Scar star of the fields artistic means. Rubtsov “Star of the Fields” analysis

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I.Organizational moment. Slide 1

Hello guys. I would like to begin this lesson with the words of the famous poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko:

There are no uninteresting people in the world,

Their destinies are like the history of the planets,

Each one has everything special, its own,

And there are no planets similar to it.

II. One of these people and his work will be discussed in today’s lesson. This is Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov. Slide 2

III. Lesson topic message. Teacher's word.

Acquaintance with the biographical information of N. M. Rubtsov (1936-1971).

Nikolai Rubtsov is a poet of the most original talent and a tragic fate that is rare in our times. He is from the generation of children of the Great Patriotic War. She largely determined his fate: he grew up in an orphanage and dreamed of the sea. It began in the navy literary life- he was published in the naval newspaper.

“He was six years old when his mother died and he was sent to an orphanage. Sixteen when he joined a minesweeper as a fireman. He served in the army and worked at a factory. I studied... In the thirty-second year of my life I received permanent registration for the first time, and in the thirty-fourth - finally! – and their own housing: a tiny one-room apartment. Here, a year later, he was killed...

This is fate. Slide 3

He published his first book in 1965, and twenty years later a street in Vologda was named after him. Rubtsov would have turned only fifty when a monument to him was erected in Totma.

And this is also fate.” (Konyaev N. Traveler on the edge of the field//Nikolai Rubtsov: Vologda tragedy. M., 1998. P. 6.)

Reading poems by N.M. Rubtsov(“The Soul Keeps,” “Winter Song,” “Russian Light,” “Morning”) by trained students. Slide 4, 5, 6, 7

Guys, you have just listened to the wonderful poems of Nikolai Rubtsov performed by your classmates. Let's all discuss what you heard together. (Before my eyes I study printouts of these poems)

Conversation on questions:

Ø What topics does N.M. Rubtsov touch on in his poems? (The main motives of the poet’s work are the homeland, nature, the Russian soul.)

Ø What images are found in the poems of N.M. Rubtsov? (The poet’s favorite images are light, star, light.)

What symbolic meanings do these images have? (The star represents hope, which is the last to die. The shining star is associated with sacred fire, with the light of reason and prudence, with the light of truth. The flaming star denotes the existence of invisible light, which is a source of strength and energy. The star of Bethlehem, bright, unusual, recalls the fact that there is a place on earth where the savior was born indicates the path to God. Slide 8

Fire is the motive for the birth of human civilization. Since ancient times, fire has not only warmed, but also given hope. The sacred fire was a source of power. A torch is a fire that a mother would bring into her daughter’s house, lighting her hearth as a sign of connection with her home.

As you can see, these are symbols of life, goodness, warmth, hope.)

From the teacher's word. More than 120 songs have been written by different composers based on the poems of N.M. Rubtsov. For example, about three dozen songs based on the poems of N.M. Rubtsov were written by composer A.S. Lobzov. Now I invite you to listen to fragments of very famous songs with words by N. Rubtsov. Pay attention to the sincerity and melody of the poet’s works(a song based on verses by N.M. Rubtsov is played). Slide 9

Conclusion. Critic V. Oboturov expressed the essence of N.M. Rubtsov’s creativity as follows:“Every poet has his own subject of poetry. For some there is poetry of speed, but not for Rubtsov. He is characterized by an interest in nature and intimate life, inherited by Pushkin, Koltsov, and Tyutchev. human soul. Rubtsov reveals the secrets of the green world to everyone... life-affirming and sad, calling for thought and action, Rubtsov's poetry attunes the human soul to waves of goodness and participation in people. Without teachings or edifications, it calls for compassion and conscientiousness, and in the chaos of contradictory accidents it helps to discover the harmony of the whole world.”

“Star of the Fields” is almost a programmatic poem for Rubtsov; it is his kind of symbol of faith. In today's lesson we will try to analyze this poem.

Analysis of the poem “Star of the Fields.” Slide 10

How is this poem connected with the poet’s biography? (In mid-1964, the poet was expelled from the Literary Institute. In the fall of 1964, N.M. Rubtsov returned to Nikolskoye, where he spent his childhood. Here the heyday of his creativity began, he finally decided for himself that his star of poetry was burning “for all the anxious inhabitants of the earth", casting its welcoming ray to the cities that have risen in the distance. "Star of the Fields" marked the beginning of the poet's mature work.)

Expressive reading of a poem by the teacher. Slide 11

Star of the Fields

Star of the fields in the icy darkness,

The clock has already rung twelve,

And sleep enveloped my homeland...

Star of the fields! In moments of turmoil

I remembered how quiet it was behind the hill

It burns over the winter silver...

The star of the fields burns without fading,

For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth,

Touching with your welcoming ray

All the cities that rose in the distance.

But only here, in the icy darkness,

She rises brighter and fuller,

And I'm happy as long as I'm in this world

The star of my fields is burning, burning...


Vocabulary work. Slide 12

Guys, what do the following words mean: “icy”, “hole”, “shock”, “fading away”?

Answer. Icy - frozen, covered with ice.

Polynya - an unfrozen or already melted place on the icy surface of a river, lake, or sea.

Shock - 1) deep, hard-to-experience excitement; 2) a complete change, a radical break in something.

fade away - the same as going out.

1. Work with the class. Frontal conversation on issues.

Ø When was N. M. Rubtsov’s poem “Star of the Fields” written? (It was written in 1964)

Ø What genre of lyricism does this poem belong to? (Elegy.)

Ø What is an elegy? (An elegy is a poem permeated with sad reflection, filled with a feeling of regret and despondency.)

Ø What is this poem about? (The poem “Star of the Fields” describes a star shining over the winter expanses of the homeland. The poem “Star of the Fields” is the author’s reflection on his attachment to his native land.)

