-speed and competitive moments.

The most important positive indicator (result) of such exercises is that the nervous system as a whole is strengthened. the speed of reactions in non-standard situations develops and stress resistance increases as a reaction to stress factors.


Each lesson is practical. The exercises are studied by teachers, and possible difficulties in using them in practical activities are monitored.

The results of effectiveness in working with teachers are the following criteria and indicators:

1. Increasing interest in seminars and pedagogical councils. Requests from teachers are generated - topics of interest that teachers want to work with are identified.

2. The Gymnasium has created 13 experimental sites (in classes of different ages), where teachers implement innovative activities. This work consists of:

Identification of the most pressing problems that hinder the improvement of the quality of learning and development of students;

Diagnosis of “risk factors” and analysis of the results obtained;

Selection and testing of practical methods, forms, technologies to overcome identified difficulties and develop the necessary competencies at the competency level;

Preparation and defense of projects on the chosen topic of innovation activity (scientific research activities): relevance, methodological justification of the theoretical part and practical technologies used in the work, the results of initial and control diagnostic studies;

Defense of created projects at the pedagogical council of the Gymnasium;

Writing scientific articles to summarize teaching experience.

3. On the part of teachers, there is a systematic request to the psychological service to receive theoretical information and provide practical methods of work on the issues of training, development and education of students of different ages; as well as ways to improve the effectiveness of interaction with parents.

4. At the round tables, specific methods were developed that can improve the organization of the educational process of the Gymnasium. The proposed technologies were accepted by the school administration for consideration for implementation in the 2013-2014 academic year.

Education and psychoprophylaxis are the most important components of school practice to preserve and strengthen psychological health.

Psychological education of teachers is aimed at creating conditions within which teachers could obtain knowledge that is professionally and personally significant to them.

In our model of increasing the psychological and pedagogical literacy of educational institutions, the main principle of educating teachers is the organic interweaving of the situation of transferring knowledge to them into the process of practical activity.

summing up the work done, we can say with confidence that adults are able to create acceptable conditions for the full development of a child. The basis of such development is psychological health, on which the health of a person as a whole largely depends.

In the mid-90s, the prerequisites arose for the development of the concept of a health-saving school, implementing an integrated approach to preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren. At the same time, the main components of the school’s health-preserving activities were identified, including not only monitoring the health status of children, but also a health-preserving organization educational process, health-saving (i.e., appropriate to age and individual capabilities) teaching methods and special educational programs for developing the value of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Children need to be trained and set up for a healthy lifestyle. Gradually, the process of nurturing a healthy psyche should turn into its self-education.

The emotional component of the attitude towards health is most fully revealed in the mood that dominates the individual.

To preserve the psychological health of children, it is important not only to have a specially organized impact on children in order to remove the negative effects of deprivation, but also to provide psychological education to teachers and parents in order to familiarize them with the ways of proper communication with children, to provide them with psychological support, to create a favorable psychological environment in the family and school. climate.

A teacher is a representative of a stressful profession. Special responsibility and the associated high emotional stress, the need to make prompt decisions, the high density of interpersonal contacts, the possibility of conflicts - all this negatively affects the physical, mental, and social health of the teacher and causes occupational diseases.

Data scientific research show that modern Russian teaching as a professional category is characterized by extremely low indicators of physical and mental health. And these indicators worsen as work experience increases.

The main goal of using health-saving technologies is to preserve the health of schoolchildren, but without concern for the health of the teacher, this goal is difficult to achieve. “The tasks of protecting and promoting the health of schoolchildren can be successfully solved only if the teacher himself has mental and somatic health.”

Understanding the value of health and the need for a healthy lifestyle among teachers, analysis of the factors and causes that destroy a teacher’s health determined the development and implementation of a gymnasium innovative project. Activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the mental health of teachers is a pressing problem and is of great practical importance for the entire modern education system.

The active position of teachers and high motivation to modernize the organization of the educational process will increase the developmental potential of the gymnasium and create the necessary conditions for improving the quality of education and upbringing of students. Readiness to master a tutor, facilitator position contributes to the maximum development of the personal and professional maturity of the teacher, thereby qualitatively changing the result - the success of the graduate.

