To see rubber gloves in a dream. White gloves dream book

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Modern family dream book according to Freud:

Wearing or buying dirty or torn gloves in a dream means financial losses, deceptions, collapse of hopes and groundless expectations.

If you find gloves in a dream, then unexpected luck will help you strengthen your financial position. This interpretation applies only to those dreams where the gloves fit you well. Otherwise, you risk losing friendships due to your immoderate ambitions.

A dream in which you lose your gloves suggests that your relationship with your lover leaves much to be desired. Perhaps you will soon have to separate.

If in a dream someone else takes off your gloves, then your success in business and love will largely depend on the impression you make on others.

What do dreams mean? — new dream book Juno:

Having torn gloves in a dream means finding yourself in a funny position; you will face vain efforts to hide your bad manners. Kid gloves are a dream of surprise, rag or cotton gloves are a sign of joy, warm gloves are a sign of wealth, silk gloves are a sign of prosperity, woolen gloves are a sign of profit.

Finding gloves means that a love adventure awaits you, and for single people - a successful marriage.

Gloves in a dream sometimes portend deception or spiritual coldness. Taking off gloves in a dream means that a small success or a pleasant trifle awaits you.

Great dream interpreter based on Miller's dream book:

Gloves in a dream portend waste big money for charity, but it won't hurt your wallet. But if you are greedy and hide your money without sharing it with the poor, then great misfortunes will soon befall you.

Leather gloves in a dream symbolize protection, restriction or isolation, a new endeavor, love or renewal. The dream book will analyze the meaningful image and clearly explain why it is being dreamed about.


Did you dream about leather gloves? In dreams, this is a sign of detachment when communicating with others. Have you ever seen a character wearing kid gloves? In reality, forget about the sincerity and frankness of others.

If a man sees the said accessory, he will soon meet a lady who will change his destiny. For a woman, the dream book offers a similar interpretation of the dream.

But if the items in the night were old and well-worn, then get ready for moral losses, betrayal and monetary losses.

Are you worried?

Why dream that in the bitter cold they wore thin leather gloves? The dream book believes that you are very worried about the fact that you are underestimated and misunderstood.

Did you see leather accessories in your dream? Expect injustice from your superiors. If you dreamed that you managed to “sow” the only couple, then in reality you will part with your loved one.

According to Miller

Did you happen to wear comfortable leather gloves in a dream? This means that caution in difficult conditions will bring good luck. But if you dreamed of a torn and old pair, then expect serious losses.

Dont be upset!

Why do you dream if you managed to lose your own leather gloves? The dream book prophesies loneliness, but recommends not losing your presence of mind. If you dreamed that you lost your only gloves, then get ready for moving, personal changes and bad luck in the business sphere.

For a married dreamer to see that he has lost one item from a pair is bad. This is a harbinger of illness and even death of your chosen one. A single person should prepare for unrequited love. If your fashionable mittens were stolen in the night, then in reality the changes will occur due to the fault of a third party.

Decoding incidents

The dream book offers transcripts of other most popular incidents and actions in dreams.

  • Find - a new hobby, marriage.
  • Giving is a romantic date.
  • Put on, wear - success, luck.
  • Trying on is a twofold situation.
  • Breaking is a loss.
  • Throwing away is a voluntary abandonment of relationships, work, success.


Why do you dream if you had to work in thick leather gloves? The dream book believes that you do not particularly like your job. Wearing leather work gloves means that you have to perform an unpleasant task or duty.

If a man happened to put an elegant thing on a lady’s hand in a dream, then he is in danger of being exposed by the woman. Did you dream that someone pulled gloves on your hands? A bad deal, a deception, a dead end problem is coming.

Everything is correct!

Why do you dream when you had to take off your leather gloves? The dream book promises minor progress in business or a short love affair.

Often gloves can be interpreted as protection, loyalty, interaction. These concepts generally relate to communication and relationships between people. In order to understand why gloves are dreamed of, it is important to remember what they looked like, who they were wearing, what exactly was done with their help, and under what circumstances this piece of clothing happened to be used. The dream book considers gloves, taking into account all these nuances.

