Scenario of a game program in kindergarten. Preparatory group

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Entertainment for children preschool age from 4 to 5 years “Funny Horses”

Author: Botvenko Svetlana Gennadievna, music director of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 27" Kamen-on-Obi, Altai region
Give children joy and a cheerful mood.
Improve children's knowledge about horses;
Develop children's physical activity;
Cultivate friendships careful attitude to animals.
Description of material:
This material will be useful to music directors and preschool teachers.
A set of spikelets made of cardboard, a toy horse, hats (horses) for all children, pebbles made of colored cardboard, chairs, horse heads are attached to them, three bows on them, horseshoes, hammers.

Hello guys and dear guests. I invite everyone to the holiday. This means there will be games, poems, songs, dances and of course gifts. And what kind of holiday we will celebrate, we need to guess the riddle.
I can take you on a visit,
I can bring the hay.
I also have a mane,
And I live in a stable.
“What a miracle these horses are!”
Time, brothers, has its own laws,
The year of the omnipresent snake is ending,
And, starry, for a moment, opening a round dance,
The horse brings us a horseshoe for luck.
An animal that we all know from childhood,
Centuries with a person lives next door,
How a faithful and devoted friend helps,
And he composes songs and fairy tales about her.
And we invite you to play
Learn something new about the horse.
You and I read a lot of poems, fairy tales, stories about horses, and learned a lot of new and interesting things. And now I will check you.
1. Baby horse (foal)
2.Long hair on the horse’s neck (mane)
3. Horse's home (stable)
4.Small horse (pony)
5. Herd of horses (herd)
6. A word that can make a horse go (but)
7.How to shoe a horse (horseshoe)
8.What word can you use to stop a horse (whoa)
Well done! Now let's listen to the song.
Song “On a Horse” by T. Popatenko
How many of you guys know
What do you treat the horse to?
To be cheerful
could you give us all a ride?
Game “Collect the ears of corn”
Two players, a set of cardboard spikelets laid out on the carpet. Who will collect the spikelets faster?
Song “Playing with a Horse” by M. Krasev

To control a horse, you need to tell a tongue twister.
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
(Music sounds, the Clown and the Dwarf come in. They argue.)
I'm telling you that it doesn't happen like that.
What are you arguing about, friends?
Yes, yesterday he saw how a galosh was eaten by a horse.
Yes! And the horse said - I am a galosh.
I will do it on the guitar, on the harmonica
And - go - goshki!
Guys, does this happen?
Is this how it happens?
Yesterday one flounder chomped at the bit,
Sailed on a sea of ​​miracles.
And the horse was butting - trying to break away.
From the hook I was caught on.
Nonsense again!
Which one is right, guys? Thank you. They gave us a good laugh, they made us laugh.
I can still do exercises.
You guys are coming out.
One two three four five!
I'll turn everyone into foals!
(Puts hats (horses) on all children.)
Get ready to exercise
Turn left, right.
Hooves up, hooves down,
Nod your head
And raise your hooves.
Lean left, right
Wave your tail at me
Well done! Let's gallop to the place!
I have Interesting games.
Game "Take the horseshoe".
There are pebbles cut out of colored cardboard on the floor; you need to run over them, take a horseshoe and come back without falling. Whoever gets ahead is the winner
Game "Jolly Blacksmith"
Two teams of boys play. There are horseshoes and hammers on the tables. To the music, the child runs up and hits the horseshoe, runs back to his team, the next participant runs, etc. Who can shoe the horse faster?
Game "Groom your horse"
Horse heads are attached to the chairs, with three bows on them. Who can braid their horse's hair the fastest?
"Horse Dance"
The child sits astride a “horse” stick and performs an impromptu dance.

