Where to start HR records in an organization. Conducting personnel records at the enterprise

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Personnel accountingand office work from scratch - step-by-step instructions for 2018 are now available to our readers. The organization of personnel document flow at the enterprise since March 2014 is regulated by the new GOST, which all personnel officers must follow.

Personnel records: who is responsible for maintaining personnel records?

Personnel records management is carried out at every enterprise where hired labor is used. Where to start personnel records at an enterprise that has just registered? At the newly created enterprise, maintaining personnel records management starting from scratch usually falls on the shoulders of the manager. In order to secure such functions, the director, approved by the participants (shareholders) of the company, issues an order appointing himself responsible for maintaining personnel records.

Subsequently, when hiring a specialist who will be entrusted with personnel records in the organization, including work with personnel, he can be charged with the corresponding amount of work. This is done by issuing an order, which assigns responsibility for conducting this area of ​​work to a specific employee. Also, these responsibilities are specified in the job description, which the employee reads upon signature.

Personnel records management in 2018, as before, must be carried out in compliance with Labor Code, instructions on office work and other legislative and local documents. Responsibility for personnel records in case of violation of the law and/or internal orders management imposes disciplinary sanctions on the guilty person.

Instructions for personnel records management 2018 - download or develop yourself?

The instructions for personnel records management have not been normatively approved, therefore, for maintaining personnel records and document flow, it is recommended to follow GOST R 7.0.8-2013, approved by Order of Rosstandart dated October 17, 2013 No. 1185-st and put into effect on March 1, 2014.

There is no single template for instructions on personnel records and office work, but there are personnel records from scratch step by step with recommended stages for organizing personnel document flow and accounting in an enterprise. Thanks to this step-by-step plan, it is easy to identify the sequence of actions and navigate the amount of work.

We recommend that you read the step-by-step instructions below that will help you organize HR records from scratch. In the future, based on the studied material, it is possible to develop own plan action and follow it.

What does a step-by-step instruction on HR administration look like?

So, let's move on to consider step by step instructions on personnel records management from scratch. Here is a detailed step-by-step plan, which will allow you to create your own personnel service, starting with the registration of the first employee at the enterprise - the director. And therefore it is important from the very beginning of the company’s activities to streamline personnel records.

Stages of organizing personnel records at an enterprise:

  1. Creation of a regulatory and information base.

To begin with, it is worth deciding which regulations will be in demand in the work of a personnel officer. Of course it is:

  • Labor Code - it contains the main points on the regulation of working hours (Chapters 15-16, 22), the duration and frequency of vacations (Chapter 19), the calculation of wages (Chapter 21), and outlines the basic rights and obligations of employees and employers;
  • Resolution of the State Statistics Committee dated January 4, 2001 No. 1 - all forms are presented here primary documents necessary in personnel records; their use today is not mandatory, but is still desirable, since they take into account all the necessary columns and details; If desired, any user can make changes to the form data, retaining only the required details;
  • government decree No. 225 dated April 16, 2003, which will help in working with work books; this document is the main one for the employee, as it confirms his seniority;
  • manual on maintaining military records at enterprises, approved by the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces on April 11, 2008 - these recommendations will help personnel employees get comfortable with the mandatory maintenance of military records of employees at enterprises;
  • order of Rosstandart dated 17.10.2013 No. 1185-st, resolution of Gosstandart dated 03.03.2003 No. 65-st (this resolution is valid until 01.07.2017, from 01.07.2017 GOST R 7.0.97-2016, approved by order of Rosstandart dated 08.12.2016, applies No. 2004-st), order of the Ministry of Culture dated August 25, 2010 No. 558 and government decree No. 477 dated June 15, 2009 - these documents will help you find out what standards exist in Russian office work and archiving.

Each employee responsible for personnel records must be provided with access not only to the specified regulations, but also to other legislative acts that may be required in the process of work. Also, the personnel officer must monitor the latest changes and updates in regulations. To do this, it is necessary either to ensure independent monitoring of legislation or to purchase packages of access to various information databases.

In order to ensure high level personnel records management in enterprises with a large staff, special HR software may also be required to organize a personnel management system and maintain personnel records.

You can read about one of these programs in our article .

  1. Familiarization with the company's statutory documentation.

The charter must detail the conditions for hiring a director (general director, board of directors) - executive body companies. Also, this constituent documentation specifies the basic conditions for the duration of the manager’s work. In addition, the personnel officer must be aware latest changes included in the charter in case the owners of the company decide on personnel issues.

  1. Applying for a manager's job.

The first employee to be registered at a newly created enterprise is, of course, the manager. Thus, on the basis of a protocol approved by the owners of the company, an order is issued indicating the date on which the manager assumes his duties. This will be the first personnel order issued at the enterprise.

