Rinz art criticism urgent publication. Magazines excluded from the rinz

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If you need to publish scientific article in the RSCI journal, the assistance of the Internauka publishing house will be useful and timely. Publication in the RSCI database is an opportunity for researchers to declare scientific achievements and discoveries, as well as improve the performance of scientific work.

Every higher education teacher educational institution must engage in scientific work different forms. One of these forms is the publication of scientific articles. The publication of an article in the RSCI journal indicates its scientific status and can be reflected in all reports on scientific work.

Federal State Educational Standard higher education in many areas of training in the section staffing educational process establishes the requirement that scientific and pedagogical workers must publish at least 2 RSCI articles within a year. Publications in journals indexed in the RSCI make it possible to fulfill this requirement.

Hiring of scientific and pedagogical workers is carried out on a competitive basis. An applicant for a vacant position submits a package of documents, which includes a certificate of scientific activity, which is compiled on the basis of a list of scientific publications. Articles in the RSCI are recognized as scientific and may be included in the specified list.

In the target indicators of the Development Programs federal universities, other universities and scientific organizations, as well as in the topics of research work of departments assigned for 5 years, may contain specific obligations regarding the number of articles in the RSCI published by teachers during the reporting period. Administrations of educational and scientific organizations, in fulfillment of their obligations, will require research and development staff to increase their publication activity. To solve these problems it may be necessary urgent publication RSCI.

The task of the RSCI is not only to collect all scientific publications in a single database, but also to create a system for objectively assessing the relevance and usefulness of these publications. By analogy with international scientometric databases, the RSCI introduced an indicator of scientific citation of authors. Citation indicators, which are calculated according to a certain formula, indicate the scientific productivity of the researcher, which is also taken into account in the ratings of both specific scientific and pedagogical workers or structural divisions, and the universities themselves.

Selecting a journal to publish an article

Reviewing the article

Bringing the article to the requirements of the journal (editorial changes, increasing uniqueness, preparing a list of references, etc.)

Full support of the article until publication and sending the printed version of the magazine to the author

Thanks to cooperation with the Internauka publishing house, the urgent publication of the RSCI will become real, affordable and legally guaranteed under the offer agreement.

Why was the decision made to exclude a group of journals from the RSCI?

Russian index scientific citation was created not only as a national register of publications of Russian scientists, but also as a tool for assessing scientific activity. That is, the RSCI has two main tasks: a) collecting from all sources in a single database information about all publications of Russian scientists, and b) calculating statistical indicators for assessing the publication activity of scientists and scientific organizations based on the citation of publications.

The RSCI copes quite successfully with solving the first problem. Now more than 6 thousand are indexed there Russian magazines. The total number of publications by Russian scientists in the database exceeded 11 million, and every year one and a half million new publications are added (of which approximately 800 thousand are publications for the last year, the rest are archival). Of these 800 thousand, approximately 450 thousand are publications in scientific journals, the rest are monographs, articles in collections, conference proceedings, patents, dissertations, etc.

But with the solution to the second problem in last years More and more difficulties arise. This is due to the rapid growth in the number of journals published in Russia, which in words position themselves as peer-reviewed scientific publications, but in reality simply provide paid services for the publication of the author’s works without any peer review. Anything can be published in such a journal, including any anti-scientific nonsense, since there is no input quality control of publications from a scientific point of view. There is no control over the reasonableness and validity of citations in articles. For example, you can easily make at least a hundred links to your previous works or the work of their co-authors, even if they are not thematically related to the content of this work and are not mentioned at all in the text. Increasing your bibliometric indicators in this way is, as they say, a matter of technique.

To combat this problem, the RSCI proposes to use various modifications of indicators, including those taking into account self-citation, citation by co-authors, contract citation, etc., but the methods for calculating them are becoming more and more complex and using them in practice is not always advisable. And not everything can be corrected with indicators alone.

The saddest thing in this story is that the metastases of such unscrupulous practices have begun to affect quite decent journals, the founders of which are universities and scientific organizations. Moreover, many scientists and teachers have already begun to be quite tolerant of publications in such journals. This does not cause any indignation or rejection among their colleagues.

