Crayfish farming as a business: Useful tips for beginning farmers. Breeding crayfish at home with minimal investment

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Anyone who has tried crayfish meat at least once knows how tasty and tender it is. Currently, the breeding of these representatives of the fauna in Russia is practically not developed. However, demand for the product is high. Some rural residents manage to make good money by fishing for crayfish in their natural habitat, but in this way they negatively impact the natural population of these animals. Such fishing is essentially poaching. Even before the revolution, Russia was successfully breeding crayfish in an artificial environment. The resulting meat was exported to many European countries. The current state of affairs is such that the main suppliers of this product to the world market are Turkey, China and Spain, countries where previously crayfish were not found at all.


How to breed crayfish in ponds? To begin with, if it is silted or swampy. The proximity of crayfish to crucian carp, carp and other non-predatory fish is allowed. However, keep in mind that such businesses will suffer when winter comes. This is explained by the fact that crayfish tend to hibernate if the air temperature drops below fifteen degrees Celsius. In a state of suspended animation, they stop consuming food and, accordingly, do not gain weight. If the pond completely freezes to the bottom, your pets will die.

However, many businessmen are wondering how to breed crayfish in ponds, because such reservoirs are the most sustainable aquatic systems, capable of self-purification and self-renewal. At the same time, there is an opportunity to save a lot on feed, filters and aerators. Crayfish will happily feed on plankton, algae and insect larvae. The disadvantage is that in the natural environment these animals do not grow fast enough. The commercial mass is gained approximately in the fifth year of life. Thus, the business will begin to generate income only after six years. The attractive thing is that there is virtually no initial investment required.


How To do this, you will need an aquarium with a capacity of at least two hundred and fifty liters (frameless). Pour soil into the bottom of the container, and also place stones and driftwood there (your pets will hide behind them).

How to breed crayfish at home so that they do not hibernate? To do this, it is important to ensure that the water temperature fluctuates insignificantly and does not fall below fifteen degrees Celsius. In addition, it is important to ensure high-quality filtration and aeration of the liquid. Under such conditions, it is allowed to increase the stocking density of animals to three hundred and fifty individuals per square meter.

The only drawback of the described business is its small volumes. Industrial scale is difficult to achieve due to the limited cultivation area. However, some entrepreneurs have figured out how to breed crayfish in an aquarium in order to get maximum profit. At home, they raise the larvae to “fingerlings,” and only then release them into a natural or artificial reservoir. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to organize successful business. But how to breed crayfish at home to minimize losses? Control over water quality should come first. In this case, not very many larvae will die, in addition, they will develop much faster.


How to breed crayfish at home if you don’t want to clutter up your living space with huge aquariums? Use your basement. For most people, it plays the role of a place to store unnecessary things, but for you it will become a way to get money. If necessary, you will need to insulate the basement to prevent the crayfish from hibernating at low water temperatures. To organize lighting, purchase a lamp with a power of two hundred watts and hang it in the center of the ceiling. Equip your basement with multi-tiered shelving to accommodate aquariums. After completing the preparatory work, it will be time to ask yourself how to breed crayfish.

Where to buy

Buying larvae is not easy. Most likely, you will have to raise the young animals yourself. You can even buy crayfish at the supermarket. For every male there should be two females. In autumn, mating time begins. At the end of spring, females can be easily visually distinguished from males by the presence of eggs under the tail. A kilogram of these animals can cost you from three hundred to five hundred rubles. And even such small expenses can be avoided by catching crayfish yourself in the pond.

What to feed

How to properly breed crayfish so that they actively gain weight? To do this, it is important to provide them with high-quality, nutritious nutrition. Crayfish prefer earthworms, insect larvae and small snails. In an artificial habitat, they will not refuse steamed and crushed grains, boiled potatoes and grated carrots. These products should make up the majority of the animals' diet. Meat and fish are valuable sources of protein. How to breed crayfish without making mistakes in the process of feeding them? Count on daily norm animal food. It should be 2% of their weight.

Features of reproduction

Mating occurs in September and October. Males are able to fertilize up to two females in a row. If they come across a third one, they will simply eat it. This fact determines the optimal ratio of individuals of different sexes in the reservoir (two females for one male).

Initially, the eggs are located under the animal's shell. Once laid, it is secured under the tail. In order for the embryos to develop properly, the female constantly washes the eggs, thereby effectively cleaning them. After two months, the larvae hatch. For another three weeks they rest under the female’s tail to avoid many dangers. After this time, completely independent crustaceans leave their cozy shelter forever. In their natural habitat, each female is capable of raising up to twelve larvae. She cannot have more than twenty descendants a year. As for home conditions, this number can actually be tripled.


Young crustaceans molt eight times in the first twelve months of their lives. They will have to go through this up to seven to nine more times over the next two years. Adults molt much less frequently - once or twice every 12 months. During this period, the old shell is simply discarded, as it becomes too small for the growing animal.

How to breed crayfish correctly? It is necessary to pay special attention to them during the molting period, when the animal becomes especially vulnerable to attack not only by predatory fish and birds, but also by its relatives.


Breeding sites

If you are serious and plan to turn crayfish farming into a highly profitable business, we recommend organizing a farm. Only in this case will it be possible to establish the production of a tasty product on an industrial scale. To do this you will need the following:

- Incubation aquariums. It is very important that they are equipped with powerful heaters, compressors and a filtration system.

- Pools where crayfish are bred and have become independent individuals. There they need to be raised to the fingerling stage.

- Indoor ponds. There should be at least two, but it’s better to try to organize even more. This way the business will develop faster. The minimum area of ​​the reservoir should be 25 square meters. m, and the depth is 2 m. Keep in mind that gas exchange occurs better in elongated ponds. It is recommended that they have running water. That is why it is so important to have a river flowing nearby. If this is not possible on your farm, drill several water wells.

Be sure to place shelters for crayfish at the bottom of reservoirs. They can be fragments of plastic or ceramic pipes, stones, driftwood, etc.