Appearance of gloves

If some details have been erased from your memory, you can try to relax a little and mentally return to your dream, imagining exactly what the gloves were like, what fabric they were made of, what season they were designed for, the color of the product is also of great importance.

A man sees gloves in a dream white in the hands of a stranger - to attend a fun holiday, an invitation to which will arrive in the very near future. Perhaps a wedding or corporate party, full of pleasant emotions and acquaintances.

If you dreamed of wearing white gloves, you will soon be able to celebrate a well-deserved victory over a serious competitor or long-time enemy. One can only envy someone who is fighting for the desired position, because soon the goal will be achieved.

The dream book interprets the girl’s dream, in which she saw wedding gloves, literally as imminent marriage. But if this accessory was in the hands of a rival, then soon you will have to serious fight for the heart of the man you like, which will most likely end not in favor of the sleeping woman.

Why does a young man dream of seeing wedding gloves on the hands of his chosen one? This is a sign of getting married to her soon. The interpretation is relevant if in the dream the girl did not marry someone else. To be loved at a wedding means to be unsure of her fidelity.

The dream interpretation of black gloves is quite unambiguous. You shouldn't expect anything good from such a dream, unless, of course, you wear gloves. real life. In the first case, the dream book predicts sad and stunning news, in the second - a situation for which the dreamer will not be able to prepare mentally.

Why does a woman dream of red gloves? It's a passion that can't be stopped. A strong feeling will arise for a strange man, which can lead to a number of troubles. Before giving in to your inner fire, try to analyze the consequences of your actions. If the dreamer is married, then her husband will quickly bring her to clean water.

In a man’s dream, seeing red gloves on the hands of a stranger means great confrontation and the impossibility of resolving the conflict peacefully. Probably we are talking about the fight for the girl’s heart.

If a man dreams of wearing red gloves, then the dream book recommends being more restrained in expressing his emotions, since hot temper often leads to misunderstanding in society.

For those who do heavy work physical labor at an enterprise or construction site, seeing work gloves on yourself means a conflict with management, which can escalate into a strike. It's probably worth looking for a way out and looking for something new. workplace, so as not to remain unemployed if it is impossible to figure it out in an amicable way.

Men's gloves in a dream should be interpreted depending on what or who they were intended for. If a girl in a dream gives them to a young man whom she likes in real life, it means a wonderful relationship, mutual love, support and understanding of each other. But if a man buys this accessory for himself, it means there’s a lot to come financial difficulties, which can be avoided by starting a more frugal life without wasting money.

Why did you dream about rubber gloves? You will have to study and work a lot in order to achieve what you want. It’s worth mentally preparing for hard work or trying to concentrate on a simpler goal. If such a dream occurs to a girl who believes that only thanks to her primary sexual characteristics she will marry an oligarch, she will soon be greatly disappointed. However, if she didn’t dream of gloves, then disappointment still cannot be avoided. Married woman such a dream speaks of the need to be more independent and try not to shift responsibility to the spouse in order to represent at least some value for the family.

Interpretation of the dream in which you dreamed ladies gloves, depends on what they are intended for and in what context they appeared in a dream. A dream in which a young man buys gloves as a gift to his girlfriend speaks of his serious and sincere intentions towards her. Mutual feeling will only intensify, which will lead to greater rapprochement. Why does a man dream about how he fastens a glove on a woman’s hand? Soon he will have to literally fight off an annoying girl who will demand attention not only in a good way, but using blackmail or threats.

Why do you dream of gloves in the ring or boxing gloves? To the beginning of a difficult period in life, when you will have to make incredible efforts to achieve your goal. Soon work will take everything away free time, depriving you of the opportunity to relax and meet with friends. But you should understand that this period will not last long, and the results of hard work will exceed expectations many times over.

For a man to see dirty gloves in a dream - to losses and financial losses, and for a girl - to betrayal or disappointment in young man.

