Entertaining leisure time in a preparatory school group on traffic rules. Game: “What? Competition of experts “What? Where? When?" according to traffic rules in the senior group

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Extracurricular activity in grades 3-4: “Game “What, where, when?” according to the rules traffic»
extracurricular activity in 4th grade
Goals: to improve children's knowledge of traffic rules.
Equipment: playing field (of 6 sectors), a poster with a statement about the rules of the road, treble clef, gong.
Move extracurricular activity in 4th grade
What do you guys think we will talk about today?
Let's say in chorus the words that are written on the poster.
Know the traffic rules
Like a multiplication table
Indeed, our event today is dedicated to traffic rules. And it will take place in the form of a game “What, where, when?”
Today we will talk again about the rules of the road. You must not only know these rules, but also follow them so as not to become the culprits of a traffic accident.
You will act as experts. And they will play against you fairy-tale heroes: Znayka, Malvina, Cheburashka, Dunno, Pinocchio and Thumbelina.
There is one of the “Blitz” sectors on the playing field and when it falls out, then 1 player remains at the playing table. The rest will not take part in this round. They also have no right to give hints to the player. The remaining player answers three questions without preparation. During the game, you will be given 30 seconds to think about the question and choose the player who will answer. After the third question, the team takes a musical break, and together we sing the song “Smile.”
Main part.
Presentation of the game participants.
1 round. The gong sounds. Children roll a six-sided die to determine the sector number. And so on in every round.
Sector No. 1.
Znayka is playing against you.
Which side should you walk around the bus on when getting off it?
Sector No. 2.
Malvina is playing against you.
What road sign can you see on the road near the school?
Sector No. 3.
Cheburashka is playing against you.
How should you cross the road if there is no traffic light or pedestrian crossing?
Where should a pedestrian stand when crossing the street at a traffic light?
Is it possible to organize games on the roadway?
Sector No. 4.
Dunno is playing against you.
Where are children allowed to ride bicycles?
Sector No. 5.
Pinocchio is playing against you.
When can a pedestrian be at fault in a traffic accident?
Sector No. 6.
Thumbelina is playing against you.
Which side of the road must a pedestrian living in a rural area walk on?
III. Summing up the game.

Attached files

Intellectual game for older preschoolers “What? Where? When?” according to traffic rules “Everyone should know this”

Target: consolidating children's knowledge about traffic rules.
- develop personal safety skills and a sense of self-preservation.
- develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and prudence on the road;
- stimulate cognitive activity, promote the development of communication skills;
- develop coherent speech.
- teach children to anticipate a dangerous event, be able to avoid it if possible, and act if necessary. Leading:
A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases,
We're having fun this morning;
Today is a fun holiday here,
And the main guest on it is the game.
She is our friend, big and smart,
Will not let you get bored and discouraged,
Starts an argument, cheerful, noisy,
It will help to learn new things.
Today in the game “What? Where? When?" - “Everyone should know this” involves two teams: “Znayki” and “Pochemuchki”.
The captains represent their teams.

The top rotates and with its help, questions are selected that are on the table. A question is asked, one minute for discussion. Whoever has the answer ready raises his hand. If the team answers correctly, they receive a token.

Leading: So, the arrow rotates and question No. 4 appears. Attention - questions! (questions are read out).
1. What is the name of the part of the street along which pedestrians walk? (Sidewalk)
2. On what part of the street does traffic move? (roadway)
3. What is a traffic light? (Device for regulating the movement of cars and pedestrians)
4. What is the purpose of a red traffic light? (He prohibits movement)
5. At what traffic light can you cross the street? (On green)
6. Where can you cross? roadway? (On the pedestrian crossing)
7. Where do passengers wait for the bus? (At the bus stop)
8. Is it possible to lean out of the window of a car, bus, or trolleybus? (No)
Leading: the next task number 5 is the game “Find the sign”.
Each member of the “Knowledge” and “Pochemuchki” teams holds in their hands an image of a road sign, except for two representatives from each team. The presenter reads a poem about a road sign. After listening to the poem, representatives must find the right sign. The one who quickly and correctly finds the sign receives a token.

