The smallest states in the world. Which countries are the smallest in terms of population?

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Some countries in the world are quite small in size and occupy less area than megacities. But this does not prevent them from playing a significant role in the world. For example, the Vatican is considered a religious center, Monaco is recognized as a place of luxury, and Liechtenstein has gained fame as a prosperous country. The following are smallest countries in the world by area - top 10 rating.

10. Grenada (334 km²)

The list of the smallest countries in the world opens with Grenada, with an area of ​​334 sq. km and a population of about 100 thousand inhabitants. This volcanic island in the Caribbean was discovered by Columbus. The territory was first settled by French colonists, then it was transferred to Great Britain according to the Treaty of Versailles. The spirit of France is felt in the country today – in architecture, art and even sports. Local people love to play cricket. Tropical evergreen forests, hills, mountains, beaches - this place could be called paradise, if not for hurricanes. Cocoa, bananas, citrus fruits, cloves and vanilla are grown on the fertile volcanic soils. Grenada is also called the “Spice Island” for its nutmeg production.

9. Malta (316 km²)

One of the smallest countries in Europe by area is Malta (316 sq. km). It is located in the Mediterranean Sea and is famous for its leisurely life. The state unites six islands. Of the 360 ​​thousand people, 80% live in Malta, and in Gozo local residents buy summer houses. Despite its modest size, Malta is visited by more than a million tourists a year. Attracted by ancient temples, nature, rocky and sandy beaches, crystal pure water and a rich underwater world. The Maltese are a cheerful people. Holidays, festivals, theatrical performances and fireworks - there is a lot of entertainment. Crime on the island is almost zero.

8. Maldives (300 km²)

The Maldives also occupy a modest territory - 300 square meters. kilometers. This is the smallest country in Asia - both in terms of territory and population (about 393 thousand). The state is one of the most dispersed in the world, as it consists of thousands of coral islands. Of these, only 200 are inhabited, and a hundred were given to tourists. They move between the islands by boats and local dhonis. There is one city - the capital Male, with an area of ​​less than three square meters. kilometers. There is not even room for an airport - planes fly to the neighboring island. Until recently, the residents of the Maldives were mainly engaged in fishing, but today their source of income is serving tourists. The island economy is aimed at it. Guests love it here, because 80% of the territory is golden beaches. Entertainment includes scuba diving and attractions. There is almost no nightlife, because the Maldives is a Muslim country.

7. Saint Kitts and Nevis (269 km²)

Saint Kitts and Nevis - small gState in the eastern Caribbean Sea, with an area of ​​269 square meters. kilometers. It consists of two islands, Nevis and St. Kitts. Columbus discovered them, and two centuries later the British settled in the territory. The colonies developed quickly thanks to the export of sugar. Since the 90s, the federation has gained independence. Today, 50 thousand people call Saint Kitts and Nevis home, about 86% are of African descent. Tropical thickets, mountains and meadows, butterflies and exotic birds, coral reefs and a strip of lagoons - the local nature enchants. This gives a large influx of tourists, on whose services the country’s economy is built. Another way to earn money is Agriculture. Residents raise goats and sheep, grow pineapples and a coffee tree. The islands are suitable for life: there is a narrow-gauge road along the coast, highways, ports and two airports.

6. Liechtenstein (160 km²)

Liechtenstein is a European dwarf state with an area of ​​only 160 square meters. km. Moreover, mountains occupy most of the country's area. There are very few minerals - only limestone, white clay and alabaster. The country makes money from the manufacturing industry, producing canned food and wine. Liechtenstein is thriving and characterized by high level life. The residents are also lucky with nature: alpine meadows, mountain peaks, forests. The climate is mild and pleasant, because the mountain ranges protect from evil winds. Liechtenstein is known for its abandonment of armed forces - the state has not had an army since the 19th century. And the police force is small - 120 employees.

5. San Marino (61 km²)

San Marino is the oldest state in Europe. The dwarf country is called the “Land of Freedom”. San Marino is surrounded by Italy. Maybe that's why the country is crowded with tourists during the summer months. Moreover, thanks to reduced taxes, goods here are much cheaper than in Italy. Some residents live in Italian towns and commute to work in San Marino by car. The number of inhabitants in the country is about 30 thousand people, and it is difficult to obtain a residence permit. You need to live in the territory for 30 years or be married to a local resident for 15 years. San Marino is ruled not by one person, but by two – captains-regents. Almost the entire territory of the country (80%) is occupied by mountains.