Ø What images arise when reading the poem? (When reading the poem, images of a star, homeland, expanse of fields, eternal beauty of the native land arise.)

What does the star symbolize? (Star -symbol of life, rock, destiny Slide 13

. N.M. Rubtsov fills this symbol with new content:

Star of the fields in the icy darkness,

Stopping, he looks into the wormwood.

And sleep enveloped my homeland...

those. the star of the fields isa symbol of the Motherland, its beauty, uniqueness and significance for every person.The Star of the Fields resembles the Bethlehem guiding star, which showed the way to God, and combines the earthly and heavenly, the eternal and the transitory, the hope of salvation and the pain of loneliness. And everyoneonce this star becomes a beacon for those who hasn't found it yetthe right path in the darkness:

I remembered how quiet it was behind the hill

She burns over the autumn gold,

It burns over the winter silver...

Teacher's word:

A characteristic feature of all myths dedicated to the stars was considered to be the influence of heavenly bodies both on the fate of the whole world and humanity, and on the fate of individual people. The Rubtsovskaya star is undoubtedly one of those that has beneficialand protective power. But the cities that it touches with a “welcoming ray” are located “far away”. Away from what? From the very place that is not named in the poem, but is signified by the word “here”. It can be assumed that at a deep level the text reflects the mythological idea of ​​the World Tree, which connects our “low” world with its earthly worries and burdens (“Inminutes of shaking / I remembered..."),and the “highest” world, the one that gives the highest meaning to our everyday existence (...And I am happy while in the white world / The star of my fields burns, burns...").The World Tree is the center of the universe, but if the Tree shakes, the Universe will lose its support and fall into a state of chaos.

The figurative structure of the text confirms our guess. The “Star of the Fields” is reflected in the hole - and thereby outlines an invisible axis in the air between the two worlds. On the clock hits twelve: a day ends, a new one begins, and here a star appears. But according to ancient myths, the establishment of the World Tree marks the transition to a new time Slide 14 ( our Christmas tree, in fact, is nothing more than a model of that very original Tree).

The external simplicity and songfulness of the poem (let’s note the similarity with the famous romance “Shine, Shine, My Star”) should not obscure its deepest meaning from us. Hardly whether Rubtsov deliberatelyfocused on archaic myth, But with his whole being he understood that his homeland, his native fields, over which the star “rises brighter and more fully,” isecFor him, the center of the Universe, the only place on earth where he can live in harmony with himself, with others, with nature - or, simply, live in harmony with God.

In essence, Rubtsov’s tragic death (at the hands of the woman whom he was soon going to call his wife) followed precisely because he “strained himself” and could not stand the indifference of those who:

They scurry about. They count rubles.

They hurry to their homes.

And the public doesn't care

That I'm going crazy!

From early poems 1957

"Star of the Fields" did not save its poet.

The image of a star is most often found in the song genre, in romance. I already mentioned this word in class. Rubtsov’s poem echoes the famous romance “Burn, Shine, My Star” or A. Gradsky’s song “Star of the Fields.” Slide 15

Ø Does anyone know what romance is? (A romance is a poem set to music; a small lyrical work, strophic. With verses of medium length, with a characteristic melodious intonation). Using the example of the poem “Star of the Fields,” you can see a combination of two genres - elegy and romance.

Ø How many stanzas does the poem have? (Four)

Ø What is the name of a stanza consisting of four lines? (Quatrain)

Ø Slide 16 Let's analyze the content of the poem. When does a star shine? Pay attention to these lines:

Star of the fields in the icy darkness,

Stopping, he looks into the wormwood.

The clock has already rung twelve,

And sleep enveloped my homeland...

Star of the fields! In moments of turmoil

I remembered how quiet it was behind the hill

She burns over the autumn gold,

It burns over the winter silver...

The star of the fields burns without fading...

Those. the star always burns: at night, in winter, in autumn... - forever.)

Ø Where does the star shine? (Over the fields, over the cities, over the entire planet.)

Ø For whom does the “star of the fields” burn? (“For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth.”)

Ø Who do you think the “troubled inhabitants of the earth” are? (These are the poet’s contemporaries. City life and bustle leave no time to admire the star, which is a symbol of light, kindness, peace of mind. And this is all connected with the concept of “Motherland”.)

Where is the star “rising brighter and fuller”? Slide 17

But only here, in the icy darkness,

It rises brighter and more fully...

N. M. Rubtsov means his homeland. Slide 18

Ø What feelings does the lyrical hero experience? Show this using the example of lines from the poem. (The lyrical hero experiences love for his native land, the happiness of knowing that he belongs to it, all-encompassing joy, excitement):

And I'm happy as long as I'm in this world

The star of my fields is burning, burning...

2. Work in notebooks

Guys, let’s now remember the concepts of rhyme, rhythm, and poetic meter. Because they are of no small importance when analyzing a lyrical work. So, pay attention to the slide. Here are the steps you need to perform to determine the poetic meter. Restore the sequence of these actions. Slide 19

A) What is the size of the poem?

B) Place stress on all words.

B) Read the poem.

D) Divide the words into syllables.

D) Make an outline of the verse.

E) Mark the feet in the drawn diagram.

(Correct answer: C, B, D, D, E, A.)

Now let’s determine the size of N. M. Rubtsov’s poem “Star of the Fields.” Slide 20

Star of the fields in the icy darkness,

Stopping, he looks into the wormwood.

Unstressed syllable

/ - stressed syllable


__ / __ / __ / __/ __ __

__ / ____ __ / __ / __ __

Iambic pentameter with perrichia (stopayamba or trochee with a missing accent)

The poem combines masculine and women's rhymes. Cross rhyme: ABAB.

