The largest insect in the history of the earth. The largest insects in the world

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Incredible facts

One of the most amazing and mysterious human phobias (and one of the most common!) is fear of insects.

There are many assumptions why most of us fall into a stupor or begin to fuss in panic when we see a beetle or cockroach in our immediate vicinity.

Maybe it's because they are so different from us? Or perhaps Mother Nature has programmed us to react this way, since time immemorial, when a person could easily die from an insect bite?

Be that as it may, the fact remains - we are afraid of them. However, many people have noticed another amazing feature - being afraid of all sorts of small bugs, they react quite normally to major representatives these types.

Would you like to test how you react to large and very large spiders, beetles and other cockroaches?

Giant stick insect

This tropical insect is considered the most suitable look in order to keep it at home, like a pet (it’s no secret that there are such lovers!).

Although the name of the order to which the giant stick insect belongs, frankly speaking, is not inspiring - ghostly(lat. Phasmatodea ). It comes from Greek word "phasma", meaning phantom, or specter. These insects, depending on the species, may look like an ordinary twig or a large leaf.

The giant stick insect is considered the longest creature in the insect kingdom. It can reach a length sixty or more centimeters! Many species from this order are characterized by the ability to reproduce asexually.

Giant stick insects are vegetarians, but very often they eat their own shed skin. When such an insect senses danger, it falls to the ground, pretending to be dead, or begins a strange hours-long dance, rocking his extremely unusual body from side to side.

Goliath beetle

The Goliath beetle is rightfully considered one of the largest insects on earth, judging by its size, weight and shape. The homeland of this amazing creature is the African tropical jungle.

They can reach a length more than twelve centimeters, while in the larval state their weight sometimes exceeds one hundred grams. The average weight of adults is half that.

Goliath beetle boasts protective shell, under which it has wings. When the beetle is about to take off, it spreads these wings and the sound that accompanies the flight is very similar to the sound of a child's toy helicopter!

Another distinctive feature of this beetle is its horn, located on the head of an insect. With the help of this horn, males sort things out, claiming a female or defending territory.

Females also have a horn, although of a slightly different shape. And it serves another purpose - with its help, females dig burrows when they are preparing to lay eggs. Although in wildlife Goliath beetles eat a diet of fruit and drink tree sap; in captivity they can easily feed on food for dogs and cats.

Peacock eye atlas

The peacock-eye atlas was at one time discovered in southeast Asia and became rightfully considered largest moth in the world. Just imagine - the wingspan of this moth is about 26 centimeters.

This beautiful insect got its name thanks to the ornate patterns on its wings, which are shaped like a map. The tips of the wings of the atlas are very similar to the head of a snake.

Actually thanks to this unusual shape wings and their bright colors, this moth scares away predators. And males are attracted to females not by their wings, but by highlighting special pheromone from a special gland located in the lower abdominal cavity.

Males can sense a partner from kilometers away by this smell. After the female atlas leaves her cocoon, she almost immediately enters adulthood, as the entire period of her life lasts one, maximum two weeks. Moths lay eggs, feeding on the reserves accumulated in the larval state, and then die quite quickly.

Queen Alexandra's Birdwing

Queen Alexandra's Birdwing (scientific name Ornithoptera alexandrae ) was named after the English Queen Alexandra. This butterfly, which is the largest on earth, was first discovered in one of the provinces Papua New Guinea– provinces Oro.

Females of this species are usually larger than males and have a wingspan of up to thirty-five centimeters. The birdwing feeds from a large herbaceous plant entitled aristolochia. This makes the eggs this butterfly lays poisonous.

Subsequently emerging caterpillars have a chance to avoid the fate of being eaten, since they have very unpleasant taste for birds and many other predators. Since 1989 this beautiful view is in danger of extinction due to the damage caused to it by people cutting down forests and settling more and more lands.

Giant Weta

The giant weta is considered largest insect in New Zealand. It is more than ten centimeters in length and weighs about 85 grams.