In the future, the personnel officer must ensure chronological order issued orders. When checking working conditions and personnel issues, regulatory authorities pay close attention to the numbering of orders so that there are no cases where orders are issued retroactively.

  1. Making a list personnel documents who will participate in personnel records management at the enterprise.

We list the main documents that are involved in personnel records in any enterprise with hired employees:

  • rules regarding intra-organizational labor regulations;
  • personnel structure of the organization;
  • staffing table;
  • vacation schedule;
  • documents related to the protection of personal data of employees.

Mandatory documents also include primary accounting documents created for each employee, as well as registers such as:

  • labor contracts;
  • a book on recording the movement of labor books;
  • a book for recording forms of work record books and the forms of these documents themselves, which are often issued at the enterprise when an employee enters his first place of work;
  • work time sheet;
  • personal cards of employees;
  • personnel orders, which are usually stored together with the grounds for their issuance (applications, official (reports) notes, acts, etc.);
  • job descriptions and other documents;
  • log of inspections by regulatory authorities.

The employment contract form is available on our website - .

The following documents may also be published:

  • collective agreement;
  • provisions on bonuses, certification, trade secrets, etc.
  1. Approval of personnel documents and their forms by the head of the enterprise.

If there are any comments on the documentation form, the personnel officer must eliminate them and re-approve the document forms. Documents that affect not only the maintenance of personnel records, but also accounting, must also be reflected in the accounting policies of the enterprise.

All necessary information on personnel records is available on our website in the section .

  1. Purpose responsible person for maintaining and recording work books.

This may be one person responsible for maintaining personnel records, or a separate employee may be designated who is responsible for storing and recording issued and received work books. A corresponding order is issued on the appointment of a responsible person.

  1. Hiring employees.

This is the final stage in maintaining personnel records from scratch. Now, for each employee hired, a package of personnel documentation is created, usually including an employment contract, an employment order, job description; a work book is accepted/issued, a personal card is filled out, a non-disclosure agreement of personal data and other documents are signed.

Then other personnel documents are drawn up regarding the standardization of the working day, accrual and payment wages, accounting for vacations, processing sick leave, business trips, etc.

You can learn about the storage period for personnel documents from our article .

And about the procedure for their destruction, read the article .

In order for all primary documentation to be kept at the appropriate level, the coordinated work of the HR department is necessary, on which many of the enterprise’s work processes depend.

This is the management of everything related to accounting of funds and movement of personnel.

Timely payments, correct formation of documentation and the flow of other production processes depend on the effectiveness of its construction.

Important: the key to the smooth and timely operation of the HR department are well-trained specialists who, in addition to office management skills, are well aware of Labor legislation.

A personnel accounting process is required to achieve the following goals:

  • Correctly distribute workers among processes;
  • Identify unused resources;
  • Resolve all problematic issues with staff in a timely manner.

You will learn how to properly organize personnel records in an enterprise in this video:

What issues does the HR department solve?

In general, all questions regarding the work of personnel are resolved by the personnel department:

  • Hiring and dismissal;
  • Registration of vacations and payments related to it;
  • The accrual of incentives and bonuses is also within their competence;
  • Formation of staffing. you will learn how to draw up an order approving the staffing table;
  • Making changes to the work schedule;
  • Other staff work issues.

Features of personnel records

At the enterprise, each stage of the work of the HR department is carried out in accordance with regulations; conditionally, all types of work can be divided into the following:

  • The procedure for drawing up and maintaining personnel documentation;
  • Registration of incapacity for work;
  • Preparation of documents for archiving;
  • Maintaining military records in the organization;
  • Storing personal data of each member of the team;
  • Calculation of insurance premiums.

All personnel document flow can be divided into two branches:

  • For personnel – personal cards and all orders associated with each employee individually;
  • Personnel management - rules internal regulations, regulations on departments, reports on the number of employees.

In addition, the personnel department stores all documents that are the basis for issuing orders, as well as statements and pay sheets, which are not basic, but create the necessary base of additional documentation.

It follows that the main documents are:

  • Collective agreement to resolve situations specified in it;
  • Job description, if some of the responsibilities are not specified in the contract;
  • Salary and bonus provisions for resolving disputes related to payments;
  • Other provisions related to the regulation of the life of the enterprise.

How to properly organize personnel records?

Organization of personnel records in the company

To begin the entire process of accounting for office work, you must initially make a rough outline of the work plan:

  1. Before compiling it, you should study all regulatory documentation.
  2. After which the constituent documents are taken from the manager and studied, they all must correspond to the real papers.
  3. Next, the document flow is prepared taking into account the wishes of the manager to create a folder for optional papers.
  4. After which the documentation itself is generated:
  • Initially, all documents regarding the manager are drawn up;

Important: this official is determined through a competition or general meeting co-founders.

