The largest states in the world by territory. The largest countries in the world

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There are about 250 countries and territories around the world. Some of them occupy a very small area, while others are spread over several million kilometers. What are the largest countries by territory? Where are they located, and how many people inhabit them? All this will be discussed below.

It is no secret that most of the planet's territory is covered by oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. In total, they occupy about 71% of the Earth, with the remaining 29% being land inhabited by humans. Moreover, more than 40% of the land is the area occupied by large countries peace. There are 10 of them on the planet.

List of large countries

  1. So, Russia is at the head of the largest countries. Its territory is several times larger than the territory of many other countries and amounts to 17,075,400 km2. At the same time, there are very few bodies of water in the country and 16,995,800 km2 is land. Consequently, 12.5% ​​of the Earth's landmass is in Russia alone;
  2. Canada is in second place on this list. Its area is almost 2 times smaller than Russia - 9,984,670 km2. Of these, about 9 million square kilometers are land. Therefore, it occupies 6.1% of the earth's land mass;
  3. The third place of honor belongs to China. This amazing country belongs to 9,596,960 km2, of which only 200 thousand are water sources, and the rest is land. Therefore, China makes up 6.26% of the Earth's land area. But at the same time, almost 1.5 billion people live in this territory;
  4. Large countries by area include the United States of America. They occupy the fourth stage and have an area of ​​9,518,900 km2. Of this, land accounts for approximately 9,162,000 km2, which means that America occupies 6.15% of the Earth's territory. But if we talk about the size of the American population, then the United States is in 3rd place;
  5. Next comes Brazil. Its area is slightly more than 8 million square kilometers, or more precisely 8,511,965 km2, on which almost 200 million people live. The country of carnivals occupies 5.67% of the earth's land area;
  6. The next country is Australia. Its uniqueness is that it is a separate continent and completely constitutes its territory, which extends over 7,686,850 km2. Of these, only about 67 thousand km2 fall on water sources. Therefore, Australia occupies 5.1% of the entire planet's landmass;
  7. India rightfully took seventh position. Its area is 3,287,590 km2, of which 2,973,190 km2 is land. Consequently, 2% of the earth's land falls on this eastern country;
  8. Next comes Argentina. It accounts for 1.8% of the Earth's territory because the countries have an area of ​​2,776,890 km2;
  9. In penultimate place is Kazakhstan. Just like the previous country, it occupies 1.8% of the earth's land and has an area of ​​2,717,300 km2;
  10. And finally, Sudan closes this list. Its area is 2,505,810 km2, which corresponds to 1.6% of the planet's land mass.

The Russian Federation is located on the Eurasian continent and occupies a significant part of it - almost a third of the continent. The country ranks first in terms of territory, but in terms of population density it ranks only 9th. The most populous city in Russia is its capital, Moscow. The country is divided into territories and regions, as well as into republics and autonomous okrugs. There are 46 regions in Russia, 22 republics, 17 autonomous subjects and districts. Russia has beautiful nature, many rivers and lakes. Some rivers are famous all over the world, such as the Amur, Don or Volga. The length of each of them is at least 10 km. On the territory of the Russian Federation there is also the deepest Lake Baikal, filled with pure water and attracting tourists from all over the world. The nature of Russia is diverse. Here you can soak up the sunny beach, plunge into the warm southern sea or see never-melting glaciers, feel the frost in summer time year and watch the northern lights.

Russia is a neighboring country for 19 states, the border between them runs both by land and sea

China's population density is the highest, and the country is not only among the top three as the largest by area, but it is also one of the most densely populated.

China is located on the Eurasian continent, where its border touches the borders of 14 countries, and on the other side it is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. China is divided into 31 territorial entities. Of these, 22 are provinces, 5 autonomous regions and 4 centrally subordinate cities. The capital of China is Beijing.

The country is the largest on the continent South America and has common borders with all countries located on it. WITH east side Brazil is located on the Atlantic Ocean. The name of the country's capital is very easy to remember, since it bears the name of its state - Brazil.
Brazil is the world's largest supplier of sugar, oranges, wheat and soybeans. The state cooperates and exports agricultural products to countries such as Russia, the USA, China, Indonesia and others.