Ø What do you guys think, for what purpose does the author strictly observe the size of the stanzas and rhymes? (This helps N.M. Rubtsov convey his thoughts and feelings.)

5. Analysis of means of expression. Slide 22, 23

In order to express his feelings, emotions, and convey them to us, the readers, N. M. Rubtsov also uses various meansartistic expression. Now you have a lot to do interesting job- findin the text of the poem there are examples of the means listed on the slide linguistic expressiveness, which help the author convey his emotions.

Means of linguistic expression



In the icy darkness, a welcoming ray for all the anxious inhabitants of the earth, winter silver, autumn gold.


Burns over autumn gold, burns over winter silver, sleep has enveloped my homeland.


The star..., stopping, looks into the wormwood, touching with its welcoming ray.


The warmth of autumn gold, the unquenchable light of a star is contrasted with an icy haze, an ice hole.


She burns over the autumn gold,It burns over the winter silver...


“Star of the Fields” is repeated 5 times in the poem. This image opens the poem and ends it. The verb BURNING is also repeated 5 times, creating the feeling of an eternal source of heat and light.

IV. Lesson summary

In conclusion, I would like to tell you that N. M. Rubtsov knew how to see the unusual in the ordinary. He teaches us to look at the world in which we live. I think that each of you in today’s lesson made some conclusions and discovered something new for yourself.

Reflection Slide 24

I invite everyone to evaluate their contribution to achieving the goals set at the beginning of the lesson, their activity, and the effectiveness of the class. Select the beginning of a phrase from the reflective screen on the board and express your opinion about today's lesson in one sentence.

1. today I found out...

2 was interesting...

3. it was difficult...

4. I can now...

5 I learned...

6. I did it...

7. I wanted...

8. I'll try...

10.Lesson given to me for life!

V. Homework Slide 25

Ø Learn N. M. Rubtsov’s poem “Star of the Fields” by heart.

Ø As part of the Unified State Examination

Part C. Select and complete only one of the tasks below (C1, C2, C3).

Star of the fields, in the icy darkness
Stopping, he looks into the wormwood.
The clock has already rung twelve,
And sleep enveloped my homeland...

Star of the fields! In moments of turmoil
I remembered how quiet it was behind the hill
She burns over the autumn gold,
It burns over the winter silver...

The star of the fields burns without fading,
For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth,
Touching with your welcoming ray
All the cities that rose in the distance.

But only here, in the icy darkness,
She rises brighter and fuller,
And I'm happy as long as I'm in this world
The star of my fields is burning, burning...

Analysis of the poem “Star of the Fields” by Rubtsov

The poem “Star of the Fields” was written in 1964 and belongs to the early period of the work of the poet N.M. Rubtsova. It is written in the genre of elegy and is a monologue of the lyrical hero, dedicated to love for his small homeland.

The central image of the work is the unfading star of the fields. The poet emphasizes that it always burns, in all seasons, burns when people fall asleep, and never goes out. The star illuminates the road with guiding light, calms the “inhabitants of the earth” in their anxiety and life’s upheavals, gives rays to distant cities, and no one is left without its light. The author claims that she also helped him survive shocks, of which there were indeed many in Rubtsov’s life. When it was hard for him, he always remembered her undying light.

At the end of the poem it becomes clear that this celestial body The author associates it with his small homeland, where it shines “brighter and more fully.” N. M. Rubtsov was born in the Arkhangelsk region, in the north, hence the “icy haze,” but it does not frighten the poet at all, because he has his own guiding star, which burns brightest in his small homeland. It can be assumed that the “star of the fields” is the North Star, which the poet saw in the sky since childhood. For him, she is a symbol of his native land. In the most difficult moments of his life, the hero remembers this symbol - his Motherland, his childhood, the time in which he was happy and full of hopes for the future. You can return to it even far from your native land, mentally transport yourself back to childhood and immerse yourself in pleasant, soul-healing memories. The hero is happy as long as the place where he was born is alive. Rubtsov in his poem shows that everyone has such a star, it burns “for all the anxious inhabitants of the earth,” and indeed, everyone has their own small homeland, thoughts about which always calm and save from anxiety.

Among the means of expressiveness in this poem, metaphors predominate - “the star is looking”, “burning over the autumn gold”, “touching with a welcoming ray”, there are epithets - “icy darkness”, “a welcoming ray”. The emotions of the lyrical hero are emphasized with the help of intonation, exclamatory sentences and ellipses.

Plan abstract

1. Introduction


3.From childhood to the journey

4.Literary Institute

5.Life outside the institute

6.Star of the fields

7.Last years life

8. Conclusion

He was a poet.

As critics say,

His poems shine with a kind light

But the one who penetrated the heavy gaze,

He could rightfully

Doubt it.


The world of Nikolai Rubtsov’s poetry is spacious and bright, cold and slightly transparent - this is what Indian summer days usually look like.

This world created by an original poet is unusual and sometimes unexpected. The very world where we live, but we don’t always look so closely at it, the world about which we don’t always think.

In the atmosphere of Rubtsov's lyrics one can breathe freely and freely. She is sad primarily, but the sadness is light and sublime. What dominates here is not melancholy with its tiresome suffocation, but a feeling that comes in moments of thinking about the big, about the main thing, when everything small and vain recedes, disappears and people and the world are left alone.

Now we have become accustomed to the poetic world of Nikolai Rubtsov, his poems have become close to many. “It seems,” notes Vadim Kozhinov, “that no one created these poems, that the poet extracted them from eternal life native word, where they have always, albeit secretly, secretly resided.”

N. Rubtsov's poems were born out of natural necessity; there is nothing artificial, invented, or calculated for effect in them. But they are not one-dimensional at all, but have depth.

