Radon baths - indications and contraindications, benefits and harms. Special radon baths: indications and contraindications for them

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Radon is an inert gas with unique properties: its weight is 7 times the mass of air, it is 4 times heavier than iron, but in its gaseous state radon can move freely in the air. The gas is formed when a radioactive element called radium decays. The process produces powerful alpha radiation, which in moderate quantities produces a healing effect on the human body.

The principle of the technique is to immerse a person in mineral water enriched with radon. There are two types of such baths:

  1. Strong radonaceae
  2. Low radonaceae

For effective treatment and a gentle effect on the body, use water with a minimum concentration of radon gas (5.40 nCi per liter of water). The beneficial gas enters the body through the epidermis and respiratory tract and is excreted after 2 hours. The therapeutic effect of radon therapy appears 25.30 days after the start of the course and lasts for six months.


Radon baths: contraindications

Before prescribing radon baths, the patient must undergo a complete examination of the body. Despite the effectiveness and uniqueness of the method, radon is a radioactive gas and, if certain pathologies are detected, can cause harm to the body.

Contraindications for radon baths apply to patients diagnosed with:

  • Heart disease (acute)
  • The occurrence of inflammatory processes in the body
  • Radiation sickness
  • Epilepsy
  • Pregnancy
  • Hyperthyroidism (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland)
  • Tumors of various etymologies
  • Leukopenia (a disease accompanied by a low level of white blood cells)
  • Individual intolerance to radon gas

Baths are also contraindicated:

  • For heavy smokers
  • At drunkenness
  • Children under 5 years old
  • Persons whose activities involve ionizing radiation

Radon therapy procedures are prescribed by a specialist and carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Every patient should know the contraindications of radon baths and monitor their body’s reaction during the procedure. In case of dizziness, difficulty breathing, sweating during radon therapy, we can talk about individual intolerance to radon.


Radon baths: indications

Used in radon therapy fresh waters, artificially saturated with radon. In some cases, mineral waters from natural sources are used, but in pure form they exist very rarely. Their deposits are in Crimea, Altai, Pyatigorsk and Primorye; Italy, France, Germany, Georgia and Austria are famous for their healing radon springs.

Radon baths have an analgesic, sedative and rejuvenating effect. They are used in cosmetology and medicine. These baths improve the functioning of internal organs, stabilize metabolism and fight excess weight.

The indications for radon baths are as follows:

  • Angina, heart disease, ischemia
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Digestive and kidney problems
  • Atherosclerosis, gout
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, lichen, ulcers, neurodermatitis)
  • Pathologies of the female reproductive system (endometriosis, fibroids, fibroids)
  • Obesity
  • Prostatitis
  • Neurological diseases

Indications for radon baths are appropriate in case of sleep problems; they are prescribed for diseases of the joints and lungs. Well proven healing baths with radon for weight loss and as an anti-aging therapy.

During the procedure, blood flow to the external integument increases, pain and spasms are relieved, and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. Within an hour after a healing bath, a persistent effect of radon is observed: the activity of the heart muscles progresses, blood flow in tissues is stimulated, and the activity of small capillaries improves.

How to take radon baths

Admission rules healing baths must be strictly followed by the patient, and the procedure itself is carried out under the constant supervision of a specialist. All contraindications for radon baths and the time of taking them must be taken into account.

Taking baths enriched with radon is performed in the following order:

  1. The patient should not smoke or overeat before the procedure.
  2. Before immersion in water, it is necessary to cleanse the bladder and intestines.
  3. The recommended water level in such a bath is no higher than the chest.
  4. If the patient suffers from heart disease, the water should be below the solar plexus.
  5. The first procedure is carried out within 10 minutes, subsequent ones - within 15 minutes.
  6. Most comfortable temperature water – 36.38 °C.
  7. During the bathing process, the patient should be calm and relaxed.
  8. Entry and exit into the bath should be smooth, without strong disturbance of the water surface.
  9. The course of radon therapy is 5.10 baths.

At the end of the procedure, the patient should wrap himself in a soft towel without rubbing the skin (so as not to disturb the radon layer on the body), and then rest for an hour.

Radon baths for children

Prescribe carefully and with caution radon baths children. These procedures are absolutely contraindicated for a child under 5 years of age. Children of senior preschool and school age Radon baths are indicated for:

  • Skin rashes, eczema
  • Diseases of the digestive system
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Bronchial asthma

For carrying out radon baths in childhood Radon concentration standards must be observed. It is preferable to use water from natural radon sources, having a radon level of no more than 1.5 kBq/l.

