The best scenario for February 23rd. Speed ​​test

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Scenario of the game program for February 23"Beauty Contest" is ideal for a party dedicated to February 23rd. The script is a mixture of good entertainment and interesting competitions. If you add a small banquet program, several concert numbers and an incendiary dance performance, you will get a great holiday for everyone. (Thanks to the author of the idea)

Introductory part of the script "Beauty Contest"

To carry out the program you will need: 5 self-knitting ties, 4 1000 ruble bills, 3 chairs, 2 boxes of matches, 2 potatoes, 2 ropes, 2 clothespins.
Four chocolates are needed as gifts, a bottle of champagne.

Leading: Good evening, Dear guests! We are going to have an unforgettable evening today, because without delay, I am going to organize a beauty contest among the men present. I hope we have some brave souls! I warn you right away that, unlike the banal and familiar beauty contests between charming ladies, the stronger half of our tonight will not need to flaunt in swimsuits, showing off toned torsos and athletic figures - under no circumstances. After all, true masculine qualities lie not only in the charms of the exterior, but, on the contrary, all the value is in the inner content! I hear not all the ladies agree with me!? Of course, good appearance is encouraged: an elegantly dressed man is very pleasant to look at. But what is this elegance worth if the descendant of Adam does not know how to keep his word, is rude and even vulgar? Is his strength in his brutal appearance when he doesn’t know how to make money? The main attractiveness of a man lies in reliability and constancy, if only the secret of attractiveness can be put into a universal formula!

Leading: However, we’ll leave the debate about attractiveness for later. And let us remember one simple folk truth that people are greeted by their clothes. Remember how it was with Pushkin, who himself was not one of the last dandies: “Like a London dandy dressed...Onegin goes to a masquerade”! Let's discuss what should be worn by a person who claims to be a “dandy” and a socialite?

(there will be many options here, among which the presenter should grab the answer “tie”).

Leading: Undoubtedly! You can’t do without a tie, because this is perhaps one of the most elegant accessories! Please, get up on stage! Your name? Very nice! I ask you to wait a little - and I will certainly get you companions for the future competition! So, every real man - according to popular female opinion - should be able to count money. So we’ll check how many of our honest company there are men who, without going into their own pocket, can accurately name the amount of cash in it?

(among the respondents there will definitely be someone who will say “not at all!” or “zero!”, and we invite this person to come on stage).

Leading: Bravo! A frugal man is not one who does not buy anything, but one who keeps his money in a bank account! Please introduce yourself! Very nice! Join the waiting group, and we will proceed with the further selection of players. And I need the guests to now name something that from time immemorial has been valued more than money and other material values!

(someone of the guests will definitely say “it’s time!”).

Leading: Absolutely right! Hoary time that only a clock can calculate. So let's synchronize our watches! Who has how much? Oh, I see there are those whose clocks are a little slow! However, yours, young man, are in a hurry. Apparently, you are in a hurry to live and feel? Or are you in a hurry to become the third contestant? Come on stage, please! And meet: these are your rivals! Look, you can’t take your eyes off - like Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets! Tell me, dear guests, who else in the world history of culture and literature were there three?

(the last player who gave the final answer wins and goes up on stage).

Leading: And now, my friends, choose your own fifth comrade, with whom you will soon have to measure your strength. We greet you! Introduce yourself! So, we meet the participants of the beauty contest!

The competitive and gaming part of the program for February 23:

1 competition.

Leading: As they say, we are starting KVN, that is! Well, no best decoration for real men than an elegant collar, correctly placed on the neck... uh, tie! Therefore, gentlemen, you will receive one tie each. Your task is to race to tie a tie, naturally, around your neck with any knot you wish. When the player is ready, he must quickly raise his hand up, marking the end of the process! So, let's start! (you need to keep a close eye on whoever ends up last in this race is eliminated, having receivedconsolation prize - chocolate). What can you do? You just needed a few moments! But, as the French say, this is “ce la vie”! Dear friend, you will have to return to the hall to this thunderous applause!

2 competition.

Leading: When the tie is tied, it's time to talk about money. As I already mentioned, a true man must be able to earn money. But why work if you don’t know how to spend money?! And even let them down the drain! Now we’ll check who’s worth what: here’s a bill for each of you. You need to quickly fold it figuratively and put the money on the table. The wind, of course, will be your own lungs. Attention, your task is to blow on the money figurine so that it flies as far as possible! Let's blow! So, who did it best? Here comes the loser, because your bill landed too close to you. Well, don't worry: you're just the most frugal of them all. Get a consolation prize. And there are three players left again! You are simply beautiful!

3 competition.

