Roman blinds: ideas for inspiration. Roman blinds in the interior - design, types, rules for selection by color and design Roman blinds in a classic style

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Roman blinds in the living room, as in other rooms, began to be used relatively recently and have already gained great popularity. However, it is still worth paying attention to the subtleties of their selection for a specific room with its own style, talk about what they are and what fabric is best to sew Roman blinds for the hall. Read about all this in our article.

What are Roman blinds and why are they good?

Roman blinds are lifting curtains; they are a rectangular fabric pierced along the entire width with plastic or wooden slats. These same strips serve to form even folds when lifting the product. They are equipped with a special cornice with a lifting mechanism, which ensures comfortable use of the curtains, as well as ease of adjusting the lighting of the room.

There are many positive properties that a Roman blind has, but we will highlight only the most popular ones.

  • Firstly, the simplicity of the design makes the curtains easy to operate, so any older child can handle them.
  • Secondly, Roman blinds in the living room interior are an excellent space saver when there is a shortage of space.
  • Thirdly, it saves fabric, since sewing requires much less fabric than long classic curtains.
  • Fourthly, this great way decorate your living room in any style.
  • And fifthly, caring for and washing such products is very simple and quick.

Roman blinds can be used as an independent and sole decoration for windows, or they can be used in combination with long curtains or tulle.

Types of Roman blinds

Roman blinds for the hall are divided into three types: classic, cascading and frameless. They differ from each other in the presence of rigid slats and in the way they look when spread out.

Classic rims This is the most popular type of these curtains. They are pierced with slats, when raised, they gather in even folds, and when lowered, they are just a smooth canvas.

Frameless Roman blinds they do not have hard ribs, and rise only from the side parts of the canvas. When raised, their lower part forms an arch sagging downward with ears on the sides.

Cascade rims, from the word “cascade”, they, like the classic ones, have slats for lifting, only these, when lowered, are a canvas with folds cascading down on each other.

Roman curtains in different interior styles of the hall

The modern world of interior design for halls and living rooms is very diverse, and for each of them you need to select window decor competently and tastefully. As we have already said, Roman blinds are universal for all styles, but you still need to choose the right fabric, color and type of product.


The classic interior of the living room will be decorated with Roman blinds of any kind, the main thing is to choose the right tone of the material and it is better to abandon unnecessary decorations such as rhinestones and fringe. Classic is a sophisticated style, where calm pastel shades are acceptable, such as beige or peach, but this does not mean that you should abandon bright colors.

Classic is the absence of pretentious colors and a minimum of decorative elements

At correct selection colored curtains to match the walls and furniture can create a unique image of the living room in classic style. Whether the curtains are monochromatic or with a pattern is up to you, but do not forget that when the walls are all in colorful patterns, and the furniture with other decor is also saturated with patterns, then it is better to leave the curtains calmer, monochromatic.

Roman blinds, like regular curtains, can have a lambrequin. It is often hard or lacy, although for a classic-style living room you can experiment with soft, airy models.


Style French romance has become very popular for decorating living rooms in city apartments, but Roman blinds are not the most good option design of such windows. Due to its strict lines, the style loses its delicate outlines and charm. In a Provence style living room, you can try hanging frameless Roman blinds; they are the most suitable option for this type of room.

Initially, in Provence there should be curtains of a classic cut with tiebacks made of light fabric, so it is better to use a composition of two curtains: Provencal tulle from transparent fabric and darkening rims. In this case, Roman blinds must match the style with their fabric and color, and in romantic Provence these are, as you know, delicate pastel colors and small floral patterns.

High tech

But Roman blinds for a living room in high-tech style, unlike Provence, are what you need. After all, they contain the main properties inherent modern style: functionality, minimum unnecessary details, simplicity and ease of use, strictness of forms and clarity of lines. Therefore, to select great option A frame for a high-tech living room needs to take these points into account.

Simple classic cut, plain fabrics in metallic, silver, black, white, navy and brown. Among the bright colors, rich red, dark purple and turquoise are acceptable. Also, the absence of additional accessories on the curtains will be able to convey the whole essence of a given style.


Nowadays, the eclectic style combines the best features different styles, where the main rule is the absence of rules at all, but at the same time all elements of such an interior must be harmoniously combined with each other, including curtains. Roman blinds in a living room of this style can be the most different color and type: bright or pastel, plain or patterned, everything will depend on your imagination and taste preferences.