For cerebral palsy in children, radon baths are prescribed in courses, the duration of which must strictly correspond to the age of the child:

  • At 5.6 years old – duration 5.8 minutes
  • From 7 to 14 years – within 8.12 minutes

The full course of treatment is from 8.12 baths, which are carried out strictly every other day. The concentration of radon in waters should not exceed the limits of 740.1480 Bq/l.

Radon baths are a unique treatment method that appeared more than a hundred years ago. This method of therapy had both positive reviews, and those who often refused to accept such risky treatments. After all, radon is essentially a radioactive inert gas, the effects of which can cause cancer. And radon baths involve immersing the patient in mineral water enriched with radon. Today, such procedures are recognized as safe, but there are those for whom they are contraindicated.

Radon sources and the many faces of the element radon in the periodic table

The element radon was discovered back in 1900. It is colorless, transparent, tasteless and odorless, a person cannot see or feel it. Radon has a detrimental effect on human health, as it is a radioactive gas.

Radon, when decaying, releases radioactive particles, which, when inhaled, enter the human body, damage lung cells, thereby causing cancer.

One of the main causes of lung cancer, after smoking, is the influence of radon. Its dangerous concentrations have been found in various places in many countries around the world. Indoors, radon is concentrated due to its high content in the soil and rocks underlying buildings. It also depends on the building designs and ventilation systems.

Features and properties of radon:

  • The density of radon is approximately 8 times greater than that of air;
  • It is the heaviest of the radioactive gases;
  • At a temperature of -62, radon turns into a liquid and it is 7 times heavier than water;
  • Temperatures of -71 turn radon into a solid, opaque substance with a blue glow;
  • Radon produces heat without heating;
  • May form radioactive solids.

Radon is an insidious element, its danger lies in the fact that it rises unhindered from the soil and accumulates in various buildings and residential premises. Due to the fact that radon is heavier than air, it concentrates within about one and a half meters from the floor, so the main risk group who inhale it are children.

Famous radon baths: benefits and harms

Despite the seemingly open danger of radon, scientists were able to consider it useful side and a unique ability to influence various human diseases. And a healing technique called radon therapy was born, which quickly became very popular.

There are few natural sources of water on our planet that are enriched with radon - in these unique places, elite sanatoriums with radon-based practices were created.

Radon is a half-life product of Radium; it has alpha radiation that is dangerous to humans. But scientists have found that water molecules reduce the risk of radiation to almost zero, and particles of this gas have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

WITH The most famous radon sources:

  • Hainan Island, China;
  • Lipovskoye deposit, Sverdlovsk region, Ural, Russia;
  • Uvildinskoye, Chelyabinsk region, Ural, Russia;
  • Resort Krasnousolsk, Bashkiria;
  • Pyatigorsk, Russia;
  • Belokurikha, Altai region, Siberia, Russia;
  • Nilova Pustyn, Buryatia, Eastern Siberia, Russia;
  • Khmelnyk city, Vinnytsia region, Ukraine;
  • Village Grebenev, Striysko-Syanskaya Verkhovyna, Carpathians, Ukraine;
  • Sanatorium Kirov, Yalta, Crimea.

There are about three hundred natural radon sources around the world. More than 30 of them are located in Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea. The radioactivity of water is determined by the presence of radon and its decay products. Their concentration divides waters into low-radon and high-radon waters.

Why radon baths are useful: indications and expert opinions

After for long years disputes, chemical experiments, the rise and ban of radon procedures, scientists finally managed to find out that radon water has therapeutic effect on a sick person immersed in it. Required condition successful treatment is compliance with all necessary instructions and rules.

During radon procedure A thin film forms on the human body, which has these amazing healing properties.

Radon is a dangerous substance, so specialists must work with it and carry out therapeutic measures, with special equipment. Carrying out such treatment at home is strictly prohibited - it is necessary to carry out the activity correctly; violation of instructions or concentration can lead to irreparable consequences for the body.

Indications for radon therapy:

  • Malfunctions of the thyroid gland and endocrine system;
  • Diseases of women in gynecology;
  • Disorders of musculoskeletal functions;
  • Neuralgia, spinal diseases;
  • Diseases respiratory system, asthma;
  • Stress, pain syndrome.