You can easily predict the further development of the situation if you do nothing. The share of non-peer-reviewed publications in the RSCI will increase, which will lead to the fact that the indicators calculated from the RSCI database will no longer be able to be used to evaluate scientific activity, since, due to artificial manipulations, they will no longer reflect the real picture of the scientific significance of scientists and scientific organizations and magazines. As a result, the RSCI will be excluded from all regulatory documents related to the assessment and monitoring of scientific activities. It will be replaced either by the recently formed core of the RSCI, or in general only by international scientific citation databases. Then those who today protest against the exclusion from the RSCI of unscrupulous publications in which they had the imprudence to publish will really have serious problems. After all, many of them have no publications at all in prestigious international journals.

To avoid such a pessimistic scenario, it is necessary to introduce restrictions on the inclusion of non-peer-reviewed publications in the RSCI and exclude journals that have already been included there that do not meet the criteria of scientific and publishing ethics. The fact that this will be done was first announced a year ago at the conference “International Scientific Publishing - 2016: Solving the Problems of Publishing Ethics, Reviewing and Preparation of Publications.” During the year, work was carried out to analyze and evaluate journals indexed in the RSCI for their compliance with generally accepted criteria for a scientific peer-reviewed publication. As a result of this analysis, they were selected, which were recently excluded from the RSCI.

The practice of excluding journals from science citation databases is not new. Journals are excluded from both Web of Science and Scopus. For example, from Scopus to Lately were removed, those that do not meet the rules of publishing ethics, artificially inflate their indicators, or are of too low quality.

How are journals excluded from the RSCI technically, and what happens to the performance of scientists who published in excluded journals?

Technically, the magazine is not going away. Licensing agreements with publishers are not terminated, moreover, the publisher can, if desired, continue to provide information about new issues. But all articles from excluded journals and citations from them are no longer taken into account when calculating bibliometric indicators in the RSCI. To assess publication activity on the platform, the site now has three different levels:

1) RSCI core. This includes all publications in journals currently indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus and RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index on the Web of Science platform) databases. In addition, the core will include the best monographs and proceedings of the most respected scientific conferences, selected based on strict peer review. The RSCI core is recommended for assessing the highest quality component of the array of publications by Russian scientists.

2) RSCI. After clearing out unscrupulous publications, this will include only publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, as well as non-journal publications that meet the requirements of publishing and scientific ethics. It is recommended for analyzing publication activity in all scientific areas, including those where the level of domestic research does not yet reach the world level.

3) Scientific electronic library. Various publications that are related to scientific activity, but are not scientific in the strict sense of the word, can be additionally posted here, including abstract, popular science, information and socio-political magazines, as well as magazines that cannot be classified as peer-reviewed. These publications do not participate in the statistical assessment of scientific activity in the RSCI.

Accordingly, the main bibliometric indicators (number of publications, number of citations and Hirsch index) are now calculated separately for each category, which makes it possible to compare them and understand the publications in which sources they are formed. All these indicators are presented on the page for analyzing the scientist’s publication activity. In the lists of author publications and citations, you can now also display publications or links separately for each category.

Why couldn’t it have been possible to leave the already loaded issues of excluded journals in the RSCI or to exclude only articles by individual authors who were inflating their indicators?

The logic behind the operation of scientific citation databases is based on the fact that they do not select individual publications. They are physically unable to do this with such input streams of publications. Selection takes place at the level scientific journals, and the evaluation of individual articles is carried out by the editors of scientific journals. Journals are a kind of distributed specialized centers for examining incoming manuscripts and selecting the highest quality and scientifically significant works for publication. If this most important function of the editorial office of a scientific journal stops working, the entire coherent system of bibliometric assessment in scientific citation databases collapses. That's why world practice is that entire journals are added to the database and no longer indexed, rather than individual articles. It is assumed that if experts have selected a journal for inclusion in indexing, then they trust all publications in this journal, since the editors of the journal guarantee their quality at an acceptable level.

All journals excluded from the RSCI at this stage, from the very beginning of their publication, carried out their activities with obvious violations of scientific publishing ethics, therefore all their issues were removed from the RSCI. Is this fair? If we analyze the composition of the authors who published articles in journals excluded from the RSCI, it turns out that 80% of them published no more than three articles in these journals, and half - one article at all. If these authors have other publications, then one or two articles will not have much impact on their performance. At the same time, there is a category of authors for whom the exclusion of these journals will be much more noticeable - about 4 thousand scientists have published 10 or more articles in them. There are also anti-heroes here, who have 100 or more publications and several thousand citations in the excluded journals. A detailed analysis of the publication activity of these scientists confirms their use of publications in these journals for the purpose of artificially inflating their indicators. When an author has more than 500 publications in 2016, and these publications already have more than 1,400 citations, and at the same time the core of the RSCI is zero, and the H-index is approaching 70, then this speaks not only of a massive violation of publication ethics, but also in general about the loss of common sense in the pursuit of indicators.