Leading: We rotate the arrow further, and question No. 7 “Identify the intruder” appears.
Team members must show pictures where traffic rules are violated. Whoever quickly and correctly found the necessary pictures receives a token.

Leading: The top rotates and shows task No. 3 - the “Way to Kindergarten” competition.
Teams are given drawings; participants need to be shown the sequence of the correct route to kindergarten. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Leading: And now the jury gives the floor to sum up the results of the game.
The teams scored the same number of points in intellectual game"What? Where? When?" and were awarded commemorative medals and books on traffic rules.

Leading: Well done boys! Traffic rules are very important to everyone. Everyone should know them. Don’t break them, and then we won’t have accidents on the roads, and you will grow up strong and healthy.

Thanks for playing!

TARGET: to form in preschoolers stable skills of safe behavior on the road.


Social and communicative development:

Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the operation of traffic lights, road signs and their meaning, bring children to an awareness of the need to follow traffic rules; systematize children’s knowledge about the structure of the street and traffic; develop free orientation within the area closest to the kindergarten; expand children’s understanding of the work of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate; cultivate a culture of behavior on the street.

Cognitive development:

  • Develop children's interest, curiosity and cognitive motivation; develop imagination and creativity;
    develop mental capacity and visual perception; develop attention, observation, logical thinking.

Physical development:

  • Improve coordination of movement, develop speed and reaction of movements; develop the ability to maintain correct posture in various types activities; consolidate the ability to maintain a given pace in walking and running; consolidate the skills of quickly changing lanes on the spot and while moving, align in columns, circles; develop psychophysical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility.

Speech development:

  • Enrich active lexicon; develop speech creativity; teach children to make inferences and conclusions based on personal experience, existing knowledge; develop free communication with adults and children; continue to practice children in matching words in a sentence.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

  • Develop dance movement skills, the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music;
    develop the ability to perform movements according to the lyrics of the song.

Integrated educational areas:“Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Technologies used: gaming, health-preserving, person-oriented, humane-personal, basics of life safety, ICT.

Preliminary work:

  1. Conversations with children about compliance with traffic rules: “Your helpers on the road”, “Rules of conduct in transport”, “Where to ride a bicycle”, “Who are the traffic police”;
  2. Examination of illustrations about compliance with traffic rules and various types of transport;
  3. Watching educational films and presentations on traffic rules with children;
  4. Excursions to the roadway, observation of transport, pedestrians,
    traffic light operation;
  5. Organization of classes on artistic creativity, drawing on
    topic: “Our assistants - road signs", "Good journey - the street where I live", "My first transport is a bicycle";
  6. Reading works of art: S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”, “Bad History”, O. Emelyanova “Poems about road signs”, Z. Berezina “There is a traffic light near the house”, V. Lebedev-Kumach “About smart little animals”, etc.;
  7. Outdoor games: “I am a traffic controller”, “Pick up a sign”, “Safe path”; "Colored Cars";
  8. Didactic games: (games on a road model), “How to behave on the roadway”, “Find out the road sign”, “Driver and passenger”, “Who can name the most cars”;
  9. Organization and participation in the all-Russian relay race “The Road is a Symbol of Life”.

Methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, demonstration, problem solving, discussion, modeling.

Materials: intersection layout, road signs, attributes for a sports relay race, presentation, musical accompaniment.

Leisure activities

The presenter meets the competition jury and guests in the hall. The screen saver “DDD” plays pleasant music.

Good afternoon, dear guests, members of the jury of the municipal stage of the review-competition “Green Light-2017”.

Attention to the screen!

Video " Bon voyage childhood" ( Girl Angelina passes the baton).

Leading: Dear Angelina, we are happy to accept from you the baton “The Road is a Symbol of Life” ( A chamomile appears in the hands).