Important point

What kind of crayfish is best to breed? In Russia, the most common species are Far Eastern and European. The latter are most often used on an industrial scale. They are divided into long-fingered and broad-fingered. The latter are the most valuable species. It is their abdomens that are called “crayfish necks” in cooking. However, keep in mind that this type is listed in the Red Book, so it is still better to breed long-toed crayfish. This way you will avoid problems with inspection authorities.

Lake and river crayfish are also distinguished. The first ones are most suitable for home business, because they do not hibernate and can reach impressive sizes. However, there is one drawback: lake crayfish are very capricious. To breed and successfully maintain them, you will need a warm room with an area of ​​at least twenty square meters. Crayfish are not so demanding, but they are smaller in size, and accordingly, they are not so expensive.

When purchasing animals, do not lose sight of the fact that crayfish of different species do not live in the same body of water.

A dacha is not only for garden beds

Arranging a pond on personal plot, keep in mind that it is very important for crayfish to have holes. That is why the pond should have clay banks and a rocky bottom. It is very important that it is located on your territory, then you will be able to control the breeding process and protect the animals from criminal attacks.

How to breed crayfish in the country? If the area is large enough, it is better to organize three or four reservoirs. Of course, you can do it yourself, but an excavator can handle such work much easier. Spare no expense and order necessary equipment. After completing this stage of work, think about landscaping the reservoirs. It is better to cover the bottom with stones and sprinkle them with river sand. Plant grass (field or garden) along the edge of the pond.

Next, proceed to organizing drainage. To do this, you can use a regular pipe, which is closed on top with a valve. Put a net on the pipe so that the crayfish do not have the opportunity to leave the reservoir through a kind of tunnel.

The most exciting moment is filling the pit with water and launching the first crayfish. Now comes a period of constant concern for the habitat of animals. Remember to change the water every two to three weeks. It is better to renew the pond by about a third, so as not to greatly disturb the established microclimate.

Is it profitable to breed crayfish?

To obtain at least one ton of these animals over several years, you will need to purchase about six hundred individuals. The main costs occur during the start-up period. They amount to approximately 120 thousand rubles. for equipment of reservoirs and 50 thousand rubles. for the purchase of young animals. If you invest two hundred thousand rubles, you will earn your first million in about two years. Of course, these are just rough estimates. In fact, income depends on sales prices. In addition, keep in mind that the larger the crayfish, the more expensive they are.

How to sell?

The absence of problems with points of sale is one of the main advantages of this business. The fact is that currently competition in this area is low, and this is despite a constant shortage of crayfish. Numerous restaurants, cafes and bars may be interested in your product. As a rule, they prefer wholesale suppliers.

Did you know that salted crayfish caviar is almost as good as red caviar in taste and nutritional quality? This can also be emphasized in the process of searching for buyers. In addition, in various types of production, the chitinous shells of the animals considered, amazing in their properties, are widely used.


We examined in detail the question of how to breed crayfish. This business is profitable, but don't expect instant profits. Proper organization of the habitat and careful care of crayfish is the key to success.

Incredibly tasty and tender crayfish meat is a favorite delicacy of many people. Despite this, today its production is not developed everywhere. Due to the high demand for the product, it is worth considering artificial breeding of these animals. Depending on your approach to growing crayfish in the basement, this activity can become your hobby or source of income.

Preparing the basement and purchasing crayfish

Growing crayfish in the basement has one important advantage - underground conditions are perfect for their successful growth. Therefore, to begin with, you will need to carry out minimal preparation of your basement and purchase crayfish.

Arrangement of the basement and aquariums

The basement chosen for the farm must be clean and dry. It should be free of fungus and pests. If you find them during inspection, be sure to solve the problem. Use a smoke bomb, trap system and insecticides to completely eliminate rats and insects. If necessary, carry out minor repairs to avoid them. reappearance. Keep in mind that you can start growing crayfish only 2 weeks after completing any chemical treatment.

The good news is that in most cases a basement is not required. additional insulation. In winter, crayfish live well at temperatures of +5-7 °C. In summer it should be at 20 °C. If the temperature often drops below these levels, cover the walls and floor with insulating materials.

Crayfish do not need a lot of light to grow successfully. For additional lighting of the room, only 1 light bulb with a power of 200 watts is needed. Place it in the center of the ceiling.

When all the necessary conditions will be created, install a multi-tiered shelving system in the basement. You will place aquariums on them. The volume of each aquarium must be at least 250 liters. Place some sandy soil on the bottom, and then arrange driftwood and stones. The crayfish will hide in them while sleeping.

If the basement area allows, then instead of aquariums you can use a swimming pool. Keep in mind that to grow crayfish you will need 2 pools. One will contain adults, and the other will contain teenagers. If they live in the same pool, there is a high probability of the young animals dying. Adult animals can behave aggressively and eat smaller relatives even in the absence of food shortage.

Now your mini-farm is ready to start. All that remains is to purchase crayfish and transport them to aquariums.

Purchase and transportation of crayfish

It is ideal to purchase crayfish larvae, but most likely you will not succeed. Buy adult specimens and raise their offspring yourself. You can buy crayfish anywhere, as long as there are 2 females for every 1 male. Optimal time The best time to buy is autumn, when the mating season begins. At this time, crayfish are easy to distinguish - the females will have eggs under their tail.

A kilogram of crayfish will cost from 500 to 750 rubles. The exact cost depends on their size and variety. You can avoid these costs by catching animals in the pond.

It is better to transport home in dark time days when it is cooler. Particular attention should be paid to transporting those crayfish that have caviar. For transportation use wooden boxes. In them, crayfish are laid on their backs in several rows. It is important that their number does not exceed 20 pieces per 1 decimeter.

Young growth.

Fry can be carried in large, thick plastic bags. The volume of water should be approximately 2/3 of the bag. There should not be too many fry. They quickly consume oxygen, so transfer them to the aquarium within 24 hours.

Breeding principles

In order to successfully breed crayfish, you need to know all the necessary information about their lifestyle.


Mostly crayfish feed on food of plant origin. Mostly plants that are located next to their pond become it. But in natural conditions they often eat carrion, insect larvae, and even small snails.

At home, animals receive all their nutrients from special food. You can also feed crayfish with soaked grains, boiled and grated vegetables (carrots, potatoes and cabbage). It will be a source of protein for them. raw fish and meat. Calculate the required amount of food based on the fact that its volume should be 2% of the animal’s body volume.