  • After which comes the turn of the staffing table and internal labor regulations;

Important: the staffing table can be formed according to a unified form, and you should definitely make a list of positions required in production, starting with the manager.

  • A form of employment contract is being developed, which must be signed by every employee of the organization;
  • The remaining necessary documents and papers are being prepared;
  • The person responsible for the work books is determined - at the first stages of the formation of personnel records and the enterprise, the manager is responsible for the reception and registration of employees independently, based on this, it is necessary to draw up an order on the director’s responsibility for the reception and safety of documents;

Important: only after the official determination of the responsible person begins the registration of employees.

  • It is necessary to ensure the storage and use of personnel papers.

After hiring a personnel employee, he is responsible for all the paperwork routine - keeping time sheets, vacation schedules, documenting the movement of people in the enterprise, etc.

What documents relate to personnel?

Basic documentation and its design

A personnel employee uses a number of necessary documents for competent personnel management:

  • Various types of orders on the movement of employees - hiring, dismissal, vacation, business trip and others;
  • The staffing table, which must necessarily coincide with the work schedule clauses in the main employment contract, otherwise this will be a violation of the contract and will lead to penalties;
  • Time sheet;
  • Work books that are stored at the enterprise during the entire period of validity of the signed agreement, these documents belong to strict reporting, so that each is recorded in a special journal, and storage is carried out in a special safe;
  • Inner order rules;
  • Employment contracts are evidence of the conclusion labor relations, they are drawn up individually with each employee, on their basis the employee officially works in accordance with the points listed in the document;
  • Appendices to contracts are drawn up for each case of changes to the main clauses labor agreements;
  • is formed annually 2 weeks before the end of the year, each employee must familiarize himself with it, this document must be formed competently with knowledge of the intricacies of production, so that the simultaneous rest of 2 - 3 people does not disrupt the entire process of the enterprise’s activities;
  • Personal file - a folder must be opened for each employee; a personal card, personal account, all orders of the manager signed by the employee, his statements and other documents that form the chronology of the employee’s actions are placed here. This document is related to accounting documentation, it is formed in the form of folders and journals, which are stitched, a white square is pasted on them to indicate the main details;
  • Job descriptions detailing the rights and responsibilities of employees;
  • The regulations on wages and bonuses are the basis for calculating payments to employees. What are the rules for drawing up bonus regulations and financial incentives LLC employees read.

In addition, many more documents are generated, which are managed by an employee of the HR department.

Who is involved in maintaining documents?

Typically, large enterprises have a human resources department that maintains all documentation and organizes it.

But in small enterprises they save on staffing, so this is done part-time, for example, Chief Accountant or a secretary, and the manager himself is responsible for hiring and firing employees.

Automation of personnel records

Using various computer programs for record keeping greatly simplifies the process; at the moment there are quite a lot of them.

Of course, the current one is “1C: Enterprise,” which allows you to automatically print documents and automate the entire process, but there are a number of other programs that are much younger and more progressive.

Personnel administration and personnel records.

Nuances for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

When hiring an employee to an enterprise and entering personnel records, each form of business has its own characteristics, for example, when hiring an employee for the first time, individual entrepreneurs must be registered as an employer:

  • In the Social Insurance Fund – 10 days from the date of hiring the first employee;
  • In the Pension Fund of Russia - within a month from the date of hiring the employee.

If you exceed this number of days for registration, the company will face penalties.

In this case, the manager is obliged to obtain a signature from employees for familiarization with regulatory documents, for this it is advisable to start a journal.

Sanctions for lack of personnel records

Important: an entrepreneur who works for himself has the right not to keep personnel records.

If there is no personnel records at an enterprise or organization, a fine is provided:

  • For an official from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • For a legal entity from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

In addition, enterprises may be suspended for 90 days. If verification is envisaged, then:

  • It cannot be unexpected; they warn about it 3 days in advance;
  • It is also carried out for a limited time - 20 days;
  • The visiting commission should be carried out only with the participation of the manager.


Personnel records, according to current legislation, are an integral part of any business process; it is unacceptable for an enterprise that employs full-time employees to operate without such records, since each cooperation must be secured regulations with recording of any changes in it.

Rules for organizing and maintaining personnel records - see here:

Personnel accounting Along with accounting and tax records, it allows you to reflect reliable information necessary for the full functioning of the company. The features of this type of accounting, as well as the main documents involved in it, will be discussed in our article.

