Scenario for celebrating the New Year (medical with Doctor Aibolit). Medical-themed party: a pill for boredom

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Scalpels, syringes, people in white coats - complete horror? But not if it’s a medical party for a corporate event, on the occasion of a colleague’s birthday, Doctor’s Day, graduation from a university or medical school. Original competitions, dark humor, charming nurses - a great theme, even when neither the occasion nor the hero of the occasion has anything to do with medical practice!


To create a themed atmosphere, a hall designed in white is ideal - the main color of a medical-themed party. But the design should be bright and colorful, because this is a holiday. Less realism and more stylization so that guests don’t feel like they’re at a doctor’s appointment.

Auxiliary shades: red + blue, green, turquoise, orange, cherry or purple (or the colors of medical suits). For a corporate event, you can choose for decoration the color that predominates in the interior of the clinic.

The surroundings, clothing and the format of the party itself vary dramatically depending on the direction of the theme. Basic:

mental hospital- decor, attributes, entertainment, costumes and everything else, coupled with the epithet “crazy”. Guests in long-sleeved shirts, crazy experimental doctors, treats in bedpans, complete chaos, chaos and anarchy.

Hospital horrors- A common theme for Halloween celebrations. It’s similar to a madhouse, but more gruesome: fake body parts are used in the decoration of the hall/dishes, there is blood everywhere, toy scalpels, surgical saws.

Movie– the atmosphere is reminiscent of a film/series, guests try on the images of the main characters. Popular: Scrubs, Interns, House Doctor, Grey's Anatomy, ER.

« Medical party"– a youth party, usually in a club/private home. Minimum decor and snacks, maximum alcohol, dancing and sexy “nurses”. Perfect for pranks and juicy competitions, suitable for a modest budget.

The most popular way to organize a themed medical party is an associative cocktail. Any attributes are appropriate here - stylish, piquant, humorous, dark (depending on the occasion, the level of the event, the morals of the company).

We offer design ideas in a medical style without reference to any conventions:

  • come up with a name for the holiday, make a poster, banner or poster to decorate the entrance: Medical party “Injection of fun”, Clinical case, Pill for boredom, Night duty, Ward No. “age of the birthday boy”;
  • place a large glass vase with shoe covers at the entrance. Just for the ambience, there is no need to torture your friends by wearing these “shoes”;

  • put up signs– Reception of tests on the toilet door, Disinfection above the sink, Dining room or Dispensing medications on the wall near the table with treats. There will be a treatment room near the bar/table with drinks, and sofas and other seating areas will be numbered rooms;

Are you organizing a birthday? Hang a stand with a photo of friends and a portrait of the birthday boy in the center " Best employee of the year". In Photoshop, it’s easy to “draw” medical berets/caps on your friends.

  • bouquets from multi-colored containers from shoe covers– make a hole at the bottom with a hot nail, place the box on a skewer. All that remains is to glue the paper petals around the lids and the leaves to the skewers-stems and place them in a vase;
  • red topiaries (mini-trees) from insulin syringes – paint in desired color ball-blank, insert a skewer from below, often puncture the base with syringes. Foam plastic blanks are sold in craft stores (you can do it online, they cost pennies). Wrap the pot for the tree with a bandage or cover it with a bright plaster, throw cotton balls on the “ground”;

  • Any thematic attributes will be useful for a medical party– dishes, tools, cutlery, figurines. You can take something from work to a corporate event. Many children have hospital play sets, ask your friends. Or print/draw suitable pictures and glue them onto a thick base;
  • cardiogram on the wall– glue a red cord or an electric garland with red/blue light bulbs in a zigzag pattern. The cardiogram line can be depicted with acrylic on vases, the rim of white plates, and even on clothes;

  • buy balloons in the colors chosen for decoration. Decorate some in a medical style - applications made from self-adhesive film: a red cross wrapped around a bowl of snakes, syringes, syringes. If it's a corporate event, order balloons with the company logo;
  • medical gloves are a godsend for an imaginative organizer! Ideas:
    • inflated with helium, they can easily cope with the role of balloons;
    • slightly inflated and tied in a bun, they look like funny hedgehogs/suns;
    • make a palm out of plasticine, put a glove on it, form the “hand” into a thumbs up gesture, okay or Victoria (V). For compositions as independent decor on tables;
    • For the New Year, in a medical style, assemble a Christmas tree from slightly inflated gloves. The base is a cardboard cone (put it through the holes of the cuff, tie it in a knot);
    • against the background of the inscription “Welcome” there is a good-natured smiling face in a surgical cap (glue the face onto the already inflated “palm”) and two hands (plasticine inside) holding a huge enema.