I’ll go to the children and invite them to take part in the all-Russian relay race “The Road is a Symbol of Life” ( The presenter leaves).

There is a video on the screen, showing a video from the relay race recorded earlier.

The relay race is held near a kindergarten and is accompanied by traffic police and traffic police officers.

Children ask the question: “What can you offer for safety on city roads?” Adults write their answers on chamomile petals.

Leading: Dear colleagues, we are passing on the baton of the “Road-Symbol of Life” to you, continue the good work!

The ceremonial entrance-rearrangement of children and the Youth Traffic Police detachment to the music of “The Good Road of Childhood.” (Children stand in a semicircle in front of the audience, the presenter collects a bouquet of daisies)

Leading: Guys, I noticed that you know the traffic rules very well. And that’s why I invite you to take part in the educational and intellectual game “What? Where? When?".

On the screen is the splash screen of the game “What? Where? When?".

Do you agree to test your knowledge? ( Children's answer: Yes, we agree!)

Children read a poem.

A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases,
We're having fun this morning,
Spring gives us a ringing holiday,
And the main guest on it is the game.


She is our friend - big and smart,
Will not let you get bored and discouraged,
An argument starts, cheerful, noisy,
It will help to learn new things.

Music from the game “What? Where? When?"


Today is Monday, March 14, 2017, time is 15.30. And we are opening the spring series of games “What? Where? When?" on the topic: “Road Rules.” The experts are playing today preparatory groups. The team captain is inquisitive, active, positive - Ilya. Ilya, please introduce your team.

Artyom: friendly Yana. Yana, introduce your neighbor, etc.

  • friendly - Roma,
  • mobile – Sergey,
  • calm - Nikita,
  • friendly – ​​Vlada,
  • active – Matvey,
  • quiet - Masha,
  • responsive – Alina,
  • attentive - Semyon,
  • talkative - Makar.

Leading: The team has been introduced, please take your seats. Straighten your backs and place your legs straight. We begin!

The music “What, where, when” sounds, the children sit on chairs.

Leading: Dear experts, today employees, kindergarten students, parents and the Judicial Inspectorate are playing against you.

Our guests and members of the competition jury will watch you.

They sent their assignments and questions by email.

The solution to the problem is discussed by the whole team, and one of the players gives a complete answer to the question. If the answer is complete and correct, then the team receives a token. There are also musical breaks in our game intended for the team to relax.

So, we spin the top (the top is on the screen) and we have the first question from the head of the kindergarten, Irina Vladimirovna.

Attention to the screen! (question in the post)

Every morning all the boys and girls rush to the kindergarten. You all walk on different roads, for some it is longer, for others it is shorter. You are still small, so your parents bring you, but very soon you will go to school, and you will have to walk the streets on your own and be very attentive. There are a lot of cars moving along the roadway: cars and trucks, buses, pedestrians walking, and no one bothers anyone.

Attention, question! Why do you think?

(children's answers) Because there are clear and strict rules for drivers and pedestrians.

Leading: What are these rules called?

(children's answers) Traffic rules.

1st child:

Around the city, down the street
They don't just walk around like that.
When you don't know the rules
It's easy to get into trouble.

2nd child:

Be careful all the time
And remember in advance:
They have their own rules
Driver, pedestrian.

Leading:Well done! You receive the first token.

So, let's spin the top(top on the screen)and we have a second question.

Asked by Deputy Head of Security Lyudmila Nikolaevna.

Attention to the screen!(question in the post)

The law of roads is very kind: it protects us from terrible misfortune, protects life, but it is very harsh towards those who do not comply with it. Therefore, only constant compliance with the rules allows you to cross the roadway safely. Remember and name the basic rules of behavior on the street.

(Children’s answers: follow traffic rules, hold an adult’s hand when driving, don’t play around, cross the road at a pedestrian crossing and when the traffic light is green, use reflective elements, etc.)