Comprehending the image of the Motherland in Rubtsov’s lyrics, S. Kusheev was the first to notice the fact, now obvious to many, that Rubtsov’s poems “naturally, imperceptibly suddenly turn into a song, and into the element of song.”

The interest of criticism has not waned in our days, popularity among readers remains stable, that is, we can talk not about fashion, but about true recognition. By the way, another one testifies in favor of this important point: not only poems, but also songs of N. Rubtsov went to the people.

About three dozen songs based on Rubtsov’s poems were written by composer A.S. Lobzov, who in his poems felt, by his own admission, “a new poetic element expressing spiritual quests modern man" Singing the poems of N. Rubtsov at first, A. S. Lobzov was surprised by his discovery - “how much music, faith, hope and light were revealed in them!” The poet shook him to the depths of his soul with “a deep sense of involvement in the destinies of our Motherland, the power and sincerity of feeling.”

Send Nikolai Rubtsov's songs to the people, let's go. And I believe that this is only the beginning of a new, but already well-trodden path. And the more fully it opens before us poetic world Nikolai Rubtsov, the feeling of loss becomes more acute over the years.


Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov was born on January 3, 1936 in the village of Yemetsk on the Northern Dvina. Rubtsov was the fifth child in the family after three sisters and an older brother.

Very little is known about Nikolai Rubtsov’s parents. His father, Mikhail Andrianovich Rubtsov, worked as the head of the ORS, and his mother, Alexandra Mikhailovna Rubtsova, was a housewife. In all likelihood, they were Vologda residents, natives of the Totem region. Just before the start of the war, Rubtsov’s family moved to their native place, to Totma in the Vologda region, where his father received a high position in the local party. Rubtsov’s father worked there for about a year, after which the Great Patriotic War began in June 1941.

This war destroyed everything. His father went to the front, and on June 26, 1942, Nikolai Rubtsov’s mother died from chronic inflammation of the myocardium. And 2 days later the youngest sister, six-month-old Nadezhda Rubtsova, dies.

Nikolai was only 6 years old when he found himself in orphanage. The aunt took the older children, Galina and Albert, to live with her.

Later, in his poems, Rubtsov writes:

Mother died. Father went to the front.

The evil neighbor does not allow passage.

I vaguely remember the morning of the funeral.

And outside the window there is meager nature. ("Childhood")

The only ray of light for him was the hope that after the end of the war his father would return from the front and take him away, but this did not happen. His father turned out to be a scoundrel: he married a second time and soon had new children. He forgot about the old ones. Therefore, Rubtsov mentions his father briefly and dryly.


On October 20, 1943, Kolya Rubtsov appeared in the Nikolsky orphanage. Teachers and students remember that Nikolai was very fond of animals from an early age, that he studied well and was hardworking. This is confirmed by school documents and certificates of commendation preserved in the archives. But everyone remembers Rubtsov in their own way, for example, Evgeny Bunyak remembers Kolya: “Kolya Rubtsov was uneven in character: sometimes daring, sometimes quiet and thoughtful.”

The teachers recall that during recess Nikolai was playful and nimble, that there was no impudence in him, and that he did not harm anyone. Nikolai Rubtsov was far from an easy person. The most seemingly incompatible traits coexisted in him - meekness, kindness, acute anxiety, gloominess, and sometimes anger - in short, light and darkness

But the years fly by, and sometimes Rubtsov realizes the movement of time, which since childhood has been going into unknown infinity, from the usual circle of friends into a big and unfamiliar world.

From childhood to the journey.

In 1950, on June 12, after graduating from seven years of school and barely receiving his diploma, he left for Riga. The dream of the sea calls, he dreams of enrolling in a nautical school. However, his dream never came true. He has not yet reached the age of 15 required for admission. Rubtsov writes about his experiences and disappointments in poetry:

How I longed to go to the sea!

Left the house recklessly

And in the sailor's office

Everyone asked to board the ship.

Begged, kept watch...

But drunk, with a lurch,

The sailors laughed

And they called him a baby...

(“Violets”, 1962)

Having not entered the naval school, Rubtsov returns to Totma on June 29. But life needs to be arranged somehow, and Nikolai enters the Totemsky Forestry College. The exams were passed, and on August 30 Rubtsov left for Totma, parting with the orphanage. It’s unlikely that studying at the forestry technical school interested him; he was simply passing the time until he received his passport. Having received a passport, in 1952 he went to Arkhangelsk, where he soon got a job as an assistant fireman on a minesweeper.

At the beginning of 1955, Nikolai Rubtsov came to Leningrad and became a factory worker here. Six months later, the time came for conscription into the army. Rubtsov serves in the Northern Fleet. Life taught Rubtsov what to say, “roll with the punches,” and the harsh naval life hardly frightened him.

Throughout his service, Rubtsov writes poetry, most of the poems from the naval period are written very skillfully.

At the end of May 1959, N. Rubtsov was admitted to the hospital, here he reads a lot of various literature, but at this time he writes new works.

On November 30, 1959, shortly after demobilization, Nikolai Rubtsov was hired as a fireman at the famous Kirov plant.

In 1960, N. Rubtsov entered the 10th grade of working youth without leaving work. Here he participates in the work of a literary circle at the factory newspaper “Kirovets”. In 1961, several of his poems were published in the newspaper “Evening Leningrad.

It can be said that by 1962, when he graduated and applied to the Literary Institute, the poet stood on the threshold of creative maturity.

Rubtsov outlined his clearly defined literary and moral positions in the preface to his first, handwritten collection, “Waves and Rocks,” composed of thirty-eight poems.

