Rutarium on the site - photos and examples. Time to collect roots, or how to create a rutarium at your dacha Ideas for using old stumps and snags at your dacha - video

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The term “rutary” came into use relatively recently. Translated from English, “root” is a root, respectively, it is a composition of roots, stumps, snags, branches - everything that remains of old fallen trees. Imitation of a natural corner in landscape design, is gaining more and more popularity.

Initially, elements of old trees were used in flower beds and rock gardens to add zest and naturalness to the composition due to the presence of a particle in it wildlife. Today, designers create fantastic compositions from roots and old stumps, garden furniture, street lamps, sculptural compositions.

Natural corner in the landscape

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

Of course you saw perfect lawn in the cinema, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor’s lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

  • Natural type.

The main type of rutarium is natural. You can arrange it in the garden with your own hands based on available materials. Thus, a cut down old tree can become the center of a future “garden of roots.” Can be planted in stump flower arrangement, planting it with low-growing grasses.

The combination of old wood with natural stones and moss looks great. This is the most organic option that can be done using the resources available at your dacha, as can be seen in the photo.

  • The simplest rutarium.

The simplest type involves the use of only driftwood and stumps. You can simply place the found piece of wood on alpine slide or in a secluded corner in the garden.

  • Decorative type.

The most complex type is decorative; wooden figures and living plants are used to create it. The tree is given a fancy look, old stumps and snags are turned into fairy-tale characters and animals. Such a routine requires skillful hands and fantasies. Despite the labor intensity decorative corner will turn your site into a real one fairy garden as in the photo.

Do-it-yourself rutary

Anyone can create a composition with their own hands in a country house or in a city garden; all you need is desire.

Rutarium is a composition for the creation of which there are no special rules. It is one of those flower beds that is impossible to plan in advance. The only rule is that it should resemble a corner of wild nature.

Classic elements necessary to create an imitation of a piece of nature:

  • branches;
  • driftwood;
  • roots.

In a word, everything that is available in abundance at every dacha. You can support the composition with ceramics, natural stone and fresh flowers.

When creating a rutarium at the dacha or in the garden, remember that wood is a fragile and short-lived material, it rots when high humidity, shrinks from the heat and is vulnerable to insects. Having set the goal of creating a rutary in your dacha or garden, carefully select the materials for the composition.

Birch, aspen, and poplar are more susceptible to rotting, so you should give preference to harder wood species.

An excellent option is driftwood and logs found on the coast. Dried naturally, they will serve as a decoration for your garden for a long time.

It is better to remove the bark of the elements used immediately to avoid the appearance of bark beetles. It is advisable to treat the wood with special protective equipment. You can extend the life of wood by covering it with a layer of varnish or machine oil, which acts as an antiseptic and prevents excess moisture. It is enough to simply coat the snag, paying Special attention areas that will be underground.

Choosing a place for rutaria

The growing interest in unique compositions is largely due to the fact that they are excellent for decorating problem areas. This is an excellent way to arrange those areas in your garden that are not suitable for planting perennials. This option is suitable for a dacha, where, as a rule, fruit trees are planted abundantly.

Areas where shady crowns and powerful tree roots do not allow setting up a flowerbed are perfect for rutaria.

It looks great in a mixed landscape landscape style. But, having shown creativity, it will be a wonderful decoration for an orchard in the country.

A fabulous composition of driftwood will decorate a dark corner near the wall of a house or fence that is not suitable for planting. A rutary located in the corner of the plot, from where it will “spread” downward throughout the garden, will look win-win. This option is perfect for decorating a blind fence in a country house.

Personal plots can be faceless, having just a few beds, or you can show your imagination and turn your dacha into a real fairy tale. One of possible elements transformation is rutarium. This landscape design decor is created with your own hands using wood, a new fashionable trend using driftwood, logs, stumps, roots and branches, the so-called “Garden of Roots”.