Now let's assume that all these publications would remain in the RSCI and imagine two scientists with high index Hirsch. The first has been published all his life in highly rated scientific journals, and his h-index truly reflects his real scientific level. The second one followed the path of least resistance and in a couple of years built up the same H-index for himself through publications in dubious journals and proceedings of correspondence conferences. It turns out that with a formal approach, both of these scientists equally apply for the same positions, titles, bonuses, grants, etc. Is this fair? The interests of which of these scientists should be supported by the RSCI in this situation? It seems to us that the answer is obvious.

How to determine whether a journal is peer-reviewed and whether it will be excluded from the RSCI in the future?

The main criteria by which one can determine whether a journal is peer-reviewed and whether it meets the requirements of the Russian Science Citation Index are given in sufficient detail in. Many similar recommendations can be found on the Internet. First of all, you need to rely on common sense and not fall for dubious advertising that promises everything quickly, cheaply and with a guaranteed result. If you still have doubts, ask more experienced colleagues whether this journal is authoritative in your scientific field.

Yes, you can try to retract an article from the journal, revise it and send it to one of the peer-reviewed publications. In this case, it is necessary to indicate that the article was published earlier, but was withdrawn and revised. This will allow you to avoid later problems with text duplication when checking for incorrect borrowing.

Will work continue to clear the RSCI of unscrupulous publications and how?

This work is very important and will certainly continue. According to our estimates, among the six thousand journals indexed in the RSCI, at least 1000 journals do not conduct any review of incoming manuscripts at all, that is, only a third have been excluded from the RSCI so far. Also, numerous correspondence conferences and collective monographs will be excluded from the RSCI - very dubious genres of scientific publications that have recently become widespread in Russia, and in fact are in a fast way publish the article without any peer review.

How will new journals be included in the RSCI now?

Now there will no longer be automatic inclusion of new journals in the RSCI. Each log will go through internal system assessments. If new magazine is created by a reputable publishing house that already has journals in the RSCI, and is not involved in any stories related to violations of publishing ethics, then it will begin to be indexed from the first issue.

If the publishing house is new or there were questions about its previous publications, then the journal may begin to post issues on the website, but they will not be immediately taken into account in the RSCI.

It is possible to significantly reduce the time it takes to consider the inclusion of a journal in the RSCI if the journal provides texts of reviews of them along with descriptions of articles. These reviews will be posted on the article description page. This will not only confirm the fact of reviewing articles, but also evaluate the quality of this review.

Can a journal already indexed in the RSCI switch to a model with open posting of reviews?

Yes it is possible. To do this, the journal publisher must finalize agreements with authors of publications and reviewers, having received their consent to post reviews in open access. What might be the interest of authors and reviewers in this?

First, it may be important for the author, as well as for the journal, to have public evidence of peer review of their work. Secondly, posting reviews can become an incentive, a kind of catalyst for colleagues to discuss the results of their work and search for new directions for further research.

For a reviewer, open reviews are essentially a publication of the results of his hard work. And if the editors choose the option of disclosing information about the reviewer of this article, then this also means respect from colleagues and recognition of his qualifications by the scientific community. Experienced editors know that some reviewers write very interesting and detailed reviews that are useful not only for the author of the manuscript under review. Their publication may give A New Look on the interpretation of the results obtained and new approaches to solving the problems raised in the study.

How will the process of posting open reviews be technically organized?

Review texts are posted on the publication description page. Access to them is open to all scientists registered in the Science Index system. Along with the text of the review, the editors provide information about the reviewer (full name and ID of the review author) and the date of the review. The editors of the journal themselves determine whether this information will be publicly available or not.

The editors also decide independently whether all reviews are opened or only the most interesting ones will be shown. If the decision to publish an article was made by the editorial board independently, without the involvement of external experts, then the text of this decision may be provided instead of a review. It is also permitted to publish full text review, but individual excerpts from it. The review may be adjusted or compiled by the editors from several reviews. In addition, in some cases it may be of interest to publish the authors' responses to reviews.

Scientists registered in the Science Index system can also write their reviews and evaluate the level of this work after its publication. In addition, they are given the opportunity to discuss the results of their work and discuss with the authors of the publication.

How can I retract an article if it has already been published in a journal?