Baroque and Empire

Living rooms in luxurious style Baroque or Empire style is always something similar to royal chambers, all the furniture is very expensive, accessories are made of gold or gilding, natural luxurious carpets and crystal chandeliers. It would seem that Roman curtains have no place in such decoration, but no, with the right selection of fabric and accessories, you can create a unique image of such window decor.

It is worth choosing the appropriate fabric for Romans in a living room in this style: it can be satin, silk, brocade with shiny embroidery, velvet; these materials look very rich and presentable. The royal image of Roman curtains will be complemented by accessories in the form of fringe, tassels, embroidery and lace.

Roman products, both in Baroque and, for example, in the classical interior of the hall, can be freely combined with other thick curtains, and moreover, the lambrequins on them will add even more idleness to the whole image.

Fabric for Roman blinds

Roman curtains in the interior of the living room, as in the photo, can be made of almost any material, the main thing is that they create a pleasant atmosphere in the room. First, let's look at fabrics based on their composition. For allergy sufferers and connoisseurs of naturalness in textiles, we advise you to take a closer look at fabrics made from natural fiber - linen, cotton. These fabrics are perfect for Roman blinds in an eco-style living room and for a hot, stuffy room.

When choosing satin and silk fabrics, as well as velvet or wool, it is worth remembering that such fabrics involuntarily collect a lot of dust, and in this case they will have to be removed often for washing. Modern polyester fabrics with a special coating that repel dust and dirt are by far the most popular for sewing Roman blinds, both in the living room and in other rooms.

As you can see, choosing Roman blinds for the living room is not so difficult; you just need to listen to the advice of professionals and your taste preferences.

Today people give special meaning interior. Roman blinds, which are shown in the photo, are used to decorate residential and office spaces. They represent elegance, style and functionality. Unique products make it possible to implement the designer’s idea; they are easily attached to the desired window opening or to the ceiling. They appeared during the Roman Empire, but their design remains virtually unchanged. They are distinguished by a simple cut and mechanism; innovations affected only fabrics and decor. This window design option provides endless possibilities for creativity.

Types of Roman Draperies for Windows

The manually controlled product consists of a canvas and a special cornice with a built-in drive. You can choose a type with automatic control. The system ensures the assembly of the canvas with uniform folds when lifting, as well as the closing of the window. Most often, curtain fabrics are used for this system, ensuring the durability of the product. The material is treated with a special substance so that it does not fade, becomes less dirty, and lays beautifully.

These curtains for windows differ in color, decoration, and configuration. They can be made of material with different densities and light transmittance. Roman curtains are decorated with appliqués, scallops, fringes, and inserts from other fabrics are also used.

Main types:

  • The classic type of Roman blinds embodies simplicity and elegance. When folded, the canvas falls into beautiful folds. When opened, the curtain turns into a flat canvas.
  • Cascading products create waves and draperies, even when completely unraveled.

The same neat folds are obtained when opening. This is ensured thanks to guides inserted from the reverse side. At the bottom of the structure there is a rail designed to weight the structure. It prevents the fabric of Roman blinds from developing in the wind.


Roman blinds are used to decorate living spaces, offices, cafes, and fashionable restaurants. Their main task is to protect the room from prying eyes and sunlight, as well as to decorate the room and give it an original look.

Roman blinds combine a lot of advantages:

  • Compactness, the ability to attach the cornice inside the window opening.
  • Possibility to install the structure on non-standard windows.
  • Versatility and design flexibility.
  • Economical fabric consumption. To sew them you will need half as much fabric as standard drapes and curtains.
  • They are not afraid of moisture.
  • It is easy to operate the mechanism, which allows you to regulate the flow of light into the room.
  • Long-term operation.

The structure is installed in a window opening, on the ceiling, or on the wall. It depends on the characteristics of the room, the design idea and the wishes of the client. This option is indispensable if you need the window to be completely closed. During the day, when the canvas is raised, the room receives required amount light, and after lowering it, the product turns into a bright element of the interior. The curtain is easy to remove, wash or replace with another option. There are practically no restrictions when choosing fabric; you can easily choose the material suitable for the interior and room design.

An original version of Roman blinds for the living room

In this room they meet dear guests, spend holidays, gather in the evening for tea or watch TV. Therefore, close attention is paid to the selection of decor. The Roman blind attracts attention with its simplicity, convenience, and impeccable appearance. How harmoniously it will fit into the room depends on the choice of fabric and color. For classic interior Dense expensive fabrics are suitable: velvet, brocade, tapestry. Plain fabrics look great in a modern living room.