A study of pedagogical activity has shown that it has a number of features that make it possible to characterize it as potentially emotional. This is “the work of the heart and nerves”, where it is required, as V.A. rightly noted. Sukhomlinsky, literally daily and hourly expenditure of enormous mental strength.

The high emotional intensity of teaching work is caused by the presence of a large number of stress factors: high dynamism, lack of time, work overload, the complexity of emerging teaching situations, social assessment, the need for frequent and intensive contacts, interaction with various social groups etc.

Most of a teacher's working day preschool education occurs in an emotionally tense environment: emotional intensity of activity, constant concentration of attention, increased responsibility for children. Stressful factors of this kind have an impact on the emotional and physical well-being of the teacher: nervousness, irritability, fatigue, and various types of ailments appear. In some cases, emotional tension reaches a critical moment when the teacher loses self-control and manifests himself in an aggressive form (shouting, anger, irritability). But professional duty obliges us to make informed decisions, to overcome outbursts of anger, indignation, dissatisfaction, and despair.

Psychological health (emotional well-being, inner spiritual comfort, sense of security) is the main criterion for the success of school and preschool psychological services. There are more and more calls for the widespread use of health-saving technologies in working with children, and the attitude of teachers themselves to their health has changed. Its value is recognized not only by teachers, retired educators, and middle-aged teachers, but also by young people, for whom “being healthy” becomes prestigious. Healthy teachers work productively, are predisposed to creativity, and have the ability to self-extract new reserves of efficiency in their life activities.

The preservation and restoration of a teacher’s psychological health is greatly facilitated by the formation of positive self-perception, self-acceptance, self-esteem, i.e. a positive assessment of oneself as a capable person worthy of respect.

A teacher’s positive perception of himself is one of the most important factors in the effectiveness of his activities. However, many researchers state that the overwhelming majority of teachers have an inadequate self-concept, low self-esteem, and lack of self-confidence. Internal sources of these negative phenomena are a biased perception of the situation, low self-esteem, and insufficient self-esteem.

An important aspect of working to preserve a teacher’s psychological health is mastering self-regulation techniques. The need for self-regulation arises when a professional is faced with a new, unusual, difficult-to-solve problem that does not have a clear solution; is in a state of increased emotional and physical stress, which prompts him to act impulsively, and is in a situation of evaluation by colleagues, other people, and the administration. Currently, various methods are used for self-regulation of mental states: breathing exercises, concentration and visualization, relaxation, autogenic training, etc. Having mastered them, a person can more effectively, rationally distribute his forces during each day, and adequately manage himself in accordance with the current situation. . It is absolutely necessary and quite realistic for each teacher to build his own individual program of professional self-preservation. The result and indicator of its effectiveness will be physical and professional creative longevity. A professional psychological self-preservation program may have the following points:

an active position in professional life (stop feeling like a victim of circumstances), namely, realizing oneself as an active person in an active professional environment;

readiness for constant self-change, lability of attitudes, which is observed in many centenarians;

strengthening in your personality those qualities that are especially necessary and in demand in modern society (readiness to be included in new projects, strengthening your resource of “success” and self-confidence);

creating an optimistic professional perspective, strengthening the authorship of one’s life even in difficult circumstances;

maintaining a positive self-concept of yourself as a professional, focusing on your achievements, strengthening your positive qualities;

internal personal responsibility for one’s mental and physical health;

the ability to live in harmony with oneself, internal harmony, acceptance of the real factors of one’s professional life;

the ability to understand oneself as individuality, originality, acting not in spite of one’s individuality, but in union with it;

an attitude towards creativity even in conditions that are unsuitable for this (“survival through creativity”);

knowledge of self-recovery techniques (physical and mental) after overload, normalization of the level of performance;

eliminating self-destructive and self-defeating behavior strategies from your life, strengthening your life potential and resilience.

Nizhegorodova L. A. Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Education Workers

Today, the problem of teacher psychological health comes to the fore. L.M. Mitina notes that the professional health of a teacher is the basis for the effective work of a modern school and its strategic problem. Traces of a teacher’s nervous stress experiences are manifested in a negative attitude towards students, towards work, constant fatigue, absent-mindedness, a decrease in work results, and dissatisfaction with professional activities.

