Abstract: New wage system in education. Characteristics of the new wage system in the field of education in Russia

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As you know, the school has undergone a transition to a sectoral wage system. The new procedure for remuneration of employees of educational organizations is aimed at achieving the following results: strengthening the motivation of employees to improve the quality of work and creating decent working conditions to retain and attract highly qualified personnel; increasing wage transparency; increasing the general level of remuneration for workers when compensatory allowances for working conditions are removed from the remuneration system; inclusion of all compensation payments in the base rate.

With the introduction of a new wage system, the main criteria for wages became the result and quality of the work performed, and length of service.

In new conditions wage workers consists of three parts:

  • 1. Salary according to qualification level professional qualification group;
  • 2. Compensatory payments;
  • 3. Incentive bonuses for the quality and results of work.

Today, periodicals present the first successful results of the implementation of NSOT in the regions. Thus, according to the source “Innovative Educational Network”, the regions in which teacher salaries have increased significantly include: Novosibirsk, Belgorod, Kaliningrad regions, the Republic of Mordovia, Chuvashia, Krasnodar Territory.

For Novosibirsk region The following characteristics of the implementation of NSTS are noted:

  • 1. The region’s expenses for financing the NSTS amount to 164.8% of the federal subsidy, the amount of which is 139.5 million rubles. At the same time, the regional budget for NSOT amounted to 230 million rubles;
  • 2. The average level of wages in the public sector as of June 1, 2008 was increased to 96.7% of the average wage in the economy in the region;

IN Republic of Mordovia the following results were achieved:

  • 1. Regional expenses for NSOT amount to 34.6% of the federal subsidy allocated in the amount of 114.1 million rubles;
  • 2. Implementation of the principle of differentiation of remuneration for employees of educational institutions:
  • 3.5% receive a salary of over 11 thousand rubles per month;
  • 53.6% - from 6,160 rubles to 10,900 rubles;
  • 42.9% - less than 6160 rubles, 67.4% of them work part-time.
  • 3. An action plan has been established to modernize the use of NSOT, namely, the shares of teachers whose salaries should be higher than the monthly average for the region have been established.

IN Kaliningrad region there is a coincidence of the average salary of teachers with the average wages on the economy of the region. And also, despite the worsening demographic situation, the teacher/student ratio (1 to 12) was successfully optimized.

IN Chuvash Republic The implementation of the new remuneration system made it possible to increase the salaries of highly qualified teaching staff. There is also a qualitative improvement in the teaching staff due to the attraction of young specialists.

Implementation of NSOT in Belgorod region made it possible to align the average salary of teachers with the average for the regional economy, exceeding the planned increase in wages by approximately 3 times.

Results of application of NSOT in Krasnodar region are presented in table 1.12:

Table 1.12. Results of the introduction of NSOT in the Krasnodar region

In general, positive results are noted in these regions:

  • 1. Establishing the dependence of a teacher’s salary on the quality and results of his work;
  • 2. Improving the quality of services provided educational services to the population;
  • 3. Increasing the efficiency of spending budget funds.

For teachers of municipal educational organizations, remuneration is, at the same time, the main source of income and payment for the results of work, so it should motivate them to high-quality execution their responsibilities. In the context of modernization of education, issues related to the organization of remuneration are a priority for teachers, employers and society as a whole. According to Article 129 of the Labor Code of Russia, remuneration is understood as a system of relations associated with ensuring that the employer establishes and makes payments to employees for their work in accordance with laws and other regulations. Exists a large number of different approaches to comparing remuneration systems. Let us dwell on the substantive and functional approaches.

Table No. 1 Content approach.

Comparison options

Remuneration system

Satisfaction with the remuneration system

An increase in wages only due to an increase in the weekly workload

The amount of a teacher’s salary depends on the quality of his work

Clarity and fairness of the remuneration system

A teacher cannot influence the formation of his own salary

All types of teacher activities are taken into account and can influence the formation of one’s own salary

Competitiveness of the institution

The remuneration system does not affect the competitiveness of the institution, since it is the same for all educational institutions

The remuneration system affects the competitiveness of the institution, as it depends on the results of the institution’s activities

Payroll fairness

The number of lessons taught is taken into account to a greater extent

Not only the lessons taught are taken into account, but also other activities, methodological, extracurricular, work with parents

The setting of salary does not depend on the manager; incentive payments depend on the commission for the distribution of these payments

Psychological climate in the organization

The remuneration system under the UTS does not affect the psychological climate in the organization

With NSOT it can have a positive and negative effect

From the point of view of this approach, the new remuneration system increases the competitiveness of the institution, since it allows taking into account individual characteristics employee, his quality there, other activities (methodological, extracurricular), which could not be taken into account in the UTS. The new remuneration system is aimed at effective management the institution's wage fund.

Table No. 2 Functional approach.

Comparison options

Remuneration system

Ease of administration

Simple enough

Difficult, since it is necessary to take into account the individual achievements of the employee

Transparency of the remuneration system

“Closed approach”, categories are established by the certification commission

“Open approach”, salary is set according to different coefficients

Degree of dependence on the manager when setting salaries

The establishment of the ETS category, allowances and additional payments depends on the manager

The establishment of salaries does not depend on the manager; incentive payments depend on the commission for the distribution of these payments, the Council of the institution, and the regulations on incentive payments

The degree of influence of the remuneration system on personnel policy

No dependency

Absolute dependence between the remuneration system and the personnel policy of the region

There are 3 models of the new remuneration system.