And a pregnant weta even weighs more than a sparrow! Having no wings and leading a nocturnal lifestyle, the weta straightens its wings in case of danger. long hind legs, hoping thereby to scare away some predator who intended to feast on it.

If this does not help, the weta falls on its back, pretending to be dead, thereby becoming completely defenseless. During the mating season, the males of these insects travel up to 15 kilometers per night looking for a female.

Females prefer to sit still, unlikely to move more than a few tens of meters per night. For about a hundred years this insect turned out to be endangered on the territory of New Zealand. But now there are quite a lot of them on small nearby islands. The main enemy of these animals is man, who is exploring new living spaces and various predators.

Chinese mantis

The homeland of the Chinese praying mantis, as the name suggests, is China. However, at the end of the 19th century, this insect was introduced to North America to control other insects that are considered pests.

It was believed that a miraculous potion could be prepared from this amazing insect, which could cure, for example, impotence.

In addition, it was believed that if you fry the eggs that a female Chinese mantis lays and feed them to children with bedwetting, then they will be cured. This insect grows over ten centimeters in length and is the largest praying mantis.

It feeds, as has already been said, on other insects, but does not disdain cannibalism. Females can even catch and eat small lizards and other amphibians. And sometimes a hummingbird can fall into their clutches.

When the mantis hunts, it takes "prayer" pose, folding his front paws together below his head. As soon as an opportune moment presents itself, the praying mantis jumps and grabs its prey.

Mating is a very unsafe process for males, who jump on the backs of larger females and may well become their prey. It’s just that the female, during intercourse, can turn around and grab the male by the head, holding him in this position until the sexual intercourse ends in order to then devour the poor fellow.

Giant dragonfly

Giant dragonfly (scientific name Petalura gigantean ), native to Australia, was recently listed as a critically endangered insect.

Reason – drying out wetlands on the mainland. And although the giant dragonfly loves swampy areas, it is still a terrestrial insect, since it spends most of its life on land.

How real predator, a giant dragonfly hunts other insects, which it immediately eats. She hunts on the fly. Females of this insect are usually larger than males.

Their wingspan reaches fifteen centimeters. During the mating season, females go about their usual business, fluttering over the swamps, and males fly around them, choosing a mate.

If the female does not like the male, she wraps the back of the body inward, and if the suitor is to her liking, she allows the male to approach and attach to her. Then they both turn into a kind of flying family tandem.

The unusual pairing does not end there. The male has two pairs of genital organs and literally before fertilization, the male’s sperm comes from his first genital organs to the second! And later, the fertilized female lays eggs in peat moss in the swamp.

Giant burrowing rhinoceros cockroach

Home of the giant burrowing rhinoceros cockroach - North Queensland, Australian state. This is the largest and heaviest of all cockroach species on the planet.

It can weigh up to 30 grams with body length up to eight centimeters! Since they do not have wings and are unable to travel long distances, these cockroaches are not considered pests.

They live in bushes and their lifespan reaches up to ten years. Some insect lovers consider this cockroach to be a wonderful pet, as the rhinoceros cockroach loves cleanliness very much, does not have unpleasant odor, and does not strive to leave his aquarium.

Nickname "digging" This cockroach got its name due to its ability to dig long and deep tunnels. Thus, this cockroach is the only one in his squad, which can arrange a home for itself underground. This insect prefers to feed on fallen eucalyptus leaves. The female rhinoceros cockroach lays until thirty larvae, and the cockroaches that hatch from them spend up to nine months with their mother, until they themselves learn to settle underground.

Giant water beetle

At first glance, the body of a giant water beetle looks like floor cleaning sponge. However, all these pimples on his back are just eggs, which, by the way, are carried only by males.

The largest beetle of the cicada family, the giant beetle grows up to 12 centimeters in length.. Its bite is very painful, so anyone who dives under water in the habitat of the water beetle risks learning it for themselves.

