The most famous predictions The most famous predictor - who is he

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"Incessantly crazy girl

Shouted: - Troy clearly see the fallen dust!

But clairvoyants, however, as well as eyewitnesses

Throughout the ages, people have been burned at the stake."

V.S. Vysotsky, "The Song of Things Cassandra"

Thank God, now is not the time of Troy, and no one burns witches at the stake. In our present time, there are plenty of people who see the future. But do we want to hear them? Here's the question...

Isn't it easier to take the position of the "ostrich" and not know anything in advance? After all, you can't run away from fate...
Or is it still better to know, at least approximately, what lies ahead, and stand on your own life path, turning, finally, with someone else's? At least we have the opportunity to try to do it. As they say, forewarned is forearmed.

Great Foretellers


The quatrains of Michel Nostradamus can be interpreted, of course, as you please. In the days of the medieval Inquisition, a poor French doctor, in order not to get on that fire, had to veil his predictions. Therefore, no references to exact events we won't find him.
And yet, smart people have deciphered what can please us.

For example, Genetic Engineering until the middle of the 21st century will develop by leaps and bounds. What will it give us? Hope. In my opinion, this is the most precious thing that can be given to humanity.
By 2035, doctors will treat malignant oncological diseases at any stage.
HIV-infected people can calm down a little - they will finally find cure for AIDS.
A pill will be invented that can recognize viruses at a distance. That is, we say goodbye to all colds.

Sick people can only wish patience and wait for this wonderful moment.


When the question concerns predictions, how can one do without the great Vanga ?! In 2046, she promised us that any organs would be grown, like cucumbers in garden beds. So, there will be no problems with transplantation. And what? Very convenient: something hurts - quickly changed the old organ to a new one and live on!

China will become the world power in the near future. Well, it's enough just to be a seer to predict it.

The polar ice is melting. The level of the World Ocean is rising. We are already seeing this trend.

Our parents witnessed the first manned space flight. And you and I can become not just eyewitnesses of flights to Venus, but also direct participants in travels to the planet of beauty! By the way, according to scientists, it is Venus that is the most adapted planet for human habitation. So let's get ready!

Her more interesting predictions concern subsequent centuries and end in 5079, in which Vanga promises us the end of the world. Well, let's hope we don't live to see that.

Edgar Cayce

Let's read what the most famous "sleeping" predictor of the 20th century, Edgar Cayce, tells us. His predictions, alas, are not as rosy as those of the Bulgarian clairvoyant. According to Casey, our Earth is waiting for endless earthquakes and cataclysms. They will be of such magnitude that they will destroy the continents and radically change the globe. Somehow, everything is unhappy with the American soothsayer. He'd better sleep, by God!

But if you dig, you can find good news here. For example, in his book Memoirs, Casey writes: “The mission Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, to free them from selfishness and gross material passions, to restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom ... ”So, Slavs, head higher!

Great science fiction

What A. Belyaev, I. Efremov, E. Wells, J. Verne and many others wrote about in their magnificent novels is already becoming a reality. Before we have time to look back, Belyaev's Head of Professor Dowell or Wells's The Island of Doctor Moreau will enter our lives and become something ordinary. I generally keep quiet about the Julvernian submarines, they have been in our lives for a long time. And K. Tsiolkovsky, with three classes of education? Over his ideas about creating space rockets the then secular society laughed. Fucked up. So don't be surprised if homemade nanofactories become a necessity. They will be able to provide us with everything we need, producing food, clothing and medicine, literally, from waste products.

Biorobots can join habitual pets. These new family members will be able to do everything for us. homework and, 24 hours a day. By the way, these same robots are able to replace us at work. So, gentlemen, scientists, please be careful! In addition, the world is already saturated with all sorts of technical bells and whistles. So it is not surprising if, at one fine moment, machines will rise up against their creators. Well, nothing, at that moment we will already be on Venus!