Model No. 1. "Base salary +"

A model based on a base salary and increasing coefficients allows, when calculating the constant part of the salary of school employees, to rely on the base salaries approved at the regional level (for employees occupying the same position, the base salary is the same). Depending on the characteristics of the teacher’s workload (number of teaching hours, volume of extracurricular activities performed, etc.), increasing factors are applied to the base salary. Various quantities students from different teachers when implementing this model, NSOT can also be taken into account when calculating salaries through a special coefficient.

Model No. 2. “All inclusive”

The model based on the teacher's salary for 36 working hours per week differs from the previous two in that all types of teacher activities are paid in terms of salary for 36 working hours per week. Within these 36 hours there may be both educational hours and non-instructional hours (for example, hours for checking notebooks or for holding parent-teacher meetings, etc.). The share of instructional and non-instructional hours of a particular teacher is determined employment contract between teacher and employer. The cost of an instructional and non-instructional hour of work for a teacher can be approved at the level of the school, municipality, or region as a whole.

Model No. 3. “Student hour”

A model based on the “student hour” allows, when calculating the constant part of teachers’ salaries, to take into account the difference in the number of teaching hours taught by teachers and the number of students with whom teachers work. Each school, within the scope of its wage fund, independently calculates the amount of a student hour (the cost of a teacher working with one student for one academic hour). For each teacher, the number of student-hours of workload is determined. Thus, the constant part of a teacher’s salary takes into account the intensity of his work.

Based on the above, we can conclude that NSOT allows you to build a personnel policy educational organization, improve the educational level of workers, attract highly qualified personnel to the industry.

The salaries of education workers have their own character traits, determined by the specifics of the industry and teaching work. In the field of education, the wage fund is formed in a special way: by redistributing national income through the state budget system and only partially at the expense of earnings earned by the institution itself Money. Thus, the wages of educators are part of the national income, which should go to them in accordance with the quantity and quality of their work.
In the sphere of scientific organization of wages in the education system, the greatest difficulty is the internal differentiation in wages of various categories of workers. This is due to the fact that the results of labor here are less tangible and much more difficult to accurately account for, and therefore can only be assessed indirectly, after a long time; In educational institutions, a time-based payment system has been adopted, taking into account the number of fixed hours of work, rather than the number of products produced.
Let us first consider the standards of educational work established for the official salaries of school teachers. Their salary rates are set: for 3 hours of teaching work per day (18 hours per week) for subject teachers of grades V-XI of schools and boarding schools of all types and types; teachers of labor education of grades II-III special schools for children and adolescents in need special conditions education; heads of clubs, teachers of additional education (including those operating in institutions on a self-sufficiency basis); for 20 hours of teaching work per week for primary school teachers in schools and boarding schools; speech therapists, speech pathologists of all grades of schools and boarding schools of all types and names; for 24 hours of the same work per week for speech-language pathologists in auditorium classrooms; accompanists, accompanists and cultural organizers; for 30 hours of relevant work per week for educators, senior educators of boarding schools and orphanages of all types and names, boarding schools, extended-day schools (groups), sanatorium-forest schools; for 36 hours of teaching work per week to educational psychologists, social educators, teacher-organizers, hostel teachers, vocational training masters, labor instructors, physical education managers, life safety teachers.
The remaining categories of secondary school employees are paid a salary of 40 hours per week.
Kindergarten teachers and methodologists are given a pay rate for 36 hours of teaching work per week. For educational work in excess established norm additional payment is provided in proportion to the received rate.
Issues related to the establishment of additional payments and bonuses of an incentive nature to employees of educational institutions, their amounts in accordance with Art. 32 laws Russian Federation“On education” fall within the competence of the educational institution itself.
It should be emphasized that work on class management, inspection written works, extracurricular work on the physical education of children, management of classrooms are not included in the job responsibilities of teachers and lecturers and cannot be assigned to them without additional pay. Failure to carry out such work by an educational institution will lead to a violation of the purposeful process of education and training, to the implementation of educational programs not in full, for which the educational institution is responsible in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Classification of additional payments for these types of work as stimulating, i.e., encouraging individual teachers to perform additional types works, is not a basis for their transfer to the category of optional and does not give the right to executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and bodies local government do not plan funds for these purposes. At the same time, the independence of budgets is ensured by the presence of their own sources of income and the right to determine the direction of their expenditure.
The formation of funds for additional payments and allowances by educational institutions is carried out in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 1992 No. 1037-R and the Decree of the President of Russia of May 13, 1992 No. 509, which retain their legal force.
Initially, in the wage fund for employees of educational institutions in 1992 (the year of adoption of the above regulatory legal acts), 1993 (the year of the massive transition of educational institutions to the Unified tariff schedule for remuneration of employees of public sector sectors), funds for additional payments (allowances) amounted to 20-25 % of the fixed capital, calculated from the rates (salaries) according to the UTS as socially significant and professionally necessary funds to ensure the implementation of educational programs in full. This ratio of the above-tariff part to the wage fund of employees of educational institutions for these purposes is taken into account when forming budgets at all levels and at the present time.
Letter from the Ministry of General and vocational education of the Russian Federation and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Workers of Public Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On the issues of rationing and remuneration of teaching staff for additional pay and the Industry Tariff Agreement” // Education in documents. 1998. No. 18. pp. 81-82.
The qualitative criterion for assessing labor and differentiating the wage rates of teaching staff is their qualifications. Its level is determined by education, work experience and assigned titles.
Low wages of teaching staff and a decrease in its ratio with the wages of less qualified workers undermine the prestige of education and detract from the authority of school teachers and other teachers, forms a negative attitude towards learning.
Therefore, streamlining the system of remuneration for educators is one of the important tasks of implementing economic reform. The discrepancy between the average salary in industry and in education indicates a gross violation of Art. 54 of the Law “On Education”, which states that the minimum wage rates and official salaries for teaching staff must be higher than the average wage in the Russian Federation. According to the law, the average rate and official salary of employees of educational institutions is set at the level: for teaching staff of universities - twice the level of the average salary of industrial workers; for teachers and other teaching staff - not lower than the average salary of industrial workers; for educational support and service personnel - not lower than the average salary of similar categories of workers in Russian industry.
Fundamental changes to the system of organizing wages for teaching staff were introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1992 No. 785 “On differentiation in the levels of remuneration of public sector employees based on the Unified Tariff Schedule.” The resolution introduced a common mechanism for education workers and all other budget sectors for organizing and periodically reviewing wages for almost 15 million people. This mechanism is based on the Unified Tariff Schedule (UTS) (Table 4.6).
The UTS includes 18 categories and tariff coefficients corresponding to each of them. Depending on the complexity of the work and qualifications, all public sector employees are assigned ranks based on certification results.
The monthly tariff rate (salary) of the first category has been established since 01/01/03 in accordance with Federal Law No. 128 in the amount of 600 rubles.