In general, this beetle is considered the most biting of all others in the insect kingdom. Despite its not very appetizing appearance, this insect is considered a delicacy (and a very delicious one!), for example, in Thailand. The water beetle itself feeds on fish, small amphibians and crustaceans.

With its saliva, which contains paralyzing substances, the beetle immobilizes the victim and then sucks out its liquid remains. When a beetle encounters prey that is too tough for it, or when it itself becomes the object of hunting, for example, by a person, insect pretends to be dead.

At the same time, an unpleasant-smelling liquid begins to flow from his anus. Females lay their eggs directly on males, who move with them, as the eggs need air (to avoid mold growing on them!).

Three weeks later, thanks to dad’s efforts (mom just doesn’t interfere!) the eggs turn into larvae.

Among all living creatures that exist on Earth, insects are one of the most numerous classes. The number of their species reaches 1,000,000,000. People are very lucky that these tiny but numerous creatures for the most part live in peace with them.

After all, even giant spiders and cockroaches from Hollywood horror films can become a real nightmare for all humanity. But among insects there are also quite large varieties. In this material we will introduce you to the largest representatives of this class.

The largest butterfly on Earth is the Queen Alexandra ornithoptera, which belongs to the family called Swallowtails. The wingspan of this giant is 28 cm.

This variety was described at the beginning of the last century by A. Mick. The name of the butterfly was given by the banker W. Rothschild in honor of the wife of the British king, Alexandra.

The most large insect in the world can only be seen in the tropics of Papua New Guinea near the town of Popondetta. The eruption of a volcano called Lamington in the middle of the last century led to the destruction of more than 250 km2 of the habitat of this species of butterflies, which became main reason their extremely rare distribution. In addition, due to the decline in the population of these insects due to the destruction of forests, they were included in the list of animals that cannot be caught for sale.

Male ornithopters are smaller than females. With a weight of 12 g, an abdomen length of 8 cm, the wingspan of females is 28 centimeters. The belly and wings are dark brown in color with patterns of yellow and cream shades. Males are very different from females. Their dimensions are no more than 20 centimeters. They have narrow wings of green and blue shades. Their main diet consists of the leaves of a plant called Aristolochia.

The Atlas peacock-eye is one of the largest butterflies on Earth. Its wingspan is 25 cm. Its name is associated with the character ancient greek myths Atlas, who held the firmament on his own mighty shoulders. These giant butterflies live in Indonesian, Chinese, Thai subtropical and tropical forests. They live only 10 days. Moreover, during this time the butterflies do not feed on anything, since they do not have a mouthparts. They live thanks to the substances they received as caterpillars. Due to the hunting organized by humans, the number of this species of butterfly has decreased extremely.

The Titan Lumberjack is the largest beetle on our planet. Its body length can be 22 centimeters. So says the famous entomologist Martins, who managed to catch an adult beetle exactly 22 centimeters long. Museums display specimens of the beetle measuring 17 centimeters or more. However, you must agree that such dimensions cannot but impress.

But only some individuals can have such large sizes. The average length of this bug does not exceed 13 centimeters. This giant can be found in South America. Some businessmen in the summer and winter periods they are organizing special tours to South America to capture this giant.

The beetle weighs 25 g and can be dark brown or reddish-brown in color. Females are noticeably larger than males and have a different structure. Woodcutters adhere to a nocturnal lifestyle, and during the day they hide in tree hollows or rotten stumps. Moreover, the most susceptible to the effects of light are males, who are extremely rarely caught in the light traps created by entomologists.

This representative of giant insects has a very impressive size. The body length of some individuals of this species reaches 15 cm. It is a nocturnal predator. It lives in China. The praying mantis gained popularity and love from farmers due to its ability to destroy all kinds of pests. The Chinese praying mantis feeds on locusts and flies. Large adults can also feast on small birds. Typically, females eat males during the breeding process. The Chinese keep praying mantises as pets. They very quickly get used to a person and take food from his hands without fear. At home, insects do not show aggression and are extremely calm.