Withdrawal of an article (retraction) is carried out upon an official request from the editors of the journal. In this case, the initiator of retraction can be either the team of authors or the editors themselves. The most common causes of retraction are:

Detection of plagiarism in a publication;

Duplication of an article in several publications;

Detection of falsifications in the work (for example, manipulation of experimental data);

Detection at work serious mistakes(e.g. misinterpretation of results), which calls into question its scientific value.

To retract an article, the editors must indicate the reason for retraction (in case of detection of plagiarism, indicating the sources of borrowing), as well as the date of retraction. Examples of retracted articles can be viewed or. Retracted articles and references from them are excluded from the RSCI and are not included in the calculation of indicators.

Beginning authors - students, graduate students - often ask the question - what is the RSCI and how to publish an article in the RSCI? RSCI stands for Russian Science Citation Index. This is a project on the eLIBRARY platform, launched in 2005, with about seven million publications by Russian scientists in its database. RSCI represents electronic service scientific citation. Why is it necessary to publish an article in the RSCI? This service allows you to determine the so-called scientometric indicators of a scientist’s activity - his citation rate in various sources. In other words, to assess the frequency of use of the scientific results of the activities of a scientist, and therefore his contribution to the development of science.

Requirements for articles for publication in the RSCI

Not all scientific journals are included in the RSCI database. There are high requirements for journals included in the RSCI. The selection of scientific media is based on expert assessments activities of publications.

First, let's talk about article codes, which are necessary so that other scientists can identify you, your work and the specialization in which it was performed.

Carefully consider the issue of choosing the RSCI publication. The list of scientific journals of the RSCI is constantly updated, since many publications do not stand up to high requirements requirements of the specified project.

There are several signs of unscrupulous journals that position themselves as RSCI publications, but in fact they are not.

  1. You are offered the publication of your research in 1-2 days. These are unrealistic deadlines for any peer-reviewed scientific publication (reviewing is one of the main requirements of the RSCI). Serious publications will not undertake reviewing, editing, layout and publication of your work in such a short period of time.
  2. Intrusive adware– mailings, spam with offers for urgent publication.
  3. Volume of published articles. If a journal publishes a thousand articles a year, there can be no talk of any peer review here. Serious publications publish 100-200 scientific research in year.
  4. An offer to participate in correspondence conferences or become the author of a collective monograph. This is most likely a collection of articles, the release of which is not intended to contribute to science, but to simply attract Money for the publication.
  5. Check out the editorial board on the publication's website. Find out how many reputable scientists are included there.
  6. Many unscrupulous pseudoscientific media operate on the “pyramid” principle. After collecting money from the authors, they publish several issues and then close. In this case, we are talking about entering data into scientific library doesn't work. How to be? How to check whether a publication submits its publications to the eLIBRARY service. Go to the eLIBRARY website, enter the name of the publication you have chosen in the journal catalog, find the “public figure” column. If the indicator is zero or there are no media names in the catalog at all, then this publication is misleading you in bad faith.
  7. Browse back issues of your chosen publication. If articles are printed with spelling errors, then peer review is unlikely to be carried out.
  8. Go to the publication's website. If the site is primitive and created less than a year ago, this should alert you. Perhaps the publication is not going to invest in a project that will soon be closed.

For publication of the RSCI, the journal editor is provided with complete data about the author - full name, place of work, position and scientific degree, address, Email. All this data is also indicated on English language.

How easy the process of finding your article in the RSCI will depend on the correctness of filling out the specified data.

Scientific and theoretical articles are those presented in an accessible form theoretical research in a certain area. The value of such research is undeniable, because practical activity begins with theory.

Scientific and practical articles are publications of experimental studies; such works highlight the results of the experiments obtained and reveal their practical significance.

Review research is a review of sources that provides the opinions of various scientists on the issue under study and, as a rule, states the opinion of the author.

  • Title;
  • Annotation;
  • Keywords;
  • A text consisting of an introductory, main, final part with conclusions;
  • Links or list of used literature


Scientific journals for publication by RSCI students have strict requirements for the design of work. The title of the article should be written in Russian and English without using various abbreviations and periods. The abstract is also done in two languages ​​with a minimum number of words ranging from one hundred and fifty to a maximum of three hundred.

Rules for the design of publications in RSCI journals: Since this project is closely related to international citation databases, much attention is paid to quality English translation. Keep in mind that automatic services cannot provide high-quality translation of text and words with scientific terminology. Usage English words in incorrect cases and meanings unacceptable

Keywords are also written in Russian and English. Their minimum number is 10 words.