When carrying out radon therapy, 1% of the dissolved substance enters the body, which is eliminated from the body after a couple of hours. With this procedure, all the negative effects of radon are reduced to zero. There is only a slight stimulation of the internal organs, which allows you to get rid of ailments, various inflammatory processes, and also strengthens the body as a whole.

Radon treatment: how useful are such procedures?

Radon therapy is a universal procedure in its effects; it helps to comprehensively cleanse the body and improve blood. Exist various methods treatments based on radon water - inhalation, irrigation, applicators, oral administration, but the most popular procedure is bathing.

Each of the radon therapy methods is applied to patients depending on their specific disease.

A radon bath is considered the most universal and safest of the existing methods of radon therapy. This procedure is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, with a strict gas concentration in the water. The patient will not feel an immediate result from such a procedure; improvement usually occurs after three to four weeks.

Types of radon baths:

  • Low radon concentration – from 0.2 to 1.5;
  • The average radon concentration is from 1.5 to 7.5;
  • High concentration of radon - over 7.5.

For most diseases, the first type of concentration is used, subsequent ones are used by other types of radon therapy. This is justified by the fact that the patient spends quite a long time in the bathroom, and radon ions enter the body very actively. And if its norm is exceeded, then poisoning can occur.

How to take radon baths correctly: sanatoriums and advice from medical staff

Today, radon therapy is used either natural water saturated with radon, or use ordinary water artificially filled with radon ions. It is believed that the effectiveness of both types of water is equivalent, but natural radon water is still richer in useful natural microelements.

The positive effect of radon baths depends on compliance with the rules for their implementation.

Before taking radon baths, it is necessary to take a number of measures to prepare your body for this type of procedure. A few days before therapy, you need to follow a soft diet, with an emphasis on boiled fruits and vegetables, and drink more water.

Activities before starting radon procedures:

  • Cleanse the bladder, intestines and stomach;
  • Do not eat food 40 minutes before the procedure;
  • Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited, both before and after the procedure;
  • In case of severe discomfort, the procedure is not performed;
  • During the procedures, the head and chest are above the water;
  • In water, the patient should be as relaxed and motionless as possible.

The water temperature during a radon bath is 35-37 degrees. And the duration of the procedure itself is determined by the doctor; it must be a strictly defined amount of time, most often 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, the patient slightly dries the skin, preserving the radioactive coating, and rests for an hour.

How to take radon baths: indications and contraindications (video)

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Radon is a weakly radioactive inert gas, a product of the decay of radium, which is released during the destruction of uranium and thorium. This gas is colorless and odorless, heavier than air and soluble in water. When radon atoms decay, α-particles are formed, which provoke changes in organs and tissues.

Mineral baths have a comprehensive healing effect on the human body. The composition of the water chosen for treatment or prevention determines the direction therapeutic effect. Radon baths are one of the most popular procedures at resorts and spa salons. Moreover, they use both natural sources and waters artificially enriched with a rather rare gas - radon.

Historical reference

The official use of radioactive sources in medicine began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, although healing properties some water sources and the caves were known to the ancient Romans and Altai shamans.

The first radon resort was opened in 1911 in the Czech Republic, and the first Russian mineral baths sanatorium was founded back in 1867 in Belokurikha, whose waters were considered healing and have been actively used since ancient times.

Types of radon baths

Radon baths can be natural or artificial.

Mineral baths can be called radon baths if they contain more than 5 nCi/l of radon.

  • weak radon - containing from 1 to 10 nCi/l of radon;
  • highly radon - containing from 120 to 200 nCi/l of radon.

By origin:

  • natural;
  • artificial.

By type of procedure:

  • baths - local and general;
  • souls;
  • irrigation;
  • enemas;
  • drinking water;
  • inhalation;
  • radon adits (exposure through the respiratory tract and skin);
  • steam bath - only in the Austrian resort of Bad Gastein;
  • applications;
  • candles;
  • ointments;
  • treatment with “Jáchymov boxes” – only in Jáchymov, Czech Republic;
  • dry procedures.

Artificial radon baths are not inferior in efficiency to natural mineral springs, although it is not possible to completely recreate the composition of natural waters, since their composition is multicomponent, and the connections between the elements are complex. Today, not only water enriched with radon is used, but also air, ointments, and other healing media. It is even possible to dose radiation for each individual person, taking into account the presence of diseases, age, general condition and other factors.