The tree lobster is also called the giant stick insect. This is one of the largest insects on our planet. Today there are very few of them left in the world. For a long time The giant stick insect was considered a completely extinct species until several of these insects were found on one small Australian island. Scientists managed to increase their population. Despite the lack of wings, the tree lobster is able to move quickly. The reproduction process of this species has its own unique characteristics. The giant stick insect does not need a male to reproduce. When laying eggs, the female creates her own clone.

The largest freshwater insects are considered to be giant water bugs, which are classified as Hemipterans. This family is divided into two main types: carnivores and herbivores. Their body length is 10 cm. They feed by introducing special, irritating substances into the bodies of victims. The victims of these insects are mainly small snakes and turtles. However, giant water bugs also often bite people. The sensation from the bite of this giant insect on the Schmidt scale, according to which pain and strength are measured, reaches 4 points - the highest point on the scale. For comparison: a wasp sting does not exceed 2 points. In addition, the bite can cause permanent damage to the muscles.

These beetles are the heaviest beetles on our planet. Their weight reaches 100 grams, which corresponds to the weight of 5 sparrows! In addition, they are very strong and quite difficult to hold in your hands.

The length of females is 80 mm, and males are 110 millimeters. The width of the belly of females is 5 cm, and that of males is 6 centimeters. In addition to their size, males also have external differences from females: they have a Y-shaped horn on their head; females do not have a similar process, but have a shield with which they dig holes to lay eggs.

The colors of goliath beetles depend on their habitat. To be active, they need to maintain a certain level of body temperature, which is why shady places many beetles are dark in color with barely noticeable white stripes. Thanks to this coloring, their body quickly heats up.

These wonderful creatures can be seen in the equatorial and southeastern parts of Africa. Due to the specifics of their adaptation, light color predominates in South Africa, and dark color predominates in Central Africa. In total, there are up to six varieties of goliaths, each of which has its own unique coloring.

Goliaths spend the main part of their life in the crowns of trees. There they feed on tree sap and all kinds of overripe fruits. Ini also love to eat pollen. These beetles rarely descend to the ground. In the wild, goliath beetles live only 6 months.

Although the vast majority of mosquitoes, spiders, flies and beetles are very small in size, there are real giants among them. They invariably arouse great interest, so the top list of the largest insects in the world presented below will help you better understand who is who in the world of these unusual creatures living next to us.

10th place

The length of the body is 10 cm and the weight is up to 70 g. These are the parameters of the giant weta, or, as it is called in Latin, Deinacrida heteracantha. These beetles live in New Zealand. They are rightfully considered one of the heaviest in the world, since some individuals have a body weight greater than that of the well-known sparrow. Interestingly, the reason for the “excess weight”, and, no joke, the gigantism of this superbug, is the absence of small mammals in its island habitat. Thus, having no enemies and not experiencing a shortage of food, giant weta over millions of years as a result of natural selection were able to become real heavyweights, and therefore occupy the last but honorable place in the top 10 largest insects in the world.

9th place

The giant stag beetle also claims the title of “largest insect in the world.” Some individuals of this species living in North America, reach a length of 4.5-8 cm. They have both European and Asian relatives, but they are much smaller and do not cause such surprise as Yankee beetles.

Scientists say that it’s all about the nutrition of the larvae, so small individuals appear in “hungry” years, when there is little rain, and it is difficult for the female to find rotting wood rich in nutritious fiber for laying eggs. As for the record holders, the largest specimen today is kept in the British Museum - its size is 8.7 cm.

8th place

Many people believe that the largest insect in the world is the goliath beetle. The body length of males of this species usually ranges from 8 to 11 cm and weighs about 47 g. There are eyewitness accounts that several decades ago even caught goliath beetles weighing about 100 g. These insects live in the central and southeastern regions of Africa. In addition to their large weight, they are distinguished by their exquisite black and white color, which allows them to add to the title of “the largest insect in the world” (by body weight) also the title of one of the most beautiful representatives of the arthropod family.