Maintaining personnel records

Maintaining personnel records involves registration large quantity documentation that will reflect information both separately for each employee and for the entire company as a whole, as well as the creation of rules regulating the procedure for labor activity.

Maintaining personnel records implies recording the number of employees, which is only possible with high-quality tracking of all movements. The main task personnel records is the preparation of documentary evidence of one or another movement of an employee, ranging from hiring, transfer to another position, registration of leave and ending with dismissal.

Certainly, personnel accounting can be carried out manually, however personnel records through the use of software, it allows you to minimize the time for preparing documentation, especially if the company has many employees.

HR documents

Documentation personnel records They can be either mandatory, the drafting of which is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, or optional.

TO necessary documents personnel records relate:

  • employment order (T-1);
  • contract with an employee (TD-1);
  • work book (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books”);

For details on the design of work books, see the material .

  • employee personal card (T-2);
  • translation documents (T-5);
  • order for registration of leave (T-6);
  • vacation schedule (T-7);
  • staffing (T-3);
  • time sheet (T-12);
  • dismissal order (T-8).

Most personnel documents have a unified form. The employer should develop some documents independently:

  • collective agreement;
  • inner order rules;
  • wage regulations;
  • regulations on personal data of employees;
  • labor protection regulations;
  • bonus regulations;

For information on storage periods for personnel documents, see the material .

IMPORTANT!According to Art. 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, provisions formed by the organization that infringe on the rights of an employee cannot be used to regulate labor relations.

All accounting documents prepared by a personnel employee are approved by the head of the organization. After this, the employee must familiarize himself with them and sign.

It should be noted that in some situations the preparation of personnel documents can be avoided: for example, it is not necessary to draw up job descriptions if labor contract The employee functionality is already provided. The same applies to the remuneration clause, the drafting of which is also not necessary if the contract specifies the employee’s future income.

The presence of a particular document in personnel records depends on the specifics of the work of the individual employee and the company as a whole. If the company provides for shift work, then a shift schedule should be drawn up. When performing work duties at high-secrecy facilities, a clause on the preservation of trade secrets should be written into the contract, as well as a corresponding provision should be drawn up, which will set out the procedure for access to secrets, responsibility for its disclosure, as well as the conditions for terminating such access. It is imperative to draw up a contract on full financial responsibility with the employee if he is related to valuable cargo or objects.

Responsibility for violations when maintaining personnel records

The main regulatory body that is responsible for the correct conduct personnel records, is the State Labor Inspectorate. It is designed to monitor personnel operations and, if personnel accounting is carried out with violations, bring to administrative responsibility for violation of labor legislation.

Highlight the following types liability (Article 419 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • Administrative - fines for officials and companies are reflected in Art. 5.7, 5.27-5.34, 5.39 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Administrative responsibility most often occurs in the absence of any necessary personnel document or its failure to provide it at the request of the employee or organization.

Example:Ivanov I.A. decided to take out a loan. To do this, he needs a copy of the work book and a 2-NDFL certificate. The employer refused to provide a copy of the work record book. An employee has the right to declare misconduct employer to the labor inspectorate, which will hold the company (its officials) liable under Art. 5.39 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the amount of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.

  • Civil law - the punishment is provided for in Art. 15, 151 and ch. 59 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Example:Petrov S.F. was injured at work. In accordance with Art. 1085 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to compensate for lost wages during the employee’s stay for treatment, as well as the costs of his treatment and recovery.

  • Criminal liability - provided for in Art. 143, art. 145, art. 145.1, Art. 146-147, art. 215-217 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, documents from personnel services may be requested by tax authorities, failure to provide which results in liability under Art. 126 Tax Code of the Russian Federation


Correct and timely personnel accounting allows management to make the company more efficient. Currently, there are many software tools that help optimize the time for drawing up personnel documentation and achieve accuracy when reflecting data personnelaccounting.

Do you want to put things in order in your HR work? Where to start in a new company, how to bring order to an existing one? Follow the advice of an expert. And don't panic! You will succeed.

In practice, there are two situations when professionals are interested in the topic of step-by-step HR administration:

  1. In an already existing company, personnel records are carried out “somehow”, there is no system, there are many violations. If you find yourself in this situation, first assess the state of the employer’s personnel documentation and document the results of the audit. Examples of memos from the article “” will help you. After checking, begin to restore and systematize the work using the 8 steps from this article.
  2. A newly created organization is just starting its activities or an individual entrepreneur has his first employee - it is better to immediately begin personnel work correctly. Step one...

1 step. Organize personnel records. There are three ways

Determine who is responsible or responsible for the state of HR records at the employer. Every employer is very different. They differ in the number of staff, field of activity, staff turnover, management approaches, and economic opportunities. I’ll answer a favorite question from HR specialists:

Are there standards for the number of personnel officers per number of employees?