Dense materials on the windows can create comfort and peace in the house. In the spacious living room, Roman blinds are combined with long curtains. If you choose models that match the tone of the walls, they will add sophistication to the atmosphere. A contrasting Roman blind made of thick material will make the room more formal.

Fashionable addition to the bedroom interior

The bedroom should have a cozy, calm, relaxing atmosphere. Roman blinds will provide complete darkness in the room or add a romantic atmosphere by scattering light. Such curtains do not take up much space and are suitable for a spacious room or a small room. With their help, you can simply adjust the flow of light entering the room.

They will create a comfortable microclimate and protect personal space. Curtains on the windows will create a kind of barrier between the room and the outside world outside the window. This fashionable solution for interior. The product looks especially impressive in modern spaces, gives them uniqueness. Textiles and curtains in the same style look beautiful in the bedroom. A harmonious combination of all available decorative elements will create a charming atmosphere in the room.

Simplicity and elegance in the design of a nursery

Parents try to create maximum comfort and coziness in the room for their children. Today this task is not difficult to accomplish thanks to the variety of materials. Draperies for the windows in the nursery are selected with cheerful designs and pleasant colors; the child’s mood largely depends on them. They can turn a room into a fairy-tale world. An important advantage of Roman blinds is that the baby can lift them independently to open the window.

Such products are easy to replace, which will allow you to change the style of the room and give your child new emotions. When choosing curtains for a child's room, you should pay attention to the quality of the material. Natural fabrics are suitable for children's rooms and will last longer. This option is suitable for the room of a restless baby. He will not be able to reach the curtain, paint or cut it.

The ideal solution for decorating your kitchen space

Roman products can visually enlarge the kitchen and smooth out existing shortcomings. Dust and grease do not accumulate in their folds; dirt can simply be cleaned or washed off. You can order such products for your kitchen in perfect accordance with the size of the window so that they match the style of the interior. If desired, the housewife can replace the fabric herself.

Advice! If the kitchen is located on the south side, then in summer the room is hot. In this case, use thick fabrics of Roman blinds to decorate the room. In other cases, choose light curtains.

IN small kitchens you need to visually expand the space and try not to overload the room. Roman blinds look laconic, they take up minimal space and leave the window sill open. They perfectly combine the practicality of blinds and the beauty of classic curtains.

Laconic Roman blinds for the balcony

Balconies usually have small sizes, therefore it is necessary to select compact options. They should not interfere with the functioning of the windows; you need to consider mounting options. Curtains on balconies and loggias are reliable protection against sun rays. The choice should be based on the characteristics of the room and the assigned tasks. Two types of curtains are often combined: thick fabric that does not allow light to pass through, and light translucent fabric. These curtains function independently of each other.

Advice! Curtains are visible from the room, so choose them in accordance with the design of the apartment.

Strictness and conciseness for office space

Roman blinds are clear lines and elegance. They are perfect for the office. Their choice depends on the customer’s preferences, furniture and design office space. Warm colors will create coziness at work and increase the productivity of employees. Light shades They will expand the space and make it light.

These products will decorate the space, but will not distract attention from the work. This economical option, which will suit small company. Wide choose design and minimum consumption canvas will provide minimum costs. Ease of care is important when selecting. Thanks to the special design, dust does not accumulate on the products. It is possible to order a design with a remote control mechanism.

How to choose curtains?

Roman blinds can be ordered from almost any fabric. Initially, decide on the density of the fabric. It depends on the natural light in the room and the desired result. In bright sunlight, denser fabrics are selected, and for rooms located on the north side, transparent and translucent models are suitable. Linen is used to produce environmentally friendly and safe products, suitable for the bedroom and living room. You should not order linen curtains for the kitchen, as the material absorbs odors. Cotton will create a cozy homely atmosphere, comfort. Curtains made from it are appropriate in a child's bedroom. Synthetic materials choose for the kitchen, they are easy to care for, for a long time do not lose their original appearance.

Draperies for windows are chosen in plain colors, with patterns, stripes, checks, etc. The main thing for the buyer is not to get confused due to the huge number of options and choose the most suitable option. IN small room select plain products or canvas with a minimum of patterns. In a spacious room, it is recommended to experiment with color. You can choose models with bright patterns, which will add dynamics to the room. A vertical strip will visually make the room taller, and a horizontal strip will make it wider. The lower edge is decorated with beads, fringe, lace, etc.