Gloves come not only in white, but also in any color of the rainbow. You'll probably have to order them online - pharmacies usually sell standard blue/flesh pairs.

  • hang posters, pictures, medical style posters to decorate the walls and create the right atmosphere. Lots of ideas:
    • stills from the film, humorous comics, caricatures, demotivators;
    • information posters like in hospitals (first aid for..., body structure, symptoms of the disease);
    • ordinary x-rays, specific humor - scissors sticking out of the head, keys in the stomach) or the so-called. artistic x-ray (group portraits, with children or animals in arms, in unusual poses);
    • USSR posters about the dangers of smoking/alcohol, the importance of the medical profession.

  • All that remains is to decorate the room with garlands of thematic attributes:
    • Fill syringes without a needle with water painted with gouache, collect them on a thread, tying the pistons with it;
    • from multi-colored containers from shoe covers collected on a cord, colorful “beads” will be obtained. Translucent medicine jars can be attached to garland bulbs;
    • white triangles with a red cross and/or a serpent with a bowl;
    • gloves, hats, masks hung up to dry;
    • any attributes against the background of triangles or silhouettes (print in a mirror image, glue directly on the thread).


If you are planning a corporate event, a laconic card with the company logo will do. The text is semi-official, but friendly - still a celebration, not a challenge to the carpet. Other ideas:

  • postcard in the form of a thematic attribute or parts of the body, if the party is specialized (ophthalmologists - eye, dentists - tooth);
  • invitation in the form of a bandage package. The packaging is a stylized sealed envelope that will need to be torn. Inside is a rolled up sheet of paper with text (you can print a picture with the texture of a bandage);
  • vitamin box or container, inside card + multi-colored dragee;

  • invitation to a medical party in the form of a voucher(guests are both doctors and patients):

Dear Ivan Vasilyevich, in gratitude for your impeccable work, the management gives you a ticket to the sanatorium “ Boredom pill"! The wellness program includes life-giving infusions of the solution C2H5OH, anti-gloom diet, anti-stress entertainment and much more!


The dress code depends entirely on the format of the meeting. Even within a corporate event, options are possible: elegant outfits in a restaurant, comfortable clothes in nature, an informal costume party for staff. Let's take a closer look at the last option:

  • medical suits for a party - the image of a doctor, orderly, nurse. Clothes can be either modest or very revealing. Rent or decorate with your own hands, for example, a purchased robe: shorten, sew on thematic symbols, put on stockings with garters. Accessories - a cap or beret, a fake thermometer sticking out of a pocket, a dangling stethoscope around the neck, a mask on the face;

Draw funny faces on the masks and stenciled inscriptions on the caps. Or hand out badges at the entrance: Doctor Ryumashkin, Nalivaiko, Smeshnetsky, Tostin, Pol-literologist.

  • patients in pajamas, dressing gowns, sweatpants and other comfortable home-style clothes. One has a syringe sticking out of his buttocks (a toy one, of course), another has his head bandaged, the third generally looks like a mummy;
  • a surgeon in a blood-stained apron, a pathologist with some poor guy's hand sticking out of his pocket. Or a character costume: Hannibal Lector, Dr. Evil, Queen, Dolittle, Aibolit, Watson, Zhivago, Bormental.

To decorate the hall and photo shoot, huge pills, syringes, enemas, thermometers, surgical instruments, crutches (draw, cut and glue on a thick base). Or toy attributes, if there is something suitable. On a large cardboard you can depict an ambulance, cut out the windows - you get a tantamaresque.

Menu, serving

It is often written that at a medical party the menu should be extremely healthy. But it's boring! Approach the menu as you would for any other holiday – the priorities are the tastes of the guests and the format of the event. But it’s worth thinking about the presentation in order to fit the treats into the medical style of the room’s decoration. Ideas:

  • Decorate the skirt of a snow-white tablecloth and the corners of white napkins with thematic symbols to get away from banal “surgical” sterility;

  • The dishes are one-color, the same shade that is used in the design. It is advisable that trays, serving dishes, tweezers, and other utensils be metal. Can be decorated dining area balloons silver color;
  • pour ketchup and other sauces into dispensers for liquid soap(new ones, of course);
  • print plates for dishes, labels for alcohol: medicine of happiness, anti-sadness, vitaminosis, gastroenterologist's nightmare, alcohol 96, tranquilizer, anesthetic “Seventh Heaven”;