“Alas, there is no universal formula that would suit everyone. The standards for personnel procedures, which are given in the Decree of the USSR Ministry of Labor dated November 14, 1991 No. 78, are outdated. The average figure according to the standards currently ranges from 200 to 270 employees per personnel officer. But ideally, you need to budget the time to complete the paperwork directly with your employer.”

Depending on the company’s staff, staff turnover, and economic opportunities, the employer can organize personnel records in one of the following ways:

  • a structural unit, for example, a human resources department headed by a manager;
  • the only HR specialist;
  • internal combination - most often found in small companies up to 100 people. Internal combination is when the work of maintaining personnel records is entrusted to an employee whose job function is not initially related to personnel records, for example, an accountant or office manager.

Combination is an assignment to an employee, with his written consent, of additional work in another position, profession, specialty (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To formalize the combination, include the position in the staffing table (the rate may not be the same, it is important to simply reflect the employer’s need for the labor function of a HR specialist).

A typical misconception: the position for which the combination is registered is not included in the staffing table. In the agreement, specify the duration, content and volume of work performed and the amount of additional payment.

So, the first step is to determine how you were assigned to conduct personnel records:

  1. Your position is part of a structural unit, for example, the HR department.
  2. You are the only specialist in personnel records management; an employment contract has been concluded with you and your responsibilities include conducting personnel records management in full.
  3. HR records management is assigned to you in the form of a combination.

After your authority to organize and maintain personnel records has been verified, carefully study the constituent documents.

Step 2. Study the constituent documents

First of all, pay attention to the name of the employer.

Typical error: in personnel documents the name of the employer is not indicated in accordance with the constituent documents. For example, the Charter specifies the full and abbreviated name, and in personnel documents - only the full or only the abbreviated name of the employer.

Study in the constituent documents the question of the authority to make decisions on the conclusion or termination of an employment contract, and to approve local regulations. Determine who is the authorized person of the employer, if it is a legal entity.

Typical mistake in an employment contract: in the constituent documents, the head of the company is registered as the authorized person of the employer, in employment contracts, the preamble indicates the manager acting on the basis of the Charter, and at the end of the employment contract, the signature on the part of the employer is affixed by the head of the personnel department, or deputy general director etc., that is, not the leader himself.

Remember a simple rule: whoever is indicated as an authorized person of the employer at the beginning of the employment contract is the one who signs it.

Step 3. Create a staffing table

Why is the staffing schedule one of the first documents that is directly related to the labor function of the personnel officer? The staffing table is an organizational and administrative document that inherently answers the question: what labor functions does the employer need?

Remember the rule: no employee can be hired outside the staffing table. There, “outside the state,” there are only civil contracts. All employer needs for labor functions are determined by the staffing table.

A labor function is work in a position in accordance with the staffing table, a profession, a specialty indicating qualifications; specific type of work entrusted to the employee (Article , Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The staffing table can be approved using a unified form - form T-3 (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1) or develop and approve your own form (preferably as an appendix to the organization's accounting policy). In the column "Quantity staffing units» You can indicate a partial rate, for example, 0.25 or 0.5.

Who develops the staffing schedule?

Evgenia Konyukhova, teacher at Kontur.School:

"In accordance with qualification directory Positions are developed by a labor economist. But not all employers have such happiness (a labor economist). Therefore, the person responsible for developing the staffing schedule is the one in whose job responsibilities includes the development of a draft staffing table. It is approved by order and kept permanent. There are no legal restrictions on the number of changes to the staffing table.”

Step 4 Determine the required number of local regulations

Local regulations are a voluminous topic. Most often, experts ask for a “magic pill of happiness” in the form of an exhaustive list of local regulations that are mandatory for them. But there is no universal, suitable list for all employers. There are a few rules to keep in mind:

  1. Only employers classified as micro-business entities in accordance with Art. 309.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, may partially or completely abandon local regulations. Provided that they transfer those issues that should be resolved in local regulations to standard form employment contract. All other employers are required to have required amount local regulations.
  2. There is a list of local regulations that are mandatory for all employers: internal labor regulations (Article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), local regulations establishing remuneration systems (Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), local regulations establishing the procedure for processing personal data , rights of employees, features of the transfer and storage of personal data (Chapter 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ).
    Pay attention to the local regulatory act establishing remuneration systems: as such, it is in independent form, for example, in the form of a Regulation on remuneration, may also not exist if the remuneration system is prescribed in the internal labor regulations of the employer or a collective agreement. also in mandatory it is necessary to develop and approve a vacation schedule no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year for which it is being drawn up. If the organization was created at the beginning or middle of the calendar year, you complete this year without a vacation schedule.
    There may be local regulations that become mandatory when certain conditions, for example, regulations on business trips, collective agreements, regulations on employee certification, etc. It is in this matter that systemic, comprehensive knowledge of labor legislation as a whole is needed. In the advanced training course "" and the professional retraining course "" local regulations are given a separate lesson.
  3. Local regulations are adopted taking into account the opinion of the representative body in accordance with Art. 372 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This point is mandatory if there is a representative body of employees, but at the stage of organizing personnel records management, most likely, it is simply missing. If so, skip this point.
  4. The employee must be familiarized with all adopted local regulations against signature in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 22 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Newly hired employees must be familiarized with signature before signing an employment contract (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Step 5 Check how the manager is hired