Application in medicine

Radon baths are used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in allergology, immunology, cardiology, neurology, hematology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, dermatology, surgery, traumatology, pulmonology.

The therapeutic effect is due not only to the penetration of α-radiation into the body through the skin directly during the procedure, but also to the inhalation of gas-saturated vapors, as well as due to the formation of active plaque on the surface of the body after the procedure, which continues to have healing effect on the body for several hours after the end of the session.

Therapeutic effects

Treatment helps improve blood and lymph circulation, increase vascular tone, resolve blood clots, strengthen the vascular wall, normalize blood counts and blood cell function, stimulate cell regeneration processes, improve tissue trophism, increase immunity, normalize metabolic processes in the body, resolve inflammatory infiltrates, adhesions and scars. It also has a sedative effect on the nervous system and has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects.

Studies have shown that mineral baths with radon are an effective replacement for treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


  • : diseases of central and peripheral nervous system, functional disorders, consequences of injuries, circulatory failure;
  • endocrine system: hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, the initial stage of diabetes mellitus, stimulation of adrenal function, obesity;
  • cardiovascular system: tachycardia, vascular atherosclerosis, varicose veins, hypertension and arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, thrombophlebitis, endarteritis, reduced contractility and blood supply to the myocardium, lymphedema, vibration disease;
  • gastroenterology: inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric and duodenal ulcers, decreased secretory and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ENT diseases and pulmonology: inflammatory and atrophic diseases of the respiratory tract, obstructive pulmonary disease, incl. bronchial asthma;
  • dermatology: dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, scleroderma, psoriasis;
  • gynecology: adhesions, atrophic, inflammatory processes, hormonal dysfunction and related conditions, infertility;
  • urology: kidney and urinary tract diseases, in men – prostate damage, infertility;
  • rheumatology: joint diseases of various etiologies;
  • immunology: various allergic manifestations, decreased immunity;
  • pediatrics: scleroderma, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract, cardiovascular diseases, allergic manifestations, poliomyelitis;
  • surgery and traumatology: scars, consequences of various injuries, burn disease.


Contraindications to this species physical treatments are:

  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • damage to the skin: extensive purulent processes, weeping dermatitis;
  • fungal diseases;
  • neoplasms;
  • decompensation of chronic diseases;
  • less than 1 year after cerebral stroke or myocardial infarction;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • aneurysms;
  • hypothyroidism, hypoestrogenism;
  • pregnancy;
  • radiation sickness;
  • occupational hazards associated with microwave, UHF or radiation;
  • leukopenia less than 3.5x10ˆ9/l.

Methodology of the procedure

General radon mineral baths are carried out at a water temperature of 37 ° C, and the duration of the session is 10-20 minutes daily or every other day in a course of 10-15 procedures. It is necessary to take into account the presence of the patient’s underlying and concomitant diseases to determine individual indications and contraindications, a treatment plan, and a specific schedule for radon baths. If the cardiovascular system is affected, the water temperature should be about 36°C.

In pediatrics, radon baths are prescribed only from the age of five, and the concentration of the active component should be no more than 40 nCi/l.


Recent research data have proven the absolute safety of using radon in microdoses. The absorbed dose of radon during bath treatment is too small to cause harm, but is optimal for achieving the effect and preventing disease. Microdoses stimulate human defense mechanisms.

It is important to remember and follow the Arndt-Schultz law, which states: “small doses stimulate vital activity, medium doses support it, strong doses inhibit it, and super strong doses destroy it,” then negative consequences can be avoided.

It is reliably known that residents of resort areas receive constant radiation exposure, but there is no negative effect on their health; on the contrary, life expectancy and disease resistance among the local population are higher, and the incidence of cancer is lower.

When carrying out a balneological procedure, only 0.5% of the radon contained in the water penetrates into the human body, and skin 2.5% of it settles. Of the total substance, 90% is stored in the skin, and 10% in internal organs and tissues. After 2-3 hours, radon completely leaves the body. The effect of ionization of tissue fluid created by α-rays lasts longer, which leads to changes in the biochemical processes of cells. Thanks to this, the functions and structure of organs and tissues of the body are restored.

Radon baths are a very pleasant and useful procedure, before which you should definitely visit a doctor’s office - then balneotherapy will leave only positive emotions and great well-being.