The rates (salaries) of employees of other categories of the unified tariff system are determined by multiplying the tariff rate (salary) of the first category by the tariff coefficient of a particular assigned category.
In the interests of the phased implementation of the Russian Federation Law “On Education,” the maximum permissible tariff for school teaching staff was introduced. Depending on the level of education, work experience and other qualification components, they are assigned from the 7th to the 14th category.
The transition to a new system of organizing wages in educational institutions and bodies was carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 11, 1992 “On the introduction of new conditions for remuneration of educational workers.” An important measure to implement the order was the extraordinary certification of employees of educational institutions and organizations to determine tariff categories of remuneration in accordance with the Unified Trading System. This certification was carried out on the basis of the requirements of approved qualification characteristics. The main criteria were and remain the level of education, teaching experience (work experience in the specialty), indicators of qualifications and professionalism, including those that previously served as the basis for the assignment of qualifications and honorary titles (categories), as well as the volume and complexity of work for management employees.
Pedagogical and managerial employees have the right to submit an application for assignment of any qualification category. The decision on the compliance of teaching and management employees with the declared category is made by: the highest category - the main (regional) certification commission; first category - district, city certification commission; the second category is the certification commission of the educational institution.

Heads of institutions are given higher pay grades: 10-16th, 2 grades higher than teachers. When determining the level of remuneration for managers, volume and quality indicators (qualification level) are taken into account.
Volumetric indicators include indicators that characterize the scale of management of an institution: the number of employees, the number of students (pupils), the presence of additional facilities, their complexity, shifts of work of the educational institution. In terms of volume indicators, 5 groups have been established for heads of educational institutions, each of which provides a range of three pay grades according to the UTS.
The official salaries of deputies are set 10-20% lower than the salary of the corresponding head of the educational institution.
In addition, in addition to the official salary, the school director, for example, receives an hourly payment for lessons taught.
The official salaries of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions are established for fulfilling a certain amount of the annual teaching load (550-720 hours or more, depending on the specific conditions of the university) and research work, taking into account the academic degree, title and professionalism.
During the first year of operation of the UTS, the monthly salary rates for university teachers were determined by analogy with school teachers. They were calculated by multiplying the tariff rate of the first category by the tariff coefficient corresponding to the category that was assigned to the teacher at an extraordinary certification.
The pay grades themselves were established depending on the position held, academic degree, work experience and the results of teaching, educational and research activities within the boundaries from the 11th to the 18th grade: for assistants (teachers) without a degree - 11th, with degree - 12th; senior teachers without a degree - 13th, with a degree - 14th; associate professors without a degree - 14th, with a degree - 15th; a professor without a doctorate - 16th and with a degree - 17th category, 18th category was assigned to university rectors.
In this case, teachers with academic degrees were almost not remunerated and the conditions were preserved for the level of salaries of professors and teachers to lag behind workers and specialists with less qualifications in industry and other sectors of the non-budgetary sphere.
An important step towards strengthening the differentiation of the salaries of university teachers, increasing their size and bringing them closer to the average level of salaries of workers and specialists in other industries was the introduction of monthly additional payments to official salaries for the academic degrees of Doctor of Science and Candidate of Science.
In accordance with Art. thirty Federal Law“On higher and postgraduate professional education”, the university, within the limits of the funds available to it for remuneration of workers, independently determines the form and system of remuneration, the amount of additional payments, allowances, bonuses and other measures financial incentives, as well as the amounts of official salaries (rates) of all categories of workers without establishing size limits official salaries (rates).
The purpose of establishing bonuses is to stimulate the work of employees, aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of activities and characterized by the individual contribution of a particular employee to the results of the work of an educational institution. Additional payments are established for execution additional responsibilities.
Let's consider the method of remuneration and cost of training for students in educational programs of higher professional education various groups specialties, tested in Vyatka state university.
The system of remuneration of teaching staff and educational and support staff of departments at a state university was not the object of attention of economists until the appearance of students studying with full reimbursement of costs by physical or legal entities. Let's call them “paid” students, in contrast to “free” students who study at the expense of the federal budget. When teaching paid students in the same stream with free students (both in separate and mixed groups), the traditional regular salary system of remuneration is ineffective. Even when combined with hourly wages, it does not take into account the obvious intensification of work in mixed study groups, increased in number by paying students. The system does not motivate the additional work of teachers and laboratory assistants, does not interest them in increasing the number of paying students, and therefore does not allow the head of the department to optimally organize the training of an increasing number of students with a constant staffing of the department.
Let's consider the following system of remuneration in departments engaged in teaching fee-paying students, free from these shortcomings and creating a regulatory framework for calculating the cost of training.
The extra-budgetary salary fund of departments is formed in proportion to the number of paid students and the standard labor costs for their training, regardless of whether paid students study in separate or mixed groups together with free students.
The extra-budgetary fund is calculated before the start of each academic year based on the following standards and initial data:
a) standards that are approved by order of the rector of the university or are the subject of a collective agreement: the average hourly wage rate for teaching staff, regardless of the position held and the availability of an academic degree and title; hourly rate of remuneration for the PTO directly involved in conducting training sessions; the norm for the number of students in a lecture stream, study group and subgroup; labor costs of teaching staff (in hours) when working individually with students (conducting an exam or test, supervising coursework and diploma projects, checking test papers, etc.);
b) initial data: the number of paying students by faculties, specialties, courses, groups and subgroups; educational plans by specialty, schedules of the educational process, class schedule; a list of disciplines and types of classes studied at the department (lecture, practical lesson, laboratory work, etc.) and forms of progress monitoring (test, exam, etc.); the volume of classroom training (in hours) for each discipline, indicating the mandatory participation of the teaching assistant for certain species classes.