In the first year of life, molting occurs 6-8 times. In the second year, the number of moults is 4 or 5, and in the third only 3. Older individuals molt 1-2 times a year.

Shedding signifies the growth of an animal. It throws off the old shell, which becomes too small for it, and builds up a new one. At this time, the cancer is very vulnerable and can become prey for its relatives. For this reason, it is important to give all crayfish adequate nutrition and care for them properly.


Mating usually occurs in early autumn - in September or early October. The male fertilizes two females at once; if he comes across a third, he will eat her. This fact should be taken into account when purchasing crayfish. Follow the recommended proportion: 2 females to 1 male.

First, the eggs are located under the female's tail. Later it moves to the shell and attaches next to the paws. To develop the embryos, the female regularly washes the eggs with water, so filter it at least several times a week.

A female with eggs under her abdomen.

The larvae will emerge from the eggs after 2 months. Over the next 2 weeks, the female shelters them from all kinds of dangers until they grow up and become independent. On average, a female gives birth to approximately 12-15 crustaceans at one time. More than 20 is extremely rare. At home, you can get up to 60 crayfish from one female in a year.

Young animals are very sensitive to the quality of water and, in particular, to how much oxygen it contains. If in natural reservoirs filtration and gas exchange occur independently, then in home aquarium additional aeration is required.

After the larvae hatch, crayfish need more food than before. Be sure to diversify their diet with mixed feed or zooplankton. It will ensure accelerated growth and development of the larvae.

Growing crayfish in artificial conditions allows you to speed up the process of their reproduction. To do this, you need to prevent them from hibernating. Organize intensive renewal and saturation of the liquid with oxygen through the use of special equipment. Also increase the density of crayfish to 350 individuals per 1 square meter. m. Give them enough food so that they quickly gain weight and grow.

Possible diseases

In addition to diseases, temperature changes, improper or excessive nutrition and dirty water may be to blame for the massive decline in crayfish populations.

Basics of business planning

To turn crayfish breeding from a simple hobby into a business, you will need a large room and 2 swimming pools, each with an area of ​​at least 25 square meters. m.

About 200 crayfish should be stocked in such a space. Their total weight will be 30 kg. In a year and a half, each individual will grow and double its weight. In addition, they will have offspring, which you will transfer to the second pool.

Study the market for your products in advance.

If you plan to sell meat, agree in advance with cafes, restaurants and shops about its supply. It is believed that such a business will begin to generate large profits only after 5-6 years of its existence. But given the small capital investments and time costs, such a duration of the project cannot be considered as a serious drawback.

Pros and cons of home crayfish breeding

Definite advantages home breeding crayfish are:

  • quick results;
  • suitable basement conditions;
  • ease of care.

The only one real minus is the limited space due to the rather small area of ​​the aquariums. It is not possible to organize industrial production in an ordinary basement. But your family and friends will always have environmentally friendly and tasty meat.

Thus, from a technical point of view, breeding crayfish at home is not difficult. If you do everything right, the first generation of crayfish will have healthy offspring. In about a year, their cultivation will begin to generate real income.

Crayfish farming as a business - a great opportunity not only engage in interesting and productive work, but also raise the bar for your own income. Business has long been popularized in Western countries and in some Eastern cultures, and now is the time to begin its development in the vastness of our homeland. This activity is especially promising for home production. It turns out that while staying at home, you can create a business and build it comfortably, subsequently reaping a good income. Let's look at the subtleties and basic aspects of the process of producing crayfish for sale, and highlight key questions and answers to them.

Crayfish farming as a business. Pros and cons of developing this type of entrepreneurship

The process itself involves several key stages, each of which is of particular value to the overall cause. Before making final conclusions and judgments, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity.

The advantages include the following positions.

  1. No major costs. Yes, you will have to incur certain expenses, but they will arise only at the start of your activity.
  2. Optimal prospects. You can develop without boundaries and constantly expand your possessions. By increasing the scale of your business, you will correspondingly increase your level of income.
  3. Lack of resources. Human labor in large quantities is not required here. Again, the most important thing is to start this business, that is, to create a “foundation”.
  4. Free niches. Due to the specifics of the niche, there is practically no competition in this market, especially when compared with European countries.

Commercial appearance of crayfish during breeding

It is also worth paying attention to the possible pitfalls that accompany this type of activity.

  1. Long payback period. This applies to the case if a natural reproduction path is chosen within the natural habitat of individuals.
  2. Reduced growth of fingerlings. This is due to the fact that in winter time crayfish go into hibernation.
  3. Seasonality of business. It is quite logical that these creatures actively reproduce only in the warm season.

Thus, breeding crayfish at home for sale is an activity that requires a special approach.

Choosing a method for breeding crustaceans

Selecting the optimal breeding option is a fundamental point in organizing a business. It is necessary to consider several areas and select the optimal method, depending on the costs involved and their relationship with profit.

Currently, in practice there are 4 methods of breeding.

  1. Factory option. For this, special aquarium containers are used, and the process takes place within indoors. The method is called closed and involves providing conditions in which growth and reproduction can be carried out continuously. But at the stage of starting a business, you will have to incur considerable costs to purchase a container for breeding crayfish and equipment.
  2. Breeding in a natural pond. This method is the least expensive compared to the previous direction, however, it is simpler. The crayfish will have access to normal food, but the owner may experience extra hassle providing water with optimal composition. Moreover, you will need to clean the bottom regularly. There may be a lack of oxygen in the deep layers of a natural reservoir, which will make such an enterprise unprofitable. Equipment for breeding crayfish also requires special conditions, so there are more rules for its selection.
  3. Home method. To implement it, a pit or basement is used as a reservoir. This is a definite compromise between the variations described earlier. Its use allows the user to monitor water quality parameters, monitor circulation and optimize the conditions in which animals are kept. In this case, the breeder is given the opportunity to carefully monitor the population. But installation of equipment and specials. systems will require certain costs.
  4. Breeding in an aquarium. The optimal volume of the reservoir is considered to be 250 liters. It must be equipped with additional systems for cleaning activities and intake required quantity oxygen. This option will allow for a constant reproduction process, which will increase the yield of the finished “goods” significantly.