The key employee of the organization is the manager. First of all, check all the documents for its registration. There must be a response to a request from the register of disqualified persons maintained by the tax authorities. This is the requirement of Part 2 of Art. 32.11 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The manager has a dual legal status:

  • is the sole executive body of a legal entity;
  • performs the duties of an employee - labor function leader.

The manager must have documents on his appointment (election) as general director in accordance with federal laws and constituent documents and documents within the framework of labor legislation: employment contract, employment order. An entry must be made in the work book.

Novice specialists, as well as experienced ones, sometimes ask the following question: how to make an entry in the work book about hiring a general director? The answer lies on the surface: the work book is the main document confirming the length of service, and the work book contains information about hiring, and not about the procedures for election or appointment. Therefore, after concluding an employment contract and issuing a hiring order, make an entry in the work book specifically about the hiring with a reference in column 4 to the details of the hiring order.

A typical mistake in drawing up an employment contract with a manager: the term of the employment contract does not correspond to the term of his powers as the sole executive body in accordance with the constituent documents. At the stage of concluding an employment contract, carefully study the constituent documents to avoid such a mistake.

Step 6 Prepare a draft employment contract

An employment contract is one of the main documents in regulating labor relations with employees. I recommend carefully thinking through and developing templates employment contracts for applying for a job different categories workers.

Based on the results of State Labor Inspectorate inspections, the employment contract also becomes the most expensive document in personnel records management in terms of penalties. Liability is provided for under Part 4 of Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for legal entities, for example, from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles, and sometimes inspectors multiply the fine by the number of employment contracts.

A standard form of employment contract has been developed and approved only for heads of state (municipal) institutions and employers, small businesses classified as micro-entrepreneurs. In other cases, employers independently develop the form of the employment contract.

  • surname, name, patronymic of the employee and name of the employer (surname, name, patronymic of the employer-individual) who entered into an employment contract;
  • information about identification documents of the employee and the individual employer;
  • taxpayer identification number (for employers, with the exception of individual employers who are not individual entrepreneurs);
  • information about the employer’s representative who signed the employment contract and the basis on which he is vested with the appropriate powers;
  • place and date of conclusion of the employment contract.

As a rule, this information is included in the preamble to the employment contract, or some of the information remains in the preamble, and some is transferred to the last page of the employment contract.

Example:"Limited Liability Company "Interest"", (TIN 1234567890) hereinafter referred to as "Employer", represented by Deputy General Director P.S. Mikhailov, acting on the basis of the Employment Agreement dated 02.17.2009 No. 18-td-2009 and Order dated 08/05/2011 No. 12, on the one hand, and the citizen Russian Federation Veselov Nikolay Sergeevich (passport series 0477, No. 123456 issued by the Federal Migration Service for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow on August 20, 1997), hereinafter referred to as “Employee”, on the other hand, in accordance with the labor legislation in force in the Russian Federation, we have concluded this employment agreement on the following :..."

Recommendation 2. Remember about prerequisites employment contract, they are listed in Part 2 of Art. 57 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But not all of them are always required! Some are required subject to certain conditions:

  • the term of the employment contract and the circumstances (reasons) that served as the basis for concluding a fixed-term employment contract in accordance with the Labor Code or other federal law (indicate only when concluding a fixed-term employment contract);
  • guarantees and compensation for work under harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, indicating the characteristics of working conditions at the workplace (indicate only if you are hiring an employee to work under harmful or dangerous working conditions);
  • regime of working hours and rest time (include in the employment contract only if the regime differs from general rules, operating at the employer);
  • conditions that determine the nature of the work (travelling, mobile, en route).

Recommendation 3. Take into account the articles of the Labor Code that establish the specifics of regulating labor relations with certain categories of workers or standards federal laws regulating your type of activity. When developing a draft employment contract, do not use sources of dubious origin from Internet resources.

Look different sources and, having passed them through the “prism” of Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, develop your own form.