Leading: So let's continue! Please bring us three chairs! On these chairs, gentlemen, I suggest you lay out your future catch. What I mean? Do you remember we talked about what is more valuable than money? And the time was called. And we measure it by the hour. And here is another proverb about time: “Seven do not wait for one”! what is this for? Besides, in the next competition you go down to the hall and collect seven wristwatch. You quickly return to the stage and place your catch on a chair. Ready? Let's start! (someone will definitely be the last). Oh no no no! Well, what can you do - you turned out to be a little slower! Or a little happier?! After all, happy people don’t watch the clock! And here is the consolation prize!

4 competition.

Leading: Don't worry, generous donors of their watches - albeit temporarily - everything will be returned to you! And the most interesting thing is ahead of us - this last competition, which will give us the opportunity to name the winner! And the competition will reveal the most charming and attractive among the candidates! Do not worry! There is no need to paint your lips or curl your eyelashes! But let's remember what measures to attract people of the opposite sex does Mother Nature provide? Right! This is the performance of a mating dance! So the most charming one will be revealed through dance movements. Some accessories you'll need are a simple string with a potato on one end and a clothespin on the other end. The task is simple: by attaching a rope to your belt using a clothespin, you need to swing the potato with your hips and bring the box of matches to the finish line. The box needs to be pushed with the swaying root crop. Something like this! (demonstrate!).

Attention! Only the hips are used, whose oscillatory movements should become the main source of thrusts! So, bring the main gun into a calm position! Gentlemen, there is no need to compare whose is shorter and whose is longer - believe me, in this dance size does not matter! One, two, let's start! (of course, the winner is determined). Hooray! Here he is - our handsome man! sex symbolN-ska andN-sky district! I am very sorry that I have to part with you! But you fought to the end, but turned out to be a little calmer. But we know that the quieter you drive, the further you will go! Here's your consolation prize, and the winner is a bottle of champagne! Now your name will be included in the tablets, but you will definitely confirm my words that all this, and even all the poems in the world, all the craziest and most amazing achievements, you, like all other men, do for the sake of the women you love!

The holiday continues, it is worth including in its program, for example this

5. Musical entertainment "RAP at a corporate party."

Leading: Which of the guests can tell me how long we have been resting? (guests offer possible answers) Great, let's find out how we relax? I need a girl and a young man to come out to me. There are no people willing, then I choose myself. Here you are. What is your name - reward with applause. How did you drink - fine, great. We will rap with you.

(Addresses the girl) Your words:

"And the sun rises-oo-dit and sets-oo-dit,
And we have a good rest
Purlim-pumpo E!"
Let's rehearse!
(To a man): What's your name - wonderful

How do you feel - great!
Your party:
"And I labor, and I grunt, and tirli-tirli-don
A labor, a grunt, a tirli-tirli-don
Have a good rest E!"
Let's rehearse!
Dear ladies and gentlemen, it is fulfilled

for the first time a combined choir of rappers:
my words:
"We were going somewhere
we were traveling on a tram,
We rap religiously - we don’t need anything else!”

Then the rappers rap in turns. This competition is for the presenterit is better to carry out without "wallet tips" -

know everything by heart - then there will be an effect!

Scenario “My Dear Protector”

This scenario is suitable for a celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, when family and friends gather. Children can also attend the celebration.

The room can be decorated with balloons of green (“protective”) color or white, blue and red (in the colors of the flag); paper airplanes and stars.

The favorite dishes of all the men present are prepared for the treat. You can come up with an original menu (let the children design it on a piece of paper), in which the dishes will be named in a military way, for example, naval pasta, “Soldier’s Dream” cutlets, “General’s Visit” salad, “Brave Captain” seafood, etc. d. The highlight of the dinner will be a cake in the shape of a five-pointed star.

Presenter raises the first toast: Today is a big holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! On this day, it is customary to congratulate all military personnel, everyone who served in the army, and everyone who has yet to do so. But even those men who have never put on and are not going to put on military uniform, today are also full-fledged heroes of the occasion!

Our dear men, you fight every day for the well-being of your families. Therefore, each of us can say about our beloved half, as well as about our dad and grandfather: my dear protector!

Women give gifts to men, children also prepare gifts for fathers and grandfathers in advance.

Presenter: Tonight will not be quite ordinary... How do festive events usually take place? First there is a formal part, and then a banquet, buffet, and so on. But we decided to deviate from tradition and invented our own type of holiday - a banquet-concert! What does it mean? This means we will be both treated and entertained at the same time!

Our dear defenders, of course, have already relaxed and are anticipating pleasure... But a surprise awaits them! The main participants in the impromptu concert will be themselves! Yes, yes, men, because the heroes of the evening are you! But the first number in our program is still from women... We have prepared a song about you!

Song “Dedicated to men” (to the tune of “March of High-Rise Installers” from the film “Height”).

You are not stokers, you are not carpenters,

Not oligarchs, not singers,

You are very valuable workers, yes,

Husbands and the best fathers!