Aquarium breeding of crayfish at home

Creating a farm on your own plot

A cancer business can be opened without the need to rent a special premises. This is done at home and makes it possible to exercise control at all stages.

Reservoir equipment

First, you need to create a pit with a depth of no more than 2 m, and the area should not exceed 60 square meters. m. Such ponds are supposed to be 3-4 in number, based on the scale of the business that you intend to create. The bottom is laid out with stones, river sand, clay material. Vegetation can be planted nearby, which will give your business location a natural and aesthetic appearance. The optimal water temperature is from 18 to 20 degrees, these conditions are ideal. If they are worse, there is a possibility of hibernation and, as a result, a suspension of reproduction.

On next stage A drainage system is made through a pipe. A fine mesh is placed on the pipe, which will prevent animals from leaving the pond. This will be the basis of the entire structure. Then water can be poured into it, and the crayfish can be launched after 10-15 days, when optimal microflora has been created in the reservoir. When considering the question of how to breed crayfish, it is worth noting that the water is renewed once every three weeks, while this event produced only with a third of the total volume in order to preserve the environment.

Full-fledged organization of a farm involves the purchase of a certain set of equipment:

  • aerators in the amount of 2 pieces in order to prevent stagnation of water and the negative effects of toxic waste;
  • device for providing creatures required quantity oxygen;
  • a device used to measure oxygen concentration within a cancer environment;
  • salt meter, which allows you to evaluate and analyze the composition and content of salt elements;
  • a device designed to check how well the cleaning elements work.

The crayfish farm, one might say, is equipped, all that remains is to acquire its inhabitants and place them in it.

Crayfish breeding equipment option

Purchasing young specimens

Purchasing cancer creatures can be done directly from suppliers. Traditionally, female and male individuals are purchased in equal quantities. Remember that during the season the female can lay up to a hundred eggs, but can only hatch half. It turns out that after the season the number of individuals in your home reservoir will increase tenfold. It is possible to obtain a herd capable of self-reproduction after only a 5-year period. The average time it takes for an individual to fully mature is about 2 years. During this period, the creature reaches a mass of up to 200 g and grows in length up to 12 cm.

Feeding the herd

Growing crayfish at home for beginners means ensuring their rational feeding. Despite their omnivorous nature, it is important to provide regular feeding. The beauty and essence of the cancer business lies in the unpretentiousness of animals to conditions, including food.

Sales of goods to customers

The breeder should take care in advance to form wholesale distribution channels. Think about who might be interested in this product. These could be cafes, snack bars, restaurants. Regularity and stability play an important role in business; only these factors will contribute to the systematic generation of income. Particular emphasis should be placed on places where alcohol is consumed - saunas, baths. You can also create an agreement with individuals through word of mouth - this is the strategy that is most effective for a crayfish farm in Russia.

Example of packing crayfish for sale

You can achieve a stable list of clients within a year. To obtain information about the degree of popularity of these products within your region, just make calls to these establishments. There are several forms in which crayfish can be sold. These are living creatures, frozen and boiled. When running this business, it is important to ensure that you have a certificate from veterinarians. To obtain it, you will need to take responsibility for obtaining various permits.

The product must be packaged and labeled accordingly. Most often, product items are packaged in plastic containers solid type, in which brine is present. There is a possibility of packaging in stretch film. When planning to breed crayfish in an aquarium, remember that your direct competitors will be countries such as Kazakhstan and Armenia, because they are the ones who supply throughout the country and do this all year round. Therefore, you will have to be aware of the price list of competitors to determine the optimal cost.

Definition of the financial part

Basic expenses

Considering the profitable side of this issue, it is worth noting that artificial breeding of crayfish is taken into account. For the starting process you will need the following amounts:

  • equipment of 3 aquariums – 30,000 rubles;
  • purchase of 600 individuals for resettlement - 20,000 rubles.

So, the amount of start-up costs for starting a business will be 50,000 Russian rubles. The advantage is that there are virtually no monthly maintenance costs. At least they are so small that they are not significant.

Example of an aquarium for breeding crayfish

Revenue side

The purchase price is from 200 rubles. For 1 kg, the average weight of crayfish is 200 grams. Of the 600 purchased individuals, about 16,000 units can be produced, which will pull 3,200 kg. If the product is sold in full, it will give from 760 tr. in season 1. When calculating monthly income, it is worth noting that this value will be equal to 126 thousand rubles. If we consider that the monthly expense is 100 dollars (6,000 rubles), then the net profit is 120,000 rubles.

Project payback

To do this, the entire starting capital is divided by the net profit that can be received from sales:

50,000 / 120,000 = 0.42 months.

It is necessary to add several months to them, during which the reproduction process will take place.

In the video of breeding crayfish at home, you can learn all the details of this process.

Breeding crayfish at home as a business requires taking into account many points. The main requirement is to provide a comfortable environment so that animals can develop and feel good without problems.

This kind of business idea does not require high costs and can bring a stable income for six months - from May to October. The seasonal nature of this income is perhaps the only drawback of such a business. Before starting this business, it is necessary to determine the demand in the market - whether it exists in principle, and if it exists, then how great it is. Of course, you can breed crayfish only for your own consumption, but it is much more pleasant to not only enjoy the final product, but also receive stable income for a long time.

What is the demand in the market?

To start with crayfish farming as a business, it is advisable to call restaurants and supermarkets with an offer to sell crayfish through constant deliveries from your farm. Large supermarkets in the country have fish departments that sell not only fish, but also crayfish. However, many wholesale hypermarkets (where, by the way, restaurants and cafes buy their products) do not have such goods. Therefore, it’s up to you - by calling all major sales points, you will probably find clients. And this is a sure signal that the crayfish farming business plan for this method of trading will pay off in the future.

Another way to create a customer base is to simply sell the product through 2-3 acquaintances or friends. They, in turn, will tell their friends. In other words, word of mouth will start working. But in order to ensure a constant influx of customers, you must adhere to several basic conditions: high quality goods, prices lower than in supermarkets and other sellers, and, as an option, improved service - home delivery of crayfish. Thus, in one season you can form a permanent customer base.