As Ivan Vasilyevich said from the famous film: "I am tormented by vague doubts." So I ask myself the question: I wonder if the writers were so cool that they accurately predicted the future in their books? Or, do scientists use the ideas of science fiction writers?

Wait and see. But let's not forget that the future, regardless of any predictions, will be a direct consequence of our thoughts, words and deeds today.

You know, we live in an amazing time! Now there is so much information around that it is sometimes difficult to understand it if you do not have some guidelines. The matter is aggravated by yet another aggravation in international rhetoric. To the common man I don't want to watch the news. There, whatever they say, almost everything scares. However, there are other sources that many recognize as their own guidelines. This refers to the predictions of seers about the future. Agree, they may well become bridges along which consciousness will calmly cross over the raging information hurricane. Let's take a look at what kind of prophecy about Russia can become a support for us, help us get through difficult times, strengthen faith in happiness, if not for us, then for children - for sure.

Plurality of Predictions

It should be noted that Russia was spoken about more than once. Books have been written, research is being done on predictions. Films are being made, people themselves are trying to convey prophecies to others, they are analyzing, studying, comparing. All this is then released to the public. The most interesting is the prophecy about Russia, part of which has already come true. Agree, after all, clairvoyants lived hundreds of years before our time. And their visions were not limited to the twenty-first century. So, many of their prophecies can be considered fulfilled.

Let's take Wang. She loved Russia and spoke about it with pleasure and with some special trepidation. Among the published visions there is one that concerned the Kursk. If you watched a movie about this witch, then you probably remember: everyone thought that she was talking about the city, and the disaster happened to the submarine. Vanga's prophecy about Russia is considered one of the most popular. People love to listen and read positive information. Let's get acquainted with the predictions of the Bulgarian witch in more detail.

Vanga: a prophecy about Russia

You should start with the recent affairs (in relation to eternity). Around the eighties of the last century, Vanga had to answer the question about the likelihood of a Third World War. Her words sounded unexpected and were not understood. She literally said the following: "Syria has not yet fallen." In those days, nothing foreshadowed the troubles of this prosperous country, however, like the USSR. However, now we see the importance of Syria for global security. Many are waiting for news about the ups and downs of the war in this country and worry about Assad. Recall that from the moment when the seer predicted this situation, about thirty years have passed. But back to Russia. The Bulgarian clairvoyant considered her the future stronghold of the world. Vanga's prophecy about Russia is filled with unprecedented warmth and pride. She said that it was this country that would give the world hope in the most terrible times. Here an idea will be born, which in time will be accepted by all peoples.

What Vanga saw Russia

The seer predicted many troubles for our world. She believed that people would wallow in sin. Russia will be cleared first. A new philosophical doctrine will arise on its territory. It will spread throughout the planet, leading people to light and peace. Other religions will gradually disappear. It is important that, according to Vanga, this is already happening! It was delivered in 1979. The seer named the exact date, in twenty years! That is, we are already in a new reality. And of course, the most famous is the mysterious phrase about the glory of Russia and Vladimir. It will never fade, nothing will stop the greatness of this country. Russia will be the spiritual leader of the whole world. And the current hegemon - America - will bow before her. In addition, already in those days, the seer knew about the collapse of the USSR, which occurred much later. She repeated that the Slavs would unite again in a new capacity. She also wanted her beloved Bulgaria to enter this great union and became part of a prosperous world.

However, the seer warned that the “golden age” would have to be paid dearly. Many sacrifices would be made, she repeated. But nothing can break Russia and stop it. There are also strange words in the film, which were not understood by many at that time. Vanga said that in Russia "the dead will stand next to the living." Experts gave them some abstract meaning and could not explain what the clairvoyant meant. The event that Vanga spoke about happened before our eyes! There is no doubt that the seer had in mind the action "Immortal Regiment", when, in response to the aggression of the West, the people demonstrated the cohesion and devotion to the great ancestors, which is so necessary for society. The strength of the spirit of all generations of Russians was awakened by this action. Vanga could not describe it in more detail, or maybe she did not see the details. But the essence of the event conveyed completely.