Behind you the house is stronger than a fortress,

And it’s like we’re behind a wall,

Forgive us for attempts at jealousy, yes,

We are yours with heart and soul!

We really have nothing to worry about,

When men are nearby!

Today you are the heroes of the evening, yes,

Poems and songs in your honor!

Do not refuse us a favor

And invite me to dance

Otherwise, without you, without your tenderness, yes,

We will cry and suffer!

Women invite men to dance.

Then a toast is raised: Once upon a time, man and woman were one being, with two pairs of arms, legs and two heads. These creatures lived on earth, got on well, until one day they greatly angered the gods with something. And they decided to divide them as punishment. They separated and calmed down. Time has passed... The gods look at the earth: the halves are together again! The gods got angry and separated them a second time - they sent them jealousy and scandals. More time has passed. The gods looked at the earth and were amazed: not only were the halves together again, but small creatures were also running around them!.. So let’s drink to the halves never being separated, despite the machinations of envious people!

Presenter: Men, our dear men... Today we only talk about them. They are our support, the stronger sex, and these are not just words. What qualities should a real man have? I think you know this very well! Firstly, he must be fearless... There is a proposal to test our defenders for fearlessness!

Game “Pass the checkpoint”

The game is simple: each man must crawl under the table to the opposite side. The one who, in the general opinion, does it the most skillfully or most originally (taking into account age) receives a small prize.

Presenter: Our men cannot be denied courage and dexterity! Let's discuss further. Secondly, a real man, of course, is not devoid of creative abilities! After all, they help him find a non-standard way out of difficult situation... We should check whether the heroes of the occasion have a creative streak! The very next number of the concert program is the performance of the ensemble. This will be the song and dance ensemble of the Soviet Army!

"Soviet Army Ensemble"

All men participate.

Their task: to sing a military song (which everyone knows, for example, “Katyusha” or “Darkie,” etc.). You can do it with karaoke, you can do it without it. Men are asked to voluntarily divide into those who will sing and those who will be the “back-up dancers,” or they are appointed.

After the song, the presenter thanks the participants and proposes a toast to them - talented and resourceful.

Presenter: Our defenders performed simply beautifully! But, friends, that's not all. We haven’t even named half of the qualities inherent in real men. And the next point, it seems to me, is this: a real man should always tell the truth and only the truth! He simply needs this quality in order to confuse all opponents and adversaries... And only today we had the opportunity to test men with a lie detector. Who knows, maybe they are hiding something serious from us?

Lie detector test

The presenter asks questions to each of the men in turn, to which they must answer quickly and without hesitation (the presenter warns: only the truth!), but instead of “yes” they should say “That’s right”, and instead of “no” - “No way!” .

1. Would you like to fly into space?

2. Do you often give girls flowers?

3. Is your dream Claudia Schiffer?

4. How long have you been doing plumbing repairs in your home?

5. Do you have serious feelings for your wife?

6. Are you annoyed by your boss?

7. Do you doubt your sense of humor?

8. Do you know what your wife is thinking about?

9. Are you satisfied with your appearance?

10. Did you have a funny nickname as a child?

11. Are you afraid of anger?

12. Are you afraid of looking funny?

13. Is it easy to negotiate with you?

14. Can you dance tango?

15. Did women confess their love to you first?

16. Do you know how to drive a diesel locomotive?

17. Do you like your spouse's hairstyle?

18. Is a holiday in the country healthier than a holiday in the Caribbean?

19. Do you fly in your dreams?

20. Are you attracted to mulatto women?

After the survey, the presenter asks the women whether their husbands were truthful enough and what they lied about. A toast is raised.

The presenter says that throughout the holiday there is also a competition for the most careful “eater”, because a real man should be able to eat well and beautifully.

Presenter: Let's continue our conversation about men... Why do we actually need men? Maybe we could do without them? I counted and counted and counted at least twenty-three points why we need men! Just in honor of February 23rd!

Twenty three reasons

(joke poem)

Why do we have men?

I know twenty-three reasons:

To paint and saw,

Entertain and have fun,

Bring finances to the family

Sing romances under the windows,

Paying compliments

Cook dinner a couple of times,

Throw out the trash once,

Raise sons and daughters,

Plant onions in the dacha

Eating tirelessly

Plaster, build, glue,

Dispel all doubts,

To caress and hug,

Accept the apology!

What else is a man for?

Take your car for repairs,

Buy a beaver fur coat,

Nail the shelf tightly...

Well, the main reason

What are men for?

Love us without memory!

The presenter asks each of the women to add her own reason to this unique list.

After this, a toast sounds: let's drink to the skillful hands and inquisitive minds of our dear men!