Choosing the type of crayfish farm

Everything has been decided with the client base, the most important part of the business plan remains - the direct organization of a cancer farm at home. Artificial breeding of crayfish is divided into two types, depending on the form of farming: crayfish breeding in ponds and factory type of breeding. The first type is considered the most profitable, since the process is labor-intensive and large-scale capital investments are required for running a business on an industrial scale.

Lake and river crayfish are bred at home. Breeding crayfish as a business in our climate is considered impractical, since most of the year temperatures prevail that are low for reproduction. The exception is southern regions countries. It is very difficult to raise crayfish to a marketable state - they quickly hibernate at low water temperatures below 17 degrees and their development stops indefinitely. Therefore, the most optimal and best technology for breeding crayfish for our latitudes involves the creation of artificial reservoirs closed type. Therefore, we need to breed lake crayfish, because we need to get a finished product in an extremely short time.

Technology for constructing breeding ponds

The ideal option is a body of water (or preferably several bodies of water) within your land plot. Breeding crayfish at home is beneficial due to the close location of reservoirs, you can always control the entire breeding process. In addition, this will significantly secure your business - there will be no danger that someone will want to collect your entire source of income.

So, several reservoirs have been dug on your site. Their depth can be 1-3 meters (in some cases it can be 6 meters), the area of ​​one artificial pond is from 30 to 60 square meters. The bottom should be rocky and covered with sand, and the banks should be clay (so that crayfish can dig holes in them). Running water, as noted above, is not necessary for breeding crayfish. The main thing is to have a water source nearby so that you can fill the reservoirs with water and change it periodically.

Also required drainage pipes, which will perform the function of drainage and pipes through which water will flow into the ponds. The drain should be covered with a wooden net. Metal grid is harmful to crayfish, and they can easily eat an ordinary fishing net. When all the drains are ready, you can start filling the reservoir with water and adding crayfish there. It is necessary to update the water once every 2-3 weeks, replacing no more than 30% of the water, so as not to disturb the established microclimate.

Home breeding of crayfish is also possible in aquariums, and this is one of the most profitable ways. Firstly, it is a much more convenient catch, secondly, it constantly maintains the optimal temperature, and thirdly, there is no need to constantly replace the water, it is enough to install cleaning filters. In addition, crayfish molt in an aquarium more often - up to 3 times a year, while in reservoirs they molt once. Molting is direct evidence of the growth of crayfish (the shell becomes tighter), which means the product will be ready for sale faster.

The only drawback of aquariums is the limited space available. It is not possible to install more aquariums than the room allows. In addition, costs for electricity and space heating increase. But at the same time the volume of production also increases. But if you already have customers who are willing to constantly buy crayfish, you don’t have to worry about profitability. The cost of the crayfish will be worth the money spent.

You have a customer base, you know what kind of crayfish to breed, where to grow them and in what conditions. The only thing left to do is decide where to buy crayfish for breeding and how to properly keep them? If you live near a river or any other body of water in which these invertebrates are found, you can catch them yourself using special fishing rods, nets (a cylindrical net) or nets. Trapping can take place from mid-summer to the end of November. In dark waters the best catch will be in the evening, in clear waters - at dusk. It is also advisable to catch crayfish in rainy weather and a warm night.

If this is a rather complicated and time-consuming process for you, there is another option. Selling crayfish for breeding is one of the ways to earn money for local residents who live near reservoirs and fish. Usually a kilogram of crayfish costs 100 rubles, so you can buy a large number of. It is best to buy fingerlings - crayfish that appeared in this year, it is from them that you can make a good profit in the future.

  • Regularly monitor the renewal of water so that it does not stagnate;
  • Maintain the optimal temperature for adequate nutrition of adult crayfish - it is 17-21 degrees, for larvae - several degrees higher;
  • Crayfish, like all other representatives of the animal world, can get sick. Industrial crayfish farming involves maintaining optimal conditions, and this is different in each country. But everywhere the requirements are the same: standard hydrochemical and temperature conditions;
  • You can feed crayfish with larvae, insects, fish, crustaceans, and worms. But before directly catching them for sale, it is necessary to put them on a special “diet”: feed them only with nettles, potatoes and other vegetation. It is not recommended to give fresh fish, since crayfish will get into fights while eating, losing claws and legs, and, as a result, their presentation. These are the basic conditions for breeding crayfish.

Costs, quantity of initial goods and liquidity

Of great importance is the acquisition of females with live eggs on pleopods (legs under the tail) and their transportation to crayfish farms. In order to grow a ton of crayfish, it is necessary to purchase about 450-600 fertilized females, which are caught from their natural habitat. With an average female weight of about 160 grams, the result is about 80,000 grams of live weight, which is 80 kg. crayfish that need to be purchased for breeding.

Thus, we can calculate the profitability of crayfish breeding: 80 kilograms of crayfish at a purchase price of 100 rubles will cost 8,000 rubles. Let's add to this the single costs of organizing and creating artificial reservoirs - about 180,000 rubles. It turns out 188 thousand rubles starting capital to run such a business. Now you can calculate how much profit these funds will bring. At the same time, we take into account that you have drawn up a sales plan and the client base is already ready.

Suppose that in one season, 500 female crayfish give rise to 13,000 live offspring (at optimal conditions). The market value of 1 kilogram of crayfish is about 200-250 rubles. Adult crayfish weigh up to 300 grams, which in total will be about 3.5-3.9 tons of ready-to-sell goods. In total, provided that the crayfish are fully marketed and sold at wholesale cost, 500-700 thousand rubles of income are obtained, of which 312-512 thousand rubles are net profit for the season. As you can see, this way of doing business, such as breeding crayfish at home, is a cost-effective way to make a profit.

These conclusions were given after conducting experiments on breeding and growing crayfish by one of the domestic scientists. It is quite possible that they will be useful to you in the future:

After 1,400 fertilized females had given birth, the young crayfish were removed from the cages from the females. Instead, 600 males were placed there, and despite the fact that fertilization took place on time - in early November, this did not give any positive results. From this it was concluded that old females cannot be kept in the pool for more than 3-4 months.