  • draw alcoholic drinks into large syringes without a needle, place them in glasses/vases with the spout up - injections of joy;
  • multi-colored jelly cooled in syringes looks cool (and is funny too);
  • desserts/drinks can be served in plastic test containers, measuring cups, flasks, beakers;

  • nuts in yogurt and marshmallows will become cotton swabs, crunchy sticks dipped in white chocolate will turn into ear sticks. “Rassmeshin” pills are bright dragees in large transparent containers or, conversely, portioned into cups;
  • Decorate some menu items and the cake in a medical style: sprinkles, icing, mastic, toppers with pictures. You can bake cookies, pour chocolate, cut fruits and ham into the shapes of hearts, crosses, flasks, and plaster.


As a rule, a medical corporate event is not complete without creative performances by the staff. There are a huge number of thematic skits with humor, praise, advertising, etc. on the Internet, there is plenty to choose from. But you shouldn’t get carried away - continuous amateur theater can tire guests.

An informal scenario for a medical party is easier to come up with. For example, passing an exam (test competitions), rest in a sanatorium (procedures), one day in the hospital No. age of the birthday boy, medical commission (tests again), according to the plot of the film. The main idea is the same - maximum fun, fewer monologues from the presenter. We offer competitions suitable for any medical themed party scenario.

Comic quiz

Hand out pens and pictures of a girl in a bikini to guests/teams. The presenter reads out the names of body parts, everyone puts numbers where this part is located. Compare with the template from the presenter and determine who is closer to the truth.

  • Umbilicus (navel)
  • Glabella (space between eyebrows)
  • Filtrum (vertical hollow between the upper lip and nose)
  • Tragus (triangular cartilage “in front” of the auricle)
  • Lunula (white crescent at the base of the nail)
  • Axilla (armpit)
  • Cilia (eyelash)
  • Mamma (bust)
  • Mandible (lower jaw)

For a medical corporate event, choose competitions that will not offend any of the guests. Those. only humorous, without a hint of checking the level of professionalism. For example, bandaging your head correctly for speed is a bad idea, but bandaging it with one hand while blindfolded is fine.

Best Laboratory Assistant of the Month

Relay race for 2 or more teams, racing. Start – a can of orange juice, finish – an empty can. The first player takes a glass for analysis, pours juice into it and runs to the finish line, pours the “analysis” into the team’s container, runs back, passes the glass to the next player. Who is faster, who has more juice in the “finish” jar.

Targeted injection

Made from foam plastic and a pattern glued on top (thin paper fits better), make a peach-shaped target. A dart acts as a syringe. You need to go not to the center, but to where the injections are given. You can put dots with a marker for clarity.

General ward

Two teams, two “queues” and a pair of cardboard thermometers. You need to pass the thermometer from the first to the last player in the chain, holding the thermometer under your armpit (without helping yourself with your hands, racing).

Prevention of boredom

Drink a certain drink from a test tube/measuring glass faster than your opponents, pouring it into your mouth with a pipette. The team option is to drink alcohol from a common container in the same way.


Draw red crosses on the ping pong balls and hand out 1 ball + syringe to the guests. You need to drive your “ambulance” to the finish line before others, moving the ball forward with a stream of air (pressing on the bag). You can extinguish candles with water from a syringe, knock down paper figures.

Whoever's gloves burst first, inflate them. Make mummies from bandage at speed. Build towers from test containers. Play pantomime or crocodile with honey. terms, attributes. Come up with medical-style toasts: I wish you stable well-being, acute happiness, recurring success, chronic health, incurable longevity!

What are we celebrating? Any holiday related to medicine. And there are quite a few such holidays. For example, Medical Worker's Day (Medical Day) , which is celebrated annually in Russia and Ukraine on the third Sunday in June. Or World Health Day , celebrated annually on April 7th. True, on Health Day you can organize a sports or environmental party, but this holiday is worth celebrating only once medical party , because our health depends not only on ourselves, but also on healthcare workers.

But that's not all the holidays. Let's look at the holiday calendar and find in it World Anesthesiologist Day (October 16), International Red Cross and Red Crescent Day (May 8), International Doctors Day (first Monday in October).