The sequence for calculating the extra-budgetary wage fund in the general case is as follows: Standard labor costs of teaching staff (in hours) for training one student in each of the disciplines of the department are determined as the sum of the quotients of dividing the volume of classroom work in the form of lectures, practical classes and laboratory work by the standard number of students in lecture stream, study group and subgroup, respectively, to which labor costs standards for teaching staff are added for individual work with a student in this discipline. The standard labor costs of the UVP (in hours) per student when conducting laboratory work are determined as the quotient of dividing the volume of laboratory classes with the obligatory participation of the UVP by the norm for the number of students in the subgroup. The total labor costs of the teaching staff of the department for working with fee-paying students are determined as the sum of the products of the normative labor costs of the teaching staff for each discipline and the number of fee-paying students studying it. The total labor costs of the department's teaching staff for working with fee-paying students are determined as the sum of the products of the standard labor costs of the teaching staff for each discipline and the number of paying students studying it. The extra-budgetary wage fund of the department is determined as the sum of the product of the average hourly wage rate of the teaching staff by the total labor costs of the teaching staff and the product of the hourly wage rate of the teaching staff by the total labor costs of the teaching staff.
The extra-budgetary salary fund of the department, calculated in this way for the academic year, is adjusted based on the results of the first semester, depending on changes in the contingent of paying students (expulsion, transfer, reinstatement, etc.).
The extra-budgetary wage fund is spent on payments to employees of the department in the following sequence: remuneration of full-time teachers (including part-time teachers) hired in addition to the main budgetary staff of the department; hourly payment for additional labor of teaching staff and teaching staff when conducting training sessions in separate groups of paid students; monthly bonuses for the intensive nature of work in educational streams, groups and subgroups with an increased number of students above the norm; additional payments at the end of each semester depending on the quality of education for paying students.
Payment for additional work of teaching staff in excess of the approved teaching load for a budget position is organized with the consent of the teacher through part-time work or in the form of hourly wages. Official salaries and hourly wage rates for teaching staff in this case are assumed to be equal to the budget salary with differentiation depending on the position held, as well as the availability of an academic degree and title. Payment for additional labor of the UVP when conducting laboratory work in certain groups of paid students is made at approved hourly rates.
Monthly bonuses for the intensive nature of the work of teaching staff and teaching staff (due to exceeding the norms for the number of students in lecture streams, groups and subgroups due to the presence of paid students in addition to free ones) are assigned for a semester or academic year by order of the rector on the proposal of the head of the department. Such an allowance is assigned to the head of the department on the recommendation of the dean of the faculty.
Funds from the extra-budgetary wage fund that are not used during the semester or academic year are allocated to one-time additional payments to department employees at the end of each semester, depending on the quality of education of paying students.
The proposed standard method of remuneration creates a material interest for department employees in maintaining the contingent of paying students and stimulates the quality of their education. This regulatory approach to remuneration and calculating the cost of student education is applicable both in state,
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and in a non-state university.
A state higher education institution independently forms a wage fund for employees from budget funds allocated for the maintenance of the university and other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The minimum wages for teaching staff from among the teaching staff of universities are established in an amount not lower than eight times the minimum wage established by federal law.
Scientific and pedagogical workers of universities are given bonuses to official salaries (rates) in the amount of: 40% for the position of associate professor; 60% for the position of professor; three times the minimum wage established by federal law for the academic degree of a candidate of sciences; five times the minimum wage established by federal law for a doctorate degree.
As before, heads of universities and their departments receive an appropriate supplement to their official salary. For deans of faculties the additional payment is 35%, for their deputies - 30%, for the head of the department - 20% of the salary for the main position. Hourly wages have increased noticeably, especially for professors and associate professors.
Vladimirov V., Kuvaldin Yu. Cost of training, remuneration of teachers // Higher education in Russia. 2002. No. 6. P. 30-31.
Intra-university and inter-university part-time work has expanded. Faculty and educational support staff (as well as students) have the right to conduct contractual research work as a paid part-time job. The research sectors of universities received ample opportunities to earn your own money and increase wages.
The main requirements for organizing a remuneration system in educational organizations and institutions are: the validity of the approved staff, their compliance with current standards (for example, the ratio of the number of teachers and students); staffing levels; targeted use of funds for wages without diverting these funds to other expenses (carrying out overhaul, acquisition of material assets, maintenance of official passenger vehicles, etc.); correctness of remuneration for groups of workers: teaching staff, scientists universities, administrative apparatus, engineering and technical and other personnel of an educational organization or institution; compliance with established deadlines and completeness of scholarship payments; financing expenses for legally established compensation and other social support payments for employees of educational institutions and students.
The amount of income actually received by education workers consists of the following sources of remuneration and benefits: for work performed; additional payments and bonuses; compensation; for educational and other services; social payments and benefits from budgetary and extra-budgetary funds; for publications; from international and Russian organizations, sponsors, philanthropists, commercial structures.
The decrease in state funding for the education system was manifested primarily in a sharp reduction in the real wages of teachers.
An equally significant problem is the low level of remuneration for educational workers and the need to increase it.
In accordance with education laws and government regulations, regular increases in the salary level of teaching staff, like all other employees in public sector sectors, must be carried out through a quarterly revision of the amount minimum wage labor of public sector workers depending on changes in the price index and cost of living.
The introduction of the UTS made it possible to eliminate some distortions in wages; strengthen the differentiation of remuneration for teaching staff depending on the qualifications and performance of teachers. Thus, the interest of teachers in increasing the level of education, working longer in the teaching field, awarding titles and other things has increased, which leads to an increase in rank and salary. At the same time, there is still equalization in the salaries of teachers. And the point is not only that the formalism in certifying teaching and other personnel has not yet been eliminated and the inertia remains in determining the level qualification category teachers mainly by education, academic degree, title and work experience. Quality indicators are still far from being fully taken into account labor activity due to the objective difficulties of accurately recording the results of the work of each teacher individually. And manifestations of equalization in pay create conditions for teachers to be insufficiently demanding of themselves and the quality of their work, paralyze initiative and creativity, and thereby lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of teaching work.
That is why a mechanism for organizing wages is needed that would create a closer connection between the quality of labor results and the amount of material remuneration for teachers, and would economically stimulate an increase in the efficiency of teaching work and the interest of teachers in improving their own qualifications.