As is known, the profession of a teacher belongs to professions of a socionomic type and, therefore, is associated with high emotional costs. So, for example, if we talk about emotional burnout syndrome (EBS), then it is diagnosed from 30 to 90% of workers, and it is most often found among doctors, teachers, psychologists, social workers, rescuers, and law enforcement officers. P. Sidorov notes that almost 80% of psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists and narcologists have signs of burnout syndrome of varying degrees of severity. Some symptoms of burnout can be observed in 85% of social workers. A third of employees of the penitentiary system who directly communicate with convicts, and a third of law enforcement officers, are diagnosed with SEV. Compared to other professional groups, teachers often experience neurotic disorders and somatic problems. All this indicates the need to update psychological prevention and restore the professional health of teachers.

In pedagogy and psychology, professional health is considered as the body’s ability to maintain and activate compensatory, protective, regulatory mechanisms that ensure efficiency, effectiveness of teaching activities and development of the teacher’s personality (T.G. Glukhova, L.M. Mitina, etc.).

Taking into account this problem, as well as in order to improve the quality of teaching at the Chelyabinsk Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Education Workers, a survey of students is being conducted before the start of the course training. The purpose of this questionnaire is to obtain information about teachers’ satisfaction with their own professional training, as well as to identify their needs for expanding and deepening professional knowledge, to identify problem areas relating to various aspects of teaching activity, as well as ways to maintain professional health.

To assess teachers’ ideas about professional health as a value and methods of maintaining and strengthening it, we analyzed the responses of 175 subject teachers in Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region. Listeners were asked to note the factors that, in their opinion, contribute to maintaining the professional health of a teacher. Twelve factors were presented, among which three factors, one way or another, create an imbalance in professional activity and speak of inharmonious personal development. A detailed analysis showed:

Factors contributing to maintaining the professional health of a teacher



The pursuit of excellence

Ability to rest

Call of Duty

High self-organization

High life aspirations

Healthy Self-Concept

Accepting life without criticism

Mastering self-regulation techniques

Psychological trainings

Use of prevention methods


Strengthening physical health

Depending on the choice, we can conclude that teachers know how to maintain professional health and rational use of their internal resources. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the specific choice of answers. For example, choosing the answer option “healthy self-concept” indicates an adequate idea of ​​\u200b\u200boneself, one’s health, a positive attitude towards oneself, which includes, first of all, self-preservation, strengthening one’s health, including professional, as the main condition for effective self-realization in life in general and professional activity in particular. It is noteworthy that teachers understand that strengthening physical health (98.9%) and the ability to relax (93.1%) contribute to maintaining their health, but not everyone can and not everyone knows self-regulation techniques (81.7%).

The choice of “wrong” answer options indicates the presence of a negative self-concept, that is, teachers exhibit a destructive attitude towards themselves and their health. The fact that more than a third of such teachers is alarming is the fact. Thus, teachers name the desire for excellence (36.6%), a sense of duty (36.6%) and high life aspirations (29.7%) as factors contributing to the preservation of professional health. Let's take a closer look at them.

The pursuit of perfection or perfectionism is now considered fashionable. The pursuit of excellence is the aspiration to be the best, so many teachers strive to achieve the best results in their professional activities. If we talk about the advantages of perfectionism, then there is only one, this is the ability to force a person to study, work, develop “through not wanting,” that is, not to stand still. However, psychologists are convinced that perfectionism is a mental disorder that does not bring any benefit either to the perfectionist himself or to those around him. A perfectionist does not receive satisfaction from the result of his work, since he constantly “falls short” of the imaginary ideal. But there is endless excitement, which most likely comes from low self-esteem generated by high anxiety.

High life aspirations or level of aspirations are the desire to achieve a goal of such complexity that a person considers himself capable of. However, if a teacher has a predominant level of aspirations that is inadequate to his abilities and capabilities, then this leads to the fact that he begins to evaluate himself incorrectly. The teacher’s behavior becomes inadequate, emotional breakdowns occur, and the level of anxiety increases. This suggests that the level of aspirations is closely related to an individual’s self-esteem and motivation to achieve success in various types activities.

And one more factor that listeners highlight as a factor contributing to the preservation of professional health is a sense of duty. It is formed in each of us from birth, surrounded by significant people who teach and educate us. Having formed in us, this feeling says that we must! What and to whom we owe does not matter, but we must. True, most often we see what we owe and therefore we present the corresponding demands to the people around us and society as a whole, being completely confident that we are right.