Medical party By the way, you can also arrange it in honor of the birthday of a friend or relative who works in the medical field. And even if the rest are not doctors, at the party they will be able to try on a white coat and hang a medical one around their neck stethoscope, pick up a tonometer and feel like you’re in the same harness as the hero of the occasion.

You can also take this theme for an ordinary themed party - show off and remember your childhood and games of hospital.

How we celebrate

Party theme: medical. We choose a concept and name: “Party in White Coats”, “Intern-Party”, “Aibolit-Party”, “Party “Clinical Case””, “Ward Number Six”, etc.

Entourage. You shouldn’t try to recreate the atmosphere of a hospital or ward - after all, white sheets and empty walls not conducive to fun and good mood. Let it be an ordinary or elegant setting, into which you can add a little “medical” decor. For example, hang posters on the walls with instructions on first aid and with slogans: “Wash your hands before eating,” “The doctor is a friend of the people,” “There are healers out: they don’t heal, they just rob and maim!” and so on. In general, everything that can be found on the topic.

You can also make “medical” garlands by hanging various medical devices on a thread: for example, paint water with gouache of different colors, fill disposable syringes without needles with it and hang them. You will get a multi-colored garland. Stretch a rope and hang x-rays (fake ones, of course) on it using clothespins. Make a huge fake thermometer. Prepare cool medical masks for your guests. Be creative, but let the atmosphere be festive, not hospital!

Dress code. Options are possible here: you can have a party in white coats - everyone comes in white, or you can wear doctor's caps with stethoscopes around your neck. Or invite guests to choose who they will be: nurses, doctors or patients. Patients may come in a straitjacket, with their head bandaged, with a cast on their leg, etc. The female nurses, of course, are in white stockings and short white dresses.

You can prepare badges with cool inscriptions in advance. For example, the host of the party could be “Doctor Nalivaiko.” The girl in charge of the table is called a “Culinary Nurse.” More inscriptions for badges: “Doctor DownHouse”, “Nurse-proletarian”, “Nurse’s name is Tamarka”, “Hysterical nurse”, “Doctor Gennady Urinovich Malakhov”, “Doctor half-literologist”, etc. Hand out badges to party participants at the entrance - make sure they match the inscriptions.

Progress of the event

Doctor Nalivaiko and his assistant (for example, “Nurse Socialite”) greet guests near a specially prepared table with a mixture (aperitif) poured into beakers. They hang a badge on your chest, give you shoe covers, and gently persuade you to take the “medicine.” When everyone has gathered, the first toasts are made in honor of the health workers and the entertainment begins.

To begin with, you can invite guests to diagnose the lyrical hero of the song. Short fragments of songs are played, and guests try to determine what is really bothering the patient, that is, to make a diagnosis. The one who makes the most correct diagnoses is entitled to some kind of medical prize.

Fragments of songs and diagnoses:

1. “And my heart stopped,

My heart sank” (diagnosis: heart failure).

2. “If you don’t hear me,

This means that winter has come” (diagnosis: otitis media).

3. We walked with you,

I cried, oh, I cried (diagnosis: hysteria).

4. We honestly want to tell you:

We don’t look at girls anymore (diagnosis: impotence).

5. You shouldn’t scold the rain, you shouldn’t scold it

You stand and wait, but you don’t know why (diagnosis: sclerosis).

6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,

This means that everything is not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).

7. She even wanted to hang herself

But college, exams, session (diagnosis: suicidal syndrome).

8. I know - if you want, I know for sure - if you want,

I know for sure - you want, you want - but you are silent (diagnosis: muteness).

9. It hurts me, it hurts

This evil pain cannot be relieved (diagnosis: pain shock).

10. And his wound rots,

And it won't get any smaller

And it won’t heal (diagnosis: gangrene).

11. Every step through it hurts,

Every gesture hurts (diagnosis: broken limbs).

Games and competitions

1. Enema. Several participants are called. Each person is given a syringe. The presenter invites the participants to guess what they will have to do now. Then the presenter gives them a tennis ball (instead of balls, you can take very light paper boats) and announces the start of the race. The balls are placed on the same starting line. Participants must move the ball with a stream of air from a syringe. Whose ball gets to the finish line faster wins.

2. Medical gloves, or Strong-willed doctors. Volunteers are given one medical glove. Their job is to inflate the glove until it bursts. It is better to involve men to participate in the competition. Whose glove bursts faster wins.