Of course, if branches are carelessly scattered around the site, there will be no beauty here, and certainly no originality of landscape design. But if you put together driftwood, flowers and other decorative elements (old bottles, tires, lanterns, figurines, stones) with your own hands, you will get an original composition that can decorate the most unsightly place in the garden or, on the contrary, take the main thing. Of the flowers in the composition of rutaria, creeping species and moss are used. When planting flowers, take into account their growth and cultivation characteristics.

In compiling, rutaria is the main element, do not uproot it, use it as much as possible in landscape design. Stones can be of any size and shape, they can be varnished, and in small quantities they will become a point in the composition. Moss often lives on stumps and branches; it will become an addition and a certain value.

If you use a stump as a container for planting, then feel free to plant fern, ivy or hosta, but first remove all the dust inside the stump, clean it and fill it with the necessary soil. You can plant asters, lilies, and daisies around the stump. Do not hide the hollow in a snag, but also use it as a place to plant, for example, petunias or. will also be appropriate in composing a composition.

When compiling a rutaria, they use fairy-tale gnomes who protect their home, swans made from old tires, a wooden tub with an old cart wheel, or a painted shoe with flowers planted inside.

After the rutary is completed, it needs to be outlined. Bottles turned upside down and stones are suitable for this. The shape of the border can be anything from a clear circle to wavy lines. The voids in any composition can always be filled with pebbles.

When you make a rutarium with your own hands, do not use only wood elements, be sure to add flowers, this will make the composition more interesting. When placing accents in your garden, pay attention to color combinations.

How to increase the service life of rutaria

Unfortunately, such natural compositions are short-lived, up to 3 years, depending on the condition of the tree. You can increase the lifespan this way: first peel the bark off the driftwood, then pour boiling water over all parts of the tree. This is done to destroy pests and their larvae inside the wood, such as bark beetles. And also wood processing will allow you to stand longer under the sun, rain and frost. Next, dry and treat with an antiseptic 2-3 times.

Using varnish, the wood will take on an unnatural shade. If this does not matter, then the rutarium can be made multi-colored by painting parts of the wood with paint. However, no matter how we treat the wood, over time it will still become unusable, it dries out from the sun, and rots from moisture, but there is no need to be afraid of this and there is no need to give up such ideas.

Rutaria is best created in May-June, when the soil is well warmed up, when it is time to plant flowers and there is time to enjoy your work. Turn it into a place to relax, place a bench or chaise lounge.

Fairy rutarium in landscape design– passion of residents country houses and a real find for those who love unusual site design. Rutaria is a garden of roots, snags and stumps, which can sometimes look very unusual and resemble goblin and other fantastic creatures. The name comes from the English “root”, which means “root”. Using your imagination and imagination, you can create a beautiful rutarium with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself rutary

If you have large trees on your site, branches will remain after pruning them. beautiful shape. And if there is also a massive stump, then do not rush to uproot it, because it may well become the central figure of the garden and rutaria.

If there is nothing suitable for rutarium in the garden, then you can go to the forest to get the material. It's full of bark, remnants of stumps, branches interesting shape, fancy driftwood. In the city, after the renovation of the park area, you can find nice stumps, logs and saw cuts.

When the material is collected, it needs to be processed. Raw dry wood- Not best material and will last for 6-7 years. If this period suits you, then it will be enough to clean the tree from dust and insects. If you want to extend the life of your creation, then the material must be treated with impregnations and varnishes, but first, simply wash it, pour it over with boiling water, clean it of dust, cut it where necessary, saw it and put it back together again.

Mini-rutaries are even used in apartments. They look very stylish and impressive. Garden rutarium will fit perfectly into any style and will make your garden much more mysterious and enigmatic.

Before creating a rutaria it's important to decide, what exactly do you want. You can make it only from dead parts of plants. It won't be very funny to watch, but it will be interesting. A composition of fresh flowers and plants with driftwood will be a great accent in any garden. Some driftwood so clearly resemble goblin, gnomes and trolls that it is simply impossible not to draw them.

