Plants for a hedge or how to protect yourself from neighbors. How to isolate yourself from your neighbors on a property Landscape How to isolate yourself from your neighbor’s tall house

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When I'm sitting on a sun lounger in the country, I don't want the neighbors to see my swimsuit or discuss how much time I spend idle on my property. I don't want to see my neighbor in pajamas or swimming trunks.

Many summer residents are building high fences. But on small areas fences often do more harm than good.

One day my husband and I got into the car and drove around our region. We didn’t go to elite villages, no, we went to ordinary summer residents, if we could talk to the owners of the plot we liked, and we talked. And as a result, they began to create comfort in their area at will, taking into account the advice of those with whom they managed to talk.

We started with the lawn. Today you can buy a lawn not just for summer cottage or country house, but even choose a lawn for a playground or other recreation areas.

1. Selection of plants. You need to use reference books and websites to find out whether the plant you want to plant is suitable for your climate, whether it needs full sun, or whether it can.

2. To create green screens you need to choose large plants. Initially, such plants are more expensive. But the desired effect can be achieved much faster. It is important to imagine what the chosen plant will be like in 5-10 years. Large evergreens can also be planted away from the road. But separate with greens open veranda From the entire site it is better to have smaller plants.

3. You should not plant all plants of the same type in one line, side by side. A pest will attack or a disease will take root, and all your pets will get sick. They will become infected from each other. And we must remember that plants do not grow in orderly rows in nature. To obtain a more natural effect, plants should be planted in groups to create a “wild”. Zigzag several deciduous shrubs, a pair of evergreens and a cluster perennial herbs along the border of your property.

4. When planting plants, decide exactly what you want to hide from your eyes. Try on the plant so that the dirty side of your neighbor's garage or anything else is not visible.

How to hide from your neighbors: hedge in the country and other fences

Let's face it: even if you have the best country neighbors in the world, there are times when you really don't want to engage in conversation with them. Well, this is quite understandable, because the saying about “your own fortress” is true not only in relation to the house, but also to the garden plot.

Often this problem is solved simply by building massive fences and fences for the dacha. Meanwhile, designers offer a variety of elegant solutions on how to isolate yourself from your neighbors and at the same time decorate the area.

Such methods include light wooden screens, spectacular pergolas, elegant canopies, as well as classic hedges in the country, for which you can use different kinds plants. Typically, such fences are created from evergreen trees, but you can use flowering bushes.

A win-win option could be vertical screens, awnings and pergolas made of wooden planks or wire mesh; climbing plants: grapes, ivy, bindweed and other vines entwine these structures, creating luxurious green walls.

It should be taken into account, however, important advice landscape designers: any fences and fences for a summer residence should be placed not on the border of your site, but close to own home: paradoxically, but thanks to this the yard or personal plot It will look much more spacious.

Well, now let's move on to specific examples:

1. A hedge in a dacha can be supplemented with artistically made screens from natural wood and tinted glass. They will become the visual center of the site, giving it originality.

2. If you want to shield yourself from the eyes of neighbors living in a high cottage, make a lattice arch with your own hands: it will not only protect you from view, but will also provide shade in the summer heat.

3. If you don’t like a hedge in your dacha, replace it with a regular wall made from light-colored wooden planks. If you choose a decking of the same tone, you will get a harmonious corner where you can enjoy a secluded relaxation.

4. Another option for private space: this time it is proposed to use regular curtains, suspended from the roof of the canopy. Everyone will understand their practicality: depending on your mood and desire to chat, they can be moved or moved apart.

5. A vertically landscaped wall can be a successful replacement for a hedge in a dacha. IN in this case an ordinary one was draped over the garage metal grid, next to which a colorful vine with bright orange bells was planted.

6. Even a pizza oven, which is combined with neatly trimmed thujas, which can be replaced with other, more frost-resistant plants, can become an unusual space delimiter.

7. Advice again experienced designers: “protecting yourself” from neighbors with the help of fences and garden fences, you need to leave small open spaces. In this photograph, for example, we see that green wall of climbing plants has holes in the center that make this lightweight design and airy.

8. Practical solution, which is also applicable in the loggias of multi-storey buildings: install containers with high indoor plants. First of all, you should pay attention to tall succulents that require a minimum of care.

9. If you do not have the opportunity or desire to arrange a hedge for your dacha, but an ordinary wooden fence seems boring to you, try creating an original fence from spectacular finishing materials, for example, bamboo, which will bring the atmosphere of the mysterious East to your site.

10. What if you try to make a patio yourself? This will require some expenses, but the result is worth it! A canopy in combination with a firewall will decorate your site; besides, you can always have a party here without attracting the attention of your neighbors.

Strangely, the photos disappeared from the publication, so I had to re-upload them again, fortunately they were stolen on social networks, at least there was some benefit from this.

Of course, the most reasonable solution would be to build a fence. But in some cases, for example, when this is a partnership, SNT, blind fences may be prohibited by the charter, I have encountered this. Or the neighbors will begin to be indignant that you blocked their sun, this also happens.

Or make a blank wooden section, and keep the rest of the space open.

If you have a private yard, then you have the right to make a private fence without any problems.

It will be beautiful in any case, be it wood or metal profile.

Private living plants, such as thuja, look very beautiful. If you grow them, it will take a long time, but you can always buy quite large plants.

At the same time, the fence can be made of mesh, but you have the right to plant anything on your site, and the height can always be adjusted.

According to the law, the fence cannot be more than two meters, but we don’t need it any higher. This height is quite enough for privacy.

The hedge is made of conifers, and the fence is made of metal lattice.