4. Tuvalu (26 km²)

The tiny state of Tuvalu in Polynesia could not keep up with its “colleagues”. The country is considered one of the poorest. Even the nature here is sparse, consisting mainly of imported plants and animals. Plants include palm trees, bananas, and breadfruit. The weather here is not for everyone: long droughts give way to the rainy season. Sometimes destructive cyclones pass through Tuvalu. Because of one of them, houses were completely torn apart and 90% of trees were knocked down. Many benefits of civilization are still inaccessible to local residents - their way of life has hardly changed over many centuries.

3. Nauru (21 km²)

The island dwarf state of Nauru is located in the Pacific Ocean. Its outline resembles a rectangle. Nauru is unique in that it does not have an official capital. There are no rivers on the island, and therefore one of the main problems of local residents is water shortage. This is reflected in the flora and fauna - it is sparse, just like in Tuvalu. Nauru's treasury was replenished quickly when phosphate rocks were mined. The country was considered one of the richest in the world, but in the 90s reserves began to decline. The well-being of the population fell. Phosphorite mining has caused damage to the island. Due to the severe pollution of Nauru, tourism is not developed.

2. Monaco (2.02 km²)

Monaco is one of the smallest countries in Europe, with an area of ​​only 2.02 sq. km. The entire principality can be walked on foot in an hour. Some tourists even have a photograph where the country fits into one picture. Despite its miniature size, the state managed to announce itself to the world. The city of Monte Carlo and its legendary casino have been heard about in many countries. Formula 1 competitions are held in Monaco. The Principality neighbors France. The country makes money from tourists, and therefore carefully monitors its image. Monaco has been called "Europe's sanctuary for the rich." Blooming azaleas and rhododendrons, the princely court and temples, narrow streets and Mediterranean architecture, modern luxury real estate - walking around the country is a pleasure. The most luxurious yachts in the world are parked in the main bay of Monaco.

1. Vatican (0.44 km²)

The Vatican is rightfully recognized as the smallest state in the world. The country, with an area of ​​only 0.44 sq. km., is located inside Rome and is associated with Italy. In ancient times, the area was not inhabited - it was considered holy. In 326, a basilica was created, and the territory began to be developed. The Vatican is ruled by the Holy See. The main one is the Pope, who is elected for life. There is a government funding for donations from Catholics around the world and income from tourism (souvenirs, museum admission fees, sales of stamps and coins). Almost all citizens of the Vatican are ministers of the Catholic Church.

We all know that Russia ranks first among the countries of the world in terms of area and is in the top ten in terms of population. But there are many countries in the world that are so small in area that they are difficult to immediately find on the map.

There are also states whose population is comparable to the number of residents of a Russian regional center or even a small village. Meanwhile, they have all the attributes necessary for a sovereign state - recognition of other states and international organizations, monetary system, government, etc.

The smallest countries in the world by area

The list of the smallest countries in the world is of interest not only from a geographical point of view, but also from the position of justification for the existence of these independent states for the rest of the world.

How did small states manage to maintain their sovereignty in an era of brutal wars for territories and resources? Meanwhile, many so-called dwarf states have considerable weight in world politics.

1. The smallest officially recognized state in the world in terms of area today is the residence of the Pope. Vatican. It is located in the Italian capital Rome and covers an area of ​​only 0.44 square kilometers with a population of about 900 people.

However, the Vatican's influence on world politics is incommensurate with its area. In fact, it is the capital Catholic world, including more than a billion people from dozens of countries on all continents.

2. In second place in terms of area is European Principality of Monaco, which occupies 2.02 square kilometers per Cote d'Azur The Mediterranean Sea is the most famous and fashionable resort area in the world. The state is governed by the Prince of Monaco, whose power is inherited.

The number of subjects is slightly more than 30 thousand people. Monaco is famous for its gambling houses and international banks, which bring the main income to the treasury.

3. Nauru– the third largest officially recognized state. This is an island lost in the Pacific Ocean, with an area of ​​21.3 square kilometers, where about 10 thousand people live. Nauru does not even have its own capital, since its territory can be walked around in a few hours.