7th place (I)

Some of the largest insects in the world, photos of which are of constant interest, became extinct many centuries ago, and we can only guess what they really looked like. Until recently, it was believed that the giant stick insect, which was originally discovered on Lord Howe Island, should also be included among them. Before the arrival of Europeans, this insect multiplied in huge numbers, since it had no enemies in the wild. The situation changed when black rats settled on Lord Howe, having escaped from the holds of English ships that landed on the island in order to stock up. fresh water and provisions. In just a few years, they destroyed the entire population, and no one had heard of the giant stick insect for almost 2 centuries.

Fortunately, it turned out that this insect (120 mm long and 15 mm thick) was preserved on Balls Pyramid Island, located a few kilometers from Lord Howe, off the coast of Australia. In total, about 30 adult specimens of the giant stick insect were discovered, which in appearance can easily be confused with a dry grass stalk

7th place (II)

It cannot be said that the leaf beetle is the largest insect in the world, but it can safely be considered the most well-camouflaged. It is enough to look at his photo to be amazed at how much his female resembles several green leaves lying on top of each other. The amazing capabilities of this insect do not end there, since it is capable of reproducing parthenogenetically, that is, without the participation of a male.

The body length of the leaf beetle is no more than 12.5 cm, so we can consider that it deservedly shares 7th place in the list called “The largest insect in the world” with the giant stick insect.

6th place

In sixth position in the ranking of the largest insects on the planet is Queen Alexandra Birdwing. Under such a magnificent name, more reminiscent of the title of an august person, hides a giant butterfly with a very beautiful color. To ensure the survival of its offspring, this largest insect in the world (36 cm is its wingspan) among its subclass has successfully mastered unique way self-defense: it feeds on pollen poisonous plant Aristolochia schlecteri. Thanks to this circumstance, the Queen's caterpillars are poisonous and do not become victims of birds.

5th place

If you're wondering what the world's largest insect is, Natgeo has plenty interesting information. However, let’s return to our rating, the fifth position of which is confidently occupied by the dung beetle. The length of its body can reach 7 cm. In total, 500 varieties of this insect are known with brown, black, yellowish and purple colors. The dung beetle is not only a large insect, but also an exceptionally hardworking and strong insect. With a light weight of only 2 g, this tireless worker can move a ball of manure weighing 35-40 g.

4th place

Some giant water bugs reach a length of 15 cm. They live in fresh water bodies in South America, as well as in the tropics of the Asian continent. Interesting feature of these insects is that their hind legs are designed for swimming and are a kind of flippers. In addition, they are known to be fierce predators and successfully hunt juveniles, salamanders, tadpoles and even frogs. The main weapon of these insects is their saliva, which can completely paralyze even a fairly large victim and turn its internal organs into a jelly-like, easily digestible mass.

3rd place

The peacock butterfly is one of the top three in the category “The largest insect in the world.” She has a wingspan of up to 26 cm, making her slightly smaller than the aforementioned Queen Alexandra. However, the wings of this insect are somewhat larger and longer. In addition, it has an exceptionally beautiful color. By the way, some varieties of peacock eye, in the process of transforming from a caterpillar into a butterfly, form cocoons that are used to obtain natural silk.

The habitat of this insect is the tropics and subtropics of Asia and America. As for temperate climate zones, 10 species of peacock butterflies can be found in Europe, and 12-15 in our country.

2nd place

Chan's megastick insect is recognized as one of the largest insects on the planet. The length of its body, which can easily be confused with a dry branch, can reach 37 cm. Even more impressive figures are obtained if we also take into account the size of its legs. In particular, with straightened limbs, the megastick insect has a length of up to 56 cm. The local habitat of these insects is the island of Kalimantan, where they are very difficult to find, and all thanks to their exceptional camouflage abilities.