New gloves on the dreamer’s hands portend interesting news or a salary increase. And if a man sees white mittens on the hands of his beloved, then he should think that she is not happy with something in their relationship, and she is seriously thinking about ending it.


The dream book interprets the gloves seen depending on what exactly you dreamed of doing with them. For example, if a girl buys them in a dream, then there are some financial difficulties or even dismissal ahead.

If a woman admires gloves, trying them on before purchasing, then the meaning of this dream will depend on the outcome of events. If the purchase suits the girl, then she will make the right choice between the two young men. If not, then most likely you will have a not very successful marriage due to your own mistake.

Buying gloves for a man for himself is a warning from the dream book about the frivolity of his character and too wild behavior. It can lead to loneliness and health problems. Rich sexual experience with different partners also has bad consequences.

Why does a girl dream of trying on someone else's gloves? To envy and admiration for someone. This is probably the owner of the gloves. The Dream Interpretation recommends that such girls take more care of themselves, their development and appearance, in order to raise self-esteem and be less interested in the personal lives of strangers and successful people.

Miller's dream book believes that men who dreamed of taking off gloves in a dream will have great success not only at work, but also in love affairs. For those who have had some problems in the intimate sphere, we can say that soon everything will return to normal, sex life will sparkle with new colors.

Losing a glove in a dream is not good sign, talking about imminent separation from a loved one due to the inability to trust him. If the glove is found, then reunification is possible, but, unfortunately, it will not last long, since trust has already been irretrievably lost.

If in a dream you give gloves, then the interpretation depends on their appearance. Giving rubber gloves means help in business or work. Leather gloves in a dream are given as a gift to an alliance between people, profitable relationships or acquaintances for selfish purposes. Red gloves are a symbol of sexual attraction and passion that cannot be extinguished.

Why dream of finding someone else's glove in a dream? To finding a faithful life partner, and for girls - to a successful marriage and a loving relationship.

For business people finding a glove means finding a reliable business partner and fruitful cooperation.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 03/20/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is filled with activity and an abundance of varied subjects. Finding the only correct thread of meaning in this chaos is almost impossible. ...

One of important elements, which make up the image of a man, are gloves. Their main function is to protect your hands from the cold.

But the main function of gloves has always been to protect hands from injury during work. And the phrase “throw down the gauntlet” comes from another of their purposes. This is what they called a challenge to a duel. The rules of conduct suggested that the gentleman change his gloves 6 times a day. Fashionable people had gloves for every occasion. As a joke they talked about gloves intended for sleeping. And if they had a dream? What does it mean? Let's see?

Let's see together what such a sign in a dream as gloves means for us. Different. Male and female. Leather and knitted. Including medical gloves.

Miller's dream book comments on the fitting of gloves depending on who is dreaming.

A girl sees a dream. Trying on different gloves in an attempt to find one suitable pair, is interpreted as a choice between contenders for a hand and a heart.

A man trying on gloves speaks of his promiscuous sex life.

A woman tries on someone else's gloves. The dream speaks of the woman’s obvious envy of the owner of the gloves.

Guy in a dream trying on gloves. A successful breakthrough in the field of intimate exploits.

A girl trying on white gloves in a dream means meeting her betrothed, with complete mutual sympathy.

A person who tries on one glove and loses the second glove in a dream can be preparing for something in life. Finding a lost glove in a dream means restoring family life.

Seeing black gloves in a dream

Almost all dream books agree on this interpretation of the dream. Black color indicates imminent troubles or bad news.

If in life you wear black gloves, then changes await you for which you are not yet ready.

If a girl loses black gloves in a dream, your relationship with a fan has reached a dead end. Black torn gloves mean finding yourself in an awkward, funny position. Kid black gloves - to unexpected news. Knitted black wool - to rich, abundant profits. Black work gloves - for the great work ahead.

To a working man leather gloves in a dream indicate that he will suffer unfairly from possible misunderstandings in a conversation with management.