All abbreviations and acronyms must be spelled out the first time they are used. Graphs, tables and figures are drawn up with continuous numbering and contain the necessary explanations.

  1. from two references to the opinions of scientists in Russian and foreign journals. This way you will show your awareness of scientific developments on your topic;
  2. one or two links to your own work. This will demonstrate the depth of your research.

It should be borne in mind that the bibliography in the article does not include materials without an author - laws, GOSTs - references are made to documents of this kind in the text.

Journals that publish RSCI publications, in order to meet the high criteria of this service, pay close attention to both the content of the publication texts and the quality of the work’s design.


Reviews of scientific work can be both internal and external. The first type of reviews is usually signed by the supervisor. The review is affixed with the seal of the university where the author studies or works. The second type of reviews is signed by officials of third-party institutions - editorial offices, specialists from other universities.

An objective assessment of the research is necessary; the strengths of the work, as well as its shortcomings, are stated

For placement in RSCI journals of publications in mandatory Articles are reviewed. As a rule, reviewing is carried out by authoritative scientists - candidates and doctors of science. It is based on the results of the review that the question of whether your article will be published is decided. This measure is intended to protect readers from low-quality scientific publications of articles in RSCI journals and collections.

The article is analyzed in detail, the content and compliance with the design requirements are assessed, the degree of novelty of the research, the relevance of the research to advanced branches of science, the significance of scientific results in practical activities are reflected.

Finally, the reviewer’s signature and appropriate seal are affixed.

The following criteria are significant for the RSCI review of scientific articles:

  • Relevance of the topic under study;
  • Novelty and originality;
  • Justification of scientific work;
  • Culture of scientific methodology;
  • Data reliability;
  • Using the research of predecessors;
  • Presentation style;
  • Literacy.

Undoubtedly strengths The article is a logical and consistent presentation of the essence of a scientific idea, innovation in solving a problem, and the ability to write simply about complex things. Reviewers also note the ability to correctly express their point of view in an article that takes the form of polemics with scientific opponents

  1. the article is not subject to publication;
  2. the article is subject to publication;
  3. The article is subject to revision and re-review.

How to publish an article in the RSCI for free

So, your article was published in the next issue of a journal or collection, but there is very little left before defending your dissertation, and your work is not in the eLIBRARY database. You can independently and free of charge add your article to the eLIBRARY service database if you are a responsible representative of an organization (for example, your university) that has signed an agreement on SCIENCE INDEX.

As a rule, a university library employee has such rights, but these powers can be delegated to others officials. In order to independently add your publication to eLIBRARY, you need to submit a corresponding application to the management of the affiliated institution (university, research institute, etc.).

After the formalities for admission to the service database have been settled, you can independently and free of charge publish the publication of your scientific article in the RSCI, using the service instructions.

If you need to publish a scientific article urgently

Often, students and graduate students urgently need the publication of scientific articles from the RSCI.

Urgent publication in a journal or RSCI collection is possible, but you need to know some nuances.

It should be borne in mind that a high impact factor (an index of importance in the scientific world) of a publication can be the reason for a long wait in line for publication, which can last not days, but months.

If you want to publish an article in the RSCI journal urgently, you should abandon the intention to quickly get published in a journal with high rating- it is necessary to choose a less prestigious magazine. At the same time, we definitely recommend checking whether this journal is included in the list of scientific libraries

Some RSCI journals undertake to print work urgently for a certain cost.

In order to urgently publish a work in a journal, it is necessary to attach a covering letter to the article with a request for urgent publication. IN cover letter write a motivated request for urgent publication - indicate the deadline for defending your dissertation or another reason.

A quick way to bypass the queue and get your research published urgently is to work with journals that offer payment for shortened publication times.

Tip: Participation in conferences organized by magazines helps to establish useful contacts with members of the editorial boards of such magazines. The human factor has not been canceled. The process of publishing any of your articles will go much faster if the editors know you.

How to add your article to the elibrary

You can add an article to the elibrary yourself if you are an authorized representative of an organization (for example, your university) that has signed an agreement on SCIENCE INDEX.

You need to go to the elibrary website and add work using the methods offered by this service.

  • Entering a full bibliographic description of the article;
  • Using a link to this publication as a template for adding a publication;
  • Adding an article using the publication's DOI.

The site contains detailed instructions on adding works, including visual videos.