The advantage of rutaria is that each of them is always unique because in nature there are simply no identical roots and stumps. For rutaria you can choose not only grounds shady garden, but also any other place, for example, near the fence or on the veranda.

A rutary can include many decorative elements: ceramics, forging, figurines, artificial and a natural stone, pebbles, moss, etc.

Rutarium can be completely natural, or it can be decorative. Most simplest option decorativeness is to emphasize the texture of wood with the help of paints. It is quite possible to make a flower bed from roots and driftwood. Natural flowers bright colors They will revive a dead tree and give it an interesting flavor.

The most the best places for the location of the rutaria there will be an entrance to the dacha, a recreation area or a far corner of the garden. If the rutary is located next to a children's playground, then a figurine of a garden gnome can be placed in the center of the composition. If you want to create a mysterious corner in the garden, then you can limit yourself to one large snag - a kind of extraordinary monster that will immediately attract attention.

Flowers for rutaria should not be particularly lush or luxurious so that they do not distract from the tree. The simplest and most organic option is to create some kind of flower pot. This will be especially easy to do if the wood is rotten.

In this case, the core is removed and earth is poured in its place. Ferns, periwinkles, phlox, cornflowers, tulips, and petunias will look great as a floral component.


To invent a rutary if you have never seen anything like it is quite difficult task. Therefore, before starting work, it is best to look at photographs that show examples of the most successful use of stumps, roots, branches and snags.

Do-it-yourself rutary. Photo examples of rutaria in landscape design.

As you can see in the photo, such compositions can be very different. Any of them can fit into your garden if it “resonates” with your aesthetic preferences. From the presented options for rutaria, you will be able to combine something of your own.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Nature itself sometimes creates incredible scenery and the most bizarre forms. Probably, each of us has sometimes noticed a snag or a stump that resembles a goblin or any other fabulous creature. It is on these properties of lonely stumps, snags, as well as dried roots that the art of rutaria is based (the word itself comes from the English “root” - root). It’s not at all difficult to create it yourself, so it’s original design solution can also decorate your landscape design.

Varieties of rutarii at the dacha

  • Natural. For such rutarium, you can use living and non-living plants. This option is the most natural and organic;
  • Simple. This rutarium is usually created from one driftwood or stump. For example, if you find a piece of driftwood that looks like some kind of animal, then you can use it in this form to decorate the garden;
  • Decorative. Living and non-living plants can also be used in this form. However, the main role in decorative rutaria is given to wooden elements. The center of attention should be a massive stump or snag, and around, for example, fresh flowers.

We are looking for suitable materials

Once you have decided on the type of your future creation, you can proceed to collecting materials for it. If you show a little imagination and use your imagination, it will be very simple to create a rutarium at your dacha with your own hands, because all the materials can be found right in your yard.

If the garden on your site has big trees, then probably after trimming them you still had branches unusual shape. Also, don’t rush to get rid of stumps! An ordinary stump can be so transformed that it will become almost the most important figure in landscape design.

If you are unable to find anything suitable on your summer cottage, then you can go to any nearby forest or recreation park to get materials. Remains of stumps, snags, large branches of original shapes, bark, logs, various saw cuts - all this is sure to be useful for creating a stylish rutaria in the garden.

Creation Rules

Doesn't really exist as such step by step instructions creating a rutaria, because this process is very creative. However, there are some unspoken rules for creating such decorations in the garden:

  1. To make a garden of snags and stumps successful, you need to imagine the desired end result in advance. And if you find it difficult to decide, then you can see examples of photos and videos of beautiful hand-made rutaria in this article;
  2. If the rutarium consists only of dead elements of wood, then it will turn out to be quite gloomy, but very mysterious. If you would like to receive bright garden from the roots, it is better to use both non-living and living elements;
  3. Sometimes snags and tree branches themselves create a certain image, so you can only complement it. It is precisely such works that will cause special delight among guests of your home;
  4. Rutaria can be created only from stumps and plants, but you can also use other elements: ceramics, glass, natural stone, forged steel and much more;
  5. It is best to place it at the entrance to the dacha, because such a bright composition can immediately impress the guests of your home. You can also place such a mini-garden near a recreation area or near a small pond;
  6. If you have chosen a stump for your rutaria, then you can make some kind of pot out of it. To do this, you need to remove the core of the hemp, pour soil there and plant beautiful flowers. And around the stump you can place various driftwood.