Messing's prophecies about Russia

To our deep regret, this clairvoyant did not like to reveal the secrets of the future. He, as contemporaries testify, tried to confine himself to answering specific questions. Fame brought him that he named the exact dates of the beginning and end of World War II. However, it cannot be said that he was not at all interested in the events of the future. He kept diaries in which he recorded visions. After the death of Messing, they were seized. And now the content of the manuscripts is kept under the heading "secret".

Messing's well-known prophecies about Russia are that the country will become stronger and freer only after the collapse of the USSR. We have all been through this together. Therefore, the situation can be expected to improve. Messing devoted a lot of time to ordinary people. He was happy to talk with them, tried to help reveal purely specific personal questions and secrets. That is, he devoted himself to serving the people. By the way, the clairvoyant considered his abilities to be the most ordinary. He claimed that everyone has them. It's just that people don't develop them.

Elders about Russia

You know, there are special people among believers. Through prayer and fasting they reach an extraordinary state. They receive information about the future. Sometimes they share it with contemporaries. They write down the prophecies of the elders.

Much has been said about the future of Russia. The main thing is that the people of this country need to remember about faith in God. It is in spirituality that the revival of the Russian state lies. Note that the prophecies of the elders about the future of Russia are ambiguous. Matthew Vresfensky said that the country would be reborn and begin to grow stronger. However, almost the whole world will take up arms against her. The elder foresaw a big war. It will start in Yugoslavia (it has already happened) and take billions of lives. Russia will endure everything and create a "just kingdom". It will unite other countries around itself, but will not conquer them.

Other prophecies of the elders about Russia are not so optimistic from the point of view of modern man. The fact is that they believed in the end of the world. That's what they were talking about. But before the end of times, Russia is destined to be reborn. It will become the main state on the planet. Elder Vladislav (Shumov) predicts war with China and Germany. And it will happen at the same time. Everything will be on fire, but Russia will stand. It is interesting that the Chinese who came to the territory of the country will become Orthodox.

Troubles predicted by Russia

Not everything in the visions of clairvoyants is as magnificent as we would like. The prophecies of the elders about the future of Russia contain information about troubles and troubles. In addition to wars, they predict climate and ecological disasters. So, Lavrentiy Chernigovskiy back in the forties of the last century said that people would have to go through a long period schisms and heresies. But faith will live in a few. It is they who will lead Russia to the light. She will be reborn by the cares of the Queen of Heaven.

Many prophecies of the elders about Russia speak of the revival of the monarchy. They believed that a person appointed by the Lord himself, that is, the anointed of God, should lead the country. He will be a very strong and honest person. He will revive Orthodoxy, as sincere faith burns in his soul. People will love and trust him. This is how the elders saw the future of Russia.


The French astrologer left many manuscripts in which he talked about his visions. Some quatrains tell about the fate of Russia. He called it the new Babylon.

By the way, the prophecies of Nostradamus about Russia have been tested by time. Some of them have already come true. For example, shooting royal family and coming to the leadership of Stalin. Nostradamus also talked about the greatness of Russia. He believed that the people would become one Messiah. Under the leadership of Russia, the whole world "will go to beat the robbers." This is how his quatrains are translated.

Researchers believe that such events are already beginning. Nostradamus built his predictions in chronological order. If you believe his quatrains, then the heyday of Russia began in 2014. Further, no tests can break or destroy it. The prophecy about Russia of Nostradamus is considered one of the most popular. Interestingly, an astrologer in the sixteenth century predicted the development of mankind for millennia ahead. He has seen the fall of empires and the pain of nations. His quatrains contain information about the termination and emergence of dynasties. He considered Russia to be the country that would bring prosperity to the world. He said that here they would be able to overcome aggressiveness and build a fair order. And the whole world will follow Russia.