Presenter: How else do real men differ from fake ones? Well, of course, there weren’t and aren’t any fake ones here!.. A real man must have a sense of humor! It allows you to look at some of life's troubles with a smile... And I invite men to show us their sparkling humor by taking part in the war jokes competition!

Jokes competition

Men can tell not only jokes, but also stories, funny incidents army years. The winner of the competition is awarded a prize - a humorous book or magazine.

Presenter: Our men are the most cheerful and witty, no one doubted it! But a real man, in addition to this, must also be clean. For example, he never scatters socks and beer bottles, but neatly puts it all under the sofa... And if suddenly tomorrow he has to rush into battle, he will easily do what any soldier should be able to do! This is exactly what we will check now, especially since everyone has been sitting a little too late.

Competition "Footcloths"

In this competition, men compete in their ability to wind foot wraps, which will require toilet paper(one roll for each participant). The game is accompanied by cheerful music. The fastest, but at the same time careful, wins.

Game "Minefield"

The task is as follows: while the song is playing, women must move around the hall, under no circumstances touching the floor, for which men carry them in their arms.

Presenter: And now you won’t believe it - we’re going to play spin the bottle! But no, it won’t be at all the “bottle” you thought about. And we will play in the truest sense of the word. We've already accumulated enough empty bottles, let's collect them. You'll get a real military orchestra! Now we will see who will play better - a female musical group or a male one!

A bottle playing competition is held between women and men. You can not only play, but also sing.

Presenter: We can list many more features that we are endowed with true men, but don’t forget about the most important thing. Of course, a real man is a knight of his beautiful lady! He will give everything for her, including his life. Have our gentlemen lost their knightly qualities? Are they still capable of showing tender feelings?

Game "Anonymous Confession"

The task is this: men must write declarations of love for their significant other (or for daughters, mothers) on pieces of paper in one or two sentences, without indicating names. The presenter collects them in a cap or hat and mixes them. Then he takes out one at a time and reads it out. The one to whom the confession is addressed must guess that the words were written specifically to her.

For confessions, men are given kisses.

Presenter: Well, friends, on this romantic note, the planned part of the program of our banquet-and-concert is coming to an end. We still have an award ceremony ahead of us, and then - complete improvisation!

It seems to me that we need to thank our incomparable defenders for their patience, because they got a lot from us today. And also because we simply have them... Maybe they have a desire to say a response?

The men offer a return toast to the ladies.

Presenter: And now - the award ceremony for the defenders, so to speak, at the end of the evening!


For the award ceremony, the presenter has prepared paper medals, which are awarded to the men. On the medals are written the titles awarded to men: “the bravest defender”, “the most witty defender”, “the most charming defender”, “the most romantic defender”, “the most brilliant defender”, “the most patient defender”, “the youngest defender” ( to kid).

You can also add funny titles, for example, “the most mustachioed defender,” “the most..bald defender,” “the most glamorous defender,” etc. Women decide who gets which medal. It’s okay if someone gets more than one.

The evening continues with dancing.

Games for dancing

"Tenderness". Dancing couples must hold a balloon with their foreheads. You can't drop it. Those who drop get “penalty” glasses.

“One head is good...” . This is a variant of the game described above, when dancing couples are given a cap (one for two) and must be put on and held on their heads.

"Epaulettes" . Paper “epaulets” are placed on men’s shoulders (you can use napkins). The task is the same: do not drop them during the dance.

"General." A “general” is selected from among the guests by lot (this can be a woman). During the evening, others should salute when addressing him (her). The one who forgot fulfills any wish that the guests come up with for him.

"First second". The “General” commands all guests to pay “first or second” (in no particular order). Then he announces that the first numbers must invite the second to a romantic dance, and it doesn’t matter what gender they are.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is historically associated with honoring victorious soldiers, honorable veterans and military personnel. But you can be a defender not only with a weapon in your hands, and therefore we do not miss the opportunity to thank and congratulate all the dear men around us.

Not a single team misses the opportunity to praise the stronger sex on this day. A corporate party is becoming a tradition. At the same time, the scenario for February 23 can be very diverse: from fun in a cafe to an outing with the whole company.

If you are throwing a party in the office, spend some time preparing the event. In your plan-scenario for February 23rd for a corporate party, include items such as

  • themed decorations;
  • selection of “masculine” music;
  • a hearty feast;
  • toast tips;
  • competitions;
  • practical gifts;

This scenario Suitable for holding a party in a restaurant or office conference room. The participants are sitting at the festive tables, the corporate party is held by two presenters.

The room is decorated with balloons in green shades or camouflage colors. If you wish, you can use balloons to create a figurine of a soldier or a tank. There are also small tricolor flags and paper airplanes hanging from the ceiling.