The main attraction of Brazil is, of course, its colorful carnivals. To watch this celebration, many people come from far corners of the planet. The scope of the festival is amazing: a riot of colors, feathers, sparkles - all this remains in the memory forever.

The symbol of Brazil is the statue of Christ the Savior, it is located in the city of Rio De Janeiro on the top of Mount Corcovado

It ranks second in area in South America. The country's layout is oblong and runs from north to south. Argentina is diverse in its climate conditions, and this is not surprising! On large territory various natural areas are located. The south of Argentina is cold and has deserts with harsh weather conditions, the north of the country has a subtropical climate. In the west along the border there is the Andes mountain system, and on the eastern side Argentina is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

The largest city in Argentina is Buenos Aires, which is also the capital of the state


The main part of the country's territory is the Darfur and Kordofan plateaus, surrounded by the Central African Highlands to the south and the Ethiopian Highlands to the east. The main waterway of Sudan is the famous Nile River.

The capital of Sudan occupies approximately 120 km² and, in fact, consists of three cities - Khartoum, North Khartoum and Omdurman, united into one Big city, the settlement took a common name - Khartoum.

Now the question is which one is the most big country in the world, should not arise. This list represents the ten largest countries by territory. If we were talking about population, it would be completely different. After all, for example, in China, more than a hundred people live on one square kilometer, while in Russia there are only about a dozen.

If we talk about which is the largest country in Europe, then of the above countries, a significant part of Europe is occupied, of course, by Russia, but since it is located only partially on its territory, the first place rightfully belongs to Ukraine.


  • Square: 2,381,740 km2
  • Population: 38 087 812
  • Form of government: parliamentary republic
  • The president: Abdel Aziz Bouteflika
  • Capital:

And Lir is located in northern Africa and has access to the Mediterranean Sea. This country for a long time was French colony and gained independence only in 1962. Algeria borders Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Libya and Tunisia. Algeria has a population of approximately 38 million people.


  • Square: 2,724,902 km2
  • Population: 18 014 200
  • Form of government: presidential republic
  • The president: Nursultan Nazarbaev
  • Capital: Astana

Kazakhstan is located in the center of Asia and occupies a vast territory from the Caspian Sea in the west and almost to Mongolia in the east. Kazakhstan - former soviet republic, in many ways very similar to Russia, both in political and economic ways of life.


  • Square: 2,780,400 km 2
  • Population: 43 417 000
  • Form of government:
  • The president: Mauricio Macri
  • Capital: Buenos Aires

Argentina is located in the southern part of South America and is the second largest country on the continent, after Brazil. Argentina is a Spanish-speaking country that is famous for its tango and excellent football. In the post-war period, Argentina gained a bad reputation as a haven for all kinds of war criminals.


  • Square: 3,287,590 km2
  • Population: 1 309 823 000
  • Form of government: federal Republic
  • The president: Pranab Kumar Mukherjee
  • Capital: New Delhi

India is located in southern Asia and occupies the entire vast Hindustan Peninsula, as well as adjacent territories, right up to the Himalayas and Kashmir. India is one of the most unusual and culturally attractive countries, as well as one of the most populated in the world (second only to China).


  • Square: 7,686,850 km2
  • Population: 24 067 700
  • Form of government: a constitutional monarchy
  • The president: Malcolm Turnbull
  • Capital: Canberra

And Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere and is one of the six continents on our beautiful planet, as well as an independent English-speaking state, one of the most developed and richest in the world. Australia is washed by the waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans.


  • Square: 8,514,877 km2
  • Population: 205 737 996
  • Form of government: federal presidential republic
  • The president: Michel Temer
  • Capital: Brasilia

Brazil is located in South America and is the largest state on this continent, both in terms of area and population. Official language Brazil is Portuguese.


  • Square: 9,519,431 km2
  • Population: 325 309 164
  • Form of government: federal presidential republic
  • The president: Donald Trump
  • Capital: Washington

The United States of America was formed in 1776 by the unification of thirteen British colonies that declared their independence. The United States is a highly developed country with the world's first economy in terms of nominal GDP and second in terms of GDP (PPP). Although the country's population makes up only 4.3% of the world's total, Americans own about 40% of the world's total wealth.