3. Dentist. Volunteers are being called. The presenter says that now they will implant dental implants. Gives them a little wooden block, painted pink or red (gum color) and nailed. The task is to drive a nail into a block. The hammer, of course, is not included. Each participant finds his own way or uses available material. Whoever drives the nail in faster is the winner.

4. Competition “Dress the Doctor”. Couples participate. Each person is given a white shirt big size. One of the pair is a doctor, the second is an assistant. The assistant should put the doctor's shirt on backwards and fasten all the buttons on the back as quickly as possible. The couple that completes the task faster than others wins.

5. Pipette. 2-3 people are called. Each person is given a medical pipette and a beaker with alcoholic drink. The task is to drink the contents of the beaker as quickly as possible. However, you can only drink using a pipette, drawing liquid from a beaker into it and pouring the contents into your mouth. Whoever empties the beaker the fastest gets the winner's prize.

6. Procedural. Couples participate. Each person is given a bandage or a roll toilet paper. One of the pair is a nurse or nurse, the second is a patient suffering from flux. The task is to bandage the patient’s cheek as quickly as possible. You need to bandage until the entire roll of bandage or paper is used.

What we serve:

Various dishes with medical names. For example, vegetable salad " Vitaminosis", meat " Protein sufficiency», Seafood Cocktail « Dietary supplement", chocolate dessert " Tranquilizer" and so on. It is better not to give the dishes themselves a “medical appearance”, as this can cause a persistent lack of appetite in some participants. For the same reason, it is better to use… dishes, rather than medical supplies, as utensils.

Happy medical party!

