Collapsible overpass in the garage. How to assemble a car overpass yourself in a garage

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Design features many cars and their specifications involve regular preventive inspection and repair of various components and systems. What can you do, it's just a machine and like any equipment, it requires care and attention. However, if in some cases it is possible to make renovation work from above, lifting the hood, then any inspection of the suspension and chassis becomes a real pain, if not inspection hole or overpasses. It’s quite expensive to constantly take your four-wheeled friend to a car service center, and it’s not necessary, because many of the jobs can be done with your own hands. Therefore, installing an overpass for cars is a top priority for any car owner who cares about the smooth operation of his car.

Requirements for the overpass

In order to ensure safety and ease of operation, it is better to make the overpass taking into account the following requirements:

  • The height of the overpass for car repairs must be at least 1 meter. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to get under it, there will not be enough light to inspect the chassis, and there will be no free space for manipulating parts and keys.
  • The width depends on the type of vehicle (truck, passenger car), but should not be minimal, centimeter per centimeter. It is necessary to make allowances in the calculations so that the car can drive onto such a platform without problems.
  • For greater reliability, it is necessary to provide a safety margin when constructing an overpass. This will help not only to avoid deformation of the structure, but also, if necessary, to roll heavier vehicles onto it.

Types of inspection platforms for cars

In principle, there are only two options for arranging an overpass on your site. Each of them has its own pros and cons and manufacturing features.

Mini overpass, is a portable structure for partial collision. Consists of two individual parts, not welded to each other. The car can drive onto such a platform with its front or rear wheels, allowing the owner to carry out repair work.

Plus - this overpass can be used even in conditions of severe shortages free space and after repairs, put it aside. The downside is that driving onto the structure requires pinpoint precision and the elements need to be installed only in places where they will not move in different directions from the push of the wheels.

Full size overpass much more convenient and reliable, but its construction will require free space. But it will last for decades, saving its owner a lot of money, because many repairs can be done at home. The advantage of this design is reliability, strength and durability. The downside is the need to allocate free space and some high costs for materials.

DIY mini overpass for a car

In order to make a mini overpass with your own hands you will need:

  1. Steel corner with a thickness of at least 10 mm;
  2. Metal rod;
  3. Electrodes for welding;
  4. Welding machine;
  5. Finished protection paint metal structure from corrosion.

The load-bearing elements, the “heels” on which the access ladder will be attached, should have a width of about 40-45 cm. The supports are welded in the form of a trapezoid, where the bottom, the base, is 10-15 cm wider than the top. This is necessary to give stability to the structure. The access ladder is made of two pieces of angle with a transversely welded rod, which allows the wheels not to slip when climbing onto the structure.

To fix the car in the desired position, it is necessary to make special gaskets, which are used to prevent the car from spontaneously sliding off the overpass. After completion of the work, the entire structure is painted.

Full-size car repair overpass

Even at the stage of choosing a site for construction, it is necessary to determine the size of the overpass for passenger cars. Since the width of the car and the required length of the platform are not constant values, there is not and cannot be a single size. Today you may have a small subcompact car, tomorrow a huge jeep or a small truck. Therefore, the overpass must be made with a good margin of safety and allowances.

At the first stage of construction, the overpass is dug in steel pipes(6 pieces) with a diameter of at least 80-100 mm to a depth below soil freezing. If you go deeper, there is too great a risk that the structure will move to the side during the first spring thaw. The hole under the post is not filled with soil, but filled with cement.

The inclined part (drive) is made from metal corner with transverse welding of steel rod. The distance between the rods is about 10 cm.

The horizontal plane is performed in the same way, only at the end of the overpass it is necessary to make a limiter that will protect the car from uncontrolled sliding forward.

As a rule, the length of the inclined part is up to 4 meters, and the horizontal plane is up to 3 meters. This is quite enough to repair a passenger car of any make and design.

As you can see, the question of how to make an overpass for a car with your own hands is solved quite simply.

To do this, you need basic skills in working with a welding machine and some free time. But the result will exceed all expectations and you can not only repair your car to your heart’s content, but also wash it from all sides.

Most car enthusiasts prefer to repair and customize their vehicles themselves: for some it is a way to save money, and for others it is a hobby. But not all garages are equipped inspection hole, and climbing under the hood is simply too inconvenient, and even dangerous.

In such situations, a flyover can be a lifesaver, which you can make in the garage with your own hands. Next, we will consider the types of structures and tell you how to independently build an overpass from different materials.

If there is no inspection hole, but you need to crawl under the car, an overpass in the garage becomes a necessity. A flyover is a device that allows you to lift a machine for comfortable repair work.