The product is made according to the size of the window opening and must fit into it successfully. Today there are two ways to fasten the structure:

  • IN window opening when the window sill is wide. This method is used when the window has additional decor: curtains, drapes, lambrequin.
  • A structure is attached to the wall above the window when it is often necessary to open the window for ventilation.

Roman blinds are appropriate in any interior; you need to add details and place color accents.

Roman blinds 46 photos of new products:

This type of window decoration arose several thousand years ago, when the powerful Roman Empire flourished. This is where the name curtains came from. Their design is quite simple. The mechanism and cut are distinguished by strict forms, clear lines and a variety of textures. Roman blinds occupy one of the leading positions in the home textile market. They not only decorate the room, but also diffuse very beautifully daylight. Due to the fabric, it can shimmer in different shades.

Types and features of Roman blinds

The design of Roman blinds includes a small cornice onto which a special fabric is attached to form folds. The weighting material for fixing the shape and securing the position of the curtains is located at the bottom. Adjustment occurs through a cord or chain mechanism.

The texture of roller blinds (as they are often called) is famous for its diversity. There are durable and translucent models, curtains with high and low light transmission, plain and patterned. The most popular components for Roman curtains are weightless organza, durable tapestry and silk brocade.

This type of curtains can be classified into two main types: classic and cascading. The first type of product is a flat sheet of fabric that creates light stripes-folds when the position of the curtains changes. The appearance is particularly extravagant and laconic. Cascading curtains are based on a smooth texture. They retain a “light dent” even when opened to their maximum. This creates the effect of stylish drapery. She always brings her own twist.

Roman blinds in different rooms

Exist universal methods window decorations that are always practical. This is exactly what Roman blinds are. They look good in different rooms.

A nook for comfortable rest and you always want to design your dreams as best as possible. Roman blinds can easily create a romantic, cozy atmosphere, protecting the view of the bedroom from prying eyes. For sun lovers, products made from translucent fabric are suitable. They will beautifully decorate the window, as well as softly and pleasantly diffuse daylight. A stylish choice would be a design made from two different fabrics - a denser and a thinner one. It is functional and aesthetically pleasing.

There is an interesting design technique, which is often used to decorate windows in the living room. Roman blinds are attached in two layers. First, weightless thin curtains are installed, and then thicker curtains are hung. The former have a smooth translucent surface, while the latter have rich colors or interesting patterns. This option is perfect for large windows. Small or medium openings can be decorated with curtains made of organza or brocade, which can decorate a living room designed in any style.

Roman blinds in the nursery

This is a good choice for window decoration in a child's room. Roman blinds eliminate the serious problem of dust accumulation, which can negatively affect a child's health. In addition, they can depict not only bright patterns or ornaments, but also cartoon characters.

The kitchen space always absorbs different odors and requires special care. Roman blinds will simplify the task of cleaning because they can be easily cleaned from dust and stains. Another advantage of such window decoration is convenient operation and their stylish appearance. Roller blinds can be the background for the overall kitchen design, or they can become its highlight (depending on the texture of the fabric, pattern, placement).

This space rarely has large windows. Most often in the bathroom there are small window openings, for which plain Roman blinds, easy to care for, are perfect. They will not darken the natural and decorative lighting, giving the room additional comfort.

Interior styles

We'll consider style directions, which are best combined with window decoration with Roman blinds.

The choice of connoisseurs of luxury and elegance. Art Deco design is sharp lines, expensive fabrics, unusual ornaments and stylish furniture. Cascading Roman blinds with unusual drapery will easily complement the overall atmosphere, without attracting all the attention, but creating the necessary accents and transitions. One more good option There will be plain velvet curtains.

The chosen direction is a sweet French charm, rustic lightness, an abundance of delicate handmade things and eco-friendly furniture. This set will be in perfect harmony with classic Roman blinds in neutral tones or with floral prints.

The modern Art Nouveau direction is the ideal balance of simplicity and pretentiousness. The design is characterized by geometric shapes, correct arrangement of furniture, natural views finishing and stylish accessories. Glossy surfaces and facade furniture will be more stylish against the backdrop of double Roman blinds. They can become a backdrop for brighter decorative elements.

Any room designed in a country style will seem warmer and more comfortable. Light shades, natural finish, the use of accessories made of stone, glass and clay, environmental friendliness of products. Blackout curtains often make a room appear darker and colder, disrupting the ambience created.