For a person engaged in business, leather gloves promise a large, profitable contract concluded by him. For girls and women, such a dream promises a change in image along with a wardrobe update. Leather gloves in a dream can be interpreted as a symbol of your good luck in your upcoming endeavors.


Insulated women's gloves in a dream - you will receive help if you need it. The second interpretation of this dream is for you good protection in case of danger. Losing a pair of women's gloves means worrying about a breakup, most likely through your fault, with a friend.

Burn a woman's unpaired glove - to reconciliation with yours.

Buy for yourself women's gloves - you will achieve the desired result in any possible way.

In a dream they hand you a pair of gloves – .

Dream interpretation depends on the color, length and material of the gloves.

Girl to wear long new gloves- a sign that you are protected from bad influence and prejudice against you.

put on new gloves in a dream - in reality you will not show self-interest towards others.

For girls to see such a dream at night is a suggestion of a possible career advancement.

Guy seeing new gloves on a girl is a hint that the girl is not completely satisfied with the relationship.

To a man dreaming of new gloves means the appearance of a competitor in a love relationship.

A woman who sees rubber gloves - the dream book says that she is very indecisive and prefers that other people make decisions. Giving a woman rubber gloves means providing reasonable assistance in solving problems in life.

For a girl waiting for a profitable match in order to immediately provide for herself, this is a prediction of disappointment and a hint that everything is obtained through hard work.

For any person - rubber gloves in a dream, a hint about the need to make efforts to ensure profit.

Seeing old, torn gloves is a harbinger of losing part of your fortune.


For a guy to see white gloves on his girlfriend - . To understand in a dream that a girl is going with another guy is a suspicion of the girl’s infidelity. The girl had a dream about an ambulance. White gloves in a dream na is a symbol of a lost fight for a guy. A man sees white gloves on his hands - a victory over a fairly confident opponent, or an imminent invitation to a celebration.

Gloves of different colors

Dream meaning based on the color of gloves. In a dream, gloves are a symbol of a dangerous, adventurous relationship.

Thin lace white gloves are a symbol of your worries because of your frivolity;

New black kid gloves are a symbol of suffering from one’s own frivolity. Be more responsible when it comes to meeting new people.

Suede in a dream symbolizes temptation. Present suede gloves- try to seduce the girl you like.

Gloves rubber different colors . You are afraid of unprotected sex because of the possibility of getting sick.

The explanation of the dream varies depending on who sees the gloves on their hands. To a woman adjusting the gloves on your hands means a new love adventure. You cannot take off the gloves from your hands - the impossibility of relationships with men, because of their fears that you will force them to marry.

Interpretation for men. In your dream you see another man pulling on a woman's glove. Be careful in the family - they are “throwing wedges” towards your wife. Seeing gloves on your hands is an unspoken desire to retire.

Giving gloves as a gift

Giving leather gloves means mutually beneficial cooperation. Giving a girl red gloves means a stormy, passionate romance with her.

Buy gloves as a gift- a prediction of a stormy, ardent feeling.

Receiving gloves as a gift means stupid gossip, cooling of relationships and hostility.

A more precise interpretation of sleep can be made based on the nuances of behavior in a dream.

Based on comments received from universal dream book, gloves in a dream have the following meanings:

  • New and clean gloves - to wealth and good luck;
  • Torn gloves - your friend does not correspond to the expected image;
  • A thrown glove means a major disagreement with your chosen one;
  • A pair of gloves given to you means that you will soon get married;
  • A pair of gloves for men- to meet an influential person;
  • An unpaired glove means a quick separation from a friend;
  • Burning a glove in a dream means reconciliation in a quarrel;
  • Losing gloves - from the collapse of a family to the near future;
  • Buying an inexpensive pair as a gift for a competitor - complete destruction your enemies with no chance of defeating them.

To see boxing gloves in a dream is a symbol of the upcoming struggle to maintain your fortune. It is quite possible that you will have to lead the life of an ascetic for some time. But these hardships will bring you closer to victory. In general, it doesn't matter what kind of gloves. Your follow-up is important.