The employment contract can include additional provisions, mentioned in Part 4 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and other conditions. But the employer will not be held responsible for their absence.

If the activities of employees are related to the maintenance of material assets, I recommend immediately developing and preparing a template for an agreement on full financial responsibility. Then you can sign it at the same time as the labor document.

For financial liability there is a separate detailed lesson in the Contour.School. In the lesson program:

  • Material liability employee: grounds, terms and procedure for recruitment.
  • Cases of full financial responsibility of the employee.
  • Agreement on full individual or collective financial responsibility.
  • The employer's financial liability for delays in wages, vacation pay, and other amounts due to the employee.

Step 7 Prepare documents for maintaining work records of new employees

To begin, prepare an order appointing a special authorized person responsible for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books.

Remember that forced labor is prohibited. If the employment contract or job description of the person in charge did not specify the responsibilities for maintaining, recording, storing and issuing work books, it is necessary to supplement the employment contract with these responsibilities by agreement, or make changes to the job description. If such responsibility will be assigned to an employee whose function does not include personnel records management, for example, to the chief accountant, I recommend that you first draw up a combination agreement, i.e. on assigning additional work to an employee with his written consent with additional payment in accordance with Art. 151 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

At this stage, also check that the organization has purchased and recorded in the receipt and expenditure book for the accounting of work book forms and the inserts therein. The employer is obliged to constantly have in stock the required number of work book forms and inserts in it (clause 44 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books”, hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 225).

Keep work book forms and inserts in the accounting department as strict reporting forms. The accounting department also maintains the receipts and expenses book (see paragraph 41 of Resolution No. 225). At this stage, also prepare a book for recording the movement of work books and inserts in them. It is managed by the HR department.

The receipt and expenditure book for recording the forms of the work book and the inserts in it and the book for recording the movement of work books and inserts in them must be numbered, laced, certified by the signature of the head of the organization, and also sealed with a wax seal or sealed.

Step 8 Prepare documents for HR work

The preparation of personnel procedures begins with the registration of employees for work.

What mandatory documents should a personnel officer have on hand at the stage of applying for a job?

Typical kit (excluding features):

  1. A set of local regulations for employees to familiarize themselves with them.
  2. A draft employment contract with job responsibilities included in it or in the job description.
  3. Employment order form (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The order can be in a unified form - form T-1 (form T-1a) or in a form approved by the employer.
  4. Forms of personal card in form T-2 (for state or municipal employees, form T-2 GS (MS)). Please note: the T-2 personal card (T-2GS(MS)) is taken to in writing, on cardboard.

Records about the employee, about hiring, permanent transfers, dismissals of the employee must be familiarized with signature in the relevant sections of the personal card (clause 12 of Resolution No. 225).

What should I take into account according to work books at this stage? Write an application to the accounting department with a request to issue a work book form if the employee does not have one, or enter information about the one he has work book in the book of accounting for the movement of work books.

Organize recording of working time: the employer is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by the employee (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For these purposes you can use unified forms time sheet T-12 or T-13, or approve your form.

How to formalize changes to an employment contract?

Prepare documents:

  1. Agreement to change the terms of the employment contract/ additional agreement to the employment contract (if a change in the terms of the employment contract occurs by agreement of the parties in accordance with Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  2. An order to change organizational or technological working conditions, written notifications of changes and the reasons that served as the basis for changing the terms of the employment contract, written offers of another vacant job corresponding to the qualifications of the employee, as well as a vacant lower position or lower paid job (if the change in the terms of the employment contract occurs due to initiative of the employer in accordance with Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The list of documents for processing a translation depends on the type of translation:

  • at temporary transfer an additional agreement to the employment contract on transfer is concluded, a transfer order is prepared (usually in form T-5 or T-5a);
  • in case of permanent transfer - an additional agreement to the employment contract on the transfer and an order for the transfer. An entry is also made in the work book and in the personal card T-2 (T-2GS (MS)).

List of documents for registration of vacations:

  • vacation schedule (approved no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year). Read the article “”;
  • written notifications to employees about the start time of vacation in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (look at the letter of Rostrud dated July 30, 2014 No. 1693-6-1);
  • vacation order (form T-6, form T-6a).

This list may vary depending on categories of workers or circumstances. For example, if an employee requests leave not according to the vacation schedule, but at a time convenient for him based on his written application (for example, such leave is provided to minors, Honorary Donors of Russia, etc.). In this case, there will be no notice of leave. The employee will write a statement, and the employer will issue an order.