The work of educators not only determines their special position in society, but also acts as a means of satisfying their material and spiritual needs. In this regard, there is a need to create incentives to attract people to teaching and ensure its productivity.

Wages are one of the main instruments of economic stimulation included in the economic mechanism. For a significant portion of teachers, salary is the only source of income for the entire family.

At the same time, the incentive system in the field of education should take into account and, as fully as possible, use non-economic interests through the activation of socio-psychological management methods. The field of education is characterized by the widespread use of moral incentives, which is associated with the unique nature of pedagogical work. For most teachers, the need for success through recognition by others is a much stronger motivator than a material incentive. Often a powerful moral incentive is the proposal and implementation of new ideas and best practices, achievements in solving complex pedagogical problems etc.

The teacher incentive system, as is known, includes awards from higher authorities, gratitude in the order, certificates of honor, valuable gifts, memorable addresses, preparation of stands summarizing the teacher’s experience, gifts from colleagues and bosses on the day of the 25th anniversary of teaching work, publications about the teacher in local and wall press, assignment of the titles “Teacher-Methodologist”, “Honored Teacher”, “People’s Teacher”, “Teacher of the Year of Russia”, corresponding qualification categories based on the results of certification.

Certification of teaching staff in all educational institutions serves important tool both moral and material stimulation. Awarded academic degrees and titles allow you to establish a higher rank that determines your salary.

The nature of wages has different interpretations in the economic literature. Wages are often called the income of those who provide their labor to an entrepreneur, organization or institution for the purpose of producing goods or services. We have for a long time wages were considered as a monetary expression of the share of workers and employees in that part of the social product that compensates for the costs of necessary labor, that is, is used for personal consumption of the worker and his family members.

In a modern market economy, wages are a special and most developed form of material reward for the results of labor, taking into account the laws of value, demand and supply. Wages perform very important economic functions: reproduction and stimulation. Since wages are the main source of income for workers and employees, they act as the main means of renewing their ability to work. At the same time, it is a form of material incentives for labor. Salary is one of the most important economic levers included in the economic mechanism and regulating the development of a market economy. This implies the need for constant growth and improvement of wages.

The salaries of education workers have their own characteristics, determined by the specifics of the industry and teaching work. Thus, the wage fund for educational workers is formed mainly through the redistribution of national income through the state budget system and only partially from funds earned by the institution itself. This means that the wages of educators are part of the national income, which should go to them in accordance with the quantity and quality of their work.

While in material production the main measure of labor results is the quantity and quality of products created, in the field of education such an indicator is often not suitable. The greatest difficulty in organizing wages in the education sector is the internal differentiation in wages for various categories of workers. Due to the fact that the results of labor here are less tangible and much more difficult to accurately account for and can only be assessed indirectly, after a long time, educational institutions have adopted a time-based payment system taking into account the number of fixed hours of work, rather than the products produced.

The qualitative criterion for assessing labor and differentiating the wage rates of teaching staff is their qualifications. Its level is determined by education, work experience and assigned titles. Depending on the educational level of school teachers, there are 4 groups of tariff rates for specialists with: higher education; education in the scope of a teacher's institute and equivalent educational institutions; secondary special education; secondary general education. Since the end of 1992, differentiation in wage levels for public sector workers began to be carried out on the basis of the Unified Tariff Schedule (UTS). It includes 18 categories and tariff coefficients corresponding to each of them. Depending on the complexity and qualifications of the work, all public sector employees are assigned ranks based on certification results. In the interests of the phased implementation of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” the maximum permissible tariff for school teaching staff was introduced. Depending on the level of education, work experience and other qualifications, they are assigned from the 7th to the 14th category.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 1992. “On differentiation in salary levels for public sector workers on the basis of the Unified Trading System”, a mechanism for organizing and periodically reviewing wages was introduced that was common to education workers and all other public sector sectors. Monthly official salaries of public sector employees are set in accordance with the Unified Tariff Schedule (UTS).