Dimensions of the overpass for the garage.

There are two types in total:

  1. Stationary.
    Such an overpass can usually be seen on the territory of auto repair shops. It is a large iron structure capable of lifting a car to a height of about a meter above ground level. It’s easy to replicate in the garage, the only thing is that it requires a lot of space.
  2. Mini overpass.
    This type is suitable for owners of small garages. Due to their popularity, they have many variations of the device: one-sided pyramid, rectangular trapezoid, crossover and “rocking” based on sleepers. They are quite easy to build, and an additional advantage is the ability to choose a design that best suits your needs.

Features of garage overpasses

Homemade lifting systems for garages have gained popularity as an alternative to an inspection pit.

The design also has a number of characteristics that make working with it more comfortable:

  • good lighting of the workspace;
  • increasing the working space area;
  • you don’t have to get extra dirty in the ground and interact with raw materials;
  • the structure is not flooded by groundwater or melt water.

How to weld a garage overpass?

A garage overpass can be made from any available materials, be it brick, sleepers, wood or metal. Most lifts can be stored in garages and taken out when needed, which eliminates the need to allocate separate space in the courtyard.

Homemade auto overpasses also have some disadvantages:

  1. You need to be careful when driving; careless movements can cause deformation of car parts.
  2. The overpass must be on a flat surface so that it does not wobble or move apart.

How to make a flyover from various materials

It was already said earlier that you can make a car lift with your own hands.

To do this, you should take into account some nuances:

  • the height of a full-size overpass is 1 meter, this is enough for comfortable repair work;
  • the height of the mini-overpass should not exceed 0.5 meters due to the operating characteristics of the structure;
  • the width of the structure depends on the dimensions of the machine itself, but when creating the structure, allowances should be made so that the machine can drive in unhindered;
  • mini-overpasses can only be used for handling passenger cars. And stationary structures are obviously designed to be more durable in order to avoid deformation and to carry out work with larger vehicles.

Most motorists preferred mini-overpasses made of wood, sleepers or metal. Learn more about each of the systems used to partially lift the vehicle.

Overpass made of railway sleepers

Drawing of the overpass.

The structure is created by folding sleepers in the shape of a slide, and the tracks for driving a car are laid across. To ensure the reliability of the structure, all its parts are fastened with staples.

But this type homemade devices there are disadvantages:

  • sleepers weigh a lot, and therefore it will not be possible to assemble and disassemble the lift yourself;
  • requires a lot of storage space;
  • necessary a large number of material.

But if the structure is placed on the site, it can be left right there. When stored at outdoors sleepers are impregnated with creosote to prevent rotting and it functions properly for many years.

Wooden overpass

If there is very little space in the garage, you can make a mini-overpass that will only partially lift the car. If desired, it can be made from wood. This is also an economical type of structure for lifting a car.

Wooden overpass.

To create it you will need:

  1. The boards are 5 centimeters thick.
  2. Wooden slats with a section of 10x10 centimeters. It is worth noting that it is from cross section depends on the height to which the car rises.

The assembly principle is quite simple. A beam is attached to the top of the board, which will then act as a limiter for the wheels. WITH reverse side two beams are attached: one closer to the limiter, the second to the other edge. Each part requires two pieces.

This system works as follows. A board with a limiter rests under the car wheels with its free edge. The part itself rests on the beam, which is fixed on that side. When the car starts, the wheels will shift the center of gravity and the edge with the limiter will fall onto the second beam.

Thanks to the use of bars with the same cross-section, the board will take a horizontal position. All that remains is to secure the wheels remaining on the ground with blocks so that the car does not roll off.

How to make a metal overpass

Metal garage structures are even more popular than overpasses made of wood. This is due to their versatility, because such buildings are convenient to use in garages of any size.

Overpass diagram with dimensions.

For this design you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder and circles for it
  • fittings;
  • rolled metal;
  • hardware;
  • paint for metal.

It is better to make the structure prefabricated and disassembled, this will save space in the room. The principle of making a mini-overpass from metal is simple. First you need to make four stands for the base, approximately 50 centimeters high.

For stability, the legs are welded in the form of a trapezoid - they need to be connected by beams from an equal angle corner measuring 63x5 centimeters. The access bridges are made in the form of a ladder. For this, corners measuring 40x4 centimeters and reinforcement with a diameter of 12 millimeters are used.

Bottom line

Making a garage overpass with your own hands is quite simple. Thanks to the variety of designs, get similar device possible within a modest budget, without losing the quality to expensive designs.

Knowing how to make an overpass from simple materials, servicing the machine while using it will greatly simplify the life of its owner. What do you like better - an inspection hole or a car overpass? Write in the comments!