Leading: Dear, beloved men!
On this day filled with greatness,
We will honor and praise you
And observing all decency
Let's not forget to reward you with a gift!
You are all for us Defenders, soldiers,
But better be in civilian clothes, you guys!
Let your uniform be only sports,
And your life is sunny and active!

And now we proclaim...

The words are interrupted by music from the Star Wars movie “March of the Empire.” The presenter falls silent. The military commander comes out.

Commander: A new crisis is brewing in the galactic republic! The dark side wins all battles. I, the official representative of the Galactic Empire, came to Earth to fulfill the prophecy and find (the number of men in the office) warriors who will save our Universe.
Recruits, before joining the ranks of the Galactic Army, you must undergo high-quality training. Get ready for difficult challenges!

The commander hands out lightsabers and cloaks.

Leading: But first, I order every recruit to take 100 grams for courage! And dear ladies support you and also fill their glasses. For men!

The presenter records the winners after each competition. All competitions are accompanied by music.

Agility test

Commander: We will begin the tests seriously,
And we will test the soldiers' dexterity.
As is known in space there is no gravity,
And those who are simple-minded do not survive!

When you go into battle,
There is no time, and you need to hurry.
Who will be the first to eat?
He will be known as the clever one.

A rope is pulled in front of the participants, to which bagels or donuts are tied on a string. The first one to eat the whole donut wins.

Leading: Each one shines with virtues,
Both honor and courage overflow!
To strengthen the strength and firmness of the fist
Among the battles there will be a place for a bivouac!

Table break.

Test of strength

Commander: Company, get into line!

All the men line up.

Commander: For the first or second, pay it off! The first - one step forward!

Leading: The first are skillful and brave,
Tell us about your strength!
Here in front of you is a seemingly funny thing - from match boxes,
Whoever can smash it with his fist, that guy is not a miss!

Each participant is given an empty matchbox. The box is placed on its edge on a flat surface. The task is to flatten it with a blow of the fist; usually it flies out from under the hand.

Commander: There is strength, but you don’t need intelligence!
Who was second - come out!
The test is no worse
You have to get around!
In front of you are shells for the gun,
You need to check them for strength!
Your own forehead is the best conditions.
I warn you, one shell is raw inside!

A bowl of eggs is placed in front of the participants. They need to grab the “shell”, break it over their head and put it on their plate. The one with the most eggs wins. All eggs must be boiled, just don’t tell the participants about this!

You can put one ceramic egg as a joke, but this is at your discretion =)

Leading: Women raise their glasses to strong and fierce men!

A toast from the female half of the team. Table and dance break.

Speed ​​test

Commander: Well, recruits, get up! Let's test your coordination and teamwork!

Valor and honor paint a man,
And you won’t find any weak ones in our team!
Developed steely discipline within yourself
And they must win the race!

Commander: Attention, fighters! To react adequately in military operations, you need to be able to concentrate and develop great speed! Each of you is given a responsible task: to evacuate the residents! And we will train on straws.

Participants stand in a row and are given cocktail straws.

Commander: Using a straw, you need to transfer all objects strictly to your territory. The one who saves the most “population” wins the competition!

If there are a lot of men, then it is better to divide them into two teams (First and Second). Set up a large plate full of M&M candies; you need to pull the candy with a straw and transfer it to your plate.

Commander: I praise you, fighters,

You are hardly new recruits.

Leading: They are still excellent fathers for us,
Husbands, sons and simply brave men!
The male employees are top class!
I invite all ladies to sing for you!

Women sing a remake song with congratulations for their colleagues.

Test of eloquence

Leading: Oh, what women, what women!

Meanwhile, the glasses are collecting dust! And to correct the mistake, we will triple the competition in eloquence! We fill our glasses, and the men take turns making toasts. Whose toast receives more applause wins!

Table break.

Accuracy test

Commander: Formation!
In difficult battle conditions
You need to remember about aesthetics.
Let's train your shaving skills,
There's no time to mess around in the army!
And this is your task.
I couldn't handle it, I admit it!
Gently and without trembling,
Shave your friend without any cuts!

Men are given razors and balloons. Draw a face on the balls and cover them with shaving foam. Whoever can “shave his friend” (or at least swipe the blade three times without breaking the ball) wins.

Test of wits

Leading: Get your act together, guys!
You're not old yet!

Commander: Let's check how the idea works,
And the Internet is not your cheat sheet!
Feel free to answer my questions,
And I will ask you not to help!
And as they say, without a guess, intelligence is not worth a penny!


  1. Is it added during kneading? shortcrust pastry yeast? (No)
  2. Which Russian word has 40 vowels? (fourty A)
  3. What question can never be answered positively? (Are you sleeping?)
  4. Why does a woman, when her tights tear, start looking everywhere for nail polish? (To glue the tear area so they won’t tear further)
  5. Which 6-letter word has 1 letter “K” and as many as 3 letters “N”? ( TO A Ntri)
  6. The numbers 3 and 11 are amazing and special! What unique property they differ? (Three and eleven consist of 3 and 11 letters, respectively).
  7. It won't bite or bark, but it has the same name. (@)
  8. What was the tallest mountain on the planet before Everest was discovered? (The mountain remains the highest on Earth regardless of whether people discovered it or not. Answer: Everest)

Table break.