You receive another token.

Leading: Well done experts!

Musical performance "Girlfriends"

A boy runs into the hall with a ball and plays on the road.

Leading: Young man, stop! Where are you from and what is your name?

Boy: My name is Alexey, I walk and play ball. Is there something wrong?

Leading: Of course not. Guys, can we play ball on the road?

Children: No!

Leading: Where can you play ball?

Children: You can only play ball on playgrounds and a football field.

Leading: Do we have such sites in our city? Where are they located? (Children's answers: At the sports complex, on the playgrounds)

(on the screen are photographs of the city's playgrounds: sports and recreational centers, local playgrounds)

Leading: Well done boys!

Alexey, do you even know the traffic rules?

Alexei: I? Why do I need this? Although, I heard something about road signs, but I don’t remember anymore.


Come on guys
We will go to visit the signs,
And pleasant acquaintance
Let's make friends with them.


He will tell the driver everything,
It will indicate the correct speed.
On the road, like a beacon,
Good friend - road sign.


All road signs
They're not complicated at all
Respect them my friend
Don't break the rules!

Leading: That's right, there are a lot of road signs, and not only the driver, but also every pedestrian should know them well! Therefore, the next task is called “Find out and name the road sign!”

Our experts know everything about road signs, join them and listen carefully! We will remind you! Attention to the screen!

Road signs appear on the screen and the children name them. Then we group the signs and call them one word.

  • Informational:
  • Prohibiting:
  • Warning:
  • Signs of special regulations:

Leading: Well done and you get another token.

Leading: Do you remember, Alexey? Knowing road signs is not a big deal; you need to be able to use them while moving along the road.

Problem situation “Put up road signs”

Leading: guys, you know a lot about traffic rules. Now I will check whether you know how to apply these rules in specific situations.

Leading: Please tell me what the road is made of?

Children: the road consists of a sidewalk, roadway, and shoulder.

Leading: What is the name of this section of the road? (the presenter points to the markings on the floor)

(Children: crossroads)

Please explain what a “crossroads” is?

Children: (A road is the intersection of two roads)

Leading: Fine! Guys, I want to warn you that this is the most dangerous section of the road, because in this place cars are moving from all four directions.

Do you think everything is right at this crossroads now?

Can we start moving here now, for example by car or on foot?

(children's answers: no, because there are no road signs at the intersection)

In order to correct this situation, you need to place all the road signs correctly.

(children place road signs to the music)

Leading: Well done! Now, you need to carefully look at the road and choose the right, safe path from kindergarten to school. Julia and Arina, choose and follow the safe path. (girls walk through a pedestrian crossing and when the traffic light is green).

Guys, why did the girls choose this particular path? (children's answers: because there is a pedestrian crossing and a traffic light for pedestrians, but on the other side there are no road signs)

Leading: Well done! You see, Alexey, how many interesting things our children know.

Attention to the screen! Musical pause!

Music sounds, the children start dancing and Alexey is with them.

Dance "Traffic Light" music by Jasmine.

Leading: Well danced, take your seats. Alexey, take a seat with our traffic rules experts.

Let's spin the top and we have the next question. Please tell me what traffic lights we know? (children's answers: for pedestrians and for vehicle drivers). Pay attention to the screen, tell me which traffic light is for pedestrians and which is for drivers? What is the name of the traffic light for drivers? (Children: pedestrian, and for transport - transport)

Well done! And you have one more token!

Leading: Attention to the screen (question from parents)

Video recording of parents.

At home you are just children for us -
Masha, Nastya, Roma, Petit.
It's on the road
Not a child, but a pedestrian.

Parent: I have a task for you. Show signs indicating pedestrian crossings and name their types.

Children. Above ground, above ground, underground.

Leading: Guys, which one is the safest? ( underground pedestrian crossing)

Leading: What poems do you know about pedestrian crossings?

1st child.