The landscaping of a personal plot can be considered complete if, for the “full set”, an overpass for car repairs is independently constructed. The dizzying designs of overpasses amaze with their brevity and the ability to use the simplest metal products. Do you dream of making a flyover with your own hands? What could be more exciting!

“Personal car service” services

Almost every homeowner dreams of having their own personal plot attractive, practical and functional. And if the homeowner is also a passionate car enthusiast, then you simply cannot do without an overpass designed for on-site car repairs.

Even if you do not plan to service the car yourself, periodic inspection will help you identify problems in a timely manner and contact a professional workshop. To access the car, use special lifts, an inspection pit and an overpass. However, expensive special equipment and an inspection pit equipped according to all the rules are strictly the prerogative service centers, which requires significant material costs.

An overpass for a car, on the contrary, can be installed anywhere on the site, almost next to the potato beds, and mind you, with your own hands. You can make a car overpass for cars and trucks. The scope of use and application of such an overpass can be expanded and it will be possible to use the services of a “personal car service” at any time of the day or year.

Overpass structures

Structurally distinguish the following types overpasses:
For partial arrival auto
full-size overpass.

Naturally, depending on the size of the overpass structure and bearing capacity to withstand the load, these types of overpasses are used for a certain weight of cars. The only condition will be to limit the size of the overpass for your existing passenger car or two.
The classic design of an overpass (practically from the words of a driving instructor) has a certain height, width and length of the working part, limited by a bevel, as well as on the sides of the walkway.

overpass designed for partial entry of cars

The overpass for partial entry of cars (portable and mini) is a lightweight portable structure consisting of separate parts that are not welded together. Portable and mini overpasses are installed without a foundation. Access to this overpass for subsequent vehicle inspection is possible with front or rear wheels.

This type of overpass for cars is easy to install and also easy to remove, allowing you to save space on the site. However, for a successful ride on the structure, the driver’s dexterity and dexterity will be required.
Main parameters of the overpass:
height – at least 1 m.
width – 2.5 m.
bevel length – 4.2 m.
Structurally, a portable or mini overpass consists of four parts.

The overpass is easy to assemble and disassemble, and can also be transported to required space, therefore, for the sudden diagnosis of a capricious car, such an overpass is indispensable, especially in “ field conditions" In practice, sometimes it is necessary to make two overpasses to raise the front or rear of the car to required height(clearance plus overpass height).

This is what a self-made overpass used for a partial drive looks like.

full-size overpass

Of course, a full-size overpass is more convenient and reliable construction, for the construction of which a working space is required. But a full-size overpass will more than recoup the costs of its construction in the future.

The main parameters of a full-size overpass are similar to the parameters of portable and mini overpasses:
height – 1 m or more
width up to 2.5 m.
length of the working part – 4-6 m.
the length of the bevels on both sides is 4.2 m.
Let us make a reservation right away that the dimensions of a full-size overpass for passenger cars are not a constant value.

Therefore, a full-size overpass is made taking into account the safety margin and additional allowances, which will serve well in the future. In addition, a full-size overpass can be successfully used as an inspection overpass for a car by equipping an inspection hole.

How to make a car overpass with your own hands

Theoretically, you can make an overpass for a car from any available material. The materials used are boards, bricks and used tires. But such temporary measures can only be justified in extreme cases.

Therefore, for the main load-bearing elements and tracks of overpasses, rolled metal is used that can withstand significant daily loads. This metal channel, corners and profile pipe. These types of rolled metal can withstand significant bending loads.

how to make a mini overpass

To make a mini overpass you will need following materials:
steel corner, thickness not less than 10 mm
metal rod.
as well as electrodes for welding and a welding machine. We choose the shape of the mini overpass supports as a “trapezoid”, with the base 15-20 cm larger than the top. The access ladder is made of steel corners, onto which pieces of rod are evenly welded on both sides.

It is preferable to choose a corrugated surface of the rod so that the car wheels do not slip when going up and down the overpass.

The load-bearing elements of the overpass on which the ladder is attached must have a width of 45-50 cm. The car is secured with special gaskets that prevent the car from unintentionally moving out. After welding, the overpass structure is painted with anti-corrosion paint.

A mini overpass for car repairs is presented in this video.

how to make a full-size overpass

Initially, a site is selected on the site where there is no swelling of the soil, groundwater and the soils do not have a water-saturated layer. Prepare holes for the base of the overpass - pillars or steel pipes with a diameter of up to 10 cm.