Father Frost
Fairy Dream
Christmas decorations:
Icicle Gold Plated
Icicles - girls
Silver Rains - boys
Children and the Presenter enter the hall to cheerful music, walk around the Christmas tree; A round dance begins with the song “Near the Christmas Tree.” The loss sounds, the children scatter around the hall and freeze.
The time has come to celebrate our beloved holiday - the New Year.
Children read L. Chadova's poems "New Year's Roll Call".
Today, in this hall,
We'll tell you about
Like a New Year's holiday
Comes to every home.
About how bright they glow
Garlands of lights
About the fact that there is no holiday
More beautiful and brighter.
We are a fairy fairy
Will open the door to a fairy tale,
Stands in a circle, timid,
Decorated spruce.
Green eyelashes
In toys, tinsel,
And we say "thank you"
We, Christmas tree, are for you.
We look forward to it with excitement
When we arrive as guests,
AND fairy-tale heroes,
Both magicians and animals.
And Santa Claus,
Of course we'll call...
We will definitely
We are waiting for the Christmas tree!
The children sing a song" New Year"Then they sit on chairs, and three boys and a girl sit cross-legged on the carpet in the center of the hall and dream.
Tell us what you would like to receive as a gift from Santa Claus for the New Year?
Children sitting on the floor take turns talking about their desires.
1st boy:
I would like a robot like this
Clockwork and steel.
With a pistol and a sword,
With an air gun.
I wouldn’t like a simple doll,
Clockwork Barbie doll.
In the most fashionable dresses,
With a golden strand.
2nd boy:
I would like a computer -
I could sit with him all day:
I would study the alphabet
Played different games.
3rd boy:
I dream about football
About a big green field.
I would like a soccer ball
I would be pleased.
How interesting, guys! I know that Grandfather Frost will try to fulfill everything you have in mind. He promised to come to us as soon as possible. It's freezing outside, and there's a snowstorm. And we have a holiday here.
We'll meet Santa Claus soon,
He walks in the distance
And brings gifts to children
To kindergarten in a big bag.
And so that Grandfather Frost finds his way to our kindergarten, let's call him.
The children and the presenter call Santa Claus. He enters the hall to the music.
Father Frost:
Hello kids -
Girls and boys!
I came to your kindergarten
I am very glad to see you all.
It's New Year's Eve -
Have fun, honest people!
I would start dancing now -
After all, I haven’t forgotten how to dance.
Children stand around the Christmas tree, hold hands and walk in a round dance with the song “The New Year has come to us.” Then they sit on chairs.
Father Frost:
Oh, how I missed you, the fun and dancing. And most of all, I miss the magic. Do you love magic?
The children answer.
Grandfather Frost, the New Year holiday is magic and fabulousness itself, and therefore we are really looking forward to your surprises.
Father Frost:
So it's instant! (Magical music sounds, Santa Claus begins his story.)
This fairy tale is suitable
After all, it is about the New Year!
Your Christmas tree looks great in a festive and colorful outfit. What do you guys think, who is preparing gifts for you for the New Year? (Children answer.) That's right - I, Grandfather Frost. But I have an assistant - the fairy Dream. All your wishes and dreams come to the fairy, and only then she tells me about them. And now the fairy Dream gladly accepts wishes from the guys. She has a lot to do on New Year's Day. (Thinks.) So what am I talking about? Ah, your tree is beautiful! What bright toys she has! It seems to me that they are alive and want to tell you something, but no one hears them. Let's see what happens on the Christmas tree this festive evening?
Magic music sounds, Santa Claus sits on a chair among the children. Behind the tree are: Icicle, Gilded Pine, Lantern and Snowflake. The music of the Beatles is playing (children's adaptation). The “toys” run out skipping in pairs and stand in front of the Christmas tree.
I am not a simple cone at all,
Glass and gold.
My festive outfit shines,
And on the sides the lights are burning.
I heard on New Year's Eve,
Cherished dreams are given flight,
And dreams rise
To the beautiful fairy of beauty.
And I am Icicle, so slim,
That I should become a model.
Hanged in a street window,
I was bought in a store.
And in stores, I heard,
Very little is known about fairies.
The fairy, I heard, has her own house
On a cloud, on a lace one.
She is the dreams of children, like roses,
He knows how to put together a bouquet,
And Santa Claus helps
Perform them on New Year's Eve.
We are not at all cramped on the Christmas tree,
And together it’s very interesting.
More friends around
New neighbors and friends.
A sharp, loud laugh is heard (phonogram). The “toys” get scared and run away to their places. The soundtrack of the song “Breaking, Destroying” is playing. Two hooligans come out - Svechka and Ogonyok. They walk around the entire hall and stop in the center.
I am a New Year's candle,
I'm dirtying everyone today.
Trouble, malice, mischief
They bring me only joy!
Ogonyok, I seem sweet,
But at heart he is insidious...
I would set the tree on fire
Let the fireman come.
We'll ruin everyone's holiday at once,
Let's put a spell on you now.
In candy boxes
Let's put away the rubbish and traffic jams.
At the fluffy Christmas tree,
We just want
Delicate needles
Let's turn it into flames!
Candle (dissatisfied).
How boring it is, I don’t even want to do dirty tricks - to get involved with petty people! We need to find a more serious opponent.
I propose to fly to the fairy Dream and have her magic wand steal.
Candle: (joyfully).
That's great!
Then they won't dream,
And they will forget about the New Year.
We will leave everyone without gifts,
Wonderful and bright!
They hit each other on the shoulder and, joyful, head to the door.
Father Frost:
(stands up and addresses the guys).
Look what Ogonyok and Candle are up to! We need to warn the fairy Dream. Who will go? What about mine? gray head?! I forgot that New Year is a magical holiday! They will help us Christmas decorations- they are very friendly and brave, they just need to be revived.
Golden icicles,
Painted dresses,
You need to get down from the tree,
Let's dance together!
"Dance of the Golden Icicles" is performed.
Father Frost:
That's it Icicles, that's great!
(Waves his wand.)
"Rain" is brilliant, turn around,
Appear before us.
For boys made of silver
It's time to go dancing.
Dance of the Silver Rain. One of the Silver Rains and an Icicle come out into the middle of the hall.
Father Frost:
You, Silver Rain,
I must warn everyone.
And you, Icicle, run with him
And, if necessary, help.
Will you tell the fairy
About the plan of the villains!
Silver Rain
Try in this matter
Just don't worry!