Until the 1980s, Nauru's main income came from the extraction of phosphate minerals, which seriously damaged the island's ecology. In the 90s, the state became an offshore banking zone and actively traded its passports. Today, Nauru's economy is supported primarily by aid.

4. Tuvalu- another Pacific island state, uniting 9 coral islets with total area about 26 square kilometers, where just under 10 thousand people live. It is one of the poorest countries in the world, whose main income is generated by issuing fishing licenses in its territorial waters.

The population is mainly engaged in agriculture, growing vegetables for their own food and coconut tree for the production of copra for export.

5. San Marino- the fifth largest state, occupying 61 square kilometers in the northern part of the Apennines and surrounded on all sides by Italian territory.

This oldest republic in Europe has all the hallmarks of a real state: a developed and diversified economy, a multi-party system, its own university and research center.

The smallest countries in the world by population

The list of independent countries with the smallest population practically coincides with the territorial list.

1. Vatican – 793 people.

2. Tuvalu – 9916 people.

3. Nauru – 10,222 people.

4. Palau – 21,291 people.

5. San Marino – 31,781 people.

If we take into account dependent territories that are under protectorate for more than large states, then the list will look like this.

1. Pitcairn Islands (British protectorate) – 56 people.

2. Cocos Islands (Australian territory) - 550 people.

3. Vatican – 793 people.

4. Tokelau (New Zealand protectorate) - 1383 people.

5. Niue (New Zealand protectorate) - 1610 people.

The Principality of Sealand is the unrecognized leader of the dwarf states

Not far from the coast of Britain, in the waters of the North Sea, there is the Principality of Sealand, which has existed since 1967. This is the Rafs Tower platform, a remnant of the British Army's defenses during the Second World War. Retired Major Roy Bates declared it his principality, and himself, accordingly, Prince Roy I.

Today there are 27 people living in the world who hold Sealand passports and are formally its citizens. However, constantly on a platform with an area of ​​550 square meters There is only a shift guard. The state of Sealand is not recognized by any officially existing state in the world.

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There are more than 200 countries in the world, the names of which we have heard at least once. But there are also states on our planet whose existence we did not even know about, because some of them occupy very small area or even include several houses.

website will tell you about 10 countries with very small territories, the population of which is not smaller than the largest city, but in some places even a village.


The state of Palau consists of more than 300 islands different sizes. Palau is one of the most amazing places on Earth, home to 130 species of sharks that are on the verge of extinction. Palau's rainforests are full unique plants and birds, but the most interesting attraction of the country is a lake inhabited by 2 million jellyfish, which in the process of evolution have lost the ability to sting.


Niue is an island and state in Oceania. Tourism is not developed in the country and there is not a single industrial enterprise, and she lives on subsidies from New Zealand. But there is an airport and a capital, although the capital city is a small village inhabited by more than 600 people. There is even a real supermarket on the island - the only one in the entire state.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

The state consists of two islands, one of which is called Saint Kitts, and the other is Nevis. One of the island nation's main sources of income is the sale of citizenship, which can be purchased by anyone with at least $250,000 to invest in the local sugar industry. Another way to obtain citizenship is to purchase property worth at least $400 thousand on one of the islands.

Principality of Hutt River

The Principality of Hutt River is a virtual state located in the province of the same name in Australia. Its territory completely coincides with the territory of the Casley family’s farmlands, since it was one of its members, Leonard, who became the founder of a new, albeit unrecognized, country. By the way, travelers can see busts of the founder in different parts principalities.


Tuvalu is one of the smallest and poorest countries in the world. Economic situation the dwarf state could have been completely worthless if Tuvalu had not received the Internet domain .tv, from the sale of which the country earns millions of dollars annually.


Nauru is the smallest independent republic and the smallest island state on the planet. Nauru does not have an official capital or public transport - local residents drive private vehicles along 40 km of roads. The island has a poor environmental situation, so tourism is practically not developed here. And another Nauru record, albeit with a minus sign - this country has the largest percentage of the population suffering from obesity.

Principality of Seborga

Another state on the map of Italy, although this time virtual, is the Principality of Seborga, which includes the village of the same name near the border with France. The title of the ruler of Seborg sounds like “His Greatness,” and the army of the unrecognized state consists of 3 people: the minister of defense and two border guards.