Tariff system is a set of standards by which the wages of various categories of personnel are regulated. The components of the tariff system are tariff rates, qualification categories, official salaries, and qualification categories.

Unified tariff schedule (UTS) – a set of tariff categories of work (professions, positions), determined depending on the complexity of the work and the qualification characteristics of workers using tariff coefficients. The UTS includes 18 categories and tariff coefficients corresponding to each of them. Depending on the level of education, work experience and other qualification components, teaching staff are assigned 7th to 16th categories. Heads of institutions are given pay grades two higher than those of teaching staff: 13th to 18th grade. In this case, volume and quality indicators (skill level) are taken into account.

To volumetric indicators include:

Number of employees;

Number of students or pupils;

The presence of additional objects, their complexity;

Shift work of the institution.

Qualitative the indicator is the level of qualification of the manager.

Over the past since 1992 Over time, inter-category tariff coefficients were set in different proportions: they either increased or decreased again. December 1, 2001 the following tariff coefficients were established and applied for a long time

Tariff coefficient

Tariff coefficient

The rates of the 1st category of the Unified Tariff Service for remuneration of employees of federal government institutions were established by the Government of the Russian Federation, and for employees of state and municipal institutions - by the relevant authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

The main objectives of introducing a new remuneration system are:

    increasing the efficiency and quality of teaching work;

    increasing the motivation of teaching staff for quality work;

    increasing staffing levels, including by attracting highly qualified specialists, and retaining young personnel in educational institutions.

When developing and introducing a new remuneration system, it is necessary to take into account compliance with the following: principles :

● dividing the wage fund into basic and incentive parts, ensuring their optimal ratio;

● ensuring an optimal ratio of the number of teaching staff and other employees of the institution;

● participation of public governing bodies of an educational institution in the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund;

● regulatory per capita financing of the institution in terms of ensuring the payment of wages and expenses associated with the implementation of the basic general education program;

● bringing funds according to the standard to the level of the educational institution;

● financial and economic independence of the institution;

● taking into account the complexity and intensity of work of teaching staff when determining their salaries;

● establishing the dependence of the salary of the head of an institution on the average salary of employees in this institution.

It is assumed that the formation of the wage fund of an educational institution is carried out within the limits allocated to the institution for the current fiscal year funds not lower than the per capita financing standard established by legislative acts of the body state power subject of the Russian Federation.

Payroll fund employees of the educational institution consists of base part and stimulating part.

Basic part of the fund remuneration provides guaranteed wages for managers, teaching staff, and other employees of the institution in accordance with the staffing table.

Head of preschool educational institution Taking into account the specifics of the educational program being implemented and the opinion of the state-public governing body of the preschool education institution, it forms and approves the staffing schedule of the institution within the basic part of the wage fund, while:

● the share of the wage fund for teaching staff is set no less than the actual level for the previous financial year;

● the share of the wage fund for administrative and management personnel and other employees is set at a level not exceeding the actual level for the previous financial year.

Basic part of the wage fund teaching staff consists of common part, including basic salaries for teachers, and special part.

a common part– the official salary of each teacher is calculated based on the base salary, taking into account increasing factors that take into account the level of qualifications, complexity and intensity of teaching work.

Special part The salary fund for teaching staff includes:

● increasing coefficients, taking into account the qualifications of teachers, the complexity and intensity of their work;

● compensation payments provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or regulations of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

●additional payments for having an honorary title, state awards, etc.

Thus, the salary of a teaching worker includes an official salary, calculated depending on the qualifications of the teacher, the complexity and intensity of teaching work, as well as compensation payments (additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions deviating from normal, work in special climatic conditions and in territories exposed to radioactive contamination, and other compensation payments) and incentive payments (additional payments and incentive allowances, bonuses and other incentive payments).

The system of incentive payments to employees of educational institutions includes payments based on work results.

Criteria, affecting the size teacher incentive payments, reflect the results of his work. Examples of such criteria for teaching staff of a preschool institution may be:

● achievement by pupils of higher development indicators in comparison with the previous period;

● low, compared to municipal, morbidity rates among pupils;

● the effectiveness of organizing a subject-development environment in group rooms, classrooms, music and sports halls;

● organization of interaction with the families of pupils, absence conflict situations;

● timeliness and quality of documentation (plan of educational work, pupils’ attendance sheet, report card of hardening procedures, minutes of parent meetings, etc.);

● effective participation of the teacher in open events and professional skills competitions;

● productive participation in the implementation of the system of methodological activities of preschool educational institutions, the creation of methodological developments, recommendations, systematization of didactic materials;

● participation in the system of advanced training for employees, improvement of professional skills, self-education.

Value and weight of criteria influencing the amount of incentive payments to teachers are determined by the institution independently in agreement with the public administration body, depending on the specifics of the educational programs being implemented.

The amounts and conditions for making incentive payments are established by collective agreements, agreements, and local acts of the educational institution.

    Basic concepts of the Federal Law “On Education”.

    Basic principles public policy And legal regulation relations in the field of education.

    Powers of federal government bodies, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the field of education.

    Education system of the Russian Federation


The remuneration system in Russian educational institutions has long been in need of adjustment. Primarily due to the low level of wages in the country as a whole. NSOT helps ensure effective contact between society and teachers, including by increasing their average salary to a socially acceptable level - no less than the average salary in the region.

The introduction of a new wage system in the field of education is intended to solve one of the most painful problems of modern Russian system- move away from egalitarian approaches and ensure a real increase in teachers’ incomes, and at the same time - what is most important - to do this in relation to those of them who provide the highest quality of education provided and make the greatest contribution to the implementation of the school’s educational program. We can say that the implementation of this area of ​​the complex project depends on the teacher’s acquisition of well-deserved social and professional prestige, his acquisition of a decent quality of life and the associated self-respect and self-affirmation as an effective and successful member of society.