Radon baths - the benefits and harms of the chemical element Radon

Radon is a chemical element that emits radiation. After its discovery in 1900, many scientists became interested in this inert gas and began to explore its capabilities.

It was from then on that resorts, sanatoriums and hospitals began to open, in which radon baths became a “guest program”. The most important thing that specialists must do when treating patients in this way is to select the correct amount of radon.

History of radon baths

ABOUT medicinal properties Radon was known long before its discovery. The Romans also noticed that some springs enrich the human body with strength, help treat diseases and improve overall well-being, and they set up baths next to them. In 1900, after taking a huge number of samples from similar sources, scientists discovered radon - it was the healing component.

Already in 1911, the first radon resort was opened, which officially recognized the chemical element of the same name as the main component of the healing effect of the waters. It is interesting that the first Russian health resort of this kind opened in 1867, although its creators were not aware of the new element.
Today, the use of radon baths is widely known, this type of healing has its fans, and many resorts have made such treatment their specialization.

How do radon baths affect the body?

Many doctors consider radon therapy an ideal substitute for drug treatment. Radon dissolved in water easily penetrates the subcutaneous layer, passes through the fat layer and reaches the organs. Depending on the concentration of the chemical element in the water, stopping radon can occur at any of three stages.

Thanks to radon, ionization occurs in tissues, which has a surprising effect on the patient’s entire body.

While a person relaxes and calms down, which also happens under the influence of this substance, all tissues begin to work hard: the circulatory system is strengthened, the walls of blood vessels become thicker, the pulse normalizes; The condition of the skin improves, internal damage heals faster, and metabolism accelerates.

Therefore, radon is used to eliminate problems such as:

  • metabolic disorders of any degree;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • skin rashes;
  • diseases of the digestive system of a chronic nature;
  • prostatitis;
  • hormonal disorders and much more.

Radon baths are especially effective in combating blood pressure and joint pain. The procedures do not disrupt the functioning of the cardiovascular system, but at the same time quickly alleviate the patient’s condition.

Types of baths

In baths, water from natural sources is used, or fresh water is enriched, to which radon is added artificially. In natural sources, radon exists not only in its pure form, but also as derivatives. Their correct concentration brings invaluable benefits to the human body.

Based on the amount of radon in water, three types of baths are distinguished:

  1. baths with low radon concentrations are used most often;
  2. medium concentrated;
  3. highly concentrated waters are used very rarely, only for the treatment of very serious diseases.

It doesn’t matter whether artificial or real waters are used during procedures - the benefits are the same.

How is the procedure done?

Treatment with radon baths is very simple - the patient only needs to go to the treatment center every day and lie in the water for about 10-12 minutes. This time is enough for the element to penetrate deep enough into the tissues and organs and start healing processes.
Before taking a bath for the first time, the doctor always warns that short-term pain in the area is possible after the procedure. problem areas and sharp.

We must not forget about drowsiness, which can occur while taking a bath or after - radon has a calming effect on the nervous system.

The temperature of the water in a bath with radon should be approximately equal to body temperature; complete evaporation of the element will occur 2-3 hours after the procedure. The course of treatment is 10–12 procedures, and the effect appears only after a month. It is worth remembering that you cannot spend more than 20 minutes in the bath, because radon is still a radioactive element.

Indications for treatment

Radon baths, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied and accurately described, are prescribed to patients with the most various diseases. And not only those that affect both men and women, but also those that are clearly tied to gender.

For example, in gynecology, radon is used in the treatment of fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis and some others. For the stronger sex, the chemical element is especially useful for prostatitis - it relieves inflammation, improves potency and blood circulation. Sexual desire also increases.

In general, doctors prescribe radon baths in many of the cases described above. The main thing that they should write down well in the recipe is the dose of the element in the water.


But there is no perfect cure for all diseases. Radon did not become one either. For all its remarkable properties, this chemical element was and remains radioactive. An increased dose leads to irradiation of the patient, so radon must be handled very carefully.

But even with the strictest observance of all the rules, radon baths cannot be used by some categories of people. For those who have the following contraindications:

  • radiation sickness. A person exposed to radiation should never come close to radon;
  • blood diseases such as leukemia;
  • neurosis in a severe stage;
  • epilepsy of any severity;
  • unstable angina and angina pectoris 4 F;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • any, no matter whether benign or malignant;
  • and some others.

In addition, radon baths also have an allergic effect. Individual intolerance is a good reason to quit procedures and look for other methods of treating existing diseases.