Labor legislation establishes requirements for the availability and execution of personnel documents in cases where the employer:

  • engages employees to work outside the established working hours;
  • attracts work on weekends and non-working days holidays;
  • sends employees on business trips;
  • provides guarantees and compensation. This block of questions should be studied separately. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the professional retraining program “” at Kontur.School.

How to formalize the dismissal of employees

In this case, you need supporting documents, the type of which depends on the reason for dismissal. For example, to dismiss an employee on his own initiative, his written application is required, to dismiss by agreement of the parties - an agreement to terminate the employment contract, etc.

Be sure to prepare a dismissal order, which you must familiarize with the employee against signature. If the employee is absent or refuses to read the order, put the appropriate mark on the order.

Based on the order, make an entry in the work book and in the employee’s personal card. Afterwards, the employee puts his signature in the work book, personal card and in the book for recording the movement of work books when handing over the work book to the employee.

We looked at the mandatory steps for organizing HR records from scratch.

  1. Develop a staffing schedule, determine the employer’s needs for labor functions.
  2. Check how the documents for the manager are prepared.
  3. Prepare a set of necessary local regulations.
  4. Develop employment contract templates for different categories of workers.
  5. Prepare the documents necessary for applying for a job.
  6. Prepare draft documents for registration of procedures related to the movement of personnel (vacations, business trips, involvement in work on weekends, etc.).


Before defining the concept of “personnel records,” it should be said that it is identical to such concepts as personnel records management, maintaining personnel records, personnel services and other similar concepts that you may come across. But it's all the same.

Of all the variety of interpretations, we adhere to the concept of personnel records, which is included in the name of our Department and, in our opinion, more accurately reflects the essence of the work of a personnel specialist.

What is HR accounting?

Personnel accounting is a recording of the movement of employees of an organization or individual entrepreneur, Related to documentation reception, transfer and dismissal of employees, labor relations with employees and organization of labor of employees. Thus, personnel records are maintained on the basis of primary personnel documentation and internal labor regulations.

To properly maintain personnel records, professional knowledge is required labor law, personnel document forms, have practical experience work in the field of personnel records management and monitor all changes in labor legislation. We offer you exactly this kind of assistance, having a built system of work of our specialists and technology, specializing specifically in the field of personnel accounting.

How to organize personnel records?

There are several ways to organize personnel records, which have become the most common:

  1. create a personnel service or hire a personnel specialist for your organization or individual entrepreneur;
  2. transfer the management of personnel records to a personnel officer who was advised by concluding a civil contract with him or without formalizing a relationship with him at all;
  3. entrust the maintenance of personnel records to an accountant or secretary who works well with documents;
  4. transfer the management of personnel records to an outsourcing company specializing in the field of personnel records management.

Do you think we will persuade you to choose only the fourth option and contact our Department? No. We invite you to consider the main pros and cons of each option so that you can make your own choice.

Option 1. Create a personnel service or hire a personnel specialist.

Pros. Your own specialists, whose work can be organized according to your own principles. You see a person in your office and you yourself determine the requirements for his work.

Minuses. It is difficult to check the professionalism of a recruited personnel officer if you yourself do not specialize in this - you have to believe the words and the work book. You need to spend time monitoring work and managing hired workers. Expensive - rent, taxes, programs, training, etc. What to do if the responsible HR specialist went on vacation, and you urgently need to fire an employee?

Option 2. Transfer the management of personnel records to the HR officer who was recommended.

Pros. It was recommended by friends who had already tested the HR specialist in the field, which means, roughly, the person must be a professional. You can negotiate convenient working conditions.

Minuses. Such a specialist does not bear any responsibility to you, including for all his mistakes. The promises of friends do not always come true; advice is not always convenient for you.

Option 3. Entrust the maintenance of personnel records to an accountant or secretary.

Pros. Such specialists are under your control. There is no need to waste time on recruiting HR specialists, and there are fewer costs for maintaining personnel records.

Minuses. Additional Responsibilities workers are made in last resort, which leads to the absence of many personnel documents, errors in personnel records and other gaps. Accountants usually understand that part of labor law that is needed to tax accounting and payroll calculations, and this work already requires a lot of time. The secretary, even if he is very diligent, does not have professional knowledge in the field of labor legislation, which means there is a high risk of being held liable for his work.

Option 4. Transfer the maintenance of personnel records to an outsourcing company.

Pros. All organizational work and the management of personnel specialists, their selection and training, technical equipment is taken over by the outsourcing company. Costs are minimized. The company is liable under the contract. Constant, continuous and professional assistance on personnel issues.

Minuses. You need to choose the right company and interact with specialists who work outside your office. It is necessary to comply with a built and agreed system of work with the outsourcing company.

Make your choice, and our specialists will always be happy to receive your inquiries regarding any issues related to personnel records and to order our services!


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