Without the beautiful fairy
There's no way for us. Faster!
I'm worried, Santa Claus,
I'm about to burst into tears!
How can I get there safely?
Don't crash along the way.
Silver Rain and Icicle run away.
Father Frost:
And we, guys, will see what the fairy Dream is doing.
Santa Claus sits on a chair. Music sounds with bells ringing. The Fairy Dream comes out and dances.
Fairy Dream:
Oh, how I love it on the cloud,
On pink, ride,
Having fulfilled all desires
Smile at you from heaven.
Everyone dreams for the New Year,
And somehow it happens
That all your cherished dreams
Fulfilled by friends.
Candle and Ogonyok come out.
Ogonyok: (plaintively).
I am a skinny Ogonyok,
I'm not tall.
I can barely breathe, poor thing,
Exhausted and pale.
Fairy, have pity on us
Pour us some water.
Fairy Dream:
Oh, you got cold on the way!
We need to bring some tea.
I'm glad to have guests, of course.
I'll treat you to chocolate too!
The fairy enters the house, Candle grabs the magic wand. The lights turn off and it becomes dark. Candle and Ogonyok run away.
Fairy Dream: (leaves the house and is surprised)
What is it, what happened?
It was as if the sun had disappeared into a cloud.
Help, stars, fairy,
Dispel the darkness quickly!
The "Song of the Stars" (from the movie "Little Red Riding Hood") is playing. Free improvisation of girls to music. Then the light turns on.
Fairy Dream: (looks around).
Here's hot tea and sweets...
Where have you gone, kids?
Silver Rain and Icicle run in.
Silver Rain:
We didn't have time, that's the problem!
The Candle with Fire came here.
And the two of them stole the Magic wand,
And they ran away with her.
But we will find her!
Fairy Dream: (looks under the tree and doesn’t see the magic wand).
What should I do? Who will help me?
Silver Rain:
Well, of course, Grandfather Frost! Let's call him.
Fairy, Icicle and Rain call Grandfather Frost. He approaches them.
Father Frost:
What happened, fairy?
Bad what happened?
Fairy Dream:
Ah, Grandfather Frost! Light and Candle came to me and stole my magic wand.
Father Frost:
That same magic wand?! (He grabs his head.) Ay-yay-yay! Now the magic will not come true, and all the children will be left without gifts for the New Year.
Fairy Dream:
And their dreams will not come true.
Father Frost:
Only children can help us
They are the friendliest of all in the world!
Magical music sounds with chiming bells.
Fairy Dream:
Spin us around with Santa Claus, waltz,
Like a dream
And we find ourselves now
Among children, in the garden!
To the music of a waltz, the fairy and Santa Claus dance in pairs around the Christmas tree.
Fairy Dream:
Hello guys!
Father Frost:
Guys, something happened to the fairy. Shall we help her?
The children agree. The song “Break, Destroy” is heard, and Ogonyok and Candle appear.
We are the strongest
We are the bravest!
Very beautiful,
And very skillful!
Father Frost:
Aren’t you ashamed, Ogonyok and Candle, why did you offend the fairy?
Yes! Does anyone love us? Every now and then you hear: don’t touch the candles, don’t light the fire. And we want to show how beautiful we are.
How gentle we are!
And how patient... (aside.)
Dangerous and scary...
We are also strong, and also fearless!
Father Frost:
So now you can prove it. Just give the fairy her magic wand.
No matter how it is! If you beat us in games, then we'll see.
Father Frost:
(addresses children)
So that goodness can shine
Both in adults and in children,
Try to beat
These braggarts!
Well, where do we start? Maybe we can run?
Father Frost:
Now we will find out how dexterous you are. Here I have multi-colored pieces of ice in my bag.
So I'll melt them in no time!
Father Frost:
Nothing will work out for you. You, Ogonyok, are small, but my pieces of ice are big, and magical at that. Help me, Fairy Dream, scatter the pieces of ice.
The game "Who can walk on the ice the fastest." Candle and Ogonyok lose.
But we can dance.
Father Frost:
So dance for us, and we will clap for you, right, guys?
"Dance of the Light and Candle" (music and free movements). Candle and Ogonyok try to dance, but they can’t. Either Ogonyok went the wrong way, or the Candle crushed Ogonyok’s leg.
Father Frost:
Make way, honest people!
Santa Claus is coming to dance!
Santa Claus and the fairy Dream are dancing. Children accompany the dance by clapping their hands.
Presenter: (To the Light and the Candle).
You need to learn from Santa Claus. Although he is old, he can dance famously.
It’s not so easy to dance, but we know a lot of poetry. Now we'll tell you.
Father Frost:
This business! I love listening to poems.
Ogonyok and Candle (joyfully)
The fly sat on the jam,
That's the whole poem!
Well, what kind of poems are these? Listen to our children read poetry.
Children read poetry.
Yes, we also “flew” in this competition.
Several more competitions are held at the discretion of the Presenter. Candle and Ogonyok lose.
Okay, we lost. Take your magic wand, otherwise it has already stabbed me all over. (Takes out a wand from his belt and gives it to the fairy.)
Fairy Dream:
Well done boys! Your courage and friendship helped bring back the magic wand! Now, Grandfather Frost, it's time for magic and gifts.
Gives the wand to Santa Claus. Fairy Dream and Presenter go behind the tree and light candles on a tray.
Oh no, that won't work! What is this being done? They took the wand, they don’t want to give us gifts. It turns out that we are completely worthless things?
Father Frost:
Well, why do that? Candles and fire are very useful things, you just need to handle them very carefully. Everyone knows that it is customary to light candles on New Year and Christmas.
This is great! How is it?
Magic music sounds. Candle and Light disappear from the holiday.
Santa Claus (gestures with a wand).
Come true, magic, always to the delight of children
And in life, and in dreams, and in fairy-tale dreams!
Today in reality we will meet this miracle -
The lights on the holiday candles will dance!
Fairy Dream brings out a tray of lit candles and distributes them to the children. The candles are in transparent round cups. The song "Let's Light the Candles" is performed. Children place candles on the table against the side wall and sit on chairs. Santa Claus comes out with a bag of gifts.
Father Frost:
Children's eyes are bright -
New Years is soon.
Receive your gifts
Come on, people!
Cheerful music plays, and Santa Claus and the fairy give gifts to the children.
Father Frost:
Have you received all the gifts?
Father Frost:
Have you forgotten anyone?
Father Frost:
The children were singing at the decorated Christmas tree,
But the time has come for us to say goodbye to you.
All the games are behind us, your laughter has faded away.
Happy New Year, children, congratulations to everyone!
Santa Claus and the Dream Fairy leave the hall. The holiday ends.