  • Square: 9,598,962 km2
  • Population: 1 380 083 000
  • Form of government: one-party parliamentary republic
  • The president: Xi Jinping
  • Capital: Beijing

The People's Republic of China is a state in East Asia. The largest country in the world by population. It ranks third in the world in terms of territory, behind Russia and Canada. Since the proclamation of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the ruling party has been the Communist Party of China.


  • Square: 9,984,670 km2
  • Population: 36 048 521
  • Form of government: parliamentary monarchy
  • The president: Justin Trudeau
  • Capital: Ottawa

Canada is a country in North America and ranks second in the world in terms of area. It is washed by the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans, borders the United States in the south and northwest, and also has maritime borders with Denmark (Greenland) in the northeast and France (Saint-Pierre and Miquelon) in the east. The Canada-US border is the longest shared border in the world.


  • Square: 17 125 191 km 2
  • Population: 146 804 372
  • Form of government: presidential-parliamentary republic
  • The president: Vladimir Putin
  • Capital: Moscow

The Russian Federation is a state in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. It ranks first in the world in terms of territory, sixth in terms of GDP by PPP and ninth in terms of population. Russia borders on eighteen countries (the most big indicator in the world), including two partially recognized and two unrecognized. Russia has the largest reserve natural resources on the ground.

9th place: - a state with an area of ​​2,724,902 km², located in the center of Eurasia, most of which belongs to Asia, and the smaller part to Europe. Kazakhstan is the fourth largest country in Asia by area.

8th place: - a state in South America with an area of ​​2,766,890 km². Argentina is the second largest country in South America. Argentina claims part of the territory of Antarctica, but it is not included in the total territory of the country, because According to international standards, Antarctica is neutral territory.

7th place: - a state in South Asia with an area of ​​3,287,263 km². India is the third largest country in Asia by territory.

6th place: - a state in the Southern Hemisphere, occupying the mainland of Australia, the island of Tasmania and several other islands of the Indian and Pacific oceans. The area of ​​Australia is 7,692,024 km².

5th place: - a state in South America with an area of ​​8,514,877 km². Brazil - largest country in South America by area.

4th place: USA- the second largest state in North America. You can find different data on the area of ​​the United States. The CIA World Factbook puts the figure at 9,826,675 km², which puts the United States in third place in terms of territory among countries in the world, but the CIA data takes into account the area of ​​territorial waters (5.6 km from the coasts). Encyclopedia Britannica indicates the area of ​​the United States excluding territorial and coastal waters - 9,526,468 km². Thus, the USA is still smaller than China in area.

3rd place: - a state in East Asia with an area of ​​9,598,077 km² (including Hong Kong and Macau). China is the second largest country in Asia.

2nd place: Canada is the largest country in North America by territory with an area of ​​9,984,670 km².

The largest country in the world by territory is Russia, its area for 2019 is 17,124,442 km² (including Crimea) . Russia is located in Europe and Asia at the same time. The area of ​​the European part of Russia is about 3.986 million km², which is 7 times larger than the area of ​​the second European country in terms of this indicator - Ukraine. The European part of Russia makes up about 40% of the territory of all Europe. 77% of Russia's territory is located in Asia; the Asian part of Russia has an area of ​​13.1 million km², which is also noticeably larger than the area of ​​any Asian country. Thus,Russia is the largest country in both Europe and Asia.

Map of Russia in 2019 (with Crimea):

Russia (with Crimea) on the globe:

The largest states by area by continent and part of the world

The largest country in Asia is Russia (the area of ​​the Asian part of Russia is 13.1 million km²)

The largest country in Europe is Russia (the area of ​​the European part of Russia is 3.986 million km²)

The largest country in Africa is Algeria (area 2.38 million km²)

The largest country in South America is Brazil (area 8.51 million km²)

The biggest country North America- Canada (area 9.98 million km²)

The largest country in Oceania is Australia (area 7.69 million km²)

The largest countries in the world by population

10th place: Japan is an island state in East Asia with a population of 126.4 million people.

8th place: Bangladesh is a state in South Asia with a population of 169.5 million people.

7th place: Nigeria is a state in West Africa with a population of 198.6 million people.

6th place: Brazil - population 209.5 million people.