Radon baths, the contraindications to which are discussed above, are an excellent way to improve your overall health or cure certain diseases. The benefits of radon have been known for a very long time, but the conscious use of this chemical element in medicinal purposes began only at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, resorts, sanatoriums and health resorts with radon baths have flourished.

Many fans around the world have already been able to heal and relax while sitting in water enriched with radon. Even, about which there is a lot of talk now, cannot guarantee the same effect that is obtained from radon.

Therefore, the popularity of sources with this chemical element is growing every year, and even ardent skeptics are increasingly recognizing its benefits.
Treatment with radon baths is easy and simple, the main thing is to follow the doctor’s instructions and be patient, because the result will not be immediate. However, after that the overall benefit to the body will be enormous.
Even a simple relaxation in a warm bath with radon will be much more interesting and beneficial than simply lying on the beach.

Video: Radon baths

Invented by medicine various ways treatments, among which were and remain the most popular and effective. Therefore, we will further consider what radon baths are, and also read reviews about them.

Radon baths- a type of physiotherapy, which is based on the effects of mineral water enriched with radon.

Radon- an inert gas that is colorless and odorless. During its half-life it emits radioactive alpha particles. In minimal doses they can have a powerful healing effect on the human body.

Radon baths - effective method treatment of many diseases

Reference. Radiation in minimal doses used in the treatment process is safe for human health.

Radon water is widely used in various fields of medicine to treat pathologies of many body systems. The technique is especially popular in the field of rheumatology, orthopedics, and gynecology.

Pros and cons of therapy

Radon therapy is used as an additional technique as part of the complex treatment of various ailments. It is used as monotherapy in rare cases.

Reference. Like any therapeutic technique, radon baths can have benefits and harm to the body.

Has a beneficial effect

So, this method has the following medicinal properties:

  • painkiller;
  • vasodilator;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • metabolic;
  • regenerative;
  • epithelializing.

Also, the benefit of radon baths is to accelerate all metabolic processes in the body and strengthen one’s own defenses.

What rocks harmful effects, then such sessions are generally well tolerated and do not cause any negative reactions from the body.

Side effects may occur

However, in rare cases, the following phenomena may occur:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • rapid breathing;
  • dyspnea;
  • increase in blood pressure.

If such signs appear and increase, you should stop therapy and inform your doctor.

Having familiarized ourselves with the basic information about this physiotherapeutic procedure, we will then find out what radon baths treat and to whom they are contraindicated.

Indications for treatment

The list of indications and contraindications for radon baths is impressive, so before starting therapy you need to take into account all the points: the type and nature of the disease, the age and individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

What does radon treat? This procedure is effective in combating many pathologies that affect various systems of the human body:

Widely used in various fields of medicine

  1. Dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system— , osteomyelitis, recovery after , .
  2. NS disorders(central, peripheral) - neuritis, neuralgia, sleep disorders.
  3. Endocrine pathologies- hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, gout.
  4. Gastrointestinal ailments- inflammatory lesions of the stomach, gall bladder, intestines, chronic peptic ulcer disease.
  5. Respiratory lesions- lung diseases, rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  6. Dermatological diseases- long-term non-healing wounds, psoriasis, neurodermatitis.
  7. Diseases of the cardiovascular system- hypertension, ischemia, varicose veins.

The technique is also widely used in the treatment diseases of the genitourinary system(fibroma, endometriosis, prostatitis, hormonal imbalance, infertility).

Despite the fact that the therapy is generally well tolerated, it has some contraindications related to the characteristics of radon exposure.

Reference. The restrictions are based on the fact that alpha radiation activates all processes in the body, which is not beneficial in some pathologies.

Who are contraindicated for radon baths? Categories of people who are prohibited from taking such procedures have been identified:

The technique is contraindicated in many cases

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • any disease in the acute phase;
  • radiation sickness;
  • tumor formations (benign and malignant);
  • individual intolerance to radon;
  • mental disorders, epilepsy, severe neuroses;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • purulent inflammation on the skin;
  • childhood;
  • tuberculosis;
  • blood cancer;
  • increased body temperature;
  • leukopenia;
  • low estrogen levels;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • some heart rhythm disturbances (atrial fibrillation, unstable angina).

This therapy may negatively affect the course of these conditions, provoking an exacerbation or causing the development of complications.