It is also impossible to keep old females for the reason that during breeding it was noticed that they eat their own cubs. This means that after the females lay eggs, it is necessary to move them to another pool, and leave the eggs separately for a year - until the crayfish appear and acquire hard shells.

Crayfish are very sensitive to changes in external conditions, so immediately after being caught from their natural habitats and moved into a body of water, they can crawl out of the water. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the crayfish in a basket for several weeks and feed them there. After this, you can safely release the crayfish into the reservoir - they will no longer climb to the surface.

It is advisable to carry out transportation in containers covered on the inside with smooth straw or moss. Before releasing them into the pond, first water the crayfish with warm water from a watering can.

If you like this type of business, you can additionally watch videos and educational materials about crayfish breeding, which clearly describe and explain each stage. It is worth noting that the process of breeding and growing is quite interesting, and with due effort it can develop from an ordinary hobby into a source of permanent income.

The article is a unique material based on the author’s method of intensive cultivation of crayfish in conditions middle zone and northern Russia. This extensive business manual includes a complete list of equipment, detailed plan organization of a crayfish farm, a list of permits, an intensive method of crayfish breeding, as well as information on investment and expected profit.

  1. The first is creation of artificial reservoirs, with a total area of ​​920 m². One part of the ponds (320 m²) will be completely covered, with water that does not freeze all year round, the other part of the ponds (600 m²) will be open, for growing crayfish in natural conditions.
  2. The second is mastering the intensive method of growing crayfish, which includes: species selection and breeding, feed composition and feeding, monitoring of aquatic environment parameters and farm maintenance.
  3. The third is creation of a distribution network, which includes all kinds of sales channels, proper catching and transportation of live crayfish.

As a result, taking as a basis the information presented below on growing crayfish, the owner of the farm receives up to 30 centners of finished products per year, with an average cost of 500 rubles. for 1 kg.

What is the essence of the intensive method of growing crayfish and the relevance of the business idea?

According to the latest research on the market of crustaceans and mollusks in Russia from 2012, the main suppliers of this beloved delicacy are Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Altai and Krasnodar region. Moreover, the share of imported crayfish from Altai and Kuban is very small, since crustaceans are harvested naturally, and the quality of the supplied batches is low.

And it would seem that the situation is completely favorable for growing crayfish industrially, where the total volume of production can be maximized and sold at the most favorable prices. For example, as they do in the state of Louisiana (USA) 2000 farms, receiving up to 50 thousand tons of crayfish per year and earning about 100 million dollars from it. Or partially in Ukraine, where the number of crayfish grown in artificial reservoirs is close to 10 tons.

However, the problem lies in biological features breeding crayfish, which in natural conditions grow for a very long time, gaining marketable weight by 4-5 years of life. That is, in central Russia and northern Russia they do not grow at all for 5-7 months and partially hibernate. Moreover, industrial equipment, which is used in Europe and the USA to obtain marketable crayfish in a short period of time, is ineffective in Russia, since huge amounts of money will have to be spent to heat the crayfish breeding hangars.

Therefore, to the question: "What to do?" we get a simple and effective solution: use a method based on growing crayfish in indoor ponds and reservoirs, which gives the entrepreneur a number of advantages:

  • Obtaining the first batch of commercial crayfish in just 1.5 years, where each individual individual can reach a weight of 300 grams, with a wholesale cost of 500 rubles. for 1 kg!
  • The sales problem has been completely resolved, since this type of product is in constant and increased demand among bars, restaurants and similar establishments, including high demand in retail trade.
  • Lack of competition and the ability to influence pricing in the local market through the supply of truly high-quality products.

Organizational and legal forms of management

Registration of an individual as is mandatory conditions to create a crawfish farm. For crayfish farming as a type of business, the status of owner of a private household plot will not be suitable here, since in the future you will have to issue a certificate of conformity for this product. And receiving this document within the framework of an individual entrepreneur greatly simplifies this task.

OKVED and tax form

According to the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED), crayfish farming in artificial ponds falls under economic activity with the following wording: “Reproduction of fish and aquatic biological resources by agricultural producers”, with code number: 02/05/01. Accordingly, an entrepreneur engaged in a similar type of business is automatically classified as an agricultural producer, and can choose (Unified Agricultural Tax) as a form of taxation.

List of documents for opening a crab farming farm

In order to open a crab-breeding farm on your plot of land, you do not need to obtain any licenses or go through a whole series of approvals from various authorities. For this purpose, it is enough to meet a few simple conditions, which we will consider in more detail.

Regulations regulating the work of a crayfish farm:

    So, based on paragraph 1 of Article 40 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of a land plot has the full right to build a pond, as well as use it for his own purposes, subject to compliance with urban planning, environmental and sanitary norms and rules.

    And here the phrase “owner of the land plot” is of key importance. That is, the future owner of the farm must own this plot of land, and not use it on a leasehold basis. Otherwise, to build a reservoir, you will have to go through a long process of obtaining various permits from various authorities.

    Based on paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, a pond or other flooded body of water located on the territory of the owner’s land plot is his full property.

    The main thing is that the pond or ponds are not connected to natural water bodies, which, in accordance with the same Water Code of the Russian Federation, belong to federal property.

    In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 10 of the Federal Law “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources”, any aquatic biological resources living in such a pond are the property of its owner.

    It is worth adding to this that, according to federal law“About the subsoil”, the depth of the pond should be no more than 5 m. Therefore, this point should be taken into account when constructing reservoirs.

List of documents for the sale of live crayfish

In the future, for the sale of live crayfish to both legal and individuals(shops, etc.), you will need 4 types of documents:

  • Sanitary passport for vehicles used for transporting crayfish.
  • Veterinary certificate form No. 2.
  • Declaration of Conformity.
  • Mandatory certification according to GOST R 50380-2005.

The first two documents, a sanitary passport and a veterinary certificate, are obtained at the local veterinary station. The procedure for obtaining documents and their validity periods must be clarified on site. As for the declaration of conformity and product certification, they are issued by accredited bodies, for example, the local branch of Rosselkhoznadzor or commercial organizations.