There are a lot on our planet different countries, but each of them is wonderful in its own way. Half of it is not visible on the map under a magnifying glass. :) And why? Every time I ask myself this question. Yes, because they are so small and hidden from prying eyes of the state. But many, including me, are interested in the question. Which country is the smallest in our world?

Which country has the title of smallest?

Opinions differ here; some believe that it is the smallest power, but this is not so. The legal right to call itself the smallest country has . It is located in the capital of Italy - Rome. - this is not a country, but a city-state, so to speak. It has a very small area: just 44 hectares. Most of the entire area of ​​this state is allocated to large and beautiful gardens- one of the most important attractions of the Vatican. The population is also quite small, about 1000 inhabitants.


What is this unusual city-state famous for?

In addition to its small population and area, this city-state is also famous for:

  • with its architectural structures and large gardens.
  • - This is the only state in the whole world that is located inside another state.
  • All residents of this unusual city are very educated and know more than four foreign languages.
  • No products are manufactured here.
  • The entire economy of this state is supported by donations from Catholics and tourism, which is very booming here.
  • The Vatican has its own train station and helipad, but there are no roads in the middle of the city.

This is what it is – the smallest country in the world.

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Almost everyone knows that the smallest state in the world is the Vatican. Its area is 0.44 km², and its population is about 1000 people. Due to the fact that the Vatican is located on continental territory, a logical question arises, which is the smallest of the island states. I will answer that.

Smallest island state

The top position on the list of smallest island countries belongs to Nauru. This country is located on the coral island of the same name. Its area is only 21.3 km². About 10,000 people live in this territory. A fun fact is that Nauru does not have an official capital. Population largest city The island has about 800 inhabitants.

I’ll touch on the history of the country a little:

  • The island became known to Europeans in 1798 thanks to English sailors.
  • The first European settlers here were deserters and escaped convicts.
  • During two world wars the island was under occupation (by Australian and Japanese troops).
  • An independent state was proclaimed here in 1968.

Level of development of the smallest island country

A few decades ago, Nauru was considered a rich country. Financial well-being was provided through the export of phosphorites. But when the deposits were exhausted, it turned out that the created reserves were extremely insufficient. Mining of phosphorites caused enormous damage to the local ecology. Large areas of the island began to resemble a lunar landscape.

In the 1990-2000s. They tried to improve the welfare of Nauru by declaring the country an offshore zone and through the mass sale of passports to foreigners. But under external pressure, all this had to be abandoned. The main current source of funding is Australian cash injections. To a large extent, this is a payment for ecological problems, which appeared due to the activities of Australian phosphorite miners.

As for tourism, it is poorly developed here due to the same environmental troubles. It is noteworthy that Russians wishing to visit the island do not require a visa.

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Once in Thailand I talked with locals and asked them which country is the largest in the world. They thought it was the USA, but I explained that it was Russia! We are lucky to live in the largest country in the world, but which country is the smallest? Who is our antipode? The question is quite interesting.

The smallest countries in the world are located in Europe

I was good at geography at school, so I remember that there are many dwarf states in Europe, and each of them has its own unique properties:

  • Andorra. Ski resort in the Pyrenees.
  • Monaco. Principality. Known for its casino and the city of Monte Carlo.
  • Liechtenstein. World leader in dental production! Well, if you count it per capita.
  • San Marino. The oldest state in Europe, it is about 1700 years old.

In addition, there are three more states in Europe that are almost invisible on the map, but they are precisely the smallest on the planet.

Vatican City is the smallest UN member state

The Vatican is hidden inside the capital of Italy, so it is essentially invisible on the map of the world and Europe. The country is small, but influential, because there are hundreds of millions of Catholics on the planet!

The Vatican is a member of the UN, they even have their own armed forces, which are staffed by Swiss Guards. This tradition originates from the Middle Ages. At that time, the Swiss were considered the elite infantry in Europe. Thus, the Vatican is small, but remote, as we say in Russia. Millions of tourists visit it every year, because the museums there are worthy of attention. It is curious that the Vatican is essentially the only theocratic monarchy on the planet. Rare political system.

However, there are two states in Europe smaller than the Vatican. Firstly, the Order of Malta, which is located there in Rome, and secondly, the funny state of Sealand on a platform in the North Sea, but this looks more like humor.