Ditties from women at the table with a chorus

Chorus: And once again, once again,
Many, many more times!

1. I am young and good,
And besides, she’s beautiful,
I really admire it at work
From a male perspective!

2. Our beloved boss
Tomorrow he will fly on vacation.
It means team
He can get some sleep during the break!

3. Oh, girls, I'm in love!
I can't tear myself away!
This is the third day I’ve been walking and leafing through
Accounting book!

4. Oh, dear colleagues,
I wish you now
A sea of ​​happiness, plenty of money,
Let the girls love you!

5. In honor of a big holiday
The director will be a bunny!
He will give us all a prize
And it will give you a raise!

6. Our team is very friendly,
What is there to talk about for a long time!
No staff turnover
Can't be seen in our office!

7. Men, congratulations!
We are talking after all.
We raise our glasses,

A toast to the young people!

Congratulation video

Show a presentation or video about the male half of the team. These can be photos with comments. Signatures can be related to habits or hobbies, gastronomic tastes, or the employee’s favorite phrases.

Sword Challenge

Leading: Prepare your swords, but not for battle.
Whoever lasts the longest will make an impression
Let's start the coordination test.
Place the plate flat and support it with the sword.

Participants are given a paper plate. The winner is the one who managed to balance with the plate on the tip of the sword the longest.

Commander: I solemnly declare all tests passed! There have never been such worthy men in the ranks of the Imperial Army!

The sound of a walkie-talkie turning on. The commander takes a toy walkie-talkie or telephone from his pocket. He puts it to his ear, listens, nods.

Commander: Report from the front line! I was informed that Dark forces The armies from Earth were afraid and retreated! You saved the entire Galaxy! Three times “Hurray” for the warriors of Light!

Leading: And we are convinced that our men are perfectly suitable for responsible service at work! Therefore, they are directed by the Imperial Council to work for the benefit of the company! Let's raise a glass to the brave and capable men of the team!

Presentation of memorable diplomas

Prepare your diplomas in advance; if possible, paste photos of men into them. You can use well-known phrases from films or songs as signatures. For example, “At the samovar, me and my Masha”, “Tsar, nice to meet you, Tsar”, “Giant of thought”, “I am an old soldier and I don’t know the words of love!” etc.

Or choose beautiful aphorisms about men that suit your colleagues.

At the same time, gifts are presented and competition winners are awarded. You can give memorable prizes or intangible, but humorous awards. For example, comic certificates: “The owner of this certificate can be 1 hour late for work any day without explanation,” “The right to a healthy afternoon nap for an hour. Bonus: prolonged snoring is allowed,” etc.

Birthday cake

Let the evening end with a sweet dish. You can prepare it yourself: a beautiful birthday cake or cupcakes with filling. Specially ordered cakes have gained great popularity at corporate events. This cake can be decorated as spaceship(on the theme of the script) or in the style of February 23.

Our evening was sparkling and bright
Fun and laughter
And also gifts
We generously gave to friends and ourselves!
In honor of you men, let the fireworks thunder,
And the music sounds rebellious.
You are worthy of the glory of this moment
We accompanied you on your journey!

Take care of yourself, play sports.
Eat healthy and have plenty of fun.
Be confident and courageous in yourself
Let the work proceed skillfully.
And may luck brighten every day,
Let your strong body be beautiful!
I didn’t dare say rude words to you,
And the ladies are speechless with admiration!


  1. Costume for the commander: cloak, belt, lightsaber, helmet or mask, a toy walkie-talkie in the pocket;
  2. Cloaks and lightsabers for all employees. Easy to make yourself: Flexible water aerobics sticks are wrapped with shiny adhesive tape at one end. Or buy toys at the store;
  3. Rope with tied donuts;
  4. Empty matchboxes, bowl with boiled eggs;
  5. Cocktail straws, M&M bowl, party plates;
  6. Razors, balloons, markers, shaving foam;
  7. Paper plates;
  8. Memorable diplomas, gifts, prizes for competitions.