"Waves and Rocks" is a magnificent, typewritten book that has not yet been fully published or commented on. The book “Waves and Rocks” was Rubtsov’s favorite book for many years. Nikolai Rubtsov himself chose 38 poems for the collection.

Then some of the poems in this collection were published more than once and became very famous. These are, first of all, “Elegy”, “Birches”, “Morning of Loss”, “Violets”. In these poems, Rubtsov reflected all his experiences, feelings, thoughts. Most of these poems are autobiographical.

With this book, Nikolai Rubtsov passed the competition and entered the Literary Institute (he was 26 years old at the time)

Literary Institute.

Upon entering the Literary Institute, Nikolai Rubtsov took exams, like everyone else, in deadlines. On August 4th he wrote a “4” essay, on the 6th he received a “5” in Russian and a “3” in literature, as well as a “4” in history and a “3” in a foreign language.

Of course, the grades were not brilliant, but this did not prevent Rubtsov from entering the institute.

The opinion of the censors and commission members was unanimous: the unknown Leningrader was a real poet.

Two months later, on August 23, 1962, N. Rubtsov was enrolled as a first-year student. When entering the institute, Nikolai Mikhailovich was asked: “Name your favorite poets,” N. Rubtsov firmly answered: “Pushkin, Blok, Yesenin” - and emphasized “Of them, Blok.”

Indeed, according to the recollections of friends, according to the entries in the seminar diary, according to Rubtsov’s lyrics, it is obvious that at the end of the first year he experienced a strong passion for Blok - he quoted poetry, read a lot of his works.

But also in early poetry Rubtsov, echoes of Yesenin’s lyrics and Yesenin’s imagery are heard. Nikolai Mikhailovich is still only trying to catch his unborrowed intonation. The young poet is looking for various ways embodying his lyrical “I”, resorting to an objective - third-person narrative style, widely uses techniques of “displacement” of reality - fantasy, irony. Like a collection internal organization Rubtsov is especially attracted to alliteration in poetic speech. He titled one of the sections of the collection “sound-painted miniatures.”

The most typical attempt at “sound writing” is the poem “Levitan”, created based on the painting “Evening Bells”. In it, Rubtsov strives to embody in words the ringing of cathedral bells and at the same time the ringing of sultry summer fields.

The ringing is roundabout and roundabout

At the windows, near the column.

The ringing of bell towers

And the ringing of a bell.


For the poet, the most important task was to convey the thought that excited him, a living feeling in its spontaneity. We will find the search for unique poetic solutions in almost every poem of the Leningrad period in numerous versions of some poems on a variety of topics.

Tireless in search of poetic expressiveness, Nikolai Rubtsov reads a lot and compares thoughts on modern poetry. Poetry occupies him, first of all, as a phenomenon.

As for studying at the institute, it was not stable for Rubtsov. He often could not appear at the institute, did not attend lectures, and Rubtsov’s behavior expected to be better. For bad behavior: drunken fights, obscene language, absenteeism, on December 4, 1963, he was expelled from the institute.

But Nikolai Rubtsov writes a statement addressed to the director, in which he asks for reinstatement to study, after which on December 25 Rubtsov N.M. is reinstated as a first-year student

However, he continues to violate discipline. He is again often seen not sober. For drunken brawls in 1964, he was again expelled from the Literary Institute, which meant for him the loss of a permanent refuge and livelihood, albeit very small, but regularly received.

Life outside the institute.

Strange as it may seem, after being expelled from the institute, Rubtsov did not become despondent. There were several explanations for this. Firstly, his personal life was then completely successful. He spent the summer having a great time with his wife and daughter. Secondly, the first large collections of his poems appeared in the magazines “Youth” and “Young Guard”.

But the happy life did not last long. The money Rubtsov received from the publishing house of his poems ran out. The mother-in-law was against Rubtsov sitting on his wife’s neck, not working and not bringing money home. This caused a crack in family relationships, and precisely for this reason, Scars never officially registered with his wife.

In January 1965, Rubtsov returned to Moscow and, thanks to the efforts of his friends and himself, he was reinstated to the Literary Institute only for the correspondence department.

In general, 1965 was a very successful year for Nikolai Mikhailovich. A book about the village “Lyrika” was published (Arkhangelsk 1965).

It was published in an edition of three thousand and has now become a bibliographic rarity.

The book opened with the poem “Native Village” with a clearly named address: “I love the village of Nikola, where I graduated primary school" This was the beginning of the development of the theme of “small homeland” in Rubtsov’s poetry. The theme was revealed somewhat more broadly in the poem “Mistress”.

But Rubtsov has already clearly defined the path along which his poetry will develop. The feeling of the historical past is the main thing component his worldview in general. This was most fully expressed in the poem “Visions on the Hill”, where the past is revealed in the modern, present, as if receiving a reverse perspective - the poet penetrates into the depths of past centuries:

I'll run up the hill and fall into the grass

And suddenly there will be a breath of antiquity from the valley!

The arrows will whistle as if in reality,

It will flash in your eyes like a curved Mongolian knife!

Also, the poet’s life was marked by another event this year. On June 9, he signed an agreement to publish the book “Star of the Fields.” More than five poems were written, which laid the basis for this book.

"Star of the Fields"

In the fall of 1967, Rubtsov’s long-awaited book “Star of the Fields” was published by the Soviet Writer publishing house. This was his first real - significant book. It sold in great demand, since the name of its author was famous thanks to magazine publications. Appeared printed reviews to "Star of the Fields".

N. Rubtsov subjected some of the poems included in the first collection to partial - such as “Visions on the Hill” - or radical revision. Thus, “Russian Light”, in comparison with “Mistress” - a version of the poem published in Lyrics - has become clearer and stricter. Instead of the line “And she looked at me dimly again”, “And for a long time at me!” appeared. The poet also removed the jarring word “epitaph”; the newly written beginning and end seemed to put the poem into a framework. The light of a peasant house acquired a deep inner meaning of “Russian light”.