The design of new technologies loves conciseness and simplicity. Heavy fabric curtains will not always be appropriate in a high-tech style. Laconic curtains with geometric shapes or outlines of two colors. Matte and glossy textures of the product are also well combined.

Roman curtains - photo

A collection of selected photos will show interesting options for placing Roman blinds on different windows in rooms with unusual style solutions. You can get inspired for new window decoration ideas. Enjoy watching!

Curtains, the design and origin of which give them the name “Roman”, are probably best suited for modern interiors almost any style. The choice in their favor is due to their laconic aesthetics, simple mechanism, practicality. Right choice in terms of design and color, the canvas can make any interior harmonious and complete. These curtains received this name because of their origin: they really come from ancient Rome and were invented by the designers of that era.

Interesting! Since their appearance, they have practically not changed either in terms of the device or in terms of design.

Roman blinds are structures made of fabric that are arranged in layers on horizontal supports or layers

Therefore, today, when arranging a living room or kitchen, bedroom or nursery, even a balcony, the choice falls on Roman blinds: photos in the interior clearly demonstrate how they are a good choice when decorating a room of almost any size and purpose.

Roman blinds are also suitable for bedroom decoration

Roman blinds are also very convenient for decorating windows on a loggia.

The secret of the entire curtain design is the cornice, to which the laces connected to the main fabric are attached. To ensure that the curtains retain their shape, do not curl, and are not affected by the wind or other obstacles, another lower curtain rod is provided, which is significantly weighted. To lift the fabric up, you need to lightly pull the chains that control the laces. To ensure that the curtain remains at the required lifting height, secure them. The whole mechanism is somewhat reminiscent of one of the blind designs. Therefore, if you have unnecessary but working blinds, you can easily make Roman blinds yourself.

The advantage of Roman blinds is that they can be adjusted in height

The general design of curtains includes the following details:

  • cloth made of fabric;
  • rods;
  • drawstrings;
  • weights.

The fabric usually has rectangular shape and is made from natural, mixed fabrics or synthetics. Drawstrings are needed to attach horizontally located rods. They are also called pockets. The rods are responsible for folding the fabric into even, beautiful folds. They can be hard and soft. “Hiding” in pockets, they allow the canvas to maintain its shape in any position. Plastic or metal weights sewn inside to the bottom edge allow the canvas fabric to maintain tension.

Classifications of curtains, fabric materials

According to the general design of the fabric, curtains can be:

  • classic;
  • frameless;
  • cascading.

There are various forms of Roman blinds, their design is made up of frame and frameless structures

Frame Roman blinds are considered classic version, where the folds are smooth without sagging

The first option is the most common. These are perfectly smooth canvases that, when lifted, form regular folds in the horizontal direction. Frameless are so called because the horizontal control rods found in classic designs, are missing here. Because of this, the folds formed during lifting lose their evenness and sag, forming bends. They deprive the interior of straight lines, but fill it with smoothness and harmony. Therefore, for rooms where people will mainly relax, frameless Roman blinds are chosen. The interior photos below clearly demonstrate how, in all respects, this is a good choice.

Frameless Roman blinds create a beautiful sag when assembled

The cascade design of curtains assumes the presence of folds even in a fully assembled, “open” state. The smooth canvas that characterizes classic, frameless models is not here. Folds will always be present in them, regardless of the height of the lift.

Cascading Roman blinds are designs that form a cascade even when unfolded

A separate classification of Roman blinds is based on lifting mechanism. Depending on how the opening is performed, the curtains can be:

  • rope;
  • rotary-chain;
  • combined;
  • elementary.

Roman blinds with a cord on a rope are considered the simplest

Rope structures have fabrics of varying degrees of transparency, but they are always extremely light, which allows them to be controlled with strong ropes and laces. Rotary-chain models are similar to blinds: by activating the mechanism with a chain, they rotate the shaft and rotor beams. The canvases here can be not only light, but also much denser.

Combined Roman blinds in the interior are distinguished by the fact that they can combine different fabrics, several rotor-chain, as well as rope mechanisms at the same time. Elementary models are used infrequently due to their fragility. The ropes in them are tied directly to the crossbars and lift them. The only advantage of the design is its affordable cost.

Roman blinds are made from:

  • flax;
  • synthetics;
  • cotton;
  • mixed fabrics.

Linen Roman blinds are great for bedrooms, children's rooms and living rooms, as linen is lightweight and natural material

Linen Roman blinds are usually in soft, pleasant shades

Linen is a natural, hypoallergenic fabric, ideal option for living rooms and bedrooms.