The last month of winter is the shortest month of the year, flying by almost unnoticed. However, even in February there are several significant dates, celebrating which has long become a good tradition. In addition to the relatively “young” Valentine’s Day, February falls main holiday All men - Defender of the Fatherland Day. So, the history of February 23 begins back in 1922, when the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was created. Since then, this important date has been called Red Army Day and Navy, and since 1946 the holiday was renamed the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. However, after the collapse of the USSR, February 23 finally lost its ideological color and turned into a “general” holiday for men of all ages, ranks and professions. Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, representatives of the stronger sex accept the most sincere words of congratulations from women - in kindergartens and schools, in the family circle and in their native work collective. In 2018, February 23 falls on a Friday and is officially a day off, so men can safely celebrate the holiday with colleagues and at home. So, how to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23? We will be happy to share video ideas on creating a scenario for Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office, and will also learn how to beautifully and originally congratulate men on the holiday if there are more of them in the team than women. In addition, here you will find cool congratulations in poetry and prose - they can be said in the form of toasts or written into a beautiful postcard.

How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23 – original ideas for the holiday

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an excellent occasion to please those with whom we share office workdays and on whose strong shoulder we can lean in difficult times. Indeed, our men deserve the most sincere words of gratitude, respect and appreciation. How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23? We offer a selection of original ideas for congratulating you on the most important men's holiday - we are sure that your colleagues will be pleasantly surprised by such imagination and creativity.

A selection of ideas for original congratulations to men in the office on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

  • If there are many men in the team, it is best to prepare cute souvenir gifts for each defender - a personalized army badge, a cool T-shirt, greeting cards in the form of a soldier’s triangle letter.
  • On the eve of February 23, you can stay at the office to give your male colleagues a holiday surprise. For example, make a colorful wall newspaper or poster with photos of employees, poems and funny congratulations in prose. Don't forget to decorate your classrooms with balloons in different shades of yellow and green.
  • Every man wants to feel like the “hero of the day” - a protector, a rescuer and “the very best.” On February 23, arrange a lottery for all male employees with comic prizes, to which a piece of paper is attached. Having unfolded such a note, the man will read a comic verse or congratulation in his own words - they need to be prepared in advance. We select inexpensive but funny symbolic gifts for men as prizes.

How fun it is to congratulate men on February 23 at work - scenarios for Defender of the Fatherland Day - 2018

Today, the management of many companies organizes festive corporate parties on February 23 - in restaurants, cafes, and country clubs. However, not everyone can afford such events, so most often they choose their home office as the venue for the holiday. According to established tradition, drawing up the script, as well as organizing the “unofficial” part of the celebration, falls on the fragile shoulders of women. If you are wondering how to congratulate men on February 23 at work in a fun way, you will definitely find our scripts for Defender of the Fatherland Day useful. So, let's start preparing for February 23rd with our family!

Cool scenario for Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office to congratulate men on February 23

  • "Oscar winners - 23." This scenario, in the best “Hollywood” traditions, is based on the idea of ​​awarding an Oscar to all male work colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day. So, before the start of the ceremony office space We beautifully decorate it with balloons, flags, St. George ribbons and other paraphernalia on a military theme. To the sounds of a bravura march, men enter the room, and the presenter makes a welcoming speech. Then the Oscar ceremony begins - each of the nominees is invited to the “red carpet” to receive an award for “personal achievements to the team.” Of course, we come up with humorous, but tactful nominations - “Collective polymath”, “Best comedian of the year”, “Mr. Tactfulness”. After the presentation of awards in honor of the men, a comic song is played, an adaptation of well-known melodies.
  • In "Military" style. This scenario is simply ideal for a small office consisting of small separate rooms. We paste signs on the doors of each office with the inscriptions - “Barracks”, “Penal Battalion”, “Nurse”. We decorate the door to the director’s office with the “Headquarters” sign, and the wall in the hall with the “Military Commissariat” sign. In addition to the festive table with refreshments and “combat status”, male colleagues will receive a “military medical examination”. The role of nurses will be played by women dressed as nurses - the scenario can be supplemented with fun competitions. As a result, each “conscript” receives a military ID - he is fit for military service!

How to congratulate men at work on February 23 in an original way - funny scenes with humor, video

Defender of the Fatherland Day is one of the most beloved holidays, which are celebrated with pleasure both at home and at work. As a rule, funny comic poems or words of prose are selected to congratulate male colleagues. How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23 in an original way? We offer to diversify the usual scenario by preparing skits for Defender of the Fatherland Day - original and with a touch of humor! The video presents ideas for scenes in the office that can be used for a holiday scenario for February 23rd.

Video with original scenes for congratulating male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

How to congratulate male colleagues on February 23 at work - originally in verse

Every year February brings with it not only bitter frosts and snowdrifts, but also the main holiday of the male part of the population - Defender of the Fatherland Day. In anticipation of this significant day women show real miracles of imagination in order to surprise and please their beloved protectors. If you don’t know how to congratulate your male colleagues at work on February 23 in an original way, we recommend that you pay attention to poems - cool comic works. Having selected several congratulations in verse, you can pronounce them in the form of a toast to festive table, adding original words in your own words best wishes men on February 23.