Clown and Gnome:
We've played, friends, it's time for us to go.
The Clown and the Gnome leave, the ringing of bells is heard.
What kind of miracles are these? The horse came to visit us!
A horse enters, walks through the hall, dances, nods its head.
What should we do to make sure our horse has fun, so that he doesn’t get bored with us?
Sing a song, read poetry, perform a dance!
Song “Horse” by T. Popatenko

Poem "My Horse"
Poem "Foal"
Poem "Good Horse"
Song-dance “If you want to go for a ride”
1.If you want to go for a ride
Do this - but, but! (2 times)
The horse will take me
Quickly - quickly without looking back
I'll ride my horse far away!
But - but!
2.You’re tired on the road
Do this - whoa, whoa! (2 times)
I'll sit next to you in the clearing
Me and my horse
I’ll sit next to you in the clearing and relax.
Whoa - whoa!
3.If you love a horse
Do this - yoke - go! (2 times)
If you love a horse
Brush her fur smoothly
If you love a horse
Do this - yoke - go!
Our horse liked it, she nods her head. Look what the horse brought us. (Horseshoes) This is good luck for everyone.

Game program based on fairy tales for children 4-5 years old

Scenario game program according to fairy tales for middle group"Visiting fairy tales"

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music director of MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 “Northern Fairy Tale”, Petrozavodsk

Description of material: The script for a game program for middle school children may be of interest to music directors and educators when organizing entertainment based on fairy tales.

Target: creating a joyful holiday mood in children

- Learn to solve riddles
-Cultivate endurance, patience, dexterity in games.
-Develop creativity

Fairy tales travel around the world
Night harnessed to a carriage.
Fairy tales live in the clearings,
They wander around in the fogs at dawn.

There is a hero in every fairy tale,
The hero dreams of making friends with me,
Let's open familiar books
And again let's go from page to page:
It's always nice to be with your favorite hero
Meet again, become stronger friends.
It doesn’t matter that we’ve known the book for a long time.
Even if you know the hero very well,
And how it will end is also known,
Good books are always interesting.

(the presenter picks up a fairy-tale book with riddles)
Let us meet our loved ones fairy-tale characters The riddles that live in this big book will help.

The presenter reads the riddle, the children guess the fairy tale, then a game related to the fairy tale is played.

1.Princess - Frog

An arrow flew
And she fell into a swamp.
And in this swamp
Someone found her.
This is a green belly
Called princess... (FROG)

Game "Jumping over bumps"

(Children are divided into 2 teams. Lay out the hoops on the floor, these are “bumps”. The first team members put on a frog mask and, like frogs, jump into the hoops until an identification landmark (it can be a Christmas tree or a water lily), and so on through all the hoops, they run back , returning to their seats and handing over the masks to the next participants)


What kind of pie is this?
He has a ruddy side
He sweeps the bottom of the barrel,
He scrapes through the barns,
Tell me quickly, my friend,
Who is this? (Kolobok)

Game “Long Road for Kolobok”
(2 children stand in different directions and wind a rope around a stick, whoever winds it faster to the middle (border of the rope)

3. Teremok.

The fox has found a home for herself,
The mouse was kind.
In that house, after all
There were a lot of residents.
It is not low, not high.
Standing in the field... (teremok)

Game “We will build a tower”

(2 teams participate. To the music, the children of each team build a mansion from building modules)

4.Little Red Riding Hood

The grandmother loved the girl very much.
I gave her a red cap.
The girl forgot her name
Well, tell me her name.
(Little Red Riding Hood)

Game “Collect flowers for grandma”

(Flowers of different shades are laid out on the floor in a hoop (this will be a “clearing”). Children are divided into two teams. To the music, children one by one run to the “flower clearing”, take one flower and return back. One team collects red flowers, the other - yellow)


Round side, yellow side,
A bun is sitting in a garden bed.
Rooted firmly into the ground.
What is this? (Turnip)

Game "Pull the turnip"
(2 teams participate in the game according to the number of fairy-tale characters - mouse, cat, bug, granddaughter, grandmother, grandfather, turnip - 7 people. The teams stand on one side of the hall, on the other side the costume elements of each character are prepared. The first participants run to the prepared elements costumes, put them on, then the next participants run up in turn, select the desired element of the costume, put them on. As a result, the participants must line up in the sequence in which they pulled the turnip in the fairy tale)

6.Kid and Carlson

Loves cakes, jam,
Dry foods, sweets, cookies.
He's quite well-fed...
And a propeller on the back!