Will save you from trouble:
Both ground and above ground,
And, of course, underground.

2nd child.

Know, the underground passage -
The safest. Here!
Remember from a very young age,
Let all friends know
What is there where there is no transition,
You can't cross!

3rd child .

I'm an exemplary pedestrian
I know about the transition.
I won’t go anywhere,
To avoid getting into trouble.

Leading: Guys, where are there pedestrian crossings in our city?

Children: at the State House of Culture, at the sports and recreation complex, etc.

Leading: Well done! (photos of pedestrian crossings on the screen).

Children "enter the hall" to the song "Bus" junior group, dancing.

Toddlers: attention question!

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,
A beetle is running down the street.
And they burn in the beetle's eyes
Two shiny lights. (Automobile)

What a miracle this house is,
The windows are glowing all around,
Wears rubber shoes
And runs on gasoline? (Bus)

Leading: Well done! And you get another token.

Alexei: Or maybe I’ll play with the guys too, I know one game, it’s called “Bus”.

Relay game "Bus" ( Whose bus will transport passengers faster and correctly)


Take your seats!

The “Black Box” music plays, and a black box is brought into the JUID hall.

Attention, a question from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate: the “Black Box” contains an item without which a child cannot be on the road in dark time days?
(Children: reflective element)

Leading: Well done! And you get another token!

Leading: Connoisseurs, let's count your tokens. Oh, how you have a lot of them! You won!

Leading: Alexey, will you continue to play on the roadway?

Alexei: No, I will only play on the football field or the playground. I will pay attention to road signs and obey traffic rules.

Presenter: Well done! Look, guys, today the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate is visiting us, if you follow the traffic rules, they will be able to accept you into their squad.

Attention! YUIDD!

The YUID performs.

Leading: The floor is given to the head of MBDOU d/s No. 1 “Beryozka” and the traffic safety promotion inspector. (Give gifts)

Used Books.

  1. N.N. Avdeeva, O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkin. Child safety basics preschool age. – M.: Education, 2007.
  2. Internet resources.

Children senior group receive an invitation from the Wise Owl to the game What? Where? When?

“Guys, I've heard a lot of good things about you. I know that you carefully study and follow the traffic rules. I invite you to the game What? Where? When? In order to get to the game, I am sending you a map map.”

Educator. Guys, we accept the invitation of the Wise Owl.

Children. Yes.

Educator. What do we need to do?

Children. View the schematic map.

The teacher and the children study the diagram map. They determine the path they need to follow and name the road signs along the way.

Educator. Pay attention to the first sign. What does it mean?

Children. This sign indicates straight ahead.

Educator. Then let's go.

They reach the second sign.

Educator. What does this sign mean?

Children. Movement to the right.

The teacher and children turn right and move on. There is a third sign on the road indicating a pedestrian crossing.

Educator. What does this sign tell us?

Children. Pedestrians cross here. All cars must let them pass.

Educator. Fine. Look at the diagram map, determine in which direction we need to go.

Children. Now we will turn left and go straight.

Educator. Great. Look here for another sign to see what it means.

Children. It means that there is a telephone not far from here.

Educator. Fine. So we came to the appointed place.

Children enter the music room. It is designed for the game What? Where? When?

The children are greeted by the Wise Owl (Teacher).

Wise Owl. Come on in. Take a seat at the gaming table.

The children sit down at the table. There is a top and envelopes with assignments on the table.

Wise Owl. Well, young scholars, let's start the game. Today's game is dedicated to traffic rules. First, to warm up, I will ask riddles.

Day and night I'm burning
I give signals to everyone,
I have three colors.
What's my friends name?
(Traffic light)

Look what a strong man:
On the go with one hand
I'm used to stopping
Five ton truck.

Wise Owl. Well done. Now let's start the game. The team captain spins the top and determines the task.

The captain spins the top.

Wise Owl. 1 task. Envelope number 3. A traffic policeman is playing against you.