Consequently, a detailed analysis showed that all these factors create psychological discomfort and affect the physical and mental health of the teacher.

Thus, based on the results obtained in the framework of the course training, it is advisable to conduct appropriate classes, the purpose of which will be targeted work on creating psychological comfort, acquiring new productive mechanisms that ensure the creation of motives and interests to be healthy, as well as the ability to apply the acquired knowledge. To achieve this goal, we have developed a modular course “Life Skills Training”, which includes 3 blocks, each with its own goal. The module is designed for 12 hours, 3 hours each, over 4 days.

Modular course “Life Skills Training”

However, difficulties arise in attracting students to this modular course. Teachers tend to choose courses that can improve their competence in the subject they teach. They are not interested in attending modular courses whose name and content are not taken into account when passing the certification. Although most teachers recognize the problem they have, they still do not want to solve it for some reasons that are understandable only to them.

Thus, one of the priority areas of work with teachers is to update teachers’ perception of their professional health as the most important personal value. Another important direction should be a change in attitude towards the problem and an active position regarding the health of each teacher.


1. Mitina L. M. Psychology of professional development of a teacher. M.: Flint: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 1998. - 200 p.

2. Sinyakova M. G. Professional health of a teacher in the context of the development of multicultural education / M. G. Sinyakova, E. L. Umnikova // Psychological support in the education system: collection. scientific works based on the materials of the international interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference “Psychology and psychological practice in modern world" - Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. Univ., 2015. - pp. 216-224..

E.B. Popkova, educational psychologist, MBOU "CDK", Novouralsk

The article is based on seven years of work experience on the problem of health psychology of teachers. The paper presents studies of the state of psychological health of teachers. The emphasis is on the practical activities of psychologists to preserve and strengthen the health of teachers. Some results on the effectiveness of the work performed are presented.

This report is the product of the seven-year experience of work on the issues of the teachers, health psychology. It includes the research of the condition of the teachers, psychological health. The main focus has been made on the practical activity of psychologists aimed at preserving and improving the teachers, health. There are some efficiency results of the work.

Keywords: psychological health, mental health, stress, professional competence.

The key words are: the psychological health, the mental health, stress, the professional competence.

Over the past three decades, the problem of preserving the psychological health of teachers has become especially acute. In accordance with the provisions of the Concept of federal state educational standards of general education of the second generation, modern schools are faced with the tasks of developing personal, cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal educational activities aimed at developing the ability to learn in children. In this regard, society’s demands on the personality of the teacher and his role in the educational process are increasing.

The teacher needs to master competence associated not only with orientation in information flows, but also in the space of human relationships that form its basis. A modern school is waiting for a teacher who combines both didactic skills and the mastery of pedagogical communication. The specificity of teaching work lies in the fact that the teacher takes responsibility for the quality and result of interpersonal communication with students. The views and ideals of the teacher not only directly influence their own choice of behavior, but also leave an imprint on the minds of children, forming the “mentality” of the class, which, in turn, affects the hierarchy of their life values.

In the theory of pedagogical education, the set of professional requirements for a teacher is called differently: “qualification characteristics”, “personal professiogram”, “professional readiness”, “professional competence”. An analysis of the literature on this topic shows that, despite differences in terminology, the authors agree on the presence of three components or levels in the structure of competence (theoretical, practical, personal). Many authors define the leader as a personal level.

In psychology, the personal level is inextricably linked with the concept of “psychological health”. Psychological health (term by Dubrovina I.V.) is “the spiritual well-being of a person, which is a condition for the harmonious development, creative activity and self-realization of the individual, a guarantor of its integrity and safety as a measure of a person’s influence on a person and on himself, awareness of the value of his own existence.” Psychological health determines the nature and direction of personal activity: whether this activity will be aimed at positive self-development or self-destruction of oneself or another person.

The concepts of “mental health” and “psychological health” should be distinguished. Psychological health acts as the highest level of mental health; mental health creates the foundation for psychological health. In the apt expression of B.S. Bratusya “a person can be mentally healthy, but personally ill.”

What is the state of psychological health of teachers?