Carlson (a child of the preparatory group) runs into the hall to the music with a large fake candy in his hands containing a treat).

Hello friends!
Here I am!
You recognize me, right?

(children answer)

I flew past the garden
And I saw you through the window.


Hello Carlson,
Our friend.
Join us in a circle,
Spin around in a joyful dance.

Dance "Boogie-woogie"

(Or any cheerful dance at the choice of the music director.)

(Carlson gives the candy, says goodbye and “flies away”)

The presenter sums up the entertainment by asking the children what fairy tales they visited today.
Everyone goes to the group to treat themselves to sweets.


Queen Miracle Brush.

Paints. Pencils.

Master Felt Pen.

Markers are funny guys.

Multi-colored crayons.

Participants of competitions.

The recording contains cheerful music. There is a screen installed on the stage, on which a large palette is depicted; it resembles a castle, painted with all the colors of the rainbow. The paint windows open one by one and the mischievous faces of the inhabitants of the Kingdom of the Magic Palette look out of them. They sing merrily.


Take the paints in your hands

Pencils, crayons,

A wonderful picture

Picture it!

Draw and enjoy

Wonderful bright world

Multicolor rules here,

Fantasy is an idol!

Let everything around you bloom

Magic flowers

The eyes will light up with goodness,

Draw with us!

Fanfare sounds in the recording, and Queen Wonderbrush appears on stage.

Miracle brush. Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Today in the kingdom of the Magic Palette a holiday is announced - a holiday of colors and joy! I order all participants who came to the holiday to come with pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, crayons and paints different colors! Everyone have fun, draw and receive well-deserved awards together! Let it be so!

In the recording: the solemn musical melody is cut off by a sharp accent.

Miracle brush.

Hey pencil friends!

The first drawing competition.

Our kids are waiting for you!

Children appear in costumes and crowns resembling pencils, they come out of a large bright box, sing and dance.

Pencils (perky).

White sheet, white sheet

We don't like it at all!

White sheet, blank sheet,

Everything will be fine soon!

Pencils announce the first competition “Draw by magic dots”. The children’s task is to connect the dots in numerical order and get an image of one or another fairy-tale character: Pinocchio, Chippolino, Dunno, Malvina, Thumbelina, etc. The characters may be different depending on what choice they are inclined to make organizers of this event. Whichever child is quicker and more accurate in connecting the image correctly and is able to accurately color it with colored pencils wins the first competition. The winners are awarded a set of colored pencils and sketchbooks. Then Queen Wonderbrush appears on the stage again.

Miracle brush.

You guys are great!

You are artistic creators!

Markers, don’t yawn,

Take up the baton!

Master Felt Pen will lead them,

And at the same time, it will keep you guys busy!

The recording contains cheerful music. Master Feltmaster appears, he looks like a magician, only in a multi-colored top hat and tails. Master Felt Pen removes the cylinder from his head, manipulating it to show that the cylinder is empty. Then he places the cylinder on a colored cube and begins to make passes over it with his hands. Next, he takes out multi-colored markers (4-6 pieces) from the cylinder.

Master Felt Pen(placing the markers in front of him, he whispers a drawing spell).

Spells, Markerjag revive!

Hurry up to our holiday.

The kids are really looking forward to it

Wonderful minutes!

The recording has a magical musical accent. Bright Markers - cheerful guys - appear on the stage one by one.


Markeryats - cheerful guys - can do everything:

Sing, write and draw!

We teach children

Let's get used to drawing!

Be brave, my friend, take us,

You can write with us

And, of course, draw:

House, clearing and forest,

A book, a lizard, a fairy tale,

Carnival and a miracle mask!

Get down to business

Hurry up, don't be shy!