Dear Guys. There are many different road signs on the streets. Road signs are the best friends of drivers and pedestrians. Each sign has its own name and purpose. I am sending you road signs. Divide them into groups based on common characteristics (Signs: warnings, prohibitions and indicative).

Wise Owl. They completed the task quickly. Well done. So, task 2, envelope number 1. Let’s open the envelope, there’s an audio recording here. Let's put on the tape and listen to the task.

The voice of a traffic inspector. You guys probably recognized me. Yes, I am the captain of the traffic police Nikolaev V.N. We have been friends for a long time. We hold joint events. I would like to know how you mastered the rules of the road. I suggest this game “Finish the sentence”. So listen:

  1. Even though you have no patience
    Wait...( Red light)
  2. yellow light on a way -
    Get ready... (go).
  3. Green light ahead -
    Now... (go over).

I wish you good luck, young experts. Goodbye.

Wise Owl. We coped well with the second task. It’s clear that you guys are attentive and know the rules of the road. So the arrow shows us the treble clef. So there's a musical break.

Children perform the song “Merry Travelers” to the words of S. Mikhalkov

Wise Owl. You sang a cheerful, perky song. Now let's continue the game. Spin the top and find out the next task. So, task 3, envelope number 2, is played against you by the emergency doctor.

Hello young friends.

If suddenly you become very ill,
I caught a cold or broke my leg,
At the same moment dial on the phone
This ambulance number is... (03)

What other numbers emergency assistance You know?

(01 – fire service, 02 – police, 04 – gas service).

Also answer the questions: why is a siren with a flashing light installed in an ambulance and why “ ambulance” is called an “ambulance” (When a car rushes to help, having heard a siren and seen a flashing light, other cars clear its way. It is called an “ambulance” because it comes to the rescue first.)

In parting, I want to wish you:

Children, be careful on the street!
Remember these rules firmly!
Always remember these rules,
So that no trouble happens to you.

Wise Owl. What great guys you are. That you know all the emergency numbers. Every person, young and old, should know them. Spin the top, captain, and you and I will find out the next task. So, the arrow points to envelope No. 6. The senior kindergarten teacher is playing against you.

Guys, you know a lot of fairy tales, works, poems. I want to know if you can guess which work these lines are from:

1. Ay, ay! My bunny
Got hit by a tram!
My bunny, my boy,
Got hit by a tram
He ran along the path
And his legs were cut,
And now he's sick and lame,
My little bunny!

Children. Dr. Aibolit. (K. Chukovsky)

rolled under the gate,
I reached the turn.
There I got under a wheel,
It burst, popped - that's all!

Children. Ball (S. Marshak)

...I'll tell you a secret,
That I serve in the police
Because this service
I find it very important!
Who's with a baton and a pistol
On duty in winter and summer?
This is the same sentry.

Children. Uncle Styopa is a policeman. (S. Mikhalkov)

Wise Owl. A very interesting game. Indeed, you know a lot of works. Let's find out what task awaits you in envelope No. 5. Audio recording again. The bus driver is playing against you.

  1. Where does the driver sit?
    Children. In the cockpit.
  2. Can I talk to the driver while driving?
    Children. No, the driver is distracted.
  3. Can you lean out of the window?
    Children. You can't, it's dangerous. You may get injured.
  4. Is it possible to talk loudly on the bus?
    Children. No, it interferes with other passengers.
  5. Who are the front seats for?
    Children. For mothers with small children, for the elderly, for the disabled.
  6. What do you do when it comes old man and in the salon free seats No?
    Children. I give up my place.

Well, I hope you will be good passengers. Goodbye.

Wise Owl. I also hope that you will be exemplary passengers. Let's continue the game. What task awaits you in envelope number 2. The head of the kindergarten is playing against you.

Dear Guys. I know that you carefully study the traffic rules, and I hope that you strictly follow them. Therefore, I think it will not be difficult to solve the crossword puzzle I have proposed.