Organization of a crab farm

Land plot

From the above, it becomes clear that to build a crab farming farm, you need a plot of land that is owned. The plot for the farm itself must meet certain requirements:

  • Land area - from 2000 m² (20 acres).
  • Availability of convenient access for heavy equipment (excavator).
  • Maximum smooth surface.
  • The plot of land should not fall into a flood zone.

Layout of ponds on the farm

To understand how to properly use a plot of land for a crab farming farm and according to what scheme to locate the ponds, it is necessary to consider this point using a separate example.

Let's say there is a plot of land 25 m wide and 100 m long, i.e. 25 acres. On one side of the plot, for example, on the left, covered ponds will be built in the amount of 10 pieces. measuring 4x8m, located in length from east to west, with a distance between them of 3m. On the other side of the site, already open ponds will be built, also in the amount of 10 pieces, located from east to west, measuring 6x10m, with a distance between them of 3m.

A natural question arises: “What is the purpose of indoor and outdoor ponds?”

These are the indoor ponds designed for growing crayfish using the intensive method. Due to special equipment and polycarbonate coating, the water in such reservoirs will not freeze even in the most very coldy. Accordingly, crayfish will not go into suspended animation, will constantly feed, molt every 2 months and gain weight very quickly.

Two of the ten indoor ponds are intended for permanent housing of adult females and males. Two more ponds will serve as incubators of sorts, while the remaining indoor ponds will be used to raise fingerlings.

But 10 larger open ponds will be used for growing crayfish in natural conditions.

- What is it for?

  • Firstly, covering all 20 ponds with polycarbonate is very expensive.
  • Secondly, the presence of open reservoirs allows for more rational use of a plot of land.
  • Thirdly, these open ponds will give the entrepreneur the opportunity to obtain a rich assortment of products. That is, crayfish different sizes and weight corresponding to the cost.

Well, in the future, as production develops, all ponds can be transferred to indoor mode and completely switch to intensive crayfish breeding methods.

Pond requirements

The pond must meet the following requirements:

  • The shape of the pond is strictly rectangular.
  • The side walls of the pond are smooth and at an angle of 90° to the bottom.
  • The bottom of the pond is flat, with a given bearing capacity.
  • The depth of the pond is at least 2 m.
  • Pond lining is polypropylene sheets with a thickness of 8mm.

— Why is it better to use polypropylene sheets for lining a pond?

For example, if the pond pit is lined using classical methods, i.e. Using reinforced concrete or wood, the likelihood of water pollution increases sharply. This applies especially to reinforced concrete structures, which tend to react chemically with water. Wood is also not recommended for use as lining for pond walls. Firstly, it rots quickly, and secondly, the construction of walls made of wood and their subsequent replacement is too expensive.

After the pond frame is installed, a layer of large stones or broken stones is poured onto the bottom. ceramic bricks 20 cm thick. Cover the top with a layer of coarse sand 10 cm thick and then fill the pond clean water. This bottom layering will serve as a kind of shelter for the crayfish and at the same time become the basis for aquatic vegetation.

Equipment for crab farming

Equipped ponds are the basis of a crayfish breeding business, through which the production stage of the plan is implemented. It is known that freshwater crustaceans are very demanding on living conditions, especially on water quality. In this connection, the presence of ponds alone is not enough for successful breeding of crayfish and they must be equipped with appropriate equipment.

Pond cover

An ordinary polycarbonate-based greenhouse serves as a thermal insulation structure that will maintain the water temperature in the ponds within the specified parameters. And here you can use two options:

  • The first is to convert an ordinary greenhouse into one, where a huge solar collector can easily heat all the water in the pond. Such a greenhouse is perfect for breeding crayfish in the northern regions of Russia.
  • The second is to take advantage of them, which, due to their large dimensions, capture and transmit a lot of sunlight and heat.

Pond frame

As mentioned above, it is better to make the frame of the pond from polypropylene sheets. This material is absolutely neutral to aquatic environment, and with the help of polyfusion welding, polypropylene sheets are easily and quickly connected to each other, forming a durable, waterproof structure.


If you do not install an aerator of the specified power in the pond, it is also air compressor, then within a couple of months the pond water will stagnate, turn green, and no one except mosquito larvae and other insect life will survive in it.


An oxidizer is necessary to saturate pond water with oxygen. This device becomes especially important in the winter, when open ponds are covered with ice and crayfish may lack oxygen. The oxidizer is installed on the bottom of the pond in late autumn and, using a cassette with dry hydrogen peroxide, gradually enriches the under-ice water with oxygen.

Flow filter

To maintain high vital activity of crayfish, you need to install a filtration system. Over time, the bottom of the reservoir, like the water, becomes contaminated with food residues and waste products of crustaceans and other organisms, which release toxic substances into the water. And if such a system is not installed in advance, production volumes will drop sharply.

Measuring instruments

Since the quality of water, as well as its temperature, plays a decisive role in breeding crayfish, to control its parameters it is necessary to use the following devices:

  • Oximeter - measures the concentration of oxygen dissolved in water.
  • Salinity meter - determines the level of salts in water and similar substances, and also gives an assessment of the overall hardness of the water.
  • Conductometer - measures the electrical conductivity of water, on the basis of which the effectiveness of cleaning systems is checked.

Table 1. A complete list of equipment for a 1100 m² crawfish farm.


Name of equipment

Purpose of the equipment

Cost in rub. for 1 piece or 1m².

Required quantity in pcs. or sq. m.

Total cost in rub.

Construction of a pond frame

Enrichment of water with oxygen

Enrichment of subglacial water with oxygen

Water purification

Measuring oxygen in water

Determination of water hardness

Determining the level of water pollution

Total: 2 million 913 thousand rubles.

Note. This figure of 3 million rubles required for equipment should not be taken as a mandatory component of the initial investment. After all, the general infrastructure of the crayfish farming industry does not have a rigid relationship. Let’s say you can equip 2-3 indoor ponds and then, using the profit received, gradually develop the enterprise.

Breeding and feeding crayfish

— What type of crayfish is suitable for artificial breeding?

Long-fingered crayfish is best suited for breeding in artificial ponds.