In Rubtsov's further exploration of the theme of his homeland, he already developed features that were not present in the Lyrics: he almost always writes about life with tart sadness, he is consistent in his sense of the fragility and transience of the world, its mysterious beauty and the inner incomprehensibility of nature.

Rubtsov’s image of his rural homeland, starting with “Star of the Fields,” is colored with sadness, his soul is increasingly “taken over by a bright sadness, as moonlight takes over the world,” and this sadness arises because the poet feels the fragility, fragility, fragility of the sacred peace dear to him .

He painfully feels that he himself sometimes loses contact with him. That is why the rural peace in his poems is not at all calm and not frozen - no, it is all lurking in anticipation of future changes: clouds are hovering over the “native village”, a blizzard is spinning and moaning over the “hut in the snow”, and the nights are full of incomprehensible horror, approaching directly to the “living eyes” of a person. The poet experiences an oppressive feeling of loneliness, which one could have guessed even when he said thanks to the “Russian light” for what he says for those who are “desperately far from all friends.”

The feeling of the Motherland makes the poet the voice of the people, the exponent of their thoughts and aspirations, even if it covers only a modest part of it within the radius of the village outskirts: “the whole mother of Russia is a village, maybe this corner.” The ability to see the big in the small gives Rubtsov’s lyrics depth and capacity:

Between the swamp trunks the fire-faced east flaunted...

When October comes, the cranes will suddenly appear!

And they will wake me up, the cranes will call me

Above my attic, above the swamp, forgotten in the distance...

Widely throughout Rus', the designated period of withering

They proclaim like the legend of ancient pages...


The feeling of inextricable unity with the world found its complete embodiment in the poem “My Quiet Homeland.” It amazes with amazing authenticity.

The confidence of the intonation captivates the reader and forces him to go with the poet to places close to him, to be imbued with his feelings. It would seem, what new can he say about the willows over the river, the church, the nightingales in his quiet homeland? But, reading these lines, we again and again experience the joy of discovering the beautiful, a deep sense of aesthetic pleasure. When the poet names the signs of this, his homeland, it’s as if he can’t stop, he wants to show as many unassuming, but so dear signs as possible, and they move from line to line: willows, river, nightingales, graveyard, mother’s grave, church , a wooden school, hay meadows, a wide green expanse... And - like a flash of lightning that illuminated all this, like a powerful discharge of love that filled the soul - the ending of the poem:

With every bump and cloud,

With thunder, ready to fall

I feel the most burning

The most mortal connection. (“My quiet homeland”)

Rubtsov shows nature in his poems in a special way; there was a constant feeling of “formidable existence.” Even landscape lyrics Rubtsova captured many pictures of summer thunderstorms, floods, and chilling frosts.

Suddenly the sky broke

With cold flame and thunder

And the wind began to twist and turn

Rock the gardens behind our house.

("During a Thunderstorm")

The image of native nature in Rubtsov’s lyrics is always full of expression and inner expressiveness, it is always correlated with his state of mind, the world of his experiences. All this is in his collection “Star of the Fields”.

Outwardly, the poet’s life has not changed at all, and he remains the same. He listened to a lot of praise, but remained indifferent to them. Whether they spoke about the book or not, he knew that it had been read.

The year 1968 turned out to be rich in events for Rubtsov: joyful and sad. This year he died best friend writer Alexander Yashin. In the same year, Rubtsov was accepted into the Writers' Union, he took it for granted, without much enthusiasm. He was finally given a room in the dorm, he finally had his own roof over his head. And he also lost interest in college at that time, finishing it only out of necessity.

In the spring of 1969, Nikolai Rubtsov came to Tverskoy Boulevard, to the Literary Institute, to defend thesis. For defense, he submitted the collection “Star of the Fields,” which, by all accounts, received the highest rating - “excellent.”

In the summer of the same year, N. Rubtsov left for Vologda, where he then lived and worked. He worked a lot. Sometimes it seemed that the poems were born on their own. He took a constant part in the work of the Vologda Writers' Organization, of which Rubtsov was a member: he attended meetings, meetings with readers, reviewed manuscripts, and gave consultations.

In poems reprinted from previous collections to subsequent ones, Rubtsov makes amendments that enhance minor feelings. This amendment in the poem “Pollination” is interesting and indicative. In the collection “The Soul Keeps” the end of the second stanza of this poem sounded like this! “But, looking into the distance and listening to the sounds, I still regretted nothing.” A year later, in the book “The Noise of Pines,” the line was changed: “I have NOT regretted ANYTHING YET.” Only one letter has been replaced, but the semantic meaning has changed very significantly: “regretted” expresses a short, time-limited action, a phenomenon, so to speak, one-time, and the imperfect form “regretted” speaks of a constant, unlimitedly lasting feeling, state, and not even an action . And Rubtsov has a lot of such replacements.

The last years of Rubtsov's life

At one of the seminars for young writers in Vologda, a large-bodied woman with a fluffed-up hairstyle read her poems. This woman's name was Lyudmila Derbina. It was with this woman that fate brought him together. He connected his personal life with her, wanted to call her his wife... And it was this woman who played a fatal role in the life of N. Rubtsov.

The relationship between Rubtsov and Derbina developed unevenly: they either diverged or came together again. It was as if they were attracted to each other by some invisible force. In January 1971, it became clear to everyone that this was a dark, evil force...

On January 5, after another quarrel, Derbina again came to the poet’s apartment. They reconciled and even more than that, they decided to go to the registry office and legalize their relationship. There they were harassed for some time (the bride did not have a certificate of divorce from her previous marriage), but, in the end, they achieved their goal: marriage registration was scheduled for February 19.