The objective of this work is to examine in more detail the new remuneration system.

1. Legislative and regulatory regulation of the budget classification of the Russian Federation

The legal basis for the introduction of new remuneration systems (NSOT) in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are Articles 29, 41 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, part 2 of Article 26.14 of the Federal Law No. 184-FZ “On general principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”, Article 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, before the adoption of Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004, the implementation of these legislative provisions in order to regulate the institution of remuneration was hampered by the lack of an appropriate regulatory framework. The adoption of this law intensified the activities of the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the development of new systems for remuneration of teaching staff.

Since September 1, 2007, NSOT has been introduced in more than 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and about two dozen more constituent entities; new remuneration systems will also be introduced in the near future. As practice shows, at the moment there are five NSOT models that underlie the remuneration systems for educational workers being implemented by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Basic principles of construction regional systems wages were presented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in a model methodology. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2003 No. 191 “On the duration of working hours (norm hours of teaching work for the wage rate) of teaching workers of educational institutions" the duration of working hours of teaching workers in Depending on the position held, the rate ranges from 18 to 36 hours. Standardization of working hours based on wage rates makes it possible to establish the dependence of teachers’ salaries on the volume of their teaching load. At the same time, there is a group of teaching positions for which remuneration can be based on official salaries. The list of these positions is given in paragraph 1 of Resolution No. 191. These include, in particular: senior educators, educational psychologists, social teachers, etc.

In accordance with part 3 of paragraph 7 of the Unified Recommendations for the establishment at the federal, regional and local levels of remuneration systems for employees of organizations financed from the relevant budgets for 2008 (approved by the decision of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations on December 29, 2007 .) when introducing remuneration systems in state and municipal institutions, which are respectively under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, the Methodological recommendations for the introduction of new remuneration systems in federal budgetary institutions, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated October 22, 2007 No. 663.

These documents recommend that with the introduction of new wage systems for federal employees budgetary institutions when determining the salaries of heads of institutions, their deputies and chief accountants, proceed from official salaries, compensation and incentive payments, as provided for in paragraph 7 of the Regulations on the establishment of remuneration systems for employees of federal budgetary institutions and civilian personnel of military units (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 22, 2007 No. 605).

2. The remuneration system in institutions implementing general education programs

To date, a number of regulatory legal documents are in force, providing the basis for the transition to a new sectoral system of remuneration for employees of educational institutions in the conditions of regulatory financing, the main of which are:

Instruction of the President of the Russian Federation following the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation on September 13, 2006;

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2001 No. 1756-r “On the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 15, 2007 No. 8 “On the implementation of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2006 No. 848”

The introduction of normative per capita financing has as its key point the abandonment of itemized financing of costs in favor of per capita financing of tasks. It is important to understand that such a transition is necessary element when pursuing a policy of decentralization of management of the educational sphere and development of economic independence of educational institutions.

The use of per capita budget financing will create the possibility of an objective and transparent method of distribution financial resources in educational institutions, they are placed on equal terms, and their financial well-being depends, first of all, on the effectiveness of the organization educational activities and the quality of the educational service provided. In addition, equalization of financial conditions makes it possible to meaningfully assess the quality of work of an educational institution, which stimulates the work of the team and its interest in fighting for the student. And this, in turn, creates the prerequisites for connecting the quality characteristics of the school’s work and additional funding for this quality (allocation of budget funds based on the results of work).

The task of the per capita budget funding standard is to indicate the amount of budget funds that should be provided specifically to the student, since these funds will pay for the standard educational program. Only in this case will the standard of a certain cost ensure both equal access to budget services and the efficiency of spending budget funds. This is the fundamental difference between the per capita financing standard and those standards that are used when calculating educational subventions. The introduction of such a standard should first of all expand the powers of the director in the distribution of resources allocated to him. Having the size of the standard and the number of students, the director can calculate in advance the size of the budget of his school and create a staffing table for the budget, draw up an estimate, distributing funds according to the items of the budget classification. Thus, the introduction of a per capita normative budget financing model per student ensures:

Mandatory communication of financial standards to the educational institution in full, without exception;

Transparency in determining and distributing volumes of budget funding between educational institutions;

Guarantees of budgetary support for the educational process and the possibility of budget planning for the development of educational institutions;

The transition from financing service providers and maintaining a network of institutions to financing the task assigned to institutions through financing consumers of educational services;

Strengthening and developing school autonomy and economic independence.

The normative per capita principle should be used at all levels of budget formation and its delivery to the budget recipient: regional, municipal, and the level of an educational institution.

The main task for today is to ensure effective contact between society and the teacher, primarily by increasing his average salary to a socially acceptable level - no less than the average salary in the region. The introduction of a new remuneration system is intended to solve one of the most painful problems of the modern Russian school: to move away from egalitarian approaches and to ensure a real increase in the income of teachers and at the same time - what is most important - to do this in relation to those of them who provide the highest quality of education provided, makes the greatest contribution to the implementation of the school’s educational program. We can say that the implementation of this area of ​​the complex project depends on the teacher’s acquisition of well-deserved social and professional prestige, his acquisition of a decent quality of life and the associated self-respect and self-affirmation as an effective and successful member of society. New approaches to remuneration are proposed:

1. Fixed rates and salaries for standard working hours have been replaced by wages depending on the unit of account for the cost of the teaching service (1 student hour).

Thus, firstly, the intensity of the teacher’s work is reflected and the dependence of wages on the number of hours worked by the teacher is overcome, and, secondly, the preservation and increase in class occupancy is stimulated.