Treatment with radon baths requires some preparation from the patient, which consists of fulfilling simple requirements:

Preparation begins with a visit to the doctor

  1. Getting examined by a doctor.
  2. Complete cessation of smoking and alcoholic beverages for the period of therapy.
  3. Emptying the bowels and bladder before the procedure.
  4. Take a bath half an hour to an hour after eating (the procedure is not carried out on an empty stomach or on a full stomach).
  5. Avoid stress and physical activity before the procedure.

Such preparation will increase the effectiveness of the upcoming therapy and eliminate possible side effects.

The bath itself is prepared by the medical staff of the sanatorium. To do this, 100 ml of concentrated mineral solution radon is dissolved in 200 liters of water at a temperature of 34-36°C.

The method of therapy depends on the type of procedure prescribed, the characteristics of the pathology and individual characteristics person.

Reference. Regardless of the type of procedure, the patient must follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

As for the classical procedure, the rules for taking radon baths are as follows:

Follow the rules when taking a bath

  • you need to enter the prepared bath smoothly, without sudden movements;
  • the water level during immersion should not reach the area of ​​the heart (in case of heart disease, the water should be at the level of the navel);
  • while in the water you need to relax and try not to make sudden movements;
  • duration of the procedure - 5-20 minutes(time increases gradually);
  • You should also exit the water smoothly;
  • You can’t wipe yourself, you can only blot your skin with a towel;
  • provide rest for an hour.

The standard course of treatment consists of 10-15 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 1-2 days.

A repeat course is possible only through 6-12 months, since the therapeutic effect lasts for six months.

Radon irrigation

Irrigation with radon-containing water is one of the types of radon therapy, widely used to treat the genitourinary system. Carried out in compliance with the following measures:

  • duration of manipulation— 15-20 minutes;
  • water temperature— 35-40°С;
  • a course of treatment— 18-20 sessions.

Irrigation of the nose and mouth, head, vaginal, rectal, microenemas, suppositories - developed techniques that are not inferior in effectiveness to baths.

This variety has all the characteristics of radon baths, but does not put stress on the heart muscle (can be used for patients who have had a heart attack).

During the session, the patient is in the box. Exposure occurs through air enriched with radon.

Such baths are safer for the heart

Reference. The air in the box is humid and warm (24-42°C).

There are several types of this procedure: general, local and steam baths.

Other types

There are other equally popular methods of radon treatment, which include:

  1. Radon inhalations- inhalation of enriched air.
  2. Oral administration- taking radon water or radon oils.
  3. Local applications- compress, wrap.
  4. Injection of liquids containing radon.

Each of these techniques has its own advantages and has its own preferred applications, which are determined by the doctor.

Consequences and possible complications

Radon treatment It has a high therapeutic effect, since after the course the following positive changes in the body are observed:

  • elimination of inflammation, pain, acceleration of regeneration processes in connective tissues;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • stimulating rapid healing of the skin;
  • decreased excitability, normalization of sleep;
  • normalization of heart rate,
  • normalization of blood pressure indicators;
  • dilation of blood vessels, strengthening and toning their walls;
  • improvement rheological properties blood;
  • normalization of the adrenal glands and the process of glucocorticoid production.

Concerning possible complications, then their occurrence may be associated with excess radiation doses. Thus, exposure to an increased concentration of radon on the body can cause a significant decrease in immunity, leukemia, lung cancer, etc.

Important! In this regard, such therapy is carried out in sanatoriums under the strict supervision of specialists.

After the procedure, the body does not need any recovery measures.

The only thing that is required from the patient is compliance with these simple rules:

  • drying the water or draining it carefully— you can’t dry yourself with a towel, because radon remains on the skin and continues to act;
  • rest- after the session, a person should rest for 1 hour without engaging in any active activity.

The patient must rest after the procedure

These requirements are mandatory. If they are not followed, the likelihood of achieving the maximum therapeutic effect is reduced.

Cost of radon therapy

The cost of therapy depends on the type of procedure, the duration of the therapeutic course and the class of the sanatorium.

The price of radon therapy depends on many factors

So, a two-week therapeutic course based on natural sources may cost within 13500 - 16000 rubles.

Regarding artificial baths, then the cost will depend on the type of radon treatment. Thus, the lower price limit for 1 procedure is about 150 rubles(four-chamber bathroom with radon), at the upper limit of the cost - 930 rubles(dry air radon bath).


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