Their appearance predicts mistrust, indicating coldness and inaccessibility. But much depends on the functions of this accessory - velvet gloves differ from agricultural, medical and others.

To determine exact value dream, remember who was in them, what they liked and what they didn’t, what color they were. This is what it means to see gloves in a dream most often.

Ward against cold

If you used them to avoid catching a cold, the dream book indicates that in real life you will be able to achieve a certain level of comfort. Especially if the mittens were made of natural wool or leather.

Their material, color and size indicate the degree of your protection from the discontent of others and conflicts with them, a cold attitude or the storms of life. A mitten found on the street symbolizes news or a quarrel.

If you start trying on gloves in a store, the dream book says that you will choose protection for yourself. For girls, the dream predicts a quick marriage or job, but much depends on the model and quality of the insulation.

Thin and rough knitted gloves are seen as a sign of poverty, worries and troubles. If you didn’t like this accessory or the material was rough, then this is a sign of unpleasant work or life with a reliable but unkind person.

Choosing antique gloves in a store with patterns and decorations is a sign of fidelity family traditions. Buying them for yourself means a modest existence and quick love.

Gloves and mittens made of natural sheep or goat wool symbolize warmth and comfort in the home. Despite the lack of luxury, you will be happy with your existence and the fact that you will be able to establish relationships with others. Girls dream of a friendly and healthy family.

Wearing new mittens means protection. The dream indicates a modest life and opportunities, a friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the house.

If you dream that you are choosing one from several options, this is a situation of choice in reality. Perhaps you will be offered many job vacancies and activities, or several guys will propose to the girl at once.

Changing gloves for mittens is a sign of poverty or forced inactivity. If everything turned out the other way around, this is a symbol of a more mature social status and love.

Especially if they were made from genuine leather or suede, beautiful and expensive material or decorated with fur. Buying or giving them to someone is a good sign. The dream book indicates that you will want to establish a relationship with a person.

If a girl dreams that a guy is giving her mittens, then the dreamer will be proposed to by a kind, but not wealthy, person.

If he offered her leather or fur gloves, then life with him will be pleasant and rich. Remember their color and decorations.

A visible dream in which you choose several sets of gloves is a dream of news or announcements. Sometimes a girl's dream indicates that she will have to choose between several guys or job options.

Finding one glove on the street is a surprise. It is possible that you will learn only part of the truth or the answer to the question that interests you.

Why dream of women's gloves on a man or young man? Such a dream indicates that the dreamer does not control his own destiny, and that he is led by a woman. It is possible that this is a mama's boy or henpecked.

Children's mittens on an adult indicate that he may have a child on the side or that this man will behave childishly in some situation.

If you dreamed of a girl wearing mittens, it means that she will worry about something or will quarrel with her mother. Seeing children's gloves or mittens on her is a sign of imminent motherhood or trouble.

Sometimes this is a sign of a girl’s immaturity or the fact that her mother constantly interferes in her relationships with the opposite sex.

Wearing children's gloves if you are not a child is a bad sign. Such a dream predicts poverty and great experiences. Seeing that your mittens have been eaten by moths means losses.

But if they have holes for your fingers, then, despite your outwardly infantile behavior, you will be able to control those around you in a non-childish way.

If you dreamed of a friend wearing such gloves, beware of her claws. Despite her pretty appearance and pleasant manner of communication, she skillfully knows how to manage those around her. Receiving mittens as a gift is a surprise or an interesting offer.

Link them yourself - to material support or a worthy reward for your efforts. Trying on leather or felt gloves in a store, not mittens, means choosing a job or a fan.

If a guy or a man bought them for you, then you will soon take part in some kind of business. Giving mittens to your younger sister or friend means changes in life.

Giving them away or throwing them away is a favorable sign. Especially if after such a dream you buy a pair of gloves in reality. To remove them is to give up a relationship or protection.

A married woman dreams that she will leave her husband and go on an adventure.