2. The burden of providing guarantees to teachers who cannot be provided with a full teaching load or whose load is reduced during the year has been removed from the budget.

3. Applied new approach to the division of working time into “classroom and non-classroom employment”.

Classroom employment - conducting lessons, non-classroom employment - preparation for lessons, consultations, preparation for olympiads, conferences, shows, methodological work and other forms of work with students and (or) their parents (legal representatives).

4. A relationship has been established between the average level of wages in the institution and the salary of the head, which encourages the head to fight for an increase in wages through the rational use of funds allocated to the school according to the standard.

5. There is no clear regulation on the number and wages of non-teaching workers, which will create an incentive to reduce redundant personnel and will help balance staffing tables, it is more rational to determine the shares of certain categories of workers in the structure of the wage fund, and also to increase their wages.

The main feature of the new wage system is the formation of a wage fund by the educational institution independently within the total amount of funds of the institution, determined in accordance with the standard of per capita financing per student per year.

3. The system of remuneration in state educational institutions of higher professional education

Since November 1, 2008, the salaries of employees of State Educational Institutions of Higher Professional Education are determined not by the Unified Tariff Schedule, but by a system developed within each such institution. The decision to switch to a new wage system (NSOT) was made by the government in August 2008.

Fundamental difference NSOT, first of all, is that it divides employees by type economic activity. The rector receives great powers in matters of distribution of the wage fund. He also independently decides on the required number of employees. With the introduction of the new system, the employee’s salary may increase depending on the results and quality of his work, or may remain at the level of the guaranteed part, but no less than his salary was when old system.

Approximate size of salary changes in federal institutions of higher professional education:

By faculty:

In 116 universities there was an increase in wages - from 1 to 47%;

In 25 universities there was a decrease in wages - from 2 to 42%.

For educational support and other service personnel:

In 131 universities there was an increase in wages - from 1 to 86%;

In 10 universities there was a decrease in wages - from 1 to 13%.

For administrative and managerial personnel:

In 113 universities there was an increase in wages - from 1 to 131%;

In 28 universities there was a decrease in wages - from 1 to 60%.

In the absence of minimum wages in the approximate position approved by the order of Rosbrazovaniye dated 09.10.2008 No. 1383 during the formation of NSOT, federal educational institutions used different approaches to determine the level of the guaranteed part of wages, to determine the structure of wages and increase the components of wages.

In 45 universities, the minimum salary for the I PKG (Professional Qualification Group) is set at 4,330 rubles or more.

Minimum wages with the use of “forks” for them for all professional qualification groups of workers were established with the introduction of NSOT in most universities in the country.

Depending on the financial capabilities of universities, as well as on which component of the salary (official salary, compensation or incentive payments) in a particular university includes mandatory payments for the position held and the availability of an academic degree, the minimum official salaries vary: according to the I PCG - from 1221 to 6000 rubles, for IV PKG - from 3000 to 26294 rubles.

The range of minimum salaries, taking into account the applied salary brackets for each PCG, is: for I PCG - from 1221 to 11170 rubles; for IV PKG - from 3,000 to 35,700 rubles.

At the same time, an analysis of the procedure for establishing minimum wages for PCG in federal educational institutions indicates that in some universities a single minimum salary was established for all PCG as a minimum guarantee of wages for all employees, regardless of position.

With the introduction of NSOT, the average salary of key personnel varies significantly across universities and amounts to a multiple of the new minimum wage from 1.9 to 6.7 times.

At the same time, the share of budget funds allocated for the introduction of a new minimum wage in the volume of additional budgetary allocations allocated for the introduction of NSOS has a huge spread and ranges from 0% to 100% across universities.


Finally test work It should be noted that the basis for building a new remuneration system is based on the following principles:

Ensuring that wages depend on the qualifications of workers, the complexity of the work performed and working conditions, level of education and work experience;

Gradually bringing the minimum base rate and the minimum base salary closer to the subsistence level of the working population;

Using a reward system for high results and quality of work, based primarily on the use of individual additional payments and incentive bonuses established for payment according to the tariff, as well as one-time bonuses for special achievements in work.

With the introduction of a new wage system in educational institution, base salary, base rate teaching worker, for the standard of work, is determined in an amount no less than the level established by federal, republican or municipal authorities for the corresponding professional qualification group of workers. If the guaranteed salary of an employee under the terms of the new remuneration system turns out to be less than under the current conditions, the employee is provided with a compensatory additional payment . Also, taking into account that the goal of the NSET is to improve the quality of the institution’s work, we will provide recommended examples of assessing this indicator. Pedagogical indicators of educational and educational work:

Achievement by students of high performance in comparison with the previous period;

Preparation of winners of Olympiads, competitions, conferences various levels;

profile, advanced level educational program;

Coverage preparation and conduct of extracurricular activities in the subject;

Application of modern educational technologies;

Teacher's participation in methodological work at the school, city, regional, federal levels;

Individual work with students experiencing difficulties;

Social indicators:

Absence or decrease in the number of students registered with the commission for minors;

Reduction (absence) of students missing lessons (lectures) without a good reason;

Coverage of students with additional education;

No violations of the Rules by students internal regulations.

Social and psychological indicators:

Student and parent satisfaction;

High level of socio-psychological cohesion of the class;

Lack of substantiated appeals from students, parents, and fellow teachers regarding conflict situations and a high level of resolution of conflict situations.

Labor discipline:

Exemplary office contents;

High level of executive discipline (preparing reports, filling out logs, maintaining personal files, etc.).


1. 29, 41 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

2. Part 2 of Article 26.14 of Federal Law No. 184-FZ “On the general principles of organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”

3. Article 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

5. Instruction of the President of the Russian Federation following the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation on September 13, 2006;


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