If you look hard enough on the map of Europe, you can find two more funny microstates like Sealand. These are the republic of creative people Užupis in Vilnius and the Free City of Christiania in the capital of Denmark. They are popular with all sorts of party people, for example, hippies.

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It seems to me that if we discard such a necessary thing for a state as international recognition, and judge the actual existence of a country by the presence of state characteristics (its own territory, money, authorities, etc.), then the only and smallest state on the planet is Sealand. This country is located in the sea, on a former military anti-aircraft platform, off the southeast coast of Great Britain.

The history of the smallest country in the world

Sealand begins its history in 1966, when retired English Major Bates and his friend O’Reilly bought a small military platform located at sea from Britain. During World War II there was a soldiers' garrison there and anti-aircraft guns were based there.

Friends were thinking of organizing an amusement park on it. However, they soon quarreled and O’Reilly decided to seize the platform, while Bates held the defense for two days, firing back with a rifle and throwing Molotov cocktails at the attackers. O'Reilly had to retreat empty-handed. On September 2, 1967, Bates announced the creation of the sovereign state of Sealand, with a system in the form of a constitutional monarchy (the document includes only 7 articles), and proclaimed himself its prince - Roy I. In 1968, the British government tried to regain control of the platform, and to Patrol boats even approached her, but Roy I again gave armed resistance, and the British were forced to retreat. As a result, the British government initiated a lawsuit against Bates, which is still ongoing.

State characteristics of Sealand

This country has most of the characteristics of a functioning state, except for recognition - it is not recognized by any country at all. These include:

  • Your own flag and coat of arms.
  • Stamps.
  • The presence of ministries in the government structure (the Ministry of Tourism works most successfully).
  • Own passports.
  • Minted money.

Although the size of the state is small - only 0.004 square meters. km., but it has its own territorial waters and even has claims to British waters. Currently, the head of Sealand is Prince Michael the First (son of Bates).

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I think everyone knows this popular song “Small Country”. So, “who will tell and who will show where she is, where she is?” That person will be me. Follow me, I will describe everything in detail!

The country that is the smallest

In general, there are many such countries. This:

  • Vatican;
  • Order of Malta;
  • Monaco;
  • Liechtenstein.

The Order of Malta is considered the smallest state in the world. However, not all countries recognize the sovereignty of this country, but the order itself presents itself as a separate state. It is located inside Rome. It has tiny dimensions - 1200 meters in length and width. Imagine, a kilometer there and a kilometer back, and you’ve already walked the length and breadth of the country!

1,300 people live here, who have their own passports and currency. The Order has only three buildings, two are in Rome, and the third is in Birgu. Getting into them is quite difficult, and sometimes impossible!

The cars have their own state insignia. Amazing country!

Principality of Monaco

A fairly well-known dwarf country in which the famous racing competition “Grand Prix of Monaco” is held. It occupies only 200 hectares of land. 31.7 thousand people live. The population density here is the highest.

The Principality is divided into districts:

  • Monte Carlo;
  • Monaco;
  • La Condamine.

By the way, the popular Monte Carlo casino operates in Monaco. Although the country is small, business is developed here, and there is also Golden Square, where the most boutiques are located. famous brands.

And another principality

We will talk about Liechtenstein, a small state but with big ambitions. The economy and industry are well developed here. The population is 32 thousand people, and only two thirds of them are indigenous people.

The principality has 11 communes, which are divided between two districts - Upper and Lower Liechtenstein.

The country practically consists of mountains. There are few mineral resources here, but agriculture is developed. And the nature here is very beautiful.

Tourists will be interested in visiting Vaduz. This is the capital of the country. Attractions include the National Museum, the postage stamps, winery.

All these countries are interesting in their own way, as they say, small but remote.

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When I was in seventh grade, our history teacher said about medieval states: “you could walk around them in 24 hours.” This comparison shocked me to the core and forced me to bury myself in the all-knowing Internet. I have always been especially interested in which country is the smallest in the world these days.

The smallest in the territory of the state

The tiniest country in the world is considered to be the Order of Malta, a knightly organization that miraculously survives to this day. Its total area is only 0.012 km² and consists of a residence in the center of Rome and the tiny Fort St. Angelo on the island of Malta. Just under 13 thousand people have citizenship of the Order of Malta. At the same time, he maintains diplomatic relations with 107 countries and holds the post of independent observer to the UN.