Ladies' accessory

Wearing expensive gloves under an evening dress is a sign of distrust in men and flirting. If they were given to you in a dream, expect male favor.

Seeing a man wearing gloves in a vision means that he does not believe you. If you dreamed of a girl in an evening dress and elbow-length gloves, then she will skillfully control men.

Giving them to a friend means losing in your personal life and relationships with men. Try them on in a store - look for them new job or a reason to flirt. The more unusual they were, the better opportunities you will have.

Expensive fur on gloves, rhinestones, stones and jewelry dream of an attempt to deceive others and throw dust in their eyes. Seeing a girl in them is a sign of a rival for women.

If you dreamed that a friend of a classmate or friend was wearing provocative gloves and accessories, modern dream book indicates that she can be very dangerous and insidious for you, as she hides her intentions and masterfully controls men.

Trying on leopard or snake-colored evening gloves is a sign of battle and competition for male attention. Sometimes this is a sign that you want to appear to others as an unapproachable seductress.

If you dreamed that they were bought and put on along with evening dress, this dreams of flirting and new love relationships.

Black gloves made of velor, suede or velvet are seen as an expensive gift or purchase. The longer they are, the more seductive your image will be and the subtler the intrigue or game.

Fur gloves made of expensive material dream of a prosperous life. Wearing torn gloves or seeing a hole in them means failure. Sometimes a dream indicates that an annoying little thing will prevent you from carrying out your plans.

Red gloves made of expensive material or black ones with mesh dream of a frivolous act or defiant behavior.

If a woman sees a friend or acquaintance in them, it means intrigue or rivalry in love. For a lady to wear men's gloves in a dream - to losses and worries.

Washing them means unpleasant responsibilities and regrets. If you dreamed of expensive, but not wedding gloves, remember their color. White, silver and blue from satin, organza or transparent fabric dream about important events and reciprocal love.

Selling them means receiving an invitation to a celebration. For some people, a dream predicts fatal events. Gloves in pastel colors - pink, beige or lilac - symbolize dreaminess and romance.

For some people, such a dream foreshadows a new romance, but provocative red tones indicate provocative behavior, like black ones.

Blue, green or purple hint at isolation and mystery. Putting rings and bracelets on top of them is a sign of unexpected wealth and happiness. Buying white gloves is for a special event.

Freud writes that you will be happy. Wedding gloves dream of an unusual event or celebration. Wearing them on yourself will make you happy.

Seeing them on a friend or relative who took them without asking is a sign of rivalry in love and great experiences.

Taking off your wedding gloves means that at the last moment you will change your mind or be forced to postpone the wedding.

Other meanings of sleep

Gloves can be completely different in a dream, depending on their function. Remember what exactly you saw them in your dream. Working gloves dream of poverty, difficulties, or the need to intervene in some unpleasant matter.

But, if, in addition to your own people, they were also found by strangers, the dream book indicates that they will help you in difficult times.

Wearing them means difficulties in life. Sometimes such a dream predicts incidents at work and various kinds troubles.

To see rubber gloves in a dream, which you use on garden plot- to active or unpleasant activity.

Buying them is a favorable sign. You will be happy with the way things are going in your life and will be able to protect yourself from difficulties.

If a guy hands a girl work or rubber gloves, be careful with him. Your life will not be pleasant, because circumstances will force you to work a lot or the man will not provide you with help and support. If a friend's or relative's hand was in a glove, she does not trust you.

Boxing gloves dream of battle and rivalry in love, fight, unless you are a professional boxer. Buying them and putting them on means a scandal or quarrel. Finding it in an apartment or house means clarifying relationships with household members.

If you see a familiar person in them, get ready for competition or a quarrel with him. Taking them off or throwing them away means giving up the fight.

Medical gloves dream of illness. Sometimes this is a sign that you will be forced to contact the appropriate institution. Buying them means a bereavement or illness; throwing them away means you will cope with all the difficulties.

Seeing a doctor wearing gloves, a surgeon or a gynecologist means unpleasant news. You may need help or advice.


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