Master Felt-tip pen and markers are offered to children second competition “Felt-tip pen and marker”. It consists in the fact that children must beautifully and skillfully color a picture on a particular topic: “In the forest”, “In a clearing”, “Carnival”, or any other topic can be taken. Based on the results of this competition, children are awarded sets of felt-tip pens and markers and coloring books.

Miracle brush.

As you understand, friends,

You can't live in a gray world!

We are very glad to meet you,

Drawing by friends!

Let's continue to have fun


I invite crayons

So that there is no sadness!

The assistants roll out a bright box onto the stage, first they look out of it one by one, and then multi-colored crayons come out onto the stage. They sing and dance for the children.


Crayons are friendly guys,

Children really need it!

We draw, write and draw,

We never get sad!

You are small, my friend, take it,

You will create miracles!

On the board or on the platform

Draw with smooth chalk!

Crayons announce third competition - “Draw a picture with chalk”. Children draw a picture on the boards with multi-colored crayons on the theme “My fabulous and amazing world" Those children whose work turns out to be the most interesting receive prizes - sets of multi-colored crayons.

Miracle brush.

The time for colors is coming!

The guys love them!

Quickly take the brush

Directly into water, then dip into paint,

Run it over the paper.

You can draw anything

In detail, next,

And then put it into a picture:

"Happiness is a children's valley"!

The miracle brush offers to the attention of participants and guests last competition . Not individual participants, but entire teams (4-6 people) take the stage. Team participants are offered large sheet paper, all members together paint with paints (watercolor, gouache) the picture “Childhood is a magical land where everyone comes from...”. Children draw, and at this time there is a performance by creative groups. Then the results are summed up, the winners are awarded with sets bright colors and drawing folders. After this, all participants go to the finals.

All heroes ( together).

Time flew by quickly

You acted skillfully!

Keep drawing

Create a magical world!

We wish everyone creative success!

See you again, guys!

The heroes bow and leave the stage to cheerful music.

Game program for children 3-4 years old “Radiant Sun”

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description of material: The game program is intended for children of the second junior and middle groups of kindergarten. It may be of interest to educators and parents for conducting observations and conversations in nature with children.
Target: create joy for children and good mood.
Tasks: expand ideas about the sun, form a system of ideas about the sun, its main functions - to shine and warm. The fact that the sun does not always bring goodness to living nature, sometimes prolonged exposure to the sun causes burns on the skin and sunstroke among people, plants in the fields dry up.

Educator: Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, but I hope you really like it. I want to talk to you about the benefits and harms of the sun. But first, I want to ask you a question to which I hope to hear an answer. What do you think the sun does in the summer?
Answers children.
There is a knock on the door.
Educator: Someone is knocking on our door. Guys, are you expecting guests?
Educator: I'll open the door and see who's there.
The teacher opens the door, the radiant Sun is standing there.
Educator: Guys, look how bright, radiant and sunny the guest came to us. Did you find out who it is?

Sun: Who shines brightly, brightly for us? Who keeps us warm, hot, hot?
Sun: I have small yellow circles in my hands, they look like the sun, but they are missing something, I can’t understand what, can you tell me?
Sun: of course, rays. Now I will give each child a sun and a piece of paper (white), you must finish drawing or lay out rays from yellow threads.
Sun: The sun will smile at us and the child will laugh.
The sun will look in the window, the kids will have more fun.
The children will quickly stand in a circle and understand that a friend is nearby.
Sun: I invite everyone to the circle,
To play a little.
Educator: Our Sunshine wants to play with you, he goes to sleep in our clearing in the middle of your circle. And you listen carefully to the words and repeat the movements after me.

The sun and clouds again,
They started playing hide and seek.
Only the sun will hide -
The cloud will burst into tears.
How can the sun be found?
A rainbow is laughing in the sky.