MEDICAL CORPORATE PARTY: SCENARIO FOR A HOLIDAY For a medical corporate event, the scenario should be diversified with tasks that will reflect aspects of the work and life of a worker in the field. An unusual idea for organizing an event is to present an award a la “Medical Oscar”. Nominees must be determined in advance through a questionnaire (ask colleagues to write down the names of those whom they consider the wittiest doctor, the kindest to patients, the strictest and fairest, and so on), and when coming to the event, guests must make marks in the ballots opposite that person’s name who is considered the most worthy of the worthy. The host or proxy counts the votes and throughout the evening presents symbolic prizes, for example, toy stethoscopes. Between awards, guests are offered refreshments, dancing and competitions. Team task for a medical corporate event, scenario: two teams of 3-5 people are selected; a prescription written in “medical” handwriting is posted on the screen (if there is no screen in the hall, then on sheet A1); additionally, the teams are given sheets with the same text; the task is to make out what exactly is written (it is advisable to choose not a medical recipe, but a culinary one, for example, a cocktail, which will become a prize for the winning side); The team that deciphers what is written correctly the fastest wins. To the script New Year's corporate party for doctors, you can introduce an interactive competition - guess the hero/work based on the diagnosis: the presenter reads out the symptoms described in a song, fairy tale or inherent in their recognizable hero; guests guess by " clinical picture“who or what work we are talking about. The main thing is that the hidden characters (songs, fairy tales, etc.) are well recognizable, otherwise light fun will turn into hard intellectual work. In a corporate medical event, the scenario must include active competitions. For example, invite participants to carry maximum amount plastic medicine bottles without dropping them. Condition: do not use pockets or bags. You can carry “medicines” on your head, in your hands, in your teeth, between your knees, and so on. The winner is the one who passes a given area with a large number of supplies and does not drop any. And two more competitions: Collect your bag by touch. It is necessary to offer to collect the bag by touch, filling it with the necessary items. It is necessary to bring the contestant(s) to the table, announce the task and blindfold him well. We collect a bag for going to the patient from what is lying on the table under the sheet. And we name out loud what we put in. Or we take it apart - we put everything out of the bag on the table, also explaining. Of course, among the necessary medical items there must be something completely different, inappropriate. But our hero is blindfolded, so it should be fun to listen to his guesses. Important! All items must be completely safe: unbreakable, without sharp edges, corners or edges, non-spillable, chemically inert. Intramuscular injection The task of the competition: blindfolded, get the syringe into the desired area. What to use instead of a syringe and gluteal muscle, you decide on the spot according to the situation from what is at hand: - a training dummy; - a small pillow and an awl; - a large soft toy and an empty disposable syringe; - as a last resort, a lined sheet of paper and a marker as a syringe. The funnier and more unusual, the merrier. For any medical corporate event, a scenario full of funny tasks is perfect and is guaranteed to be received with a bang.


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