This type of crustacean is ubiquitous in water bodies of central Russia. It is the least demanding of conditions and, with good care, quickly gains marketable weight. Cases have been recorded when captured record-breaking crayfish reached a length of 35 cm and weighed up to 700 grams!

But the problem is different: where can I get the required number of long-toed crayfish? It makes no sense to buy live crayfish from Kazakh or Altai suppliers, since the crayfish they import belong to different types, and their very condition upon arrival at the place of transportation leaves much to be desired. There are no specialized crab breeding farms in Russia. Therefore, there is only one way out - to independently catch viable and healthy individuals.

But how many crayfish need to be caught and at what time of year it is best to do this directly depends on the density of adult crayfish per 1 m² and the characteristics of their reproduction.

Stocking density of adult female and male crayfish

Table 2. Chemical indicators of water for keeping adult crayfish and juveniles.

If it is initially not possible to determine water indicators, then crayfish are placed at the bottom of the pond at the rate of 3 pcs/1 m².

Reproduction of crayfish

In its natural habitat, the Long-fingered crayfish mates in October-November, at a water temperature of 4-6 degrees, and only in late spring, when the water warms up to 15°C, do female crayfish begin to spawn. Based on this, we draw a simple conclusion: crayfish for breeding must be caught in August-September, before the mating period, and according to the scheme of the crayfish breeding farm, their number will be 384 pieces, where 256 pieces. there will be females and 128 pieces. males. That is for correct placement All caught crayfish will need 2 indoor reservoirs.

After the required number of crayfish has been caught, the most important process begins - reproduction. And here, thanks to the non-freezing pond water, females do not mate. late autumn, A in early spring, sometimes in the month of February. Accordingly, this process needs to be monitored and controlled.

- How to do it?

The first sign that the crayfish are ready to mate or have already begun to do so is the water temperature - 4-6°C. The second sign by which the fertilization of eggs is determined is the presence of a white hardened mass of spermatophores in the lower part of the female’s cephalothorax. When the number of such females increases during control catches, they are caught and transferred to a separate incubator pond, while monitoring all phases of spawning, egg maturation and stages of fry development.

In a more condensed form, the entire reproduction process looks like this:

  • The mating time for females is February-March.
  • Spawning occurs at a water temperature of 14-15 degrees Celsius.
  • Maturation of eggs from spawning to the eye stage takes 7-10 days at optimal temperature 21-24 degrees.
  • The first stage of fry after hatching is 1-7 days.
  • The second stage of fry after hatching is 5-8, then the first molt occurs, and the crustaceans begin active feeding.
  • The third stage of fry after hatching is 14-20 days. Juveniles are completely similar to adults and can feed independently and do without the care of their mother.

Advice. To quickly lower or raise the temperature of water in a reservoir, it is enough to increase or decrease its volume.

As a result, from the period of spawning to the receipt of viable juveniles, about a month passes. During this time, the female crayfish is capable of carrying 40-50 fry in her underbelly. After which the females are caught again and transferred to their old place. And the crustaceans, as they grow, are gradually distributed among free ponds in accordance with the planting norm.

Food and feeding of crayfish

Table 3. Feed recipes for the entire age category of crayfish in % ratio.

Note. Some expensive components, for example, fish, or can be completely replaced with fish or meat waste. But the percentage of meat and fish waste needs to be doubled in relation to their dry counterparts.

Feeding of crayfish is carried out in the morning or evening hours at the same time. The daily feed rate is 0.2% of the total wet weight of crayfish. For females during the spawning period, this rate increases by 0.7% and by the end of the month decreases to 0.3%. Aquatic flora and fauna, which include algae, river plankton, and insect larvae, play an important role in the diet of crayfish. Therefore, ponds need to be “populated” and “planted” with similar living creatures and plants in advance.

For more accurate calculations of feed supply rates, we present practical example.

So, we have an indoor pond with an area of ​​32 m², in which there are 192 yearlings of the year. (6pcs/m²). Their total weight will be about 30 kg (150g per individual). One percent of 30kg will be 0.3kg, and 0.2% of 0.3kg will be only 60g of feed. This is the meager daily norm for feeding feed. At the same time, a batch of live crayfish weighing 30 kg, according to the most conservative estimates, will cost 8-9 thousand rubles. And in a year, such a number of crayfish will eat no more than 25 kg of feed.

How to quickly establish sales channels for live crayfish?

Another advantage of the intensive method of crayfish breeding is manifested in the process of their implementation. The owner of such a farm does not need to rack his brains over how to sell huge, multi-ton batches of live crayfish, which large fishing companies are constantly faced with.

It is enough to find several restaurants, bars or just a group of people willing to purchase such a valuable food product in advance. And subsequently, at any convenient time of the year, be it summer or winter, catch the required batch of crayfish, for example, 100-150 kg, and register a vet for them. certificate form 2 and calmly distribute them to catering outlets, which are unlikely to refuse to diversify their menu with freshly cooked crayfish.

Feasibility studies for starting a business

Capital investments *

  • Costs for constructing ponds: RUB 300,000.
  • Equipment and components for ponds: 2,913,000 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of land: 60,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of feed: 100,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses: RUB 200,000.
  • Total: 3,573,000 rubles.

* Capital expenditures, in in this example conditional and are given for the reader’s understanding of the approximate order of investments required to open a crayfish breeding farm (note by Moneymaker Factory).

How much can you earn?

Revenue calculation:

  • Production of crayfish per year: 12 thousand 500 pieces.
  • The total weight of crayfish is 2500 kg.
  • average cost for 1 kg 500 rub.
  • Revenue for the year: 1,250,000 rubles.

Annual expenses:

  • Electricity: 9 thousand rubles.
  • Compound feed: 12 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses (transport, veterinary): 100 thousand rubles.
  • Total: 121,000 rubles.

Profit calculation = 1,250,000 rub. - 121,000 rub. = 1,129,000 rub. **

Return on investment: 2.5 -3 years

** Size of profitability of activities according to expert opinion the author of the article and is of a conditional nature, presented for the reader’s understanding of how profitability is calculated (note from the Moneymaker Factory).

Video with experience from the USA


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