Second place rightfully belongs to the Vatican, another state inside Rome with an area of ​​0.44 km². Only 836 people currently have its citizenship.

“Bronze medal” for Monaco, a sovereign principality that is part of France. Almost 36 thousand inhabitants live on an area of ​​2.02 km².

Smallest island states

Most of the countries with the smallest populations are located not on continents, but on islands and atolls in the Pacific Ocean:

  1. Niue. There are only 1,398 people in this country, although the size of the island is impressive: 261 km².
  2. Nauru. This 21-hectare island is home to 9,322 people.
  3. Tuvalu. It includes 4 islands and 5 atolls, but their total area does not exceed 26 km². And the population is 10.5 thousand people.
  4. Cook Islands. Just over 19 thousand people live on the archipelago, with a total area of ​​263 km².
  5. Palau. This unique country consists of 328 islands, and only 20,842 people live on them.

However, the smallest country in the world (although not recognized by other states) is Sealand - oil Platform in the North Sea, which declared its independence in 1967 and has since stubbornly defended its “borders.”


Little country

We will not be talking about that small country from N. Koroleva’s song, where animals with kind eyes and life is full of love, but O Vatican.:)

It has square only 44 hectares and is located on the territory of the capital of Italy - Rome. Even though he is like that small, yes, as they say, remote... Judge for yourself:

  • the most valuable treasures of culture and art kept in the Vatican;
  • Vatican - center of the catholic faith And catholic church;
  • Literacy Rate here one hundred percent;
  • The Vatican has influence Not only to politics Italy, but also to other countries;
  • The Roman confession preaches good deeds and humility;
  • the only state that recognizes life on other planets;
  • The Vatican has its own radio station, which broadcasts in almost 30 languages;
  • nothing in the Vatican do not produce or sell(the budget is replenished through donations and tourism);
  • in the Vatican the most accurate meteorologists in the world.

For those traveling to the Vatican

If you decide to go to journey to Italy and decide to look into the Vatican, then take note of the following:

  • currency here as throughout Europe - Euro;
  • language mainly Italian, French and English, since the Vatican does not have its own language;
  • in the Vatican all buildings aresights;
  • greatest number crimes in the Vatican commit tourists(Be carefull!);
  • climate here soft, practically without rain or frost. There is no sweltering heat in summer(temperature 20–28 °C), and winter is warm and snowless (0–12 °C).

Vatican Gardens- this is what first catches your eye. These luxurious plantings made of oak, pine, cypress occupy half of the Vatican territory. Animals and birds, most likely won't call you special interest, since parrots, field mice, bats, squirrels and rabbits live in the gardens.

Write about little Vatican I can endlessly, but perhaps this is it I'll stop today.

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Have you ever wondered what the smallest country in the world is? You probably know some of them, but you will definitely be surprised to know which country ranks #1 on the list. compiled a list of the 10 smallest states in the world, you will be surprised at how dwarf they are!

10. Maldives - 298 km²

The Republic of Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean, southwest of India and Sri Lanka. With a population of 341,356 people, the Maldives occupies area of ​​298 sq. km(115 sq mi). The remaining 99% of the Maldives is ocean. Situated on top of a huge underwater ridge, the republic has about 1,200 islands, 200 of which are inhabited. The Maldives is the lowest country in the world with a maximum natural height of 2.6 m. Due to this, they are threatened by global warming, since subsequent sea level rise could make them uninhabitable. But now you can go and enjoy the "last paradise on earth" with swaying palm trees, beautiful beaches and colorful coral reefs.

9. Saint Christopher and Nevis - 261 km²

The Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis is a state in the eastern Caribbean, consisting of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis. These two islands have in common area 261 sq. km(104 sq mi). With a population of about 48,000 people it is the smallest country in the North and South America , both in area and in population. These islands were among the first in the Caribbean to be settled by Europeans. Only in 1983 did this country gain independence from Great Britain. Both islands are of volcanic origin with mountain peaks covered in tropical forests.

8. Marshall Islands - 181 km²

Although this country has about 1,150 islands and islets, the total The land area is only 181 square meters. km(70 sq mi) with a population of 72,000. The Republic of the Marshall Islands is located in the Pacific Ocean near the equator. During World War II, before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the country was the administrative center of the 6th Japanese imperial fleet. After being occupied by the United States during World War II, the Marshall Islands officially became part of the United States in 1947. Unfortunately, the US conducted nuclear tests there. As a result, they exposed local residents to radioactive fallout and completely destroyed the island of Elugelab. Only in 1979 the country gained independence from the United States.