If the window... is lit,

  1. “Stop! Do not rush!" - He says. (Red)
  2. – Who drives cars, buses. (Driver)
  3. – Where to cross the road. (Transition)
  4. – Wonderful house – runner
    On my eight legs
    Day after day on the road,
    Runs along the alley
    Along two steel snakes. (Tram)
  5. – A place where people wait for transport. (Stop)
  6. – What hangs on poles to illuminate the road at night. (Flashlight)
  7. – What is the name of the part of the street where cars drive? (Road)
  8. – Which part of the street should pedestrians walk on? (Sidewalk)

Vertical - Lives with three eyes, blinks in turns. As soon as it blinks, it will restore order. (Traffic light)

Wise Owl. Our envelopes with assignments have now run out. You were able to give complete answers to all questions. It is seen. That you children are literate, well-educated. Thank you guys for most interesting game. To help you continue to develop, we are giving you the educational game “Learn the rules of the road.”

The children and the teacher go to the group.

test and consolidate knowledge of traffic rules on streets and roads;
rules for bicycle drivers;
use of public transport;
to develop a culture of behavior in students.

Equipment: road signs, traffic rules posters, traffic lights, blue, red, green squares, yellow flowers, mugs of red, yellow, green, tape recorder, cassette with recorded melodies, headphones for listening to music.

Presenter: “Dear guys, today we are holding a quiz on traffic rules “Lucky Chance”.

Every day more and more cars appear on our roads. High speeds and traffic volumes require drivers and pedestrians to be very careful.

Discipline, caution and compliance with traffic rules by drivers and pedestrians are the basis for safe movement on the street.

Hear a little about the history of traffic rules.

In Russia, the rules of the road for horseback riding were introduced by Peter I on January 3, 1683. The decree sounded like this: “The Great Sovereign, aware of the fact that many people learned to ride in sleighs on reins with large whips and when driving along the street carelessly beat people, then from now on you should not ride in sleighs on reins.”

The first traffic light was invented in 1868 in London. It was a gas lamp with two filters: green and red. Colors changed using manual drive, which was driven by a policeman.

The first traffic signal appeared in the USA in 1919.

“The Cyclists’ Song” sounds, then the call signs of the TV game “Lucky Chance”.

Presentation of the jury and teams.

Draw of lots.

From each team, 1 student comes out and reads a poem about traffic rules. Whoever wins the reading competition will start the game first.
Host: “We’re starting the first game of the Question and Answer quiz.”

On the board there is a playing field divided into squares, back side each square specific color, which denotes a field of knowledge. Traffic lights, road markings
Passenger Responsibilities
Rules for crossing streets and roads
Road signs

Team captains choose an area of ​​expertise, take a square and go to the team.

In the game, three questions are asked to each team. (5 points) Traffic signals, road markings

What pedestrian traffic lights do you know, what do they mean?
How is a pedestrian crossing marked on the carriageway of streets and roads?
What traffic lights do you know?
Where and how should pedestrians walk on the street?
In what places are pedestrians allowed to cross the street? Passenger Responsibilities

Where should you stand while waiting for a tram, trolleybus, or bus?
What rules of behavior in public transport do you know?
How should you cross the street when getting off a tram or bus?
What are the procedures for getting on and off the bus? Rules for crossing streets and roads

In what places can you cross the street?
How to properly cross a street or road?
Is it possible to run across the street or road?
Why are pedestrians not allowed to walk along the roadway?
How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? Road signs

What groups are road signs divided into?
Show a sign that prohibits pedestrian traffic.
Who should know road signs?
Show the sign “ Bike Lane”.
What informational signs do you know?

The jury sums up the results of the first game.

Leading. While the jury is summing up the results, we will play a game with the fans for attention - “Traffic Light”.

Red light - students stand quietly.

Yellow light - students clap their hands.

Green light - stomp their feet.
The second game is “You for me, I for you.”


Team captains ask each other questions. (3 points).