The sun is hiding behind the clouds:
Hides legs, hides hands, (children hide)
Hides the rays in the pillows (palms folded together)
Hides cheeks, hides ears. (hid cheeks, ears)
Hides his big head (cover it with his arms)
And a golden hairstyle. (covered with handles)
Pulled the blanket - (pulled)
We felt sad without the sun. (Sad faces)
It's so dark without the sun!!!
The sad window is crying. (pretend to cry)
The oak tree is crying - it is a hundred years old,
Grandma and grandpa are crying...
Bubbles jump through puddles (jumping in place)
The leaves on the trees are crying,
Every grass needs a ray (arms extended forward)
Every bird and booger.
Every flower in the field,
Our Daughter needs a ray of light,
To walk down the street,
Walk with mom hand in hand. (hold hands)
Come on, stop raining!
Let's wake up the sun! (approach the sun)
Hey, sleepyhead! Stop sleeping!
Sun! It's time to get up!
Educator: Sunny, did you like playing with us?
Or maybe you want to ask us questions?
Sun: Yes, girls and boys, I have prepared small questions for you.
- Do you like the summer sun?
- What is it like, Sunshine?
- How can you affectionately call the Sun?
Answers children.
Educator: Sunny, the guys and I have prepared some poems, do you want to listen?
Children read poetry:
Child: The sun is shining through my window in the morning,
So it’s time for me to go to kindergarten.
I quickly wash my face, brush my teeth myself,
Outside the window you can hear the cheerful noise of birds.
Child: I'm going to kindergarten with mommy by the hand,
The sun winked at me only
I closed my eyes and heard:
How it said, “Hey baby, hi!”
Sun:- Guys, what can you do in the summer?
- What games do you play in the summer?
- And so that the sun doesn’t bake our heads, what do we put on our heads?
- And if we sit in the sun for a long time, what could happen?
- Do you know how to solve riddles?
Sun: I'll tell you riddles
To listen to your answers.

- Well, which one of you will answer:
It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but shining brightly,
And not a baker, but a baker? (Sun)
- The long-awaited time!
The kids shout: Hurray
!What kind of joy is this?
It's here... (Summer)
- They moved around the flower,
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
And he fluttered and flew away. (butterfly)
- What a miracle - beauty,
Painted gate.
Showed up on the way
You can’t drive into them or enter them. (rainbow)
- At the door, at the window
There won't be any knocking
And it will rise -
And it will wake everyone up. (Sun)
Sun: The questions were answered,
And they read poetry to me.
I'll play some music for you
And I invite you to dance.

Song: This is what it is, our summer,
Summer is dressed in bright greenery,
Summer is warmed by the hot sun,
Summer breathes with the breeze.

La la la la la la,
La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la.
La la la la la la,
La-la-la-la-la la-la!

On the green sunny edge
Green frogs are jumping
And the butterfly friends dance,
Everything is blooming around.

We're on the road with a song about summer,
The best song in the world
Perhaps we will meet a hedgehog in the forest,
It's good that the rain has passed.

La la la la la la,
La-la-la la-la-la-la.
We're bronzed
The berries in the forest are on fire.
Summer is hot for a reason,
Summer is good!

La la la la la la,
La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la.
La la la la la la,
La - la - la - la - la - la - la!

Sun: You all did a great job.
I invite you to the tables,
I'll give you a treat.
And in memory of the sunny summer,
I want to give you some magnets and suns.
At home, you attach them to the refrigerator, and your sun will warm you every day and in any weather.
I wish you all a warm summer,
Lots of light.
To bask in the sun to your heart's content,
And remember me.
Thank you guys, girls and boys.

There are many different holidays, but all of them are considered adult and bring little joy to the future younger generation. However, Children's Day is an exception. It is celebrated all over the world. On this day, most adults try to spend as much time as possible with their child, give him gifts and organize some interesting entertainment. We will talk further about what kind of game programs for children can be organized on this holiday.

What to consider when planning a holiday?

If you decide to arrange or organize children's party, think through the scenario in advance. The choice of venue for the event will play an important role. For example, this could be a palace of culture or an open area in an amusement park. The main condition for choosing such a place is the availability of free space, which is so necessary for games and holding children's competitions.

Second important point- This is a game program for children. It should not only be interesting, but also correspond to a certain age category of children. If you plan to invite children during the event of different ages, this should be taken into account when planning competitions, games and other entertainment.