I must say that many of the seer's quatrains have already been deciphered. It was recognized that his predictions reflect the events that occurred. Therefore, attention to the works of Nostradamus does not weaken. It is constantly being studied. He is rightfully considered one of the most popular soothsayers and mysterious personalities.

Paisiy Svyatogorets

The elder, who lived in Greece, was practically our contemporary. His words are listened to mainly among sincere believers. Paisius Svyatogorets gave a lot of soul strength for the revival of Orthodoxy. He collected prophecies about Russia in a book. It says that the country will have to fight. The arena of action will be the Middle East. Here the forces of China, Russia and Europe will clash. According to Starets, Türkiye will disappear from the map. The people here will convert to Orthodoxy. He also talked a lot about the role of the Jews, who will suffer a well-deserved punishment.

We will not argue that the predictions of the Elder are the most popular. However, they are consistent with the visions of other clairvoyants that Russia needs to strengthen its spirit and faith in the Lord. Only the strong will win, drive evil from the earth. And apart from Russia, there will be no one to do this. So thought Elder Paisios the Holy Mountaineer. Prophecies about Russia sounded from different parts of the world and times. It should be noted that their popularity depends on the audience. But there are also such predictions that have become known to everyone.

Seraphim Vyritsky

This Elder, who lived at the beginning of the last century, saw much suffering in the future of Russia. He grieved that godlessness would descend on the earth and warned others about it. "We must pray, renouncing sin," said Seraphim Vyritsky.

The prophecies about Russia made by him were of a spiritual nature. The elder believed that only patience would save the people. The Lord Himself will have mercy on him, then an unprecedented dawn awaits the country. But before that, you have to endure a lot of things. By the way, Seraphim Vyritsky made prophecies about Russia during conversations with ordinary people who came to him for a blessing. So, in 1939, he did not order one visitor to marry. He predicted great war, which actually happened. He also gave a lot of advice to parishioners. And he invariably repeated that the glory of the country lies in the patience of its people. The suffering of the spirit will strengthen and allow you to overcome all the devilish temptations and persecutions. Many prophecies of the saints about Russia were devoted to this topic. They all saw the hard times ahead. This refers to wars, and revolution, and perestroika. However, their confidence that the people would be able not to lose faith and their common soul was unchanging and firm.

About hard times

You know, many prophecies about the future of Russia are connected with the decline of spirituality. In this, the clairvoyants saw the great sin of the people. As we now see for ourselves, the country had a hard time in the last century. The perspicacious Elders saw this.

Orthodox prophecies about Russia are connected precisely with the fact that people will turn away from the church and become atheists. Seraphim of Sarov said that few believers would remain, then great troubles would descend on these lands. He predicted: "Angels will not have time to receive the souls of the dead." This has already been fulfilled and concerned the revolution and the Great Patriotic War.

Even the Elder was sure that Russia was waiting for a revival. It will become the greatest power on the planet, uniting all the Slavs. Approximately the same saw the future Matrona of Moscow. She spoke of the times when one would have to choose between the material and the spiritual. But the Lord will not leave this land, she repeated.

If we analyze all the prophecies about the future of Russia, we will come to the conclusion that through suffering the people will deserve that "golden age" that some clairvoyants speak of. They selected words and images according to the period in which they lived. Therefore, they have to be deciphered for the modern reader. But the meaning is clear. First, Russia will come to greatness through suffering. Secondly, and more importantly, the approach of this happy time depends on people. Literally from everyone. It is necessary to work with the soul, rejecting temptations, cultivating faith and steadfastness in oneself. Do not oppose such an idea and Athonite prophecies About Russia.

So, relatively recently Schema-Archimandrite Stefan said that a difficult fate awaits the United States. This country is destined to completely perish. Its inhabitants will be embraced by Russia and Serbia. No one else will find the strength to show compassion for these people. For that the Lord will reward Russia.