Poems of congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 to male colleagues at work

Happy February 23, colleagues,
Veterans of virtual battles,
Computer strategy experts -
You can't build muscles from screens!

In war it’s like in war, guys,
Well, life, as we know, is an eternal battle,
To live freely and richly,
Work hard on the front lines!

Working with you is great

It’s so good that you all exist!

Even if our service is dangerous -

It would be an honor, it would be an honor!

Stay calm, my colleagues!

Happy twenty-third of February!

I wish that in our century

Your work was not in vain!

Colleagues, attention – February is just around the corner:
Twenty-third - oh! - inevitably:
Let's banquet again in the spring,
Even though winter is exciting!
Let's raise a glass to the brave guys,
That they bravely “fight” the photocopier,
For those who “work hard” for a just cause
And in offices they boast about their courage...
Irony - away! Sarcasm is appropriate here:
Where are the brave, friendly warriors?!
They, as before, are worried about us,
They stand at the post of our homeland.

Twenty third of February…
Finally with us
Congratulations, colleagues!
A tsunami has arrived!

This holiday will overwhelm us,
really wants us to
Everyone was healthy!

To laugh from the heart,
To have fun
So that champagne and cognac
We got rich again!

This good time has come,
When can I congratulate you?
After all, the twenty-third of February
We've all been waiting for a long time and it's not in vain:

Hold on tight, it's going to be fun!
Everyone who has been ready for it for a long time.
To protect yourself from... infections of the almighty
Get ready to give the wine its due.

How to beautifully congratulate men on February 23 at work - in your own words

For many, February 23 is an excellent opportunity to meet with relatives and friends at a generously laid table, enjoying the “extra” day off. On this wonderful holiday, every man receives sincere congratulations from loved ones, work colleagues and classmates. According to tradition, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, ceremonial events are held annually, wreaths are laid at the grave Unknown Soldier, as well as monuments to war heroes. Today it is extremely popular to celebrate the main men's holiday with work colleagues by going with the whole team to a bowling alley or paintball club. How to beautifully congratulate men on February 23 at work? It is best to express in your own words the most sincere and warm wishes to our strong and courageous defenders. In honor of the holiday, we have selected beautiful congratulations in our own words - they can be prepared for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23rd for colleagues, adding a few personal phrases. Congratulations to all men on their holiday!

Beautiful congratulations in your own words on February 23 to colleagues in the office

Our dear men! Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! This is a holiday of real men: those who build our future not only on the battlefield, but also in ordinary, everyday life; those who give us confidence in the future; those who take on solving problems, allowing us to remain women! May your life be filled with bright events, successes and achievements, and may your heart be warmed by the attention, love and care of your family and friends!

This is the day of brave and strong-willed men who have someone and something to defend: their Fatherland, their business, their home and their loved ones, their future. We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, mutual understanding, peace and great success! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Dear Colleagues! We are pleased to work next to real men and start every morning in front of the mirror. After all, I want to look like you the best way to stimulate you to new achievements and increase the status of our company in the business world! Happy holiday!

Colleagues! Let your legitimate men's holiday bring only positive emotions. Always be confident in the future and continue your confident path to the top of the career ladder. Do not lose faith in your strength and spirit of patriotism! Not only we, but the whole country needs you!

Congratulations on Defenders of the Fatherland Day, dear colleagues! You - strong personalities, competent specialists and wonderful people. Next to you, we cannot leave the feeling of security and reliability. Your support is invaluable. Know that we appreciate it and respect you from the bottom of our hearts!

How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23 in the office - in prose from a team of women

Currently, Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated in many countries of the post-Soviet space. So, on February 23, women prepare gifts and congratulations to their beloved men - fathers and brothers, boyfriends and husbands. In addition, since 2002, there has been a “legal” opportunity on this wonderful day to relax at home, meet with loved ones, friends and old comrades. In addition, many companies organize corporate parties and other collective events, not leaving the defenders of the Fatherland unattended. When thinking about how to congratulate male colleagues on February 23 at work, office ladies try to think through the holiday scenario in advance. Even if there is only one woman in the team, congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day can be organized in a truly original and memorable way. To do this, just select a few cool congratulations in prose from our collection in order to express wishes to men in your own words - career achievements, good luck and happiness in your personal life. Such congratulatory prose will melt the heart of the sternest man, and on March 8, female colleagues will definitely receive a return surprise.

Our dear men! Congratulations on February 23! Thank you for being you, so wonderful and beautiful. We wish prosperity, happiness and goodness to your families. May all endeavors have a worthy continuation in everything. You are our support, good luck to you!

So, how to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23? On our pages you will find many original ideas for a festive scenario for Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office - cool funny scenes in the video, beautiful congratulations in verse and in your own words in prose on behalf of the entire team of women. Happy February 23, dear men!


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