The third point is, in fact, the scenario of the event, taking into account characters, costumes and, if necessary, scenery.

Welcome to Laughland

One of the most entertaining scenarios is a trip to a fairyland. This game program for children will be interesting for both kids and adults. For example, all participants in an event located on a large playground can go straight to amazing country, called "Laughterland". So, the action takes place on a spacious site. A clown with whistles and bright balloons comes out to the amazed children.

Clown: “Hello, children! My name is Bim. Congratulations on this happy holiday- Happy Children's Day! Do you want to have fun and play? Then go ahead. I will take you to my wonderful country - “Laughterland”. Do you know what country this is? The funniest and most cheerful creatures live in it. There is no place for sad and sorrowful people. You can always hear children's laughter there, and there are a lot of games and entertainment. Do you want to go there?" He waits for the children to answer.

Clown: “Then our competitive game program for children is declared open. Welcome to “Funnyland.” - Makes a forward gesture with his hand. Then he calls all the participants to him. - But the path there is not close and you need to go for a reason. First we will fly like airplanes."

The clown stretches out his arms and, together with other children, moves along the playground in a line. “Then we will go like a train and carriages.” He stands at the head of the children and depicts a train, and the children repeat after him, hold on to the waist of their neighbor and also move in a line.

“Now we will jump like toads.” He sets an example and the children jump. “And in the end we’ll go like we’re driving a car.” Shows an improvised steering wheel and again leads everyone along.

The interesting game program for Children's Day continues with the appearance of the second character in the sketch - the clown Bom.

Hello, good Bom!

At this time a new clown appears. He carries bright little tennis balls in his hands.

First Clown: "Hello, Bom."

Second Clown: "Hello, Bim."

They meet and make a funny greeting with a handshake, a pat on the nose, etc. Next, the game program for Children's Day is accompanied by funny music, for example, it could be the song “Ducklings”. And both clowns invite all participants, including adults, to repeat their funny greeting.

The first task with balls and the choice of captains

First Clown: “Now let’s play a little. But for this we will stand in a large circle and choose captains.”

The second Clown tells the children the essence: one of the participants is given a ball; his task is to get rid of it as quickly as possible while the music is playing; The captain becomes the child in whose hands the ball remains after the end of the melody. For this purpose, the entertainment and game program for children is accompanied by incendiary and cheerful music, for example, from “Barbariki”.

Then the captains are given colored caps or clown noses. After that, each of them chooses members of their team - and the game begins.

Relay game “Bring the ball into the house”

First Clown: “Friends! In our country there are funny laughing balls that help lift the spirits of everyone around us. But, unfortunately, they have lost their home and are tearfully asking to be returned to their place. Well, what? Shall we help the balls?”

The second Clown sets up small arched partitions that any child can easily crawl under, as well as pins and various obstacles. Then he explains the meaning of the competition, organized on the bright and festive Children's Day. Game program in in this case is as follows: the participant is given a racket; on the command “to start” he must put the ball on it and start moving; During his journey, the child will overcome obstacles and successful outcome will reach the end of the road without dropping the ball on the ground. At the end of the competition, the winning team is announced, and for each victory, for example, one balloon with a funny face will be given out.

Competition "Topsy-turvy"

Then the competitive game program for children is supplemented with a new competition. Its meaning boils down to the following: one of the participants is selected, he stands in a circle where the rest of the children stand, and begins to show some kind of movement, and the other participants must look at him and do the opposite.

For example, he raises right hand, and participants must raise their left; makes his hands up, and you down, etc. All this is also performed to cheerful music. And the one who “strategizes” and gets lost will be forced to take the place of the leader and begin to show his movements.

Competition "Catch me by the ponytail"

The next interesting and spectacular competition is “Catch Me by the Ponytail”. Be sure to include it in your scripts for Children's Day. The game program in this case will be bright, educational and interesting for children and adults.

First Clown: “Laughing mice live in our city. They run very fast, love to frolic and play pranks. And now they have played out and ate all the supplies of our laughter jam. We need to teach the mice a lesson and catch them.”