Some deciduous climbing plants also produce good protection from prying eyes.

By arranging the conifers in a checkerboard pattern, you can create the depth of your hedge.

You can also decorate the wall of your house with cute wooden inclusions.

Using this fence as an example, you can dream up and develop the theme further - by hanging decorative elements you will get both privacy and originality.

Conifers help to isolate yourself from neighbors even if your fence is made of chain-link mesh.

You can also fence off a private space with a mobile trellis with a box for climbing plants.

By planting large plants in the view of neighbors' windows, you can protect yourself from gaze. Tree between the gazebo and neighbor's window will allow you to relax with a sense of privacy; no one will spy on you from the window.

Deciduous trees have one advantage over conifers - they grow faster.

The sound of a waterfall will help drown out your conversation.

The hedge can be planted on a raised bed, thereby accelerating growth within sight.

And of course, let's not forget about climbing plants, such as grapes and hops.

Even tall grasses can reliably hide you from the eyes of your neighbors.

If you are determined to isolate yourself quickly and legally in one season, then plant cereal plants, such as thistle and reeds.

Acacia grows well and quickly; by the way, it can be shaped by pruning.

Even decorative wattle fence will be in place.

More ideas and examples of privacy in a summer cottage

A cozy corner in the shade, where you can put a chair and a table and sit comfortably.

An excellent example of a dense hydrangea “fence”. No neighbors will see what is happening on your territory.

By fencing yourself off from your neighbors, you are not building a wall between your relationships, but simply providing yourself with the opportunity to have some privacy. And this important condition a full-fledged dacha holiday, because we are just going to the dacha for the opportunity to relax and retire.

I hate corrugated sheets mainly because they look ugly. Secondly, for absolute light-tightness. Here, admire it. The month of April. In the foreground there is a large snowdrift - this is snow from the road. But along the fence there was just snow that just fell and then didn’t melt, because the fence provided shade and cold.

I am for fences to be more transparent. At the same time, I understand that it is not very pleasant to live always in public view. But why separate your children from your neighbors? Why isolate yourself from your neighbors on the street, with whom it’s so nice to exchange a few words during the evening promenade? Why lock yourself in a dull yard for prisoners to exercise (some even have barbed wire along the top)? Why not cover and hide only those corners of the garden in which you want to retire? Veranda near the house. Terrace near the bathhouse. A cozy nook for reading. And leave the rest of the area open to the sun, the admiring glances of passersby, and allow your own gaze not to constantly rest against the wall.

This year we are planning to expand the house, and with it the reconstruction of the veranda. In the middle of summer, at the first stage of reconstruction, our veranda looked like this

In addition to the purely aesthetic aspect, there is also a practical one. Let's say, my neighbors have a perimeter fence with a two-meter high corrugated sheet fence. Yes, I don't see them from below. But from the windows of the second floor their site is clearly visible. All, except! one and a half to two meters directly adjacent to the fence. That is, if such an impervious to the eye, but more attractive fence stood close to the recreation area, then it would not be visible from the second floor. And now it’s in full view. Think about it :)
So. Until this spring, our veranda was open on three sides. Actually, it's just an elegant polycarbonate canopy. The fourth side is adjacent to the house. When construction began on the neighboring site, and the workers there, during breaks with nothing to do, constantly stared at what I was doing there, I hung a curtain on that side. Striped Gulsporre from IKEA. In addition to the wonderful stripe, what I liked about these curtains is that they slightly shade, while allowing light to pass through, you can’t see anything through them, and they are made of 70% polyester, and therefore dry quickly and do not develop terrible black mold on them - a thunderstorm any cotton textiles I left outside, even under the roof. They spent the whole summer hanging out on the edge of the veranda, getting pretty fussed about, but then they washed themselves perfectly in the washing machine the first time.

I write about curtains in such detail because this is the easiest option to isolate the veranda from prying eyes. Simple, elegant, cozy and mobile. You can change them at least every week, depending on your mood. Just be sure to pay attention to the composition of the fabric, because pure cotton, as I already said, does not behave well in wet weather.
Look how beautiful and opaque it is.

Transitional Porch by Avondale Estates Photographers Jeff Herr Photography

Eclectic Porch by Hoboken Architects & Building Designers EAC Design

Traditional Porch by Greenville Design-Build Firms Dillard-Jones Builders, LLC

Traditional Porch by Sharpsburg General Contractors John Bynum

And here’s a good idea on how to fasten the curtains from the bottom so that they don’t flutter too much in the wind.

I also like the combination of trellises and curtains. Like here, for example. I definitely use it

And another trellis. With flowers. In fact, this fine lattice only seems completely transparent. From the inside it is great to see the surroundings, but from the outside, from a certain distance, it is difficult to see.

And, of course, different fences. You will be surprised how many options for fencing can be made from regular boards and slats.

Contemporary Deck by Quogue Architects & Building Designers Austin Patterson Disston Architects

Modern Landscape by King City Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers Genus Loci Ecological Landscapes Inc.

Please note there are boards here different widths, which makes such a fence less monotonous.

Transitional Deck by Philadelphia Home Stagers Busybee Design

One cannot fail to mention, of course, hedges and climbing plants. Some might argue that they are only opaque in the warmer months. But in winter, rarely does anyone sit outside in negligee, maybe it’s not scary that the veranda is visible in winter :)

For some reason, I found almost no pictures of blinds on verandas. And it seems to me that this a good option, because it allows you to create multiple use cases. Maybe they don't behave well outdoors?


And a few more ideas in different styles. I like them less, but suddenly someone else will like them.

Here, for example, is a screen made from old doors. IN country style or shabby chic will fit perfectly.


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