To study the state of psychological health of teachers by specialists from the municipal budgetary educational institution For children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance from the Center for Diagnostics and Consultation (MBOU "CDC"), a study was conducted among teachers of one of the schools in the Novouralsk urban district. The survey involved 54 people, teachers with different experiences in teaching, teaching different subjects.

Three main factors influencing the state of psychological health were studied: personal, communicative, and organizational.

Under organizational The factor is understood as the level of social development of the professional team: cohesion, mobility, the presence of positive development prospects, emotional climate.

Under personal The factor is understood as the level of psychological culture in matters of regulating one’s psycho-emotional state, responsibility in matters of health, the ability to have a positive self-perception, and to be active in the present moment.

Under communicative The factor is understood as the ability of teachers to carry out effective communications, the ability to understand and accept others, the ability to choose a constructive strategy and tactics in resolving conflict situations.

For diagnostics personal component, we used the test by Subbotina L.Yu. “Can you handle stress?” .

Diagnostic goals.

  1. To determine the general level of psychological culture of teachers, manifested in the ability to cope with stressful situations.

  2. Identify the level of development of personal responsibility for the events that happen to them.

  3. To identify the measure of teachers’ activity, i.e. the ability to live in the present moment.

  4. Determine the subjects’ ability to set life goals and plan.

  5. To explore the extent to which teachers are capable of positive self-acceptance.

  6. Identify the ability to understand and accept another person.
Research results.

  • 37% of teachers feel capable of managing their lives and destinies, and take responsibility for themselves in the areas of: health, family relations, professional achievements, interpersonal relationships, etc.
The highest score in the question: “Do you have strong beliefs and goals in life?” 80% of teachers answered in the affirmative.

Meanwhile, more than 70% of teachers do not know how to plan their expenses, rationally organize their time, sleep properly, play sports, have lunch on time, etc. One can positively evaluate the fact that almost no one (95%) in this team smokes or enjoys alcohol.

34% of teachers are active in the present moment, ready for change, accepting life in all its manifestations:

  • they find time to relax (60%);

  • they have many friends and acquaintances (80%);

  • they share pressing problems and questions with them (60%);

  • talk about their business to colleagues (50%).
However, teachers practically do not allow themselves to go to the theater and cinema (95%) or take a nap during the day (53%). This also suggests that teachers do not always positively accept themselves and their interests.

  • 46% of teachers can be called purposeful people who comprehend individual existence and understand the meaning of their life and activities.

  • 51% of teachers are capable of understanding and accepting another person:

    • 59% of teachers have a fairly calm family life;

    • 80% have many friends and acquaintances;

    • Almost all teachers (96%) have a friend who is ready to help in any difficult moment, which suggests that teachers themselves are always able to come to the rescue.
Analysis of the diagnostic results indicates a contradictory attitude towards themselves, their destiny: teachers have a meaningful attitude towards their lives and activities, know how to see the future, set goals, have strong convictions, but at the same time show a rather low level of responsibility for what is happening to them today, passive in using and understanding ways to self-regulate their states. This indicates a low psychological culture of teachers. This is evidenced by the general test results:

  • 47 people (76%) find it difficult to cope with stressful situations;

  • 2 people (4%) are unable to get out on their own stressful situations they need the help of specialists and medicine;

  • 10 people (18%) cope with stress on their own.
For research communicative component, we used the Questionnaire by K. Thomas “Strategies and tactics of behavior in a conflict situation.”

Objectives of the study.

  1. Determine teachers' preferred ways of resolving conflicts.

  2. Identify problem areas in resolving conflict situations.

  3. Identify the level of conflict competence of this teaching staff.
Research results.

  • 35.8% of teachers prefer compromise ways to resolve conflicts;

  • 30.2% - base their relationships on subordination, prefer authoritarian direction;

  • 6.9% - avoid acute conflict situations, move away from the problem;

  • 3.8% - more often use compliance and liberality;

  • only 18.2% choose cooperation as the most optimal way to solve problems.
According to experts, to optimize your behavior in a conflict, it is recommended to use all five tactics - confrontation, cooperation, compromise, avoidance and concession - depending on the specific conditions. The diagnosis defines the so-called “golden path of diplomacy”, indicating wisdom and skill in resolving controversial issues.