But on the night of January 18-19, 1971, in the Epiphany frosts, during another quarrel based on jealousy, Nikolai Rubtsov was strangled by Lyudmila Derbina.

For many, Rubtsov’s death was unexpected, although the poet himself predicted his death, he wrote:

I will die in the Epiphany frosts.

I will die when the birches crack.

(“I will die in the Epiphany frosts”)

But few people attached any significance to these words, and in fact it turned out to be a prophecy.

But even after the death of the poet. His poems are published and read by many people.

In the posthumous edition of the poet’s poems “Plantain”, poems were published for the first time in which this discord with people takes on a truly tragic coloring. Now the poet is overcome not by the former “light sadness”, but by “dark”, “anxious” sadness, and the word “sadness” itself becomes the most common in Rubtsov’s vocabulary.

Repeated seven times in one poem - “Farewell” - the epithet “sad” fits organically into the context and does not allow any semantic replacement.

Yes, what happened during the bitter Epiphany frosts was unexpected for Rubtsov’s friends. But even in that tragic situation, Nikolai Rubtsov has poetry as a good, bright beginning that defines him spiritual world, features of his living appearance.

Before last day Rubtsov felt the living breath of poetry. He clearly felt some kind of pass in his work, and sometimes he was even afraid of it. Probably because the outlines of his future paths have not yet become clear to him.

The life of the poet N. Rubtsov was cut short. But his spiritual existence continues; the artist’s fate does not fit into the framework of his life.

Cycles of Rubtsov's latest poems in many magazines, poetry collections " Green flowers", "The Last Steamboat", "Selected Lyrics"; the most complete publications are “Plantains” in the publishing house “Young Guard” and a one-volume volume from the series “Poetic Russia” from the publishing house “ Soviet Russia" - came out after the poet’s death. But the poet is alive as long as his poems are alive. And Rubtsov’s poems, apparently, will become one of the lasting creations.

Of all the poems I have read by Rubtsov, I remember and liked the poem “Star of the Fields,” written in 1964.

Star of the Fields

And sleep enveloped my homeland...

Star of the fields! In moments of turmoil

I remembered how quiet it was behind the hill

She burns over the autumn gold,

It burns over the winter silver...

The star of the fields burns without fading,

For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth,

Touching with your welcoming ray

All the cities that rose in the distance.

But only here in the icy darkness.

She rises brighter and fuller,

And I'm happy as long as I'm in this world

The star of my fields is burning, burning.

The poet’s star is one of the most important symbols: the star is fate, the star is beauty, the star is happiness, the star is Rus', the star is the whole earth, all of humanity.

The main theme of this verse is the triumph of life, eternity,

beauty on earth.

From the “star of the fields”, from the beauty of his native land, he went to moral values.

Poem "Star of the Fields"- four-stanza. A stanza is a part of a poem, a group of lines united by poetic thought, rhythm and in a certain order rhyme Let's look at a stanza from this poem.

Star of the fields in the icy darkness,

Stopping, he looks into the wormwood.

The clock has already rung twelve,

And sleep enveloped my homeland...

The rhyme of this verse is cross: the first line rhymes with the third, and the second with the fourth.

Lines: 1 .Ouch

This poem by Rubtsov is written in iambic meter.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Iambic

When writing a poem "Star of the Fields" he used the following means of expression language - metaphors. Metaphor is the use of words in figurative meaning to depict or characterize an object or phenomenon. For example: a star... looks into the wormwood, touching with its welcoming ray, sleep has enveloped my homeland.

And also epithets. Epithets are artistic definitions that serve to describe, explain, characterize any property or sign of an object: icy darkness, anxious residents, a welcoming ray, autumn gold, winter silver.

Rubtsov's stars give more light than the sun and moon. He needs the light of these stars for insight. In the light of a night star, he can see everything more clearly than on a bright sunny day. Stars are everything for Rubtsov!


Rubtsov did not have time to reveal the full power of his poetic gift; some things in his work may seem controversial and objectively incorrect. But he was a great Russian poet.

The miracle of Nikolai Rubtsov's poetry has firmly taken its place in Russian literature, and its value will undoubtedly increase over time.

Today, without Rubtsov’s creative achievements, it is impossible to imagine the development of Russian poetry in the 60s and 70s. And over the years, the meaning of what the poet created remains more and more complete. Great talent always brings A New Look on familiar phenomena, influences culture, the culture of words.

The poetry of Nikolai Rubtsov, to an understanding of the true meaning and nationality of which we may only now be approaching, provides a source for new creative searches.

Rubtsov's creativity, which has become a significant phenomenon in our literature, will be able to give the joy of discovery and ethnic pleasure not only to modern, but also to future readers.

“Thunderstorm Life” by Nikolai Rubtsov is illuminated by a heartfelt, tender and sad love for his native North, for his mother - Russia.

This love was embodied in many ways in his elegiac reflections and in his talented poems. Years pass, and indeed the modest star of Nikolai Rubtsov, his beautiful star of the fields, began to rise higher and higher above the horizon...

P . S In 1973, a tombstone was placed on N. Rubtsov’s grave - a marble slab with a bas-relief of the poet. At the bottom there was an inscription: Russia, Rus'! Protect yourself, protect yourself!

In 1996, on the occasion of the poet’s 60th birthday, a memorial plaque was unveiled in Vologda on the Khrushchev block where he lived and died.

P Monument to Rubtsov in Totma .


Alliteration- this is the repetition of homogeneous consonant sounds, giving the literary text a special sound intonation and intonational expressiveness.