So far, only 3 specimens have been discovered. All of them were caught in the state of Sabah (Malaysia). However, neither their lifestyle nor the characteristics of reproduction have yet been studied.

First place

So, it remains to find out which insect is the largest in the world. Scientists claim that it is a titan woodcutter. The length of the body of this beetle, which lives in South America, is 21 cm. It is also considered the most expensive of insects, since collectors agree to purchase the largest specimens at a crazy price from 600 to 1000 dollars and even more. For comparison, we can give the following example: most of even the rarest species of beetles and butterflies cost between $20-300.

The Titan Lumberjack is also included in famous Book Guinness records, and one of the largest representatives of the species is exhibited at the National Museum of Bolivia and is the pride of its natural science collection.

Interestingly, these insects have quite short life, amounting to only 20-35 days. Moreover, all this time they do not eat anything, maintaining their strength from energy reserves made by the body at the larval stage, which lasts about two years. Thus, the entire life cycle of a titan woodcutter is 24-25 months and ends immediately after the female lays eggs, from which the next generation should appear.

Now you know which “spider bugs” belong to the category “The largest insects in the world.” Photos of these representatives of the animal world amaze the imagination and make us once again admire the creations of Mother Nature, who is capable of creating such perfect creatures that can survive in any conditions.

Of all the living creatures living on our planet, insects are the most numerous class. There are about a billion species alone. It’s good that these creatures are small and for the most part coexist peacefully with humans.

After all, even fantasies about huge spiders or cockroaches can become a nightmare for us. After all, not all insects are small. The largest representatives of this class will be discussed below.

Stick insect. This insect is noticeably larger than its competitors. The record specimen was found in the forests of Kalimantan in 1989. Its length with elongated limbs was 56 cm. The name of the insect appeared due to their resemblance to leaves or sticks. In total, there are about 3 thousand varieties of stick insects. They usually live in the subtropics, but can be found in Australia and even Europe. These creatures are very sedentary, so they are sometimes even kept at home in an aquarium. Stick insects eat leaves, choosing different tree species to obtain a complex of useful substances.

Lumberjack titan. The largest beetle in the world is found in Brazil, French Guiana, and indeed in the Amazon. It is believed that an adult can reach a length of up to 22 cm. The average size is 79-168 mm. Dried specimens of the largest representatives of the species can cost up to $1,000. These beetles are nocturnal; at dusk they begin to crawl out of their hiding places, climb to heights and take off. Male titan lumberjacks are quite sensitive to light, so they do not respond to entomologists’ light traps. Interestingly, the life of the larvae remains a mystery, since they have not yet been discovered. Most likely they are 2-3 cm in size, and develop in the roots of dead trees. Pupation occurs in the soil. Titan is not dangerous to humans, but it can bite on purpose in self-defense. His jaws are quite capable of biting through a little finger.

Hercules beetle. This representative of the lamellar family has a rather unusual appearance. Females grow up to 80 mm in length, but males can reach twice that size. The body of insects is covered with small hairs, but they have a large horn. It is located on the head and directed forward, and also has several teeth. Females simply do not have such growth. You can meet Hercules beetles in Central and South America, on the islands of the Caribbean Sea. The female lays up to 1000 eggs; the growing larvae feed on wood. The grown creature lives up to six months, showing particular activity during the wet season.

Giant long-legged grasshopper. These insects live in Malaysia. They belong to the phylum of arthropods, order Orthoptera. Grasshoppers feed on plants. Their wings are quite unusual; when spread, they are very similar to leaves, the same in relief, with spots and even holes. However, long legs do not help grasshoppers to jump. The insect prefers to move slowly and occasionally fly. During the day, grasshoppers tend to sit still to avoid being hunted by predators. But at night, with the help of their long antennae, they begin to look for food and mates. Males scream loudly and shrilly to attract females. Most of these grasshoppers feed on leaves, but some are active predators, preying on other small insects.