Linen is considered a hypoallergenic fabric

Advice! But if you plan to decorate your kitchen or balcony with Roman blinds, you should avoid using linen. It absorbs odors perfectly, gets dirty quickly, and washing and ironing this material is problematic.

For the kitchen, it is better to choose Roman blinds made of easily washable and non-absorbent synthetic fabric.

For kitchen perfect choice– synthetic fabrics. If you use the right detergent, you can wash such fabric without difficulty. In addition, synthetics will withstand a large number of washes, and such fabrics often do not require ironing at all. Cotton is a natural and fairly inexpensive fabric. Such curtains will look good in bedrooms and living rooms. But for the kitchen, this is again a bad option precisely because of its ability to become saturated with odors.

Note! When washed, cotton fabrics become thinner and tear during use.

Cotton Roman blinds are also valued for their natural qualities.

It is better to wash cotton Roman blinds by hand and carefully.

Mixed fabrics are an excellent option for any room. They combine ease of care, practicality, aesthetics and are quite affordable. If you decide to choose Roman blinds for your room, photo in the interior for various purposes on our website will help you in the final determination with a specific model.

Blended fabrics are inexpensive, but practical fabrics new generation, which at the same time retain the properties of natural fabric

Roman blinds for different interiors

Curtains of Roman design will look especially impressive in living rooms if you complement them with heavy curtain fabrics and lambrequins. This option is good in large, spacious rooms. But if your living room is small, choose light, translucent materials. For example, organza is a good choice. It will not perform the function of completely darkening the living room, but will bring comfort and harmony to it. If the living room is decorated in the spirit of minimalism or hi-tech, you should opt for plain fabrics. If the interior is bold and non-standard, you can choose canvases with geometric prints.

Roman blinds can be combined with other types of curtains

The combination of Roman blinds and tulle looks very nice

Translucent Roman blinds are used more for decorating windows

If you choose the right color and a simple lifting mechanism, Roman blinds will look very beautiful in a child’s room and the baby will probably like it. The color should match the main interior, but in the nursery you should avoid monochrome.

Roman blinds in the nursery can be chosen with a funny pattern

It is better to choose roman blinds in a nursery in positive and pleasant colors

It is advisable to choose Roman blinds in the nursery from natural materials

Remembering that the bedroom is a place of rest, relaxation, and sleep, you should focus on translucent canvases. They will transmit a little light and create the necessary twilight at the same time. If you want greater transparency, but at the same time, protection from prying eyes and light, combine curtains with heavy curtain fabric, which should perfectly match the curtains in color.

Roman blinds in the bedroom should fulfill their direct functions: protect from light and prying eyes

Roman blinds in the bedroom are best combined with curtains

Translucent Roman blinds in the bedroom for those who like twilight

If in other rooms curtains should be in harmony in color and design, in the kitchen you are free to experiment with them with all your might. Here Roman blinds can freely stand out from general interior both in color and design. The boldest colors and prints will work, as will frameless, wave designs with rounded edges.

Using Roman blinds you can complement the interior of the kitchen

Roman blinds are a great option for decorating windows in the kitchen

Roman curtains are most often purchased either in finished form. However, if you creative person If you like to create your own interior, you can make Roman blinds with your own hands. The video and detailed photographs of the process posted here will significantly speed up and simplify the manufacturing process.

How to make Roman blinds yourself

Making Roman blinds yourself is quite possible. You can easily captivate your children with this process, especially if you are going to make them for the nursery. However, you can make them for the living room, the kitchen, and even the balcony, armed with the following consumables:

  • unnecessary horizontal blinds;
  • material for the canvas;
  • threads, glue, tools;
  • boards for the frame, tubes for adjustment if there are no old blinds in the house.

Making your own Roman blinds from old blinds

The manufacturing process will be approximately as follows. Moreover, we will describe a method that requires old blinds. One of the laces should be removed from them, the rotating one, not the lifting one. Next you need to calculate how many folds you want. Usually they are made at a distance of 25-30 cm. Next, we remove unnecessary lamellas, leaving only those with folds. We take a new ready-made fabric, fold it 5 cm on each vertical side, iron it, and stitch it. Next, we attach the canvas to the existing frame with glue. We start from the top crossbar, do not miss a single lamella, and end with the bottom cornice. After the glue has dried, your product is ready.

If you have difficulty with the process, but want to make Roman blinds yourself, the video on our website will greatly facilitate this exciting process!


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