A dacha is a place of solitude for the whole family. Here, many spend their entire vacation, which should be simply ideal, so everything around should create harmony. You can do some little things with your own hands that will allow you to get the most out of your vacation.

Landscaping works

You can create beauty on your site yourself. Below are several ways to landscape a plot of land.


To make a rock garden with your own hands in the country, you need to do the following:

  • Select location and design. A spectacular look can be achieved by arranging a rock garden on a small slope or uneven surface.

  • Next, the soil is prepared. The top layer of soil is removed by 20 cm. Drainage made of crushed stone must be laid at the bottom and broken bricks. Then it is compacted and leveled. A substrate is prepared for laying sand (peat, crushed stone and fine peat are mixed).
  • Now the stones are being picked up. They should be of soft colors; against such a background they will look as impressive as possible. Size also matters; large boulders are preferred.
  • Stones are being installed. Are located in one direction. Flat stones are mounted horizontally at a slight angle.
  • Layout of plants and flowers. The ground between the boulders is covered with PVC film with holes for pots of plants.


The central figure of the rutaria can be a large stump. Believe me, DIY dacha gardening is a reality that can be very easily implemented.

Material for the composition can be collected in the forest: driftwood, branches of amazing shape. All material must be treated with varnishes before installation to extend its life.

You can include many decorative elements in a rutary: forging, various figurines, artificial and natural stones.

You can sell it from roots and driftwood. Most suitable place for this composition there will be an entrance to a dacha or a recreation area. You can place a gnome figurine in the center.

Path for the dacha

A path in a dacha with your own hands can be made from logs.

The instructions are quite simple:

  • The material is created from cut logs; they alternate small and large dies.
  • The effect of spontaneity is given by various “patterns” of wood.
  • The basis for such a path will be a sand bed of 10 cm.
  • Wooden rounds 20 cm thick are used for covering.
  • Next, all these elements are pre-treated with an antiseptic and simply driven into the ground.

We improve the garden

Do-it-yourself dacha projects begin with development detailed plan. It is necessary to select plants, choose a place. The width of the ridge depends only on the size of your plot.

9 low-growing plants or 4 tall ones are planted per 1 m2 of area.

Main stages of work:

  • The first stage is marking the boundaries of the future object using pegs and rope.
  • Remove with a shovel upper layer soil, depth approximately 15 cm.
  • A border of stones, bricks or concrete tiles is laid along the edges. The border will allow the composition to look completely complete.
  • The fertile mixture is poured into a specially designated place. To prevent water from stagnating after rain, several mounds of earth are poured in the middle of the ridge above the main layer.
  • Plants are planted according to the approved scheme.

Rest zone

The recreation area will be a great place for everyone. Some people find pleasure in work, while others enjoy a great holiday with friends, cooking barbecue or smoked meats. Some people just like to sit in a gazebo or lie in a hammock, admiring nature.

The smokehouse at the dacha is built with your own hands from brick and metal. The most important thing in construction is the fact that the chamber in which the smoke is generated must be closed from above and be as airtight as possible; a sheet of metal can also be used as a lid.

If the lid does not fit tightly, then it is simply covered with a clay solution over the entire area. Next, the lid is closed and an electric heater with a power of up to 2 kW is turned on; it should be located in a brick chamber.

For these purposes they use electric stove and an electric oven. Gradually, the wood begins to smolder, resulting in the production of smoke, which enters the smoking chamber.

Advice: If you don’t have enough power, then renting a diesel generator for your dacha can be a real salvation.