Goliath beetle. This genus of large beetles lives in Central and Southeast Africa. At the same time, the insects are quite heavy; the heaviest males reach 100 grams. This is a record figure among insects. And such beetles grow up to 110 mm in length. During the day, goliaths fly, hiding almost all the time in the treetops. On earth they can be found quite rarely. Interestingly, the colors of the beetles also change depending on the climate. This is due to the temperature requirements of the body, which makes it possible to fly. The main food of such beetles is overripe fruits and tree sap. Adults live for about six months. To lay her eggs, the female finally descends to the ground. She places them in natural cavities. Interestingly, beetle larvae can eat their younger relatives.

Rhinoceros cockroach. This cockroach is one of the largest in the world fauna. Its length can reach 9 centimeters and weight - 30 grams. This insect lives in Australia, where it lives in fallen leaves, which it eats. The rhinoceros cockroach is also a record holder in the field of longevity - it can live up to 10 years. Only after three years does he reach maturity. And when it reaches full size, the chitinous cover is shed up to 12 times. Adult cockroach Brown, wide and convex. This is a strong and stubborn insect that some hobbyists keep in their insectariums. Cockroaches do not like to be disturbed and begin to hiss. Similar sounds are made during fighting or courtship. Unlike other cockroaches, rhinoceroses do not have wings and are not even considered pests. On the contrary, this species is very useful for the ecosystem.

Giant weta. This family of insects lives in New Zealand. Females can reach a length of 8.5 cm and weigh up to 70 grams. However, it should be noted that most of the weight in in this case- gestated eggs in the abdomen. Weta is a wingless insect with a large and thick body. They are usually brown in color. Hind legs with spikes are used for defense, and when attacking they are simply thrown forward. The weta feeds on other insects, fruits and vegetables. The insect is very important because it distributes plant seeds by eating them. The gigantism of the weta is due to the fact that in New Zealand, due to its isolation, there were simply no small mammals, so insects occupied the empty niche.

Scoop agrippina. Although the body length of this insect is small, its wingspan is impressive. The record specimen was caught in 1934 in Brazil. The individual had a wingspan of 30 cm. In general, such butterflies live in Central and South America. Wings mostly gray, on which there is a pattern of dark spots. This appearance gives the insect a resemblance to a rather large bird, which can even frighten a person in dark time days. The lifestyle of the moth agrippina remains poorly understood, as it occurs mainly at night. They feed on legume leaves. Butterflies love to sit on trees, at a height of 3-4 meters. The armyworm agrippina has become so often caught simply for collections that the species is in danger of extinction.

Giant water bugs. People have a prejudiced attitude towards bedbugs. It seems that they either smell terrible or even feed on human blood. Water bugs can only accidentally bite in a pond, but they stand out primarily because of their size. Representatives of this species live in the tropics - in South America, India, Thailand. They usually choose fresh water bodies for habitat. Giant water bugs can reach 15 cm in size. Nature specifically made the hind legs of such insects suitable not for walking, but for swimming. The front legs are strong, slightly shorter. This great tool to capture prey. Adult bedbugs cannot breathe underwater, so they are forced to rise to the surface to breathe. The respiratory organs are two tubes located on the abdomen. It must be said that these bugs are predators. Their size allows them to hunt fry, tadpoles, amphibians and even small fish. Frozen on a stone or underwater plant, the bug waits for prey and then grabs it with its front paws. Proboscis injects saliva into the body, which paralyzes the victim and liquefies it. Huge bedbugs can fly, however, they do this infrequently - when moving or reacting to bright light. To escape from a larger predator, bedbugs pretend to be dead or release liquid from the anus at the approaching enemy. In spring, males begin to carry eggs on their backs, which are laid there by the female. IN South-East Asia They learned to cook amazing beetles as food.