5th place: Pakistan is a state in South Asia with a population of 212.7 million people.

4th place: Indonesia - a state in South-East Asia with a population of 266.3 million people.

3rd place: USA - population 327.2 million people.

2nd place: India - population 1.357 billion people.

The largest country in the world by population is China. Population - 1.394 billion people. But, according to scientists, China will lose its leadership in this indicator in 2022, because... it will be surpassed by India, which has higher population growth rates. At the beginning of 2019, India's population is 97% of China's population.

The largest states by population by continent and part of the world

The largest country in Asia by population is China (1.394 billion people)

The largest country in Europe by population is Russia (the population of the European part of Russia is 114 million people)

The largest country in Africa by population is Nigeria (198.6 million people)

The largest country in South America by population is Brazil (209.5 million people)

The largest country in North America by population is the USA (327.2 million people)

The largest country in Oceania by population is Australia (25.2 million people)

There are more than two hundred countries and individual territories on the planet, which are located on 148,940,000 square kilometers of land. The largest countries together occupy more than fifty percent of the land area, and some occupy a rather small part.

Scientists periodically compile lists of the world's territories, distributing them by area or population. When determining the largest and smallest world states, they use a certain classification.

Classification by size of occupied area

Twenty-four countries are classified as dwarf countries, which are mainly located in Oceania. There are also eight small, fifty-six medium and small states each. There are twenty-one large and significant countries, but there are only seven giant states on the planet.

The largest states in Europe

Although Europe is one of the smallest parts of the world, the European population accounts for ten percent of the world's population. There are quite a few large states in Europe, some of which are also on the list of the largest areas on the world map. The list of the three largest European countries by area includes Russia, Ukraine, and France.

Russia occupies largest area on the territory of Europe. This is a huge area stretching from of Eastern Europe to North Asia. Borders Russian Federation are in contact with eighteen other countries. The division into the European and Asian parts occurs with the help of the Ural mountains and the Kumo-Manych depression. The area of ​​Russia is 17,125,191 square kilometers.

The second largest country in Europe is Ukraine. Its borders are entirely in the eastern part of Europe. Ukraine borders on seven states and is washed by two seas. The area of ​​Ukraine, excluding the territory of Crimea, is 576,604 square kilometers. It occupies five and a half percent of the entire territory of Europe.

France is the third largest European country by area. The territory of France includes overseas regions and the main part Western Europe. The territory borders many European countries and is washed by significant sea areas. France occupies a fifth of the territory of the European Union and has an exclusive maritime economic zone extending over an area of ​​eleven million square kilometers. The area of ​​France is 547,030, and taking into account overseas possessions - 674,685 square kilometers.

Rating of the five largest countries in the world

The largest part of the land on the planet is occupied by giant states. The list of the five largest countries in the world by area includes:

  • Brazil;
  • China;
  • Canada;
  • Russia.

Brazil is the largest country in South America and ranks fifth in the ranking of the largest countries in the world by area. The borders of the state are in contact with the borders of all countries of the continent of South America. On the eastern side, Brazil is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The largest city The state's capital is Brasilia. Brazil's area is 8,514,877 square kilometers. About two hundred million citizens are registered in the country.

The next place in the ranking is occupied by the United States of America. This large state is located on the mainland of North America. The country is the fourth largest in the world in terms of territory and third in terms of population. The USA borders on three countries - Russia, Canada and Mexico, and is washed by the waters of the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The USA is divided into fifty states and one federal district. The area of ​​the USA is 9,519,431 square kilometers.

China is third on the list. The People's Republic of China not only occupies a large scale of territory, but also has greatest number population among all countries in the world. China occupies the territory of Eurasia and borders fourteen countries. The coasts of the state are washed by the seas and the Pacific Ocean. China covers an area of ​​9,598,962 square kilometers. The population of the state is more than one billion people. The state includes thirty-one territorial entities, four cities under central jurisdiction, five autonomous regions and twenty-two provinces.

Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is located in North America and is washed by the waters of the Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic oceans. Canada's borders touch France, Denmark and the United States. Canada is divided into ten provinces and three territories. Canada is divided into four parts: the Appalachians, the Great Plains, the Canadian Shield and the Cordillera. On the territory of the state there are the largest lakes - Verkhnee (the largest freshwater lake in the world) and Bear Lake (one of the ten largest on the planet). Canada covers 9,984,670 square kilometers of land and is home to more than thirty-four million people.