The second Clown gives each participant an improvised belt with a mouse tail on the back and helps them put it on. Next, the players are divided into two teams, line up in two lines and, on command, try to grab the tail of their neighbor, who in turn tries to evade. From the outside, such game programs for children look quite funny. The team that catches all the laughing mice by the tail wins.

Scenarios for Children's Day (game program): competition for attention

First Clown: “Guys, do you like to do your homework, read and count? Do you listen carefully to your parents, educators and teachers?”

Second Clown: "Now we'll check it."

This game is designed for the attention of participants and speed of reaction. It consists of the following: the leader stands in a circle and announces one forbidden movement that cannot be repeated; he shows various exercises, and the audience must repeat them. And, of course, the presenter will confuse the children by periodically showing forbidden movements. The loser is eliminated. The winner is the player who remains alone and performs all the movements correctly. As a continuation of the event, we offer other game programs for children. But more on that later.

Farewell and awards

First Clown: “All of you guys are great. We were glad to meet you and had a fun time. Right, guys?”

Second Clown: “But, unfortunately, the time has come to say goodbye. It’s time for us to return to our glorious city. Once again, we congratulate you all on the holiday. We wish you never to lose heart, laugh more and have fun. See you soon.”

At the end of the game programs for children, as a rule, end with an announcement and an award. Therefore, when planning this event, you should prepare small incentive prizes in advance - small bags of candy, toys or school supplies (pencils, pens, albums).

Game "Cats and pigs"

At the beginning of the holiday, Malvina, Pinocchio and Pierrot appear.

Malvina: "Hello, guys!"

Pinocchio: "We are glad to see you!"

Pierrot: "Happy Children's Day!"

Malvina: “Today we will play, sing and dance with you.”

Pinocchio: "Are you ready?"

Malvina: “Our first game is “Cats and Piggies”. Let’s divide into two teams. Some of you will be cats, and the others will be pigs. Let’s go.”

Then all participants are carefully blindfolded with the help of the main fairy-tale characters, and then the children are “mixed”. The children disperse in different directions and begin to grunt or meow.

The leader approaches one of the team members, takes him by the hands and carefully leads him towards the other children. His task is to find all the players from the “cats” or “pigs” team. The winners are those participants who are the first to assemble their team. This is one option that can be included in the script competitive game program for children.

Pinocchio: “What a great fellow you are. We found all the players. Now make a victorious collective “oink” (or meow).”

Beads from bagels

Next, in the script of the game program for children, be sure to include such a funny competition as “Beads from Bagels”. Its essence boils down to the following: the participants of the game are divided into two teams, two captains are selected, each of whom is put on a string of bagels around his neck. They move away and stand apart from others. Then each player from both teams must run up to their captain and have time to bite off the steering wheel from him. The team that manages to “eat” its captain the fastest wins.

Find the right color

Pinocchio: “Guys, do all of you know how many colors of the rainbow there are?”

Malvina: “Let’s remember them together (the colors are called in chorus).”

Pierrot: “Now let’s play a wonderful game. We will tell you the colors, and you will have to look around you and name objects of this color. For example, I say yellow. You answer - yellow slide. The one who cannot answer in time is eliminated ".

The game begins. The players who remain in the game and those who have already dropped out are separated.

“We pull and pull, but we can’t pull it out”

Malvina: “Guys, are there any strongmen among you?”

Pinocchio: “We’ll check that now.”

Pierrot tells the children about the rules of the game. Then the fairy-tale characters included in the script of the competitive game program for children help the participants sort it into two teams. After this, everyone stands opposite the other, and then (at the leader’s command) begins to drag their opponent to their side. The winner is the team whose players manage to drag more children to their side.

Malvina: “How strong and brave you all are.”

Pierrot: “Well, it’s time for us to say goodbye.”

Pinocchio: “We were glad to play with you. next year We'll come to you again."

The action can end with cheerful music and free-form dancing. It makes sense to give each participant balloon or a small incentive prize.


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