For example.
At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on the road?
Where can I play?
What should you do if the yellow traffic light comes on while you are in the middle of the street?
Game for teams “Cross the street”

The presenter holds 2 mugs in his hands:

The first is green on one side and yellow on the other;

The second is red on one side and yellow on the other.

Players stand 7-10 steps apart from each other along parallel lines (this is a street). The leader makes a wave with a green circle - the players take a step forward, red - a step back, yellow - stand still. The presenter alternates colors. Those who make a mistake are eliminated from the game. The team whose player crosses the “street” first wins. (2 points)
The third game is “Every man for himself”.

The melody of the game “Lucky Chance” sounds.

The presenter takes turns asking the players questions from the field of knowledge of the playing field. The squares are chosen by team captains.

The jury sums up the results of games 2 and 3.

Leading. While the jury is summing up the results, let's solve riddles with the fans. The answers should be spoken together in unison.

He will oblige us to go quietly,
Turning close will show
And it will remind you what and how,
You're on your way... (Road sign).
What is this zebra crossing on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open.
Waiting for the green light to flash
So this is... (Transition).
Standing from the edge of the street in a long boot
Three-eyed stuffed animal on one leg.
Where the cars move
Where the paths converge
Helps people cross the road. (Traffic light)
The house on rails is right here,
He will kill everyone in five minutes.
Sit down and don't yawn,
Drinks gasoline like milk
Can run far.
Carries goods and people
You are familiar with her, of course.
He wears shoes made of rubber, called... (Machine).
The fourth game is “Further, further, further.”

The melody of the game “Lucky Chance” sounds.

The presenter asks one team questions, the other team listens to music with headphones. (The questions are read quickly).
What is the “safety island” used for?
Which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk on?
Where should you walk on the street or road if there is no sidewalk?
What is the name of the intersection of roads?
Who is responsible for maintaining order on the roads?
At what age can you ride a bicycle on the street (road)?
What is a crossroads?
What is the purpose of the roadway?
Who is the sidewalk for?
What is the name of the part of the road located on both sides of the roadway and used to stop cars and pedestrians?
A device for the movement of cyclists?
What streets are called one-way streets?
What does a green traffic light mean?
Which direction should you look when you reach the middle of the street?
What is the landing pad used for?
Who does the pedestrian traffic light give commands to?
What does a red traffic light mean?
Where should students in grades 1-6 ride bicycles?
Is it possible to ride a bicycle without holding the handlebars?
How many wheels does it have? passenger car?
In what places is the sign “Caution, children!” installed?
Tram road?
Home for a car?
Trackless tram?
Where does a pedestrian look when crossing the street?
How many people can ride on one bike?
Passenger pick-up and drop-off location?
Why are vehicles equipped with traffic lights?
A pedestrian who violated traffic rules?

The jury sums up the results of the quiz.

All quiz participants sing the song “A chicken is walking down the street.”

The call signs of the game “Lucky Chance” are heard.

Giving the floor to the jury.

Team awards.

Leading. Reading of A. Severny’s poem “Three Wonderful Colors”:

To help you
The path is dangerous
We burn both day and night -
Green, yellow, red.
Our house is a traffic light,
We are three siblings
We've been shining for a long time
On the road to all the guys.
We are three wonderful colors
You see us often
But our advice
Sometimes you don't listen.
The strictest color is red.
If it's on fire, stop!
There is no further road,
The path is closed to everyone.
So that you can cross calmly,
Listen to our advice -
You will soon see the yellow color in the middle.
And behind him green color
Will flash ahead
He will say:
“There are no obstacles!” - boldly go on your way.
How can you do it without arguing?
Traffic lights,
You will get home and to school,
Of course, very soon.

Leading. The “Lucky Chance” quiz is over. I want to wish you all good health, and that you always, in any weather, in different time days, at all times of the year, they followed the rules of the road, and did not put their lives and those around them in danger. Thank you!


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