What is the largest country in the world? The largest is the Russian Federation. It occupies a third of the Eurasian continent and borders nineteen states - seventeen by land and two by sea. The highest point in Russia is Mount Elbrus; more than two million bodies of fresh and salt water are scattered throughout the country. Hundreds of rivers more than ten kilometers long flow through the Russian Federation. Russia is divided into forty-six regions, twenty-two republics and seventeen subjects - territories, federal cities and autonomous districts. The vast area of ​​Russia, which is 17,125,407 square kilometers, is home to more than one hundred and forty-six million inhabitants.

The largest countries in the world have developed economies, interesting cultures, traditions and customs. They all have an ancient interesting story, cooperate with many countries around the world.

Empire- when one person (monarch) has power over a vast territory inhabited by numerous peoples of different nationalities. This ranking is based on the influence, longevity and power of various empires. The list is based on the assumption that an empire should, most of the time, be ruled by an emperor or king, this excludes the modern so-called empires of the United States and the Soviet Union. Below is a ranking of the ten greatest empires in the world.

At the peak of its power (XVI–XVII), Ottoman Empire was on three continents at once, controlling most of Southeast Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. It consisted of 29 provinces and numerous vassal states, some of which were later absorbed into the empire. The Ottoman Empire was at the center of interaction between the eastern and western worlds for six centuries. In 1922, the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist.

The Umayyad Caliphate was the second of four Islamic caliphates (systems of government) created after the death of Muhammad. The empire, under the rule of the Umayyad dynasty, covered more than five million square kilometers, making it one of the largest in the world, as well as the largest Arab-Muslim empire ever created in history.

Persian Empire (Achaemenid)

The Persian Empire basically united all of Central Asia, which consisted of many different cultures, kingdoms, empires and tribes. It was the most big empire V ancient history. At the peak of its power, the empire covered about 8 million square kilometers.

The Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire was part of the Roman Empire during the Middle Ages. Permanent capital and civilizational center Byzantine Empire was Constantinople. During its existence (more than a thousand years), the empire remained one of the most powerful economic, cultural and military forces in Europe despite setbacks and losses of territory, especially during the Roman-Persian and Byzantine-Arab wars. The Empire received its death blow in 1204 on the fourth Crusade.

The Han Dynasty is considered the golden age in Chinese history in terms of scientific achievements, technological progress, economic, cultural and political stability. Even to this day, most Chinese call themselves Han people. Today, the Han Chinese are considered the largest ethnic group in the world. The dynasty ruled China for almost 400 years.

The British Empire covered more than 13 million square kilometers, roughly equivalent to about a quarter of our planet's land area. The empire's population was approximately 480 million people (approximately one-fourth of humanity). The British Empire is by far one of the most influential empires to ever exist in human history.

During the Middle Ages, the Holy Roman Empire was considered the "superpower" of its time. It consisted of eastern France, all of Germany, northern Italy and part of western Poland. It was officially dissolved on August 6, 1806, after which there appeared: Switzerland, Holland, the Austrian Empire, Belgium, the Prussian Empire, the principalities of Liechtenstein, the Confederation of the Rhine and the first French Empire.

Russian empire existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution in 1917. She was the heir to the kingdom of Russia, and the predecessor Soviet Union. The Russian Empire was the third largest state that ever existed, second only to the British and Mongol empires.

It all started when Temujin (later known as Genghis Khan, considered one of the most brutal rulers in history), vowed in his youth to bring the world to its knees. The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous empire in human history. The capital of the state was the city of Karakorum. The Mongols were fearless and ruthless warriors, but they had little experience in ruling such a vast territory and the Mongol Empire quickly fell.

Ancient Rome made major contributions to the development of law, art, literature, architecture, technology, religion and language in the Western world. In fact, many historians consider the Roman Empire to be the "ideal empire" because it was powerful, fair, long-lasting, large, well-defended, and economically advanced. The calculation showed that from its foundation to its fall, a whopping 2214 years passed. It follows from this that the Roman Empire is the most great empire ancient world.

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