It should be noted that the described prophecies for the most part do not concern the distant and foggy future, but our present. Right now is the moment when Russia is at a fork in the road. Remember, as in a fairy tale: a good fellow stood in front of a stone and thought where to go next. So are the people of Russia. Now is not the time to seek prophecy. Now they need to be fulfilled. And in this case, the strength of every citizen who considers himself a resident of this country is needed. Souls will unite into a monolith, and that one will be born great people, about which the seer and the Holy Elders spoke. Just not by itself. The reader also needs to take part in this, and everyone around. We are the ones who will fulfill the prophecies or perish with the country.

In ancient times, at the dawn of civilization, people who are able to foresee the future were equated with divine creatures. And much later they did not lose their power and might. They are always called differently: prophets, soothsayers, seers. They have an ability, unusual for most, to see the future, far or near.

Soothsayers foresee the fate of entire states or individuals. Some consider this a unique gift, others - an excellent ability to compare their knowledge about the past, and on their basis to make predictions about the future. Nevertheless, the most prominent of the prophets enjoyed the respect of their contemporaries, and also became known throughout the world.

Foretellers of antiquity

Epimenides is an ancient Greek soothsayer. According to legend, he was a simple shepherd who accidentally discovered miraculous abilities in himself. Epimenides was able to predict the attack of the Persians on Crete to his compatriots, saved them from the plague. For this, the inhabitants of Athens erected a monument to him.

Jeremiah is a major politician of his era. The soothsayer was considered an outcast in his society. He tried to open the eyes of his fellow tribesmen to the real state of affairs in Jerusalem, to the poverty of the people, and the imminent changes for the worse. But the ruling elite did not hear him, firmly believing in the exclusivity of their nation.

Elijah is the most famous prophet antiquities. He actively persuaded his people to renounce paganism and accept the true faith.

Daniel - biblical prophet who predicted death.

Bukid is an ancient Greek soothsayer who was one of the first to describe his visions in a book. It is worth noting that this name eventually became a household name - in some countries the prophets began to be called Bakids.

Cassandra is the daughter of King Priam of Troy. According to legend, the god Apollo gave her the gift of providence. The girl made her predictions in a state of trance, so many considered her insane.

Edgar Cayce is an American visionary known for prophecies about the Great Depression and the invention of the laser, about two World Wars and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Although many of his predictions did not come true, for example, the unification of European countries by Hitler into a democratic union, the revival of Atlantis in the middle of the 20th century.

Polish psychic. Hitler considered Messing an enemy, as he foresaw the fall of the Reich. Stalin also disliked him. Despite help during the Great Patriotic War, the "leader of the peoples" could not forgive the seer for knowing the exact date of his death.

Blind peasant woman from Bulgaria. She knew how to diagnose the patient, although she herself did not treat. “I saw” the fate of the person who turned to her. She foresaw the beginning of the Second World War, the death of the submarine "Kursk" and left prophecies until 3797.

Sheikh Sharif is an African boy. His prophecies are mainly related to Muslims. He knew how to heal with the touch of his hand, he knew several languages, although he did not study anywhere, at four months he was quoting the Koran.

Russian seers

Procopius of Ustyug - one of the first ranked Orthodox Church to the saints. He predicted the death of Ustyug and thereby saved the city, healed the city squad. According to legend, if this holy fool carried three pokers with a bend upwards, then this is to, with the handle up - to crop failure in everything.

Basil the Blessed - Moscow holy fool. He knew how to predict the future of people. He predicted to Elena Glinskaya the birth of a son, Ivan the Terrible, not forgetting to mention his cruelty and despotism. He prophesied the death of Tsarevich Fedor and Ivan Vasilievich himself, and foresaw his own death.

It is believed that he predicted the Revolution of 1917 and the death of the royal family, described in his letter to Nicholas II.