Queen Alexandra's Birdwing. This butterfly is the largest day butterfly; it belongs to the swallowtail family. Females grow larger than males, their wingspan reaches 28 cm. Butterflies have clearly expressed sexual differences - males are smaller, and their wings are narrower, colored blue and green color, versus brown in females. Europeans first learned about such an insect in 1906. And the next year, butterfly collector Lord Rothschild gave the new species a name in honor of the wife of King Edward VII. This insect can only be found in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea. In addition, the eruption of Mount Lamington in 1951 destroyed a fairly large part of its distribution area. Deforestation also threatens the existence of the species. Today it is officially prohibited to catch and sell such insects. The butterfly develops within three months, the caterpillars grow up to 12 cm in length and up to 3 cm in width. An adult individual lives only 4 months.

On our planet there is the most a large number of a variety of insects, small, large and even huge. They live in different regions of our planet. When you meet them in nature, you can sometimes be surprised by their impressive size. Our list today features the largest insects in the world.

Stag beetle

Our list is headed by the giant stag beetle; the length of its body, including its “horns,” reaches 70-91 mm.

This beetle lives in the oak forests of Europe, North Africa and Asia. This species of beetles is listed in the Red Book.

Goliath beetle

The goliath beetle lives in the center and southeast of Africa. The body length of the beetle is from 50 to 110 mm, and everything reaches 100 grams.

Its unusual color makes it not only one of the most beautiful beetles, but also gives good protection from predators. Another distinctive feature is that in order to take off, it needs to increase its body temperature. To do this, in more shaded areas of the area the beetle is mostly black in color, and in those areas where the sun predominates the color is varied.

Giant water bug

The water bug mainly lives in the tropics. Its body length is about 120 mm.

These beetles are predators; a bug bite is very painful for humans due to its poisonous saliva, which is released from the proboscis when bitten, paralyzing the prey. After such a bite, the victim is paralyzed, the victim’s insides decompose, after which the bug sucks out its prey.

Rhinoceros cockroach

The rhinoceros cockroach or burrowing cockroach reaches 90-100 mm in length, and this cockroach lives in Australia, where it is rightfully considered the heaviest insect.

This heavyweight weighs about 35 grams. In addition to its large weight, the rhinoceros cockroach is famous for its longevity; it can live up to 10 years. He needs eucalyptus leaves for food, and he lives in a hole that is up to a meter deep.

Grasshopper Veta

The Weta grasshopper is found in New Zealand, the body length is about 90 mm, and the entire weight is 85 grams. A female grasshopper lays up to 300 eggs.

Chinese mantis

The length of this praying mantis is 150 mm, it lives only in China.

This insect is a predator, mainly prefers to hunt pests at night, such as flies, locusts, crickets, which has earned the love of farmers, and sometimes it can even eat a small snake. Females are much larger in size than their partners; after the mating season, males are eaten. In China, these cute insects are kept as pets.

Tree lobster

The tree lobster or giant stick insect is a small species and lives on the islands near Australia.

This giant stick insect is capable of moving very quickly. Stick insect reproduction can occur without the participation of a male, with the female laying eggs and then creating her own clone.

Chan's megastick

This stick insect, unlike the previous one, is distinguished by its unusual body length, which reaches up to 56 cm.

Habitat: Kalimant Island. In appearance it looks more like a dry branch, which makes it a master of camouflage.

Lumberjack Titan

Lumberjack titan is the largest beetle in the world. This beetle reaches 22 cm in length and is a strong beetle that can bite through a branch with a diameter of 1 cm.

One of its unusual properties is that this strong man does not need food, since he received enough nutrition while still a larva. The larvae of these beetles can reach 35 centimeters. The beetle itself lives for one and a half months.

Peacock-eye Atlas

Atlas is one of the most big butterflies on our planet, whose wingspan reaches 25 centimeters.

Atlas lives in the tropical forests of China, India and Thailand. The life cycle is 10 days.
This species of butterfly does not have a mouth, so it lives off the food it received as a caterpillar.


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