Epitaph– gravestone inscription, a short poem dedicated to the deceased


1 . Valery Dementyev “Edges of Verse” Moscow 1979

2 . Magazine "North" No. 1 and No. 2 Petrozavodsk Karelia 1992

3. Nikolay Konyaev “Traveler at the Edge of the Field” (The Tale of N. Rubtsov)

4 . Nikolay Rubtsov “Poems” Moscow 1983

Rubtsov “Star of the Fields” analysis - theme and idea, artistic media

Year of writing — 1964

Theme of the poem “Star of the Fields”Love for native land and nature. For the poet, it is happiness to realize that he belongs to it, the delight of admiring the beauty of the “star of the fields,” all-encompassing joy and excitement.

The main idea of ​​the poem. Rubtsov reflects on his attachment to his native land

"Star of the Fields" artistic media
  • Antitheses: on the one hand – star, light, warmth; on the other - ice, cold, darkness.
  • Repetitions: “The star of my fields is burning, burning...”, “She is burning over the autumn gold, She is burning over the winter silver...”.
  • Epithets: icy darkness, anxious inhabitants of the earth, welcoming ray.
  • Metaphors: “sleep has enveloped my homeland,” autumn gold.

The meaning of the poem's title. The Star of the Fields is a symbol of the Motherland, its beauty, uniqueness and significance for every person. Reminiscent of the Bethlehem guiding star, it combines the earthly and heavenly, the eternal and the transitory, the hope of salvation and the pain of loneliness.

Images of the poem: O the image of a star, homeland, expanse of fields, eternal beauty of the native land.

Why does Rubtsov call the poem “Star of the Fields”? Obviously, the field, like the dome of heaven, is one of the favorite images that characterize the artistic space of Rubtsov’s lyrics. In addition, this image-symbol carries a social connotation in the poem. After all, it burns over a peacefully sleeping homeland. The poem emphasizes the feeling of vast expanses, the breadth of horizons of the Russian land.

The poem “Star of the Fields” is one of the most famous in the works of N. M. Rubtsov. It is dedicated to the native Vologda region. It contrasts the images of the native land and the small homeland, which gives the poet vitality, fuels his creative prowess. For the author himself, this work was certainly programmatic, since one of his poetry collections also bears this name.

The central image of the poem has a social connotation. It is important for the lyrical hero that the “star of the fields” burns “for all the anxious inhabitants of the earth.” The poet emphasizes the static nature of the image, symbolizing the eternity and inviolability of the existing world order.

The star of the fields brings peace and tranquility to the life of the lyrical hero. She extinguishes the anxiety of the inhabitants of the earth, touching their cities with a welcoming ray. But only “in the icy darkness,” far from big cities, does this star “rise brighter and more fully.”

In the last stanza of the poem, the lyrical hero emphasizes that this is the star of his fields. Thus, the image of a star corresponds to the biblical guiding star.

Rubtsov “Star of the Fields” analysis of the poem

Star of the fields, in the icy darkness
Stopping, he looks into the wormwood.
The clock has already rung twelve,
And sleep enveloped my homeland...

Star of the fields! In moments of turmoil
I remembered how quiet it was behind the hill

She burns over the autumn gold,
It burns over the winter silver...

The star of the fields burns without fading,
For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth,
Touching with your welcoming ray
All the cities that rose in the distance.

But only here, in the icy darkness,
She rises brighter and fuller,
And I'm happy as long as I'm in this world
The star of my fields is burning, burning...

"Star of the Fields" analysis of the work - theme, idea, genre, plot, composition, characters, issues and other issues are discussed in this article.

The poem “Star of the Fields” is one of the most famous in the works of N.M. Rubtsova. It is dedicated to the native Vologda region. It contrasts the images of his native land and his small homeland, which gives the poet vitality and nourishes his creative skill. For the author himself, this work was certainly programmatic, since one of his poetry collections also bears this name.

The central image of the poem has a social connotation. It is important for the lyrical hero that the “star of the fields” burns “for all the anxious inhabitants of the earth.” The poet emphasizes the static nature of the image, symbolizing the eternity and inviolability of the existing world order.

The star of the fields brings peace and tranquility to the life of the lyrical hero. She extinguishes the anxiety of the inhabitants of the earth, touching their cities with a welcoming ray. But only “in the icy darkness,” far from big cities, does this star “rise brighter and more fully.”

In the last stanza of the poem, the lyrical hero emphasizes that this is the star of his fields. Thus, the image of a star corresponds to the biblical guiding star.

It is interesting that in the original version the text of the poem sounded slightly different. It emphasized the theme of the homeland more deeply. The star of the fields burned “above the related limit.” In the final version N.M. Rubtsov replaced the fragment of the line “above the related limit” with the phrase “in the icy darkness,” which once again emphasized the ring composition of the work and at the same time strengthened the alliteration “l” in the poem, which gives smoothness and melody to the poetic text. Also, the image of “icy haze” is necessary for N.M. Rubtsov to create a contrasting landscape sketch.

The image of the “star of the fields” illuminating the earth with the good energy of light is emphasized by anaphoric repetition (“She burns over the autumn gold, She burns over the winter silver”) and repetition within the line (“The star of my fields burns, burns...”). This key image for the poem emphasizes the vast expanses of the earth, the precious beauty of nature (“autumn gold”, “winter silver”). In the original version of the poem, the description of the open spaces was more detailed and extensive. In the final text N.M. Rubtsov made it succinct but laconic.

The star is a traditional image of classical poetry. Since ancient times, stars have patronized poets, who, in turn, dedicated to them best poems. However, N.M. Rubtsov managed to creatively continue the existing tradition, creating a poetic image of a star of the fields, containing in its meaning an indissoluble connection between the earthly and heavenly principles. This image symbolizes the content of the poet’s artistic world, his calling card in the firmament of poetic luminaries.


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