A barbecue maker at the dacha can be created with your own hands from bricks.

Construction is carried out in the following order:

  • A pit is prepared for the foundation (the fertile layer is removed). The pit is leveled with two shovels.
  • The formwork is made from boards and installed 20 cm above the soil level. The cement solution is poured into the formwork and left for a week. The foundation is covered with film.

  • 2 rows of bricks are laid on the resulting base (this will be the ash pan). Next, the grates are mounted, then the firebox is laid out.
  • The top of the future kebab maker will remain open. If you have a stove, you can cook almost anything.
  • 4 columns are made above the firebox and a brick pipe is installed. For convenience, you can make a table-bedside table for equipment.


Do-it-yourself tandoor in the countryside is performed in the following sequence:

  • Pouring the foundation.
  • The outer circle is laid out with bricks (radius of at least 30 cm). There remains a gap of 20 cm for the blower.
  • 8 rows are laid out, then a vault is formed. The 9th row and the next 7 are mounted with an inward shift of 3 cm.
  • The internal walls are made of refractory bricks.
  • The external coating of the tandoor is carried out, all seams are filled with clay.

  • The brushwood is set on fire; as soon as it burns out, the clay is sufficiently hardened.
  • The outer lining is carried out, it is carried out strictly vertically. The gaps are filled with clay. Before first use, the inner surface is coated with vegetable oil.

Do-it-yourself garden beds will be an excellent addition to landscape design.

To create this object, slabs, wooden beams, boards are used, and as a tool electric jigsaw and a screwdriver.

It is preferable that the slabs are made of coniferous species trees, they are more resistant to precipitation.

  • The dimensions of the sun lounger are chosen independently. Two short and two long sidewalls are made from beams. They will become the basis of the frame.
  • The outside of the frame is covered with boards.
  • At a distance of 5 cm from the corner, the legs of the lounger are attached to long slats; the legs are made of bars up to 10 cm long.
  • Now all that remains is to make the base, cut it from the slabs with a jigsaw.
  • The slats are attached to the lounger with self-tapping screws.
  • The finished bed should be processed with a sander.

Country gazebos

A do-it-yourself summerhouse for a summer residence is built in the following sequence:

  • The placement location is selected. Depending on the goals pursued, the gazebo can be built close to the house or erected in a remote corner of the garden.
  • The second stage consists of building a solid foundation for the future structure. The best option is columnar foundation, which does not require leveling the site and performing large volumes of earthworks.

  • As for the frame of the building, the main material used is wooden beam. As an alternative, you can use reinforcement or a metal profile.
  • The main condition for the configuration of this building is airiness and combination with nature, so the walls are made of blank brick or stone.
  • The final stage is the installation of the roof and the completion of roofing works. The best option will be used bitumen shingles, which can withstand negative impact environment.

Bench for a summer residence

A do-it-yourself garden bench is created according to the following scheme:

  • Prepare 2 pits 50 cm deep.
  • The uprights and legs of the bench are connected at an angle, which ensures a tilt of the backrest. The bottom, which is dug into the ground, is treated with resin.
  • Legs with inclined bars are dug in.
  • Next, only the back and seat are attached.

A do-it-yourself hammock for a summer cottage will be an excellent addition to the relaxation area.

The following operations are required:

  • The fabric is hemmed on all sides.
  • The fastening is 15 cm pieces of fabric.
  • The pieces are folded in half to form a loop, there are 6 of them in total. The loops are sewn to the fabric.
  • A cord is passed through the finished loops.
  • The ends are sewn together.

  • Slings of 70 cm each are formed from the cord, then they are simply tied together.
  • The hammock is securely attached.

The price of the hammock will pleasantly surprise everyone; all materials can be purchased at an affordable price.


On suburban area various country houses from a block of containers. To somehow brighten up your pastime, you can make different useful little things, which will pleasantly surprise all family members. Described above detailed instructions on their creation.

In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.


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