Monk Abel. Russian clairvoyant who predicted the death of Catherine II, Paul I, the attack of Napoleon and the destruction of Moscow.

Vasily Nemchin. Russian predictor who told about the reign of three empresses: Anna Ioannovna, Elizabeth and Catherine II, about the bloody reign of Ivan the Terrible, about the French attack. Although some skeptics call Nemchin an invention of Pavel Globa.

He played a significant role in the life of the last imperial family of the Romanovs. He prophesied the blockade of Leningrad, reset atomic bombs to Japan, Gagarin's flight, the landing of Americans on the moon, the communist regime.

Nina Kulagina. She had the ability to telekinesis. Could light up the film, affect magnetic fields, cause a burn on the skin with a touch of the palm of your hand. During one of the experiments, Ninel Kulagina was able to stop the frog's heart with an effort of will.

Juna (Eugenia) Davitashvili - a Russian seer, our contemporary, was the personal healer of L.I. Brezhnev. Left behind prophecies about economic crisis, sanctions.

Many will agree that Nostardamus is considered to be the most famous and greatest soothsayer in the world. But, despite his popularity, all his predictions are very vague, they do not exact dates, they are scattered in an incomprehensible order and have a lot of allegory. For many centuries, people have not been able to unravel all of his predictions. All of them are written very vaguely, so they are adjusted to the events that have already happened. His predictions include - unusual death King Henry II, the death of King Francis II, he wrote about the change of the Romanov dynasty, French Revolution, the period of the Stalinist regime, even wrote about own death. And this is only a small part of the predictions that came true. Since the great soothsayer was repeatedly accused of fraud, he was forced to encrypt his predictions, which have not yet been solved.

Vanga is without a doubt the most popular seer of the 20th century. She was born in 1911 in Macedonia. From the age of 16 she began to predict, but by the age of 30 her predictions began to be called professional. Vanga was very good at identifying diseases in people, and then sent them to the right doctors and healers. The seer was blind and said that she sees a certain window in her head, in which, like in a film, a picture of the life of a person who came to her is shown, and from above a voice sounds that says what needs to be conveyed to him. Vanga's predictions that came true are somewhere around 80%, including: the beginning of World War II, the date of Stalin's death, the collapse of the USSR, the sinking of the well-known Kursk submarine, and many other less significant events. This seer of predictions left until 3797.

The legendary Cassandra, the daughter of the majestic king Priam, repeatedly tried to warn her people about the terrible death, but no one believed her. It was hard for the Trojans to believe that their houses could be burned and their families destroyed, so they closed their eyes to everything. She even tried to kill Paris, as she predicted that the Trojan War would begin through his vein, after an unsuccessful assassination attempt, she began to persuade him to leave Helen, but to no avail. People considered her a laughing stock and did not believe a single word of hers. Due to the fact that she had only bad predictions, her father ordered her to be locked in towers, where the poor girl could only watch everything that happened. Only when the inevitable began did people remember her, but it was too late. After the fall of Troy, Cassandra became the slave of King Agamemnon. Her beauty filled him, and he made her his concubine. In Greece, she gave birth to two sons, one of whom predicted death at the hands of his wife. She also predicted her own death. But, during one celebration in Mycenae, Cassandra, Agamemnon and her sons were brutally killed.

Sheikh Sharifu is a unique boy who was first heard about in 1999. He preached to Muslims and also visited a lot of African countries where he always had loyal followers. The boy was born in a very poor family, they say that at birth, instead of the usual cry, he uttered "Lailahaillallaha!", which in Arabic means "There is no god but Allah!". After hearing this, the boy's mother fainted, and without regaining consciousness, died. Sharifu never attended school, but despite this, he spoke many languages ​​well, including French, Arabic and English. At the age of five, Sharifu lost his father and decided to travel with his uncle. Surprised at the great wisdom little boy, people always helped him with money and food. Later they began to call him a sheikh, which means "honorary". You can talk about his travels for a long time, he visited many presidents of African countries. About a miracle boy heard even in America. His last sermon was on May 20 in Libya in front of a crowd of 15,000 believers. Trying to get closer to the boy, some people began to fall and were seriously injured. Then, putting his hand to the wound, Sharifu healed these people. The next day, at the same place, 60,000 people gathered in the hope of seeing him again, but the boy did not come. This was the last day he was seen, after which Sharifu disappeared without a trace. Some say that he ascended into the sky, even claimed to have seen it. The police put Sharif on the wanted list, his uncle was arrested, but he did not say anything concrete.