7. Liechtenstein - 160 km²

This dwarf German-speaking country is located between Austria and Switzerland. General area is 160 sq. km(61 sq mi), and the population is about 37,000. This a constitutional monarchy, headed by the Prince of Liechtenstein. As an alpine country, Liechtenstein is largely mountainous, making it an ideal destination for winter sports. Like other countries in the world, Liechtenstein does not have an army. However, he supports the police force and the SWAT team. Although the state is not a member of the European Union, it still participates in the Schengen area. This small country is largest producer artificial teeth in the world. In addition, it produces ceramics, power tools, anchor bolts, calculators, pharmaceuticals and food products.

6. San Marino – 61 km²

The Republic of San Marino is located on the Italian peninsula and is surrounded by Italy. Its size is only 61 sq. km(24 sq mi) with a population of 32,000. San Marino is considered the oldest republic in the world. It was founded more than 1,700 years ago - in 301 AD. e.. Although it is one of the smallest countries, it is one of the richest in terms of GDP. This is the only country where there are more cars than people. San Marino is also known for its beautiful stamps and coins. The country has one of the smallest armies in the world, which numbers 75-100 people.

5. Tuvalu - 26 km²

Tuvalu is located in the South Pacific Ocean between Australia and Hawaii. The country consists of nine islands with a total area of ​​26 sq. km(10 sq mi). But the land area is shrinking every year due to global warming and sea level rise. Scientists believe that by the end of this century, Tuvalu will be completely under water.

The islands have everything you need for a perfect beach holiday— coral reefs, white beaches, palm trees and friendly people. However, the remote location makes Tuvalu not a very popular tourist destination. You need to get to Fiji first and fly to Tuvalu.

4. Nauru – 21 km²

Nauru is also located in the South Pacific Ocean. This country is even smaller and has only 21 sq. km(8 sq mi) of land. Nauru achieved its independence in 1969 and was formerly known as Pleasant Island. In the middle of the last century, the island was one of the richest places on Earth. It contained significant reserves of phosphate. However Natural resources disappeared, and Nauru today is desperately poor. The country is almost entirely dependent on Australian support. Australia uses the island as a refugee detention center.

3. Monaco - 2.02 km²

Monaco is the second largest and most populous country in the world. The area is only 2.02 sq. km(0.78 sq mi) and about 37,800 people. This a nice place located on the Mediterranean coast. Monaco has no personal income tax and, as a result, is very popular among wealthy people. About 30% of the population are millionaires. It is also known as the Formula 1 Grand Prix capital. In addition, the Monte Carlo Casino is located here. Ironically, local citizens are prohibited from entering the casino.

2. Vatican - 0.44 km²

Vatican City, also known as - Vatican City State - is the smallest country and also a city in the world.. This is the capital of Catholicism. Its population is 1000 people, its area is only 0.44 sq. km(0.17 sq mi). The Vatican is completely surrounded by Rome, Italy. The country has a unique economy, supported by tourism fees from museums and the sale of postage stamps. They also produce mosaics and clothing. The Vatican issues its own coins, which are very popular among collectors.

1. Sealand - 0.025 km²

It's likely that you've never heard of Sealand. This is a truly tiny, virtual state, with an area of ​​only 0.025 sq. km, proclaimed in 1967 by retired British Major Paddy Roy Bates. The platform was built by the British during World War II for air defense. In 1975, Bates created a constitution for Sealand, a national flag, money and even passports. The country issued about 150,000 passports within 20 years, but the Bates family revoked them all in 1997. In 2007, torrent site The Pirate Bay tried to buy Sealand as they were looking for a way to avoid copyright laws. Later, in January 2009, the Spanish real estate agency Inmo-Naranja announced its intention to put Sealand up for sale for 750 million euros.

In 1987, the UK extended its territorial waters from 6 to 22 km and Sealand is now within British waters. The UK is part of the United States Convention on the Law of the Sea, which states that artificial islands do not have island status. Thus, Sealand cannot be recognized as a country as it is an artificial structure.


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