The strategy and tactics of behavior in conflict chosen by the teacher influence the formation of the style of pedagogical communication. K. Levin, experimentally comparing the attitude to work and behavior of children under different leadership styles, noted that with an authoritarian style, hostile relationships are formed between group members and a reluctance to work arises; with liberal – there is no satisfaction from work; in a democratic one, warmth and friendliness in behavior arise, the ability to create, originality of decisions, pride and collectivism, and responsibility increase. .

According to our data, in the teaching staff studied, only 23.2% of teachers demonstrated their results within the framework of a democratic working style.

Such data indicate the relevance of measures to increase conflict competence as a component of the psychological health of teachers.

For studying organizational factor i.e. at what social level of development of the group is this person located? teaching staff, the technique of Chernyshev A.S. was used. “Scheme of psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the group.”

Diagnostic goals.

  1. Determination of psychological climate.

  2. Study of the level of development of the teaching group as a team.
Research results.

  • The psychological climate is defined in the zone of favorable development;

  • 62.5% determine that the development of the team is in the stage of cooperation (symbolically a “flickering beacon”), i.e. in the team, compromise relationships predominate in building business relationships, allowing conflict situations to be resolved in civilized forms through mutual agreements and concessions;

  • 15.6% determine that the development of the teaching group is in the collective stage (symbolically a “burning torch”), i.e. the teaching staff is a cohesive group with common goals and objectives; a democratic management style predominates, implying mutually respectful cooperation in resolving conflict situations;

  • 18.8% determine that the development of the teaching group is in the stage of association (symbolically “soft clay”), i.e. goal-oriented or subject-oriented interaction between teachers is characterized by inconstancy: one part of the group strives for interaction, the second avoids active participation; authoritarian direction prevails;

  • 3.1% determines that the teaching group is in the stage of diffusion (symbolically a “sand placer”), which is characterized by avoidance of cooperation even in cases where the situation and circumstances not only facilitate, but also require interaction between participants to achieve common goals.
Thus, the majority of team members exhibit the following signs of joint activity:

  • focus (striving for a common goal);

  • motivation (interested and effective relationships);

  • integrity (internal unity of all subjects of the collective).
However, such a level of development of the team is achieved through compromise decisions, which involves a search for middle positions when the interests of both parties are not fully revealed. Compromise strategies can be united by the collective concept of “dialogue,” which implies a tendency toward cooperation manifested in a given team and its transition to a higher level of development.

Thus, the data from the study of three main factors influencing the state of psychological health allow us to draw the following conclusions.

1. This pedagogical study group is at a fairly high level of social development, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the team, i.e. Organizationally, the group is quite united, mobile and has positive prospects. This indicates the positive influence of the organizational factor.

2. Teachers have a fairly low level of psychological culture in matters of regulating their psycho-emotional state, are often irresponsible in matters of health, and are not always capable of positive self-perception and activity in the present moment. Which indicates instability to stress and the negative influence of the personal factor.

3. Teachers undoubtedly have the skills and experience in implementing effective communications, are capable of understanding and accepting others, but in resolving conflict situations they do not always choose a constructive strategy and tactics, i.e. the communicative component is insufficiently represented.

Thus, many aspects of the psychological health of teachers remain problem areas and require their own understanding and solution. According to the author, the seminar-workshop “Psychological health as a component of a teacher’s professional competence” developed at the MBOU “CDK” helps to improve professional competence and preserve psychological health.

This practice-oriented seminar was developed based on the “Five Steps to Relieve Stress” program by N. Samoukina. .

The workshop seminar implements a harmonious combination of different forms of work: an information-theoretical block, dialogues with the audience, diagnostics, a business game, which allows you to effectively include everyone present in an active discussion of the problem. In addition to the seminar, teachers are offered the “Five Steps” training program, designed for 5 days practical work. Thus, a comprehensive, deeply thought-out system of work on the psychological health of teachers has been created.

In the period from 2006-2013, 310 people were trained under the seminar program, among those who participated in the work: school directors, head teachers, teachers, psychologists, social educators.

For the first time, the seminar was held as part of the city August Pedagogical Forum. Activities on the problem of psychological health were carried out with staff from 13 schools and five preschool educational institutions.

To study the effectiveness of the work carried out, a survey of participants was used.


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