This soothsayer of Jewish-Polish origin was born on September 10, 1899 and died on November 8, 1974. In fact, he was a pop artist, but he was remembered more as a predictor. Wolf Messing predicted the fall of the Third Reich, the death of Stalin and much more, including the date of his death.

Everyone famous soothsayer Rasputin was the doctor of Alexei Romanov, who was the heir Russian throne. Rasputin predicted the tragic death of the entire Romanov family, as well as the coming to power of the "Reds".

Already by one name you can guess that Vasily Nemchin is a Russian clairvoyant. Vasily lived in the XIV century and it was he who predicted that great ruler which will make Russia a very powerful power. The great soothsayer was believed by many important historical figures of that time, including Prince Vladimir.

Soothsayers or clairvoyants are people endowed with a special gift, with incredible brain abilities to see the past and the future.


At the word "fortune teller" an association immediately arises - Nostradamus, because he is considered the most famous clairvoyant. All of his predictions are very veiled, because he had to hide them from a negative environment. He saw images of the future, looking at the fire or sitting in the semi-darkness. Although without exact dates, he predicted the strange death of the king of France, then his eldest son. He described the reign of the Romanovs, the era of Stalinism and much more.


The most powerful clairvoyant of our era. The woman was blind, but she said that pictures and voices appear in her head that tell her future events or the fate of a person who came to her. She accurately determined the diseases of people, so there were always endless lines of visitors to her. The person had to bring a piece of sugar from which the Bulgarian soothsayer read information. She predicted 2 world war, collapse Soviet Union and when Stalin dies.

Edgar Cayce

Another powerful visionary of the 20th century. He was called the sleeping prophet, because he predicted, being in a dream, into which he introduced himself. He is credited with a huge number of predictions, for which America created scientific institute. Casey's most famous predictions that came true are the collapse of communism in the USSR, the invention of the laser, and the Great Depression.

Maria Lenormand

She was strong in all methods of prediction:

Card reading;
divination by hand;
prediction using a magic ball;
making horoscopes.

Lenormand could predict the future simply by looking at the surrounding nature.


She became legendary for predicting the fall of Troy. People refused to believe in a terrible future, despite Cassandra's numerous attempts to save everyone.

Sheikh Sharif

The boy, who was discovered in 1999. When he was born, he shouted that there is no God except Allah. His mother heard this, lost consciousness and died. He lived in a poor family and never attended school. But it is noteworthy that Sheikh Sharifu knew a lot foreign languages. He preached for Muslims, he always had something to eat and something to live on, because people often helped him. On his last speech in front of a crowd of thousands, he healed people from the wounds they received while trying to get close to the boy. No one has ever seen him since that day. There were rumors that he ascended to heaven.

Grigory Rasputin

Being the personal physician of Romanov Alexei, he predicted the death of the dynasty and that the Bolsheviks would come to power.

Vasily Nemchin

Another Russian predictor. I saw that soon the strongest ruler would be in power, who would turn the country into a strong power. And it was during the time of Prince Vladimir.


The monk accurately predicted when Catherine the Second, Paul the First would die, and when the Russian-French war would begin.


Ancient Greek clairvoyant. He said that nymphs tell him about future events. He is the first seer who compiled a collection of his visions.

All people have the ability to predict, but it is much more developed in units. But even ordinary person it is worth listening to your inner voice more often.


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