The number of pipes for the base of a full-size overpass is calculated based on a preliminary working sketch. Pits with installed pipes are cemented. TO installed pipes or a channel is welded to the pillars to enhance the load-bearing capacity.
It is also recommended to use rolled metal (channels, angles and profile pipe). Then the rolling plane is made: reinforcement and cut rods are welded across the load-bearing elements on both sides.

The width of the rolling plane path must be at least 0.5 m. The resulting welded structure placed on special supports of the required height (1 meter). To make the drive-in platform and stairs, use an L 50 corner welded with reinforcement. It is preferable to protect the edges of the paths with a corner, preventing the car from slipping.

The car periodically requires inspection of the chassis. An overpass is used for this. The design is used at maintenance points. If the car owner does not want to spend money on the work of auto repairmen, he can inspect the car himself by raising it above the ground on an overpass. This is an alternative way to the inspection hole to gain access to the bottom. Assembling the overpass yourself will save money.

Based on the type of construction, there are two types of overpasses for cars:

  1. Full-size ones allow you to repair a machine that is completely raised above ground level by 1 meter. They are bulky and require a lot of space. Suitable for both passenger cars and trucks.
  2. Mini overpass. It consists of two small, independent from each other, beveled on one side of the podium. The auto overpass allows you to lift the car from the front or rear wheels. Used for partial inspection of the bottom. The disadvantage of this design was the need for the driver to have pinpoint precision when driving on it.


Full-size overpasses are of the stationary type. They are installed along highways, on roadsides, and at service stations. The platform is raised high above the ground and allows for a detailed inspection of the car from the bottom and for carrying out repair work. Designed to support the weight of cars and trucks.

The strongest and most durable structure is made of metal. For creating observation deck They use brick, wood, pipes and channels.

Advice! If the garage is built for 2 cars, but there is only one there, then the free space can be allocated for your own overpass.


The collapsible overpass has smaller dimensions. It fits easily in the garage and, if necessary, is quickly assembled. Designed for inspection of a passenger car.

The design includes:

  • 4 stands for supports;
  • 2 pairs of platforms with a stopper to prevent the car from rolling away;
  • Two pairs horizontal ladder under an inclined drive;
  • several stiffening ribs for fixing parts relative to each other.

They are built from metal. The thicker and more durable the material chosen, the longer the structure will last.

General requirements

Making an overpass is not a complicated process, but you need to remember a few nuances:

  1. The height of the full-size version is up to 1 meter, and the mini version allows you to raise the car by 0.3-0.7 meters.
  2. The width of the structures is determined by the width of the vehicle. To make it easy to access, the ramps and platforms are made 0.4 meters wide. These dimensions are sufficient for most wheels.
  3. The safety margin determines the service life. In the mini model it is not so critical, and when building a stationary overpass they do not skimp on materials.

The overpass, assembled independently, should fit in ordinary garages. When creating a drawing, take into account how much free space there is to store it.

Stages of preparatory work

Do the work yourself, from the design stage to final assembly, not difficult. To do this, you need to decide on the type of design that you prefer and available material, make a drawing, calculate the dimensions and number of parts, make an estimate for the purchase of materials, rental of equipment.

Calculation of dimensions and drawing up drawings

Start creating a drawing by selecting the type (stationary or portable) and material. Each person will have their own preferred shape of the product. General dimensions:

  • height – up to 1 meter;
  • width – about 0.4 meters;
  • lifting length – about 1 meter;
  • the length of the flat platform is from 0.3 meters.

An overpass is a pair of identical structures. On the side of the diagram, its shape resembles a rectangular trapezoid. A pair of slides can be additionally fixed between each other to avoid displacement while the machine is being lifted onto it.

Preparation of materials and tools

Depending on the material, tools are selected for the overpass. A structure made of sleepers or metal is assembled using:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarians;
  • bolts, nuts.

The main material is reinforcement and a 40 mm corner. Ready design The top is coated with anti-corrosion paint.

A wooden overpass is created from:

  • wooden blocks with a square cross-section with a side of 0.2 meters;
  • wooden blocks or boards;
  • nails, screws;
  • saws;
  • screwdrivers.

DIY metal structure

The most popular is a mini overpass made of metal. This product has a number of advantages:

  • easy to move;
  • ease of assembly - does not require special skills;
  • reliability and durability.

Although a do-it-yourself overpass can last for decades, over time any structure wears out. If you properly care for it and treat it against rust, its service life will increase significantly.

Welding of the structure proceeds as follows:

  • a corner is cut and two rectangular trapezoids are assembled;
  • connect them together with a corner;
  • using scraps and remnants of the corner on the sides, additional stiffening ribs are formed;
  • the reinforcement is cut and welded onto the upper base and inclined plane;
  • cleaned with a wire brush and painted with metal paint.