The Russian Science Citation Index is a database that has existed since 2005. It includes several thousand periodic scientific publications in Russian. The creation of the RSCI makes it possible to calculate scientometric indicators of Russian scientists and journals, keep records and analyze the publication activity of researchers and organizations, and also provide access to scientific materials to a wide circle of the public.

The list of RSCI journals is publicly available. After finishing writing an article, the researcher selects a scientific publication to publish his work. Currently, many magazines are ready to print any material for money. If the main goal is to increase the number of printed works, the easiest way is to contact just such an editorial office, where for a fee they print any articles without checking, within the shortest possible time. However, if a scientist is interested in his own career, it is better for him to choose journals from the RSCI list for publication.

The catalog of scientific publications of the RSCI is located on the official website of the project elibrary.ru, in the section “Russian Science Citation Index”. In the “search” column, you can select a language (English or Russian) and indicate a letter of the alphabet. A list of magazines that begin with this letter will appear in the window. In addition to the name, you can get information about the specialization of the journal, the number of issues and articles. In addition, scientometric data are presented in the form of a diagram: the number of citations of works from this publication, the impact factor. It should be understood that the journal is not necessarily included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission, even if it is included in the list of scientific publications of the RSCI. This information is also indicated next to the title of the journal.

To find out which journals are included in the RSCI, you can also use the “thematic search” section. The navigator is located on the left side of the “journal search” window. You can choose a specialization from the list of those proposed; the nomenclature of scientific specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission is used.

You can also use the “catalog” function. This is the most full way search. The user enters into the search windows not only the subject, but also the country of publication, ISSN, language, and selects a convenient sorting method.

If it is not possible to constantly work with the RSCI database online, lists of journals for each specialty are openly available on various websites that specialize in helping graduate students and researchers. However, you need to be careful when using their services. The list of RSCI journals is constantly updated, so information on unofficial resources may be incomplete or outdated.

Anastasia Roshalina, Ekaterinburg

This is not the first time I have used proofreading and correction of text from Open Resource. And now I will publish more, thank you!

Arseny Chekankin, Moscow

On the website you can find a current list of Higher Attestation Commission journals and scientific conferences. Some journals have the opportunity to submit an article for publication directly from the website.

A scientific article is a detailed summary of the research done. However, the goals of writing scientific articles may vary. Depending on the purpose of publications, they are divided into several types.

Scientific and theoretical. Such articles, as a rule, are devoted to the explanation of certain patterns of a certain phenomenon, to theoretical search. This is a certain basis for carrying out absolutely any research. On the basis of such articles, physical laws were often discovered and experiments were confirmed.

Scientific and practical. This type of publication is devoted to real experiments. They describe the methods and methods of conducting experiments, the means of observing them, and record the data and phenomena obtained. A mandatory component of such an article should be a detailed presentation of the final results, supported by appropriate illustrations, diagrams or graphs.

Scientific and methodological. These articles are intended to provide an overview of observed processes and describe specific methods and tools. In order to formulate a new methodology, full-fledged, comprehensive scientific work of an entire team of researchers is required.

There are also several classifications of this kind of material based on style of presentation.

So, scientific articles can be analytical. The purpose of such a publication is to analyze and study clear facts that could lead to a complete resolution of the problem or issue posed.

Analytical articles include historical essays, scientific and technical materials, theoretical arguments, etc.

Another type is informational article. The purpose of this publication is to convey basic material or information about a specific event to the desired audience.

Scientific and practical conferences. This is a special form of scientific work in which an unlimited number of people can take part.

Participants can be both scientists and workers in this field, as well as students, graduate students and masters.

Attending such conferences not only provides a tremendous experience, but also allows you to understand in detail the essence of scientific activity.

Conferences are held both in the country and abroad. For example, the Scientific Review publishing house, together with the ANO, annually organizes international conferences in 30 scientific areas. The events are held in Russian and English, which makes it much easier for Russian students to participate in them. At the end of the conferences, scientific journals are published, methodological manuals and collections.

Let's summarize. Availability scientific publication For a graduate student, it is a mandatory requirement to receive all kinds of research grants or to undergo an internship at foreign universities. This also influences the awarding of categories and the determination of winners in scientific competitions. Publication in the journal also plays an important role in the success of a graduate student’s future career. In the process of their work, every master or aspiring scientist must study a lot of material, books and already published articles. This helps you choose the right topic for your work and organize productive activities.

Journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, RSCI and scientific and practical conferences - where to publish a scientific article? updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru


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