The procedure is repeated for the second part of the trestle pair. You can make a limiting side on the upper platform to prevent the car from passing further. It is convenient to store it vertically.

Instructions for making a wooden mini trestle

Wooden construction is characterized by low cost of materials. The advantages also include:

  • simplicity of design. She doesn't demand special tools and equipment, it can be made with improvised materials;
  • the mobile overpass has a relatively light weight;
  • mobility - easy to set up and remove.

The disadvantages include a small margin of safety. Over time, the timber overpass will rot and be undermined by insects. Special processing will help increase service life.

There are two types of portable wooden overpass:

  1. One piece. Take a beam with a cross-sectional side of at least 0.2 meters. Connect it with nails to another cut. A bevel is cut off from one edge. The height of such an overpass is small, but it is lightweight and can be stored in the trunk of a car.
  2. Stepped. It is created from blocks and 50 mm boards. The pads are cut into pieces. Depending on the height, some are cut off from one edge. The structure is assembled in layers: a board, on it, with a certain step, several blocks are nailed, and again the board. Each tier is shorter than the previous one. Stops at the required height. A motion limiter block must be placed on top. The smaller the angle of inclination, the easier it is for the car to drive. But this lengthens the overpass and makes it heavier.

Technology for creating a brick structure

Variety stationary structure is a brick product. For construction it is necessary to allocate a plot of land. Homemade overpass the shape does not differ from metal or wood. All parts are built from brick.

The construction method includes the creation of a classic brickwork on cement mortar. The advantage of this automotive alternative to the inspection pit is its strength. It can withstand the weight of even a truck.

The disadvantages include:

  • the need to allocate a sufficiently large plot of land for it;
  • installation, as well as dismantling, requires a lot of time;
  • Over time, the masonry collapses and requires its hollow demolition.

Such a structure is more suitable for garages in villages and outside the city, where there is a lot of free space. The brick is chosen to be as durable as possible. Construction works It is better to spend in the warm season.

There may not always be an overpass or lift nearby to inspect in for preventive purposes car from below or replace some part. A mini-ramp will help you not to depend on external circumstances, which quickly, without special effort and costs you can do yourself.

Will need

The easiest way to make this device is from wood, so we need to prepare:
  • edged boards of the required length;
  • rollers for trolleys – 4 pcs.;
  • screws and nails.
In our work we will use the following tools and accessories: tape measure, ruler and marker, circular and pendulum saw, nail gun, screwdriver, clamps and hammer.

Order of operations

Out of six edged boards We manufacture the side profile of the ramp.

To do this, taking into account the size of the wheels and the front overhang of the car, use a tape measure and a marker to mark an inclined line on one of them.
Sawing the marked board portable circular saw. Using the first blank as a template, we mark the remaining five and also saw them.

We lay four side profiles in pairs in parallel on a flat surface with the base up and at the calculated distance from each other.
For each pair of side profiles we lay a board flush with their ends. Using a nail gun, we fasten these ramp elements with nails, which we finally finish off with a hammer.

To control, use a ruler to measure the distance between the side profiles in several places. From the fifth and sixth blanks with the contours of the side profile, we cut off two pairs of rectangular bars with a pendulum saw, taking into account the measurements taken.

We insert them at the beginning and end of straight sections of the side profiles, which will serve as spacers and at the same time amplifiers. We secure them on the outside with nails.
We place the remaining wedge-shaped elements between the inclined sections of the side profiles and fix them on top with one nail in suitable place, fastening is carried out from below through the base board.

We cover the upper horizontal platform with a board, aligning its end with the ends of the side profiles, and make a mark on it for the cross section.

We nail the short part of the board to horizontal section side profiles. We dock the long part to the short one and secure it with nails to the inclined section.

We cover the open ends of the ramps with a board and cut it off slightly above the top of the horizontal platform. This protrusion will serve as a limiter for the wheels, preventing them from rolling off the platform. We also secure them to the ends with nails.

We screw two rollers transversely to the upper part of the restrictive element from below using screws and a screwdriver. Rollers will allow you to move the ramp, if necessary, by rolling, which is much easier than carrying it by weight or dragging it.

Checking the ramp in action

We roll up and lay the ramp in front of the front wheels of the car.

We carefully move the car forward, overcoming the inclined section of the ramp, and drive the front wheels onto a horizontal platform. We put the car on the handbrake. It would also be a good idea to place a stop under the rear wheel.

We make sure that the distance from the floor to the bottom of the machine has become quite spacious and you can easily sit under it for routine inspection or repair.

Having completed the work, we carefully move off the ramp and put it in a secluded place, where it will remain until next application.


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